Online Consumer Kingdom


Transcript of Online Consumer Kingdom

The online world is a kingdom.

The online world is a kingdom.

This kingdom is vast and free. The King ensures it is so.

The online world is a kingdom.

This kingdom is vast and free. The King ensures it is so.

You are the merchants.

The online world is a kingdom.

This kingdom is vast and free. The King ensures it is so.

You are the merchants.

The marketplace looms with voices about your wares.

What is this marketplace you ask?

There are many voices in this kingdom

There are many voices in this kingdom

They affect the marketplace in many ways

There are many voices in this kingdom

They affect the marketplace in many ways

Here are some of these voices

The Silver Tongue

They love expressing themselves! Like a town crier, they will say it

all, from their favourite hangout, to their opinions on personalities,

films or even a random thought!

The Silver Tongue

These consumers are helpful to the kingdom when it comes to:

• Conducting Category Research

• Product/Service quality feedback

• Identifying Brand Perception

• Branding/Rebranding

• Online Consumer Behavioural Studies

The Silver Tongue

The Contest Lover

Contest Lover

This voice relishes the kingdom fairs the most! Every online

contests, quiz and competition will involve them, they may not help

the merchants, but they make the market a lively place! They may

even help lure more voices to the marketplace.

Contest Lover

The enthusiastic contest loving voice can be helpful to:

• Boost the contest, resulting in high engagement numbers for

the brand

• The contest lover may not be customer, but he can definitely

create visibility for your brand and bring in actual customers on


The Blackmailer

The Blackmailer

Every kingdom has a con artist. Some may try their tricks in the

marketplace. They will attempt to swindle your reputation for their

merriment! All they care about, is that their demands be met.

The Blackmailer

• Be sure to be on the lookout for these blackmailers

• Always be prepared to tackle them with an articulate response

while making sure to not give in to too many of their demands

The Loyalist

The Loyalist

They are the loyal customers of your mercantile activities. They

have supported your business for many years. Constantly

engaging with these citizens is vital.

The Loyalist

These voices are ideal for:

• Engaging marketing activities. Other citizens might sample

your brand through their recommendation.

• A loyalist can make or break your reputation during a crisis.

Make sure the brand acknowledges the customers who

support you.

The Content Driven Consumer

Content Driven Consumer

These marketplace window shoppers are the biggest demographic

in the marketplace. The only way to catch their attention is through

entertaining content. In the case of the online marketplace, this

entertainment is interesting viral content.

Content Driven Consumer

These Content Driven Consumers affect the kingdom by

• Increasing the virality of the brand's videos and other marketing


• Calling out other prospective customers by liking, commenting

and sharing your content

You may remember that every kingdom has a

King. So who is the king of the online


The Consumer is the King!