On Mysticism and Its Challenges: New Religious Movement

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Transcript of On Mysticism and Its Challenges: New Religious Movement

  • 1. On Mysticism and Its Challenges: New Religious Movement 20144 Jacky 1
  • 2. Agenda Mysticism Definitions of Mysticism The Necessity of Mysticism Views of Mysticism by Other Philosophers / Theologians / Psychologists Implications of Mysticism 2
  • 3. Agenda Cult Definition of Cult Case Study: Eastern Lightning () / Church of Almighty God () Challenges 3
  • 4. Mysticism - to conceal / hide - mystic, secret, clandestine, hidden, private 4
  • 5. Philosophical Definitions of Mystical Experience in Wide Sense A (purportedly:) super sense-perceptual or sub sense-perceptual experience granting acquaintance of realities or states of affairs that are of a kind not accessible by way of sense perception, somatosensory modalities, or standard introspection. Exclude religious visions / auditions, OBE, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyanceetc 5
  • 6. Mystical Experience in Narrow Sense A (purportedly:) super sense-perceptual or sub sense-perceptual unitive experience granting acquaintance of realities or states of affairs that are of a kind not accessible by way of sense- perception, somatosensory modalities, or standard introspection. Eradication of multiplicity, Oneness, oceanic feelingetc 6
  • 7. At that time it will be clear to you that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I in you. 14:20 John 14:20 7
  • 8. Other Related Definitions Religious Experience: any experience related to religious context. Narrow sense: without mystical experience Numinous Experience: Mystical experience in wide sense - mystical experience in narrow sense. Non-unitive experience 8
  • 9. Categories of Mystical Experiences Extrovertive and Introvertive framework (Stace, 1960) - Perennialism Theistic and Non-theistic: Theistic: Union with God. I am God. Non-theistic: Neurophysiologically / Drug induced. 9
  • 10. Psychological Definitions of Mysticism Lectures XVI and XVII Mysticism, The Varieties of Religious Experience (William James, 1920) Ineffability: "defies expression, that no adequate report of its content can be given in words" Noetic quality: "insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect Transiency: short occurrence but effect persists Passivity: not active seekers, but passive recipients 10
  • 11. Evidential Force and Value The evidential value of religious experiences (Clark, 1984) The evidential force of religious experience (Davis, 1989) The evidential value of religious experience (Swinburne, 1981) Evidential Force: sufficient warrant for belief in God Evidential Value: justify if holding Principle of Credulity 11
  • 12. The Necessity of Mysticism Here comes my argument, defend one by one 12
  • 13. Scientism All can be explained / studied by science New atheists (e.g. Richard Dawkins) subscribe to that 13
  • 14. Limitations of Knowledge Related to Epistemology Some we cannot know forever Empirical History: particularities in historical events Physics: Unobservable universe, uncertainty principle, weather forecast 14
  • 15. Limitations of Knowledge Rational / Ontological Mathematics: Russells paradox, Gdels incompleteness theorem Computer Science: halting problem Philosophy: 5-minute hypothesis, Matrix-like simulation argument 15
  • 16. Some unsolved at this moment Origin of Universe Origin of Life Hard problem of consciousness P = NP 16
  • 17. Origin of Universe Current mainstream interpretation in physical science: homogeneous God is homogeneous. Universe is homogeneous. Which to choose? By Occams razor, choose universe is homogeneous? Implications: many worlds interpretation, multiverse, bubble universe 17
  • 18. Gap of Human Knowledge How should we fill in? Scientism, New Atheists: Science. God is God of the Gap. Science of the Gap? Science / natural explanation is more superior? With predictive power? With track record? 18
  • 19. Falsifiability of Science Open-end worldview Can always adjust hypotheses Must accept possibility of unknown unexpected events in the future (e.g. miracles) 19
  • 20. Better Knowledge Model Image credit: Monica Anderson 20
  • 21. Better Knowledge Model Image credit: Robin Ford 21
  • 22. Agnosticism We cannot know forever Critique of Pure Reason (Kant) das Ding an sich (thing-in-itself, , Noumenon) Antinomy (): Space and Time, Atomism, Freedom, God the most rational stance, but modern philosophers think this as lazy stance (there is an internal urge) If you have a mystical experience, you still need to handle (explain to yourself) 22
  • 23. Skepticism Doubt everything. If not sure, default is negative. Look for normal explanation before turning to mystical / supernatural explanation. Ray Hyman Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Oregon Cofounded Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), previously Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) 23
  • 24. Pseudoskepticism? Reject pseudoscientific and paranormal events Include yogic flying, therapeutic touch, astrology, fire walking, voodoo, magical thinking, Uri Geller, alternative medicine, channeling, psychic hotlines and detectives, near-death experiences, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), the Bermuda Triangle, homeopathy, faith healing, and reincarnation 24
  • 25. An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. Marcello Truzzi, On the Extraordinary: An Attempt at Clarification, Zetetic Scholar, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 11, 1978 25
  • 26. Purely Psychological The Psychology of Religious Mysticism (Leuba, 1925): physiological explanation The Future of an Illusion (Freud, 1927/1961b): psychological double error: presume existence of God, attribute to God 26
  • 27. Purely Psychological? The Varieties of Religious Experience (James, 1902/1985) science cannot rule out that a mystical experience is an experience of the Real or of a foundational reality that may be necessary for the experience to occur 27
  • 28. Maybe neuropsychological some fundamental internal mechanism is operating (Wulff, 2000) activated non-theistic mystical experience from prefrontal area (d'Aquili and Newberg, 1993, 1999, 2000) they question its practicality in evolution with such mechanism 28
  • 29. Maybe psychotic? Mysticism: Spiritual Quest or Psychic Disorder? (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, 1976) Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Not neurophysiological deficiency Hallucination? 29
  • 30. Explanation to Mysteries in the Bible and Theology hypostatic union exorcism holy spirit basis of revealed theology 30
  • 31. Explanation to personal events private revelations meditations big dreams not psychosis ground of personal validity, may not be universally valid 31
  • 32. Views of Mysticism by Other Philosophers / Theologians / Psychologists 32
  • 33. St. Thomas Aquinas Rational, systematic theologian, natural theologian writer of Summa Theologica () Lives of the Saints (Alban Butler, Thurston and Attwater revision, 1956) 33
  • 34. On the feast of St. Nicholas [in 1273, Aquinas] was celebrating Mass when he received a revelation that so affected him that he wrote and dictated no more, leaving his great work the Summa Theologiae unfinished. To Brother Reginalds (his secretary and friend) expostulations he replied, "The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me." When later asked by Reginald to return to writing, Aquinas said, "I can write no more. I have seen things that make my writings like straw. Aquinas died three months later while on his way to the ecumenical council of Lyons. Aquinass Mystical Experience 34
  • 35. Martin Luther Reformer, Protestant It occurred in the tower room of the monastery when he was reading the first chapter of the Epistle to the Romans. While reading Luther suddenly saw that Paul was describing a merciful justice, and not a punitive one, which is conferred upon men through Christ and which in no way can be separated from the Redeemer. Because of this revelation Luther was like a man for whom paradise had been reopened. With the selfsame intensity with which he has previously hated God, he now drank in the exceedingly sweet pledge. It was not that Luther found God, but rather God found him. From then on he was oriented more toward the Pauline epistles than toward the Gospel. (http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/l/luther_martin%20.ht ml) 35
  • 36. Tien Ming Lee () Modern Philosopher in Hong Kong, specialized in critical thinking and mathematical logic Had mystical experience, and so hold religious stance as mystical optimism () (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrvQKgp7dog ) 36
  • 37. Paul the Apostle Saul, zealous Pharisee Conversion of Paul the Apostle As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Who are you, Lord? Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting, he replied. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do. The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything. Acts 9:39, NIV 37
  • 38. Lcia Santos 1 of 3 visionaries to the Marian apparitions at Ftima in 1917 Another 2 died as prophesied on the next year (1918 influenza pandemic) they requested no treatment She turned into Carmelite nun for whole life Died in 2005. Beatified in 2008. 38
  • 39. Carl Jung Psychologist, contributing to psychotherapy and analytical psychology Open to experiences before interpreting by religious contexts Mystical experiences described in Memories, Dreams, Reflections (MDR) (http://www.bodysoulandspirit.net/mystical_experi ences/read/notables/jung.shtml) 39
  • 40. Implications of Mysticism 40
  • 41. Implications of Mysticism Encourage superstition whenever cannot explain something, just say it is a mystery Charismatic movement glossolalia active seeking 41
  • 42. Implications of Mysticism New Age Movement UFO To scientists / new atheists, do they believe in aliens more than in God? Ancient Astronaut Theory Creationism Cults & New Religious Movement 42
  • 43. Cults & New Religious Movement 43
  • 44. Definition Religion: Church > Denomination > Sect New Religion: Cult 44
  • 45. Common Characteristics of Cults New More on spiritual needs Maybe mystically oriented Often with charismatic leader 45
  • 46. Case Study Eastern Lightning () Church of Almighty God () 46
  • 47. Brief History The Shouters (), another cult, was found by Witness Lee () in 1962 in US The Shouters was spread to China from US in 1970s Zhao Weishan () was a core member of The Shouters He started Eastern Lightning () from Henan () in China in 1990s Declared a female mental patient Yang Xiangbin () (Lightning Deng, ) as female Christ () They escaped to US in 2001 Started to spread to Taiwan and Hong Kong in 2010s 47
  • 48. Doctrine (Wrong) 48 Reference http://www.pcchong.net/2Heresy7a.htm
  • 49. Books 49
  • 50. Growth Methodology Target Christians, clergies and females New immigrants to HK Infiltration to local churches and seminaries Setup street stations next to MTR stations KPI: 30 new leads / mo Threats, drugged, kidnapping and imprisonment Flirty fishing to clergies Sell their books in bookstores 50
  • 51. They understand Christian doctrines, then distort it, and they know all the objection points you would have. 51
  • 52. They listen and respond with points They are able to write a large portion of text (not by copy and paste) 52
  • 53. Extensive Readings / (http://www.chinesetheology.com/EasternLightning.htm) (https://www.facebook.com/Cultactivitiesinfo) Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/ /537613636295842) (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006045457286) "" (http://b5.ctestimony.org/2003/20030904.htm) :()()@ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZgmUQQtioc) 1190 20121227 (http://tvb4life.pixnet.net/blog/post/81462904--) 53
  • 54. Female Pastor in HK Got Converted (http://www.gospelherald.com.hk/news/gen-2476/ ) (http://www.gospelherald.com.hk/news/gen-2490/ ) (http://www.gospelherald.com.hk/news/gen-2491/ ) 54
  • 55. Challenges Spiritual crisis / emergency Psychological abuse Social issue 55