Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine - … · Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine August...

Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine August 2016 50p Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside I do like to be beside the sea! I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom! Where the brass bands play: "Tiddely-om-pom- pom!" Have a happy summer holiday!

Transcript of Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine - … · Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine August...

Page 1: Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine - … · Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine August 2016 50p Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside I do like to be beside the sea!

Old Heath Parish and Community Magazine

August 2016 50p

Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside I do like to be beside the sea!

I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom! Where the brass bands play: "Tiddely-om-pom-


Have a happy summer holiday!

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My dear friends,


It is not often that I feel moved to make any direct reference to politics. They say one should never discuss religion or politics.

Well, as a clergyman I can’t really avoid religion and though –like all of you –I am also an ordinary subject/citizen of this realm if I mention politics I am quickly told that the church

should not meddle in politics. Well, I don’t want to meddle but I do want to comment.

It is quite interesting that in a ‘liberal’ society we are all free to

say what we think so long as we don’t say something which the ruling elite don’t agree with. Politicians are quick to ask the support of the church so long as the church is in line with their

way of thinking. If we are not - then, as I say, we are told not to meddle. A person who happens to go to church is still ‘a person’ in the same way that a person who goes to Tescos is

still ‘a person’. Is one entitled to speak out and the other not?

In a Democracy, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Generally, I try to keep my opinion on political matters to

myself and I never reveal how I have voted in any election. It has been quite interesting to see how people have tried to deter-mine how I voted in the Referendum. I met a Belgian couple

last week who had been convinced that all old people hated Eu-rope and all young people loved Europe. ‘How do you work that out?’ I asked. ‘Well, all the young voted remain and all the

old voted leave’. How they knew who had voted is a mystery. I could only say, in semi humorous tone, that I suspected that all the young were in bed and the old were equally (more or less) divided in their opinion.

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If I ask you a question. Let us say that I ask whether you like

tea or coffee and that you can have which ever you prefer. Regardless of which I prefer, I must accept that your preference is your preference.

I gave you a choice and if you choose tea – tea you shall have even if I prefer coffee (which I don’t before you all start asking me!) I don’t have to give you a choice. My mother would often

give me Hobson’s choice. Which means no choice at all. Or, if you prefer, take it or leave it. However, if I give you the choice I must be prepared for the answer.

The Prime Minister did not have to call a Referendum but he did. I guess he didn’t want a debate in parliament and he want-ed a decision on Europe. My belief is that the disquiet over

Europe was more to do with money and beaurocracy than immigration because those of us of an age have grown up with changing populations. In the 1950s we grew up with and

integrated with people from the Colonies of Africa and the West Indies, in the East End we mixed with all the Jewish people, in the 1970s it was people fleeing from Idi Amin in

Uganda and now people seeking a better life than they have in the poorer parts of Europe. What I am saying is that I don’t think race or nationality is a problem though numbers may be

but regardless of our thoughts on the matter –the Prime Minister asked a question and gave a choice. Having given a choice a true statesman would have stood back, allowed the

debate and the vote and then dealt with whatever the people had decided. He should not have taken a view. Had he remained neutral we would not then have been plunged into the acrimonious nonsense we have been subjected to since. In

a DEMOCRACY the people make their decision and the politicians should then get on with it. It is not good enough for them to then say the vote was wrong or that we will now

plunge into all manner of troubles. OF COURSE WE WON’T.

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When the politicians have finished fighting each other and the

media find something else to cover their front pages we – you and me – the ordinary folk – will get on with life and make the best of it. Perhaps we will be better off. Perhaps we will be

worse off. We’ve been through it all before and if we stick together as a people and look out for each other then we will get through it all. I do not believe the world will come to an

end because the majority voted leave. Europe wants to trade with us and since we import more from Europe than they import from us I think it unlikely that they will wish to stop

trading- and if they don’t want to trade with us then we will trade with someone else I suspect.

In a Democracy –in a Referendum a majority is a majority.

That is how it works. If Labour win the election –Tories have to put up with it and vice versa. The Prime Minister asked a question and got an answer. The Government’s job is to get on

with it and to put our minds at rest –not to stir us up with scaremongering. The alternative to a Democarcy is a Dictatorship and I am sure none of us would want that.

I, as your Vicar, am under authority. In my opinion the Church is not a Democracy despite the best efforts of the C of E because I have a Lord and Master . Jesus Christ. He tells me to

serve, to live amongst my people and to treat everyone as I would like to be treated. Perhaps, once the ‘hoo haa’ of the referendum has passed we could all do likewise.

There I have got that off my chest and now I am going to smoke my pipe - oh dear, is that politically incorrect?

God bless you all,

Father Richard - Your priest and Vicar

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Dining at St Barnabas’

Thanks to Daphne and her ‘team’ we enjoy a wonderful choice of meals once a month.

We next meet on

August 17th

Do come and join us.

Bible Study

The Bible Study group will meet on Mondays 1st, 8th and 22nd August at 6.30 pm in church.

All welcome.

Holy Rosary

The Rosary will be prayed in church on Monday 15th August

at 6.30 pm.

But what do they mean?


A system of Government whereby the people are involved in

making decisions by electing representatives to parliament (Parler meaning to talk) Government by the majority of people for the people.

Plebiscite or Referendum

This is when the Government calls upon all of the people eligible to vote to make a decision on behalf of the Nation.

Refer means to ask someone else and Plebiscite comes from Plebeian – the common people.

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Pedal for your local hospice! Whether you are a long-distance cyclist or just enjoy a leisurely family bike ride, why not turn your pedal power into pounds by joining in one of St Helena Hospice’s cycle events? First up there is the London to Brighton 54 mile route on Sunday 11th September starting at Clapham Common and finishing on the iconic Brighton Pier. The ride is open to all cyclists from age 16 upwards and is perfect for aspiring or seasoned cyclists, or corporate teams. London to Brighton is renowned for its amazing atmosphere and sense of fun. This cycle challenge is perfectly placed to offer small or large groups a great experience. Participants will come away with wonderful memo-ries and a sense of achievement! To find out more about this challenge please visit www.sthelenahospice.org.uk/challenges If London to Brighton isn’t for you, then how about taking part in the an-nual St Helena Hospice Cycle Ride on Sunday 2nd October? There is a route for every cyclist over the age of five, with 5, 24, 56 or 100 miles around beautiful countryside to choose from, all starting at Monks Farm in Dedham. To take on the five mile challenge, registration costs £7.50 for under 16s and £12.50 for adults, and to register for the 24, 56, or 100 miles it costs £15 for under 16s and £25 for adults. Please visit www.sthelenahospice.org.uk/cycleride16 to register online today. Registration will be closing on Friday 30th September at 12pm and re-opens on the Sunday morning of the event when the cost to register for the 5 mile route will be £12.50 for under 16s and £17.50 for adults, and to register for the 24, 56 or 100 miles it costs £25 for under 16s and £35 for adults. To talk to the St Helena Hospice events team about either of these cy-cling challenges, please call 01206 931468.

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I have decided to make a stand for my Britishness and invite you to join my campaign! Alas the age old expression ‘ How do you do?’ to which the proper response is ‘How do you do?’; and then to pass on has been replaced with ‘Hi, how are you?’ or worse ‘Hi, how are you doing?’ This usually comes from complete strangers at the Supermarket , in the Café or in those tiresome cold telephone calls. This infringement of my privacy and personal state of affairs is very trying. My usual response is ‘Doing what?’ which confuses and makes me smile within. Then there is the impertinence of people saying ,’Hi Richard and constantly calling me Richard when I have no idea who they are. That is soon stamped on by my making it clear that I am either Mr Tillbrook or Father Richard- and if I am feeling particularly challenging I ask if we have met. The next thing which really drives me around the bend is waiters telling me to ‘Enjoy’. My response is either ‘Enjoy what?’ or ‘ If I enjoy, I will tell you -if I don’t I shall certainly tell you.’ Another thing, in a restaurant I make it very clear that they are not to interrupt my dining and conversation by coming and asking ‘Is everything alright for you?’ I respond, ’If it isn’t, I shall tell you and if it is my plate will be empty’. However, I now find it easier to tell them not to approach me again until I

indicate I am ready for more service. Oh yes, and finally , when they bring your food they say ‘There you go’. To which,

you’ve guessed it, I invariably respond, ‘Where exactly am I going?’.


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Ride and Stride

Do you like walking or perhaps you cycle? If so may I invite you to take part in the annual 'Ride and

Stride' which takes place on Saturday 10th September between 10am and 6 pm.

I am sure that most of you know how it works but for those who do not ,the idea is that each participant gets sponsorship from friends and relatives to go round as many churches as

possible and the money raised is split 50/50 between 'The Friends of Essex Churches Trust ' who restore and help furnish old churches in need of repair etc., and our on church of

St. Barnabas. The details and forms will be out soon and I will be pleased to supply you so that you may join with others from across

Essex in this worthwhile day. Janet Hubbard.


This is a gentle reminder that we have a flower fund to enable us to always have fresh flowers in church. Now that our major festivals and services have past for a little while and we have a pause, the fund is getting somewhat

depleted and it would be nice to replenish it if possible so that we are ready to meet the demand later in the year when we have Harvest, Remembrance and then Christmas.

(Gosh doesn't time fly?). The church is ever moving forward and with God as our guide and friend we can enjoy our times together in our

lovely little church. Thanks in anticipation, no amount is too small .

Janet Hubbard.

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The Evensong Programme seems to have grown and there will be joint evensongs at 6 churches this year. However, I shall maintain a service at St Barnabas throughout July and only cancel services here for 3 of the 4 Sunday evenings of August. You, of course, are welcome to attend all of the joint services if you wish.

Services are as follows:-

7th August St Barnabas 14th August All Saints Shrub End. 21st August St Leonard’s Lexden 28th August St Mary’s Wivenhoe

Jeff and Bev

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Monday 1st Outreach to young families

Tuesday 2nd Those seeking new work

Wednesday 3rd The faithful housebound

Thursday 4th All parish priests

Friday 5th Residents of Clearwater

Saturday 6th That we may listen to God`s


Sunday 7th The parish/greater fellowship

among us

Monday 8th Bishop Norman

Tuesday 9th Stronger faith

Wednesday 10th Thanks for the witness of the


Thursday 11th The Catholic Societies

Friday 12th Homeless people and refugees

Saturday 13th Children and teachers on


Sunday 14th The parish/ generous hearts

Monday 15th Thanksgiving for the witness

of Our Lady

Tuesday 16th New Vocations

Wednesday 17th Our armed forces and their


Thursday 18th Religious communities

Friday 19th Residents of Commerce Park

Saturday 20th Those who serve our community

Sunday 21st The parish/the sick and those

who care for them

Monday 22nd The Hospital Chaplaincy team

Tuesday 23rd Perseverance in our faith

Wednesday 24th The ripening harvest

Thursday 25th The conversion of this country

Friday 26th Victims of crime

Saturday 27th Residents of Commerce Way

Sunday 28th The parish/humility in our


Monday 29th Peace in the world

Tuesday 30th Young people preparing to go

to college

Wednesday 31st The Emergency Services

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WHAT’S IN A NAME? I wonder if any of you have ever been called a Vandal, a Plebeian, a Luddite or a Philistine. If you have, it was probably by your teacher or your parents who were giving you verbal abuse for some misdeed or failing. However, do you know why they used these words and why words that all refer to people or peoples have become words of abuse? Luddite You will probably be called a Luddite if you have decided that an old way of doing things or an old type of gadget is better than a new type. Why? Well, because Luddites were textile workers in the 19th Century who objected to the introduction of labour saving Textile Looms and machines. They were frightened of losing their jobs and their skilled worker pay so they destroyed many factory machines. Plebeian

If you are called a Plebeian it means that the person so calling you thinks you are of a lower class or beneath their intellect. However, the Plebeians were actually what we would now call the working or ordinary class of people in ancient Rome. The Patricians ruled and the Plebeians served. It is used as a bit of an insult now but actually it just means that you are not an aristocrat. I can live with that!

Philistine When we get called a Philistine it usually means that the person speaking to us thinks we are lacking in culture or understanding of something musical or artistic. The Philistines were actually the people of Philistia (Palestine) They were enemies of the Israelites and were believed to have destroyed Jewish buildings and culture in their wars against the Israelites. Their name has become synonymous with lacking an understanding of culture. (In their case, Jewish Culture)

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Vandals I am sure we have all been called a vandal when we have broken something and groups of people are called vandals when they collectively decide to destroy public buildings or works of art etc. Vandals were a people who swept through Europe and are reputed to have sacked Rome and destroyed many of its buildings. So there you have it. Modern insults are derived from the

names of ancient peoples.



What passing-bells2 for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns.

Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out3 their hasty orisons.4

No mockeries5 now for them; no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, – The shrill, demented6 choirs of wailing shells; And bugles7 calling for them from sad shires.8

What candles9 may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes

Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. The pallor10 of girls' brows shall be their pall;

Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk11 a drawing-down of blinds.12

September 1917

Wilfred Owen 1893-1918

Thanks to Mrs Mercer for suggesting this poem.

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Year 6 spending a fabulous morning at Tescos courtesy of their 'Farm to Fork' education programme and being very well looked after by Mrs Jo Clarke. The children visited the bakery to make their own loaf with Rob, a tour of the freezer and chiller rooms along with various activities on the shop floor based on fruit & veg, fish counters and some very tasty cheeses!

Mim’s Coach Trip

21st August (Sunday) Guided visit to Eltham Palace & Thames cruise £45 (EH members £27)Leave 8.30 17th September (Saturday) Visit Long Melford and then a mystery tour. Leave 9am 9th October (Sunday) Alexandra Palace Knitting and stitching show. £29 Leave Clacton 8am Wivenhoe 8.30am 1st November (Tuesday) Fundraiser for St Helena Hospice. Soup Supper at St Barnabas’ hall. £5 Starts 7.30pm 7th December (Wednesday) The Essex Highlands Christmas Special- Guided tour of Saffron Walden, lunch, games , quizzes etc. £45 Leave 8.30am 21st December Thursford Spectacular £51 leave 8.30am

Call Muriel 01206 823427 to book. Cheques payable to M. Johnson.

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School News The Year 4 class have completed a ten week session of swimming lessons at Colchester Leisure World. It has been fabulous to see so many children make such great improvement in their ability to swim, the quality of their strokes and their confidence in water. Being an 'island nation' and a school that is so close to so many different forms of water it is really important that we do support 'learning to swim' as a very important life skill! The Year 6 have been up to their elbows in flour, butter, sugar and all things 'Cookie Challenge'! Over the last three weeks they have been planning and experimenting with cookie recipes and inventing 'new varieties'. They worked in teams to produce a final product to sell at the end of school. Infact there was so much interest they were not allowed to buy their own cookies on the day and we have had to have another 'Cookie Day' so they can actually make and take home their own particular variety. Monday 11th July finally saw the whole school take to the field for Sports Day; Nursery, Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 in the morning and then Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the afternoon. We had a very successful day until the total down pour around 3pm, which washed us all away! A very BIG THANK YOU to the Year 6's for creating the sports activities for the morning session and all the staff and parents who supported their chil-dren. Well done to the KS2 children, staff and parents for their magnificent competing and supporting despite getting soaked to the skin! Over the last few weeks we have had our new intake in to Early Years coming to visit the school each week in preparation for starting in September. We are very much looking forward to welcoming them into our school officially on Thursday 1st September! At the end of a school year there are always 'Good byes' & 'Good Lucks' to be said and wished. All our Year 6 will be moving on to secondary school and we wish them all the very best in their new schools. We will also be saying 'Good bye and good luck' to staff; Mrs Holliday who started her teaching career here in September 2005, and Mr Frost and Miss Wiggins who have worked in the school to support learning in class and coached PE and Sport will be undertaking new ventures in teacher training. We wish them all the very best for the future!

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Holy Days in August

Saturday 6th August

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

Our Lord was wonderfully and mystically “transfigured” with divine light on Mount Tabor. (Luke 9. 28-36) During this time

he spoke with Moses and Elijah, an experience which was witnessed by Peter, James and John. The Transfiguration shows how Jesus fulfils the old covenant and also points to his future

glory in the Resurrection.

Monday 15th August

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church commemorates the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her entry into heaven, where she is venerated as the Mother of God and the greatest of all the saints. In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, this feast is known as the “Dormition” or “Falling Asleep” of the Blessed Virgin. In medieval England, this feast was known as the feast of “Our Lady in Harvest.”

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John J. Smith Independent Funeral and Memorial Service

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September 1st - Carol from Stepping Stones

September 15th - Social-Quiz

October 6th - Visit Edinburgh Wool Mills Shop.

October 20th - AGM

History of the months, cont.

August-Augustus Caesar`s month

Latin-Augustus mensis-“month of Augustus”

Latin-“sextilis mensis”-sixth month

Sextilis had 30 days until the time of Numa (700 BC) when it had 29 days.

Under the Julian calendar (from 46

BC) it became 31 days long.

Augustus Caesar, ( emperor in Christ`s time) clarified and completed the

calendar reform of Julius Caesar and also renamed this month after himself.

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When the Monk met the Prince…

Clearly one rubs shoulders with nobility when in Wales. The Prince of Wales visited the church where Michael is

currently serving in Abergavenny. He’s not name dropping, honestly!

To make you smile

The Lord’s Prayer contains 69 words The Ten Commandments 297

The American Declaration of Independence 310 The EEU Directive on Duck Eggs 28,911.

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The marriage of Tom and Suzie Rice at Copdock Church, conducted by Fr Richard

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To make you smile:

A lady was staying the night at her daughter's, and was putting her grand-daughter to bed after they had finished reading a story. The lady suggested that they could thank Jesus in their prayers for a

lovely day. The grand-daughter, who is 5 years old, said "we can't talk to Jesus tonight Nan, the Internet

is not working, perhaps it will be on again tomorrow".

With thanks to Frankie for sending in this amusing

and (apparently) true story

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Leo and Jake WHYBROW 10th July

Maximilian HASTINGS 23rd July

Joshua SULLIVAN 31st July


Tom and Suzie RICE - June 25th

(Copdock Church)

Simon and Sarah TURNER - July 9th

(Abberton Church)

Alex and Amy CRAWFORD - July 23rd

(Ardleigh Church)


Gertrude HUFFEY RIP 20th June Aged 86

Funeral 4th July

Alan MARTIN RIP 15th June Aged 67

Funeral 11th July

Anthony GOLDING RIP 16th June Aged 77

Funeral 4th July

Anthony GIBBINS RIP 23rd June Aged 75

Funeral 5th July

Derek HARVEY RIP 19th June Aged 86

Funeral 11th July

Kenneth FINCH RIP 5th July Aged 87

Funeral 13th July

All conducted by Fr Richard

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GIFT DAY I know that I have told you this before but it does no harm to tell you again. Our Church in Old heath and the presence of a Vicar in Old Heath can only be sustained if we give generously. Though we are the State Church, the State does not give us any money. In order to keep the doors of the church open for you and in order for me to be here among you, we have to find over £40,000 per year. Every penny comes from what you are prepared to give or what some people leave in their wills when they die. Hundreds of people have benefitted from having our Church in Old Heath over the past year yet very few have given more than a few pence in the collection. If you value having a church in Old Heath , even if you are not a regular church attender, then please give generously on GIFT DAY. On Sunday, August 14th I shall receive your gifts at the Mass at 10am and remain in church until 4pm for those who cannot make Mass. If you value the church then bring your ‘money’ gift to me on that day. If you can’t make it on the day then either send a gift in the post or drop it through my letter box when you are passing.

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Open your hidden treasures in aid of the hospice

St Helena Hospice is inviting local people to showcase

their gardens from March to August in order to raise

money in support of its patients and their families.

The hospice recognises that lots of its supporters have

beautiful gardens nestled away which have had a lot of

hard work, time and effort put into, and it would love

supporters to share their masterpieces in aid of its work.

Whether the garden is a large estate or just a few pots and

planters the hospice wants to give people a chance to show

off their hidden treasures!

The community fundraising team will provide fundraising

materials for anyone opening their garden as well as

helping with advertising to the local community. An event

raising just £25 could pay for a chaplaincy visit to provide

a ‘listening ear’ to a patient, regardless of any religious

beliefs. A small donation can make a large difference.

Find out more information about the event and how to get

involved at sthelenahospice.org.uk/opengardens16 or by

calling the community team on 01206 931468.

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Pick up your Postal Orders, Travellers Cheques, Euros, Stamps etc.

Shop Opening Times: Post Office opening times: Mon - Fri: 6.30 a.m. - 8.00 p.m. Mon - Fri: 9.00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Sat: 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m. Sat: 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Sun: 8.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

218A Old Heath Road on bus route 66

Gertrude Grace HUFFEY Grace was born in Fordham and attended the village school, leaving at the age of 14. She was the daughter of Ethel and Bert Garrard and sister to June (deceased) and Dennis. On leaving school she worked variously at Woolworths in the High Street and on a farm with her friends. When Ted was demobbed in 1946 from the Navy he met Grace through a friend and they fell in love and were married at Fordham Church in 1948. Their love was blessed by the birth of children Marian and Carole and later by their 6 Grandchildren and 7 Great Grandchildren. They soon moved to the house in 7 Star Green and there they remained . Ted and Grace spent 68 happy years together and were, as you all know, devoted to each other. As the children grew up Grace went back to work sometimes Apple Pick-ing, then in the Village Shop and eventually back to Woolworths. For Grace and Bert family meant (means) so much and they loved to spend as much time with the family as possible.This , of course. Meant that many a month was also spent in Australia. Grace was the perfect mum, Nan and Nanna and would do anything for you.Among her many talents was needlecraft and she loved to use the IPAD – a very modern Nan too.

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I do not need to tell you how she became frail in recent years , you all know.We will, however, dwell on how special she was and will always be in your hearts. Ted told me that only one thing came out of Grace’s ina-bility to do all she wanted to do in the latter years and that was he had to learn to cook at 91. They were devoted to each other, as I have said, and her passing leaves a huge hole in your lives. RIP Anthony GOLDING Anthony grew up in Stratford –Newham – in the East End of London sis-ter to Janice and Jacqueline. On leaving school he went to work with his dad as a steel erector. He then served some time in the Army. He met Lil and they were married in 1961. The joy of children soon came along – John Christine & Toni and later Home moved from Stratford to Thurrock to Benfleet to Colchester He then took lessons for the HGV licence and became a Lorry Driver for a while and finally to Group 4 where he did security work until his retire-ment. Anthony was what we would call an old fashioned man’s man. He got on with life, made little fuss and did what he had to do for family and work. Tony GIBBINS Tony was born in Loughborough in 1940 – actually Castle Donnington. The son of Phyliss and Harold and brother to Carole David and Susan. After the war the family came to Colchester and Tony attended our school here in Old Heath and then The Gilberd School when it was on North Hill. On leaving school he went to work for the Borough Council in the Archi-tects Department, then the treasurers Dept and finally at Gosbecks Road Depot – not sure what he did there! Jean and Tony had known each other since they were children – living across the road from each other. Jean told me that there was never any-one else for her and her love and happiness was sealed when they married 54 years ago at St.Mary Magdalen’s Church. As we know, their love was blessed with the birth of Amanda and mark and later their Grandchildren and Great Grand child – all named by Amanda and all loved by Jean and Tony. Tony took early retirement but, of course, didn’t retire. He just started work again –this time as a Coach Driver for Cedrics. Eventually he gave up paid work at 65 and Bowls took over. Those of us who have had the privilege of knowing him will be aware that he was great fun to be with, the life and soul and a great friend to have. Like your Vicar, he liked the occasional glass of Vin Rouge and

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was a generous host. Jean and Tony were a great team and the best of friends. He was a loving husband and father. Amanda confided that she managed to sneak a little red wine in to the hospital disguised as Ribena….. he balked at first until he took a sip through a straw and then a great smile came over his face. Alan MARTIN Alan was born in Colchester the son of Iris and Fred the oldest son of a big family. Life was tough and money short.He attended St James School. He worked hard from the start originally on a farm. He met the love of his life when she worked in Woolworths. He was look-ing for Elvis Presley records but he kept coming in and it was soon clear that he was looking for her. Eventually he plucked up courage and asked her out –that was 1969. They were married at All Saints Shrub End in 1973. Home moved from Hamilton Road, to Greenstead , to Jackson Walk where the family eventually settled. Their love was blessed with the arri-val of Aaron and Jonathon. He continued to work hard for the family and was severally employed by Colchester Concrete, Pertweets, ARC, Alsons and finally Tarmac where he stayed for 27 years. On retirement he was not long out of work and became a well known and much loved deliverer of Prescriptions to the housebound. That ministry, for that is what it was, was greatly appreciated by so many and he loved his work. Alan was great fun to be with , he loved his boys very much and taking the family out for drives and on holiday was one of his greatest pleasures. Among his other loves were his car, bingo, Elvis Presley and billiards. When Alan went out for a minute -he could be gone for hours as he chat-ted to all whom he met. He will certainly be missed in and around Jack-son Walk and by all those who looked forward to his knock on the door - of course, it is his loving family who will miss him most but they at least have the memory of a loving and caring husband and father. DEREK HARVEY Derek was a quiet and courteous man. Though not a church goer he was a great supporter of the church and encouraged Anne to maintain her love of church. In FR Peter’s day the church was in serious need of re-decorating and Derek got on quietly beautifying the sanctuary area. Among his many tal-

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ents were his undoubted skill in upholstery and carpentry. The Grandfa-ther Clock which many will have seen , he made from Anne’s mother’s oak bedroom suite. It is a wonderful creation. Derek was kind, honest and straight forward.He was a joy to know.His quiet humour which often surfaced was appreciated by all who knew him. He was one of life’s gentlemen. Ken FINCH Ken was born in 1929 and lived with his parents and his brother Bill and sister Margaret. When he left school he went to work at Rippers Wood Timber Merchant. He then responded to the call up and joined the Army during which time, whilst stationed in Woolwich, he learnt to drive lorries and Ambulances. He also acted as Batman/Driver to high ranking Offic-ers. After demob he went to work for Tanners dairy as a Milk and Bread delivery man. The company changed hands often so he worked for the Coop and then Dairy Crest. He was married and he was blessed by the birth of Pauline and Stephen. He met Ann and the family grew to include Robin, Susan, Caroline, Barry & Kimberley, Katrina, Kelly, Hannah, , Hayley, Harley,. Henry and Lexi. I think the total was about 15. He was a fantastic Grand dad . though they all called him Ken and he was the best taxi driver the Grandchildren could ask for. Ann and Ken were together for 32 years. They set up home in Speedwell Road. Ken was always immaculate in appearance and great fun to be with. He loved to drive his car . he enthused over Country and Western Music and was very fond of his little dog Toby. He and Stephen enjoyed the father son relationship and enjoyed weekend trips to the various Car Boot Sales.

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Calendar for August

1.Baby Clinic 9.30am Mass 6pm. Line Dancing 7.30pm

2.Mass 10am and coffee. Sewing Group 7.30pm

3.Weight Watchers 6.30pm. Mass St James 7pm. Apalachian Dancers 8.30pm

4.Garrison 9am. Mass St James 12.30pm Friendship Group 2pm. Mass 7pm

5.Scalextric Club 7pm

6. Garden Party at Kath and Terry’s 2pm.

7.SUNDAY Mass 10am Choral Evensong St.Barnabas 6.30pm

8.Mass 6pm. Line Dancing 7.30pm

9.Mass 10am and coffee. Sewing Group 7.30pm

10. Trip to Southend for Old Heath Children. Weight Watchers

6.30pm. Apalachian Dancers 8.30pm

11.Garrison 9am. Friendship Group 2pm. Mass 7pm.

12.Scalextric Club 7pm

13. Trefoil Guild meet 2pm. Open gardens Elmstead Market.

14.SUNDAY Mass 10am. GIFT DAY for the Par ish. Even-song Shrub End.

15.The ANNUNCIATION Baby Clinic 9.30am. Mass (CW) 6pm. Line Dancing 7.30pm

16.Mass 10am and coffee. Sewing Group 7.30pm

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17.Lunch Club 12.30pm. Weight Watchers 6.30pm. Apalachi-

an Dancers 8.30pm

18.Garrison 9am. Friendship Group 2pm. Mass 7pm.

19.Scalextric Club 7pm


21.SUNDAY Mass 10am. Evensong Lexden 6.30pm

22.CS House 10.30am.Mass 6pm BCP Line Dancing 7.30pm

23.Mass 10am and coffee. Sewing Group 7.30pm

24.St.Bartholomew. Weight Watchers 6.30pm. Apalachian Dancers 8.30pm

25.Friendship Group 2pm. Mass 7pm.

26..Scalextric Club 7pm


28.SUNDAY Mass 10am and Baptism. Evensong Wivenhoe

29.BANK HOLIDAY Church Closed.

30.Mass 10am.and coffee. Sewing Group 7.30pm

31.Weight Watchers 6.30pm Apalachian Dancers 8.30pm.


PCC 5th

Ride & Stride 10th

Launch of Patrick Denney’s new Old Heath Book 16th.

MacMillan Coffee Morning 30th.

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St. Barnabas Church, Abbot’s Road YOUR Church of England Parish Church



10.00 a.m. Parish Mass and Baptisms 6.30 p.m. Evening Service


The Vicar: (01206) 797481 The Rev’d Richard Tillbrook SSC [email protected]

Parish Reader: Mrs Jackie Twinn (01206) 240313

Church Warden: Mr Christopher Burch (01206) 572595

Church Warden: Mrs Jean Gibbins (01206) 798294

PCC Secretary: Mrs Lesley Burch (01206) 572595

PCC Treasurer: Mr David Bacon (01206) 511676

Vicar’s Sacristan: Mr Trevor Hubbard (01206) 795925 Magazine Editor: The Vicar Magazine Compiler: Mr Michael Topple 07505 662040 [email protected]

Head Teacher Old Heath School: Mrs Amanda Mitchelson (01206) 794334

Zone Wardens: Justin 07967 361644 Nick 07949 783830

D’Arcy Road Community Hall Bookings: Debby or Lesley (01206) 870266

O Wud Some Pow’r the Giftie Gie Us.To See

Oursels As Others See Us!

Robert Burns