One spark2014presentationwithcaptions expansionforoldmaidcatlady

Expansion for Old Maid Cat Lady Project #20159 One Spark 2014 Presentation This was my stage presentation from One Spark. I’ve put captions for the spoken parts


This is my stage presentation from the 2014 One Spark, with text versions of the spoken parts. If you'd like to know more about the company, please contact me for a media kit or an investor packet.

Transcript of One spark2014presentationwithcaptions expansionforoldmaidcatlady

  • 1.20159 This was my stage presentation from One Spark. Ive put captions for the spoken parts in this slide show.

2. This kitten is being loaded into a gas chamber at a North Carolina shelter. He knows where hes going. He knows whats going to happen to him there. He doesnt want to die. The shelter workers dont care.They cant; its their job to kill him. This should not be! 3. After this cat was declawed on all four of his paws, he became aggressive because his first line of defense against threats had been stolen from him. Hed bite at the drop of a hat and was no longer the loving pet hed been before. He was also in horrible pain for the rest of his life from the surgery that amputated his toes at the first joint. This should not be, either! 4. Pictures like these and the stories behind them haunt me. But Im not trying to be Sarah McLachlan up here, showing you sad pictures of cats and asking you to open your wallet. So let me tell you a little bit about myself and my One Spark project. 5. One Spark Project #20159 Im a Jacksonville native, raised in Neptune Beach. Got a degree in Business Administration at the University of Florida (go, Gators!). After a career working in marketing and PR for a yellow pages publisher, I founded my own writing and editing business in 2003. I started living with cats about 25 years ago. Even before I was aware of the situations like those I just showed you, I noticed something else that really bothered me. 6. One Spark Project #20159 For Cats For Dogs And thats that cats are mostly neglected in the pet supply industry. Walk into any pet store and youll find aisles and aisles of products for dogs, but only a small section of items for cats. But we cat owners want cool products for our cats, too! 7. One Spark Project #20159 We want to dress them up in cute little outfits, just like the dog people do! (Why not?) 8. One Spark Project #20159 We want to feed them high-quality food in fancy dishes! Why not? 9. One Spark Project #20159 We want cat furniture that complements our dcor, not something that looks like a carpeted phallic symbol in the middle of our living rooms! Why not? 10. One Spark Project #20159 And sometimes, when we go places, we want to take our cats with us, not leave them home alone while were out having fun! Say it with me, now: Why not?! 11. Over 36 million US households with cats Est. over 95 million cats in the US One Spark Project #20159 Turns out, there are quite a lot of us out there, too!These figures are from the American Pet Products Association for 2013: 12. Cat Food: $19,406,800,000 CatTreats: $3,441,600,000 CatVitamins: $7,361,200,000 CatToys: $2,198,800,000 2013 U.S. Expenditures Here are expenditures in only 4 categories of products from last year. These are just within the United States.They add up to more than $32 billion dollars! And this is just four categories of cat products 13. In addition to and many others! One Spark Project #20159 14. One Spark Project #20159 And yet, if theres a product that can be used for cats or dogs, its always merchandised for dogs. Cat owners are left on their own to figure out which of those can be used for their cats, and how to use them with cats. 15. One Spark Project #20159 What I longed for, all those years ago, was someplace like a Neiman Marcus, Nordstroms or Saks, but filled with wonderful things for cats and cat lovers! Why not? 16. One Spark Project #20159 Then something interesting happened. My cat, little Vixen, was 21 at the time, and we were featured in a front-page news story on pet longevity.This happened about 3 months after my mother had died, and it was a bright spot when Id been in a pretty dark place. I was feeling pretty good, until I started reading the comments online. Most of them were positive and friendly. But this one guy had posted this: 17. Theres nothing worse than an old maid cat lady. One Spark Project #20159 18. One Spark Project #20159 I know! Wow!Thats kind of mean! I thought. 19. One Spark Project #20159 But then I thought, Its really kind of funny! 20. One Spark Project #20159 I mean, seriously, who refers to single ladies of a certain age as old maids any more? Certainly not anybody who knows me! 21. One Spark Project #20159 And I had one cat, not a houseful, so how did that make me a cat lady? 22. Hmmm One Spark Project #20159 And then I thought, Hmmm, thatd make a good brand for something! Id been wondering what I was going to do for the next chapter of my life, so why not embrace that moniker and run with it? 23. + = One Spark Project #20159 And thats exactly what I did! Old Maid Cat Lady became the brand for my new online retail site selling products for cats and cat lovers. If nobody else would build that department store like Id wanted, Id do it myself! 24. One Spark Project #20159 That all happened in the fall of 2009. was launched in February of 2010. I attended my first Global Pet Expo then and started building the site from scratch, adding each product myself, one by one. 25. One Spark Project #20159 As I started working with the site, I found a need to educate people about cats, which are often misunderstood. So I included educational material in the product copy 26. One Spark Project #20159 I included a blog on the site that could get into more depth about various cat- related issues 27. One Spark Project #20159 Theres a page of free downloadable brochures that can be used by shelters, rescue groups, veterinarians, pet sitters, or anybody who wants to educate people about cats or advocate for cats on social issues likeTNR, declawing, and more 28. One Spark Project #20159 Theres a page of links to other cat sites of interest, and another with a calendar of upcoming cat events! 29. Over 2,600 products Approx. 50 suppliers One Spark Project #20159 And Ive done pretty well for building an online department store all by myself!The site now has over 2,600 products from more than 50 suppliers. And its not only items like these for cats 30. Products for people, too! One Spark Project #20159 But theres also a whole array of products for people who love cats! 31. One Spark Project #20159 Where Old Maid Cat Lady has customers: Ive sold to customers in all 50 states 32. One Spark Project #20159 Old Maid Cat Lady is growing! Conversions and sales have grown each year. But theyre nowhere near where I thought theyd be. And I do face some challenges; youll notice that conversions leveled off inYear 4, so thats something that needs attention. 33. 1. Big-Box Pet Retailers Competition: 2. Independent Pet Stores 3. Non-Pet Retailers 4. Cat-Specific Sites One Spark Project #20159 I also face growing competition in these areas; my investor packet goes into much more detail on this. 34. One Spark Project #20159 Ive tried to differentiate Old Maid Cat Lady from the competition by offering high-end products that arent found everywhere, and really thinking outside the box to get types of products others may not have considered offering for cats. 35. One Spark Project #20159 Even though there are lots of products on the site, Ive made them easy to find by setting up the flyout menus to help shoppers zero in on exactly what theyre looking for. 36. One Spark Project #20159 Ive carefully built relationships with my 50+ suppliers, all of whom drop-ship directly to my customers for me.This allows me to feature dozens of products on the site. It also eliminates costs for buying inventory, as well as warehousing it, insuring it, and the staff to manage it 37. One Spark Project #20159 And it has the added advantage of reducing the companys carbon footprint, since products are only shipped once! 38. One Spark Project #20159 Affiliate Ads: Another revenue stream Fill gaps in suppliers Broaden product offerings 39. One Spark Project #20159 Social Media Some paid ads: PPC, print, online 40. Company Needs: Help with operations More education & outreach Aid to nonprofits helping cats Sales growth One Spark Project #20159 41. Site Needs: Redesign SEO work New logo One Spark Project #20159 42. 71% who enter a shelter dont make it out alive. But for me, it all comes back to these guys, and this statistic: Almost of the cats who enter shelters dont make it out alive. Shelter killing is the #1 cause of death for cats in America today. And this should not be! One Spark Project #20159 43. If you look at these reasons people give for surrendering cats to shelters, a lot of them could be handled by better education about cats and their needs. And this is where Old Maid Cat Lady can really help. 44. One Spark Project #20159 But I cant do it alone. I need a team of like- minded fellow old maid cat ladies whatever their age, gender, or marital status to help bring this vision to reality. 45. + = One Spark Project #20159 With the funding I find as a result of being a part of One Spark 2014, that will be my goal: to add one person to help me with operations, and another to focus on SEO, both on a contract basis. 46. President & Chief Old Maid Cat Lady CIO CFO COO CMO CHRO CLO P&H SEO A/P BK PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM WH A/R OF CS OT CE SM PCS ADV MR PR MC IM AM CE PR EM EBM ICIM C PT DE One Spark Project #20159 My ultimate vision for this company is quite a large organization with many employees specializing in all kinds of things that arent yet possible at this stage in its growth. 47. Project #20159 Want to know more? [email protected] I have investor packets and media kits, if youd like to know more about Old Maid Cat Lady.Thanks for watching!