On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology W. Scholz, G. Arndt (2), University of Auckland - Submitted by J. H. Percy (1) Cuuponent handling represents a high proportion of manufacturing costs in industry. It is concerned with all functions which cause material flow at and i n the range of manufacturing workplaces. Based on an investigation of t h e component handling situation in New Zealand's manufacturing industry, the paper briefly deals with the methodology developed for this purpose, and presents the major results of the industry investigation. Depending on individual sections, New Zealand's manufacturing industry can be classified as situated on the "borderline" between a high and a low technology country, covering a wide range of technological developent. However, the procedures and methods developed here, are equally applicable in any industrial country, and particulaa in those sectors where products and production quantities are similar to those existing in New Zealand, where batch production predaninates. 1.0 INTRODUCTION - developnt of strategies to encourage the improvement Using an established definition /l/,"component handling" is cerned with all functions causing material flow at the workplace, Based on these objectives, the N.Z. investigation was especially in the range or itmediate vicinity of manufacturing performed in three phases: units. It must therefore be seen as part of the overall Phase I: Selection, from the large variety of &ern materials handling function, which covers the entire material component handling techniques available today, flow in and out of manufacturing establishments. of the handling function within the factory environment. con- of those considered as appropriate For N.Z.. The importance of component handling can be seen from the fact that within a typical operational cycle, machining requires 20 to 251 of the manufacturing cycle time, while the tasks concerned with In tern of cost, another study /3/, performed in the one-off and small batch production operations, show that 30 to 852 of the total mnufacturing costs are material handling costs. These figures convincingly demonstrate the importance of canpo- nent handling. In earlier years the main emphasis in prcductivi- ty improvanents was on improving the machining processes itself, by using better technologies to reduce main machining time. Recently, however, R+D institutions and industry itself have put major efforts into the improvement of component handling techniques, as witnessed for example by the rapid technological development and growth i n the use of industrial robots in leading industrial countries shown in Figure 1. cmponent handling take an average of 60% /2/. a '$1 -1982 1 Growth of industrial robot installations (Source: IPA, Such developments will become increasingly important. So, in 1988, 50$ of the direct labour in small component assembly w i l l h e 11: Analysis of the present stage of development of canponent handling in N.Z. manufacturing industry. Phase 111: Development of strategies for improving the latter. This paper sutnnarizes the main Findings of phase 2. Details on the other two phases are Found i n /5/. 2.0 lElXlWLoGY FOR INWSTRY ANALYSIS 2.1 Selection Of Industries To Be Investigated The relatively small manufacturing industry of a country such as New Zealand, with approximately 9000 manufacturing establish- ments, has more than 3M) 000 workplaces. Not all of these work- places are concerned with canponent handling so that the nmber of individual handling workplaces is considerably lower. In order to obtain results of econanic significance, those workplaces representing most of the component handling workplaces of greatest econwic importance have t o be determined first. Because of the usually limited availability of data on indivi- dual handling workplaces, an appropriate approach is via the ana- lysis of economic data of the manufacturing industry, which then allows conclusions regarding its component handling function. In the New Zealand investization an analvtical method was used. based on ABC-(Pareto/torenz) analysis of the number of persons employed per industrial subgroup, cdined with the three selection criteria roduction volume, predcminant manufacturi processes (manufactuL of discrete components only, excludiz process industry), and industrial experience of the investiga- be replaced by programable automation, according to one of Merchant's technology forecasts /4/. Certainly this time scale my not relate directly to less industrialised countries. . muclLwv m FABRIrAlIffi. RATE MPL pNImimwpRxuos Nevertheless it is probable that, because of the international 0 p6RIcLL~ WCiIIoFI Iw) EuJlRwl connection of technology developments, these developments will m l C4 INUSTRW. MlIoFI PI0 apply with a time gap of sure years. mm SRCILIrn ImIk Mlm PH) The reasons for performing the research reported here /5/ are EgllRMl based on the premise, that in general, productivity of New Zealand manufacturing industry is low /6/ and that this to a larne extent is due to the use of inefficient canwnent handlina teckques. It is thus part of a continuing effort to upgrade manufacturing industry in New Zealand in particular, and in so doing, to develop methodologies and techniques which may also be useful to other - developing as well as "developed" - countries per se /7/,/8/. The main research objectives were as follo~3: - identification of shortcmings in the techniques used and analysis of reasons for the shortcanings; - determination of appropriate component handling tech- niques, and, if necessary, the development of these; M sLB(IIxp *EAT Oarrr*orar' 1s MEED m -ISM Fig. 2: Industrial subgroups selected and their characteristic econanic data Out of 148 existing industrial subgroups, 10 were selected for the investigation. These 10 . subgroubs. shown in figure 2, represent only 6.8% of all industrial subgroups, but, as a result of the selection by ABC-analysis, they represent 152 of all persons employed, 17.82 of all establishments, 15.51 of the value Annals of the ClRP Vol. 32/1/1983 393

Transcript of On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

Page 1: On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

W. Scholz, G. Arndt (2), University of Auckland - Submitted by J. H. Percy ( 1 )

Cuuponent handling represents a high proportion of manufacturing costs i n industry. It is concerned with all functions which cause mater ia l flow a t and i n the range of manufacturing workplaces. Based on an invest igat ion of t h e component handling s i t u a t i o n i n New Zealand's manufacturing industry, the paper b r i e f ly deals with the methodology developed f o r t h i s purpose, and presents the major r e s u l t s of t h e industry invest igat ion.

Depending on individual sect ions, New Zealand's manufacturing industry can be c l a s s i f i ed as s i tua t ed on the "borderline" between a high and a low technology country, covering a wide range of technological developent . However, t he procedures and methods developed here, are equally appl icable i n any i n d u s t r i a l country, and p a r t i c u l a a i n those sectors where products and production quan t i t i e s are similar t o those ex i s t ing i n N e w Zealand, where batch production predaninates.

1.0 INTRODUCTION - d e v e l o p n t of s t r a t e g i e s t o encourage the improvement

Using an establ ished de f in i t i on /l/,"component handling" is cerned with a l l funct ions causing mater ia l flow a t the workplace, Based on these object ives , t he N.Z. invest igat ion was espec ia l ly i n the range or i tmediate v i c in i ty of manufacturing performed i n three phases: uni ts . It m u s t therefore be seen as pa r t of the overal l Phase I: Select ion, from t h e l a rge va r i e ty of &ern materials handling function, which covers the entire mater ia l component handling techniques ava i l ab le today, flow in and out of manufacturing establishments.

of t he handling function within the factory environment. con-

of those considered as appropriate For N.Z..

The importance of component handling can be seen from the fact that within a typical operat ional cycle, machining requires 20 to 251 of the manufacturing cycle time, while the tasks concerned with In t e r n of cost, another study /3/, performed i n the one-off and small batch production operations, show that 30 t o 852 of the t o t a l mnufactur ing costs are mater ia l handling costs.

These figures convincingly demonstrate t he importance o f canpo- nent handling. In earlier years t he main emphasis i n prcductivi- t y improvanents was on improving t h e machining processes itself, by using better technologies to reduce main machining time. Recently, however, R+D i n s t i t u t i o n s and industry itself have put major efforts into the improvement of component handling techniques, as witnessed for example by the rapid technological development and growth i n t h e use of i ndus t r i a l robots i n leading indus t r i a l countr ies shown i n Figure 1.

cmponent handling take an average of 60% /2/.



-1982 1

Growth of i ndus t r i a l robot i n s t a l l a t i o n s (Source: IPA,

Such developments w i l l become increasingly important. So, i n 1988, 50$ of t h e d i r e c t labour i n small component assembly w i l l

h e 11: Analysis of the present s t age of development of canponent handling i n N.Z. manufacturing industry.

Phase 111: Development of s t r a t e g i e s f o r improving the latter.

This paper sutnnarizes t h e main Findings of phase 2. Detai ls on the other two phases are Found i n / 5 / .


2.1 Select ion Of Indus t r i e s To Be Investigated

The r e l a t ive ly small manufacturing industry of a country such as New Zealand, with approximately 9000 manufacturing establ ish- ments, has more than 3M) 000 workplaces. Not a l l of these work- places are concerned with canponent handling so that the nmber of individual handling workplaces is considerably lower. In order to obtain r e s u l t s of econanic s ignif icance, those workplaces representing most of the component handling workplaces of g rea t e s t econwic importance have t o be determined first.

Because of the usual ly l imited a v a i l a b i l i t y o f data on indivi- dual handling workplaces, an appropriate approach is v i a the ana- l y s i s o f economic data of the manufacturing industry, which then allows conclusions regarding its component handling function. In t h e New Zealand invest izat ion an analvtical method was used. based on ABC-(Pareto/torenz) ana lys i s of the number of persons employed per i ndus t r i a l subgroup, cd ined with t h e three se l ec t ion c r i t e r i a roduction volume, predcminant manufacturi processes (manufactuL of d i sc re t e components only, e x c l u d i z process industry) , and indus t r i a l experience of the investiga-

be replaced by programable automation, according to one of Merchant's technology forecasts /4/. Certainly this time scale m y not relate d i r ec t ly to less indus t r i a l i s ed countries.

. muclLwv m FABRIrAlIffi. RATE MPL pNImimwpRxuos

Nevertheless it is probable tha t , because of t h e internat ional 0 p 6 R I c L L ~ WCiIIoFI Iw) EuJlRwl connection of technology developments, these developments w i l l mlC4 INUSTRW. MlIoFI PI0 apply with a time gap of sure years. m m

SRCILIrn ImIk Mlm PH) The reasons for performing t h e research reported here /5/ are EgllRMl

based on the premise, that i n general , productivity of New Zealand manufacturing industry is low /6/ and that this to a l a rne extent is due t o t h e use of ine f f i c i en t canwnent handlina t e c k q u e s . It is thus par t of a continuing e f f o r t t o upgrade manufacturing industry i n New Zealand i n pa r t i cu la r , and i n so doing, to develop methodologies and techniques which may a l s o be useful to other - developing as well as "developed" - countr ies per se /7/,/8/.

The main research object ives were as fol lo~3: - i den t i f i ca t ion of sho r t cmings i n t h e techniques used and analysis o f reasons f o r the shortcanings; - determination of appropriate component handling tech- niques, and, i f necessary, the development of these;

M sLB(IIxp *EAT Oarrr*orar' 1s MEED m -ISM

Fig. 2: Indus t r i a l subgroups selected and t h e i r cha rac t e r i s t i c econanic data

Out of 148 ex i s t ing indus t r i a l subgroups, 10 w e r e se lected f o r t h e invest igat ion. These 10 . subgroubs. shown in figure 2, represent only 6.8% of a l l i n d u s t r i a l subgroups, but, as a r e s u l t of the se l ec t ion by ABC-analysis, they represent 152 of a l l persons employed, 17.82 of a l l establishments, 15.51 of t h e value

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 32/1/1983 393

Page 2: On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

added and manufacturing industry.

with the help of the NZ Department of S t a t i s t i c s . From each of the indus t r i a l subgroups selected the Department supplied addresses of establishments. 41 canpanies were v i s i t ed during the investigation.

15.81 of the turnover i n the whole of the New Zealand

The select ion of representat ive en te rp r i se s was performed

0 Economic conditions 0 Availability and qualification

of workforce

2.2 Scope Of Industry Investigation

10 selected indus t r i a l subgroups, show that the c l a s s i f i ca t ion i n t o indus t r i a l subgroups used by the Department of S t a t i s t i c s is not very appropriate for the needs of t h i s study. Many canpanies were d i f f i c u l t t o categorise, as they manufacture products rele- vant t o several subgroups. Information obtained f r m one company therefore a l s o yields information appertaining t o other sub- ~ p s . The degree t o which the selected canpany is representa- t i v e f o r its particular indus t r i a l subgroup is therefore only me- dim, however to the whole of the manufacturing industry it 1s high.


The v i s i t s , performed i n canpanies spread across all of the


NO. OF COZlPANY Fig. 3: Cuantitative learning curve f o r i ndus t r i a l v i s i t s

Figure 3 shows t he information obtained as a function of in- creasing the number of v i s i t s . Cnly those i t am a r e added which r ea l ly add new information, and a r e relevant t o canponent handling. The graph represents a typical learning curve, and shows t h a t t he number of companies may be limited without great loss of detai led or addi t ional information. The reason for the r e l a t ive ly slow start of t h e "learning curve" is t h a t the first 10 v i s i t s were preliminary s tud ie s before the general questionnaire was established. More than 90% of the total new i n f o m t i o n items discovered were obtained i n the first 18 v i s i t s (441). The later v i s i t s however helped t o iden t i fy the relevance of shortccmings i n t h e establishment of a frequency d i s t r ibu t ion , and t o confirm earlier findings.

- I

- transport systems - handl ing workplaces

2.3 Criteria And Method Of Analysis

For the evaluation of t he component handling s i tua t ion in the manufacturing industry of a country a multitude of criteria can be used. In this invest igat ion the c r i t e r i a were c l a s s i f i ed i n t o the two groups shown i n t ab le 1.


processes storaae systems

Social ihuman determinators

Table 1: Criteria for t he analysis of the canponent handling s i tua t ion

The first p u p covers criteria which character ise the c a n p e n t handling s i tua t ion within an industry generally, such as sa fe ty regulations or award agreements. The second group is concerned with criteria which analyse individual handling problems, such as t he application of i ndus t r i a l robots. Accordingly and i n order t o obtain canparative data, two questionnaires were developed, one of a general nature and one on workplace analysis, t o be used f o r t he individual analysis of component handling workplaces.

information, especial ly for t he industry-related criteria, was also obtained by contact with d i f f e ren t i n s t i t u t i o n s such a s industry boards, unions and government departments. The mre s i m i f i c a n t findings of t he New Zealand invest igat ion w i l l now be described, based on t ab l e 1.

Apart frm the individual caopany invest igat ions,


3.1 Products And Production Sizes

Products and t h e i r production s i z e s determine t h e i r mst economic manufacturing methods. The products analysed i n the investigated companies, be they ca r s , home appliances, e lectronic or agr i cu l tu ra l equipment, are similar or even the same as those in overseas industr ies , because N.Z. customers d e m d s are similar t o those overseas, and because many of t he canpanies investigated (LIlJ) are pa r t ly overseas-owned. Products and manufacturing processes are therefore based on technical agreements, which a l s o e x i s t w i t h i n independent N.Z.

Wff WN P l i r m C T s ~ r n - m LMFKUXTIOYWAAE m w


p: 4 2 0

1 z -10 u - D I 101- imi- M O l l - 4 L B L m U€FA l L m M O B DILm


Fig. 4: Frequency d i s t r ibu t ion of production volrrmes

N e w Zealand production quan t i t i e s are genetally lower than those i n highly industr ia l ised overseas countries. However many products are made i n the medium- and high- volume production range. There is no clear de f in i t i on of "low", "medium" or "high" volume production. In f igure 'I, W+ng the ffequency d i s t r ibu t ion of production s i z e s of the maw products, a r b i t r a r y borders a r e used a t 100 and 10 OOO un i t s produced per year, respectively. Lou production vollrmes are mder-represented, because the ques t ioma i re only asked for the main products m u f a c t u r e d . Houever, the study is representative f o r mediurc- and high-volume production. Here more than half of the products analysed could be c l a s s i f i ed i n the high volume production range of more than 10 000 un i t s per year. Figure 4 represents the total annual production quantity of a l l product mcdels. The different product models were however manufactured on the same production un i t s m u a l l y after set up changes.

If t h e production vollrme of a product is s p l i t up i n t o the individual production volumes of its d i f f e ren t models, the d i s t r ibu t ion , depicted in figure 5, looks different. The cross-hatched area shows the desired d i s t r ibu t ion f o r increased automation, viz. few product models with high production volumes. The New Zealand d i s t r ibu t ion shows however t h a t only few products e x i s t in this area. &I the other hand the d i s t r ibu t ion illustrates that medium-volume production, with a r e l a t ive ly small number of models per product, is C ( ~ P P Q I (25 main products, or 391, consist of 10 or fewer models w i t h a maximum production volume between 101 and 10 000 units per year).

Frequency d i s t r ibu t ion of nrunber of mdels per product with t h e i r maximum production volume


Page 3: On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

3.2 Equipment And Manufacturing Processes

It is not possible t o s t r i c t l y c l a s s i fy the indus t r i a l subgroups investigated i n t o groups of high or low technological standard of w u f a c t u r i n g . The spread from a high t o a low standard, even within one cappany, is very wide. Anything f r an microprocessor-controlled equipment to very old mnventional machinery can be found. Also i t cannot be sa id that i n general the bigger companies use more advanced technology than do the smaller ones. Because the products manufactured i n New Zealand are es sen t i a l ly the same a s overseas, manufacturing processes as well as equipment used are similar. The main difference e x i s t s i n the degree of appl icat ion of mre automated equipment. A.good example with avai lable data is the introduction of NC-machinery i n t o New Zealand /9/. Figure 6: shows the number of NC-metalworking machines in s t a l l ed per million people for selected countries. While the growth rate of NC-equipnent i n New Zealand is about equal t o m o s t o ther industr ia l ised countries, a time l a g of approximately 6-10 years ex i s t s .

Fig. 6: NC-metalworking machines f o r selected countries

. ,,. M SELF- 1-M 11-20 21-30 31110 41-9 3-Fa 61-M 71-R3 81-90 91-100 %

m m n R OF sEw-muE FWIFET

Fig. 7: Frequency d i s t r ibu t ion of self-designed equipment

Page 11

Most New Zealand c m p n i e s tend to purchase t h e i r manufacturing equipment. A s figure 7 show, 62% of the caupanies which supplied su i t ab le information have a percentage of purchased equipment 5 80%. Around a quarter of t he manufacturers however design and build a substant ia l amount of the i r equipment themselves. Also it was found t h a t t h e ava i l ab i l i t y of standard handling equipment is very limited and has therefore to be bu i l t with high cos t s t o order.

Concerning the equipment age f igure 8 shows that 58% of the production plant i n New Zealand is older than 10 years. Although this figure is ce r t a in ly high, the comparison with German industry show that the average N.Z. equipraent age i S Only s l i g h t l y higher.

3.3 Economic Conditions

The first and foremost requirement for improving a compcnent handling task is economic v i ab i l i t y . Main factors influencing economic v i a b i l i t y are plant u t i l i s a t i o n , required return on investment, labour cost , plant depreciation regulations and equipment cost .

Plant u t i l i s a t i o n can be seen as an indicat ion f o r production sizes. High plant u t i l i s a t i o n usually means high production volumes indicat ing t h a t mre econanical production methods such as e.g. flow production can be applied. Furthermore cost advantages can be achieved by the rrsually higher tax-exempted depreciation rates f o r more-shift operation.

O f the companies investigaated (see f igure 9 ) 90.24% work l-shift,12.2% of then with a second shift i n special areas, such as NC-machinery, press-shop or p l a s t i c moulding, and another 2.44% with a th i rd shift i n p l a s t i c moulding. The remaining 9.76% are divided i n t o 2.442 with an extended 1-shift operation of 1x12 hours per day, and 7.32% with 3-shift operation. The f igures c l ea r ly indicate t h a t 2- or +sh i f t operation is not copm3n in New Zealand, a fact which is very surpr is ing when working with capital-intensive plant such a s K-machinery.

l-9ilFr DOOYUI 2-siIFr >%In (M) l-%lFI (m) (3x84)


Fig. 9: Distribution of shift operation

Apart fm t h i s , it was frequently found that the degree of plant u t i l i s a t i o n even within 1-shift operation yas qu i t e low. In 24% of the cmpanies v i s i t ed caruoent was made on the low degree of u t i l i s a t i c n of expensive plant. In all cases the managers claimed tha t this was due to the present (1981-82) depressed s i tua t ion of the New Zealand ewnany.

A second major parameter, return on investment required, can also be expressed by the amortisation or payback period. Because of the in t e rna t iona l connection of mnetary systems, canpanies in New Zealand and other countries would l i k e the maximum amortisation period not t o exceed 3 t o 4 years.

Since automated a l t e rna t ives cmpe te with manual solut ions in component handling , the influence of labour cost is quite s ign i f i can t . Figure 10 show a compariscn of average hourly labour cost i n selected OECD-countries. New Zealand (and Japan!) i n this canparison lies at the lower end of tbe scale. The incentives f o r automation through potent ia l saving of labour cost is therefore lover than i n most other countries. However the gap i n labour cos t between New Zealand, with its high in f l a t ion r a t e , and other "low-inflation" countr ies is closing fast. For example the average salary increases in the FRG have been 5% over the last few years, while N.Z. increases have been around 15l.mark.

Fig. 8: Age comparison of production plant New Zealand-Federal Republic of G e m y 1977(Sources: NZ Manufacturing Engineers Federation, Deutsches Ins t i tu t fuer Wirtschaftsforschung)


Page 4: On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

*)INCLMIK, WyIII4RY WAGE KSE. L Y r W t i G E S T E 1 l l Z s = 1.8 Y

Fig. 10: Canparison average hourly labour cost i n selected OECD countr ies 1980 (Sources: OECD, I n s t i t u t e of t he G e m Econany, NZ Award agreements, own calculat ions)

Depreciation regulat ions, as well as spec ia l incent ives such as tax exemptions i n developing areas, are governmental tmls to influence technological developments because they o f f e r invest- ment incentives. These regulat ions are d i f f e ren t f r an country to country and d i f f e r of ten regional ly within a country. A comparison, based on equal po ten t i a l savings th rwgh improved s y s t e m but on t h e d i f f e ren t depreciat ion regulat ions, showed, i f calculat ing the canparable c a p i t a l ava i l ab le for investment that there is i n NZ about 9% less c a p i t a l avai lable with 2-shift operation and 17% less with 3-shift operation than i n the FRG.

Equipnent cost determines the necessary investment volume. Comparable handling equipment e i t h e r imported or manufactured loca l ly was found to be up t o 20% more expensive than i n the FRG. R-ns are the l imited market volrrme, t he high t ransportat ion cost, sales tax and duty.

3.4 Availabi l i ty And Qualifications Of Workforce

It is s ign i f i can t that t h e number of graduates even in l a rge manufacturing ccmpanies is low. Figure 11 shcus the d i s t r ibu t ion of graduates including NZCE(New Zealand Certificate of Engineering) as a percentage of t h e total number of employees, correlated with the s i z e of t he canpanies. Often graduates are not employed according t o t h e i r s k i l l s , e.g. a chemical engineer is working i n the f i e l d of mechanical engineering.

Fig. 11: Distr ibut ion of graduates i n different-sized canpanies

Considering the exis tence of a manufacturing engineering department, t he s i t ua t ion is similar. As f igu re 12 i l l u s t r a t e s , 10 canpanies or 38% have no such department a t a l l , which means that t h i s task is performed by less-qual i f ied departments such as workshop production. Where manufacturing engineering departments do exist, they employ only a few qua l i f i ed engineers. Only 25% of t he canpanies asked employ a person with s k i l l s i n component handling techniques.

BFtCMI IN WKW.Iffi 9clN3"hG SFPnnMn As I iF ill% WQ 0: W&ES Ih rgpJw,

Fig. 12: Distr ibut ion of engineers i n manufacturing engineering departments

Pa ra l l e l s e x i s t Detween the New Zealand and the Australian s i tua t ion . In AWtralia a considerable shortage of engineers e x i s t s i n manufacturing / lo/ . For example, it h a s been e s t i w t e d that, canpared to Austral ia , there are ten times as many engineers per thousand people working i n manufacturing in the U.S.A., i n Japan twenty times as many, and i n Br i t a in three times. The number of engineers per every thousand people working i n manufacturing i n Australia is between 5.8 and 7.3 / lo/ . I n the N.Z. invest igat ion the number of engineers employed in manufacturing engineering departments per thousand employees was 8.2, s l i g h t l y higher than t h e average Australian f igu re for 1978. The fact t h a t inadequacies exist i n the wnufactur ing planning function i n New Zealand industry is also st rongly supported by the f indings of t h i s invest igat ion.

3.5 Social/human Determinators

Several social/human aspects re la ted to m p o n e n t handling e x i s t , t he main one k i n g t h e th rea t that the improvement of handling workplaces, especial ly when automated, may cause redundancy. To balance the advantages and disadvantages of aut-tion requires decis ions o f t en of a highly controversial p o l i t i c a l nature, involving the three i n t e r e s t g r w p s workers, represented by the unions, employers, represented by the manufacturers' and employers' federat ions, and the general public represented by the government and its ins t i t u t ions .

Within t h e scope of an invest igat ion such as this it is not possible t o discuss all problem areas concerning a u t w t i o n i n s u f f i c i e n t de ta i l , however the study attempted to point out t he ex i s t ing regulations concerning autaaat ion, as well as t h e main a r g m t s for and against automation f rm t he viewpoints of the d i f f e ren t i n t e r e s t groups.

To sunrmarize, no clear regulations, especial ly award agreements, concerning the autanation of handling workplaces, e x i s t i n New Zealand. t he arguments of ten f o n d w i t h employers, unions w i l l generally accept new technology (automation usual ly means new technology), if well informed and involved i n its introduction. On t he s i d e of t h e manufacturers' and employers' federat ions only vague recomaendations e x i s t , aimed a t informing and cooperating with the unions concerned. No state and government l eg i s l a t ion restricting introduction of new technology exis ts . Safety and heal th r egu la t iomare kept very general and only regulate general working conditions. Only few program for redundancy and r e t r a in ing e x i s t . The above gives sane indicat ion of the indus t r i a l background,

i nd i r ec t ly related to c a n w e n t handling, against which the study was performed. 'RE more specific aspects of component handling w i l l nwbe discussed, again with reference to t ab le 1.

However, and t h i s is contradictory to


4.1 General system Design

A general lack of planning i n the overa l l mater ia l handling function w a s evident. I n 39% of t he canpanies invest igated the ove ra l l material handling concept had to be c r i t i c i s e d . 47% of the canpanies admitted never having perfonaed an ana lys i s of their material flow. The main point of c r i t i c i sm was t ha t no s ing le , main material flov d i rec t ion is recognisable. Long t ransport dis tances a r e the r e su l t . Saoetimes succeasive rmnufacturing processes are ca r r i ed out i n p l an t s located far apart from each other. In most of the cases observed the production plant has been expanded by adding areas to the ex i s t ing p l an t without a l t e r i n g the material handling function according t o the new requirements.


Page 5: On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

Another problem comoon to New Zealand arises f r m the use of overseas componentry. Often these components are not transported i n standard containers or on standard pa l l e t s , so t ha t t h e i r t r ans fe r to the in t e rna l company t ransport and storage f a c i l i t i e s causes several handling operations. Here a detai led analysis of the ove ra l l handling cost for component manufacturer and cmponent user is missing.

4.2 Storage-related Problems

A s per t h e earlier de f in i t i on of cmponent handling, t he study only d e a l t with storage-related problems in the v i c i n i t y of lnanufacturing uni ts . The basic problems found were (frequency of occurrence, as a percentage of total number of cmpanies invest igated, i n brackets):

- Unsuitable s torage systems (equipment) (43%) - Lack of storage space (25%) - Inappropriate s tock con t ro l (11%)

Unsuitable storage systems were typical . The cmponentry is often put on t he f l o o r , very o f t en i n containers stacked on top of each other , so t h a t pa r t s i den t i f i ca t ion is only possible after an extended search period. Often rack and she l f systems are unable t o carry standard p a l l e t s o r containers. Or there were double or multi-floor s torage layouts only accessible v i a a staircase thus requir ing long t ransport times. Reccmnendations f o r w i n g mainly simple, standard off-the-shelf storage and t ransport equipment, ava i l ab le through local manufacturers and agents , were made.

In 25% of the companies invest igated, a lack of storage space h a s been mentioned i n connection with cmponentry s tored on t ransport ways o r i n machine areas, or with t h e use of outside stores. The r e su l t i ng disadvantages are follow-up operations such as rehandling or sandblasting of canponents rusted in outs ide s tores .

Stock control , especial ly inadequate prts location, preparation and iden t i f i ca t ion , was considered a ser ious problem in 11% of the cmpanies invest igated, and often led to unnecessary labour demands.

4.3 Transport Problems

be sunnarimd as follows: F r m the study, N.Z. company-internal t ransport problems can

- Unsuitable t ransport m e a n s (21%) - Unnecessary rehandling of cmponents (21%) - Cmponentry put i n t ransport way or machining area (21%) - U m k e d t ransport and machining area (13%)

Selection p o s s i b i l i t i e s and a v a i l a b i l i t y of su i t ab le t ransport devices is poor. In 21% of t h e canpanies unsuitable t ransport

such as ba r re l s or sacks d i f f i c u l t fo r handling o r devices m s u i t a b l e fo r protect ing sens i t i ve p a r t s were c r i t i c i s e d . The most c m n f a u l t were p a r t s put on t h e f loo r without considering fb r the r t ransport act ions, leading t o unnecessary parts handling. Transferring cmponents frm a larger i n t o a smaller container f o r easier handling was found t o be another common inadequacy (f igure 13).

Having t r a n s p w t and machining areas not marked (usual ly by painted l i n e s on the f loo r ) scmetimes leads to a very chaot ic mixture o f areas used f o r transport- , storage-, and machining purposes. Many unnecessary handling operations r e su l t . This problem was found i n 13% of the companies. Again it can be expected t h a t this percentage is ac tua l ly considerably higher.

4.4 Workplace-related Problems

problem areas: Workplace-related problems may be grouped under s i x individual

- Unergonomic design of workplaces (57%) - Machine twl loading and unloading (32%) - Indus t r i a l robot appl icat ion (43%) - Feeders and specially-designed loading and unloading

- Multiple tools (such as progression d i e s ) (13%) - Alternative machinery (16%)

equipment (25%)

In 57% of the companies analysed the ergonomic design of individual workplaces was found to be unsatisfactory. Typical inadequacies are e.g. missing support equipment (suspended tools, assembly j igs ) , non-optimised handling sequences (time and mtion s tud ie s ) or unpleasant working conditions (illumination, working posi t ion) . The workplaces c r i t i c i s e d are mainly concer- ned with product assembly, and are operated e igh t hours per day. Because of this high degree of u t i l i s a t i o n , they o f f e r a po ten t i a l for subs t an t i a l savings. So far New Zealand management has not su f f i c i en t ly recognised t h i s opportunity for e f f ec t ing savings. The low percentage of manufacturing engineering departments or of persons responsible fo r the design of workplaces and equipment, are reasons f o r t h e present s i t ua t ion .

Concerning machine too l loading and unloadi , two main inadequacies were f i r s t l y (found i n 14% of the c m z n i e s ) t h e use of unsui table devices for the supply of cauponents a t the machine tool (see also figure 13) , secondly (18%) t h e lack of s u i t a b l e j i g s and clamps f o r posit ioning the cmponents for the mchining operation, i n order to reduce the set-up changes required, and clamping- and machining time.

In 43% of the companies invest igated i n d e t a i l , discussions and t h e analysis of individual workplaces fo r the po ten t i a l appl icat ion of i ndus t r i a l robots and pick-and-place units were performed. For economic (not technical) reasons i t however s e a m unl ikely that i n d u s t r i a l robots w i l l be introduced to any g rea t extent i n t o New Zealand i n the near future , s ince only one of t he cmpanies invest igated uses its machine tools i n +sh i f t operation&.a second one is working a 2x12 hours s h i f t operation. From an econmic viewpoint multi-shift operation is i n most cases a necessary prerequis i te f o r t h e use of i ndus t r i a l robots. The d i s t r ibu t ion of potent ia l technical appl icat ions i n this study is i l l u s t r a t e d i n f igure 14.

Potent ia l i ndus t r i a l robot appl icat ions (data base: %i&iies invest igated)

None of t h e observed workplaces w a s dangerous, nor imposed a d i r e c t health hazard on the worker. However especial ly i n diecast ing (mloading of hot castings, l iqu id metal), forging (hot cmponents, noise) , spraying (poisonous fumes), spotwelding and deburring (sparks, noise) , jobs are unpleasant and monotonous and incorporate certain heal th hazards.

While i n d u s t r i a l robots, through their p rogramab i l i t y and exchangeable gr ippers , o f f e r t h e necessary f l e x i b i l i t y t o deal

Fig. 13: F i l l i n g canponents frm a l a r g e r i n t o a smaller with a l a r g e number Of different cmponents and tasks , feeders container and spec ia l ly designed equipment are l imited i n t h e i r handling

function. Feeders f o r band and s t r i p material may however deal Although unnecessar rehandli of can mts was e x p l i c i t l y with greater material VariatiOrIS, and are therefore offered as

c r i t i c i s e d i n only 21; of all G p a n y repoyts, t h i s seems far too S t a n d a r d equipment. I n t he inves t ig t ion especial ly P m Shops low to be representat ive of t h e ove ra l l s i t ua t ion . were analysed, and it was found i n 25% o f t he ccmfanies that

autanatic equipment could be applied econauically, replacing The acceptance of marked t ransport ways/aisles and machining mainly feeding operations. It was also observed that

areas is generally low. In 21% of the canpanies invest igated, Safety regulat ions are not W e l l regarded in N . Z . p m s shops. the stori OF can ents i n marked areas which should be kept In 14% of the relevant r epor t s -nt - passed on t he free, & s e w 2 It amin be that the ove ra l l mn-existence or mn-use of s a fe ty guards on presses. figure is far higher.


Page 6: On the Analysis of Component Handling Technology

Multiple too l s , such as progression d ies , multiple boring bars or multi-spindle too l s reduce the number of individual machining operations required. and consequently reduce t h e handling operations required. The use of multiple tools w a s recomnended i n 13% of t h e canpanies.

Alternat ive machinery, i. e . mchines which reduce handling time by offer ing mxe machining f ea tu res such as machining cen t r e s , has s t a r t e d to make its way i n t o Neu Zealand industry. This is demonstrated by the i n s t a l l a t i o n of numerically control led machinery as show i n f igu re 6. However t h e introduction of K-machine too l s could still be increased subs t an t i a l ly , and has been suggested i n 16% of the invest igated canpanies. These f igu res are ce r t a in ly too low, because the invest igat ion of a l t e r n a t i v e manufacturing technology was not t he main subject of t he study.

The e f f o r t s required to keep up with in t e rna t iona l technologi- c a l developments, or even t o reduce the ex i s t ing technology gap, demand a high degree of i n i t i a t i v e and dedication by a l l groups involved. I f New Zealand manufacturing industry is t o compete internat ional ly , it increasingly has t o adopt and adapt modern m u f a c t u r i n g methods and handling techniques.

A s a consequence of the r e s u l t s of the N.Z. invest igat ion, s t r a t e g i c a l t e rna t ives for the improvement of the component handling s i tua t ion have been developed and evaluated. The s t r a t e g i e s suggested concentrate mainly on improving the know-how on component handling, and include the deve lopen t of a method of ident i fying, analysing and providing solut ions t o component handling problems, including an evaluation technique to determine the investment po ten t i a l of an improvement task. This method is spec i f i ca l ly designed f o r t h e appl icat ion by planning personnel less conversant with handling technology.


With respect to spec i f i c shortcomings i n component handling i n N.Z., Figure 15 s-rizes t h e d i s t r ibu t ion of each individual handling problem analysed. (For example in su f f i c i en t ergonomic d e s i Q of the workplaces has been indent i f ied as the most ffequent problem, viz. i n 57% of t he cmpanies) .

m7fKYff mll(RwT

Fig. 15: Distr ibut ion of problems d i r ec t ly re la ted to component handling

This invest igat ion has shown that there is an excel lent poten- tial for improvements i n t h e component handling function of N.Z. wnufactur ing industry. A very l a rge part of the total improvement may be classified as basic organisat ional problems. Approximately 43% of the total number of problems analysed require only minor c a p i t a l expenditure and offer a short term pyback period. They include:

- lack of planning i n the ove ra l l mater ia l handling function, - inappropriate s tock control , - unnecessary rehandling of cmponentry, - canponentry put i n t ransport a is lesand machining areas, - umwked t ransport and machining areas, - non-ergoncmic design of workplaces.

To so lve the other 57% of t he problems mentioned usually requires a more subs t an t i a l investment, these including:

- unsui table s torage systems; - l ack of storage space; - unsui table t ransport m e a n s ; - inappropriate machine tool loading and unloading; - possible i n d u s t r i a l robot appl icat ion; - feeders and spec ia l ly designed equipment needed; - mult iple t o o l s preferable; - a l t e r n a t i v e machinery better.

I t is s ign i f i can t that t h e main source of a l l problems are management r e spons ib i l i t i e s . They include inadequate planning, and arise from a lack of qua l i f i ed staff with full-time respons ib i l i t y i n canponent handling and i n overal l i ndus t r i a l engineering tasks .

A number of factors w h i c h provide considerable pressure for e f f i c i e n t ccmponent handling i n many overseas countr ies are lacking, or are of much less signif icance i n New Zealand. These include : - low plant u t i l i s a t i o n ;

- comparatively low labour cos t ; - depreciation regulat ion not favouring more e f f i c i e n t

- high cost for local and overseas equipment with p l an t u t i l i s a t i o n ;

l imited ava i l ab i l i t y .

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