ON GOING READING CHAPTER SUMMARY/COMENTARY Understanding Based on Week 10 DATE: March 24, 2011 TOPIC: Digital Literacy in Teaching Mathematics BOOK(S): http://publish.edu.uwo.ca/george.gadanidis/pdf/EdCan-2009-v49-n5-Gadanidis.pdf I Heard This Great Math Story the Other Day SOURCE: http://giti-math-class.wikispaces.com/ WHERE DOES DIGITAL LITERACY FIT? I selected this particular image because it represented many different factors of mathematics in a way that is really creative. This demonstrates various modalities of communicating ideas and even demonstrates both traditional and new modes of communicating ideas. I find this image has done a good job unifying the old with the new; we have an abacus beside a calculator and a computer beside a ruler.


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Understanding Based on Week 10

DATE: March 24, 2011

TOPIC: Digital Literacy in Teaching Mathematics

BOOK(S): http://publish.edu.uwo.ca/george.gadanidis/pdf/EdCan-2009-v49-n5-Gadanidis.pdf

I Heard This Great Math Story the Other Day

SOURCE: http://giti-math-class.wikispaces.com/


I selected this particular image because it represented many different factors of mathematics in a way that is really creative. This demonstrates various modalities of communicating ideas and even demonstrates both traditional and new modes of communicating ideas. I find this image has done a good job unifying the old with the new; we have an abacus beside a calculator and a computer beside a ruler.

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Key Elements of New Learning ....................................................................................................... 2

Questions I thought about/considered .......................................................................................... 2

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding ............................................................ 3

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications) ................................... 4

Key Elements of New Learning

INTEGRATING LEARNING: Integrated learning on its own is not a new concept for me however, how

to make it more effective in math was diffidently something I had not considered before. I

learned a lot about how we can bring the arts into the classroom when teaching a subject like

math. I also discovered that no matter what strand or how difficult integration may seem it is


TEACHING TO ALL TYPES OF LEARNERS: Again not a new concept however newly important. I

sometimes do neglect to consider the needs of alternative learning style learners. I personal am

a very hands on learner and so most of my lessons are biased towards that specific type of

instruction. I do not consider myself to be good at the arts and so therefore incorporating them

is stepping outside of my comfort zone.

MAKE THE EXPERIENCE RICH AND EXCITING: The idea of singing and dancing and making movies in

math class was a new idea. I was taught in a very traditional way; that type of instruction has

carried over into my teaching. I am inspired and a bit overwhelmed by what I have learned and I

am still trying to process all the different suggestions and opportunities to generate

understanding using exciting non-traditional teaching methods.

Questions I thought about/considered

The questions I considered are just random thoughts I had while I was reading or using meta-

cognition to analyze my own thinking and understanding. Some of my ideas were addressed in

the class, others I have been motivated to start dialogue with colleges and peers to help

understand. Other ideas I am sure I will spend my entire career coming to terms with.

How do I get Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise to star in my math class? The article makes good

suggestions about how to engage students however without the entire Star Wars

special effects team at my disposal how can I ever be as interesting or dynamic?

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How do I teach elements of math with passion that I am not passionate about? I keep

thinking about how my students will sense my own bias and lack of excitement and their

views of a strand or topic will be impacted indirectly by my passion or excitement.

All of my students will be entering into my class with a different level of ability and

background in mathematics. How do I meet everyone’s needs? I continuously struggle in

all subjects with how do I continue to motivate and challenge my advanced students

without moving too far away from the needs of those who struggle.

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding


Prior to this week’s lesson, I had not given a lot of thought as to how my attitudes towards

math impact my students. I can see clearly now how the roll the adult plays in shaping a child’s

views and abilities is critical. If a role model, parent or teacher even in passing mentions to a

child that they don’t use math or it is not fun or even that it is too hard; these attitudes have

the ability to impact the students thinking and understanding.

As a student I did not enjoy math, I found I was not good at it and became apathetic towards

learning. I did manage to overcome my anxiety however, as a teacher I am still going back and

filling in knowledge gaps that I was missing. When I am teaching I have never overtly said

anything negative about math or how we learn the concepts however, now I am wondering if

my own distain could have inadvertently been passed on. I think now just by being aware of my

own attitude and the impact I can have, it is enough to make a positive change.


Dr. Gadanidis spoke at length both in our class, and in his article about elements that make

math real and exciting to kids. The constant comparison to which he drew parallels was to the

idea of a movie. Kids love movies and will share the ideas and speak excitedly about their

favourite elements and surprises. The article suggested that we can capture the formula of

movies and use those ideas to make math come alive for our students. This was a new idea for

me; in the past my math teaching has been very traditional and linear. I have done some fun

activities and made life more exciting however nothing like what Dr. Gadanidis suggested.

How does this idea change my thinking or build my knowledge: Now, even as I am considering

how I can utilize this knowledge I am starting to consider the role math plays and the way that I

as the teacher approach the subject differently. Using the movie analogy I can teach me

students how to build strong plots and anticipate the twists. I am also thinking how I can

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introduce students to the typical knowledge pit falls or villains and teach them how to defeat

their enemies. Math has become a whole lot more fun and meaningful for me just by changing

and introducing new thinking.

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications)

Dr. Gadanidis has inspired me; he has started the wheels turning in my head. Based on the

article and discussion in class I have started to allow my thinking on how I approach

mathematical instruction to change and grow. Here are some of my new ideas (some of the

ideas are untested, others are old favs) on how I can bring the excitement of the movies into

math class.

INTEGRATE LESSONS: The idea of integrating lessons I think is critical for allowing students who are

not the best or brightest in math to be able to shine. Integrating math unifies concepts and

allows students to make connections in a new and more meaningful way with the material. In

additional integrating lessons means that students can use their abilities and passion for one

subject and have a fresh mindset when approaching a difficult concept.

TEACH TO DIFFERENT TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE: I will make a confession, sometimes when I am planning

lessons I do not give enough consideration to the non-traditional styles of learning. Different

students will learn using different modes of understanding. The most common methods of

learning are visual, auditory and kinesthetic; however, learning is not limited to these three

models. I feel I can do more to bring arts into my classroom and tailor at least a piece of my

thinking to meeting the needs of these learners.

REMOVE LIMITS ON UNDERSTANDING: I would love to say we live in a culture where the fact kids

understand is the only factor that matters. We have in some ways, limited knowledge by

demanding process. As often as possible, I think it would be great if we could give students the

freedom to express their understanding in a way that is comfortable and meaningful to the

learner. Instead of writing a test to show understanding what would happen if one student

drew a picture and another wrote a play. This is where issues of assessment play a role in how

we teach and limit ourselves and our students.

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Understanding Based on Week 11

Date: April 5th, 2011

Topic: Researching Issues in Digital Literacy


Lankshear, C. & Knobel, M. (2008). Researching New Literacies: Web 2.0 Practices and Insider

Perspectives. www.mun.ca/educ/newliteracies/Researching_New_Literacies_FV.doc

Hughes, J. (2008). The Performative Pull of Research with New Media.


Image Source:



Image Meaning:

I selected this photo because it

illustrates the vastness of new

literacy. As a result of technology

the way we do research and

interact with our world has

changed dramatically.

Relevance to Literacy:

All of the technologies shown in

the picture represent some way

that we either transmit a message or receive information. Studying these technologies and

understanding how the existence has changed the way we communicate is a key factor in

understanding new literacy.

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Key Elements of New Learning ....................................................................................................... 2

Questions I thought about/considered .......................................................................................... 2

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding ............................................................ 3

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications) ................................... 3

Key Elements of New Learning

In this chapter I really do feel as if my new learning is more so a new found appreciation for the

ease of which we are able to access information and connect with our world.

I found I was very encouraged and found myself constantly thinking about research from the

perspective of new media, and how we can use new media to change and encourage our own

thinking process. I now really feel my understanding of research is much deeper and more

meaningful. Instead of research to seek information and solve a problem I see research more as

a process that encourages the users to process information and connect with others


New media gives us the opportunity to better connect and make meaningful interactions with

those who share key information. By learning how to use new media and new literacy skills

while conducting research we can streamline the process of knowledge acquisition and more

meaningfully transform information into useful practice.

Questions I thought about/considered

While reading this chapter I found that my thoughts were moving faster than my fingers could

type. While reading I will split my screen and take notes on half while at the same time

continuing to process and transform my own thoughts as a result of new knowledge. For me

this simple example is an instance of using new technology as a part of research. I have kept

track of my thinking and question I have asked so that in the future when my teaching career

has progressed I can look back and see how far I have come.

How can we make research fun and exciting for our students? Students really do love

knowledge however they do not seem to enjoy the formal process or having to cite/give

credit to sources. The question is how we can create an appreciation for collaboration

and citing knowledge while at the same time making searching and learning fun.

I often think about the future and what the next generation of technology will look like. I

know a hundred years ago no one conceived the internet and everything that happened

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as a result of its invention. In the next hundred years what can we anticipate will

change? What is the next major and significant milestone the internet will reach?

With information being so accessible and the way we communicate changing so quickly

why do we still put price tags on knowledge? I think about creative commons and

sharing ideas without limitations and come back to the idea that we encourage

collaboration (but with limitations and barriers). As our technology increases and

communication becomes easier, is it still realistic to limit access to knowledge in order

to protect our intellectual property?

How can we encourage sharing however at the same time reward innovation, is it still


Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding

My big idea from this chapter is the idea of valuing our connections and making the most of our

ability to access information and synergize with those who share common goals and interests.

This whole idea of technology allowing us to reach that goal is critical to my own


I have been thinking also about why we separate the idea of creating and generate knowledge

for the aspects of sharing our ideas. I think now after reading I am able to see how these two

ideas are two different halves of the same concept. Studies have found that people learn best

and understand most when they are able to share knowledge and have someone else learn and

understand as a result of their teaching. What would happen if we had students seamlessly

transition from learning and researching to sharing and presenting? The presentations would

be very organic and unpolished however the idea would be to have the students say their

thinking out loud and maybe even benefit someone else by sharing ideas?

The final idea I would like to share that built my own understanding is the portion of

information I uncovered this week on the NING. That is the idea of a relationship revolution. I

had never thought of this previous revolution as a change in the relationship however now that

I have discovered this knowledge I cannot go back to my old way of thinking. Yes, technology

doe continue to change and progress, and the ideas we study appear to get more involved and

complicated; however, a lot of this has to do with the way we interact with the information

itself. People in this generation and not necessarily smarter than we were in the past, we are

just better informed. The internet has become a conduit through which we communicate.

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications)

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While reading these articles I was both challenged and inspired. I found that this particular set

of readings encouraged me to think about research and in general the way we process and

interact with information in a whole new way. Now, as a result of my new understandings I

have started to think about ways I can bring these ideas and understandings into the classroom.

Ask the Experts – Perhaps you have heard me speak highly of live web feed before. I love this

technology, it is real time and it makes our students worlds just a little bit bigger. There is a zoo

in Florida with the most adorable baby tiger cubs. Each day at 4pm the zoo keeper will feed the

cubs live on camera and answer questions via a live twitter feed. The students I have taught in

the past have even had their questions answered. This sort of technology is hands on

understanding made possible through new technologies.

The Big Picture – Another valuable activity that can be brought into the classroom is taking a

bigger topic and looking at it under various scopes. Having students take a topic and really step

back and look at the whole thing is a critical part of research and understanding. Connecting

with professionals and being able to access information from all over the world is a key

privilege to living in our modern world. I would love to help my students understand,

appreciate and be able to use these resources.

News From All Around – Similar to looking at the big picture is a project I did with a grade 6

practicum class. We were studying the Olympics and media literacy. I asked the students to

follow the event and then go onto the national websites or major news paper outlets and look

at the news from all different perspectives of the gold, silver and bronze medalists. The one we

found the most interesting was after the Gold/Silver Men’s Hockey match-up. The Canadian’s

really played to national pride and how much they deserved to win and had been training for

years to take gold on home ice. The Americans almost suggested it was a fluke Canadian’s had

won and proceeded to celebrate their own players victories. This sort of learning opportunity is

priceless for student and is so meaningful for their ongoing understanding and development.

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Understanding Based on Week 7

DATE: March 1, 2011

TOPIC: E-Literature & Digital Poetics


Kajder, S. (2006). Meeting Readers: Using Visual Literacy Narratives in the Classroom. Voices

from the Middle, 14(1), pp. 13-20.

Hughes, J. & Tolley, S. (2010). Engaging students through new literacies: the good, bad and

curriculum of visual essays. English in Education, 44(1).



mcminnetec565/ digital-



I found this image was

critical for consolidating

my understanding.

Despite the simplicity

the ideas come together

to explore how each

individual element plays

a role in students

understanding. This image also was helpful in indentifying all of the various aspects that make

up digital storytelling. I now have a much better understanding of what the components are,

and how they are able to work together in order to tell a story.

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Key Elements of New Learning ....................................................................................................... 2

Questions I thought about/considered .......................................................................................... 2

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding ............................................................ 3

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications) ................................... 4

Key Elements of New Learning

Understanding based on reading in my own words:

ICT – Information and Communication Technologies

DIGITAL STORYTELLING – The act of taking a piece of original, classic or historical literature and by

utilizing computer and digital technology retell the story. Digital Storytelling encourages

students to become more involved in their text and take on an active informed roll to recreate

2 dimensional stories with 3 dimensional representations.

MUTLI-MODALITY – utilizing different forms or “Modes” of communicating to share ideas. This

may include using in any combination; pictures, songs, images, sound effects, visuals, verbal

narrations, or motion clips to share new ideas. Different modes of digital communication can be

achieved by using various technologies to create and represent new literacy ideas.


Traditional literacy for me represents phonics and alphanumeric awareness. A traditional view

of literacy is in my mind limited to the ability to read and write at a tenth grade level (gr 10.

High school literacy test), and have enough skills to be able to interact with our current world.

New Literacy includes some of my historic ideas of what literacy is however, only as a small part

of the overall picture of literacy. My Brother David is 22 and has severe PDD-Autism. He does

not read or write however he does have some new literacy skills. David is able to articulate

ideas and she his thoughts by using images and digital modalities of communicating.

Questions I thought about/considered

As I read I have a tendency to think, sometimes I am able to answer my own ponderings

through continued thinking, other times I will do research and investigate. I find that by clearly

articulating my thoughts as they occur, they become more meaningful.

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How can teachers take into account various different skill levels and students ability to

access digital technology when assigning poetics or e-literacy projects? (Teachers can

use the library, however if a student take their work home how can we remain unbiased

by more advanced computer software vs. advanced skill on limited technology)

Something I always tend to think about when using technology is how distracting it can

be for the students and the learning curve required in order for success. Therefore my

question is this, how can a teacher with a very limited time such a project ensure that

the students both have the time and skill required to make an undertaking of this nature

successful and worthwhile?

How do we assess the results? I am looking forward to next week covering this topic

because currently I cannot think of a fair way to assess and separate the literacy skills

from the digital representations.

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding

One element that I have been learning about in my Reflective Practitioner course this week that

ties into this week’s E-Literacy and Poetics class is the idea of resolving cognitive dissonance. I

previously approached this topic from the mindset of the teacher however, now I am also

considering how our students approach and try and resolve dissonance. Digital story telling is

one really positive example of a strategy that can be used to incorporate meaningful learning.

On the Ning I posted the Edgar Dale Audio Visual Methods of Teaching and Learning, however I

will post it again here, and expand a bit more of what this mean to my own understanding:

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It has been proven that students gain more and retain more information when the learning is

understood in a meaningful way. Digital Poetics and Storytelling encourage students to go

deeper into the information and to simulate real life experiences by making the knowledge

there own. Instead of just writing a report or talking about the book they are being asked to live

it. In essence they are taking on a persona and entering into the story by recreating it using

digital modes of communication.

In the Kadjer article the student (Pacey) was able to take his understanding deeper and have a

more meaningful encounter with the literature by sharing his thought in the form of a digital

story. The other aspect of literacy that I cannot overlook is the fact that without words Pacey

was able to be literate and demonstrated a form of new literacy. He was also able to share his

understanding with his peers by utilizing different aspects of digital technology.

I can honestly say that as a result of this week’s reading I have a much deeper and broader

understanding of what it means to be literate. Literacy is not just reading and writing now I

equate literacy with knowledge and the ability to understand and express ideas. Pacey was

literate; however, he did not use the written word. Instead, he used picture and oral

communication to share his ideas. In terms of my own understanding this was my ahhha

moment. I have been able to build on this new understanding and take it further. Everywhere I

look I am starting to see new literacy!!!!

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications)

I am actually excited about all of the applications of digital stories in the classroom. I can see a

lot of straight literacy applications; however also, I can see many cross curricular activities that

can be created as a result of my new learning.


The first literacy application that came to mind was bringing history to life; I can see so many

applications to taking a mundane chapter from a history text and telling it first person in the

form of a story. Students who have do not have academic strengths in read and writing can

compensate and use new literacy skills to share a story or event that took place in the past.


Another great cross curricular application would be instead of using images that students found

online or someone else’s musical score to create their own story and all aspects from scratch.

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Students can combine physical literacy and musical literacy with new digital literacies by taking

a literacy classic or piece of literature and reenacting the events. Some students may even try

their hand at using stop motion illustration or a movie editor to retell the stories.


Character education is an essential part of what teachers instill into their students. Personally

learning about character education for my class last year was torture, they were in grade 6 and

thought every attempt I made was lame. I really think that using digital poetics and e-literacy

would change all of that. In addition I would be redeeming precious class time by teaching the

character education and having students create a product that can actually be assessed.

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Understanding Based on Week 8

DATE: March 8, 2011

TOPIC: Digital Literacies: New Models of Assessment


Excerpts from Burke, A. & Hammett, R. (2009). Assessing New Literacies. Peter Lang. (pdf on Web CT) Wyatt-Smith, C. & Kimber, K. (2009). Working multimodally: Challenges for assessment. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 8(3), pp. 70-90. (pdf on Web CT) Vincent, J. (2006). Children Writing: Multimodality and assessment in the writing classroom. Literacy, 40(1), 51-57

SOURCE: http://www.cloudmixer.com/justin-parks-social-media-consultant-cloud-mixer-author

SOCIAL MEDIA CITY: This Intense Where’s Waldo type photo attempts to capture the complexity and busyness of our lives in the context of social media. Look closely and you will see that ever where even non obvious places advertising and social media has captivated the city.

RATIONALE FOR PICTURE SELECTION: In terms of assessment I wanted to select an image that indicates to us how intertwined digital literacies are in our lives. This is also my first indication to you that I feel strongly that we are approaching the issue of assessment the wrong way. Instead of considering the HOW we need to determine the WHAT first.

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Key Elements of New Learning ....................................................................................................... 2

Questions I thought about/considered .......................................................................................... 2

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use too Build Understanding .......................................................... 3

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications) ................................... 4

Key Elements of New Learning

One element of new learning that I found critical from Vincent’s work was the fact that children

who performed low on written literacy were able to better express their ideas when working on

the computer or with technology.

As a result of the readings I became more aware than ever about the specific challenges

associated with being a trailblazer in any new area (especially when it involves assigning

imperial values to student’s work). I learned all about how our society is changing and why this

sort of assessment has become a critical need that is yet to be meet.

Something new that I had not before considered was the fairness issue of NOT assessing

multimodal skills. When reading the articles of the students who really benefitted and thrives in

areas where they formerly struggled it seemed almost unfair to not be able to consistently

reward them and recognize their progress for using alternative modalities of literacy. Students

learn all different ways. The more I read about the need for this type of assessment, the more I

recognized how restrictive our current system truly is. This chapter enlightened me more so to

the problem and gave me in some ways a call to action of things I can do better when working

with my own students (past, present and future).

Questions I thought about/considered

Most of the questions that I considered while reading these articles were based on the

curriculum. I found that I found myself spending most of my intellectual time considering the

bigger ideas as to how we can change the overall system to better allow for multimodality to

enter into the classroom.

My personal view of the situation is that if the educational and curricular system was better

designed to meet the needs of our current generation of both technology and learners,

assessment would be a secondary factor derived from the learning goals created. I feel we are

putting the cart before the horse. No matter how amazing our assessment tools are, and how

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well we feel that meet the emerging generational needs, if they do not meet the learning goals

we have nothing.

Why is it that even though we know very well that our children live in a multimodal

world and are constantly under the influence of a vast array of media, we still struggle

when attempting to bring these ideas into the classroom?

How can teachers set up and explain highly complex ideas that require significant

scaffolding to our students without provisions in the curriculum or overall ministry of

education programs that allows for this sort of teaching?

Will bringing assessment of multimodal technology and learning into the classroom be

an asset to all our students, what challenges can I perceive and preempt based on my

current knowledge of technology reconciled to the needs of the learners.

Is it fair to bring technology and multimodal assessment into the classroom when not all

students have the same level of knowledge or abilities? What happens if a student

wants to do a project for homework and not all the students have access to the same

level of tools at home? Is that fair?

How can teachers equalize the learning environment when some students will have

advanced technology skills and others will not? Often times there are not enough hours

in the day or computers available in the school to accommodate this type of learning.

How can teachers overcome this challenge?

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding

Assessment, especially assessment of digital literacy aspects is an idea that I have struggled

with in the past. I feel strongly that it is the role of the teacher to help prepare our students for

the future. I do not limit my definition of preparation to just academic training; if anything I feel

it is even more important to teach our students learning skills so they can progress and seek

knowledge on their own.

I know when my current students graduated university; many of them will enter into jobs that

at this time do not yet exist. Part of how I have always wanted to prepare my students is

through proper and efficient use of current technology. Where I have struggled is that despite

the fact I can give suggestions for how to use the technology I cannot give true meaningful

feedback and guidelines that can be assessed. As has been established students require step by

step instructions and are often time motivated to learn by extrinsic rewards such as marks.

Despite the fact I do have limited ability to make suggestions and guide technological progress

my hands are tied as to what I am actually able to accomplish.

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In regards to this week’s readings I have found some valuable suggestions for how to move

forward and start to bring more technology into assignments. Most importantly I have seen the

vast need for this specific area to be further explored and ideas/suggestions put into play. My

new understanding involves how I can encourage students struggling with a singular modality

of communication such as oral speaking to use technology to overcome their challenges and

potentially even enjoy the process.

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications)

In comparison to some of our other topics I have found this one in particular to be very relevant

and valuable to my current teaching and learning needs. I have come up with some very basic

ideas as to how I can start to on a simple level increase my technological assessment in the


Explicit Instructions without Modality Limitation – This is going to be exceedingly difficult

however I feel it can be done. I feel that if students have an amazing project guideline sheet

and are introduced to all their options, then technology can be assessed as an alternative

presentation method. As more students start to use technology and get familiar with the

benefits the trends will hopefully catch on and within a short time technology as the primary

mode of presentation will be the norm.

Enter from the Sides? – In this idea I would consider taking a subject like art or music that is

generally considered more “fun” and create small assignments worth few marks where

students are introduced to and assessed on their ability to use technology. By entering from the

sides students will gain skills and confidence which are transferable while at the same time

teachers can experiment with various types and assessment tools in a way that is lower profile

and less likely to cause issue.

Collaborate and Share the Vision – Sometimes the best way to do thing is through

stampede. If every single teacher, and the schools administration makes technological

assessment a shared goal people will be more likely to accept the changes. In addition having

many minds collaborates and share tools and ideas will make the process easier for everyone

involved. Teachers can network with one another and talk about what worked vs. did not work.

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Understanding Based on Week 9

DATE: March 16, 2011

TOPIC: Gaming and Literacy

READING(S): Chapter 5 (A New Literacies Sampler)




I selected this image because of

the perceived irony on the

situation. Educators are trying

so hard to keep up with

technology and attempting to

ensure we are meeting

student’s needs. However, what

happens when they just want to

read a book?


Technology is a critical aspect of

the factor making up New

Literacies. Prior to going

through and understanding this chapter I had a very narrow and almost negative perspective on

what I thought “Gaming” was all about. I found that games in my understanding were either

really boring or a mindless waste of time. This image along with the chapter represents my new

understanding. Gaming is another aspect of learning that we can use in correlation with other

forms of literacy to enhance our students understanding.

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Key Elements of New Learning ....................................................................................................... 2

Questions I thought about/considered .......................................................................................... 2

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding ............................................................ 3

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications) ................................... 3

Key Elements of New Learning

There are two related claims regarding video games

1. The virtual world is designed to be in tune with the goals of the plays that play and

inhabit the game.

2. The game invites real world form and allows specific type of goals to be achieved. The

game character represents a real life goal in a specific instance.

After reading Gee’s summaries I know a lot more about specific games and the strategies and

goals required to be successful in games such as Full Spectrum Warrior or Riddick.

Games - “It forces the player (learner) to accept (for a time and place) a strong set of value

connected to a very specific identity”. It could be suggested from this fact that games give the

player order and purpose and help create a sense of identity (even if it is a fake personification

isolated to very specific time and place)

Questions I thought about/considered

The writer of this chapter is very obviously passionate about their topic. It comes through in

every aspect of their writing not only their deep level of intimate gaming knowledge but their

passion to bring this type of learning into the classroom. Personally for myself I found this

chapter much more challenging than others we have studied. The topic was not of interest to

me, and perhaps as a result of my own lack of understanding I am still struggling to see how to

bring this topic into the classroom.

Is there any way we as teachers can bring the positive learning aspects and exciting

portions of games into the classroom while at the same time maintaining our learning

goals and focuses?

Why is there such a wide gap between the types of games available? For the most part

games either come across as either a pointless waste of time or a “lame” attempt at

cool with limited educational value?

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Is it possible to discover what makes games so much fun and so entertaining and

extract those particular elements without needing to bring the entire ideology of

gaming into our classes?

How will parents and the learning community respond to these extremely non-

conventional learning techniques? What framework or prior knowledge must be in

place first in order to help a games based classroom be successful in our current school


Are games more successful in meeting the needs of some groups of student’s then

others? Is it possible that by meeting the needs of some students we are still managing

to neglect or exclude the needs of the students who learn through more conventional

means of understanding?

Ideas and New Thinking I can Use to Build Understanding

What I found the most exciting about this chapter, and can use most readily to build my

understanding is from the top of pg. 108 where Gee about students taking on a strong identity

and set of values connected with obtaining a specific goals. For me this idea is strongly

connected with empathy. If students are able to be that caring and emotionally connected to

meeting the needs of a virtual character perhaps somewhere in there is a lesson about caring

for our peers and valuing each other.

In addition I do feel it is really important for students to feel empowered and have a strong

sense of purpose. In the virtual world it is easy even in multiplayer games to teach students to

have purpose and work together for a common goal.

Prior to this chapter I was very negative on video games in general. Now as a result of my new

understanding I can understand that games (even non-educational specific games) do have

some education congruencies. For examples all games encourage problem solving and logic

skills. If we are able to translate these skills from a video world into real life students who play

games have the potential to do really well in math and science.

Impact on my Understanding of Digital Literacy (Classroom Applications)

To be a hundred percent honest I personal feel more comfortable incorporating the ideologies

of games into my learning and teaching environment then I do actually bring in the physical

games. When I was considering how this chapters learning would impact my classroom

teaching I found that I was excited about the possible ideologies of games giving students

obtainable goals and purposes; however, cautiously concerned about blurring reality.

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Teaching Logic – As I mentioned just slightly prior, games do have the ability to teach logic

and problem solving skills. If we have a very specific world like sims or second life the concepts

taught in the game could teach students money management skills or the ability to meet their

own basic needs or in this case the basic needs of their character.

Character Skills – I can now see how games can help teach empathy and compassion

(perhaps not to their opponent). However, players are asked to work hard to make

someone/something else’s goals their own. Perhaps if students are able to recognize that they

have these character skills and enjoy using them, they would be more likely to bring them into

real life?

Teamwork – it is possible to see the potential of having small groups work together to play a

game. This is especially true if perhaps there has been some tension in the past between two

students and they now need to learn how to work together. Instead of playing a game where

there is a winner and a loser, have students play a game where they both need to be fully

committed and regardless the outcome it is completely shared.

Historical Context – “Accurate” games set in either a modern or historic context that ask the

player to take on a character role from that particular situation can be a meaningful tool for

teaching history and geography. When I was young I played a game called Oregon Trails where I

was a pioneer and had to work really hard for everything to earn food credits etc. That game

was a meaningful lesson for me because in some small way I experienced the life of an early
