of - Yukon...It Is dog country according to decision given In police court Klondike Nugget, May 9,...


Transcript of of - Yukon...It Is dog country according to decision given In police court Klondike Nugget, May 9,...

  • AIIIMALS, Treat.ent of - Yukon T~rr1tory- Dawson C1 ty .

    Shot the vrong dog

    S-.:l..".altly. ltlond1ke N~&let: January 10, 1901,p. 8, ..coL 1

    .. '"'

  • The Pond1li8 "ugget, Feb. 11, 1900, ",,1. 4,no. 10, p. 2, co1~

    8CTIC 1!IlO'l'l!IlIiHOOD ,_nevAS"

    . "