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BIBLIOGRAPHY PKIILIARY SOURCES A. REPORTS a. Government Of Tiruvitarnkoor Iiunj an Pillai, Rao Sahib, N, litport on [he C:emzls lkuvancore, C'erastrs of lndia, 1 93 1, Trm-ancore - Part I, ThifZ1vmanthapwam: Govt. Press, 1932. Nagam Aiya, V. Xt)part un the Cknsrrs ofTrm~ancore Vol I, Thuuvananthapuram: Govt. of Travancore, 189 1. Hcporf(s) on zhe Administrution of Trmancore - 1868-'69, 1 &69-'70, 1890-'9 1, 1898-'99, 131 1-'12, 1932-'33. Heport of ihe 'I'ruvancore E~llrcafion Refirms Committee, Thiruvananthapuram: Govt. Press, 1933. Report of rhe Trmunco~*e Edilcation Re-organisation Committee, Thiruvananthapuram: Govt, Press, 1946. Repor! of ihe Travancort. Co-up em live.^ Enquiry Clommiliee, Thuuvananthapuram: Govt . Press, 1934. b. Hindu lMahila Mandiram first Annual I<epurl of he Shree Mulum Sha~htyubdapoorihy Snruruka Hindti Mahila hlandiram, Thiruvananthapuram, 1920. c. Nambutiri Yogakshema Sabha k h uf iri kumily Hegz~larion Comrnii fee lieport and Draft Regrlatinn, Thrissur: Mangalodayam Press, 1925. lVam bzt firi bBmale Ldz~alion CutnmisJ.ion lieport, Thrissur: Mangalodayam Press, 1 92 7, Proceedings uf~he Travancuve Shri Mt~lum Pruja Suhhu; 1 93 3- 1 93 8. . - '?

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a. Government Of Tiruvitarnkoor

Iiunj an Pillai, Rao Sahib, N, litport on [he C:emzls lkuvancore, C'erastrs of lndia, 1 93 1, Trm-ancore - Part I, ThifZ1vmanthapwam: Govt. Press, 1932. Nagam Aiya, V. Xt)part un the Cknsrrs ofTrm~ancore Vol I, Thuuvananthapuram: Govt. of Travancore, 189 1 . Hcporf(s) on zhe Administrution of Trmancore - 1868-'69, 1 &69-'70, 1890-'9 1, 1898-'99, 131 1-'12, 1932-'33. Heport of ihe 'I'ruvancore E~llrcafion Refirms Committee, Thiruvananthapuram: Govt. Press, 1933. Report of rhe Trmunco~*e Edilcation Re-organisation Committee, Thiruvananthapuram: Govt, Press, 1946. Repor! of ihe Travancort. Co-up em live.^ Enquiry Clommiliee, Thuuvananthapuram: Govt . Press, 1934.

b. Hindu lMahila Mandiram

first Annual I<epurl of he Shree Mulum Sha~htyubdapoorihy Snruruka Hindti Mahila hlandiram, Thiruvananthapuram, 1920.

c. Nambutiri Yogakshema Sabha

k h u f iri kumily Hegz~larion Comrnii fee lieport and Draft Regrlatinn, Thrissur: Mangalodayam Press, 1925. lVam bzt firi bBmale Ldz~alion CutnmisJ.ion lieport, Thrissur: Mangalodayam Press, 1 92 7,

Proceedings uf~he Travancuve Shri Mt~lum Pruja Suhhu; 1 93 3- 1 93 8. .

- '?

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h e s , C. A; Evans, F. B. (ed.s), Madras Districf Gmeiieers: Malabar (1908), M a h : Madras Government Press, 195 1. Nagam Aiya, V. The Travancore Slate Manual 3 Vols (1906), N.Delhi: Asian Educational Senices, 195 1. Logan, William. Mulabar Manual (1 887), New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 195 1. VeIu Pillai, T.K. The Trm~uncore State Manual Vols 3,4(1940), Thvananthapuram : Kerala Gazetteers Dept., 1996.


Church Missionary Regisler, 1 847. Deepam, 193 1.

* Kerala Nundini, 1927. LakrhrniBhyi, 1908- 1925. M N NuirMasika, 1936. Madras Church Missionary Record, 1871, 1879. Madras Governn~ent Museum Bulletin, 1900. Muhila Mundirun~, 1926-27. Mahilu Ratnurn, 19 1 6. Malabar Quarterly Reviav, 1 907- 19 1 0. MalcryaIaMasika, 1930, 1931. Mulayala Manorarna, 1 890- 1 934. Malcryala Manorama Weekly, 1938. MangaIodqyam, 19 13. M a p Rani, 191-3 Mdhmbhrimi Weekly, 1936, 193 8, 195 1-'53. Mitavadi, 19 14. Nair San~r&yu Parishhri, 1 9 16. N q a r , 1902, 1903. NuzraniDwpiku, 1906, 1914. Saarabodhini, 1906. Sahodari, 1928, 1929. Sahodaran, 1929. Sharada, 1905- 1908. Shreenlari, 1 93 5. Srree, 1933. Sttmangala, 19 16. Sh~adesh~bhimani, 1 924-'25.

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~ose, C. L. Nafakarhinre Konapurangal (Unseen Faces of Theatre), Val 1, Kofia~am: D. C. Books, 1996. ~~l~ ani Ammq B. Ormayil Ninnlr (From Memoly), Gomaty A m % K.(ed), Kot'aym: SPSS, 1968.

- Vyazhuvatto Smoramkal (Uemories of Sirleen Years), Thri ssur: Mmgalodaym Press, 1958. K&&V Amma, ~ochattil. P a i h i w m Vmhryomthe Munideepangalum ( n e Traveller and the Way-Side Lamps), Thtissur, 199 1. Kesavan, C. Jeevita Samaram (Struggle of Life), Kottayam: SPSS, 1 975. Krishna PiUai, E. V. Jeeviia Srnuranakal (Memories of a Life), Vols 1 & 2, Kollam: Sri Rama Vilasom Press, 1938. Krishnan Ezhuthachan, E.K, Kuruor, Kwnardoor , 1997. fishnan Ezhuththachan, V.R Atmahrha (Autobiography), Thrissur, 1997. Kxishnan N air, Kalama&lam, Ente Jeevitam A ranglum Anlyarayilunr. (My Life Onstage and Behind), Kottayam: D.C. Books, 1986. Krishnan, N. R. Smarunakal (Memories), Vols 1 & 2, Cherthala, 1948. Kunhappa, Ch. Smaranakal Matranz (Only Memories), Kozhikode, 198 1. Kunhappa, Moorkothu. Moorkothu Kumaran: Om Jee~~~charitram (Moorkothu Kumaran: A Biography), Kottayarn: SPSS, 1975. Kunkikkuttan, Madampu. Abhivau'aye, Kotlayarn: SPSS, 1986. Kwhirarnan, C.V. Njan (My Self), Mayymad: C.V. Kunhiraman Memorial Publications, 1970. t

Lalimbdm MarJanam, N. Atmakathaikhi Om AmuWzam (Preface to an Autobiography), Kottayam: D.C. Books, 1986. Mary Benign& Sr. Lokame Yalra (Farewell, World), Bharananganam: Jeevan Publications, 1986. Mary Joh, Koothattukularn. Kariu P a r q a Katha (The Tale told by the Wind), Kottayam; D.C. Books, 1988. Menon, K. P. S. Atmakatha (Autobiography), Kottayam: SPSS, 197 1. Menon, P. A. Innalaihe Gadyakarannrar (Prose-Writers of Yesterday), Kottayam: SPSS, 1988. Moidu Maulavi, E. Om~akul (Memories), Kozhikode, 1960. Narayanan Nair, P. Arunuotundiluoie (Through Half-Century), Kottayam: SPSS, 1973. Narayam Pillai, P. K. Smarana MandaIam (Domain of Memories), Kottayam: SPSS, 1964. Padmanabhan, Mannath. Sntaranakal (M emeries), Kottay am : SPSS, 1 968. P ~ a r , K. M. Smaramhrpanam Vols 1 &2 (Mirror of Memories), lliruvananthapuram, 1950. Parameshwaran ~ i l l a i , V.R. Aa I?zh~rpiu Varshangal (Those Seventy Years), Tkinrvananthapuram, 1 974. Rajaraja V m a , C. R. Adhyapakanre Atniahtha (Autobiography of a Teacher),

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Kilimanoor, 1976. Rarnan Menon, Puthezhathu. Kazhchappa/trkal Vols 1&2 (Viewpoints), Thrissur, 1959. Revati h a , C. K. Suhasrupoornimu (Autobiography), Kottayam: SPSS, 1977. Sar&ara Kurup, G. Ormayrtfe OIangaIil (On the Ripples of Memory), Kottayam: SPSS, 1978. Sankaran Nambutiripad, Kanippayur. Ente Smaranubl Vols 1, 2& 3, (My Memories), Kunnamkulam: Panchangom Press, 1963. Sanoo, M. K. Suhodaran K. Awappan, Kottayan: D.C. Books, 1989.

-Shree Narayana Glint Swami: Jce r-uchauilranz, (Shree Narayana Guru: Biography), Kottyam: SPSS, 1986. Saty aprakasam, Prof. M . Surasakcn?r Mooloor S. l'admanabha Panikkcrr, Thkuvananthapuram: Dept. of Cultural Publications, Govt. of Kerda, 1998. Shree K~drnara Glirudevan, Kottayam : Shree Kurnara Dharma Samajam, 1983. Sivasankara Pillai, T&az.hi Enfe Ba/yakalakatha (The Story of My Childhood), Thrissur: Mmgalodayam, 1967.

-0rnlaylile Teerangalzl (On the Shores of Memory), Kottayam: SPSS, 1985, Uday abhan y A. P. Enfe Karhaillaimakal (Autobiography), ?hissur : Current Books 1 988. Varkey, A k k m a . 1114-nre Karha (The Story of 1 114), Kottayarn : D.C.Books, 1977. Vij ayan, Kangazha. Shree Kumara Guru Devan: Jeevachuriiraramgrahum (Shree Kumara Guru Devan : Condensed Biograohy), Thnssur, 1978.


b. Fiction And Poetry

Appu Nedungadi. Kundalafa (188 7), Alappuzha : Pustakasala, 1984. Bdamani Amma. S o p a m , Kozhikode : M a h b h u m i Publications, 1985. Bhaskaran Nair, TottappalIi. Bharati A thava Parajayangal, Alleppy : Vidyarambhom Press, 1947. Bhattatiripad, M, R. Valkannudy, Thrissur : Mangalorlayam, 1963. B havatratan Nambutiripad, Moohringode. Aphanie Mahl ( 1 93 2), Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akaderni, 1989.

-Almahuty, Thrissur : Mangalodayam, 1943. Bhattatiripad, V. T. KT-yude KathukaI (Short Stories of V.T), Thissur : Kerda Sahitya Akademi, 1990. Chandu Menon, 0. lndzilekha (1889), Kottaym : D.C.Books, 1991. Chathu Nair, Cheruvalathu. Meemkshi (1 890, Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 1988, Colhs, Mrs. Richard. Ghtakavadham, Kottaym D. C . Books, 1 990, first Malaydam tsanslation, 1877. '

Damodaran, K. Omam, Thhvananthapuram : lndira Publications, 1 947, (Third Edition). Gopala Pillai, K. Pularolgamam Aihava Imtrum Velichuvu~n, Kollam : Sri Rama Vilasom Press, 1954.

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Gopala Pillai, Paraw, K. N. Unmadtan, Kollarn : S h e Rama Vilasom Press, 1938. Govindan, M. M.Govincianre Kn'likal V01.2 (Works of M.Govindan), Changanaseny : Renjima Publications, 1989. Govinda Pisharody, Cherukad. Devalokam, Thhvananthapuram : Desabhani, 197 1.

- Mufhassi, Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 1 989. Irumbayam, George, P.V.(ed), Anthppayiyude Novelukalum Chandu Menonre Sharadym, (Anthappayi's Novels and Chandu Menon's Skarada),Thrissur: Current Books, 1991. Kocheapen Tarakan, P. K. Balikasadanam (1 922), Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 1993. Krishna Pillai, Changampuzha. Ramanan (19361, Kottayarn : SPSS, 1987. Kumaran Asan, N. 'Nalini', 'Leela', ' Chintavishtayaya Seeta', Kumaran Asanle Sarnpoorm KritikaI (Complete Works of Kumaran Asan), Kottayam : SPSS, 198 1. Kumaran, Moorkothy Moorkorhu Kurnarante Kathakai, (Short Stories of Moorkothu Kumaran), Kozhikode : Mathrubhumi Publications, 198 1 . Kunhamby Potheri, Sa~.aswativijayam in Irumbayam, George, P . V.(ed), Nalu Novelukal: (Four Novels), Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 1 985. Kunhukuttan, Madarnpy Bhrushi, Kottayam : SPSS, 1991. Lalitambika Antharjanam, N, Moodtqmtathil, Kottayarn : SPSS, 1 952.

- Kanneerinte Punchiri, Kottayam : SPS S, 1959, - Agnpushpangal, Kottayam : SPSS, 1973. - Savnihinre Svaram, Kottayam : SPSS, 1968. - lruparu Varsh fhinu Seshum, Kottayam : S PSS, 1 952. - Takarnna Tg!amura, Kottayam : SPSS, 1957. - Kili~~atzliloode, Kottayam : SPSS, 1954. - Vis-~varoopam, Kottayam : SPSS, 1 97 1 . - Dheerendu Majumhmre Amma, Kottayam :SPSS, 1 973. - Kalarhinre A eduhl, Thrissur : Mangalodayam, 1950. - Pavilramoliram, Kottaym : SPSS, 1979. - A4athe Kathkal, Kottayam : SPSS, 1963. - Agnisakshi, Thrissur :Current Books, 1980.

Mannadiyar, V, 1. KamaIam (c. 1924), Kozhikode : P. K. Brothers, 1947. Mooliyil, Joseph. S~ikumari, fiom Irumbayam, George, P. V. M u N o ~ ~ e l u h / , Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 1985. Padoo Menon, Komawl, Lakshm~kesavan~ in humbayam, George, P.V. (ed), Nalu Novelzlkal, Thrissur : Kerala Sahitya Akaderni, 1985. Raman, Pallathu. Moonnu Novelukal(Three Novels), Fort Kochi : Pallathu Menlorial Publishing House, 1 988. Ramankutty Menon, Kizhakkepattu. I'arangodprinayam in h b a y am, George, P. V. (ed), NaIu Noveluknl, Thrissur : Kerda Sahitya Akademi, 1985.

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Narayanan, Sheevolli. (ed), Venmuni Kriirkd, Thrissur : Current Books, 199 1. Saraswati Amma, K. Ellain Tikanha Bhurya, Kottayam : SPSS, 1958.

- Keezhjeevanakkari, Tlrissur : Mangalodayam, 1947. - Kunarhn Marrl, Kottayam : SPSS, 1 953.

c. Drama

Achyuta Menon, C. Sevanafhinte Peril, Thiruvananthapurarn: Prab hatam Publications, 1975. Bhattatiripad, M, P. Ritl~mari(l944), Thrissur : Current Books, 199 1. Bhattatiripad, V, T . Adukkalqil Nlnml Avanga1hekkd(1930), Kottayam : D.C. Books, 1994. Krishna Pi l l4 E, V. Pennavarhzi Nadrl (1936), from E. V. Kritikal Vo1.2, Kottayarn : D.C. Books, 1980. Kunhhttan Tampuran, Mahakavi, Kodungdoor. 'Chandrika', fiom Haxi Sharma, 40. (ed.), M~hukavi Kunhikuflan Tampzipante Swuruntra Nafakangal, Kozhlkode : P.K. Brothers, 1965. Kuttikunhu Tangkaci. ' Ajnatavasam' from Gup tan Nair, S (ed.), Kutfikunhu Tanghchiyude Krilikal, k s s u r : Kerala Sahitya Akademi, 1979. Narnbutiri, K, S. Param, Kottayam : SPSS, 1976. 'Raman PrlIai, C, V . Prahasanamala, Kottayam : SPSS , 1973

d. Essay Collections, Compilations

AbduMadar, Vakkom, M. Chiirudrshini, Thtissur, 1946. Archives Treasury, ~hiruvananthapbam : Kerala State Archives, 1993. Anh.uyamm: Om Pudhunam (Anthq'anam : A Study), Ramapuram : Lditarnbika Antharjanam Shashtipoorthy Smaraka Committee, 1969. Balaloishna Pillai, A. Kesaripde Mukhaprasa~gungd, (Editorials of Kesari), Kottayan : D.C. Books, 1989. Baldaishnan, P,K. (compiler and editor), Narayuna Gum-Anthology, Kochi : Publications Sub-Committee, S.N.Centenary Celebrations, 1954. Bhaskaranunny. Anlhamnam Mirlul Madhavikui~ Yare (From Anthaganam to Madhavikutty), Kottayarn : SPSS, 1987. Bha-tiripad, M,R,B. M.RB-yudc Upanya;~'onga/ (Essays of M.R.B), Kozhikode : Mathrubhum, 2988. Elanjipoo : Maty John Tunam Soplati Upahram, (Volume Commemorating her Seventieth Birthday), Kottayam : Saptati Celebration Committee, 197 1. Gopalakrishna Pillai, G h g o o r , AN. (ed), Mannarhinte Sompoorna Kritikol (Complete Works of Mannam), Kottaym : Vidyarthimitram, 1977. Golindan Nair, l zhakke Madathil; Pushpa, Dr, £3. Choriirafhinte Atdukal (988 - 1022),

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Thiruvananthapwam, 1 992. Krishna Pillai, Kuttipuzha. Kulizpuzhqyude Praband7hangal (Essays of Kuttipuzha), Thrissur: KeraIa Sahitya Akademi, 1 990. Krishna PiIlai, E,V. E. F! Kriiibf (Works of E.V) VoIs.1 and LL, Kottayarn: D.C Books, 1980. Kunfiiraman Nayanar, Vengayil. Kesari Nayanumde KriiikuI (Works of Kesari Nayanar), Gopalakrishnan, Prof,K. (ed.), Kozhikode : Mathrubhumi Publications, 1987. Lalitarnbika Antharjanam, N . Seem Mtrfal Sarym~ari Yare (From Seeta to Satyavati), Kottayam : SPSS, 1972. Maheswaran Nair, K. (ed), Chatiambi Suamikal : Jeevimvum Kriiikulum (Chattambi Swami : Life and Works), kvananthapuram : Bhooma Books, 1995. Mundashery, Joseph. P~thrya Kazhchchappadiil (In a Modem View), Thrissw: Mangalodayam, 1955. M~druk-uIant Parvati Amma Shush~abdapoor~hy Upahara Grandham, Mutukdam: Shashtyadapoorthy Uphara Grandham Committee, (Commemorative Volume on her 60' Birthday),1964. Narayanan Nambutiri, V, S . Samudayabodhanam (Instructing the Community), Thrissur : Edappall y Yogakshema Upasabha, 19 7 6. Nilakanta Sastn, K .A. (ed), Fursign Notices of South India from Megasthenes lo Mu ffuan, Historical Series No. 14, Madras: University of Madras, 1939. Occmsional Speeches Delivered by Dewan Bahadur M Krishnan Nair 191 6-'20, Thmvananthapuram: Govt. Press, 1 920. Paul, M. P. (ed), Ptsrogarnana Sahityam Enlhinu?(1946), (Why Progressive Literature?), Kottayam, 1953. Prabhakaran, T.T. C. I). A chyuta Menunre Niruopamngal (Critical Studes by C.P. Achyuh Menon), Thiruvananthapuram: State Institute of Languages, 1994. Pri yadarshan, G. Masikupudhrrmngal (Studies in Magazines), Kottayam: SPSS, 1974.

-K~imaran Asante Mu khaprmangangaI(Edit0rials of Kumaran Asan), Moongode, 1981. Rajaraja V m a , P,K. Kunjyammapide Chintaw Vols 1 & 2 (Kunjiyamma's Thoughts), Kottayam: Reshm Publishing, 1969.

- Kiinjl Avlyal, Thrissur: Current Books, 196 1. - Kunji An~mayude Ainlakatba (Kunjiyamma's Autobiography), Kottayam: SPSS,

196 I . - Presidenl Kunji, Kottayam: SPSS , 1961, - Shreemali Kunji, kvananthapuram, 1953.

Raman Menon, Puthezhathu. Arivulla Ajnunikal (Well-informed Ignoramuses), Kollam: S.T. Reddiar Press, 1955. Raman Nambutiri, Parayil. Aian~bu~irin~ur (The N am butiris), Thrissur: Yogakshernam Vayanasala, 19 17. Sahasranruna lyer, P, G. Selected Speeches and Addresses Sir 12. P. l<omanvamy

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Il:er,Tlliruvananthapurm, 1 943. S & ~ i a , Dr, Scaria. (ed.), Udayampcroor Sunnahcrdo.sir~/e Kar~ot~akaI (Canons of the Synod of Udayarnperoor), Edamattom: Indian Institute of Christian Studies, 1994. S a j a y m (M .R. Nair). Suhifya Nihham, Kozhikode: Mathrubhurni Publications, 1993.

- Husyanjali, Kozhikode: Mathrubhutni, 1974. - S~;~njuy~~n : 1 936-ilc. ' Hu.syalekhunan~ul (Sanjayan: Hurr~ourous Articles of 1 93 61,

Vol3, Kohkode: Mathrubhumi, 1970. Sdunni , Kottarathil. Aitrehyumda (Collection of Tales and Legends), Thrissur : Current Books, 1992. Samuel, Dr, Chandanappally. Rev. C ; L - ' U ~ ~ L ' Mathen: Kritikuhlm Pacihunmvrm (Rev. George Mathen: Works and Critical Study), Chandanappally, 1992. Saraswati Amma, K. Pt~rusl~anmarilla~haa Lokam (World Without Men), Kottayam: SPSS, 1958. Thomas, C.J. Ivan Et?le Priyapzriran, Kottayam: SPSS, 1953.

- Dhikkariy ide Kathal, Kottayam: SPS S, 1960. YI Tye Kande t ha/ (Discovering V.T), Mezhathoor : V. T. Bhattatiri pad Srnaraka Committee, 1984.

e. Accounts Of Native Society And People

Agur, C,M. Church Hisiory of Trava~1core(1903), New D e h : AES, 1990. I

Ananthahishna Iyer, L,K. Cochin Tribes and Castes Vo1.2, London. 19 12. Barbossa, ~uar te . The Land of Malabar, Source series No.1, The Making of Modern Keralam, Kottayam: School of Social Sciences, MGU, 1991. Buchanan, Francis. A Journey From Madras Throzigh Mysore, Canara and Malabar, Vols 1& 3(1807), New Delhi: AES, 1988. Blandford, Augusta. The Land of /he Conch-Shelf, London: Church of England Zenana Missionq Society, c , 190 1. Day, ~ ra rk i s . T h ; ~ a n d [$the Penrmals- Ils l'ast qndifs Presenf(l863), New Dellli: AES, 1990. Dubois, Abbe,J,A. Hindu Manners, Cz~~loms and Ceremonies(l906), N.DeIhi : AES, 1983. Fawcett, Fred. Nayars ofMalabaP.( 19 15), New D e h : AES, 1984. Gopal Panikkar, T,K. Malabar and Its Folk( 1900) New Delhi: AES, 1983. Mateer, Rev. Samuel, Naiive L f e in Travancore, London, 1883.

-The L a d of Chow ry: A Descrp t ive Accounl of' Tra~~ancore and lu People( 1 870/, New Delhi: AES, 199 1. Thurston, Edgar and Rangachari, R. Casks and Tribes of Sou fhern India Vol. 5 ( 1909), New D e h : A E S , 1987.

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f, Other Books, Pamphlets, Tracts

Azhikode, Sukumar. Asanfe S e e r a w a m , Kottayarn: SPSS, 1954. Darnodaran, K. fizhuvatwlle Itihasam (Saga of the Ezhavas), Kollam: Sri Rama Vilasom Press, 1929. Drafi L..uw of the Nambutiri Yogakshema Sabhu, 1923. Gopala Menon, A. Samudayolkkarsham (Progress of Society), Thiruvananthapuram: S . R. Book Depot, 1924. Gundert, Rev., H. 'Manusha Hridayarn' (The Human Heart) in Vajrasuci, Kottayam: D.C Books, 1992.

- A Malayalum and English Dictionavy (1 892), N.Deki:AES, 1989. Kumaran Asan, N. (trans), Mamsakti (Mental Power), Thonnakal: Sacada Book Depot, 1948, first published c. 190 1. Raman Pillai, C,V. Yideseeya Medwitvam (Foreign Dominance), hvananthapurarn: ,

Dept. of Cultural Publications, Govt. of Kerala, 1994, h-st published, 1922. Madava Row, T. Hints on ihe Training of Native Children, V. Nagam Aiya (trans.), Kottayarn: C.M.S.Press, 1889. Menon, M,B. Premavum Purtlgumana Sahiryuvt~m (Love and Progressive Literature), Thrissur: Marxist Publishing House, 1949. Nair, N,G. A Plea for u fim Ouilook in Trm~ancore, Singapore: KeraIa Bandhu Press, 1940. Raghavan, Puthuppdly. Kerala Parra Prmarthuna Chariiram (History of Journalism in Kerala), Thrissur: KeraIa Sahitya Akademi, 1985, Sadwan Nambuhipad, Kanippayur. AcharavimarsshoMm (Critique of Custom), Kunnamkulm: Panchangom Press, 1 968. Rajarajavma Tampman, M. Samudachuravicharan~ (Thoughts on Custom), Thiruvananthapuram, 1930. Members of Sahdaya Vedi(Compilers), Vichra Samanvqvam, Thrissur, I9 76.

g. Speeches, Memoranda

D i v h a n Moos, E,T. Replies lo the Questionnaire of h e Namburiri Family Reguluiion Committee and Some Opinions, Tbissur: 1 925. K o W Upasabha, 5h~adharmunushiamtr1 (Obsewance of One's Dharma), 19 17. Nagam Aiya, V. Speech ai the Opening Ceremony uf ,/he AgricuI/~iraI and Indusmol Exhibilion ar Oucbira, 1909. Nambutiri pad, E, M,S. Nambutirye Manushyanakkkan (To Make Nam butiri Man), Deshabhimani, 1 945. M a V m a , Prince. Our lndusfrial Slurus, Kottayam: CMS Press, 1 874. Subralunanya Aiyar. Speecn made at Onam Day Celebrations at Maharajah's College,

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h. Tcxt- Books

B haskara Panikkar, P. T. Slreekallrde Pulhapaddhar i, Thiruvananthapuram: tierala State Resources Centre, CANFED, 1979. S i varama PiIIai, S ; Rarnayyan, Devanarayanan, Chenkottah. 3 r e e Vidya Griha Pathavali, Tkiruvmanthapuram: Bhaskara Press, 19 14-'15.


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Mahila Vol 16(3), 1936, pp.240-43. -'Adarsharn Avashyam' (Values are Necessq), The Mahila Vol 1 1(2), 193 1, pp.33-

3 9. !

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h u k u t t y Amma, T. 'Namrnude Streekdurn English Vidyabhyasavwn' (Our C

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Bhageeraty Amma, B. ' Kalayd Streekalkkulla Sthanam' (The Place of Women in Art), The Mahila VoI 7(1), 1927, pp. 161-66. Bhargavi Ammh Chengannur. 'Nammude Dharmam' (Our Duty), IAe Mahila Vol 6(5), 1926, pp. 16 1-66. Bhavatratan Nambutiripad, Moothiringode. ' N ambutiri Streekal' Wambudri Women), Unny Namburiri V d 9(2), 1933, pp. 156-58.

-'Poorvachararn Adhava Keezhnadappu' (Custom), U ~ n y hrarnhuiiri Vol 7(1 I), 1 925, pp .644-45. Bhattatiripad, M. R. ' Kaal Nootandinullil' (Within Half-Century), Mathmbhun~i Annual Number, 1936, pp.5 1-54. Cotton, H. Speech at Darbar in Thiruvananthapwam, M.M, September 2, 1 924. Chandy, Anna. 'Streeswatantryathe Patti' (On Women's Freedom), Sahodaran, Special Number, 1929, pp. 13346. Chellappan Nair, C.N. ' Paurusham'(Manliness), Kerala Nudini Vo1.s 1 (I), (2), 1927, pp.72-82, pp. 134-38 respectively. Chinnarnmalu Amma, V.K. ' SamudayathiI Streekalude Sthanam' (The Place of Women in Society), The Mahila VoI4(7), 1924, pp.250-57. Damayanti, Kmyi. ' Narnmude Streekalude Vidyabhyasamt (The Education of Our Women), Miiarudi Vol2(7), 1914, pp. 17-20. Damodaran, P.K. ' Streekalum Grihabharanavum' (Women and Home Management), Sahodari Vol2(4), 1929, pp. 1 17-20. Devaki Antharjanm, O.C. 'Nhangalude Adiyantaravashyam'(0ur immediate Demiind), M.M, Febnrary 13, 1928. Devaki Amma, Thachattu. ' Streevidyabhyasathte Uddesham' (The Aim of Wonlen's Education), iLakshntiBhuyi' Vols 20(1) & (2) 1924-25, pp.3 1-38; pp.5 1-59 respectively. Devayani, K. ' Alappuzhayile Skee Mumettangal' (Women's Upsurges in Alappuha), Paper presented at the seminar Wonten in Kerula: Pasi and Presenl, Thiruvananthapuram, Febnrary 11-12? 1995. Easwara PiUai, R. ' Uttuavaditvathhte Kaimattamt (The Transfer of Responsibility), The Mahila Vol 16(1), 1936, pp.200-05.

- 'Udyogavum Vivahavum' (Employment and Mamiage), The Mahilo Vol 1 1(2), 193 1, pp 9-13.

-'Streekalum Swatantryam' (Women and Freedom), LahhnziBhayi Vol 5 j 1 Q), 1909-' 10, pp. .424-26; V015(11), 1909-'lo, pp.468-7 1. Editorial. 'Streekd Iniyuna Unarukayille ?' (Will Not Women Awake ?), Vunirnkusutnam VOI l(1 I), 1928, pp. 1-2. Editorial. 'Purathekku KodukkaI' (' Gving to the Outside'), M. M, August 1, 1906. Editorial. ' Adyapakanmarude Sham balaparishkaranam' (Revision of Pay for Men- Teachers), MMt May 2 1, 1929. Editorial. ' Mrs.Anna Chandy B .A. B. L', A4. M, January I 1, 1 929.

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2(8), 193 1. Kalyani Amma, T. C. ' Streekalude Avakashangalum BadhyaWmt (The Rights and Obligations of Women), Mangalodcryam Vol5 (5), 1913. K d y ~ , Vadalrkechamvil, P.K, 'Keraleeya Hindu Streekalodu Om Abhyartbana' (A Request to the Hindu Women of Keralam), M.M, July 24, 1924. 'Kamvattayde Samudaya Sammelanangal' (Community-Conferences at Karuvatta), Mi M, May 6, 1929. Karthyayani Ammq Muklappuzha ' Ormakal' (Reminiscences), Mathrubhumi Weekly, November-January 1983-'84. Kaveri Amma. 'Nammude Pradhanapetta Chumatalakalt (Our Chef Responsibilites), M.M, October 10, 1925. Kavamma, P. ' Streekalum Paschtya-vidyabhyasavum'~omen and Western Education), LakshmiBhyi Vol8(10),1913, pp.33 1-37. 'Kochi Rajyakudumbavum Atinte Bhaviyum', (The Royd F d y of Kochi and its Future), ,

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- Speech at First Meeting of the Thiruvananthapurarn Grls' College Association, published in V~nilakraumam Vol 1 (8), 1927, pp.271-74. Pennamma Bhayi. 'Nammude Sambathrka Nilayum S treekalum' (Our Economic Condition and Women), Vanitakusummam Vol 1(9), 1927, pp.3 18-20. Pornamma, P.G. 'Streekalodut (To Women), Sahodaran Vol 1(2), 1947, pp, 63-78. Priyarnvadamma, K.'Streekalum Vyavasaya Parisheelanavum'(Women and Training bl Industrial Activity), Shreemari, Special Number, 1935. Rajaraja V m a Tampura~ M.'A Prize Dis~bution Speech', MM, November 3, 1906. Raman Menon, Puthezhathu. 'Paumshamulla Streekal' (Manly Women), Lahht~iiBbyi Vol 10(8), 1915, pp. 309-20. Raman Menon, V. R. ' S treekalude Saundarya-bhramam' (Women's Craze for Beauty), LakshmiBhayi Vol20(1 I), 1924, pp.290-96. h a Varrna Tamban, M. 'Nammude Bandlukkal' (Our Relatives), Ilnfly N~n~britiri Vol 7(12), 1925, pp.3G1-62.

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Mbri i ir : t'ol 8(5), 1926, pp.8 15-16. Ravi Van11 a Tampman, L. A. ' Lokopakaramaya Oru Vidyabhyasakramam' (A Scheme of Education Usefd in Society), Swadeshabhimani Vol3 (5), 1924-25, pp. 2 15-2 I. Rugmini I yna, Dr.C.1. 'Paschatya-Pauxastya Vanitakal' (Women of the West and Eist), Shreemali hpccial Number, 193 5 . Rugmini Amna, C. 'Women and Post- War Reconstruction', Trmancore Information and Lisrener Vol5(4), 1944, pp. 43-44. Sadaan Nair, Sir.C. Speech at the Fourtl~ AnnuaI Meeting of the Keraleeya hrair Samajarn, M.M, June 11, 1910. Sankaran Nambutiripad, Kanippayur. ' Darnbatyabandham' (Conjugal Relations), Unny Nambutiri Vo17 (7), 1925, pp. 423-32.

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