One of the Boys 2

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Transcript of One of the Boys 2

  • 8/9/2019 One of the Boys 2


    DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight. This is strictly fanfiction!

    Chapter 4

    I could hear Edward calling after me as I walked away in the crowded

    hallways. I bit my lip to stop from smiling and continued on.

    Rosalie and Alice met me in the next class before lunch. They saved

    me a seat next to them at one of the open tables. I sat my stuff down and we

    immediately began talking in hushed tones.

    What did you do? Rosalie pressed.

    He asked if I would want to go out with him and I said I would have

    to decide.

    Thats all? Alice disapproved.

    No, I did some shameless flirting and left him hanging.

    Thats our girl. Rosalie grinned. Who knows, you might make a

    better flirt than Alice or me!

    I blushed and paid attention to the teacher. Throughout the class

    period I was being given backward glances by boys and girls. The girls were

    astonished that I could look so great and the boys were just plain ewlusty.

    It was now lunch time and Alice, Rosalie, and I were hatching another plan

    to draw Edward in.

    How about we use another guy? Rosalie suggested.

    No, that would make Edward think youre taken. Alice disagreed.

    Tease him and then leave him? I threw out.

    Yes. Thats perfect. But we need something else to add to the


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    Well, how about a sleepover? Edwards bedroom window stares

    right into my room. I have a feeling theyll be watching us all night if one of

    you guys can persuade Jasper to stay at the Cullens place. I added to my

    idea from earlier.

    Rosalie and Alice hugged me tightly and squealed.

    Now youre talking girl! Well do it tonight and Ill convince my

    brother to stay at Emmetts place. Rosalie agreed.

    We all got lunch from the line. Rosalie had their salads and water

    while I chose a burger and coke. I may be a girl, but Im not that ready to eat

    like one just yet. Jasper, Emmett, and Edward were waiting for us at our

    usual table with their food. Their heads were close together and they were

    whispering back and forth. They pulled back and pretended like they werent

    sharing secrets when we came to the table.

    Who is this? Emmett grinned at me with a wink and took my hand.

    He gave it a kiss and I smacked him on the head. Oh, its Bella alright, He

    said weakly and rubbed his head tenderly.

    You have a girlfriend Emmett, I scolded.

    See Bella? I told you. A whole variety of them to choose from like

    cell phone plans. Rosalie gestured with her fork.

    But then you have to commit to one plan and where is the fun in

    that? Alice wondered.

    Are you saying youre getting tired of your old plan? Jasper pouted.

    Not at all Jazzy, you know I stick to one forever. Alice kissed him

    on the cheek.

    Jasper seemed content and let it go.

    How were your classes boys? I changed the subject.

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    Mr. Brown fell asleep again so we put sticky notes all over his face

    and desk! Emmett was bouncing in his seat excitedly.

    And he didnt wake up? I laughed.

    Nope. Slept through it like a rock, Jasper chuckled and he and

    Emmett exchanged fist pounds.

    Edward was oddly quiet the rest of lunch. He wasnt his usual

    outgoing self. He just sat there staring at me and barely eating. No matter

    how much I want to make him like me, I have to be the best friend right now

    and see whats wrong.

    He was the last to get up from the table and throw his hardly touched

    food away. When I met him near the garbage cans, I grabbed his wrist as

    soon as he was about to turn away. He met my eyes with a confused glance.

    Is everything okay Edward? I asked searching his face for any signs

    of viruses he might have picked up. You know what they say about the

    cafeteria food.

    Yes. Was all he uttered.

    I sighed.

    You dont seem yourself. If there is anything I could do to make you

    feel better, please tell me. I pleaded.

    He came closer to me and whispered low in my ear.

    Believe me. If I asked you to help me, you would refuse. He kissed

    my ear and walked off. I stood in the same spot. He just kissed me. Kissed

    me. It wasnt a real kiss, but close enough.

    I couldnt wait for what was going to happen tonight.

    Emmetts p.o.v.

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    That night.watching the girls.

    Dang, after Rosalie had accidentally hinted that the girls were having

    a sleep over, I told Edward and Jasper immediately. It used to be just me and

    Jasper watching the girls talk all night, but now that Bella was insanely hot,

    Edward had something to look at too.

    We had our necessities. Binoculars, three packs of soda, walkie talkies

    (I might have accidentally left them back in Alices room last sleepover),

    and empty buckets to do our business in. Edward was surprised when

    Jasper told him that we do this regularly. Pssh, who doesntdo this?!

    Our butts were now firmly planted in front of the window of the top

    floor. Thankfully Alices room had double door windows so we could see

    everything. And I mean everything. To our obvious dismay, they left the

    room to change into their pajamas. But when they came back in, I swear

    Eddies little Eddie hardened.

    The girls were all in booty shorts and lacey tank tops. Dang theyre

    fine! But thats nothing. Ive seen Rosie in way less than that. They started

    to talk and we turned up the walkie talkie volume.

    My god Bella, Edward looked so hilarious when you walked by

    him, Rosalie giggled.

    I never thought Id see the day when hed have an interest in girls.

    Alice sighed and I laughed. Edward smacked me upside the head. I shut up.

    Have you thought about his offer? She added.

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    I dont know Alice. I have liked him for a long time, but like Rosalie

    said, I could probably get someone else. Bella sighed.

    Edward gaped. Shes liked me and I didnt know?! Grr

    Ha ha, funny thing, Edwards had this huge crush on Bella since

    kindergarten. It all started out when she beat up that annoying Mike Newton

    for him. Its baffled all of us why he hasnt asked Bella out until now. I

    would have caved in the first week if it was Rosalie. When I found out that

    he liked Bella, he made me swear not to tell anyone because she only likes

    him as a friend. He was going to put aside his feelings to not risk their

    friendship. Now we have to find a way to get Bella to like Edward. This was

    going to be hard.

    But this whole transformation was for him. Youd be crazy if you

    didnt go for him now. Hes practically eating out of the palm of your

    hands! Alice argued.

    Enough of this, lets have some fun! Rosalie announced.

    Mwa ha ha, here it is. The big show! The night consisted of pillow

    fights which the three of us guys enjoyed deeply, and more manicures. They

    had makeovers and curled their hair. Why do girls do this shit anyway? But

    they are now leaving the room to go who knows what. We faintly heard a rip

    and a scream and the sounds of yelling voices.

    Jasper leaned more forward to see if he could get a good view. He

    dropped the binoculars in fright when there was another scream. I peered

    into the room a little more. Oh damn.

    Theyre coming! I hissed to Jasper and Edward Hide the stuff!!!

    We frantically looked around the room. Ah ha! I pointed to the corner

    that held all my football gear. No one, not even my Dad from the navy,

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    would go near that corner. It attracted a scent that killed you with one wiff.

    Thank god for Frebreze or wed be suffocating right now.

    The sound of the front door opening and jamming shut came from

    downstairs as soon as we hid the walkie talkies, pee buckets, and binoculars.

    Heavy footsteps clobbered up the stairs hurriedly. My bedroom door opened

    and there stood Bella.

    She slammed the door behind her and literally jumped into Edwards

    arms. She held onto him like the last life preserver on the Titanic. Edward,

    of course, grinned like a fool.

    Whats wrong Bellie? I asked.

    AliceRosaliewaxing, Was all she could utter.

    Ooh, Jasper winced.

    I escaped when they were in the bathroom. It wont be long before

    they come for me, She gulped and shuddered.

    But on the bright side, your legs are really smooth, Edward chafed

    her thigh.

    Bella gave him a look of desire, but then hit him on the arm in


    There was banging on the other side of my bedroom door.

    We know youre in there Bella! Rosalie yelled and the devils burst


    Alice and Rosalie looked down disapprovingly at Bella. She looked

    like a deer caught in headlights. They started to move closer and Bella

    tucked her head into Edwards chest in fright.

    Aww, they look so cute, Alice squealed. They were distracted; it

    was her time to run!!!!

    Rosalie sighed happily. I had to admit, they did make a cute couple.

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    Bellas p.o.v.

    God it burns!!! How do Rosalie and Alice live through this kind of

    torture? I dont mind shaving, but waxing is just dang painful. But as I had

    hoped, Edward liked the wax. Rosalie and Alice were momentarily

    distracted. Its my time to make an escape! But it feels so good being held

    by Edward! Gah, what do I do?

    I know it hurts Bella, but after the second or third wax, you can

    barely feel anything. Alice snapped out of the trance.

    Who says Im doing this again? I snapped.

    I do! Edward said. He was still caressing my thigh. I had to admit,

    that did feel good.

    Stop petting my leg like its a dog, I shooed his hand away. He

    shrugged and settled for holding me even tighter. I smiled. Definitely chose

    the right choice.

    Bella, if you do waxing twice a month, itll be less work than

    shaving your legs every week. And honestly, stubble is gross! Alices nose


    Twice a month? I gasped.

    The burn lessens after the first few months. Rosalie assured me.

    Alice and I were crying like babies our first time.

    We were. Now lets go back so we can finish your other leg. Alice

    agreed and held her hand out to me.

    I whimpered and clutched Edward in a death grip. I was another grip

    away from probably choking him.

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    Fine! Have one stumble ridden leg! One leg is going to be hairier

    than the other I tell you! Alice snapped.

    There was silence. Jasper coughed and broke it a moment later. Our

    eyes were all trained on him.

    How about we play Guitar Hero? Were all here so why not? Jasper

    offered. We all shrugged and nodded. I could have started crying when

    Edward let me go. He pried my fingers from his neck and my legs from

    around his waist to go help set up the game.

    Was it wrong of me to look at his ass while he was walking to Emmett

    and Jasper near the TV? I mean, if hes going to wear tight fitted jeans he

    was going to get attention!

    I later decided that it wasnt a bad thing.

    Alice, Rosalie, and I lounged on the stained gray sofa while we waited

    for the game to load. Rosalie leaned in close.

    Its working! She whispered excitedly. I bit my lip and nodded.

    Edward was staring at me. His green eyes roamed my face before locking

    with my brown ones. I lowered my head to peek at him from underneath my

    lashes. It was a trick I learned from Alice. She said that she got whatever she

    wanted when doing this to Jasper.

    Edwards eyes then shot to my lips and back up to my eyes. He leaned

    his body forward. He was about to come over when Emmett stopped him.

    Dude, are you listening? Emmett waved a hand in front of his face.

    Oh yeah, Emmett broke our trance and Edward faced Emmett and

    Jasper again. I sighed in frustration.

    The game was set up. Emmett, acting like the five year old he does,

    jumped up and down saying, I wanna go first, I wanna go first! Jasper

    decided to go up against him.

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    Youre going down blondie! Emmett challenged and adjusted the

    guitar strap on his shoulder.

    Im taking you with me fatty! Jasper shot back playfully. I rolled

    my eyes at the two of them. They certainly need to mature more. I swear I

    could see Alice and Rosalie mentally thinking the same thing.

    They started on hard with I Wanna Rock N Roll All Night by Kiss.

    Their skill level was pretty even until the end. Emmett missed a long note

    that apparently cost a lot of points. You couldnt hear the song when the

    swearing started. I was surprised that Mr and Mrs. Cullen didnt run in the

    room to see what was all the racket.

    Edward and Bella should go next! Alice said as she snuggled up

    next to Jasper.

    Edward turned to me. He raised one eyebrow.

    Sure, why not? I said and got up. Edward followed me and grabbed

    a guitar. I had a difficult time adjusting the strap on the guitar because Jasper

    was so much bigger than me. Edward helped me though and goose bumps

    appeared on my exposed skin when he touched me. And let me tell you,

    there was a lot of exposed skin.

    What song? Edward asked me as he scrolled through the list.

    I dont care. Whatever you want is fine with me.

    Whatever you want. bout me?

    I inwardly glared at my conscious. Now was not the time.

    Edward chose Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones. I nodded in

    approval. It was a great song.

    Is expert okay? If you want Ill go down a level. Edward waited for

    my answer.

    Thats cool. I dont want you to go easy on me at all. I grinned.

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    Maybe in bed too

    Gah! Stop it! Jeez, when was I so hormonal? Is hormonal even a

    word? Im sure hormonally is one. I guess it could be. Jeez, now Im

    mentally babbling!

    Okay Swan, but you asked for it! Edward warned and grinned.

    Bring it Cullen!

    Expert was hard. I played on the hard level with Emmett many times

    before, but I whopped his ass so I was used to winning. Now there were

    notes flying every which way so fast my tiny fingers couldnt take it!

    Edward had long pianist fingers so it was easier for him to hit all the notes.

    He ended up winning with a ninety-eight percent score and I with a seventy-

    six. I sucked.

    You were so bad! Edward teased as we sat on the couch. Emmett

    had gone down with Jasper to get more drinks and Alice and Rosalie

    excused themselves to the bathroom after playing one round. It was just me

    and Edwardalone.

    I held up my tiny hand. Do you know how big your hand is

    compared to mine? You have a great advantage!

    Edward rested his open palm against mine like in the movie Tarzan.

    My hand was two inches shorter than his in length and width!

    Wow, they are small! Edward laughed.

    I then realized the warmth of his hand. It felt so right on mine.

    Electricity buzzed in currents like it was connecting us. Edwards breathing

    and my thudding heart beat were the two things magnified in the situation.

    The tips of his fingers curled on mine and then slipped between the gaps in

    our fingers to intertwine our hand. Our eyes locked. My hand squeezed his


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    He looked so handsome with his barely existing stubble and tired

    hooded green eyes. His pink full lips screamed to be kissed. We must have

    been having the same thoughts then because my heart went out into full

    stumbling beats for what he did next. Edward nudged his face to mine with

    our eyes still open, gazing into one anothers.

    The door opened and we shot from each other like we were holding a

    live bomb. Emmett and Jasper were unaware of what was going on as they

    stepped in with sodas. Rosalie and Alice followed in behind them. If I

    could, I would kick them out right now.

    Hey guys, what did we miss? Emmett asked so jovially it made me

    want to kick him in the face.

    Oh, nothing. Just that you four interrupted what could have been my

    first kiss with Edward. Nothing important at all.

    For once I agreed with my conscious. I hate my life right now!

    I agreed I would continue some stories so here is One of the Boys 2!

    *Applause and cheering in the background*. Thank you for all my readers because

    I now have over 160 subscribers! Yeah! To think I have that many people who likemy stories and I havent been out on Scribd for a year yet! And I know what youre

    thinking, Emmett is an idiot for not telling his friends about Edward liking Bella.

    But a good friend will keep secrets! And I know that living in mansions in different

    for small town of Forks, but its my imagination and I can do the hell I want! I could

    make Bella a pony for all I care! Sorry, I werided out there.on a lot of sugar with

    a cold. I hope everyones summer is going great!