Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources

Transcript of Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Page 1: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Online Learning Resources

The Sarasota Learning Portal


Other Great Online Literacy Resources

Page 2: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Using Technology to Support Literacy


Page 3: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Literacy• Media• Math• Environmental• Computer• First Language Learners• Second Language

Learners• Music• Information







•EmergentJill Kerper Mora

San Diego State University

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“an individual's ability to read, write, speak in English, compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job, in the family of the individual and in society.”


“To be fully literate is to have the disposition to engage appropriately with texts of different types in order to empower action, feelings, and thinking in the context of purposeful social activity.” Dr. Jill Mora, San Diego State (Wells, 1990)

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You’re literacy- focused! You encourage . . .

– Acquisition– Understandin

g– Appreciation

– Development– Integration

Page 6: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

“As children talk together, share their writing, or lean over to read another's words on the screen, they use language to communicate. Computers and other forms of technology support literacy and encourage speaking, reading, writing, and listening, through formal and informal language opportunities.”

How Can Technology Help Encourage Literacy in the


Page 7: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Technology can:

Provide children with ways to express themselves

Offer support for young learners

Encourage reading and writing

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Resources for Teachers

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Time to find the resources Have the resources been reviewed by

educators Are the resources correlated to state

standards Are the resources grade level

appropriate Are the links functional

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The Sarasota Communication Portal

Page 11: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Learning Portal offers..

• Lesson plans and resources

• Assessment resources

• Access to reading and writing resources

• Much more!!!

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How do I locate the Learning Portal?

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Other Great Online Literacy


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Teacher Resources:Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning

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Teacher Resources:


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Teacher Resources:

NY Times-Learning Network

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Teacher Resources:The Gateway on Educational

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Teacher Resources:Schools of California Online Resources for Education Aligned to the California Content Standards

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Teacher Resources:

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Teacher Resources:

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Teacher Resources:

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Teacher Resources:

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Resources for The Arts

Reader’s Theatre: Aaron Shepard–

• Defines readers theatre• Scripts to reproduce• Recommended books

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Resources for The Arts

Fable Vision–

• Companion lessons and activities• Online stories• Clip art

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Online Museums

Web Museum, Paris–

National Gallery of Art––

Resources for The Arts

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Image Galleries The Campaign to End Child Labor


The Emergence of Advertising in America–

ncdhtml/eaahome.html Like Television


Resources for The Arts

Page 27: Online Learning Resources The Sarasota Learning Portal And Other Great Online Literacy Resources.

Teacher ResourcesTeacher Resources

Learning to Read


– “…improve the quality of reading instruction through the study of the reading process and teaching techniques. “

– Serves as a clearinghouse for the dissemination of reading research.

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Teacher ResourcesTeacher Resources

Reading Online•

• Online journal of the International Reading Association

• Electronic Classroom• “…sharing effective practices and new developments

related to the intersection of literacy with technology”

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Curriculum Integration and Project Based Learning

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Photo Essays

A Photo Essay on the Great Depression–

depression/photoessay.htm Time for


Shattered-Photo Essay on 9/11–


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Resources for Students

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:

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Student Resources:!/

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Mike Horan927-9000 Ext 31394