online communication task- jorn- offline marketing

Link for online communication task Explanation why we are with more than 4 people in the group. Because of bad communication between group members we were with five without knowing it. I asked to join the group which was no problem but at the end of deadline it occurred to us that we were with 5. I want to apologise for this mistake but to find another group so close at the end of the semester was impossible. So we made our Online communication task with one more. I tried to send a mail to you miss Verheyden but for some reason my mail didn’t work for over a week. We still hope that you will enjoy our blog , kind regards. A couple of screenshots from our blog.

Transcript of online communication task- jorn- offline marketing

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Link for online communication task

Explanation why we are with more than 4 people in the group. Because of bad communication between group members we were with five without knowing it. I asked to join the group which was no problem but at the end of deadline it occurred to us that we were with 5. I want to apologise for this mistake but to find another group so close at the end of the semester was impossible. So we made our Online communication task with one more. I tried to send a mail to you miss Verheyden but for some reason my mail didn’t work for over a week. We still hope that you will enjoy our blog , kind regards.

A couple of screenshots from our blog.

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Smart billboards are watching your wheels.

Smart billboards are new for me. I ,personally never saw such a billboard but they do exist. Car maker Lexus introduced intelligent, super-sized ads on billboards. These billboards can see in a blink of an eye which car you’re driving. The funny thing is that the billboards will tailor a message for you.

How can they manage to do this?

The billboards are equipped with cameras, the smart ads take a snapshot of your car as you approach. Match it against a database and determine its make, model and colour. The smart ads can generate one of 80 configurations depending on the time of day , weather and traffic conditions. An example is “Hey black Merc driver, the heavens have opened. This is the new Lexus.” All this happens in a split of a second to grab your attention when you drive by.

Another company who uses this technology is Porsche but in a less sophisticated version of it. They only

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recognise their own brand.

What does the future hold?

The smart billboards will be more and more used. Because flexibility in advertising allows companies to target their products to an appropriate audience.Digital billboards can be programmed to plug products at appropriate times, such as coffee in the morning and alcohol at night. Which makes it very interesting because one billboard can be used for multiple companies to spread the word.


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Tissue Marketing

What is it ?

The use of tissue packs as a cost effective, high impact advertising space. It’s an offline marketing strategy which is well known in Japan and the US for years. Now because of a company called t:issue this form came over to the UK. It’ a simple and effective marketing concept.

The last few years they became very popular because of their low costs and effectiveness. Why? Because they are 100 times more effective than display ads , and have twice the response rate compared to direct mail.

You can use this type of marketing everywhere on the streets, event, store opening or expo and even at home. Tissue marketing is very fast certainly during the AM and PM peak times, to get your message delivered in the hands of hundreds maybe thousands of customers.

As a company you can chose for all kind of designs from a coupon to a QR-code. With the conclusion that it’s a simple concept. With a wealth of applications.


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STIMA – speakers at events.

One of the most inspirational offline marketing methods for me are speakers at events. Events offer a great way to meet new people. To ask questions about a firm in person. Also to share ideas and connect to people with the same interests. As a company it’s an easy way to build brand awareness because you can show or present your core business. We as students followed the STIMA congress which included some speakers which were very convincing. Such as the company “Terre des hommes” who created a virtual girl called “sweetie”.

Another event is the TED conference. Where people talk for about 10-18 minutes about a company or something that have to be changed in the future. Of course nowadays we can follow the TED talks on social

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media but there is every year a conference with speakers who occur and talk at the event.

promotion teams/girls

Another form of offline marketing is a promotion team that consists out of people who promote the brand on the streets or events, which can vary from festivals to STIMA and soccer games. Everybody knows the people from red bull on Tomorrowland. Girls from jupiler who come around with free beer when Belgium scored on the World Cup. All sorts of companies use promotion girls to get attention.

Such as the Ghelamco Arena which is pretty new in Ghent and needed to make a good impression. So they set up a team of girls who welcomed the guests in the new stadium.

Also Maes had a promotion act with promo girls. When you ordered 2 bottles of Maes you got A Maes Music cap from the promo girls.

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Other examples can be found in Formule-one and also Coca-cola.
