OMG Magazine Issue 15



The Trinidad Express Newspapers presents the latest entertainment news, relationship issues, juicy confessions, meet rising sport stars, fashion trenders, new restaurants, hot new music, plus for the first time in Trinidad, we introduce “PLAYERZ” the only local newspaper soap, featuring the exciting lives of 4 friends who never have a dull moment to share... Contact us at [email protected]

Transcript of OMG Magazine Issue 15

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Saturday July 7, 2012 • VOL 1- 15



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Level 1, Gulf City Lowlands Mall, Lowlands

: 800 QUOTe (7868); 800 SERV (7378)

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WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday July 7, 2012 Page 3

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Patrick IfillLAYoUT ANd dESIGN

Real Company


Ronaldo RobertsReanna HarrynarineSean GuevaraKyle Madray


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HAir Art BY VersAstYLe


How to Be A Good BoYfrieNd/GirLfrieNd

Richard MarcanoAge: 20, Chaguanas

Three things I like about myself and why:My personality, because I love having a great time with my friends and I am also the one everyone feels they can turn to when things are rough.

My body. I have worked hard at getting my body fit and ready to compete in track and field andI love the results.

My determination o do well and become a professional athlete.

OMG Moment:My biggest oMG momentcame when I was chosen at the age of 18 to be part of Fashion Week 2010. I was the last one they called. That felt good and the experience of being on stage was great.

PHOTOgRAPHeR:Stephen Doobal


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PArtY Your wAY to

Better HeALtH

Get reAdY for toPPers!

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How to be a good boyfriend without becoming totally whipped. Trust us: the rewards will be well worth it.

STEP 1 - BE RESPECTfULBe respectful and considerate. Professional matchmakers say the vast majority of women request men with those qualities.

Tip – Put the toilet seat down. It’s the number one complaint women have about men, according to one survey and spitting isn’t far behind.

STEP 2 - LISTEN AND RESPONDListen attentively and respond accordingly. If she tells you she has a big exam in the morning, call her that afternoon to see how it went. Better yet, sneak an encouraging note into her purse.

Tip – Give her your undivided attention. Don’t ask, “How was your day?” while turning on the TV

STEP 3 - SEND fLOwERSSend flowers for no reason. All it takes is a phone call!

Tip – Send her favourite flower, rather than the standard red roses, or present her with something personal, like a book or CD you know she’d like.

STEP 4 - ShOw hER OffShow her off. Not being introduced to a boyfriend’s friends is a number one pet peeve with women.

STEP 5 - MAkE hER LAUGhMaintain your sense of humour. Seventy percent of singles say a person who makes them laugh is even more attractive than someone who makes them think.

Standing by your man doesn’t mean trotting behind him or dragging him around on a leash. A little respect for him, and for you, will go a long way.

STEP 1 MAkE yOUR LIfE hAPPyMake your life happy and fulfilling without him. Contrary to popular belief, men want women who are fun and fascinating even more than they want a pretty face.

Tip – Don’t pretend to be unavailable—be unavailable. Staying busy makes you seem more valuable—and gives you plenty to talk about!

STEP 2LIMIT ThE TALkSLimit the “we need to talk” talks. Most men despise having to analyse the relationship.

STEP 3EMBRACE hIS fRIENDSGet to know his friends. Keep your criticism of them to yourself, and don’t complain when he wants to spend time with them.

STEP 4TAILOR yOUR COMPLIMENTSTailor your compliments. Research shows men would rather be praised for a special quality of theirs, like having a great sense of humour, than being told they look good.

STEP 5BE ADVENTUROUSBe adventurous. Scientists have found that the parts of the brain that are activated when we first fall in love are re-stimulated by adventure and novelty.

Tip – Adventure can be as bold as skydiving or as ordinary as taking a photography course—the key is doing something fun and new together.

STEP 6PRACTICE BAThROOM ETIqUETTEPractice good bathroom etiquette. one survey found that men’s top pet peeves are women’s hair all over the bathroom, mirrors coated with hairspray, and women who try to talk to them while they’re using the toilet.

How to be a good boyfriend

How to be a good girlfriend

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confessionsA place to conf

ess your deepest thoughts ano


EMAIL yOUR CONfESSIONS TO [email protected]

No strings AttachedWhy should I have to make all the effort? I thought a relationship was about give and take but all you do is take, and then I find out you’re still trying to get with other people. That would be fine if we did what I wanted and kept it casual, but you wanted to make it official, branding me your girlfriend. I can’t believe you were so insecure that I wasn’t even allowed to talk to other guys. What exactly did I see in you again?? I think I’m well rid of you! Have a nice life, you selfish, alcoholic little child! I really hope you find somebody worthy of you!

stop toting feelingsI saw you with another man today and yes, it made me jealous and a cold feeling washed over me as my hands began to sweat. Although I’d run back and ask you to take me back I’d only be doing it because the controlling and needy aspects of my personality are emerging. I will not go back to being that person as I did previously, for my sake and most importantly yours. I’ve made a mistake and will learn to live with it, just like I’ve done before. Thank God I didn’t call you in my moment of weakness.

i like my meat dry!I wish my girlfriend would stop getting heavier. I liked her thick ’n curvy with no belly flop. I wish she would lose that weight. I liked her the way she was before. I have my limits on thick/fat girls and, well, she’s crossing that line. There’s no way I can tell her without hurting her. She so sensitive and usually takes things the wrong way. Also, I hate it when she gives me a kiss over text messages because sometimes I don’t feel like giving one back. I do it any way just to make her happy.

You’re so sickeningly cute. Every time I see you I feel my heart being crushed into little pieces. My brain always wins, thankfully. I shall not get in your way. You will never be more than yet another co-worker to me. You already have a boyfriend, and I’m way too old for you anyway. Anything I did would be nothing but asking for trouble. This is my

problem, not yours. I must deal with my

own weakness in silence.

co-worker crush!

I have a friend whom I’ve had feelings for; for quite some time actually... but I’m too afraid to express my feelings or even alert him about the way I feel. And that’s really hard because I’m not one to hold back stuff! I don’t want to make a move because suppose his feelings aren’t anywhere near the same page/level as mine and I end up messing up our friendship..... I’d prefer to live my fantasy within the imaginary world that’s layered in my head than to lose our friendship.... so here it is..... YoU! I have feelings for you.... (sigh, I feel much better now)

caught between a rock and a hard place

My husband works as a security guard and every night when he’s at work I invite my outside man over and we have a great time. It has been going on for over a year now and I intend to go on doing this for many more years.

unfaithful and loving it!

for my sins?I went to my friend’s place and stole $20. on the way back home I lost $100. I think that is God’s way of telling me that I did something wrong.

PranksterI prank-call people and pretend to be an angry Asian guy named Buk Lau. I do this for fun but sometimes I feel bad.

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If you are in the mood for great food, some pool, air hockey, basketball, cold drinks, great music and videos, a fully covered outdoor deck to hang out on or just a cozy corner to have a chat, we have found the perfect place for you. It is Toppers Sports Bar and Grill at Grand Bazaar Mall. Roger Chin, the owner, set out to create a great hang out where you can enjoy some cold drinks and appetisers, but Toppers has evolved into a full blown restaurant and bar where you can find great entertainment too. Wednesday is their “Carib Karaoke Night”, Thursday is the live band night and coming in July and August will be bands like Jointpop, The Cabezon, Mayaro and others. Fridays are packed with after-work limers who, instead of hitting the traffic to go home, will stop off at Toppers and relax the evening and work-week away. The name Toppers came from the signature burgers they have which you can top up with anything – avocado, onion rings, pineapple slices, anything you desire, but the place has grown into a full restaurant where families come in to experience an extensive menu, from calamari to dumplings,

fish dishes to rib eye steaks, massive signature sandwiches and burgers, massive racks of ribs and the mouth-watering menu just keeps growing. The staff was also a great pleasure for us. They treated the oMG team to some excellent cocktails from the bar. We had the massive Blackened Fish Sandwich and a Toppers Serloin Steak – a mouth-watering experience. As usual we are sending two oMG Magazine readers to Toppers to have a great evening. All you do is head to the Express oMG Magazine page on Facebook, like the page and say “I want Toppers” and you can win yourself and a friend a dinner at Toppers. If you want to head out there today just drop in on them at Grand Bazaar. The parking is secure – you can even see your car from inside Toppers. Another great place you and your friends can Hang out – Toppers at Grand Bazaar – 645-8677.

If you have a perfect hang Out you would like the OMG Team to check out just send your contact information to [email protected].


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ModELSTwain DimmittBrianna McCarthy

MAKE UPOrissa Mohammed

oRIGINAL PIECESKarmelo Kouture

CLoTHESAssorted Labels

CoNCEPT ANd STYLINGDave williams

PHoToGRAPHYRodell warner

LIGHTINGStephen Doobal

LoCATIoNThe Night Gallery

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Lil’ Bitts, as most of us know her, has been in the soca business for ten years now and is celebrating with revived focus and energy on her music.

She is currently in the studio working on new songs which will be released shortly. She is also working on hosting Synergy TV’s weekly music countdown show. The show features local, regional and international music videos and viewers get to vote for the top songs. She was excited to discover that Trinis are choosing the local videos with the result that they are rising to the top of the charts. Bitts is also excited that she and her younger brother, Sherrard, will be singing together on one of her new tracks – a soca/techno track. Sherrard has always been her songwriter but never recorded and she sees him joining her as an exciting progression for them. Bitts plans to celebrate her tenth year in the soca business and will be releasing songs in all the genres this year. She says, “you can expect a power song, a groovy song, a ragga soca, a pan song. It’s just me celebrating 10 years. I know a lot of artistes can’t say that, because I’ve seen many people fall off, saying the business is too hard. I am really proud of myself, that I am still here and growing”.

Shivonne has always enjoyed performing, from dancing and acting at Sacred Heart Girls RC and then at Woodbrook Secondary. At the age of nine her dad’s friend, Nero, wrote her first song called “Quotations”, a song about wise things the elders would say. At Woodbrook Secondary she met

Kernel Roberts who produced her first soca song. She was in Form one and he was in Form Five. She says, “My sister was in Kernal’s class and she told him, ‘yuh know my sister sings calypso, why yuh don’t write a soca song for her’. And he did. Kernel wrote my first soca song, called “Sing It out”, and I entered the Junior Soca Monarch and came fifth. It was my first time. The conversion from singing calypso to soca was difficult.”

Her first hit song came when she sang “In My Country” with Bunji Garlin. Her other hits include “Crush”, “Bump” and then came a song in 2009 called “Hold Meh” which was written by her brother and has been a favourite song from her fans in Toronto. Bitts admits that she is a bigger hit in Toronto than she is here and she is very grateful for that. She says a lot of her music that will not play in Trinidad plays in Toronto and she is one of the more popular female soca artistes there. So she looks forward to Caribana every year.

Shivonne feels the most difficult part of being in the soca business is having to prove your worth constantly. You are only as good as your last hit and hopefully over the years you can amass a few hits that give you royalties and relevance as an artiste. She says the years you have a hit everyone wants to shake your hand, everyone wants to be your friend. They want to be around you. The next year if you don’t have a hit, those same people will walk straight past you, because you just not happening. She says being relevant is the most important part of being a soca artiste, because when Ras Shorty I created soca, the soca then to what we call soca now has totally changed and now soca has gone totally techno, with that island pop beat. Bitts says she is very techno savvy and a social media fanatic. She can always be found and reached on-line. Her Facebook, Twitter, BBM, and Whatsapp accounts are always on and

Scan the QR code to listen to

“In My Country”

Scan the QR code to view the music video for “Bump”

Scan the QR code to listen to

“Ketchin It”

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Kernel Roberts who produced her first soca song. She was in Form one and he was in Form Five. She says, “My sister was in Kernal’s class and she told him, ‘yuh know my sister sings calypso, why yuh don’t write a soca song for her’. And he did. Kernel wrote my first soca song, called “Sing It out”, and I entered the Junior Soca Monarch and came fifth. It was my first time. The conversion from singing calypso to soca was difficult.”

Her first hit song came when she sang “In My Country” with Bunji Garlin. Her other hits include “Crush”, “Bump” and then came a song in 2009 called “Hold Meh” which was written by her brother and has been a favourite song from her fans in Toronto. Bitts admits that she is a bigger hit in Toronto than she is here and she is very grateful for that. She says a lot of her music that will not play in Trinidad plays in Toronto and she is one of the more popular female soca artistes there. So she looks forward to Caribana every year.

Shivonne feels the most difficult part of being in the soca business is having to prove your worth constantly. You are only as good as your last hit and hopefully over the years you can amass a few hits that give you royalties and relevance as an artiste. She says the years you have a hit everyone wants to shake your hand, everyone wants to be your friend. They want to be around you. The next year if you don’t have a hit, those same people will walk straight past you, because you just not happening. She says being relevant is the most important part of being a soca artiste, because when Ras Shorty I created soca, the soca then to what we call soca now has totally changed and now soca has gone totally techno, with that island pop beat. Bitts says she is very techno savvy and a social media fanatic. She can always be found and reached on-line. Her Facebook, Twitter, BBM, and Whatsapp accounts are always on and

active. Her friends call her “Phonica” because she is always on the phone, keeping up with her fans. So to anyone who needs to contact Bitts remember, she is always logged on and on-line. The future for Bitts is to develop her talent management company with her brother – discovering, developing and producing new acts that they can push internationally. She feels that there are a lot of young talented people in Trinidad and Go Forward Entertainment will be the place where they can blossom.

Bitts is also producing a jazz evening on Wednesdays at Woodford Cafe, Movietowne, Port of Spain called “Music Is Life”. She says it a great place to hear local jazz, poetry, R&B, it’s a great way to relax on a Wednesday evening. When asked about her pet peeves she says she hates liar. She believes in honesty no matter how painful it may be to hear and that you should be honest with her and things can work out from that level. She also dislikes being around smokers and heavy drinkers. Their habits she prefers not to have to deal with. She loves being in the studio and recording and creating. Spending time with her family is her other favourite thing – going to the movies with them and looking at any random show, and it does not even have to be the most popular one. “I even enjoy being home with a nice glass of wine and rocking back.”

When asked about her oMG moment, Bitts says she has had many. one that stands out happened when she just started singing. She was performing on stage and the top she was wearing came off. The other would be performing in Toronto. She says it’s such a great feeling to be performing in another part of the world and feeling loved and appreciated more than you are at home. “I know I have fans in here and in the Caribbean, but there is a different level of appreciation there that I don’t get anywhere else.”

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reneleforde 20 YeArs oLd, VoLLeYBALL

Renele is in her final year at Florida International University and is going to be playing her last season in August to december when she graduates. She plans to go on to do her masters in Sports and Recreational Management. Renele has been playing volleyball for seven years and has become one of the top players on the national team. As a member of the national volleyball team she played in Mexico a month ago and will be heading back there on Monday to compete in the Pan American Cup. The team then heads to the US Virgin Islands to compete in the Caribbean Volleyball Championships. Af-ter this she will be heading back to school in the US in August.

Renele is a tall, confident and focused young lady who always greets you with her winning smile. She started playing volleyball at the age of 14 with Glamorgan and was able to make the national team

the following year. Since then she has played in tournaments throughout the Caribbean and US. She attended the Ta-carigua Presbyterian Primary School and Bishop Anstey (East). After university she plans to play professionally for a few years and return home to work with the Sports Company. Her ultimate goal is to become our Minister of Sport. Asked what she would do in that capacity, Renele says she would develop an olympic training facility for talented national players so that they could get all the professional support and training it takes to make it on the world sporting stage.

Renele’s oMG moment happened just two weeks ago when she was playing in a club tournament in Trinidad. Her team was down 24 to 18 points when she scored the winning goal that won the match in five sets.

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T&T Film Nights moves to Beetham Gardens today, with the screening of local puppetry comedy I’m Santana, the Movie at the Excel Composite School. The character Santana has become a household name over the past two years through several short videos that went viral over social networks YouTube and Facebook. Now, director Roger Alexis has brought the self-proclaimed “bad man”, his friends and bitter rivals to the big screen, with a feature-length movie based on the characters popularised in the video shorts. In the movie, Santana’s tender heart is exposed as he tries to win back his love, Janice, who’s left him for the raunchy Pastor Stewart. It’s a drama with plenty of intrigue, back-biting, two-timing action and lots of laughs. Santana will be screened with Ryan Khan’s Minutes to Midnite, a spooky crime drama involving gangsters, guns, a mysterious woman and some of our local folklore characters.

T&T Film Nights is an initiative of the trinidad+tobago film festival (ttff) and Trinidad & Tobago Film Company (TTFC). Today’s screening is being held in collaboration with Excel Composite School. The movie action begins at 6 pm and there will also be a talk and a question-and-answer session with one of the producers of I’m Santana, the Movie. Admission is free; food and drinks will be on sale. The trinidad+tobago film festival is held annually in September and is presented by Flow, given leading sponsorship by RBC Royal Bank and bpTT, and supported by the Trinidad & Tobago Film Company, the National Gas Company, the Tourism development Company, the Tobago House of Assembly and the Ministry of Arts and Multiculturalism. For more information visit, email [email protected], or call the ttff office at 621-0709.

santana movie to show at Beetham Gardens school

Scan the QR code to check out Joshua Boodram sinigng

Collide (Acoustic Cover)

Local rock band Project override relaunched at the Rise in Chaguanas to a very receptive audience. Their concert- style performance featured artistes from backgrounds of R&B, pop and alternative music.

Project override intends to have many performances over the July/August vacation to entertain their growing audience. They will be participating in the upcoming Annual Pop Music Awards (AMPA) that will be held at Space la Nouba, as well as the first ever Battle of the Bands that will be hosted by Woodford Cafe. You can check out more on Project override by searching them on Facebook or you can email via [email protected] or check them out on:


JosHuA BoodrAm

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How to’s

We said it. Par. Tay. Being social (without overdoing it) can help reduce the risk of stroke, dementia, and even the common cold. So get out there and make merry – your health may depend on it.

STEP 1 - DRINk RESPONSIBLyHave a drink with friends – moderate alcohol consumption in a supportive social setting can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, and red wine may improve cardiovascular health.

STEP 2 - yUk IT UPEmbrace your inner comedian. Laughter can reduce stress and increase blood flow, which can in turn lower your risk for heart disease.

Tip – Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes burns up to 50 calories, meaning you might actually be able to laugh your butt off.

STEP 3 - GAME ONGoof off. Play games that elevate your heart rate or that engage your mind. The first can help get your cardiovascular system into shape; the second can help stave off dementia.

STEP 4 - fLIRTFlirt like a champ. Studies show those who do tend to have higher white blood-cell counts, which helps fight off infection.

Tip – Kissing can burn up to five calories per minute, so get your smooch on with that special someone!

STEP 5 - RELAxTake frequent vacations: a study shows a correlation between two or more vacations a year and lower rates of depression and improved quality of sleep.

STEP 6 - DANCERegular dancing has been shown to help lower the risk of dementia and osteoporosis; provide a great aerobic workout, and release endorphins for a natural, healthy high. Partying never felt so good!

Party your way to better health

omG! Nicki gets mobile in t&t!

Fresh from adding the BET Awards Best Female Hip Hop Artist 2012 to her growing list of accomplishments, Nicki Minaj has started shooting scenes in Trinidad for a new video due out later this month. The video is supposed to include carnival masqueraders among

other local iconic elements. What caught our eyes were her tweets that reflected her excitement to be home and to celebrate her culture and people. Speaking of being mobile here we have Lisa Agard Executive Vice President Bmobile Services & Company Retail distribution catching up with Minaj at Hyatt where a presentation of mobile phones was made. Agard said the production of the video against the backdrop of popular cultural imagery showed that Nicki Minaj continued to be supportive and proud of her homeland and bmobile was happy to support the project, including sponsoring a grand fireworks display at the Queen’s Park Savannah to complement the scenes in the video shot at that location. We can’t wait to see the oMG moments in the upcoming video! If you have any behind the scenes photos email it to us at [email protected]

LisA AGArd, tstt’s executiVe Vice PresideNt BmoBiLe serVices & comPANY retAiL distriButioN, PreseNts NicKi miNAJ witH Her VerY owN BmoBiLe PHoNe

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artist of the week

Ken-ross renaldo LelaVersastyle designz25 years, hair artistRenaldo discovered his passion for hair and hair art just over two years ago and now his work has caught fire.

Anyone wanting to stand out and look special knows that they have to find Renaldo, because he will give them something fresh. Renaldo is yet another Facebook success story. He posted a couple pictures of his work on the social media network and that sparked interest which has consistently grown so that he has a regular flow of clients. Renaldo says he has a celebrity client base and is very proud that they have recognised his talents. The future for Renaldo is packed with great plans and ideas about where he will take his work. His aim is to be a celebrity stylist.

Because of Facebook he has also attracted foreign clients. He is working hard to get his work seen because he knows once you see his talent, you can’t deny it. You can check out Renaldo’s work on Facebook and get your next fresh cut from him. Just scan the QR code below or click on this link

Scan the QR code to check out VERSASTYLE DESIGNZ on facebook

KeN-ross reNALdo LeLA

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Jimmy Henchman confesses to setting up tupac’s shooting

James “Jimmy Henchman” Rosemond made headlines recently for his confession to involvement in the 1994 shooting of Tupac Shakur at the Quad Studio in New York.

In 1994 armed thugs ambushed Tupac and his entourage at the Quad Studio in New York, and shot him five times.

over the last year there have been rumours that Henchman had some involvement in the infamous incident that Tupac eventually rapped about.In an official transcript of Henchman’s drug trial obtained by The Village Voice, a statement made by a prosecutor alleges that Henchman admitted to his involvement in the 1994 shooting incident.

“Now, in particular, there are some statements where the

defendant [Rosemond] spoke about acts of violence… Mr Shargel made comments about the origin of the Chuck Phillips article, which has to do with the shooting of Tupac Shakur in 1994; in particular, the defendant has made admission that he was involved in this particular shooting,” prosecutor Soumya dayananda said, according to the transcripts.

Rosemand’s confession to his part in the incident came shortly after one of his associates, dexter Isaac, confessed to being the ring leader in the shooting. According to reports, Henchman confessed during a “Queen For A day” proffer session with officials last year.

He is currently doing time in a federal prison in Brooklyn after being convicted on 13 counts of drug trafficking charges on June 4. He is facing life imprisonment.

rihanna escapes fiery inferno in London!

“Fire in the Telly #evacuationlife,” Rihanna wrote in an Instagram post a few days ago, accompanying a photo of a fire engine in front of the Corinthia Hotel in London. Another photo of herself curled up in a sweatshirt in the backseat of a car was captioned, “Roamin da streets since 6 am! Fyah in da telly evacuation life.”

This all sounds like a very exciting turn of events for the other 300 or so guests at the hotel. on the one hand, it really sucks to be forced to evacuate your hotel room in the wee hours — who among

us hasn’t been forced to do this once? on the other hand, imagine you are on vacation and have no idea who else is staying in the posh hotel you’ve saved up for, and as you walk blearily down the stairs in your PJs and slippers, you see none other than a bleary Rihanna in her PJs and slippers. oK, we totally made this all up — maybe everyone had enough time to get dressed and maybe it was all rich and jaded guests for whom Rihanna sightings are nothing special. Just let us dream for a second, oK?

The fire department told London’s Evening Standard, “We were called at 06.21 and it was a small fire in the lift motor system on the seventh floor.” No one was injured and the guests were temporarily relocated to the hotel next door. But maybe RiRi just found her SUV “roaming da streets” more comfortable.riHANNA

tuPAc sHAKur

JimmY HeNcHmAN

music videos of the week








Meek Mill ft.Rick Ross-

“Black magic”

Bob ftTaylor swift-“Both of us”

Chris-Brown ftDavid guetta-

“I can only imagine”

Katty perry-“Wide awake”


SCAN the QR CODE with yourSMARTPHONE to see this week’sTop5 Music Video


Ashanti Ft French Montana &Meek Millz-

“No one greater”

Chris Brown-”Fortune”

Jacob Latimore-“You come first”

Dj Khaled ft kanye west and rick ross-

“I wish i could”

Alicia Keys -“New Day” Lauryn Hill pleads guilty to tax

evasion, faces 3 years in prisonLauryn Hill could join several celebrities to be sent to prison for tax evasion after pleading guilty in court recently.

Hill appeared in court to answer to three counts of tax evasion charges. The former Fugee reportedly owes the IRS US$1.8 million

for tax returns from 2005 to 2007. According to TMZ, Hill faces three years in a federal prison and a fine of US$75,000.

The rapper/singer was released on a US$150,000 bail. She returns to court in November for a sentencing hearing.


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At least that’s the buzz about Happy New Year that’s doing the rounds of B-town Shahrukh Khan impressed B-town and his fans alike when he showed off his six-pack abs in Farah Khan’s directorial venture, om Shanti om.

Everyone hoped for a repeat act, but before that could happen, the two Khans had a major falling out. Now that they are friends again, and coming together for a film titled Happy New Year, it almost seems definite that he will go shirtless again. That’s what fellow B-towners are murmuring these days. And from what

Farah told a national daily, the two are not going to stop at six-pack abs this time. It seems SRK’s target for Happy New Year is eight-pack abs. Farah is keeping mum about the actual look and we are yet to hear anything about our favourite star’s exercise plans, but we are sure it won’t be long before someone leaks all the juicy details.

We can only say Shahrukh has a tough task ahead of him. Aamir Khan, we hear, is already working out hard for a similar physique for dhoom:3. But he’s not the Badshaah’s only competition; after all his co-star in the film is John Abraham!

shahrukh Khan to build eight-pack abs

Since ancient times, stories of epic battles and mystical legends have been passed through the generations across the rugged and mysterious Highlands of Scotland. In “Brave,” a new tale joins the lore when the courageous Merida (voice of Kelly Macdonald) confronts tradition, destiny and the fiercest of beasts.

Merida is a skilled archer and impetuous daughter of King Fergus (voice of Billy Connolly) and Queen Elinor (voice of Emma Thompson). determined

to carve her own path in life, Merida defies an age-old custom sacred to the uproarious lords of the land: massive Lord MacGuffin (voice of Kevin McKidd), surly Lord Macintosh (voice

of Craig Ferguson) and cantankerous. Lord dingwall (voice of Robbie Coltrane). Merida’s actions inadvertently unleash chaos and fury in the kingdom, and when she turns to an eccentric old Wise Woman (voice of Julie Walters) for help, she is granted an ill-fated wish. The ensuing peril forces Merida to discover the meaning of true bravery in order to undo a beastly curse before it’s too late.

Brave Scan the QR code to view the trailer


Page 16: OMG Magazine Issue 15

Page 16 WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE | Saturday July 7, 2012