Once upon a time, in the

Once upon a time, in the Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Atlantis, lived a princess kingdom of Atlantis, lived a princess who was crazy for chasing after who was crazy for chasing after fashion and trends. Her name was fashion and trends. Her name was Jolin. Jolin. 很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很很 很很很很很很


Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Atlantis, lived a princess who was crazy for chasing after - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Once upon a time, in the

Page 1: Once upon a time, in the

Once upon a time, in the Once upon a time, in the

kingdom of Atlantis, lived a princess kingdom of Atlantis, lived a princess

who was crazy for chasing after who was crazy for chasing after

fashion and trends. Her name was fashion and trends. Her name was


很久很久以前, 在亞特蘭提斯王國, 住著一位瘋狂追求流 行時尚的公主。她的 名字叫做 Jolin( 裘 琳 )。

Page 2: Once upon a time, in the

Princess loved to buy fancy clothes and jewelry, especially those ePrincess loved to buy fancy clothes and jewelry, especially those e

xpensive ones. The king and queen were worried about her, but they xpensive ones. The king and queen were worried about her, but they

couldn’t do anything about it. couldn’t do anything about it.


Page 3: Once upon a time, in the

Queen: You can’t spend all your life

with these things alone. You

should get married.

皇后 : 你不該將生活重心放在這些事上。你應該結婚 !

Page 4: Once upon a time, in the

裘琳公主 : 是啊!我多麼希望有人可以陪 著我,尤其當我一個人無助地血拼, 無法決定要買哪一個時, Prada 還是 Chanel 呢?媽咪!爹地!我想結婚!

Princess Jolin : Yes! How I hope to have someone there to be with me, when I shop alone, helpless, and cannot decide which one to buy. Prada or Chanel? Mom! Dad! I want to get married!

Page 5: Once upon a time, in the

Guard: May I have your attention, please. People in the kingdom of

Atlantis. Princess Jolin is going to find a noble man to be her

royal husband. He who can recognize this symbol will be the

lucky one.

守衛:注意!亞特蘭提斯帝國的人們,裘琳公主將 要徵求一位高尚的男性成為她的丈夫。他如 果可以辨認出這個標誌,將成為幸運兒。

Page 6: Once upon a time, in the

I’m Prince Popeye. I’m the strongest person in the world. I’m Wizard Macdonald. I’m the most powerful I’m Prince Einstein. wizard in the world. I’m the most knowledgeable person in the world.

我是麥當諾巫師。 我是卜派王子。 我是愛因斯坦王 我是世界上最有 我是世界上最強 子。我是世界上 力量的巫師! 壯的人! 最博學多聞的人!

Page 7: Once upon a time, in the

Oh, yes! This is the correct

answer. You’re my Mr. Right!


I’m Prince Jack. What’s this symbol?

Piece of cake! It’s NIKE!

我是傑克王子。這是什麼標誌?太簡單了!這是 NIKE!

Page 8: Once upon a time, in the

Wizard: Nike? What Nike? I’m the real 巫師: Nike? Nike 是什 number one in the world. No one can 麼東西?我是世界第一,beat me. Yabadabadu ! 沒有任何人可以勝過我。 呀八搭八度! I don’t know. I can’t control myself!

What are you doing, Jack?

傑克,你在做什麼? 我不知道,我沒辦法 控制自己 !

Page 9: Once upon a time, in the

Wizard: I give you three days. If you want to see your

Prince Charming alive, come to my house and

be my wife! Or…this is what he’s going to be.

巫師:我給你三天。 如果你想要你的白馬 王子活命,來我家且 成為我的妻子,否則… 他將變成這個模樣。

Page 10: Once upon a time, in the

I’m going to rescue my Jack !


Page 11: Once upon a time, in the

The next day, Princess Jolin started her adventure to save Prince Ja

ck. On the way, the sun was shining, and the flowers were spreading ple

asant scent in the air. Suddenly, a robber jumped

from behind the bushes and stood in the way.

Robber: Where are you going, little girl?Robber: Where are you going, little girl?



Page 12: Once upon a time, in the

Robber: Prada dress! Tiffany diamond ring! I’m rich!

強盜: Prada 洋裝!Tiffany 鑽石戒指!我是有錢人了!

Page 13: Once upon a time, in the

Robber: Take off your dress. I want that, too.

強盜:脫掉你的洋裝。那件我也 要。

Page 14: Once upon a time, in the

Look! There’s a raincoat. It’s the only thing I can find.


Page 15: Once upon a time, in the


Mmm..they look so yummy.

I’m Yellow Mushroom. Eat me! Eat me! I can make you pretty!


I’m Red Mushroom. Eat me! Eat me! I can make you slim!


Page 16: Once upon a time, in the

I’m… Black Mushroom. Eat… me!

Eat me! I can make you healthy.

我是……黑色蘑菇,吃…我! 我可以讓你變健康。

Yuck! You look so ugly. I’m not going to eat you.

噁 ~ 你看起來好醜。我才不吃你。

Page 17: Once upon a time, in the

I need to go to the restroom!


Page 18: Once upon a time, in the

Princess Jolin: Now, I’m hungry and tired. I need to take a rest

right now. Look! I can sit on this rock.


Page 19: Once upon a time, in the

I’m Princess Jolin, princess of Atlantis.

You don’t look like a princess. 我是裘琳公主,亞特蘭提斯王國 你看起來不像一位公主。 的公主。

Some bad guy has taken all my Some bad guy has taken all my beautiful clothes away. You got beautiful clothes away. You got I’m not a monkey. I’m King Kong, that? Monkey! that? Monkey!

king of the forest. I’m going to 一些壞傢伙搶走我美麗的一些壞傢伙搶走我美麗的衣衣 teach you a lesson! 服。你懂了嗎?猴子!服。你懂了嗎?猴子!我不是猴子。我是森林之王。我要讓你得到一個教訓!

Page 20: Once upon a time, in the

Loser! Loser!



Page 21: Once upon a time, in the

Poor Princess Jolin. She was in such a bad luck. But her love for Prince Jac

k kept her going on. The arrogant wizard’s house wasn’t hard to find. He set

up a sign to let everybody know where his house was.

可憐的裘琳公主,她真是倒楣透頂! At last, I’m at Macdonald’s house.

但是她對傑克 終於,我終於,我來到麥當諾巫 來到麥當諾巫 王子的愛支持 師的家。師的家。她繼續這段旅程。自大的巫師的家並不難找到。他豎立一個告示牌,讓大家都知道他家在哪裡。

Page 22: Once upon a time, in the

Can you turn yourself into a deliciousCan you turn yourself into a delicious Are you kidding? hamburger?hamburger?

你可以變成一個美味的漢堡嗎? 你在開玩笑嗎?

If you want me to marry you, you have to show me you are the most powerful man in the world.

如果你 希望我嫁給你,你 必須讓我瞧瞧你是世界上 最有力量的男子。

Sure! No problem! How can I show you?

當然沒問題!我要 如何證明?

Page 23: Once upon a time, in the

Stupid wizard!


Page 24: Once upon a time, in the

What did you just say?What did you just say?


Where are all those fancy clothes and jewel

ry? Without them, you are no longer gracio

us and beautiful. Now,

I don’t think we can make a ver

y good couple!

那些花俏別緻的衣服和珠寶 呢?沒有了他們,妳不再優 雅和美麗。現在,我不認為 妳配得上我!

Page 25: Once upon a time, in the

Your love for me is not true. I’m going home.

你不是真的愛我。我你不是真的愛我。我要回家 要回家 了。了。

Wait for me! Don’t leave me alone! I don’t know how to get out of this forest.


Page 26: Once upon a time, in the

Angry and disappointed, Princess Jolin left the Wizard’s house--- with Prince Jack. Now, they’re on their way home.

生氣又失望,裘琳公主離開了巫師的家- 伴著傑克王子。現在,他們朝著回家的路 前進。

Oh~ It’s a monkey. In the forest, Oh~ It’s a monkey. In the forest, monkeys are nice and friendly. monkeys are nice and friendly. Just go~ and ask him.Just go~ and ask him.


Look! Bananas. What kind of animal is that?




Page 27: Once upon a time, in the

I’m not a monkey! I’m King Kong,

king of the forest!

我不是猴子!我是金剛, 森林之王!



Page 28: Once upon a time, in the

I want yellow and red mushroom. What about you? 我要吃黃色和紅色蘑菇。你呢?

I’m Yellow Mushroom. Eat me! Eat me! I can make you handsome.

我是黃色蘑菇。吃我! 吃我!我可以讓你變英 俊喔!

I’m Red Mushroom. Eat me! Eat me! I can make you fit!我是紅色蘑菇。吃我!吃我!我可以讓你身材好喔!

II’’m… Black m… Black Mushroom. Mushroom. Eat… me! Eat me! Eat… me! Eat me! I can make youI can make you healthy.healthy. 我是……黑色蘑菇。我是……黑色蘑菇。吃……我!我可以讓你變吃……我!我可以讓你變健康。健康。

Since you say so, I’ll have the black one.既然你這樣說,我只好吃黑色的。

Page 29: Once upon a time, in the

Those colorful mushrooms are poisonous!

I need to go to the bathroom!


Page 30: Once upon a time, in the

After eating the healthy black mushroom, Princess Jolin started to feel After eating the healthy black mushroom, Princess Jolin started to feel

better, while Prince Jack began to feel weaker and weaker. They moved better, while Prince Jack began to feel weaker and weaker. They moved

on and on. Finally, they arrived their sweet home.on and on. Finally, they arrived their sweet home.

Mom! Dad! I’m back!Mom! Dad! I’m back!

媽咪!爹地!媽咪!爹地! 我回來了我回來了! 吃了有益健康的黑色蘑菇後,裘琳公主 覺得好多了,然而傑克王子愈來愈虛 弱。他們不停的前進。最後,他們抵達 了甜蜜的家。

Page 31: Once upon a time, in the

I don’t want to marry Prince Jack! He doesn’t love me. He loves

me only when I wear those beautiful clothes and jewelry. 我不嫁傑克王子了!他不愛我。他只愛 穿戴著那些美麗衣服 和珠寶 的我。

Page 32: Once upon a time, in the

Oh yes. I’m really happy for you.


Now I realize that health and knowledge are more important than those expensive clothes. Knowledge is power and health is

wealth.現在我了解健康和知識比那些 昂貴的服飾重要。 知識是力量 ,健 康是財 富。

Mom! Dad! Let’s invite Prince Popeye Mom! Dad! Let’s invite Prince Popeye and Einstein to our palace. I want toand Einstein to our palace. I want to learn something from them.learn something from them.

媽咪!爹地!邀請卜媽咪!爹地!邀請卜 派王子和愛因斯坦王子派王子和愛因斯坦王子來來 我們宮殿吧!我想向他們學習。我們宮殿吧!我想向他們學習。

You seem to learn a lot from this journey.


King and Queen: Sounds great !
