One on One Phone English

One on One Phone English Intermediate Student Book 전화(화상)영어 건국대학교 언어교육원

Transcript of One on One Phone English

One on One Phone English

Intermediate Student Book

전화(화상) 어

건국대학교 언어교육원

Intermediate Student Book

안녕하세요.건국대학교 외국어

장학생 여러분,

건국대학교언어교육원에서는2011년봄학기를시작으로 One on One Phone

English전화(화상) 어를 개설합니다. 주 5회10분씩 원어민 강사와의 대화를 통해 찾아가는어교육을시도합니다.

본교재는 Intermediate 레벨에맞게건국대학교언어교육원의 우수한 강사진에 의해 자체 개발된교재입니다. 수년간의 강의 경험과 교재 개발경력을바탕으로현실적으로건국대학교학생들이가장필요로하는부분을위해체계적으로구성되어있습니다.

One on One Phone English 전화(화상) 어Intermediate Student Book

2011년 6월 25일 인쇄

2011년 6월 30일 발행

발 행 : 건국대학교 언어교육원

주 소 : 서울시 광진구 화양동 1번지

전화번호 : 02) 450-3075~6

서점에서 판매하지 않는 본원 교재임.※ 저작권 및 판권은 건국대학교 언어교육원에 있습니다.

One on One Phone English Intermediate Student Book

건국대학교 언어교육원One on One PhoneEnglish 전화(화상) 어는

1. 학생이 대화를 주도할 수 있는 teaching


2. 최대한많은기회를학생에게할애합니다.

3. 수업 목표에 맞게 준비된 교재를 충분히 활용합니다.

4. 학생의예습이수반되었을때, 500%의효과를발휘합니다.

5. 편안함 속에서 학습의 효과를 높일 수 있는“learn by speaking”을지향합니다.

본 교재의 구성

1. 개별적으로예습한단어를대화속에서익히기

2. 매일 학습되는 하나의 표현을 충분히 익히고,다양하게훈련합니다.

3. 제시된 대화문 속에서 단어 및 표현이 어떻게사용될수있는지를상황속에서듣고, 직접따라하며배우게됩니다.

4. 그 상황을 근간으로 본인의 의견을 어로 자연스럽게표현합니다.

5. 강사의 질문에 답하며, 자연스러운 대화의 기술을체득하게됩니다.

본교재사용법Before the lesson 부분은 수업 전에 학생이 혼자 예습하는 부분입니다. 그날의 레슨에서 주요하게 사용되는 단어를 미리 학습해왔을 때, 정해진 시간 내에 조급해하지 않고 자연스럽게 대화를 할수 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라, 단순히 책에서 읽었던 단어가 아니라,대화 속에서 단어의 사용법을 어로 배우게 되고, 이러한 학습법은 더 오랜 기간 기억에 남게 됩니다.

One on One Phone English Intermediate Student Book

Before the lesson, let’’s check what you alreadyknow.Can you guess what the words in bold mean? You may

use a dictionary to help you find the meaning. (사전을 찾

아보셔도 됩니다.)

Dish means 이 부분은 본인의 이해를 돕기 위해 한 로 쓰셔도


Costume means _____________________.

Gorgeous means ______________________.

What do those words mean in English? Please choose

from the following definitions. (위에 단어들이 어로는 어

떤 의미인지 다음의 보기에서 골라보세요)

a) food cooked or prepared in a particular way as a meal

b) very attractive

c) clothes that are worn in a period of time in the past or on

some character in the movies.

Let’’s talk! 부터는강사와의대화가시작되는부분입니다. 각 섹션별 강사의 지시 사항을 잘 듣고, 그대로 따르시면 됩니다. 때때로 강사가 본문과 관련된 질문을 하게되면, 이에적절히대답하고, 의문스런점이있으면강사에게질문하면됩니다.

다음의 유용한 표현들을 익히시고, 적절하게 사용하면, 좀더효율적인학습효과를얻을수있습니다.

I. 잘알아듣지못했을때혹은질문을이해하지못했을때혹은다시한번듣고싶을때

-- CCaann yyoouu rreeppeeaatt tthhaatt oonnee mmoorree ttiimmee?? -- EExxccuussee mmee??// PPaarrddoonn??

II. 강사에게질문하고자할때

- Can I ask you a question?

III. 강사의설명이잘이해되지않을때

- I don’’t understand, please explain one more time.

충분한예습을통해, 최대한의효과를얻기를바랍니다.


Lesson 01 Have you heard about ~?

Lesson 02 When’s your break?

Lesson 03 He must be a tough cookie.

Lesson 04 I’m going on a blind date.

Lesson 05 I’ll cross my fingers for you.

Lesson 06 He is interested in me.

Lesson 07 I’m sorry to hear that~~

Lesson 08 It looks like a messy mop head.

Lesson 09 I have a digestion problem.

Lesson 10 I would like to get to know her.

Lesson 11 It’s filled on a first come first served basis.

Lesson 12 Can I take a rain check?

Lesson 13 What’s your plan for next year?

Lesson 14 Please take it easy!

Lesson 15 I’m calling it a day.

Lesson 16 I traveled in Beijing.

Lesson 17 I’ve been to the job fair.

Lesson 18 I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Lesson 19 We should reduce cost.

Lesson 20 I can’t make it in time.

Lesson 21 A successful trip depends on your itinerary.

Lesson 22 She is notorious for being tough.

Lesson 23 Would you mind turning down the music?

Lesson 24 I am wondering if~~

Lesson 25 What’s the occasion?

Lesson 26 On such short notice?

Lesson 27 It would be nice if~~

Lesson 28 I took a year off.

Lesson 29 I met your new girl friend.

Lesson 30 The landlord is raising the deposit.

Lesson 31 At least you are health-conscious.

Lesson 32 You definitely deserve it!

Lesson 33 It’s important to reflect as much as you can.

Lesson 34 Sam is a shopaholic!

Lesson 35 It’s just not right fit for me!

Lesson 36 I’m terrified about the graduate exhibit.

Lesson 37 I’m afraid people might cult in line.

Lesson 38 It’s hard to commute from home.

Lesson 39 Whatever happens in life is inevitable.

Lesson 40 My car was towed.

Lesson 41 I can’t stop having midnight snacks!

Lesson 42 I’m with you all the way like peas and carrots.

Lesson 43 Have you been to the new cafeteria?

Lesson 44 I toss and turn every night.

Lesson 45 You should have come earlier this morning.

Lesson 46 How’s your new apartment?

Lesson 47 I have decided to become a vegetarian.

Lesson 48 You’re right on time.

One on One Phone English


Intermediate Student Book

Intermediate Student Book 11

Have you heard about ~~??Lesson


10 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Dish means __________________.Costume means _____________________.Gorgeous means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) food cooked or prepared in a particular way as a mealb) very attractivec) clothes that are worn in a period of time in the past or on

some character in the movies.

I. Vocabulary Usage CheckLet’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For exampleHave you heard about our traditional costume yet?

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please USE the following list of words for the underlinedwords. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, you may change the tense and the verb forms.

our new shampoothat gorgeous costumethe new dish from the Thai restaurant

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Have you heard about our traditional _____ yet? B: Yes I have. It was very colorful. When my girlfriend

wore it, she looked gorgeous.A: You must love your girlfriend very much. What about

traditional Korean _____ ? Have you tried ‘JapChae’yet?

B: Not yet, what is it? A: It’s a stir fried noodles dish with sliced beef and

vegetables. It’s very tasty. B: It sounds good. I would _____ to try it.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What kind of a costume have you worn?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

People should wear traditional costumes for holidays.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

You must love your girlfriend.

What about traditional Korean food?

It sounds good.

Let’s Talk!!

Intermediate Student Book 1312 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Take a break means __________________. Let me know how (something) goes means________________.Work out means ___________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) things go as the plan or a problem gets resolvedb) make free time from work or studying c) to tell someone about the situation or what will happen

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. Let me know how your test goes.

2. I am tired. I need to take a break.

3. If it works out, I will treat you to lunch

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: When’s your break today?B: It’s not until noon and I only have 5 minutes. A: Oh, that’s so short. I thought we could meet and discuss

who to invite to the party.B: In that case, I’ll see if I can _____ a longer _____ . A: That’d be great. Let me know how it goes. B: If it _____ , I’ll _____ you.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What do you usually do on your break time?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

A long break (30minutes) is better than a short break (10minutes).

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I’ll see if I can take a longer break.

I will text you, if it works out.

Let’s Talk!!

When’s your break?Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 1514 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Hang on means ______________________________Neutral means ________________________________Tough cookie means ______________________________Spontaneously means _____________________________

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) not taking sides in between different groups of peopleb) determined to remain where you are c) not planned but happens d) a determined person who knows what to do

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use those new words?

For example

I try to be neutral when we have a debate. They are hanging on there. She is a real tough cookie because she always gets the fullscholarship. We never know what he will do because he is such aspontaneous person.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Did you hear that James ran 2 marathons this month.B: That’s unbelievable! He must be a _____ ______. A: Well, he does have a strong will for his goal. I think you

also have a clear goal.B: I try. I’m not comfortable doing things __________.

How about you?A: Well, I always try but things happen here and there. Like,

last month I was preparing for my license test and suddenlymy girlfriend broke up with me. I was ___________ forfew weeks and had a hard time concentrating.

B: Sorry to hear that. A: Well, things happen. I’m getting over it and it’s just an excuse.B: Hang on there, friend. You are a tough cookie.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Do you do things according to your plan or spontaneously?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Achieving goals without plans is not worthwhile.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

He does have a strong will.Things happen here and there.Sorry to hear that.It’s just an excuse.

Let’s Talk!!

He must be a tough cookie.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 1716 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Overreact means __________________.Blind date means _____________________.Blog means ____________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a date with a person one has not previously met b) respond more emotionally than is proper c) a web page where you update newest information about

a certain object or yourself.

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I made a good first impression on a blind date.

2. She always overreacts when someone tries to give heradvice.

3. My new hobby is updating my blog every day.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I need your advice. I’m going on a _____ . B: Oooh...This could be THE ONE. Tell me more! A: Oh, don’t _____. It’s just one date. B: Yes, but you should know how to make a good first

impression on a blind date.A: Well, should I prepare some jokes? Should I check out

her _____ ? What should I do?B: The most important thing is to relax and be yourself. You

want the chance to get to know each other.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What kind of advice would you give someone who isgoing on a blind date?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Blind date is a good opporturity to meet the right person.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Relax and be yourself.

This could be the one (the right person).

Let’s Talk!!

I’’m going on a blind date.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 1918 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Cross fingers means _____________________.In (somebody)’’s shoes means ______________________.Show off means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to be in someone’s situationb) to try to bring attention to your abilities, achievements,

or possessionsc) to hope that something will happen the way you want

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

If I were in your shoes, I would go to bed early.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, you may change the tense and the verb forms.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: How’s your science class _____?B: It’s good, except that we have too many tests. I’ve got a

very important test tomorrow.A: Really? How are you handling the pressure?B: Not good. I really need a break. But there’s nothing I can do.A: I’ll _____ fingers for you. B: Thanks. I think I’ll still have to stay up tonight. A: If I_____ in your shoes, I would go to bed early to for

tomorrow.B: If only I had a choice, I would too.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

When have you stayed up all night for a test?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It is better to stay up all night and be fully prepared for tests.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I’ll cross my fingers for you.

If only I had a choice.

Let’s Talk!!

go home show off never give up

I’’ll cross my fingers foryou.



Intermediate Student Book 2120 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Compliment means __________________.Be interested in means _____________________.Aquarium means ______________________.Take (something) the wrong way means _______________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a clear glass or plastic container to keep fish and otherwater animals

b) to have curiosities about something or someone so thatyou want to learn more about it or that person.

c) to be offended by a remark because you havemisunderstood it

d) an expression of praise or admiration

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. He is interested in me.2. Don’t take it the wrong way.3. Thanks for the compliment.4. We are meeting him at the aquarium.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Do you know Jack? B: Yes, we were in the same _____ last year. Why do you ask?A: Last night, he told me I have lovely long hair. I think he

is interested in me. B: Don’t take it the wrong way. It could purely be just a

_____ on your hair.A: But if you weren’t _____ in a person, would you make

such a comment?B: I would. Men and women are very different.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What is the best compliment you have receivedrecently?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Men and women are very different.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Why do you ask?

He told me I have lovely long hair.

Would you make such comment?

Let’s Talk!!

He is interested in me.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 2322 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Cover means __________________.Sprain means _____________________.Treatment means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to protect someone against loss, damage, accident ortheft, by having insurance

b) the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of anillness or injury

c) to cause an injury to a joint (= place where two bones areconnected) in the body by a sudden movement

I. Vocabulary Usage CheckLet’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

A; I’m sorry to hear that you sprained your ankle.B; I’m fully covered by the insurance, so they will fully pay

for the treatment.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, you maychange the tense and the verb forms.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I’m sorry to hear that you had an accident. B: It’s horrible. You have no idea what I’ve gone through. It

was the most _____ experience of my life. A: What happened? B: I was riding a bike, when a car hit me. Since I was

crossing the street on a green light, it wasn’t my fault. A: Yes, definitely. I’m relieved to see that you’re okay.

Does your insurance _____ it?B: Yes, fortunately, I’m fully protected by the insurance.

They will pay for the _____ and the repairs.

* Relieved means no longer feeling distressed or anxious; reassured.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Have you ever had an accident? What happened?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It is much better to have an insurance than not.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

You have no idea what I’ve gone through. I’m relieved to see that you’re okay.Does your insurance cover it?

Let’s Talk!!

had a surgery had a car accident had your tooth taken out


I’’m sorry to hear that~~Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 2524 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Weird means __________________.Arrange means _____________________.Messy means ______________________.Mop means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a stick with soft material fixed at one end, which is usedfor cleaning floors

b) to plan or prepare for; to organize c) very strange and unusual, unexpected or not naturald) dirty or untidy

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

It looks weird.If you think it’s weird, why don’t you change it?

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Doesn’t my hair look weird today? It looks like a _____mop head.

B: When was the last time you went to the hairdresser? A: About six month ago. Actually, I haven’t had it done for

a really long time.B: You look fine, but if you think it’s _____, why don’t

you change it?A: Maybe I should. I’ll _____ an appointment with my

hairdresser right away.B: Well, I know the perfect place for you to get it done. Let

me give you the number.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

When was the last time you went to the hairdresser?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Hairstyles play a very important role in one’s physicalappearance.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

It looks like a messy mop head. I’ll arrange an appointment with my hairdresser rightaway.

Let’s Talk!!

It looks like a messy mophead.



little tightdirtytoo messy

buy a bigger onemop the floorarrange it neatly

Intermediate Student Book 2726 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Digest means __________________.Cavity means _____________________.Sore means ______________________. Symptom means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) painful/uncomfortable because of injury, infection or toomuch use

b) a feeling of illness or physical/mental change caused bya particular disease

c) the process of breaking down food in the stomachd) the decayed part of a tooth

I. Vocabulary Usage CheckLet’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

A: I have a problem digesting my food.B:You shouldn’t have eaten so quickly.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: What’s wrong? Why did you leave class so early? B: I have a _____ problem. My stomach is gassy.

Recently, I’ve had a terribly busy schedule, and today Ihad only thirty minutes for lunch.

A: Oh, did you? You shouldn’t have ______ so quickly. B: I wish I hadn’t. I have a big project due this Friday, so I

couldn’t help it. A: I’m worried you may get sick. B: Actually, I’m thinking of seeing a doctor today. I have

had ______ for a week.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What do you usually do when you have a sore throat?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Having a busy schedule is always bad for your health.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I couldn’t help it.

I’m worried you may get sick.

I’m thinking of seeing a doctor.

Let’s Talk!!

I have a digestionproblem.



bad coldsore throatcavity in my tooth

go out last nighttake a cold shower this morningeat too many sweets

Intermediate Student Book 2928 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Get to know (someone) means __________________. Take (something) seriously means___________________.No sweat means _____________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) something that can be done without much effort b) to consider a subject or situation to be important or

dangerous and worth your attention or respectc) to spend time with someone in order to gradually learn

more about them

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I would like to get to know her.

2. No sweat.

3. Don’t take it too seriously.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with?

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I saw you talking to Mary today. How do you know her? B: I see her all the time. We take the same bus home. A: I would like to _____ her. Could you _____ us? B: Sure. We can all have dinner together sometime. A: But, don’t _____ too _____. I just want to be friends. B: No sweat.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

How do you make new friends?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Asking your friends to introduce someone to you is oftenmisunderstood as asking for a set up.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I saw you talking to Mary today.

How do you know her?

I just want to be friends.

Let’s Talk!!

I would like to get toknow her.



Intermediate Student Book 3130 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Basis means _____________________.No later than (sometime) means ____________________.Reserve means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to keep something for a particular purpose or timeb) not after the given timec) a basic fact or standard by which something is done

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. It’s filled on a first come first served basis.

2. I’d say no later than 3 in the afternoon.

3. Can I reserve a room for the weekend?

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hello, may I help you? B: Yes, I need a room for a group project. We have four

people in the group. Can you tell me where the _____rooms are in the library?

A: The rooms on the fifth floor are open for group studies.So it may not be quiet, but your group can have thewhole room for three hours.

B: That sounds good. Can I _____ a room for tomorrow? A: I’m sorry. Those rooms are filled on a first come first

served _____. Your best bet is to come early. I’d say nolater than 3 in the afternoon.

B: Thanks for your help.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Do you know any quiet place to study or relax?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not with your reasons.

Library study rooms should be assigned on a first-come,first-served basis.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Can you tell me where ~~?Can I reserve a room for tomorrow?Thanks for your helpOn a first come first served basisYour best bet is to~~

Let’s Talk!!

It’s filled on a first comefirst served basis.



Intermediate Student Book 3332 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Fracture means __________________.To take a rain check means __________________.Bet means __________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to postpone something until a future dateb) a crack or broken part in a bone c) to say “surely” or “of course” because you are certain

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. He fractured his foot.

2. Can I take a rain check?

3. You bet.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Would you like to see a movie with me this Friday?B: I’d love to but I need to visit a friend in the hospital then.A: The hospital? Is everything all right? B: It’s my best friend. He _____ his foot but it’s not serious. A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. B: You know, things _____ . Can I ___________ ? A: You bet. Hope your friend gets better.B: Thanks, me too. I’ll call you next week.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Have you ever hurt youself? How did it happen?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s better to say ‘Let’s take a rain check’ than to say ‘No, Ican’t’ to refuse.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Is everything all right?

I am sorry to hear that.

Hope your friend gets better.

Let’s Talk!!

Can I take a rain check?Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 3534 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Raring means __________________.Terrific means _____________________.Refurbish means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) very enthusiastic and eager to do something b) extremely good; excellent c) renovate and redecorate (something)

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. It sounds terrific!

2. I’m raring to go.

3. I love the refurbished dining room.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hi, what’s your plan for next year?B: I’d like to study abroad as an exchange student. I think

it’s time to _____ myself. A: Which country are you thinking of going to? B: I’m _____ to go to England for a year. I really want to

learn British English. And you know, I’m a huge fan ofthe English Premier League. It’ll be a _____ experienceto see such great players on the field.

A: I hear you. B: I hope you can come and visit me while I’m there.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Have you ever thought about studying/ going abroad?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It is necessary to study/go abroad to challenge oneself.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I’d like to study abroad as an exchange student.It will be terrific experience if I can see the great playerson the field.I hear you.I’m a huge fan of ~~

Let’s Talk!!

What’s your plan for nextyear?



Intermediate Student Book 3736 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Frustrating means __________________.Try (something) out means _____________________.Quit means _____________________.Take it easy means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) something that makes you feel annoyed or less confidentbecause you cannot achieve what you want

b) to relax and not use too much energyc) to use something to discover if it works or if you like itd) to stop doing something or leave a job

I. Vocabulary Usage CheckLet’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

A: I feel like quitting my frustrating job.B: Why don’t you take it easy and tell me what your problem is?

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I’ve been waiting for about 30 minutes here. I think thisbank needs more tellers to help all these customers. Ican’t stand it anymore.

B: Please, _______. There seems to be some networkproblem with their system.

A: That’s what they said 20 minutes ago. I sometimes feellike changing to other bank.

B: Why don’t you use their internet banking service at home?A: I _____ one time, but it was really _____ B: Don’t quit so easily. It’s a very convenient way to do

your banking.

* Teller means a person employed to deal with customers’ transactionsin a bank.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Have you ever had to wait too long for something youreally wanted?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s better to go to the bank directly to get your services.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I can’t stand it anymore.It was really frustrating.Don’t quit so easily.

Let’s Talk!!

Please take it easy!Lesson


watch a movie/go and check what moviesare playing now

have a cup of coffee/try out a new coffeeshop across the street

drink a beer. /call me tonight afterwork

Intermediate Student Book 3938 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Make (someone’s) day means _____________________.Call it a day means __________________.Chase means ______________________.Stress (somebody) out ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to stop working for the remainder of the day b) to run after someone or something in order to catch themc) to make someone anxious or make it difficult for

someone to relaxd) to make someone very happy

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I’m calling it a day.

2. I’m on a wild-goose chase.

3. You made my day.

4. Don’t stress me out.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I’m calling it a day. B: Already? It’s only noon. What went wrong? A: It’s this new project I am working on. It feels like I’m on

a wild-goose _____.B: What are you talking about? Everyone loves your idea.

That’s why you were chosen to be the best employee forthree months straight.

A: It’s just too much. I can’t do it anymore.B: I think the project is _____ but you can’t give up! Just

take a break and then come back to it later. A: Hmm. I think you’re right. You _____. Thanks a lot. B: No problem. Co-workers are supposed to support each other.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What is the one thing that stresses you out these days?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s good to take a break from work when you stressd are out.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

What went wrong?That’s why you were named the best employee for threemonths straight.I think the project is stressing you out.

Let’s Talk!!

I’m calling it a day.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 4140 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Miss means __________________.Tempting means ______________________.Drop (something) off means ______________________.Ride means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to go to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel toa different place

b) to fail to do or experience something, often somethingplanned or expected

c) to deliver something to a place, often when you are onthe way to somewhere else

d) you want to do or have it

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. That’s really tempting.

2. I’ll drop you off at the subway station.

3. I’ll give you guys a ride.

4. I missed the bus.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Why don’t you join us? We’re going to watch the soccergame at David’s house.

B: That’s really _____, but I’ve got to drop Susan off at thesubway station. How long is it going to take us to get tohis house?

A: It’s a 20 minute walk from here. The game starts at 8 andit’s already 7:30! Actually, David is waiting for us at aninternet cafe across the street.

B: Oh, really? Then, let’s get going! I’ll give you guys a_____. I don’t want to miss the big match.

A: If you hurry, you won’t _____ much.B: Yeah, I think I can make it. I can’t wait!

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What sports games have you watched with yourfriends or family?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It is much fun to watch a big match with friends than byyourself.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

How long is it going to take us to get to his house?Let’s get going! I can’t wait!

Let’s Talk!!

That’s really tempting.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 4342 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Fair means __________________.Screw up means _____________________.Skim through (something) means ___________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to read something very quickly in order to get a generalimpression or to find a particular point

b) completely mismanage or mess up a situation c) a large public event where goods are bought and sold,

usually at specially arranged tables

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I’ve been to the job fair at the COEX.

2. I don’t want to screw up my interview.

3. I skimmed through the articles.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: You said you’ve been to the Korea job _____ atCOEX?

B: Yes, and you know what? I have a job interview tomorrow!Do you have any idea how I should _______ for it?

A: I would get a nice black suit and a red or blue tie. Anddefinitely get a haircut!

B: Okay. I think I also need to _____ online job interviewquestions. I don’t want to screw up my interview.

A: Yes, you should. As you already know, hard work doespay off.

B: Yes, I think you’re right!!

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Have you had any kind of job interviews?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Going to a job fair is the best way to get a job.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Do you know how I should prepare for the interview? I would get a nice black suit and a red or blue tie.Hard work pays off.Get a haircut!

Let’s Talk!!

I’ve been to the job fair.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 4544 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Get tired of means __________________.Mean means __________________.Hurt means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to cause emotional pain to someoneb) to intendc) to get bored or annoyed with something/doing something

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I really get tired of hearing that.

2. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

3. What do you mean?

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Time flies so fast! I can’t believe we are graduating soon.What do you want to do after you graduate?

B: My dream is to get a government job. I heard it’s _____job with a good benefits package.

A: That would be good. It’s quite common to want agovernment job for that reason. Study hard and you canachieve your dream.

B: Everybody says that. I really get _____ hearing it. A: That’s not nice. I’m just trying to be positive. B: I’m sorry. I didn’t _____ to _____ you.

* Stable means firmly fixed or not likely to move or change.* Benefits package means things (such as medical insurance) that

employees receive in addition to their salary.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What do you want to do after you graduate (after youretire)?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Government jobs are the most stable jobs.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Time flies so fast!Study hard and you can achieve your dream.I’m trying to be positive.

Let’s Talk!!

I didn’t mean to hurt you.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 4746 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Run means ______________________.Get grounded means ______________________.Make sure means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to restrict (someone) to a certain place for a certainamount of time as a punishment.

b) to (cause to) operatec) to take action so that you are certain that something will


I. Vocabulary Usage CheckLet’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

A: Do you mind if I use your computer?B: Not at all, just make sure not to close any of the programs

that are running.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Oh! My laptop broke down again. My mom warned methat I’ll get _____ if I broke my laptop again.

B: Why don’t you _____ it again? It probably isn’t aserious problem.

A: Do you mind if I use your computer? I have to finish myassignment first.

B: Sure. Just _____ not to close any of the programs thatare running.

A: Okay, I won’t. I think I’m going to have to call technicalsupport to get my computer fixed.

B: It’s a good thing you still have a warranty.

* Technical support means a service provided by a hardware orsoftware company which provides registered users with help andadvice about their products.

* Warranty means a written guarantee that a product will receiverepair service or replacement for a certain amount of time.

III. Use Your Own WordsNow let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

When was the last time your computer had a problem?What did you do?

IV. Agree or DisagreeListen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Technology makes our life easier.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

My mom warned me that I’ll get grounded if I broke mylaptop again. I’m going to have to call technical support to get mycomputer fixed.

Let’s Talk!!

Do you mind if I use yourcomputer?



invite my friends to stay overclose the doorgo out tonight

to get grounded for Dormitory Violation to lock it to stay out too late

Intermediate Student Book 4948 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Make it in time means __________________. Be supposed to means___________________.On your way means ___________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to finish or arrive somewhere in timeb) coming; going to a certain destinationc) to have a plan to; to have a duty or a responsibility to

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I can’t make it in time.

2. This is supposed to be pretty good.

3. Be careful on your way back to Seoul

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Let’s go see an opera this Saturday. It starts at 7pm. B: I wish I could, but I can’t _____ because I will be in

Incheon until 6pm.A: That’s too bad because this _________ be pretty good.B: Yeah, I know. Tell me how it was after you see it. A: Okay. Be careful __________ back to Seoul this

weekend. The traffic will be bad.B: I will. Don’t worry.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Tell us one experience when you couldn’t make eithera movie or a concert in time.

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s always good to listen to your friends’ recommendationsbefore you go to the movies.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I wish I could.

Tell me how it was after you see it.

The traffic will be bad.

Let’s Talk!!

I can’t make it in time.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 5150 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Itinerary means __________________.Mingle means _____________________.Willingness means ______________________.Depend on (something) means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to be affected by or decided by somethingb) to move around and talk to other people at a social event c) a plan of the places you will visit on a journeyd) the state or feeling of being happy to do something if it is


I. Vocabulary Usage CheckLet’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

A successful trip depends on your itinerary.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: What’s the most important thing I should do before Itravel?

B: A successful trip _____ your itinerary. You should pickout some things to do before you go.

A: That’s a good idea. I do like to do a lot of sightseeing.What else..?

B: Oh, go to many places and try to make new friends.You’d better have _____ to _____ with people.

A: What should I do about the food? I want to have a greattime trying new foods.

B: Ask the local people where to eat. I’m sure they’ll knowthe best places to go.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Where do you think is the best place for a trip? Why?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s best to plan trips in advance and stick to the plan.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Try to mingle with people.I want to have a great time trying new foods.Ask the local people where to eat.

Let’s Talk!!

A successful trip dependson your itinerary.



A successful interviewAn interesting social lifeA good relationship

confidence.willingness to mingle with people attitude to understand people

Intermediate Student Book 5352 One on One Phone English

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Do you want to go _____ out at Lucy’s house for awhile after studying?

B: Oh no, I’m sorry I can’t. I have to be home by 10pmevery night.

A: You’re kidding me... you’re 21 and you still have a 10pm_____ ?

B: Yeah, well my mom is really conservative. I hate itsometimes. Among my friends, she is _____ for callingme every 5 minutes if I am late.

A: Well, don’t be too upset. I am sure she does it becauseshe cares about you.

B: Yeah, sometimes she cares just too much.

*Conservative means traditional and not liking changes or new ideas.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Do you have curfew? Is it reasonable?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Having a curfew after 20 years old is unreasonable.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I have to be home by ~~ .You’re kidding me.Don’t be too upset.

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Curfew means __________________.Notorious means __________________.Care about means __________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) well-known or famous for something badb) to hold someone or something dear c) the time set by a parent for a child to be back home

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

She is notorious for being tough with her students.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

Let’s Talk!!

She is notorious for beingtough.



famous known well-known

share her notes with others care too much about her pets set a strict curfew for her children

Intermediate Student Book 5554 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Turn (something) down means __________________.Let (something) out means _____________________.Bother means ______________________.Annoying means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to cause something to come out; escape b) to lower the volume, heat or brightness on a piece of

equipment c) to make you feel fairly angry and impatientd) to cause problems or frustration for someone

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?For example

Would you mind turning down the music?Oh, I’m terribly sorry if I bothered you. I’ll keep the volume down.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

Let’s Talk!!

Would you mind turningdown the music?



close the windownot let your dog outnot park your car in front of my house

the window closed my dog in my yardmy car in a public parking lot

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hi, I live right next door. Would you mind _____ themusic _____ ? I’m studying now and I have to read tonsof articles tonight.

B: Oh, I’m really sorry if I bothered you. I’ll keep thevolume down.

A: Thank you. I really appreciate it. Oh, one more thing! Isit your cat running around outside?

B: Yes. I’m afraid it is. Is she _____ you? A: Would you mind not letting her out from your house?

She cries every night and it’s very _____.B: Of course not. I’m very sorry again.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

What’s bothering you the most these days?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s a person’s right to listen to music loudly.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Is she bothering you?

It’s very annoying.

Intermediate Student Book 5756 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Hang out means __________________. Wonder means___________________.Stop by (somewhere) means ___________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to think about, used in phrases, at the beginning of arequest, to make it more formal and polite

b) spend time in a certain place or with certain peoplec) to visit someone for a short time, usually on the way to

another place

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

I am wondering if we could take a break after the test.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

Let’s Talk!!

I am wondering if~~ Lesson


hang out with hisfriends thisweekend

stop by my houseto pick up apackage

have some coffeeafter this meeting

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Are there many places to ___________ around here?B: Of course. There are tons of places.A: I _____ if we could _________ one and relax after

class.B: No problem. I know this great place where we can have

coffee and homemade cakes. A: Oh, great!! And one more thing, do you know where I can

get my computer fixed? I need it for class on Monday.B: I know a place near the school. It’s quick and not too


*Tons of: a great number of.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Do you know any great place to hang out?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s better to have coffee with friends than drink alcohol.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

There are tons of places.No problem.Do you know where I can get my computer fixed?

Intermediate Student Book 5958 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Occasion means___________________.Dress up means___________________.Second means ______________________.As soon as means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a very short time after or at the earliest momentb) to put on formal clothes for a special occasionc) a very short period of timed) a special time or formal event

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. What’s the occasion?

2. You are dressed up today!

3. Do you think you could call me when you get a second?

4. I’ll call you as soon as I get home.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: You are dressed up today! What’s the _____ ?B: We there’s an event with my music club tonight. If you get a

____ , do you think you could stop by after your yoga class?A: I will try to call you as soon as I’m finished. What’s happening?B: I’d like you to come and watch our club’s _____ today.

We’re going to have an all night party after that. A: Why didn’t you say so before? Sure, I’ll come. It sounds

like fun. B: Great. And, you’re welcome to bring any of your friends.

* Club means an organization of people with a common purpose orinterest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

When do you usually get dressed up? What was theoccasion?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Going to parties is always fun and exciting.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I will try to call you as soon as I’m finished. What’s happening?Why didn’t you say so before?You’re welcome to bring any of your friends.

Let’s Talk!!

What’s the occasion?Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 6160 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Sight means ______________________.Stomach means _____________________.Sweat means ______________________.Short notice means __________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to exude moisture, to work hard(informal)b) a view, mental perception c) announcement given within a very limited time dued) an organ in the body where food is digested

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. On such short notice?

2. I have butterflies in my stomach.

3. Don’t sweat it.

4. He won’t even let us out of his sight!

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Why is everyone so busy here? It seems like there’ssomething happening and I’m the only one who doesn’tknow what it is.

B: We were just told that we have a meeting in an hour. A: A meeting? _____ ? B: I know. That’s why everyone seems so busy now.A: What’s it about? What do I have to prepare? B: Don’t _____ it. It’s probably just about the _____

party. A: I won’t be surprised if the handsome worker in our

department stops by. Oh.... I have butterflies in mystomach.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

When do you have butterflies in your stomach?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

You should do everything your boss tells you to do.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

What’s it about?

I won’t be surprised if he stops by.

Let’s Talk!!

On such short notice?Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 6362 One on One Phone English

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Our _____ is so high and I haven’t even bought mybooks yet.

B: I know! How can they expect students to pay these high prices?It would be nice if we had more scholarships _____.

A: What are you complaining about? Didn’t you get ascholarship just last year?

B: Yeah, I did get a scholarship but it was only for 70% ofmy tuition. I didn’t get anything for books or livingexpenses. I haven’t heard of any scholarship that pays forthose things. How about you?

A: Nope, not that I know ofB: Anyway, I am waiting for the day that they _____ tuition.

* Not that I know of means used when answering a question to meanthat, judging from the information you have, the answer is no.

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

Have you ever gotten a job to pay for your tuition?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Only a few students should receive full scholarships.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I haven’t even bought my books yet. Not that I know of.

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Tuition means __________________.Scholarship means _____________________.Available means _____________________.Lower means _____________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) able to be bought, used, or reached b) to make it less in amount, degree, value, or qualityc) the money you pay for a class or for being taught a skill d) an amount of money given by a school, college,

university or other organization to pay for the studies ofa person with great ability but little money

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?For example

It would be nice if there were more scholarships available.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlined words. You can pick and choose from the list. If necessary, youmay change the tense and the verb forms.

Let’s Talk!!

It would be nice if~~Lesson



we meet more oftenthere are more seats available for the movie the school lowers tuitions

Intermediate Student Book 6564 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Take (time) off means __________________.Maternity leave means _____________________.Flexible means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a mother-to-be away from work when she has a baby b) to take a break from work for a period of timec) can change easily to fit some new situation

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I took a year off from work.

2. I took maternity leave from work.

3. I work flexible hours.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: What did you do last year? B: I took a year off from work.A: Really? How come? B: I had a baby last year. A: Congratulations! But was it possible to take a whole year

off as _____ ? B: Yeah, our company has great benefits. We have paid vacations

and maternity leave. We work _____ hours and...!!A: Stop, I got it. I am _____.

* Benefit: extra money or other advantages that you get from your job

III. Use Your Own Words

Now let’s share your ideas with the teacher. Please use yourown words and talk about following question.

When have you taken a time off from work or school?Why?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s important to have a job that offers you paid vacations.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

We have paid vacation and maternity leave. We work flexible hours.How come?

Let’s Talk!!

I took a year off. Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 6766 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Maintenance means _____________________.Sophisticated means _____________________.Down- to-earth means _____________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) the act of providing support for someone b) easy to talk to and practicalc) having a lot of experience of life and worldly taste for

art, culture and fashion

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. She needs a lot of help. She’s a high maintenance person.

2. He is really genuine and down to earth.

3. They care about the detail that suits my sophisticatedtaste.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hey, I met your new girlfriend, she looks so mature and_____. How’s it going with you two?

B: Well, it was good at first. But now, I don’t know whereit’s going. I think we’re having serious problems but I amnot sure what to do.

A: Really... I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk about it?B: Well, at first she seemed so _____ , but now she is very

sensitive about me not answering her phone calls or notresponding to her text messages within 5 minutes.

A: Really? She sounds like a high _____ person.B: Yes, I’m beginning to feel the same way.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Tell us about three different types of people you know:a high maintenance person, a down-to-earth person, asophisticated person.

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It is better to date a high maintenance person than aninsensitive person.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I don’t know where it’s going.I am not sure what to do.Do you want to talk about it?

Let’s Talk!!

I met your new girlfriend.Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 6968 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Deposit means __________________.Lump sum means _____________________.Devastated means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

d) a large amount of money given at oncee) feeling enormously shocked and sadf) money that you pay when you rent something that is

returned to you when you no finish renting

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I didn’t get the deposit back for the library locker.

2. The lump sum for this week’s lottery was huge.

3. After she lost her pet, she was devastated.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: What are you up to? B: I’m looking for an apartment.A: What happened with your current place? B: Well, the landlord is raising the _____ . And I haven’t

saved enough money to pay that much in _____ . I’mreally having a hard time finding one.

A: Oh no, you must be _____ ! What kind of place are youlooking for?

B: I’m hoping to find a two bedroom apartment. I’ll figureout something.

A: Yes, every cloud has a silver lining.

* Landlord: the house owner.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Have you had to move out on short notice?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Living in an apartment is better than living in a house.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

What are you up to?I’ll figure out something.Every cloud has a silver lining

Let’s Talk!!

The landlord is raisingthe deposit.



Intermediate Student Book 7170 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Junk food means___________________.Health-conscious means __________________.Daily basis means ________________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) food that is not nutritious or bad for your health.b) a fixed pattern for doing something everyday d) being aware of what is healthy and unhealthy

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I know that I have to eat right, but it’s hard to practice inreal life.

B: I agree. It’s so hard to resist something when it’s in frontof you. At least you are health-conscious about what youeat. These days, I don’t even care how much _____ Ieat. You are definitely better than I am.

A: Well, I disagree. You work out at the gym on a _____ .That says you are also a healthy person.

B: Well, you could say that. But my _____ said I need tocontrol my diet.

A: Hey, you should still be proud of yourself.B: You’re right. It’s hard to compliment myself sometimes.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

How do you keep yourself healthy?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s more important to eat right than to work out every day.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Well, you could say that. It’s hard to practice in real life.I think you should still be proud of yourself.

At least you are health-conscious.



I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

At least you are health-conscious.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlinedwords. You can pick and choose from the list.

Let’s Talk!!

study on a dailybasis

constantly thinkpositive

don’t eat junkfood

Intermediate Student Book 7372 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Promotion means ____________________.Curiosity means _______________________.Definitely means ________________________.Eavesdrop means ________________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) Without doubt and with certainty b) the desire to know or know about somethingc) an offer or request to do a more important job or position

in a company d) to listen to other people’s conversation secretly

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I eavesdropped on my boyfriend and he is definitelypreparing something for me.

2. I think his promotion was cancelled.

3. Do you know the saying ‘Curiosity killed the cat’?

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hey, have you heard about who’s going to be _____ ? B: Well, no one is saying anything yet but I was _____

while my boss was on the phone and it sounded likethey’ll be making the announcement soon.

A: Really? It would be good to know for sure. I’m socurious.

B: I think it’s your turn to get promoted. Your last projectturned out to be a great success.

A: Well, let’s not count our chickens before they hatch. B: You’re right. But you _____ deserve it!

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What is an important factor for getting a promotion?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Quickly reaching a high position in the company isimportant.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Have you heard about~~?

It would be good to know for sure.

Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch

Let’s Talk!!

You definitely deserve it!Lesson


(someone should not ask too many questions about something)

Intermediate Student Book 7574 One on One Phone English

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Wow, you looked stressed out. Are you okay? B: Well, I got offered that job in America.A: That’s great! But, why aren’t you happy about it?B: I’d have to move so far away and I’d miss my family.

What would you do if you were me? A: If I were you? I’d be packing _____ . My _____ in life

is that it’s better to experience as much as you can whenyou are young. So when you get old, you can sit back, sipa cup of tea and _____ on the life you have had.

B: Yeah, I hear you. I do want to have a full life...But, I amnot sure if this is the right choice for me.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

If you had to choose a place to work abroad, wherewould it be and why?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Working abroad is best way to gain the practical experiencefor a better position in the future.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I got offered. What would you do if you were me?I hear you.I’m not sure~~

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Philosophy means __________________.Reflect means _____________________.Offer means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to propose, present, volunteer b) to think about something that happened in the past c) the attitudes or ideas that guide human behavior

It’s important to reflect asmuch as you can.



I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

It’s important to reflect as much as you can for a better future.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlinedwords. You can pick and choose from the list.

Let’s Talk!!

offerexperienceshare your personal philosophy

when you have chancewhen you are youngon an interview

Intermediate Student Book 7776 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Impulse means __________________.Better off means _____________________.Fortune means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) having more money or happiness than you had before b) a strong desire to do something without thinking c) money or property

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I couldn’t stop him from impulse shopping.

2. He was better off when he was alone.

3. My grandfather left a fortune.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Sam is a shopaholic! B: Really? Why would you say that? A: Well, he’s an _____ shopper and he seems to buy

whatever he sees. B: But wait... I heard he was having some kind of _____

problem... Isn’t he broke?A: That was a couple of months ago. Now, he is better off

than he used to be, but I still worry about him.B: Better off? What’s the scoop? A: Oh, his grandfather died a few months ago and left him a

_____. He’s been going shopping every day since then.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What would you do if your parents/grandparents leftyou a huge fortune?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Getting a fortune from one’s parents is better than earningmoney.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Sam is a shopaholic.What’s the scoop? : (slang) what’s the news?I heard he was broke.

Let’s Talk!!

Sam is a shopaholic!Lesson


Intermediate Student Book 7978 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Right mix means __________________.Reputation means _____________________.Miserable means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) extremely unhappy and hopelessb) a combination of the right thingsc) the common opinion that people have about someone or


I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. We need to find the right mix of people for this job.

2. The bank has a great reputation for honesty.

3. I broke up with my girlfriend. I feel miserable.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I don’t really enjoy my major... I don’t understandanything and the lecture is so boring! It’s just not theright fit for me.

B: You sound miserable... what made you pick that major inthe first place?

A: Well, you know people with my major have a _____ formaking good money and having a good _____ ... butnow I’m starting to think money isn’t everything.

B: Ah...well I’m sorry to hear that. You know, it’s never toolate to change majors.

A: I know. Are you happy with what you are doing?B: Yes, my school life has been the _____ of challenge,

freedom and fun. You can find that for yourself too, youknow. Keep your chin up!

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What is the most important factor you consider(ed)when choosing your major/job?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

If you can’t have both, it’s better to earn a lot of money thanto enjoy your work.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

How did you choose your major in the first place?Keep your chin up: encouragement to someone who hasto stand some emotional burden.

Let’s Talk!!

It’s just not right fit forme!



Intermediate Student Book 8180 One on One Phone English

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I’m _____ about the graduate _____ . B: Yeah, the professors really demand a lot from the

graduating students. A: The thing is that I can’t just focus on the graduate exhibit.

I also need to get my portfolio completed for the company. B: Portfolio? Didn’t you already get a job? It’s surprising

that you’re worried about the exhibit. I really don’t thinkyou should feel concerned about your job either

A: Well, the truth is the company said I need to submit mycomplete portfolio if I want to get a full time position.

B: Well, you know what they say. April showers bring Mayflowers. Hey, can you get the visiting artist’s _____while you are there? I’m a big fan!

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Talk about an experience you had in which youworked hard and got a good result.

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s important to work hard when you are young in order tohave a better future.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I need to submit my portfolio.April showers bring May flowers.

I’m terrified about thegraduate exhibit.


36Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Exhibit means __________________.Autograph means ____________________.Terrified means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a famous person’s signature b) public display (art or items of interest) in an art gallery

or museum or at a trade fair c) To be filled with terror; or to make deeply afraid.

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

It’s surprising that you’re worried about the exhibit.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlinedwords. You can pick and choose from the list.

Let’s Talk!!


he failed the test 7 timesour family can’t get together this timewe can get an author’s autograph

Intermediate Student Book 8382 One on One Phone English

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Excuse me, are you waiting to get through security? B: Yes. A: I’m sorry, but I’m really in a hurry. My plane leaves in

15 minutes.B: Ok, go ahead.C: Sir, you can’t _________. Go back to your place.A: I’m really sorry. I don’t usually cut in line. But I am so

late. First it was traffic then my car ________of gas, so Ihad to _________. Please understand.

C: Okay.A: Thank you. I appreciate it.B: I understand. It’s happened to me too.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

How do you deal with people who cut in line withoutasking?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s better to say nothing to people who cut in line.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I’m really in a hurry.Go ahead.I appreciate it.

I’m afraid people mightcult in line.


37Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Cut in line means __________________.Flash drive means _____________________.Fill up means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to cause (a space or container) to become full or almost fullb) a small electronic device containing flash memory that is

used for storing data or transferring it to or from acomputer, digital camera

c) to move or push oneself in between others to get aheadin a line

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

Can I keep my place here? I’m afraid people might cut in line.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? Please use the following list of words for the underlinedwords. You can pick and choose from the list.

Let’s Talk!!

sign up reserve two seats save my documents to this flash drive

the classes are filled up already I might miss the show I might lose all of them

Intermediate Student Book 8584 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Tardy means __________________.Utility means __________________.Commute means _____________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) delayed beyond the right or expected time ; late b) to travel some distance between one’s home and place of

work on a regular basis c) the service of electricity, water or gas.

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. My tenant is tardy in paying her utility bills.

2. Since moving, she saves 30 minutes of commuting time.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Why are you _____ to work these days?B: We moved outside of the city and it’s hard to _____

from home. It takes more than two hours. A: There are a lot of commuters who take couple-hours-long

rides everyday to get to their office. You’ll get used to it.B: Get used to it? I don’t know. I think I should move out

and stay in the company dormitory. A: Moving out isn’t easy. You have to think about the cost

and also you could feel lonely. Why don’t you check tosee if there is a carpool you can join?

B: I think I would feel uncomfortable joining a carpool.And, although there are moving costs, I wouldn’t have topay for _____ in the dormitory.

* Carpool: group of people who take the car together to work, school

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What would you do if your commute time took morethan one hour?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

People should live as close to work or school as they can.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Get used to it. I should move out and stay in the company dormitory.

Let’s Talk!!

It’s hard to commute fromhome.



Intermediate Student Book 8786 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Competitive means _____________________.Potential means _____________________.Inevitable means _________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) relating to or characterized by competitionb) certain to happen; unavoidable c) a personal quality or event likely to happen in the future,

usually not evident in the present.

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. It’s too bad we live in such a competitive country.

2. It’s inevitable that we’ll make a mistake.

3. He is brilliant. I think he has potential for the future.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I am worried that I might not be able to get a job in this_____ world.

B: Me too. It stresses me out. But, every morning I try toremember that “Because whatever happens in life isinevitable, just relax and enjoy it!”

A: Yes, you’re _____ right. As long as we live in this worldwe should face our challenges and overcome our fears!

B: Yes, you are a talented person with great _______. A: Thanks for cheering me up!B: Sure. Anytime you need to talk, I’m here.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What do you think of the phrase “Whatever happensin life is inevitable, so just relax and enjoy it”?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s better to face your difficulties than to avoid them.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

We should face our challenges and overcome our fears.

You are a talented person with great potential.

Let’s Talk!!

Whatever happens in lifeis inevitable.



Intermediate Student Book 8988 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Illegal means __________________.Tow means __________________.Injure means _____________________.Accuse means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to do physical harm or damage to b) not allowed by the lawc) charge (someone) with doing something wrong or

criminal d) (a motor vehicle or boat) pulls (another vehicle or boat)

along with a rope, chain, or tow bar

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hello? My car has been _____ . It wasn’t even a towaway zone.

B: What’s the plate number? A: It’s JY350. I parked it on the 7th street and near the 5th

Avenue. B: Let me check. Your car was parked _____ , so the car

was towed. A: No, but it was a _____ parking area.B: I am sorry sir, you didn’t read the whole sign. It’s not

permitted on the weekdays. A: Oh my goodness! I didn’t know that.

* Tow away zone: car is not allowed to park and would be towed.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

How would you feel if your car were towed?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

You should call the police if you see an illegally parked car.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

It’s not permitted on the weekdays.

My car has been towed.

My car was towed.Lesson


I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

Your car was parked illegally, so it was towed.

Please use the following list of words for the underlinedwords. You can pick and choose from the list.

Let’s Talk!!

My laptop was lost in the library She was injured heavily I was accused of stealing money

it was reported missingthe ambulance came I was questioned by the police

Intermediate Student Book 9190 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Community center means __________________.Cut off means _____________________.Calligraphy means _______________.Grant means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to stop or end somethingb) traditional way of writing by using special pens or brushes c) sum of money given by a government or other

organization for a particular purpose d) a place in the community where people from the community

can go for social events and classes

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. It would be great if I could get a grant to study abroad.

2. I learned calligraphy at the community center.

3. She cut him off completely.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: I’m getting a little bit chubby these days. It’s killing me.All I do these days is sit and practice my calligraphies.

B: You look good, but what’s going on? A: I can’t stop having _____ snacks. B: I know the temptation after 9 o’clock. Well, you should

join the gym.A: I would love to work out but there isn’t any place around

my neighborhood. I wish we had a _____ with a gymfacility. Then I will start working out right away.

B: Well, I think you’d better _____ the snacks while youare waiting for a community center to be built!

* Temptation: you know you should not but there is a strong desire tohave or do

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

How do you fight against the temptation of nightsnacks?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Being beautiful means being thin.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I’m getting a little bit chubby.I can’t stop having midnight snacks.

Let’s Talk!!

I can’t stop havingmidnight snacks!



Intermediate Student Book 9392 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Pool means __________________. Coward means ______________________. Peas and carrots means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) someone who is not brave enough to do somethingb) people who hang around all the time together.c) Any of several games played on a six-pocket billiards

table usually with 15 object balls and a cue ball. Alsocalled pocket billiards

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. I used to play pool very well.

2. Alex can’t even tell the truth because he is a coward.

3. We are like peas and carrots in class.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Why don’t we skip this class to play some _____ ? B: No, we can’t. You know how strict the professor is with

the attendance. If we skip one class, we will get a badattendance grade.

A: Don’t be a _____ . There are more than 100 students inthe class. He will never know. And I’ve never playedhooky, so it would be fun.

B: I can’t believe you are saying this. What’s got into you?A: Today is the day! Let’s go! We won’t have another

_____. B: Okay, we’re like peas and ________. I’m with you all

the way.

*play hooky: skipping classes without permission

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What do you think of skipping classes?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Students who play hooky should receive a punishment.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Today is the day!I can’t believe you are saying this.I’m with you all the way.

Let’s Talk!!

I’m with you all the waylike peas and carrots.



Intermediate Student Book 9594 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Mouthwatering means __________________. Nasty means _____________________.Adjacent means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) temptingly tasty b) next to or near something, or adjoining something elsec) very bad or unpleasant

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. The food looks okay, but it tastes nasty!

2. The food is so mouthwatering. I’m getting hungry justthinking of it.

3. Thai restaurant is adjacent to City hall.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Have you been to the new cafeteria in our building? Thefood looks okay, but it tastes _____ !

B: Yeah, they also don’t have a lot to choose from. But it’sreally cheap, isn’t it?

A: I guess, you get what you pay for. But I’d rather bringmy lunch than eat there.

B: By the way, did you hear about the cafe _____ tosubway station?

A: No, what about it? B: I heard that they serve __________ gelato. And they

have the cutting-edge computers for customers’ use. A: Really? That’s cool. I should check it out.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Tell us about your favorite cafeteria or restaurant.What kinds of service do you get there?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Price is the most important thing to consider when choosinga restaurant.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

You get what you pay for.

They don’t have a lot to choose from.

Let’s Talk!!

Have you been to the newcafeteria?



Intermediate Student Book 9796 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Pale means __________________.Toss and turn means _____________________.Care for means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) to move and turn over because you are unable to sleepwith some worries.

b) having less color than usual, typically as a result ofshock, fear, or ill health

c) to like or be willing to do something for another

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. Her face turned pale.

2. I didn’t care for the color my mom picked out for me.

3. My sister was tossing and turning all night.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: You look a little _____ . What’s happening? B: I can’t sleep these days. I toss and turn every night. A: What’s bothering you?B: I haven’t decided what I’ll do after I graduate.A: Me neither. I don’t _____ much _____ my major. My

parents made me choose this major.B: Yeah, my parents want me to get a stable job. But I have

a different idea. I think we’d better get career counseling.I heard we can take career development tests and receivecareer guidance _____ through online job search sites.

A: Which site is it? B: It’s saved in my computer. I will check and email you the site.

* Counseling: giving an advice or help to people who are dealing withproblems

III. Express Your IdeasNow please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

When have you tossed and turned? Why?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Parents should play an important role deciding theirchildren’s future.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

You look ~~My parents made me ~~I think we’d better ~~

Let’s Talk!!

I toss and turn everynight.



Intermediate Student Book 9998 One on One Phone English

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Are there any seats available in the library now?B: I don’t think so. Why did you come so late? It’s that final

exam week for students. You should have come earlierthis morning.

A: I just couldn’t get up this morning. I __________ allnight. I’m really worried about the promotion test.

B: Me too. I heard the result will reflect in our _____ .A: Yeah. I know. I should _________ earlier. There are so

many things to do, I can’t cram it on two days. I’ve got togo now.

B: Yes, that’s a good idea. There is no time to waste. A: How about you? Are you staying? B: I think, I should. Good luck!

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Are you an early bird?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

Early bird catches the warm.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I need to cram all night.

Are you heading home?

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Cram means __________________. Opening means ______________________.Evaluation means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) a job or a position that is available b) a check/investigation of the quality of a worker’s work

and how well they do their jobc) to study intensively over a short period of time just

before an examination

You should have comeearlier this morning.



I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

A: Are there any seats available in the library? B: You should have come earlier this morning.

What other words can you fill in the blanks with? You mayhave to change some grammar from the example. Please usethe following list of words for the underlined words. Youcan pick and choose from the list.

Let’s Talk!!

ways to do well on the test tomorrowjob openings in the companykey points for the appraisal

cram all day for the test. find it out by calling the human resource department.just do your job as usual.

Intermediate Student Book 101100 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Guarantee means _____________________.Awful means ______________________.Storage means ______________ _______.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) It’s terrible and very unpleasant. b) a place to keep or put something while it is not being

usedc) a promise that something is true or real

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. A: How’s your new place? B: It’s awful. There is little storage space.

2. A: How’s the food there? B: It’s great. I can guarantee it.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: How’s your new _____ ? B: It’s pretty bad, I shouldn’t complain. But there are few

things that are _____ me. A: Wasn’t that a newly built apartment? B: Yeah. But the design is ______. There is little storage

space. I couldn’t even move all my clothes in yet. Andthe most serious part is the noise from upstairs. I thinkthe walls are not sound proofed

A: Didn’t you check the condition before you moved in? B: About the noise? The landlord _____ it would be as

peaceful as a temple. But, guess what? A new family justmoved in with three kids.

*sound-proofed : not allowing sound to enter or leave

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

What are some complaints or problems you have hadliving in your house or apartment?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

You believe what your landlord tells you before you rent anapartment.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

I think the walls aren’t soundproofed.Didn’t you check the condition?As peaceful as a temple.

Let’s Talk!!

How’s your newapartment?



Intermediate Student Book 103102 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Emission means __________________.Carbon dioxide means ___________. Vegetarian means ______________________.Pollution means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) Someone who does not eat meat or fish.b) The toxins and poisons that dirty the air and water,

making it unsuitable for people to use,c) A gas produced by people and animals when they

breathe or when the cars or buses burn fuel.d) A gas or other substance that is sent into the air

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. She decided to become a vegetarian after her pet died.

2. When we breathe we are producing carbon dioxide.

3. The government is trying to lower the greenhouse gasemissions.

4. Many people are worried about the pollution in the air.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: Hey let’s go have some barbeque.B: Oh no thanks. I have decided to become a _____ . A: Really? Why’s that? B: For the _____.A: What do you mean?B: Well, I heard that it takes 100 tons of water to raise

animals for food each year and the animals actuallyproduce 5 times more _____ than cars and buses.

A: Wow! That’s a lot. B: Yeah, not to mention the poor animals being killed to

serve us. I just feel bad for them.A: I hear you, but I can’t go your way. I love the taste of

meat too much. Barbeque is calling me.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

How can we make less pollution?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

We should become vegetarians to reduce pollution.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Why is that? What do you mean?not to mention

Let’s Talk!!

I have decided to becomea vegetarian.



Intermediate Student Book 105104 One on One Phone English

Before the lesson, let’s check what you already know. Can you guess what the words in bold mean? Please fill in the blanks, you may use the dictionary.

Sanitizer means __________________.Sanitation means _____________________. Consideration means ______________________.

What do the words mean in English? Please choose from thefollowing definitions.

a) The protection of public health by removing diseases,infection etc.

b) A person who puts in careful thought and attentionbefore making an official or important decision

c) alcohol to kill germs and supplement to hand washingwith soap and water

I. Vocabulary Usage Check

Let’s check the vocabulary together.

How will you use the new words?

For example

1. Many people use sanitizer to kill germs.

2. The most important thing at a restaurant is sanitation.

3. Thanks for your consideration, but I can do it by myself.

II. Words in Context

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

Today’’s Conversation

A: You are _____ on time.B: Yes, I think punctuality is very important. A: Didn’t you have hard time finding this place? B: Not really. Your ________ were clear. A: Well, what do you think of this restaurant? B: It looks okay. But before we order, do you have _____ ? A: No, not with me. B: Do you know where I can get it? _____ is even more

important than punctuality.A: You could always just go wash your hands. Or, let me

ask the waiter. B: You are so considerate.

III. Express Your Ideas

Now please use your own words and share your experiencewith your teacher.

Why is sanitation important?

IV. Agree or Disagree

Listen to the following statement and tell your teacherwhether you agree or not. Please give your reason.

It’s okay if my boy/girl friend does not wash his/her handsoften.

V. For your own use: Useful Expression of the day.

Go wash your hands.

Let’s Talk!!

You are right on time.Lesson