Transcript of “ON THE GO”

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Look for ways to change up your workout routine so you don’t get bored and/or hit a plateau.

Moderate exercise 5–6 days/week provides better results than the occasional full-body pummeling.

VARIETY: Variety is the spice of life and fitness. A lifetime of health and fitness is achievable if you look for ways to change up your routine. Doing the same thing over and over again is the quickest way to get bored and/or hit a plateau. Get creative and think outside the box. Curiosity is a key reason why I’ve been able to sustain a high level of fitness for over 20 years. If I see something that looks fun and challenging, I try it.

CONSISTENCY:If you are looking to change/improve your body, consistency is more important than intensity. Moderate forms of exercise done consistently provide far better results than the occasional full-body pummeling. Intense but less frequent workouts simply won’t give you the momentum you need to succeed. It takes 5 to 6 days a week to guarantee results.

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A. With your right leg slightly bent, extend your left leg straight behind you and bring your left arm forward.

B. In a smooth motion, hop onto your left leg, extending your right leg behind you and your right arm forward. Alternate sides for 1 minute.

A. Start with one knee up and alternate legs as if you’re jumping in and out of tires on an obstacle course.

B. Jump forward 4 times, then backward 4 times. Do this slow and controlled for the fi rst 30 seconds, and then speed it up the last 30 seconds.

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INTENSITY: If you want to see change, you have to push yourself. Avoiding pain or focusing on the possibility of injury won’t get you results. You must learn to “find the line”—that place where you do an extra push-up, squat deeper in your lunge, or add more weight/resistance as you get stronger. It’s discovering your pain/discomfort threshold so you can get the job done, without jeopardizing good form or injuring yourself. If you don’t push yourself, you’ll never know what it’s like to be fit and healthy.

If you want to see change, you have to “find the line”—the place where you can push yourself without

jeopardizing good form or injuring yourself.


PLAY: Try not to focus on the weight loss and just go outside (or inside) and PLAY! Every Sunday I head down to the original Muscle Beach in Santa Monica and meet a group of friends for a two-and-a-half-hour fitness extravaganza. We do a crazy combination of pull-ups, handstands, and tons of wacky push-ups, and I love it. I encourage you to get involved in SOMETHING athletic—anything that would be fun and enjoyable for you. If you shift to a mindset of having fun, you won’t obsess as much about the calories, inches, and your weight.

Get involved in something athletic—something you truly enjoy so you don’t obsess about the

calories, inches, and your weight.

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A. Side lunge onto your left leg.

B. Come out of the lunge by bringing your left foot in to meet your right foot.

C.Place weight on your left leg and kick your right leg out to the side, as high as you can without straining.


Repeat lunge/kick combo for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side for 30 seconds.


A. Stand on the resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring the handles up to shoulder height.

B. Squat down and up for 1 minute at a moderate pace. If needed, you can hold the handles at your waist to decrease the resistance.

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REALITY: If you want positive, long-term change in life, you have to accept the reality of your current situation. Let go of your ego and find ways to love who you are right now. Stop lying to yourself and those around you about what you’re doing, what you’ve done, and what you’re going to do. If you’re truly working out hard and eating clean, then you won’t have to tell everyone about it because . . . guess what? We’ll know.

If you want positive long-term change in life, be honest with yourself and accept the reality

of your current situation.

PLAN: We’re pretty good at scheduling when to go to bed, when to eat, when to watch our favorite TV show; yet we find ourselves trying to squeeze our workouts in. The “fit it in whenever” approach might work for a bit, but it never survives in the long run. You can’t have a fitness lifestyle if you don’t have a long-term plan. Don’t wait to fit your workouts in whenever you can, schedule them in advance.

Don’t just fit your workouts in whenever you can, schedule them in advance.


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A. Stand on the resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your left arm bent at 90 degrees and do 8 bicep curls with your right arm.

B.Switch sides and do 8 bicep curls with your left arm, while holding your right arm at 90 degrees.Alternate sides for 1 minute.

Stand on the resistance band with your Switch sides and do 8 bicep curls with


A. Begin in lunge position with the band positioned under your left foot and the handle in your right hand. Be sure to adjust the positioning of the band until you fi nd a resistance that’s suitable for you.

B. Pull the band back as if you’re starting a lawnmover. Keep your palms facing in. Perform at a moderate pace for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

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STRESS: Stressed-out, sleep-deprived people don’t eat right or exercise regularly. Stress depletes energy, strength, and desire, making it impossible to be fit and healthy. Don’t waste your time on gossip, envy, anger, guilt, arrogance, regret, jealousy, fear, or anxiety. Eliminate the stress; it destroys the energy you need to stay healthy and fit.

Eliminate stress. It depletes the energy you need to stay healthy and fit.


ENTHUSIASM: Your workouts require commitment, determination, planning, consistency, and intensity. If you don’t like what you’re doing, there’s no way on earth you’ll succeed. Enthusiasm is a huge piece of the puzzle. I don’t know about you, but if I don’t love something, then I don’t do it. Period. It boggles my mind why anyone would continue to do anything they don’t enjoy. So, figure out what you love and do that.

Working out requires commitment and determination, so figure out what you love and DO THAT.

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A. First position is with your hands shoulder-width apart, fi ngers turned out.

B.Second position is with your hands shoulder-width apart, fi ngers turned in.

C.Third position is with your arms wide. Hands should be 3–8 inches wider than your shoulders.

Perform push-ups 3 ways for 20 seconds each.

A. Start standing upright. Reach down toward the outside of your right foot with both hands.

B.Enage your core and sweep your arms across your body as you reach overhead to your left. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch sides and do the same.


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FLEXIBILITY: People often think stretching is boring and takes up way too much time. I’m here to tell you that it’s time to rethink your position. Staying limber and fl exible increases mental relaxation, greatly reduces the risk of various injuries, and slows the aging process in muscles and joints. Who wouldn’t want all that? I know I do.

Staying limber and fl exible reduces the risk of injuryand slows the aging process in muscles and joints.


DIET: You are what you eat. Healthy, nutritious food provides the energy you need to get through a hectic day. Our bodies don’t run on exercise; they run on the fuel we put in our bodies. If you bring the same level of discipline to your nutrition as you do to your workouts, you’ll greatly reduce a lifetime of health risks, improve your overall quality of life, and see greater physical change in a shorter period of time.

Our bodies don’t run on exercise; they run on the fuel we put in our bodies.

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A.Lie on your back, with your knees bent, your heels on the fl oor, and your arms crossed in front of you.

B. Lift your upper and lower body and crunch so your knees meet your elbows. Repeat for 1 minute.


A.Lie on your back with your feet off the fl oor and your hands behind your head. Bring your left elbow and right knee toward each other.

B. Hold for 2 seconds then switch to the other side, bringing your right elbow to your left knee. Alternate sides for 1 minute.


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Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning this or any exercise program.

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