Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Press......» fcv -*>' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•;...

...» fcv -*>' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•; •»'•'•' »• '•»*» l H » ' , » ^ •"<% ;-v...<-..', i ^w »«#-»•»' RWW ; OTBOHAKPIBE . ** ' Tot Sale—Miscellaneous IS fcERAMlcTlLE—45c «a. ft: plastic tilt. 34c. Beit grade A. EMERlCK ^ Display, Laurai at Maln.__$-02*3. CUSHIONED COMFORT all day long. Wear Knapp Aerotred shoes. Call 4-2195 or Vestal 5-6717. fSviLBlSS "Paint-Spraying Equip- ment. Compressor*, guns, tanks and hose. V«'» h.p. outfits now in •tock. H. C. COLLIER & SONS Washington St. E~ABY WASlfER—Spin Dry. Less*than a year old. Regular 1209. now »H». DAMEL Q. CARVER 133_ Washington St. Dlal_3-645S._ EXEC^IC*HAfCcI.l^PERS. $T.75 up BlNOHAMTON SUPPLY CO. 120 Washington St. Phone 2-2011 EtECTRJC RANOE~-Crosie/•. 'Excel- l e n t condition. Djal-3-0e» after, 4. fjfoUUKTl SOBA "FOUNTAIN-^-" f allon capacity, carbonater, 10 tools. 18-ft. bar, Hotpolnt Electric OfUl. Walters, Maine, N. V., 8-9888 MERCHANDISE Household Good* !A TV—IBM OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Westinghouse. 81*. full door, blonde. Regular $429.95, Spe- cial $269.9$. While they last. KING'S RADIO-APPLIANCE STORE 111 Court St. Dial 2*4688 TV—Used; fully reconditioned. As low BB S49 $3 PEARIS BROS,,' 117 Court St. 2-1421. TV—USED. "ALL MODELS, $50 UP. IDEAL OARAGE 2908_E.JMainJSt, Endlcott_5-3431. TV—1954, 21* Weltlnghouse, 3-way combination, automatic changer and radio. Reg. $499.50. now $349.50. KING'S RADIO-APPLIANCE STORE 111 CourtJ5t ! ^^DlalJ^lOSS^ T.v777" s lable model. $65: combination radio-phonograph. $20; windows, $20. 7-6496. 0 storm •TV—1954 SPECIALS 17 in. SCREEN $: il Jn. SCREEN $ ^!^ a , C 3IL"M^..,X a, \^M e 21 in! ComKion TV, Radio Phonol 149.95 189.95 _*279.B5 these Imperfections with ARVON. the permanent oil texture paint RAY N. DANIELS 119 State St., Blnghamton. 2-6213 HOS~PiTAL~BEir~ Foster "ideal, with side rails; nearly new. 8-1735. REM - TONE HEADQUARTERS— Super Kem-tone. KemGlo and Kern - tone. ACME QUALITY PAINTS, 141 Water 6t. rib^EiTTRAINS-2 engines With SSk tracks permanently asscm- on board with mountain *cenery and miniature accessories. 106 Liberty St.. after 5. PLASTIC ~WA£L~ 1 fiLE7"*ic sq. ft*. Buy from us and our trained me- chanics will go to your home and lay out the Job at no extra v cost. Be sure oi professional results. COMMUNITY RUO SHOP 31 Washington Ave.. Endicott p15wl!E^"'TiEAt-For "not air fur- naces converted .to gas or oil. Save n graph $339.95 SAM KLION Valley Sales 142 Water St. Open Evenings. 3-3751. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. TV—12 «iTOiCA~"ComblnatlbV~ radl and record players. $109. D. C. HOYT l$l_Bevler St Phone 2-9049 TV—T7' 5 ^abie~ln^deT7~$149J5. 24" table model, $279.95. Easy Terms Arranged on the Spot *4_ Clinton St,^ Dlal^l-0104^ TV—All makes*. $59795 up. " SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCE 60 Exchange St. ^ _ Oiai 3-3531. WASHERS—Used, good condition. Soveral to choose from. $19.60. STRAND FURNITURE CO. 137 Water St Dial 1-0509 its cost In fuel. Nothing d own, WASHERS —* Automatic, all makes $l.85_per week. Call -4-3483 after 6 REMODELING expansion attics, out- side stairways. AH around car- pentry work. 8-2715. SUPPLIES' for~lrie~ home carpenter. No order too small. 'ONE-STOB LUMBER YARD" BECKWITH LUMBER CO., INC. 10 Hooper Rd-, Endwell. 5-3387. UNION DISTRIBUTING CO. Prcsto-Moly. anti-friction lubricant. Write Box 632, Endicott. N. Y. Phone 4-4809. ' UNREDEEMED DIAMOND S'ALE You can save l ,J» and more. PAWN SHOP, 5 Washington Ave. Endicott 6-1481. Household Goods 49 gas fully reconditioned. Priced from $49.50 up. Easy credit terms! PEARIS BROS.. 117 Court St. 2-1421. WASHElfiEasyT With Splndrler. Ex- cellent condition. Dial 3-5574. WASHER Whirlpool. All models sold and serviced at PICCtANO'S ENDWELL SHOPPING CENTER Open Evenings. Dial 8-1101. AUTOMOTIVE •MH . ,.-u. ,tr;."-iv. ;::,*£ gaga Auto* for Sale BU3CK 19421 2-Door Sedan. Radio. heater. looks like *46. Must sell, _ $100. 1-3544. BUICK 1953" Koadmaster "Custom Riviera" 8.000 mtles," $800 off will trade and finance. Call Apalachin _12-Y2._ ___,___„ BUICK 1938 4-Door -* Good rubber. original paint real clean. «3-9829._ BUICK 1953 Ro*dma.ster711.000 miles. Hardtop Convertible. 190 h.p. m6* tor. Fully equipped, power steer- ing. New car price. $3900. Our price $2695. OAKLEY'S. 9-1411 or_7-4070 BUICK 1947 Super. $58*. CHEVRojurr. $i». 1933 BUICK, 52,000 actual miles. $145. Sat., Jan. 9, 1954 BINGHAMTON PRESS 15 AUTOMOTIVE Autos for Sale 67 PLYMOUTH m o . RUM fOOd. tj73. K&M MOTORS—Used Car Lot 198 Court St. PONTIAC Catatttut 1953, 3.900 miles $650 under list. CaUT-im poNj^c^j^igijiiux; ^^& M f«°i^^ mb *5 ?!?, 1 ™>*2"1 tinted "glass. Fully equipped. NOTICES Lent Notices' ate ^ Charter No. 242 Reserve District No. S Report of condition of the First National Bank of Blnghamton in the State of New York, at the close 01 1940 ro N?Sjrj.w.•••««««.« m. SANZO USED CARS 216 Front St. ____ Pbon* 3-3151 BUICK Riviera, 1951. Excellent con* dition. Clean. Private owner. Dial 7-8366. ; BUICK 1037 Club CoOpe- 3RS PLY^UTH 1941 ClUb Co FORD 1946 Club Cou, 194 Main St., Johnson City. 7-8921. MAIN STREET GARAGE Pontlac Salei and Service 1801 E. Mam St.. Endicott. V l W i PONtiAC IW3~ Catalina.* Like new, 300 miles. Save $500 on this buy. WILSON MOTOR SALES 347_Court St. Phone S-0TO4 , PONTiXC~194FJt»Door" Torpedo." Re- ( dio end heater. Better than ever* -ie. $1 NASH" 194$ ••600" 4-DOor :ity. 7-8921. BUIck—1949 Sedanttte. A*l Corldr- tion. $695, 20 Ftont St, | M > . M. CADILLAC tion. Pn Weather- lied air conditioner. New paint. $200. PhoneLisle lOl-Yl PONTflCClMl. Fetr "condition. Rea- sonable. lW Court St PONTIAC"i$4» $-Door Sedan. Radio, heater. A-l condition. Low mile- age. Inquire Tlngley'a Gas Station, Chenango Bridge. lithed in response to call made by comptroller of the currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statute*. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process or collection $ $,711,570.11 United State* Government obligations, direct and guaranteed , t,0TO,9Te.$3 political subdivisions -* 2.$27 l 6».09 Other bonds, notes, and . . 1.153,512.10 debentures w»^ Gorporate stocks (includ- inf $75,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) Loans atad discounts tin 1942. Excellent eohdl* one 2-8579. CHEVROLET, 1953. Bel Aire. 4»dOor. Ivory and light blue, power tlide< Fully equipped. Consider trade. Will finance. 7-8747. CHEVROLET l5?6" 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. $275. 3-4013. CHEVROLET 1946^-Club'Coupe, PLYMOUTH 1948-£luD Coupe. PONTIAC 1948—2-Door S$dan. OAKLEY'S, 2$0 Main St. 9-1411. CHEVROLET 194l Club Ceupe. radio, heater; good condition. Very clean. 2-1650. CHEVROLET 1941 Convertible.' New THEVWDRRY VA/AfiT jR.WlLt«AM£, MERCHANDISE Musical instruments BATH FIXTURES, oil heaters, ranges, washers, refrigerators, First Ward Furniture. Dial 3-4211. BED, four-poster, chairs, tables.. Beautiful odd pieces, china, etc/ Reasonable._2-1633 Evenings. _ BREAKFAST NOOK—Set, painted red $25. 2 Crestmont Road, 7-1881. Inventory clearance to make way fpr new "spring patterns. Extra- ordinary values. Tremendous sav- ings. THE RUG SHOP, 190 Wash- ingtonJSt. Phone S-KW^ DTNING ROOM SUITE — 8 pieces WATER-HEATERS Automatic gas. 15-year guarantee. 30-gallon. GiLMORE & WHEELER, 2-1468. ANDES cbStelNAttON STOVES _Good^conditlon. Dlal_2-6131._ BlfNK BEDS""^ Uvl'ng rOom'chalrs, tables, lamps and mirrors. Rea- sonable. 489 Chenango St. 4-6441 CLEARANCE SALE-^Save Up to 60% oh furniture. Shop the self-service way. TRIPLE CITIES FURNITURE 34 Main St. Johnson City 7-2398 FORMICA folding wall taple. Ap- proximate size 30x22. Choice of colors. $22.50. GIRAGOSIAN CABINET. 3-2066 GAS RANGE, Florence, nearly new; period sofa, mahogany bookcase, other items. Reasonable. 3-5426 or 2-9184. GAS RANGE—Apartmetjt sire. Dial 50 SPINET. PIANO New. Built by Story and Clark. Floor sample. Beautiful mahogany finish. Com- plete with bench. Regular selling price $760. Special $595. Conveh- iettt terms. LARKIN MUSIC INSTRUMENT CO. 94 Chenango St 2-3933 TRUMPM'S; atakophonfis. Clarinefs, Cornets, Guitars. Bargam.^S^BO. Wearing Apparel'282 BLACK PERSIAN" LAMB _ COAT— Dlal_7-8775. IGY'S OVERCOAT—Never 7-6934. Good condition. Reasonable. 4-3716.'JANUARY SPECIAL Chrome 5- DTNING room suite, 9-piece mahog- any, like, new. 5-0856 between 5-6. DiNlNG ROOM SUlfE Including ma- ple drop-leaf table (seats 12), 9 pieces. Reasonable. 3-4079. D"RYER "Frigidaire" new, TO-60, $169.95. RELIABLE REFRIGERATION 227 Main St.^ Johngon City. f 7-2393. FRIGIDAIRE—6 cubic foot. Recent model, $149.50. QUALITY APPLIANCE piece breakfast set with extension table, starting at $54.50. SELECT FURNITURE CO. 176 Washington St. Dial 2-4422 worn, size 12, $10. Boy's storm coat, size 14, $8.. Boy's hockey skates, size 7',». $4. Man's hockey skates, like _jiew,juze 7, $7 J 50.__Phone 4-2128. CHINA tftiNK COAT—Like new. very reasonable. Dial 4-4791, after _8 p. m. COAT—Hudson seal, site 42. Dial 4-4509. EXDY'S COAT—New, size 12 to 14^ $25. Call 7-4243 anytime MERCHANDISE Building Materials "55 FOR your repairs., new garages, ad- ditions, etc. Buy on our monthly plan. No down payment required. EMPIRE LUMBER CO. . 14 Jarvls St. Phorte 2-6479 WRECKING " Crowley's Office Buildings 145 CONKLIN AVE. * ALL MATEfclAL FOR SALE SALESMAN ON SITE Kennedy's Wrecking ^15 Front St., Blnghamton. 4-3998. 60 AUTOMOTIVE tires, paint, 4-9939. loaded, quick sale. CHEVROLET 1948 Aero Sedan—OOofl running condition, new tires, $595 Call 5-7350 after 2:80 p. m. CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Aire Coup* 1952 KAISER Manhattan. *-ione blue, radio, heater, full wlnS»hleld de- froster, overdrive, all new urts. Safety padded dash. $1795. . 75,001.00 Investment* and other a* set* lndirettly repre* aentlng hank premise* or other «*1 estate Other asset* . ,.-., 1 ttffiB BERT OWEN MOTORS Your Endicott KaUer Dealer 709 North St., Endicott. Dial 5-M- GOOD USED CAR BtJYS MARTIN AUTO SALES 513 Main St., Johnson City. 7-4S3S, "DOC" CAREY'S MOTORS 14 Main St., Johnson City, by'the Arch DIAL 7-6514. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! _$»,m.40o.t9 TEB Demand deposits Of in* dividual*, parth$rshlp*. . and corporation* _J_UlO,$M,*S$.|7 Time deposits of Individ* uaii, partnerships, and corporations ,..,••,...••-„,;.„ U,31l,T30.t9 Deposits of United States Government (Including postal tavlhla •. _ 4 1.111^77.1$ Deposit* . 0< States and poiltlqal tubdivisions 1,404.446.$4 g eposlt* of banks » 98.61$.!$ ther deposits (certified and cashier's check*. TOTAL- 11EP08- 1TS -— $35,791,311.04 Other Uablilties __*— 2,000 miles. At a great saving 3ED CARS 2303 E. JOE'S USI Mam St.. Endicott Automobile Agencies 65 m Mile* Out CQriklin Rd. 2-8290. "DOC" CAREY'S MOTofis 14 Main St., Johnson City, by the Arch DIAL 7-6514. CHEVROLET 1950 Deluxe. Dark green, 4-door. Radio And heater, godd rubber and good finish. BULMAN MOTORS DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH 403 Nanticoke Ave., Union, 5-0451 On the 1654 Austin Healy and Austlh Sedans and Convertible*. 5-1871 U P to 45, mile* Per gallon. Guar- anteed Used Cars. Late model Austins. Kaisers. Chevrolets, Henry Js, Ctosleys, Oldsmoblle*. Packard. BINGHAMTON AUTO SALES Established Over 30 Years Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock 22 Lewis St. Dial 4-4618. #HBiffl£B!lt. 237jS0Urt St BOTNlCK M USED C ., Water and Henry Sts fffTPNlcR MOTGR Coftp. Dial 4-2487 CORP. OT Dial 2-5301 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan. 1953. CHEVROLET Special 2-Door. 1953. OLDSMOBILE Sedan, 1951. CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedftn. 1950. CHEVROLET Styleline Sedan. 1948. MERCURY Sedan. 1947. BERRAY MOTORS Towpath Rd;. Upper Chenango St.; 1940 QUICK SHANE'S USED CARS are the latest fad. See them In Sunday's Ad. HENRY SHANE The Used Car King 353 Court St. at Ely. Dial 3-5491 184.412.81 599.788.1$ TOTAL LIABILITIES $36,391,104.1$ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common Stock. $1,000. total par Surplus Undivided profits 066.00 I 1,000,000.1 1,500.000. 284.298 CHEVROLET 1951 Club CoupS; good'1939 PONTIAC Machinery and Tools MOUTON COAT, full, 14-16, $45; skis, $3.50; toe Straps. 2-4884. January Clearance Sale Living Room Group 7 WashTngtp^r^rEndlcott. 5-3000 J - p i t J ^ m o h a ^ ^ e T Hving room FURNITURE—Bed complete, dresser,: suite. 9x12 rug. daybed^ 3-8072. ; 2 End Tables Coffee Table IRONBR—Speed Queen Deluxe. EX- $ I a ^ le Jf?. m P s Me ^ 1 Sn }°, k ? ? cellent condition, reasonable. 7-6445.2 Sofa Pillows _ T.V. Chftlr RACCOON FUR COAT. Size 10. Fine condition, $50; Coat, size 12, $8. 3-3949. Country Produce 54 BALED HAY—Early cut. Clover and Alfalfa mixed. Call 8-9424. KITCHEN SET-Genulne Kuehne, chrome. Practically new. Dial 61, Extension 132. _____ j ____ ClNOLEUM Heavyweight rejects. 9x12, $5.95; plastic remnants, Sizes up to 6'x6', 59c square yard. Inlaid remnants, up to 6'x6', $1.09 square yard. 'Plastic floor tile, mill sec- onds. 6"x6", Sc each. ACE RUG CO. 69 Main St._3-3533. tlVTNG'ROOM SUITES'fniw) avail"! 1 Picture Complete $199 9-Piece Bedroom Ensemble Double Dresser Chest Full Size Bed Coil Springs $39.50 Innersprlng Mattress 2 Feather Pillows 2 Dresser Lamps Complete $199 Living Room and Bedroom Suites up to $100 Savings. Seeds, Plants, Fertilizer 55 Pian to Plant 'Christmas TREES" UNADILLA NURSERY, Johnson City. N. Y. 7-6752. AIR COMPRESSORS—60 and 105 cu. ft. Mew and used. NEWING EQUIPMENT CORP. 707-711 Main 1st, Endicott. 6-9989 SAW FILING MACHINE—"Foley." Necessary attachments. 8-0789. COMPLETE MACHINE~~Sll6P—Can handle assembly tool and model work. Plenty of parking space. Utilities furnished. Equipment un- der power. Lease may be extend- ed. 5-8836. USED AC HD5B with angle blade, new tracts and very good appear- ance and condition. USED AC HD3G, one cubic yard bucket. New track chains. Com- pletely checked over. Very good appearance and condition. AfacDOUGALL EQUIPMENT CO. 453 Court St. Dial 2-6468. THE BIG USED CAR LOT Water St. and Henfy, Bingharrttoji HUGH t. BECKWr/TH OPEN EVENINGS 148 Court St Phone 2-5320 CHEVROLET HENRY CARftOlA. INC 278. Court St. Dial 2-3464 . 3841 E. Main St., EndWell. 5-4667 CUNDEY'S " Used Car Lot 239 Main St. DONALD L/NELLENBSCK DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer 85-87 Henry St. Dial 3-7386 clean car. NORTH SIDE AUTO SALES 486 Chehango_St. Phone 3-0957._ CHEVROLET" Convertible 1951, black. All accessories. Excellent condi- tion. CaU 5-5436. _ 1949 4-Door Deluxe, 11941 OLDSMOBILE •—v.,,,. , -r $M5 411 FRONT ST. MOTORS. 3-0571. Tracks for Bait 67A CoairWood and Oil 66 ANTHRACITE SP~£CiAL Furnace coal. $18 a ton LINCOLN COAJ. ANTHRACITE—sto Dial 8-8603 "CWi nuve and nut, ^ pea, $10. Use our budget plant 12 month* to pay—no money down. TYLER & VAN ATTA COAL, INC. Dial 3-6248. aMr> at factory prices. Furniture M „L l R' J , fl ,i„r „" 'A,,. ' T>„„ ^r fireplace all lengths). 3-2902, 3-S7J re covered, latesf fabrics. M ^ n £i,?" 881 ! 0 ! *"• ° U I R u g a n d GRlfeR LUMBER AND COAL CO ANTHRACITE—Guaranteed—High Quality—atove and nut $20—Pea $17. Buck $15. Rice $14. WOOD—Slab- - fireplace (all lengths). 3-2902, 3-5733 Wanted to Buy 61 Ion, hat BLACKSMITH TOOLS Dial 4-8601 after 6 p. m. . ., ^ BOOKCASE, playpen* tea wi - chest deBk, china, cut glass. have your _7-6785. DIAMONDS, "jew'elry, watches and gold. Highest prlceB paid. Thaler. 120 Washington St 4-4396. ches, SCHMIDT MOTOR SALES Your PONTIAC-CADILLAC Dealte 110 Hawley St. Dial 2-7228. GUY F. JOHNSON. INC. "' Your FRIENDLY HUDSON DEALER 15*27 Collier St Dial 2-3409 GARDNIR MOTORS. INC. OLDSMOBILE 6ALE8 AND SERVICE $5-37 COUler St Dial 2-2933. Radio, heater, etc. Excellent con* dition. 7-7511 after 5. CHEVROLET 1950 4-Door"~ StyleUn* Deluxe. Excellent condition. Orig- inal owner. Mileage 6,000, $1,000 _ea6h^2-0377_after 5 p. m^_ DODGE 1952 4-DOOr"Coronet. RadTo", heater, tinted glass. Good tires. 12,000 miles. 3-9857. _ ENGLISH MG 1953. new? Red. Reg- ular $2165, Special now $1735. GEO. S. CARVER, 207 Water. 4-57»8 SANZO $1$ Front St. Phone 3-2252. Opftn Evenings Ttl 0 MARSHALL-NASH MOTORS NASH BALES AND SERVICE 30 Collier St. CHEVROLET 1950 l»4-tOtt With 11- foot van bfidy, $1050. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO CHEVROLET 1946 U4-ten Staka - _Good condlUom_ Price $tt5._4-3497 DODGE l\4-tori, stake body. Inter- national; 1947 >/a-ton Utility body. Call Mr. R. J. Netld at New York Telephone Co., after 4!30 p. m. DODGE 1952 ^4-tOh panel delivery. 20,000 miles. Private owner. Cran dall Supply. 2-8157. . . DODGE 1949. te-toft express, 4-speed transmission, helper springs, other extras. 4-8841 TOTAL CAPITAL AC- COUNTS $ 2,784,296.03 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AC- COUNTS . ... ,$39.175,400^9 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 3,175,398.70 Loans as shown above are after Seduction Of reserves of . - r , ,..,,.- ,$ 410,640.44 I. B. J. Miner, Cashier of the above-named bahk. do solemnly swear that the above statement ft true to the best of my knowledja and belief. JS. J. MtNER. Cashier. EDWARD F. PR1_. FRANK A. JOHN^ _. . . . . . Director*. State of New York, County Of Broome, **: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of January* 1954, and I hereby certify that 1 am not F< ?SS S,, 0000 condUton - Ch6 *»' FORD 1942 ltt-tOri. GOOd shape and condition. $250. , 80 Che*tnut St Call 3-4375. FORD 1952 Victoria, cream-colored top with red bottom. .Fully equipped with overdrive and twin Only 7-4078 11.000 and 2-4258. Appliance Departments. AS LOW AS $2 PER WEEK MUTUAL FURNITURE 171 MAIN ST. DIAL 2-7198. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 8 THURSDAY TILL 9 LOUNGE CHAIR—Like new. $100. Sell $50. 29 Narwood- St., Johnson City. i ^ _ MANY BARGAINS" AT THE MUTUAL FURNITURE CO. 171 Main St., Blnghamton. N.»Y. H2DEL, 177 E. Frederick St. 4-4922.: Next to North High. j LIVING ROOM SUITE—2-pieco, blue. over-stuffed. Excellent condition. v 3-1255 after 6 p. m. £oUNGE"CHAIRS"wlth roam ruDber! cushions, $44 up. FURNITURE BARN 137 Hawley St. Dlar_4-36Cfli MATTRESSES ALE" 1NNERSPRINOS $18.95 up HOLLYWOOD BEDS $49.95 up Rollaway Bed*, complete S19.95 Bunk Beds, maple, complete _$79.95 Your Mattresses Remade Like New HULLMAN'S. 110 Court, St. 2-4182 MXTTRISS ARITBOX SPRINGS Famous Simmons make. Regular. $39.95 values. Special year-end sale, §39.95. All sizes. ECONOMY FURNITURE CO. 121 .Washington St.__ _. XfATTRESSES. box springs, pillows Savings from 20 to 50" on many remade like new. Prices reasonable. < items. Up to $100 trade-in allow- ance on living room, bedroom, and dining room suites. DIAMONDS, watches, J e w e 1 r y hought, sold. We'll pay top dollars I See Mf. Martell, 25 Court St. 4-10*9 PiANO—Spinet or apartment size wanted. Good condition. Dial 2-2858. ' .GOOD USE FURNITURE WANTED COAL and Fuel Oil. Fill up now. 0 f every description, stoves, etc. Quick, dependable service. New LOUlE'S t 2-7044 or 7-0344. customers, appreciated. _ ^ _ HIGHEST CASH PRICE^ paid for used tvpewr-'tars, old gold. Jewelry, musical Instruments, guns. BENfiNSOHN'S, Water at Hawley PUBLfc' S'ER'viCE'GARAGE WILLYS-GMC SALES and SERVICE 34 Susquehanna St. 2-3481 OPEN EVENINGS JOHNSON CITY GARAGE Triple Cities' Oldest Bulck Dealer 19 Willow St., Johnson City. 7-2318. •VASH1NA COAL CO., 7-2111. 7-8173. WOOD— Slabarid" body. Dial 2-3946 after 4 p. m. Cost WOOD—Slab and" body, 12 in.; fire - PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE ^lace._J8-24 in. 2-0708. Phillips.^ B & H FUEfTlUPPLYneo. First grade anthracite - coal; body woodT all lengths; also slab wood. Dial 4-9667. . D^RWEUfR COAL CO.—Premium coal. Fair prices. Cinder block*, Try us for satisfaction. 7-2111. DYKEMAN & SON Stove, nut, $21.35: pea, $17.50; buck, $15.35; rice. $14.16 (two-ton loup. 7-*i4d. LEHIOH VALLEV, PlTTSTON AREA Guaranteed High Quality Coal Dial 7-6909, LUBINSKI COAL CO. I AM SEARCHING FOR USFjS^ OFFICE EQUIPMENT Will pay beat pricea for desk*, chairs, files, safes. Call Mr. Has- lett, 4-2467. ... USEt) FURNITURE Bought and Sold. J. C. FURNITURE CO. 103 Clinton St. Dial 2-0570,. LIVE STOCK Doss. Cats, Pets 62 BOSTON TERRIORS—Gorgeous male uppies. Bullock'* Champion Bred •ons. 2-3202 puppi Bostoi EDDIE'S MOTORS FORD SALES AND SERVICE 179 Main St., Johnson City 7-1274 LUDLOW MOTOR CO., INC. CHRYSLER-PL YMOOTH SALES AND SERVICE 60 Hawley St. Dial 2-723$. exhaust and heaters, miles. OAKLEY'S, 0-1411. FORD—1931 Tudor V-8. Puff. *pot< less In and out. A steal at $995 FORD—1950 Tudor. A ohe*oWner black beauty. Only' $765.., GEO,. SPISAK, 47 Cllntpn S^OOJtate F'ORD—1941, - Tudor, xadio, ^hfiaterj very clean, reasonable. ^ -j? _* F^RD 1935. Good motor', exceile: tires. $100,^Dlal 7-1616. - -^ JEEP—"53, 4-wheel drive, automatic hydraulic plow, oversize tires, 3500 _miles. CaQ 3-4171. KAISER 1947. " Excellent condition. Priced to. sell, Private owner. JJ-8113._ ^ _ KAISER 1949 4-Door Sedan Good condition. One owner. $575. 2-4244, (Between 9-51 K. Hall. FORD 1941 l0»wh*eler. in good con- dition. Sell cheap. AH good tires. 4-2732 or 3-0081> SI r L. s i _ state of New York. Deparfr ^ Notary Public. nBmttnehM'M.i eer- Auto Accessories 69 AUTO tires, tub**, battalia* ^- sold, serviced, exchanged, WUrber-^e- treade. .^ type*.ready^TOESTON, ^^^OSl^vCm^im CARSie^lisnett.-^fiR^ i^Phed 90S MairTSf. ; . D^il 7-4T44 RECAPPED 'Suburbanite* tires. Low cost Best winter tread . made. LOU RAPPAPORT, 1140 Front St 2»29$3. • • iflcate of dUsoiution bf George A. Kent Realty CorporatlonTaa beeh filed In this department thu day. and that-it appears therefrom that such corporation ha* complied with seeuon one hundredVand five of the stock Corporatioh Law, and that thedftpartment o; Auto Coaoh Trailers 66 A AIRSTREAM." 21', lightweight $2695. PERT TRAILER SALES & SUPPLY 1241 Front St., Blnghamton. 4-6869 ELCAR. KOZY, STAR, NATIONAL Dealer for World's Largest Trailer- Home Manufacturer CONKLIN TRAILER SALES 628 Conklln Road, Bmghamton, 4-9427 FRANKLYN. CREE, YELLOWSTONE 18 Ft—18 Ft—27 Ft—31 Ft—37 Ft Pays U to Visit Us Before U Buy MONTROSE TRAILER SALES Locust St., Montrose. Pa. Phone 298. MERCURY 1949 Club Sedan with overdrive. $995. CAROL CLARK MOTORS 1904 North St, Endicott. Dial 5-4000. MERCURY***1940^4^DoorrCleah. A^I throughout. Cali.a-7407., , MERcfoRYr 1951 —' Fully equipped 1 , with radio, heater, dual- exhaust, overdrive. 2-5608 after 5 p. m. NASH statesman 1952, fully equipped, 19,000 miles. Call 3-3985. TIRES Mud-Snow Wardcaps Super Traction In roughest going. 670-15 Wardcap Mud-Snow, $12.48. 600-16 Riverside New Mud-Snow, $11.25. Plus Federal Tax and a re- cappable tire. MONTGOMERY WARD 38 MAIN ST. BlNOHAMTON Wanted Automobiles 73 NASH 1952 Statesman Sedan. It ha* everything. Low mileage, like new. OLDSMOBILE 1947. Clean. Will sac- , rlfice. Tommy's -Service Station. Hl GHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR 281 Math St. 7-9903. CLEAN CARS, ALL CARS TOP CASH PRICES JACK SHERMAN, 49 State St 2-7155. CASH FOR GOOD CI EAN CARS MILTON'S MOTOR CO.. INC. 66 State St Dial 2-3512. Albany, this t... of December, on* thfiusan hundred and fifty-three. THOMAS J. CUR! - Of te, at ffie citv ty»nin\h day L. 8. Secretary of State. By SIDNEY B. GORDON. Deputy Secretary of State. Use Marine Midland Credit Plan. MORGAN 8j_iyES. Phone 2-2113. MATTRESS and box spring sale. 8ave U. HANCOCK'S, 258 Mam St, 3. C RANGE—Coal and pas, city or bot- tled gas, $50. 4-7022. R~ANGE Gas, Florence 5-burner with griddle. $166. AYLESWORTH_&_LEWIS, 2-2708 RANGE—"K*aTamazoo Binghamton Furniture Co. 177 Washington St Dial 4-5091 combination, direct from owner, excellent con- dition. If you want a real good buy be sure and sec this stove, C. D. HUMPHRIES 39 Collier St. Dial 2-7247. RANGES used. Living room sets, used. $15 up. A S FURNITURE CO.. 5-6891 114 W. Matn St., Endicott (Union). SEE US for reconditioned used elec- RANGES-Gas. Used. Reasonable. r 'V c p^v a ni C n« "S.i-TXnH^rut-• PRART<! nnnt! in rmir» «* <i w i C. L. REYNOLDS. Sales and Service ? S vT --J,,! 1 _ ••_!.• _ 25-27 Sturges St. Dial 2-5325. RANGE—Gas. While and black, ta- gngrMXu gAt _•'"«'/ i_kT _^ w »^^„. ble top. Excellent condition. $69 SPEClAIi SALE on 1953 appliances. SULLIVAN BROS. FURNITURE TltANSTTg COAL CO. - Stove and BOXERS-One ' male, one female."V^ALE-^J ft. 195^. c^ustom ^uilt., p _^ " Must fl : WMTov A A !^% AL 7 . 1607 . _. u .^ ?2p: pea, $17: buck. $15; rice. Flashy faun and white marked. J ™ " ^ p " c t "T5 fl _r_ 3 1^1._, Will sacrifice. Private owner, Will ? J ^ S ^ . ^ r 4 f i _ D J^„_-^„_ $14.' Dial 7-3245. ^-8822. Business-Office Equipment 57 Show prospects. 12 weeks old. HOUSE TRAILERS for "Mr. Average | trade. 3-68ao DESKS Wood and Metal. All Sizes. CHAIRS Wood and Metal. All Name Brand*. FILES Steel. 2-, 3-. 4-drawer. Letter or legal sizes. SOLD BY The Georgia-Hanks Co. 130 State St. * Dial 4-2457. PHILCO—TV 21"; Beauty Ranee gas stove; large Kelvinator refriger- ator.JHke new. 5-6898. TYPEWRITERS cleaned and repaired. REC6NDITI6NED Bendlx washer. Guaranteed service. PELLETIER'S, Blackstonc washer, Hotpolnt clothes' 31 Blanchard Ave. 2-6151. Gas. table-top models. dryer> Hotpoint range. 90-day; uSED^Yawman steel desk. 6<rx30- guarantee Cropped and with ail shots. Inter national champion V. E. Admiral bloodline. Call 5-5834 Man, $195 and up. . - . . CASTLE TRAILER SALES . PLYMOUTH 1941 Sedan. Good mo- 1261 Front_St _ _ Dial 4-7989, tor and rubber. Reasonable. Dial BOXER PUPS—Registered AKCV NATIONAL—23 ft—New" tires, new I 2-9356. fawn with white markings. 6-8318. ; gas range and jofa...Trail Tru- PLYMOUTH 1953. .11,000, miles. Pri CHIHUAHUA puppies, 9 weelts oTdf. AKC reglsiered. Reasonable. 3-0327. CHIHUAHUA, grown, 2«/ 2 yearsr3 ! pounds, female. Cheap. Also PUP- PIES. Mtl-Nu Kennels. Campvllle Road, Owego 1399. GREAT" PYRENEES 2 AKC regis- tered pups. Phone 2821, Tioga Center. MAPES-JACOB. Phone 3-2916 SPEC1AU SALE on 195T ranges, refrigerators, washers, etc. MICHAEL'S ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1136 Upper Front St, Dial 3-5459. 133 State St. _ Dial'2-4418 REFRIGERATORS—CROSLEY ~ Brand new—Automatic defrosting, 9U cu ft—11 cu. ft. Save up to ' JOSEPH LESSER CO. 120 Washington St. Dial 4-4396 REFRIGERATOR—ElecTfle. excellent, reasonable. Table top ga$ ranges. 1 Apt. Site. 124 Walnut St. 3-1366. REFRIGERATOR—Frigidaire, Deluxe W odel. Cold-wall, all porcelain, eatonablc. Many other Rood used refrigerators at low prices. SULLIVAN BROS. FURNITURE 132 State St. DiAl 2-4416 REFRIGERATOR—Used:" fullv rccon- USED TV's 12V' ? - to 17*. table, con- ditioned. A* low as 25c a day. | sole and combination model*. PEARIS BROS.. 117 Court St. 2-1421! M . ARROW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR- "Frigidaire," late »1S J^Malii« Bndwell. J-«J1. . model, $100. ,5-PIECELJD!NETTES^S*ve_tpJ_40%, USED TVs $39.50 UP TV RENTALS ' OLUM'S 114 CLINTON ST. OPEN EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SATURDAY PUPPIES Beagles, AKC. sired by Field Champion; 7 weeks old. with typewriter drawer, was $190, Dial 5-7875. __ ___^ . . now $125; 2 Cole steel filing cab- AK c REGISTERED BOXER. 1 year inets, $39.50 each; .1 small safe. old . Reasonable. Dial 4-0373. $49.50; 1 Remington-Rand fireproof - _ hTi At ,__-, 0 ^.„„„. .».*^. cardex filing cabinet. $75; 1 Auto- BABY PARAKEETS-Cages. stands, graphic billing machine and cash Ginny Vogue Dolls. Cards and f 1 ^^^?^^^ 0 "^^^. n°.i ?oit w w s E it i ? aas t w°f: h 6x8 bills, each $! ally, jermyn, Pa. 9199. TKNSA TRAIL^frSALEX Modern Parking _3 ml. .~X. .. a mi. W__ Apalachin, 12-Y2. -JS .Vestal. N. Y. RANDALL TRAILER* 6ALES" 8421 Mam St.. Endwell, N. Y. Dial 5-8791. BARGAIN 1950 NEW MOON House Trailer with bath. Excellent condition. Only $1,793. delivered. CASTLE TRAILER SALES 1251 Front St. Dial 4-7989. vate owner. Dial 9-1784. PLYMOUTH, 194T^f_O0T 5e3an. Good condition. Good rubber. $175. Call after B. 7»2138. 48 Mo- zart St. PLYMOUTH.*'1948 4-d0or. Special Deluxe: one owner. 14 Euclid Ave. Call 4-2862. NEW—ALL NEW 1954 UETROU'ER check writer, $50, originally colt $125. Molt above items are nearly new and In excellent condition. Phone 2-9049. 58 l"Paymaiter" BABY'-pARAKEETS 'and" SfNGfNG 3l ^ w:1 ' S yc * r - 9 -^ P fl ^ Boats. Bait, Supplies , ol»'a-foot and 39_-foot ANDERSON. CANARIES. Cage*, stands, ,*quar- 19 ^ jeu-foot Va-Ka-Shun-Ette, Jutt right for that vacation in Florida. Life, health and accident Insurance Dog foods and supplies. CONKLIN-SULLIVAN CO. lums C. Ill Washington St. Dial 4-5211. BABY PARAKEETS—Foods and sup- plies for dogs, cats and birds. TRIPLE CITIES PETS AND SEEDS 116 Washington St. Dial 2-7618. ALUMACRAFT-DUNPHY BOATS AND KITS JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Gator Trailers—Paint—Hardware JPWFLL'S SPORT SHOP 221 Chenango St. Phone 4-1937 BABY CHICKS—Hampshlres and Red Eggs, Poultry and Supplies 63 10 Court St. WERNER'S Dial 4-4087! WOODMANSEE TURNITURE Endwell Plata. 8-1600 RUGS —9x12, 8'3»xl0'6": blond cof- fee, occasional, end tables; dresser; bedroom sidle. 4-3718. KDc-S Felt base 9x18 factory re- jects. Regular. $10.95. Sale. $5 95. FARRELL KITCHEN SPECIALTY 263 Main St., Johnson City. 7-0994. Rl 7 6s—Very reasonable. Inoutre 60 Grand Blvd. No phone_ calls. SEWING MACTifNE—console. NETA BRAIN Quality Appliance 7 Washington Ave. Endicott. 5-3000 Antiques 49A ANTIQUES BOUGHT AND SOLD ALEXANDERS. 815 FRONT ST. DIAL 4-5198 CHERRY _ candlc stand, plneand mi- , china, glass. 369. off Rt 7-N >..,.,.. in>.w<«- 0«a,,\«, ^ , . . v • • . . v pie water bench, china, glass. LALLKY'S. Rt. " BOATS, TRAILERS. PAINT JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS HUTCHINGS 1159 VESTAL AVE. DIAL 2-3367. CARTOP BOAT—7V a h. p. Martin _jnotor. Reasonable. 2-5658. "DU-CRAFT FISHING BOATS. Mercury Motors. Gator Trailer*, THUNDERBIRD. 1629 Upper Front St. EVINWDE OUTBOARD MOTORS Thompson and Wolverine Boat* and Boat Trailers. Terms. SHApDUCKS. 450 Court St. 4-0634, MASt'E'R AIREX SPINNING REEL Rock cross. Cockrels available Jan, 19. Booking Feb. chicks now. McKUNE POULTRY FARM., 1394 Crjcnango St., 2-4894. Farm Equipment A Supplies 64A "CHAIN SAWS AND PARTS C. LOOM1S. Balnbrldge 2076. FARMALL-BN " Reconditioned Good Rubber BINGHAMTON TRACTOR gives you worry free financing. TERMS AND TRADE ROBINSON TRAILER SALES Junction Routes 7 and 12A (At the Bridge) Dial 2-8508 OUR 1954 MOBILE. HOMES ARE: MORE LUXURIOUS AND MORE MODERN. MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MORE PRACTICAL THAN EVER BEFORE VAGABOND-TRAVELO AMERICAN-NEW MOON WESTWOOD Visit our heated showroom TODAY and see for yourself. USED JANUARY BPECIALS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 1951 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 1953 FORD 4-DOOR CUSTOM rilgflfcsT'CAiSH FOR YOUR CAR OAKLEY'S 9-1411; 7-5210 nights. NEWM'ONEV h t a l r i AWAY? Gash waiting for good clean car*. TABOR, 1058 Front St 4-1174 _ WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and will pay top prices. See us before you cell. ECONOMY MOTORS 23l_Maln_St. _ Dial 7-0297 A BETTER PRICE FOR YOUR CAR. CUNDEY'S. ISO MAIN ST. .... ——••— —• ; - '__• • ' f '"i flOTICEB Auction Sale 74 Charter No. 202 Reserve District No. S Report of an affiliate of a nation*] bank published rn accordance with Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statute*. Report as of December 31, 1953. Of First National Safe Deposit Corpora- tlon, Blnghamton. New York, which is affiliated with First National Sank of. Blnghamton, N. Y. Kind of business of this affiliate: A safe deposit company, a New York corporation organised un- der the banking law of the State of New York. Manner In which above-named ON ganlzatlon Is affilated with nation- al bank, and degree 61 control! First National Bank of Blngham- ton, N. Y.. own* and holds $05 of 600 shares of the capital stock, issued and outstanding. Financial relations with bank: Stock of affiliated bank owned by the affiliate _ (par value) ___ $ None Loan? by the affiliate to .affiliated bank'_____. $ None Stock of affiliate registered in name of affiliated bank or known to be owned by bank directly or indirectly (par value) $26,500.00 Borrowing* from affiliated bank, including accept- ances executed by affili- ated bank for account of affiliate and securltle* sold to affiliated bank under repurchase agree- ment --- - '•••< I Nona Other obligation* of the affiliate to, or known to be held by, affiliated bank ,„,., ., ,., $ None $1395 $1895 1952 FORD VICTORIA—VERY CLEAN. RD $2395 ATIC CONVERTIBLE Used part of one season, $18.00, 3-2514 after 8. 12' V-Bottom Boat Kt«, $63. CHAMPION motors. Specdlmer boat*. ROBERT. Senshel! Boat Kits, $47 up. CHINESE BRASS, glass, china, dry,93 Thcron St., Johnson Ctly. 7-2330. ainks. fireplace sets, screens. (Off Riverside Drive.' Next Flora!) ar^SJK'Jv-S S u Me f V*°?L> "~ V ~ Bnildlng Materials* " 59 6 MAHOGANY Fruit and nut side•... " chairs. CEMENT PAINTS—Fully waterproof. MRS. LEE ELDREDGE. Dial 7-7558 Winterize safe and easily. DINABURG BLOCK CO. 3-7331. Musical Instruments 50 CERAMIC TILE SEWING MACHINES January Clearance Sale PFAFF ZiB-£*R Console ' . $339 Used SINGER Queen Ahh $125 , New Console »139 ACCORDION. BAND INSTRUMENTS Sold and Installed. Free Estimates. Used SINGER Portable JW'- AND GUITAR RENTALS W . T. O'CONNOR CO., 3-1340. UP TO 30^ OFF ON ABOVE New classes.now forming. Pay only ^ _iMDiR : BL6^kS-Afi's£es on" h^and- PRICES $1.50 weekly. Use of Instrument U, 4 ".,_J I ™„i MTH and private lessons. Full credit f lvcn If Instrument Is purchased. OWLER'S Piano Department. BAND INSTRlTMFTNTS-Usedlnstru- Mcl-ean's Sewing 8-9941 or 4-1321. Mr. Bartnlck. STNR —Small, swing faucets, cheap. Phone J-9104. IOFA—6h ""solid mahogany frame. Excellent buy. S3 Jerome Ave. fio'FX—"Lounge "chair, wing chair Excellent condition. Reasonable. 43 Matthews St. 9«0993 ment<. Bought and sold. LARK1NS. 94 Chejr»ango__St IESSE FRKNlMrPIANOSCsPINETS. Jlcsted. Dial_7-2111 DIMENSION LUMBER—MTLLWORK & Imprco;, 447-451 Court St. 2-044$ From $900 up. Some with baths, some with i bedrooms, C. J STOLL TRAILER SALES Upper Chenango St. Phone 4-1497 Open Weekdays, $-$ FORD TRACTOR With *now-plow, Used, $695. G06DRICH IMPLEMENT CO. Your J. I. CASE Dealer 745 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City HARDWARE!" We have over"7 000 F6r i n $™i™'o$t?'tir!d*r, !•» Items. Many rare and hard to get. *- \ K «»_«,««« «,.„, WITBECK HARDWARE ,Se* PARSONS With $99 Chenango St. Dial 2-0960. ! _ W. J. Hj"»L»«|f J? 1 },^.-,. irwrorocAt* V^«« M^rrMiii;*M i9i USED CARS AND TRAILER HOMES UNIVERSAL Long Hose Milkers (2)— « « o » MAIN ^T FNDWRLI. S-OSQI New rubbers, reconditioned, reason- ^ - F . v . M , A l^ v f_-? J -?7i l! . «.• able. 5-1038. Harpursvllle. '1953 NEW MOON. 40-ft house trauer COMPLETE "Service'" Facilities."' All S1 «P S *• .Owner .being shipped COMMISSION SALES Every. Monday Evening at 7:30. New Milford Sales Pavilion. BOYD A. RESSEGUIE. 3-5234. Sales Manager and Auctioneer^ A. T. (AD MOYLE Auctioneer and Appraiser Complete _Service._ ^Dial 5-4891. MICHAEL MlCHA - AUCTIONEER Any Place or Time Reasonable. Johnson City, 7-6095 or 0-O707. HUMBERT'S AUCTION HOUSE-New fure station. Klrkwood, N. Y. Auc- tion Saturday night, 7:30 G. W HULBERT. Auctioneer. Sales Man- ager. S-0762 and 3-6263. Other information necessary to dis- close fully reUtion* with bankt Non*. I; Jame*A, Rum**y, Treasurer ef First National Safe Deposit Corpora- tion, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and beKef. JAMES A. RUMSEY, ^ Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of January, 1954. ALMA R. KENNEDY, Legal Notices 95 fLSl Notary Public. -Mason and building supplies. >sUl Lum" D}al 5-3307. makes of farm tractors and tools. Pickup and delivery. Petsold Equipment, Owcgo._JPhone U66._ JOHN" DEERE Parts and Service" C. E. SMITH «t SONS 1J^ Miles Out Conklln Rd, ...t/jttOO. NEW AND USED FORITTRXCTORS NEWING EQUIPMENT CORP. 707-711 Main St. Endicott 5-0989 Vestal Lumber it Supply "Co., Inc. Vestal, N._Y. And FLAGSTONE— Fill dirt, sand gravel. 2-3946 after 4 p. m. rSl!E?. r " B MATirv« im ^' &'«&& RANKERT OVERHEAD DOORS" cr'^H.^o^Sft "nU'^io 1 CONKLIN OVERHEAD DOOR CO. rv-14:inch «?nir«an with turn tan tfwcV.*- - _ i H _ » « _ r2\J?*$ •« ? ! Blfl Conklln Road. 2-4406 after 8. T tab" for f $ S *" rroWrs eft M ^ l ^3?^fSSS^taf I BA^A|NS! BARGAINS.—" fk Electric. 161 Laurel Ave. 2-7177. re ^„ B viM «'<_ rh2™„*ci rat * 8 ' , BARGAINS! Chenango S J Odd lots of asphalt shingles and over se AS. 7-7925. Must sell at sacrifice. Autos for Sale 6) AUSTIN. British, 1946. It's dlffeVentl Economical. Reasonable. 2-0903 after 5:30. . _ AUSTIN" 1040 Sedan.~ $39$. BUICK 1947 4-Door, $495 —_IT SIOCK, r 93 j, LY « 0VT H i^j club Coupe, $395. CHEVROLET 1948 Aero, $503. DODGE 1047 4-Door, $525. f ALL NO DOWN PAYMENT TV-rl7-lnch 1*54 model. $149.95. SCHWAB FURNITURE 109 Washington >St. Dial 2-4302. fS/'Zr^KVK W Td"40<£"on" brand PIANO-Ugrigh't: new models. Expert service. JOSEPH LESSER CO. IgQ Washington St. Dial 4-4396. fv 21". 1^4 Model, $17?95. Na- tionally advertised. HERB'S AUTO STORE 117 Washington St Dial 8-O09S PIANO—Cable Nelson used upright. Good condition: $40. Callj4-724S. Good condition. Dial 7-4290.- CLEARANCE SALE OF MUSICAL siding. BINGHAMTON SLAG ROOFING * CO., Inc. 209 Watat St. „DU1 2-7221^ BOWEN"BUILDING BLOCKS tNVratIMFVT<l_F fl»t «nrt-tenor Chlmn «y block8 « «U« lining*. ittel iSSon^^mpeU M Ifl^^^J^J^^mJ^J^L^^ guitars. Gibson electric «teel guitar, SPECIAL I I Oak flpoTing. white pine cello, also drum outfit Everything 1 and cedar shingle*. Call 0-2611. must go at a sacrifice. 5-1461. TIER BUILDINGS. ANIMALS Dead, disabled horse*, cows. $10 to $40 for live horse*. Phone collect, Blnghamton 2-5720. AMERICAN RENDERHNOCO. ATfiMALS-Dcad or disabled horse* and cows. For quick service, phone collect. Endicott 6-2096. If no an swer. Blnghamton 7-1044. _^ EMPIRE TALLOW CO. POUt,TRY~WANTED — We call fof your poultry at your farm. 1951 DODGE CORONET 1947 CHEVROI ET CONVERTIBLE 1949 PONTIAC $895 HYDRAMATIC. RADIO, HEATER. 949 FORD ft 4 $595 4-DOOR i 949 L I N t o N $695 COSMOPOLITAN ' 1947 PON MAC $445 2-DOOR. CLEAN SPECIAL 1948 WILLYS "6" $695 8TATION WAGON-OVERDRIVE. BARDOE $1695- Charter No. 202 Reserve District No. I "Report of an affiliate of a national bank, published in accordance with SecUon 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. Report as of December 31, 195$, of First Ward Safe Deposit Corporation. Blnghamton, New York, which is af- filiated with First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y RAPPAPORT BROS. 5$ Susquehanna St. 2-2291 or 4*0400 WANTFS^Llve" poultry. t Wlll pick up at your farm, vWllUam L. O'Hare. Dial 2-5040 or 2-4734. WANTED-LiVE poultry. WIDI p_& up any amount. Nathan Rappaport 1 Blvd. Terraca. J-10S1. l>4m. WILSON MOfTOR SALES 147 courtJBt._- -^ Phone 3^0704 tKtrrs1 K . , .m,*, .nw BUICK"losi SedanTlspef * $i2ooiL INCOLN-MERCURY, Inc BtJlCK 1951 Sedanette Special $1190 ®i% 88 assrM ss w A - BARDot R - °- ^^ OLDSMOBILE lOOpJ'Oi" Clean $1150 CHRYSLER 1950 Windsor Club $1050 CHEVROLET 1960 Sedan. Al $795 STUDEBAKER 1051 Commander $795 WNTiAc 1040 sedan fToo NASH 1040 Ambassador |1 m HCX i O f l C ^ Coupe 4WM ^ NO DOWN PAYMENT $1 DAY GUARANTEEl 148 lAAlN ST. i ^ O R S ^ t-200l 214 Main, St, r\ Phone7-2323 Open Evenings $1295. ^^^-. Kind" of' buainea" of this affiliate: $39D A safe deposlt rt Company. a New York corperaflon organised^ tin- der the banking law of .the 8tate of New York. Manner In which above»named or- ganization is affiliated with nation al bank, and degree of control: First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y., owns and holds 05 of 100 shares of the capital stock, is ' Issued and outstanding. Financial relations with bank: Stock of affiliated bank owned by the affiliate - • (par value) —i_——. $ None Loans by 'the affiliate to affiliated bank _. u_ $ Non* Stock of affiliate registered In name of affiliated bank or known to be owned by bank directly . or indirectly (par value) $14,250.00 Borrowing* from affiliated bank, including accept- ance* executed by affili- ated bank for account of affiliate and securltle* . sold to affiliated bank under repurcha** agree- . . ment ..,;,,, : $ None Other obligation* of the affiliate, to, « luwwn to be bald by, ^afflUated^ , bank -*• * Men* Other' information neeeaalry.te di«- close fuu> relation* with bank:. None. . . " Iv r. 8. stapieton. Treasurer of First Ward Safe Deposit Cotporttfoft, do solemnly *we*r that k the »bbv* statement U true, .to the be*t of my, knowledge and W W - ^ ^ ^ i „ ^ F, S, 8TAPLETO?*. •': v- . Tr*a*ur'er; Sworn to and subscribed before me •'.<>•• * Notary Publie T L 8 1-. Charter No. 202 Reserve District I Report of an affiliate of.a netlen»l bank published In accordance with Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes. _ Report as of December 31, 10M. of First National Building, Inc., Blng- hamton, New York, which Is afflfi- at«d with First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y. Kind of business of this affiliate: Owns banking house occlpied by First National Bank of Bingham' ton, N. Y„ as a tenant, paying rent therefor. Manner in which above-named or- ganization Is affiliated with nallon- V. "'Ik* . and degree of control: First National Bank of Bingham* ton. N. Y.. owns and holds al! of the outstanding capital stock of the affiliate, to Wit: 4.605 shares thereof at no par Value. Three of the rive director* ar* directors of the First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y. Financial relations with bankt Stock of affiliated bank owned by the affiliate (par value! _.„ $ Loan* by the affiliate to _ affiliated bank $ Slock of affiliate regis- tered In name of afflll- ated bank or known to be owned by bank dl- . rectly or Indirectly (par None None value) Borrowing* from affiliated i bank, including accept- , anee* executed by afflll- *t*d bank for account of affiliate and securi- ties sold to affiliated bank tinder repurcha** agreement __,. $ $450,500^0 None f ie di* Other'obligations of the affiliate to. or known to be held by, affiiuted bank _u—-_—.•.,...,•_ t »Non Other.information neceWry to d.. close fully relation* with bank; None. i&*&AjS3^ Ttea*ur*r.«l iriref National Building. Inc., do solemnly «re*r that the above statement U ^H.*'^,*] 1 * **** oi m * r knowledge and belief. * D. E. HUNT, H<M - : M .' .weeeunrr. Sworn to and subscribed before KOtary fubtie. 81 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Press......» fcv -*>' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•;...

  • . . .» fcv - * > ' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•; • » ' • ' • ' »• ' • » * » l H » ' , » ^ •"*2"1

    tinted "glass. Fully equipped.

    NOTICES L e n t Notices' ate ^

    Charter No. 242 Reserve District No. S

    Report of condition of the First National Bank of Blnghamton in the State of New York, at the close 01


    roN?Sjrj.w.•••««««.« m. SANZO USED CARS

    216 Front St. ____ Pbon* 3-3151 BUICK Riviera, 1951. Excellent con*

    dition. Clean. Private owner. Dial 7-8366. ;

    BUICK 1037 Club CoOpe- 3RS P L Y ^ U T H 1941 ClUb Co FORD 1946 Club Cou,

    194 Main St., Johnson City. 7-8921.

    MAIN STREET GARAGE • Pontlac Salei and Service

    1801 E. Mam St.. Endicott. V lWi PONtiAC IW3~ Catalina.* Like new,

    300 miles. Save $500 on this buy. WILSON MOTOR SALES

    347_Court St. Phone S-0TO4 , PONTiXC~194FJt»Door" Torpedo." Re-( dio end heater. Better than ever*

    - i e . $1 NASH" 194$ ••600" 4-DOor

    :ity. 7-8921. BUIck—1949 Sedanttte. A*l Corldr-

    tion. $695, 20 Ftont St , | M > . M. CADILLAC

    tion. Pn

    Weather-lied air conditioner. New paint. $200. PhoneLisle lOl-Yl

    PONTflCClMl. Fetr "condition. Rea-sonable. lW Court S t

    PONTIAC"i$4» $-Door Sedan. Radio, heater. A-l condition. Low mile-age. Inquire Tlngley'a Gas Station, Chenango Bridge.

    lithed in response to call made by comptroller of the currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statute*.

    ASSETS Cash, balances with other

    banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process or collection $ $,711,570.11

    United State* Government obligations, direct and guaranteed , t,0TO,9Te.$3

    political subdivisions -* 2.$27l6».09 Other bonds, notes, and . . • •

    1.153,512.10 debentures w»^ Gorporate stocks (includ-

    inf $75,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank)

    Loans atad discounts tin

    1942. Excellent eohdl* one 2-8579.

    CHEVROLET, 1953. Bel Aire. 4»dOor. Ivory and light blue, power tlide< Fully equipped. Consider trade. Will finance. 7-8747.

    CHEVROLET l5?6" 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. $275. 3-4013.

    CHEVROLET 1946^-Club'Coupe, PLYMOUTH 1948-£luD Coupe. PONTIAC 1948—2-Door S$dan.

    OAKLEY'S, 2$0 Main St. 9-1411. CHEVROLET 194l Club Ceupe. radio,

    heater; good condition. Very clean. 2-1650.

    CHEVROLET 1941 Convertible.' New


    MERCHANDISE Musical instruments

    BATH FIXTURES, oil heaters, ranges, washers, refrigerators, First Ward Furniture. Dial 3-4211.

    BED, four-poster, chairs, tables.. Beautiful odd pieces, china, etc/ Reasonable._2-1633 Evenings. _

    BREAKFAST NOOK—Set, painted red $25. 2 Crestmont Road, 7-1881.

    Inventory clearance to make way fpr new "spring patterns. Extra-ordinary values. Tremendous sav-ings. THE RUG SHOP, 190 Wash-ingtonJSt. Phone S-KW^

    DTNING ROOM SUITE — 8 pieces

    WATER-HEATERS — Automatic gas. 15-year guarantee. 30-gallon. GiLMORE & WHEELER, 2-1468.

    ANDES cbStelNAttON STOVES _Good^conditlon. Dlal_2-6131._ BlfNK BEDS""^ Uvl'ng rOom'chalrs,

    tables, lamps and mirrors. Rea-sonable. 489 Chenango St. 4-6441

    CLEARANCE SALE-^Save Up to 60% oh furniture. Shop the self-service way.

    TRIPLE CITIES FURNITURE 34 Main St. Johnson City 7-2398

    FORMICA folding wall taple. Ap-proximate size 30x22. Choice of colors. $22.50. GIRAGOSIAN CABINET. 3-2066

    GAS RANGE, Florence, nearly new; period sofa, mahogany bookcase, other items. Reasonable. 3-5426 or 2-9184.

    GAS RANGE—Apartmetjt sire. Dial

    50 SPINET. PIANO — New. Built by

    Story and Clark. Floor sample. Beautiful mahogany finish. Com-plete with bench. Regular selling price $760. Special $595. Conveh-iettt terms.

    LARKIN MUSIC INSTRUMENT CO. 94 Chenango St 2-3933 T R U M P M ' S ; atakophonfis. Clarinefs,

    Cornets, Guitars. Bargam.^S^BO. Wearing Apparel '2 82

    BLACK PERSIAN" LAMB_COAT— Dlal_7-8775.


    7-6934. Good condition. Reasonable. 4-3716.'JANUARY SPECIAL — Chrome 5-

    DTNING room suite, 9-piece mahog-any, like, new. 5-0856 between 5-6.

    DiNlNG ROOM SUlfE Including ma-ple drop-leaf table (seats 12), 9 pieces. Reasonable. 3-4079.

    D"RYER — "Frigidaire" new, TO-60, $169.95.

    RELIABLE REFRIGERATION 227 Main St.̂ Johngon City. f 7-2393. FRIGIDAIRE—6 cubic foot. Recent

    model, $149.50. QUALITY APPLIANCE

    piece breakfast set with extension table, starting at $54.50.

    SELECT FURNITURE CO. 176 Washington St. Dial 2-4422

    worn, size 12, $10. Boy's storm coat, size 14, $8.. Boy's hockey skates, size 7',». $4. Man's hockey skates, like

    _jiew,juze 7, $7J50.__Phone 4-2128. CHINA tftiNK COAT—Like new.

    very reasonable. Dial 4-4791, after _8 p. m. COAT—Hudson seal, site 42. Dial

    4-4509. E X D Y ' S COAT—New, size 12 to 14̂

    $25. Call 7-4243 anytime

    MERCHANDISE Building Materials "55

    FOR your repairs., new garages, ad-ditions, etc. Buy on our monthly plan. No down payment required.

    EMPIRE LUMBER CO. . 14 Jarvls St. Phorte 2-6479

    WRECKING " Crowley's Office Buildings



    Kennedy's Wrecking ^15 Front St., Blnghamton. 4-3998.



    tires, paint, 4-9939.

    loaded, quick sale.

    CHEVROLET 1948 Aero Sedan—OOofl running condition, new tires, $595 Call 5-7350 after 2:80 p. m.

    CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Aire Coup*

    1952 KAISER Manhattan. *-ione blue, radio, heater, full wlnS»hleld de-froster, overdrive, all new urts. Safety padded dash. $1795. .


    Investment* and other a* set* lndirettly repre* aentlng hank premise* or other «*1 estate

    Other asset* . ,.-., 1 ttffiB

    BERT OWEN MOTORS Your Endicott KaUer Dealer

    709 North St., Endicott. Dial 5-M-


    513 Main St., Johnson City. 7-4S3S, "DOC" CAREY'S MOTORS

    14 Main St., Johnson City, by'the Arch DIAL 7-6514.


    _$»,m.40o.t9 TEB

    Demand deposits Of in* dividual*, parth$rshlp*.

    . and corporation* _J_UlO,$M,*S$.|7 Time deposits of Individ*

    uaii, partnerships, and corporations ,..,••,...••-„,;.„ U,31l,T30.t9

    Deposits of United States Government (Including postal tavlhla •. _ 4 1.111^77.1$

    Deposit* . 0< States and poiltlqal tubdivisions — 1,404.446.$4 geposlt* of banks » 98.61$.!$ ther deposits (certified and cashier's check*. TOTAL-

    11EP08-1TS - — $35,791,311.04

    Other Uablilties _ _ * —

    2,000 miles. At a great saving 3ED CARS

    2303 E. JOE'S USI Mam St.. Endicott

    Automobile Agencies 65

    m Mile* Out CQriklin Rd. 2-8290. "DOC" CAREY'S MOTofis

    14 Main St., Johnson City, by the Arch DIAL 7-6514.

    CHEVROLET 1950 Deluxe. Dark green, 4-door. Radio And heater, godd rubber and good finish.


    403 Nanticoke Ave., Union, 5-0451

    On the 1654 Austin Healy and Austlh Sedans and Convertible*.

    5-1871 U P to 45, mile* Per gallon. Guar-anteed Used Cars. Late model Austins. Kaisers. Chevrolets, Henry Js, Ctosleys, Oldsmoblle*. Packard.

    BINGHAMTON AUTO SALES Established Over 30 Years

    Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock 22 Lewis St. Dial 4-4618.

    #HBiffl£B!lt. 237jS0Urt St


    Water and Henry Sts fffTPNlcR MOTGR Coftp.

    Dial 4-2487 CORP.

    OT Dial 2-5301

    CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan. 1953. CHEVROLET Special 2-Door. 1953. OLDSMOBILE Sedan, 1951. CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedftn. 1950. CHEVROLET Styleline Sedan. 1948. MERCURY Sedan. 1947.

    BERRAY MOTORS Towpath Rd;. Upper Chenango St.; 1940 QUICK

    SHANE'S USED CARS are the latest fad.

    See them In Sunday's Ad. HENRY SHANE

    The Used Car King 353 Court St. at Ely. Dial 3-5491




    Capital Stock: Common Stock.

    $1,000. total par Surplus Undivided profits

    066.00 I 1,000,000.1 — 1,500.000. — 284.298

    CHEVROLET 1951 Club CoupS; good'1939 PONTIAC

    Machinery and Tools

    MOUTON COAT, full, 14-16, $45; skis, $3.50; toe Straps. 2-4884.

    January Clearance Sale

    Living Room Group 7 WashTngtp^r^rEndlcott. 5-3000 J - p i t J ^ m o h a ^ ^ e T Hving room FURNITURE—Bed complete, dresser,: suite.

    9x12 rug. daybed^ 3-8072. ; 2 End Tables Coffee Table IRONBR—Speed Queen Deluxe. EX- $ I a ^ l e Jf?. m P s M e ^ 1 „ S n }° , k ? ?

    cellent condition, reasonable. 7-6445.2 Sofa Pillows _ T.V. Chftlr

    RACCOON FUR COAT. Size 10. Fine condition, $50; Coat, size 12, $8. 3-3949.

    Country Produce 54 BALED HAY—Early cut. Clover and

    Alfalfa mixed. Call 8-9424.

    KITCHEN SET-Genulne Kuehne, chrome. Practically new. Dial 61, Extension 132. _____j____

    ClNOLEUM — Heavyweight rejects. 9x12, $5.95; plastic remnants, Sizes up to 6'x6', 59c square yard. Inlaid remnants, up to 6'x6', $1.09 square yard. 'Plastic floor tile, mill sec-onds. 6"x6", Sc each.

    ACE RUG CO. 69 Main St._3-3533. tlVTNG'ROOM SUITES'fniw) avail"!

    1 Picture Complete $199

    9-Piece Bedroom Ensemble Double Dresser Chest Full Size Bed Coil Springs $39.50 Innersprlng Mattress 2 Feather Pillows 2 Dresser Lamps

    Complete $199 Living Room and Bedroom Suites

    up to $100 Savings.

    Seeds, Plants, Fertilizer 55 Pian to Plant 'Christmas TREES" UNADILLA NURSERY, Johnson City.

    N. Y. 7-6752.

    AIR COMPRESSORS—60 and 105 cu. ft. Mew and used.

    NEWING EQUIPMENT CORP. 707-711 Main 1st, Endicott. 6-9989

    SAW FILING MACHINE—"Foley." Necessary attachments. 8-0789.

    COMPLETE MACHINE~~Sll6P—Can handle assembly tool and model work. Plenty of parking space. Utilities furnished. Equipment un-der power. Lease may be extend-ed. 5-8836.

    USED AC HD5B with angle blade, new tracts and very good appear-ance and condition.

    USED AC HD3G, one cubic yard bucket. New track chains. Com-pletely checked over. Very good appearance and condition. AfacDOUGALL EQUIPMENT CO. 453 Court St. Dial 2-6468.

    THE BIG USED CAR LOT Water St. and Henfy, Bingharrttoji


    148 Court S t Phone 2-5320 CHEVROLET HENRY CARftOlA. INC

    278. Court St. Dial 2-3464 . 3841 E. Main St., EndWell. 5-4667

    CUNDEY'S " Used Car Lot 239 Main St.

    DONALD L / N E L L E N B S C K DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer

    85-87 Henry St. Dial 3-7386

    clean car. NORTH SIDE AUTO SALES

    486 Chehango_St. Phone 3-0957._ CHEVROLET" Convertible 1951, black.

    All accessories. Excellent condi-tion. CaU 5-5436. _

    1949 4-Door Deluxe,

    11941 OLDSMOBILE •—v.,,,. , -r $M5 411 FRONT ST. MOTORS. 3-0571.

    Tracks for Bait 67A

    CoairWood and Oil 66 ANTHRACITE SP~£CiAL — Furnace

    coal. $18 a ton LINCOLN COAJ.

    ANTHRACITE—sto Dial 8-8603

    "CWi nuve and nut, ^ pea, $10. Use our budget plant 12 month* to pay—no money down. TYLER & VAN ATTA COAL, INC. Dial 3-6248.

    aMr> at factory prices. Furniture M „ Ll R ' J , f l , i „r „" ' A , , . ' T>„„ ^r fireplace all lengths). 3-2902, 3-S7J

    re covered, latesf fabrics. M ^ n £ i , ? " 8 8 1 ! 0 ! *"• ° U I R u g a n d GRlfeR LUMBER AND COAL CO

    ANTHRACITE—Guaranteed—High Quality—atove and nut $20—Pea $17. Buck $15. Rice $14. WOOD—Slab-

    - fireplace (all lengths). 3-2902, 3-5733

    Wanted to Buy 61

    Ion, hat

    BLACKSMITH TOOLS — Dial 4-8601 after 6 p. m. . • ., ^

    BOOKCASE, playpen* tea wi - chest deBk, china, cut glass.

    have your _7-6785. DIAMONDS, "jew'elry, watches and

    gold. Highest prlceB paid. Thaler. 120 Washington S t 4-4396.


    SCHMIDT MOTOR SALES Your PONTIAC-CADILLAC Dealte 110 Hawley St. Dial 2-7228.

    GUY F. JOHNSON. INC. "' Your FRIENDLY HUDSON DEALER 15*27 Collier S t Dial 2-3409


    6ALE8 AND SERVICE $5-37 COUler S t Dial 2-2933.

    Radio, heater, etc. Excellent con* dition. 7-7511 after 5.

    CHEVROLET 1950 4-Door"~ StyleUn* Deluxe. Excellent condition. Orig-inal owner. Mileage 6,000, $1,000

    _ea6h^2-0377_after 5 p. m^_ DODGE 1952 4-DOOr"Coronet. RadTo",

    heater, tinted glass. Good tires. 12,000 miles. 3-9857. _

    ENGLISH MG 1953. new? Red. Reg-ular $2165, Special now $1735.

    GEO. S. CARVER, 207 Water. 4-57»8

    SANZO $1$ Front St. Phone 3-2252.


    30 Collier St.

    CHEVROLET 1950 l»4-tOtt With 11-foot van bfidy, $1050.

    INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO CHEVROLET 1946 U4-ten Staka -_Good condlUom_ Price $tt5._4-3497 DODGE l\4-tori, stake body. Inter-

    national; 1947 >/a-ton Utility body. Call Mr. R. J. Netld at New York Telephone Co., after 4!30 p. m.

    DODGE 1952 4̂-tOh panel delivery. 20,000 miles. Private owner. Cran dall Supply. 2-8157. . .

    DODGE 1949. te-toft express, 4-speed transmission, helper springs, other extras. 4-8841

    TOTAL CAPITAL AC-COUNTS $ 2,784,296.03


    MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned

    to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 3,175,398.70

    Loans as shown above are after Seduction Of reserves of . • -r , ,..,,.- ,$ 410,640.44 I. B. J. Miner, Cashier of the

    above-named bahk. do solemnly swear that the above statement ft true to the best of my knowledja and belief.

    JS. J. MtNER. Cashier.


    _. . . . . . Director*. State of New York, County Of Broome, **:

    Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of January* 1954, and I hereby certify that 1 am not
