Ofe PROFESSORS QUIZ, 10/Cold Springs NY...We sup ply cylinders and gas." You.should have truck. Call...

' ' mm muimmMiiiBiBi MJUM g iivi-»Hwi iisnw .—- rr ! ir : ~Sa53 -.•<•-—«i^*i. i^AaBwau. > m < J!.iamiaBji;.iy. , , i ji i ;; irra; fgftffif ANNI'AI, NNAWIAI. lll-.h-HT. ||| HHSIHSfS @§anlj §1 Putnam, From July 1,. }$&), Through June 30, ipa-4, t@ James g, Brooks, District Superintendent 1 m 1flFi|||:Ji§: 1IL '^ TO »U«^0jivPjiPP9H-«rg§n ;|U.?.4ai^F0f«HiKrtii: Apply Mrs- «. FlnpJM?-Ffl'FFPtt.fl!F'f»t.-'- RECEIPTS ' ' Btl$S$f or. l}Ai;J Jui) I. laf.r Fubi;c money received from supervisor or county treasurer * A.maunt deducted by State from public money for retirement fund on account of .district (ex- cluding 4 per cent deduction) Amount deducted this year by trustee from teach- ers' salaries for teachers retirement fund Tuition from in-dividual pupils not paid by State Prom tax on property Balance—District No. 5. County Treasurer—Taxes 1932 Total . a This amount shouW equal the 5.5 per cent deduction made from the public money by the Sen- ate this year. Although this amount was Tiot re- ceived by the district it should be entered as if act- ually received and then paid back to the pension fund, PAYMENTS Expense* of (rfnrral Control Lejcal services ', .... $ Other expenses of business control Enforcement of compulsory education, truancy Laws and census enumeration Other expenses of educational control 5,136.66 •6,389.19-i GAMQ® ppR SE-NT™^ emi apply L«mn Pralatowski, 13 -Mountain. Avenue. 703.00 256.60 56.34 14.6S6.34 . 643.69 345.67 $2S,216.S9 J. FOR SALE—-Broilers and Chickens.' . Ramlu Farm, Tel." Cold. Spring f TO RENT—^Five-room house on Pine Street. Inquire of Theodore-'- Rathjen. Nelsonville, FiiflHMi n MKi . I \ l ftlHffl ^ItVIMVH miif n ITIM'. mmB\\W\W y&mffli i vt-ni :.\y\\u i HI- Will *HH Hillnr \\w\w m im itj>= jmlnimpni'-' I Mm iflHf? ii •'•IWHWII JnM»i«p*f iH.^-f^lfiK J'H.H mn*f t-ijtfiiilv- iSnWlftl'fftF ifef&ftfr Tn<-*'!;U, >v.,i.. BEAl'TA MMM 80 MaJrj Sf. T«;l. ir,2 Liquor And Or Wine Licenses Expire .Sept. 30 34.79 7S.75 50.00 100.00 dls- Total expenses of general control , Exp**n.«w>» of Irw*truction Teachers" salaries—men . Teachers' salaries—-women Textbooks . . Supplies used in instruction Tuition to adjoining districts with which this trlct has contracted . Expenses of teachers in attending school meetings Total expenses of instruction Expense* of Operation of Sehool Plant Wages of Janitor and other employes . , Fuel Light and power Janitor's supplies General care of grounds . Other expenses of operation Total pxpenses of operation of plant . . Kxpeti*e« of MitltitctiAnrr of Herwx>l I'lflMt Repair of buildings Repair* and replacements Of other equipment 263.54 .100.00 .210.00 108,44 2S9.14 ,667.14 25.00 FOR SALE-—7; room Brick House, .near station, good condition. Bath, Electricity. Make offer; no rea- sonable offer refused. Call or write G. E.-Johnson. 5 Railroad Ave.„ Cold Spring. ••• !• II " II I •—•• ••—••HIM . . . I . . I fc—W^M——, * FOR SALE —Chiffoniers, Dining- room Tables and Chairs. Bureau. 2 Cook Stoves. Bed Steads and Springs. Kitchen Utensils, Dishes, etc. 30 Garden Street. TO RENT—Large furnished room; board if desired. Mrs. Charles Gib- son. Nelsonville, N. Y. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for dealers, to distribute cooking gas. Big profits, ready'sales. We sup- ply cylinders and gas." You.should have truck. Call at MIddletown Bottle Gas Corp., Middetown. N..Y. 1.300.30 684.18 219.32 48.77 43.75 79.38 $11,399.72 FOR SALE AND TO RENT Apply to J. V. Ball. 30 Garden Street. Prone 241. FOR SALE at sacrifice—14-room house. Electricity, bath, range, hot and cold water, a- new hot water heater with oil burner.- *i acre of land: residential section of village, $5,500. $ 2,375:70 fi P s r. r. 40.0(1 Uf mrtinlPhaticp Of plant t o t a l wxppn.««*«* Ktjjetwe*! r»f \\tx M*dk<*i IhfttfMtttti I "ii mi frilH«f -M Mf rWld^fli I'lifili* tH j»Hitr ««ti WHHH|? Mill flu Wit fit HH rl*l Hrtfm\t)^. pHiil N H»IUU|H HMifirf* UiflH M PIMF;ftfillfliFlf IN HfM iHfliiFJr B HilHlfB8 . nP.lll . •*• mSSBSSSSSSSiSESS '• | (Hi **HBftnitHr-B« lHf m\\\W *i#m*i MUHhuFt Hi »'•" l«*HF*ft*2p* fftF R(MF PHFflM^fl iJli^O Tflt*l ti^p8»#oi| .( fUu(j p|)4r|M« ys^WiH:* .•( |MH *»»T>I» 0 H*fund4 Rf IM P0ll«e(N fFpm Fnftidw of ftnei^F autru:t T4?.7B fOtal cipeiujei of Jubt aervi-.-;- K*p«nilUurtn* in Capital Owilay iexi;lu4ihg bond money:! and ctu-tiflcatt;^ of indtJbtednts^a in an- tfctpatlon of bonds) Haatlng, lighting, plumbing and electrical for old bull-ding . . 1,302.25 t y».66 FOR SALE Unusual Pedlgfeed Dflchshutid Puppies; Blue Ribbon Stock, Reasonable price* Phone Cold Spring 146. a: LU I »iSTiiTrt?B&ssni; r jca At the CliuttilieiJ i mmi gi in MiiliHHki- l ntM gi * 74Tr79 Total expenditures In capital outlay Total payments for the year Total payments and balances $ $24,48-6.18 $24,486.18 3,731.31 I 429.63 A*mount of this year's taxe& not collected on June 30, 193 4 }$\ TRUSTEES' AFFIDAVIT State of N'ew York. County of Putnam, (ss.) F. Gordon Busteed. the undersigned trustee of the school district for which th* foregoing report is made, belirg by me duly sworn, depose and say that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all the itAtements contained in the foregoing report are true and that a copy of this report has been fHed as a part of the official records of the district. F. GORDON BUSTEED, Trustee. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of July, 1934. JOHN FOR SON. Notary Public. Mi Mfttt'r.iHiiliMHilliliimtai RlfllfiFi Wf\m Hi i? &U 11: Hair §0pirB«fiJ8fi aflil SsFWARj i- m SFrifimiiiftvsn' m mm Sf 1 J ' 'Hi f)'p|Rpi( : gHil sfii) 1»li diiM»«H>-» nf IliM KiHHfil MOFHIUS PFfty^F and SPFinnn »( iLi.ii n'plppte, gntUnri HI) Pium^i: PhHFPB 96)108! ftl Pi4fi 9'PlPPlf: Ray. Leslie AnpBey,- preapjier. fir, h-M>. Stevan-apfi, SHper!n?and.- ept. 10:00 A. M-—Sunday School. 7:00 P. M.—Young People's Ser- vice. 7:45 P. M.—Evening Worship. St. Philip's Church.in-the-Highlauds Garrison Rev. E. Clowes Chorley, D. D., Rector. Sunday Services: S A. M.—Holy Communion 11 A. M.—Church School . 11 A. M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Monday—S..15 Bible Class Friday—^-S;15 Lent Service South Highland M. E. Church Rev. D. Arthur Cataldo, pastor. Mrs. George Jaycox, Sunday School Superintendent. 10 A. M.—Sunday School. 11 A. M.—Divine Worship. St. James' Chapel Manltou Sunday at 9.30 A. M. Ofe PROFESSORS QUIZ, GALL YOUR. DETALrR CBNTR.AL HUOSOhl REPR,[?S FOR. THC - * " " •'' : .":• ^ r . ' ••..!" '.••' . ' 'AH existing liquor and or wine licenses will.automat'i«i'lly.expire on September '30. 1934. which is. the expiration date provided for. in these .licenses. . ; ; : ' ,' . v '•', •• A new application . for a, liquor and or wine license must he filed for the "period from 'October 1„ 1 934 and expiring- Soptombor 30. .1935. This application numt be filed in duplicate with the. county board in which the licensed premises'are lo- cated., except where the licensed premises are located in the City of New York, the application must be flledwith the -New York. City Board. There will be sent from the Zone Office 'of the State Liquor Authority at.Albany to each present liquor and or wine licensee, duplicate copies of the appropriate application to be made for; the new license for the period commencing oh October 1, 1934. There Is also being, mailed to each licensee, an'"important .notice" informing the licensee that such ap- plications, properly executed, to- gether with the necessary foe and documents as required by the ap- plication, should ',be promptly , re- turned in duplicate to the appro- priate local hoard. "No extension wlil he gained for any liquor nnd or wine TTcense nrter September 30. 1934 when the pres- eht llqtiof and or whip licenses ex* {lire, so that it Is ot the Utmost Itii- portahce that' U'cehaeeii rettltn llieir npplicatlohs to the local bnftftl in tithe to ehttltle the local V&0& lo-' properly hot thet'eoti aud foi-wnrd the soHie'io the , $0?i$Wk\i& Mi tirrife.df the State Liquor Autlibtlty; fdf Its attltiti: . .. jjjjj | (r . \-\\i\M\ I M ppf? •!• ; n murn miipi - -ij] | in i p j i^iuii.MiiHtJHi- '• I •• gB^.j'i: W !•' MtylM Authority fpr the;fee,rer UMin-ii/hy j;;, w . Jfocaslv.wjl} )>u T^ ' ' ' i ! . . " : . - ' ) . . ' - ;). Twti pjiotographs of the ex- it.-rior of the premises of- a size 6x9 iiirlH^. ; ' : .1 Appropriate bond or a certifl- rai.ii issued by the Excise Bond Un- derwriters which may tie accepted in lieu of the bond. No other form, of retielpt or- certificate shall be ac- cepted, other than the.form of cer- tificate, a specimen copy of which has already been forwarded to the local boards. . The full license'fee must accom- pany the, application where the same is filed, prior to OctoTier 25\ 1934. PUTNAM COUNTY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD. __ _o—-—~—•' Highway Trees Now Coming Back But you pay less for the best AT OUR BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP Roadside tree planting is being revived- In New York State. In the early days this practice was almost universal. Nearly every country road had its rows of maples but with the advent of the automobile and modern highway construction no provision was made for shade trees or other roadside beautification and it has taken a great deal of effort on- the. part of public spirited citi- zens of the State to set in motion the resumption of tree, planting along bur highways, says J.he New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse. N;; Y. In 1930 a tree nursery was auth- orized by the Legislature to be lo- cated at Green Haven, Dutchess County. This nursery was for the purpose of raising hardwood trees for highway planting. In 1931 the first trees fro hi this nursery were set out on a hew road at Hillsdale, Columbia County. Slttc'e tlieh ap- proxitttately 4,600 trees have heett pliihted aldttg the highways' Iti the Stale. . fills -work lias beeil dbUe through Hie- ebbbefatloh hptweeh tlie Cbfc HAIR CUT AND SHAVE . . . Fitchs Shampoo . . Plain Massage . . Boncilla Pack . . Children's and Men's Hair Cut . .. . 3 BARBERS - No Waiting: 40c 25c 25c 50c 25c j Permanent Waving v . Monday to Thursday?- 3 items for . . * . SPECIAL: |1 Shampoo and Wave, . ; 1 ALL BEAUTY S E g g J C y GUARANTEED RIALTO BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP* :J04 Main Street BBACOX, X. Y. *M BtBBM3KBfDSS3BKBSaBlBStKSGftti3ft(lJ^^ fcprvalidii tleiuiKHlelH rtlld tile ft^ •M fetflll H.|ihllwtlrtii M a \U\\M\ iint-ltnetii Bf PDBII-6 Wttfhs ivlie^ehy ntitl UP wlHe' lifilflMi lull] Hi FMil¥$a % mM&¥ if 'nnsiijnifl In iU||f^i|i Ity HH.V Iticrtl liotihl UHl'Hi ih« fhU'-Ihe |ilrtiiH'n»j,-IHB liite^ MbM ti\i\4$ lH#ln)» iMfl-fflinti Ililil HH<t)Hi|uiiiv IIMVH jih^ii ttvallHiils fhf jiMJeelfl Hi SHid rtiijillcHllHHi . : •.rMlo'tjR WelltiHS lir tH|-MlAtei: ii A^Hil^ltfUl .' fiii'lli ' jttfi|iM^ fiiH•tfHfi|.iip||n IffiiBWifflSHl 8j Mic (i^HllPd 111 lillHii^lHi «!llll illH JllelHvHyS JJivHirHi? WHH^ ItlliH^ 0! fin^^ir'MjHHiijiinjj^ $M4m i\\»m \m\\\m ml.kMmp ftmm la meet nil the varying conditions of roadsides. Some sections require rows of trees, o-ther sections groves or groups of trees ,8till other sec- tions shrubbery and vines and again all that Is necessary l& to preserve existing trees. Experimental work has bean started in the prevention of oroslor* by planting shrubs along steep em- bankments or cuts made in highway comst/ruction and it would appear that with the good beginning already achieved the work of highway beau- tification will gradually become more extensive especially in view of the definite favorable pubic opinion back of the idea. 1 o Mrs. Albert Ilea and son are spending tile summer at Cherry K>y, N. j. Alex Itlmnier and Wilfred "Pep" Mohnti&ti are vipltltlg with tlletti tills weftk. . . i . i WI-P. flitti-leti kHlM- if Meat<ah\ vbMthii h-lhiul^ hetp Mdiida.r, She 1 Is a fbrtiipf fesld^lit tit illls flllHM. '- • .-«*)#*-' SSS POCIB? Indoor Tti*««*«' : ;r' Thp HllariotM "LAFF ™*f Wed. M^.: 50c* WiK-jjg A l<hTu Hihsbli Iti I1M *9)| MtHlllJlPri, altintli! 88Btllfi'l l i p t o 811 IM»= iiMiiilHti HllftPltMM HlHJj^i ovtwm Mil. K \ T ^ AUG* 11 Mil. AXD M&L A i*tmu eMr "RIP VAN «H, itiHir imit $iMl imm Ht.mi Hill HK8r.> MARK lt»^R»tVAtK^*l 4 IHUHI *,rt .<r$s/:<s.V! ? j?i*M*?* ! s THE TRUCK THAT COSTS SO Sflzmmtfti .X. >:S5-': \fhr- Z(T SWCfL £ mi i. m now costs as much as Cfi Ney, £ r 9est em 5 e//, ol ef y ^0 the savings ... ^^^^^^^ ^^C^ •*- effected by Chevrolet's ' . . gt&it etonpmv, rugged construction ai.i 'o'ltstaidiri'jr dependability has recently.been ai j e i a.savin^ of a? nviq.h. a? SDO in the purchase price. You cnjrx.v.ob^in a biff. Mi C:ievrole.t truck for every purpose at prices am m ; r the..lb west for.which.Chevrolet trucks have evjr,b.T3n s'lltl, And .tlie^e low;/price* bring, you the same- fnLtvM'i it InwvmiW Chevrolet trucks so popular in every hnli:ur fi>il -!,tp v.ilve in-head, six cylimler ougine-the stii-lv In iTei the .i'\.'"iili'uiuily heavy frame. a.\lo, and tr.i'i<'ni^«io.:i V.mr• rlievmiet -ilealer will gladly show y,ui how Chevrolet t ru.«ks can help tu roiincoyour hauling eo'sK and how t':uv thvy arc to i.uy :it (hoso hew lowprices com- bined wltji I'.oiivobiiiht C.MiA..C l terms, '".. cii.ftVuoi.ivr M.n-nit . MNIIMNV, hirinur. MI« III«,\N CHEVROLET 6 CYUMDtk VALVE IN-HEAD NEW REDUCED| PRICES MODEL AMOUNT •t REDUCTION $515 . . Utility Long Chassis Dual Long Chassis Utility Chassis and Cab Dual Chassis and Cab . • i Utility Long Chassis and Cab Dual Long Chassis and Cab Utility Panel . . . . . . Dual Cab and Stake Body Dual Long Cab and Stake Body lltJi* m hii mm ^ mm&i mM«»nmi, Mtimb ,«f*rlirf Hjbi/ HI iMi.ii. h i r . i IUS/^toftofcji tohhmi Htiti* . •HIM *!mriifi*teWt*it' /riitvitoiti MEKEEL BROS. GARAGE I iM.li>S|»H|-Vff, IS'I Yr Via Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Ofe PROFESSORS QUIZ, 10/Cold Springs NY...We sup ply cylinders and gas." You.should have truck. Call...

Page 1: Ofe PROFESSORS QUIZ, 10/Cold Springs NY...We sup ply cylinders and gas." You.should have truck. Call at MIddletown Bottle Gas Corp., Middetown. N..Y. 1.300.30 684.18 219.32 48.77 43.75

' • '

mm muimmMiiiBiBi MJUM g iivi-»Hwi i isnw .—- r r ! i r :~Sa53 - . •<• -—«i^* i . i ^AaBwau. >m<J!.iamiaBji;.iy.,,ijii;; irra;

fgftffif ANNI'AI, NNAWIAI. lll-.h-HT. | | | H H S I H S f S

@§anlj §1 Putnam, From July 1,. }$&), Through June 30, ipa-4, t@ James g, Brooks, District


1 m 1flFi|||:Ji§: •

1 I L ' ^ TO »U«^0jivPjiPP9H-«rg§n ;|U.?.4ai F0f«HiKrtii: Apply Mrs- «. FlnpJM?-Ffl'FFPtt.fl!F'f»t.-'-


Btl$S$f or. l}Ai;J Jui) I. laf . r Fubi;c money received from supervisor or county

treasurer * A.maunt deducted by State from public money for

retirement fund on account of .district (ex­cluding 4 per cent deduction)

Amount deducted this year by trustee from teach­ers ' salaries for teachers retirement fund

Tuition from in-dividual pupils not paid by State Prom tax on property Balance—District No. 5. County Treasurer—Taxes 1932

Total . a This amount shouW equal the 5.5 per cent

deduction made from the public money by the Sen­ate this year. Although this amount was Tiot re­ceived by the district it should be entered as if act­ually received and then paid back to the pension fund,

PAYMENTS Expense* of (rfnrral Control Lejcal services ' , . . . . $ Other expenses of business control Enforcement of compulsory education, truancy

Laws and census enumeration Other expenses of educational control



GAMQ® ppR SE-NT™^ emi apply L«mn Pralatowski, 13 -Mountain. Avenue.


256.60 56.34

14.6S6.34 . 643.69



J. FOR SALE—-Broilers and Chickens.' . Ramlu Farm, Tel." Cold. Spring

f TO RENT—^Five-room house on Pine Street. Inquire of Theodore-'-Rathjen. Nelsonville,

FiiflHMi n MKi

. I \ l ftlHffl ^ItVIMVH miif n ITIM'. mmB\\W\W y&mffli i vt-ni :.\y\\u i HI-

Will *HH Hillnr \\w\w m im itj>= jmlnimpni'-' I Mm iflHf? ii •'•IWHWII JnM»i«p*f iH. -f lfiK J'H.H mn*f t-ijtfiiilv-iSnWlftl'fftF ifef&ftfr Tn<-*'!;U, >v.,i..

BEAl'TA MMM 8 0 MaJrj Sf. T«;l. ir,2

Liquor And Or Wine Licenses Expire .Sept. 30

34.79 7S.75

50.00 100.00


Total expenses of general control , Exp**n.«w>» of Irw*truction Teachers" salaries—men . Teachers' salaries—-women Textbooks . . Supplies used in instruction Tuition to adjoining districts with which this

trlct has contracted . Expenses of teachers in at tending school meetings

Total expenses of instruction Expense* of Operation of Sehool Plant Wages of Janitor and other employes . , Fuel Light and power Janitor 's supplies General care of grounds . Other expenses of operation

Total pxpenses of operation of plant . . Kxpeti*e« of MitltitctiAnrr of Herwx>l I'lflMt Repair of buildings Repair* and replacements

Of other equipment



.210.00 108,44 2S9.14

,667.14 25.00

FOR SALE-—7; room Brick House, .near station, good condition. Bath, Electricity. Make offer; no rea­sonable offer refused. Call or write G. E.-Johnson. 5 Railroad Ave.„ Cold Spring.

• • • • ! • II " II I • — • • • • • — • • H I M . . . I . . — I fc—W^M——, *

FOR SALE —Chiffoniers, Dining-room Tables and Chairs. Bureau. 2 Cook Stoves. Bed Steads and Springs. Kitchen Utensils, Dishes, etc. 30 Garden Street.

TO RENT—Large furnished room; board if desired. Mrs. Charles Gib­son. Nelsonville, N. Y.

EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for dealers, to distribute cooking gas. Big profits, ready 'sales . We sup­ply cylinders and gas." You.should have truck. Call at MIddletown Bottle Gas Corp., Middetown. N..Y.

1.300.30 684.18 219.32

48.77 43.75 79.38


FOR SALE AND TO RENT Apply to J. V. Ball. 30 Garden

Street. Prone 241. FOR SALE at sacrifice—14-room

house. Electricity, bath, range, hot and cold water, a- new hot water heater with oil burner.- *i acre of land: residential section of village, $5,500.

$ 2,375:70

fi P s r. r.


Uf mrtinlPhaticp Of plant t o t a l wxppn.««*«* Ktjjetwe*! r»f \\tx

M*dk<*i IhfttfMtttti I "ii mi

frilH«f -M Mf rWld^fli I'lifili* tH j»Hitr ««ti WHHH|? M i l l flu

Wit fit HH rl*l H rtf m\t)^. pHii l N H»IUU|H HMifirf* UiflH M PIMF;ftfillfliFlf IN HfM iHfliiFJr BHilHlfB8 . nP.lll


| (Hi **HBftnitHr-B« lHf m\\\W *i#m*i

MUHhuFt Hi »'•"

l«*HF*ft*2p* fftF R(MF PHFflM^fl iJli^O

Tflt*l t i^p8»#oi | .( fUu(j p | )4r |M« ys^WiH:* .•( | M H *»»T>I» 0

H*fund4 Rf IM P0ll«e(N fFpm Fnftidw of ftnei^F autru:t T4?.7B

fOtal cipeiujei of Jubt aervi-.-;-K*p«nilUurtn* in Capital Owilay iexi;lu4ihg bond

money:! and ctu-tiflcatt;^ of indtJbtednts^a in an-tfctpatlon of bonds)

Haatlng, lighting, plumbing and electrical for old bull-ding . . 1,302.25

t • y».66

FOR SALE Unusual Pedlgfeed Dflchshutid

Puppies; Blue Ribbon Stock, Reasonable price* Phone Cold Spring 146.

a: L U I »iSTiiTrt?B&ssni; r jca

At the CliuttilieiJ

i mmi

gi in MiiliHHki- •

l ntM


* 74Tr79

Total expenditures In capital outlay

Total payments for the year Total payments and balances


$24,48-6.18 $24,486.18

3,731.31 I

429.63 A*mount of this year's taxe& not collected on June


State of N'ew York. County of Putnam, (ss.) F. Gordon Busteed. the undersigned trustee of the school district for

which th* foregoing report is made, belirg by me duly sworn, depose and say that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all the itAtements contained in the foregoing report are true and that a copy of this report has been fHed as a part of the official records of the district.


Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of July, 1934.

JOHN FOR SON. Notary Public.

Mi Mfttt'r.iHiiliMHilliliimtai

RlfllfiFi Wf\m Hi i? &U 11: Hair §0pirB«fiJ8fi aflil SsFWARj i- m SFri fimiiiftvs n' m mm

Sf 1 J ' 'Hi f)'p|Rpi(:

gHil sfii) 1»li diiM»«H>-» nf IliM KiHHfil

MOFHIUS PFfty F and SPFinnn »( iLi.ii n'plppte, gntUnri HI) Pium^i:

PhHFPB 96)108! ftl Pi4fi 9'PlPPlf:

Ray. Leslie AnpBey,- preapjier. fir, h-M>. Stevan-apfi, SHper!n?and.-

ept. 10:00 A. M-—Sunday School. 7:00 P. M.—Young People's Ser­

vice. 7:45 P. M.—Evening Worship.

St. Philip's Church.in-the-Highlauds Garrison

Rev. E. Clowes Chorley, D. D., Rector.

Sunday Services: S A. M.—Holy Communion 11 A. M.—Church School . 11 A. M.—Morning Prayer and

Sermon. Monday—S..15 Bible Class Friday—^-S;15 Lent Service South Highland M. E. Church Rev. D. Arthur Cataldo, pastor. Mrs. George Jaycox, Sunday School

Superintendent. 10 A. M.—Sunday School. 11 A. M.—Divine Worship.

St. James ' Chapel Manltou

Sunday at 9.30 A. M.




— -* " " •' ' : . " : • ^ r — . ' • • • . . ! " '.••' .

• '

'AH existing liquor and or wine licenses will.automat'i«i'lly.expire on September '30 . 1934. which is. the expiration date provided for. in these .licenses. . ;; :' ,' . v '•', ••

A new application . for a, liquor and or wine license must he filed for the "period from 'October 1„ 1 934 and expiring- Soptombor 30. .1935. This application numt be filed in duplicate with the. county board in which the licensed premises 'are lo­cated., except where the licensed premises are located in the City of New York, the application must be flledwith the -New York. City Board.

There will be sent from the Zone Office 'of the State Liquor Authority at.Albany to each present liquor and or wine licensee, duplicate copies of the appropriate application to be made for; the new license for the period commencing oh October 1, 1934. There Is also being, mailed to each licensee, an ' " impor tan t .notice" informing the licensee that such ap­plications, properly executed, to­gether with the necessary foe and documents as required by the ap­plication, should ',be promptly , re­turned in duplicate to the appro­priate local hoard.

"No extension wlil he gained for any liquor nnd or wine TTcense nrter September 30. 1934 when the pres-eht llqtiof and or whip licenses ex* {lire, so that it Is ot the Utmost Itii-portahce tha t ' U'cehaeeii rettltn llieir npplicatlohs to the local bnftftl in tithe to ehttltle the local V&0& l o - ' properly hot thet'eoti aud foi-wnrd the soHie'io the ,$0?i$Wk\i& M i tirrife.df the State Liquor Autlibtlty; fdf Its attltiti:

. .. jjjjj |(r. • \-\\i\M\ • I M ppf?

•!• ; n murn miipi

- -ij] | in i p j i^iuii.MiiHtJHi-'• I •• g B ^ . j ' i : W !•'

MtylM Authority fpr the ; fee , re r UMin-ii/hy j ; ; , w . Jfocaslv.wjl} )>u T^

• • ' • ' ' • i ! . • . " • : . - ' ) . . ' -

;). Twti pjiotographs of the ex-it.-rior of the premises of- a size 6x9 i i i r lH^. ; ' :

.1 Appropriate bond or a certifl-rai.ii issued by the Excise Bond Un­derwriters which may tie accepted in lieu of the bond. No other form, of retielpt or- certificate shall be ac­cepted, other than the.form of cer­tificate, a specimen copy of which has already been forwarded to the local boards. .

The full l icense'fee must accom­pany the, application where the same is filed, prior to OctoTier 25\ 1934.


• __ _ o — - — ~ — • '

Highway Trees Now Coming Back

But you pay less for the best



Roadside tree planting is being revived- In New York State. In the early days this practice was almost universal. Nearly every country road had its rows of maples but with the advent of the automobile and modern highway construction no provision was made for shade trees or other roadside beautification and it has taken a great deal of effort on- the. part of public spirited citi­zens of the State to set in motion the resumption of t r ee , planting along bur highways, says J.he New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse. N;; Y. •

In 1930 a tree nursery was auth­orized by the Legislature to be lo­cated at Green Haven, Dutchess County. This nursery was for the purpose of raising hardwood trees for highway planting. In 1931 the first trees fro hi this nursery were set out on a hew road at Hillsdale, Columbia County. Slttc'e tlieh ap-proxitttately 4,600 trees have heett pliihted aldttg the highways' Iti the Stale. . f i l ls -work lias beeil dbUe through

Hie- ebbbefatloh hptweeh tlie Cbfc

HAIR CUT AND SHAVE . . . Fitchs Shampoo . . Plain Massage . . Boncilla Pack . . Children's and Men's

Hair Cut . .. . 3 BARBERS - No Wait ing:

40c 25c 25c 50c


j Permanent Waving v. Monday to Thursday?-3 items for . . * .

SPECIAL: | 1 Shampoo and Wave, . ;1



:J04 Main Street BBACOX, X. Y. *M


fcprvalidii t le iuiKHlelH rtlld t i le ft^ •M fetflll H.|ihllwtlrtii M a \U\\M\ iint-ltnetii Bf PDBII-6 Wttfhs ivlie^ehy

ntitl UP wlHe' lifilflMi lull] Hi FMil¥$a % mM&¥ if 'nnsiijnifl In iU||f^i|i Ity HH.V Iticrtl liotihl UHl'Hi ih« fhU'-Ihe |ilrtiiH'n»j,-IHB liite^ MbM ti\i\4$ lH#ln)» iMfl-fflinti Ililil HH<t)Hi|uiiiv IIMVH jih ii ttvallHiils fhf jiMJeelfl Hi SHid rtiijillcHllHHi . : •.rMlo'tjR WelltiHS lir tH|-MlAtei:

ii A^Hil^ltfUl .' fiii'lli ' jttfi|iM^ fiiH•tfHfi|.iip||n IffiiBWifflSHl 8j Mic (i^HllPd 111 lillHii^lHi «!llll illH JllelHvHyS JJivHirHi? WHH ItlliH^ 0! fin ir'MjHHiijiinjj $M4m i\\»m \m\\\m ml.kMmp ftmm la

meet nil the varying conditions of roadsides. Some sections require rows of trees, o-ther sections groves or groups of trees ,8till other sec­tions shrubbery and vines and again all that Is necessary l& to preserve existing trees.

Experimental work has bean started in the prevention of oroslor* by planting shrubs along steep em­bankments or cuts made in highway comst/ruction and it would appear that with the good beginning already achieved the work of highway beau­tification will gradually become more extensive especially in view of the definite favorable pubic opinion back of the idea.

1 o

Mrs. Albert Ilea and son are spending tile summer at Cherry K>y, N. j . Alex Itlmnier and Wilfred "Pep" Mohnti&ti are vipltltlg with tlletti tills weftk.

. . i . i

WI-P. flitti-leti kHlM- if Meat<ah\ vbMthii h-lhiul^ hetp Mdiida.r, She1 Is a fbrtiipf fesld^lit tit illls flllHM.

'- • .-«*)#*-' SSS


Indoor Tti*««*«':;r'

Thp HllariotM

"LAFF ™ * f Wed. M^ . : 50c* WiK-jjg

A l<hTu Hihsbli Iti I1M * 9 ) | MtHlllJlPri,

altintli! 88Btllfi'l l i p t o 811 IM»= iiMiiilHti Hll ft PltMM HlHJj^i

ovtwm Mil. K \ T ^ AUG* 11

Mil. AXD M&L

A i*tmu e M r


«H, itiHir imit $iMl imm Ht.mi Hill HK8r.> MARK lt»^R»tVAtK^*l 4 IHUHI *,rt



Sflzmmtfti .X.


\fhr-Z(T SWCfL

£ mi

i .

m now costs as much as

Cfi Ney,

£r9est em

5e//, olef y

^ 0 the savings . . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^C^ •*- effected by Chevrolet's ' . .

gt&it etonpmv, rugged construction ai.i 'o'ltstaidiri'jr dependability has recently.been ai j e i a.savin^ of a? nviq.h. a? SDO in the purchase price. You cnjrx.v.ob^in a biff. Mi C:ievrole.t truck for every purpose at prices am m;r the..lb west for.which.Chevrolet trucks have evjr,b.T3n s'lltl, And .tlie^e low;/price* bring, you the same-fnLtvM'i it InwvmiW Chevrolet trucks so popular in every hnli:ur fi>il -!,tp v.ilve in-head, six cylimler ougine-the stii-lv In iTei the .i'\.'"iili'uiuily heavy frame. a.\lo, and tr.i'i<'ni^«io.:i V.mr• rlievmiet -ilealer will gladly show y,ui how Chevrolet t ru.«ks can help tu roiincoyour hauling eo'sK and how t':uv thvy arc to i.uy :it (hoso hew lowprices com­bined wltji I'.oiivobiiiht C.MiA..Cl terms, '"..

cii.ftVuoi.ivr M.n-nit . MNIIMNV, h i r i n u r . MI« III«, \N






$515 . .

Utility Long Chassis

Dual Long Chassis

Utility Chassis and Cab

Dual Chassis and Cab . • i

Utility Long Chassis and Cab

Dual Long Chassis and Cab •

Utility Panel . . . . . .

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Dual Long Cab and Stake Body lltJi* m hii mm ^ mm&i mM«»nmi, Mtimb

,«f*rlirf Hjbi/ HI iMi.ii. h i r . i I U S / ^ to ftofcji tohhmi Htiti*


• H I M *!mriifi*teWt*it'




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