Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013

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Transcript of Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    Ohio Heroin Arrests 2010-2013Clark State Community College

    GST 2700

    Spring 2014

    Eric Hamilton

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    Ohio Heroin Arrests 2010-2013• Project wa inpire! "y report o# $eroin tak #orce creation "y %ttorney General&

    '##ice to a!!re '$io $eroin epi!emic

    • (nitial project analyi "ae! on in!i)i!ual arret locate! "y a!!re wa not poi"le

    !ue to large *uantitie o# incomplete a!!re entrie in !ata pro)i!e! "y '(+,S• -ip co!e were intea! ue! to locate $eroin arret occurrence

    • .ata prepping impacte! analyi !ue to time re*uire! to #ormat an! correct errorreulting in #ewer !eli)era"le

    •  %mount o# time nee!e! to prepare pro)i!e! !ata #or analyi wa e)erelyun!eretimate!

    • .ata o"taine! #rom '$io (nci!ent +ae! ,eporting Sytem /'(+,S a#ter e)eral!irect email #or !ata re*uet o)er a #ew week

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    Poeion an! Tra##icking Comparion 2010

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    Poeion an! Tra##icking Comparion 2011

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    Poeion an! Tra##icking Comparion 2012

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    Poeion an! Tra##icking Comparion 201

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    2010 Heroin Arrests and Deaths Comparison

    Heroin Tra##icking %rret,epreente! "y $eig$t

    Heroin .eat$ .ata Source3 State o# '$io %ttorney General& '##ice

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    2011 Heroin Arrests and Deaths Comparison

    Heroin Tra##icking %rret,epreente! "y $eig$t

    Heroin .eat$ .ata Source3 State o# '$io %ttorney General& '##ice

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    2012 Heroin Arrests and Deaths Comparison

    Heroin Tra##icking %rret,epreente! "y $eig$t

    Heroin .eat$ .ata Source3 State o# '$io %ttorney General& '##ice

  • 8/20/2019 Ohio Heroin Arrests Analysis 2010-2013


    2013 Heroin Arrests and Deaths Comparison

    Heroin Tra##icking %rret,epreente! "y $eig$t

    201 Heroin .eat$ !atai projecte! #or year

    Heroin .eat$ .ata Source3 State o# '$io %ttorney General& '##ice