Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers Disk3/Rome NY Telegraph/Rome NY...

r*^¥m5 !^!TO^»^^^^^^^^ ^^^^SSf«»3 m ijf 1 ^ 1 .: ^^UJ. *w--? «l* Ifot^ft: ^ n n r - deed, ^OrCherisJhn,/- .v-ISi.;: R1££ 1 TO^^^uiutq. splendid work* already compteted^bui «re ttfaatjffiwf boit; ttmy^ad^ses^n^dcgn slderaMo —-^— *?i tpjrit andefc!ff t tfc^^attltUori jfcoo* In my fjrat number! briefly ft >bject id cormngr before ' y w * * ^Mftlly to the Tmportaat «object wwidonmon; Dttawt: i;MQcifi^ now intun fulfilment of rhe^prtmltses then made you. unnatural to the human Mart, ble wi^btUaepifUnad JBteUigence lotHian^ W ^ t W " lg|n* patriotic «iidorep|aaIwt«yargumeati fc»^^"fc C&titon, who la b» mejaago cotiliooo -to a n d a f ^ ^ o t r r toffifmTil Jin;~meVtW too revenue, edvqc^ogs>poltcy, wmcn 'tfedoptejA^ wilt ultimately cause the sute to sink back to its former-circumscribed situation. .There nm^iHers v 'wbV have disapprobation tdjJociiiiift^ Of BUCU t)o*ujposed to ^»0* l^rao«aiB«MtW taat *&*£& a^affi^rtsTujt reprisetoupo» r i e y a f y * ^ lit case provision should est W n*A« for *f -ai.the sfjwaaefeE«g»™ the lof i«&* Steeeh -Chambers* ^ our commerce during the=eer»ed wftrtelJ* ^ ^M*^vif •wwawr«MtanM*^.JK»^«auww<iri«t , <«i.;, > stack '•Considering the high topotatioodBad rived from her national. improvements, it dy twen corapleTedr yet ^ Q S C ¥ « ^ W »stoa|ahwg;aivd mdrttTyttrg: to Mlb* U»y withheld it, wtirritui tempts to depreciate their utility, and to arrest their progress. It is manifestly an uncord tal and superficial view of the sub- ject to confine an estimate of its benefits to no excess of income above the interest exist in the mibds of modarft aU as tothe gsneretutility of the internal navigation of the state to the ctfizerii, whether considered coliacjjyely^br indi- vidually, there baB been niadq rainifefit cuiafest objectioo) that il would be itjjij^v* ideal in our etsfe government (6 augment but ^ ^ m ^ ^ S f f ^ l / ^ eCwpenditure, and yet this standard of the sacr^ore was enkindled in tbiir be- ~ ^ U ( m hV. been adopted, Artifi vom&jhrough tho eloquence and irrefu- 1 . * ? . V S S ? i w £ i t s k r ^ s V r ^ ' P«b«c »ccommodatioo t for the coo.ey- i^i^lSlr^e&tS ZttfiS: ence of nicies to ; aod from market, apd iion*n ^ W M ^ t ^ . * ^ " ^ revenue is a subordinate object. It waa borne Jhe burtbew;.-sjf t»xat»n, whin MTer mteDd6d as a primary consideration levied for the p u r p o s e d Cncouragi^g lite prosecution of any vatuaWe sroi they consider the system as only bavi f rhgremd, abd Ihot the same anllflhteni fieTys^bie^j^mpted tbe -eenera , tofiU the coffers of the etale, but to aug- ment the general opulence, to animals theeprings of industry ana exertion, and to bring home to every man's door, an urge the chnstructidn of useful works from timo to tim^, should continue, aud w «*<,- vmrnW,. »o "«STS*«'»»'» i » 1 -""""r »f »««••'» the most advantageou:8 places of ^ale and purchase^ aitd to narrow dawrf this its present indebtedness—when the gener- al government was about paying its Ust instalments of a demand which had been hanging upon it with such galling weight for more thau half a csnlt^rj. It is believed when ttits\circnmstaocer shall be feceiTed In its trueMight*r-ao far from constituting the remotest objection to the state's continuing its policy of inter- nal improvement, we may with one accord join the Chief Executive of the Uoloo in bis congratnlatioos 10 a happy and united people, upon ibis most auspicious event. That while this state laid the foundation to its future greatness, expending vast sums of money iu improvements which are be- ginning now, and roust continue yearly, to yield their bountiful harvests—she has also since the commencement nf her works baa iMpt red confidence, good feeling, and <|9oe- ml satisfaction, throughout ail the grades. —It^lll appear tVomtho Report that to* reat pbjec^td removing the Kndians west Mft to. a fair sray of ac- AWeady SOVW^)^ ha»e T ove'd. Wr readers are a.ware» oi^hat ,t¥« polley baa JSwoa ap- r*' the ^reat mmm mmJuAj^t mumti^^ 7ZSZ**J)** whiclfithasljean exeeuteoToaa been ortb. tr*.t 7 aa the 8th*f Aprn .«._;*-_. • •. __ :> JVT_I J. ,.u^-i„_ time the French Cbumber of I> dhrefardtd till on the 4th of Jalf, 1 « 3l i French Qm>mmsi ^J «l^«Jr "» wto **) J* United States ajteed at a saUsfaceoa « '*• cjaims *f oar gersroewai «ajr ^«QU,0» «» frVacs V kix aiuioal lo«t»la»e*ris, tea list •» h 1833, at waka r'^ H ^< r; >..->»>* »i>-*. r •%• ' S, roroumowiinie;, anouja coraioue, sua a otnefttou8 and comprehensive subject to also since tbe commenceir he redue^M^cticeV Iboie ] * * M ^ ^ and cenTs, Is "DoriarSFe^T5rilse¥i have; atly honorad joce arid united eBffragfti <r -1 yi ££ |aere questio tcaosoaiglit^ftho great elements of iodi Acquiesced. iro whatever patriotism heretofojrs? dictatcd> they bnVo n o ^ . . new poiityio^mlf^ce^U^peexclusiea of that-ftomrirhlcS^eSr^d^vM greatestglo^ 4 ^l!l^on^ru<rtionef this work wou'd greatly contribu to tochospen the means' of intercommunication bo* ^eenthia aBd;e4eereeclioMo^to^c try. Its beneftcrol influenco would be fell and realised beyond nil reasonahle conception, doubling and thriubTiog the ofrea^estate, ihcreasing agricuU or- tides of manufac*. ee, of public wealth and na- 4ehVw4Hoh-amounied- tn pafmg-p/^oc«'v pal and interest on the general government in in )he Pes! spirit aa it relates to tha In- dians, and has given saiiafactioo not only to the community generally, but lo those states in particui*f most interested in the measure, .-..; ^ajcns&sr^ww^ The moat striking teatare. bowayar, in the management or the Department, is manifested in the reduced estimates which aa appears by the President's Message, has beenimbtniued by Ihe Secretary of War. They are less lhan the appropria- tions of the present year by a sum exceed- ing three millions two hundred thousand dollars. This, wa think, smacks some- thiog of reform, and we trust will he con- sidered as an earnest of that economy which should ever charactixo a demo- cTa li c'XlHnini sir alien •" >*"••. Htfverie-- jnarket, and ware ^ j - 7 time the F«a«b Cbasaber of Deputies were to session. Notwtthitaodloc wklcb oo ptwiiJes ni mace tor the payment oC lb* tifpalatsd tn^enwHy, « B 4toApril t$S4*^i« snaking tat MceMarjr •ppropriaUoos wai rejected bj ^i HaaJsenja^etep, end Chamber orOspSttea. ThU mbjbt-«afeta9S*»a-| AbonagUmd&mUi •Idered as eoodwivt erWeaee of a aaml deiei*j$o k/fs Powdff*, ninalioo oo »b« part <?f France not te <arry tho treaty into efftc*. It left irt no reasonable groans to svppote that the ercr ioteodi to pay the stipulated Indemnity. Tbc r«i*tual to make the necesniry appropriation *moont» to a frees violation of national faith and would ha?a jus- tified no immediate declaration of war. That France •boold be permitted, with impunity,thai to trifle who our government is iotuflemblo. The Freeideot, euxlout to nrold Wef^has rer. •comnvmded thft adoption n/jt mUder gagtjyar^jyj the abtaiomeot of our rightf^ nrid to ease of . ..- V ' fouling G^mf. la variety, a very fine and choice stock. Joi- ner's b Carpenter's tools, at Mams/actorei^f.^ prtees. Locks, door hangings, &fc fec^Tfieir Cutlery, inclttdJh* 50 dpM. pocket* and 'pen knives, b especislly ehoiae^ mill, cross-cut sod band sawn; |»r,'lru1e locks, hay-knives, &a, Tkejf>> ___ JELKOIiAKD-. vnlue t«»rul producjl! ^ ^ j o H r f n r ^ i aater ratto and would in ^IOAJS; al prosperity. It excludes from con- deration the one hundred million of dol- lars which have in all probability been added to the value of real estate, the t{h- mense appreciation of-the products of agriculture-and fabrics of manufactures '' which jrore_.(ormerlj shu^*»ul in agraat ^agreej^^rnrrfja^^he and^x?ao> siv3 eatabliehment of inland trade—the vast accession to our marketable pro ducltons—the unbounded encouragement of our marine navigation, and external conamerce—the Ac5ity^rapidiiy and. e^ conomy x>f communication—the creation tei Ming, juH, and enlightened legislature It is only on principle founded on the immutable raw's of justice and oqoality hundred an<! fifteen raHHon of dolla as her population has averaged one eighth of I &e whole Uuion, it i& but fair to pre- sume she has paid one eighth of the debt ; ihuT it will he observed sheL'^w|H;Jiaye- within the last seventeen years not ouly raised _ bejsejf to a proud eminence einong 1 n e f ^ ^ s ^ s i "ImTITactuail^ia'v S* contributed foods for the peymelvt of the enormous sum of more than fourteen millions of dollars. From this burthen she is^now^redeemed, a cause for taking courage rather than feeling despondency or timidity ; let our march be onward in DISSOLUTION OF THE MUVBaTBT. From the London Morning Chronicle, Nov- 1 5 , 1 8 3 4 . .-•"""" " We have to eoramumcafe tha oelouo- dinig7 Tntelligenee--that" .Administration has ceased to exist ^tia L^^jHp;wpif*3 WtiS&ft^&'TtiP^' day, and returned last night 10 announce to his colleagues the event. His Majesty we learn, expressed oo diaaatisfadion with Lord M*B. administration, but ha let it be understood that he considered it at an end with the death of the late Earl longer neglec or soother refusal to p s y w « w j«rt clsiraI,^seh^u^dnlD« property of Frenea cltlsjao* ififilclent to satisfy them, Tbhj course tt warranted by the law of nations and wfll af. ford oo jam cause of war. If war easoses France moat be rospoasIMoTor the_eonse- L^rT"Mefb"ocTr^#T* ,w ^ eWrtedfor famfly supplies, of OM Wnes\^i 0 r(freS wtsb to avoid arwar witb Franca }* <u> tie done with a just refard-to oav-rfgats aeAeoayjtte. vis^—7 Vanei rot v w vr iuca, r me ureen aed Black TBSJ, Coflee, Sugars, Sugar €ane Syrop,-Melssses, Raisins, very one Dates; Spices vis : Mace, Nutmegs, Cassia. Cloves, Pimento and Ginger, Pepper (red,and black) ; while, yellow and Castile Soap; Paints, Window-sash aad-&tess, Hope, traco and-tegchains, axes, saws, ebovetoi spades, mom ^^n^mie^opu^offrano^he^ation ^4»uaajathich has iurits. Ahjeciihe goo4_ Blfit1fflgre^ie^6fTfllB^s7n6^^^ ^fnianktrrd;" •- ""^ &f 7 n and (he most efficient encouragement o( Appoattng to. our—fclw claimsw The latton of the District agriculture alfdTh^artsVby a cheap iup- ; ply of materials for fabrics, and of mark- ibai^iLhavej^^ wer0 cont.nuotoprelsotir httherto^Begleclel ^^ Ttooto ^ ^ imporlant cott8 i der a- ^tonep^BTtd^^mnnno ^mtraelvea - to -the rnererittteetMm-ofrevenue, we will see e- IGrect ^f c"ouhlry which will derive a local benefit may* be safely eet down in round numbers nt eighty five thousand, to say nothing- of the largo accessions ~T, which, would take place immediately on he commencement Of the work,during jte progrepa and even while there would re^ Hnamanolit^bli^^atmaHipon^lie^ covered hill,or iftithe rich vaQeyIB 7 which mea"r*\eringflowsthe majeatic rfv -^^er, e%o^III, niimerous tributaries -the nough to convince the most sceptical, that immense pecuniary benefits must flow from new channels of hydrauliccony munlcailoii with the Susquehanna, the Allegany, the St. Lawreoco, and the auxiliary connecting waters—and by a at land avenue, or stateroad, from the throughout the state, imploring their, and their representatives support, let us renew witn increased ardour, our prayers to be secured in the enjoyment of equal rights,, to obtain thefcCfcopsratioa.ofsuch as may feel inclined to use with effect, their in- fluence in the furtherance of the desired object, to aid such committees as are already appointed in the various towns tnfhis faction of the state, towns^yw.^gd^w its wealth and grandeur. When the cojunlarah*H-btrf»ahlmated ^^bKwtVif^iujI influence such a work would prorJoce^upon her present weahh ^nd rcsources*-arguraehls^ will then be x\o longer wanting to convince the moBt muoity at large, of tho favorable consider* aiioo to yhichiMtlciaims ware entitled. " flnWiwn»wha^^|tta^er may we now,' -M in tumro expoci opposition ? ^h pause for a «"*ply*/.' S * n "*• •Wpoea there are Frotntho surveys and estimates here* tofore made by several able Engineers, ho entire costof the work under^cojiaid- to meet an? appoint committees in towns where there are nooe, to collect and report such facts in relation to the ojrobabie amount to lon- '^Btgo^wnTch^ mrghr pssr^yearty^tipon the proposal canal, with a statement oT fhe_ probable increase^shauJd fe»^^th^ren^ano' aim of aH Interested ; bearing in mind, Ointy:h^ u tftTThg eferlions oTOOf-tt economical expenditureof that sum would complete il, thereby adding one seventh more to our present completed works^r ab expense not exceeding a nineteenth part of their cost, it would bo scrfcoly ^pnce^the^eW conceive what sound objec- lion our legislature could have to post pone the immediate commencement of iuf « .•-»-»/• -^ •« ww ouppwH* tnareare\ ^ r «tofore heen heated by our legislative 4lwse amo<#-ji v that wouJd--desire^tot c o mm " <ge8 ^- M* w > l l &*& in ^arch> defeat our object f No. interest forbids the idea—those from whom we may tx- pect opposition ate of a class of modern potitica^ocono political might di , not connnedto any partyj a community of such r from tho fad^ of the earth an/t leave behind them noi treo by which succeeding goftfirationa might judge of their pursuits. I nm led to these con- fctoBirmniirott^rttftoa-Assembly ftoe^ ^o-:-^^fWg]jgB;-; c TheJ?e«T men and 1831, when our prayer* had been for months pending before the legislature, a committee of Assembly coming oul with a report, admitting...the.^justica - of our claims, correctness of our allegations, the ^jelebrity the" siato "had acquired on ac- count of ihe works completed, Its ability to loan the requisite funds, snd yet en- deavoring, by all means in their reach, to discourage the prosecution of the work, till whenr? Hear them! w^estjgwjj assigning nttj&her (unctions to human governmenir^ihW- protection to the human life, liberty and property of the (ovemed, anoVwhhn God himself condo- acenoVoHategltlat&fpra people, the laws which he promulgated in reference to fsbtentijr with oar nattsmal bonor r bat Wa tboold not tamely imreader oar riflhtt to avoid any temporary Inconvenience, and If Franco still neglects to fulfil her astasia obBgatloos wa trust our govemmoat wtU be eostatned la retorting to any-means whicb may become their satiijlction. And feat, solution -of—th*~Ministry *-»The crwwbars, stoves, sleigl^shoes. bells, lamp oil] z$: ih^r^ London Morning Chronicle, in speaking of the late dissolution, s a y s " The proe> parity of the country ami the disseotions ^ Hmch ^^^^wlT^^-^ iD (^^^^^ sired, 6th December, 1834. ClNCINWATOS. 4 From the New York Timet. The Message of the President has by this time been universally read, and so far as we can learn, has boen_univei:sall|_ Ahe^wbrfe^^rwifrnow hecome -our UOUIH | approved. f Rie^a^7-eirpecially, refer* den duty to enqutre^row^mVaubject has rtng^^bltfTe^atioirswith^ranw*, taioed unqualified commendation, and there appears to ba an unanimous sentn ruoni in favor of sustaining the positions among bte Reforuwri, have, it would ap pear, inspired the Coort party with the hope of being nesrJinVle to make a stand against all futureI'celbrin." •' Never was a more grievous mistake committed. From this moment all the dissentions among (ho Reformers are at an end. The question is hot now wheth- er more or less ought to be demanded— whether the Lords should have a longer orshoffer tnel*«»waoTuei^wB'teavehitkello pocee3edio<rBl6Ti^arrth Teforn^oreal^ efied the fair claims of the peopte-^bnt whether we shall bend our necks under py^e-o^-the-ConseCTalrvee^ 1 —-^ - -— " Tha Duke of Wclliugtea haSr wabe> lieve, been with the King ; but what course willhe held we know not It ta probable thai an attempt will he made to disuniieiheWbigr and Reforms, by hoi ding out terms to some of them to comprehensive Administration. Administration which hesitates to carry through the work beguo in Ireland, {Tithe refo Britain^ those who win take tides with our ene mtesnnd attempt; to embarraw and thwart tfi measures of tho goveronent in tea ma to tain- ance ot our right* there will he alto a large majority who wfll sustain it. those who art acquainted with our iiittory doriog the last war, js^^rcefvi in lb« Mloaiag xr^tL JftajsJ^t Natiooal lotelUgaoear, an esbibition of the tame spirit which actuated the party of which il it the organ during that period, France it given to nnderstand that she ~tfay~st1ft'persist with impunity io refuting to carry^Msytreaty Cheaper than ever, Large BiWes Bfank, f«l^&««!*8«oo» aa4 School Books, at cbesit rates. lOOOlbs, Cheese^ 130 bbls^floor 8t Salt Codhsh St MMkerct ffle Iwo^prse wa^ty^ One slelfb} One cntlef, 6099^ WANTED^==Itiri^LariLBnUer, CbeeCs, Oats, Grain, Flax, Beans, Peas, &c. s . -, J^HATH1CWAY SC.Xbr Rome, Ncv.1W4. into effect, and that the Fretideot will not be •ortniued in resorting to the only meant for the maiatainance of our rights which tuch refjual has any claim to the support of Coo veraaltvet wish "But, before weeeft, take v l«ve to express oar trust that it will be universally where abroad, that the recommendation of the PresidgutrUpon which wehave been re- marking, is his act only, and is not likely, in the present-state of the ease, to receive the approbation eitberrof the, -Coomiee/or< the Feople of the Piittt^jphtfi?.- _ — • ••• < ' ••• "" : • " ' » • » r 1 " We publith this weak the second number of a communication on the subject of tha Black River Canal, too first number was necessarily r of room.—fVs am gtad 990 pairs Men's Ladie's, and Children's Shoes, very cheap. Also a large supply of STOVES! STOVSS! W, MUDGE & Co. H ave on hand a sery rarge^sov fraenTo cooking stoves, of'various patteis* and six^nsrtlje^i^hh^itelpiaa^ Parkwr, Franklin and BoxSlores. of alr*uw r and descriptions, wlach-they 1 will set! at wholesale andT retail at~Albany and £Toy SOMETHING NEW. set forth in this admirable document. A few ofthose who forgot al the moment ihTir^fieTTrTrtaTe* Bank was now no part of the question," objected to tbe__pQrtion. relating to that institution, but the judg- ment of every democrat and of every im- partial or even candid man who is ac- quainted with its history, justifies all that is atated, and^raust approve of aft ihaT is proposed."" Il to be in power only to prevent these Re» forms', and they dare not concede them. And any member of Lord Melbourne's lee thaagonTrars~heftnnlng totaluraar ta^tha construction of this important public improvement.. KNyasofAny feooKrvq si <«sdid and oM«i^mmatin g pubf, w »« ! «}xrfyre^uesred-to call and w^njne ^2! §tan tSJ^' '**• far «°P« w to anr ether ever before bvenfed. _ _ COPPEB,TOJ& SHEET-IRON aye ever lived inaa« t rwse^joiicuTtedlff lowing mifiaey, W1M cTrame^ceBehnoT a^'th^tlt^houla^be-t 1 ^^ Ttroisro re- these projects must,bo delayed uniil the Ministry who joins the Conservatives, on vagu«» promises of liberal measures, is o -traitof-and-ehould he accounted such. Let the friends of liberal measures only hold together, and they must be success- hi .. Engtiahmen must he up and doing. The enemy will not ba idle. We will not _„ . .say.. more at this time. -Whan we nest address our readers the plans of our op» -~yxaetaV ^!SBaaT7==TrV WOUIBT ^in"ibT^ aw "~ attention of tho public to the prospectus, of this lotttestiag—woraiy-puDlisoed waahly tn "hilads,! 1 pbta, by ADAJI WAIOIB. In oaa year, each rub- amibar raCatvls~atw«Tsiity~enttra banks, ba- ^i*.t'fi^;jh& t ;the_^^ "Reaortmustthoreforohehadto hor---ro.e.ftt.ahQttld caasejUUonnecuon.witlu* socialsJat6^Bontiln?^k0o^4tep^ in the same T«£ sources; Theseare (be prominent points rich harveale-anticVpated from" the* Erie | **}*** Message, "though a great number and Cbamplain canals shall be ripened and gathered. Your commit too do not hesitate in re- commending the latter course.' >-.--! pie ofproteclioo. The modern doctrine of intcrnaVirifpltnremont which inculcates on governmehi the creation of wealth, by i.rc^tjctive labofy Seems entirely to have eicaMdtheltwoFrh^nite wisdom.' Tlie Itberat viows which the author of the Doc. internal ittt developed tl as to ranch of tl n since HSant leave to, look of the system of it are ao strikingly the whole production, iht of ifao sources of need then nal imnrovo port observed with reference to the eur- tent of public opinion which thev affect to discover, to be sitting against the com- mencement of any new improvement i "Tour committco have conceived it to be within their province, to seek for this chaffgo in public sentiment: and they beliove they find it burled deep in Rw 1 conviction that our canals to far fhom bting a source o/reemtts have been eour- tien upon the state; and that the aystetn of other important topics are handled. It is quite unnecessary to advert to them in detail. The exposition of the Presi- dent's views in regard to appropriations internafHaiprOvementa Canheldty fail, we should think, to secure general appro- bation end assent, and the facts adverted |o that, since the memorable veto o n the Maysville Road Bill, and the adoption of "the policy which directed that~nieasuire, public sentiment has become partial to atrict construction of the power and du- ties of government in suchroaUers,and that similar applications hove entirely ceased, ahow how much one clear and energetic mind, directed by practical suit a great variety ef Instructive articles, for tba-sao of five dollars,which in London would eo»t"onaBundred and slaty doners.** Truly this ts economy, when the price is compared **te«Hrfe!y Carried d n j n e l i its/ uee, aa oswa*, Msde and sold by the quantity, unusually Rata*,Oet 14,1M4. \~- ' It aaS&s*: with the eiyte bfthasalecriont; aoea bat ma as favorable terms asjiereto/ore^ M**± of the latest London publications are ad. ssjttsdUjaa shall rondnda.by r aufbt fo "be muodaeed Into everyJkmily, that has a taste for iptetltctoal aajoyesaote. OCa COOWTHV—ITSCOffSTTTOTIOir &. ITS U1WS ROME TELKGKXPH. Home, Tneadsiy, Door. S3. U&&. ^vvftl possaasas re^ewtreieln^ their •jof A i f IsRiiiaaje In tho limits ofjusttca \j permit the foe* net wara»or s^htraee of eallh/crldte mo?iu6eenceto bte-iod thus create the no. r aitlettrus exactions, the that/alia upon the generation, yoftnliTolty and inattention tlbntien. The constant and wbfc fi e s ta on t thai r le_lh fuoctWnV andTecon •rnmont visionary contract caaaity puniahi that is goi hajast * cTSTro^fiffij tiontl Hell, It ie the grnawfo^ ef ihe »arm ihst rraver dies.* In justice ie the t-T^fw«>4**i^'er.^| Btferstistt w*str^ Clieaoung aed Crooked Like csnals—vrorkp to hiamind promised remuDer«Uai io^fiie theircoitrhotittottal jibatnblrjwitioteo- tk*wfw!e thotw s^rerfloiit,'!_ such Heiae. Feb: US4 ***•' little in Ifsiifrjo also be born •wnsllyletSB.. A dtlibcrated Itp.jdirecttarailon:" .^Finally, aAtr egtattdineftha document to a goodly stoed pamphlet, with sludke *M«aMnts^sJ^^ ojfPinl «s, thj^ conclude by rocommond- Ing the adoption of a resolution—"That theprayert of the petitionert ought not f* be granted," Wa are forced to the conclusien that our legislature have heretofore neglected (o regard our calls in a manner comport* ing with our rights, or that wa have been * M f « t jBCHSlfllffil!? iftittuifhrmity of I^JFi?f«l toalteMflB-watU suffltian^ c bihty at theppeoer time* If, up^n tHe westing of our neat logis- Isturo, our claims when respectfully urged and openly admitted, afe to he handed Tns CiHoiSNATi Motaoa.—Tha Cth No. of the present volume of this valuable literary periodical has reached us, and we are happy to perceive that U U again to tucccssfol opera. ration. iber would in- form his old WenoVa«atthe^ pablie,4aat he will coaboue the Hotting Business, at the old stand, neat door west of \ «j. A. B. Biaia's Drug ^°J^ ,t heretaey cap be accommodated on GEORtiR nAttffAWIX. TtlOMAS WATERS, NOTICE, W e iatend in a short 4in»-tei-TS?* ^htedtatbAUtefirsanWetU v -SL & Amos Peckham of Rome, hv note! He woe enlarge our paper, so that it will be equal in quality and quantity of matter to any paper published in the county. 7 iZ£P? v ? ^ " H « w « r uTimrCify of New Y o r t tender, bis professional services to tiegent^o^ef^Rome and its environs- St C * mMent ffb " ^PeSence hTsoUclts can now ba carried on o n i « J i v - a ^ o a W ^ « ^ anl - JW ^-«^^ —TT" 71' Homer^ecTH, ;rmr u Ash Timber tot 800 4»foefbe,1or which Ploughs will be given in cxhsnge. - 2m$5 fare dnd the purity of our inatitptions. Thoiep^AfAnrJettig the sole oxcoption of those with France, of the present administration than 4 Rome, by note 1 £ l w *J ,w lbo 8»« notice thai being com- orlbook account, are requested to make us- ntMaintaarl mediate payment, wtthout deteyrof farther neoee, to either of the sabscrlhera* SETH PECKHAM, JOHN 8. PECKHAM, A' ttmwrl^ee."3S, TKW: /t tsthor e i 4 s s s ^ w w ^ p « W :: #M«lJ|'iio lioroe m mlodthat the subjectnodsr con* over te a Cbmmlttaa that will presume as our internil sualfs Is stlit more cheering. After the let of January wa shall not b»vo a dollar of public debt unpaid ; and with an ample revenue already exceeding our wants, may justly consider ourselves the ] most prosperous among civilised hations, become ao too through the sagacity with which wa have profited by the advanta- tages which noture has bestowed on our country^ end the intelligence and virtue with which we have •teeuted oor nohlb task ofself government. isa ii aassjasalssjsaal on our credulity as to repeat seeti IM±2»!^*ti&* i t o r * <»«ot*c, we may with proptretyr tjoe»tio« t h e c o t r e o ness of the common received opwioo, that a commurtHir are capable of self govern- ment, or.of duly esiimatlng ibeTr ewa "•T 8 - : r ^ ctn N l « o « | hear up oader SUoh.cold lioartloss promises, made tooy llwlv Tailing. Upon a contingency WouM tflueit reasoning were cor. rti jsfcro WM tfc »*nM «r ttrrtrading epposWon nswipsperssce taking in rtlaUsn ts-th* dift- cuhttsef onrngoveTttWfeot whfrTfaiSoS,—Ha reeamasaadatioa of any taeasore, no matter of how much pobtlo utility or haw aeoessary for the Interest of the country, can comafromthe pretent executive wtthout meeting from them the most violent opposition. It is enough to call forth their anathemas and reprobation agatnsV any measure that ft comes from tha septals- •ration t they are afraid uialeM JartrtaHV coo- ITiatrytttelre^^ afterasl barrier ta the faiibst atevatfoa af HPA1E Yes>» -9M2gSg£ A copy ofthaTAX LISTofrthataWiiof Home, is left at the «ore of Modre at, Doty, where Taxes may be paid without delay. for the county of the sale of Me sseasemold to adisti AtfCTtoNEfiR, L&c he will attend to Houses, Led, Miui-^eisonsjs-— breaking up hdjrfc- ' tpgllM>PusjrdBis^v/-" ' sort their Rome, Dec. lr^4. THOMAS DUOAN, Collect or. mMm v-^»# « M front the PxtfaQlobe. lalONlRT Ol* THB BftOIUSTAttY OF This paper was anhmUtea to, pur res- dire to yesterdavV Daily, and will be fot|nd^ in the sjernt* Weekly as wclLaiJho COngrrislonaJ Globe. The view given in thts tirief ahd comprehensive state pa^ oariless promises, tnade too,[per of alt tr^concerns intruited to the •dfttltiitejfai|0|! .^^M^iMH^^U. •MMt^M^bsiliik^M satisfactory to the country. .,.,.-.>^*<'i i '«*" Henry Clay aad Daniel Webster, HeitQeerer* act of Ms most be oondemnad |ud every im«a- appowd ta rtuder htm <lf powibU) raora odleustoi the people, than era these two leadera of the federal party, and thus raise them to pawe*.. Actuated by the present ttrotlves, and la eeeerd«sfca''wttn oar at ths fea*dlng princi- ples of W» aamlatttrattea to ask hNhtng hut what 4s clearly right, aid submit to nothing wrong, ^ae Presidoot To hlelatf mttsagi to congms, ta speahtog of the ewtsato* of the f reach gwrmiment to Inaka pratltloa for the WJiff:eTi.!«et^^ MIMKP0ATES imtldB, 1f*-.^V*J- v. -•••tv.^*i?i?xtv. :• T H E Subscriber "SW.'isH; e*« ofibe«*W^%«ron^tetl£ hwn>f 1 J ^ » iu ssmeounty, o* the Third iten * n *^i Mo««*y m J anuj^ W&$* & forenoon' ofvJ^MriatVhkh time and place m: !•«%'* •A. -*%m Statts.e* a leparertoi farM»i\i%:deht ta aar K«l -jr+v-i - j v-- — ewSll "jig*' leJrti -' , ^.';7^» pa ^^"^ u "'''- K ' -—, SUiii. :<-\ ft- •t^sSBSl Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers Disk3/Rome NY Telegraph/Rome NY...

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers Disk3/Rome NY Telegraph/Rome NY T… · r*^¥m5 !^!TO^»^^^^^ ^^^^SSf«»3 m ijf 1^ .: ^^UJ. *w--? «l* Ifot^ft:

r*^¥m5 ! ^ ! T O ^ » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^SSf«»3 m


^ ^ U J .


« l *


^ n n r - deed, ^OrCherisJhn,/-


R 1 £ £

1 TO^^^uiutq.

splendid work* already compteted^bui «re t t faatjf f iwf boit; ttmy^ad^ses^n^dcgn slderaMo

—- —


tpjrit andefc!fft tfc^^attltUori


In my fjrat number! briefly ft >bject id cormngr before ' y w * * ^Mftlly to the Tmportaat «object wwidonmon; Dttawt: i;MQcifi^ now intun fulfilment of rhe^prtmltses then made you.

unnatural to the human Mart, ble wi^btUaepifUnad JBteUigence

lotHian^ W ^ t W " l g | n * patriotic «iidorep|aaIwt«yargumeati fc»^^"fc

C&titon, who la b» mejaago cotiliooo -to a n d a f ^ ^ o t r r toffifmTil J i n ; ~ m e V t W too revenue, edvqc^ogs>poltcy, wmcn

'tfedoptejA^ wilt ultimately cause the sute to sink back to its former-circumscribed situation. .There nm^iHersv'wbV have

disapprobation tdjJociiiiift^


t)o*ujposed to

^ » 0 * l^rao«aiB«MtW taat *&*£& a^affi^rtsTujt reprise to upo» r i e y a f y * ^ lit case provision should est W n*A« f o r * f

-ai.the sfjwaaefeE«g»™ the lof i«&* Steeeh -Chambers* ^

our commerce during the=eer»ed wftrtelJ* ^

^ M * ^ v i f •wwawr«MtanM*^.JK»^«auww<iri«t,<«i.;, >


'•Considering the high topotatioodBad

rived from her national. improvements, it dy twen corapleTedr yet ^ Q S C ¥ « ^ W »stoa|ahwg;aivd mdrttTyttrg: to Mlb* U»y withheld it, wtirritui

tempts to depreciate their utility, and to arrest their progress. It is manifestly an uncord tal and superficial view of the sub­ject to confine an estimate of its benefits to no excess of income above the interest

exist in the mibds of modarft aU as tothe gsneretutility of the internal navigation of the state to the ctfizerii, whether considered coliacjjyely^br indi­vidually, there baB been niadq rainifefit

cuiafest objectioo) that il would be itjjij^v* ideal in our etsfe government (6 augment

but ^ ^ m ^ ^ S f f ^ l / ^ eCwpenditure, and yet this standard of the sacr^ore was enkindled in tbiir be- ~ ^ U ( m hV. been adopted, Artifi vom&jhrough tho eloquence and irrefu-1

. * ? . V S S ? i w £ i t s k r ^ s V r ^ ' P«b«c »ccommodatioot for the coo.ey-i ^ i ^ l S l r ^ e & t S ZttfiS: ence of n ic ies to;aod from market, apd iion*n ^ W M ^ t ^ . * ^ " ^ revenue is a subordinate object. It waa borne Jhe burtbew;.-sjf t»xat»n, whin M T e r m t e D d 6 d as a primary consideration levied for the purposed Cncouragi^g lite prosecution of any vatuaWe sroi they consider the system as only bavi f rhgremd, abd Ihot the same anllflhteni fieTys^bie^j^mpted tbe -eenera,

tofiU the coffers of the etale, but to aug­ment the general opulence, to animals theeprings of industry ana exertion, and to bring home to every man's door, an

urge the chnstructidn of useful works from timo to tim^, should continue, aud

w«*<,- vmrnW,. »o "«STS*«'»»'» i»1 -""""r »f »««••'» the most advantageou:8 places of ^ale and purchase^ aitd to narrow dawrf this

its present indebtedness—when the gener­al government was about paying its Ust instalments of a demand which had been hanging upon it with such galling weight for more thau half a csnlt^rj.

It is believed when ttits\circnmstaocer shall be feceiTed In its trueMight*r-ao far from constituting the remotest objection to the state's continuing its policy of inter­nal improvement, we may with one accord join the Chief Executive of the Uoloo in bis congratnlatioos 10 a happy and united people, upon ibis most auspicious event. That while this state laid the foundation to its future greatness, expending vast sums of money iu improvements which are be­ginning now, and roust continue yearly, to yield their bountiful harvests—she has also since the commencement nf her works

baa iMpt red confidence, good feeling, and <|9oe-ml satisfaction, throughout ail the grades. —It^lll appear tVomtho Report that t o*

reat pbjec^td removing the Kndians west Mft to. a fair sray of ac-

%£ AWeady SOVW ) ha»e T ove'd. W r readers are a.ware»

o i ^ h a t ,t¥« polley baa JSwoa ap-r*'



mmm mmJuAj^t mumti^^ 7ZSZ**J)** whiclf i thasljean exeeuteoToaa been ortb. tr*.t7 aa the 8th*f Aprn .«._;*-_. • •. __ :> JVT_I J. ,.u^-i„_ time the French Cbumber of I>

dhrefardtd till on the 4th of Jalf, 1«3li French Qm>mmsi ^J «l «Jr "»wto **) J * United States ajteed at a saUsfaceoa « '*• cjaims *f oar gersroewai u» «ajr ^«QU,0» «» frVacs V kix aiuioal lo«t»la»e*ris, tea list •»

h 1833, at waka


^ <

r; > . . - > » > * »i>-*.r•%• ' S,

roroumowiinie;, anouja coraioue, sua aotnefttou8 and comprehensive subject to also since tbe commenceir he r e d u e ^ M ^ c t i c e V Iboie ] * * M ^ ^ and cenTs, Is "DoriarSFe^T5rilse¥i

have; atly honorad joce arid united eBffragfti <r-1 yi££

|aere questio tcaosoaiglit^ftho great elements of iodi

Acquiesced. iro whatever patriotism heretofojrs? dictatcd> they bnVo n o ^ . . new poiityio^mlf^ce^U^peexclusiea of that-ftomrirhlcS^eSr^d^vM greatestglo^4 ^l!l^on^ru<rtionef this work wou'd greatly contribu to tochospen the means' of intercommunication bo* ^eenthia aBd;e4eereeclioMo^to^c try. Its beneftcrol influenco would be fell and realised beyond nil reasonahle conception, doubling and thriubTiog the

ofrea^estate, ihcreasing agricuU or- tides of manufac*.

ee, of public wealth and na- 4ehVw4Hoh-amounied-

tn pafmg-p/ oc«'v pal and interest on the general government

in in )he Pes! spirit aa it relates to tha In­dians, and has given saiiafactioo not only to the community generally, but lo those states in particui*f most interested in the measure, .-..; ^ajcns&sr ww^

The moat striking teatare. bowayar, in the management or the Department, is manifested in the reduced estimates which aa appears by the President's Message, has beenimbtniued by Ihe Secretary of War. They are less lhan the appropria­tions of the present year by a sum exceed­ing three millions two hundred thousand dollars. This, wa think, smacks some-thiog of reform, and we trust will he con­sidered as an earnest of that economy which should ever charactixo a demo-cTa li c'XlHnini sir alien •"


Htfverie--jnarket, and


• ^ j -7

time the F«a«b Cbasaber of Deputies were to session. Notwtthitaodloc wklcb oo ptwiiJes n i mace tor the payment oC lb* tifpalatsd tn^enwHy, « B 4 to April t$S4*^i« snaking tat MceMarjr •ppropriaUoos wai rejected bj ^ i HaaJsenja^etep, end Chamber orOspSttea. ThU mbjbt-«afeta9S*»a-| AbonagUmd&mUi •Idered as eoodwivt erWeaee of a aaml deiei*j$o k/fs Powdff*, ninalioo oo »b« part <?f France not te <arry tho treaty into efftc*. It left irt no reasonable groans to svppote that the ercr ioteodi to pay the stipulated Indemnity. Tbc r«i*tual to make the necesniry appropriation *moont» to a frees violation of national faith and would ha?a jus­tified no immediate declaration of war. That France •boold be permitted, with impunity,thai to trifle who our government is iotuflemblo. — The Freeideot, euxlout to nrold • Wef^has rer. •comnvmded thft adoption n/jt mUder gagtjyar^jyj the abtaiomeot of our rightf^ nrid to ease of

. ..- V ' fouling G^mf.

la variety, a very fine and choice stock. Joi­ner's b Carpenter's tools, at Mams/actorei^f.^ prtees. Locks, door hangings, &fc fec^Tfieir Cutlery, inclttdJh* 50 dpM. pocket* and 'pen knives, b especislly ehoiae^ mill, cross-cut sod band sawn; |»r,'lru1e locks, hay-knives, &a, Tkejf>> _ _ _


vnlue t«»rul producjl!

^ ^ j o H r f n r ^ i aater ratto and would in


al prosperity. It excludes from con-deration the one hundred million of dol­

lars which have in all probability been added to the value of real estate, the t{h-mense appreciation of-the products of agriculture-and fabrics of manufactures

'' which jrore_.(ormerlj shu^*»ul in agraat ^ a g r e e j ^ ^ r n r r f j a ^ ^ h e and^x?ao>

siv3 eatabliehment of inland trade—the vast accession to our marketable pro ducltons—the unbounded encouragement of our marine navigation, and external conamerce—the Ac5ity^rapidiiy and. e ^ conomy x>f communication—the creation

tei Ming, juH, and enlightened legislature It is only on principle founded o n the

immutable raw's of justice and oqoality

hundred an<! fifteen raHHon of dolla as her population has averaged one eighth of I &e whole Uuion, it i& but fair to pre­sume she has paid one eighth of the debt ; ihuT it will he observed sheL'^w|H;Jiaye-within the last seventeen years not ouly raised _ bejsejf to a proud eminence einong1 n e f ^ ^ s ^ s i "ImTITactuail^ia'v S* contributed foods for the peymelvt of the enormous sum of more than fourteen millions of dollars. From this burthen she is^now^redeemed, a cause for taking courage rather than feeling despondency or timidity ; let our march be onward in


From the London Morning Chronicle, N o v - 1 5 , 1 8 3 4 . .-•""""

" We have to eoramumcafe tha oelouo-dinig7 Tntelligenee--that" .Administration has ceased to exist ^tia L^ jHp;wpif*3 WtiS&ft^&'TtiP^' day, and returned last night 10 announce to his colleagues the event. His Majesty we learn, expressed oo diaaatisfadion with Lord M*B. administration, but ha let it be understood that he considered it at an end with the death of the late Earl

longer neglec or soother refusal to p s y w « w j«rt clsiraI,^seh^u^dnlD« property of Frenea cltlsjao* ififilclent to satisfy them, Tbhj course tt warranted by the law of nations and wfll af. ford oo jam cause of war. If war easoses France moat be rospoasIMoTor the_eonse-

L^rT"Mefb"ocTr^#T* , w ^

eWrtedfor famfly supplies, of OM Wnes\^i0r(freS

wtsb to avoid arwar witb Franca}* ^«<u> tie done with a just refard-to oav-rfgats aeAeoayjtte.

vis —7 Vanei rot v w vr iuca, r me ureen aed Black TBSJ, Coflee, Sugars, Sugar €ane Syrop,-Melssses, Raisins, very one Dates; Spices vis : Mace, Nutmegs, Cassia. Cloves, Pimento and Ginger, Pepper (red,and black) ; while, yellow and Castile Soap;

Paints, Window-sash aad-&tess, Hope, traco and- teg chains, axes, saws, ebovetoi spades,


^ ^ n ^ m i e ^ o p u ^ o f f r a n o ^ h e ^ a t i o n ^4»uaajathich has iurits . Ahjeciihe goo4_ Blfit1fflgre^ie^6fTfllB^s7n6^^^ ^fnianktrrd;" • •- " " ^ & f 7 n

and (he most efficient encouragement o( Appoattng to. our—fclw

claimsw The latton of the District

agriculture alfdTh^artsVby a cheap iup-; ply of materials for fabrics, and of mark-

i b a i ^ i L h a v e j ^ ^ w e r 0

cont.nuotoprelsotir httherto^Begleclel ^ ^ T t o o t o ^ ^ i m p o r l a n t c o t t 8 i d e r a -^tonep^BTtd^^mnnno ^mtraelvea - to -the rnererittteetMm-ofrevenue, we will see e-IGrect ^f c"ouhlry which will derive a

local benefit may* be safely eet down in round numbers nt eighty five thousand, to say nothing- of the largo accessions ~ T , which, would take place immediately on he commencement Of the work,during jte progrepa and even while there would re

Hnamanolit^bli^^atmaHipon^lie^ covered hill,or iftithe rich vaQeyIB7

which mea"r*\ering flows the majeatic rfv -^^er, e%o III, niimerous tributaries -the

nough to convince the most sceptical, that immense pecuniary benefits must flow from new channels of hydrauliccony munlcailoii with the Susquehanna, the Allegany, the St. Lawreoco, and the auxiliary connecting waters—and by a

at land avenue, or stateroad, from the

throughout the state, imploring their, and their representatives support, let us renew witn increased ardour, our prayers to be secured in the enjoyment of equal rights,, to obtain the fcCfcopsratioa.of such as may feel inclined to use with effect, their in­fluence in the furtherance of the desired object, to aid such committees as are already appointed in the various towns tnfhis faction of the state,

t o w n s ^ y w . ^ g d ^ w its wealth and grandeur.

When the cojunlarah*H-btrf»ahlmated ^^bKwtVif^iujI influence such a work

would prorJoce^upon her present weahh ^nd rcsources*-arguraehls^ will then be x\o longer wanting to convince the moBt

muoity at large, of tho favorable consider* aiioo to yhichiMtlciaims ware entitled. " flnWiwn»wha^^|tta^er may we now,'

-M in tumro expoci opposition ? h pause for a «"*ply*/.' S*n "*• • Wpoea there are

Frotntho surveys and estimates here* tofore made by several able Engineers, ho entire costof the work under^cojiaid-

to meet an? appoint committees in towns where there are nooe, to collect and report such facts in relation to the ojrobabie amount to lon-

' Btgo wnTch mrghr pssr^yearty^tipon the proposal canal, with a statement oT fhe_ probable increase^shauJd fe»^^th^ren^ano' aim of aH Interested ; bearing in mind,

Ointy:h^ u tftTThg eferlions oTOOf-tt

economical expenditureof that sum would complete il, thereby adding one seventh more to our present completed works^r ab expense not exceeding a nineteenth part of their cost, it would bo scrfcoly

^ p n c e ^ t h e ^ e W conceive what sound objec-lion our legislature could have to post pone the immediate commencement of

iuf « .•-»-»/• - •« ww ouppwH* tnareare\ r«tofore heen heated by our legislative 4lwse amo<#-jiv that wouJd--desire^tot comm"<ge8^-M* w>ll &*& in ^arch> defeat our object f No. interest forbids the idea—those from whom we may tx-pect opposition ate of a class of modern potitica^ocono political might di

, not connnedto any partyj a community of such

r from tho fad^ of the earth an/t leave behind them noi treo by which succeeding goftfirationa might judge of their pursuits. I nm led to these con-fctoBirmniirott^rttftoa-Assembly ftoe^ ^o-:-^^fWg]jgB;-; cTheJ?e«T men and

1831, when our prayer* had been for months pending before the legislature, a committee of Assembly coming oul with a report, admitting...the.^justica-of our claims, correctness of our allegations, the ^jelebrity the" siato "had acquired on ac­count of ihe works completed, Its ability to loan the requisite funds, snd yet en­deavoring, by all means in their reach, to discourage the prosecution of the work, till • whenr? Hear them!


assigning nttj&her (unctions to human governmenir^ihW- protection to the human life, liberty and property of the (ovemed, anoVwhhn God himself condo-

acenoVoHa tegltlat&fpr a people, the laws which he promulgated in reference to

fsbtentijr with oar nattsmal bonor r bat Wa tboold not tamely imreader oar riflhtt to avoid any temporary Inconvenience, and If Franco still neglects to fulfil her astasia obBgatloos wa trust our govemmoat wtU be eostatned la retorting to any-means whicb may become their satiijlction. And feat,

solution -of—th*~Ministry • *-»The

crwwbars, stoves, sleigl^shoes. bells, lamp oil] — z$:

i h ^ r ^

London Morning Chronicle, in speaking of the late dissolution, s a y s " T h e proe> parity of the country ami the disseotions

^ H m c h ^ ^ ^ ^ w l T ^ ^ - ^ i D ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sired,

6th December, 1834. ClNCINWATOS.

4 From the New York Timet.

The Message of the President has by this time been universally read, and so far as we can learn, has boen_univei:sall|_

Ahe^wbrfe^^rwifrnow hecome -our UOUIH | approved. fRie^a^7-eirpecially, refer* den duty to enqutre^row^mVaubject has rtng^^bltfTe^atioirswith^ranw*,

taioed unqualified commendation, and there appears to ba an unanimous sentn ruoni in favor of sustaining the positions

among bte Reforuwri, have, it would ap pear, inspired the Coort party with the hope of being nesrJinVle to make a stand against all futureI'celbrin."

•' Never was a more grievous mistake committed. From this moment all the dissentions among (ho Reformers are at an end. The question is hot now wheth­er more or less ought to be demanded— whether the Lords should have a longer orshoffer tnel*«»waoTuei^wB'teavehitkello pocee3edio<rBl6Ti^arrth Teforn^oreal^ efied the fair claims of the peopte-^bnt whether we shall bend our necks under

py^e-o^-the-ConseCTalrvee^1—-^ - -— " Tha Duke of Wclliugtea haSr wabe>

lieve, been with the King ; but what course wil lhe held we know n o t It ta probable thai an attempt will he made to disuniieiheWbigr and Reforms, by hoi ding out terms to some of them to comprehensive Administration. Administration which hesitates to carry through the work beguo in Ireland, {Tithe refo

Britain^ those who win take tides with our ene mtesnnd attempt; to embarraw and thwart tfi measures of tho goveronent in tea ma to tain-ance ot our right* there will he alto a large majority who wfll sustain it. those who art acquainted with our iiittory doriog the last war, j s^^rce fv i in lb« Mloaiag xr^tL JftajsJ^t Natiooal lotelUgaoear, an esbibition of the tame spirit which actuated the party of which il it the organ during that period, France it given to nnderstand that she ~tfay~st1ft'persist with impunity io refuting to carry^Msytreaty

Cheaper than ever, Large BiWes • Bfank, f«l^&««!*8«oo» aa4 School Books, at cbesit

rates. lOOOlbs, Cheese^ 130 bbls^floor 8t Salt Codhsh St MMkerct ffle Iwo^prse wa^ty^ One slelfb} One cntlef, 6099^

WANTED^==Itiri^LariLBnUer, CbeeCs, Oats, Grain, Flax, Beans, Peas, &c. s .

-, J^HATH1CWAY SC.Xbr Rome, Ncv.1W4.

into effect, and that the Fretideot will not be •ortniued in resorting to the only meant for the maiatainance of our rights which tuch refjual

has any claim to the support of Coo veraaltvet wish

"But, before weeeft, w« take v l«ve to express oar trust that it will be universally

where abroad, that the recommendation of the PresidgutrUpon which wehave been re-marking, is his act only, and is not likely, in the present-state of the ease, to receive the approbation eitberrof the, -Coomiee/or< the Feople of the Piittt^jphtfi?.- _ — —

• • • • < ' • • • " " : • " ' » • » r 1 "

We publith this weak the second number of a communication on the subject of tha Black River Canal, too first number was necessarily

r of room.—fVs am gtad

990 pairs Men's Ladie's, and Children's Shoes, very cheap. Also a large supply of

STOVES! STOVSS! W, MUDGE & Co. Have on hand a sery rarge^sov fraenTo

cooking stoves, of'various patteis* and six^nsrtlje^i^hh^itelpiaa^ Parkwr, Franklin and BoxSlores. of alr*uwr

and descriptions, wlach-they1 will set! at wholesale andT retail at~Albany and £Toy


set forth in this admirable document. A few ofthose who forgot al the moment ihTir fieTTrTrtaTe* Bank was now no part of the question," objected to tbe__pQrtion. relating to that institution, but the judg­ment of every democrat and of every im­partial or even candid man who is ac­quainted with its history, justifies all that i s atated, and^raust approve of aft ihaT is proposed."" Il

to be in power only to prevent these Re» forms', and they dare not concede them. And any member of Lord Melbourne's

lee thaagonTrars~heftnnlng totaluraar ta tha construction of this important public improvement..

KNyasof Any feooKrvq si <«sdid and oM«i mmating pubf,w

»«!«}xrfyre^uesred-to call and w^njne ^2! §tantSJ^' '**• far «°P« w to anr ether ever before bvenfed. _ _


aye ever lived inaa«t rwse^joiicuTtedlff lowing mifiaey, W1M cTrame^ceBehnoT a^'th^tlt^houla^be-t1^^ Ttroisro re-

these projects must,bo delayed uniil the

Ministry who joins the Conservatives, on vagu«» promises of liberal measures, is o -traitof-and-ehould he accounted such. Let the friends of liberal measures only hold together, and they must be success-hi . .

Engtiahmen must he up and doing. The enemy will not ba idle. We will not

_„. .say.. more at this time. -Whan we nest address our readers the plans of our op»

-~yxaetaV !SBaaT7==TrV WOUIBT ^in"ibT^aw"~ attention of tho public to the prospectus, of this lotttestiag—woraiy-puDlisoed waahly tn "hilads,!1

pbta, by ADAJI WAIOIB. In oaa year, each rub-amibar raCatvls~atw«Tsiity~enttra banks, ba-

^i*.t'fi^;jh& t;the_^^ "Reaortmustthoreforohehadto hor---ro.e.ftt.ahQttld caasejUUonnecuon.witlu*

socialsJat6^Bontiln?^k0o^4tep^ in the same T«£

sources; Theseare (be prominent points rich harveale-anticVpated from" the* Erie | **}*** Message, "though a great number and Cbamplain canals shall be ripened and gathered.

Your commit too do not hesitate in re­commending the latter course.'


pie ofproteclioo. T h e modern doctrine of intcrnaVirifpltnremont which inculcates on governmehi the creation of wealth, by i.rc^tjctive labofy Seems entirely to have e icaMdtheltwoFrh^nite wisdom.'

Tlie Itberat viows which the author o f the Doc. internal ittt developed tl as to ranch of tl n since HSant


to, look o f the system of it are ao strikingly

the whole production, iht of ifao sources of

need then nal imnrovo

port observed with reference to the eur-tent of public opinion which thev affect to discover, to be sitting against the com-mencement o f any new improvement i

"Tour committco have conceived it to be within their province, to seek for this chaffgo in public sentiment: and they beliove they find it burled deep in Rw

1 conviction that our canals to far fhom bting a source o/reemtts have been eour-tien upon the state; and that the aystetn

of other important topics are handled. It is quite unnecessary to advert to them in detail. The exposition of the Presi­dent's views in regard to appropriations

internafHaiprOvementa Canheldty fail, we should think, to secure general appro­bation end assent, and the facts adverted |o that, since the memorable veto o n the Maysville Road Bill, and the adoption of "the policy which directed that~nieasuire, public sentiment has become partial to atrict construction of the power and du­ties of government in such roaUers, and that similar applications hove entirely ceased, ahow how much one clear and energetic mind, directed by practical

suit a great variety ef Instructive articles, for tba-sao of five dollars,which in London would eo»t"onaBundred and slaty doners.** Truly this ts economy, when the price is compared

**te«Hrfe!y Carried dnjnel i its/ uee, aa oswa*,

Msde and sold by the quantity, unusually

Rata*,Oet 14,1M4. \~- '

It aaS&s*:

with the eiyte bfthasalecriont; aoea bat ma as favorable terms asjiereto/ore^ M**± of the latest London publications are ad. ssjttsdUjaa shall rondnda.by

r aufbt fo "be muodaeed Into everyJkmily, that has a taste for iptetltctoal aajoyesaote.


ROME TELKGKXPH. Home, Tneadsiy, Door. S3 . U&&.


possaasas re^ewtre i e ln^ their •jof A i f IsRiiiaaje

In tho limits ofjusttca \j permit the foe*

net wara»or s^htraee of eallh/crldte mo?iu6eenceto bte-iod thus create the no. r aitlettrus exactions, the that/alia upon the generation, yoftnliTolty and inattention tlbntien. The constant and

wbfc fi es ta on t thai r

le_lh fuoctWnV andTecon •rnmont visionary contract caaaity puniahi that is goi hajast

* cTSTro^fiffij

tiontl Hell, I t ie t h e grnawfo^ e f ihe »arm ihst rraver dies.* In justice i e the


Btferstistt w*str^ Clieaoung aed Crooked Like csnals—vrorkp to hiamind promised

remuDer«Uai io^fiie theircoitrhotittottal jibatnblrjwitioteo-tk*wfw!e

thotw s rerfloiit,'!_

such Heiae. Feb: US4 ***•'

little in Ifsiifrjo also be born •wnsllyletSB.. A dtlibcrated

Itp.jdirecttarailon:" .^Finally, aAtr egtattdineftha document to a goodly stoed pamphlet, with sludke *M«aMnts^sJ^^ ojfPinl «s, thj^ conclude by rocommond-Ing the adoption of a resolution—"That theprayert of the petitionert ought not f* be granted,"

Wa are forced to the conclusien that our legislature have heretofore neglected (o regard our calls in a manner comport* ing with our rights, or that wa have been * M f « t jBCHSlfllffil!? iftittuifhrmity of I^JFi?f«l toalteMflB-watU suffltian^ c bihty at theppeoer time*

If, up^n tHe westing of our neat logis-Isturo, our claims when respectfully urged and openly admitted, afe to he handed

Tns CiHoiSNATi Motaoa.—Tha Cth No. of the present volume of this valuable literary periodical has reached us, and we are happy to perceive that U U again to tucccssfol opera. ration.

iber would in-form his old WenoVa«atthe^

pablie,4aat he will coaboue the Hotting Business, at the old stand,

neat door west of \ «j. A. B. Biaia's Drug ^ ° J ^ ,theretaey cap be accommodated on



NOTICE, W e iatend in a short 4 i n » - t e i - T S ? * ^htedtatbAUtefirsanWetU

v -SL & Amos Peckham of Rome, hv note! He woe enlarge our paper, so that it will be equal in quality and quantity of matter to any paper published in the county.

7iZ£P?v? ^ " H « w « r uTimrCify of New Y o r t tender, bis professional services to tiegent^o^ef^Rome and its environs-

S t C * m M e n t ffb" ^PeSence hTsoUclts

can now ba carried on o n i « J i v - a ^ o a W ^ « ^ a n l - J W ^ - « ^ ^ — T T " 71' Homer^ecTH,;rmr

u Ash Timber tot 800 4»foefbe,1or which Ploughs will be given in cxhsnge. - 2m$5

fare dnd the purity of our inatitptions. Thoiep^AfAnrJettig the sole oxcoption of those with France,

of the present administration than 4

Rome, by note 1 £ l w * J , w l b o 8»« notice thai being com-orlbook account, are requested to make us- ntMaintaarl mediate payment, wtthout deteyrof farther neoee, to either of the sabscrlhera*


A ' ttmwrl^ee."3S, TKW:


tsthor ei4sss^ww^p«W : :#M«lJ| ' i io • lioroe m mlodthat the subjectnodsr con* over te a Cbmmlttaa that will presume as

our internil sualfs Is stlit more cheering. After the let of January wa shall not b»vo a dollar of public debt unpaid ; and with an ample revenue already exceeding our wants, may justly consider ourselves the ] most prosperous among civilised hations, become ao too through the sagacity with which wa have profited by the advanta-tages which noture has bestowed on our country^ end the intelligence and virtue with which we have •teeuted oor nohlb task of self government.

• isa ii aassjasalssjsaal

on our credulity as to repeat seeti IM±2»!^*ti&* itor* <»«ot*c, we may with proptretyr tjoe»tio« thecotreo ness of the common received opwioo, that a commurtHir are capable of self govern­ment, or.of duly esiimatlng ibeTr ewa "•T 8 - : r ^ c t n N l « o « | hear up oader SUoh.cold lioartloss promises, made tooy

llwlv Tailing. Upon a contingency WouM tflueit reasoning were cor .

rti jsfcro WM tfc »*nM «r ttrrtrading epposWon nswipsperssce taking in rtlaUsn ts-th* dift-cuhttsef onrngoveTttWfeot whfrTfaiSoS,—Ha reeamasaadatioa of any taeasore, no matter of how much pobtlo utility or haw aeoessary for the Interest of the country, can coma from the pretent executive wtthout meeting from them the most violent opposition. It is enough to call forth their anathemas and reprobation agatnsV any measure that ft comes from tha septals-•ration t they are afraid uialeM JartrtaHV coo-ITiatrytttelre^^ afterasl barrier ta the faiibst atevatfoa af

HPA1E Yes>» -9M2gSg£

A copy ofthaTAX LISTofrthataWiiof Home, is left at the «ore of Modre at,

Doty, where Taxes may be paid without delay.

for the county of the sale of Me sseasemold

to adisti



he will attend to Houses, Led,

Miui-^eisonsjs-— breaking up hdjrfc-' tpgllM>PusjrdBis^v/-"

' sort their

Rome, Dec. lr^4. THOMAS DUOAN,

Collect or.

mMm v-^»# « M

front the PxtfaQlobe. lalONlRT Ol* THB BftOIUSTAttY OF

This paper was anhmUtea to, pur res-dire to yesterdavV Daily, and will be fot|nd^ in the sjernt* Weekly as wclLaiJho COngrrislonaJ Globe. The view given in thts tirief ahd comprehensive state pa^

oariless promises, tnade too,[per of alt tr^concerns intruited to the •df t t l t i i te j fa i |0 | ! .^^M^iMH^^U. •MMt^M^bsiliik^M satisfactory to the country.

. , . , . - . > ^ * < ' i i ' « * "

Henry Clay aad Daniel Webster, HeitQeerer* act of Ms most be oondemnad |ud every im«a-

appowd ta rtuder htm <lf powibU) raora odleustoi the people, than era these two leadera of the federal party, and thus raise them to pawe*.. Actuated by the present ttrotlves, and la eeeerd«sfca''wttn oar at ths fea*dlng princi­ples of W» aamlatttrattea to ask hNhtng hut what 4s clearly right, aid submit to nothing wrong, ^ae Presidoot To hlelatf mttsagi to congms, ta speahtog of the ewtsato* of the f reach gwrmiment to Inaka pratltloa for the W J i f f : e T i . ! « e t ^ ^

MIMKP0ATES imtldB, 1 f * - . ^ V * J - v. -•••tv.^*i?i?xtv. :•

TH E Subscriber


e*« o f i b e « * W ^ % « r o n ^ t e t l £ hwn>f 1 J ^ » iu ssmeounty, o* the Third i t e n * n * ^ i Mo««*y m J a n u j ^ W&$* & forenoon' ofvJ^MriatVhkh time and place

m: ! • «%' *

•A. -*%m

Statts.e* a leparertoi farM»i\i%:deht ta aar K«l

-jr+v-i - j v - - —


"jig*' leJrti

- ' , ^ . ' ; 7 ^ » p a ^ ^ " ^ u " ' ' ' - K ' -—, SUiii.

:<-\ ft- •t^sSBSl

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