Olyazadeh Description

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  • 7/31/2019 Olyazadeh Description


    WikiTourist, Roya Olyazadeh

    Wiki-TouristLocation-based service is information on the geographical position of the mobile device. It includes

    services to identify the location of an object or person and provide people with information and

    entertainment. This mobile- based application is a sample of Location-based service (LBS) which

    provides a usable framework mobile base application for tourists. It is called Wiki-Tourist. Wiki-

    tourist planned to do the following:

    1. Submit new current location.

    2. Show current location in the map

    3. Add information such as name, description and satisfaction by Percent (popularity).

    4. Capture picture.

    5. Change location.

    6. Store all the locations in database.

    7. Select top places.

    8. Define the best route for top places.

    Steps 4,7 and 8 will be add as future work by knowing more about LBS application and TSP (Travel

    sale problem).

    This mobile web application is implemented by Jguerymobile GUI. It is an HTML5-based user

    interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI

    foundation [1]. HTML5-Geolocation is used to define the current location. The Geolocation API

    proposes a high-level interface to location information connected the latitude and longitude [2].To

    display the map, Google map Javascript application is applied. The map shows current location with

    a red marker and by clicking inside the map you can add other marker and the center of the map

    will be moved to new clicked place [3].Finally a local database is created for storing the current

    locations by HTML5 Local database [4].This database obtains information from input text such as

    name, description, latitude and longitude. It has several functions like create a table, adding a row

    to the database, deleting a row or an element, drop the table and update [5].The local database

    works on GoogleChrome.

    Totally, this application works as follow: First it asks if the user wants to share current location with

    the browser. Then it display latitude and longitude in to the input text. The user can change the

    location by clicking on the map. Beside information can be added into input texts. Then the first

    button has to be clicked is Insert button. So it can add data to the data base. If the location is

    changed, the user can click on Submit button to track the new current location. Finally it can reset

    the form or remove the database or delete one data from database manually.

    The webpage is available at:



    1. http://jquerymobile.com/

    2. http://www.w3schools.com/html5/html5_geolocation.asp

    3. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/overlays

    4. http://blog.darkcrimson.com/2010/05/local-databases

    5. http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Store_data_in_the_HTML5_SQLite_database-

