ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to...


Transcript of ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to...

Page 1: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the
Page 2: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the





Digital edition first published in 2012.

Published by The Electronic Book Company

Patsy Croxon is a Member of the College of Healing and The T'ai Chi Union for Great Britain

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respecting the hard work of this author. This ebook contains detailed research material,

combined with the author's own subjective opinions, which are open to debate. Any offence

caused to persons either living or dead is purely unintentional. Factual references may include or

present the author's own interpretation based on research and study.

Copyright 2012 by Patsy Croxon

Page 3: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the


Part 1



1st Scroll – Surrender - Step 1


Scroll – Trust - Step 2


Scroll – Seek - Step 3



Scroll – Release - Step 4


Scroll – Forgiven - Step 5


Scroll – Forgiveness - Step 6


Scroll – Oneness - Step 7


Part 2

The Importance of Your Aura

My Story so Far!

Page 4: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

I dedicate this book to all those who find themselves on a journey of self discovery

as they seek a connection to the higher realms and Oneness

Page 5: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the


I would like to put out a huge thankyou to all my dear friends, who have

supported me with so much love and encouragement upon my journey to Oneness

and the publication of this little self-help book.

Pearl, Gill, Wendy, Georgie, Rose, Lesley, Simon, Heather, Enza, Annie, Sheena,

Arvid and Alexia, John and Jan, Shirley, Joyce, Angnes, Martyn, Kay, Grace,

Stephen, Ria, Sam and Ali.

Page 6: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the


Heaven was knocking on my door! I was forty-two years of age and unaware my

life was about to change beyond all recognition. I was at a low point in my life. I

had been diagnosed with a disease; a rare form of temporal lobe epilepsy which I

was told could never be cured. My consultant advised me I would need drugs for

the rest of my life. Having tried different prescribed drugs I found I was unable to

cope with the side effects. So I made a decision to take responsibility for the

journey that was about to unfold before me. I chose to give up my medication and

go in search of a cure which my consultant supported. I will point out that I never

suggest to any of my clients that they give up their medication and go in search of

a cure as I did. This was my choice. This was my responsibilty.

At this point not knowing which way to turn I looked towards the heavens as I

asked God to guide me in the right direction to seek my cure. Although I do not

belong to any particular religion I have always had a sense, a knowing, a belief in

God and the ascended Master Jesus ever since I was a child. My faith in God and

the Christ was about to be strengthened as I was guided through extraordinary

spiritual experiences. My Guardian Angel, Daniel from the Angelic Realms made

himself known to me which precipitated my connection to the Universal Healers

and the Angelic Realms which I believe are a vibration of our Creator, God.

Suddenly without any warning my channels of clairvoyance and spiritual healing

opened up. At times I felt I was travelling so fast I wished the world would stop so

I could get off. I became a sceptic, believing all that I was receiving from the

spirit world was my imagination. I started to challenge every message and

spiritual experience I was having. My Guardian Angel, Daniel drew close to me as

the message came loud and clear:

"If you do not surrender and trust in God to guide you, to surround you in

unconditional love, you will block the journey." I knew instantly from that space

deep inside of myself there was a longing to make a connection with God. I was

just finding the process rather scary! I knew I had to dig deep and call upon my

Page 7: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

courage. Afterall my Guardian had reminded me many times that we all have the

resources within us to overcome all of life's challenges.

Time passed. I felt I was making good progress in my search for a cure. I

researched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I

took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the mental and spiritual

bodies into balance with each other creating a feeling of well-being. I received

reflexology and aromatherapy from a lady who had the most magical healing

hands. I used meditation with visualisations and positive thoughts to create a

happier, healthier me.

But it was on one of my weekly visits to see my mum that made me question my

beliefs. She was suffering from terminal cancer and always looked forward to her

session of spiritual healing with me. We were sharing a cup of tea in her tiny

sitting room when words she spoke to me out of the blue, left me with a deep


"Of course the trouble with you Patsy is that you don't really believe in miracles."

"Yes I do mum!" I replied rather indignantly as I gave her a sideways look.

"No! Not R E A L L Y believe. But YOU... were a miracle!

"I was. But how come?"

"The day you were born you were three weeks late, well overdue! It was a very

long and difficult labour. I was totally exhausted when at last you decided to

appear. I gasped such a huge sigh of relief. But it was to be short lived as I

watched in horror as the doctor gave the thumbs down to the mid-wife. I was in

utter disbelief at what I was witnessing as you were put under the bed for dead,

the cord was around your neck. In my anguish I cried out to God for my baby. The

doctor whose expression upon his face told it all, without a word, bent down and

took you out from beneath the bed. You were wrapped in a clean sheet and placed

in my arms. I prayed so hard for a miracle. I was overcome with emotion, my

heart was pounding in my chest for what seemed an eternity when suddenly your

first cries were heard. I shed so many tears of joy. My prayers had been answered.

To me this was a MIRACLE!"

I could feel my mum's emotions welling up as she relived her experience. This

Page 8: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

conversation had to be taking place for a reason. I knew I would have to take a

deeper look into my belief system. I truly wished to believe in miracles. Little did

I know at that time just how many beautiful spiritual experiences were going to

unfold as I journeyed along my path, many of which I look back upon and see as

miracles which have changed my life forever.

Over a period of time I began to trust in the guidance I was receiving from the

Divine which I believe led me to be in the right place at the right time. There

came a point in my journey when I felt that I had been healed of my disease. My

GP had sent for me for I had decided I no longer needed to attend any further

appointments. Once again she reiterated:

"It's not possible to be cured of your disease." But in my heart I knew I had been

cured. So after many disagreements I found myself in the Royal Neurological

Hospital in London where the Director of the Department did the tests after which

he declared:

"I don't understand this but the disease has all gone!"

In my eyes this had to be a miracle. But I was about to receive another!

What an incredible time I was having. I was becoming more aware of my

connection to my Guardian Angel, the Ascended Masters and God, which was

becoming stronger with almost every day. I couldn’t imagine what life would be

like without it.

My life was about to take another step along its path that was to strengthen my

connection to God, the Divine.

I had been involved in a car crash. Although I had not broken any bones I had

received injuries whereby ligaments and tendons around my joints had been

ruptured and torn. This was to prevent me from working full time for three years.

As the consultant had said at the time:

“If you had broken your bones it would have been much easier to put you back

together again.” I decided that I must accept the situation with an open heart and

use this time in a positive way as my Guardian Angel reminded me:

“Keep looking for the gift of growing, even in pain.”

The weeks and months were going by but I was still having painful problems with

Page 9: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

my wrists, neck knees and back. Any exertion I put upon my body created

swellings which prevented my endeavours to return to work. So I decided I would

seek the help of a crystal healer I knew before I succumbed to the surgeon’s knife.

I booked my session. As always before starting out for my appointment I invoked

my Guardian Angel asking for protection and that only the very highest of

vibrations for my highest good be present during the healing session.

I was feeling full of optimism as I arrived in good time at the healer’s house. This

allowed me a few precious moments to still the mind to seek clarity from my

Guardian upon any steps that I may be guided to take to help with the healing


The healer and I talked at length about my injuries. We discussed how best to

move the healing process forward but as we talked I became aware that the energy

was lifting in the room as Spirit made its presence known to me. This brought

with it a strong sense of me being held, protected and surrounded with love.

I lay down on the couch. Crystals were placed on my wrists. I became aware of

the energy I was receiving from the crystals which created a tingling sensation in

my hands and arms. The healing had begun. The energy in the room began to

intensify even more as a golden light began to fill the room as it encompassed me.

The crystal healer tuned in.

“There’s a blockage in your abdomen and this has reflected in your wrists.” He

then decided to rebalance my chakras; of which we have seven main centres and

an eighth which is now being developed within our physical form. He did this

with a beautiful quartz crystal, partially bound in a deep blue and copper metal

that was suspended from a chain. This he held above each chakra, the crystal

rotating freely of its own will as the rebalancing took place.

The healer then began the laying on of hands. Within moments I was aware of a

part of me that was kicking and screaming deep down inside of myself. This was

the blockage in my abdomen. A dream of the same experience I had had recently

came flooding back into my memory. I just knew I was being asked to look at this

experience more closely.

In the dream I had found myself in an old castle. I was being dragged on my back

Page 10: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

by my hair up some stone steps by a man. At the top of the steps was a large,

heavy Norman wooden door. The man who was dragging me by my hair opened

the door where I found myself exposed to an incredible white light that was

blinding. As my eyes became slowly accustomed to the light I saw Jesus appear in

the midst of it. Then the man dumped me kicking and screaming at the feet of

Jesus. My understanding of this dream was that part of me was reluctant to go

towards the white Light, God the Father.

Now all was becoming clear as I explained to the healer what I was experiencing.

The healer confirmed:

“Your two lowest chakras are reluctant to connect with the higher chakras which

is preventing you from connecting to your higher self: that part of you which is

the God spark.

This made total sense to me and would explain one of the reasons I felt so

fragmented. I knew once I understood the reason for my problems, it would be

easier with all the tools that my Guardians had bestowed upon me to move

forward with the healing process. The session complete I asked if I might return

the following week for a further appointment. This was agreed.

Back home I diligently set about working on my self-healing every day. I felt

small steps were taking place but not as fast as I would have liked to have seen. I

knew in my knowing that everything would happen in the right time for my

highest good and that I should not try to force things to happen as this could be

my undoing.

The following week I returned to see the crystal healer. Once again as I lay down

on the couch the room began to fill with the golden light. Gold is the colour of

God's love so I knew I was in good hands.

Although the healer and I agreed there was some recognisable improvement since

my last visit he decided that some fine tuning of the chakras was still needed. This

completed he finished with some more laying on of hands. But yet once again the

kicking and screaming started up inside of me but not as intensely as on my

previous appointment. Progress was being made.

I called upon my Guardian Angel and Our Father in heaven to draw really close. I

asked them what is it I must do to release this pain deep down inside of me. The

Page 11: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

energy in the room intensified as I became aware of the Golden presence, Jesus as

he emerged from within the golden light. He drew close to the side of the couch

bringing with him an incredible feeling of unconditional love. In His hands, Jesus

showed me a golden tube about eight inches long and approximately three inches

in diameter. It was beautifully carved with pin point work displaying roses. The

yellow rose symbolically has been very important to me.

Jesus opened up the tube lengthways and showed me seven scrolls within, one for

each day of the week. I was told:

“Within these seven scrolls you will find seven steps to Oneness which you have

always sought.” I knew I must take notice of that which was being shown to me,

for the scrolls would hold knowledge that would further my healing and my

dream of Oneness. It is not unusual to see scrolls as they are often brought to us

by the spirit of monks and those Beings of Light who offer us teachings.

The first scroll was taken from the golden tube and put before me. I read at the

top ‘The Lord Giveth You This Day so That You May Surrender.’ I knew I must

take this information seriously. Realising I was not in a position to take this

knowledge down I very cheekily said to Jesus:

“I haven’t a pen and paper to write down this information from the scroll” I was

then told:

“You must sit at 4pm every day for seven days. Each day you will be given a

scroll which will hold one of the steps to Oneness.” I decided at this point to stay

focused on the instructions I had just received in case I would not remember what

I had been given.

As my healing session came to an end I shared with the healer the experience I

had received and it was he who said to me:

“This is day one. You must sit at 4pm today and meditate so that you can receive

the information from the scrolls.” I left his consulting room feeling uplifted and

looking forward to receiving more knowledge that would take me even closer to

the Divine. The Oneness I have always sought!

Page 12: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

1st Scroll - Surrender

Step 1

Later that afternoon at the requisite time I sat to prepare myself to still the mind

and make my connection to the golden presence; the Ascended Master Jesus. He

appeared just as He said he would. This was to be the first step to Oneness…..He

opened the tube and took out the first scroll which was then unfurled revealing

words to me which read:

“The Lord giveth you this day so that you may surrender.”

'Remember little one I am always at your side. You never walk alone for I am

with you every step of the way. Your journey may be challenging but rest assured

and know that if you should stumble I will catch you before you fall and lay upon

the path. If you should injure yourself I will carry you until you are strong enough

to once again stand on your own two feet. But remember I will still be at your

side. No matter what lessons you so encounter, remember we talked about them

together. As you made a promise to me, do not forget my child my promise to you.

My promise to you was that I would always be there for you with unconditional

love. Surrender yourself unto me and I will guide you every step of the way.

When you truly surrender yourself this will enable you to take on the gifts of the

next six days, so:

Remember, hold on to love.

As I received and studied the scroll my thoughts turned to how best I could

incorporate the guidance into my life. The one thing that really stood out in my

mind, no matter how difficult I might find the process was to Hold on to Love.

Only love is real. I was being constantly reminded by the Christ that everything

comes with love. So I could understand why so many people have asked me the

following question, especially when they look around and see some of the cruelty

that is happening on our beloved Earth.

Page 13: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

“If there is a God why is there so much suffering on the Earth?” But only man is

to blame for the mess we find ourselves in. I have asked myself so many times

'when is man going to take responsibility for what man has created instead of

looking for someone or something else or even God to blame?' After all this is the

planet of free will and those forces from the higher realms are not here to force

their will upon us but to guide us when we have asked for their help. We only

have to ask, acknowledge their presence and guidance will be given. But how

often do we really ask for help and guidance?

I have been privileged to meet with some extraordinary people with such

beautiful spirits who are working so hard to bring balance and harmony back to

the Earth. I have seen and listened to the children who come with such truth and

insights way beyond their years. If only we would take off our blinkers and look

around we would begin to see the magic and the beauty of the Universe of which

we all play a part. As Mother Teresa once said 'We realise that what we are

accomplishing is a drop in the ocean. But if this drop were not in the ocean, it

would be missed.' If we do not heal ourselves how are we going to heal the

planet? The planet will always survive but I have to ask myself, will man? I

believe that any one person can make a difference. We all have our God given

gifts to give back to the planet no matter how big or small.

The Seven Scrolls became a really important part of my own healing process. In

turn it is my true desire to do whatever I can to help others and the planet.

So to surrender as the first scroll had asked me to do was really scary stuff! I too

am a human being and the thought of relinquishing control over all my plans and

decisions in life brought up no end of fears.

From time to time like most people I had an imaginary parrot that sat on my

shoulder, which would squawk in my ear with negative thoughts that would then

cloud my judgement on any decisions I was making. So my first move was to deal

with my imaginary parrot. How was I going to implement knowledge from the

scrolls into my life if my parrot was casting doubts, which were only my fears

upon my journey to Oneness?

I had a choice. Was I going to listen to my parrot or was I going to listen to those

words of guidance that popped into my mind that I felt came out of love for me.

Page 14: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

There had to be only one choice. I decided to choose unconditional love over fear.

My journey so far had given me some extraordinary spiritual experiences which

taught me that everything is energy resonating at certain levels which create

matter and form. I was not surprised when my Guardian Angel reminded me of


“Remember every word and thought, positive or negative is like a spark of energy

that goes out into the universe to create your reality. So listen to your thoughts and

words when making decisions. Then ask yourself this question, do these words

and thoughts come from love or do they come out of fear and anxiety? I suggest if

they come out of fear and anxiety that you do not follow such guidance for this is

the parrot on your shoulder trying to misguide you. But if you feel the guidance is

coming from a love vibration and taking you ever closer to God and the Oneness

you are seeking then you will achieve all you need for your highest good.”

If you have more than one solution in front of you for any given situation and you

are in doubt as to which way to go then you could always ask yourself, 'which

way will take me closer to the Divine?' Whatever answer comes to you, remember

you always have a choice as to whether you decide to follow that guidance or

dismiss it.

So if I became aware that it was my parrot imparting negative thoughts to me I

would tell it in no uncertain terms:

“Buzzzzzz off! I am not listening to you for you do not serve me well. I am in the

Light.” Then just with the power of the mind I would imagine my parrot in full

flight going towards a ball of light in the universe to be absorbed. The parrot

would continue to appear from time to time but the more I listened to where my

thoughts and words came from the easier it became for me to stay in the Light. So

the parrot began to lose its influence over my thoughts and decisions.

The reason for seeing my parrot being absorbed into the ball of Light is that

energy cannot be destroyed. It needs to be absorbed into the Light where it can

exist in perfect harmony and balance. My Guardians have asked me not to

transmute energy because this action creates change which leads to an imbalance

of energies in the Universe. In the light there are shadows. In the shadows there is


Page 15: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

Having shared with a spiritual friend our perception of where centre is I asked my

Guardian Angel:

“Where do I need to be with regard to the light and shadow?” Now being a bit of

a chocoholic I could understand why my Guardian Angel would choose to show

me in the following way.

“Imagine” he said, “In front of you to the right you have a large circle filled with

dark chocolate buttons. Each dark chocolate button represents a spark of dark

energy. In front of you to the left you have a large circle of the same size full of

white chocolate buttons. Here each white chocolate button represents a spark of

light energy. In each circle you have equal amounts of chocolate buttons. Then

imagine that you take the two circles and partially overlap them to create a seed

shape. Now what kind of chocolate do you get in the seed shape?”

“Ah well that's where I would get milk chocolate.”

“Exactly” replied my Guardian Angel. “That's where you need to be! This is

where the light and shadows are in perfect harmony and balance.” This turned out

to be a confirmation of what my friend and I had discussed.

So now I began to understand. My fears are my shadows, which were being

brought to the surface for me to acknowledge as I was being asked to surrender. I

had chosen unconditional love over fear. Bearing in mind the analogy of the

chocolate I knew in my deepest knowing that now I had to absorb those fears into

the light if I was going to be able to surrender.

Ever since I made my connection to my Guardian Angel I had been given much

knowledge and many skills to deal with life's challenges. There are three skills

that have become part of my daily routine. They are belly breathing with positive

visualisations accompanied by positive thoughts, T'ai Chi and Chi Kung.

To me belly breathing is the healing breath. If you breathe into the belly, then

breathe out slowly it will help to release toxins from the body whether they be

negative emotions or negative thoughts. If you watch babies breathe you will

notice that they breathe from the belly. So when you came to the earth plane as a

baby you instinctively knew how to breathe correctly. It is only as you journeyed

into childhood, then adulthood through all kinds of challenges and traumas that

your breathing patterns began to change. Many of us began to breathe into the top

Page 16: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

half of the chest shortening the breath and in so doing denied our bodies the full

complement of oxygen that our bodies need for optimum well-being.

When I first started to change my breathing patterns I found it easier if I laid

down on my back either on the floor or my bed. It is important to be relaxed and

the process will be more easily accomplished. I rested my hands gently, palms on

the belly with my thumb lining up with my navel. I then began to imagine a

balloon in my belly. As I took a deep breath I would imagine I was filling my

balloon with a beautiful coloured light as I felt my tummy muscles expand

causing my hands to rise a little. To breathe out slowly I would use a little

pressure with my hands on the belly. At the same time I would imagine the

balloon deflating as I released the coloured light with the breath. If you wish you

can positively affirm as you release the breath 'I am now surrendering all my

fears.' or any other negative emotions or thoughts that are preventing you from

moving forward. I found if I focused on the out breath the in breath seemed to

automatically fill the belly.

If you are not used to doing such deep breaths I suggest you start with three deep

breaths three times a day for four weeks which will help you to change your

breathing patterns. I suggest you do not do more than this initially as you might

begin to feel a little light-headed. Then when life's challenges begin to push your

emotional buttons I have always found it helpful to ask myself where am I

breathing from? If I am not breathing from the belly I will immediately correct my

breathing patterns. To get the breath down into the belly has a calming effect upon


I have always loved and experienced much joy as I participated in all forms of

dancing. I have found that graceful movements which have a flow of energy from

one step into another help to bring a feeling of upliftment. It was of no great

surprise to me when my Guardian Angel brought to my attention T'ai Chi. T'ai Chi

which means ultimate is a martial art. It consists of slow flowing sequences which

awaken the chi energy within our physical form thus bringing harmony and

balance to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Once you work on

all four bodies you are better prepared to achieve your full potential and well-

being. There have been many studies that show the benefits of T'ai Chi, which is

suitable for all ages and abilities. I feel it is most important that whatever form of

Page 17: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

exercise you choose, it must be an exercise you enjoy doing, otherwise you are

not going to receive all the benefits of such an activity.

Now my hopes were running high as I worked on a regular basis with these skills

to surrender my fears. I realised it was no good practising for a few days and

then stopping for a week or two. I had to be consistent and practise almost daily if

I was to seek the rewards of such a commitment. Within a few weeks I became

aware of how different I was beginning to feel. Not only had I improved on a

physical level whereby my posture, my balance and energy levels had got better

but I was also feeling more confident, centred and calm which in turn helped to

bring me peace of mind.

I felt that with these skills safely tucked under my belt I was on the right track.

My Guardian Angel had imparted to me that very often it is too traumatic for the

body to release all negative emotions and negative thoughts in one go. So I

realised how important it was to continue with these skills on a regular basis. I

have noticed as time passes by that the intensity of my negative emotions when

they came to the surface have diminished considerably. This has resulted in

allowing more light in to feed my soul which increases my joy. As I put out a

more positive energy then I draw more positive people and positive situations into

my life. This is Universal Law.

Knowing this really happens has changed my life forever as I have been given

proof time and time again not only through my own personal experiences but with

those who have shared with me their experiences of positive manifestation. You

too, can do this if you wish. You have the ability to manifest your dreams. You are

powerful beyond measure but sadly you are brought up to believe you are not.

Just a few words of warning though! Only put out positive thoughts and words for

the good of all for if you put out harmful negative thoughts to others that universal

law comes into play and you reap what you sow!

I found it a great comfort having experienced the Christ energy and realising in

my deepest knowing that He was actually at my side at all times. As I continued to

have more experiences with Jesus over the following years I was left in no doubt

that the Christ energy was everywhere and in everything. I knew if I could hold

onto those beliefs I would feel more at peace with myself which would help me to

Page 18: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

have greater understanding of Universal Law so I could prepare myself to take on

the 2nd


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Scroll - Trust

Step 2

On the second day I sat at 4pm to prepare myself to receive a scroll from the

Christ which was presented to me as promised which said:

“The Lord giveth you this day that you may trust.”

Reach out my child, trust in me and take my hand for we will walk your path

together. Feel the comfort and the strength you get from my touch. Know that my

hand is always in your hand, so:

Remember, hold on to love.

Trust, this too can be very scary for a number of reasons. It may be that you have

been let down badly by someone in the past who you believed to be a true friend

and confidant. It may be you feel you have been betrayed by someone you trusted

only to find they had knowingly given you false information that led you to make

the wrong decisions about important issues in your life. Not only can these kinds

of experiences bring up fears and anxieties but frustration and anger too. If you

hold on to these emotions and bury them deep inside of yourself they will bring

about an imbalance in your well-being. If these emotions come to the surface

when you are being asked to trust, honour, acknowledge and love them for they

are part of you. This will make it easier for you to surrender and release these

emotions. If these emotions are not surrendered and released you will find it will

not be easy to regain your trust in the process of life, which will make it more

difficult for you to even trust your own inner guidance.

Very often after such experiences of betrayal you begin to build a shield or wall

around yourself thinking you are protecting yourself as you vow 'no-one is ever

going to hurt me again like that'. But this is a negative energy to surround yourself

with as you begin to view everybody with suspicion. Not everybody who comes

Page 20: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

into your life is out to do you hurt or harm. But by creating this shield you are

putting out the wrong message into the universe. Those who come into your life

with sincerity will often sense the shield and back away.

You may think to let go of your shield is easier said than done, for again that can

become scary stuff! So this will then bring up anxiety and fear, which you can

deal with as I suggested when we looked at ways to help you surrender in step 1.

But always remember you have a Guardian Angel who is with you twenty-four

hours a day. No task big or small is too much for the Guardian Angel. If you need

help you only have to ask. It is that simple. Just know that you are worthy of such

help. Many times I have been asked the question 'how do I speak to my Guardian

Angel and how do I know he has heard me?'

When I communicate with my Guardian Angel I chat to him like I would to a dear

and trusted friend. I can do this at any time. It might be when I am sitting quietly

listening to music but on the other hand I might be chatting to him while I busy

myself with the household chores or just losing myself in nature. There is no right

or wrong way or time for doing this. So when you put out a request to your

Guardian Angel begin by creating your inner smile. Remember this is so simple to

do. Just turn the corners of your lips gently upwards making sure there is no

tension in the mouth and lips. Wait a moment until you become aware of a feeling

of 'upliftment' which seems to come from deep within your body. It may appear as

a feeling of warmth, a sense of joy or any other feel good factor. As you become

aware of this feeling start to put out positive words or thoughts about your true

desires. It is important that positive feelings accompany your words and thoughts

if you are going to manifest your dreams. It takes only a few seconds for your

words and thoughts to create the embryo of your dreams out there in the Universe

so that they can manifest when it is for your highest good. But be patient! If you

have low self-esteem do your best not to let it limit your dreams. As my Guardian

Angel said:

"If you manifest too much for yourself there is nothing to stop you from sharing


So here you are being asked to reach out and take the hand of Christ trusting you

will always be led with unconditional love.

Page 21: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

Just imagine how wonderful life would be if you trusted and believed every

footstep of every day for the rest of your life was lovingly guided and that no

harm or hurt would ever befall you. I began my process of trust by asking my

Guardian Angel, Daniel to draw to close to my side. I would then produce my

inner smile as I asked for his help as I put out positive affirmations of my true

desire to trust in the Christ energy.

Words that you can use when manifesting your dreams are:

I choose or I desire (these are words from the heart) this case my dream is

to trust in the Christ energy to guide my every footstep, word, thought, deed and

action........Thankyou. I have been taught by my Guardian to thank there and then

as my prayers have been heard. Every word, every thought that we put out into the

Universe is in actual fact a prayer, it is not just when we are on our knees with

hands in prayer position.

Often I use the word we instead of I when putting out my dreams into the

Universe. 'We' does not refer to another person but oneness, me and my spirit.

Answers will come. This can happen as I find myself in the right place at the right

time to meet the right people. It may come through a book or a quiet moment in

contemplation. Sometimes patience is required but sometimes answers can come

with almost the speed of light. Then we all have a choice as to whether we are

going to listen to any guidance we have received or ignore it!

Words that I do not use....I want or I need. I was brought up as a child on

thoughts such as 'want never gets.' Deep down in my sub-conscious this thought

is part of my belief system. As my Guardian reminds me that if I use the word

want when putting out my dreams I have actually asked to experience want. The

dream may eventually manifest but I could go on wanting and wanting. And that

word need creates neediness so I could become needier and needier.

I also use these words when manifesting my dreams.

I am/we are now.........then I describe the dream.........Thankyou. The reason for

using 'I am/we are now' is that there is no time out there in the Universe. Time is

only here on the planet created by man. It is with God I wish to make my


Page 22: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

This understanding came to me when on holiday in the Greek Islands. I was lying

on the beach close to the water's edge soaking up the warm sun as it seemed to

penetrate every fibre of my being on a glorious sunny day. A warm soft breeze

caressed my body as I lay there listening to the sea gently lapping upon the shore.

I felt my breathing deepen into the belly as I filled my body with this Universal

energy. Above me a sky so blue dotted with white powder puff clouds. My

breathing deepened even more as I felt my body lose all tension. I became totally

relaxed sensing a feeling of Oneness with nature's elements that surrounded me.

I found myself in a child-like fascination of the clouds as they drifted overhead

when I had an overwhelming feeling to disperse them. Merlin one of my guides

appeared as I focused my sight on a cloud that was overhead. Out went my

thoughts 'I am now dispersing that cloud.' After seven or eight minutes the cloud

began to disperse. But this happened when I was still a sceptic as the parrot

appeared on my shoulder to squawk in my ear:

“Well...yeah...clouds come and clouds go!” So listening to my parrot I decided to

disperse another cloud and then another. By now I was beginning to feel a little

dizzy. I realised I was using my mind energy and not channelled energy from the

Universe. There is a difference. If you try this remember to believe it the first time

around. I found the clouds would either appear to pulsate and then disappear like a

puff of smoke or it was as if I was watching a piece of cotton wool that was being

stretched in all directions until it completely disappeared.

What did I learn from this experience? Just how fast and powerful our thoughts

are positive or negative as they speed out into the Universe. So bearing this in

mind remember to put out only positive words and thoughts with an inner smile

that comes from love for I truly believe in that saying 'what you sow you will


It wasn't until a few years later when visiting a friend that I found myself laying

on the grass in her rear garden. Another beautiful day which was to bring me one

of my greatest pleasures as I found myself taking in the wonders of nature. Nature

is so healing. Dispersing clouds could not have been further from my mind when I

became aware of Merlin's presence.

“See that cloud? Now disperse it.” Merlin lovingly requested. I found myself

Page 23: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

arguing with him:

“But I have done that before. Why do I need to do it again?”

“Disperse the cloud and it will bring you further understanding of the Universal

energy.” I did as I was bade. To my amazement the cloud dispersed within a few

seconds instead of the several minutes it had taken me on the beach. Merlin was

still close by:

“This is how fast we and the Light armies are speeding up the Universal energy as

we ask you to choose unconditional love over fear.”

So now do you see how quickly your thoughts and words go out into the Universe

to manifest your dreams? Be sure of what you truly dream for dreams really do

come true. The Universe has proved this to me time and time again! This does not

happen to a few special people for we are all children of God and are meant to

stand up with head held high and shine as children do. There is nothing to fear but

fear itself.

As one of my earthly teachers said to me:

“Fear F E A R is False Expectations Appearing Real.”

My Guardians have always encouraged me to stay in the NOW. As they pointed

out to me the NOW is the only moment of truth we have. The next moment will

surely come but if you step into it feeding the next moment and beyond with your

fears you will create those false expectations.

So make your plans but don't plan the outcome. If you surrender your plans and

dreams to the Divine and trust that they are in good hands, you allow the Divine

to manifest your plans and dreams in ways that are often beyond your wildest

imagination. If you keep practising to surrender and trust you will come to

recognise those moments when you feel so connected to the Divine that all your

doubts disappear. This is when all your dreams manifest in your reality in the

perfect moment for your highest good.

Page 24: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the


Scroll - Seek

Step 3

Again on the third day I sat at 4pm when I prepared to still the mind. A scroll was

presented by the Golden Presence which said:

“The Lord giveth you this day so that you may seek.”

As you surrender yourself unto me and trust in my love for you, then you will

be able to seek all answers to all of your questions. Know that I am the Truth, the

Way and the Light. Don't look down at the shadows for they are distortions of

your fears. Open your eyes, look up and you will see for yourself. Ask and you

will be given. Acknowledge and you shall receive. Be patient for there is no time

in reality. All your prayers are answered in the way which is best for you, so:

Remember, hold on to love.

I have always believed that all the answers to man's questions are out there in the

Universe. This belief was given credence after a spiritual experience that gave me

greater understanding of how we can access guidance to life's challenges big or


It was at a time when I was having many out of body experiences. Now I know

this may be hard for you to imagine, but on this occasion I was aware I was

experiencing the same feeling I had with an out of body experience, yet I knew it

was taking place inside my own body. I found myself in the very centre of my

being. This is known as the Dan Tien in T'ai Chi. It exists three fingers below the

navel and approximately three centimetres within. We all have this centre whether

we do T'ai Chi or not. I do believe because of my regular practice of T'ai Chi this

has been one of the skills which has enabled me to make a beautiful, strong

spiritual connection with the Divine which exists in the centre of all of us.

Page 25: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the

As I made my connection to the centre of my Being I found myself in a star

studded Universe. I felt totally safe, a feeling of coming home to the place of my

beginning. I was aware my Guardian Angel was at my left side with the Christ on

my right as He had always promised. We seemed to be flying through the

Universe amongst the stars at a phenomenal speed when I found myself entering

what seemed to be a dark tunnel. All was darkness to begin with. But as we sped

through the darkness a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. The light grew

bigger and brighter as we burst through into another Universe exactly the same as

the one I had just left behind. The experience repeated itself as I found myself

entering Universe after Universe.

A few days later Merlin appeared as I was meditating. I asked:

“Can you give me more clarity on my journey into the Universes? But please

keep it simple.” There was a twinkle in Merlin's eyes as he smiled at me. Out of

nowhere he produced Russian Dolls. I am sure most of you will be aware that this

is a doll within a number of identical dolls. Merlin went onto explain:

“This is what you experienced. See each Russian Doll as a Universe within a

Universe. They are infinite whether you journey without your physical form into

the Universe or you decide to journey within to the centre of your being. All the

answers to man's questions, the Divine, the Christ, the angelic realms, all that the

Universe holds is the same as the Universe within your physical form. So when

you seek answers and guidance from the Divine you can take your thoughts

within to the very centre of your being or you can seek the same guidance by

putting your thoughts out into the Universe above.”

“So I am the centre of my Universe?”

“That's right.” replied Merlin,”

“So what about everybody I meet?”

“Well for they too are the centre of their Universe but a reflection of you in your


It was at a later date in my journey when Merlin brought a greater depth of

understanding of this knowledge to me that I understood it was another piece of

the jigsaw. This was to be another important element of my process of self-

Page 26: ONENESS - theelectronicbookcompany.comresearched homeopathy where I found there were remedies to help my condition. I took up T'ai Chi as this brings the physical, the emotional, the


I found to sit quietly and breathe into the belly would help me to relax and still

the mind. There is no set time to achieve this. It can depend on the kind of day

you have had. If you have been busy and active the process can take a little longer.

Be patient for you will be rewarded. Again with practice you will begin to

recognise through feelings, when you are centred and connected to the Divine.

When seeking answers to problematic issues from the Christ energy or the Divine

you may find it easier to start questions with words such as 'What steps should I

take to …....(whatever it is you wish to accomplish)........Thank you,' rather than

ask questions that will give you a direct yes or no answer.

You might not get an answer immediately but have patience. Answers can come at

any time. Sometimes I have received answers and inspirations when I am sitting

quietly or doing something mundane. At first you may receive just one word. Take

note of it but continue to be patient! For with practice one word can become a

string of words. When you feel more confident that the guidance you are receiving

is coming out of love for you, you will then find it easier to ask for a direct yes or

no to your questions. Believe in the guidance you are given otherwise that parrot

can appear on the shoulder and put doubt into your mind by suggesting it could be

yes but it could be no!

Once you have established your connection to the Christ energy, you surrender

and trust you will be able to seek all answers to all questions in full knowledge

that through love you are channelling Divine guidance.


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