on MICHAEL O'BRIEN & CO.snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1874/... · 2018. 7....

i in: w ,\ ' ii:i ; K(ii( n NKW . S i A; ,:. ri!!..n lin'Mi-xp , rp.|iriiicii.) |HiC.t-1 I ' lti 'l MliiX IN TUt: ^"1 III HI' 1IIKI.AXI1 . pu i: ,. ' .. , .- ., -;, IV IM;/ >. ' ivi,iii : :. «( X-' . -I!) h" i";> Stvcui , I-! « ¦ U ? T' f 1K"VIMHI. F.I Mi.} l' i .I ' . 'i' liiH I I' l.Ni I , Y K .MIIA (IN AlAANCV.) T,!s.; )>1 )' ¦• ). YVUIM. 1" 'S , IN" AllYANCK. Agents for Sale oi' THE NEWS: \V , I I- i. T i' 1 i 1 * Mr- W. Krt. t. v , Liui.- lu- 'iViifV-Strort. Tl' Wi i'Kl' . —M'-- I LUI V I Hefvi' s-bineut, Kooms , in Sr-- , - .!- - •! i-f I. [< \V. - .\i;t: f.A.-T- Tl.c Jlis.- .v LOYK , Hotel , Square. - Vi ;KH"K -l )N->V1 H—Mr. .LM.M\T.v.iY , Si'\vsA<:i'i.t. pi , \i. \|. 'V \.V— Mr. Kl'" .M:t' K I' . KNSAN , Stationer , ' .\c. i ' vj t :¦'¦«! Ti-!i'Ki"»I'l' OIV:i-i>, The Square. K1LV. .U ' i ill iM AS ¦ Mr. M. l'i NM: , Grocer , Ac. 1 i^y. t-l ,i- >! I . - '--IIN N UI. V . XN . The JlajnVan-liousc \" K \V l!(i>>—Mr. 1". M OKAS , News Airi'ti t , Ac. r\Ml . lin . ' .: i.i;-Mr. .1 . ll« ¦i . "U .\ v . Mrun- . -tm-t. S II 1 PP ING. f-ivi'i-: sini'i'JN!. ; co.Ml'AM li . cKMUK i : . 1S7 1 . c<i- v ,,.,,., . «¦¦.; ,.!. ... < ¦> ¦ Hi- .i!.ftiii;ous in l'-j i * ' . . ¦ - -, 1 J . , nM f:.i«-!m.ii ¦"»' N>«' ^ «r vvill; - - ;;. ... ' , - , ¦ m.M l C' - ' . V.VCNK' . -ITK' . V.'. »'•< •>¦ wATERF ORD and LONDON, V . * ..Hi ..,-.!.!,,, , .».> ! l. -'".l. «:.« I SM.H I Wo-t.r., li,,Hv ;,j. .¦; vwn i! :,, .l S(H TllAMl'T( 'N , :.r.a S(irTll <) i- N. : L.\Nl> . U'l.K, Dl l' .l.lN , lUa.l AM' , :>.. ,! .. .L. x .:-<;<>W. M _ riMH- " :• ¦ <* ' "• »! p.-iv.i!iiI H-" iv M,- ..m.!> . i SS^^uSK . WI. -KM. 'W , A KK1. OW . :„.. ,, - .., . .,1 .,. >.,: ' ; :,-. i.:,.l. ritt. : •!•: !• "' " •- -. ""'"" . '"" .. V v ,, v ,,, ,.t ,; fl :,»,,. . - 1WI |, ». >..; >; '•¦ '< "• \W- . ;,. i :. . . :.. !. •. A-,- - :,,,,- I.. V.-«-!> ... lWr, -t :- n;nM V U'K.l.l i'K!' Mi i;l.AMi'i\V , \\'. !• - .,!-, . . ¦ :, .. 1 1 ."' . >" 1 1 .11^, v. '" - ..\ ¦ ¦!¦ ¦• ';¦ ¦ »• ^' . 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U r - , ¦• ' ¦- •¦ ¦ - ' ¦¦ ''¦'> ' ' "• MALI- . WA'l lil.l' -Ji.l- - SHIPPING NATIONAL LINE to NEW YORK & BOSTON "&»}" XOTlCK —Tins C.IIII |' .IIIT tnkrs the tisk o( IUMII. dlllV (lip I,. lllH> ,Kl)) t,n iMu h ot lU Wn-ls, tllUS (!1VIII K I's^M-ii li u-s llir l.i->t |io4-il.h* (. ¦usirnnlrv for mli-ty and avoiil- anri' uf ilnnyi-r lit sin . Tin *t snntlirrlj' mute hn-i lin n aUi iivs iidupiiil l.y iliis Cnn p.u.y lo moid Ice Bnd Head- I..II./S. l.Ai:i;t>T STKAMI-:US AFLOAT. j. ... T^Jt v'fri^X ¦ t | '"'' l-ii' <- >' J' c °l '" iVcw. 1 York every ¦ fejt ^aLSaSfe r. llVJii. -.-. idi/, rtii ' ,-n-ry altinmtc a ¦i -.i V i n .^T trfa !* * i' /.'/.M/ /(» Hilton <n\d At-n. l' oi.Z- . TIJfK Magnificent I' 'nIM' owcied Iron Screw .S'I KAM -sIlII' .s i-/ .5' ii!"v 7' 0 "-' I "'*'"• r "" Kf.l rj , f.i- . .^:ui ifWl KNKUI MI , Kc-iii n KHX. Sl'AlX , l. ' irai-c -I1W ! '111KyUKKN , llm«if 4VV1 ITALY , TlioniFun «ti I 1I0I.I.AM) , Simpson 3S17 I'ltANn-r . Tiu.uipstiii ' ,T1 ! KHIN , An.lrcw* ;i!..SG wi. v . -iiu .nv. i.-tcr . •• . - . ¦ •I , /; I : I. VI : TIA , fipciiccr :i!ir4 I'llttl' li , flimiiiis ^»»j DKN.MAliK, siiiuuur 37W W 1:1 San n-i -iii l. ivrrpuul tu X»w Yotk ns niidi-r: Till-: Vl.'KKN Wc.liiu. Ml. -iy, Ucc. 1<! KXGI.AXU YVeiliitsdiu- ' Dec. 2:i Sl'AlX Wednesday, Dec. 30. J.u.iii'i: L 1 '." '.-'» » n ll'i- ifHt>'\\ tim iiu\h , T>> 1J..SI0. S* AM. N* l:\V Y' uUK : ntAXi 'i: V i u pu r , IKU U.^:. ¦ i.< . * -ali,.,ii ;u-ri'it.iti.i(l,'itnin if tin •ut[. 'i.s. -t >.) ) tli.- Mair*roou,t i.u umi Miiilly l-irj;.- , aii.l oi'.i. i.tl II.o t-iilwiiis. , miialid m [¦i>. - |. ..li .Ink l ;.i * .r ul j.ii-<;i' P " i l 111 , 1-, iiml 15 G .iinra?, . iccnrdioa to nc- con.tii. ilatiuii ni * ^tat.- *i.i.itn—nil having satui* p.ivilr^i> it, - :.»•¦ n. II.Miin liili-K , TWBM'Y-KOUli GUINKAS . JW Tin- CO.MKUHT oi . viKEUA'iK 1 A?S.KNGl-;i<s ¦ pi-L-iiill y rtiiisiilrnil—lli . p ncconiiiiudation lemg uwqnMal I.n -t iiir , lii il.t , .ii.l trtililHiinii. Knt.^ t,l l' i.^SHh:.— ii* l.i.v as l-v any otl-.ir line—inrlu.lr «liiiiit)«u< - t . (i l Fusil VriitH-ioim sirvrd up I ' c yiked l.y ll.c C-ttnni.; *« . -- iTv.int- . ivIcdic Hl iittfiidniu-i- Free. Sti-waiil. .- >-t-s in iiltii.iii.nrr mi F.-ni.ilc - s t.ftftge l > HS. st-ni'(T> . S i u M ii i . l' .i>>. iiai-rs luHi . -i iilid In Qurln-r , liuM rn , I'lnl- H.K-l {iliia , ai.il l:;i!litin.n- , without extra charge , anil buuki-u ' .Int.tiuli t.i . ^ ,iti l- ' r..in i-.»> , an, 1 all inUtuI lt,i.us «•! I' lntei i - - lat.- ^ and I ' aiiaiU cu i.i\uiii;,l.]r li-iins . l > H>>int;i-t> liwik. 'C :l n-i.^ lilo Au-tiaii .i , Xi-» /. . ai,.nd , Chin a , unit .Ia|ian , vin lliu Km- Itmln- ii t. I- «.r Kn-i^lu ,,r I*ii—i»:•• i.pp l y In Till: •\ . \I1.,>.II. Ml AM Ml/1" LV.JII'A.XV (l./.MITK>.). ¦Jl J . I -. I L-:! , U a t . r .- t r . irt , l. lvii|,u,l ; s-.¦ 1.K A-.l . \* i ><>l: WATi:i:K,-l;lt : .MJC JIAKJ. liliU.NA 1 , i ,))wv , V.>, .M. K. -J UIL L S' S giiaj- . .1. > i . Y.L ' i.l l.Y , i ,,u il,.i i.->iiii ; I' ICIIAHI I l . i Mi t , .V..:u Mm: , I|,I . : l i i c i.A i i ii I ' l i k i . AN , l!ii,«n fiin-t . 1'irtl.iw. V\ M. i- |'I .KI>lAl . 1.1..l.-l , X. W UIAJ ; l' A T U I Ck J. A .Mi. l. N , .V .II.II .1 . l ' t-i : M !> s anil linos., »_j i:.<iist'-vvii. l' .i--. t.<.r> i.i.- ii-lvt'.il in M'l-mi- lluii IV-jgrs liorn lln- .. -. .I. AKt-tit» I'l-iiMt- ...Hill- ln.iu.- . AMKHICAX LINK . " VMTKl l >'I A IT- . > ^. . \II. . -TK A.MK1<¥. °'^ S " S i VN Liverpool to. Philadel phia %XM *f y^ - 1; N I' - 1; v w '•i > M-> i A Y . ^*- l|-l.| -\«* ' 36J l . ' ;,!l-. .;i; ;.t ( . ' U'< H-11 » II .VllJ Til V IISI-AT. l' " ll!l-tli»» l' uil- -J..\V.I..I 111.II MlMli.rll.p |,rC i.|>|.Ul|lltlJ tu S.v.l : »KI-:.\"[I.Wnia[l .. .llM- . Iti ¦ ILLINOIS J-iti . l:t IM'IANA I i f.- . •J.l OHIO l»!i. *> r HX. N>Yl.VAMA.J.iu. tl | •Kl- .NiL\\uKlll .... Ian. -j; . \.. n.t, Hi,,,li .it <- 'V-sfii^irsiaiiii./ui, ii.y. •.(. '<. iiurit il Iliiu * 1 In- i> lliu culy '1 ii.iir.-Ail.intn: Line sailing under the L' ni;.d ¦Si:i t |.j Flii |r , .mil tli t- IUTI , IUII iiil-'liou lur all clii». -ci- .1 '..i-n i t -irs . . * iqu.-il in i-liy.imT .Hid c.inilwtt to «nj 01 Ihc Kmo)..-.i ll M.i.:i.slill. Lini^ . 1-Ai-ty btiauu r Carres ;i tuvgron ..liil SliUintlrs.y. l' .i--..n^. i. :inJ croiis : ,ri. laii.li.l :.t Pliil»dil|ilii:i on Hie Wl,i I |l,c l.Vl.i,rj l»- .iii i.i llaliru.l.l C.,lll|i.:liy, wind, lu- ill, -liuil. ^t and uio>t d i ut l luulo to all *.! ;ITH HI tin: Wibt- . ii. M..U,. I' .- r ill.- >pici.il iiccru.ii.i ifatilli of [ ;^^^l ut-lls , lliriL iil. lill.n-i- tin- mini: luul , I;, h,-Inn, hi l.u.'ln , Ulllltil fit.ili^ l.«-!t.l I!i.x , Ti'li-|M:i|.li tllli.i- , Kxcl.Ptmr iJHicc , and Hauiiau. L' x (,u-st. C'lKc.- . I' a.Ml ^ 'ih (.) th,- / in- tan f' -'-s litlec 1 iuf'i tin- l;.iilu. .ul r,it- niil,ui.t lt.n - .ni; I In- Landing Wlia. t , ;nnl tl.uv rilrl-t ,, hU vn^ I.I liolli litul- Kl.d Illnnry I' A U/. V I' . ij . -.u. /. ., il"j ]- . ' . -. to J- .ii -litii' ii ( . inim-i?. liflurn Ti i-k.-i- ai iidui -Hi ia^-1. . i-ll.Ll.AUL )' AT.a.\(iE si-. ]..«• ns l.y Ally (.tllCT LillP, lUC'lud- \\iji -an an,;,l.r Mi;ij,ly i-t l' rt.v^iu ti-, coi.k id mid ttivid up by \\i> L' I 11,1,n\iy V >vtH»i.lfc. Mii:i,.j ;t- l' ;*:.uui:irs uicl.rwar- .l.-.l tu N,w Yolk yv lultiiii.ii. . , without a.lditioiMl chaise. I . VTi:i:Ml.I"lAli: I AVS.UiK. . " -III'IM.'I -.ll" ll.ll.ndllllt.ll , It;. cl iuliu)! Hiils. , J i.ddn j: , mi d all mx i ss a i v L'I.I IM ]. - mid - I - |i.,rau- 'l au.i. . , 10 0? . Apt-l y ui l' nili.m l i.liiM t.i 1' i.ihi: W uKiiiT A: SONS '. ' . iiit.i l An. ins. , 3' 7, H iii ' iiin->titit ; in (j iH-iii-tomi , (o .N . .V .1. L ' 1' .MMIM; .^. lil.thn- ; ..|, | in L;\il|,i<ol , to iiJCHAJtli .SOX , Sl'KXCK i Ct)., tl 17 III. ,I 1!/ ll ;,!,!..!!!-.! : LI JOHN UKYKl.LL 'X, Quay, Waturfwd. ¦INK !(;(>(( (.OAT- : "YV 11 I T V. S T A It" ], INK. rNJTKI) S'lATKh MAIL VI KA.MKJItr . . o i ..'I T i n- l.u:!|,t: •' ,'' " II. i •.•!¦ ' «> i. ^^ 1 ^ 7 ^1 ^^ . ~ ~?\ Liverpool for New York l' . >*.i.in i i. t.. i.l: |-iii:si.l il f L' I . I I H I Mat.- a i.d C. II . I .I H , lit ti-lliit _ ti t tu X- ii Y..l l< iv.-iy >;i:u:d.i\. ll y M.- M- . II AI .IA MI K W < 1 PI , lt. Ma- l , -i.il li- ui; -ii- i , l' i. I. 1.IVI l. l (; .] . 1-1(1 Qll.I NSTl.WX ADIMATIC... Tl.ur. -d;,y, .. I kr. ITlli . fl- . 'l.TK; ... TT.urs-di.y, ... Ut-c. 21tli. OCK A NIC TT.iirfilay, l^c. liUt. J lKl'UIILIC... Tl.uibdav , ... J »u. Ttl. . Tin - - .I IMII .-I I :; - - in: :i,i nniti.in: nl tin- l u ir l . c - i M...i . :.l: ¦ i. j i.-' c i. n I. ii , d. i n ,. i.i. i> >. i,ci - 'l, . v. !\ in I' .ii' u.. i. - . I I... -,: ¦ , —I j= l.- - 1 !¦¦- . M. il -Ii.ilii-iri n - nit , . n, l . l- l i . | - . Av tii-at- l' a--:.i. , .- Si .!..} . ,u S i i u . i i i i-i , < . lj linjs in Wit.I. i . L , ii \' ... l | - *. . ,,n> .|. |. t. ,1 in 7 watt l-I^iil ft'll,[,a! lli:t nl- . lii. ,"- ..- \i..i ( n . N i-n Y. iK irt-t- ..I i-l.i.ip- . >..!• t-ii , lib I- - , .it , .' - J : liu-iii- .i- : I:.inn, Ti. 1.1- ;t. " , ( iii ii.a- ; MKI K. fi: ' ¦- . I i.' . s llllt. U.V- . . .I" I.I l. -tl.-il -;ai Ml- , U':! liylltl-1 , . ¦• t. tl , . l. : W...I:.. .! . i i .: I' ..>-. I... . i- . t I i.i- i ..!-- I . I . .1. •' .. II ' M i,-i i n: 11 ;.i : .. .. .it.n. Ah unl it il. <t Mippii >.: I I.i I- I..V - ¦ I,- . .\l.,l:r.l I.il,I, It- lln- ,.l i l nU , . . ' ¦ ¦ -A .1 n, - ..I vi l,. i.tl. I, 1 ll ¦•• 'A., II .. II :,|.,: U i!,:,, i, - ,i;; _-, l.ti ;>> . .iv ;- ll ,.lil . ' . ' :ii -t l.;i:'- . I : I.i .1,. I . I : i l 'i . i ' p. : - :u:. ' iii- , .,| ; ' } a : II. - Olli r .j : ii. . I' , i, i. i.i , V. i I i, ...in i . * . ' . i. ^. .ik. i.ini ' .id M..ik. t ¦¦ : . I I. , . - , . ii (. M... i. - ' i.ttii , 11. .1. i. . - - .'il .V IV. ; ni iM.,U , I 1 - l. 'll' .A < (J ., Ill \\ :.l.|-ti..l , l . i v . i|. , ..l i.i ¦! Ill l. .. .:n.l i... -.mil , l.-iif li.n . K. ' .. - . [ latt-tt : . N li A I Y I Y . L it.. I •¦ . ' ' ¦ - i i . .t . :,t. .i ' . ' ..' . J - 1 ¦).:¦ •!¦). V . lii... - i l"')- - i\- •' . Wal i-ilnjil . ' " . Ml l.l 'IIY, -I-'; , . \.« I ' a in k-...,.>ini . . ¦¦ ¦i. - j i .y j . > . 'i 'if i< V. ' . M V , ... - ' HMi' .^' i h 'j i .n: TO A M E III C A . (. ' C / ( I S I. 1 -V K r;-: lii- . 11 : TA 'I KS MAII , r-i KA MKUS . ij/l / " V. N' i: i,| t.' .L- !' .<l!n\\ iii^' or iil lici- l'ir. -t ySra ' -i-i , \J c ' .!.. -s , fiill-]iinvi-n il Sti-:.lnsl.il,s 4 * ;- *TQte will I"- <li^|.;il<;lif.l IV NIII J.I\ KHl'OOL in MAV Y"KK , KVKI tV WKUXKSIMV: i.- c -ipi; c .1 I:. - .:. ' ..- . MIXXI - . ^li 'l A... T' I , - . J..n. - .. l ' -(i ' i^-l. N i-\\ .K...M ,i MANHATTAN - V,,,.l. .,;i 11 . \! ¦ i > " W. F.i.i'l MONTANA ' . l:. v. : '.y NLV .M. ' A 1. li. l' l.'f. liAKOT A.... J AMI . - lii H- .I . ( Al 1 IN. ' . . - ' "' Li NMOUN il. . . .. . . I- li .ii.:.. . , :., . ii.!,uk I 1 - i ;- - i- . I' ,,,. : . , -I .I i.l ti.i I.. -1. lv Sj- .li Fi.iii.-:-t" . ¦ •; ! :. ' .. i ii - »i 'i t. .. i i.^ •; !.. - . \ i.r- - . I...:... - l l . ... .v (:• II I '\' r| I ' -. N 'u Y.-il ;- , - , . .- . 1-J . ir>, IT , and ' J.' iiu:i..i- . !. . - II . .i.r- M.iu.1..:.- . -- ...,;. I. . -. . , , .! ,. . N.v. Y.il , r. .- 1 w> , JV,/li.i 'I , )'!<>:»- ¦ ' . , 1 , I: : n , :i , 11 IJu. ' .. ', ;.t nan 1 r;.i. - , ii.t ttnlii ^ I . i n:i,; ., ; | ;i n J . I ,,\ , . .:• :, - , - .. . V.,l mM MI v..I up !¦> II.. . (' :. ¦ ¦ i ' - - r«-ii r. tij- I I . ¦ •.- -' . in .r- (.Ml >i::^'i.|l i-l. ' . V HI .IM1.- - I - I:, r . 1' --¦ i . - . : - in. i> ¦ .. II i!. . I..:. <: In i 1-t.iiii ll.i :t T ul. .-. ^ In i n ¦ » _-. f .l- i .- , I,- Ii-ai-tu' 1 inr . I-: ' ,. . It . I .... <•.. , i,|p! } I.. '. 1' ] ( . N ,v I (I .. ¦ . ' . - , U ! , :- - . ?..- , I v. I ] r-(,l ; Gi In -I' I I I N M-:\ LHV. I X. I > |'. ' . , \' - .¦il. "l . \' . M. MI' Mio . ' ji >, . .n . ( ' ¦.. i , X' .ii I. .- . I I- I \ A> LAY A. " -I '. 11 , 11..- !- , , . .. I. , I'll: .. - . : v . .l : . .1. II . N I .I.I ll\ , | : | . N.i» I. .. I. , 1. 1 ..•• I - ' ii -i . I'A 'I I h. I' > I /.I H A. \ . A...: . lit'i , I .(I. 1 •: /. - . "• I. / T lio\.A. - II. i 1 1:11- , I, ; i: v. - . l-.liVALI. S. I - I- . l.l.l.A , (. i. : . L.. I. -1- .r. nl.ID ('A i:i:ILI - .. ' .. . \-. -Lll; I..Mil.l:\TION (.1- I-TCK. CO V£RKMEI\JT EMIGRATIOW 'JU M' .W /KAl.AXI ) AND CANAHA. I 'UIKI. J'A. ->Ali|- .S I., NLW /.LA LAM) fi. - inu.l ' l.,.,:-il ,:.- A|.|,lu;.i.| r . A.- . ^l.-TLI) I'A.SSAiil - .S l.i:,i.i..| in CANADA, i' liitiuniais nl ul.iuli till. In- I,. - , .I ' )i i.| j.].lii'i.li.'ii in J. il. Mi M in , A<;i'iil. Miiiint-t.- to N' » Yu il. in in- n nc. -k li. , III (^ut-1-i..i. ti.M i.; LIM-I'I i«l . " l ", v . l' i.lilii' , 'ili.- i;t,« , and i.iih'Ioii r,. -- l-cl.i-< . ' -I i |- - In. in L I \ I i|.i .ul iii.il l.t.inli.i. tu Ail- I! :i : ;;i :ii. .' Oui i n. -!;ii.d ! i.ci: :i inontli. l.nnj. .,,,,, Itlici— Hi NLW LANL , CAIiKICK O. VoriK. : i:illil X" KKV./L' . ^ UKI-U.I' l > . '.I" 1 "'I M-.KVOLh i- ^ . Ai 1 I .. ' "1 1H .\> , vl ii-lli f i ll"-- •-«i! ¦!• ,' i Hi, :-./ ,, -:,:» -- , .... I l I' il r... |." i". "' :i-t»Jti ».vi II.. ;,i.. .j.ii. iii ; i- . i-.i in l ' . II. . ' I .. I . ' : :. !. .! '.. in ,.n>. 'li- ' ' i.-!»"i!». i .1 J., : .,, ; ' . ..,. !. ii , - .. ... ' ¦ ¦ ' •¦)¦! > I' -"" ' ' I i" !¦• -.11 . 'ii ¦!i ii - - MI ., ¦ ..: ! .< - .. . . ' ¦ .::.• ii,-, ' .: , ,, i : i , ..- ..,I, ,. - . ,1 , ' . . .. .,:; .... . . -' in.:- -. A- ..I I,-- ' »• ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦" ¦ •¦ . ¦ ¦ ; '- : ; ¦ - ' , "• . . ' " ' ¦ ' ' ' . „!. ' ,. M.i.vl . - 1 i- .. ., - , ." . ¦ .:. . :• ¦¦ : . .- .. I . - ..'. ' " •' . - . ¦ ¦!. . - . ' |. i . . . . . . ' , . A< ¦ !.>? .l. H.1 - •: . .. . . , . ' i:. . . ' ¦.:. ' A..I - . .U. : . I' - -."''*"" 1 "- H-b l K.UI. WAY TIMI- : TAJILLS FOli DECEMUEh WATKUFOlt l) AND LIMKIUCK KAILWA YV V p Trains from ll ' aterford. | TRAINS ay 11-r.i.K piys- - . S' DV . wAfERroRp j : M AII ,. 1 |M AII .. - MAIL . TO IIMEHIl-1 I I 4 2 ! I i -J U-J I l!:l:«|| 1 , 4, I2i3 ' CI . RKV. Clatii. Claks. ClnH8.!C/a«6. ClaSA. Clam . _ .J^ .y i . A.M . r.M . P.M. : I'M. r.M, I.M. Wmtrtvril.. ' . jttp. i 5 41) " 11 -15 "i" 2 " 45 ¦ ' ' « 30 ' . ' . ' . " 8 IK) ' Carrick-uK-Suir.. ' 0 ' 25 . . . TJ 17 \ I! 1!3 i 0 15 . 0 15 Clonmol 7 5 ... 12 <i ' 4 4 '10 0 ... 10 0 Tipi eisirj c IS ... i I .in i 5 3 ^ 11 ss ... 11 3. " ) Juiiclli"! n r / r/ H - S , ... J 111 I 5 SO ' ll 55 ... 11 65 DCBl..x ...orrico/ 1 15 . . 3 40 in I) ' . | 5 ... 4 IIO CORK arriral 1 an .. 4 35 I K 15 I " 0 . j 9 Dublin dcji 10 Du ; ... ] .7. ... 7 45 Coik............ , 12 3n I HI 0 Junction S 3S 12 12 - 2 25 ' 5 45 12 'J3 . ... 12 23 Limerick.... nriil !> W> 12 M i :t 15 ' <i 50 I 1 30 ! ... 1 30 Sown Trains from Limerici. > TRAINK ON lV »;t» DATR. M* l.l LI ^ KHI .M AIL . .M AIL . M AIL .; .MAIL . ->~ c " . 31 cj *i : £,t.! ^' ' c^:^^ _ A -- M A M A.M . r.M. ' P.M. ' f. M. P. M. Llunrrick de\> 0 I. ' i 7 n II .1- 4 0 Id 4(1 : ... 1(1 40 Junction .. orrir«/ 7 - '!, ¦ S 2H \ f Z 20 5 15 11 55 ... 11 85 i . ' t'ik . , .. . 1 :i(. J I. « U J 0 . 2 0 Pul'lin 1 13 ; 5 15 10 Of 5 ! ... 4 Dcm.lx iiV;. ... » n emu : o o ... ' ... ; ... Juiiciion ,, 7 31. ' ¦ ... US Si' S 35 ' is ss ' ... 15 33 Tipiier:iiy 7 «• ... 12 4.. 5 15 12 ,W ... 12 Jo Clonuirl ; !) 0 ... : 411 (£25 i 2 20 | ... 2 2(1 Curiick 9 15. ... 2 5 ial : ! C] ... 3 0 Waii:il»ril ...nrir( 111 'JO ... t! 4s S 15 :l 15 ' ... 345 FAKIS *— I- 'Int Clam SinKli- 'tickrt , 14. Oil ; . ^ecuinl du. 11 lid Third do, ii» 5d. Kcturn-Firs.1 ClBks. -Ms 9il ; ^cronii do, IBs 6d J. F. N ICOLL, Kecroiary. WATK I5K0P.I ) AXH CLXT1SAL IRELAND AND Kll.KLNXY JUNCTTUX UAILWAYS. 1 J.p thatit*! Tt-itlt /mm Walt-rfuid and Kilkenny lo Dutilm , Atlilone. 1' - tiomnn , Par. «i^town.or Nfiiasb . ta cl«Maiynt»ro ' . IO' In-prOTcil t|utck nnil tlitouRti ¦ i*ily romrouoicittiuti bu ¦ iirrn Mar ) i orouiMi anu olht-l bii.tiotis to U ateilopl , tht-ace Ti.i /Vun- Aliitoi.1 (u Loof. 'oD dnd uil etations on tbc 'i rcai VVf-s- trrn raili*;.yef Knclnrll . 'Hi Smnlnys Hit 1 Dewn Tniins uitl loiivc Miiry lmr on gL at 1.0 Jl 111. «3" i-t' M'AV I'lXlTL-MUil -S DlSCOMlM'KP. FEOM WATEkniHI). I IKAI . S. u^ M-I : KK DAIS. SL- MIAY.. „„.„,. ' l ¦! .\- 'J US ! 24 3 I ic ' J I 2 " .V: i 1 z.t 'J ETAiKiMi. 1 i-,,, 8 . C|,n. cl,,^ cia-» . Clam Cluis ' A . M . 1 r.M . ' i.M. P. M In on j I- .SI . ' Ii in li !n ¦ h in h in li m ft m Wat»i!. r.l._rfrj)«r/nri 7 15 I 0 1 0 12 l> Kill. nri,» >._ 7 v:> . 1 in I 10 12 1:i _ Mnlliiiitvi.i 7 ;:, - I - .0 12 2. " . _ i;.r. ' ;- |i . -lll- 7 H 1 :, . ' » 4 ' ,0 12 5.1 , ITu iiiaMont " lii I tn 4 5.S \ 1 " 1 l!tl:i..lsljln;': t Si - _ T> 'i li i i ' 1 " . Ii , Ki ' .Vu' .ny animl y in 2 21' 5 ill 1 -I" I i!,i.iirluri . ' . ' .. " . i Mi . ' 1 :i» . J , ' ,U li:ii.yiacarl 0 !;• i tl' 3 Sli 2 l'i _ Aitai-ii k l. :. . ' . ' . :, i. ( id 2 Hi AW.- I I ULI :. ;.', 3 1.1 0 15' - VI .M. - iiihoro ' rirrirW ll' If :l .15 6 IS '( '" ' Mi. il.ur. iitli 0,7, .. .,,, ll, .VJ 4 i 7 Hi ' :l 2 1 _ I' ..innin.an,n J II .IC ' n i: II ¦) 17 s 7 . ' •> w _ liiil.Jin arriral I I." , r, 4i. ]n !) 5 •IS Aili-i rt-J.iiiCii- 11 iirH \ 4 ' < - :in . .M.iiy li>itn ' ...i/';> >fcu'» Hi . 'II. 7 11 ' ' ¦*• '- HiilUt.r. pliy Hj . Mi 7 4't 10 25 J!u,.-if Il :M - f it) ' Parn-iiMovi, ., 12 4 . !i n ' l'diliimna 1-J 4 1 -in . Nci.llL'll 12 - . ' . !i 2n ! Tcmt^t more J7 JO 5i Tl'tirlci iirrlml 1 3'i S 35 II la TO WATKHKOUD. TRAIN* I'N Wtl .K UAlb. BL'SnAYV. „„„„, I ¦ lkli*&2l ~ & at 42 12i3li! i3 Clunk. Clnse, Ulnts. Claw. Ula»n . Clnto _ A.M. AM. A.M . P.M. ^.M. r.M, ' Ii in h In h in b in li in h m Thlirlen d eparture 7 Hi I S5 2 2 '1 i-llijilrlM'fL- " v:> ; 2 i;j 2 2') r.alljbioi b; 7 . f . 'j ' 2 4:. 2 17 Ncniiirli li 30 10 l' ultnninu 6 ti /' . -UKocMciirn 6 " 40 ~ I if) llujcrru _ 7 13 , 1 65 >n.ii!...| e- ... ,,n l ...vf _ B 38 ' ; 3 10 , W 21 ArhklK: Juncli.in ...— S IS llillihn titpnrUirt li (I U ti 1 0 0 3u V tuilinelon Juoci 'n ~_ ^ :: ' in i:t ; 2 45 ll :tl .Maryl>uro > ..»rW...ifirn 8 2i 10 3'. 3 9 —11 yi uoiiN Ti.Ai.vs Muil 1 -J &.1 Mt.ry l.oro * ,..de\-ttrlurt 9 40 IU 3.) ' U :." t '• Atl'l-ylelx it li 10 50 ' i 50 ' 1 2n Ailiinu|. 'li 9 10 4 5 I X, ll.lllyiilj-Cct _ !l 15 ll 15 4 IS I 4. " . Kilkenny ... arrival ! ' 4fi il 4u I I 3h . " > 10 Ho deiaiiuti 7 3' 10 > It 10 4 On 5 in l' .i'lilicl.l.inllic 7 4.i in 12 5 3 5 \>i 1 )».;»««i»ii n c .o in a 12 5 :, :o in Hjllj l.iilc 8 25 in 4n 12 10 5 3 li D Mn:iii,:iviii t so |.l II ' li li . ii 25 hniiiafi.u : u s II Hi 12 46 ii ir C Ji VVnl.-iluri! Hirivui, 3 50 11 ou 1 0 6 30 7 0 Si i c I . I I K. -.iti- ft it- i l.a'pi"! to KiiM an.l Kn-tind Class l' a-ten- ^ttb b. tiLint; tci likicl l,y the l:.\i>i(t8 Mail Traits on Gu-i.l •S u'li-rii II >>< ) A' tHem l.ini; 'I ul.. is i>m.-.l (,,r SICI ^J C .U-iimey r.rc aTailatle only for bt 11*.,n l> . i V IHL II lln > att it.t.ut'1 . Krtuin T it*tls an- IM, IUI I Ijeln. en an> tun Seniors availalilt I-l jli,- ,i>,tt- .-J i>. -iif ;.t ij ,:n> f,,I. i,\i*in« ; II IUM. * issued l or an> i. ;,Me i in i tlii g , ' ' <- tin,,> , win t.< niiiilnblu for ittuin on tin ¦I,.) .-t i:*i.t- i.t (I u.e lux It.11. ii .t K t - aiB , I. II .I for di^Unic-f, i-x v.^'lin^ ;tl, n,ilis . lli> :,ii ;,i. iii,t iii lui ttluiii t n ilir i;-i> ol ir.uc ir../ l/.t- tlllv /c/K.i«irfc i ajt —>'H/-., ' :.>i, ni.1 rtckoned. UrtiT'i Tickttn tar-uitt (,i. .Stftui.luy i-te riluitii.blu OD buturdt.;, Kui.ii.i), or .Mmiilay. *l Inou^h 'I uki-ii-, ai Ion l.tic'.. , aie hhuctl al Maryboroug h anil KilL.nu>, lid M' mi- i foKi i.h'1 . Miif.nd llnvin , it. an.l fii.ti. I/.t'- a-n , DuTtc , I' .i.l Hill , .\I.U,-l:Ol . Keailini: , Ktlainotoke. S»in- d.iK , dxtt.id . I' .iiiiiii.^lii.in , \\ (,rti-i.li-i , IU-ieloiil, Utiellcnli mo, IliibU.I , U IUMC . -'. I , .Sv»|..,n, .Mirlhjr , Abi:idare , Uaidill , J.ealb , S.* iinBi-a, Ijitiii-llj, Laiiiii.ricin , and Catniauncti Juncliun and .\>w Milloi.l. \V. \ViLi.iAMB . S. -crc tarj. WATKUrOl: !) AND TliAMUhK HAIL WAY. ll' tik Day Trains. K.y, ' ^ 3 - ) i 6? 0 0 ' ' ;i in _ :. in | . li, pin |. in |.in pin I'm n il. I, in I. in li in li in li in ii in li in n m I, in lV* u,.i •(, (i il i. 1* 1. ' , "2 I. 4 0 0 !J|. 7 15 il h ... I " ni l. :i li 'II Hi I I . ' I '1 I 4 3n 'li (, 7 10 I' 311 ... . i u i t 't 'i if 7 rdiii.s . ¦IIOM ' - ' ' ' " U K ''¦ ii in \< ni \. in in MII ^ JII pin |>m a in t. n, l> in 1. !> Ii in li in h II . Ii in h ti: b li: I V- I . M: •• !. " > 12 15 I :i, ¦: :m 1 !> i. i" ¦' i. " , u i ". •; I 1 -I i i; i n :J . i ... ' Mar trains H . N. ll .iKKK , S t r it t u r v . L' Mil.ANIi ANDMiCT H W.\l.l:> , AMI Till-: . -(JCT /I ' r ' ILKLA.Mi , ISY CHLAT W K>TKIiN UAlI.WAY , ri.i Mil.l- 'OlMi IIAYKN , In i-uiii.iciiuii with il.c WAII . KIOI . - JIAMI LiMi:i:icK and W AIHU OKU A . M . C K . MI IA I . I UKI .A . MJ Li.ltd . £:JiORTZ5T ROUTE , and REDUCED FARES. ^ "rf^ /iJ/.i- 1-. '.v VVutii. f (.!(¦ !. %'.-». ' Fiwi Mail to «&. j ^ ^V «•«>..•¦" I :\ KHY H7-;>,7i ' DAY. ^Ju^ Ll' .Liiivu W AII : I:HI UI I nt I 30 p.m., oti Arrival of 11 -ii<» n.m. Train Irom Litn.-iick , niiil 10.35 n.ni 'Yntiii /»/»; M:u) buitA>^li , Auitnixn in L U. SMIS (ivt . -i.tln . -i* i.iitl cireuin-stiiiicc-s Jiurmiltirig) tit l-.l" lilt fullowiiij^ iliiy. I KjW'N. LiAVi: I.USI K J S (I'. ' .' J(Jiiig loii) at 5.15 p.m., - .nil A KUIVK A' I WATKIUOKI ' (wi-athcr and cir- •:uiiistiiiici:!i |ii-nnittiii(. ') tibout Gkvtii a.m., in llnio Tor die 'J' I ::IUS on tfio H' uti-rfoiiJ ami Limu- i icV: arid Cc-nlial licliinil J.ini- .s. Nn Ciii'ij u I'an 1)0 riccivcil <iti Ijoiinl alur-1.15 p.m., M I HII tin; tt:if. 'C-s will iiu u-nioviHl , In rnalilu tbi: Stt . -stmt. -1'a to ik-fmrt I'L'NCTUALl.Y at tl.e iippoiDtcti t iin" . I' A II i; ?—WA 7EUI <j Kl> AXD I.OSlJOX : S IM .1. 1. - , (availab le -1 Days) );-l Class it Saloon , -lOs Oil ,, n »tid Clas.s ^c Salouu , U5 H Cd ,, 3rd Class & Foro Cabin , 20a Od I. ' i n u. s-(av!.i!:iblu foi l muntli) LstClhs i; Sulotin , 7<>s .. ^nd CI«i i A ig a| oml i -)<j a l' lnti,.:!- inruriiinliiiii '-an IJL» uLlaincd from Mr. W. 1: K. I |., Ui; l' utritk.strccl . Cork j Mr. J. M. DOMNEV , liiiilu-ay Tfii nihUM , Lininick ; Mr. W. ]). MVX. KII A. UA , A'i.T ),lii WliaiT , WaU. -i T' otd ; ami tlic H KI . LCT .D 1' A KKS I II - I « I- I- II oilier inipuiiaiii Siuiiuim, lliu Timu Tables, ni. -il 'J'l.j'uii^li Katus for (ioods , Ac., or Mr. W. J, ]!i:s M I I., lln: (inai Wisti-in Cutnjiaiiy ' ij District Agent , Ad.:l |.lii Wliail' , WiiierlVii-d. J . (JHJKHSOX , Oenornl Maiia B fr. i' iii|iliii Kl('i> . Nov., 1S7-I. finv -ib 1 I KALT II LOM AN'i l;l-. iiAI.\Kli . —A Cui,),. i, ii, e XI II I . M . 'IT. "I .1 . .i IMII!.\llTli: >> ..| YOL'TTI i.ml .MA.MH 'llll , i-tl.i-i ll.i..!iliiij I .I Aii|ini..l. ll y llh. vkl - . -dim , M.I' ., '-. tI. i- L' I . V I >: y . I .1 , An iln.r ol •' Tl..- Vu in. ..-. i ' . - A.i .i-ti.-i , " "w t , ' . v,- . H ;:ALT II LU . VI A.M. l il- . (.AINKI' (iiti- . l'i. . - S in n ' s Ti.ii - ii itU-i,. M.lt I.: T M.n lj-rl» J. ..I-. ' >| . -. :.•: l,. ,,.lli., J l,.|- | |i e l - ult> U| - . I; ..... ... ,.i i l. . - . V.tv. II - >j - ' .ir , . WIV.IU-, (Mnl. ij M. n- :.:. ..,.' . l l.\-l. i l' . |l.--: I , , 1" .. ' 1';1.,: II .II ..I I l.i- Ili- ,,|| , N, ¦ ..,., i.. :|.r II1..1I i.i. .I L.11- , 1. tin 1-1. 1 ¦¦ , in.]..iiml Si^ li l imJ J|,. II.I.IJ, Ii.ill i !.-!!. .!' , I.'?- " ' l-l. -'t'l, I' ii-li" ill I lie link , (• .,„. *i |..,ii, i, | r. . n-liin. ' , II 5- 1.H.1 , T iinnliu , Ml-Wmliu-il , l)i/./.i. 1, ¦- , 1. -i. u< N.li'.nli' , I.H- . tiii.il. -< K. ' .i. , Mn- tul.T l:,l.,xa. I'.-/. , Ai., 11-l.ilili - 1 l.ini. i->l..iU-li.-» 1 I , \ ,-i u- J'OII I -; , ll,( . ll-i-t ., 1 l)v.iti,i..i l.i'.:ti.- , L iim.,ui: n . ll.bi lf , :in, l ,.U.,i .,1 .. ... . , I :l., -l;l l.niX I.N:-ll.i:. .TI"\S AM) I'LLM. 'lill'TTON- , n 1 - .. i-.l »• .:!¦ Tt si.ii . ii ."- li'-ii. ^i..l.lul |.,ln i.i, ; w ,i|. 11.^:11,1 ,.| I iii> - ' i- -I :n ' ... I ¦ * ¦ .- . .tit Iiu1 l-i j. .1 ,.n u- . 1- 1; ' ', ' l l. i. 1 } 'I 'ii'|- . ,M ., Li -I. . ii->- At. l-i 1 , I n.i I i..- 11. in. , nvi-:..],,. , |,.t |:| -' , . ii | - , WOMAN , In In,. i'- , li i-l-iiii.i,. , ,,i,.l l' ,, .,ii,,,i. - i.l |.i:, ii-ni.ti :- i i : i . l i' . t .'l , M. . 1.1 t/ln i..l , i ' . 1111.inp, Jh,,. ii-.fi , . \:. .ll. il' .. iu- - i l' 'tn ,.n- /.. u: . tl. !- , 1 ... .. I, li e, it, , J , - 11 :.;. ll jji. n. , | J. lm-l:c .Mi tin- l. -, .U., .Vi - . 'I KU ,1 vtt.il> , 1. MI ' J ... 1- ,1 i.ul n.l.i.fl In 'A. iiiii. . li.- i i.litullj II. u.. ii t,./li 1./. ./- ..1 i.. - - "i. W. 1.1). I). . Jl. . - . MJIJJ JI ' .J U , . , .,, l ' i. . -i..,i ' , Li,.. .:, II , W. r. I IU I I AM V. Ci. L . 111,1 I A I ll Ma— |l|. II. S JUT n , I |. i- ¦ ii- /. . ..I ^ 1 . L .. 1: - ' , »l." li.i.J I- - 1, l. -lutiil f, nl, 11 , i;i,.11,. 1 ¦ ' . I. . ¦ Ii ¦ I- 1 - i.< I I.'- ' . ¦ ' !'. I. llli.lu.v ..1 > ' i ¦ hi.. . -1, |i a i-. -i .. - ¦ , ., .. , 1 1 11. 1 ' , 1.. I.I . i ii.li . i j. . ,i|t I.:- , 111. ( , iiin- '• ¦ -,i. - i..: I. .. |.t v i.i, >, ., in mil. , : :>. . l . - i nj i i u. i i it 1 ¦ 1 ¦ >¦< , -, 1 ¦ i > ^ "| .1.. n , * - . " .. .iii,. ul - . I ' .I I . i tu,|i> t . 1 - •; •! it.•- - ..; 1.-•- ... 1 :. .. .i . 1.1 11 ., .1.1. ,\i!- •1. , 1 . . 11. - niiii , - . Li:- 1 i.. .i. - ., I, 1. .J.. 1, , \\ .1 . i.l;i-i % . Z<tV l.iiiii L. iiiis ii. ^imi \aiic'l\ , or 10 111.} . -.uiy uf hullui ti , ;.t ' 1111 Si »> Ijtticv. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO Wo bog to giro Notice U)ftt wo nro olTeriug RAW PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, AS HI T? OR TED , AND DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO TREATED WITH SURPlilJRIO ACID USTDEIl OUR CONTROL , At, MESSIIS . OHLEND0RFF & CO.'S WOUKS , 1 'L\ I &TOW, VICTORIA DOCK (By virtue of 11 Special Concession granted by the Peruvian Government) , (il'AKASTEED TO COXTMX : Nilrogcn equal to 10 por Cent. Xon-volalilo Ammonia , 20 per Cent, of Sotablo > GmM rho ho tOi ¦I per Cent, of Iusolublo } ' l' repareil in a flno powdery null dry couilitiuu. J- HENRY SCHRODER & CO.. dencral A gents for and sole Consi gnees uf the J' eriivian Oovenuncnl Guano in /'is United Kingdom London , E.C., December, 1 874. UNDEK THE SOLE CONTROL IN IKELAND OF RICHARDSON, BROTHERS, & CO., BELFAST, DUBLIN , COKK, AND GALWAY. WATERFOKD DEVOT—GKOltGK WHITE <?• SONS , Sub-Agents. RICHARDSON [AG1UCULTUUAL CHEMISTS AND LINSEED OKUSHERS 5®" BELFAST , DUBLIN , CORK , AND GALWAY. C U A 11 D S 0 K ' S LINSEED 0 A K E AM) Jl K A L. IUCIIAKDtfUiV S FEEDING CAKE. «gr An. -il j.sts :nid Prices on A pplication Jll.Gm.cow. OKOllllK WHITE SONS , A- joi ls i>< lYA ' l KItFOKJ i . 47 9 QUAY , OUR BUYER having .. .turned ficm HIP LONrON JIAHKhT S with ii Large and Carefull y Selected STOCK of &T T A N (' Y GOODS , S V 1 T E D F Oil CII J 1 1S T JI A S 1 > R E S E N T S Wo will , on MONDAY NEXT, tn:d following Days, offer same foi hispccliou. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DHKSS1NC A Large Variety of ENGLISH, IRISH , and SCOTCH TWEEDS, and IRISH FRIEZES to Select from- MICHAEL O'BRIEN & CO. (OITOSITK Till; MARKET HOUSE). l- 'RIEND OF ALL ! A' liotrn in oil l'arls of tlic H' orW. Jlac 's our Jlnnn-ibi H O LL O W AY ' S PILLS. I MI 'IUITIK S oi- TIIK Jii.eou. —These wondcifu IM1» :,ro vulucil »l the II U MI II I IS I lu-aillis ivi-11 111 iu llio , IIOUSPS ol romli.it ami nvallli . Tliey woik a 1' noiuux li ! piiiiRcaliun tl.rnug li il.e ivliolu sy-,ltiu , without ilisurdirinK : the n«tur. .l ictimi of niiy orguu , iiml oradicalc tl.osu |;t-iiin | ul tom|)laiiits trliit'b cumi jiii tt-li- i of lliuu^auiii) to mi varl y | huoscunii, lJirniEi.u , C' OUGHB . ASU CHLHS .Nn , Ji-inte» am more fiiqueut , anil few more ilniiKt-runii llwu , Rfitictioiis of llie ri'b|iir«tury i,rBaus ; 110 condition fives | rise to mote fatal tsHlidics Hum n " Simp le L' olil . " The 1 first, sj-inplonw may always be rtuioved by these ri-noivni-il IMlit 114 llit*y quickly rctneJy tlie st.iifiiiitiou ol li. ' mii ) , mi.Jeutc the buttnil littratltiiiir , mill 1 liable tin: wii>(!-|>i |ie ' nml luti(is 10 per orm tbeir ItinctiniM with e:i*c imil ri-isu- ' , Imty. They »l>« , by tlifif puiif j in ; i>j>>i> t-i111 rt , cleans the \ tilnbii fiom H II iinpuiiiii« , iiiiil thus It.rlily the sjstem n(;iiiii>t , CifUauiuplion . Asthma , and oilier pulmonary eoiii|.luint« . | CQ UVLAIXTI I»C1DHMAL 10 ClIIUlltKN. XV hlilljill)^ cou^ b, uu-aslii- , bc-arliiliiiii , tivirs , HIH I nil ili-cn-is ol the sk-.il I ' liny be itutui-di.itely clircUil , mill MHIII eiu wl , l.y Ihi- ^e I'Uii mtiK I'illf. Nil int.tlifi shuulil lie willi. ut tin-ill. Uni- , !»•, , oi llirie (rtduoil lo I'OWih-r), may he (jivrn iii^ 'hlli , ] wiili ilitu-rtuimyul doiiin Boml . Nnit>oi: > DI IOHLKK*. Any I' .i- .iti^fiiiral nf tin; nctvis ! i.n.-ci» Ji!-»sliuii»l ) loth tin: IHKJ J - . in.l Ho. n ii.il. I lie i.i-imm invalid II ICM ; I' I I!» •»« , "' v 't,il ii.ir»iiy, i, s ili«> j ill I.all twill' Ulid ti|tuur lOllle illUTMIll UI^HII- , Illid K.1IM- - | i|umlly "i tli" ticivou.1 >j>lmi whith pi-r»;nli3 ami ciiiiiii-e.» iiuin. ll.ticc their iiMMilliiUS riiii- i oi l ij o t i TM , low Finnlv , | > I ,,,^ II >> , ti t* , l.iTvou-i twtti iiiii^i. , and oiht-r l.iiiilri-il 1 . -OUI- j ivllvwai 'i Fill* ar Ihe U-t rcmali/ known in tli e nortd fur the following Jisroac.v : A K i,, KfV.-fb olBll Siululu itr Kios ' « Evil Ahthni K I""'" ¦ *••¦« . 'I lir..:,U lllllli.us Cum- <ioui Mui.r aml pniiim . lti-l»l-bi . -he Uravi: ! Jll..ii-I<M imliKtslii'u f. -i •¦¦¦Uiiiy S>in|-t--n i l.f . ^Win I.ivt-rt: - Tu- I | I , III .- U \ j liuwel U.iin- plalnll Ulct-n nlainla I.uiul.aK.i V, , i :il Altvi-li,,n» Htlnliti- l' ilf» Wonuii ul ull hluiJa ji r ,,,,.,j lllii-iiin»ti>iii vx ,»l,i.. -f , imin l- 'eliiali- Irti-su- Ketti.liuii ul K I IH I KVCI caiuc , laiitic» u """ 'Vc., \e. 'I l,t 1' ills ntiil f»iii(iii<-i.l .i'i-> ' i,W nt l'r<if. .i<iir I|.,I. I.OHAI ' . - I'MI.I I IMI IIII I'1.1 , IM l)Nl.i. -li..t , l.t.1,.1. ,, ; al-i. l.y m : ii l j •nix- i. . -|i ii-t.il.lt' Vn. tJt.i i't .\..il s iliiMiuiln,!,! lie i . ul ' i-ii! HOI I.I , HI l;. M-- - ,ii-d I", ts , ul 1- . ];.,: - . ' . . ' . i.l ., 1- ( »!., llv , _ .:- ,i ;«- . .- ... i Tl i. - n n . i li .- .i 1>, s ,,i SMI. ruuuii.!. h.iir ili./i-i, : nml lit- MI «lif»i I' t.l ul Oiouiiri.l i.i.e ni'ir. .N' . )> . - Ki< » j.,ii,i...uliv.i:ii.ii > - . in - ..IVuul to IMI. I I U.\ -Aii t .1 lint , mul i.ui Lv I.ml I" "'¦> h.oau, , - , , inn in lnilii-l., Ai . 1 ,- Ann. o- ti, IM'i.,11. 1' Cl.ii. .— RICHARDSON'S BONE COMPOUND RICHARDSON'S SUPERPHOSPHATE SPECIAL MAXLBES POTATO MANURE- FLAX MANURE. TURNIP BLANKETS •100 Pairs or HLANKKTS , Shy litl y Soiled iiOO Pairs of liLANKKTS , 100 Ci llEEN FLANNEL QU I LT S 150 QUEENSLAND SHAWLS DRESSES UK) l'icces J01J WlNCItS , ' M 50 UOMESI'UNS •10 BLACK RUSSKLL COKU IiO IK1SU FLANNEL A Lot of 8-1, 10-1 , nml 12-d SCAU.LKT and pri'seut, market value M. POWER Have die p k-iiMiit- to inloi m ilnir I'ntrcus tl r^F NEW G S U I '[• A li L ]•: I- ' 0 J5 'I 1 II K ( OSMSTISt. Ol .NEV/ ( .OA'J IKC^ i,t.a 'J \M- .J' .J)S , ; BLACK blLKS, FKEKCH SILK J'Ul'LINH , FKENCJI ixIEKIKU.S suul KEI. 'S, ENGLISH FELT (llic >' c\v Costume .Mali-rial), ^ Tlie >'K\V YAliHOW CUIAIOT , Tlit^EW FLAKED iliuo. f M. I 1 . & S. ruspcclfully invite the attention C H EA P LOTS Homen and Silk Kci.rr», ... «-;il caeli , woitb 'ill. Do. do., ... :ijd i"- Wool IlamlkercbiefH , ... 11 Ul In •«'• Do. do., ..Is lid ,, Is WJ - Hraidctl MeltoD Skirts , .. - ' sOd 3e (id. Also , Kcvovfil cltcan linos , too BELTS, 15HACE.S , TJKS , SCAliFS , CLOUDS , WOOL JACKETS , WOOL CTF] mid JM 11TS, WOOLLEK and COTTOJS llObJEK^ , GLOVES , Ac. 2 & 3, BROAD STREET , and 1 , LITTLE PATRICK STREET. ij LUMliERS AWD G/vSFirTERS X ' CUJLMINS AM) (J 0. CO, ylJAY. BROS. & CO WATEEEOBI) P B E S E KTT S I GRASS MANURE GRAIN MANURE MANURE. . : CASKS, I-'AXCY WOJtKDOXKS , C1UUSTMAS CAHDH , ic , >tc. AND QUILTS- at os. lid. ... worth 7s. (id at S 11 ... xvortb 1:2 l> nt 5 u ... xvortli H 0 at 3 94 ... worth 5 0 at 03. -id. ... worth Oa. lei at 0 3-} ... worth 0 (j at 0 Si . .. worth 1 0 at 0 8 ... worth 1 0 at 1 0 ... worth 1 o WHITE FLANNELS , considerably under I & SON S i tl.at tltc-y Jiuvc ltci ivtil a froli tltlivciy nf GOODS ! V ]{ E IS E N T SEASON. •I lie NEW BEADED SATI N SKIUTS , NKW KKVEJi.S J IiLE .SHAWLS. (JTTOMAN ST1UPED do. 'la.a NEW WINDbOK HCAKF.S , NEW HOSIERY and (J LUViv - " , NEW . All .TFS and COLLA KET'l l. 'S. Nuw Ti«. ' .- ., Miii-i.-, Collar. s li.-lis , ]ii;,( . -i . - , >V of intending I' m clias.trs to I ho following I'lmliroidpri-d, .. is lid oiiuh, worth Is 3d. Vuiiigatcd , ... :i.i :id ,, ,, :>< ud. J-. ' iiib osn-d, .. l.s Jii l ,, li. - lid. ltlnck i- iuil ttd Al j aca do. M 1 Itl ., Tu (Id. L' I ; itch lu'iivy Wincc-ys, " . , ' il , IJiI , lid , find aid ' [> y d numerous to mention , in C ASSELL'S CHOICE £i OFFEES , CEUCIIHA 'I ED l- ' iJil (SUEA T SIUEXGT1I AX V FULL FLA VOUR- CUS.SELL'S U1UENTA L COFFfiE consists J i.l u keli ctiuii u( I he lilaat giowlha uf East India. In the proct-sH "I ru.ialitiK uud K'lr.dni^' llic lull sUuDgtb au. ' line uruma aic Hisilltd , uuji 'liutr It ('quil l 10 llie t' offfO 90 luutli irizril in OIUK.N'l' A L COUNTHIK S, TIIK l'EK- FK CT l ON el COKFKK. l' ii ci- 2<. PIT Ik C^ASSELL'S COFFEES arc ulso supp lied at J Is. , Is. lii ., 1b. UJ., I'. BJ ., :iliil la. 10.1. l)tr It)., Ly Gio- ct-ii tliiuu iiliuul lic ' tunil , in Canisters mid uir-tig ht Packagcl fro m uni' ounce lo une JIHUIH I. ClASSKL'S COFFEES have secured the most / iviili-.tpii-ail tr|-utution , anil tliey lmv e bee n butlilj | ' ,U-IIIIII I .iixl f.tliiiMVrly UM' I I tliroii^ln ul Ireland lor nmrl j A QUAlllKl; Ol' A l. 'KNTL'Uy. A>k ut your Ijiotir-i lor CA>ati.i. ' b CbFfkr., m.il suie jou ml llic rijj b l Article. ( mJ-ij) SITI'LIKU \MIUI.ESALK IIV CASSKLI- , SjJU'U I & C() ., bO FENCIlUHClI ST. LOXlJON ; $£ff 'And iMii l \i (irnctrs throug hout Ireland. C0UPELLE , De R00S & Co.' s PREPARATIONS A FKESU ASSOimiEM' of the following f-\ I' lrpiuttlioii* lime just l.cni received ut '1 lit N FWS (Jrlirf , Knm-stiret , Walniuril , fuui (.' otTEi.LK, l>x llom & Co., l.nuduii:—Ciuitii! Vili> , or Vo^.H»ble Lile Droon , tlie Ui ml ri-iin-il y Inr N»'iviju«m'»> , Ai- . Dr. 1 >K Koo»' C"ii>|n. iiiitl HUM I 1'I IU , fur l'.ii m in tli« bi n I , xiiivil , ilii'UiuntiMii , tiuiit , ,U. l'i ice 1- . l id. lo JU< |i.fr box. ^ii- nilv«rt i^riiipnl tlst-nli.'ie tor paniculate. pi . l'K lloci " Ve<i-ul)li- l.i I- 1' ilU , lui ii-KiibtiuK tlic slcinucli »inl •¦l. -am. -inu' I lie Wwil. M.iluiin' CiUpELLt ' i! U:ni.|;i.,;oiii.^ r hi. -l , ubitli bat i .iii luiiml iv.^iijeilull y t ll' .c..i.iuus in biiiifin^ tl.e bmr lo l»wvii.i'l. -iil. r; :il-» , ( ' t-Cl-H.Lb ' . - l l.tii Dye . A GIFT, worthy of a ROTHSCHILD, IS BJtOWN'6 .SllAKESl'ERIAN A L. MA . NM K IUR lSTo . It la . - .iiv tluiv > willi (Juut:iliou> mill Wu»- tr.itioiis Irnm lln " ll.mi ut Avnu , " mul fr.nn ti|ito tiic- is inmi ' i li'ir il' lj^li.ilnl. I ^lull |triiit Tiro Million l. ' ti|i if. > or Murr, mil , Leaiir dc;in>i » t-f in. lin^ the dih'riuutit.n nt i l.tu. us I.I: i! :.» |i >-«ibli< , I xv-.M M 1 .1 1 in i r Frtcrn Cup it |-'f.-i . . , -' t' l: .- . ' i.u'l ;:r. lt»i * , III* pili' t-i mil- oil' who will ju'lit 'itMx!) tl.-f-o.i- i,l ili.-iti in his 1.,1-tlity. A.l.li. . r -l'i,,l . r>. Pmti- s I IKOWX . 2. Kiiiif--in- , t , Coii- ni'nt (i.mli' - .i , l.,i;nli,ii . iflVif Snig lo C"|M-< II .i) l.c In.il nl Hi- UIVic- ..f ll .i, )> |u r. i.27-fl>ii <; I ; NSMITII . S ANI > UKALKKS IN AU . KINDS of AMMUNITIONS. r\ o r.? w i K b. AND co., ¦ ' J ..li , yliAY , V/ATEUFOUD HO TELS. 1 KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, 1I0NCK STREET, TTEXFORD. THIS is a Centrnl KU \ ComfoTtabld Hotel , in which OTor} thing, can bo had ow the most moderate terms. K§f Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also Braudiea Wines, Porter, Ale, &c. (anl5-tf.) «2j" Cars on Iliro at the shortcut notice. DUBLIN. The European Hotel , Bolton Street . fl WE EUROPEAN is the largest , the best situate, I rind tho most comfortable Hotr* in the City. All modern improvements bavobr^n recently introduced, and tho entiro Houso papered, painted, and decorated. Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw, ing Kooras from 2n. Cd. to 5s. Sitting Booms on the ground floor frco of charge. Ifgy Soup, Fish, Joints , Fon-1 , and Entree in Coffee Room and Restaurant , fro m Tiro to isoven o'Clock dail y. Bed , including Servants, 2s. Gd., 2B . and Is. Gd. [m31-tf] 3. SIOLONY , Proprietor. DUBLIN . Commercial & Private Lodging House 4'J MAULBOKOUGII STKEET. PA11TIE8 Visiting Dnblin can be nccommodated, with or or wilhont Board , and all the comfoits of a home , on Moderate Terms. [o26-lfj Situation central , close to SackfiUe-atreet. BUTLER'S CATECHIbM TO CATHOLIC CLEltGY , BOOKSELLERS . &c. Un b' tth al The A>ir» Oj/ic* , With the KiTOinmcniiiiiion of the Bishop ot Wiitprtiiril »i'il Li»nioic , the Itiijlit Kcv. Dr.O'b' sics A Catechism for the Instauctioa of Children Ii V TIIK MOST lior. Dr. JAM KB BUT' l' 1; , . l .f.-lilii"lif.i i.l' Cnsliul and Ktni\. HKi 'DMMK.MlATHlS : " I ajiprovp (if I his Kditiim nl ' lln 1 Hiuht Kuv. l)r, J AMKS Hl.Tl.Kli 's fnlirhisni , mi d i-t-i i tiinn.'i'il it to !hi Fiiiiliful of tlicso Uioci'sp*. "^ .ItillX MiWKII , H.C .li. " W. -ucifo. -il , i- i jil. li;:li , I ST. ' S. " Piii.ttii t-i, f. ' iii.d l*:iJ-H-I-, :iti«l ii, ' - i;v' . ' c' c-ir Tyyc. Cy, :. ' ln :: :> II - I :I :uiy J.iin i .-l ! l - I'Mtir^l- , S'-nt ii in. .. iliMi-:- :¦• t. l::.. " >;i-M- , l' :::- ' i iiinl I' .iK U-i.i'i li..- . . .... -• . -- . ' .i Ki-f , I! .- K:i - . - - . ::¦ i-: . | M -. , IIIJ -; l y :ii tii. 'ini tu. i i. -- ' ; r;iiii . - . - .;t ¦ lii- .i :, : . ' niii 'i- n :ins x.i.y I JU In:.! Ki-tiiii 1 ex. .;. i. . ;iii: Id IKM . -;.:- I in t in: UiiiL-i . M- . The C:t I t\cf.i<l ci-. il J L K liCX- Sl -II , l'A'llMtK !-'l l.l.l' .'l , W. ' . ' i ]-:Jil- "C»i:l) . J OHN j:olilN. -f . i!x !.•;. .- i.- :i.. . nn l.i^ iatt«»cii^ Frii'iids i.nd the l'uli ' .ic , tl.:i ' - '-'' I' ! 'S iitiitiiii-d t hu l' roprii-lni>lii]i ul' ll.c ul .i.vc xvi ii-Ui.:• n K^;ibli»li- meiit xx liifli !.<. ¦ I,. " " " iccei.lix- l;IJ-Ui I'.N Kl) , and i.s liri-iKiri-iI to Sui'l.l y (iKOCKJlIK. - - , WINKS , I1KAN- UIK S, . Sl'lllI'J' .S , Ac , iVc , Mliicli "ill hvur comjiarifon w ith a ny in tlio Tru'Je. $gy ' lie is SOLE AGENT for llt.sira. J1USOTTE au d Ull iA UD , W iiicm.d Bi- . -unl y Kxpoitcis , liuidcuax and Coguac. WaterfoTd , Ul Uiccinber , ^7:;. ti WIIOLKSALK AXIJ KETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT STORES , Si; UUAY , uml Comer of CONDUIT LAKE , WA TE IUVHI) . WILLIAM rOWKil Begs respectfully lo intimate to bis Friends and llie l' ublic ycuerall y, that ho has -j ^TOW Ol'EN, lli c itboTO 8T0RES, wbero ho hopes , J^| by strict attention to business , aud keeping tbo very BEST WINES and SPIRITS merit n sliiiro ol ' riatroiuigf. UoVSEKKEVEBS will liud it their interest tu patron- iso the ;ibovc btablisbment . SZ5" 1'lcaB* observe tbo address : Xo. 8<J THE QUAY, [Corner of Conduit J.anc), f28 WATElltOKD. RECLININ G and SHOWER BATHS With an unlimited euppl y of Water , now open AT tbc TURKISH BATH ESTABLISHMENT , I'AMK KOAD , WATEIiFOHD. The Turkitsb Bath is pioiiout.tc-d by the lucjust Medical nuthorilies , and by tlib many tboui-ands who have used it , ' .o bo tlie very bi-tt nn- .ed y in cxisieiicc for tho prevention and euro of di. -eiise , nml lor the preservation of hcnlih. au7. M I C II A K L FLY>K , T7ICTUALLER , WATEIIFORD and NEW V E0S8. MUSIC. Mil. HILTON , PKOrKSSOK OF MUSIC Jij -A-O. IS , Itp 'lUETTA STl' .lCET. ^ Tcrnis , iiii .i pp lic. ' ilinn. j_d-l-3rn ] ~ AI.TEliA TION OF l'KKMISIHS. GREAT SALK OF PIAKUFOllTES IMI't lli 'lKL) di. rii from lii.: - \J:.niii:n_-;urel:; , .Mi' . -sr> . Ciil.l .xi:!) it r<>M..\i;li , K IUKJI . X N , 1'xi.i AI . NK , 1 iitr>.-Ml Alt , . ' .I' ., iVC , :¦'¦ ( . '. A. IO. NKS' MUSI' . ' l»i-;i'(VC , i - . MI , C i .l } ' , II ./ . - ' " I' . ' ¦ ' /' ll.\ l; .M t )NI i; :-! s in Jf->: v:..i, .y, Ki. -;.: ..!, .iii.i rr.li. -li liiiiki- : Vii.li li- , i ' .-.i.fl.- , ' ¦ ¦ ' i. . - -it :• •:•¦ - , i'n."i.- . J'i ui• , l: . - iri';'- . Mu- io IJ I . MV , . ' . , - . ., - ., ¦\ 'l ' I ' . A . . I f- . I. . - ' ¦ / . . ., i : i;. |.(. \>. i. n.;.. < :. ~ : . .. .1 i j;/. - . : ••;: /. ¦ . i ... .. ' ,. >!) . Ni;> :, !, . ; I'!' . - ¦ - ' , :.: (IM. 'I ' !; I' .:. i,.. ' ' ...i;> -. . l- i.f . '•¦: I' -I. . : ¦ ' ST'-. 'i< '•¦•" •::i.i.iN'. Hi- 1' -\i .i t.i . ... i.i.'i' i ' I 'los ' - | | I I h.ll. -; tU .\' . ' .. - .lllOI. -,: i I. Ill i. -l S. f . A . .1 ;. ..: .. i\;i- >>i:Tr:. . ¦ r i . \ s» h . '. •;/. - - . ...;. ' . . ' ¦'". > .;, . ;;> , . \. U I .I IJI 'AV , U' AThi.l Dl.li . . - ..M ' l).\t;wi-;i,l, s'l i: i- :i- .r , i i. i. ¦ N , I . I .. l!i- b -t i., i-;ii:. -|, i rini. - iUflit.i.ii 1" i . 'fil n. -iv i- '{'{' ¦ N I NG and l:i:i'AMiINli lm. -inr- .<. Hi-' 'I Hti'-i'.; v ' ^ ' .l . - ill tl.c S.- -i tlit - 'i* n nud Miiiiiiiiii Ci'iiiiiii - 's ot ' Ii* . - !iiiid (^uniii-i l y. & 4I " I'intifil'ijrt' i -. ' ' :ii:'l Il:uini-ifiiiin- 1 l.iicil by the Month or Yi- . -ii- , xvilli n|il!On tu iiutrlictKr . , anil nn tin- Tlnit- Yi-ii r.V sysin-m. C. A. .IDNK-V t MU^K' WAUKllol . ' SK. UrickclliiiKi Archery, L' I 'IHJIH : ' , :.iui ullicr l!iiiiii -s , .V. unusuullv Low Prico. " . ,my|.Hj JUDSON'S DYES—18 Colors , Cd. each . KIIIlloNS , WOOL , Sll.K , FEATIIEliS , c-oninleu-ly Dvtd in Ten Minuter , without tuiliitf: tl.o liamis. " >'i'll iiist/uctions f Vfiplifl. U/ull C'li'iii. -' . - - «ii(J Sta t ioner*. JUlJr-ON'S DYlX-nvixo AT ltoHR. —JL'l- fON'S >iiii|ilc DVKS are rau»t usi-fu l ami itlixiua' .. Hiblitm-. , sil , fi-iitlurs- , stalls , lucc . brhiil , ic\U , liamHii-rebie ", uluuiU , Ii-U'OUM- ?, Shi-llniid -liml- , 1 r any sitiitll mlicit 11 ilit. -s can ensdy lif iljid in a lew 111 mite* withont snilinff the liandit , violet , mogmta . critntou , timuve, |>ui|ilv , I>i»ik , puuituu . clnrii , JL' DSON ' -S DYKS. -.ruort-oiiAi'iiic I'AI' BU rosiTnti Or pllOlO-rUl. N Tn sllOllltl III - llip|itll II. bill XXilttr Ki ll Il.tll iubmiit.J to n liul butti of JUIJbON'd DYES. lWiutilul i ir.il' iiru II IUB pioduL-tfil in Urecit , l'inV , Hum 11 , mid many otln-r coluuis .Use Jluli-on ' s l)j(» '" giiinnl timing ! D,p. xt.ui OitPs-ile-ViMtr. ¦ jUDSOS'S DYES, 1' KBNH , BBAaH ' . ' , ri.oxTEc, ai.d SBA-XVEE U tuny be il yt-tl most tiquiMle culnur", £rtm> , ciiin- t on , fuii-lf , scark-l , Ac , hy birop l y «1»| I > I »» T ilicin in u »olu. lion ot JUDSON'n I J YKS. - . fliarruinif IJouquels iii.iv cuii-ptMil. . . . JU ICON'S DYIid— ISK— i.tx. -i.Mt .—A bixpci.nj ft ui 1 It- ot JlTlftON's 1>YE> , Viuh- l , licil , t-r MMijiutii , will lu.ite Imli » |.iut ut Liilluini xviitinx iul> m our iiiuiutt) by fiinp ly ndduiB ho 1 , wutir. Klftrant Inli for l,n.lu-«. JU l<. *-l>N' s J J V KS— Kov i nlijiiriiijrArclut'rlur^il l'Liii* , ivi-. Much liuut.lt- tuny ho nivi-d in Kimdiui! up rulinni to u uni- Iui MI tin'. Tiny maj U iiat-d tiilier xvi!li l.iu.ili 01 pro , HUM- , r.iit , l'uip lf , Caimty, Cim-fOii , (>imiiic , t.n-fli , Iflui" , Miig»uti> , »"'! 1" ii tl.i. rsh»iJt. -. 'I h o iliy quuU y. JUDsON' b l>YK». - ll: " i.i- Maii.iiii! Wt.u.i . D1I..I1-1I with waitr , llity nut dn-i l y inlt. lU Ilim- ai.il mil ml tub ell. Tlivy lot"' 'he ii.t'ot crn.1.11 "' id st.iu cu utoitl. l.i tj l.t llio»n Iur MulioijHii) L-i.lt r.r i-t t xn I' rnt ; N" . 2 Illaik Tur iv..lnui ; C.iiuiy luc biititi; als.i, U' Hik , laxtiidir , nni^iiitd , a»J tiviiix ntlur colocrs. , . ... SlXl'KNCE I'KK l' .dTTI.K OK CHKMl-> l t> ASH STATIONl- ' .US KVKl iVW llKliK. II 13-0. II !-KK 'iiMI YOU UKT JUI^O. N'J 1)YI>. •«.(» l.K (JIYKX AWAY ! A Nf« Mi-iiis) «i" t :a ILn mta.- , :!" fai. 1 - " -<"' ""• ¦' «¦' pr. - iiMHirt- .l.-. In. ' -n 11..111 , .NI- IV .-.- .> l' - - . i ! i t j. i>i :|-i. -u-iu-y, .X. - . ixi lh Itul. - Hlr 1, i.n.xru tnii-iii ili-ii't. 1 l:n.-n •¦. i!:-n iloirtiv Ihi- b,iT i:.i¦»> -I Wt.i-li'l I. -! ;- , «r ¦ jiY ' li ll Y MAN HIS iiW. N IKiCIOJs I _J l- ir ' 1 ' .iu tititii.i., S' J I I. I . I - ¦¦¦• •x -- - x i-it! I'- - > i" »«« ;„.,.,.,„ ; 1 , ,: ¦ ' . IM.r h'i-1. . -. Ii ' .. i., . 'l. ->.?. . I' ll' - -'. t>-t i- <^^^': l!::i :::\:^z:!:^:~ ::i ,:r,;,.': ;: s:r:~; i..:. o.:-; .I.. - . -¦• ¦¦-• ' ¦¦'•-• •« »' " »•« (IFF ll 'lVI IiV. * . A ,.h . ' . irv.|. , V. - .}...i>tx:<i-'»- 1 >' - ^--i ' ti.,tiv-tuii i.t ,, l Ivi.ii.ii ..ml ili.- v*ii.>f. - iiii-ii ii.l ... . i. . .v,.i.-, ii!l.-tti- ii» u. . .,,., .. , !... mil . ml I.i.- . . 1 \ n - .J- l i-t iwi U'lii.J I.. ,T. , - .,.,> ,- .. «., -• ,. ¦ , . .. . :. . !-!. ¦ ;•.. . . , ; i%u . ..... . . . . . .; . . l.mi- , Meilu-u i uL-:i:uu , U U..HI - . X. . . .ll , M- . -i , ¦ .- ¦• . •!• . IMPORTANT NOTICE JOHN RYAN & SON, BUILDERS, Bog respectfully to give Notice that they bare T> EM0VED their OFFICES anil WORKSHOPS JX) from tho Scotch Q-iay aud Canada street to tbo more commodiona and central Premises , latel y known as Mr. J OII . N WILSON ' S TIMBER YARD , BOLTON STHKET , Where all orders shall receito ]irompt atteiiliuii. J. It. & S. tuko ibis opportunity of nnnvunciiig that they are prepared to suppl y jiartiva about litiild- ing or making Alterations , with WINDOW FRAMK S , KASI1K S , DOORS , TKIMMIXUS . And every other descri ption of J OIXKI IS ' WIIKK all read y for firing, made from tho best sea- soned Timber , ot;d by experienced Tradesmen , work- manshi p and niiiteriuls guaranteed , and (in terms to compete with any Imported or Mucbini' -mn.ic «nrk. %£&° PLANS and ESTIMATES prepared and furnishbd, free, on application to JOHN RYAN & SON , jl3-tn Hultun stii- i-t , Wi.n-i-riir.l. BOYS' CLOTHING SCHOOL DKESS A . MI SKA-KIDK SUITS , (HEAD Y-MAD Ej. l£54" 1! 0 Y a ' UAIS ANU U A 1> S . ri \lI E above being a NKW IiUAN'CU t,f our U.i-i- JL ness, the Stock will be found L:iif;ij ntul At- tractive , iis chiof characteristics I :- K K X'IKI ' . MKI . Y MODERATE ICI : S, combiutd ivitli OOU IJ M AI KIII . XI . nnd (• ' AShlONAHLE STYLE. LADY 'S IIOMESI'UN COSTl.Mi: . T|iia' 1' AMII II NAI I I . F . U I : ESS i.s inii'lc in (,r,i. 1 : . :i ¦ -:; TAll.OItlMi bKl'AKTJIf.Xl , fir llic .Miitl . I. li . . .. . .I !•;. :.. - Yard : IL Maijul^t-luri-i- . -,' I'ri;-!- . -.. 8SJ" t .lur Stoi k r,l I.AI 'll:- - ' (u.Ai-i. v.w. .- ;. ¦ attention. . ;• . Toiux y :<i j.\ > , >. ! AY . ii' . -r; 1 .!./¦ ' ' i ' r. vSl'l-X'lAL NOTJC!-; . 01./ OF KILKEKKY CAI.EIAUI WORKS THOMAS O'l fKILLV , IM' .Ol 'Kl 1.1 (iii. (Snr. - .s,.., - („ 11 . /. ,. ,.. . ' . .;. Ml . ' . O'liKll.LV bi-u. -i tu iiiii.Mii thi: . S,.l.u iti- (' .( 1,11' V , ;ii,il rnli.ic lit ll,.- l _ ' i>ni.I\ ;ii,ii ;n:-, ,. .l in x Counties thai llui-itu- . -* i-r 1: l- .. -L. \: 1.1 / 11. :i. - :. .. ¦ i- ul.I f. -tal i.i. -l iul l- " ; ,i : i o iy . A ii.r . i. - v:tt :¦-! \ 1! ' ' :. . . . ' . - C.il' .S, (, ' ll,X lli-l,.- - , A f ., 1,1, i..,l,, .s , ;.I, ,| .11 II ,|. ,- ,!] ¦ ¦ ut O.ITI . I ^ I. - , (. ' ;,i. ~ , ^e. , xi;;i I. ..- :i . -u:.l < , ; ';:;. [¦¦ ir .tul rn- I.u i. ' , ' dii Jiiiiit. , . - i:;. . •! tf^r- ' J. ' t-j I:i"'s 1I1. .I11; ill Mil, . lii, I -li ,. , :: ' . I. . .V. I' . - .1, . LuASS <¦). I l. l . i :y i t . l.h* ..;¦ J. i!: l;l. .:lli.l: . - 'hj> . 1 LOAIv S ON CALL OB. DEPOSIT. f* Mir. nn.I-XTOI.Siir mr. U'.UKI :.. I :::, A- C!M!' .I JL Il ill. AM I it .X I I.H .ll Cl - JJII- . lM (j i . r tl-i- J.lit |.t, - <• ', li l.l'I.ACI. M; tbi; INhTA I.M K.N'l S n ' tl.,- lit iV KI;S Ml'.NT LOAN tiinl r.ON ' DS I' iillii:-: ilin-) iin- i.n-i.iif- until (uili.i :- y.,titf , * .. At-i-f|.i l. ti AX:-: (». \ . M(JK'I OACiK 1!()NI J S :il -I ; ].i-i- Ci-ni., |.axiib:u ti| -JII Ot. Year ' s i.nticv , ui- loi- MIC II tuim .jl j.'ia as 1.1:1 v I. tixed ; and fur tl.u OeiiCiitnrc r- ' tnrk , iiiiviiiL' c<jii : priority with the Moitn.-i u.- l!o<i.!.- , !. ¦ iirin^ In;. . -:-, .il .1 •1{ pc r Ci-tii. in JICI ]itriuity. They will also n(vr]il LOA N' S 1 h UKr'I.SJ'i be:iting Interest tit -U r i-;i! l 'l.N'1 , payid.!. - i.n « . n. ^\-;ir * rf notice ; at 4 lior C.-i.t. t,i.v:il,!,: 0:1 >!.\ . \!ii l.:li; Notice ; al 3} per Oent., jiiixnhli- on Tin,.- Moniii notice , and ai H ]ier Ci-nt., ],:iy:,l ' i' .11 I - I t- n.-i ' ¦ * ¦ notice. For the yea r ending i!i:!i >i|!., 1>7 ! , ti. (- 1 ni! KeceiplH wfrc JL':¦ - " < . . <• 11> Iii . - - . ' ¦" ' •¦ - -11 - «- WorUiii . u' in. iitla-r K.\-r.ei: r i' .s \xiv% ili^^ i I. - s. ^ii. .< :• \ j t.ir balance of ±l. " , , l!ll l.V. - ¦ !., l.i-in^ n. i. n. - il. :.ii i!t. ,ib! the anxiunt requireil lot- ll.i: lnuu. -u ii I. i ;;v.:: , :ii' . . tho I'iiymcut ol ' wl.icli ihi-i e is, ili . rclt.rc , ;. r(>n-:tS * rable surp lus fur dividend. - * lo . "hiii il oiiit-t - . They xx-ill , ox-t-i-y II ;tll'-y/ .- . -ir , n-ml tu r.icl. <. ' ii-ilii.»r Statement showing the lull [Kiriit-iil.M- . - ;u. -i Ammii ol * the ^o.venil Loans (U10 liy the C,.iii[i:it.y. A pplications bu addressed to tin- ninli-ivii. -iii .-d , : the Company ' s Ofliccs , 'Vaterlbn! 'J ' ci'iiiiiiii.s. (H y Order), WILLIAM WILLIAM. -, Si-.-r'-iary. Waterfon) , Nnv. 20th , lftT-l. iinhl- t r; RiVAKS &: KEAK E, Pi; 1: 1.1 c Acc(.i. . \'i . -' .>' i> MI : . -• 1 1 riH I. AMI ai.d l> n :- - . x>t i. A- .1 M- , ( ,/„:,,.—i;.^ j,o 11 LI : ot.MoM ' ', 1.1 1 , 111 i.i:. "i7 , Il.ii:i;(i. x>ll:.iMi .S I Kr I 1 , W.x 11 u»oi. I- !<-i '. i.i!- . . /- - -1. -' , 1 ^7- . '. HENRY AUDLEY L CO. ^f^f/ 111L. E returniii^ their sinct 1-1: ;ii. '] ij riiu !;;i ' * acknowki!j. 'nn-!:ta t-i the i.til ,ix t,,i- u. -- rxtc-tisive Pairoiin^e hiiherto l. -i-siuiit'i n|>. > , them, beg to ncquainl their ksi.d j,iitiuii -> li.;. ' . they luixo mli. ' cd to their Stocfc , 11 ii ii JJ-- t - - .<t ¦ ¦ mentis , i' o M I' li 1 s 1 N t. : (il;tit I.KIK S nr.d ( . >ii> , 1' i.M i.Mi.i.v ITAI.IA. \ (Jc/Ol'. --, ( . ' (-I. l.t i.s , (' ll .X.V-i.i.Ki, L' i.1 i. -, l . ' .. ;i;ii .xi.i. ( ' \sx . x- . , -. .- . x i h i c !, lin y 1:111 i-,»i;t ' , ' :i-!'li\ : ,-i nu.iiiuj. ii. N.I;.>OI .K At.IMS iii W. -iii'iiMil it.i- l' i.\ , !¦;> in.il U U IIA . N ' S l'A 'l>. . \T rAl. Vi. - . C-^T- O ^l.. .l¦ ^ f v c c u t t- , 1 wit ll :.t- ' -lil.;fi ;.[. , ( .:, - . patifll. i :.ii'liOV|- ,li i.mi hGi'M <y, it iin. '-.: .i, JL I' -.- Iii.i .(. . 11 . ¦ . ! 1 Ni , . 1 . j.i. 1.11 I: l, M i.i. 1 1 .. . , . - . 1 - ;i . - . i . . , .11 1.. .. -. I .-»:- ill , 1. I.. . . . . i .. . . l - I . u i ll i I ..11.11 I. .1 u ' - :..-, .11. 1. .1 1. -• . : . ,, . ' Li I' .., - Ihr ;, ;,., ,/ i, (A, /. , _ -. . "_;.. 1 .. . - . - .. , , ,, . . ,. Clarke ' s World I' Fiii'cd Elect! liiilme , I ' O i. 1 l.KANi-lNd -. ,1 1 1.1- AulNi. -i . l;i. i.ii . .:: I 1 ALL i. \,l L'lU I ;!- . . - , ul. t - .i.-i IIII -'I.^ N. 11: 1,1 ,11. ! n :. << 1, li. 11 <>r ,1.1 •¦;;., ¦ .- .11- - , r t !-< i<-» 1,1 . - 1,1, :,,..< II . I , I , - .!. It ,-ui. " , t ):.l . - . .rt^ ; 1 I. ' . -. •:. •!.,. . ".!. ¦ , in ' .N..k : I' ;.,!., . ,,! . - ,..¦ 1. , . .; in.,, ,.!. - . . !- ¦; I- ,, ,, I ' M .- , " . in IX >.,l. - ; (. ' ..Ill'-l.-l!- l. ' ii *- I- : I.i - ,! ..I ll .\;i, I j t <-i^ : ''i.i, I'tihil *i .i. . -J^ ^ - - , .1 u r.- . , Hi !> (,.,.! /( '/,n In,;. iiu- .Vr t i t , in.11; ui. - .i i.ut cu. 1 .ri- - -^. . ' . - .Ir.- n- .x;iiii- 1* ),:.-.-:. . ; ;.. ¦' . - . - , - ' ¦ - , ,1 . ! 11 :11 i. .|i|. - .l - i I;. ., 1. IMiiL.y - Hi.I' I. "• ' /i ' . I ..i S li. - - I ll-i - iVi " ;;,- . •: ' ;• :!. . - .. ¦: »- ,i!i- ' , - I,:.,.11- il. . - I j. , 1 n.- i - I;,, . -uil.i tu i;.\.: 1: ;i ! i :, 1 to sr 11 - 1 -In.- . 1 .lui' viM, . -. i-f ri r 1 tv.., .M.i ! ¦ i::- . - . xt .111 run - . * ii! 11. lii.ll ' .i- 'J-. :•¦!. 1 . . . . I. , J ::.; :. I.. -.- , i-i,lii:itn:n Kuttl s , I1- . i -t.. i. , M.tliti,-i,t i., . i l , i: ;i p. 111. ,II.-I,I MIL t^ ii^-rt.ii'in-i; ' ¦ ..-¦ - , : > -. 1' L i n n; - : - ..., >i i.i - . ;.: . . . ;. v V. ii.l.. ' .^. "i vM,i :-, ' .. i,y .. .: .!.,-, .. 1. ,;a, .: ,1 - .7 . .. itnii.|.s , i v I- . J rl.Ai.Ki: , ri.,1.. >' . II IL 1I -: . . I , i. - , - ., : IVIlDLLl-lLh Ali l.>f.- . - li. i.l-x A - - .I. -. I .. t.il'.i- . in,.1 . -..I t|... \v ! . .. . ¦ . if, . Til lllC l^U. Ill i.l.ll Il-l il ! I' .lll.ll. ; T.i ll.i 1 ..II. lh. I' li iiiv uf U Jll¦^ >. - i"-ti 1! A ' |'... I .: U . I-: All i tu Vvial I' .lJl.' ll I' o:. l.t.tlt- r-, l- i.liljjn I., I, I :, ,| . Hid lliiilxritv L ' vii'[>.ii.i»->. 1-:-: - i-ii-t .,.1 17111 . J , W. BENSON , •«"» ¦ , ATCH AND CLOCK -MAKKK , i;oi.lj > .Mn VV S1LYK1.S.M 1T1I , AND A h/l l sVl K; .MK'l .l xVUIiKKlt , I' rize ili.li,l. ->t 1,1 11 u I.. ili'ii . UuUiu , ,,i,,j Kslnb.lioii-; Miiki-i ot tic Ll.r, li'Kl.'p h I j m.11.1, u.r ll.i ami nil ollmr lUa- .t ami glrilt , v, nt> nl !!,, - ,|., t ,,,. - ,,, , .Miinul'iclui)- Kl.,1 Citi llon.r , u. -i .X: Oil , I.L' III.A 1 K ||1|. WI- M Kiwi K-tHlilisIni" "is . ' - ' o, Ul.l) liOMisi i;l.i.i .„ Vl« , WKsl'UOL'KNK UKOYK , l.ONHi .N. WA 'ICllKS t-'I .UCKS Of all tin.l$ , at 'i to iW Of all X,,,., . v , ,,1 _ ¦ < 1, . . ., Guineas. ( - ' uinm. \ . I.i-v, r , ViMticiil , Cliun-I- , 'i' mui , ll ui.zuntiil , Dup lix , t '; uii. . | :. , t , !,,:i.i- , l - i,i- i . i . i ' i > i f i i- i , L'lni . -iit>t:iii' .li , Uiii.i. . .;. 1, ¦ Hi.,, ., K fj l .> s C . l i l if Siviiml . - , i- , ll.,ll , M,,,p, iit-pt-:ittrl>, 111.lui' , At-. I.. ' I., ii , l' .i. f . k, t t ,\:i. K. N0L1MI UiiSlOLC L ' l C C K> , .l,>l^li'tl IX l-.li ^. l-i, At: :- anil ii.iiiiul.u-uiriil h ) .1. W . l-t>- i :. , ';.i . .x,...| ,,, 1, .... tlltlM- tlil.!IUI».i:*ul*ril ..Lr.-hil . 'l l..^ L .. U t?;i, I c , l-l;in:,,l llus oat 1 bti-liit i-ii' . r ' l . -.K AKT Ur.O>ZL3 ASlt ClllSl MX (Jl s A XI KM s , ,,1 | limit d.si^lir , l|,.in C iil;iitnl.il vH./' t ,c ..I tlig I, . , :., rrnutnli oi» , iit n.i-i 1 - ! r.tl'- pi ' .ic- . Ai lll^ilC (iltl.K JkXVll.t.Kll V , .,( tin ! liil,.,t nuj n. j^ qi|. -ltO il-^:>;il- , XX -lll Ml.l. - Klali:- , (. i. M.- , ,,i.. | | | .,, Kill..li:'l t'l HI I' l.luMlf , -III" r ill-'111. - I.; il:. I .„ .- . n.| . . nl Ar ' . ii:- iii tin. , l iidi iii Am.,;. - . !:¦-.- . ¦- .. |;.,.; N . ll . . US . l .ucL. I: , K II .- . .. I. I -1: i. - ,1- . , 1 /..|. ' , - .,, .|- ,, ' , Mljlplli - .l In ji, ll. 1.1-13 i.l li:, ' ' '- .I t i:, ' i ll i | ,K| ,,|- 1:) .| I> ir-.ni3:i-9. l' l;li- l MA1I- S l' l AlF. - 'l.-t Ml' ll :¦!- i.l . 1 . i ll . lit -.. Il . n i rj I "I , ¦•• !¦* , l . »' l 'I »i-i "I' v ';..» , ;.. - |, I ,, VI ,I, I | AH. l' . hN-'t> In. Uf l. ' . .i|" -l illlill nl l.'HI'l. Il -ml ntl.il i , u i;,,,i t- , III .. til. . - , i!..u.i Hi 's it i.x- . ii..i. - 11,,, ri'i t-iibiii ..| I ' llj- lii tin! I' niiiv ill X' - sil.- - , lliui- "I r. iitiltm*!, , , * , ',: .X .,- . ru.v.u AMI 1- LH i ti'J-1 i iu '. tl..- ii i-i linn i.,-i.i alii! I.' ll'i- II "-1 .il.'al. I' H :¦&.' . Ill LM It! I -1'i.i:,. U i n | Ll »,ij- iii ?. I . II- s.ji.ii'l III.,|. IMN aim i M-iiiiMi-ni r u . i t i n ,! sh.l "• r. -i«: I' all} IV. .T i.l, ltd in ., ¦ 1-1 Hi,.ill, . . \ () ,, IS it.ili j i-l.i-itp :.l ai.} I-l... , .. ... II .... I, l.ujii,. . . ' ¦ . ' -.I 1 " ' W mi lii-a rti.il C" . U f i ,,.: i.y >.Wii:. ,l w- ikc lilil rilxt- i , J, - .x.- .|,ii , U,, i,;,, . , ,v . 1 nciiai l i. -i.i | . Mtui, Mnppcti- , Al"t Cltll.^ -llppti,,! . ll lu-na' fii r»in|'tiUi> , , IMU lui! i!i-n i j,ii (,,i of »|| i,ui Wiiltl.i-f , 'liil. fp;. r.- , .1 ,'f ' , 'li , ..l:,l l-. ' ,, ctu..l'lul.- . )i!i-i-. - .m .x-ii , -t..t 11 v , x , -: up,.i, Hi.j'iietiUbiib tu ' j l.KN. -iiN , - i i-iii ii i-t : i, xi- .i.ui v,t , \\ iliil is , Links, Jii wmii , jiifi l i'./ite M ut t'> ^11 ptr the wor .l . ' (illa-ly)

Transcript of on MICHAEL O'BRIEN & CO.snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1874/... · 2018. 7....

Page 1: on MICHAEL O'BRIEN & CO.snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1874/... · 2018. 7. 11. · i in: w ,\ 'ii:i ;K(ii( n NKW.S iA;,:.ri!!..n l n'Mi-xp, rp.|iriiicii.) | HiC.t-1

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) > 1 ) ' ¦ • ) . Y V U I M . 1 "'S , I N " A l l Y A N C K .

Agents for Sale oi' THE NEWS:\V •, I I- i. T i ' 1 i 1 * — Mr - W. Krt. t. v , Liui . - lu- 'iViifV-Strort.

Tl' Wii ' K l '.— M ' - - I LUI V I Hefvi 's-bineut, Kooms, inS r - - , - . ! - - • ! i-f I .

[< \V.- .\i ;t: f .A .-T- Tl.c J lis.-.v LOYK , Hotel , Square.

- V i ; K H " K - l ) N - > V 1 H—Mr. .LM.M\T.v . iY , Si'\vsA<:i'i.t .

pi ,\ i . \ |.'V \ .V— Mr. Kl'" .M:t ' K I'. K N S A N , Stationer ,' .\c. i

'vj t :¦'¦«! Ti- !i'Ki "»I' l' OIV:i -i>, The Square.

K 1 L V . .U 'i i l l iM AS ¦ Mr. M. l'i NM:, Grocer , Ac.

1 i^y. t - l , i - >! I . - ' - - I I N N UI. V .X N . The JlajnVan-liousc

\"K \V l ! ( i >> — Mr. 1". M O K A S , News Airi'ti t , Ac.r \ M l .l i n .'.: i . i ;-Mr. .1 . l l« ¦i . "U .\ v . Mrun- .-tm-t.

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"&»}" XOTlCK —Tins C.IIII |'.I I IT tnkrs the tisk o( I U MII .dll lV (lip I,. l l l H > ,Kl)) t,n iMu h ot lU Wn-ls, tllU S (!1VIII KI's^M-ii li u-s llir l.i->t |io4-il.h* (.¦usirnnlrv for mli-ty and avoiil-anri' uf ilnnyi- r lit sin . Tin *t snntlirrlj' mute hn-i lin naUi iiv s iidupiiil l.y iliis Cnn p.u.y lo moid Ice Bnd Head-I..II./S.

l.Ai:i ;t>T STKAMI-:US AFLOAT.• j ....

T^Jtv'fri^X ¦t |'"'' l-ii ' <- >'J 'c°l '" iVcw.1 York every¦fejt^aLSaSfe

r. llVJ ii .-.-.idi/ , rtii ' ,-n-ry altinmtc

a ¦i-.i V in . T trfa!** i'/. '/.M/ / (» Hi l ton <n\d At-n. l'oi.Z- .

TIJfK Magnificent I''nIM'owcied Iron Screw.S'I K A M - s I l I I ' .s

i-/ .5'ii!"v 7'0"-' I •"'*''"• r""Kf. l rj , f.i- . . :ui ifWl KNKUI M I, Kc-iii n KHX.Sl'AlX , l.'irai-c -I1W ! '111KyUKKN , llm«if 4VV 1ITALY , TlioniFun «ti I 1I0I.I.AM) , Simpson 3S17I 'ltANn- r.Tiu.uipstiii :»',T1 ! K H I N , An.lrcw* ;i!..SGwi.v.-iiu .nv. i.-tcr .••.-.¦•I , /; I:I.VI :TIA , fipciiccr :i!ir4I'llttl'li, flimiiiis »»j DK N .MAl i K, siiiuuur 37W

W 1:1 San n-i -iii l. ivrrpuul tu X»w Yotk ns niidi-r:Til l-: Vl.'KKN Wc.liiu. Ml.-iy, Ucc. 1< !K X G I . A X U YVeil iitsd iu-' Dec. 2:iSl'AlX Wednesday, Dec. 30.

J.u.iii'i: L1'." '.-'» » n l l 'i - if Ht > '\ \ t im i iu \h ,T>> 1J..SI0.S* AM. N*l:\V Y'uUK :

ntAXi 'i: Viupur , IKU U. :.¦ i.< .*-ali , . , i i ;u-ri 'i t . i t i . i(l,' i tnin if t in •u t [ . 'i.s.-t >.)) tli . - Mair*roou,t

i.u umi Mii i l ly l-irj; .-, aii.l oi'.i. i.tl II.o t-iilwiiis., m i i a l i d m[¦i>.-|. ..li .Ink

l ;.i *.r ul j .ii-<;i'P" il 111, 1-, iiml 15 G .iinra?, .iccnrdioa to nc-con .t i i . i l a t iu i i ni * tat .- *i . i . i tn—ni l h a v i ng satui* p . iv i l r^ i> i t ,-:.»•¦ n. I I . M i i n l i i l i - K , TWBM 'Y-KOUli G U I N K A S .

JW Tin- CO.MKUHT oi .v iKEUA 'iK 1 A?S.KNGl-;i<s¦ pi-L-i i illy r t i i i s i i l r n i l — l l i.p ncconiiiiudation lemg u w q n M a lI.n -t iiir , l i ii l .t , .ii.l t r t i l i l H i i n i i .

K n t . ^ t ,l l'i.^SHh :.— ii* l.i.v as l-v any otl-.ir l ine—inr lu.l r«liiiiit)«u< -t. (il Fusil VriitH-ioim si rvrd up I 'cyiked l.y ll.cC-ttnni.; *« .--iTv. int- . ivIcdic Hl i i t t f i i dn iu - i - Free. Sti-waiil..->-t -s in i i l t i i . ii i .n r r mi F.-ni.ilc -st . f t f t g e l> HS.st-ni'(T> .

S i u M ii i. l'.i> >. i iai-rs luHi .-i i il id In Qurln-r , liuM rn , I'lnl-H.K-l {iliia , ai.il l : ; i ! l i t in .n-, w i t h o u t extra charge, ani l buuki-u'.I n t . t iu l i t .i . ,iti l-'r. .in i- .»> , an, 1 a l l i nU t u I l t,i .us «•! I' lntei i-- la t . - ^ and I'a i ia iU cu i . i \ u i i i ; , l . ] r l i - i i n s . l >H> > i n t ; i - t > liwik.'C:l n-i.^ l i l o A u - t i a i i .i , Xi-» /. .ai,.nd , Chin a , unit .Ia|ian , vinl l i u Km- I tmln- ii t .

I- «.r Kn-i^lu ,,r I* ii— i»:•• i.pp ly InTil l : •\.\I1.,> .II. M l A M Ml/1" LV.JII 'A.X V ( l . / . M I T K > . ) .

¦Jl J .I - . I L-:!, U a t . r .- t r . irt , l.lvii|,u ,l ;s-.¦ 1.K A- .l .\*i > < > l : WATi:i : K , -l ; l t :

. M J C J I A K J . l i l i U . N A1 , i ,)) wv, V.>, .M. K.-J UIL LS'S giiaj- ..1. > i .Y .L' i . l l . Y , i ,,u i l , . i i . -> i i i i ; I ' I C I IA H I I l . i Mi t ,

.V..:u M m :, I|,I . : l i i c i.A i i ii I ' l i k i . AN , l!ii,«n f i i n- t . 1'i rt l . i w .V\ M . i- |'I . K I > l A l . 1.1..l.-l , X . W U IAJ ; l' A T U I Ck J.A .Mi.l.N ,

.V . I I . I I .1. l't -i : M !> s anil l i n o s . , »_j i : .< i i st ' -v v i i .l' .i--. t .< . r> i . i .- i i - l vt ' . i l i n M'l-mi- l l u i i IV-jgrs l i o r n l ln-

.. - . .I . A K t - t i t » I ' l - iiMt - . . . H i l l - ln . i u .- .

A M K H I C A X L I N K ." VM T K l l > 'I A IT-.> ^. .\ I I . .-TK A . M K 1 < ¥ .

°' S"S i VN Liverpool to. Philadelphia%XM *fy^ - 1; N I'- 1; v w '•• i >M-> i • A Y .*-l|-l.|-\«*'36J l.';,!l-. .;i; ;.t (.'U '< H-11 » II . V l l J Til V II S I-A T .

l'"l l !l - tl i» » l'ui l- -J . .\ V . I . . I 1 1 1 . I I M l M l i. rl l .p |,rC i . |> |.U l | l l t l J tu

S.v.l : —»KI- : . \" [I .Wni a [ l.. . l lM - . Iti ¦ I L L I N O I S J - i t i . l:t

I M ' I A N A I i f.- . •J.l O H I O l»!i. *>rHX.N >Y l . V A M A . J . i u . tl | • K l - . N i L \ \ u K l l l ... .Ian. -j;.\.. n.t, Hi,,,li .it <- 'V - s f i i^ i r s i a i i i i./ u i , ii.y.•.(.'<. iiurit il Iliiu *

1 In- i> l l i u cu ly '1 i i . i i r.-Ail . intn: Line sai l ing under t h eL'ni ; .d ¦Si:i t |.j Flii |r, .mil t l i t- IUTI , IUII iiil-'liou lur a l l clii».-ci-. 1 '..i-n it- ir s ..* i q u.-il in i-liy.imT .Hid c.inilwtt to «nj 01 IhcKmo)..-.i ll M.i.:i.slill. Lini^ . 1-Ai-ty btiauur Carres ;i tuvg ron..liil SliUintlrs.y.

l '.i-- ..n^ . i. :inJ croiis :,ri . laii.li .l :.t Pliil»dil|ilii:i on HieWl, i I |l,c l.Vl.i,rj l»- .iii i.i l l a l i ru . l . l C.,lll|i.:liy, wind, lu-i l l , - liu i l . ^t and uio>t d i ut l l uul o to al l *.! ;ITH HI tin: W i b t -.•i i . M..U,.

I' .- r ill.- >p ic i .il iiccru.i i . i i f a t i l l i of [ ;^^^ l u t - l l s, l l i r i L ii l .lill.n-i- t i n - mini: l uu l , I;, h , - I n n, hi l .u .'ln , U l l l l t i l f i t . i l i ^l .« - ! t . l I!i.x , Ti'li-|M:i|.li tllli.i-, Kxc l .Ptmr iJ Hicc , and Haui i au .L'x (,u-st. C'lKc.- . I'a .Ml 'ih (.) th ,- / in- t a n f' -'-s litlec 1 iu f ' it i n - l;.iilu. .ul r ,it - n i i l , u i . t lt.n -.ni; I In- L a n d i n g Wlia. t , ;nnlt l .uv ri lr l - t ,, hU v n^ I.I liolli l i tu l - Kl .d I l l nn ry

I' A U/ .V I'.ij .-.u. /.., i l"j ]-.'.-. to J-.ii-l i t i i ' ii (.inim-i?. l if l u r nTi i-k .-i- ai i i d u i-Hi ia^- 1..

i- l l .L l .AUL )'AT.a. \ ( iE si-. ]..«• ns l.y Ally (.tllCT LillP, lUC' lud-\\ij i -an an,;,l.r Mi;ij ,ly i-t l'r t . v^ iu ti-, coi.k id mid tt i v id up by\\i> L'I 11,1,n\iy V >v tH»i .l f c . Mii:i,.j ;t- l';*:.uui:irs u i c l.r w a r -.l.-.l tu N , w Y o l k yv lu l t i i i i . i i.., w i t h o u t a .ldit io iMl chaise.

I .VT i : i :M l . I "l Ali : I AV S.UiK. — ."-III 'IM .' I -.ll" ll . l l .ndll l l t . l l , It;.cl iu l iu)! Hi i l s . , J i .ddn j :, mi d all mx i ssai v L'I .I IM ].- mid -I-|i.,rau- 'l au. i.., 10 0?.

Apt -l y ui l'n i l i .m l i . l i iM t. i 1' i.ihi: W uKii iT A: SO N S'.'. i i i t . i l An . ins., 3' 7, H iii'i i i n - > t i t i t ; in (j iH-iii-tomi , (o .N ..V .1. L'1'.MMIM; . . lil.thn- ; ..|, || in L;\il|,i<ol, to

i iJCHAJ tli .SOX, Sl'KXCK i Ct).,t l 17 III . ,I 1!/ ll ;,!,!..!!!-.! : LI

J O H N UKYKl .LL 'X, Quay, Waturfwd.

¦I N K !( ; (> ( ( (.OAT- :

"YV 11 I T V. S T A I t " ], I N K .r N J T K I ) S' l A T K h M A I L VI KA .MKJ I t r..

o i ..'I T i n- l.u: ! | ,t : • •',' ' " I I . i • . •!¦ ' « > i .

^ 1 7 1 ^^.~~?\ Liverpool for New York

l'..>*. i .in i i. t . . i.l: |- i i i : s i . l i l f L'I .I I H I M a t . - a i.d C. II .I .I H ,l i t t i - l l i i t •_• t i t tu X- ii Y..l l< i v . -i y > ; i :u :d . i \ .

ll y M . - M- . I I A I .I A M I K W < 1 P I , l t . Ma- l , - i . i l li- u i ; -ii- i ,l' i . I. 1 . I V I l. l (;. ] . 1-1(1 Q l l. I N S T l . W X

A D I M A T I C . . . Tl.ur.-d;,y, .. I kr. I T l l i .f l- .'l.TK; . . . TT.urs-di.y, . . . Ut-c. 2 1 t l i .OCK A N I C TT.iirf i lay, l^c. l iUt .J l K l ' U I I L I C . . . Tl.uibdav , ... J »u. Tt l . .

Tin - -.I I M I I .-I I :; - -in: :i,i n n i t i . i n : nl t i n- lu ir l .c - i M .. .i .

:.l: ¦ i. j i.- ' c i. n I. ii , d. i n , . i .i. i> > . i ,ci - 'l, . v. !\ in I' .i i' u.. i. - .

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CO V£RKMEI\JT E M I G R A T I O W'JU M'.W / K A l . A X I ) A N D C A N A H A .

I'U IKI. J 'A.->A li |- .S I., NLW /.LA LAM) f i .- inu.l' l . , . , :- i l ,:.- A|. |,lu;.i. | r . A.- . l .- T L I ) I 'A . S S A i i l -.S

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M i i i i n t - t .- to N ' » Yu il . i n in- n n c.-k l i . ,I I I (^ut - 1-i. . i .

t i .M i.; LIM-I 'I i « l . "l ",v . l' i . l i l i i ' , 'i l i . -i;t,« , and i.iih'Ioii

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l.nnj .. , , , , , Itl ici— Hi N L W L A N L , C A I i K I C KO.Vo r i K . : i : i l l i l

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K.UI. WAY T I M I-: TA J I L L S FOli D E C E M U E h

WATKUFOlt l) AND LIMKIUCK KAILWA YVVp Trains from ll 'aterford.

| T R A I N S ay 11-r.i.K piys-- . S'DV .w A f E R r oRp j : M A I I ,.1 |M A I I ..- MA I L .

TO IIMEHIl - 1 I I 4 2 ! I i -J U -J I l!:l:«|| 1,4, I 2 i 3' CI.RK V . Clatii. Claks. ClnH8.!C/a«6. ClaSA. Clam._ .J^ .y i. A.M . r.M . P .M. : I ' M . r.M, I .M.

Wmtrtvril..'.j ttp.i 5 41) „ " 11 -15"i"2 "45 ¦' '« 30



" 8 IK) '

Carr ick-uK-Suir . . ' 0' 25 ... TJ 17 \ I! 1!3 i 0 15 ... 0 15Clonmol 7 5 ... 12 <i ' 4 4 '10 0 ... 10 0Tipi e is i rj c IS ... i I .in i 5 3 ^ 11 ss ... 11 3.")Juiiclli"! n r / r/ H - S , ... J 111 I 5 SO 'll 55 ... 11 65DCBl. .x ...orrico/ 1 15 ... . 3 40 in I) ' .| 5 ... 4 IIOCO R K arriral 1 an .. 4 35 I K 15 I " 0 . j 9Dublin dcji 10 Du ; ... ] .7. ... 7 45Coik............ , 12 3n I HI 0Junction S 3S 12 12 - 2 25 ' 5 45 12 'J3 . ... 12 23Limerick....nriil !> W> 12 M i :t 15 ' <i 50 I 1 30 ! ... 1 30

Sown Trains from Limerici.> T R A I N K ON lV »;t» D A T R . M * l.l

LI ^KH I .M A I L . .MA I L. M A I L .; .MA I L .

->~ c".31cj *i : £,t.! ^''c^: ^_ A --M A M A.M . r.M. ' P.M. ' f.M. P.M.

Llunrrick de\> 0 I.'i 7 n II .1- 4 0 Id 4(1 : ... 1(1 40Junction ..orrir«/ 7 •-'!, ¦ S 2H \ fZ 20 5 15 11 55 ... 11 85i.'t'ik .,.. . ... 1 :i(. J I. « U J 0 ... 2 0Pul'lin 1 13 ; 5 15 10 O f 5 ! ... 4Dcm.lx iiV;. „ ... » nemu : o o ... ' ... ; ...Juiiciion ,, 7 31.' ¦ ... US Si' S 35 'is ss ' ... 15 33Tipiier:iiy 7 «• ... 12 4.. 5 15 12 ,W ... 12 JoClonuirl ; !) 0 ... : 411 (£25 i 2 20 | ... 2 2(1Curiick 9 15. ... 2 5 ial : ! C ] ... 3 0Waii:il»ril ...nrir( 111 'JO ... t! 4s S 15 :l 15 ' ... 345

FAK I S *— I-'Int Clam SinKli - 'tickrt , 14. Oil ; . ecuinl du. 11 lidThird do, ii» 5d. Kcturn-Firs.1 ClBks. -Ms 9il ; ^cronii do, IBs 6d

J. F. N ICOLL, Kecroiary.


1 J.p tha t i t *! Tt- i t l t /mm Wal t-r fuid and Ki lkenny lo Dutilm ,A t l i l o n e . 1' - t i o m n n , Par. «i^town.or Nfiiasb .ta c l « M a i y n t»ro '.

IO' In-prOTcil t |utck nnil t l i touRt i ¦ i*ily romrouoici t t iut i bu¦ ii r rn Mar ) i orouiM i a n u olht-l b i i . t io t i s to U ateilopl , tht-aceTi.i /Vun- Al i i to i .1 (u Loof.'oD dnd ui l etat ions on tbc 'ircai VVf-s-t r r n rai l i*;.yef Knc lnrl l .

'Hi Smnlnys Hit1 Dewn Tniins u i t l loiivc MiirylmrongL at 1.0Jl 111. «3" i-t'M'AV I'lXlTL-MUil-S DlSCOMlM'KP.


I I K A I .S. u^ M-I:KK DAIS . SL-MI A Y . .

„„.„,. 'l ¦! .\-'J U S ! 24 3 I ic 'J I 2 ".V:i 1 z.t 'J

ETAiKiMi. 1 i-,,, 8 . C|,n. cl,,^ cia-» . Clam Cluis' A .M . 1 r.M . ' i .M. P.M In on j I- .SI .' Ii in li !n ¦ h in h in li m ft m

Wat»i ! . r.l._rfrj )«r/nri 7 15 I 0 1 0 12 l> —Kill. nri,» >._ 7 v:> . 1 in I 10 — 12 1:i _M n l l i i i i t v i . i 7 ;:, - I -.0 — 12 2.". _i;.r.';- |i .-lll- 7 H 1 :,.'» 4 ',0 — 12 5.1, —ITu i i i aMont " lii I tn 4 5.S \ — 1 "1 —l!tl:i . . lsljln;': t Si -_T> 'i li i i ' — 1 ".Ii , —Ki '.Vu'.ny a n i m l y in 2 21' 5 ill — 1 -I" —

I i!, i.iir luri .' .'..". i Mi .'1 :i» . — J ,',U —li: i i .yiacarl 0 !;• i tl' 3 Sli — 2 l'i _A i t a i - i i k l. :. •.'.'. :, i. ( i d — 2 Hi —A W . - I I ULI :. ;.', 3 1.1 0 1 5 ' — - VI —.M.-i i i h o r o ' rirrirW ll' If :l .15 6 IS — •'( '"' —Mi. i l .ur. iit li 0,7, .. .,,, ll, .VJ 4 i 7 Hi ' — :l 2 1 _I' . . innin.an,n J II .IC 'n i : I I ¦) 17 s 7 . — '•> w _li i i l .J in arriral I I .", r, 4i . ]n !) — 5 •ISA i l i - i r t - J . i i i C i i - 11 iirH \ 4 '< - :in — . — —.M.iiy li>itn ' ...i/';> >fcu'» Hi .'II. — 7 11 ' — '¦ *•'-Hii l Ut .r . pliy Hj .Mi — 7 4't — 10 25J!u,.-if I l :M - f i t ) ' — —Parn- iiMovi, . , 12 4 . — !i n ' — —l'diliimna 1-J 4 1 — :» -in . —Nci.llL'l l 12 -.'. — !i 2n ! — —Tcmt^t more — —

!¦ J 7 — JO 5iTl 't i r lci i i r r l ml 1 3'i — S 35 — I I la


T R A I N * I'N Wtl .K UAlb. B L ' Sn A Y V .

„„„„, I ¦l k l i *& 2 l ~ & a t 4 2 1 2 i 3 l i ! i3Clunk. Clnse, Ulnts. Claw. Ula»n . Clnto

_ A.M. A M . A.M . P.M. ^.M. r.M,' Ii in h In h in b in li in h m

T h l i r l en departure — 7 Hi I S5 — 2 2'1 i-l l i j i l r lM ' fL- " v:> ; — 2 i;j — 2 2')r .a l lj b io i b; 7 .f.'j ' — 2 4:. — 2 17Ncnii ir l i — li 30 1 0 —l'u l t n n i nu 6 ti — — /'.-UKocMciirn 6" 40 ~ I if ) — lluj crru _ 7 13 , — 1 65 — —>n.ii!...|e- ...,,n l...vf _ B 38 ' — ; 3 10 — , W 21Ar hk l K : Junc l i . i n ...— — — S IS — — —l l i l l i h n titp nrUirt — li (I U ti 1 0 0 3uV tu i l inelon Ju oci 'n ~_ ^ :: 'in i:t ; 2 45 — l l :tl.Maryl>uro> ..»rW...ifirn — 8 2i 10 3'. 3 9 — 1 1 y i

uoiiN Ti.Ai.vs • Muil 1 -J &.1 —Mt.ry l.oro * ,..de\-ttrlurt — 9 40 IU 3.) ' U :." — t '•At l'l -y le lx it li 10 50 'i 50 — ' 1 2nAili inu | .'li — 9 10 — 4 5 — I X,ll . l l lyi i l j -Cct _ !l 15 l l 15 4 IS — I 4.".K i l k e n n y ... arrival — !' 4fi i l 4u I I 3h — ."> 10

Ho d eia i i u t i 7 3' 10 > I t 10 4 On — 5 inl'.i 'lilicl.l.inllic 7 4.i in 12 — 5 3 — 5 \>i1 )».;»««i»ii n c .o in a 12 5 :, :o — inH j l l j l.iilc 8 25 in 4n 12 10 5 3 — li DMn:iii,:iviii t so |.l II — ' li li — . ii 25h n i i i a fi . u : u s I I Hi 12 46 ii ir — C JiVVnl .-iluri ! H ir i vu i , 3 50 11 ou 1 0 6 30 — 7 0

Si i c I .I I K.-. i t i - ft it- i l.a'pi"! to K i i M an .l Kn-tind Class l'a-ten-^t t b

b. t iL int; tci l i k i c l l ,y t h e l: . \ i> i(t8 Mai l Traits on Gu-i.l

•S u 'l i- ri i II >>< ) A'tHem l.ini;'I ul. . is i>m.-. l (,,r SICI ^J C .U-iimey r.rc aTailatle only for bt

1 1 * . , n l > .i V IHL II lln > att it.t.ut'1 .K rt u i n T i t*t ls an- IM,IU I I Ijeln. en an> tun Seniors availali lt

I - l j l i , - ,i>,tt- .- J i> .-iif ;.t ij ,:n> f,, I. i,\i*in« ; I I IUM.* issued l or an>• i . ;,Me i in i tlii g ,''<- t in , , > , w i n t.< nii i i lnblu for i t t u i n on tin¦I,.) .-t i:*i.t- i. t (I u.e lux It.11. ii .t K t - a iB , I.II .I for di^Unic-f , i-xv. ^ 'l in ^ ;tl , n , i li s . l l i > :,ii ;,i. i i i , t iii lui t t l u i i i t n i l i r i;-i> olir.uc ir../ l/.t- t l l l v / c /K. i« i rfc i ajt — >'H/ - .,':.>i, ni.1 r t c k o n e d .UrtiT'i T ickt tn tar-uitt (,i. .St f tu i . luy i-te r i lu i t i i. b lu OD buturdt.;,Kui . i i . i ) , or .Mmiilay.

*l Inou^h 'I uki-ii-, ai Ion l.t ic'.. , aie hhuctl al Maryboroug h anilK i l L . n u > , l id M'mi- i foKi i.h'1 .Mi i f .nd l lnv in , it. an.l fii.t i. I/.t'-a - n , DuTtc , I'.i.l H i l l , . \I .U ,-l:Ol . Keailini:, Ktlainotoke. S»in-d.iK , dxtt.id . I'. i i i i i i i . ^ l i i . in , \\ (,rti-i.li-i , IU-ieloiil, Utiellcnli mo,IliibU.I , U IUMC .-'. I , .Sv»|..,n, .Mir lhjr, Abi:idare , Uaidill , J.ealb ,S.* iinBi-a, I j it i i i - l lj , Lai i i i i. r ic in , and Catniauncti Juncliun and.\>w Mil lo i . l .

\V. \ V i L i . i A M B . S.-crc tarj.

W A T K U r O l : !) A N D T l i A M U h K H A I L W A Y .ll 't ik Day Trains.

K .y , ' ^ 3 - )i 6 ? 0 0' ' ;i in _:. in |. li, p i n |. in |. in p i n I ' m n il .

I, in I. in li in li in li in ii in li in n m I, inlV* u,.i •(, (i i l i. 1* 1.', "2 I. 4 0 0 !J|. 7 15 il h ...I "ni l. :i l i ' I I H i I I .'I '1 II 4 3n 'li (, 7 10 I' 311 ...

. iuit 't 'i if 7 rdiii .s.

¦IIOM ' - '' ' " U K''¦ ii in \< ni \ . in ) ¦ in MII

^JII p i n |> m a in

t. n, l> in 1. !> Ii in li in h II . Ii in h ti: b li:IV - I.M: •• !."> 12 15 I :i, ¦: :m 1 :» !> i. i" ¦' i.", u i". •; I1 -I ii i; i n :J.i ...' M a r t r a i n s H . N. ll . iKK K , S t r it tu r v .

L'M i l . A N I i A N D M i C T H W . \ l . l : > , A M I T i l l - : .- ( J C T /I' r' I L K L A . M i, ISY CH L A T W K > T K I i N U A l I . W A Y ,ri.i M i l . l - 'OlMi I I A Y K N ,

In i- ui i i . ic i iui i w i t h i l.c WA I I . K I O I .- J I A M I LiMi: i : icK andW A I H U O K U A .M . C K .M I I A I. I U K I .A .MJ Li.ltd.

£:JiORTZ5T ROUTE , and REDUCED FARES. "rf / iJ / . i - 1-.'.v VVuti i . f (.!(¦! .%'.-».' Fiwi Mai l to «&.

j ^ ^V «•«>..•¦" I :\


H7-;>,7i' DAY. Ju^L l ' .— Lii ivu W A I I : I:HI UI I nt I 30 p.m., oti Arrival of

11 - ii<» n.m. Train Irom Lit n. -iick , niiil 10.35 n.ni'Yntiii /»/» ; M:u) buitA >^li , A u i tn ixn in LU.S M I S(ivt .- i . t ln .-i* i.iitl cireuin-stiiiicc-s Jiurmiltirig) titl-.l" lilt fullowiiij^ i l i iy .

I KjW 'N. — L i A V i : I . U S I K J S (I'.'.'J(Jiii g loii) at 5.15 p.m.,- .nil A K U I V K A 'I W A T K I U O K I ' (wi-athcr and cir-•:uiiistiiiici:!i |ii-nnittiii(.') tibout Gkvtii a.m., inllnio Tor die 'J'I ::IUS on tfio H'uti-rfoiiJ ami Limu-

i icV: arid Cc-nlial licl i inil J.ini-.s.Nn Ciii' ij u I'an 1)0 riccivcil <iti Ijoiinl alur-1.15 p.m.,

M I H I I t in ; tt:if.'C-s wil l iiu u-nioviHl , In rnalilu tbi:Stt .-stmt.-1'a to ik-fmrt I'L'NCTUALl.Y at tl.e iippoiDtctit iin".

I ' A II i ; ?—WA 7EUI <j Kl> A X D I.OSlJO X :S IM .1. 1 . -, (availab le -1 Days) );-l Class it Saloon , -lOs Oil

,, n »tid Clas.s c Salouu , U5 H Cd„ ,, 3rd Class & Foro Cabin , 20a Od

I.' i n u.s-(av!.i!:iblu foi l muntli) LstClhsi; Sulotin, 7<>s„ .. ^nd CI«ii Aig a|om l i -)<ja

l' lnti,.:!- inruriiinliiiii '-an IJL » uLlaincd from Mr.W. 1: K. I |., Ui ; l'utritk.strccl . Cork j Mr. J . M. DO M N E V ,li ii i lu- ay Tf i i nihU M , Lininick ; Mr. W. ] ) . MVX.KII A. UA ,A'i.T ) , l i i WliaiT , WaU.-iT'otd ; ami tlic H KI .LCT.D 1'A KKSI II - I « I- I- II oilier inipuiiaii i Siuiiuim, lliu Timu Tables,ni.-il 'J 'l.j'uii^li Katus for (ioods, Ac., or Mr. W. J, ]!i:sM I I., lln: (inai W i s t i - i n Cutnjiaiiy 'ij District Agent,Ad.:l |.lii Wliai l ', WiiierlVii -d.

J . ( J H J K H S O X , Oenornl Maiia Bfr.i'i i i | i l i i i K l ( ' i> . Nov. , 1S7-I. f i n v -ib

1 I KALT II LOM AN' i l;l-.i iAI . \Kli.—A Cui,),. i, ii,eXI I I I . M . 'IT. "I .1 . .i I M I I ! . \ l l T l i : > > ..| YOL 'TTI i.ml. M A . M H' l l l l, i - t l . i- i l l . i . . ! i l i i i j I .I A ii | i n i . . l. l l y l l h .v k l- .- d i m, M . I '., '-. t I . i- L' I.V I > : y . I .1 , A n i ln . r ol •' Tl..-

Vu in. ..-. i '.- A.i . i - ti . - i , " " w t , ' .v ,- . H ;:ALT II LU .VIA . M. l i l - . ( . A I N K I ' ( i i t i - . l 'i . .- S in n 's Ti . i i - ii i t U - i , .M. l t I.: T M . n lj - r l » J . ..I- . ' >| .-. :.•: l,. ,,.lli., J l,.|- | |ie l-ul t> U | „ -.I ; ........ ,.i i l. .- .V . t v . II - >j - '. i r , .WIV. IU- , (Mnl. ij M . n-:.:...,.'. l l . \ - l. i l ' . | l.- - : I , ,1" ..'1';1.,: II .II ..I I l.i- I l i - ,,|| , N , ¦..,.,i.. :|.r II1..1I i .i . .I L.11- , 1. tin 1-1. 1 ¦¦, in.]..iiml Si li l imJ J|,.I I . I . IJ , I i . i l l i!.-!!..!' , I.'? - "' l- l . -'t ' l , I ' i i - l i " i l l I lie l i n k , ( • .,„.*i |..,ii, i, | r..n - l i i n .' , II 5- 1.H.1 , T i i n n l i u , Ml - Wm l i u- i l , l)i/./.i.1, ¦- , 1. -i. u< N .li' .nl i' , I.H- . t i i i . i l . -< K.

'.i., Mn- tul.T l : , l .,xa.

I ' .-/ . , A i . , 1 1 - l . i l i l i -1 l . in i . i-> l . . iU- l i . -» 1 I ,\ ,-i u- J'OII I-;, ll,(. l l - i - t ., 1 l ) v . i t i, i . . i l . i' . :t i . - , Liim.,ui:n. l l . b i l f , :in, l ,.U.,i.,1 ...... , I :l., - l ; l

l.niX I. N :- l l . i : .. T I "\ S AM ) I 'LLM. ' l i l l ' TTON- ,n

1 -.. i - . l » •.:!¦ Tt si . i i . ii ."- l i ' - i i . ^i . . l . l u l |. , l n i.i, ; w ,i |.

11. ^:11 , 1 ,.| I i i i > - 'i - -I :n ' ... I ¦* ¦ .- . . t i t I i u1 l-i j . .1 ,.n u- .1- 1; ' ', ' l l. i . 1 } 'I 'ii'|- .

,M ., Li - I . . '¦ i i - > - At . l- i 1 , I n.i I i . . - 11. in. , nvi- :. .], , . , |,.t |:|

•-' , . ii | - , W O M A N , I n I n , . i '- , li i - l - i i i i . i , . , ,, i , . l l',,., i i , , ,i .

•- i.l |. i : , i i - n i . t i :- i i : i . l i' .t .'l , M . . 1.1 t / l n i..l , i '. 1 1 1 1 .i n p, J h , , .

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.J U , .,.,,l'i . .- i . . , i

', Li, . . .: , I I , W .r.

I I U I I A M V . Ci. L .11 1, 1 I A I l l M a — | l | . I I . S JUT n , I |. i-¦ i i - /. . . . I 1 . L .. 1: - ', » l ." li.i.J I- - 1 , l. - l ut i i l f, n l , 11 , i ; i , . 1 1 , . 1¦ ' . I. . ¦ Ii ¦ I- 1 - i . < I I . '- ' . ¦ ' !'. I. l l l i . l u .v . .1 > ' i ¦ hi . . .- 1 , |i a

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'• ¦ - , i . - i . . : I. .. | . t v i.i, > , ., in m i l .,: :>. .l . - i nj i i u. i i i t1 ¦ 1 ¦ > ¦ < , - , 1 ¦ i > "| . 1 . . n , *- ."*¦ .. . i i i , . ul - . I '.I I . i t u, | i > t . 1

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i.l;i-i% .Z<tV l . i i i i i L.i i i is i i . ^ i m i \ a i i c ' l \, or 10 111.}

.-.uiy uf h u llu i ti , ;.t '1111 S i » > Ijtticv.

PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANOWo bog to giro Notice U)ftt wo nro olTeriug




(By virtue of 11 Special Concession granted by the Peruvian Government) ,(il'AKASTEED TO COXTMX :

Nilrogcn equal to 10 por Cent. Xon-volalilo Ammonia ,20 per Cent, of Sotablo > GmM rho ho tOi¦I per Cent, of Iusolublo } '

l'repareil in a flno powdery null dry couilitiuu.

J- HENRY SCHRODER & CO..dencral A gents for and sole Consignees uf the J 'eriivian Oovenuncnl Guano in /'is United Kingdom

London , E.C., December, 1 874.






C U A 11 D S 0 K ' S L I N S E E D 0 A K E AM) Jl K A L.

IUCIIAKDtfUiVS FEEDING CAKE. «gr An.-il j.sts :nid Prices on A pplicationJll.Gm.cow. OKOl lllK WHITE $¦ SONS, A -joi ls i>< lYA 'l K I t F O K J i .

479 QUAY,

OUR BUYER having ...turned ficm HIP LONrON J IAH KhT S with ii Large and Carefull ySelected STOCK of

&T T A N (' Y G O O D S , S V 1 T E D F Oil CII J 1 1S T JI A S 1 > R E S E N T S

Wo wil l , on MONDAY NEXT, tn:d following Days, offer same foi hispccliou.


A Large Variety of ENGLISH, IRISH, and SCOTCH TWEEDS, and IRISH FRIEZESto Select from-


l-' R I E N D OF A L L !A'liotrn in oil l 'ar ls of tlic H'orW. J lac 's our Jlnnn - ib i

H O LL O W AY ' S P ILLS.I M I 'IUITI K S oi- T I I K Jii.eou.—These wondcifu

IM1» :,ro vulucil »l the II U MI II I I S I lu-aillis a» ivi-11 111 iu l l io ,IIOUSPS ol romli.it ami nvallli . Tliey woik a 1'noiuux li !pi i i iRcaliun tl .rnug li i l .e ivliolu sy-,ltiu , without il isurdirin K :the n«tur..l ictimi of niiy orguu , iiml oradicalc tl.osu |;t-iiin |ul tom|)laiiits trliit'b cumijiii tt - li- i of lliuu^auiii) to mi varly |

huoscunii, lJirniEi.u , C'O U G HB . A S U CHLHS .— Nn ,Ji-inte» am more fi iqueut , anil few more ilniiKt -runii llwu ,Rfitictioiis of llie ri'b|iir«tury i, rBaus ; 110 condition fives |rise to mote fatal tsHlidics Hum n " Simple L'olil ." The 1first, sj-inplonw may always be rtuioved by these ri-noivni-ilIMlit 114 llit*y quickly rctneJy tlie st .iifiiiitiou ol li.'mii ),mi.Jeutc the buttnil lit t rat l t ii i ir , mill 1 liable tin: wii> ( !-|>i |ie '•nml luti(is 10 per orm tbeir ItinctiniM with e:i*c imil ri-isu- ',Imty . They » l>« , by tlifif puii f j in; i > j > > i > t- i111 rt , cleans the \tilnbii f iom H II iinpuiiiii« , iiiiil thus It. rli ly the sjs tem n( ;iiiii>t ,CifUauiup lion . Asthma , and oilier pulmonary eoiii|.luint« . |

CQ U V L A I X T I I»C1DHMAL 10 ClIIUl ltKN. — XV hlillj ill) ^cou^ b, uu-aslii- , bc-arl i iliii ii, t i v i r s , H I H I nil i l i -cn-i s ol thesk-.il I

'liny be itutui-di.itely clircUil , mill M H I I I eiu wl , l.y Ihi - eI 'Ui i mtiK I'ill f. Nil int.tl ifi shuulil lie wi l l i . ut t in- i l l . Uni- ,!»• , , oi l l i r i e (rtduoil lo I'OWih -r), may he (j ivrn iii 'h l l i , ]wi i l i i l i t u- r t u i m y u l doiiin Boml .

Nnit>oi : > DI IOHLKK * . — Any I'.i- . i t i fi i i ra l nf t in ; n c t v i s !

i.n.-ci» Ji!-»sl iui i»l ) l o t h tin: IHKJJ- .in.l Ho. n ii.il. T« I lie

i.i-imm inva l id II ICM; I'I I!» ••»«, "' v 't , il i i.i r» i iy , i,s i l i « > ji l l I . a l l twi l l ' Ulid t i | tuur l O l l l e i l lUTMIll U I ^ H I I - , Illid K.1IM- - |i |umlly "i tl i " t ic ivou.1 >j > lm i wh i th pi-r»;nli3 ami ciiiiiii-e.»

i i u i n . l l . t icc the i r i iMMil li iUS r i i i i - i oi l ij ot i TM , low F i n n lv , |> I,,,^ II >> , ti t *, l.iTvou-i t wt t i iiiii^ i . , and oiht-r l .iiiilri-il 1.-OUI-

j ivllvwai 'i Fil l * ar Ihe U-t rcmali / kn own in tli e nortdfur the following Jisroac.v :

A K i,, KfV. - fb o l B l l S iu l u lu i t r K io s '« Ev i lA h t h n i K I""'"

¦*•• ¦« .• 'I lir..:,Ul l l l l l i .u s Cum- <ioui Mui .r aml

pniiim . lti-l»l-bi.-he U r a v i : !Jll..ii-I<M "» imliKt s l ii 'u f. -i • ¦ ¦ ¦Ui i iy S> in | - t - - n •

i l.f . Win I . iv t -rt : - Tu- I |I , III .-U \ j

liuwel U.iin- plalnll Ulct-nnlainla I.uiul.aK.i V, , i :il A l t v i - l i , , n »

Htlnliti- l' il f» Wonuii ul ull hluiJaj i r,,,,.,j l l l i i - i i in»t i> i i i vx ,» l , i . . -f , iminl-'eliiali- Irt i- su- K ett i . l iu i i ul K I IH I K V C I caiuc ,

l a i i t i c » u""" 'V c . , \e .'I l,t 1'i l l s nti i l f» i i i( i i i <- i . l . i'i->'i,W nt l'r< if . .i<iir I|.,I. I . O H A I '.-

I'MI.I I IMI I I I I I'1.1 , IM l ) N l . i . - l i . . t, l.t.1,.1. ,, ; al-i. l.y m:ii l j

• n i x- i . .-|i i i- t . i l . l t ' Vn.tJt.i i't . \ . . i l s i l i iM i u i l n , ! , ! l i e

i . ul'i - i i ! H O I I .I , H I l;. M - -- , i i- d I ", ts , ul 1- . ];.,: -.'. . '.i.l ., 1- (»!.,

l lv , •_ •.:- ,i ;«- . .- ... i • Tl i . - nn.ili .- .i 1> , s ,,i S M I . ruuuii.!.

h . i i r i li ./ i - i , : nml l it - MI «lif»i I't.l ul Oiouiiri.l i.i.e ni'ir.

.N'.)> . - Ki< » j. ,ii,i...uliv.i:ii.ii> -.in -..IVuul to IMI.II U.\ -Aiit.1lint , mul i.ui Lv I.ml I" "'¦> h . oa u , ,- , , i n n in l n i l i i - l .,A i .1 ,- A n n . o- t i , IM'i.,11. 1' Cl. i i . .—



P O T A T O M A N U R E -F L A X M A N U R E .


BLANKETS•100 Pairs or HLANKKTS , Shy litl y SoilediiOO Pairs of liLANKKTS, „100 Ci llEEN FLANNEL QU I LTS150 QUEENSLAND SHAWLS


A Lot of 8-1, 10-1, nml 12-d SCAU.LKT andpri'seut, market value

M. POWERHave die pk-i iMiit- to inloi m i l n i r I'ntrcus t l

r F NEW GS U I '[• A li L ]•: I-' 0 J5 'I1 II K


.NEV/ (.OA'J IKC^ i,t.a 'J \M-.J'.J)S , ;BLACK blLKS,FKEKCH SILK J 'Ul 'LINH ,FKENCJI ixIEKIKU.S suu l KEI.'S,EN GLISH FELT (llic >'c\v Costume .Mali-rial) ,

^Tlie > 'K\V YAliHOW C U I A I O T ,Tlit^EW FLAKED iliuo. f

M. I1. & S. ruspcclfully invite the attentionC H EA P L O T S

Homen and Silk Kci.rr», ... «-;il caeli , woitb 'ill.Do. do., ... :ijd „ „ i"-

Wool IlamlkercbiefH , ... 11 Ul „ „ In •«'•Do. do., . . Is lid ,, „ Is WJ -

Hraidctl MeltoD Skirts , .. •-'sOd „ „ 3e (id.

Also, Kcvovfil cltcan linos , tooBELTS, 15HACE.S, TJK S, SCAliFS , CLOUDS , WOOL JACKETS , WOOL CTF]



ijLUMliERS AWD G/vSFirTERSX ' C U J L M I N S A M ) (J 0.

CO, yl JAY.






C1UUSTMAS CA H DH , ic, >tc.

AND QUILTS-at os. lid. ... worth 7s. (idat S 11 ... xvortb 1:2 l>nt 5 u ... xvortli H 0at 3 94 ... worth 5 0

at 03. -id. ... worth Oa. leiat 0 3-} .. . worth 0 (j

at 0 Si . . . worth 1 0at 0 8 . . . worth 1 0at 1 0 .. . worth 1 o

WHITE FLANNELS, considerably under

I & SONSi tl.at tl t c-y Jiuvc ltci ivti l a froli t l t l ivciy nf

GOODS !V ]{ E IS E N T S E A S O N .

•I lie NEW BEADED SATI N SKIUT S ,N K W KKVEJ i .SJ IiLE .SHAWLS.(JTTOMAN ST1UPED do.'la.a NEW WINDb OK HCAKF.S,N E W HOSIERY and (J LUViv-",NEW .All .TFS and COLLA KET'l l.'S.Nuw Ti«.'.-., Miii -i.-, Collar.s li.-lis , ]ii ;,(.-i .- , >V

of intending I'm clias.trs to I ho following

I'lmliroidpri-d, .. is lid oiiuh, worth Is 3d.V u i i i g a t c d , . . . :i.i :id , , ,, :>< ud.J-.'iiibosn-d, .. l.s Jii l „ ,, li.- lid.ltlnck i- iuil ttd Al j aca do. M 1 I t l „ ., Tu (Id.L'I ; i t c h lu'iivy Wincc-ys, ".,'il , I J i I , lid , find aid '[ > yd

numerous to mention , in




CUS.SELL'S U1UENTA L COFFfiE consistsJ i.l u keli ctiuii u( I he lilaat giowlha uf East India.

In the proct-sH "I ru.ia li t iK uud K'lr.dni^' llic lull sUuDgtb au.'line uruma aic H i s i l l t d , uuji'liutr It ('quil l 10 llie t'offfO 90luutli irizril in OIUK.N'l 'A L COU N T H I K S, TIIK l'EK-FK CT l ON el COKFKK. l'i i ci- 2<. PIT IkC^ASSELL'S COFFEES arc ulso supplied at

J Is., Is. lii ., 1b. UJ., I'. BJ ., :iliil la. 10.1. l)tr It). , Ly Gio-ct- ii tliiuu iiliuul l ic 'tunil , in Canisters mid uir-tig ht Packagclfro m uni' ounce lo une JI H U I H I.ClASSKL'S COFFEES have secured the most

/ iviili-.tpii-ail tr|-utut ion , anil tliey lmve been butlilj|' ,U-I I I I I I I .iixl f . t l i i iMVrly UM'I I tliroii^ln ul Ireland lor nmrljA Q U A l l l K l ; Ol' A l.'KNTL'Uy . A>k ut yourI j i o t i r- i lor CA>ati.i. 'b C b Ff kr . , m.il !« s u i e jou m l l l ic

rijj b l Art ic le . (mJ-ij )SITI'LIKU \MIUI.ESALK IIV

CASSKLI- , SjJU'U I & C() ., bO FENCIlUHClI ST.L O X l J O N ;

$ £f f ' A n d iMii l \i (irnctrs throug hout Ireland.

C0UPELLE, De R00S & Co.'s PREPARATIONSA FKESU ASSOimiEM' of the following

f - \ I'lrpiuttlioii * lime just l.cni received ut '1 lit N FW S

(Jrlirf , Knm-stiret , Walniuril , fuui (.'otTEi.LK, l > x llom& Co., l.nuduii:—Ciuiti i ! Vi li> , or Vo^.H»ble Lile Droon, tlieUi ml ri-iin-il y Inr N» 'iviju«m'»> , Ai- .

Dr. 1 >K Koo»' C"ii>|n. iiiitl HUM I 1'I IU , fur l'.ii m in tli«bin I , x i i iv i l , ilii'UiuntiMii , tiuiit , ,U. l'i ice 1-. l id. lo JU<|i.fr box. ii- nilv«rt i^riiipnl tlst-nli.'ie tor paniculate .

pi . l'K lloci " Ve<i-ul)li- l.i I- 1'ilU , lui ii- KiibtiuK tlicslcinucli »inl •¦l. -am.-inu' I lie Wwil.

M. i lu i in ' C i U p E L L t 'i! U:ni. |;i.,;oiii . ^ r hi.-l , ub i t l i bati .iii luiiml iv.^iijeilull y t ll'.c..i.iuus in bii i ifin ^ tl.e bmr lol»wvii . i'l . -iil. r; :il-» , ( 't - Cl -H. Lb '.- l l . t i i Dye.


I U R lSTo. I t la.-. i i v tluiv > wi l l i (J uut:iliou> mill Wu»-tr.itio i is Irnm lln " ll.mi ut Avnu ," mul fr.nn t i | i t o tiic- isinmi 'i li'ir il' lj ^li.ilnl. I ^lull |tri iit Tiro Million l.'ti|i if.> orMurr, mil , Leai ir dc;in>i » t-f in. lin^ the dih 'riuuti t.n nti l.tu. us I . I : i ! :.» |i >-«ibli< , I xv-.M M 1 .1 1 in i r Frtcrn Cup it|-'f.- i .., -' t ' l: .-.' i.u'l ;:r. l t » i * , III* pili' t- i mil- oi l ' who wil l

ju' lit 'itMx!) t l . - f - o . i - i,l il i . - it i in his 1.,1-t l i ty .A.l.li. . r -l'i,,l . r>. Pmt i- s I IKOWX . 2. Kiiiif--in-, t , Coii-

ni'nt (i.mli' -.i , l.,i;nli ,ii . iflVif Snig lo C"|M-< II .i) l.c In.il nlHi- UIVic- ..f l l .i, )> |u r. i.27-fl>ii


r\ o r.? w i K b. A N D c o.,¦'• J ..li , yliAY, V/ATEUFOUD

H O T E L S .1


THIS is a Centrnl K U\ ComfoTtabld Hotel , in whichOTor} thing, can bo had ow the most moderate

terms.K§f Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also Braudiea

Wines, Porter, Ale, &c. (anl5-tf.)«2j" Cars on Iliro at the shortcut notice.

D U B L I N .The European Hotel, Bolton Street.

fl WE EUROPEAN is the largest, the best situate,I rind tho most comfortable Hotr* in the City. All

modern improvements bavobr^n recently introduced,and tho entiro Houso papered, painted, and decorated.

Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw,ing Kooras from 2n. Cd. to 5s. Sitting Booms on theground floor frco of charge.

Ifgy Soup, Fish, Joints, Fon-1, and Entree in CoffeeRoom and Restaurant, from Tiro to isoven o'Clockdaily. Bed , including Servants, 2s. Gd., 2B . and Is. Gd.

[m31-tf] 3. SIOLONY , Proprietor.

D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

4 'J M A U L B O K O U G I I S T K E E T .PA11TIE8 Visiting Dnblin can be nccommodated,

with or or wilhont Board, and all the comfoitsof a home, on Moderate Terms. [o26-lfj

S¥ Situation central , close to SackfiUe-atreet.


TO CATHOLIC CLEltGY , BOOKSELLERS . &c.Un b'tth al The A>ir» Oj/ic*,

With the KiTOinmcniiiiiion of the Bishop ot Wiitprtiir il »i 'ilLi»nioic , the Itiijlit Kcv. Dr.O'b'sics

A Catechism for the Instauctioa of ChildrenIi V T I I K

MOST lior. Dr. JAM KB BUT' l'1;, .l.f. - lil ii "lif. ii.l' Cnsl iul and Kt ni\ .

H K i ' D M M K .MlATHlS :

" I aj iprovp (if I his Kditiim nl' l ln 1 Hiuht Kuv. l)r,

J A M K S Hl.Tl.Kli 's fnlirhisni , mid i-t- i i tiinn.'i'il it to !hiFiiiiliful of tlicso Uioci'sp*.

" . I t i l l X M i W K I I , H.C .li." W.-ucifo.-il , i- i j i l . l i ;: l i , I ST.'S."

Pi i i . t t i i t- i, f.'iii.d l*:iJ-H-I-, :iti«l ii, '- i;v'.' c'c-ir Tyy c.

Cy, :.' ln :: :> I I - I :I :uiy J .i in i .- l ! l - I 'Mt ir ^l - , S'-nt ii

in. . . i l i M i - :- : ¦• t . l : : . . "> ; i - M - , l' :: : - ' i i i inl I' .iK U-i . i ' il i . . - ... . . . - • . - - .' .i Ki-f , I! .- K:i -. - - . : : ¦ i - : . |M -. , I I I J -; l y :iit i i . 'ini tu. i i. - - '; r;iiii .- .- .;t ¦ l i i - .i • :, : . 'n i i i 'i- n :ins

x.i.y I JU In: . ! K i - t i i i i 1 ex . .;. i . . ;iii: Id I K M .-;.: - I

in t in: UiiiL-i.M-.

The C:t I t\ c f . i< l ci-. i l J L K liCX- Sl- I I , l 'A ' l l M t K !-'l l . l . l ' .'l , W. '.'i ]-:Jil-"C»i:l ) .

JOHN j : o l i lN .-f . i!x !.•;. .- i . - :i . . . nn l.i^ iatt«»cii^

Frii'iids i.nd the l'uli '.ic , tl .: i '- '- '' I'!'S iiti itiii i-d

t hu l'roprii- lni>lii] i ul' ll.c ul .i.vc xvi i i- Ui . : • •••• n K^;ibli» li-meiit xx l i i f l i !.<.¦ I , .""" iccei. l ix- l ; I J - U i I'.N K l) , and i.s

liri- iKiri-iI to Sui'l.l y ( i K O C K J l I K .--, W I N K S , I 1 K A N -

U IK S, .Sl'l l l I 'J ' .S, Ac, iVc, Ml iicli "i l l hvur comjiarifonw ith any in t l io Tru'Je.

$gy 'lie is SOLE AGENT for llt.sira. J1USOTTEau d Ull iA UD , W iiicm.d Bi- .-unl y Kxp oi tc i s , liuidcuax

and Coguac.WaterfoTd, Ul Uiccinber , 7:;. ti


Si; U UAY , uml Comer of CONDUIT LAKE ,WA TE IUVHI) .

W I L L I A M r O W K i lBegs respectfully lo intimate to bis Friends and llie

l'ublic ycuerally, that ho has-j^TOW Ol'EN, llic itboTO 8T0RES, wbero ho hopes,J | by strict attention to business , aud keepingtbo very BEST WINES and SPIRITS merit nsliiiro ol' riatroiuigf.

UoVSEKKEVEBS will liud it their interest tu patron-iso the ;ibovc btablisbment .

SZ5" 1'lcaB* observe tbo address :Xo. 8<J THE QUAY,

[Corner of Conduit J.anc),f28 WATElltOKD.

RECLININ G and SHOWER BATHSWith an unlimited eupply of Water , now open


The Turkitsb Bath is pioiiout.tc-d by the lucjustMedical nuthorilies , and by tl ib many tboui-ands whohave used it , '.o bo tlie very bi-tt nn-.edy in cxisieiiccfor tho prevention and euro of di.-eiise, nml lor thepreservation of hcnlih. au7.


M U S I C .

Mil . H I L T O N , PKOrKSSOK OF MUS ICJij -A-O. IS, I tp ' lUETTA STl'.lCET.

^Tcrnis , iiii .ipplic.'ilinn. j_d-l-3rn ]~


IMI't lli ' l K L) d i . r i i from lii.: -\J: .n i i i :n _- ; ur e l : ; , .Mi'.-sr> .

Ciil . l .xi:!) it r<>M.. \ i ; l i , K I U K J I .X N , 1 ' x i . i A I .N K , 1 i i t r > .-> ¦

M l A l t , .'.I'., iVC, :¦'¦

(.'. A. IO.NKS ' M U S I ' . ' l » i - ; i ' ( V C ,i

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l l . \ l ; .M t ) N I i; :-! s in •J f - > : v : . . i , .y , Ki . -;.: ..!, . i i i . i

r r . l i .-l i l i i i ik i - : V i i . l i l i - , i '. - . i . f l .- , ' ¦¦' i . .-- i t :• •:• ¦- , i ' n."i.- .

J ' i u i • — , l: .- iri';'- . M u - io I J I . MV , .'. , - . ., - .,¦\ 'l ' I '. A . . I f- . I . . - '

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¦ . i . . . . . ', . > !) .N i ;> :, !, . ; I ' ! ' . - ¦ -', :.: ( I M . 'I ' !; I ' . : .

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•• : : i . i . iN ' . Hi - 1' -\i .i t . i . . . . i . i .' i' i ' I 'l os '-

| | I I h . l l .-; tU .\'. '. . - . l l l O I . - , : i I . I l l i.-l S.

f . A . .1 ; . . . : . .i \ ; i - > > i : T r : . . ¦ r i . \ s»h .'.• ; / . - - . . . . ; . '. .'¦'".>. ; , .;;> , .\ .

U I .I I J I ' A V , U'A T h i . l D l . l i . . -..M ' l) . \ t ; w i - ; i , l ,s'l i: i- :i- . r , i i. i. ¦ N ••, I . I ..

l!i-b-t i., i- ;i i : .- |, i r i n i .-i U f l i t .i . i i 1" i . ' f i ll n.- ivi- '{' { '¦ N I NG

and l : i : i 'A M i I N l i lm.-inr- .<. Hi- ' 'I Hti '-i '.; v '^

'.l .- i l l t l .cS.- -i t l i t -'i* n nud M i i i i i i i i i i Ci 'iiiiiii -'s ot' Ii* . - !iiiid ( ^uni i i - i l y.

&4I " I'intifil 'ij rt 'i-.'' :ii:'l I l : u i n i - i f i i i i n - 1 l . i i c i l by theMonth or Yi - .- i i - , xv i l l i n|il!On tu i iutr l ictKr ., anil nn tin -

T ln i t- Yi-ii r.V sysin-m.C. A. . ID N K -V tM U^K ' W A U K l l o l .' SK.

Urickclli iiKi Archery, L'I 'IH J IH :', :.iui ullicr l!iii i i i - s , .V.unusuullv Low Prico.". ,my | .Hj

JUDSON'S DYES—18 Colors, Cd. each.

K I I I l l o N S , WOOL , S l l .K , FEATIIEl iS , c-oninleu-lyDvtd in Ten Minuter , without tuiliit f : tl.o liamis.

" >'i'll i i i s t /uc t ions f V fip l i f l . U / ul l C'li'iii.-'.--«ii (J Sta t ioner *.

JUlJ r-ON 'S D Y lX- n v i x o AT ltoHR. — J L ' l -fON'S>iiii|ilc DVKS are rau»t usi-fu l ami itlixiua'.. Hiblitm-. ,

sil k« , fi-iitlurs - , stalls , lucc. brhiil , ic\U , liamHii-rebie ", uluuiU ,Ii-U'OUM - ?, Shi-llniid - l iml-, 1 r any sit iitll mlicit 1 1 ilit.-s can

ensdy lif iljid in a lew 111 mite* withont snilinff the liandit ,violet , mogmta .critntou, timuve, |>ui| ilv , I> i» ik , puuituu . clnrii ,

J L 'DSON '-S DYKS. -.ruort-oiiAi'iiic I'AI' BU rosiTntiOr pl lOlO- rUl.N Tn sllOlll t l III- llip|itll II. bill X Xilt tr Ki ll Il.tlliubmiit.J to n liul butti of JUIJbON'd DYES. lW iut i lu li ir.il' iiru I I IU B pioduL -tfil in Urecit , l'inV , Hum 11, mid manyotln-r coluuis .— Use Jluli-on's l)j (» '" gi i innl timing !D,p. xt.ui OitPs-ile-ViMtr.¦

jUDSOS'S DYES,— 1'KBNH , BBAaH '.', ri.oxTEc, ai.dSBA -XVEE U tuny be ilyt-tl most tiquiMle culnur", £rtm > , ciiin-

ton , fuii- lf , scark-l , Ac , hy birop l y «1 » | I> I »» T ilicin in u »olu.

lion ot JUDSON 'n I J YKS. - .fliarruinif IJouquels iii.iv b«cuii-ptMil. . . .

J U ICON'S DYIid— I S K — i.tx.- i .Mt.— A bixpci.njft ui 1 It- ot J lTl f tON's 1>YE> , Viuh- l , licil , t-r MMijiuti i , willlu.ite Imli » |.iut ut Lii l l uini xvi i t inx iul> m our iiiuiutt) byfiinp ly ndduiB ho 1, wutir. Klftrant Inli for l,n.lu-«.

J U l<.*- l>N 's J J V KS— Kov i nlij iiriii jr Arclut 'rlur ^il l'Liii* , ivi-.Much liuut.lt- tuny ho nivi-d in Kimdiu i ! up rulinni to u uni-Iui MI tin'. Tiny maj U iiat-d tiilier xvi!li l.iu.ili 01 pro ,H UM -, r.iit , l'uip lf , Caimty, Cim-f Oii , (>imiiic , t.n-fli , Iflui" ,Miig»uti > , »"'! 1" iitl.i. rsh»iJt.-. 'I ho iliy quuU y.

J U DsO N ' b l>YK».- ll:"i.i- Maii.iii i ! Wt.u.i . D1I..I1-1I with

waitr , llity nut dn-i ly inlt. lU Ilim- ai.il mil ml tub ell.Tlivy lot"' 'he ii.t'ot crn.1.11 "'id s t. iu cu utoitl. l.i tj l.t

l l io»n Iur Mulioi j Hii) L-i.lt r.r i-t t xn I' rnt ; N". 2 I l la ik Turiv..lnui ; C.iiuiy luc b i i t i t i ; als.i, U' Hik , laxt i id ir , nni ^ii it d ,a»J tivi iix ntlur colocrs. , . . . .

SlXl'KNCE I 'KK l'.dTTI.K OK C H K M l - > l t> A S HSTATIONl-'.US K V K l i V W l l K l i K . II 13-0. II

!- KK ' i i M I YOU UKT JUI ^O.N'J 1)YI >.

• « .( » l.K ( J I Y K X A W A Y !A Nf« Mi- i i i s) «i"t :a ILn mta.- , :!" fai.1 -" -<"' ""•¦' «¦'

pr.-i iMHirt - .l.-. I n . ' -n 11..111 , .NI-I V .-.-.> l'- -. i ! i t j. i > i :|-i.-u-iu-y,

.X.-. ixi l h I t u l . -H l r 1, i .n .xru tn i i-i i i i l i- i i' t . 1 l:n.-n •¦. i!:-n

ilo i rt i v Ihi- b,iTi:.i ¦»> -I Wt . i-l i 'l I. -!;-, «r¦j i Y 'li ll Y MAN H I S i i W .N I K i C I O J sI_J l- i r

'1'.iu t i tit i i .i . , S 'J I I. I .I - ¦¦¦••x --- x i- it ! I ' - - > i" »««

;„.,.,.,„ ; 1, ,: ¦'. I M . r h'i-1. .-. Ii '.. i.,.'l . ->.?.. I ' l l '- -'. t > -t i-

<^^^': l!::i :::\: z:!: :~::i ,:r,;,.':;:s:r:~;i..:. o.:-; .I..-. -¦• ¦¦-•'¦¦ ' • -• •• •« » ' "»•«(IFF ll'lVI IiV. * .

A ,.h.'.irv.|., V.-.}... i>tx:<i-'»- 1> ' - ^--i ''' ti.,tiv-tuiii.t

,,l Ivi .ii . i i ..ml ili .- v*ii.>f.- i i i i - i i i i .l ... . i.. .v ,.i.-, ii!l.-tti - i i» u..

.,, . , .. , !... mi l .. ml I . i . - . . 1 \ n -.J - l i-t iw i U'lii.J

I . . ,T. , - ., .,> ,- ..«., - • , .¦ , • . • .. . :. . !- !.¦;• .. ..

, ; i%u . . . . . . . .. .. • • . ; . . l . m i - , Meilu-u

i uL- :i:uu , U U..HI -. X. .. . l l , M- . - i • , ¦ .- •¦•.•!• .


JOHN RYAN & SON, BUILDERS,Bog respectfully to give Notice that they bare

T> EM0VED their OFFICES anil WORKSHOPSJX) from tho Scotch Q-iay aud Canada street totbo more commodiona and central Premises, latel yknown as Mr. J OII .N WILSON'S

TIMBER YARD , BOLTON STHKET ,Where all orders shall receito ]irompt at te iiliuii.J. It. & S. tuko ibis opportunity of nnnv unciii g

that they are prepared to suppl y jiartiva about lit iild -ing or making Alterations, with

WINDOW FRAMK S , KASI1K S , DOORS , TKIMMIXUS .And every other descri ption of J OIXKI IS ' W I I K Kall ready for firing, made from tho best sea-soned Timber, ot;d by experienced Tradesmen , work-manshi p and niiiteriuls guaranteed , and (in terms tocompete with any Imported or Mucbini '-mn. ic «nrk.

%£&° PLANS and ESTIMATES prepared and furnishbd ,free, on application to

JOHN RYAN & SON,jl3-tn Hultun st ii- i-t , Wi.n - i- rii r.l .



l£54" 1! 0 Y a ' U A I S A N U U A 1> S .ri \lIE above being a NKW IiUAN 'CU t,f our U.i-i-JL ness, the Stock will be found L:iif ;ij ntul At-tractive, iis chiof characteristics I :- K K X'I K I '. M K I . YMODERATE P« ICI :S, combiutd ivitli OOU IJ M A I K I I I .X I . nnd(•'AShlONAHLE STYLE.

LADY 'S II O M E S I 'U N C O S T l . M i : .T|iia' 1'A M I I II N A I I I.F. U I:ESS i.s inii'lc in (, r,i . 1 :. :i ¦ -: ;

TAll.OItlMi bKl'AK TJ If .X l , f i r llic .Miitl. I . l i .... . .I !•;. : . . -Yard :IL Maij ul ^t-luri - i-.-,' I'ri;-!- .-..

8SJ" t .lur Stoi k r,l I .AI ' l l : - -' ( u . A i - i . v.w. .- ;. ¦attention. .

;•. Toiux y :<ij . \> , > . ! A Y . i i ' .-r; 1 . ! . / ¦ '' i 'r.

vSl ' l -X 'lAL NOTJC! -; .

01./ OF KILKEK KY CAI.EIAUI W O R K ST H O M A S O'l f K I L LV , IM'.Ol 'Kl 1 . 1 ( i i i .

( S nr . - .s,.., - („ 11 . /.,.• ,.. .' . . ; .

Ml .'. O' l i K l l . L V bi-u.-i tu i i i i i .Mi i t h i : .S, . l . u i t i -

('.( 1,11' V , ;ii,il rnli.ic lit ll,.- l_ 'i > n i . I\ ;ii,ii ;n:-,,. .l

in x C o u n t i e s t h a i llu i - i t u- .-* i-r 1: l-..- L .\: 1.1 / 11. : i . - :. ..¦ i -

u l . I f.- t a l i.i .-l i u l l-"; ,i : io iy . A ii . r.i.- v :t t :¦-! \ 1 ! ' ' :. • . ..' .-

C.il'.S, (,'l l , X l l i- l , .--, A f ., 1,1, i..,l,,.s, ;.I, ,| . 1 1 I I ,|. ,- , ! ] ¦ ¦

ut O.ITI .I ^ I.- , (.'; , i .~ , ^e ., x i ; ; i I...- :i .- u : . l < ,;';:;. [¦¦ i r .t u l

rn- I.u i.','d i i J i i i i i t . , .- i : ; ..• !

tf^r-' J.'t -j I:i"'s 1I1..I11; i l l M i l, . l i i , I - l i ,. , :: '. I. . .V. I ' .- . 1, .

L u AS S < ¦) . I l. l . i :y i t. l .h * ..;¦ J. i!: l; l . .: l l i . l : .- 'hj> . 1

LOAIv S ON CALL OB. DEPOSIT.f * M i r . nn.I-XTOI.Siir mr. U'.U K I :. . I :::, A- C !M!' .IJL I l i l l . A M I it .X I I.H .ll Cl-J J I I - .l M (j i . r t l - i - J . l it |.t, - < • ',

l i l . l 'I . A C I .M; tbi; INhTA I.M K.N 'l S n' tl . , - l i t iV K I ;SM l '.NT LOAN tiinl r.ON'DS I'i i l l i i : - : i l in - ) iin- i .n- i . i i f -unt i l ( u i l i . i :- y.,titf , * .. A t- i - f |. i l. t i AX: - : ( » .\ .M ( J K ' IOAC iK 1 !( ) N I J S :il -I ; ].i - i- Ci- ni . , |. ax i ib:u ti| -J I I Ot.Year's i.nticv, ui- loi- MIC I I tuim .jl j . ' i a as 1.1:1 v I.tixed ; and fur tl .u OeiiCiitnrc r-'tnrk , i i iiv i i i L ' c<ji i :priority with the M o i t n .-i u.- l!o<i. !.- , !.¦ iirin^ In ; . . - : -, .il .1•1{ pc r Ci-t i i . in J I C I ] i t r iu i ty .

They will also n(vr]il LOA N'S 1 h UKr'I .SJ'ibe:iting Interest tit -U r i-;i! l 'l .N ' 1 , payid.!. - i.n « .n.^\-;ir*rf notice ; at 4 lior C.-i .t . t , i .v: i l, !, : 0:1 >!.\ .\!ii l . : li ;

Notice ; al 3} per Oent., j i i ix n hl i - on Tin,.- Moni i inotice , and ai H ]ier Ci-nt. , ], :iy:,l 'i' . 1 1 I - I t- n . - i '¦ *¦notice.

For the year ending i!i:!i > i | ! . , 1>7 ! , t i . ( - 1 n i !KeceiplH wfrc JL':¦-"<.. <• 11> I i i .-- . '¦"'•¦- - 1 1 - « - WorUi i i .u' in.iitla-r K.\-r.ei:ri'.s \xiv% ili^^ i I .- s. ^ii . — .< :• \ j t.irbalance of ± l .",, l!ll l.V. -¦!., l . i - in ^ n. i . n.- i l . :. ii i!t. , ib!the anxiunt requireil lot- ll . i: lnuu.-u ii I. i ;;v.:: , : i i '. .tho I'iiymcut ol' wl.icli ihi- i e is , i l i . rclt .rc , ;. r ( > n-: tS *rable surp lus fur dividend.-* lo ."h iii i l oi i it-t - .

They xx- ill , ox-t-i-y II ;tll '-y/ .-.-ir, n-ml tu r.icl. <.'i i - i l i i . » rStatement showing the lu l l [Kiri i t - i i l .M -.- ;u. -i Ammiiol* the ^o.venil Loans (U10 liy the C,. iii [i:it .y .

A pplications t» bu addressed to t i n - n inl i - iv i i . - i i i .-d , :the Company's Ofliccs, 'Vaterlbn! 'J 'ci 'iiiiiiii.s.

(H y Order),WILLIAM WILLIAM.-, Si-.-r '-iary.

Waterfon), Nnv. 20th, lftT-l. iinhl - t r;

RiVAKS &: KEAK E,Pi ; 1: 1.1 c Acc ( . i . .\'i .-'.>' i > M I : .-• 1 1 r iH

I . A MI ai.d l> n :-- .x > t i. A - . 1 M - ,( ,/„ :,, .—i ;.^ j,o 11 LI : o t .MoM ' ', 1.1 1 , 1 1 1 i.i:.

"i7 , Il.ii:i;(i.x>ll:.iMi .S I K r I 1 , W.x 11 u »o i . I -!<-i '. i.i!- ../- --1.-' , 1 ^7-.'.

H E N R Y A U D L E Y L C O .^f^f/

111L. E returniii^ their sinct

1-1: ;ii. '] ij riiu !;;i

' * acknowki!j.'nn-!:ta t- i the i.til ,ix t,,i- u.--

rxtc - t i s ive Pairoiin^e hiiherto l.-i- siuiit 'i n |> . > ,

them, beg to ncquainl their ksi.d j , i i t iu i i -> l i . ; . '.

they lu ixo mli.'cd to their Stocfc , 11 ii ii JJ - - t- - . < t ¦¦•mentis , i' o M I' li 1 s 1 N t. :( i l ; t i t I .KIK S nr.d ( .> i i> , 1' i .M i . M i . i . v

I T A I . I A .\ (Jc/Ol'.--, (.'(- I . l.t i.s, ( ' ll .X . V - i . i . K i ,

L'i.1 i. -, l .' .. ; i ; i i . x i . i .( ' \ s x .x- . ,-. .- .

xi h i c !, l i n y 1:111 i-,» i ; t ', ': i - !'l i \ : ,-i nu . i i iuj . i i .

N . I ; .— >O I.K A t . I MS i i i W .- i i i 'i i M i l i t . i - l' i . \ , ! ¦ ; >

in.il U U IIA .N 'S l'A'l>. .\T rAl.Vi. -.C- T- Ol¦^l ...l¦^ fv c c u t t- , 1 w i t l l :.t- ' - l i l . ; fi ;.[. , ( .:, - .

p a ti f l l .

i • : . i i ' l i O V | - , l i i.mi hGi'M < y , i t i i n . '-. : . i ,JL I ' -.- I i i . i . ( . . 11 . ¦. •! 1 N i , . 1 .

j . i . 1 . 1 1 I: l , M i . i . 1 1 . . . , .- . 1 - ; i . - . i . . ,. 1 1 1.. .. -. I . - » : - i l l , 1. I.. . ... i . . . . l - I .

u i ll i I . . 1 1 .11 I. . 1 u '- :..-, .11. 1. .1 1 . - • . : . , , . ' L i

I'.., - I h r ;,;,., ,/ i, (A , /. ,_ - . ."_ ; . . 1 . . .- . -. . , , ,, . . , .

Clarke 's World I'Fii i'cd Elect! li ii lme,I 'O i. 1 l .K A N i- l N d -. ,1 1 1.1- A u l N i . - i •. l ; i. i . i i . . : :


A L L i .\ , l L'lU I ;!- . .-, ul. t -. i .- i I I I I -'I.^ N . 11: 1 , 1 ,11. !

n : . << 1, l i . 11 < > r ,1.1 •¦;;., ¦ .- .11- -, r t !-< i < - » 1 , 1 .- 1 , 1 , : , , . . <

II . I , I , -.!. I t ,-u i .", t ):.l .-. .rt^ ; 1 I.'. - . • : . • ! . ,. ."• .!.

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M .- , " . in I X >. , l . - ; (.'. . I l l' -l .- l ! - l.' ii*- I - : I . i - ,! ..I ll .\;i, I j

t <-i^ : ' 'i . i , I ' t ihi l •*i .i. .-J^ ^- - , .1 u r.- . , ;» H i !> (,.,. ! / ( '/,n

I n ,; . iiu- .Vr t i t , in.11; u i .- .i i . ut cu. 1 . r i ---^.

.'. - . I r .- n- . x ; i i i i - 1* ) , : .- . - : . . ; ;. . ¦' . -. -, - '¦- , ,1 . ! 11 :11 i . . |i|. -.l - iI ; . ., 1. I M i iL . y - H i . I ' I. "• ' / i

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t u i; . \. : 1: ;i ! i :, 1 to :¦ sr 11 - 1 - I n . - .

1 .lui'vi M, .-. i -f ri r 1 t v .., .M.i ! ¦ i : :- .- .xt .1 1 1 run -.

* ii! 11. l i i . l l '.i- 'J-. :•¦!. 1 . . .. I. , J ::.; :. I . . - .- , i- i , l i i : i t n : n

K u tt l s , I 1 - . i -t . . i. , M.t l i t i ,- i ,t i ., . i l , i: ;i p. 111 . , I I .- I , I M I L

t^ i i^- r t .i i ' i n- i ; '¦..-¦ - , :

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V. ii.l. .'. ^. "i vM, i :- ,'.. i,y .. .: . ! . , - , . . 1. , ; a ,. : , 1 -.7 ...

itn i i. | . s , i vI- . J r l . A i . K i : , ri. ,1. . >' . I I IL 1 I -: . . I , i. - , - ., :

I V I l DLL l - l L h Ali l .> f .- .-

l i . i . l - x A --. I . -. I .. t.il'.i- . in,.1 .- . . I t |. .. \v ! . . . .¦. • i f , .

Til lllC l^U. I l l i . l . ll I l - l il! I' . l l l .l l . ;

T.i l l . i 1. . I I . lh . I' l i iiiv uf U Jll¦ > .- i"-ti 1! A'|'... I .: U .I-:

All i tu >« Vvial I'.lJl.'ll I'o:. l.t.tlt-r-, l- i .liljj n I., I , I :,,|.Hid ll i i i l x r i tv L'vii' [> .ii.i»-> . 1-:-: - i - i i - t .,.1 17111.

J , W . B E N S O N ,•«"» ¦, ATCH AND CLOCK - M A K K K , i;oi.lj > .MnVV S1LYK1.S.M 1T1I , A N D A h/l l sVl K; .MK'l .l

x V U I i K K l t , I' rize ili.li,l.->t 1,1 11 u I.. • ili 'ii . UuUiu , ,,i ,,j ) ¦„Kslnb.lioii-; Miiki - i ot t i c Ll .r , l i 'Kl. 'p h I j m.11.1, u.r l l . iami nil ollmr lUa-.t ami glr il t , v, nt> nl !!,, - ,|., t ,, ,. - ,,, ,.Miinul 'iclui) - Kl., 1 Citi llon.r , u.-i .X: Oil , I .L ' I I I . A 1 K ||1|.W I - M Kiwi K-tHlili sIni " "is . '-'o, U l . l ) l i O M i si i ; l . i . i .„Vl« , WKsl 'UOL 'KNK U K O Y K , l .ONHi .N.

WA 'ICll K S t-'I .UCKSOf al l t in.l$ , at 'i to iW Of al l X,,, . , .v , ,,1 •_¦ < „ 1, ...,

Guineas. (- •' uinm.\.I.i-v, r , ViM t i c i i l , C l i u n- I - , 'i'm u i ,l l u i .zunt i i l , Dup lix , t ';u i i . .|:., t, !,,:i.i- ,l

- i,i- i . i . i ' i> i f i i- i , L'lni .-i i t >t : i i i '. l i , U i i i. i . ..;. 1, ¦ H i . , , .,

K fj l .> sC . l i l if Siviiml.- , i- , l l . , l l , M,,,p,

iit-pt- :ittrl>, 111.lui' , At-. I. . ' I . , i i , l '. i . f . k, t t , \:i.

K.N0 L 1 M I UiiSlOLC L'l C C K> , . l , > l ^ l i ' t l I X l-.li ^. l-i, A t : :-

anil i i . i i i iul.u-uiri i l h) .1. W . l - t > - i :. , ';.i . .x , . . . | ,, , 1 , . . . .

t l l t lM - tlil. !IUI».i:*ul*ril ..Lr.-hil . 'l l..^ L..

U t ? ;i , I c , l-l ; in: , , l

llus oat 1 bti-liit i-ii'.

r'l .-.K A K T U r . O > Z L 3 A S lt C l l lS l M X ( J l s A XI K M s, ,,1 |

limit d.si ^l ir , l | ,. in C i i l ; i i t n l . i l vH. /' t , c ..I t l ig I, ., :.,

r r n ut n l i oi» , iit n.i-i 1-! r.tl'- pi '.ic- .

Ai l l l^ i l C (i lt l .K J k X V l l. t .K l l V , . ,( t i n! l i i l , ., t nuj n. j^qi|.- l tO i l- ^:>; i l -, XX - l l l Ml . l . - K l a l i : - , (. i . M .- , , , i . . | | | ., ,

K i l l .. l i :'l t ' l HI I'l . l u M lf , - I I I " r i l l - ' 1 1 1 . - I.; i l : . I .„ .- . n.| . .

nl Ar'. ii:- i i i t i n., l i idi iii Am.,; .- . ! : ¦- . - . ¦- . . | ; . , . ;

N . ll . . US . l.ucL. I: , K II .- . .. I. I -1: i. - ,1- ., 1 /..|.', - . , , .|- , , ',

Mljlpl li- .l In j i , ll. 1.1- 13 i.l li : , ''• '- . I t i:,' i l l i | ,K| ,,|- 1: ) .|

I> i r - . n i 3 :i -9 .

l' l;li- l M A 1 I - S l' l A lF . - 'l . - t Ml ' ll :¦!- i.l . 1 . i ll . l i t -..

Il .n irj I "I •, ¦•• !¦* , l . »'l 'I » i - i " I ' v ';..» — , ;..- |, I ,,VI , I , I |

A H . l'.h N -'t > In. U f l.'..i | " -l i ll l i l l nl l .'HI 'l . Il -ml n t l. i l i ,ui;,,,i t - , I I I . . t i l. .-, i ! . . u . i Hi 's i t i .x- . i i . . i .- 11 , , , r i'i t-i ibi i i ..|

I 'llj- l i i tin! I' n i i iv il l X'- s i l . - - , l l iui - "I r. i i t i ltm * ! , , ,*,',: .X.,-.r u .v . u A M I 1- LH i t i 'J- 1 i iu '. t l . . - ii i-i linn i . , - i . i

a l i i ! I.' l l'i - II "-1 .il.'al. I' H :¦&.' . I l l L M I t ! I -1'i.i:,. U i n |Ll

» , i j- i i i ?. II .I I - s.ji .ii'l I I I . , | . IMN a i m i M - i i i i M i - n i ru . i t in ,!s h . l "• r. -i«: I'all} IV. .T i.l, l t d in •.,¦1-1 H i , . i l l , . .\ () ,,

IS i t .i l i j i-l . i- itp :.l ai.} I - l . . . , . .... I I . . . . I , l .uj i i, .. .'

¦ .'-.I1"' W mi lii-a r t i . i l C" . U f i ,,.: i.y >.Wii : . ,l w- i k cl i l i l r i lx t - i , J, -.x.- .| , i i , U , , i, ; ,, ., ,v .1 nc i ia i l i.-i.i |. Mtui ,Mnppcti- , Al"t Clt ll.^ -llppti,, !.

l l l u-n a ' fii r » in| 't iU i> , ,I M U lui! i!i-n i j ,i i (,,i of »|| i,uiW i i l t l . i - f , 'l i i l . fp ;. r.- , .1 ,'f ', ' l i , ..l:,l l-.',, ctu ..l'lul.- .) i ! i-i-. -.m .x - i i ,- t . . t 11 • v , x , -: up ,.i , Hi.j 'iietiUbiib tu


l . KN .- i iN , -i i - i i i i i i-t : i , x i - .i.ui v,t ,\\ i l i i l i s , Links, J i i w m i i , j iifi l i'./it e M ut t'> ^11 ptr

the wor .l . ' (illa-ly)

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Court of Bankruptcy, IrolandCITY OK WATKRKOKD—MOST IMl'OBTAM

KASKKC1T SALE.lit the Matter of Wi ium liwr., Seedtwau , Agrlou l-

Inral Implement Vondor ami Mauure Merchiut,Kiug-Strect , . . A Vmkrnyt.

f |AU HK SOLD ItY AUCTION , by ordor oC lh«JL Cvurt , on Tin Rsi i i v , 17th U K C K M B K R , at Kl»veuo'Cloek , im Hftukrupt 'H promises, nilu&to iu Kiu({-otrrot. (Jcorgo'u.Ktreot , Morgftn-strool , nud TfttripV .V.rrel , in cniil Citr , ilio entire Stock.in-Trauo, con-¦iatint : of n lutgc nml Tfiriix l inaortmanl of nujw ri 'jr1'RI ' IM (mp lrmouts anil Machinery , liy boat maker? ;* ipmtil i ly of Agricultural nml (innlen 9ccd«, Artiti-ci'.'l Manures , l'ccilini; Monl , Oil CaWo , Ao., Ac.

Fur Catalogue nii ' l all pnrticulnrx , app ly l» Urnl inMiont ers . Termi; - Cash , on purcUaipr * bolng de-c's re I, (!!v Order) .

l.L'Ctrs 11 . i )Ki - :uiNti ,.r.sq.,Oflicinl Assignee, Dublin.

v [ , i ; \A . \J ) i : i t HulSHKTSU N ", KSIJ .,(MckVu/io A C' I.I .) Cork , Creditors' ABs i gufO i

I I. HCAI , I ,AN , Kj( |. Solicitor for llio Assignee*.:•:•, r-auliclor'n Wiilk. Uabliii ;

IIK. MIA.S W A L S H A. SON , AucUonco iv.I ' rv. I 1ST I. Thu Mall Wntorfonl


/; I i. ;•• . i; r ; \ ;; .1 .1 /, /;.

| >A I HH 'K Kl ' I l .Y A- SONS aro now pavin g, p-rJL tieular alltontiuii to the uisnulr.eluru of Air

fi-v pronto family or Imusfkceixiri ' use.I'ii. \:.: at li 's. lU pi'i- :i-t iallou disk is Eouud ,

• I'urK.li "'.;. ••'"• "¦'''I liiippml i without tli '" nlcyliulicl>rypi :M ii s 1'oinji tou liij j li lo admit of ils fito uso at(»li! ". ll i Kcop inr; properties nru ijuirautood , haviug\ II > , ; I i i iai '^full y tv.'ilvl during llio p.ist 6C."i;ou -,TT !I :.. :i « !¦:• • vi .-ry try inir .

T'i; -v r. -pLuifiil l y I L'I |IICM t'jo laToui "f a tr ia l .¦• . . ;. . .' , -.t" i / , . • .'.• M r , , , i ; >

¦' , » '.- .

AI.K.SIVl- f i l lt i i l ^CMi- i-

.M I - r . , i \ A; I ( \ N . \ X ) s«e?t ... - I K . lAl.: ¦ - > \ I' m ¦ , l . i i i- i ... ... l:«s. lid.S i - - . - -- . X W . i m i i l . I- .- - > ' >\ .• | ' i , I U I . I -I H I \ I . » 1 cm.) A 1 1 , l iu . l i i l .I ' ui i;- p .sr iM.

«Ti)LTS.; . ¦ 4. . .- , . , . i ( \ \ \ N) , . .. ^I S . IK I.

i . -ipvcinin li-cmiiui '.- li 'l i'uc ltjr ii i i i id.i . M '. 'ii i Hoi l i l . v S|HM , 12s. < KJ.M ' V M I M ( I tnnil y notit) . . . . . . 10B..fid .S - .. . U r.nim; . . . Ufl. Od-I ; . . • ¦..¦. Uri c .. . . . 8«. (VI.

/ '' .¦ :b ; - ¦¦ i /¦•: .."'¦¦• ¦ '¦'i l l / i f !. hi C'a- l'S "/

i i l . !.-« . 06. i :.l GiU- :- - . ;tm

I;I:V:AT WKSTKRN KAILWAY OF EM;LAM >.T M I I K J'nti i /c aro iufurincd tbat (tre»tb«r «u'J ch-.JL tiitO'tauciM iicrmitting)

A SPECIAL STEAMERU l| rf *il fnitn U'ATKl:i'01{» to .VKW M1LI 'OIJI> ,w it l i L I V i : STOCK , on OTory TCKsSDAY aud nil-''.VY ( i in ' i l funli iT i.oiice) itl Tuo oTloct , p.m.

A Hn.viAi. TK » IN wi l l CUI ITP .T tho Stock from Nnrr.Mi i for. l . 'l'1-i; tir nt . S>s:ii:ii j w i l l lako placu ou TlTvi -¦ w . t ln - l«i. Ucci-mbcr v.nt. l'«'r IU ICF , 4 C, •pp'T'; 5lr. .1. lln ' '\ r i , \VnicrPirit nii:l Ij imeric t

IJ i i lwa; St-.uiou , J^i tUL 'riL'k :Mr. l ln."' l i .W.l!.. t Hj I ' iiirJek il., Cork ;•fr . J l oNd i im, t i . W.K. , Adol plii Wlurf ,

Wni.ti-fonl ; au<lW. J, l i vn i h t .t , District Ag«ut > t in -nl

Wp-ioin l !ailw»y , WsUrlord.Ni>i». ii»r . I (,7I -. tr.'b-lf

SKLECT SERVANTS ' REGISTRY OFFICKi:» . t . A i iY - i . A N 'v:, WA T K i i r o K H .

r i l l l T l . A I M J . S win- r<ini l ' ivl<!i l 1 In' .Servant"!1 H omoI. 1:1 l .nl y.l uii i- . Imvir.i: tmiH t'crrutl tl io Agvucy to

M i - . W i : i i > , ibii Srrvnuis ' 1 ulico y carried on osliw rtlol 'ui-'.1 . Mr" W. rultiru* iliankv for tho kind ]in-'n>nu;:i' -,1m !..,« i- ,- ¦•¦••;•.'.

¦«! -I II .T tlic licg is S r.T Offic» hsi'">¦ ti n . i i i i l c i I > - ,1 I" I ' IT. No Ss'tTHiit s rix:ommend«d!'Ol ". . i c l l i n /s:r.rii."l .'¦.• r u i i nv 1. ' lirdt )imd» rojf»rjiugk- li ai .-io li- i , •'•c .

' «i2n-3nt

\ \r .\T i ;i ;rn i : i ) ,\ \ ii l.IMr.lMCIC IIA1IAVAY AND> \ - J J K A N i -H !¦">•.

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS !\ i ! "ril inarv l'.ir. rnjj, i- Ui-turn TicKels , ii,siii.d uu

¦ : : i Irrui M ' I M .I .W , I i LXvml>c r L'lsl , to SATl.'KD A Y ,-¦'">t l i J l ..'1'. -ml, ' r. inclusive1, wi l l bo iiTnila li lo for Itotnru

n[, : < i ,,:;¦! >ni: l i i< l i i ) ^ S.unrdav , -n«l Jauuary , 1S7 ,"» .I ' 1- f l l U I S T M A S D A Y ,

" •.¦r.lli Dcroinbpr, 1^7-1 .• ¦. 1 r;: 'r, S'lrvifi r.11 1 In? Main l . i t iu w i l l bo llio 8.;iU!¦ in. i !¦ ;. ' ,d In .*" p.m. l i .iwn Ni ^ li t Jl i i i l Trains,¦¦¦ ': . . l ir e t!: • -• l l rancl i l . in ' .v i.o Trains > r i i l run , wi l b• , ., . \ . . :.i ;..MI cf i||.< N -.'H p.m. l l ' iw n mill -.-I') a.m.: p M r .i

'T, ,., .¦ :,; (•¦! . -r I

'- M i i ; a n i l l . : i i i '-r i < : k .

l i-, l l r :r . : .i:.

! , .:!'. ¦ ' • ' • I ' i :¦ , '•¦ !r!-,".i' - I > l !p ' .- , H'. l l, - l |, ,n l T f l' l l l i l i llS ,I M M \..\ Ll l l l lLT , 1 7 1.


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i-i ; ; :i ;, if . ! i ) . , ^ . i .M A I .' I N K i \ . s r i M N i :i ; <•«¦,¦.• >...!.

Iv:: '.!' . I 'iTiv i'jifnu. .Sviniiy Hh nii f J l iui i iu i i ' . I• i l l • •> • - i . .1 . !' . i . l t A V I . S . A .-nt . !

"WANTED ,L'il i\ ( \i \ '"¦ ' « »1|:I ' '¦''¦ • ' • ' "" '''"I'011 -'¦ ¦O,^ '*..* V/ ... :l.. - G. II my ,.f W BIT IUP I.

A -, . | - i v !¦• I ' f. i i 'P K i n .i , Solicitor , Wii loi f.jnl -

WAN TED,2 > V !l !'¦ ! . : . ' ¦> . l U - . .' l i l . I I - J l l M I .M , l l l l h i . l i l« l HBi . ) .- i : i n .i - l.' .'.m wn. l II ' il l .'.w ii i ; inn - 1, li " clwm¦ i ii:rir.j i 'u ; . .y t- . i i i i • ! .«•• !. nml in i I n - 1I 'II ^<!

•¦( »

• i - .t*'1 ": J . I . v HI '¦ f a m i ly, nii i i w n l i i u hul l an liour'i

j '. . ,;' : '.¦ • ,!.,., . I; . ..: n . - t Ui c % r, t - , ] 7^. l'-*-r ^V ,.-!,!. ,¦ ¦ . . . -, !• • \ - i « i i i - . ¦ . A . K. < ' .." i iilio; of i l i i < I'npc f.

WANTED"U* \ ". I I I • \ | : >> '| . II .-1 !" !¦,¦• ¦•.

¦, -. •,( I l . . r - .- - u i i' lI r i ) S- - > .- ..i l , .-r ; i , . ( . | n [ . |- i -. . I .

1, li.- .-i !¦'/•«:- , ..i . i ,i. l . ..> . - .¦ r..,: i i r . - I .

\ . !- ' \ '¦• ' r - ! v i" T i n . .V. . I-. M ' l i. :

To Merchants and ShopkeepersV " < M ' . UI . M A N T ami J !< l l i l f - K K K r K K , win, .c

. , ! , ! v i , ..M^i- ii af i . r Six i/UI - ick . wonlil In; :,'liiil Ini ' *.- n[' '. !<' ¦ A c i 'H i i . i K'.'/k.-i i ind ri irninli Ac o- nn li' ¦ " ¦i l' .i l '''::'TI'l-. AcC 'jU l l t h a l i d i U i l lUI'l C'.rl l l l l " l .

> ¦ '¦ > • ¦: ¦ I; .n!. V. ¦ |, . i '¦ ditiri. i,| t h i s Paper. *

1 A i ! [ • • !, i i '. H i ,\ i ; M I ;N '.- -:< i t : : i . 'i v .

f lILJ ,IAKD MAKKEK.\ \ - A ' i i . i ' , an :ii- i , v , -oi't- r, end i- tn i^.- l .<: Man ,' !•¦ act i- i t p . -- • '/' .>• • ¦ c <pa c i'y . A pp l icm in is,.. . ,, i ,| '.' i i i ' < : I iv 1 1 .- t i M i > i t ii ; . | - . {., In. ,i i , i 11, I In: u m l c r-

,:• .: I i .ot la 1 ' • ¦

; ii i , . - I i I I .si . I V i j .,1,.,1 HI I ' i .i h, ncfi|- ; , |-, i .--:. !.

1 • • • . ¦I- • : V.y ..i . l .' i ,

• H U I X V K A I . K . I l o i i . .-i:c.• : I .:- .I MI .; : M : . C v:. I I , t ^7 l .

' i l l l - L't

House nml Steam Coalsi • ¦! N l - l'," . \> I K i t f.,r i l i< ! ,s.,i.; ,j|' l i i .* . i , l u e i

\ u r n - I . a i d S I I - .AM I O.\I.<. Sli i ppnl nt¦¦¦ j . . .¦ • ' . A pp l v • ¦! ¦ I ' - i - i l . " S.juLt i W. i lo- i 'IVIi .-gram'¦ . ' . N ' ¦ ( • . p . i i i .


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I I - ¦ I-M A .Vi !" :¦ - \ ' i ' . - I I-.--; "ii :li < l.'.n i i- ai,.l Curt

1 p . I , .• :!¦ ¦¦ i l . . .II'

M JU . i i .i : Tu i l l l i r i l t Ul\ . , i . . . i. : l : . - . , l l l - i . ir 'j : i l n r i ,'- u l l , jl t l . i i l y J -t a r t 1

• : . i- r - l i : ! i I ,I ' ¦- . i i > I I- I i M i » , M. l .i ., l i . A ll/, m ,t l r¦

I - , I v ¦ ¦.- •> .;. . ; ,..!;¦!¦.: .i t.

¦ ¦ i ^ i < ¦ > r u n i*:ig :l l . ' > :. J i n - l i , ! I I ¦.! > . n . l l t y \>\ ul . -.lil l i . ' - > l-..l,l» ^ i l l

• ¦ .¦

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¦; I ii " ;i i l — Vi l . i l l .T 3U. Ii |,,'i - i / i i I dl'l ill* r i l i 'k .Dn . ) > ¦ ' .. • . |.I . , ,- | . ' ..I , ' .I i l , r ^j u ..I.."— Sun, i vi i.in ,' p«i.cr.

1 11. . I .'U I I I - m i 11. .. t .'.v i l . - i ' i i i'» II. " >ou i r c "f lli i»f <Ji;-•¦•it - iv 1. • I. i ' o l.j. '.i - j. r l in^ iti u III I. , .,r ui',r> - t i i q u i i i l l y pri--i. MU.ri i : l ¦ ¦."— I I - M IJI Ti lei/ r a p li , l.r.u.iini, M u r i b '.'7.

•' I I I- n -. . ;..-. 1 I,;,.,:, i he rc>u!l ul o't )Tuis' »iiLi.t»?(Ll .(•I |.:l.l" .11 I . - Vl l . - I . l 1,1 l |.,l;, '.i | 4|,,| l | l , l [ f - > i l i j { l lr t -J l,|!.-• > ¦ • . w 'I I " |. IMi. l I. -. I I , , - I|.,l,.pu,f i -I.i.jlilll l i- ld lT, t 'l. i , : , , . j .1 , 1. ¦ ..'I , .- :II -|:V.I :I U|I! Im i hu curw i.f IU .O.J'¦ • I .•! ¦ . ." , l . ,t . .-|./i, ,.j ¦• I.- ).. '..-*, ^u .l i l «i ..'i ufj l mi lI s . ; . .ii '• i : i" in-.m n l / . l . . it - ji f n up nil i.l. 'i i.l l i - n f l i t. HI ¦ i l . "i \ i n . - i i ' .I ' II :. ir. — Mcrnmi/ J t c r aM .

l.i rt . !••:¦ - M - i N N . r.". l»'l!.'i , :v.i. l -.n.l i i l i ; ur fr. m lit\« : l i - . i . l i i . l . im : W . K F I I .. liM.V -olli 'r , -II Cantl-strpf t ,¦ ii'l ,\". 1 V b.-i . -i . II. I -• . (U. iim

Culoin l nml Mr.- . Mnii-crgli (( i roo imi ir ) uro utr. '-. lit -tay inc mi ;i v i- i t wi'li Lor-1 «• n*l La^y < 'Un.-•m« at AV.lriOi« n.

MRS; KELLYT>EGS to announca her return from





isr -a -W a o o D S ,KAVISO M\DE


I' On A L L T H K D E r A R T i t E X M ,t.-*i.i.H SPEt-'lAL ATTKN'TIOK TO iiti:


?4?' AN" L'ARI.T iNHl 'ECT ION of which

?Uo respectfully solicits.

W U L I A Jl K E L L Y ' S


IST 75 , Q UA Y, U'A T K l i f O I C D .

Nor. 13th. 1871. f6-tf

S H I R T S—(Fit Warranted)

OUR FINK FLANNEL SHIKTS (warmth with -outwoight) nro well Cut , Tliorouj hlj Shrunk ,

and modera to in Price.Our. WIIITE aud COLORKD L0NGCL0T1I and

LINEN SHIRTS aro made to Measure iu a superiormanner.

Our EVEN 'ING SHIRTS are re.uly (or iuimcdiatouso in nil sizes.

Our SOFT TWILL NIGHT SHIRTS aru worth yof specia l notice.

P. TOBIN & SONS, .',tl A X U :.!>, QYAY ,Skirt oinl Collar Slider?, Lnhunand Colonia l Outf it ters

N.H.—l'atteins aud L'stimatc a will uc sent ocapplicatiou.


rilUE HOUSE ill ono of tho most Commodioua andJL corafortablo iu the City. It contains Six loftyRooniB, 21 by 18, aud six good Bed-rooma, boeidoaKitchen , l'antries, Store-rooms, Bath-room, aud throoT.o.'a.

Oatsido: Stable, Coach-boasc , Coal Stores, ic.The Garden ii Tory productiTe , and contains a

Viuery, with heating apparatus.For terms. Ac.. RDD I V to J. I'. G K A Y K S . U G


LIME-KILN , with Bank attached for tho pur-poso of lauding Stonuf , whiob , as usual , goes

with Kilu and Setting.From the excellent situation of above, and from

(li o largo nnmbor of Public Buildings now boiugorcctod iu Watc rford , tboao Coucoiua will bo fuuud aMosr D KSIKAIIIK IXV K TMENT .

Apply to Mr. T. I'UHCELL , Barroustrand-street,Waiorford. jo !2-tf

TO BE SOLD,ri^UE INTEREST in ft long-entabliebod G EOCE WIJL and SPIRIT Business, eitaato /n one of tbo boat

puns of tho City of Wnteford. Tho i'romiscs arofield under lease for au unex pircd term of iii years,NI A low Kent. Immediato possession will bo giron.

For particulars app ly to JOSEPH W. HOVTABO , Soli-citor , 39, King.streat.


C1REGG MILLS , situate within Two Miles of Car-' rick-ou-Srir, awl recently fitted up with tho

most modern Macj iiuory for tho manufacture of Flour.'Jbo Mill s aro worked by water, of which there is Acoustaii supply. Also, largo Corn Store, on theQuay of Carrick-on-Snir , aud Landing Placo forTimber en tbc Strand. Theso IVeminoa are all in goodorder. ,

For further particulars app ly to Mrs. 0'X KII .L,Now-slreot, or R ICHARD O'D O N X K L L , Esq., SolioitorCarriclc-ou-Sair. dll.tf

W^ATERFORD UNION-rp ili : Boanl of Guardians will , ou WEDNESDAY.X 'f ord DKC , In-:t.. considiT Tenders fur Supplyin),'thc .WorUliouse from thu -Oth Deccmln-r , inst., to the•-loth Man-h , 1S7."I , both inulu^ivi ! with lir^ST UEEF, inFore Quarter*, with I.«(r taken tint from Shoulder ; alsoH I N D QUAKTKH.S. with Houifh and Suet taken oft' , atper Cwt. in eaoli ru^t' . Teink'r^ also to state the Priceof HKhT HKKF. Itoim.l- . without Lnp.» <n- LMders, notli'ss than ;|ij It..- , at pi'i- II,.: 1IKKF II KAlJS , 1.", per week,at eiu li. mid l'i i l (K STKAKH . two-tliinls Hm-k or Loin ,ronmiiuliT l'liriu f--"r SIT:I ;IV . ut )i"r 11> : ami KGGS, atj .ijr l>o/A'ii.

TJ H - Trn.iiT- . whirli mil - t I "- in I I I , 'I" I J J I j.j* Lt .'"t j *Jlicil bytl ir- Pom- l.:nv (.'ii innii-- iuM.T- . . i . ] . i i"- 1,|' whii'b may lieli.'ul from in". :if..' to i imt i i i n lh<- Nam.-• t,f t w o SolventSnri'tie.- . wi l l in g to join 'IVn-l'Trr in :i ligii'l for the dm:|iorfnrin:ini .'i' ot tin.- l .'ontnii 'l . ui i 'l tl irv nuHt In: . onitlii-» ii^h tin' !'¦>- : ' 'Ili.¦!¦ . a.l.ln' .--i-l to "the •• Pre.-idin;.'i.'liairuiaii. ' aii 'l inarki'. ! "ii i l l . .- i- i i L-i 'lc ** Ti'ii. lcr forMeat , or IV.'L'V Surh 'IVii.li'is inu- i In .' pii*ti - . | in -ntli-I'if .-Iit l inn.- t" li-;lch my olH> :.' .-n l i t . - nioruim- ot til* :ulinve-ii.uiiol day.

1'arlic- TiMideriii!.' an- n'.|;n-;i'd in lmli/ Ihai the pi .T-i.i. 1 of their ( 'iinli-a. 't l i . i - l » " . ii .- lia:i ^<'.l from "ne toTin.-.- Month* .

BI.'KAP W A M ii l i . -T.-H.1. -I- "i l l I..- lun.-iiliTcl on\ V K H N K « D A V , -jr'.r.l DKi .. . in-t , for supplying tn

tin' Worklioii.-r , i.'iirria '.'i' l- 'ri'i .- . tin' fcillnwini ; Artielosfrom tin- L'llth JJeuviubt-r. in-1. to the i'/th Mineli , 187">,l. iitli iui-ln.-iTC :—i>Ks7' '\VHITK H K P . A U, at per I Hiloaf, in Leave- of 1 II , . an.I 1:1 <•/ . . . and UEST WHOLE-MKAL I ll .'K A l ) . in Loaves of 1 Hi. , 1L'oz., aud 10 oz.,to lie Mipp lieil at s ii '- l i tinii-s tin,t ill Mich i |iuuititics a^may he ni|iiired. The liiiardians or their authorisedUlliiir will lie at liberty to rijei .t it whenever the .Sup-ply will be found lufcrinr to the Itest Hreu.il in any ofthe llaiker!, ' Shops of tlie City of Waterfor.l. Tin- Bread ,both White anil bruwji , to be linked at least TwelveHours before delivery at the Workhouse.

Tin: Teiidor.-v wliieh must l.e in tin: form preferibed by'ho Poor Liiw-C'omnii^Monurs .eopieN of whiehnmy be hadirom me.ureto lontuin tin- Niime* (if Two Solvent Snrc-i ii>s .willing to join the Tenderer in n liond for the duo andInithful perforinauee of the Onitraet , and they must l.e<nnt through the I'o-t <J!li.-e. addrci<sv<l to the " 1're^id-iii^' Cliairinuti ," and marked un Ihu outside "Tenderfor Bread, " Sueh Tenders must be posted in sufficienttune to reach my ollicc on Hie morning of the above-named day .

1'nrtiw Tendering are rcij nfitcd to uliwrvc that the[ ¦ ri.xl of the Contrnct han been clumped from One tcl"hrw Months. By order ,

JUHN MACKEY ,Clerk 's iJlttee , Dm. 11. '71. Clerk of Union


SUPPLIES WANTED- /Tho lioAKii iii" G i A H i i U N s of tho Gallon L'uimi will ,nv their Meeting, on TIIUU SDAV , tho 17th DECEM-IlK R im-t , receiTO and consider TeutlcBS for Supp ly iugtho Workhouse , for Three Months , from the 25thmutant , with BREAD , M E A L , and FLOUR.

Tenders, Forms of which ran be bad at the Work-lionse , to bo lod ged in tho Tender-box , at tho Work-Louse, or dclirered to me before TweWo o'clock onthe aboro named-dav .—Bv Order.

il.' MAllEJ i , Clerk of tlio Union .Board-room , Callau , !lrd December, 1871.


1 l'i^' to infi mi my numeroiH Friend- and tho Publicthat , throii|;b eli-ion of tinii ' , I linvc become I'roj'rietorof the above uld-c*taMi i-li<:d Hotel.

I have iiiuipletel y :md mci-t comfortably n'-furiiUlicdil , aii.l hiive eon«i.|erably I'lilnr 'i.-.l j) , fittii i f,' it nj>throughout in Inwi modern sty le.

I ttu-l by cHreful and con-taut attention to Hie n-uulsand iromfort-' of my visitor-, lo merit tho patronaffo >olil.iT.ilI y brstowi .-d on my lal< : I'aih/ 'iv and respectfullysolicit nu early trial.

MICIIAK I . Cul l KV. l'i U |.ii.;I oi- .H..11 of lat.: .MA I i:|. i. I 'm ri :v.

I'l.a- .' not.; A. l .b , ::n l. nWKK HIMI.Ml i ; .-jTKKKT ,D L ' H I . I N . dll- :iiii

WATERFORD GAOL'•11IK Hoard of Superintitiidci.uu « i l l , at. u SpecialX Meeting to be held at the G AOL , on SATUR-DAY , tho l'.'lh Dn - K M I I K I I , at l ino o'clock, proceed toAPPOIN T , p iobationary , :i K K K l ' K K for L I . S M O R EH H I D E W K I . L , at a Salary or tin per A n n u m , withRations , Coal-*, and Candle.-:. A person experieucodiu Piison ilisci plino wil l bo preferred. At tbo snmuMcwiinK, a MATItO.V wil l be AI'J 'OIVfKD to thisH l l l D K U E l . L , nt a Salury of Jt-1 per Annum , withHulion ? . I f eli gible , thu w i f u n f thu Ollicer appointedwi l l be M -l ic t id . Candi.lalcs w i l l bo leipiircd toatten.l. l l . l t

r .t l i December , \ X 7 \ -

k l l . M A C T l l O M A S U N I O N

SCHOOLMISTRESS WANTED.r p i l K Hiiardiaii n wi l l on TUESDAY , the '^nd in-,tant>i pi .Hii - l to appoint it SI.'HOOI.MISTKESS at a

Salarv of X 'J» perunnii iu, Kalions and A partments.Scaled Tenders , aecomiiaiiied with testimonial*, ad-

drc»cd to the Cbairinun , "ill lie received by me up tol'J o'eloek on the above mentioned day ,"candidates must attend in person.

W1U.1A.M HUNT. Clerk Union.Clerk - Ollico , Hth December 1H71.

Kilmacthomas Union.r p i l K liiiarilians will , on TUESDAY , tlm 2Jnd In.-.!.,1 rc-civc Tinders for SWF.EPINU THE CHIMNEY S

of the Workhouse until the 'J.'ith of next March.WILLIAM HUNT.

Clerk' - Otlii .T, *tli Dciciubcr , 1^71 . . d l l - 'Jt



TTIELLOW-COUNTRYMEN , the rc»ple of Water-J- ford nave inaugurated a Movomoot to oroot &Statuo, as a memorial in his natiro city, to TnollisFKANCIS M EAO HER . WO fool confidont th»t wo onlyanticipato your wishes, whe-n wo aEk Irishmen of allClassos and Croeds to unite , in a glorious ondoarourto paj respect to one who cast a lustro upon tho laudthat gave him birth , and added honor to the ancientoity that proudly claims him.

Iu making this appeal, wo do BO in uo party or sec-tarian spirit. All who pay houor to genius ; respecthouosty of purpoBO ; approointo conrngo, or admirothe r.iro qualities that formed tho charactor of ono sogifted and so young,will, wo aro confiden t, join na np-on this occasion.

Won may this old laud ol ours foel proud of thohonest part bo playod iu tho stirring times iu whiohhe lircd , and well may wo regret tho causoj that ledhim to sacrifice tho " hop3B, tho honors, tlu ondear-ments, of a happy, a prosperous, and an honourablohomo." Wo cannot join in a more useful or honorableenterprise thau to pay reapect to thoao who haveremained faithful , and sacrificed all to tho causo ofthoir country.

Naturo lavished upou TnoiiAs FUANCIS IIEAGIIERhor rareit gifts , and seldom has thoro been a charac-tor in tho history of our couutry with such a combina-tion of great qualitios.

Ho was young and amiable , bravo and advonturo-some, ambitious, yet aelf-Facrificing, capable of coni-mauding yot willing to bo led ; ho had talent with,out egotism, and dotcrminatiou without, peryorsity.

Such was tho mau that ico aro called upon to ho-nour j and surely tho timo has como wbon religiousanimosities and political differonooS Bhould bo forgot-ten—when tho hatchet of discord should bo buriod—auJ Irishmen should a!l join hands over tho gravo oftho great dopat ted.

Tho natno of M E A U I I K H must crur livo in tho his-tory of bin country, to evoke from millions yet un-born tho sympathios of houost hearts and tho admi-ration of open minds ; and 'tis not for us to allowposterity to point with scorn at tho men who sharodtho honour of his frioudshi p, and who witnessed ovorysacrifice of his life.

Therefore, fellow-countryman , wo appeal to you toaid us in our efforts to erect a monument to ouo whorisked for Ireland all that man holds dear—whoso ge-nius added glory to our common country , and whoaohighest ambition was to unito us all in a strugg lofor tho preservation t)f Irish Nationality. In. conclu-sion, allow us to remind you that tho work wo pro-poso to carry out will bo not alone n monument toTHOMAS FRANCIS M KAC JIIKII , but futuro generationswill recognise it as an undoniablo proof of tho goner-osity and patriotism of our race.

Signed on behalf of tho Committee,niCHAKD P0WE11, M.P., ")JAMES T. RYAN , y Trustoos.JOHN FOWLER. )

JAMES IIENNESSY, Hon. Sec.Subscri ptions will bo reooivod by any of the Trus.

teea ; or can bo lod ged to tlio crodit of tbo MoaghorMemorial , at tho National Bank , Watorford.



SOTICK IU imiEBY GIVES ,rpUAT in purauanco of the provisions of "ThoJL Southern Railway (Extension and FurtherPowcra) Act, 1873," hereinafter called " Tho Act of1873," " Tho Railway s Act (Ireland), 1851," and thoActs continuing and amending tho last-named Act ,the undorsi gued.JosKPH Fisiiuot -aNE.of Ashfiold Hall ,near Carlow , in t^noen 's County, Esquiro, tho Arbi-trator dul y appoiutod in that be-balf by tho Commis.sioncrs of Public Works in Ireland , haviug mado,signed , and sealed his Award , bearing dato 22ud dayof August , 1871, setting forth tbo price of Compen-sation to bo paid by tho Southern Railway Companyin respect of tho sorcral interests in the lands re-quirod nnd in said award specified , and whioh thosnid Company aro by tho said Act of 1873, antho-risod to purchase for tho construction of tho oxtou-sion of their Railway toCasbel , r ud in rospect of tliolands injuriously affected, and tho works to bo mad eand maintained by tbo Company for tho accom-modation of tho lauds udjoining tho said ExtensionHailway—did , on or beforo tbo 2nd day of Dccerabei ,1871, deposit tho said Award with tho Commissionersof Public Works in Ireland , at their Offico, Custom.House, Dublin , and Copies thereof with tho Clerkof tho Peace for tho County of Tipporary , at his Oflicoiu tlio Court-Uousc , Clonmol ; and with tbe Clerk ofthe Poor Law Union of Cashel , at his Oflico in theWorkhouso of that Union , iu tho county of Ti pperary.

And Notice is also hereby fj iven that all personsclaiming to have auy right to, or interost iu , tboLandf , tho prico,or compensation to bo paid in respectof which is ascertained by such Award , aro requiredto deliver to tho Company, at their OBices , Ethel -Imrga House, Bishopsgalcslrect (Within), London,E., or lo their undersigned Solicitor , on or beforo thoiotb day of JA M' AIIV uo*l , a short statement (inwriting) of llio nature of sucli claim*, and a shortabstract of the title on which the panic i-~* founded.

Dated this ^nd December , 1 71.JO.SKl 'H FlSlll '.OUKNE , Asl.lield Hall ,

Cailow , Arbitrator.II. KKI INACHAN , Iii , Lower l-' i tz w i l l i a m

iM. :(l .struct, Dublin , Solicitor to llio Co iiipany

1 T H O M A S l 'OWKU , of Kl h.MACO.M li , inI In- l'ari-h ol Kilmaconili anil County of WatorlVir d ,¦ In hereby j fivi ; no)ire , that il i.- ni .v intention to apply

at the next ({nailer Si--i',n- lo li. i hoi.Ion at the CountyCourthouse. Waterford. on the J'.lth day of December,187 1, for a Tran-fci' of a Six-Day Eiii-,; License for theSale of .Spirituous l,ii|iioi\-. Wine , licer , Ale , Porte r,Cider or Perry . Methc ^lin or Mead , by Ki'tail , at myhou>e aiel rc-i<lcn>:> ' . >ieuate at Kiiiiiacotnb uforesaid.mid on the ri^'hl sidi: of tin; road leading fioin Tnunori ."to liallv'_'lan.

Dateilthi " .'ith day of Decuinber 1871.THOMAS I'oWEH .

To .Sir Kobcrt J. Paul , l!art..and Williauv C. CoKhlan ,Esi|., the two next resident Mafjistrate -i ; John Caul-field , E.-i'i-. S.I. of Constabulary for the Police Dis-trict of Dumnurc E:i-t , in the County of Watcrford :W. J. Dcimehy, Es,|.. Clerk of the Peace for suidCounty, and all others whom it may concern. .



CIARIUAGES of every dei-cri ption bui l t to Order ,' of beot Materials , and by lirbl-clasi Wurkinen.

A Variety of Now nud Second-liand Carriages , Croy -doufi , &c, of tho Newest Designs, which ho feo-Uassured will bear compaiiso:! with any ad regard sPiicc, Materialn , Workmanshi p, nud Finish.

Repairti and Puiutiug executed with Neatness, andat Moderato Churgoa .

Carriages and Cars taken in Exchange. j eo.tf


BEG to intimate that they have now added to theirbusiness n J)UASS FOUNDRynndENGINKJiU-

l .N( i ESTABLISHMENT, where Brass Work of everyJe^cri ption will be cast and finished olF iu First-claessty le, ind with as littlo delay as possible.

Mt ' I iK iN and M CI MOSII K IBO beg to tender theirsincere thanks for tho kind patroua^o bestowed onthem, nnd hope, by their constant attention to busi.uess, to merit u continuance of same.

$4$" L?n 'l , llrass , Copper , nnd hnn Works3, LITTLE (iEOIUJE'S STREET, WATERFORD

N.15. — Green-houses. Conservatories, and PublicBuildings Heated on tbo most improved princi ple bythe circulation of hot water. (mylG.6m^

A R R I V E D .."illi—Milfun l. II , Milfoiil , g i: j .Skerrjvore, s, (ihunow , o •

Pr"i:rcjiso Viille , IJ rntiau.ski, whwit ; llo.sa, d, I)uu"Krvan. *litli—Fnnuj, t'utili ^'liu; Sow York , maizo ; Auun Bell , C.'iriliU,

ciia 'n ; Sir Hichanl , Lnwia , Cork , cctunat ; Jri's.nj iixcr, Swuet ,N.'WjHirt., coaN .

7th—Maliikntr , *, Milf»nl , K e-htli—MiKonl , a, .Milfor .l, K « ; Klilrst' in.:, .« , l!l;l-i-ow, \f c.atb-Wickluiv , 3, (ilawv, g e J Lara, a, L'utfcy, LiviT|iool,

i; c ; I.iimrirV , e, Milforil , t; c.

S A I L E D .ilh -Valeolui , Nuilll , lialla'-t ; licln .t , CardilT, |iitwo,j,| ;

.<arali Kuwe, IIrint.,1, oat- ; Kalr . r.nt-iuoiitli , nil's ; I'riicilhi ,I'o.ltiu.vl"!-, l,all.i.-l ; Wi l l i i , (.'anliir , l,:ill:i-l ; Mili.l of thu Milt.Canlin, l.al!u-l ; IV.uicr--,. l.'ur 'lil ) , I. . l l .u ^t ; 1'ilut , Dublin ,tualt ; Alt i t , Wcifoul , larl -v ; ll.,|i, ', UuMiu , milt ; I'linci:.-.'",Dublin , mull : Iklie, C'al'ilur, l,:i!l.i<t ; "'illiam Jjull , Car.iilf ,ballast ,

7th— Dnij Diar. C.irililf, balhist j IV.-.lri. k SI urirt , Oar.lill', kil-la-t ; Ilrk-u:!, l.'ar.lifT, |, itwi»>.l ; .Muililtiiil l.l-^ , Cilili ail , l..il-larl : Mnrtl ia , Nuwpurt , ]iilivu<> il .

hll, - (l i ps/, <- , llurin , Ilri-Ul , f.* .- .iith—Dublin , f , SCT'|K ,I I , l«lla-l ; Malnk'ili , Milfunl , eatllii ;

lt.»-a , > , D.iii '^arvan, c ; Niilhaiii cl , I'vrtmrwl'ji ', balliHt ; (;.,o-conlia. J/iiulti uirk , liull.tst.

¦ II l , . \TIN( ; APP OINTMENTS.•J'HC CI l.l!A,.ll.il0l: l:s. -T il< .,'l:,y, Ihrrm Ur litli . / .i-lujiu •Tliur.-la.v, IT lh . liuilca i(li 'Jr..-, |l,,,i,|s ; Kri.l i iy, ISth , ( Iwui l iL -— Kli'Vun ocl i i .k . "''l'ii "i - i: i :Ai ;y l l rxr . II:o l, y I'.irk , . a tunli iy . D, i". Utli • |"onl.inilcka , Tili ."-iay, 1.11 li ; Fttlmnl , Suliir.lay, P 'th. —At ,-leveil[,'cl'ick.Hill Snir.sT H I - M I I I .):'* N'.,x M .,r.vi.i . -Uimvn. "i l> ik , ' , Tins-¦ lay. Di-c. lSlli . (at i k'VL'li o'ldnck) j Kiluului i , Frulnr , Ihlii(ilt t t t eWui i't.'luckj.Vliu Wixfonl H u n t will i : t—Mumlar , D.c l i t l i , llrunuu "^\V>f \ , at H.:> i oV|.H-k ; Ui.liii'slay, l i i th , Tinti-r u Ablmy • FriJay, It-ll i , 1 , Maciniiu. l ."a-t!.; ; .Muu ilay, Jl , Murctnn-ii VIKH I\Yi'iin<:.iJ.ijr, ¦£), 1,'riiKS-liiails of Laciilill ; . atlirilny, M Itallr ^uia.-kcsy , at lo. Vi o'clock. ' '

LOCAL R A I L W A Y TKAKF1 C .Fnr li.e ll'ivl- cmliifj Friday, Dec. 1, 1871.

Wnti'rfunl Atlirnry I.iiH riuk Wsili-rl'il Kilki nnf. an.l nn.l ,,,,,| and Kit- .Iiuu-tioil

''',',",'¦", ' . ",','* l:""is ki'linriai lliiilw«yt lMl lu i lm . lo miles 'J IJ niili-i iuif,.s as| milis

l,)» 'll). O|»l l . O|»'U. op. li. O1» !U .

k K . d. f i. d. L 6. .1. i- s. ,1. £ t ,|.Pa si'ii^prp,I'aralp, Ac. 11 Mi ID 11 !«l M I ... . l-i t 1.". ft 111 H 1Ooods.Cuttii' lilt! U II hi 1 I . :H1 -i f \ \ > i) ]

Total .. 30W U 10 Hi II .', .. — ...Ji ij In 17 -, iiI'.jrrt' -'ir.lin^i>t'..'k li<»ty 'r. "&¦ III l'J l lw i l l 6 .Hi li; 7 L';>S I'I i


An Abitraot of the Account of tho BoroughRevenue, Receipt, and Expenditure,

MADE out as required by tho 136th Seotion ofthe Munioipal Act, for ONE YEAR , from the

1st of SEPTEMBER , 1873, to the 1st o£ SEPTKM.BER, 1871. JAMES DEhAUUN TT, Treasurer.


Balnnco duo by Tro&surcr , 1st Sept., 1873, JC«O 3 11RENTAL.

Rents and Ront Chargos recoiTod,JB9388 15 7Poor Rates, Ineomo Tax, 4c,

allowed ... ... ... "66 13 4

8622 3 3Casnal'IlcnU rceoivod , not in

Rental 063 10 *—3385 12 7PERMANENT SOnRCES OF INCOME.Water Bailiff' s Feoa to 31st July,

1874, 2112 10 0Anchorage, of Pas sago Fee* ¦•• 42 i iFinh Market Fees . ... 57 8 SBnttcr Market Fees . ... 21 H 2Potato Markot Foen 27 2 7General Market Fees . ... 4 G iCity Pino Water 550 t liPolico Fines for four years ... Mi ll 1Street Manoro 171 12 GGraving Bank Fee* 1 8 uBorough Lump Tax 20 1 0Freedom FOOD, &c, 18 11 8Wator Snrvieo Wnrk« ... 10 11 5

¦¦' 3191 7 10CASVAIi KOUnC EH Of INCOME.

Loan for Paymont of Debt ... 2100 0 1)Great Western Railway Company 100 17 (1Deposits on Lotting Houses ... 132 10 0Sundries ... 28 4 7

—2307 12 1nALAMCi; .

Balance duo to Treasurer , 1st Sep-tember , 1871 . . . 539 I t 11

Total Charge , ^15,801 11 I


Payments to present Oflieers ...XLIWi 1 :tPiivnieiits to former Oflicers ... 158 0 0

17-J l I 'JLAW AMI I'Altl. lAMKNTAKV E.VI'K.VSW.Law Kxpcnsc.s of every kind ... di" 18 2

MUNICIPA L EXI 'KNSKH.Expenses iiUciidunt oil Election of Members

of Corporation .. IU 111HEAD KENT AND TAXES.

Water Hailiff H Expenses to 3UtMarch , 1871 ... . ... 21.VJ 15 y

Head Rents 283 2 0Quit Rents 42 4 "JTithe Rent Charges 07 !> 1Taxes 22 lti :jIusurance 12 0 0

OTH EH EXPENSES.Clothing for Constables ... GO 1G 1Coals and Candlos for Town Hall -41 G 10Printing, Advertising nnd •

Stationery 120 2 5Lighting Town Hall , Tower ,

Clock Tower, &e. ... 01 0 IAccounts Audit <> fi 0Oity I'ark 83 13 0City Pipe Water ... ... KM 12 2


Paid for Interest 3350 2 1Ineomo Tax deductod „. 43 1 fi


Lighting Borough lUS-l 10 0Repairs to Streets 431 18 8Swooping Strootn 550 9 4Watering StrcoU , 138 9 10Street Stones 279 11 11Sowers 107 6 1Gravel 59 10 0Flagging +3 0 10Smith Work 10 10 2Forrybank Road Contract ... GO 0 0Public Pumps and Conduit* ... 94 15. 2Graying Bank Expeusos ... G 101 0Kerb and Ccanncl Stonos ... 52 I 3General Rcpainj 5U0 ',> 8Deputations • 77 8 0Lime and Sand t J 8Police Court 131 12 0Town Hall Building.* 5 10 0Cloek Tower 10 0 11Street Name Plates 3 0 7Allowances 177 7 2Crossings 10 fi 4Asphalte Footpath* W 17 0Wide Streets 13 !l 2Fire Expenses 13 11 7Waterfordliucc.-i 50 » 0Mauor Bathing Placo Hi :t SMount Sion .School* 5U 0 0Sanitary ExpouHC i ... . 33 1.1 6Sundries S S S

—Si>_'.j 3 1HKIIT.

Pnid in li quidation thcrcuf . . 1350 0 0w ATF.it si;ppi,v.

Knoekandery Water Supply, Balanco ofParliamentary Costs 841 12 10

TlJTAL LUSCHAROK , ... Xlo.Stfl 11 4Waterford 17th November, 1874.

We, tin; uudersiKiicd , have cxainiucil the CorporationAiteoiint" , and fini l the IJalanco of Four Hundred andKighty I'ouiuU Three Shillings and Eleven Ponce, dueliy the Treasurer, has lieen lirought forward from for-mer year's Account eiuling the first of Soptembor, 1873,and that including said llalancc the sum of FifteenThousand Three Hundred and Twenty-four PoundsSixteen Shillings nud Five Pence lias sineo been receivedliy him , cxclusd rc of Kiglit Ilimdred aikl Seventy FourPounds Two Shillings aud Eight Pence ul lowed for PoorKates , I III :OIIIU Tax , &e. ; and he has produced Ordersof CmiiK'i! duly signed for smnis amounting to FifteenThousand Ki glit hundred nnd Sixty Four Pounds ElevenShillings and Four Pence, leaving a llalancc due to himof Five Hundred and Thirty Nine l'-oundv FourteenShillings and Eleven Pence Sterling.


TIMUTHV CU U K A N , Miorough Auditors.JAMES O'NEILL , )

I;XTI :A (.T KKOM lliOth SEI .T I D N OK M U N I C I P A L ACT ."And be it enacted , that the t reasurer of every

Borough shall , in books to be kept for that, purpose, en-ter true accounts of all sums of money hy him receivedand paid on aeeonnt of the purposes of this Aet , and oftbe ncvornl mattors for which such sums shall havo beenpaid ; and all the accounts with all vou<:heri and pa[>cr.srelittini? thereto, shall , in the months of March andSeptember in every year, be submitted liy the Treasurerof the lioroiigh to the Auditors hereinbefore provided tobe elected , and to such Member of the Council as thoMayor shall name as third Auditor , for the purpose oflining examined nnd audited from the Frst Day ofSeptember in the year preceding, to the Frst Day ofMarch , and from the lirst Day of March to tho First dayof September in the year in which the said Auditorswere elected and named ; tuid if the said Accounts shallbe found to be correct , the Auditors fhall sign the same ;and after such Accounts , shall have been so respectivelyexamined aud audited in the month of Soptember inevery year , each Treasurer shall make out in writing,and shall cause to be printed , a full Atistruct of his Ac-counts for tlio year , and a copy thereof: shall be open tothe inspection of all the Ratepayers of such Uorongh ,nud copies shall be delivered to all Ratepayer* of KuchBorough applying for samo on payment of Ono Shillingfor each copy."


Dr.To Intorost ,' Head Rents and Salaries , .C510 8 1,, Borough Lighting ... ... :tO9 1 li,, lieprs. of .John O'Brien for Law C'ostn 19U8 1 li„ Works and Repairs ... ... 230 5 8,, Loans in excess of authorised Debt 1CU7 2 U,, Balance duo Treasurer ... ... 539 14 11

-K5.33J 13 8l .'r.

By Waterwork s Aet . ... i!lt>l2 18 7,, Water Dailiff' rf Expenses 1071 15 5., Street Committee ... ... 200 0 UI, Balance . 2419 19 8

.£5,334 13 8The arrears of Rents and Rent Chaises at foot of Ren-

tal f which when received aro required to meet tho dailyaccruing imperative liabilities) will apj iear in tho ae-euuut to be made out by the Council under the provi-sions of tho i:i7th .section of the Municipal Act, which isas follows :—

" And be it unacted , that tho Council of every suchBorough iu which this Aet shall bo ill operation , shall ,beforu the First day of February in each year, transmitto the Lord Lieutenant a statement of all monies recei-ved and expended 011 account of such Corporation underthis Act , or in anywi.-e relating to the lioroiigh Fund ofsuch Borough within the year procedtug, which state-ment shall be prepared in meli form and manner as theLord Lieutenant -Hull direct ; and such accounts shallrefer and be made up In the Audit licit before the Frstof January of thu year in which such account is herebyrequired to bo transmitted , and an Abstract of hucnstatements and a.-ecoiuiLs under irettcriil heads, shallbe laid before butli Hoiihcs <if Parliament during theirsitting in tin: same year in which thoy arc hereby re-¦ liiircd to Im transmitted us aforesaid , and copy thereofshall im deposited with the Town Clnrk , and shall benpi 'ii lo the inspection of thn inhabitants of sti'liliorough , and copies thereof flnill I IQ delivered to niliidiuhitaiils nf said Borough applying for samo on pay-ment of Une MiHl'mir for Midi Copy."


INCOME.ICi -utn mid limit Charges ... -WiT'l 1.1 UKates and Taxes dediiclable . H7'> " "-8&») il uCa<ual Kciits nut in ltental ¦ ... 1W 0 UWater Uailif Ts Fees -140 'I UHarbour Coin iiiixdioner.-,' Kx-

penditure ... I7»"i 0 »Wl.'i n 0

Anchorage of Passage Fees • . 211 0 IIPolice Fines . . . J(X) !> 0Fish Market FI C H ... . 57 0 0Hiitter Markot Fees . 21 II 0Potato Market Foe- . ... 1!7 l» 0Hay and Straw Market Fees ¦ .. 3n 0 0Freedom Fees . . 10 0 »City Pipo Water ... . . ... MiH 0 0Street Manure . . ... 170 0 0Graving Hank Fees . . . ... 10 0 llPark (Jrass . ... . . ... 10 II I)Sundries . . ... ... ... ,'(o o 0

•CIU.32U U 0

EXrBNDITDBK.Salaries ' jei450 0 0Annuities 158 0 0Intorost . . ... ...3400 0 0Municipal Elections 30 0 0Hoad Rentu ... ... .. ... 300 0 0Quit RcnU 42 0 0Titho Ront Chargos 98 0 0Taxes ... ... .„ ... 35 0 0Inisuranco ... ... ... ... 12 0 0Constables' Clothing ... ... ... GO 0 0Coals and Candlcn ... ... • 50 0 0Lighting Building* .. ... ... 60 0 0Lighting Borough ...1400 0 0City Park 85 0 5Pipo Water Exponson ... 140 0 0Polico Court 80 0 0Law and Parliamentary Expenses ••• 400 0 0Surplus already expondod , as por balance ...2419 19 8Surplus, to bo expended for tho year 1875 ... 100 0 t

£10,320 0 0If the rciinirqmcnt of tho Lords of the Treasury bo

carriod out , in it must be, viz. : by tho appropriationof .£500 a-ycar out of tho new Routs towards the pay-ment of tho Corporation Debt , the Balanco deficiency onthe first of September , 1874, will havo to bo put down at.£2919 19s. 8d., and the surplus Income of 1875 boingonly JE202O, there will still bo a deficiency of X699 19s.8d., to be discharged 0116 of tho surplus Income of 1870.

THANKSMY DEAR MU. EDITOR—Permit mo through tho

columns of your esteemed journal , to return thankson behalf of our community, to the generous friends andbenefactors who responded to our call on Sunday weeklast. Despite the many demands upon that generosity,and the munificent offering given forth at a short noticetho previous Sunday or two, our fri ends have contributedto make the last collection unite exceptional in the longlist of charitable efforts which Moun t fiion has to record.It was the largest collection made for the Brothers ofWatcrford , and given , too. with tho princely heart andthe o|K>n hand Unit enhance its worth , and exalt at oncetlio giver and the gilt. To all those kind benefactor* woreturn our most gratoful thanks , and beg to assure thornthat their charity, whilst doing honour to themselves,will return with a blessing, and help to perpetuato toour children the priceless lioon which has descended tom from tho fa i thful emliinincn of the past.

I should be; guilty of a grave omission if , in thankingour numerous friends , I did not advert to the very kindefforts of the Clergy of the different Churches who pre-sided nt the various doors , and showed by their presenceand their contributions the lively interest they took inthe good work. Neither must I omit tho Collectors ,whoat so great sacrifice , stood to their posts trim and steadyn=s of old. To the personal exertions of theso kind friendstho great result achieved i.s in a great measure due.

My dear Mr. Editor , a gentleman whoso name I amnot at liberty to mention , haviug learned that XI ,OlHJ ,sunk at four or live per cent., would yield as much aswould support one Brother for ever , and wishing to helptowards raising Unit sum , has given me J!100 to lodge intho National Bank , ou condition that nine others willeach give a similar sum before the expiration of threemonths. If the whole sum is not rai»cd within thattime , tho money to be refunded to the giver. This mu-nificent offer requires no comment from me, and affordsan opportunity for those who arc able to become par-takers iu the merit of a permanent work of charity.

I remain , dear sir , your faithful servant , ;.J i iH.V S. O'FLANAGAN, j

CATHEDRAL.Right !<<"v. Ur. Power . . -C10 0 0Jfov. P. Nolan. P.P. . ... 5 0 0Rev. P. Kent , P.P. ... I 'I 0Rev. l> r.VJ!yan , Adiu. ... 1 « 0Ucv. K. Fomu , Adiu. . ... 1 u 0Rev. Dr. Clew, President St. Julin 't ... 1 1 0Rev. J. A. PheUn ... ... I 1 0Kov. George Commins .. ¦•• 1 0 0Rev. Robert Power ... ... 1 » 0Rev. Thomas McGrath ... ... 1 0 0Rev. Wm. Quenly . . 1 0 0Rev. Maurice Keating ... ... 1 0 0Rev . C. P. Konnody ... ... 1 0 0Rev. Richard BrawdOM ... •¦ 1 0 0Row Andrew Wnlsh .. . ... 0 10 0Rev. Dominican Fathers . ... 1 !> 0

j;2 each—Mossra. John Kelly, Jamcr Power & Son ,James Fitzgerald , -Matthew Slanoy, J.P., Peirse Kelly,Win. Kelly, Quay ; James Fecloy, National Bank ; Mr.O'N 'cill , Uroad-street ; Mrs . O'Dwyer.

XI each—Tho Right Worshipful tho Mayor , Mr. Mnr-iiu Arthur , Miss Kelly, Messrs. John Hearnc , MichaelO'Neill , Richard Manning, Walter Donnelly, A Friend,per Mr. Sliinoy : J. H. .McGrath, F. Howard , H. Gallwey ,J. McKuery.T.C, A. P. Mahcr , Dr.White ,Thomas Uowe ,John Pendcr , D. V. O'Donoghue , David Keogh , T.C..J. Dolibvn , High Sheriff : Dr. Scott , J.P., Win. Downey.James Kent , William Power , King-street; AldermanRedmond . F. T. Augarde, J. 11. Fanning, Aid. P. A.Power , James Tighc Ncwrath ; 1'. M. barron , CaptainVeale. Laurence Mahcr , lfx.

l"s. each—Messrs. Henry Colter , Peter Flyiin , JamesHennessy. T.C., Mrs. Walsh , !'. Condon , John Power ,Thomas Keddy, Kobort Lnfl'nn , John Hoare , John Fan-ning, Mrs. Captain Hull , .lolm Kenny, Mr. Hogiiu , Cileii ,Miss Kent , P. Hoban , T.C..W. Lonihan , T. Purcell , T.C.,P. J. Sullivan , P. Cwiiiiiins , T.C.. Mr. Prcnderjpist , AFriend , Michael O'Urieu i Co., William Power , ArundelSriuaro ; Aid. Manning, Cox liros., Win, Kelly, George 'sstreet : Mrs . Allen. Mr. A. V. Irwin. 7s. Gd.

5s. each —Me-.srs. Dillon , P. K. Reid , J.P., Dawsou ,McNamani , M. O Sliea , — Murphy, Quay ; W. Cloonuy,— Toliin , Cupt. Crowe , .las. Duillon , M. Grant , Mrs.llickey , Hi gh-i .-uii-luhlc Miihony, Laurence M Grath , P.Murphy, Laurence Furrell , Capt. W. Power , Pierse Hur-ley , John Furlong, Patrick Keating, Mrs. Pruudergust ,Walter Sinnott , Nicholas Connolly , — Connors , JohnPhelnt i. T. Malier . M. M'Murray, Richard Dillon , Jas.Kelly, — U'DiMioghup . John Fleming, Edmond Harry,D. WnUh , John Ki. -ly. Mis- Piiclnn. Lady-laiioConstab-ulary, Messrs. Dobbyn. Donovan. Hnughton , D. Ctilliu-ane.' Capt. Colter, if- .

L's. lid . i-aeli—Mv.-.-i ".-. \V. r iaiiiieii . Joh n Lynch , Mr.-).Knox , — jK 'veix -uN. !¦) . h 'i rwan, K. Fielding, J. Keating,Martin Mnhnuy, .Mis. Merry , John Power , Thos. Grey,Thomas Hil l . M. l l r i t tnn . — Citiininglinm , Win . WaUh.Jiuiie- M i ' ihan. M. Cooper. Mart in Power. John Hiiug lt-tnn , Mrs . T. l'lipj an , Mr. ll i trkley , Mr.-. Lonp. Mr. Lcc,1'. Mi.-Keiina. Mi-s Kllen Power. ' MUs Funning, Mrs.Uugga u , J. P.mcr.

2s. each—Mr. J. Mackcy , d.-rkol th ' .1 union ; a Friend ,Mr. Hityd'.'ii , Thomas D'Cniinell , Mi s-> Walsh , P. Keogh ,•Square.

TKINITY WITIK .'LT.Mr. Palri'.'k K'eiiuv , King '.—meadow .. . Jil '.i <i DMr. Uiehurd .Mulumy, T.C.. Airmoiiiil II » i)

XI caeh—Jlc ."s>r< . Jas. i.troen. Micha.'l Casey . David(tilligan. .lami .'s Keiiriii -v. .1.1'., Michael Power, \V. .V; U.WuMi ./ninmiiH Wal.-h", Rielmrd IJiileigh , Patk. Hey lin ,Tliumsf Diwli .'y, Thomas Power. Tliomus liourke , DavidHevlin , John Caullield , Thumas Doyle.

Mr. Maurice MeGiath. lJs. Iil.l'Js. each—Messrs. David Power. Patrick liowe, Pcjer

Mackcy , Win. Power , Mrs. Hencberry , James 1'hchin , J.Wooldridgc, Deiii.s Doolin , Francis Griffin . Ed. Duggan ,Michael Caulfield, Win. Hurley. Patrick Costen , JohnMaher , John Collins , Thomas Wcdger, Bryan Cunning-ham , Fivc-alley-lani; ; Thomas Donnelly, Edmond WhiteKidiurd Grant, Michael Flymi, James Power , ii. Doyle,Edmund Kenny, Paul Caullield , Mr". Fechan.

7s. iM.eaeh—Mrs . M'Guire. Messrs. John Molloy ,JohnCarroll , T. F. Strange. Mi^-i Caullield.

."is. cacii—Mrs. Collier , Mrs. Shanahan , Messrs. W in.Duolan , Edinoud Gaule , Patk. llwieberry. C. L. Ward ,M. Cnrtiiyne , Edward O'lirien , Thomas Fiugomld, I> 1.Dunford." j iinii 'S Power , Win. Mooney , Wm. Korwi.-k ,Mrs. tiaule , .'.r.-. Grennan , Miss Power , David llal ly,li. M'Donald , Miehifl M'Grnlli , Itryan Cunniiigham ,Lower Yellow Road : John Fitzgerald , Marlin Faimiiig,Wm. Harrison , Joseph Ryan , John Flynn , Stephenlleauy, Mrs. llrawdor.-,Wm. Power, John Condon , JohnRyan , ltobcrt Buggy , P. Costen , jun., Wm. Day , Miehl.(irant , Jas. Corcoran , Thos. Cunningham , John Murray ,Pat Larkin , John Carey.

Mrs. Sweeney, 4s. (id. ; Mrs. E. Hartry, Is. ; Nichola sWalsh , 4s. : Jiiines Mooney, lis. Od. : P. Fitzgerald , :is.

2s. (id. each—Miss I^ockc, Mrs . Walsh , Messrs. JamesMolonoy , Walter Murphy, P. Fitzgerald, Jas. Sheridan ,John Nolan , Wm. Regan , E. Walsh , L. White , Miss Ho-gan , Mrs. Cullen , Jas. Clcary, John Nash , Thoi. (.'ahill ,.lames Barry, James Dalton , Charles Ryan , P, Larkin ,John I'owur, Thomas Hurley, James Nolan , MichaelSullivan , James Barry, John Connolly, James Molnniv ,James Arnold , Daniel Sullivan , M. Commins, J. Walsh ,James Lynagb, Wm. Arnold , David Grunt , J. Murphy,Andrew Hartcry, Michl. Nolan , Mrs. Den u, Mrs.Walker ,Joh n Dillon.

2s. each—Messrs . Wm. Larkin , David Plielau , JamesDalton , Pat Phclan , Nicholas Condon , Mrs. Flynn. —Murray, Richard Phelan ,Wm. Slattery, Mrs. E. Malone ,Mrs. C. Kenny , Maurice Koane , M^ichael Connolly, Jos.Rvan , Win. Kenny, Thomas Phelan , Martin White.'James Dec, Is. (id : Th.w . Ij uuly, Is. Iki .

Is. caeh —R. Demi. — Ward , Mrs. Dudley, Mrs. Nolan ,MnsteroG. Uurkc stud T. liurke, Malt Mur|ih y, PatrickMurphy, David Power , James Panning, W. Walsh , Mat.Heylin. Mat. Kelly, M. Larkin , T. Phelan , James Foley ,John Gritlin , John Koclie, Martin Keeffe, Mrs. Flemiiig,Mrs. Flvnii , John Mc l imth , E. Hrvan , Lamcnco Waters ,John Wilsuu , Ji.l m Land y, Michl. Sullivan , M. Walsh ,John Wade. James Dunne . M. Flavin , K. Power , MartinWhite , Mr< . Fitzgerald , MUs Hopkins , Miss Sullivan ,John Sweeiiev , — Glvnn. James Moore , James Shoe, J.JIf>y )in. Duvid Whi t t le . Mrs- D. Whittle, Mr.-. Ca.-hin ,Win. Whit t l e , John I 'olliii- . James WnUh , T. Whitth.',James Caiioll. Thoniii" WnUh. Thomas Nolan , M. Mc-Donnell. M. M"iTi - .M.'7. Wm. Corcoran. Pat Power , JohnPower , John Fleming, Jumos • 'Inncy , Wm. Ivcll y, Patk.Leahy. Pat i nnley . D. Mannix , M. llogn n , li. Power ,Wui.'i l .-vvald , Mr- . Wal.-h. Mrs. Power , Tho*. Bicnnaii ,l.'ieliard l .'iitiiiiii ^ham . TUoni.i- Klynn , James M^urjj hy,Maurice I'mvi-r.

ST. PATJil i -K ' S i.UCKCH.Mr . Michael Jy.-uli , llr, .iii - l-y ir> - ut •• *'- " 0Mr. John Egmi , liarri 'ii-lriiiid -s treel • '- " '•Mr. Win. Power , l; ,trrniistr:iiiil -> treel I W 0

XI each -Mr . .lames Loamy, Mr.-. Mnry Power kSon- . Mr. W. WaKh. Mr. Gerard Kell y, Mr*. Hennio,tin.1 Misses I'.i'euiiati . Mr- . Kil 'wan. Me.-,srs . Henry Lee ,Tlhiiiuis Kcil y. Tinioihv I' nmn , liieharn Whitty , Micld.Power , Mrs . l ia l t i i i i , I iavi.l Slaney.

l»- . e.i'li — .Mi-.—r-. /leiii -v I(ra.'W'1 !". I'avi.l HdMeii , Ml.Murp hy, Robert Ciillni " , M'arliu WnUh , Mi-s M. Power ,Mr. o'li ii iKigliur , . .Me*s;-» . < 'wen P,,wer \ Son , JamesPower. l l ioa. l - - tn 'i l .

Mr.-.' Whitt le . H- . : Mr-, l i i- ln .i . , 7- . Iil.."¦- . each — .Mi "~!i-s. John o'Keill y, Win. Wal-li. David

iirant , M. White . Phili p Dcvci-cux, — Finncran , Patk.Kcil y. — McCnilh. Tho- . Mahcr , M. Hayes , .I . Power ,M.Tobin. ~ Cu>cy . — I I 'Goriuan , Roderick Ryan, E.D'Ciinuor. Mrs. i i 'llrien. Mr. James Pbeliin . ', U.

2s. Gd. each —Mi."-.-.r>. .Michael Power , John Kearney,Mr. Denipsey . Kichard Flynn , Tritschler Jt Hogg, JohnMcNuniara , Thomas Fleming, James Harney , \VilliamWalsh. Mrs. Phelan , Mrs . Moran.

Mr. J. Power , Tlionias's.bill , 2s. : Mrs . Kenealv "'*ST. JOHN S.Mrs. Tobin & Sons, N'cwtown J;j n nMr. Ianreiice A. Ryan , Little Ncwtown » |> nMr. P. L.ilor, Manor . . 2 fi (i

XI each—Messrs. Fci .- .yflli .j h Sheriff) , ( i . I GonlilR.M., J. T. ICyau. T.C., John Ryan , M. Keimedv , Missliolger, Thomas Jlrown , J. W. Howard (Town "ciork)Joh n Slattery, J. A: E. Jlalmr. '

His. each -Mrs. Pope , Mc.-srs. Fuvvler , John Murph y,Quay ; A rricnd , — ritzgibbnn , James Gallahcr, JumosMora n , (• . J. BriM oe, Miss WnUh.Mrs. Kenned y, Iturcsford-slrect , 1>. M .0.1. fii' .-h—Me ssrs. Furlong, John Veale. John Doveiem,

Richard Casey, J. Cnllimore, — Skondan — Flanagnn,Mrs. Molonoy, Richard Fitzgerald, Michael Hackctt , —Allan, D. Moran , James Johnson , John Ahoarno, JohnMurphy, John-atrcet ; David Scurry, E. Barron, Wm.LoughUn, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Carroll , John Spencer.

2s. 6d. eaoh-Mossrs. O'Meara, Hart , Dwyor, Jackson,Dowline, Sheridan, Daly, O'Regan , Barron , J. Slattery,Carroll, John Walsh, Francis Lyons, Madigan, MichaelPower, Walter M'Grath, James Power, Kearney, JamesGough, Meadc, Mrs. Phelan, Mrs. Kirwan.

2s!each-Mos3ra. Casey, Finn, M. Coffey, Stack, JohnMorriasey, Isaborg, J&s. White, P. Leafy.

In. each—Messrs. W. Fanning, Lamgan, Tntschlor ,, JCollins, J. Lynch, J. Delany, Thos. Clarke, Mrs. Hailo-ton, Mrs. Murphy, Miss Farroll.

FRANCISCAN CHURCH.XI oach—Messrs. P. Kinahan, Jas. Dohorty, — Caulc,

Loughlin Freeman.T.C, T. Smith, Michael Downoy, JohnMurphy, Chrietendom ; Richard Harnoy, Kilottcran ; W.-Iiint. _

10s.' each-Messrs. Robert Morris, — Kirby, DavidNolan, W. E. Keily, P. Barron Newell , Alcxandor John-son, John O'Downey. Joseph O'Neili , 6s.

5s. each—Messrs. Stophen Merry, Michael Byrne, ^.Powor, sonr., William Morris, James Knox , R. O Leary,Patrick Power, junr., P. Redmond, Michael Pho an , *.Shortis, R. Ryan, M. Dobbyn, C. Shcohnn , J. Phclan , P.Clancy, D. Dunlca, — Furniss, Miss Flavin.

Mr. J. C. Lane, 3s. ,,2s. Cd. each—Mo3srs Cuddih7, Thomas Clancy, 1¦ arrcll ,

John WaU, Power, P. Fanning, Casey, Walsh , M. Har-noy, Captain Parle, W. Sutherland, E- Powor, M-* »»¦gorald, Fitzpatrick , L. Dobbyn, AV. Bishop, W. Walsh ,Mrs. McGrath , P. F. Glacken , Miss M. Merry, Mra. JR. Scott, C. Manning.

2s. each—Messrs. James Cooke, Frank Dawson , junr.,Cassin, Regan , Wedger , junr., Miss M. Thompson.

Is. each—Messr*. John McLonghlin , Murp hy, Mahor ,Dunphy , Pat Canty, Grant , Nicholas Tobin , Nooniui ,Corcoran, Jlahony, Dunne, Russell , Mr6. O'Neill , Mr.Dalton , Kilbarry.

DOMINICAN ORATORY.Captain Sheppard , Bridgo-stroot ... ... XI 1 "

XI each—.Messrs. Wm. Hnnntlian , Michael Slattery,John Stafford.

10s. each—Messrs. Thomas Kenny, Glen ; M. O'Meara ,Peter Egan.

5s. each—Mr. W. Williams , Miss Fanning, Messrs. i •Power, John Phelnn , Sutton , John Ryan , J. Urcunan , R.Hem berry, Head Conctable O'Brien , Joseph Walsh , .I.Walsh , Richard Murphy. Fnrrell , McEvoy, Win. Smith ,Joseph Byrne. John Framptou.

Mr. Dwyor, 3s. Gd. Mr. John Fitzpatrick , 'U.2s. lid. each—Messrs Murphy, P. Brennan , M. Ay lward ,

W. Kennedy , W Sage, the Constabulary, Mary-street ,Nicholas Phnliui , Bryan Mohan. John Stafford , junr., T.Toole , Jiuncs Phclan , Pitman , McSweency, Mrs. Grant ,Mrs. Morris, Miss I]cany.

Mrs. Long, Ferrybank, 2s ; Mrs . Hayes. 2s.Is . each—Messrs. John O'Neill , .lamo* lVaw , Jolm

Nash , John Flaherty , P. Clcary , — O'Neill ; Costclloc ,Miss Walsh , Miss Heiicbcrrv.

Momhers of Young Men 's Society X '- ', '• "Messrs. Stophenson , Hrothers , Fuirbrook ... - 0 "J. C. &. J. Fields. London .. • 2 0 »St. Francis" Society .. . . . 2 0 0St. Brendon 's do. ... ... ... 2 0 t>Trinitarian do. ... ... 2 0 0W. & A. Gilbey, London 1 1 "Mr. Matthew Harry , Granagh . 1 " <>Mr. Daniel Coman ... . 1 0 0

llic Misses Nolan , 10s : Patrick Barry, Hi* ; CharlesDnval , 5« : D. Power , Ballybricken , .">* : Mr. Sinuot , •'¦-:;Mr. Heydon , 2s Od ; -Mr. Barran , 2s ; Mr. M'.Mahon , 2-::D. Cnntwoll , Is; Jas. Morrissey, Is.

H I K E SISTERS OF CHARITY beg gratefull y to nc-JL knowledge having received X2 from Pcir>e Newport

Barren , Esq. : a large number of very litiud ->uiiir> . usefulprizes from Messrs. Robertson , I.rdlie , A: C'o., for tli * .'Lottery of the Bazaar; a number of nice prizes fromMiss Cutlur , and a, handsome Musical Cigar Stan' ! fromMiss Redmond.

GEESE AND TUB.REYSWANTED for a CIIUI STMAS Cr.rn.' Addrc-K , slating

terms, to T. QM A K K Y , '"Turk and Slave," 141Brick laoo, noar Trumau & llanbury 's Breworj, Lou-don. dH -~

IMPORTS OF FOREIGN GRAIN.Projrcsio Vallc, Vullc, Bcrdiauski , •J SJ<> qrj. whe.-xt—dponccr

and Sou.

13ii;th5j, iHantafjcs, »v Scaths.A H n Q u n c e m e n U Qf D i r l h i t .\ t- t rr if j 'iX D *.ith t , must >". f l r t -p 't t d

B I K T U S.At the residence oi her mother, .'t-', TbuiuavAtreat , Limerick ,

the wife of l» . Cftutwcll , &q., Wtstg roTe, county Tippcrar;, of

At MuUinnhonf , county Tipi«rary, the wife of Nicholas K.Shcor ns'i., of sou.

At Huyvujw H OHSL*, Drogheda, the wife of James WilHa , hu{. tthi: Bank , I.i.snafikey, of u OHU ^UUT.

Ua thc 5tU iu.st., at tUc National Baak, DrufT, thc*Vifo ofJauiti U, GrafT, Ksq., of a KOU .

DIM . 8., at l l , liigh-atrc.'t, Kilkcuay, tint wife of ThomiuUayf;« , of a POD .

Dec. Sth, at 4, Carlisle Toiraco, Limerick, tho wife of PhilipK.iw]inp Tupnin, of n dauchtur.

M A it K I A U K S .Ou tb-j 1st iiiit. , at Tullycorbyt Church , PmncU Christopher

Carvcy , Ksii., of Murridk Abbey, cjuuty Mayo ,to Uraco fclixa-bcttu (K .-coud tlati '^utcruf thu K«v. A. W Catupbvll , A.M., l'rc-U'uJaiyof Cluh'iiur, nnd h'randdauybter of thu late dir Auij-ml'l Uauccr, H:ir: ., of Mo lrucuy, couuty Tipperary.

On the lit iu.st., at KilVsher Church, county Fermanagh ,J.iux 'sx Jliik'h Hmith-JShrry , K-:« i,, xucanil rfou of tho l:itu Jamesilii tfb isiuith-U:irry, Ksq., of rotu I.sbiud, co.mty Cork , to thuHun. L:»ly Cburlottu Janu Cole, uldt-st dauirhtur ul thu Karl ofEuiiMkiit t-n.

At thy C'mrdi uf the Asi -miuplion , Warwick-Mr --. -!, I. ,;.il'm,Hub-jit l l . H. Ji -Tninj rliiiui, l^'i., rfixrcUry to H.M' s. l.^ai^ttat Darui.ita'it timl Curlfruliu , to Ainitu Matliur , wii i 'jwo! Cli ;i>.M:itiiLa r, Ki (., tif I < -iti {t* i<Uc 11-j.iu1, .N- 'rtlium') liau I , ati'ldaughter uf Kdw.irxl I.i 'UI-lt , K-iq., uf Hi-ntou 1'aiv , Nt-\Tca.-t:<:-uti- T yuo.

At* tl-c Cathtdrul , KuniseOrtiiy , Laureuct ', L-h it-.-t .-.:i of M > r-tin Kt- lly, K j ., KtiiK. a k:iii '. vut v Ca-tle KH'u, to Mnry , -..cm-ldiiu'^hi'.-r of tie- I;it" . Jlcury Wiiitk-nl , K.nj. , nurciiuut , *I':ui-I'li 'SlMtiii u'i , Ku n i.-orthy.

On tti<i •"•th iKO '.-iubrr , at Kal!ia-iH:ek Church , Mr. Jam* sK» rr, nt \Vr\fi» }il , iu JaijK', yuiiu^.-- t iLiuvhler vi >\r. dtcplit-'tiWvM.: , uf \V «vti»nL

D E A T H S ,At St. J w au 'ti Hill , on tho Uh nut , Mi<- y U r y Aim CLirkc ,

a 'iti ') ') year.-, itatt |{Ut>;r of tho 1 uc Tcrcno-; <Jlui - r:-- , li-'i., ufttii* ciU.— K.i.r.

Jhx . 7, at New Kof.i, sii'ldenlj, Mr. •Tuiepli Murplir , of Cathe-dra! Square , in thu city, well kiiuwu as a chiropodisl'-auhiM.f > t , industrious uian , rouiarkablo for ;i haruilu^ and exum-lilury life.—11.1 l\

Ou tli'i tJth iii^t., at .Sjui nK'n..ld Uond, St. -J i>hn 'o Wcol , Lou-d'iu , Kdiiiuuri lhiuley, Kst{ . , a^i-il -S* year.-, formerly ntaittig« ,*r ufthu National II.ink , iu thi 1 city.

(in tbt; 4ti) iuit., nt lfctllrtf lauj couuty VVaterfuni , Mariauim,widow of William i.!un l'dul, Ki t \., nud mother of tiir ltobcrtJo.-hua l'uul , llnrt., tu thu hist yea r nf htr ftL,f o.

At St. Joseph's Moiia.it«-iy, HaroMN-crun^, Dublin , H**ory.thinl nm of Ihu lato Henry (juiuLiu, l^'i., of llallyueal , countyTipptniry.

Uuv cmhi'rKtli , at Aril.-ununs , Dalkuy, nf di->ca l-c of tin.- Inn;,'-,Mary, the bvluvtd child uf Patrick Coll , .SulU:it '>r, ajt-d tiyeara.

Due. 5th , sud'lcnly, at his itvidciico, Jvud--rry, mar Itoicrta,couuty Tipiumirv, Samuul dhcldnu Dudli-v , n .\l 7."> ytnrs .

On tho Uh iut-L., at Kuck Alih.ry, county 'I ip].traiy, Alati ld.i ,b-ilovod wift i r»f Cupt. li« :or^u Mtticliit i , 1C I.C.N., rijitr d O'J years.

At hirr rrsidoncu , Kilally, Kilwuitli , Kl iz . i ^ln N., wile olKdmoud Iti - .v, v-&*\ 7-1 yi .ar.-'.

At tli i* rtsi.lmico of Ins broth> .*r, ;tt t 'Urt 'uwtv , uvar Nu>:>t rih,Mr * Johu Uyan.

At her rfti-l. -ncr , Ciydv-roa.l , Dublin , tier H<i«. Mr4 . I.aT'juc'n.-, in ln- r Hind vc.ir.

Martin o'Kunvll , H-i|., K-II LV UL-.V , C M I U 'V Wt-xf-jnl , at theadvajicwl a1 '!? ol fJ~ vi-ar.H.

Di'C. if , ut bin ru-idcuci - , Xn. I-', rpi'^r MirkK'tiliun;lt -atr( :<.>lDnblln , Kr.uicH .Jt^.-ph V>nvcr , *m »t (]:¦; )att* Michael Vvwvrcoru uoiittor . after a Uw'vriu ^ uud tcrdiouj illuc^.

•IZIatcvtorlir ittavftcts.Watcff urd , December 11 , 1S7-I.

¦Weatlinr wut anil itoruiy. Supplies ."uiaH . No cbinfi-' iuXativo Grain.

I'OllKIOS WIIKAT—Sale ilow , at lato riitcs.

I.VDIA.V C'OKX—A niodcr.itu cjoiumptiro iK-nii iiil , at nlUclinc uf li'l. |H.T barrel.

FLOl'll - No chance. Demand J IOIT.


vTl 'l ( J E S 0 U K It K N T .

iiusii. ; oui . ._ . ..*>¦¦?•"• .._ •WHEAT, I »T tiarrL'l of :S*>llii. s. il. ». il. .1. il. 5.

— H'liitc - - - - I") U to O> u.'i li to 1.7 0_ lu-,1 - "I 0 Im U 21 9 i) U— Shimim;; do - - L") 0 ft) 0'."J U 'JJ ll

11 VULKV , wr liarrcl of Ai 111M. !— lirimliuK • • •! W " '"' «15 u l'i 11— Maltinj,' - - - . 1" " VI 0 W ') IV u

OATS ucr lir.rril uf 1 Will* ._ l!Ia.-k - - - - n o ., 1 f, l.; 11 17 0_ White - - • "" " "0 <) < *) U HJ 0_ liroy - - - "> '> 00 0U0 0 t«) 0

t'LOUK, I»Tsuck, "f 2S01W.— Sill 't -rlillOl - - • W I) IIU II.W I) ;{7 ij— Iufuriorj - - I«J ll ¦•• ,jjj ,, „, ,,

OATMEAL , per Sack - 1" 0 y > „ n „IIRAN , pirCwt. • . '• (1 0 n ; ii s ol'OI.I.AKl) ilo - - ') 11 11 0 s ,; M 0

KOHKll -.N. t.K,;i_WIIKAT , PIT Imrrel of iW'ilij . H ,t , ,|

— Aiucricau . Sprin g :i:ul W III ' . T . . -j,; ,, t0 ',',, ,',

— Mariimo|ili! - - . . ..», ,, ,, , v— r,,:r.li:iujU - . . . ., . , „ „ „— ilhirk.i , Tii'-'.inr'i.', an.l m - : . ^— l i i rni l . . . . . . , , . ,, ,,, „

ISIH A S COHS, Y.'1'...w, (l.l..i,:l . i i i . i i i ;,] , . ;^ . ,., „ ,., u— — l l i rn i l au.l K.»\ I . I I . . I I I - . ,-1 ,1 ,„. o— ~ Ai»>-»<.-i!i . ¦ ¦ . . J I „ -1 „— — i r i n c l i iiM.l Alii ..'r '.i -.iu \V!,;t, . . "j ,1 i K> .1— — KiO'i'tian . . . ..., ,1 ,., u— — lJ.iiiivl - - . . ., . u (¦.• .j

FI.DU1I , AiniTinin . pi-r liiirn-l nl l!»;ll. .< . . . -j; n ,„ ,,— Kn-ncli , I'fr -mi-k , ,,f ^t\\.< . ..., ,j ... it

INDIAN M l-LVl., Aiueriuiii . ix i r .i.ii.-li of .'^.{1,). ¦-. u in 01 lluuii: M.inufiu -tiiri- u. -r ' 1 - .- /.I .-:u:k. uf iVUlH . ' — U °

Imj - or ts .y Kr ^r ts/ r .r Week t tnuin-j l 'hnr< i", WC.'t.IMl 'OUTS . K.M'UUI^.

Iiuliun Curu 7:1:1 (jmrti-rs. Imliuii Cum Ilnrn-LWh.j;it asfi!'! 1I11. ,\VliiKt . - do.Wils . . ,|,, _ ¦,).,,„ . . ||[,, ,!„IlarK-y- - Sacks. llarlcy . ,1.1.n,,,, r > HI ilu. Flour- . IWJ Siict.<'Ull r j Ilarri'ls. liatuu al . ,1...Mial . Sacks. Indian ui.:al do.

WATEHFOKD UUTTKH MA11KK1l ?umber nt t i rk in i laiy / ied at f i e fuour t iuuer M a r k t l

f o r H ' eek tnatng >rlJaji ( tun U, i < /) , wil I 'ru t t .Saturday, — 0 — H) .'. Vi\. lo lt?li. u| ,Monitay , — '•' — 1+ 1-'. 111. l los. IHl ,Tuvsilaf, — I) — OHM . 11,1. omj-. IJ , I .Wetlucudsy — -Ili — I K l - . o,l. Hjs. Oil.Thursday, — 71 — U.,. id. IKI , . m.I'tidny, — U — "*"• ">l. i)?*. ()l|.

No. of rirkius corrc.-iKJinlin^ n-ci-k Inhi y vut — siijl'ricu wr mi — l ;Wi. i*l. lo I Mi IHI.

TnlfU i gCHCC I IUM been rccuivoil that Mi\s. Mit-chcll Henry, tvlio W.IH nn 11 tour through Eifvpl with herIniKlmud (Mr. Mitvltcll Henry, M.l'.j , an.l "fiitnil y, hastlicil.

Air. .lames Oulwey , J.P., lms nn ivud fromColligiin LoJ jkiit his re^i'luuei.-, Wuu-rforj .

(Corrctcd Ot is daij Jor The Walarjord News.)PROVISIONS.

Bicox TIGS, per cwt. — - Sh. "J- to M,. o-'STKAKS do. - - •*"• C' - •> .--. iMFEST do. - - !»*• «•'• 1', . (,.<H KIDS do. - - •«>• '- • «'. 0.:SCRAPS do. — - -*1"5 - °<J . i",. o.LiBD (cbundlcrB1) — — *"• M - +•• • O.

BUTCH KIIS' MKAT.BKEF , iwr lb., 74<1 Od to S(d '. UM B , l>cr o,r., i» 01 u, <>, r,,

Do. Bteak , yd to lid I V»:i L, |wr lb. V I lo f.j.Monos, per lb W to lud. | 1'OKK , ptr 1b. i)d lo ..j

POTATOES.Average price, ... 'li'l. to 5.1. y ;r .-tom:.

liREAD.V.'uiTt, per lib— r>\A. to 7d I HOCSHOLB, pur lib ul 1, ,.

WHISKEY.DcnuK , per gallon, -J>h. M . I (JLU CORK , gallon , If; . , -COKK , puucbcOU, lU'S. i>»l. I

F I S H .N'F.NUI.VD, iir cwt , - 0s. to ti*. I r»:»r. — »i "-i. :r, i ;i (, .Hr.KKi »G3, jier brl, ill, to +J<. SOI .K , — 'is '.'1. i i i.ij >.SI L M U N , per lb. Od. to Us Od. | Tuunoi, — t.i "I - to 'j, ^

FOWL ASD EGOS.CH I C K E X K , pair, Si 6<1 t<i I i . IS >\ I K.j 'iS , por 120, »•, ii. l !¦/ '1. 1DUCK L1KUS , ai lill to 4s. COlipIl'. I Tur.KBVS, Hi t'J 17, p.:r|r.

SOAI' AXU CANDLES.Warn., perewt. iii. to us. I MuVuu , p>:r 'l,i i'u, •: , !! ;„UKUW.V, do. 20i. 'M to Of . I UlIT , dO. •'". i'l . t'j 5, ;.

WOOL AND HIDES.IIOUUKT Wool., Id. M to 1». 7d HlKL 'S, 'S lf . t" SI' . "I ;n;r , 'Wr.THKit&EttE.U 4(1 to 1H . 5.1 Kir.i, "A. lo H . p. r 11,SK I X WOOL, la 0U to Id. il (J ALK , '.'j. to w>. 0 i r [!¦;,

T I 31 » E K .H. PINK jier ton , W)3 dl 0» W ; STAVCS , pi-r l'»j", £5Y ELLOW 1'IM E , do 85s 0.1 to <?>* | UTIU , per do 1J< . io li, .

C (I A I. S .COALS, ncrltou, 'JJs. Oil to -is M. I C OKE , iitrtun , 2"'. u i i n •¦

FODDER ANI) GKKE.V CKOr.S.II A V , ppr toii , new, 7Ss to Win. . TciiMrs , pi r ton , 17- to ;STIIAW , wbeaten , .' 1= U) 57- I .MA.vui,l.l>i,ji..'r t.ji:, 1-., ;.; ]

Uo. oaten , j.Vi to 'vij. I CiKi '.OT S, p'.-r ton , ;;'; 't i>

IIOOX'S CI IA N CKS.X.-.v M.1O11 Wnlvp- 'l iv , '.I h 11 f, .Li,,Ki i - t Q I .'. H I - U'.'. l i i . - i l ' V , Hi - l i 11 ' J l |. .,,,Kul l Mo 11 Wi-ih,.—:l«y, 2:1- -1 1 i.i\ ...irLi- ' (Jii. -i- . i U'.d n -di.v , :j'i b 'J :|i; .. .,„

iLhc diiliitcrfo ub , lc^!" Hi: J L 'sr , AMI r'K. \ ; i NOT. "

F R I D A Y K V K M N C J . D K C K . M U K K 11 . 1 =

TIH- : I t A I I A V A V H A I T I . K .•o-

A f t e r lung 'I'.'lfiy, ami 110 i r i cn ;- i ' l ' .-r. t rj i- ; anio;.of sk i rmiMl i i i i g ani l in;iiia:iiv:-in^' : ;i b ;iti!c wliiECC'in.i dtcisivo lius I JCOU fong li t . : i r i«l 1 h >_- v ic r i ,; i';'side of three ycar.-j ngu appears j unv a- liic : ¦,-.'(|t ii.sliuil. Iu oilier WHrils , ill': ]iariy '.vho .¦"•cmthe ul l ianco wi th thu po«c:rln! Knt ;!i-!i c»m|;:i;wlio.se in t ' .Tcsls iiro so womi'l up wi 1.!, \V;I :.C ;I- J ...at si t iniy when t lm IJ i iMiu n iu : i 'j j i '.' ,' i « - - •¦¦. .iibuiil . tu -:':cur'i it :u mi'; ami ;i .'1:1 ' !' |. ' r 1 ¦¦ :hiivc now Ijeeii turiiL-d UV I .T I J V whut i s kr: ¦¦.-.: :t ins D u b l i n section , b u t w h i c h , a s :!;•• 10-pi'iives, I KIS pow erfu l .- i ippo: ! !'¦¦' , IM - I m : - - ! i . .;. ¦:•in i-ve ry d i i ' .clion.

I In: l ' J l l L T Ol -S i r D.\ Mr.i . I '• ¦i i - ' i.\ I !. •: I ": : ; i . i -;:-.oi' lhu I J ng l i> h (Jo inpiui}', V.I K 11 pa ij i i - l i ' i l .i i i i : ;niaile the re.-u l l :i |i ji'ivijoi, i - c i ' i i c l u - iu ! : , !.;:•though un i inproveinonf . UI I t i n : n.-rm- •, : ' :former agreement, it fell s lwrt o!' f- spi -ti ;tii 'j :i , i iwas daeniod uiiKinisfact-or}1. 1'reviv ii.s tu t i n : 'journed meetingol' -J'.ith u l i . i t had b<:< -n circtil .itbut evidently wi thout foii i id ;i t i . .n , th ;it t i i ' j (jrWestern Company wi j u ld ngreo to ^uariinii /cthe ori ginal slmreholder.s of the Waterford (.'«pany the three per cent, per annum , wi thout x.regard 10 the co~t of working cYpeii.-os; 'myorcler that tho expenses might be 'jc /i i ' i i i i i -aud that the working of the line ini gh: \,i.< I . *, '.after to their satisfaction , ihey were i-, !:'power to iippoint n general manager , v . im wa-be :.he ollicer of the London lioani.but in 11. ot.way to interfere with exi^tint; arrangement:ihi.s side of the water. 'J'he Ureai Wo-i.people, it wa.s added , further proposed thatorder to enable the Waterlurd Company lo :the ori ginal shareholders the two half -yci>dividends now due, they would advance thequired amount fur that purpose, that sum ,gethcr with four per cent, interest, to bo repout of tho earnings of tlio Waterford C'omp:when there would be a surp lus after the pnymof the three per cent. Had such a proposal bmade , we believe opposition to it would be tut:but , as fur as can be learned from the lettc;tho Chairman of the Kng lish Company, no iiof such an arrangement was ever entertainThe lirst rc-adjustment appears 10 have be?proposal from .some portion of tho Water:directory to hand over the line cornpletel ;Kng lisli munasroment , which the Eng lish ili 'tors were prepared to entertain , but which •defeated on a division at the Waterlord Bo:Then , when tho mutter was left in the ham!Messrs. ST K P I I K X S and 'W H I T E , by re.-Mi luii ' .tli ..- h ; :lt '-yearly meeting, n .-uggesiini: wu.-, ir" that thu line should Ij e work-d :md maiu i1

nj a JOHU fommit tee, UOII .- I > I I I I _L; ol ihrei . .1-" ruelors of euch company, and a .-. landing a 'i-" trator, wi th a m i n im i i u i guaiMuiee ¦<! thiv ..- ;r" j i-.-r cent, ou the ordinary cap iia!. '.:'. 0:1 i::v. i-¦ gut ion , ive were iatisliud t i i a t ivc c-ald n.i :a"our .shareholders to c i k cih e re.-p 'iu .s ibi l i ! l'i" the future maintenance of the rol l ing >iu ."The le.sult of an inspection uf :ho l ine I JV '0of the princi pal ollicurs of t in ; (.ir ei il \VW :iKailway was , that the line , in order tu p;i: i' -'n'• the condition a r ai lway should be." to .ittheir views, required a larger •.wptinl in ire v 'nthey were wi l l ing to incur for ih . : ad vantages ; ",-ywere to obtain. Then , w i t h t h e view of a-s' t-ing the WaleiTord Company out of the i r •' ¦ '-i-porary dilliculties ," it was l iu a l iv [ii-upQio tuguarantee the m i n i m u m dividend i.f ihree *.ecent, from the l a t of January n'.'M . mciva. gthe allowance fur Working expenses fi- i..m V :'.»:>¦• per cent , which represents .Co,1 " 1" a yea \»la- laid out on the l ine in i i .- 111.linteiiano ' ' ;<t rue tha t the work ing e.xpi ii^e.-. li:r i h r pa.-: i- -i i '-j i.ar wen: '" ! per com., bu t thai grea: oiit.ay ' -isoi.c:uioued by UIUM except ional ciroumata " '.--,such as the enurn iuli s priei: of c-r.us ami . <:: ,and wi ih t he lulvanlagi/ous contracts mac bvihu eonipany , it i.^ pr,,bal)le that a reducli..!1 "illtake place to such an extent as tu bi i i .g tlu- al-lay w i t h i n the l i m it s propu.-ed by the agreet. -lit.

I l wa.s on this la*i urupu sAl of -Sir I).- IEI(jooni that thu Waterford contingent o! \hclioanl o.xperienccd their defeat , althoug h ii \n-not possibl y be construed into a final rej e ionof the terms ollered , when it is con.sidereii huethe original agreement with the Great We" 1 IT.Company, l imit ing the working expenses .- .SOper cent., has yet IS years lo run , and t .t ifnecessary, as is plainl y told in the letter c ' SirD.v.Mia, they ure prepared to maintain that , 'on-tract. To thu proposition of Mr. STKHI UNS , C- air-man , that this last oiler of the Great Wo onishould bo accepted , an amendment was pro. .'*edby Mr. UsliOK. NK, which was, iu effect, a v; '3 ofcensure on the present directory, setting klb ,as it did , that tho fact of the original s- .ire-holders being deprived of their dividend w; un-satisfactory, and thai they believe the resu^hndbeen broug ht about by Mr. STLTHEXS, chni. Jan.and a section of the Board. This amend'Vntwas carried by a vote of 1,160 against ' 2—majority, 'MH —but when tho amendment \moto be put us a substantive resnlutiou , an 1 lec-tion was raised to the validity of tho prox ' forthe majority, and the Chairman refused putthe motion until a legal opinion is obtaii onthe matter. The result of the two days' ; ingwas, an adjournment to the 12ch of Jauuar inaconsequently a suspension of work by tin )tn»mitteu of enjuiry appointed , as well as a s • ofall other proceedings iu tho matter.

In the future, it should always be boi inmind , that unti l the Waterford and Lin ickrailway became connected with the Great ist-crn of Kng laiid , (he ori ginal shareholders erowithout dividend , and their property c tednominall y at .Liu or .U-J per share, ami t l ' a'1 he present moment , thu Company, out ¦ itsown earnings , can pay three per cent. 1 . itshould also be remombsred bv those whi 'gothat the opposition , as it is torined , has a 1 Lininterest , anil a desire for a connection w »"illibera l company in tho metropolis of Ii nd,whose interests are entirel y antagonistic t< ««o. \\ atorlbrd , that thu G reat Wo.stern Cor a}or kng land li'i s a gri p ou the Waterford li foreighteen years certain , and that thoy ra »hold it , too. is plainl y indicated by the le -ofSir DA N I E L GOOCII .

W e understand fhat on a case subn Acounsel have given their op inion that the «•turns raised by the .scrutineers for Mr. SIE »'against the votes for the amendment, ai »•tenable.

I H K MAYO KAI/ F Y OF WATERF0RIW u aru happy to fun] tbat our expectation! ai *•

electiim of Mr. ,f . T. ]£yau , T.C., as Major 0' ' *'ford for tho coming year, havo been verified ' *'result . We heartil y congratulate that gaotlen .<*the hi Kh |10,,OP confur j u|)on hin) ) rtD(i th0 p« »cmz.jns of Watcrford in having secured tbe « **of ono who has proved himself oaroest, one >*ami hi ghl y useful to tho commiiDity.bothia pab «•privatu c ipacity. — LtinHcr Iniepcudant.

'I'he Karl of Shrewsbury has been apP* *£Oiptain of the Hon . <_V,r| ,s of Oontlamen-»tAr "room of thu Marquis ot Eieter, rciijrncd.

Page 3: on MICHAEL O'BRIEN & CO.snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1874/... · 2018. 7. 11. · i in: w ,\ 'ii:i ;K(ii( n NKW.S iA;,:.ri!!..n l n'Mi-xp, rp.|iriiicii.) | HiC.t-1

1. 1 M !¦:KI( -K U A I I . W .W¦ i\ I I I . I . .I -- I :M I ;M — nu:« n i i un: i . u t A i MM I.I:N

I.i i n :: ( i l M l ; 1' . i . i . u r n .W . u . M l' l M — S I A I K M K\ 1" MlH M A \ , '.-- A I I t i l i > l i l > n i \ i r . \M:v I I : I : i A N - V . \ I : I I . I v , 1 r v ,.: i i - -> - - i i i i;: I N 1 1 !i in M K .

A I . I \ i . n n s i-i . i . r i i - - - I I I H

m i: ¦ :i M I :— A rm.i. H E .• T -i l; I I I M I u.,— n i l l i l .M I.I; I I i > \ i . — w n i i i ii i : .mini u\ .

. - Company HUM en Tu 'S.lay!iiin!is Ofticc - , N'ewraih , for-y, of o UMderin i; l ln ' pend.if l l r .Mi \\\.-icrn Uai lwav

,1 pa r t i cu la r l y t l i r fol lowing"¦I 'll , M . I ' ., l .'!i:iirm:iu of the

w h i c h d' .climont W ITH sti lt!•• " « v iou.-i in t in - s i lt im; uf

I •¦:¦'- . il -.u- . I'a.Win-jl .m. W.,ii N nvi ' in luj r , 1*71.thcr reply to your communi.¦•'• to our intvrvivw here on« I.. -.ate that tin- ivln .l ,- MI I>.;ii u > |<ivial meetiiur of the

uhi . -h hii -s been li.'l .l tn .,lav..ie. -i-i . -n at which the hoard

• \, - r . 1 th ink il de-imble to• • i - l l!:" tii -- .-o,-ia *i..n- «hi. -h"I W7J. «•¦• wcr , ' a--nrc.l l.vi l l ' tl i : i t th - Wat i-rford andWorked sit f r . -t i i I" to I.-* per

..M - ,; i- .l: ar.'l t ha t in surivem-.'¦ a- .'.o ;.,.,• ¦•¦•n:.. there wott lil1. • ma.!" avai lab le for the

•r ii. l!i" irj iv i ' t i n ' i i t . That•.vh":i l!::- .-..|:i| :ii ,y i, _T.'i' .l to

I'.-:• w . - r l i i i i ^ . \| "!i-. -. il » j ,::;' a > v:;-- < -- ;,.a \ . a - mail.' I n

•- -.".¦•¦: ¦. ¦ :-y i::r.. K '.I;.- •li l l i* - i jT-i:.y ¦¦> ¦;¦¦ |.!a".- l . a i-i - in-.'. i i: a.¦:¦¦¦-.¦• •!! hi ;;hi 'r pri-c- |.ai.l l..i-

« hi . - i i . i r . 'i n t l : . - | . . .- i i i , .n ( ,t:::\ . - ;> i— i .r .lv a l l . - . ; - \ in ;r

¦• ¦ • ;:-•- • ; . .r- ¦•:' t l i i mpsmy' ¦ -:.. r. ;i.!y :,ud u ; i l i : r _' - t r i < * i \• .- :;:. i .-;- i h - . - v i - t i ! : -,; a:,".-.-.- ,¦"i; av i . - . :r ! 'h : i *. t !-.,-y h;n c'¦ • l ' :"h i l i ih - l i l .• '¦• :i ;- t f ! . i\ I . . . ¦'• : : - •;.;,¦:¦ i

1. . , .

I. - !•• t i m - - . ! ia\" l . i - i ' l i l i .a'i r.. . v. I t ! . ,i .;,• - ;.¦,¦ in a - - i - l Vi . i i•! : ¦ <¦..:: } ¦! l".!, v;.,..l. :1,;,| i,

I • ¦¦¦-. :. '.•¦! I . I lay l e i o r e my¦;!• l» .a r . i . li : .- - i i^ ._'"-!io:i t h a ii. :n: I l i l a l i i l - .'.' i l l" Wati l f..r.l

M L' ;. l i . n : : l i : u t l l L'na ran t,.-,- ofi w i i t - i: t. Ii i l i n . n -.rh in eon-e-¦. >if a :::;i i..r:U i - l v .mr l!i .:ir, l

i . :1 it - i iu'-'. - 'i '.i.r. !.:.\ i;:"¦.*¦ • l .av . i i i '.l y ¦ ,.*,-i.:.-'v.|M : . Wl.it" nt id y ..i;r-eli

¦ ::., !:! l. .-t«"" » t l i " !»,:

:¦_ _ ¦•¦ -: . - ' ! < '". . i - r::i.i" 1 i , n t:, . ., - ., - ¦ •! l - \ :: j - ' l i i l ¦•, . i n.

• •• : .¦. .- . i I !;. - or .i i i.a ry

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i . ¦' . • :¦ ; . •¦¦ '. . . ii it'o r i i i

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Mi - 1 ;-:.;.- ' «il ! hav. . •...;- :•¦ an. '. .-lo. -k i:uli"

• i .- i . ; - '.. :> . .at i-l y «.;u-! i- I. ' - ' •!.-iriil . il- I l i a ;

.' ¦:*:ak.- !.. w-rk a::.| laa inia inin i:i:.iv:i:.t".-i -uvi -.it :;-i en ti l . -

-: i \ \ > . i i .•¦•:, > ¦ '. ;;--:-'.:i:_-y i .ur ,-i>i!:|-a!^y\\ " ': i«-; - " , i. m| "i-a ry - < : i t l i . - i i l -! - i :'-! _\ . i i ;:i. -l y i - i ;r -.¦!l"a^u ..-»

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> - i - i i i | . a i ', \ i.. airr'-' 1 ;o n io , l i t *y

K -^ n - i.- i i i r i i t yi" t i n - l^ l l i A| .r i l".

«(.r.;-. "at a rat,- not i-xi-ted.::: <- ! i t l . .- l!a!lii- r .-i-i-i i't s" for¦• i -x . • ¦•• .- . ! i i :- ' ."ii i per I-..nt. i,c-r

A- .- .-, i.-r:-"-! to will I..-- npp li.¦::irii.L' I", or w. .rk - - l 1-y, th .i wi l l f i . r in th<- l.a-i' for t l i .i"h mav l. «- ; a v al . '., nu: of l) , .¦ ¦I. - « h i- i i l.av.

'- 1.. . :, ll:. - -n i-; ,.-u r f.vii ¦¦¦.tiij.a!!!!.- - w i l l , o!

¦:. «i i l l'v- - a t i - f a'-to ry lo l l n.- 1 ' ":;..- \Va * ,:rl"..l' l uTi - i Litii"-

••v:!l i:. .im-i- ai ! p ;a-ti<- > in lr.-V w i ' I i y.,l:. -.. a - l < > proih..!.'i.; ..i:iy 'i ll.: .i .- i , - 1. - ; .. - t L . - n--t :. ! < : -i .'l; -.\ :.:- -1 J ; i l l - v - l< -n i' ;;.r:.• i.-!„ .. T ; ! : i : i<m ha- .:¦ ¦• •.¦- ¦ ;:. ¦ ;: i :, -r> - : - o! tl i"

•. ¦¦:'- "«.

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1' A M i . l . I"".' I I .

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• :.. -. - : !... *¦ :. i - t - u i jj "i:' b"ii._'

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,\ i n r .-. V .' i it n i \ , : u> . t ( i : i ' i , - : ii - 'i l . r . i - ! i , l . v .i ' c-i ' l . a . iii i . n, a m i11. .t : .ni" I i i i v . .- i , t , ,.,.-..;•,

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i» p ia. " m y .-, .'. ;.l l l . i . 1, ;, i .1• i l ! ! i . l !. - - ..: - ' i : .- ' . K '|. I'.- 1V. . .I

.. I I . {L i t . :.¦¦¦• I i . - a li a n- ..( t !, . -

-.- i- |.. 1 c i l . - i - t - - I up - ,;; .1 -. i i."

] l .p . '¦'• . o i l f i . l i i L ' l l l" l,|| I..1

I w a n . i"i t' 'I t 'j I t .i - I ju i i p i i n

i'c ua ly JC77 ,1-".'1.1, ;iuil now iLev

i'Uvo , , '. ' !iml tl l i l t i'- . 1 th ink . » proof that wo",*"« "¦R '-t "f y»r ii.tiTO|. (h,,,r , hoar) .'t l.'im'ii .horLMs Sir i) :,,,iol (;,,( ,eh's 1,¦„ ,.,- (I,,,1,U „,,

.I»c.n,. t.,,,) ami 1 -.ill pri) |,,)Se t |Kll it ,)0

V ai, „, ,

"us mi-i-iniH (l , rar. hear).• «.l"r ^ I I I I I . K C T asknl if ho W!1S r .»rn>el in iiwum--. i - i . i t (Ins firo porctnt. ,-x trn «•,.,„ 1.1 ho allocated in

ou thv Tr "" tlll "-v CO" M "ilV0 »ny ">ii«i in it,outl . ij , tlioy wcml.l he aulhorisca in dcvotiiiR thatt .' l l A l i t H A X - l t . ,,,:,y f,,ll ,nv . if U,o nKrppmont Ut .i iru - .l on;. Un.ler tlio old ayrooment vou could do5D. *Kor . Mr . M KLI .V , ocr-Mr. Chairman , lot mo ask i(t ins is ;> rci;ul.ir niccl in^ ?l i l M U M A N — lt is tit. I 'xtraordinnr y moetin -' calledt u •¦• ---ii- our rcj it.rt upon thnso nrp,, t intion --.Maji .r SrL - iM.r . u r—As to this addi tional fivo percent, lei in,, ask ii ', liy work ing under that sum , woean s ivo any i hi ,,- , ca i, „•„ p-.,t l,y c)lilt f a r i n ,, tnnii - i-i nn -idents ?1:I I A I I :M AX -TI.:U may I,,. .«„, if the .-iKroOineiit iscarn-il ,,,n. s¦M r. T. C. ( i n i ' i i i i — I t i° a manor or frro i t impor-

t a r e - |..r us lo know if MIC - I I a tiling Can follow.M l . I'-IIOKM;— What is tin- answor irivon lo Major

S t i i i i d i ' r t fI SA i K M A N — T l i i T i . is no t l i iuu - done upon tha t sub.

Ji-l- l a.i y r l .I! ''V . Mr. M KI .I .V, ,,n — 'I 'l ieio arc ihrco 1-nr-s in tha 'I r l t c r wh ich :,,nn .in u l t i m a t u m I'm- us. l l says." t a m r wj ia t wo odor ycru , or if y,,u ,|,| not yon t i iu s i

la l l lj u-k up ,,,, 11,,. orig inal i i^n'.-n i , -l i t lo which youai l '.M . lilii l I,,,- ,.|j ,|, (..,,, . ycai-s." Tiiat is th , - way "t hi-caf. - ta i n l -- , T|,,1!M. Kiij l ishtnoii are not to he hull i i - d(hear , ina r , ami l augh te r ) .

The C II .M K M A N was about havin g read tho letter ofSir Danii -I C.oeh , when

Mr. rsiiuiiNi : sai .I—Oh : Mr. Chairm an , we willtake it as r.-ad. Wu have all , 1 prc.Mime, receivedL-opi.'S of ih.i t ), tier.

Mr. 1'iMiK. i i —Is the ori ginal let ler there ? How isit dated :-

(' UAUi .MA .\-- 'r he Jli .l t h of Xovemh .-r .Mr. FI M I I . K — How enmes iho one issued to be (luted

the l : t t h of Nurembi -r ?C.i A i u . M w — T h r o u u h a mistake of the printer.Mr. II W i n IK V.C. —In seconding; the chairman 's

mo! i.i'i aUow mi . in expl in (hoar , hear). A spi-eialIII I - I t i l t i ; ol t l .1- f in-at . WVstiTll li.iald was held on aS.ituula y ; it was .-, nt over to us on the Monday, tin:o":l, , rcacl.iii ^ us on Tuesday ; it was put into theha i r .'.- ol t i n - p r in te r same day, ainl som tha t evenin ft1-y ]io>T lo the shar i-holdeiH , n -aehin^ them the i ir \ tday. I t l i i t i k i: wi l l hu adini lK -d that ivn couM tmth ;.vc act i -d t iuii -ki -r i h a n we ii !,l in tho mailer (hear ,iK - .- ir). In n-p l y in Maj or .> iu-i .i "i-t's quesii >n , 1 maysay t h a t under t h e o)d nu 'ici -nieni our working ex-pi HM - K wen> lak i- u at IS per cvn:, enabling us to do« li. i t il lmuiii l u- lo do , and tha i was to put hy twoper cent, towaids a fund lo meet accidents and to -w a t i U re layin g the lim... l.' t d i 'r the new propositioncontained in the 1, t ier of Sir Hani, -! (touch , if wo canwoik the Hue at so much b.-ow the ."."> per cent, v.i-(.-an place t i n i-i< p < r eenl . lo '.la- fund fur accidents ,ai:ii for le l i ij iny the l ine , but we cutinol du anyt i i i i : - - .

M r . W n i n i i.ot K - - I s !h:tl st a t e n i ' - i i t in t In.* l-j l ler rM r . W t n i F — No it is no:.M i . Wl'uM.o, K - - 'I 'hi li i!o l. .it refer t o i t ...If . \\ I I I I K — - 1 h'T' 1 are - ver.ii ¦nai t i : rs lor cii i r

ei - l i -- i'k -ra l ion \ \ l t i e h arc noL i t , t i n - l i t l e r . The fae:is t l , " l i^re i - i in h i w:i.- brot iL-l .t ah,in: in a L 'l ea l h i l n v ,at id n i i i t i v de i i i i l s , of n ix* -.-- i ty, h ive l n , -n h-fl un ..- et t l i ij ; hu i t h " broa d prill"i p le on w h i c h \ve have Inact at t h i s meet in;.' is , w i l l we take f ioni t h e U rea 'W e- t e t n (..'"inyany ah a d i l i t i u i , a l livo per cent , to ourworki i i j .'e .\| eiis.es , ainl not in le i fere w i t h our claimupon the joint fund ? If we do , we will have an ad-vai.ee ol U '',i!W a year to lay oui upon tin- lino forthe henelit of tin ; i-ha iehoMer *. H ,-in^ full y of opi-hi .'h tha t il is for our interest to do >o, I beg to secondt he I'-o *ion of the Chairman tha t we lake the addi .t iu i al live per c-nt oH'.-rred lo in (hear , heat).

Mr. L' > II (.I I I X K —I wis- h you would g ivo in Fomeexplanation as to how the •uram.-cment with tile(in-l i t We stern C pany will affecl the Ktini? , Tuamand Aih i -n ry li::cs ':

Mr . W ii I I i:— 'I ho onl y diU '.-K-hee of opinion was a=to whether those lilies shouid stand upon the pre senta;;ieemeiil , or be put u m k r the t .ld ot .e. The latestpropo-ilii -li at Pnddin ^Ion was, t hai the ."> pi.-r cenl.i-hould e.xteml over the entire system (oh ! oh ! Iron)-evi r-d Uublin Miaiehohicr- -).

.-• I I it hi AK v (lo t ;ban m.iii)—That wuidd make adifference ol £.1,01'*).

l!t-v. Mr. M KPI .I I - o i l—-Wi l l i">.j per cent. j_'ive us al!l: irL 'll l f -t i n i c i en t lo meet emit ill .M - li ei"< ? I t ,,111''. v' .t kn . g e^p . ¦t¦ses r u n up to o."i p.-r c-"til., it is cleart l . :i ' t h -.- Ki .^ ' l i -h coni |i iu .y lum- i.ot t!iv. -i. u- "H., U L ; I I

( l . i ar , l u a i , In in i J i i b ' i n > l un ho i i i ' i>). I 3111 lu l l )in Mippoi t ol t h e pi - .- i i i t dir, ct i . iv , at.d of I lieup OKi -v , hu t I do -a; t h a t 11." advut ti. -.,,- ol t h a ian. 'Ui . t t " u» w i l l depend upon wln - i l.er our i-xpeiisi >do i-r do i.ul exceed ."<5 per cenl . I t they cicci-d t h a is u m , i l i i > i Ili r H i l l not be ol iiiiy use lo l l s ; wew i d he i u M it. t i i " M I I I I I : prcdici.m"iit as we werehelole (he.ir, hea l ) . I SUV l i n y OIlg llT to «IVe Us

s i x t y p.-r (c u t . , and hy -o doin-.1 Ihey wi l l he civm;.'I I T > a .-ullici .-ni u i ; . iL ,'in , l-ocan-o coals , and iron , andwa -_'"- may I I M : auain (Lear , hear). 1 ihi not l ike toSI ;. M I in opp osi t ion to t l .e Kii^ !i>!i company, bt-ciiuseif H I - i c lu - i - l ln- oiler we w i l l lnve to l u l l back upo .t l . .- ii -.re .-nieM lo which wo are houud for ei gh te enl-i in-., oni: w h i c h W i n tint !)¦ <O h. -IU-licilll to t i l l-. C'ltll;,: ,i:v. I ; i-> r i v l i c i i lous to be t a j k i ng (if conipulsoryp i,\\ .-r- U J .OII a c<.- 'n ;> : i i iy i» » u h o m we are boui.d by<¦¦.! .» r ; . r i ( W a r . hea r ) . 'J 'hi-. is a regular ci .ntracthi • •.-.- ' i I I i « o ci i i t i | a ines , and no Act of I'u i l ianu- m:,i, .i i. .i C'. '.ni t - i Ci i . it .cety can -el il. aside, Have tin ,I> >.c.-pi w u i , ll:" i- 'i i .> -m ol the cMi '. racl i t ig parties( i i :it\ h e . i ) , l i :v . - l a i r p lay to the Kn^ l ish c-Jt i ip -mvi e n , l . i -ar ' . I a '., th i s Compiiliy to accept

t i . e i r p:op".- .i '.. They eive u - t h a t proposal in three:ii. ...-:. I l r . -mind" rue of t h e l i i .-h k ing who iaid ," I' n v t in- t n v t i i h u l " , or C -I M: "; they sav "A c-ci pi lh i > p lop, ' .- :,: , or el .-i " mid I Call up on t h i s. v m p a hy , *.-onip o.-:"d o! m.-n of common sens,- , a h x i o u -,:o . b l a i n l i , " I '.e.- m d !. .-ull hy ihe n .o^t availtlh!"t i i ' - ah: - , to aec-p ". th i s pn.po.- ii ion. 1: you do not\ . .u w i l l h" loi '- i - j l . t » .-L - ii \ e a r » w i t h i . u i a d iv idendi i . i- ar , hear) . Vou l.av" i.o power (to the D u b l i nl . | . r i - - t i . :a l ives) l. < put oul :l.e dir . -ctor .-; (h.-ar , hear) ;-..- 'I havi : i.o j ov . i r to ap(i":h l ;i icu al a^ .-'-ssnr to .-ilov ::..- .-id" ol l l i - c l . i i i i t i : an , i.i.d l> . be paid Jt 111 ar i ,|. i v e i v t un" h" .-ha l i h i v .- to come tl- wn here fi.r¦I . " | Ul [ .-<- '• (Iii-:, r, h i .-:: .!, l'iii ,' i.-iiiii i . i v. i,uid n-.-ver

:.:. ( ". .< t . -vich a t l . i n ^ f ' e a, , I. earj . You catunjl actI . - : ' !.. i l l l l i r " ; _\ . ,U ealih" ! !ol C" you r op :i , iohS Up..11- - .< ¦¦ . ¦ < !it <j i.. a i d . X ' HI" pi .-e"(. d.l .^s Hi I l i i h l i l i hl.veI: , - i , .,,:. .j.- .- :l . . r i i l e ^ . i i ( I .ear , Lear) . You hud no:, . ' ... i : ' \ l ' ,r j o u r " mohsl '-r " m- .-t : l . ;-' ( i a u f -h t e r ) .i . ., : - .; : -t '; .-: • ! vo l lr pi if i .-i d ll . 1.'-: l iave l i ' - ' - l i "I lO !:COtJ.-i. l . .' - i i . :..- ..r; -. '\ o u have a>. -u i i ie d a pUM '.ioii noi re.- ¦.:. -¦ il l .v ul .y p iop i i ' - l i i i y us t ie: w..| d bill inn-, \. i '],. , . i ;t " ' d a ni ' - i .- l i i . 1-' ii; D u b l i n , i i i i - l vou had

Mr . r - i . 'j i - .M . — I t i -e lo order. Mr. (J l i u i rma i i , I

"i;. v. M i . M i : . 1 . 1 . o n (emp ha t i ca l l y) —1 say I' m in. ¦I- ...-I ; I in in il.o L-li.,11 (hi .'ar , hear , and very greali , l . ^

'."r , hi i ^ hll' l .e l by ihe Sieli dllS look of th ( ]

.-|.".J.er al the i i ioiuet i i ) Vou have \v> i igu t , sir (toM r . l' -i...i n. ) lo i i i t e i i n p l iii' .-. Mi". C'ha i i i i n in I ' llieav t i e : lo - i in , and m my more w i l l do t ins satin; if , I:n:i t . . be i n t i .-i rup led , if t l . is -•¦.• i i l leiii i i i i be allowed to" i i -- " ih - : in . •e in . '.' (hear , hear). I' m noi to bo putd. , -.-. i, bv a n y ma i l whooTor wore a head (n .ar- i ol.:i '.,!i. - ..-i

',|. 1 ra i l upon you , 14011I letneii , to receive th .:

) . : • j . . . -al Hi - id .- In vou f>y 1L11 Croal Wcsu-rn Comp-i i i . v . w i i h t ins coi .dit it .n , t ha i you auk iln-in to raiiot i . - ,i : iol 0! .'<¦') to li" per cent , of tho working expi-n -*•. .-*•. Il is very j i r o b i h l u lln.'V w i l l nccedc to the re-( ,i|. .- - i , l i . ey h i e Mich ¦.'ci.iluiuaiiy men (oh '. oh !) . Isa% i t M i y i h n g l a s •.:'.!.o wroi .ir you alono an: toh..,mc l"i- it . ; not a w o l d can l a i t l y be mid agiiiuti l ihe1.1 , -/ I , - I , O, in pany (oh ! l i o t n Mr. L'sbonie). Mr.I - l i ' . i ne ,-avs oh '. oh ! Now I remember Mr. V -.borne,-"Lj ih i .- w hen t l i i : orig inal l i( - ieei l lehl was hiol lg ht t h a tl i . i - li! 1 y j i r cenl was 11 111 ig i i i l iueii l proposal (llelir ,1.. ar , an 1 i a t i u l . t . - r y ; t h a t il v v - s a ma^tu l icc iit oiler ,i.... u l i t -- i I- , rai .-i- ou t -d.aics vei v much , at.d ho wu-.> - . ( ¦ :> s i - i - d w i - h in t . - t m s t h a l he propo-ed a vote otl l . .i. lij i ;.-i i "i i n i i f i ,r it , when the con imi i l, c brouyhiup t h ' - i r i i -p u i i up . 11 it (hea r , lu iir) . Wo have ihesaiiu: '." iii am.in l u r i , i n g t o a n d , and opposing thoseI fl '.- i- .H ( h e a r , L.- .ii I .

'- i Mr . 1;- I :OII \ L— 1 n-e to order , M r . ( h a i n n a n .f ; K .-v. Mr. .Mi 1, 1.1. .011 — I hi ive your fpe iches, and- ¦ 1 il pin i i i . in i n t o pr .ni ( iuuj j h i c i ) .r M r . W n .' i r . V.C. — .-on,,- one i,.-k, d if n was L I - O I I U I I L

1 . l i i a l 11. " '•> '¦> p i C i - : i l . H i , iild cover olr w o r k i ng expen.I" ti'.-.

M r . K i - i i - u 1 t h i n k j oi i iir..- out, of order (hear ,:. I ., a r , and 1.", n..j.: ¦ M l . Wn I I b. — 1 am (j -i i l e « i : ! i i, K u, si; ,|,,wn if th .-, i n. "to V ' I ' '' •> •• ", ' -'hi •-." ( t l . e in .j nr i ly ruled a i /n ih - . t• ' -. 1. . • ( i h j - c . o i ) - We h ad,- a e;i!i i i i ; ,t i i ,h ( ,i, hi-t . vi 'ar ,I , ,,' t i n - iM' i .-l j i i i l .- we i vi r Lad lor i . o lway- , ami

v. e l . i l i l .d i ' . a t il we li:,d t hen t h i - . proposal ol ."."> p i-r,-, ¦;.( , j l i ^t i - i i d ol in. 11. £7,7(i0 >hoi l, ii^ we Here , vve

y Hoi i .d L.-ni: b. ei. ,l> l ic i int bu t JL'l .lioM. (|,c.,r , hear).T l. ..!,l i i . -.' now al I'"' allei" .l s t a t e of our pehil:ot i :., , .•:[:(.• t h e t i d u -.ii . ,h in tin; iwt of coal , and t h e ln:l! : i . , tn il '.l 10 L:t a ton in Lie relay ing of t l ,o l ine , it i,e 1.1.1 hi. 1 iy t h a t t h e ">¦> per cenl w i l l not cover all our

i -x p ' - i i ' l i t u r e ( hea r , heal) . Il I.a- h'-en said t h a t wer ;, M : l i i i -n ol Ij u - i i it - .".*!, and lha i HI; nhould do our work

:,,.,,: us I I I I - I , ol i i i i i - iu e - iM (hear , hear). A.i lor myself ,<•¦ I w i l l do v.- i i i i t I can to Imiva id tlr.s in tere- , ts of ihud . ..uip '.nv I , .ear , i ie i i i ) , and 1 would n-ik geuileiii' .-nii ¦ l, ( p - : o avo.d p- r .oiialiiic'.-, and keep lo husinoa .-., fo r

• i , ,- s- ,k " ot t h e l u i uro ul ' our l ine (hear , Lourj .Tl. e ClI .Uli 'lA '. hen- read tin ; resolution ill form ,

n l . i e h li' : prop ,-. "I. I l w - - — '• /.¦< .—' . •¦¦'¦. That tho

,, t - .-i ..I" Sir Rnii . -I •• '¦'¦¦ i" of t h e I i l ' t l i i .'f -Vovemher

1." .iei.ej ile- 1 l.v 1111--> me.^,::.-',ali'l ihill t h" directors buii u : l . o i - i - ,ed !-- "c ;-r iy i i . l" ¦ il'ecl ii i i ioil ,!i . d agiei .-meutb a - i . l upon t h a t le l i i - l . "

M r . W I S M I . -i i ,d I.e .-••ein 'led tha i 1 c.-ol i l t io l l .M r . l- ' i - i i m a-ked w u - 11 t i n - fuel I / . - . ' (lie ( i r >» i

. \V.- - i " i i i I ..mpa i iy could 1. .1 . w o i k th " Walerfold and

. l . i i in r.ck ni l , - In ("i i i . -e nl 11." i-.' • I I I M I Y C .- heing in so¦ d.-M i, . ,r: . t. .1 a c o n i l i t i ' . n V l),d 1 mi d i n c i o l s ni ' -'jli to

ad i in i bv t l . - i l 1 ,---oi:i :i"l. th .U they ivi- lu us tha i¦.ii" ?

j f .'n u i . -n v - - l i.t iv. - hue t l iu i.poi t uf the t-iiginccrul lh.; Oicul Wc«lvtu C'onipau/ who iusiivvlul oui'

line , which report showa that what you stato id nottho I'nct (hear , hear).

Mr l lKn.N .u.— Will S3 per cent, cover our workingexpenses ?

Mr. WHIT E —As I havo alread y said , wo workedtinder circumstance*! of a very disadvantageouscharacter hist }tar , but .lffiiirs havo uow sonltorod forthe hotter , 1 do no', bolievo wo would bo wrong inthinkin g that 55 per cent would now cover thom!h,-ar , hear).

l'ev. Mr. ilKid.vcfiTr—Did thoy oxoood 55 per cent< lnrin i» thi! past six months ? If they did wo shouldn-sk tho Great Weatoru Compauy to increase thisallowance.

Mr. WnoiiLocK— They vto'-o (51 por cont. last yew..Mr. Fisi iEit—The y woro 70 per cent.licv . Mr. MKiiL YCorr—The y were not (hear , hear ,

and cuuutcr cries) . Whatever thoy were, it was notthe hiult of tho present directors to have the stockdeteriorat ed.

Mr. l-'iMHEit —1 saw it was, entirol y (hear , hear ,and no, no).

Hov . Mr MKD LvrorT—I say tho deterioration wasiho fault of the board over whom my frieud , Jlr.Malcomsoli, sat as chairman.

Mr. r'lsitKU—That is not correct, (hear , hear , andopposing cries).

Kev. .Mr. AI KDU 'COTT—I do not believo ono wordyou say (charming confusion). If you aro not aKent leuiaii , try and have the milliners of .ouo (yreatl'iiij "literj . You aro onl y Joo I'i-.her, who is no man 'swell wisher (immense laug hter).

Mr. K I S I I K K —Ar.il you are Did yinu3 who believodnothin g (lenewed hiughtcr).

Kev. Mt . M KOLVCOIT —1 .-ay that tho nreaent direc.lot' s expended .t"2,0U0 m improvin t ,' ihu rolling stock ,and the previous director-! did not lay outonu farlliiiiglor ilm purpo >o (hear , hear) . 1 was chairtnau of thiscompany for ton years and I know soinethinir of rail-way II. ai agemcnl. Wn mado tho line to Fiddowu ;wo wero succeeded by .Mr. Malcomsoa 's board , nndwhen it fell into tho hands of the proueul directors ,tho stock was in deterioration. The rev. gentlemanhero kepi hia dot a.t another sbaruboldor ro.-o to ad-.iross the meeting, for tho purposo uf hid beiug on-ab cd to hear what was b*Mi:g said , owing to his deaf.IIHS .-I , when from Iho corner of tho room wuero BorneDublin Komlomon eat camo oill n , directed to MiMidlvcot l , of " >'\l down sir , sit down."

Hov. Mi . M KDMCOTT —(Lo oking strai ght at thocomer), I ' l l 7tr ,( sit down ; I will staud as I am (hear,hear , nnd another very pretty stato of confusion).

Mr. Uin:mi— .Mr. Mvill ycotl onl y stands lo hearwhat is being said ; ho dous not mean to interruptany ono (hea r, hour) .

Mr. UsnnitNE —Allow mo to ask you , Mr. Chair-man .do you tender your rcsigwuiou to this mooting ?1 •.'.iihered so nit ieh Ji-oin your opening statement.

Ci i i ihMA N —No , noi yet (hear , bear). I do notthink you aro in order (hear, hear).

Mr. Aiusis—1 think thin letter of Sir Daniel Goochis the question belore ihu meeting (hear , i.oar).

llcv. Mr. M EHLYCOTT (looking at Mr. Usborne)—Imust object to this geulloniuu 's catechisiug (hear ,hoar , and laug hter).

Mr. U s n u i t N K— I f you make a st.Uement, Mr.Chairman , nnd tlmt I ask you a question upon thaisiatement as to its being corn-el , 1 do not see howyou can s-ay I am out of order. I hold , sir, thai Iam not out of order. My object is not to introducedissension nt this meeting. .My friends and mynellsue largel y imeresied in thu beneficial working of thisline , and our object is to securo that working by theap -wiiiitinect of a board of directors in whom the"•Laroholdcrs will havo confidence (hear, hear, fromatound Mr. Usboroc , who spuko from tho cha rmau'sloll , with ironical crie.s from l.hoso opposite , tho Kev.Mr. Med lycotl thoroug hl y audible with tho latterfrom his position nearl y in front of tho table. Fromthe lower end of the room now camo strong cries insupport of Mr. Usborue) . Mr . Ch iirman (ihu speakerhere meeting with sonio interruption), I would ask\i ) U lo put down Mr. Medl ycott. Hov. Mr. MKiiLiu -niookiug at Mr. Unborue , apparentl y with a pity ingemil - .- : He' ll not put me down , or you either (laughter) .Mr. UsnoiiNK: My friends and myself -jro largelyconcerned in thin property; wo know its value, andwe believo tha t lor its proper working a board ofabi l i ty , possessing tho conli'leuco of the shareholdersand of tho publi c , i.i essentiall y necessary (heur ,hear , from around tho speaker aud lower end ofroom). I say we iiro at great loss from a waut ofcompetency in our direelors (hear , hear).

Mr. A DAMS — I think thsi l this speech was intendedfor tho nexi meeting (luug ht ur) .

Mr. B K K .N A L —Mr. Usborno ha-i a right to be heard(hear , hear).

Mr . U M I O K N E —Neither my friends or myself camehero to oppose the Circat Western Company (hear ,hear). We have every respeel for ihe members oltha t board ; wo want , to unite tho two companies ,not to (M-parato the Great Wi-Bleru Compuiiy IromIhe poii ot Walerlord (hear , I ear). We believo thatif t l i i i -. line was in iho bauds ol directors ol abilitywo woli.d hiivi : a g'.od coiuri el with that company.I tel l Mr. Adnin.s that we want to hsivo un agree-tn. iii , with the Cirea t Western which wil l In) lor ourmuiii ' i i ad iriiiitii gn —an agreement which shall bobased upon eijuily, and not one giving tho advaii -ts ige all on one sido (hear , hear). For such an agree-in, m the Cinai Western Company wil l receive all my.-upport , and of those with whom I am acting (hear ,h.-.-u). J he chairman had spoken of the 3 per coin.¦ liv i i leml, We toiik thai proposition solel y fro m thech.iirmaii. Tho chsiirm siti told us in ono of his cir-culars (reads) , tha t ihe uriati gement secured to us aminimum dividend uf 3 per cent., and it was aaid to *ouy that. 1 proposed a volo of thanks for that agree-ment (dear , hear) . I did do so upon tho faith olilml cucular (hear , hear) . Mr. Stephens camo tous ( iriuieil w i t h a Idler from .Sir Daniel Gooch inwinch there did not appear any mi - itakc whaiuver.1 noi only then proposed a vote of llunki^but to-day ,d .Mr. Step hens- could assure ua a certainty ol tho 3per cent , dividend under the new agreement , 1 woulddo the Kiimu thin g (hear , hear) , llowovor , if 1 hadcaiiii! ui .'lore lo distrust tho abilities of our uego-tiaiors , I have now much greater reason to do HO(hear , hear;. If tho :i per cent, proposed to us bo-loro was a delusion , I say that ihe couccisiou olfcredlo us now lli roug h our chairman siud our vice-chair -man is a greater delusion oiill (hear , hear). Wo arelooking for a dividend lor tl.e orig inal Hhurcholdcrs ,but 1 s,iy wo will got n o t b n g of tho kind under thiscoticcssion of five per cenl. Ii 13 not au ab.-iolulc con*ci-viiuu of fivo per cent, lor the purpo *-ea of rovouue ;it is a cuiice-ision which can bu devu '.cd to thehaulage and tc tliu relay ing of ihu line , nnd none ofit to t i n; ori ginal idiiiroholdor.s in iho shape of a divi .dend (hear , hear). Our chairman and vice-chairmanwere appointed to make It ir i.s a new agreement.Ihey did <(j , hul what havo they done fur the com.pany r The idlest school-boy can loll what we aro.-ufferih K Irom th e KnniH , Tuam , and Athenry linos.

Kev. .Mr. M KII I. I I.UIT — Your own Hues (hear , hear ,and laug hter) .

Mr. LMIOIIM;—1 would be Horry lu uso strongerlanguage than false to what Mr. Modl ycou busMated. I say what ho stute*s is fulsu .(hear , he.ir , audlivel y confusion).

Kev. Mr. M KI / LVI .O I I —You havo no sharc-i in thislino ; you 'r onl y an outsider (great laug hter and cries"hi idown "). Not a ti ihglo ori ginal Kharu in it , Mr...'¦¦bot-r .o (renewed laug hter , and repealed cries of silciowu). Not u bit of mo will sil down. I'll staudher-* for a month if I think it necessary (general merri -ment , wi th uppcu ls fro m Dublin , aud llio lower cudol room , to thu chair for ordor , uud tho silting downof Mr . Mndl ycotl). If you cull me to order Mr.Chnii -miiii , said Mr. Medl ycul t , thoruug hl y uudis.iiiaycd , 1 wil l leave thu room (hear , hear , and bravo) .I say I am in order (aud hem the rev. gcullcmuu 'ulungs aa-umed a .-tun i - ing pilch aud cries of " chair ,chair "). Thai gentleman (pointing lo Mr. U.) doesnot posses a sing le hhare in this line , but he bold outhis £-**< lUs. in those branch lines for JU IO u sharu (oh !oh ! order , order , chair , chair). Oh \ 1 don 't carotwopence for your cries of chair , chair (laug hter).

Tht! ( J iui i iMAN hero made 1111 appeal to thy rev.gent leman to nil down , but Mr. M. uppurentl y didnoi h. ar the tenor of Iho request , lor in answer to ihode-ire , the rev. g. ullcman fcpceiall y asaurcd Mr..S*.ciihcti *> t I IH I Mr. L'cburi iu did not pussess a singlb1.,1'igiiiul) almi , : in ihu company, Thu chairman es-sayed , iii.d HIIS again met by Mr. Medl ycott say ing—Not 11 bu of 11. I' ll maud hero lur a month. Heh.iMi 't a sing le share (iho cries uf chr.ir, chair , sitd.iwn , with laug hter , formed hero (mite a ihrill ingdi>cor '. , aud for 11 fuiv s.iuuu.l-i there , was liabol on asmall scale). Chairman , raising his voico—Lj t himliiiish.

Kev. Mr. M KII LV ' .O I I — I'll not put up with it. You(lo thorn: opposing) cry chair , chair , but the morevou crj chair , ihe mure I' ll speak (hear , hoar , anduproarious laughler) . You come, Mr. Usborno , lol u i u iLccumpauy (cries uf turn him out , from tholower 1 nd ul Iho room). Chairman : Lei him flnfcdi.Kev. Mr. M K U L K O I I : Ho is not speaking 10 the reso-lution (chair). I call him to order (renewed laug h,tcr). Vuu had nom ination *! al your muu^ lor meetingin Dubl in ; you aru 11 sul of nonentities going on withyour ul .air , chair (laug hler , with all kinds ul criesmini-led in uuu buisl).

Mr. U.ibiiit.v>: , al length , was allowed to proceed ,mill In.- went on to chsirgo the clisiirianu and vice-clii s iimau wilh incompelency in the negolisitiuns byhaving the branch linen , Athenry , Knn i.-i sunl Tuamlines , included in tho .'/j per cent arrangement , linesthat caused a los.-i of £1U,IAIU to lln: shareholders inIhu main line , an arrangement which would preventthu oii gluul holders in thu Waterlurd aud Limerickliuiu gelling a pouuy dividi;ud under the agroeiuciil ,and , in support uf his allegation , said that ihu work,ing uf tho -> o brunch lines cuuld nut he dono under HUper cunt. If they spread the 00 per cent, over sillthosu lines they would be simp lj' taking from onepocket to put i n t o thi! other, and bo deluding theoriginal Khun-holders with nu expectation uf whatlUey never cuuld receive. ' ' • ...r.H. l e i i .- .in^ il. . .- h.>kn.co•iheet put f o rn u i d by the un .*i-ii.i - .- l .n l 1 - .- l i i s t L. i l lyour uf l.*)7 l as tin; must di .-it.- i t iou . -i bal i i- iei : -heelwhich could havu been publ i -,l.ed ; r a i iy n .g lorwurdtil , l'J(J us an avai lable i t <- u i wniei : n.id no ix i -,lonco ;bnug ing lu rwar i l .CT.IUiJ iu 11 claim upon iho GruntWe.- ie rn Cuniji any w h i c h bail i,u ex i -.tein;e ci ther ,ami 17, 1"" in at i o l h i r insti iuce, Mr. 1,'siio'iNK saidt h a t iL" obj , i.L ..!' t h e commute, ! ol i ln |i i i ry W i i s l op iu lc i ' l liiu Ji i l i - icaL-i ol i iho bhaieholders . Nut uuomember of luut cotumiltvo desired ft oeat, at tbo board

from tiny prwate, pcraon:il motive ; tlm solo feelinganimaiitig them , ono and all , was tho benefit of thoshareholders of thti compauy. Condemning tho wantof unanimit y nt tho board , and charg ing tho localsection of Iho directors as being swayed by a foolingfor tho Cireat Western Company moro thnn by arogard for tho shareholders in tho lino. Mr, Unborncooncltided by proposing tho following amendment:—

" Tlmt while this moctinp is influenced only by ananxious dosiro to promoto friendly relations with thoCheat Western Company, and to Eequro n. fair andequitable adjustment under tho existing agreements,wo feel that tho present position of tho Waterford andLimerick Company, under which the original sharehold-ers are deprived of their promised dividend is unsatisfac-tory. This meeting is strongly of opinion that theso re-sults have been brought about under the management ofthe chairman , A. Stephens, EM 1., and a section of theHoard acting with him, who so persistently promotedthese contracts which have ended so disastrously ; there-fore wo do now nominate ami appoint tho follon Ing inde-pendent shareholders to act as a committee—Mr.Synnott ,Mr. Moi'Iqy, Mr. Martin , Mr. Woodlock , and Mr. Us-borne, giving them full power to enter into further ne-k'ociations in reference to but not limited to existingHiTCcments with the Great Western Company."

Mr. FI-K.VXEM. seconded tho umeudmeut.Kuv. Mr. M KBLVCOTT —You can't take tho matter

out of the hands of the directors (cries of epoko).Mr. WHITE —Tho proposition of Mr Usboruo has al-

road y obtained tho nttontion of the diroctora . Wohavo likewise prepared a list , and sotno of tbo namesmentioned by Mr. Usborno are on that mado out bytho board (hear , hear). As to tho first part of thoamendment , , 1 cannot concur in it ; wocaunot agreeiu the slur which it scoki to cast upon thu board(heur , hear) . Wo quito ayrco in tbo uppoiutmont of 11committee to inquiro into llio other negotiations , andtboso are iho names which wo propoto for Iho pur -pose—Messrs. bynnotl and 11. Murlin , of Dublin ;Messrs Spaight und N. Whi '.o, of Nanlouar *, forLimerick ; Mr. Mulcomson for his owu iutorcsts, wilhMr. T. Usbonio and Major Studdert.

Mr. T. C. Guuim said that as a business man , holooked upon thu proposition of Mr. Ueborno in tholight of au uttempt to establish an itnpcrium in impcrioin Ihe inanagomunt ol their proporly by supersedingttioir directors (bear , hear) . V that woro so , the pro-position should huvo his dissent , because bo folt theysbuuld obey the powers that be so long as tboy werodoing what was rigb t ; if they did what was wrongthny shuuld , at once, got rid ul them , llu had lookedupon this agreement wild great distrust. Tboy woroaware that in 1M72 tdei-u were many and groat strikestbruughuut Eng land , aud men uf business knew thoyshuuld expect an udvanco in coals , iron , and wages—a ntuiu ol things rendering void any increase giventhe compauy in reveuuo , and that was wh y ho lookedup'j n Iho proposal wilh dosbt. Ho was of op iuinuthoy wore bound by their agreement with the UreatWor-tern company j if they cuuld get from under il ,it mi ght be ihu best course, lor Idem to take, but asthoy were bound , ho thoug ht their onl y plan was togel the best terms in their power to obtain (hear) .As to tho amoudui '.'ni of Mr. Usborne , do would sup-port it if it csist nu reflection upon tho director.*!.

Mr. U SIIOIINK —Wo do not mean to supersede thodirectors (hear , hear).

Hev. Mr. M EIILVCOTT —Vou havo no member fromWuierlord upon Iho list. Tboro is Aldurmau Dela.l iunty, who knows moro about railway matters than ,probabl y, any other man iu this room , aud I willmovo that ho bo put upon the committee (bear).

Mr. IJ KI.A I I L .MV —No , 1 will not mix myself up iutho mailer at ail.

Kev. Mr. M EOXVCOTC—Then I withdraw my amoud-tuent.

Major STLDIIEUT made some observations upou thyu* uauciui chsiractcr of the new orrangemeut , and re-ferring to tho branch Hues , said tdat Sir Col- manO'Loglden told dim tho day beloro that they wouldbo glud 10 bo separated from tdo Waterford Compauy'dear , hear) .

Mr. A DAMS —I am aorrj*, Mr. Ghairmau , that I donot see sit this meutiug the smiling faces 1 saw when1 was last here , when we had a majori'.y, 1 think , olCUO proxies fur tho benefit of tho Hue. You werothen buiug well Heated, nud evoryibiug was smiliugaud happy (hear , hear). 1 cannot hel p say ing that 1am u-Jtun ishcd at Mr. Ushornc , who, no doubt , is agroat calculator, say iug just uow that livo por cent,uddi t iuiiul was nolbiug to 1I1U company (bear , beur).In say ing so, however , Mr. Usborno could at tho samotime. see. to the gieat udvautugu of getting his owulino palmed off upon this cuoipurj y, and oven to v6t-it ig a testimonial to Sir Daniel Ouucli to thu amouutol i;2,UuO (cries of quu-iliuu question from iho oppo-site corner). That is u hot comer,! know Mr. Wood-lock. I am hittiug hard but i can't hel p it.

Mr. M A LCOMSO N —Tboro shuuld not be any person-alities hero , aud this is a perooual questiuu with Mr,U.ihurue.

Mr. AIU.MS—I do uot moan to havo any porsonali .ties , Mr. Midcom-ion , but 1 am determined to showhow ido bhurulioldurs ul' thid company uro d-imugedhy those who pruloss to bo lliuir lriouds ,uud I will doso (nea r, hear) . " 1 think Ihu shareholders sduuldkm w whj* they are sutToring fruin .1 lu.-.s of incume,and ono of tho causes, alter Mr. Usburuo guttiag us tulake, bis line , is that Mr. Lombard gave us thoAlheury line , us well. It was leased to us by hismeans (heur , hear).

Mr. LOJIII .MID —No such thing. It was taken longUoloru 1 camo on ibis buar .l.

Mr. A OAMS —1 did not say to tdo contrary , but Isay tdut althoug h you may nut havu boon a largershareholder iu idat hue ibau yuu uro in ibis one, youweru cbuirman of iho compauy, aud throug h yon audMr. Nicoil , with your other friends, ide transfer totdis bod y took placo (bear , bear). Tho Waterfordaud Liiuurick shareholders are now Buffering from thoexercise ol your ucuto jud gments , aud 1 would eayto yuu , do nut como here prufessing to be Iricuds tolue Wuterlurd aud Limerick shareholders (hour) ,

Mr. LoMiiAU o—I was 1101 on tdis board at tde timo,Yuu seem lo uio doairous oi tdruwing dirty water onihu l-l iiiii -i line. I can toll you if tdat lino wus frcoto-morro w, a bettor bargain cuuld bo miido for it llianto diivo iljuiuod tu you ; aud 1 can toll you also ihtitil would bo a great calamity to this company if sucha thing occurrod(hoar, hear) .

Mr. AUA.M.S—Much bluuio has boon attached to Mr.Step hens , bccnusu of tho-,o negotiations ; but 1 canlull yuu that all ihioug h Mr. Siop bi-us look the partof Ihe WateiTord shareholders (dear , desir). I knowllial althoug h 1 put six uf tho directors cm tho GreatWe.-lern board , I hud to uso very cousidcrublo prC 'B-htiru bi -furu I succeeded iu obtainiug, wilb oth-'r-i, theagreement now before us (bear , hour) . If you i]ori g ht , gentlemen , yuu will accept this offer (hear ,hear). I can tell you that Sir Daniol Ciuoch is de-sirous of doing all do ean for this company, but I canalso inform you that lie was very doubtfu l, ut lirst ,whether ho could carry this sum throug h his board(hear , hear). Tho Great Western company have.-shareholders to bo pleased as woll as thoso of thiscompany ; they had to put up for a long timo withsmall dividend.-!, but they arc now beginning to tsistotdo sweets of a live por cent, dividend , as you arothat of a ihreo per cent, ono (uo, no , from tho oppo-Rito corner) ; well , as you soon will bo doing if youaccept this agreement. In tdo original agreement itwan stipulated that tho Great Western Compauywould allow oul y 50 por cent., and you were thenworking at ¦« per cont. (no, at -IS). Well , 0110 re-turn showed -Ki , say 17 or IB per cent., but theletter from Mr. Step hen-) upon tdo subject , of whichso much das boon said , was onl y a statement of hisop inion , llavo you not all heads upou your bliouldors ,and cannot each man rend tho agreement for him-self (hoar , hnar) ? 1 am suro that Mr. Malcomaonus a gresil hu<inc3.-* tnau , perhaps ouo of tdo greatestin ihe threo king doms, hns done so, and do there sawit stilted tliat they would not givo more than 50 percent. Had thoy dono othorwiso you would havo hadcommand ovor tdo eutiro of tho cap ital of tdo CireatWestern Compauy j you could havo expended whatyou pleased , and they would havo bad no check ovoryour doing so. Do you think they aro 6uch fools as10 givo you unlimited control ovor a capital of seventymillions of monoy (hear, dear) ? Your uayiug thatyou did not know that stipulation shows tlmt youshuuld havo known of it. Sir Dauiol Gooch'a letterM not proporly interpretod ; it must bo worked out.It duos not givo tdo agreement in detail , but it givesyou live per cenl. additional ; it given you JK7,W0 ayour lor eighteen yearn , and that , I think , is u veryfair proposal (dear, dear) .

Mr . I'm—It iu too good to bo true.Mr. IJ K K N A L —Mr. Malcomson must havo rend it ,

fur ho i-eni 11 lithograp h copy of it round to tdoi-haroholdeis (hear , hear , with cries fro m end of roomto Mr. iicrnul 10 sit down , that hu wsis di sturbingtdo meeting, ami a rejoinder from him that it wasthey W'.TO the disturbers).

Mr. A HAMS —If you will not uow accept iho offerleave it lo arbitration. Tho Great Western Companyure read y to luavo it to arbitration. What is iho usoiu fl ghiing ovor tho matter? You havo entered intothat agreement ; you nro Butferring from tho Rub.-i i-diary lin .'S ; tdo Great, Western IIUTO comu forward ,rcudy to hel p you , aud what inoru can bo required(hoar , hear) ? If this agreement is not acceptedto-day, it will bo withdrawn ultogeiher (oh ! oh !).That 's a 'hot corner , too, Mr. Woodlock (laug hter).Tho letter says if you do not accept il you must fsdlbuck u|K)ti llio old agreement. Vou cannot expectthat this now offer will bo held open for yuu fur thunexl eighteen years (dear, desir). I think il is a veryliberal offer of that company to goaratiteo you athree por cent, dividend lor tho futuro (dour , dear.)Sir. Daniel Goocd was over hero latel y ; lie was inucdploiisod with all do saw, and , probabl y fru m thatcause, was disposed to oflor a little tuo much . Thooiler is now beforo you , and it is for you 10 decido onit . 1 havo no doubt , whatever , of the intention uf the(ireat Woatern company to throw all tho traffic thoycan into tho [>ort of Waterford under this agreement ,and in this respect thu Bulbi l linos wil l bo found ofadvantage ; but if competition should arise undera n o t h i i s t a t e of ci iei i in-i tanecs, ihu casu insiy bu fard i l l e i e i i t ( ip i io t i i . h j . Well , gentlemen , you havo nowto aei.-i-pi. ll .in iill'ur or not : tdo decision is now iuyour own hands (hear , hear).

Koine confused discussion hero took place, iu whichMr. L'shor iie was called to order.

Mr. L'-iiiuiiM .*—Gall mo tu urder yon may, as muchai you jiii -a.se, but 1 feel 1 am iu order , and I wil lNpoak (hear , hour , und counter cries uf no , n 0). 1 amnut lo be pul down in tdia way (hear , hear). I iei-crute that iny only object is the proper workiug ol

tho company, nnd that object can onl y bo obtainedby a proper management (hear , hoar) . Tdore can bono doubt of tho necessity of such a conrs o of action ,but , at tho sumo timo , equities rauat provai l alongwith jnstice, on tde ono sido and ou tho other (hoar,hear). Fooling the necessity for tdia improvement ,nnd tbo urgency of tdo present position of tho com-pany, I am decidedly of opinion that tho only irny,tho euro way, of arriving nt a satisfactory decision onthis question , is by tdo appointmeut of n. committeeo£ inquiry (hear, hear). With that viow it is felt auimportant element iu the appointment , that tho selec-tion of tdo members of tho committoo should consistof business men , and men who tako a lively interostin tho affairs of tho company (hear, hear).

Mr. WmtT.—I tdiukl may bo permitted to say nword on my own part op on this suhje ct (deal-,dear). I do remember that 50 percent was thoarrangoment when I camo upon tdo board. New asI was tlion .I took tho advico of thosu who wero older,moro experienced men 1 dan I was in sued responsiblematters. That being tho fact , I can Hardl y, in justico ,bo called to nccount for what may havo occurredproviou3 to my ndvont to office, and for wdich actionI am scarcely, if at all, rosponsiblo (dear, hear).

Tho ameudrncnt of Mr. Usborno was now pul totho meeting, aud the " aye3" wero declared in themajority . Mr. Bernal called for a poll , which wasconceded , Messrs . Adams and Bernal being nppointotlscrutineers ngniust , and Mossrs. Woodlock andSteplieiison , for the amendment.

Tdo meeting was thon adjournod to half-past tennoxt morning.

WEDNESDAY— SECONM DAY .The meeting resumed this morning at half-past

ten , Mr , A. STEPHENS , J.I'., Chairman , pro-mling.Tbi) meeting was riot quito so largely attended as ouTuesday, but full y us much interest , was manifestediu thn proem dings. On tho meeting being declaredopened Mr. Woodlock read his report on the scrutinyUB follow- :—

in f t 1 vor of Mr. Usborncx fimendmeii / .*—Personal votes—stock , -£5-1,487 ISOProxies—stock , .£80,075 2MProxies for Mr. Synnott—stock, 281,025... ~-l

(Signed) l ,10iT. WOODLOCK , E. STEPHEN SON ,'IV Anim J. BEHNAL.

A H two of the Kcrntinoor s , we beg to report that , al-though on tho joint ro]>ort of tho scrutineers we haveincluded tho votes of tho persons who havo signedproxies for Mr. Stephen* and colleagues in the numberof 812 recorded against tho amendment , Mr. Stephens iutendering his vote only voted for hiin *elf per sonall y,although to-day ho telegraphed he did otherwise, hav-ing been informed of his iicjr]i{fe»ii'e. and not in re-pe'-tof tho proxies entrusted to him. The other gentlemenin whose favor proxies wero signed declared, when ten-dering' their vote.", that thoy did so on behalf of tliem-s-elves and i-hareholder.-j whoso proxies they hud lodged—tdi-i ii? so recorded on tdo voting list—but Mr. Stephensdid nut do so, and is not so recorded ; therefore we con-sider , and 1-0 report , that in our opinion the number of812 votes rei-orded agaiii -*t the amendment vhnidd hereduced to UK , milking majority 1,05'J forMr. U.-borne'samendment.

We also bet' to report that a letter has reached thowrrntinnors , R ijncd by Mes«rs. Mortimer and Wool-dridtrc , which we have handed in. T. WOODI .'J . K .

li. ST KI 'HKN 'S .J WTho letter of Messrs. Wooldrid go aud Mortimer was

a protest ngaiu3t tho proxies of tdo Great WesternCompany on the ground that " that compauy,their directors or ofu'cec-i, were not iho holders ofEhares in their own right , or in trust ,or reg istered iutheir names , or in tho names of Sir Daniel Gooch , orSir A. Wood , John Crier .J. D.Hijzgins .J. H. Atchcrl y,G. Jioxiill , \V. Ii. Kiirvis, 0. Clerk- , J'. Clti t soni , andothers- , and aro not authorized to subscribe for tdeauthorized cap ital of this company, and tdat no per-son or persons , if at all nuthorized to voto in respectof sued shares, or to davo tlieir votes recorded in re-spect to votes can exceed in number , ten votes."

;-'.u- Mr. .S'f / ./i-'/^ ' ,-.W»'".II .—Personal—stock , .£11,750 n:;Proxies for Stephens White , Denny,

Jiicoli-stock. £2ii !t ,r.75 I'- 'lDitto fur Denny and White—toek. .£."»,:!"»n 211Ditto fur Stnd'dei-t—stuck . Jj:3,So» II


Majority for iiiiK-iidmenl :'.IS, T. A DAM S . .1. JS KUN .U ..

I.MIgllC' ll -e W1.1OIII.OCK , H. S l K I - i l K N v lN .-Signed, Mibject to the proxies being declared legal ,

which wo submit they wero not for the following na-on- :That the notice and advertisement were for au extra-

ordinary general mcetiiij f of proprietors - *.That tho proxies of Thomas Synnott were for 11 **pecial

gennnd meeting ; ,,. -,, , , ¦ ,That tho proxies of Sir r. V>. Brady were for a .-.pcciul

general or amalgamated meeting ;That the proxies of T. il. LTshcirue were al-,o fur a

special or amal gamated meeting, andThat none of those proxies were for an extraordinary

pencral , which was the meeting etdled hy the notice-imd adverfiscment.

Cn.M iiMAN— ( Jonllemon , 1 havo now the reports ofthe scrutineers beforo mo, and in regard to my voles ,I have 10 stato that I gave them to Mr.Kcncod y(secretary) for self and proxies.

Mr. Tj ii .Mii .Mtli—Not at all. When Mr. Kenned ywas sisk.'d this morning he said it might have beento, but he did not remember. Ho did not know ofyour doing so.

C H A I H M A N —I can provo that I voted in that man-ner. I find that thero is a majority of 3tS iu favorof the amendinont , pud that report I receive , subjectto iho obj ections raised as to tho votoa.

Air. LoMBAKi i—Will you leave tho objections to theopinion of Mr. Ambrose (ironical cries of hear , hear ,from that Ride) ?

CH A I R M A N —I will not allow Mr. Ambro3o to boinsulted.

Mr. A.Miiit i iSK—Od ! Mr. Chairman , I can only Baythat , it in impossiblo for Mr. Lombard to insult , me.

Mr. A DAMS —I would ask Mr. Lombard is he stillchairman of thoso branch lines ?

Mr. Jj OMi iAitn— I will not give you any informationwhatever.

Mr. UMIOI IXK —Mr. Chairman , da you consi'de: !liti(amendment. :ls carried ?

C I I A I I 'M AX —I receive it subject to the objectionsraised us to the votes ii. its favor. L'ntil tho-e .ob-jections aro decided , I mako no decision as to theamendaioni being carried.

Mr. UsHoit NT.—How can I net as 0110 ol" tho com-mitteo proposed in that very amendment if you donot i-nv that il lias been legally carried ?

CH A I H S I A X —I will not give auy decision unt i l I havotdo opinion 1 if iho best counsel in Kng.'auil , or iu Ire -land , upon thoso objections.

Mr. l.'-j lio lcXK—1 will ask you , now sir, to put thatamendmuut AS a suhstanlivo resolution.

Mr. A DAMS —You cannot do auy such thing.Mr. (Jsi'OJi.NR—Surel y, Mr. Adams will not say 1

am out of order in asking the Chairman to do su whentho msijoriiy is in favor of the amendment (hear ,hear) ? KcHponii hlo duties aro attached lu this cuin-miltee , snid how can I act upon it if 1 have uot theauthority of a resolution ?

Ci iAi i tMAN—1 am of opinion that tho -scrutiny wi.oidecided unti l the objections are settled.

Mr. L'siiolt.NK—1 ask you again , Mr. Chairman , tftput the amendment.

CH A I I I M A N —I cauuut do so.Mr. IJsuol iNK—Thou , sir , I wuuld ask you , wil l you

leave the chair , and allow some one else to be putinto it , so that my rcsolutiou may be pul ': 1 tiskyou , sir , moat respectfully.

CH A I R M A N —I rofuso to leave tbo chair.Mr. L'SI IORNK —I ask , sir, that another ehainuau

may be appointed.Mr. A DAMS —Such a tiling canuot bo dune. Mr.

Mnlcomson tlicro knows full noil how ho acted undersimilar circumstances whon ho was iu tho chair. Herefused such a motion , and do was right too.

Mr. UslioitsF.—Thero was no other course open tous to rescue, tdis company from tdo position intowhich it das got tdan tho ono wo davo tukeu , and Inow, again , ask tdo chairman to give uQ'uct to tdatcurse by putting ihu amendment as a snbstantivcmotion , or if bo will not do so Idat do will allow an-other gentleman to bo placed into tdo cdair wdo willput il lu the meeting (hear , hear , from tho Dublingentlemen).

Mr A DAMS — Again I say such a thingcaunot bo done.Tho chairman is legall y appointed over this meeting,and it must bo closed by him (hear). L'ulil thu chair-man shall davo resigned dis position no oco olso canbo pul into it. When tho business ii- dono you canhavo auy weetiuK you please. HeaidoM, tdo amend-ment is nut carried as yet , and you cannot put aresolution .upon it. Tdo chairman has ruled thopoinl , und wo cannot do anything but ohoy thatdeci -iun (dear , hear) .

Mr. UMI IIUXE —This is not an individual motion ofmv own j it is 0110 put forward by au influential por-tion of tho proprietary of this company and is entitledto consideration (hear , hear) . I can tell Mr . Adamstdal this i-i what wo call a froo country, and at suchft mooting as thi? ,it is not for Ido assombl y to bo at thodictum of tho ohttiriuau , aud for him to say he willor do wi ll not put auy resolution placed before him(hear , hear). I do not wish to say ouo disrespectfulword , bul 1 will maintain th is privileges ol iho share-holders , anil I will now ask them , under tho , presentcircumstance .*, to appoint another chairman , and letus proceed tu business.

(" I I A I I O I A X —I have ipiile as largo an iuterest inthis company as Mr. Usborne (hear , hoar), and I wil lremain hen: looking after Ido interests of Iho share-hnliler - i so long as I am tin: legall y uppuiuted chair-man of tde company (bear , hear).

Mr. Usiioii xK—1 ask tdo adaroliolders to decide. Inow move Mr. Malcomson to tdo chair (hear , hear ,fro m tho speaker 's supporters).

Ci iAiKHAX—I will not allow it (hear , dear).Mr. Al -AM -i—Od ! Mr. Us-borne, do nut bo shuwi- ig

a bad examp le (hear , dear, with Dublin laug hter.)CI I A I K M A .N — Is that tin) order of your proceedings ',

Mr. Usboruo ?Mr. I' j i i f - i iNK—Ouramcudmcnt is thero , and we usk

it to bo put. as si resolution.Aid. J AI . - I I I I —Tin ; amendment is not carried (hoar,

hear , oh ! od !).Mr. LO M B A I I I I — II i.s, subject to sham objections

(hear , hear , from Dublin , aud indi gnant cries frumthu other side).

Mr. H K K N A I . (Limerick)—- I was • of the. scruti-neers , and I wi l l not allow Mr. Lombard , or any oneelse to 1 brow uspcrsinn>i upon any ael of mino (hear).

Mr, U SBOK .XK — 1 Uo uot, kuow how; business is to go

on if wo aro to bo bonnd by the dictum of the chair-man (hear, dear) . I will now ask- tho shareholdersto dcciilo tho point , and will movo that Mr. Malcora-son bo called upon to tako tho chair (hear, hear, andcounter cries).

Mr. SYXNOTT—I second the motionJlr. A DAMS —Do you mean forcibl y to carry yonr

resolutio n ?Mr. Usr .onxK (jocosel y)— Oh ! no, we won't mind

force (laughter). I am a snnll man and would nevertdink of coming into colision with a big fellow liltoyou (laug hter) . I say our position is a legal one ; ifit is not , I have no ri ght to stand hero at tdis mo-ment (hear , hear).

Mr. BERXAL —You caunot do any thing until youshall first davo a legal opinion upon tdo objections ;you cannot do wdat you now propose (dear , dear) .

Mir. USBORNE —Then I Bdould say tdat we shouldcnll a general meeting upon requisition , and theroseo whethor or not , wo can movo tde chairman fromtdo chair , and havo this amendment put as a resolu-tion (hear, hear).

Mr. A DAMS —Tho amendment must bo legally car-ried beforo it can bo put as a substantive motion.That is tho practico of tdo JIouso of Commons andLords , tho highest authority in tho Kingdom (hoar) .

Mr. UscoitxE—I wish I was a member of citherbody (hear, hear , and laughter) .

Mr. ADAMS — I am suro you will not bo in ono orother until you conform to rulo (ronewed laughter) .

Mr. B EKNAL —Woll , I would givo all my iufluoucoto Mr. U.-uorno to monoiv if ho was » candidate(dear, dear , aud lang dter) .

Mr. USIIOIINK —I do uot know bow tdis busiuesacan go ou if ido chainnau i-i to dictato to us in thisway (boar , dear , fro m tho speaker 's supporters),lloro is a eommitieo of sharobolders called lor inconscqnrnce of a disastrous report of the chairman ;tdo resolution empowering them to act has been put11110 my hands ; I want to have it placed beforo ihotneeling, but the cdairmsiu refuses to put it. As Icannot progress vritd my resolution , I would agaiuusk tdo shareholders to say wbolber wo cjnnot potanother in tho chair, and huvo the motion petthroug h him ? 1 movo Mr. Malcomson to the chairif Mr. Stephens rofusos to pat tho motion.

Mr. SvNXon—I second tho proposition.Mr. B EKNAL —As you aro speakitig of legal means,!

would aak you what power you davo to attempt pro-ceeding in tdo course you are now taking (hear ,dear) ? It is uot ri ght , it is not legal , fur you to'Attempt moving a gentleman from the cbair who daBfilled it so long to tho bonelit of tho company. It i-ibetter for you to wait until you obtain a legal op in-ion upon tdo objections (dear , hear).

Mr. CsiioiiNK—Then il is belter for us to have agenera l niiicting of shaieholder.-i , to know from idemwhether tdo cdairmtiu sdall leave Iho chair , and have-one appointed who will put the mo'.iou. That can bodnnu upon a rei{uisiiiou (tear, dear) . Thu share-holders are iutorestod hero iu upwards of two mil-lions of property, j nd thoy have a right to havo theirwishes respected (hear , hear).

Mr. A HAMS —Thin is :i matter which canuot bealtered here. It is settled by Act of Parliament ,and wo should now proceed wilh business (hear).

Mr. LoM MAiiD—I -'ur the instrucLiou of the meciiug,Iwould a*-:k Mr. Kernag hau to givo us hiri view of thelaw upon llio subject (hear , hear) ?

Mr. A DAMS —I object 10 any but a shareholderspeaking at this meet ing (hear , hear) .

Mr. IJ U M I I A I I I )—Hi; io ,1 -diarehohler.CI I A I K M A .S—I'l l uot allow any legal op inion 10 be

given hero except Iro m our 1-iw adviser (hear).Mr. 1.0MiiAi:i<—Wu wil l ink- ; il whether yon like il

or not (oh , oh). Wu v, ill ask- -Mr. Kurnag hnu fur hisop inion as a shareholder.

Mr. K K H X A '.H A X —As I tako it . the question i.=,what is lo be done when th- ; chairman refuses tu puta motion (hear , hoar). There is no doubt that lli '.'chairman has a )- .*,' M I / I ,• ,".• ri ght to preside al theboard of directors. Thi: ; i.-, however , a .shareholders'meeting, and il in the r-pinion of the sliareliolder.-i, aresolution i.s proposed aH'eeiitig their interests , andtdat llio chairman refuse- ; 10 put it , then tdo share-holders can appoint any chairm m they please (hear,hear , no, no).

(.'U .U I I M .W—Whoro i.s thai view to be found ?Mr. K K K X A H H A N — That is the law ; tlicro i-i no

doubt about it. If ii was not tiic case a chairmancould do what lie plea.-:ed in spite uf tho shareholders(heir, h"or).

Mr. -\ N I :I -O< K—A ([uc-.'t.-ofi of l iu's naltiro was sub-mitted to Mr. lloii i '.-o liloy d , < ,) .('., and his decidedop inion was " tho order uf procedure i3 wholl y underIhe control of the chairman " (hoar , denr).

Mr. l' l .M—Uut tha t op inion doen not say who i3 tobe chairman (hear , hoar , at the Dublin side).

Mr. A HIIKOS K—Tho Act of Parliament says '•" thochairman sdall bo selected by the board ," and "everymeeti-i;,' of shareholders shall be presided over by thechi i rman ; in his nbsenco l>y the vice-chairman ; in hisabsence by one of the directors , suit! if a director shallnot he present , then by sotno shareholder chosen byllio meeting." M y opinion is , that so long as thochairman of the directors thoscs lo keop the chair ata meeting so long can he reiain it (hear , hear) .

Mr. l'l.M — It was a great waul of courtosy of ourchairman not to come to tdo Dublin meeting, andI'rcsHo nt it (oh, 0)1).

Mr. UMIORNK —I a.=k Mr. Malcomson to put thismotion (dear , hour , no uo).

CHA 1101 i.v—I'll not allow it (hear, hoar).Mr. USIIOKXK —T ask tho shareholders to say whe-

ther Mr. Mnlcomaon will take tho chair or not ?C'IIAIKMA .N"—You cau 't put such a thing (.hear).Mr. USM OKNE —Wo da'o a majority in our favor

(dear , hear).Mr. BERXAI .—That majority ia not a positivo one,

at present (dear, hear). If tho objections to yourvotes aro found valid , then your majority will befouud wanting (dear , hear) .

Mr. A1'A .Ms—Thoy have only a majority of £110,000of tbc capital of iho. company (hear, hear) . Thatmajority wil l be found wanting :f tho objections arcruled in our favor (hear , dear).

.Mr. H K U X M —Vou hare a number of small share -holders in your favor who rarely recorded their votes,some of them perhaps never. They aro thoso whowere called •' faggot votes" by Mr. Dclahunty (dear ,hear , and laug hler ; " Mr. Malcumson 's faggot votes''(rcuewed laug hter) ; I will not. call them faggotvotes, but I tell you tli stl yo;;r amendment is uot ananieudmem at all , until you shall dave , if you doobtain , an op iniou iu your favor upon tho objections(hear , hear).

CI I A I K M A X — Let this meeting bo adjourned for afew day- : until we sdall have a legal opinion upouthese objections (hear , hear , and no no) .

Mr. Svxxon— We ciitmut do such si tdiug. I donot sc; wh y we wil l not go on wilh our business(hear , hear) .

CI I A I I I M A N — I am bound by the scrut iny and itsobjections (he.-ir , hi .ur).

Mr. S iNXon — Ye.", frivolous objections * (hear , hearand oh , oh).

Mr. l iEHXAi. (warml y)- -1 throw tint assertionindi gnantly back upou Mr. Synnott (hear , hear).What was done was done impartiall y, and to the bestof utir abili ty. I will nut allow any such remark tobe app lied to an act of miuo (hea r, iiear) . You shallnut , wi th my consent , bi: beating it gentleman whomyou were very y latl to put into thu chair when youwanted him (hear , hear).

Mr. A HAM S — Lei UA go to tho next mooting. Is itan amalgamated one ?

Mr. UsiioiiXK (amid laughter from his supporters) :Mr. Adams says llio next meeting is un amal gamatedone, aud he objects to our proxies upon that ground.

Mr. A DAMS—1 did not say anything of tho kind ,for I do uot know n-hotder it is or uot (dear , hear). 1want to know whether these are to bo two meetiogsthree , for I teall y do not know.

IU C bl 'IILl.V . M E K l l X ( i .The meeting, not further discussing the amend-

ment of Mr. Usborue, went into tho consideration oftdo requisition fro m tho Dublin meeting.

Mr. Sv.NNorr moved that Messrs. Stephens, White,Denny, Jacob, and JSreen , be called upon to reaigutlieir seats at tde board , and tdat Messrs. UsbornoW. Malconi9oti , Synnott , O'Shnughnossy, M.P., boolected thereto. •:¦¦

Mr. Woo BLOCK seconded tbo motion.Mr. A DAMS —-1 protest against euch a resolution. It

is quite illegal at a meeting af this kiud (dear , dear).C11.u1iM.ix--Can this meeting remove directors ?Mr. AMBROSE — Most doeidodly not ; that can onl y

bo done at the half-yearl y meeting (hear, hear). Aquestion of this kiud was put boforo Mr. HuracoLloy d , Q.C., in 1S71, aud ho roplied , " I am clearly ofopinion tdore is no pj wer in an extraordinary meotiogto reinovo directors ; such a powor would makodirectors mero holders of oflicu at the will of thoshareholders (hear , hear). 1 havo tho opinion , like-wisie, of Mr. KiUg ibbon , Q.C., who saye tho samothiug (dear , hear).

CH A I R M A N —I refuso to put tho motion (hear, h«nr ,oh , oh).

Mr. Xicoi .i.—Let U3 havo a record of that refusal.CH A I U M A X—Certainl y : that record shall bo made.Mr, A DAMS (to tho Dubliu gentlemen). It i3 a

great pity you do not know bolter to conduct yourbasiuesa. (Tu hi< frit-mis)— They are very iucompe-tenl at tho other sido (laughtor) .

Mr. IJOMIIAKD —I will now movo that the followinggentlomen be appointed a committeo to inquiro intotht position uf the cumpauy, its pact aud presentmuiiagcmeut .witU siccess to tdu oflico for all books andduuuments , aud to report lo au adjourned meoting tobe held lor the purpose ; Messrs. Syunoit , li. Martin ,(Uubl in) , Mostly, It. Murp hy, aud C. Morley, wilhMr . J. K. Nicoil , sis sccreiary .

Mr. PlM—I second that motion.CilAIHMAN — I and my friends aro (iiiitu prepared

lo join wilh you in such a committee. Mr. LOMI IAKU :.Nu, uo, wo do not want you (hear , hear). C I I A I I I -M A X : We have a list with nearl y the same names ,with the addition of that of Mr. Dolalnuity.

Mr I.IJMUAKD — Mr. Dclahunty win proposed yester-day, and he refused to act (hear , hear).

Mr. WHITE —Ho was proposed iw n, scrutineer. Mr.L11MHAHI ) : No such thing.

,Mr. llKHN AL—What real difference docs it mako ( IfMr Doluhunty is put on does any ouo mean to say thatthat "cntlcinuii would lend himself to anything whichwould ho unfair thear. hear) r If he refused to bo on , hedid >o for the future a< well as tho present , and thereis an end to it I hear. hear). 1 think then! are namt-upon Mr. Lombard' s li*-t which it is indelicate to haviUPOU it , aud wUi-.-U oiib'*-t nut to Uo upon it (hear , hear)

Yon cannot act on such a resolution for thero is uo legalpower to allow you siccoss to the ollicc and papers. Youhave si ease in point where M r. Carroll was refusedthe other day by the Queen's llcnch lidcrty of access tothe |iapors of the Midlan d Company (hcav , hear).

Mr. l.OMHAi'i )—Wo have 110 objection to the namesalluded to by :he r-hairiiiau , but we are the servants ofthe -shareholder- , who -sent n* here, aud dim: no voice inmaltfr. The name- I [impose havo been Sfiei.-ted by theshareholders to carry out the great work of reform ; toclean out tho Atu;..'ii» -table , and we havo no power tomake a change 1 heir. hoar ;. "We iliiuk it would he im-possible for tho ^ e m(*:i to do tho work olYcntnall y >f theyhad not th« u-isist-i-.n.-u of one o? the most able railwayofficers in Ireland . Mr. Nicoil. who know.-; intimatel y theentire features of tdo case, more than any other man inthe room. We cannot take off Mr. NicoU' H name(hear , hearl.

Mr. X II 'OI.T.—Personall y I have a strong objection toto lie upon this committee, but I have a large stako inthis company, three times what Mr. lierna! lisis.

Mr. BKI'NAI, —I did not say a word personally ofyou, Mr Nii-nll . Your shares are all preference share- ,and I do not know that you have more than me (hear).

Mr. XrcoLL.—They aro not till preference share-*. Ihave upwards of a thousand pound!) in tho orig inalstock of this company, and I have a right to look afterthat interest (Jienr, hear). I liuvc n right to look intotho management of this company, and I have a riir lit tosee how tho moneys of the shareholders aro being ex-pended (dear , hear), No later than Monday a eh(."'!<was drawn for -filfii.i in favor of the chairman 10 defendthe action which I have against him , and I say -ir (tochairman) , j *ou have a right to return thai moin-y inwhich , as a shareholder , I have an interest (dear , hear) .I shal l loso no time in applying for an injuncti on tomake you do so, and I do believe that you have iii• ;check at this moment in your pocket.

CHAIRMAN —I have not , sir.Mr. ADAMS —I am sorry that Mr. Niooll -lion ld io- .-

his temper.Mr. Xicou.—Ah ! Mr. Adams, if you w.-tn i ii: - ,,u

such an ordeal as I did , perhaps you could no ". ¦ oa-your temper either.

Mr. ADAMS—With every respect , I beg to -ay. - .havo tho fullest rogard for Mr. Xicoll. W.: li.iv> - i-friends , and I hope we shall continue so, hut ..::,¦ < - . ¦first things to bo reported by tho committc; wii i i , . ; 1differences between Mr. Stephons and Mr. >-:• ¦•would submit to the gentlemen opponito that uh-l . -rcircumstances the placing of Mr. Nicoll n;«> *' '.: ;•• ¦mittec is hardly a proper one to make (hr-a . n-naythat any gentleman who has been mana-.'i-.:.- Upany has no right to be upon the committee.

Mr. N ICOI.1.—I was never manager (hear , '.. ..- .Mr. A DAMS.—Xcver manager ! I though' :-

retary you were manager of the line. In fa ¦ . ¦you had the entire management in your linn :

Mr. Nicoi.L—I never managed anythin-j .office (hear. hear) .

Mr. A DAMS—-Oh ! thon I have be> -n mi- .gentlemen , 1 in.-iy tell yen , t hat , we lierc * !. . . ¦ti oii to Mr. .Syniif-l i l .i -iu -.-* ,,.-i ;i. .- .- IM :\ I <.\ ¦ ', '.- ¦

gentleman w i t h a I UI 'L-- - -ts ;!:.- i:i 0:.- i '.n .. . : :t i l led lobe upo .i i: ,!i.- - -,r. i :, : . : - . '.'.".• . . - .- • ¦ • . . .at« Mr. Jli eh-i.'sl M ••.-;• ,. ¦¦:' I ) " : : " .' • . • \|.. .ley, Mr. ,r.i:i.'. - .M.,-!,-;- . ' .' . , , ¦ '

Clunm.;l , and t ^ i 'i i i - u n ; .. - . -. ¦ . • .; . • ¦¦ ¦¦'•tho t iani i-; o' Mr . ^ ;.|l iu *ll!. ol I :::|,-i ';<- . ' • - I ' ' ¦

Rl- Mlomen.i 'l e l i t V i t l iVe- teni l .'.i i - l - i l l i y h - . - - . -: ¦¦ • ¦

for any --id .- : if y..u airi- e,. t o a |.roi..-.- e . -.: ¦ .: -.; ¦ .:you have lha '. .oaij .a i iy lo aid y 11. i . i . - . . .. •¦:.qilftrrcll iug . your -liai'c i i-. ; -m.n !, - ¦ ,i . ,•¦.- .

¦ . •;. .. . ,.! '.as they were before. Mr. I... .*; ... 1:1. * ¦: '

Mr. A H A M S : Mr. Sy.i n..:i ':- ;-. •_ • :- - ' . - : . .: . _- ;; l a - .. - - ¦intefe-l iu ii i : Hie-

" i i i s i i k - M r . i. • -n : -..- . : ¦ : : - *: \ I

belieVu, chuh'Ui! .*- , ,| ,]:• T . i .i s i i " I s - '!: . '' .- ¦ - : : : A I : ! I : Iwa- nev..r :s . ' ;:¦¦¦.- • • . - .* <¦• '. - . "> , . - . , .". : . * W e:! t h "Kt in i- s and A - ! :- : ,vv i ::.,- .

": ':¦: . -.¦

¦¦¦ :. . - -v a l l y l - . i - l( lu ir-' hte r i.

M r . SYN-N- .: i - -.'.. .,. -¦ • ¦ * . : • . - -. • - . . ...., .;.. ...pro;.(,?i;d : ' A - h . :-. i - ! . .- • i • -. : . . ¦

¦- . - ..Mi-. I-Yi,:.:. i . i . .. -. M .- .

' - :. :: - : - ; ;. - L i . .. :. .; • .,!¦

in .u an 1,;.:,.;.. .. .. - i '. . : • ¦¦•¦ • \\ - -. .. - . .•

I ' l I A I i l M \ : . "> '•' .'. . :.; '

. - .... • . .¦ 1 . .. - -.-. '¦ .." .- i,t i i . - oh* ;.,

¦, - . . .

Mr. A ...I,! . ' :: . - - :. .- - . . -. . :. M : I,,:,,!,, :*,!' .l i -1

. -:r.* .' - - t. ; ¦; .- ¦ . ' .- - :;- ... i ¦:; •:¦ -.- ¦! . -: .- . . :- .¦¦ y ,-- . N ;.-,.!I

f r o p. t -v , -- .:; . ..: • .— . ' i . .-.. -i - .-¦ ; - • . .!• i : :- ¦: • ' .-I i h at M r .

XM- .I ! I .ii . ,- • ! ¦ : . . . - • s r - . .,- - . -v ; , :. ,.,,i - .-iit i. .,.. aadt ! : iiT he .-i ;. n ; i ¦ ¦• | , . : l ;- .:¦¦ s;- i: -'- . '. I- • - . Kn 1 i , .- won!.Ilu-.-'i: in : ; ':-.- t . -.- . ip ., * -.- ;i i. i.- ;- \.- . r .i - i !¦ .- 1 • ; ;,r t o makethe e d a u-j. .

Mr. I. -.:.: : , : ; . . : . . ; - .-. . ;. .n l i . s ' " .. .. -.- - .: !,- : -; 1- -We will eh. -.:. -.- :• ::. :¦;,- - .: ;. .. . ..:" :„ .1:. - M ;- . N ;.-o!!a inomhur '•; t i : - - . "::;:n! ;-.:.'{ i ., - ::-: .- • ' t i r s i i - ¦- .tary.

Mr. A D A M S II .OV.- . I .,•, -.,;;,;.¦.! i ,-,- \| .- . i i i i: .\->j . . ,:.,.lliUHOS of Me--r.--. Sp-iWi ' and Delahuis r ; . . .:; p 'si. '.- ,.! M.-.Xi '-oll on the commit ti- , - .

Tile I .'I I A I I C M A N put the :ll;:i-udli:. - !:l. ::s:.| ,i", ¦;:, !.-: li, . -".iioe-:"' to davo it. Aid J.\ . "Il .-ii li .-d i'.. r .-: - .;!!.

A f t e r .-oiiio di-scussion ,it wa- a-_-.-,-i - i !- . t ak " :¦.¦¦ ..¦;.:..•as un tho pruvious divission, th .-i- .-i' .y |.:.--ii;_' ;h¦• ¦-• - »iniiitoc tiiiiucl by ^^r. U.-boni.-. ih - .1 "' 'j .-.-* :<.:i • -. > ! ¦Stephens' votes liciii!? withdrawn iu t he r^.,- . ;i- h. . ¦;- ,. !mado the requisite correction.

Mr. A DAM S now suwe-tcd in j - n—i s . -j- t - n n- i . . ! : * -Dublin friends tha t their pro,,:-r coin-..- v,- ,,u!>l !„• to !¦ ¦¦.-,• .a reconstruction of their hoard.

Mr. UsitouNK .-aid thai he and hi.- t r i e n d - . iv i . -.i l .i '¦¦'j uite ready lo j oin in s-uch si eour-e. but t l i ..- i' . : t^ .i :: -. ¦-honld come from the men in power.

Tlio C l I A I I I . M A N - .said he had e.,me tu i d . , , 1,-t. nnii . :tioii of clo.-in',' hi .*> connection wi th th' uipuuy ¦¦• • t .:cud of the year (heur. hear). l l i - pn-iriou u- . i i i s i r i i i . itook from him upwards of *J."io d.-iys every yi - .i -.- : |:.- ¦••¦now in his liOth year, and In; doped tha t -..:ii-- , , i i : -chtiirmaii would conic after dim. und d<> u:-, -.- t - .r ;:company tdan IK; had been able to ell.'.-: , l i , - .t i n - ; .that when lie left the chair ho would do ¦¦, .¦::: ¦.,hands (heur , hear).

It was then decided to adjourn all oth , :• i , , s . :- ..- .Tuesday, the 12td January next, at eleven ¦¦ ' ••!¦• .¦¦{¦¦ .::after some remark." from Mr. L'-iborue, ai:d Mi- . Wh:tde proceedings ended.


SANITARY OFFICERS nv SCALED 01.: :: '.The persistency witli which sonir* ii. -af

Guardians (lisregarded tho iiroTisi .*: 1 - ..:Public Health Act , and the mild cntri*:-: ;..• -. ,,Local Governruent to do justice, ma !- - i; p;ble to all I'ntioual men that there .-!.¦.:iM !culminating point ; and this stamlani ••: i ; .ance has been readied in the Ui 'liiu-: ¦, :- ,] . v.int the meeting of the buanl on thu I !: i:. -scaled order was read, fixiu *; ilic- -a ' ;s ¦:. -¦ .,;'suvoi-a l oilicors ii' ip' t inied w-iolci - '.:... . '.¦. - . i ; .. S C ' i i U'l l C-i ; of ;| i i : t' .-i

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The scii l'.-i l ( i r d'-r f i x -.-.-, me .si i i a r i '- - ::: ' ' r ! i t iL^ :'- ¦•- .S

as fo l l ows :—Execu t i ve S a n i t a ry f ':!'. .- - - !-, L'J" :Consulting do., .L"!-'i : Sani ta ry d".. .- .;!:•, :ii .C^"each ; sttb-cillieer.-', L 'l '.'- I t I.s p i . . '• «:!¦!.. ; l ia , i;s imi la r ordur w i l l im in.jdi.'i ' i.v. ¦- .-;.!.• :: ;¦;¦ \V;i*.cr *turd Board , l i v i ng t i t . - .-at ari. .- - . ; : - ::. i ai.i .,-a-..-, altlie i i i a v n n i n i i .

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\V in : \ i . I" . ¦, - :¦ : . ' .. - .: ;. . ' .. - -.-.;. ..: ia ::* !'...- t i i.*

week. Th- ., - , - : s :... :,! .;- ,:. ¦ . : . -. .. .- : .• :- ..., . A, tot i l.- y iv!!. t .M;. ,- .- . -¦ ':-.. -.¦. :- ! ¦ ¦;. . - I :. - ¦ i.a- t tw . -n t yV e a l - !'- v. - i i . - ¦¦¦ -.¦ .- :. l " ' i l : . .- --I v. i i i'a- -oM all' l - . I l l |.. L-.".- : ¦::i.-n •:- . I'l1 . *'¦ 1'.'- '• !. : :iHl,..S. i;. |to I'I !- . : foi-.-i- t . y . . ! '¦¦ [ . h !¦ .- :i ! ; ' , - ;- • ¦, -e- l::.|ian eur i ifor pi 1.' feedisiy -cli i : : -' ..; i"l -.. i. .a: !_v -.i i M i- |,n,.-..-a - pun:..'l r i-h u iica * .

U .\i .-.— H i :--.; ¦.¦.. :- - i i i !i ^ i . t 1" .- . !'- i . ¦¦¦ I - ;- , l'i ir.,- 1.1

or byai oat-.. I 1 :- . !•• !'¦- I I . -_'.-. iv - . lo- i '- l .JJ A U I .KY .— Mail J.^ h.n- '.ev. I 1.'- to ."-i .!d : ¦o'r::;d'!:" .

!•:- •:-l to 17- iM.IJ.vX'.v — D c i ii i i e l -!'.'

¦-»• . IV-.— - l i t I

1..'.- ..- 7' .'-.. |:v..- ,¦:.


AssAi'i.T iN " A .*"):.:ni;i:.—A man named Miehae!13rieu was broug ht up on warrant ou Saturdav beforotho Mayor charged with having ou ide previousThursday ni ght as.iaakod Corporal Porter of ihu 3 l tdby striking him on the head with a -stick as he wasgoing into barrack.-?. lJrieu wa.-i remanded to l'clivSession?.

Si'DDKN ' DEATHS .— <Jn Wtdne-ilny nionii in' ih» l.r , ,lvof an unfortunate , iiiimed Kllen Miiiahau , w;i- fMi ui.t <¦ :*.Honnosey 1!- ltoad. Un the -ame mdrniii -; a ."hoeiuak < rnamed Daniel Warren , died .-uddenl y on the -lair - "fhis lodf int; in IliKh- .-t reet. In, |Uc.-ts wore held on l...that the public huit-e of Mr. Wiil-ih. Hij rh -s- t ivct , and v.-r -diets returned in the tir-il i-.i.-e, doatd from i,aUi' :ilcause.-, and iu the other ,death from di.-:,.-;i-i- uf tl ,,. heart ,Con, Kisrney had eliarg-c of proceediii fV'.-. Yo-torday cv.--ning the coroner , Mr. K. X. Power, held an in, |ue-t m:the body of Mr.i. Hurley, wife of .Mr. John llurlev .Kin^-street , who died suddenly a*, --he mt at the lire lip;evening before. Verdict , died by the visitation of i joJ.We much regret to state that Mr. J. Murph y, eliiroi ...-dist &.U., Cathedral-sqnarc, while in Koss this week at-tending tho funeral of his brother, suddenly died, it i,believed in a fit of syncope.

KlLMACTUOMAS U NION.—Owing to the lttuiniti - uu-reprcsentations of tho guardians of this union , the I..,,-,,!Government Uoard have eons-ontcd not te [.re-- th. irletter calling for the resignation of the tna -t er n-.-imatron. The cnu.-c of these officer.-", pxeel!, :i.- pmservants, coming into collission with the i:..v.n.i.. .-Hoard , had its origin in a miaconception of , - .-rtai: , :•:,which will now be. better understood. Tlie i inert. ;Board await the next report from their i- i -K - .-t ¦

THE COUNTY RAILWAY —Tho work - ..... sd l - li:the neighbourhood of Kilinacthomus are I _¦;.- . - , .: - 'on rapidly.

Quit COI:STY H AII .WAY .—Tde worl; ,.: oa, i ucounty Waterford liailwiy have eniiiiiU'i: ..- .I m !\,iia.. ¦thoni.'i.-'.

Thero were "J,'ii»> hea d •>; Ul es it ll .* . .: ;... i., .;- ..: ;.peraryon je -st'.-rday ; priev.- ri.iivV'i a ' a ,-. :. ¦; i ;.. •:• ¦ - ¦

N AT KIS Sri 'l 'l.Kj lus"!'. — W e , h : i v e :-, - - .. . -. ¦ ! - , - . . . .-,the .Yn'." i l lu -U '.ited l .hl-i-l isia- .-uj . .. , ::. :• .-.;. ;.':. .veiy creditably LT'". up. To "Uf i.- ..-"1 -:. - '- . ¦ :. ¦ ::: : .ititeres-tiu .u' than 1 "nyU-li il!u-::- .i '..-d i.'h. - ; n a - :l , , ,- .

Oi'i: DI:CI:M 'HKII I ' A I I : — The hec-emi.. . : .u- ,m .\l,,i,.day wu-s well .-t ipp li' -d , >' ith a i . r i -k )>u.-i i i > — .-. M 'uk eov. .went freely al -i-'l T In .-. : ¦j ii'-aii t-a-lm ':! \,., ,,. ,,;d i . « » : .lock- ut from £j iu .£S.ln.-ii".-iv- :i; lto .i i X '\ ;< ¦ .•:.' i..r v.-suaii.l ii half old- : m-ciilf lvvu-y .- :ir-o '.d- . : r> .u i e]o t , , i;|;.weanling calve.-, *|i> .-. to lins. : yeariiaj.' I, , i iV. . u:; t ,, xr.nheep, ranged from :.u-. to 1.',-. In |,|.. . h,,nhaiaranged at from XI up-Anrd.-, si:nl .-lor. - ai f.' liu .

Captain Wiilkur , "il t l i liL-oiineiit , wlio t eeentl }returned from America , having been one of th e |ri- |Kitlu Team , das got an extension of luiUc of tibseuei' . inconAciuoncu of the iloiith of his brolher.

SroiiTiXfi. — y ir. Dryn n, M.P., s)i"t Iii- - cm-raiiat Jenkins-town , on Tuc-.,lay. with the fo -ovvinc ,- r..,i: ',!-Kahhits , W'J : dare- , "21 i pdea-iiii!.-. J J : w,.od eCK.-k"o'2. Total. Mt 1.'.

Lad y Mary Kuller has surei .-t -uc -il l ,adv EmmO-borui; a- Ji.idy in Wailln 1,' on h.-r K i/ai .at id lmperiiilli 'liiie.-.- the Um.-hf.-ss of 1-Miiihiuvh.

Page 4: on MICHAEL O'BRIEN & CO.snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1874/... · 2018. 7. 11. · i in: w ,\ 'ii:i ;K(ii( n NKW.S iA;,:.ri!!..n l n'Mi-xp, rp.|iriiicii.) | HiC.t-1

5clcricfc IJoctru.SONGS 01' OCR LAN'D.

"•'\z * of our lanJ ,ye "uri» with u, far OTPV ,Th.- ivu t r a u d t {io .-*]tl <MuUiu. - uf tlironw vu-o awn* :M' lt vc.i lr?, i. th.? might of enuio fur flowing rirvr ,

_ Tlimiiph surniiiirr -j lirt^ht rn.-*-* or autumn 's doc;»j.^ . tiviunrr tai'h v..i.-.- M th.» f iwif t IMMMIK new,

A:nl t r u t h , which t i t ui- writetli on lwiwa IT on F:imlVu hri:i ;; u* tin- bnpht thou ght* of poets ami sam*,

A ml kr.'i» tiKMii :iiu->:i;,'n n> , o]ff io)ii.'-of nur ituM.Yh- Imr. h m;ty u-> »U 'wu to t] (.. pUea of their flnuibcri. ,

r ii " Iviv uf tin* cluiriiu-r Iw busluvl in the tfravo.I!; J ! Mr in th - - fu t i t rv th t - jiotver of llioir mirabors."'tall k imllcthf li. --.iru uf our faithful and brar*.¦ : v.ill Wiiki-n nn cclio in «IHI 1- I il.vp ami louoly,I.Ao vtijns of ivviU hy thi' .-mmuier brvoto fauucil :

<¦ '¦ ;* 'tl csll up a .-pint m' (riVilom , 1-tiieii onlrit'T l inMthiu * - :n - - litnr.l in Hit s»nr .-» of uur laud.

¦ "¦¦¦¦¦ '.!i-v L-.-JI lip .' Pvi-'-l M t!:»^f tli<* truo-heurt -od,»",.• f,.j| »vi;h ib- r i t i - - tJ -wv li:ii] rowi-il to n<niiit-»tr. ;1 ii ¦•> • --ii .nv n}> bn.-'it -l i:il.»u -> .»t tf lovy (Wpnt-tc-il,

1 'f l.Ti th.it civw o-l l, ati.l tho IIOJH ? that was vain.I ': ¦ ]- .i ,v nt. iy !>¦• !"-t :m-l y. te tK-ti l-ji i^ ror*ak« n,

A: J J n .•,«]-' t ii-tr i:r.Mvj;vi}.l o'tTthobrnvche; i r t ¦ aijij Jmmli'.-i: v ;iri . -ti!ll«n when :ill cKi hrwl bo.»n tiifcon ,

I : '•-•- -:;v:i'u- I :I !!(¦ • iltsrrt , ^w t -et sous* of our lautt.• ... MM u;:i !ii. il, >« ¦ h I VP I HU HWHI th* stramjor,

*'¦ .'.;: ;, i\v r ..ver ii-vm i nil dtlcBi rt afar ,:: iv.- tf 'i— w i t l i oiir w.iniiorors th«m»U iliitoui'O »n-J'1 -l i ; , :,

A* ni :¦;• !¦:¦ ;.. , t t L - n i>.*:li- Hki -« Lew-tft iidiny- star.'•* • ' : ::: ¦ inv:i '!i ¦ ¦; ' .-ur t i i -i i tutaiiw in Fumniori long

'• •. .¦ .-I 'i: r l . ' j > ¦ l !:;..- ,ni :n .' from the Kftllii ,AV:i ).. p..;. i r ¦;. /;• c r ,t|,:n- .eel j ,.v from her li-mMhetl ,

V " < • i a ¦ ; > ,- . r. -; v , • ¦• • ¦:¦„'- I'H" mir iiml .»".- ¦ *;¦¦¦ ¦: : ..u ¦ : t iv ¦ ¦ > ;i .? .; i ::i ¦ - 11 ,* "t If.'V ^ 'ory *'¦

-> l. . i : t :^r. ,- :i :"i- :u : -.f : : » M- . r c ^ r . -j ¦;,- ¦ .H'i " t!; - - j- :ii ¦ .-i t ) i - 'iMimi. i in- , tlio.uh i'l v»tc.l an>t ho:irr ,

\ '-i i ;h-• r.' ¦< HI Lii - - > !•¦'¦ r; oi; HOIJI I 1.H :I I u voic.1.i- :- th is i-i t h . i r t r i i i t , i p ! i»fi l . - t-p t l . -oli l iur .-,W!.;;.. . ..- .» II -.-. , -..- r -J :IK I HI ..;i:i! l i i i r -\i:>\\ luti ' l ,SUV. h- n.-H t !i;«! iir- I .mv.-t a:i.l Ij.-t of til - ' lt.itiun i'.?h?.'.\ -!- -rv a:; t l. vc in t )m «on«o uf ourlruul .

K K K / ' -Vi-M'fK' MLVU KVG.11 1', ' -i<:c will t.ilk" --:iy.- , I' m ri^lit WfH siwari; nt it ,

Hut x'tvi! ."tsu^, thcuKh Imlt, :in> V,TJ H -OTH J;JUO ;WL'o !->r the l'ii::?j »^ nf tai'i^e-i u-onlil c>*rp A

hit ?

Kivp uvvir -miudin ", :iud lot tbcm hnxz on !Mi?rc I>TrpcutoI , inuU^no .l , ruid much tattled of ,

Sia.O] woolen ri>ivtmiR blank C'ltridffO bavo flred ;Tk» Invt plan f.'r tho«« who aif prat-<l »nil ptutUM of

!¦} to k«]i DvTtT-mtiidin? 'till t .ilkt -r -Aro tircU.If wu lnrecou-w;o to do as no others Jo,

oh ! whfi t .\ fu"i there i.* ».x>n far ami wido !You 'rr hooted bj rtrf-t-bHj n, ajc .bj -jour own brother , too,

Uut k.vp ui»v»:r*raindUi(j, the row will subside .TN*h »n ire do \vhot id rii/kt we are ncv** r nflhftnivd of it ,

Vuly i!l-do« 'rK nit-^l «liriuk from the li»;h t ;TL.">T» who d-i cood tQTist expect to bo blamed ft bit ,

U'-it ire k»' o,» tivvtr-tnindiut ; though—itat ;uch for tbori»ht!

7, I T K Ii A T U H E ..V -i /J r/-- .—Dublin ; MKit.AsnAN it G II .L.—The

hi*C''iiihor iiunibct* of this nia^nzino , completing tlio**.i> t V"!:imep 1ms come to h:uui , but we rogrot to findn:i ::!i:i-iti:ict.'iiii.>ii t therein tha t it is " su spcndoij ."VCr r iy i i -: th i s vi 'ry much , lor the magazine) wasp.u aM y-rom luci i' i I :MI <1 tr.o.-t interesting duo, and wo:i "- ' r< '.r^vil t '.i bi'licvo [bui t h f ta^io for literature oft!i - - k i : i ' l t tui sL 1;? rotrvi^ra'liii^ in this couturv. Tho!¦:.'.¦ -rj>i ' i> ::i^ pubH-lM 'rs s tate:—-" Tho promolcra of.Vi- . - . '- I' '.;, - ivi-ivt to announce the suj peuaion of tbonr':::i.'im l. I' i'.h' .T thi 're i .- t int sulHcient ileniantl for:i vi '-i ' ia l ni i^ :i.:itic in l relaml , or tliey have not , brcnt'l i r i ' i t t a t i : i.- i iDir.'h t" mprt i t . They feel that tho]v :!i !if:ttiim c:.r,i:r,: Ui% ina i i i tu inct l .vithout loworingi:» ton- or :ili":r:::L' i i s churacter, and thoy nro de-l iT in i in ' i l no 1, '.nronsi'iil to cither of t lt osoaltentatir cs .Thi-y i r^ i i f t i n t (i!-,i> > if th>> surial storicH is lufl. mi-!; !i;« !!i'.l ; t h i < is i i . < :vita!)!i: •jmii.'i- t h e circomstanci'H ,1.': - :¦!! ;.|i{.!'. _v i.-, iMv.Mt ln /h fe --, <luc tu subscribers.I in- ():'nn i i> i i ' r . s i l -.'^irr :" •il 'f r ihi-ir he-it thank* to a l lW 'J - I, w i i t t i i i M 1 as ^ubj Li'iber.i or Cdntribmor.-*, have co-I 'pt r.rcVi w i ^ l i ' J irni in tht - i r arduous mi'lt.-rtakiujj .i' .'i -;.- .:i.j {h- : '.::i: on incrrasiuy tus t> > f, .r l itei 'aturu inl iv la : . 'i w i l l , a; s.iuu- t'ui-ur«? pur iuJ , mako easier fori> l! : t - i ' t l i -.- :¦ I - U in which they have been uusuc>ro- f: . '." / f . i ' ilis.'ifipcMramri* >/f t fu's inai^a/ij io, froml!:i - C.:I H < - mi iu iuni 'd . i~ r cr t i i i i i ly luil i 'rv l i i i ib lQ tu the|M>"'; I 'I ' "i l l i i ^ c t i u n t r \ .

I ' ¦¦• • .1/' .-i:u.:.— l. 'i- r l .i i i . I' lVieil-Stl-wl. — TilO1 ' .

¦• ¦ i kt 'i-p s y i i ' i ' S i l y i ' i ; i i' .' Ir. iat rank nf tho serials

of t : i f day . Tin 1 ii r i 'S 'Ti ' :.iimi)pr is f u l l o f rary iu-t '.iv.:uw. in- " i •,.••! iv maror, au:l miip lr j usti'jr the) i i '_-!i i.:u' i 'ni i : : i - !.'- i . r .vi '.l ;ij ) .j?i it by tho press. "ThoSi -;- : r "i' !' I > •: i . . • LU KiMi i ' iniy " is ably, usefully ilis-I'll--; i n: :' ¦¦ p:, --i - i . ami tile iibly .writton story of'¦ Wi .i' .- i i :- . i l l - V.'itV- '• ' ':.• l j roii),'Ut through some ad-clif .n '.ia ' ci.a;i^ .T-'. Tin" I " :rnuui atory of " Lan^ . tboS!l. ..-::.:..k, -r " :' .< ,-i !ic !a.l-.l.

I ' ¦¦¦ '¦:</ ¦ M • ¦¦::¦• <¦ .—l/jmlou , Cailicriiu.'.biri-ct. Wr,:' IV :I V - w, ¦:,¦¦.- ,)• ¦ V . . -'-;;, an.i never more «o than inl .' i - t i: " ¦ ' ' ¦'"¦'.¦> • -. Tim cap i ta l ly told .-tory of" !'¦-'¦ "• ' ... . :. !¦"::! i . " is li:;i'.;licd : ;>o a'.io is "" I.iul ev) . ¦¦¦¦ ¦'. i ¦: . :: :i « . iy i 'i pi , .-,si> :ui t r u u loTcr.s. i n o

rii.M.r i i .-;:. .- ¦:. - m !:'¦ :• i i< ¦•: !• "i!y inter i 'sl i i i^ ..1 ' ' ¦ " • . ; :/ • ,'" , •-. - K i i k^ -n i i y : JoCKSAL

O n : ,:. Mr. M-j ii .ai:-!. M'ir.itii . .1.1' .. 'l,.L.ll., baa

issue- ! an :.t , ' t - p - iu ip lil ' .-^ :.: r •;•:;." t - j t in: ii')\v celo*lir im- 1 bid icr I' rotcsiai . i :.HCI -: M 1 -ii:-y liy Mr. (i lnd-htcit. >-. 'f i n ' l .-j-utivd a'.f iek up. HI al l that Cath'ilicsl.oid dfav by nil " win prct M:.li:d to be their friend 1H,in t h i s (. imp-i l " *., th 'i r . iu^ iil y 1 tid bir .\ and by tboRuwi iu i i-a ' i :li.i -.vurl: , who t» :u»t b.; CaLholicn of nilcla^i-.'s. :: in t i ^ L ij ' ackmwle led , ami evyn by im-ptirii d Prolrs taii t .-1, t h a t victory lies not wi th theafj . i l an t .

CKNK U AI , THOMAri KRAN C1S MEA CUKK.,-•!• sfi.-Kcn ox VKC S »/) K;;—"Mnrou nn: sivuuu—

MIliMATI/.K 1IIK SW0I1K."The followin g is iho spaecli delivered by oar dia-

tiugui aln-ci and lamented fc '.loir-chhau at it moei 'mgof tho JJepoal Asio-.'iatioa , prcidod over by th> LordMajor uf Dublin , on July USlli lSlG .on tho occasionof Mr. Jolm O'Connell 8 rs.opening a (.'okito ou tho" l'eaco llesolations." Those, resolutions lmd beeudiscumed ami adopted at a former meeting ; but , astiiu "Youti ;j Ireland" miuority Etil l continued mem.>I .TH nf the as?f>c *mtioii , whore their prestMici* was re-garded by O'Cwmo!) as a .-rourct' of Oangcrj iu resoli • itolinnjr iinu"!5 tu such nn isaau t lni t thvy should eitherdi-clavo tlu -ir ncoeplnnce of the resolutions or rolireI'mm llit-:iNsot.-i:i£ioi i . According ly, during his own ab-.•-' I IQV ill J*or.(loo, be haJ iho debate re-open»Hl by hian.'U , as above nu-otiuiivd. During the delivery of thef.i '.lo'.viuj ; spoce h by Mr. Mend er, In- WM frequentlyn.'.'.nuj j l 'jd by Mr. Julii ' O'Coimell , who dochp.'dt iu i *. I!..: ^ ¦n i imeii ts expressed by tin ; speaker weresue as wvu '.itruinpiom!:!! t l ius i f i 'ty o! tlienasociuttuii ,a: : '' .a*. '::lb.T tlt i; ass'j eia ! ion ^hi t ul i l co:is»! to r*\ist.i r .-. :•. M L'O^

IK -I' shoald eeaso to b*? a inembf .'r of it.S';:nv -:xi:it..i! n-marks tlien i>assi:.l between severa l0! t K»* tn i 'nilu 'v.i |iro.( U - , and a .-c'-'iie of c.iifuRion oc-i - -.ii !• •'!, ii: i!<o :n«Ut "f which Mr. S m v t h O'Hrieu ,Mr. M;li:ni: ' . Mr. M.-ai!l,.-r , an<l others <ju'iui-d the hallIn rul in. i - > .: i...t :i-.,r.-. Tl tu n uccv;vr . 'J ll.e " Soceasion"i .) ;¦-¦ •' V . .;I :.LJ I n .'iat. 'i " par ty , who SOuii after e.H-;, ' :.:., ¦. 1 I:. .- " iii " !i I ." J' .fl.-l.':.-i ' I'm "—a Mn .-i .-ty whusoi - : ; . t' i-\ i- .t . -nc- "a .- t i rini i i . i '.i d by the faiiuro of 1 heii. -urr.v! '..ii .;ir>i i:l ivi-ri i.s. in iMv- '¦ .My ),iml."•!..y-i -, 1 « i . ; * i .-<.Mm'.-n.r . .- as Mr. .Mitcliel cuncludod ,by .i!. a i i u - i I ' I t 'i t:i '- win .;--, i f ' l l .'y c-nni.- i ir wi th my'¦ , - : . i . l i ; si l!:>: m'i .-t C i - I I I UVi 'h' .'l i .-.. *-: I I H' lSIl I'C:* Wl'.ich

'i.e u i U : n i i i i ! > t - .- i j m-iy | < if« | i i ; -' ', "i l l fail i > > l i f t tlit-ir¦ r.iu - i y u j - i - i t h a t | . i :» i ! i- > n w h i c h bh'.- has Hi e right, tu! - . ¦•¦ i p y a:. -l t i : - - p-i .v :;i - vi i M a i i .t a i a . A wh:^ minister, 1

^ m i l r . :n- ! y !::i| i' .r. ii . ( -p i .i t-i i . t r— l.o iv i i l not restore lLo

...il l . i : . r....^ i i i - - - - . i - - : i ; n , f c j iMpciiiis t iu i i bi l ls, libera l:, - . i , ,: ¦:¦:,!¦ : ¦¦. I.'J I V a '• :' • . in:'.!?' .'-- 1 h 'V W i l l Hut L<ZU|L.a;.|. <; -¦¦ • :/;¦ -' . : • . any a ¦• -¦• .• . i .t r . j r- .- -- l h 'V w i l l nu t L'lall.!¦..;.

¦ 11. .1V i n - -- .' ' ¦!• !• :¦.-¦ — -i f i - .- - - t l i i .-y ivid not

c i 'l .¦¦¦,:¦¦ I. ¦' .¦¦ •

'¦¦ .i t i - .-"'! !:P " •.-¦ ¦a i i t ry. 'l lji. i.-rror K of; ; . ) j , ; ; 11 ¦. : l i - I ' j - . i H i -- *k" lt r ij i "s ut ' th 'l l't l tUI 'O

v. 1 ; :. - • •. I . : :' -.i¦

:dli- ! . i'>Vi . .1 TO :> : i ii t.i.i- pocket, n

., ,-¦ • .:.:¦ - . ¦:.' ¦, - . :: 1 I '. i l i j 'l-lici : be! 'i :> . liim at thu

\>'S.:y s - -1 •:. - — .•! t!. 1. i;ap ,' u 'a re>Lur.'il iirigistraKs—;!r - :i :i : : i t *i --1 j/.-.i--ei il in ly b-: ttil .J lm is 1'roo ; but ,,n . ;.- .¦ 1. !. • w i i l i : o i h - i v i ; t i io character <if u l'rce.¦- . :, :-. • - 1 ¦ ir.t l'i .1.ui- , l.is cnurgy to act. 1' rom the.- ...I' :. • ¦'. ii- r .M .n d ' l w n tu tl.e poorest cut t agj in tho; i i 'i * . . . - . : ' • iv '.v . l h '- :ni:ani.'t'Js, the debasemeiit ,¦.-.¦..c: i- - i . - i i . . - i j i .- i i il i " 1-- , w il l In proccptiblu.'i . -•¦ :.: .

¦ ¦ ¦ • . • • . - .: ; • .,--; ':IU -..- II T : uf yo u t h, thought:.i: i l l -:¦- ¦ ¦"¦ - : i - : > . 1 < " . ¦ J ' > :' avni , iv h u has lli .-ductd hisi!o:i ¦'•¦ -¦¦¦ ' ¦-' .'¦

¦ ' ::a."i '¦ !V ;- n '.-I ' .- t ab '.> : i . r impure and

. .•.;.-. ; '. - , •:; u : ' :" ¦• ¦' "n :t:- - l : - i i . A ^i: h 1-. UHCrrd•. b'j Di . i n - . J . - I , ¦" ¦' i i (i i : .p - i - ;i :i,.j.! i i l i 'i (»hty yoarsK.'i«. ].:i :.i':i:--'l ' !i "in lu '.!. ¦• p -u;,l'? . A !.:W weeks since ,a:;d tl.er ' n- .' » 1 i» '¦ l- ': < '' -» J I < ¦( ^'aeeii'a DCKIC I I un oldai.d vuti '.-rabl " i>i:i i :. ".'. •.'.-¦'¦¦i t h e cousi '.ry the I CDIORHlio iiaJ l.' .-i ":.' - ! in h:sy.j Mihbe! ) :aih the portico of thoJri =h S'j ii:i:i : ll' .u-c , an -l wliic ii , i lur iu g a long life!IL> t.iv l t i ' -- i iurt . l in bi.-t hnarl as the costliest legacy,-i :nj-? c i t i / .- :ii eiiuld bi rj u euth tho land that gate himbir t i i . What .iaiil thii a-^o l oru 'or ? Nutiooul inde-pendence docs not necessarily load to ualiooal virtaoand happ ir.es-i ; but roinon and experience demonstratetho public .spirit aud gecicrnl happ iueSj nro lookedfor iu T«no under tho wkhuring iulluouco of pro-TJncitt l Hi ilj ^clioii. 'liio vory consciousuoss of beingdependent on un:.th'.'r power for udvancement in tboscalo ot ir.itiunal being, wuigbs down tin sp irit of n,pe>>l >I c, miiwclei tliu effort* of genii)? , dupreasos thoenerg ies of yi.'lui*! bhinti tliu scnao of oomnion gloryand cunimon ^ood , and produces an insulitt od selKrih.uesR of (.-li ai'ictc -i-, tho miruni mark of t)u\)asOTnciit inthe individual and moiUlity in tho State. My lord , itw:n uuce »n :'l by an eminent cituen of ilotn i, tho(•I .ier I ' l i i iy, th.tt " ivo W H I M y>/u:lj .iii I unnhwi l tuour ci '- in t i 'v , but , our declinitig age tu oursoives."Tint* :n i > ' huvo i.« ;n the tnitxiui of u Roman—-it is notHi-- m ivn i i 'j fa i i fri-. l i p i t i i v t . Ono might hare thoughttin! t lie an x i v i ii *s , the iuf>or-( , the ricissitudesof a longcareer , !: id < ii ' -.wn"( l I lie lire which burnwl in thoheai t of tin-' illustrious old man whoan words I haveciud : but now , alni ist from tho shadoiv til detith ,bo cutnes forth with iho vi gor of youth aud tho author,i lv ui a-j(- ivi ctrv'.- thocuuiitry - i-j tho defence of TVUICU

In) i.ncc "Oio aims—by uu ex.implu, mj lord , that-;nu>l H I I H I U U Uio oward.ruusu tbo Hlugg^id , and mini-ulu 'j": ih*i bo.'l. i'lieao s'iiitimeuta havo uuuk deep iu.t.> t ! i> - pnblu iiiiinl. They urociled as tho national(•li ed. V. hil 'i thi'si; feiniweuls inspire the j ieojde,J li'j iv.- no I'-'"' f"1' l''6 nHt ioii al causa—1 do not droudthe Tou d inflae itc of the Whi g-, lu-piro l by suchSTiiiiii u'iit-' . ili" pi'op'.e of this euuntry wil l lookbeyi.nd t l . 'i nic'o redress of t'xi.itint ; "rongu , andslrivo )i.r tiie u l iainm' -nl of future iiuwer.

A good government muy, mdwd , ndrass tho griev-nnei-i of an injutcd pjoplu ; but n strong peoplo alonecan build up a «'«•»<• nai"J». To to strong, n peoplomust b2 suif.ri>liaiii , .-.•.•If-ruled . self-sustnincd . Thenopea'Inueo of .-:e i>'Ji 'pi'> npoM anolher, eren for tuo

benefits of legislation it tbo doepest Bouroo of na-tional woakness. By an unnatural law it exempts apeoplo from their just duties—their just responsi-bilities. Wbcu you exempt a peoplo from tbosoduties, from theso responsibilities , you generates inthem a distrust in their own powers. Thus yon oner-vato, if you do not utterly destroy, that spiritwhich a sense of '.theso responsibilities is euro to in-npiro , and which tho fulfdmont of theso duties never1'ails to invigorate. Whero this spirit does not aetu-n'-o, tho country may bo tranquil—it will not bo pros-porous. It may exist—it will not thrive. It mayhold together—it will not advance. I'oaco it mayenjoy—for poaco null serfdom are compatible. But ,my lord, it will neither accumulate wealth uorvviu acharacter. It will neither benefit mankind by thoentorprisn of its merchants, nor instruct mankind bytho examples of its statosmcu. I mako theso obsor.vntions, for it is ibo oustoin of somo moderate poli-ticians to say, that when the Whi gs havo accomplis-bod tho " pacification" of tbo country , thoro will bolittle or no ueeessity for Repeal. My lord, thoro isuomcthing nlae, thoro is ovorythiug elso, to bo donewhen tho work of " paciicalion" has bconacoomplish-ed —aud hero it is hardly uccessary to obsorro thatthu prosperity of a country is , porhaps, tho sole gua-rautoo for its tranquility, and thut tho rnoro nniver-8iil tho prosperity, tho moro perruancut will bo thoreposo. But the Whiga will enrich as well as pacify.Grant it , my lord. Then do 1 concoire tho nocessityfor repeal with augment. Great interests demandgreat safeguards. Tho prosperity of a nation requirestho protection of a sonato. Hereafter a nationalBonntc mayrequirc tho protection of a national array.So much for tho extraordinary afilaonco with whichwo are threatened ; and which , it is said by Rentle-mfii on tho opposite eboro of tho Irish Sea, will crushthia association, and bury tho enthusiasts who clamorfor Irish nationality, in a sopulchro of gold. Thisprediction, however, la feobty sustained by tho mioH-teriul programmo that ha* lately appeared. On theevening ot tho 16th, iho Whig premier, in answer toa question that was put to him by tbo mombor forFiusbury, Mr. Dnnscombe, is rcpoited to havo madethis consolatory announcement :

" Wo consider that tho social grievances of Irelaudaro those which aro most prominent—and to whichit in most likely to bp in our power to afford , not acompleto and immediate- remedy, but some remedy,aomo kind of improvement , so tbat aomokiud of hopemay bo cntertainod that, some ten or twelvo yearshonco, tho country will , by tho measnros wo under-take, be in a far bettor state with rospeot to thefrightful destitution and misery which now prevailin that counti-y. Wo havo that practical object inT10W."

After tbat moat consolatory announcement , mylord , lot tboso whose who havo tho patienco of Joband the pororty of Lazarus, enntinuo in good faith" to wait ou IVovidonco and tho Whigs"—continueto entertain " somo kind of hopo" that if not " acompleto and itnmerliato remedy," at least " someremedy," " «ome improvement" will placo thiacountry in " a far better state" than it is ut present ," somo ten or twelvo years, hence." After that, letthose who prefer tho periodical boons of a Whiggovernment to that which would bo tho abidingbloesiug of an IriBh parliament—let thoso who denyto Ireland v» liut they assert f or l'olaoii —let tbosuwho would inflict , as Henry (Jr.ittan said, an eternaldisability ttpou this country , to which l'rovidcnco bajaligned the largest facilities fur power—let thosewho would ratify the " base swap, " us Mr. .Sheil oncestigmatised tho Act of Union , and who would stampperfection upon that (l. -ed of p"r!idily—let .stioh man

" Plod "ii in .--hiir^'Mi misery,Hottim; from sin: to sire , from age to aye ,I' iMii 'l of their trampled nature."

liut we. my lord , who aro assembled in this hall ,and in whoso hearts the Union has not bred theslave 's disease- — we who have not been iinperiuli/ed—wo arc here, with the hopo toundo that work , which ,forty-six \cars ago, dishonored the nucient peerage,and subjugated tho people of our country . My lord ,to assist, the peoplo of Ireland to undo that work , Icame to this hall. I came to (repeal tho Act ofUnion—I came here for nothing else. Upon ururyother ijuettion 1 feel myself at perfect liberty todifl'- 'r from each and every ruio of you. Uponquestions of finance—questions ot a religious charac-ter—question!) of an educational character—questionsof municipal policy—questions that may ariso fromthe proceedings of tho leg islature—upon all thesequKSUotiii , I feel myself at perfect, liberty to diffe rwith each and every otio of you. Vet more, my lord ,1 maintain thut it is right to express my opinionupon each of theso questions, if necessary. Tho ri ghtof froo di.*:c<tssiou 1 bare hero upheld. Jn tho exer.ci*e of that rirdit I havo differed, sometimes, fromtho leader of this associatiou , and would do eo again.That right 1 will not abandon -I shall maintain it toiho luet. In doing so, let mo not tiu told that I seekto determine tho influence of tho leador of this asso-ciation , and am insensiblo to his services. My lord ,1 am grateful for hi9 service?, and will uphold bisjust influence. Thia is th? lirBt tiino I havo spokenin these terms of that illustrious Irishman iu thishall. I did uot do so bofore—1 foil it was unuoces-sary. I hato unnecessary praise—-I bcoru to roceiveit—1 acorn to bestow it. So, my lord, I urn not un-grateful to tho man who struck tho fetters off myarms, whilst I was yot a child , and by whose influ-ence, my father—the li rst Catholic whodiii so for twohundred years—sat for tho last two years, iu thecivic chair of an ancient city. Uut , my lord , themime Uud wlio gave to that grant man tbo power tostriko down un odious ascendancy in this country ,and enabled him to institute ii: this lanu tho gloriouslaw of roligiou.f equality—thu same God gavo to mea mind that is my own—a miud that has not been mort-gaged to tho opinion of any man or auy set of men—amiud that I was to use, and not surrender.

/ Conclus ion in our next) .

SA L M O N I'R K S K K V A T I O N .—Mr. Wall , the energeticSecretary of tho Conservators of fisheries of thoWaterford District , has junt been n:ukiug an iuspec-tiuQ of tho principal breeding rivers in uur district ,viz—The Aherlow , Nire, Tnrr, Drisli , &c, and Innappointed new water b.iiiillV, I eecommended in eachdistrict by tho eonaiubuhuy, who , with the assistanceof the latter, wil l , we havo no il oubt, afford anamount of protection lo the breeding Ibb that induceus to hope fur tho most beuelicial results. Wo havoreceived a copy uf .Mr. W .ill ' s diary , to be held by-each water bailiff , in which an accurate return ofduties performed must bo kept , lo which is attacheda certificate , lo bo signed by tho polico coutablo ofthu district as lo the due perfotniancu of the dutiesspecified. Twice in the t'venty.lour hours, when onduly, the bailiff is iu report, himself at otio or morepolice stations on his l 'b.-at ," and this buing dul ynuud , the report boulc lr.usl bi: sent to thu secretaryon the last Moiuluy in each month fur the. inspectionof t h e finance committee under a penalty of lus. At-teuliou is specially requested to HIIU M livers andmountain .st reams i l i i r in t ' lluoil-j , I t is thoti ", wobeliert-, t h t t iho gnalei i amount t-V inj ury tu ourlUherics was hitherto iullxti'd. The salmon whichin.ninet drew lo ilio>u lu :a ly upper waters , whereono would have suppu-i .r they would bo alluwed loi.lepu.-il their ova in ^i .-eLri i y , have had tu contendauainst iho torch and >p-ar iu the hands of many agang ot poacher.-', who s-i-iii"' ! to have i jui ie " a mm-inuu of pisc-iry " sort of itideleasiblo right tos lau gh *HT or captu:'o li.h in al l seasons itiv.iy from thn kenof water bailiffs or //'diee. A C.MV years muro of thispernicious system and uar fisheries must bivu bu.come run (jut , but our cunservaturs Mid local autho-rities aro now un the alert , and above all it It is beenwiaely determined to eucuurago in a substantialmanner the active and ii.vuluabio co-operation of thepolico in the detection u:id punishment of tho crimeof illt":d fishing.

I' I .' I . I: OK I' A .MS IN A I.M I .M .U— An Australian paper ,J I I M I tu hand, has tho following ;-¦• " A salo of s:.udsheep, ono of tho mom important over held in Aus.tralia , has jiul tukuu pluco in Melbourne. It com-prised annual drafts fiom somo of the best merinolloeks iu Tasmania , uud included a famous ram, thojirujierty of Mr. .lames Uleesou , of lielle Vue. " SirThom.-K ," a tix year old ram , whuoo male progenyhad previousl y netted fj r his owner nearly £o,UuG,was sold lo.- *>i>0 guineas , the hi ghest piico ever paidfor a bhoep in this pait of tho wurld , or pcrhupg else-whero. Anolher fullmuulhed ram, "(Joldoudrop, 'realised -0~> guineas ; tvu olbe."s l.) 5 guineas each ;and one at I K) guineas. The ualo was continued twodaye .atid txcepliug u few colonial bred long.wooled .thuwhole of the bheep catalogued were ditigtoscduf at satisfnctory prices. "

VALUE or A TK A I I K .—A correspondent in lastXuti 'M , writing from Ht , Louis (U.S.), says everyonegoing to America sbou 'd know somo trade. Thosowho do uot , ure very badly off , mid mostly in a i.-iiso.rable plight. Kven Irish fii'inerii ' Bons , in Americii ,havo to turn to tho mei.nesi work. Thu writer alsostates tliHt iheru is us i mob misery and corruptionin America as in any co in t ry in Europe.

Tho Ki iuis guardians tiavo voted Jl'uO a year to thomedical officers ; but t iu Local Government .Hoardcuy h U too Jiiucb, anil tvoii1! SJua'tiou it.

Tho llcdi 'yj tl /'nvi says tho outbreak of fever, ntLewes , was caused by impure water.

ifot.srs ron Tin: PUOB —Sir .Sidney Watorluiv, M.I' ,the great pa i l iamenta iy printer in London , sug.gests thut government should lead iiion.:y, nt a lowrato of interes t , lo huild suitable houses fur tho poor;to knock down di^ ly d \ , e l l ing^ , and on the site erectproper ones. 1 he idea is a wry good one.

AI I L I T A I I Y .—The temporary commissions of l ieti tenant, conferred oti Mr. r .'ruucin Waldron on iho ^U thApril , IS73, and on Mr. /rnueU M.chacl (ioold Adams ,on the !)lh January , lS7:i , have Ueu made permanent ,thu cuuitniisioiis to bo intcduted to tho above ;dates,tbo Mdvantasc of back pay, however , uut buing al-lowed.

TI I K r.M K Di .hK oi I . l . tN ' i iK i i .—Xot one of t h eobilnaiy iiutices of tin: l)uke give tho 1'ict thiit thedescendant of thu (ioru dines wai a strict teetotaller.He had not touched dr ink since father Mathuw 'sday .s, and wan much it tcirsted in the Sunday Clos-ing uiuvem- 'ii t.

A Catholic editor has b.vn seMtoncud lo ten monthsiinpriRomi 'iit in c - . . fn u i IC'M H I lor wri t ing disrespect-full y of I' riiicu liisinmel:.

The Itulia 'i (iuvermni i,l is about to call on I'.irliament to pu^.s u Ceoreion Act. lor the euunt ry . ltovnli 't i otiUU aiu l.eiug urrcsl.bdiu ail diiuuliou*.

WATER SUl'i'LY FOli WEXFORDivcxford , like Water-ford , lias long been en-

gaged iu expensive "tinkering" with miserabledriblets of water , whicb , ns with us, were alway snot only insufficient for domestic purposes, butwere impure and injurious to tho health of thupeople. Our esteemed friend , the energeticMayor of tbat town , has long boen convinced ofthe necessity of obtaining an abundant supp ly ofthat grcnt essontinl of life, nmi now that tho en-forcing of the Public Health Act has turned thepeople's attention to the requisites for a goodsanitary condition—the primary ono being anabundant supply of pure water—his Worshi phas availed of the opportunity to bring over themost eminent of hydraulic eng ineers, Mr.H.WVKSLKV , who has examined the sources otsupp ly around the town , and,to u crowded meet-ing of the Corporation and influential ratopayers,presided ovor by Jons G RKKXE , Esq.. .Mayor, hostaled } iis views, t) ic result of which was, that anabundant supp ly—say half a million gallons porday, for 18,000 inhabitants—can be had fromtwo streams running from tho .Mountain ofForth. Ho also recommended that the Corpora-tion should send a deputation to hare a porsonalinterview with tho Local Government Board , inorder to learn their views as to tho proper man-ner of proceeding, with tho powers to be given ,and that snrveys and plans should be at oncomade, so as to be ready for the coming session ofParliament. Mr. HAirKSLfr subsequently sentin a written report ns follows :—

" White's Hotel , Woxford , Oct. 2-t, 187-t." MR. JIATOK —I havo tho honor to inform you tbat

I have complotcd my examination of the varioussources of water in tho neighbourhood of Wexford,aud that I find the stream most suitable as regardsquantity, quality, elevation and proximity for thosupply of tho town, is that which has its riso at tboMountain of Forth, and which discharges into tboestuary of the river Slauoy, at or near i'orry-CarrigBridge. Tho stream passes through the tow eland ofColestown , and is croasod by tho byo road loadingfrom Wuxford to Tagbmou. At this point tho groundis basin.Bhaped, aud affords excellent, facility for thoconstruction of a storage reservoir of oompotent mag-nitude Tho watcr-ehed has an area of GOO to 800acres, and will produco considerably moro than half amillion gallons per day.whicb tho town may horeaftorrequire. From tho gtoraga roservoir tho water maybo taken to tbo town by a cast iron pipe, probably-passing along tho courso of the Sotnorton-road. Tbodistnnco from tho storago roservoir to the contro oftho Quaj is about throo miles. A sorvico roaervoirmay bo formed to contain 500,000 gallons near theConvent of tho Sisters of Morcy. This rosorvoir willbo placod at a sufficient height-to command tho en-tire town, with tho single exception of tho Convent ,and probably this building can bo supplied at thobasement. I am satisfied the rosourcos of tho Cor.pnratiou itro competent to the oxpendituro to bo in-curred, but I cannot biud mysolf to tho amount of anestimate t i l l tbo surveys liavo been made.

" I havo tho honor to be, Mr. Muyor." Your moat obedient servant ,

" T. II A W K S IB V ."Having heard , with the utmost satisfaction ,

the .statement of -Mr. II AWKSI .KY , the meetingunanimousl y agreed that thu .surveys and p lansbe prepared by .Mr. JF A flioxxKU , O.K .; thatMr. IIAWKSI .KY bo iMigaged as consulting en-gineer, and that the plans IJO submitted to Mr.H.VWKSL F.Y I 'm- lits approval before being ludged.Wexford having now taken the right slop, rap idprogress is sure to bo made with the project , andif the Corporation of Watort'ord do nut showtnoro energy and unanimity, .tnd less of j i.-irrow-miudodnci.s and pique , thu old town of Wexlbrtlwill have u pure and abundant supply uf waterwhilst the people of Waterlbrd will bo left sick-ening aud famishing on an inadequate supp ly,and that of a dirty and unwholesome substance

'Die subject has since been beforo the Corpo-ration of Wexford , arid with thu view of givingtho council a locus standi to obtain thu loan otthe money for the purpose, the following resolu-f.io'n was unanimousl y adopted , on motion ofCouncillor TIIOM .VS FRK .VD KIICAST : —

" That, wherous in thu mouth of August last, acommittee, constituted by tho ratopayers and .inha-bitants of tho town of Woxford, waited on this Coun.cil , urging that measures would be Inkon toprocure a supply of water-for tbo borough ; andwhereas the Council , be-ins desirous of giving effuotto iho wishes of tho committee, did, by rosolntion ,engago tbo services of ifr. Itawksloy to examino thooujacont district and report from what sourco thonecessary supply of good water conld be procured :and, whereas a cotnrr.uuiculion from Mr. LTawksleyhas beeu received preparatory to bin detailed report ,in which bo states that Iho Coolroo stream will givoan abundant supply of water of tho best qnulity ;aud, as it in expedient that no time should be lout intaking such steps as may bo required, it is herebyresolved that JUr. Macilonald (town surveyor) ishoreby directed to preparo plans, soctions, aud booksot referenco, ifcc., as directed by Jlr. Uawksley, audto p rocure such assistance as ' ho jnuy require toa9 prcBcribcd by statute, aud that boforo lodgementenable him to perfect tho work in time for lodgementthoy bo submitted and approved ly .Mr. llnwkglejr ,and to procure such assistance- as bu may requiro toonable him to perfect tho work in timo for lcxi gumoutus proscribed by statute, and that before lodgementthey be submitted to and approved of by Mr. Hawks-ley. Also thut uur solicitor b* instructed to engagucouusol lo draw up a petition pray ing for powers toacquire, and purchase till lauds, tenements; water-mills , water, and easements of fund , as may be re-quired to carry out tho schomo for tho supply ofwaier ; aud that it bo at mod iti said petition that thoralo proposed to be assessed will bu a sum not ex-ceediug oue Hbilliu g in the pouud, for drinking anddomestic purposes; and a 6Uiu not oxcce ling sixpencoiu tho pound on property ou which water for thosopurposes is not used ; uml a sum not exceeding «'".*•uetiee per 1,000 gallons for manufactories ; and oursolicitor shall see all things thut aro necoSHary arocuiuaiucd iu said petition."

IVATKH AND TIIK l'lill/ ,10 I I K M . T U AC")At tho last meeting of the Limerick board of igui ir-

ili.ii) .-*, thu appointments under thu Public HealthAct beiug under consideration , Lord Ij nly, chairman(Into l'u.stmosler-gi;neral) , in exp laining the objectof tho act, said: There could bo no doubt that ihosanitary condition of the people was a miller of ihohi ghest importance , and ho could slain as it fact lliullh« result of thu wur!:in^ of th. > act in several townsin Ivng liiuij w;n to refhtcu i-lin Kiortii lity fro m IU perthousand to about '-- or -¦! per thou sand of the pupil .laliun . I L was onl y yesicrd iv thai an Ku ^ l ish Ir iendof his had lold him of an occurrence in r.n^ luud whichtouk place iu rcfeicncc to hiuisi 'lf. In his neighbour -hood a rci-pvctuhlc fanner became vury bid wiil ityphoid fever. Ho went to the party 's house , whichiio entered , and lo his surprise found it to be mostcleanl y inside , and appeared altogether to Ijo a mostwholnsomo place. Ho got thirsty , hut instead ofseeking a cordial such 'is that, referred to by .Mr.Uurko in the lirccedinj; caso, hu iwkud for a ylass ofwiiicr,which was procured from a neigbbouriug pumpor wall. Ilu fouud tho water to have a very bad smellwhich caused him to inquire where thu pump orwell wan aituato , when ho ascortuiueJ that thu wellwua at tho baao of some elevated ground, on whichcattle browsed, iuid the liquid from tboir drippingspoured itself iuto tho well, Ho communicated thefact to the doctor of the district , or whoever atteu-ded tuo m«n, and it watt nt onco ascertained that thefover waH eaOBud thereby. Ixml Kml y conolndedhis remarks by expiCBsing his hope that tho actwould ho so amended as to make tho polico tlio sub-sanitary ollicere.

COl/'KT OK liANKKCPTG'V— VK I U I Y.(Beforo Judge Miller.)

In re If'ii. Hose.—Tho buukrupt wus an agricultu-ral imp lemen t ami seod murchiml in WutorforO.The uieetiug was for surrender and appointuiLut ofnu absiguee. Mr, J. L. Soalluu proposed thu appoint-ment of Air. ltobinson. secretory of tho iirm ofM'Kcnzioaud Sons (Limited), as trade usj iguoe. Mr.I'erry nominated Mr. Todd, of Newry, aa assigueo.His lordship appointed Mr. Ki'binaon.

COXSOIJDATKU CH AM D KR— KK I I I A V .In tho ilntlar nj Kdtcanl liornn, u Solicitor 's A p -

prentice. —Mr. Hariis , Q.C., appliod for an orderauthorising tho Hegistrar uf llie iucorponitod Societyto enro l the indentures ol Mr. Mora u, notwithstand-ing ihut tho Hta tutoiy period fur doing su had lapsed.Mr. Moruu wits indentured to Mr. Isaac Thornton outhu i i lJ l December, } 87l , and tbo instrument wasnext day duly enrolled in thu Courts of Chanceryund Common I'ltav , but by some inadvertence ivaanot lodged with tho Kejj istr.ir of the law .Society.Mr. Morau had nince prosecuted hit) apprenticeshipwith Mr. Thornton , and no objection was made toiho application.

111* . Uanm Deasy made tin: onlrr song lit fur.

I-'W J K I L I N K !— For tlnj TKU TH uud JJ UEAT H .—Afoiv drops ot t h e hijuiil t'lorillinr, >pi i n k fr d on u w i t tixjtlil i ru-.li , pruil iu-it-i ii | ilrn-.iuil ail icr , wlncl i I' l. i rnuxhly. uli-kimrsIlu; J' . .-t li hu i i i .ill !¦ 11 i-ii. t u r i i up u r i l i r - a .i n i r i l i ' U it l i uKU i u K ,|iii.'Vi 'i.ts I H I I H I , 9tu| i>> ilcci.r , si v i, to t|.e Tectii ( j rt iculiaip. arl > wl i iu ' i i .? - , an.I a ili- l - i l i l l i i l frj ^Mr iTc I., t h e h rw l l l i .It re ui- .vei- nil u n-j K';i. .iiit (.Jutul a i i - i r i B I n u u ili'idj cil ler l l ior tulii icru suiukt... Tie Fruynmt y nri l iur i.-in^ i uinpcj-pdni | i n t o l hin.i-y un.I -,W I:H l i t - ih -., i, il rMciou-i Iu t h e t i ih l r ,(I II-1 ill.; l.':.-.lOr-.I l . i l l r l il lM'oci-l .l III t l . c ;.fcr^ . I'i ic« '2.s. (!J.fu r ! l .ehi|.jul , m l 1-. j .i-1- i< i - i.i I' .u i i l i in , >• I'ou-di-r ,''nt n i l CI.,-,.,1-1- .,i,,l I V - i u-u u . *. I't .-p ainJ by I I . C. GAI-LCf-I'.l.l Oxlu id -Slu-.-l, |, .)i.,l,m .

'V- n ll.l, !i-l il our ili, .y t .| C i u l i i M ) t h e J' .it.lJ , : ; iK.ti *l«t»,.ani.u-. n u i t a t i . i i i -. i.| tin: (i'l i- i .l i .1,1 M ,,K-I I , ot pri—mi int i n - u i .nUi , < : i . - :. r-. nmi • ¦I I II - I I . M-II II ... il,,. -.nui ,. Mil. j .'i lt l i. > iu- .<-:v s In | ii -n . i l iy ut tlo.ir lu. A n y (.'. ¦ i iliili-nti.il m |,,r.in ill l i 'M vv l . ah l.' l l i U- .i.l I i , c.- n t i -.i|-j ti w t i l i,.t iianilsi .lti.'K' u-""\ \ U l H F . U r i l 0 0 S &. CJ ., Kiauiu g l- ..il , Clj . -ow .


Alpo prosont—Messrs. M. Hogon, E. Kenny, J. Cas',D. i'oloy, W. Murphy, P. McEnery, and J. Hyan.

C'OHIIESro.VUKXCB.Tho followin-j; loiter opened tho correspondence :—

Local Government Hoard , 4th Dee., '74.Silt—I am directed by tho Local Government to

acknowledge receipt of proceedings of Guardians ofCasllecomer Union of '23rd ult, and with regard to thoproposed substitution of cocoa for milk at supper, T amto state that tho medical officer should be first consult-ed in the matter. Hy order, H. BANKS , Secretary.

Clerk , Ciistlecoiner Union .Tho roferenco wus ordered accordingly.

SANITARY.Tho subjoined important lotter camo next in

order :—Local Government Hoard , Dublin, Dee. 5, '74.

Stu—With reference to a minute of the board of the30th tilt , reqaoctini,' to ho informed what officer is toinspect promises reported, on by the sanitary officer afternotice Rlmll have been served ny the sanitary sub-officcron tho owner.'', itc, in order to ascertain if tho terms oftho notice havo been complied with , I am directedby the Local Government JJoard to state that there isno regulation requiring any ofliccr to certify tlio abate-ment of nuisances, but if tho nuisance continnes nn-nbated it is tho duty ot tho sanitary sub-officer to reportagain to the sanitary officer , or sanitary authority.—Byorder, fl. HANKS , Socrctary.

The Exccutivo Officer , &c., &c.This lettor wus marked, rend.

TltK EXf-CCTIVE 6A.VlTARr OHMC'Ell .At tbo previous board , a letter was road from tho

Local Board objecting to tbo salary of £15 fixed forthe oxecntivo sanitary officer , Mr. Mahony, as in-sufficient, and ri'questii'g a reconsideration. It wasdecided to postpone tho quostion to next meeting(this day), and to notify to oaoh guardian tbat theproposition would bo disouised. Tbo board now wentinto tho mutter.

The Execativo Officor read tho lotter referred to,and then submitted tbo following return of sanitarysalaries fixed in Thomastown Union, a rural union ,nearly of a -iizo with Castlecomer :—Kiectitivo officer£31 5s. ; contsnlting ditto, £5 ; each tbrco sanitaryofficers, £23 15s. ; or.o othor sanitary officer, £25 ;sanitary sub-officorB , £10.

CH A I K M AX —When we had thin subject nnder dis-cussion boforo, I had no idba of the amount of workwhich Mr. Mahony would havo to discharge in thisoffice, saoli as I bavo siuco ascortained (hoar, boar).I see that tho work is very heavy, and I am quitesatisfied you dosorve muoh moro salary than whathas been fixed. In Carlow I nee tbo executive officergets £25.

Mr. W. M URMIY —1 proposo Mr. Mahony bo paid£25 a yoar.

Mr. CASS—I second tho motion.The proposition passed unanimousl y, and Mr.

Mahony remrued his wannest thanks to tho board.WATER AT CLOL-Olf .

Mr. E. Maher, ngent to Mr. Uryan, M.P., Jenkins-town , attended tho board to consult as to tbo gettinun supply of water into dough, tlio property of Mr.Bryan , reported by Ur. O'Hanlon as Radly required.In the course- of a conversation with Messrs. Murp hynnd Koloy, tho committee appointed oi) the subject,and with tlio board generally , it appeared that pipingand fountains formed the mo-a approved course , and aneat plan pre-jan-d hy .Mr. H'alkcr , U.K., Casllecomer,was submitted Ir Mr. Maher , with which that gentle-man was mnch pleasi'd. Tho expense was estimaieilnt £200. The cn-*c of gnting the present finesuppl y of witter i i t o Castlccomcr was stated to be£^^o, which sum was expended out of tho rates ,and il was nieiitiun<' il by Mr , Murp hy thut it was pro-puHcd to put h illi .sii'ii . iuto oni', and apply to theLocal (loveriimi -nt I'm* a loan for tho amount , repay-able! in 50 years in :(J- p"r cent. So far tho plan metMr. .Mnhcr's warm approval , and tho subject endedfor the present. nx.vxi 'KS

'J'hc Clerk roporti .-d lud ^mi ' i i ts during tho week,Mr. Ciisson f*iO", nud Mr. Uro iv £10J.

The hoard then fi 'tiaraicd .

M A V O H S I'OU 1S75.IJl.lil.l.v.—Aid. M'Swiney was unanimously elected

Lord Mayor for the ensuing year. A proposition toincrease the salary from £2 ,000 to £3,000 a year fellto tho ground.

COI:K .—Thn oui»oiri5 .Mayor, Alderman Jfngle,proprietor of thu C "f k 11 trail , was re-olecteil by amajority of 2ti to 1"). The latter number of voteswcro given for Alderman Thomas Burrowes , Con-servative , but Conservatives are not recognised inthat council.

W KXTOR II.—Aid. (ireene , proprietor of tho Indepen-dent , was re-elected for tho *ioventli time, a strongproof of that gcntlcm-tn 's gre.it popularity . Thoworthy und O3tcemod alderman paid a visit to Water-ford on Wednesday, und left Cummin'.-! Hotel on yos-tcrday morning for H'cxfonj .

I - iIMK lt iCK. —Ihero wero four candidates seeking thooffice here—namely, Aid. Carte , Councillors Wnlkcr,Cronin , and Hull. On tho first, division , Aid. Cartohaving rccoivod only seven votes, was put out. On thesecond division, tho votes were—Wulkor , 13 ; Cronin ,10 ; and Hall , 15. On tho third division, Hall audWnlker received 19 votes each, whereupon tho Mayorsaid that in virtao of his right he should exercisehis casting voto , which ho would record in favour ofMr. Walker , and thereby declare him elected Mayorfor 1875, Aid. Tinsley, as tbo "senior Alderman ;under tho 83rd section of the Munici pal Act," said hoclaimed tho right to give tho casting vote, andtondorcd it in favor of Mr. Hall , but the Mayor refusedto receive it. Aid . Tiusley has entered a protest ,aud tho coso will probably bo sottled in the Queen'uBench.¦ Cr.ONMEl.—Aid. Woods, J.I'., proprietor of thoClinmel Chronicle , has boen for the second titno,olected to this oHico. Aid. Woods was proposed byMr. Gerald Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. T. Cantwell ,J.P., und nuanimoa8ly chosen. A discreditnblo mo.tion , to redncotho Mayor's salary from £105 a yearlo £53 10s. was withdrawn, und a proposal to increaseit , was postponed.

KrLKK.v .vr—Mr. Simon Jlorri*?, proprietor of theClub.houso hotel , has been unauimousl y elected.

J)UX (/. -MtVA N NEWS.There wore ro Petty Sessious iu Dungnrvan on

Saturday last , which was mused by tho death of MrsHonlnhan sister to Itohen T. ij oiig-tii , K -<j., Clerk olSessions. Dec-used has l"fi two orp han children todeploro her loss; she was much respected throug hthe eutire local i ty , for ln-r kind and atniablo dis-position toward s all who cann: wi th in the circle of herac'iuiutitj. nco. Her remains v/ero interred on 'Sun-day last , at Kilr ' .ss.- iity, aiiein .'rd iiy an iinuieu.-onumb.-r both from t o w n and rura l districts.

K.\ I I .W A V L I N K .— 1 iinder.staud that a largo numberof l iu i id - i .-iK ' Hiip l' iyi 'd c u l l i n g the railway line in ihovicinity of Dail y vovl '.', w i ' l nu Inur .j r tivo miles of tin-town of Ouii -^ -irvai ; . 1 am Lold that each man earnsfrom '.'<i. U> I ' , pi r -'lav ut i i>k work.

l' li ovisiox -*.— Me-s-i ' -i . P. and I) . M'Carlh y arecarry ing on meal v.*m k in the Hour trade at theiiMil l ill l i a l l iu .I I I I I I I * ';. Tuey have ; in iny liiindsemp loyed bolh at t ln .-ir sloro in town and al the mi l l .Also Mr . Thomas Ann.-itroa ^r , as usual , is conducting alarge business in t i n : 11.Mir Irido and dyeing depart-ment , at his mil l . -*, win ci i n.*i|iiiro a largo number olhands for the exi -i-iii ' .'U n: iho woik.

TiMiir . l t A M I ll.u . -C.ip '.iiin I laruey has ii largenumber of im-ii aij .J J MI -.T ^.-I employed drawingpitwood for i.'xpoi ta t ' . in .s lo Wales : aud purchas-ing large ( 'unuul ies of hay for thu Kug lisli l iuirL el ,I wish every success to un-n of euterprisiug sp iri t inbettering their own position in lite by Jjifiiig employ-ment lo iho labijui i t i - r pirj r boib ot' thu town andrural district.— C-/ -iv.* *i.*ui".'-.'nt.

LKCTUKK UN CANADA.Mr, J . Murphy, govern incut emi gration commissio-

ner, gavo a most iuloresliug and practical leuturo onCanada, iu the City Hall , on Monday ovening, Mr. T.PUKCKI .L, T.C.i in tho cluiir. Tho hull was well lilled ,and itidowl no iuu*ie aay. that wo rarely listcuod to iileeluro which gave uuch solid iiiformatiou on matters ofiuteroat to Irishmen , ad that imparted by Mr. Murphy,who is a uutiva of Xew Rom, and piuuu Wexford maybo of such a mau. It is clear from this leoturo thatCanada is a far better plitco for tho Irish people toomigrato to thau thu States, becau- o education andreligion aro freer, aud moro iu accordance with thoirfeelings, than oiher countries. The lecturer road alatter from Uisliop Lytici, and tho spawn ol theGoveruor.tieoora l (ou Irishman), aa ulso letterd fromIrish emigrants, whom Mr. Murphy eeut to Ciiuuda,all of which gave general satiafactiou.


M A I J . "— On Friday ceuiog last, there was a specialmeeting of meruberH iu tho news-room, iu compliancewith a notice uigiied by Mr. John C'hcevers and Mr.P. A. Popo, to consider the propriety of excluding thoirafi-r/ufit Mail from tho room, iu couaequenco of the

ooniiuuij publicatiou'.of letters aud conuuuuicationuofu most unusual nud objoutiouablu character. Thomeeling wan largely iittendod, aud tho following ru-soluiiou proposed by M^r. CheeverD, seiiouiied Ly Mr .Cope, wart passed uuanimously :—" llesuhel , Tbatthu Wiitcjiiiiil Mail bo no longer received into thoroom, ou account of tho base and scurrilous prodiiuiionn published in it from day to day."—)l>c/or«il' n-} , le. [If there »ro any other public iustitutionsadmitting thn filthy rubbish , thu Koss men havoshown an uiamplo; and we would respectfully sayhut it is tiuiu for tho guardians of morality and do-

icncy to look out.]

Tbero uro a number of men iu custod y at Tulla-more, for n:i exlrttonlinnry ubduotiou. Thoy arecharged with foroiblo carry ing "U a young widowH*Jiilu «ho was rotui'uinf ; Iroui IJutilin , after lukiiij,'out admiuistration undur her lato husband's wil l ,and with endeavouring to lorcu her to marry the leaderof their puny.

Thu captain of iho steamshi p Kmil y Augusta ,convicted u fu>v il.iys sincu of brut.ilily to Lascars,nliu lormcil purl of iiij crow, has lueii untoucod tofiltceiiyi i iir . , ' penal s-.-rvitude.

Ti:it!inii. K l J i : r i i ' i i i . i iu \ I .N N K « V OI ;K . -Tho Am-ericaii p.ijier.s s tain that . Jy .iX'O men ami women lireout of work in New Yoik.

Largu numbers of working people are on t boir way1 oma from Now Vurt lu hc!*Ji.ii aail olhor couatrief.


BOAUD OF GUAltDIANS— SATI.RDA T .II. W. Utt lSCOK , Ksq., J.P., chairman.

Aha present—Messrs. P. rhelan , (Carrickbeg) ;Putt Walshe, Thomas Wilson , J.P., John Shea , WaltorPower, J. Richardson , J. Hickey, Tbos. Lalor, D.L.E. Browiio , C. Sadleir, J.P. , V.C., nn.l V- »0Sau 'Dr. O'K yao, M.O., also in attendance.

A DMISSIONS .—Mary Heuebory, with scvon children,app lied for intern relief; sho coulJ not livo outside,her husband beiug at present out of employment.The Chairman said it appeared that tho woman andher children «-oro in a miserable state. Ho knowher husband to bo a very good workman , able, infuct, to turn bis hand to any kind of work. Mr.Dalton , li.O. : There nro a number of labourers un.(Mnp lnveil jiut now. Mr. Power did not beliovo thata niau of that kind could be iu wunt of work. Chair-man : 11 would not bo well to refnso them admit,tanci* Admitted.

A H A R D CASE .—Ambroso Murray.a very poor man,sutleriug from severe bronchitis nnd rheumatic gout,applied for some out-dour assistance. The applicant ,who was an empbyco of Portlaw factory, did notwork any since Jul y last ; ouo of his childrou wan inrecei pt of Is. Gd. at Iho factory. Mr. Richardson wasnot in favour of supporting a famil y tbat did nothingto rel ovo themselves. Chairman : For seven infamily it is hard to support themsolvos. Mr.Pholan: Ho ought to bo rolievod. Mr. Browno pro.posed 4s. a wcok a3 tho lowest amount that conld begranted, whore thero was Bach n largo family. Mr.Powor : I think it would bo enough to give him 3s.Mr. Brown said they cootd not livo upon less than4s. a week. Mr. Fhclau : It is quito enough. Sir.Richardson : It seems to me you aro giving too much.Mr. Brown then pioposed 3s. 6d. a weofc, which wasgranted. ,

TnE PBOTOSED N EW UOSIMTAL .—Tho Local Govern-ment Board acknowledged the receipt of tbo minutesof tho last meeting, in refcrenco to tho appointmentof a committee to inquire into ibo desirability ofamalgamating tho presout fever hospital with theworkbouBC buildings ; and in auswer totho guardiansrequest tbat Mr. Wm. Hamilton would attend, thoLocal Government Board desirod to Btato thut theywero afruid bo could not attond tboir raeoting of tho28th inst. Hr. Lalor moved that , in tbo absence ofCapt. Hamilton , tho cotnmitteo inquiry bo adjournedto next meeting of board. Mr. Browno Beoonded theproposition , which was about being passed, when Mr.Lalor said ho did not thiuk it likely ho could attendon llie occasion , in consequence of a meeting of tboClonmel Gaol Board coming off on tho same day, Mr.Hiekey : Let us defer ibo mooting for a fortuigbt.Chairman : And , iu tho meantime, tho clerk andmedical officer can havo all information upon tho sub-ject prepared for UPC. Tho moeting waa thereuponadjourned to December 12th inst.—^

TI I K SA LA M I E S O>* THE SA X I T A K Y O FFICKU S .—ThoClerk read a communication from the Local Govern-ment Board rol.iiivu to the action taken by tho guar-dians in reference to the amount of remunerationgiant« 'd to medical oBicers and others under tboprovisions of thn recent iSauitary Act. Tho LoculUovernnieut. Hoard e.-qirc.-sed themselves entirelyaverse lo iho guardians' mode of remuueraiing theabove ollieers, and asked t ln-m to reconsider tho mat-ter. The couiuiuii ic iit i i -n boro date Nov. lLUh , 187 *-,having been sent on lo Ciurick-un-iihaniiun ihrouy bsunn; mistake. Mr. Hiuhaidson : Thai should havebeen received a /or tu i ^ ht since, at least, Mr. Laloradvised the board not to re-opr-n iho subject. In hisoj iiiii i .u the sanitary medical officers had l i t t le ornothing to do (hear). .Mr. .Sadleir : Tin." guardiansare not disinclined to act towards them iu uu equi-table sp irit when they can see their way. Mr.Itiehardson : It would bo as well to allow the com-munication to sliinil over for rceuusidor.-uion. Chair-man : Thero is no need of doing so, ihn board havingpreviousl y com.; to a conclusion ol not altering thosalaries un t i l thu working of the Act can liu ascer-tiiined. Let it I IM settled at once. Mr. .Shea: Couldnot ihi .' clerk !<ivo us some idea of tho business ?

Ciiulruinu—Not an idea , Mr. Shea ; il is quite nn-¦io-sibh.> to know what it means (laug hter). Mr.Browne : I would advise dealing with the mailernow , as il i.s before us. Mr. Sadleir : Certainly ; weh id belli .!' resign if not competent lo deal with anysuch question couiing before us.

Mr. Lalor expressed himself entirel y in favor ofi.iviug suiiable remuneration to thu medical suuitaryoBicers ; but he would be inclined tojudgo whal llieyhud to do before: so doing (hoar). Mr. Kichardsou :If wo lee it Maud over wo wi ll be bolter ablu to judge,from tho action of other bourds through the country..Mr. Sadleir: Then nm I to tiuj-post: thai we tiro notable lo do our oivn business without consulting theaction of other boards ? Chairman : This hig h-handedmethod of directing tbo board has beeu used beforenow. Mr. Lalor: It is long beforo tho Local Goveru-mont Board would think of doing business in thisfashion ovor in Eng land. Let thorn bo made awarothat it is our intention to grant tho sanitary officersn fair rato of Sulury, retrospectively aa well aa pros-pectively, when wo can assure ourselves of thoirduties. At present wo cauuot ho asked to fix auyhi ^her remuneration in the absence of somo practicalknowled ge of what is lo be douo. The board agreedto this course, and an order wus raaUo to tbo ubovoeffect , iu reply to tho Local Government Board'scircular letter of tho 10th iust.

Mr. Nicholas Moore, Carrickheg, was granted auorder for 20 pair of women's brogues. Adjourned.

SANITARY B0AKDTho rural sanitary board mot immediately afte r

the adjournment of the board of guardians.Cr.KMK.vr isAUL cr n , K-iq., J.I'., chairman.

Meaars. Lalor, Wilson , Ryau , Shea , Phelan , Browne,Mickey, Power, Kichardsoo , and Walsh , were theother members of the board prosent .

Dr. Kd. Bowers reported numerous cases of exist,ing nuisances in his district, and stated what he cou*siiUred shonld bo adopted as a precautionary m-ia.sure. Dr. Royuett , Clouoa , had a fresh batch ofdelinquent *, whoso manure heaps und sink pits werecontra ry to tho statute.

A woman named Margaret Conuors , resides iu acabin at Lklllyt bu 'i-aj, unli t for human habitation , itbeing originally a pigstye. Mr. Lalor asked whatpower they had to act in theso cases ?

Tho Clerk , in rep ly, .said he conld not slate exactlywhui were their powers, but believed they could pio.ceud in the usual way, and leave the magislrate.s dealvvi lh parties so ptosecuted.

Mr. 1/ilor—1 am speaking nciw of what can betUnii- iu t h o firsi instance ; of course the magistrateswi l i b..- obliged to dial wi th cases of nuisance broug htbeforo l l i t -m.

Tin; Clerk s.ii.l that , in fact , thu provi sions of the.new act referred , to a jj ieai, extent , u» tho nets pi-u-vi .juily in lo.ee. Mr . L- ilor -. What an -abominablejuu ihle. Clerk : It is quite righl lo add , however ,ihai the couutry peop lo are t : ikiuj » steps iu tho mnt-L.:r Miiee they have been apprised of wh.il powers theli':\v ael ceii!eis on the board .

Dr. Mart in reporli -d that the rang-) of housesknown as the " New lien and Chickens ," in 1'uril.iw ,wai in a lUih y state. la rather a length y report iho>.anr.aiy mcJical ollierr went on to detail th ; respec-t ive nuisances exis t ing ou the several premises.Chai rman inquired of Mr. t ^u i ike , lt.O., if he wasiiv.an: of auy main drain r u n n i n g iu from of theran..- - uf houses comp lained of 'r Mr. (Juirk e said hoivas un:ible to state, thoug h ho b,'l iuvi .'d there wus amain drain opposite the range.Mr. Lawrence informedthe board ihut he saw u main drain opened there soumlew yeii's .-iiicc. The Chai rmin directed Mr. Quiike 'smo-t can-fil l in tent ion to tho matter , uud said thaitl.e board should fei'l ihuukfn l to Dr. Martin forsu[/ i i) y ing n *-,-'-ori which .should have come fromtht - ruiieviiiK ollicer.

•Mr. Lalor e\ |>rcs-^ .l Kur pr i - *.1 at nut seeing any re-port* fro m Mr. I. i»'r- / io / 'j i ln i r i ' ;t . Mr. Lawrence :I hiive nol been i l '.r.i't .*.! in do- no.

Mr. Luior- -A* *.- y- .*i ii *aiu t h a t ni -Msles is becom-ing preval »' in i ' . < - ui -i i ^-' */J « ' l i^ irn .'ih !" This v\;rymorning I had to U- IV ^£>J* - .::I *.I :< -*I lor relief to thre echildre n , sick cf tn . >n - i i» '**, n' i :\"-"j . Mr. Lawrence :I have not hcud .m-u . i r . l ..I i t u i i t i i lU 'n moini 'iit ,sir.

The tio-trd i'm:eiii .|i. .J th i .. i c i t i n s busiuess beforethem , und ndjournr-d.

D KC . ,".— I I . W. ) t» i : - . < > r , Kin., J . I 1 ., chairm-inAlso present —Messrs. .1. Itichardaon, Win Britlon, P.Phelan, (Carrickbeg) ; Patrick Daniel , Lord l!e-is-boroug h, Thorns Wilsou , J.P , J. llickcy, J. O'ConnellE. Browne, W. Power, and John Slice.

AiuusMoxs.—Kliza Beale , wifo of a soldier in the(j!h Uragoou Guards, applied for relief inside. Sheunited thut her hnsbuud had lived with her inCiihir lor leu mouths ; be was now iu Dublin , nndwas not in correspondedce with her ; wan a native ofCarrick-ou-Suir , and her husband had married with-out JcavH. Chairman : Did you write to iho colonelof the regiment ou the subject ? Tho applicant re-plied she bad dono so without effect.

Mr. Richardson opposed iho admission ; sho shouldbu made find her husband in thu sumo way us ov^ry.body else. Why should sho bo udmitted ? Clmir-mun : J duu't knotv , iwJ-.-1-d, except that sho is desii.tutc. The board admiited tbo woiimii , and iho clerkwas directed to communicate with tho colonel.

1 liu In-iud hoard several applications for clothing,bui , in geneial , declined accediug to those requests.

Till-: I-'KVKU Ilosi 'iTA L. —The Local (iovnrnmeniIluanl wrote in lof-Jicuou to tho proposed inquiry asto the advisability of having ihu fever hosp ital situ,atcd on tho workuousu grounds , tbat they I'ad dir-ected their luspector, Jlr. Win. Hamilton , to attondthe next moeting of tbo board for the pnrpuse desired.

Chairmau : That is exactly what we want.Tut: i'lVEi t Hosi- iTAt il .vimv.—Iu rofere.-iee to

Mrs. Moloney 's appointment as matron of iho feverhosp ital , the Local Governmei.t Hoard expressedtheir s.iuctiou. The ini i t ion comp lained of t l rj slat')of the apu i t iuen t prepared for her us..- ut ihu feverhos|iit al , unM l iqUL -st i ' d the bj iii 'd to allow herdaug hitr , aged 1 I years, to sleep w i t h her. Afterconsideriilile disci!-sion , the gii imliaiis ordered thomaster lo furnish Mrs. Muhiuey 's i.p.irtiin -i it i na s i i i t -ub '.u inauuer. The second request was not cmnpliedw i t h , il not being eoul 'oiuiablu u ihe woikhou3urules lo allow officers' t-e :a i ivc3 to rt ' > idi f wi th them.

T.VKixn ij' lucK.—Tho committee u |.|ioiulc(l to takeBloik submitted » rop iri , Nhuwi i i t j a di-licioucy of US,and auoicea-iof 11 articles ofcluthin'- . Mr. Richard-

aon asked to beTnformed how the ster could «e-

rount for tho excess ? Chairman I «»-» ^

out how thero coald be nn e«es* a tioIcd do-

Richardson said there appeared to, bo. 68 ar c

ficient . and, of course, Borne "^"^^Mnsw rafforded the board to show how it oc"rr

m iied . Mr.-They were misplaced articles ita^™ 1

tton ofRichardson did not consider that anj p_ P utho matwr. Lord Kessborongh: Havo

artioloa grown ainco ? ii, n rpoort is cor-Mr. Richardson-Do yon think I'° " n . Wc|l ,

reel ? Master: Yes, I do. Mr. R > c**™£'° { lUink'then as you cannot account for tho deficiency, 1

you Should bo charged with the. vjUuo C. £ of

us how thero camo to bo il n.rt '°'?|!fr '

der.c|oth-stock ? Master : Many old P00?'0 br.inB

;" d ul, MOD "ing and cap, in with them wh.cb. got n -ed

jwith tho olher articles. Mr. I'belan . ""' , ,d bomatron med<lla with tho stock, knowing: i « 10


accounted for ? Master : A discrepancy might «.™r

iu various ways. I look upon the committee a report

as very favorable. ;,, nscessLord Bcssborongh-Surely tho articles in excess

havo not grown. , jMaster—These excesses always occur, m} lor";The Clork said that articles of c ing wen. some

times thrown wet in a lioap in the laundry^

to lot .

Jlr. Richardson : Worse and worse. 1 ProP°£' "tho only way to stop it , that tho ma3tc,r.

bo,,ln rOn^for them. Clerk ; There is nothing radically wrong,

theso small articles arc always liable to get rmxcU-

Thero being no seconder to Mr. Hichardsou s propo-

sition, the mat ter wus allowed to drop.KLEcrtON- OF NfBSF..-Mrs. Ellen Kon-o was the

only,candidate offering for this appointment Jr.

O'Ryan testified to her ability aa a nurse and

believed her competent to take charge ot we S.CK .

Chairman-Her certificates aro extreme y good.

Mr. Shoe said that tho clork had recently referred

to tbo fever hospital nurses as women o loose eharac-

ter, and ho wished to kuo-v did ho include bo present

candidate in his remarks ? Clork : I did not , Mr.

Shoo. Chairmau : Thoro now , you're answered

Mr. Shee : I am. Sho was accordingly declared

elected. . . „Mr. James Lawronce , R.O., reported that Dr. Rey.

nett had notatteuded at Rathgormack dispensary onthe 27th ultimo , and tbat ho bud also absented him-self from his duties on Friday, December *lth inst.

Chairman—That is a matter for tbo dispensarycommilteo of tho district. It does notcomo properl ybeforo ui. Mr. Richardson suggested tbo advisabilityof sending Dr. Roynott a copy of tin; relievingofficer 's communication. Chairman : Let it be sentto both. Adjourned .

TIIE SANITARY AUTHOIUTfTbo board next mot aa a sanitary authority, Mr. .1.

RlCHAl tPsoN in tho clmir. Mr. James Quiiko , It. (J.,

wrote , stating that bo hnd not been able to reporton the stale of things mentioned at last board by Mr.Martio , iu consequence of severe Minos: ". Dr. Keat-ing, (irangemockfor, reported several cases of nui-sance in bis district, , reiiue.iiing tho board's atton.tiou to thc-ir removal.

THK SA L A K I K S /.t iAix .-- -A lengthy communicationwas received from the Local Gnvernmuut Hoardrelative to tho sanitary salaries. The Local liovern-m-.-iit Hoard again expressed their disapproval nf iherato of salary given to the above class tif oilier-* ,The mutter was not discussed. .Mr. I'itz^erald nr-ported four rases of fever al Hir. John 's Uoad -, om'di* to tit Carrickbeg ; threo cases of measles at Cr( %% ;two do. aL Al.euny, nnd three of sc.'irlatii:a. Thehitler cases, he stated , would not consent to lit) re-iiinved to htj spital. In conclusion , the sanitarv olliceire'*or:ed thai Mr. Lawieuc' It. ( ) ., had ai'K.'d und-.'i-protect in a eaSu of sickness occurring w i t h i n the urbandistrict , contending that hi< dut ies extended no fr.r-ther I ban the rura l portions ot ' t h n union. -Mr. U 'il-Kon referred the board to the Sib section of thy" Public Health Act ," which was , IK: thoug ht ,p lainl y indicative of the relietei iii,' olficer 's dnt-y inLno caso of ep idemic sickness. Chairman : I don 'tt h i n k hu had any ri ^hl lo ad in the urb -in distr ict .Mr. .Sheo :Kac h otlicer should attend to his rcsp».'ctivodi-trict . Mr. Bro tvu: Not in a case whon epide-mic sickness has to be deall wi th . Lord Bessburuiig li :Then in a case of fever Mr. Lawrence is supposed toact wi th in the urban district ? Mr. Wilson : KxaetlyS". Lord lii'ssboroiig h : That is sheer nun-eiise. Mr.Wils.Mi ; Then iho aol its.'lf i.-t lion-ens.;. Lor i lle-s.boroug h : Well I boliovo a good in*iny Acts o! parli-i -ment aid nonsense (laug hter) . Subsequently it wasresolved to have the op inion of the Local GoverumuutIioord upon the matter. Adjourned

Tho St. Nicholas Annual Mission was opened hnreon Friday last , by the liev . Mr. C'ull«n , Wi'.vfonl, wlropreached a sermon on tho occasion. The rev. guntle-mau has preached twice daily since. Tho missioncloses on Siund-iy next , December (jib inst.

TI I F. TiiTi'iiAiiv I J I UEL CASE .— Iu tho Court ofQuuou's liencb, on Saturday jud gment waa given inthe case of Gust v Hayes nnd Careiv, tho argumentsiu which wero considered several months ago. Mr.Leopold Cusi , J.P., of Cordauga n Manor , obtained aconditional order agaiusc M r. James Hayes, solicitor ,aud Mr. Curow. ouo of tho Town ConimisBioners ofTipperary fora crimiual information for libel— I likoorder against Jlr. Hayes and Messrs. Curovr , forconspiracy, aud one against Mr. Hayea alone for con.tempt ot court iu speaking at a public meeting i nTipperary after the H-- -SC order issued, and referringto tbo means by which such order was procured.Causo was shown by Messrs. Purcell , Q.C., and Lover ,for Mr. Hayes, and by Messrs. .McDouagh, Q.C., andC'irton, for Messrs. Carew , against, muking thoseorders absolute, while in support of them SerjeantArmstrong, Messrs. Kyau , Q.C., and Anderson ap-peared for Mr. Cust. The Court madu absoluto thetirot and third orders, attachment , however , not toissuy if all tho costs of both wero paid beforo tholir.t duy of next term , aud they discharged thu orderfor consp iracy, each party to abide their own coststhereof. Tho Jud gment of tho Chief Justice wasa longtheoed and oxliaustivo one—thnso of Jud gesO'Brien and Fitzgerald occupied onl y a few minutesiu deliver}-.

iMi'ultrANT TO Cintl 'oitAlloNS. —The question of theright of tho mayor or senior alderman iu corp.iraiionsto u second or casliug vote iu cu.-.es where thero i.s atio between iwo candidates will form an importantsubject for argument in the (J.-'eeu 's U"uch in thecourse of a few days. At the election of Mayor forLimerick ou Due. 1st , the voles recorded for Mr.Ambrose Hall ami .Mr. John Walker »eiv eijual. TheMayor voted firsias councillor and secondl y gave hiscasting vote as chairman. Aldcnuau Tiiisley claim"'!his ri-^ b *. as .senior uMorrn .ui t o rhoc i s t i / i ','vote , i.vbi(.*hhu wuuld have recorded for iho defeated candi.la 'e,Mr. Hall. Thu Mayor , however , deeian-d Mr. Walkerelected , and Jlr. Hall will c tmtu- it tins el> .-eiion in th..-(Jiii -eu's li'.'uch , rel y ing on a section of tho Act whichstates ihnt in any elfCt iuu of in iyo r , thca ldc ru r iuwho hi ,all have lnvn i.-a 'Clml liy t in* Lrrraic-sc nu iuhe rul votes =l.all havu a second or eastin -' vutr .

C1.0.1IM. K-- 1 A isi. i . i i i \ i K v ts < J .V r f r . SI K I 'H KN 'S D A I — Weunderstand lh.it t in- pnnci pif grocery e-iahi'ishtn. ' i i -.snl ihis city wil l I J -J closed on iSt. Svephi-n 's Day, inorder to y ivo their ;i?sislauts an opportuni ty o(t-p.-u'dini,- Chris tmas wi th ti:eir friends, and that manyoi th" prnpriviors ot the drapc-ry esti iblishnients havealso si gnilied thui r iutei iliou of closing on that (lav.

The pust o( assistant in the Water Purveyor 'sOtlioe , Xriv Vork, has bean conferred on Mr. ThomasIJ. Meay her , son ol the laic General Thomas Kra'ncis.M'j agher. l iut tha t we are told nol to p lace muchvalue in a name, ivo Bbouhl bo disposed to c.insiderIhu appointment of young Meag her , as assistantlo il Water Purveyor , to In." sorry recognition of ihopriclos services of his ilistuguisbed lather to thecaaso of tho union.

l idsll 1'itiv.M K B ILLS .—Plans and sections weredeposited^"' Monday, for the following Irish bills ,which wi l l be brought forward bofore Parliamentnext sessions :—Walerford and Central Ireland ,Kilkenny Junction , und Central Ire and Railway,Waterford, New Husband We.tfonl Junction Railway ,will consider immcdiiitely, ivilh the view of itsadoption . The Mayor of Wexford informs n.stluii no money can bo obtained mulct- the Ik-tilthAct , unless un sibundacL suppl y of water bo gua-rnntocd for the ji oor, and for all sanitary pur-|>oses. \V ith regard to the omission of tlicstores from rating, it is not done in Dublin , orothor nlnces and cannot be submitted to in Wa-turlbru. i'l"1 bettor give up tho water worksaltogether , than throw the whole expense on thohouseholder* and shopkeepers. Under tlio Pub-lic Health Act money can be borrowed from Go-vernment , " for thirty or fifty years, at the ralo" of :Si pcr centum per annum , on the security" of any fund , or rate, app licable to sanitary pur-" poses, and without rc i |tiiring any further" or oilier security whatever." We quote fromthe -Wrd claiibc , which is very satisfactory .

llottow.v v's l'Jl.i> .—Sudden changes, I'rcij t ientfo^--, .n;d p ci*vil -lll l-^! il.i.n[iut - ti-, sorely nnpeiU the v i l u l lunc-liuu- i »nJ oii'liu-u 10 ill h i a l t l i . Tlu r-Muitly for aucli ili-i-urileiii lies iu *-oin<* purif yiti )-; medicine, like these fill.-*,«hich i-i coiii\H-i*-ii t tu --;r»pplti 9uc-.*e;i-.iiill y with the mi.-icliii'fHt i ts snuico an I 9tnin]i it out wit lmui f re t t ing the nerves nrwraku in f thu system. Hollmv«y '-i Pills i-x^iu't Irum Iheh'.oii I all niixH -u - . iiiaiu-r , re^ul »iu thu A CI I U I I

of evvry di>-iH-Jercil mun i , stuuul.iti: the hvi-r HII J k idup yj , nii .l ul.uHit: Uw,-|. . In ru i inn cbr.-,t coinpluini*', I lien; PilU meri -inarlr t hly i lUi i in, vspccij tll y W IIYII .li.liJ by a hc« lot-.il.i|' |ihu.ilio:i nl the Ouitiin'iil. This double t w i t-u n i t ivillt i i tuit *,.. u-r -i r f i n , -i.'-nly, "I"' heiieli-.\'iit miJ t !ics», pr .isoundh.: ihl i w i l l M-ou In- r.'.i.-.JiiWWii'il.

Tll l iOAT Afl-KCTIONS AX1) HOAUSKSKSS.—Al l Sll!-fi - r i i i ,; l imn in iu' i . n i "I "'e throat null II U I I S H U-----, «ilbis ii-fu'ebly *arpn»--'l «t lhenh»" *>t iminciii<le nt liel allimlcilIn- th i - ui--'iii *' Hinwn 's I'.iuucliial Tiochc.1*." Tni-sp. tunous'• loZin -j i ; .-." ate 11 ov xilil l>y most rw;>eci *ililu cliutuUls 111th i - L-uu'i t i v ul I- I J ' 1 l'« r 1"!«• / 'fup 'o iii.«M«l n i l l i a" haclilll.' l.iiuh , ' -! '' i:''.'llt '"" >' "r hf 'UH- ' l lHl illfcctionS ,ej ii imt t t

~y Hi ' in ""¦ -'"•"¦ "* ¦"""' * r triiuMp .', il .-iliii u ih i l i,,

I, - ,,-..!.'-,-, ivsiill MI M 'li ' .' i*- Piilni»ii -« y ""'I As!l ini -.ti,: nt r . c .ti .,i,.. .-,-c t l . ; i t I lio » 1 I-. '*I!II ).V I I '> liroin. liml Tmclii-i"ili

'i- .MI t in - l i i i v i ' i i i lK . 'iil Sl '"'i 1 i'"»»'l • :•¦*¦ I t n .— M - inufao

ln - i .l y J. ihu 1- l!i '*.i«*" '"* •¦•"»••. H I I I 'O I I , L'uitod i i tr tt .s.Il.-|...l , -iu3 Ot '.."l •i i r.-i'l , l.'.l.iK.:'.

l'/ ,¥ for I'm Vi 1.v< ;, ol ovory descri ption , clioap audf-ood , give yi.111 (.iilei f ai. Tin: N KWS (Jlliee , Kiu - .'.,.t.

A paper nt Kl gm says that n man's social standingin that town is graded by whether he dropsatciupenny mil or a quartet* inlo tho church contribution.

Th" time ha3 gono by when wo could boaat of apolitical energy unknown to any othor country in theworld. Tho ballot-box has shut up tho spirit ofelection as surely aa tho magician's casket entrappedthe genie in tho Eastern tale. Thero is, perhaps,moro honesty, if there is less fervour, among oar con-Btituencies. But alas, tho former is artificial and com-pulsory -, tbo latter was Fpontnneoua whero it was notcreated by bribes and whiskoy. But if the shillelaghis no longer an influential factor in Irish party strife,and wo can never hopo ngain to soe tho candidatesdefying c.icli othor to mortal combat upon n,0hustings, or maybo " driving" iuto each (other inmore practical fashion , it is something to know thatold timed havo not changed, old munuers gone, in allparts of tho world as thoy havo in Ireland. Timwarmth and vigour of Amorican polities full ycompensate for tho dulpess of ours. In this way ibqNTow World retlresses tho b.ilanco of tho Oi'l . Tliolast instanco of Transatlantic enthusiasm occurred atNow Orleans a fortnight ago. It tool; iho shapn ofan encounter bat«oon ibo City Governor Ivellqg andMayor A. Uurke , " a prominent Liberal Itopublic 'in.'Tho trouble roso out of a correspondence whichpassed between theso two distinguished partisan:*.Mayor Burko felt insulted. So, il seems, did Gover-nor Kellog. On the liyth October tho Mayor saw ihoGovernor and a Judge of tho Criminal Court 'hivingdown Ciinnl-stroet in a carriage. Kellog shook hisfinger at Burke, and at iho sunie titno wagged hisbead ; Burko walked townrds the carriage, which wasslopped. Kellog extended his hand , and Hurke ,grasping it firmly, said, '• Come ont on tho street ; Iwami to see you." The Governor construed this asan invitation to fight , and drew back, whereupon ihnMayor , drawing forth a cowhide , lashed al Kellogthrough the carriage window. The coach man siarteiihis horse, and , as ihe vehicle dashed off, liurko iva-thrown to tl.o ground. Kellog by this time hail frmr.iIlis pistols, and , leaning on to f thn carri-i irc wii -i |< j -.vfired. Tho .Mayor considerately' hesitated a morne-i ;to return the lire , lest ho should hi t the Jud g.;, winwin a friend. H u t u l t ima te ly he emptied hu revolveat the flying carriage. Kellog and his companionhowever, " dodged with great ag i l i ty ," aud noho'lvnot even a horso. waa hur t . Mayor Burke surreiuli;red himself, but was released by the Jud ge whom hhad been exciting wi th lead onl y an hour befonTho friends of Burko and Kellog assemble I , ^ndthero was any particular wish for it , th ere woulhave been a sanguinary row. Meanwhi le, both trprincipals noi.ify that the imarn-I is purel y person;!which means that thoy intend to have it 0:1!.

T/IK TIIKATHK, WA TF.K FO 'Ai J.Tho first genera l nicotine of the \V. i t i r f . . rd Tiio.v.

company (l imited) was held in the Mayor 's Oli'KCity Hull , on la^l WedlU'Mluy, thu K l^ h*. Vi'- .r^li iplthe Mayor t a k i ng the chai r 111 one n'c ' ivk.

The C l I A l l i .MA.v , opening t h e pruei .-'.-'lii ii;-*. iev i .*>w *the steps taken up to the pr.j.'oni for t i n - '¦-•ah;;., *,;of a theatre in t h i s city, and -aid t ln *y h.-i- f wi r,- r.5011 to ci i i igi ' i i i i i l i i in t in n i - i 'iv i - s .111 ti . .* :r p.|.<i t , |.Tin.-y had n.-i .-eived severa l teiid.'r.s ,'.< r t i i . - i - i - .n .-iii, ."lh : theai ri ! ; ihey wen: ail nf a f.ivjrali;.; c!::*.rai:is- ioivii i - ,' 1 hut iho iheatrc- ould In: h i - i - i i . - .l ,i:;d (,j ,. - :fur X l ^ l i i l (hea r, hear;. .W'.-i-.-' [ I,.* .*i.'-t ,sn-j , ;Weir , i im ci.' lvbra t i d >e.-nic p a i .Mer ..f t i n - l i a i . - r - .- ,'propovx'd co do the •-•..•PiK f ry .'¦.." L'l:/". Id: I.a I ,sevi'i' .'il ( ••t .'cr.s frowi tli '- 'it r ica l 111 ii.ag.-r-.- u - i / i i i - ,'» .-nv.nrk , assar in^ ' h i m thai il « . / i i id l> " a hi g i i lv rei.erativ .: unih.-r tak i i i -^ i'i.ear , h i r a rj . J' i i - - v.-.t :, -.t i i -.-atre in U'aO-r l ' . id ::.i. -r l i -n -d vvy inu . - .'c \theatr ical tou r s in l i i '.- S-j t i 'h .-f l i - .:..u.'l . wi.;^ :: wi * . was 'le-i i r - ibh- to Invi: .-pi .nl i .y .- t ipp i i i .- 1 (:.¦• ir , i:I'roin hi's f>i!owi .- i l - ,'i :ii i ' i l i i: i* .- t ' i ' i *,' nf th" if i.' i . (;,; 1perfect ly sati .- l ind t h a t t h y t - c . .'i j j t i of ; >:. ¦ ;!..¦ •w.iuld enalil ... tii * .. < l i r , 'etors t -i j .av : h' ' .- i i . i i ' .' !n,i.h 1d iv idend 01 f i . ,m 12 m l "i p-r i.- i - i i i '- : i t h e ea|.::- it ins c inipai.y (hear , h ea r j . l ip.- I I I I - IH >s of ti i -_-senl III '.- U ' I I I 1,' was to 1 i. el four diivctur.-t , 111 ad.l 1to two to tie e|.'el*:il by tin: o*r * "ir.r 1 ,n , ;'n- ; M -,fur ti.e t iu i 1; li -.-inu ', siiiin 1

^ :is an e.\*- 'iili ' .*i • '::r..-i .- ;->

Mr. J. T. Hyan (M.iyor .K iirclJ -ai 'l tu; h-.'l : -,:• ;\a letier t rou t Liiueriek tro iu 1 hy owner of Ui'j i l l - '0iu thai c i ty , and ho ( f l u . owii"r) *-VH * very a: i > slliat a tli-alro should be b u i l t in U'a -.er lV. i - l , as SL* iltheatr ical and musical c i jn i -i . in ie s n lm f h - l v,ui s-? i i s i l tho .South of I r e l a ut i would com 1: r..iut:d n ytlrjughi they conld t.-iko Lim-.-r ick , Cork , ami W r ,fui'tl. '1 it-.1 i, -.vtnjr uT t h o Limerick th -.-atr.: re;i!i: ahamUoui..- i iicouio out of th.j theatre iu -Ji.il city

Mr . Fisher .said itij oj 'ioion was i Jia*. by t i i -j . i i ' !3of unsocial ion , tho Corporation should elect then '0dirocor.s before the renr i iu iug four could bo ei :'lby the shareho!<Jors,an'i h'.1 ivoti M sirg ,x*-;t. an adj . a-muiil o:' i h e mee ting t i l l n i t e r ihu iicx: me-jii ofthe Cui'purali 'j ii, when the unUe:* would be t u l U n-siiloruii. Aker dome furliieroo.-urv*tiouc the me igadjourned to the thai Jauuury .

O L K MAYOR Ef.KC 'lOn the eve of the election of Mayor in W.ite -J ,

t ho /.itntrick Chrw.id:- spoke thu .-j cf Mr. ./. 'i'. .L-,the May'or-elcc'i :—" Mr. Kyan is a giMKlonua li-neDtl y suited for the oiKcc ho seeks • as thu h* ofun important firm giving vast emp loynimu ii 013city, in Wulerforil, aud in other towns as e\ t i .vobuilding coutractcrs, ho has shown himself :i n ofthcrough i*usines*i qualities ; linked w i t h whii hodisp lays the courtesy of a gent l i-man, and |ws -estho deepest interest iu tho i inproveiu»i i i of tii . r.yof whiek he seeks to b- 'eoin'.- the Chief Ma^ i- ;;c.We shall awaii with inlero-j t tho issue ot the c- estin -.v hich hi; is engagi .'d. Since w r i t i ng the : ive,we have learned by telegram tha t ill*, lt yi iu ha .eccsleeted."

CI I A N' . ING Cr.oriMNi. . —Health , and sometin* Hfoitself is often lost by Inying aside winter clolin 10aearly. Lay ing flannels asido in thn sprini; i.s . "lost,pernicious practice. U'o can better do wi thout ool«lima next the skin iu midwiuicr thnn mi.1st ULT,Wo do not get overheated iti winter • we do i -"itn.iiiur , and flic muse fix-q.-i'-nt excitingC'III-I: of t gls?,colds and consumption is a rapidlv fai l ing of tl uin.peraturo of the hud y. Al l i.re fiimil.ir wi ih 1 factlhal ;i sudden chvckm^ o!" pi.l rs i> !rii*.;,); i ;s t 'i v*diugerous • very l i t t lo exerci>t- cau-.e*i us to p 'piroiu summer ,and a very sli ght draug ht ol air cho theperspiration : In-nee emim-nt I' reueh p h ysic: ii -iavo.-.lated. aiu-r n I OJJ -,' serii-s ol ' obsi'rvatj .j ;; , t li; vLUtaken in sninini .'r cxcilu the most ir i cur. t bl .j f. 13 ofci'ii.-u i i ip l inn . Whi t " wool!.-n J lan i ie i i, a m- el!i.Oi'.-nt f,'ii.ir.l against thcs . ' n iii l- lf / i i:.'i.*i ; ''..'.-i, 1 j iisoi; ki .-e| >« the hem ol th ' - liod y in . wl ii ' .j i t t i .'i 1 thoi-xcessive :;ea i i rn i i i vv i th out ; it r -invi -vs c; 1 ¦_• T er ofp--rs |iir.nii/n to i.'.-* oiit . -i'l", ivhij , . t( .. - .- inface 1 : t/ic.skin is dri ./r. \V, . nil i.i,-. -.•.-. t h a t M I K, cot aia!lii ieu liex 1. t in - -kin -,"•'. s.aural, -,| wi;i i w ,.ter, I toran in - <ra l i l tin- o.' l i;.'.. t .i iaU '.-hl ..I ' u .'r ij .'t.-, hrt;\ x clio.-Uiu :i:id tin: m-i t i - r i - i ! , l!i- .'i'o is a eha i iUf i - l i r lu l luh i -n I h - il iiiai. ' i .al louelii 's the sk in . Tl ralosiu niM he to (VIM :* woui.V'n |{:ti:li "l n -* .\t t!i\' :: allthe year y<ti i :nl ; thid; in win i .T , a l i t t l u th i -r inA[ i r i l , a L' 111/.1: mar i 'i ' i i il on i he tir.-L 'l .iy nf .J ' ; ont h e lirst of ( l i 't . i l i iT ri -snni . ; \\ liar was iaai ; Ir in.Inl y -. on ih . - lir. -t nf Urc 'tnlier put i>n t h e : , ke-n,e i tvn diui ; in i iu i - les and wi ' i st .u . Thi 'si. nile.-of -.-mgeare es- ieemll y n- 'eessary t i» ;il l t .ld |..-(ipii ', 1 i l l i u -vali . ls and yiuni; v l i i ldn - i i ; (lav lal .-nii r .-rs :¦ : outdoor workn is won!.I In- incalculabl y bi -ncl i t -.ci ': y tboK li ne f»b- ;i.'rv.iuc . 's.

A Sin:i:ii' i> "i* l.oxno .v 's -T A T K C.Mi ut (• ;.':.— .JII -*-( in l l .i l.l )' l l l i - li l i ' -IVM 11 ¦ 11 III f i l l nl UHI.I . - I I I r.. n* - .. In- lil ff 15i l i . - iii->v S::,!,.

¦.¦hi.r.-,'. . 1 t l .o .--,-ni,,r >l :c ., l l ,.1 l..,i n ..ml

Mi . l lV -,. -!, Mr . AMi-r iun -i anj >h,-:- :l K .1,. 1 li, My ufIII.! c-111'i.xi' ii "I iiii ' i h- ii i i 'p i u l i u i i - , .ni l i|.i'l. ' 111 :ru iuJo 1:11. I'll.' i fn i ' l y, l i i u^ r r b r i M i l t.'. .r .K i . .'r nf t OticSi . i t L ' Lii i 'i 'i ii i ' .-. id 1 r .r 1 us t i n - i< n i i i i i' l t .li.-i- .li J , tbocih uir- h" i.^ .-.l* .r .¦i..l •i r i i . i i t-.i'l y !*t-i** -l. ' .l. Tl,,' TI I IIICl *. i ' i i t -f i_- -i "n flu.1 [>.t i i - .'-. j i e j.< - il»- (. t fc.'< ' *tn .if :irf , 1 ]e tljoint i ' r i.'i I iii"-*' -ni'l l i l l ' i i . *1* ; irc c > -t l y n l i - i of i;r-.i '^u ty ,w i l i l l i y i 'Vi -i i t h e t:i-.tc, -k-.ll , ami gen ius ol .1 II HIDI:Lulu-.', l' lie UW LT I I I H ..I ivli:o ' i i l l* * L i t te r iiro c ijioitdare r:rli t- lvi r - 'l i- .h - i i k -111,1 t -> l l y hies, 111 « h i i b ? rnje ,OI I I I I I I I . V , .111.1 t h i > : l < * ;n.t bc.u'.i iu l ly w o i k i J . it-sir i.I[1 1.i) ,i r ill"I I '- '., u: Vir tur i - t -.l i i- c l , l.iili.|un , tbo ...lot" ,wh.i- c i -i - iv i i h - l ..111,^.1^ 1-1

t . in It. lu: t h e Q-i.-ei. , . ncc ot*

W.,l.-, ..iid o:l.oc n,,'inV'r- ..( t h e U . j i d fAin ily , ve bn.¦ft. 11 ..t l i.iclt ' il pal.] c iiuMi-i *, II . IVI- >pi re- l no p .utj i ru .iin .t a in th.' ch .iTact t'r of lit t l>h C->iclil*uil<lui,[ , u iut in.,ysafi-h IK' ^iiiil t l M I lor tohihty, l i- jh ln es-i, ami f t t l u l f iu ibh ,this iheir Ixti ' .-t df .it couM not I)- riralh 'il in Ku 0. Itrtl.iy lie -? lH t i-J Ih- 'il tlrs linn It.1.1 tlio p.itro u .lR.' i)f : -r«l oft lit - ciow'tifd lie-i'l-* ill MuMip -.', tiot;ibi y ot' the Ktu * )r auJI' riuctf Imperial of (.i^rui.uo. — Court Ja urnvK

J\IA.V L I *'A C I L"«K of COCOA.—'• \\ c will n giveMil account ot thu piucos i( ilopti .il l.y Jli 'wh, J L J^ppjJt L'i> ., lo i i i iu l a c tur r i -^ o( d i . tu t i c u i t i c l , - , at tl, . work!iu the E II -I UII Koihl , Lon.l.m."—Seo A u x i n in ssell 'lHousthuld Giti- le.BK E A K F A S T — K ITS'.S COCOA— UiiATE FfL. i ! COJI-

poitTiso— " l>y . i lhur.j u ih kuiMv k 'il Ke ol the na l 1 lamivhicl^uveiu the opi-iat ini 's ul il * |{e,iiuii ami mitr h,miby A c-iri 'liiUj .phci.tiuu ol the tiui- prnpeitie s of «i> ilKttdc.idi.i , Sir. K|.ps llii a piou.li 'il our bieutia st tab with IJehcKtcl y i l .voi- .il bi -vi-r.i in wl.i v 'j ui.iy save us ma IIMTJJuu iura ' luli > . I t n b y !i,,: j ,i,l.t iuu , Ult. „, ,,1C|, , c|w ofJlel lUat a c .Oatitvli im in.iy I.e jj ra. luall y built UOtil6tl0ll < i -nuUi:!! t., n-,i»t ,v, ry teii.leney 10 .h-,ea-e. iJreJ'ol Milnlu uialaJ. -.a -ire rt,an,i - aurana us rr .Jy tttat kivhei ivr i* tWi-u is a «>.i!< p im t . \\ e llM V t>t.Api any aM.il -.li--.it l.y ki-i i>nv- uir-j L- lt r -i well Iwtilie.l r . pnr»liloo.l ami ,. pio p i i i y nourwhej ir.iu.v . "—C' t'ci ertirtQazet l t . , .i.t"""'" ¦ , ( -IT)

VALL'Al l l .E UISC OVK IIY foil TI IK *II.VI11 1!- yourn.iir i» t u r n i n g ¦•riiy or ul, , ,, ., ,,r f.,]),,,, , ,,1 )se •• • , ji M.ciin lUir Ueiii -wi-r ,"—hu it icitl , » , , i t i i<e lf j t t tor, ml:ast Qrey ur l lhite Un ir tu it.-, uiuuial tobur itboutleaving lh e disagreeable ,.|le|| ,,l most '• Ki-ito ." "-rules ill-- luir ch.uui . i .^ l ) h.'. iu l i lu l , as »vl: li [ lotiog1 he cr. iwt l i 011 l.ahi •|I..'.-.,A I I .-I -: the K U II <1« aie no: »j«i.wi-r i i l ica i r t iu i u |)i . V,-,.,,.-!, Oll evrrJ. bottle , ;h full¦'.ir -.icul.ir-. . A-k j o. 1 i -i -ini,', lor " Tim II BXIC; Hu*ltRSLWi .C ," ,„ ,,- .. ,, - liy l l Ka i t v C. '.iAIAl - l ', * >«'•""Mri i t , l .nml in i , HI il .111.J l y Cl,uni-H aird nctlunii i 'trj-whir. ' -it :h. i;i per to il l ,-.

liciiuu-k.-iblc , very i-om<-irknblc, indeed, i) sunt ,Bih i t a .y . ah.l uit.-..,,,,!,,,.. me tlir eil.-c ls ol LA.MI'i OH'3I ' V l l K l U .1 M A I . I .NK. Sapp lruii t llie sj nteni .U Id-'ki i .i iMcd cle i.e..U , it rcn ly flrnviit H mid cmci Bi MM iIvi U|.l vB l» i,,-i, 5v> , Kcvr^ , <u ,l Ciiolrr.i. Clnlii'f 4*« rtwi th iv.di ty. >,,!il t,y :,li C'heiUist *, aud tbe m t, US,l lo.li , i iu .hiil , Limdoi' . .8°

•\ . \11 U F O K D :— t'rinled and l'ublijhed by E ^¦s i K p i i - h.x ICt .siiKv , at Tie Wattrfori Nntt I «•»•I'mitiug, iJouk-U.udiu g, and M»cbinc-B»ling E«f jA-mtjut 49 Kiug-ilmeL ID Ihd ParUh of Trinity Wi \. -