OF TIE INTERIOR PR*NltLINK.~~ - Alaska DGGSdggs.alaska.gov/webpubs/usgs/b/text/b0664.pdfdmin.e;d and...


Transcript of OF TIE INTERIOR PR*NltLINK.~~ - Alaska DGGSdggs.alaska.gov/webpubs/usgs/b/text/b0664.pdfdmin.e;d and...




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................................................. 1 ulimste snd -tion

. TrWprtatiw ......................................................... Geology ........................................... < ................... Conl .................................................................. - O ~ o e md chac&r ...........................................

M i d q mnditiana ................................................. C H c a t i o n and of land ........................................

bd feattma ............................................................. T . Q S . , R . S W .......................................................

...................................................... T:11 6., R . E W ....................................................... T.DS.,R.BW

T.lOd.,R.OW ....................................................... ...................................................... T . l l S . , R . 6 W

. T . l 2 8 . , R . @ W .................................... : ................. ....................... ............................... T . Q S . , R . 7 W : ....... T.108.,R.? W ............................................... ;

...................................................... T,11S.,R.7W Td128 . ,R .7W ...................................................... Vnmurmyed Eanda nsar nuin line of m i l d .............................

Le&q blacks ..........~..........................*.......................

Fsge ........ h ~ s I . & ~ o f ~ t r a l ~ ~ ~ s % a , ~ p o s i t i o n o f ~ ~ d f l e l d 6 II . Msp of E J e m cod field shaming public-land and railrosd m e p

and leaeing blocks ............................................ 0 . J I T . T ~ p p l a t a n d c d ~ . T . ~ S . . R . 6 W ..... : ................. 12 IV . 'l'ownahip pht md d map. T . 11 B.. R . 5 W ..................... 14

....................... [email protected] 18 ..................... VI.Townahipplatandooalmrp.T.lOS..R.8W 22 ..................... ~ I ~ . T o ~ p p l a t ~ d c o d m a p , T . I 1 8 . . ~ . ~ W 2& ..................... VIIT.Townshipplatgnddmp.T.129. .R.tlW 38

XX . Tomhip plat and coal map, T . 9 8.. R . 7 W ...................... $6 X Tomhip plat ahd casl map. T . 10 8.. R . 7 W .................... 38 XI..TownshippIatandcoslmsp,T.L18.,R.7W ..................... 40

...................... X I I . T o ~ p p l a t a n d d m p . T . 1 2 8 . . R . 7 W 46



By G, C. Wm.

O E a e m *

The Nenana coal field lim in latitude 64' N., longitude 149' W., in the northern foothills of the Alrtska Range, which form a balt abut 20 mi388 wide between the h i h mountains and the iowhda of the Tmana Vdey. This foothill area ia rugged and includes a sari- of nmly parallel ridges and intemening areas of lees relief. Most of the coal area are in lowland tracts that lie between the foothill ridgee and am drained by w t w d or weatward flowing tributaries of the major stream, which head in the high mom tains and flow northward across the foothill belt. (?me PI. I.)

Nenans River, the lgest stream in the area, h d 8 south of tbe Alaake R q p and flows northward to join the Tanana at Nenans. 19'velEey, which aPEords a line of communication between the vdey of the Tanma and the southern mast, js followed by the Gnvemment

. &npl now under construction. Amox the larger tribrrtariea of Pu'enana River from the esst and west are Hoseanna w i t e ) h k nnd Healy h k , which dmin two of the principsl cad mlra. The coal lands in the Palley of Hmanna Cmek are of pates t present im-

-portanca, ~ls they ham been wholly srweyd and are -fly ac-ible to the mrrin line of the milroad. By the present milroad route the mouth of Hmeama Creek ia about 364 mil- from the coastal terminus at Seward and about 106 d e ~ fmm the inland terminus st F~irbmkn.

The c o d lands of the Nemna coal field that have been o f f e d for h i n g are embraced In T. 11 S., Rs. 5 , 6 , and 7 W., and T. 12 S., R. 7 W. of the Fairbanks meridian and are the moat accessible and moat - immediately minable of the surveyed lands of the field, which include p a r h o f T . 9 S . , R s . 5 , 6 , a n d 7 W . ; T . I O S . , R . 6 W . ; T . l l S . , Rs.5,6,tbnd7W.;zmdTT12S,,R.7W, (SeePLXI,)

The climate of the Nemm c o d fidd is in general tbrt'of the more mountainous part af the Yukon baain. The ahort, hot.summers contrast st-y with the long, cold wintgm. The precipitation in the coal fidd is very light compared with that on the comt, but


[ ie probably aoderably greater than that at Fairbmk~. The sum- mer Iraixlfdl consists largely.of iolent showers. The modall is light. The timber is chiefly spruce, birch, and popztErI which exbnd up to

sn altitude of s k t 2300 feet. There are no dense f oreats or large ~treae~'of mmchttftta,ble timbe?. are^ of timbe~ suitable for use in mines must be carefully aought and guarded fmm h, which haa b d y done smioua damage. The ht p w t h of timber and of gsaas is on the gtnvels. The areas of coal-bearing mk~ m.poor1y dmin.e;d and upp port only moH, willo.m, and a very stunted and w o s t M e ~ growth of black spruce.

~ ~ ~ ~ ! A T x Q N ~

The *ma1 of the .*enma fidd cas be brdught & the p e n t a m d m k e t s only OTW the Qovnmamt m h a d , now under cqmbc. tion. The appmwd route of this r a h d pwm through the weetern (unsuweyed) p t o f T . 1 2 S . , E . 7 W . h m t h e m ~ u t h o f H ~ n a Cresk, in sec. 6 Cnnaurveyecl), a branch line can be built up the creek into the beart of the coal &Id. This branch will reach p i b b mining sitm in blocb 2 and 3 within 2 miles ,of th~ junction. More fa~orable mining cites in blocltg 7, 8, and 9 c m be mmhed by a branch 8 mileslong. A branch 12 long,wiEl reach as far eagt as block 20. Tbis 12-m& brench wiU mot hmlve beaq construc- tion. w steep grades and will &ond m m a s to ae mines'aa need be opened fop many years. A 6& branch th&wiU affod aceem $0 bloeh -1. to 9 is probably dl %at will Im nemamy.in the near fmm. I .

'lie md on tM h&waters of Hosamna Creak can be remhed ody by spurs ha* heavy grade9 and axpedve corntruetion.

%,cod m t&$ribuibutariea of Totatlanika h k , in T. 0 S., Ra. 5, , 6 , a n d 7 W . ; * T . 1 0 S . , ~ . 6 W . ; T . I I ~ . , R . 5 W . ; a n d t h e n o r t h

half of T. 11 S., R, 6 W., can be brought ta the p m n t marketa only over a railroad dong Tobatlaslika CTTeek to Tamma River. Tha abundance of d on Nenana River and ib tributda m a h it cwtain $hat no milroad will be built along Totatlanika Creak untd it is nwded for the shipment of other commodities than d. '

me rocks of. the Nenana cod field oonsist of the coal-bewing W, metarnorp4c and igmoun mcks b s t h the coal-baring beds, and gnsveI, sandakQmd &lilts abve them, , The coal-be- strata comist of slightly mnsobhbd iwnd~, clays, and gravels (Peith numerow beds of bgmte. be& are of T d m y age. Their thicbwii, aA z n e d by the w r i b on Hem- armtr Creek, h- at least 1,200 f a . Their t b i c h on Hsaly Creek is stated by P r i d e to be about 1,600 feet. The coal-bearing bed8

reef mmnfomebly upon P h m i c ( 8 ) d t and igneut~ mka and . are overlain unmnfombly by Quatemary gmwls, 2,500 or 2,000

- feet thiok. The etmct im of the aoal amas is fairly simple. !l!hq individual

-1 m w a mnaist of shallow md gently warped basins in which the ' beds am at eome p h e steeply folded or faulbd winst maswa of cq~taUine m k that mpamte the h i m . Tbe bedded mh and the known fault a t r i b in general about east. The dips are in general not steeper than 10' or 15", though there are local zonea ja which the

- dip is steeper a* well as broad areas in which the m c h lie nearly gat. N o intnreioe rocb are known to'cnt the coal rnwmw. .

The 4 of the Nenana field occurs in many beds of different t h i b h , the t b i h t naaauring perhaps 30 or 35. beet, which are distributed mther uniformly through the coal meamma. At least twelve CX)B~ beda a m of workable thickness, and six or mom measure over 20 feet, No geographic or stratigraphic variation in the char- acter of the ooal waa notedm The analyses given on pagm 8-9 abow that the cod is a b i t e of good grade, of about the same quality as that of Cook Lnles.

The cod in the Nenana field will pmbnbly st h t be mined by drifta or dopee rae fmm outcrop of clod on the sidm of the. d e y m or by stripping, The abundmw of easily mmmible -1 and the moderate size of the prospective markets make it certain that deep mining will not be necessary for many yaws.

The mst fammble site for stripping is on the 26.foot bed in block 8, set-35, T. 11 S., R. 7 W., about 5 mil= above the mouth of Hmanna h k . A moderste amount of coal may perhaps be cheaply mined by stripping in blocks 2 andl3, m. 5, T. 12 S., R. 7 W., a lit& o ~ e r a mile above the mouth of Aoaeenns Creek, and perhaps at other localities.

The cod beds have been extemimely burned in many parts of the field, wpmially in T. 9. S., R. 6 W., where only about half a doeen unburned outcbp~ were observed. The burning began prior tu the deposition of the thick Plekhne gr&mIs and atiU continu&. The depth of the budng is not known, but ag burned outcrops are more numerous in the less dismted than in the deeply dissected mas the burning is probably surfiddm The burning makm the value of large morn problmatia and indioatm the danger of h s in the miom.

Extensive slumping was noted on many hillaides. In soma p l a m acres of the surface beds have did bodily for long distmma. Most of the ~1idm.obsewed ham been caused by the mmovd of xhoss by forest k a . Thie removal allows thecpund to thaw and permits the surface waters to soften the deys that form a large part of the coal-bearing strata. Some slides have been c a u d 'by the burning of large cod beds that had supported the surface atrata. 'Phe marked tendency to slump ahou1d be carefully ponsidemd not only in under- ground mining but in surfme operations, such aa the stripping of coal beds, grading, and the removal of fomst~ and moss. The cod will prribably be ueed as locomotive fuel on the Qoaern-

ment mihad, for generating power and for thawing st the mines in Tanma Valley, aa domestie fuel in Tanma Vdey, ind as fuel on Tanana River boetts and posajbly- on some of the Yhkola ateamem. Nenana cad, rather than the better and nearer Mrlatmueka coal, should, if pmaible, be used on the greater part of the railroad, becauee the heavy freight traffic will be northbornti, and the southhund emptim will be a d a b l e for hauling coal. The Nmana coal Md is neamr the mmmit'of the Maaka Range than Any known coal field south sf the divide.

a a m m m o ~ m o ~ a ~ a m.ame OF mm. ~o'fsr as the a d a b l e data d pannit, the auneied lends have

been h S d ss ''coal land" and ''noncod land." A 40-acm tract 'is classed as ' koal land " if i t cantaim 20 acm or mom of cod-besriw mb, or if it contains 10 scres or more of known coal beds that am

nnbnrnss st the outcrop and lie under cover, or if it matab some mal-bearing m b that control gcoese ta other d land, or if, baing mvred with g r a d that may overlie coal, it lies in whole or in part w i t h half a d a of expoaed cad-bearing rocks.

It may not be dmirable to clam delinitdy ae n d h d d land that doee not come within the above dehition. The large gravel ~~T.lQS.,Rs.Band7W.;T.IIS.,Rs.6andfW.;andT.12S.,


R. 7 W,, may pasily be mal land in fmt, dthough they do not come within the definition. , The ood lands situated in the ktth bdf of T. 11 S., R. 6 W.; in - T. 11 S., R. 7 W.; and in T. 12 S., R. 7 W., ham been divided into

lwing bloclrs sa described in the following pages. Blacks 2 md 3 hkvs bean mmved for Government use ; the othem have been offered for 1-ing.

Themallandsaituatd inT. 9 S., %. 6, 6, and 7 W.;in'If. lo$., , R.6W.;inT.l lS, ,R.5 W.;andinthenorthhalfofT.ii S,,R.&W., dl not be madd m i b l e by the praposed railroad or ib branches. Thew 1mda sre not divided into leasing blocks or o f f ~ d fop lewing, ' R I ~ am, however, open to speaclid appljcatiom for lase or for tam- p o x q * permits.

Borty-acre Wte lying more than hsld & mile inside tb boundsties of the gravel area% are reported as nnclmified, and applications for them wi l l be considered on their merits. Pt belieagd that these h d a probably do not contain workeble coal.

LOCAL ZmATmmB. T. B B., R. & W.


U-: Secs.1to6,9t016,21te2&,SSto38~

NOiimal land: , k c . 3.

8, W. 4. 8, W. 3 BE. +. 8, sw. + HE. f .

17, E. 3- 17, E. 3 RW. f . 27, NW. 3 NW. 3. la, N.)NE. +- 20, HE. 4. 20, E. 3 NE. +. 29,rn.f m.3.

I * 31,W.3.

31,8E. i.. sr, s, 4 m 4. Sl, NW. f m. *. 32,8.+..

. 32, #.jNE. 5 32, SW. ) NW. ).

Coal l ad: : See. 8, N. ) m. ).

SsHE. + NE. +. 8, E. f BE. f , 17, SW. i. 17, sW. t m. 4. 18, s. 4. 18, m* +. 18, S. ) NE. +. 19. 20, W. 4. 34 wat,3 m?. ), 2O,W,-&. ' . 29, BE. ). m, a. 4 NE. S. 29, NE. .t NE. +. 50. 31, m. + m. g 32, R. + NE, 4. 32, N. ) HW. f. 32, BE. 4 KW. ).


&. 8.-Na mu* d ml- were rn in ~ e c . ' B , &It = & mrtkd oorrrearefthe8E. ~ ~ r a a m o ~ c o a l s m u t ~ a n d a b d b d t h t h d h t a t & prseence of cod bds.

Sae. 17,-No cmI M were o h m d in sec. 17. The are^ c l fd&d M d Iand ~ontsin roch similar te h o e of the d-bearing formation. Thm b @ably little , if my mrhble coal in thin wction.

SLC. la,-No cod bad were observed in m. Is. Ther a m d U d ss 4 h d contain xoch &ik to those of the coal-bearing formation. There ie probrb1g littIe if any workable coal in thia section.

Ssc. i9.-No well-d&ed con1 outcrop were WUI in MC. 19, but tHere am rorl muta mdbumedbe&ontbebhof thecmekin h N W , + N W . f a n d h N W . ) S W . f . The entire wtion i~ supposed to be coal h d ( d - l x i & q g formpiion), although the BE. + is moat1 y c o v d with gravela. 6a. 20.-So d beda were obeervd in W. !20. The a m c l d d ae ad land

contab rocks similar to thm of the -1-bedq formation. Thew is p W 1 y little if any workable coal ia this e&ion.

5w. $9.-Tb pert of mc. 29 c l a d h d L cod land i a -11 d azder~in by the cd-bearing formation, although lage mea in the mutbwtm~ sod d w - parta mm covered with gravel. Yo beds were men in t$b section, but thm am coalmutaand burned, bebinthe NE. )andamatsin the N. )BE. +.

SEX. 30.-No expoem of d be& l~ere m n in aec. 90. There ia an ohmre mnt inthe8W. SW, +. The~prtoftheaectioniacovaredwithgravel. 6.9~. s 1 . 4 u ~ p s are poor in aec. 31, and no e- of coal beda or coal mu&

m men. Rm. 32.-The rmppored coal arm in wc. 32 %n putly covered with glavel. Noexpo-

~ o f d ~ e n d n o ~ a l s m n b m ~ e e m i n & a e c t i o n .

The d - b e - racks of this towdip are not well exposed, owing to concealment by gravels and to slumping of the aoft dayn of tihe ma1 rneaares, but wemingly accur for the most part as a nearly borizond plate cut through to and below the base by Totab la&& Cr& and the lower course of h n Creek. It is pwsibla that the ma1 meaaurea rtra steeply upturned along the base of the moun- tains in sax. 31 end 32,but axposnres are prmtidy a k n t in thie position. Thbm b no evidence. as to the number, thicknm, and psition of the cod b& It ia probable that mining operations, if mndmctad in thia tamdip, should be undertaken in s m d unita . -

with the ope- sitweed on the outcrop in. euch positions rn to secure favorable h a g e and haulage.

The cod of this t o d p can be brought to the pr&t marketa only by 8 raiImq#,aO milea or more in length, do- Tobthjka Creek to T- River. : There is no present need for such a rod. Future development of g d d placere in this vicinity may create a d l lmd coal market.


Ths ood Id& ~f this tmmahip h v e not been o d e 4 for lease, as . there is no reason for opening cod mines in them at prwnt, but are to be held in their d t i n g status till there is a call for lemteee or for tan- p o r q miPing permits.


U m m q d : 8ear. 31io96.

Nowarl land: &ec. I.

2, N. 3. 2, BE. t. 2, N. ) 8W. ?. 3, N, 4. 3, 8W. a, 3, W.+SE.f. , i. 5. 6. 7, N. 4. 7, N. 3 8W. f.. 5, NW. + BE. f. 8, N. NE. f. s, m. +. 9, NE. f . Q, E. 4 BE. f. 9, NW. + BE. +. 8, N. 4 NW. +.

10, a11 mmpt NE. ) NE. t . , 11, NE. f NE. i.

n, w. 4 sn, t.. 11, 8E. + 8W. 4. u, BW* 5 m. 4. u ,N. )NE. . t . n, BE,+ m.+. 14, W. 3 NEt 4. 13, NW. j. 15, ME. t NE. 4. 2 6 , & . & N E . f . 25, m. t rn,). 8,8.36E.f. 25,6E. f 6W. 3. %, E, j Nw. 4, 25, NW. 1 NW. 3, 31, SE. f NE. f , 31, E. j 8E. f . 91,BW. + SE. & 31,8. t BW. f . 32, E. ). 32, sw* *. 32, a. 3 mm +. %3.

G d k d : Bec. 2, B. f m. f.

3, E. f 9E. i. 7, NE. a SE, +.

Cosl I sndAt inued . Sec. 7,s. ) SE. f.

7,8.+ 8W. +. 8,s. 4. 8, B. + m. 3. 9, sw. 3. s, a. ) NW. 1. 9,8W. .) BE. 4.

lo, NE. ) HE. f. U, NW, & fiE. 3. 11, B. ) NE, 1. U, 8E. 3. 11, NE. + 8W, f , 11, E. NW. f. 11, NW. NW. 3. xz, w. g. 12, BE. ). 12, BE. + NE. ). 13.

' 14- B. g. 14, E. J PTE. f . 16, a. *. 15, NR'. f. 15, 8.4 KE. f. 15, NW. 1 m. ). 16. I f . 18. 19.

- 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25,rn.f m.i.r 26, N. ) BE. f.. 25, sw. .) aw. 4. 26, N. .f BW. 4. w, sw. 1 NW. f. 26.

. + 27. ZB. 29.

. 90. 31, NW. ). 31, N. 3 NE. f. 31,8w. 3 NE. f . a, NW. + BE. +. 31, N. f BW. f . a, N . 4 N W . f .


l k . ~ & m ~ t ~ - * ~ o n g t h s ~ r e e k ~ t h e ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . + % e c . 2 . $e. $.-No 8 x 7 of can1 W n were neen in sec. 3. Them ia real smut

2be nwthwwt corner of the NE. .t NE. ), Rm. ?.-No e x 7 of coal beds wem seerr. in sec. 7. Them l a 8 eosd. mut in

the RW. 4 BE. 3. 8s. 8.-E- h. 1.l Tbm pfarpeet (W @ =.ad fn)

i n ' t h e B l . $ ~ ~ , + S ~ . f m c . 8 . O n e a f t h e e e o p e n i n g s u h o a s t h e d b d t o b e pmbbly 10 fset or mom thick and to ~ k e K. 70" E. and dip Me S.

Sse. 9.-Xo expmuw of coal beds wera men in sec. 9. There ia a eodsmnt h the NE. .E BW. +. Sa. 10.-Expowre No. a. Pmly exposed coal h u t 8 feet thick La,& wmt b k

of Davis +ak, in me.' 10, strikes N. SO" W. and d i p 3S0 N. 5ct. If .-E;xpaeUre Po. 8. A 12-foot bed of c-l that st* N. 805 W. d d i g

27°8.hsxposedinthk8E. f NE. f nec, II. Thereare numerousdumub rrtother l d t i - i n the NE. ) a d NW. +, and burned coal beds were wen in the NW. f NE. + and tbe NE. $ SW. +.

6tc. D.-Noexpumofcasl~swereseenineec. 12. There a r e m u d c d amutaintheE: fBE.)mdaburnsdbedintheNE.)SW.+, #a. ~s.-Erposure No. b A c d bed at Iemt 10 fwt thick fg'6-:i, tha BE. f

NE. + aee. 13; two or three very mall beda of dirty coal am expoeed'in the 8W. I; and cad mut was seen at merd localities in the NE. ), the 8*. +, and the NW. 4..

Sac. 14.-No cod beds were seen in eec. 14, but there ie a, coal mut in the NE. + NE. +.

Sac. i b . - A ~ o b ~ ~ E o a l ~ t ' ~ mitltbeNW. )RE. f m. 16. T b ~ n l g ex- of coal hda b n in thia d o n i~ rwwrded blow.

Band... ..........................-........-..-............... :. 10

- . , ..... C d .................... ; ..........--................... * 4 , , . , . Band ........................ :.. ........................:.. .;,. 86

.... Coal.. ..*............................................... '.; 1 -19 Band ........................ : .............. . . 50 C d . ......................--.......................,........... 21 St&* M. Ma W.; dip 40' B.

Sse. 16.-No a- of d WN wem ID W. 18, but them L,btunad clay En the 13W. BE. )and the SE. ) BW. +. ' The clay at the- fo- l d t r was pmbably derived fmm s kmcdd bed.

6ce. 1 7 . - - C o a l m m u t 1 r ~ s ~ e e a i n ~ ~ i n t h s ~ . +NIR..3-.lT., ' , fie. 18.-No -1 Mlm W m b m. 18. . A ,

Sec. ~g.-Fairly caa@uone e- of the eoalabeari4Ilt d ~ p e e t in Ehe b b o f H m C r e e k i n i # c o u r e e m a e c . 1 9 . Bfwumrnenhoftheeeexpwmmbava beenrecorded es follows:

b& ..... : .............................................. 36% 1 , -

Casl .....*.... ,-4. ............................................ 15* Bandand clay.,k,:-i .......................................... 'i BOf Burned bed. .>.L. .., .......................................... lo* ~ -

8-d ...... ...,.p .... ..... ................................ 75 . . cod- ....... , ,........................ * . . . . . . . . . * ,1211 Sand ........., + i d ........ ;. ............................. :.;..: 'fi0 - - .

'Coal ...... ..i;i.:. ..................................... ; ...... :. 181

-No.% RsEEianinnmtheutbmkof Hmanna W n s w h As- oftAaiVE. t S W . t s c c . l B , T. I I #., R . 6 F.

Fmt. ........................ Bmds arith two or more W c d beds. g0+

'COB1 .......................... ; .............................. 6 Clay. ........................................................ &I, .............................-..............-.-...*. : .... 12 C a n d e d ...................................................... la0 Coal (this is the 125fmt bed of the precgding dm). ........... 1 f

~ ~ ~ ~ . & ~ t t h e r n m t h o f t h e l a r g e ~ b u ~ m ~ H r n e P a r r P ~ r e e z t btbenopth,inth;e8W.+~.+~ec.l9,adbedllImtthickisexposed. Two

, otbar unmmaud WE m erpoead ahve it and are believed to be the game M the 121mt and 11-faot beds of the preceding =tion.

6cc. M.-A lawunrnesrrured c d bed is e x m in the W. k SW. aec. 24l. Scc. PI.-The foltowing beda were noted in sec. 21:

&pum No. #. #dm on zwst hawk of T7datls Crwk n s r r ~ t h e a w t b r t comer 01 8k N E . + N K t s a c . P I , T . i r r S . , R . r i T .


......................................................... coal.. 23 . Dirty coal ........................................... .,.--....... 14

Btrike N. 62' E., dip 12' N. No. 1% A ml bed about 2 feet thick ia exposed m the ermt b k of

Thistle C m k in the BE. + 8W. +, Thm in s large d smut in the b k of the .ditch in the NW. + SW. f, Mu& btrrrsed

day and c l i n k c o r n the surface in the 8. f NE. ++ bdiasting that at I& one and probably m v d l q a cod bede ham been burned.

6ec. $$.-Exptmure No. it. On the billaide in the NW. ) NE. f sec. 2!2 is a d bed I!¶ f w t thick. Them h~ been mmo burning at thie I d w . A b m d bed Cpmbbly large) ornun, in the BW. + BW. i. Cal mut was seen in the NE. ) W. f and f ie BE. f hV. f.

~ a . t J . ~ a m u t n a a m m i n t h e 1 3 W . ) ~ . +ssc.23,optheb*nLdDevia W k , md in the muthem part of the 8W. f BE. 4.

Bee. %.-In eac. 24 the following beds were seen:

- . - ........................................................... 3 0 ....................................................

1 D % y d 1 4 -

. 0 9 6

'BmceN: 4Q0 E., dip 1 8 O N. W muh were eeen st the southwest corner of the NW. .), at tbe mthesst corner

,&'the 8W. t, in the 8W. f BE. f , and la the BW. + NE. ). Sm. % 6 . - b p w m No. 18.. On the cant mMe of Shovel C&k, in the W. 3 dar. + e. 28, is a cod bed b u t 8 feet thick, that &ikw N. 60' E. and dips 22" N. I?). A mmnd bed &low i%h, probably d l e r , 5- poorly s*posed, The Ma mm to lie

. , ' Jn b d . * c l i n e . I$&., $6.--$mnt d a bed o f ' u n h m dm W M swn fn the m. ) ~h?,. .) Wc. 28, at

m d ~ t u d e of 3,450 or 3,m feet, and in the NW. + RE. f at an ittittide of S , W feet.

16 mwm~ COAL F ~ , ALASKA.

Bmned clay and a, ltrme +, probably d d d fmm a large w, l~ere eeen at rn altitude of 3,950 feet.& the NW. f BW. f SW. f and on the in. the NW. BW. 4. The two las tmenthd l d t h sre probably w the tarme bed. ._ Be. B.--Smut was w n at an dtitude of 3,825 feet in the SW. ) SE. 4 8ec. 27, m

the &mam at an altitude of 3,340 feet in the #IT. ) BW. ), on dm hilledde at an altitude - of3,~feetin~eNW.~SW.~,atand~t~deof3,5WfeetintheNE. -fNW.f, and

at en altitude of 3,250 f& in the MW. f , near the line between m. 22 snd 27. 8ec. $8.-Exporrure No. 14. In the NW. 3 SW. $ SW. & sec. 28 ia a coel bed 15 feet

thick that strikes N. 86" E., and d i p 30" N. C d tmut waa rn on the hilkdw in the 9W. ) WW. i- rSw. .%?.-The cml k& M s d in the d-tion of the exposlve in 8ec. 30 sw

e x p d in the 1SW. +NW. ) me. 29. The 15-foot d bed in mc. 28 extends 5 n t ~ the BE. +BE. tsec. 2 9 , d d t r m n t w a s ~ & i n E h e 8 E . + 1 9 W . f..

Ssc. 30.-The beds recorded below are ex& itr w. 30:

X~No.Ilr.8&~QaslWofH~~Cd,i~th8E.)IVE.+eee.N, ,

T. 11 s., R. 6 w. Feet.

Ml (-me M 124-foot bed of expornre Na 6; see p. 14). ......... 73. '

&rid ......................................................... so Goal. .............-..

.. Catkmmeom W e . . b e lac 368-foot bed of No. 8.. c d .... ; ............ 8 8 4 and clay. ................. .: ............................. 32 ?

Clay. ........................... .:. ................*...'....... 18 J

. . Band-..: .... c,.: ............................................ zo . ; w.. .................................................... ;:. 1 clay.. ..................................................... 4 m . k d and gravel ......... ;.. ................................... 55 . . *Pel. ..... -4.. .......................--.......---...-...... 1 .

&nd and clay. ; ; ........... .; ............................... ;. 14 ,

C r w - b g d d e d d ............................................. -'W Gravel. ...... .;. ............................ :. ................ 4 &Id ......................................................... S -

coal................... ...................................... 5 .. ' .........*.............................................. . - Clay. 10 - , 36!3

~ e o t ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ o . l & a a d l ~ s ~ t h e ~ ~ b e d e i n ~ ~ o . ~ , - ih the SW. 4 BE. ) see. 19 (nee p. 14), crop out in the cliffa on the mutheset dde of

H ~ ~ k , ~ t b ~ m d ~ W m b v e , W ~ n u t s e e n h E h e 8 E . ) ~ , 3 0 . . + indimtea the premnce of m e or mors.l;lrrge kedrr mth in No. 18.

;&pmmNo.iS. A d bed about 8 feet thick, e m in a amam in tbe m. m. + aec. 5#), at an dtitude of 2,850 feet, pmM1 J dip at a low angle to the m.

Xqmnm No. 17. A blnff on the north dde of an a n d &eam ahowa the fol- l&hg d o n at an sltitnda of 2,550 feet ( b w of e q m w e ) :

ad.. *.................................................... lo(?) ......................................... C o d W and d m . 75

Cosl.... .............................'.................*...... 20

8 ~ . $1.-No e x p n m of cod bed0 were wen in w. 31, but there are c o d mute. at P sevwd l d t i w .

Kce. $8---Bmut, pmbaly from a d l bed, was neen at rtn altitude of 5,300 feet on the billaide and in the u k e m b k in the NW. f NE. ) mc. 33.


There i~ undoubtsdly a large amount of coal in thin township, much of which is above the general drainage love1 and can be mined with- out shafts from openhga situated on the larger creeks.

The ma1 in SICS. 18,19,30, m d 31 and in tho western park. of 8.ecs. 20 gad 29 ia in the drainage basin of Roseanna Creek azld wiJJ find its na,turd outlet over s branch railroad extendmg up the creek from Nenann River. Thm is, bowever, so large a quantity of easily

. m i b l e cod in the Power part of the vday of Hoseaana Creek that probably no such branch will be built into this township for many 7-. *

The coal of the mt of the tmmhip i8 in the drainage bagin of T o b t h h Creek, which is t r i b u e to Tmana River, and will find ita aatural outlet over an independent railroad up the Totatlanika. Srrch a r d a d will not be built for a great many yeam, unless other indua~es than ooal mininp. require it.

I t i probable that the placer mines of T o h t l d a Creek ttnd ib tributaries will require a small amount of cod, some of which may be

t I obtained in this tO~r11~hip. A Iittle coal has already been mined for

this purpose in sac. 8.


Tha coal of thb township is m ~ ~ a m t a from the prwnt mmkete h d from the pmpoeed railroad that there will probably be no demand for letwe, except possibly for a small mine, pruducing annually not more than several hundred tons, to supply the local placer minera.

The coal lands of the larger part of this township have therefore not beaa didded into leasing units but are to be held in their present etntw until there in a call for the panting of lwes or of Id mining ?emits.


T%B cod lan& in the SW* ) sec. 19, in the W. + sec. 80, and in sec. 31 Cexmpt the N. 3 NE. f 1 ara inclnded in lwing block 23,24, and 25- As the coal of theae lmda can be most economically mind in cumection with the coal af T. 11 S., R. 0 W., thw are mom fully d i a ~ d in the section on that township (pp. 26-37).

T. Q B., B. 6 W, [Issa PI. V.]


Unauraeyed: hca. 1,2,3,4,5,6177,8,9,j8.

Hnncoal laad: 8ec. 10, w. j.

lo, &E. f. lo, R. + NR. +. 11, w, #. 11) NE. 4- 11, N. 4 BE. 4. a. 13, N. 4 m. f . 16, NW. f. NE. 4. 16, NW. + NW. +. 17, W. *. 17, N. $ NE. ). 19. 20, NW. #. 20, W, f 8W. f . 25, 8.3 6W. ), I

28, BE. + HE. t.. 30, W. J ISW, t. " 31, w. 4. a, BE. ). 32, SW. +.

. 32,sW. 4 BE, t. as, a. i). 53,a. 3.

' 34,B. j. 34,8.3NW.+. . 34, S. f NE. i. 35. 36.

&d land: k 10,8. J NE. &

U, El. 4 BE. +. , IS, w.4. 13, BE. 4. is . a. 4 m. +,


Coal I s m d ~ ~ ~ 6ec. 14.

15. I&, 8. +. Is, s, 3 NE. f. 16, NE. f NE. *. rs, s. 4 NW. 1. 16, NE. 4 N W. f . 17, BE. +. 17, B. 8 NE. 4. 20, E. 3. zfl, E. f SW. f . 21. 22. 23. 24. 25, N. ). 25, BE. ). 25, N. )SW.+. 26, N. +. Zfl, BW. i. 26, w. 4 8E: +. 26, NE. 4 BE. 3. 27. 28. 29. 3@, E. 4. 30, NW. f . 30, E. 38W. f . 31, NE. +. 32, N. 4. 32, N. 3 BE. .I. 32, BE. + 8E. 4 53, BW. .). 33, N. 4 NE. i. - . 34, N. 4 NW. 4. 34, N.3 NE. .).


Be. IO.--NP sxpamm of coal M a wd no d qmnts- rn iom. 10. A little b d claJr WM i d ~t WW EW@l I t & 4wbW w b a e ~ $kih Wia pnt&Pnn7 wp~ltpblp w,

. .&‘$I.-nod beds, d m n t , or burnedclaywem~ninsec. 11. Thianec- tion pmi'blp conbha no ad. 6 ~ 1 # . - N o C O a l b e s a a n d n e g m u t ~ t d a b b 8 h p ~ ~ ~ i P m l 3 . S ~ E . Id.-No cod bedm were m in aec. 24, but there in a little mut h,the NW f . 6ct. i&.-Expoaure No. 18. In a bluff on the eaet b k of C a l i f d Crsek the

f P L l o w i n g M a r e e ~ :

S & ~ ~ m o f t h S W . + t W . ; ) a l b , T.98. ,R.6W.

C)onceald. Ft. Ill. ..................... Cad (included in aempIe 28369; we pp. 8,9) (J 8

CaaI ........................-.......................-........... 44- Concaaled.

Much biked cla~t, pmbabIy from burning of large b d a , WM eean at an altitude of about 1,654 fmt in the NE. $ NW. f, at an dtitude of 1,400 feet near the center of the ME. ) at 1,675 feet, on both aid- of the &ream that entern C a f i f d Creek fmm tbe mu&& in tbe SE. f, and at 1,W feet near the northwept corner of the wction.

8b~. I6.-~urnsd chy wm emn in the mil at an altitude of 2,850 feet in the 6W. + NW. 4 NW. + m. 16.

BM. 17.-Tbe trtream in the BE. RE. aec. 17 shows coal flat et an altitude of a h t b900 feet, but no beda are e x w . Bmed clsy from an unkngwn coal bed waa seen in a small stream in the NE. f BE. .) NF,. .). 6m. $0.--&veml c o d beds, none of them over 2 feet thick, are sxpased in tbe

cham near the north& corner of wc. 20. One of them beda ~ t i k e ~ N. SO0 E.# and dip 25' 5.

6tx, . t l . -8ev~coalbed~,~1w~of themmomthan 2fwt thick, are expoeed on' tba atream that en- Rex Creek in the NW. + we. 21. Another mall bed b exposed in the west bank of Ibx Greek juet below thia tributary. Another bd, pmibly 3 f~ormorethlck,isexposedontheweetbsnkof CaliforniaCreekin theNE. 1h'W.f. I t in pmible that ewd or m m bgda m y be pmsent at thia Imlity, or there may be d y one bed repeated by dumping.

see, 92.-h'o coal outcrop^ or m u t ~ were wen in mc. 22. Exposuree ire not g d knthismcthn. I

8ec. B.-No wbpe of coal beds were EHIII in me. 23, but smut and burned beds wem noted 8a followe: In the 8E. f 8W. f SW. +, at m &titode of 1,660 feet, mnut WIU mn, probably representingamndl M. ktths mntheastcornerooltIre BW. 2, st an altitude of 1,800 feet, them is mut and burned clay, probsbly repreeenting a fairiylargelxd. In the BE. ) NE. ) NE. f , on the hillde at nn altitude of 1,900 h t , is burned clay, pmbably remnt ing a fairly hcge bed. In the northern part of the NW. f hW. +, at an altitude of 1,600 feet, cod mnut was seen ia s ~lide.

6ce. %$.-Expmm No. 19. In the NE. +NE. ) NE. 1. we. 24, atsndtitudeoi 1,600 fget, is a d bed 12 feet thick, which rrtrikes N. 70" E. and d i p 30° 8, .On tbe hillaide juet above ia a pmb~bIy I m p burned bed that ~eem to ,have slumped. - In the embm part of the NE. .t SE. + i8 the mut of a small bed. There ia much b d miwid along the hilhide, probably fmm the burning of a large b d , In the EW. + NW. ) NW. f , at an elevntion oi 1,890 feet, i n much burned clap. 6a. 95.-Xo coal exposuree were seen in m. 25, but them in coal amut in the 8E. 4

BE.+sndtheNW.+SW,.), and burned bedaintZleN.1 SW.+andtheNW,)SE.). gtc. 26.-X3 cod exposurea weae eeen h eec. 28, but there afe extenuive outcrop

of burned beds tht indicate a large mea of former coal outcrop md m b l y a lsrge amount of unburned coal blow the mdwe. W mut m a men only in the KE. f. BE. f . Se. m-The cmbwh b m d YIM in.=. 2% extm~d -houj 2bs

6 * ) a o ~ r ~ A B d ~ k W ~ ~ ~ t h i ~ k F Q A X M S ~ l ~ ~ p p e d g ~ t h ~ ~

and p i l y d l nn8wlie it. Coal mnta wsre seen in the NW. BE. I and th% mm + SPI. .t w. 27. 6cc. $8.-No 8- of c d beda were m n in m. 28. T b m ua brvnsd k& in

them. &RE. ), the& 18E. * , a d t h e BW.f BW. f. See. H.-No ex- of COal W e were seen in see. m. Thg6 are artenrdve

burned kmda H the HE. f, in the muthem part of the NE. +, rad in tbe BE. + BW. f. A welldefined c d emut occura beneath the burned beds in the 8. 3 NE. + and the m. ) ss. +.

Em* $0.-30 eqmum of coal be& and na mu& were aeen in mc. SO. A well- defined burn& bed (or zone of burned beds) WM eeen in the W. + BE. + and the E. j I

8W. f. Bnmed be& wera Been aleo in the BE. t 8E. + md the BE. .) NW. ). Set. 31 .-No eqmura of ma1 beda and no c d mute were geen in m. 31. In the

NE. f there are extensive burned beda which extend ~Iighttg into tse E. 4 NW See. $$.-No exposures of coal beds and no cod mufa were sean in aed. 32.

Moccurabandantly throughout the N. 4 and in the BE. f. A e d

6 ~ . 38.-No expaeuree of cod beda or muta were seen in =. 33, Tbm is s bunml M i n t h e W . t r n . t .

See. &.-NO e x p m m of cDal beas or mutu weim in m. 3Cm A bnmed Bed mp out along the cmit of the ridge in the N. 4 NW. +, md them is s ma11 area of burned clay in the BE. t BE, +.

Sec. 35.-A d 1 ares of burned clay -pa a bilItq in ths 8W. + SW. ) nec. EiS,

'Phis d p f0mdy m h h e d 8 d abd, but the beds have been d n e i v e l p burned, at least st the d a c e , mcl barn- ing is eti l l in pmgrersa at several l d t i e s . The nmount of cod now remaining can not be determined withouf o n d ~ t m d exploretion. Unbumd cod e x p m m were seen only in wwa 15,21, and 24, and only a few cod gmuta w m seen. The lsrger part of the'mal ia below drainage levd, where it probably ia u n b m d , but w h m it can be mined only by shafb or slopes.

The coal of tb thistownship can find gn aud~t to market. ody ovar r railrod down T o t a t l d n Creek to Tmane. River. Suah a railrod would be more thas 30 milea long, md the wlet of ~ ~ c t i o n through the lower Totatlmika Canyon wwld pmbsbly be very heapg. It is doubtful whether such a m d will ever be built d m s ~duable minerd resourms other than coal rn discovered ia this x

district. BTA'IPB OF OOkL m.

The lack of n bcal market or of tmmportation mrkm it certain that there wiZl be no immediate need for l e m in tbh township. The ma1 lmd~ of the township have therefom not been divided in& Zeaaing units but will be held in their preeellt atatw until thera ia a a d for lema or for lwd W g permi&,

. .

U n d d h I b d : W. 17,8. t

17, 8. + m. +. 17, B. 4 NW. f . 18, B. 4. 18, a. 3 NE. +. 19. 20. - 21,8W. 3. 21, w. j. m. f. 28, NW. ) NW. f. 29, u. 3 NE. 4. 29, sw. + m. a. 20, N. f 8 1 . f. as, sw. 3 sw. ). 29, NW, i. 90. n, w. 4. 31, w. j m. 3. Sl* m. * BX* *.

N d a: 8ec. l.

2. 3. 1.

m II. a. 7.

'. 8. 0. lo. 11. - . l2. rs, N. +. Is, N. .?t 8E. 1.

. I4,R.4NE.f. 14, NW. t . 14 N. j. 15, N. 3 BW. f . 1% N. 3. 17, h'. 3 m +. 17, PT, 3 NW. f. r s , N . + r n . f . 38, NW. 4. 23, N. 3 BE. f: 23, NE. + SW. 4. 24, NW. GW. 5.

' %,8.4h"E.f. 25, SE. f . 2&,;9.+ BW. rp . 25, NE. f SW. +. 25, BE. + NW, Q.

T. 10 s., a. e w. (Elm PL. VI.1


Noncml land--0antinaed. Sw. 35, NE. j NE. 2. - 35, SE. 3 BE, +.

38, N. ). 38, EW. i. 38, 5. 3 8E. f . 36, NE. 5 BE. f .

W Iand: Bec. 13, #. 5 BE. f .

13, sw. +. 14, S. 4. 14, 8. f HE. +. 16, SE. +. 16, S. j. 8W. f. 16, s. +. 21, E. j. 21, E. 3 NW. f . 22. 23, N. 4. 23, s. g m. +. 23, S. + 8W. 4. 23, KW. .) 8W. +. 24, N. 4. 24, 6E. +. 24,8, # BW. f.

26, N . 3 r n . f . 25, N. & NW.3. za, sw. 1 NW. I). . 25, NW. ) BW. f. 1 26. m. 28, E. 3. 28, sw. f. !B, 8.4 NW. ). za, ME. 5 NW. 4. 29, SE. +. 29, Be. * m. +. 29, SE. 3 BW. t . 31, E. ) NE. 4. 31, E. $ BE. 4. ,

31, Sw. + f3E. f. 32. 93. 34.

. 55, w. 4. 35, S. jm.*. 35, NW. f NE. f . 35, N. 3 6E. 3.5, SW. 4 SE. f . 38, m. 4 ss. +.

22 . BEHANA COAL mm, mE& ' BOAL.

dm. X.-Them is a amall area of burned day capping tbe hilltop in the NW. 3 m. ise~. 2,

6cc. $.-A small m of burned clay caps the hilltop in the HEm + N E . ' ~ me. 3. The cod ia probably sll burned.

6ec. 1 s . 4 m n t was m n in the 0l3.4 BE, + aec. 13. &. 14.--6mut l ~ a s eean in the RE. f 8W. f em. 14. 6ac. Is.-A 1- amount of smut, probably derived tram w w d 3arge W, aas

IWm in the N. 4 BE. 4 I?&. 18. Sac. fl.-Expoeum No. On the east bapk d Ufornia Gmk, tn the BE. 't NE. +

wc. 22, i s a c d bed mow thaa 10 feet thick. Exparmm No. Zt On the billaide eaRC oi Catifornla Gmmk at rn dtitude of 2,100

feet, in the northern part of the RE. f SE. ) wc. 22, a coal h d 1 fmt or more in thichw strikee N. So E. and d ip 45' N. C d mut ww seen in the SE. i 8W. 4. BE. $8.-Expoeura No. 22- On the mat bank ofthecreekin the BE. t. NE. +m. 23,

at an altitude of 2,080 feet, is a coal bed mom thaa 12 feet thick. Exposure No. Rl. On the m t h bank or McAdams Creek, in the 8W. f Hw, .f we.

23, a coal bed 6+ feet thick atrika N. 27' E. and dips 25' N. Burn& clay, probably m ~ ~ g l q e 4 k d e , naa aeep h the NW. f NE. +

andtheSE.tNW.+. SmutwasseeninthqNW.+m.i,tbe8E.+BE.f,mdtbe m. ) sw. 2.

SBE. f#,-Expnm NO. 24. On the mu& bmk of the m k fa tbs BE. + BW. f ME. 24, at an altitude of 2,080 feet, ia a d bed over 6 feet thick, which shiLes N. g0' E. and dip 15" 8. ~xpamreNo.ZR.Onthem~€I~bmk~C M c l l d a m a W k , h t h B W . f BW..)m.

%, cod 5 to 10 feet thick is expmd. ' A d bed, pmhbly this, c m p s o u t ~ t b e m ~ b m k o f t h e ~ k i a t E e ~ ~ . + BE. .). Bmut --in the BW, f NE. f , tlfe NE. 3 SE. #,the SW. 4 BE. ), th NW. # BE. 3, and tbe BW. t SW. f. Burned clay, probably ~leprema'ting lsrge W, waamanintheRE. &8E.f,theNE.f SW. ) ,gndtbSE, f NIP.*.

gb~. =.-A m a l l cod bed i a exposed in the- MR. f EW. 4 sec. 25, snd d mnt m~inthe~.1NE,+,theNW.+NW..t,h8W.)NtR.f,rndtheNW.t 8W. 5. h. 16.-Expoenre No.= In a gulch in tbe NE. f NE. t mc. 28 oemua 8 px

eqagne of a d bed 1C4 feet thick, sppwntlybdkng N. HIDE. and di-B0 I;L A coal mut waa on tbe sonth bank of Bonmza Creak in the SE. 6W. i, md

bnmed'chy wapl rioted un the W d e in the NW. f SE. f . 6 ~ . H.-The fo- beds were noted in gec. 27:

........................................................ Clay. S ...... Brmd .............................................. .'.... 6

GrawI. ...................................................... SO Coal .......................................................... 2 6 Clap. ........................................................ 2 ClapeycoaE ...........*...*.....*.............................. 2 6 Sand.. ....................................................... !M

................................................... Gravel. .'.. 24

w,. .........-............................................. 9 ................................................. . C ~ b m cay.. 8

......................................................... Band 42 Gravel. ...................................................... 17

................................ Coal (included in mp1e2636X]. 12 Clays-r ................................ ..'. ............... 8 Cod (included h m p I e 263Wl) ................................. 6 6 D a h c ~ b o n ~ l a y ..... a............ ............................ 1 6 Clay. ........................................................ 33

.............................................. Sandsnd gram1 54 S ~ B e N. 60'-70' E., dip X0°-150 BE.

Eqmam No. 8& In a gulch in the NE. + NE. ) mc. 27, at an dtitude of 2,046 fmt, LI a d bed 6 feet thick, with a b b l e clay 8tringer, This bed Btrikea N. W D E. and dipe 45' S.

ExpamPTo.ad lnthesameguleh~tandtitude~2,020~~acoslbed8feettdick &ikw N. So W. and dipe 4Q0 8. (P . 1 ExpoeureNo.80. In~eeamegu~batandtitnd~of1,986feetLacdbedL7feet thick, which mtrikea N. 60" E. md d i g 15O 8.

l3xpcm-e No. 31. In a ade gulch from the muthin the NE. 1 NE. ) et an dtitude of 1,080 feet, a ml bed 7 fwt thick Btrikgs N. 77' E. and d i p 28' 8, '

Exp~sureNo.3k Inthe main gulch in the NE. )NE. f , atan altitude of I,gSOfeet, , theraisacdbed8f~t~~kthstRtrikeeN.71~E.snddip57~8. Thisdimprob- ably faulted dong tbe stram.

Expo~urs No. at. h the math bank of Bonanza Creek in the 8. + BE. ) RE. f et lemt 8 feet of coal (hm concealed) underlien cmwbedded d a .

Expmm No. 01. Bsdwn in a m t h bank of Bonanza h k Q tk SE. 3 f W- ) SE. ) M S . ~ , T.lOrS. .R.6w.

%at. Qean, d i d kignife... ............................................ 6 4 Clay ............................................................. 10 Sandy clay.

Strike about N. 46' W., dip 8' h IOo PJ. Bae. %-In mc. 2& the following b d n sw expoeed fw 150 feet dong ths stream:

Clsy parting -.-..-.-......-....*.............-...............- %4 Upik ....................................................... 2 8 Clap parting .................................................. 8-10 Lignite ....................................................... 1 4 Chy.

6 5 Strike N. 46* E,, dip so W.

Tbe coal bd d 9 x 7 No. 35 isdmprly axpoaedon the muth aide d Fauna Cwekintbe8E, +BE. tSW. +em. 28.

6w. 8%-Expure No. a. On the north bank at the south fork of Emnut Creek in the N. 4 NE. 3 SE. + w. 32 ie a coal bed that ammgee 6 feet in thicknw, but the b m

94 r n A l T A COAL m, ~~. ie partly c o d by gravel Mua. Clay wan seen unddsing tha b d in pplnclcea, Im- expoaurea occur on the oppx6t.e (ad) Bide of tbe m k .

ExpoaureNo.Bt. Ontheb~kofthenmthforkofEmmaCreekbthe~..$BE.) f im. 32, co&I 3 iwtthick ovmlieu mumbedded m d and gmvab. Irnpdect ex-

p m w o f t b h bed continue downatream ta and beyDnd the line neca. 32 md 33. C d % poorly s x p d dm at e e d l d t i w in the brulb d the soatb fork of

Emma C m k in ths NE, ) SE. +, tba BW. t SE. ), and the BE. ) BW. 1 and st one I e d i t g . on the north fork of Emma h e k in the BE. 4 BE. + NW. f .

Kcc. $3.-The f o l I d g expoeures were noted in mc. 33 :

w #d pd. Ft* in. Coal ..................~...............~...................... 6

This bed b exposed on the north Bide of the ~neek about 40 fc& abom&e cneek Ieml. The awmge thiclmem a£ the bed is 7 feet.

EqmmreNo.39. OnEmmaMhinthe8W.+f5W.)NW.+seo.~isa6edof W t e 6 to 6 feat thick with a thy parting near the bsae, pmbabIy *ensme M M st ex- No. 38. . .

I3xpoeureNo.W A o D a I M h a ~ a , t 8 i c h ~ o f @ b ~ S f e s t l e ~ y ~ w the north fork d a Creek hi the W. 4 NW, f NW. ) m. 33, Ex- No. 41. Qn the eaet bank of Mwgusrifa Creek: in the NE: ? RE, + NE. f

sec. 33 -bedded d s and &veI overh a cod bad of which 8 feet ia exposed. Thla bed Btrikea N. 4 5 O E. and dips N,

Expoeure No. 4% On the west bank of Marguerlb Chek new the center of the NE. ) NE.)m.33XSfeetof ofcoalfmrnpartin~ieoverldn byemdsa,gdgmvelaarrd mderlain by clay (7)- Thb i a probably the eame bed aa tbt at expoeure No. 41.

E x p u n No. 43. W o n on wfihwest mde of Marguerite Cmek in the NW. i) 8E. + NE.. fm.S3,T. 10R.,R. 6m.

h gravel and cobblen. Pwt. cod ................................................ lj+

..................................................... Gray aanda 40 Caal ( e m ) ....... :... ..................................... 8

Exposnre No. 44. Qn the eaat bank of lkgmrite M k in the NW. ) KW. + BE. m. 33 12 feet of c d h exposed. ,

& y N o . M . O n t h e e & b a n k o f ~ w ~ k i n t h e W . + ~ . ) B E . + - eec. &% 8 to 12 feet Ot coal ia e x w , but ths bage of the bed is concdsd.

Expowre No. 44L On Mquerite Cmek in the 8W. 4 NW. +BE. f mc. 3 S L s &foot bed of ml, probably a continuation Of the bed at expoeure No. 46.

Expure No. 47. &IctiononMargueriteChakintheSE. f 8E. +8W. faec. S3,T. 10 8., R. 6 W.

Fmt. I

Btx. M.-Exp~ure No. 4% On the west h n k of the ntrsam in the NE. ) NW. + WE, sec. 94 from 8 to 7 feet of coal concealed) d e r l i e a Bands and amdy clay. Codsmutmdb~llledcIayw~~8~~eninthe6W,.)8E.f.

Sdc. db. - lhpum No. 4k On the weat bank of Win* Cmk 51 the UE. $ MW. 1 m. def1piag .sandy day, ia a bed of m l at I- 10 feet thick, the W not beingexpoeed-

t Chd mut waw m at m d localities in the NW. 3, the NE. #, and the BIZ. +, and

burned clay inthe XW. f SW. 4. se. 36 . -~hm are barnd of u11h~n extent in the MV,, 133.. and

WW. ) BE. + m x . 36. Borne real umut wan seen in the 8E. ) RE. 1. It ia doubtful if this d m conbima any workable d.

This tuwmhip contains a moderately large amount of coal that ia a b ~ e genmal drainage level and ao situated a9 to be . e d y mined, and a larger amount that wil l be available by s h d k The most awmsiile c o d beds are boas which crop out in the hill. east of Cali- fornia Creek in the E. * m. 27 m d on Marguerite and E m m a meeke in -. 32 and 33. The coal beds that yidd the smuts in the SE. + sec. 16 are probably thick and m ~ i b l e and may yield a fairly large tamage. Smdl mines could also be opened e d y on the outrropa dong McAdam and Bonanza creeb. The best sitm for deep mining csn be determined only by specid investigations, probably supple \

rnented by drilling. Present information auggest~ that one of the moat fa~orable sitee for deep mining may ba near the junction of Bonanza and California creeks. In the southwsstern part of tha township (seca. 16 to 23, and 28 to

32) the cad-bearing and aon cod-bearing roclrs .pa& uncqnformably I

under a thick gravel caver, beaea th which coal may be prqebk but et undetermined localities and depths. This gravelavered area, waa not wumd, for p- of clcrasitication, to be coal land, except for thm 40-acre tmwte that lie wholly or partly wit+& half .&pile of ~e . outcrop of the coal-bearing formation. I ,

.I, 1 ,, ,I.*. , TEAHBPORTdmON. . . .,/ ;

me eoa~ of thia to-p can find an outlet to the Atingiarbts g

d y over a railroad down California, and Totatlanhmedw toTanaiLa *

River. Such a railroad will be at leaat 40 miles 'Iong, p&t of which (through the Totatlanika and Cdifornia Creek canyw) d B e expm~ sive to construct and will probably not be builtc until it required for some industry other than c o d mining. . .

As there is no present or assured local market or tmqmrtation for the coal of thie township, the coal Ian& of the township h v e not been divided into lemfng units, but are to be held in their present etat~ia till there ia a c d for leases ar for local minirig pimite. .

E q m u m N o , ~ # & o t r ~ a J R o m t n ~ ChnEBthE. + ) . f srre-bb, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., al an ddilt&s ajf,080 feel.

m. fa.

%'. 2 1 El., a. 0 W. PI. W.1

~ O A T l r n .

Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . 6 .Coal,. ..-................... *-.* *..**- * * -....-. *** . - * *---- . . 20 6

Strike- IT. 700 W., dip 45* 8,

unnrrp.leped: W.1to5,&toX1.

Dm- w: Bec. 6, W. j.

7, NW. 5 NW. *. 18, sw. + sw. ). 19, W. J NW. i.

N d land: SIX. 31, W. 3 8W. f.

Sl,8E. + B W. f . 81,6E. ). 32, Sw. ) Bw. +. M, s. 5 aw. 4, - 36, B. .b BE. i.

W W: k. 6,E. +.

7, E. t. 7, SW. 3. 7, B. + NW. +. 7, NE. + NW. f . l8, N* 4. 18,833.5 Is, N. + BW. +.

1 18, BE. 3 BW. ). 19, E. a. 19, sw. ).

hnt ,pmb&lytromtbe4t&hdoftbeaborrplsect im,wgs~eenat&~ $mtioon at an dtitudad 2 , W feet jn the NE. f BE. NE. f eec. 20. A p r l y ex- poaeddamntw~esndeok~eSE.+BE.+SE.).

See. B . 4 d eqmures ware obeew8d in tlec. 22, as in&lx&d

w LsDd--Cwthued. ISec. 19, E. ) NW. ).

20. 21. n. n. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. SO. 31, N. j. 31, NE. 1 ZSW. f . 32, N. 4, 32, BE. 4. 32, E. ) 9W. 3. 32, NW. + 8W. ). 33. 34. 95. 36, N. 3. 3% N- 4 ELW. ). ss, N. +$E. f .


d ( ]~ , 7 . - E r p m He. b0. On a tributary of -te C k k b tha 39.3 EW. + BE.)sec.7baeoalhd3frwtthick.

A n ~ d b a d b e x ~ a l a o h h N W . . I B W . f 8 E . ) s e c . 7 . Sce. 18.-Erposure No. CL On a tributatp of ?&gudte M k in the NW. f NW. +

NI3. -f nec. 18 a cud bed 12 feet thick ntrikea N. 76' 'A'. and dips W0 8. . E ~ N o . 4 2 . O n a ~ b u t r a r y o f M ~ e ~ ~ C r e e k o n 2 h e n o x t b l i n e d ~ N W . ~

NW.f N E , f sec.1BsMootMofdiseaposed. Ba. W.-Thtr follming e q n m m were noted ia m. W:

Bxpmm No. 116 B& m AtsAerJorh of guM 10 Hommw W i n theW.hBW.4&m,f2 , T . l l r S . , R . 6 W . , a t m a l t s ; l d o f t , ~ f & .

Caal...-.................- ...................................... 5 SaiPe N. W W., dip 6' N.

A d b e d d d p r o b a b l y U e a h t h e g u Z & h & ~ . +SE.$,etanaltituda ot 2,180 feet.

EqmumNo.&L I n a g u I c h k i b u t a r y t o E I ~ -kin theSW. +BE. +, fitm Pltitude d 2,230 f* about 6 fwt of d crops out md is m d a h by a 1-foot bed of pmr 4.

Exposltre No. Ba On5fwgmrit.e Creek&& NE. +WE. +, at at daihde of2,6ft0 h t , i~ a tied of d a h t 6 feet thick, which 8trikm N. MIo E. and d i p SOD 8. Smut ia p m t a b u t 200 feet downsimam fmm t h i n ex-.

h u t , pmbably fmm a f d y large bd (8 feet?), amm~ m m t a Ow31 in athe NE. NW. +, at ae attitude of 1,900 feet. Bmut was eeen in the NE. +NE. f NW. + and amnt and burned clay in the NW. f NE. + NW. f .

ExpoeureNo.67. Atthekddm~teCreekjustdofthe-mer of the h'E. + c d 3 feet thick crop out.

&cc. fS.-Erpamm No. I. A 4-loot bed of cod o c c ~ a m t e Greek in h 8W.tNW.tNW.fm.23.

8mat that ie probably from a mnaU bed in formd cm Mmp&te C m k in in NE. f NW. t and burned day, &ppmtly frmn a rather blip bed occurs neat the canter of the MR. *. SGC.U.-E~~~~NO.BR Intb9~saterngmtdthethe~f NW.)sec.Mlaa&fmt

6ed of cosl dipping P-8" B., o v e r h and rmderlain by aanda. !I'hrw Wte be&, 3 to 6 inchem thick, sre erpoeed in &e RW. f BW. ) ME. + sec. 24. ExpmmNo.aB. Inagulebinshe8.f m.+hx.faec.24o~nun18feetdEoal,

with s tow dip underlying wmdu and pavela and over1ybg m&.

=In. w .......................... .1...*........................_ 3 Clay. ........ :. ............................................. 1 6 Caal............. .........................*................. 10 Clay...,. ...........-............-..*....................... 2 coal(bony) .........................-........................ 1 0 Caal.............................~.--...-................... 12 %Id.

1 ~ ~ o f ~ N o s . 6 9 0 6 s , ,. .n.

Toughclay aiththreethinli&tebkd~ .......... ...... i ..... -20 Cm-bedded muds and grawl.. .............................. ltj0 ' .

. G d .............,......................................... 2 Clay. .................................--..................... a' Cad ........................................................ S S Clay ......................................... ..: .............. I ' Sand ahd gravel ......................... :. .................. $6 Goal ....,......A l.. .........................:................. , $

. Clay ...........,.... .... .................................... 1 8 . . . Coal ............... ..........................,................ 10.

Olay ......... : ........... . & . . ....................................- Ce .

E x p m No, 64. b il gulch in inthe NE. .) SE. #W. )m. 24, at sn'd-ti'tade d 2,520 feet, is 20 feet of cod, 'which trikes ahbt 4 snd dl* north at e low angle.,

, ' . . ' d&ingarbkltlrtlrLBE.+8E,~8W,+sae.d4,EII @.,R.8 W,,,

E ~ N o . ~ l o r g u l c h i n ~ m ~ ~ ~ m e i o f t h e S W . f m . 2 4 , a t d dtitnde of 2,370 I* ia a ISfoot coal bed'tht &ken N. 2a0 E. and .cti*P N,

W N 0 . M . B ~ ~ t p h l o f h i U i n t k 8 ~ , ~ R E . f 8zc.94 T.1119,,R,8 W.

: ! *. " Corrl................. ........... :... .... .:.. .......*.......*..... 55

If3anda,etc .......*.........*.....................-..*-........... 80 .................. Cud (may e m d r ahort h c e inb se~, B).. 16

........................................... . Cldvmavsl and clay w:

Expwure No. a Qn Bmmm C m k nesl the canter of & BE. 1-m. ,U, is r l&Ioot coel bed.

A little smut mnta mm tbe h d of tbe gulch H the NW. f SE.) FW:f: a&. fb.-The low& (15-foot) kl at expoRum No. 67 (eee above) msy q ~ t & the

b e into the NW. t NE. t ax. 26. ~xpmum NO. 70. ~earthernouthd thegdch in fh NW..f.NE,j&.%,atsn

altitude d 2,2M feet, in a 4-foot bed of d.

..................................................... (ld ; ....... 16 Strb.B. W E., dip 200 N.

~ ~ o . ~ 7 & 8 a ~ i o n a t m o d o j B r s r c J l ~ H ~ W f r w n &miC UwNE. 4 tW. $NE. 4 a x . f 5 , a t m ~ o f t , d B O J & .


Cad ............................................................. 4 Clay .............................................................' 8 C d .......... ; ..................... ... . . . 20 Clay.

The i m b& of tbia exposure croeeas the dream st en altitude of 2,340 feet. Ekpmun No. 7& A Afmt bed of coal appam an a rzeek b4mbry to IT-

Creek from the &in the N. + RE. + NE. + sec 25, a t = altitude of 2,400 feet. ExpumNa, 74.011 acreektributarytoHmmm&keek firmrtheewtinthe

HE. + SE. f NE. t 8ec. W , at an altitude of 2,430 feet, ia 18 feet d c d , m y b&, Exposura No. 1& At the head of the gulch in the NE. f C?rE_ f SE- f m. 26, at

dtituda of)2,580 fa, r 5-fmt bed of m l i s expoped.

~ N 0 . ~ 8 b d i o n c w r ~ ~ o J ~ o s a m w r a ~ ~ ~ ~ & o f th m r t A & m n v r o f ~ N E . t s c c . f S , T . I IS . , R . 6 W.

. , Feet. w ....... : ..................................................... 17(P) Brmd .......... ..: .............................................. 80

C d .................. f f f f f f f ..................................... b Clay ............................................................. 10 &Id ........... .. ................................................. !a CIay ...............................~........................... 8 sand ..............................................,............ 20

I A 1- amount nl bumed cfay wm an the aide d a gulch in the 8W. t SE. f

m. *w. N. ~ x p o n u r e ~ 0 ~ ~ . 0 n t b e ~ ~ 1 t b ~ o f ~ - - k n ~ h ~ , m ~

w p o r t h o f t h e g w t h ~ ~ e r o f e e o . % , T . 1 1 B . , R . I W . , i s a t k d 1 0 f & d y a l (inpead boOtom c o n m d d ) , utrikizlg N. 60° W. md dipping BW. This kI wae included in w p l e a6385 (pp . 8, 9). Osa~treamen~gHoeeanna~kfmmthe~htheSW.+BW.+aee.26b

m e coal which may be the bed in expaem No. 77. It hea B dip of Ma W. . 011thomvthRideotB~aGreekintbeNW.)~.fSW.fsec.26badbed which strikes N. 7s0 E. and dip 17' W.

S m n t m u w m n ~ t h e c e n t e r o f t h e ~ . j ~ . f , i n C b e B E , ~ S W . + N E , f , h h E.+NE.iBE.+,andb~wP3E;.f8E.+NW.f.

Drab shale .............................................. 2 . -bedded b h md grave1 ........................... 100 . . ............ Ligmte (indndd in sample 28983. pp 8, 0)- 16 -........... ....---.--...-..-....-..--............. Clay 1 3

........................... . Cmm-beddedm de. andgravel 22 Qmve1 ............ ... ................................... 2 4 lignite ................................................. 2 m y .................................................... 10 -Imdded made and grave1 ........................... 78 Goal .................................................... 2 6 clay .................................................... 5 ( 3 0 8 1 r r i t h ~ i a p ~ .............................., 9 Clay and bairn ......................................... 10 cod ( d i d ) ............................................. 10 . Clay .................................................... S ~ M d e d ~ m d a n d g c i ~ ( & m a t e d ) .................. .!Ma r Bnmed d bed (Wtimated) ............................ 16 m y .................................................... 10-12 ~ W d e a ~ d a a n d ~ t e ............................ W* lignite ( b w c o m d e d ) ................................. 36-18

8 h - h N . W., dip Bm N .

Coal (six thin beds) . b d a . \

FWL Coal ..................................................... 4-1 &nay clay .................................................... (7) coal .................................................. , . . . s i o C o n d d . ..........................................*......... ('1)

w ............................................................ 2 Strike N . 860 E., dip 26" N .

E q x m m e of bum4 clay occur on the south dde of Ilosa*nna W k in tbo E . 4 RE . +SW . 28ec . 26and along thenorth aide of the -kin &e N . 4 BW. .) and the I W . .I. SW . ) SE . .) .

Exposure No . 80 . Section in gulch entering Hoseannu Creek fiom the. n d h o n e f o w t h mile northeast of the southwest corner of sec . 26. T . 11 S., R . 6 W .

Coal (burned) . Feet . Clay ............................... ..*... .......................... 50

................................................ Coal (part burned) 10f .............................................................. Clay 25

................................................ Gray pebbly sand 35 . ........................... Gal (included in sample 26364, pp 8,9) 12

.............................................................. Clay 25 ............................... . Sand and gravel, iron stained at base 45

Coal ....................... .... ............................ 7 ................................................................ Clay 2 ............................................................. Coal 15 .............................................................. Clay +

Coal.. ............................................................ 7 Concealed (probably carbonaceous shale) ............................ 5

....................................................... Shaly coal 3 Band and gravel with lignite sticks ................................. 30

................................................. Brown sandy clay 18 .............................................................. coal 11+

Clay .............................................................. 3 .............................................................. coal 10 .............................................................. Clay 3

......................................................... Clay (7) 18 ......................................... Coal ............... ..... 13

............................................ Clay ................ .... 75+

.See . 27.-In 8ec . 27 the following outcrops were seen:

Expoeure No . 81 . Section in elif8 on 7'Lorth fork of Hodcannu Creek in the NE . + eec . f7 . T . 11 S., R . 6 W .

Feet . ......................................... gravel (Quaternary) 20

Vnconformity (?) . ................................................... Sand and gravel 60

............................................................... Gal 1 'Clay .............................................................. 1

.............................................................. coal 2 Clay .............................................................. 3

.............................................................. coal 3 + ..................................... Clay with carbonaceous streaks 20 ............................................... Clay .............. .... 15 ............................................. Gray sand and gravel 40

* Gosf .............................................................. 4 .............................................................. Clay 20

.......................................... Brown aaud a$d gravel. 70 Fault (probably cuts out 110 feet of strata) .

......................... Coal ................................ 23 ................................................ White pebbly esnd 60

CbaJ .............................................................. 11 Shale ............................................................ 2 C h I ......... 9 l . l .... .V,?I,t,,11 ..,...I... Ff1.. ..... , . , . T . . . . ? $ f t , 4-b


,Exposure No. 8%. Sation on stream just north of center of 8 e . 37, at an altitwb qf 1;910 feet.

Feet. Coal ............... .. ....................... ... 10 'Clay. ,Concealed ....................................................... 14

........ ...... Coal ..;. ............................................ , 25 Strike N. 38O E., dip 15' N.

Exposure No. 83. On a stream about 300 feet due south of the center of see. 27 about 20 feet of coal is expoaed.

Exposure No. 84. On a stream about 500 feet due south of the center of eec.' 27 occure a bed of coal about 6 feet thick.

Expodare No. 86. Bedion near southwest corner qf sec. 27, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., on stream just east of section comer, at an altitude of about 1,835 feet.

Feet. Coal.. ...................-....-... : ............................. 8 Parting.

..... . . .Coal.. , ............................. :. , ....................... 30 . , Strike N. 30' E., dip 20' N.

Exposure No. 88. In the weatern part of the SW. t NW. f eec. 27, in a stream at an altitude of 2,150 feet, is exposed a coal bed 15 feet thick.

Budbd material and smut from what seems to be a large bed occurs in the northern part of the NW. t SW. f, in the stream at an altitude of 1,950 feet.

Expasure No. 87. In a cliff near the hilltop in the NW. t SE. t is 18 feet of coal. Exposure No. 88. En the west gulch in'the NE. t NW. f aec. 27, at an altitude of

2,060 feet, occurs 9 feet of coal Btriking N. 60' E., and dipping 139 N.

Exposure No. 89. Section on forks of stream in the NE. 8 NW. 8 see. 27, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., at an altitude of 2,000 feet.

Ft. in. Cross-bedded aand and gravel.. ..... .: ...................... : ... 15 ,Coal... ........................................................ 1 3 i ,( b n d s and gratels.. ............................................ 29 Coal ................................................. ;. ........... 4 6

.................................................. ,Sandy clay- 24 Cross-bedded sand.. .......................................... 80 Coal ............... ... ........... ............................ 2 Clay ........................................................... 5 '

Strike N. 70° E., dip 15' N. (?).

Exposure No. 90. A stream in the NW. 3 SE. f NW. 2 sec. 27, at an altitude of 1,960 feet, Bhows 25 feet of faulted coal that strikes N. 78' E. and dips 20° N. This bed waa iqciuded in sample 26366 (pp. 8, 9).

Exposure No. 91. A stream in the E. 3 SE. $ NW. 8 ~ c . 27, at an altitude of 1,945 + feet e m s 9 feet of coal.

Expo$are No. 91. Sedion on f d s of north branch of Hoseanna Greek ira the W. 4 SW. f NE. a sec. 27, at an altituth of 1,950 feet.

[Thickness estimated.] Feet. ,&a1 ............................................... . . . . 6 Sands , .................... ....., .,.. ........................... 30 'Burned bed .................................... i ................. 30 (1)

S a d . . . . , , . . . . . ............... 30 COltl*r..np.rrr,srrr .. v~~~,*r~~r~.........pvrr~~.r~.-....-----.--*- 9 ( 9 )

Two beda, ~ppumtly tho@ ~f the upper part of exposure No. 92, crop pp! @ Ey hill QR BIB ddp 91 &e ,@A in BY! # -Wf $ E3b! f 27,

Mt.-The WB noted M a w m r in sec. 28.

-No.@% S & o n ~ o f H o ~ ~ ~ hkinthsrro*impn~ofi%tWsE.+ NW-$fwc.f8, T . I I B . , R . 6 W.

Ft. Im Ooat .................................................-.-..-. 1 9 m y ........................................................ 1 8 CaaI ......*.......*......*..**...*..*....................... 2 6 Glap ...............'-........................................ 8 cad ................-......................................* 2 .10 my. ..............--....................................... 5 Car- day ............................................ 8 Bend and gravel .............................................. 40 Gosraegmvel. ............................................... 2 Car-u&y ............................................ 1 6 Coal.. ...................................................... 6 9

Strig, N. 80' E., dip 15' N.

Exponure No. 94 Near the mouth of the s t r a m in the BE, 3 tSW. ) BE. + em. a, on ehe weet Line of the d m , at an altitude of 1,785 feet, b B cod bed mom than 9 feet thick.

ExpommNo.M. Qnacreekin t h e m , f BT.f ~ . 2 8 i a m h d o t w a l o t w h i c h ~ feet is expoeed, and the bed may be thicker. It &w N. 30°E. md dip 8' N.

Elcposrtm No. BU, Oa a creek near the northwest comer of the NW. 3 6W. 3 m, 28, at an altitude of 1,756 feet, about 20 feet of di~ ex-.

E-nm No. 61. On the uhaulder of the hill at the Btrrram brh near the mter of tho SW, NW. + w, 28, at an altitude of 1,880 feet, ia a bad of coal 2 feet 6Inches ' thick,

Expwure No. 9& On the east branch of the atream jnat abm the fmk in the emtern part of the BW. ) NW. 4 eec. 2, at an altitude of 1,785 feet, 3a 1 foot 7 inchem of 4 E c d r h q N, Ma4Oo E, and dipping N.

Cadi mut was ~ e e n an Hoeeanzla Greek in the SW. +SW. f RE. 4 at~d the SW. 1 BE. 4 m. 1.

Burned clap, apparmtly i hu a rather lsge bed, WM I m d in much of the BE. 3 IE.~,inthenarthempartoIthe6W.~SE.f,in~e8.~8E.+8W.~,msndinthaNW.~ sw. t sw. 4-

C a a l ~ f r r m D r r h a t ~ t e b e a l s t g e b e d ~ f o u n d I n t h e m t h ~ c ~ r n e r o f tbe 6E. f, and m a t from what aeemed to be a mnd bed in the Btxeam at sn altitude of 1,860 fmt in the m. + BW. ). 6a. H . - E m No. 9B. A coal bed I8 fget thick ia e*posed*w tbe north bmk

of E m s keek in the soutbern part of the SE. ) SE. + sec. 29. Eqmum No, 1- On a hillaide in the etujtern part of ths SE. f SW. +sac, 20, at an

altitude of 1,780 Ieet, iR 6 feet of coal (bed C I).

E- No. let. A &earn in the nwtlrmt comer d the 6W. f BW. 4 me. 28, ~t

e mi altitude of 1,750 leet, ehom 6 feet of coal ( b d G 1).

E x ~ m t ~ m N o . l e Gt&nmaESBtEinthemuth~corwof h h s E . + 6 W . + f 9 9 , at an altitwh oJ1,765f&.

Bt. In. CQaI (bed E 1). ....................-..-...*.........*......... 20 m h g ....................................................... 4 cod ......................................................... 1 % Qay.


E ~ p ~ ~ m N o . t a , Orl acrwkinthenorthemparkof~ NE. f 8W. +wc. 29, et an dhtude of 1,826 k t , ia a b d of coal 2 feet 6 bchm thick.

Burned clay, the mult of the burning of a large M, m u m in the BE. 4 8E, +, in the ~.~SE.)SW.),the8E.f~.)SW.f,themu~mroeroftbeM.f8W.f,md the northern part of the RW. + SW. i. 8mut, probably from a s m d bed or b d e , was ~nontheat-inthe~,+NW..)NE.-)andtheNW.+SE.~BW.+.

Expcm~re No. fW. A creek near the cenwr of the RE. 1 NW, + s h m ahut 15 feet of coaI.

W (bed K). ..................................................... 8 Clay. ............................................................ 2 Impure coal (bd n.... .--.-...--...-.--.---...-.--..-.*.......... 1

ExpwureRo. 1- A weekin tbsoltWc*rmwofbbe FIE. f W . ) m ~ . 2 9 , 8 t an altitude of 1,950 k t , ex- 4 feet of pal (bed L).

Expoaure No. 101. On the north bank of Hoeeanna Creek in th SW. f SW. + m. 28 i s a bed of cml ((bad B) 18 ieet thick.

Sec. $0,-Exposure No. 10% A tributary of H-a Creek in tbe BE. + NX. f flE, ) wc. 30, at m altitude of 1,735 feet, shown a Coal bed 20 feet thick.

Expure No, A tributary of Boeeanna Greek in the SE. 1 NW f BE. + e. 30, at an altitude of 1,786 feet, &o ex- a 20-foot coal M.

Expmw No. t10. A coal bed abotrt 18 feet thick is arposed on a aibutery of Hos~aane Creak in the NE. 5 NW. + SE. -) ser. 30, at an altitude of 1,BRO feet.

Ezpoatm No. It1.8&n ma nu& of Rmnm h k in the RE. 4 8E. ? 8IP. 5 m. 30 (bed B), at an altihsde of1,650jwt.

Ft, in ...................... Caal (included in sample 28382, pp. 8, 9). 7 Clay ......................................................... 6 Coal (included in aample 26362, pg. &9). ...................... 12 Clay ......................................................... 1

...................... C d {inclndd in sample 26562, pp. 8,9). 7

Erpomve No. it% 8- of h l w f o n d e& of n o b m t n a 4%ek in thd &x. BW- f . S W. .f m. 30, T. I 1 S., R. b W., at an a l & d of 1,660 fecb.

Fast. CanFealed ..........-.....*--..--......-...................--.-- M1 cd@edE) ....................................*............... 20 &end ........................................................... 15 Coal@edD) ................................................... 7

.............................................. $md and con& 100 Cad (bed B) at level.

Bumed clay, apparently fmm the burning ot a large ooal: W, m n seen in the BW. 1 ~.tSE.ttheNW.f8W.+SE.+,&SW.fBE.+8W.f,and~atJE.)BW.)BW.~. 8mnt, probably from a large bed, ornure in the SW. 4 NE. t. 6E. +, in the SE. t 8E. 1. BE. +$ atan altitude d 1,810 feet; in tbe BW. f. BE, f BE. 1 snd in the SE. +8W. f 6E.t. Othersmutwm~eenhtheW.&SE.tSW.tandtheE.~SW.f SW,i.

8ec. 31 .-The outuop noted below occure in eec. 31.

Exposure No. 11& B& in gwkh on m t h sids o l Eomm k t Q the NEB f 8W. f NE.+m.br, T . l f 5 . , R . 6 W.

FEmt. Glav ...................*...................................... 60

- - Coal ............................*............................. 4-5 Sands, etc.

Bee. S.4w.h mnt occure dong the stream in the SW. f NW. f and NW. t 8W. + sec. 31, dm aa the hill in the S. 4 SE. 4. Uurned beds were ~ e e n in the NF,. f BE. f 8E..),hSE.fNE.$SE,~theW.f8W.~NE.f,mdt6%SW.~NE.~SW.+.

Scc. Icl.-Expm.m No. itl. On the south ~ i d o of hderson Cheek near tha mouth, in&en&m~ot&eSW.fNE.)sec.34,~seenmorethan4 feetof cod, strik- ing east and dipping 25030° N.

Expure No. la. On the narth aide of dattderew Creek near the mouth, in the 8E. 4 37.) NE. t em. $4, is mother bed of coal more than 4 f& thick. Thisbad seema to be about 60 feat above the bed of expomure No, 114.

Exp- No. HL On thenorth bank of S a n d e m Greekin tbe 8E. 1 h'E. ) NE. + 3a a becl of coaZ 12 fet thick.

Coal m u t i a widely dbtribnted in mc. 54. The mut in the northwmt corner of the NW. f ia probably from a large Id. Burned coat be& and burned day occur atmsnpldtiee. The bumedclayinthe SE. + XE. f BE. )isfmrrpart.lybumed caal bed probably 20 feet thick.

Sac. jb.-Exposura No. 117. On Sanderaon Creek in the NW. f BW. 4 NW. f a coal b?d 16 feet thick crop out.

% x p m e No. ll& On %adermt Creek in t h e h'w. 8R. f hT. f .in about 15 feet of d a t r i h g R. 70° W. and dipping 2 2 O X.

E v r e No. l l B . On Bmdemon Creek in the SE. f SW. + NE. .) burned &ale overliee a bed of coal mom than 20 feet thick.

Expowrs Na. 120. On Bandorson Creek in the NE. f NW. f BE. f in an expmre showing about 20 feet of coal etriking N. 5 5 O W. and dip* l Z O If.

Exposure No. in. On B a n d e m Creek in NE. t EE. f h wer 8 teet of cad, which N. 75" W. and dim 17O N. This may be the 20.foot bed of expanue No. 120.

B u m e d ~ o c c u r ~ t h e c e n t e r o f t h e N E . S6E. f andm the w e a t line afthe MW. t SW. f. Cod mut wss een in the SW. .) NW. f .

Rae. S6.-B& M a m m men in the BE. ) KE. 3, the NW. 4 NE. f , m d ths . B. 3 BE. t e. 38.

M I m Q coNf,moh's. In the muth half of this township the coal is well expsed in the

deep valleys of Hoseanna Creek and its tributaries, which have cut ahmt to the base of the nearly horizontal coal-bring mks. Consequently the coal of the south Id of the -hip may be mined from biUside drifta. The mining units should be laid out with refemnee to the topography, each interstmtm area constituting a natural mining unit, The mine should be so situated a9 to mum n a t d draiiqe and d o m - p d e hadage of the loaded mine c m .

The north half of the t o d p , which is drained by Marguerite h k , is not deeply d h c h d , and the amount of cod above drain- age level in this half is small. For extensive - in this part of the towmhip shafts wia probably be necessary.


The cod of the gouth half of the h d p wiU h d its butlet over 8 branch railmad extending up Hoseanna Creek from Nenaaa River. The w e s b edge of the township ia about 6 d e n fmm Nen~na River and a railroad can be built up Hosama Creek without serious difficdty.

The ma1 of the north hdf of the township a n h d a f d b l e autbt to the present or p m s p t h marketa only over s railroad down Marguerite, California, and Totatlenib creeks to Tanma, River. There is no 'pmpective nmd for such a road,

The ma1 of the north hslf of the towmihip is m inacw&'bIe that ' tdere will pmbably be no pmsibility of d n k g it for B long t b .


f l h a lands have c o ~ u ~ u t T ~ not been eubdividd into kmimg block% but will be held in their present status till th& is s d for le- or for temporary mining permita. -

The coal lends of the south half of the t m h i p ham bmn mb- d i ~ d e d Inta 16 leasing units (Nos. 10 to 26, inclusive), as indicated on the accompanying map and as described below. No. 10. k. 19, except W. 3 PJW. +.

m. 30. * 1,17755 acm. No. 11. k. 31, N. 3-

8,. 31, NE. ) SW. f . f 3 e c . 3 6 , T . 1 1 B . , R . 7 W . , B E . ) ~ . ~ .

h a , 393.35 wm. Na. 12. 8ec. 20.

%c, 29: * l,rnw*ea. No. 13. kc. 32, except SW. 8W. 4.

brea,fKIOec~e. HQ. 34. Bec. 21.

aec. 28. * 1,280 .erpn.

No. 15. Sec. 33, ex- E. t NE. f. ~ M I O a m o .

No. 18. M. Z. &c. 27, except BE. f and BE. SW* f . h a , 1,OM

No. 17. 8ec. 27, SE. 4 a d BE. ) 8W. 5. h, 33, E. 4 NE. 4. #ec.34,m.~mdNw.~NEE.ff

A m a ' 4 8 0 m . No.18. 8ec.34,8. isndS. 4NE.f.

-4#Wml. No. 19. Bet. 23.

"&. 28, N. ) m. t . h m , 720 m.

No. 20. &. 26, e x q t N. j NW, f . h a , m o m .

No, 21. h. M, ME. f N E f. Bec. $5.

~ 6 8 0 a e r e s . No. 22. &c. 24,RT.+,W. 4 PUi.f,and W.4 8E.f.

E e c 2 5 , N W . p d N W . f SW.f . Brea,680-.

T. 9 a, B 1 W.

Ne. a. Be,?. 34, E. ) BE. f. Bec. W , N. ) NE. f. 6 e c , 1 9 , T . I l S . , R . 6 W . , M . ) . &.SO,T .11# . ,R .6W. ,N . )m. . I . .

hrea, S . 3 2 mw. No.w.k.W,8.+NE..t,8;E.f,E.+BW.f,and23W.I8W.f.

k,%,T.lI8.,R.BW.,SW.tand8.)~.f. Area, S8Q.M acres.

K o . % . B e c . 3 6 , N . 3 , N . + S E . ) , a n d N . + ~ . + . k, 31, T. 11 8., R. 6 W., NW. +, N. + SW. ), NW. BE. 4, rand SW. + m. j*

$reB, 790.05 m. T. la a, R. s w.


Bnaapeyd: &m. bta38.

Nomml w: 8ec. 1.


N m d laad-6ontinued. 8ec. 3.

4. Golt land:



Nmd-beering mb (*) m p y all at ee~. 1 and all ex- 4 areas in the extreme northam parts of eem. 2, 3, md 4, when, tbs b a d margin d the c d formution is v t . No ontcmp of cod be& were wen in the mweyed pnhm of this?mdip. Wemutw~seex l in tbeN.3NE, f sec .3 .

T. 0 E- 7 W- 1- PL 1x1


Umuwqd: Rm~.Zto23,28to3S. '

N o n d land : h c . 24.

2b, BE. +. 25, E. 3 8W. i. 2% 8W. + SW. f 26, W. 3. . 2a, N. $ m. f. 2t?,flW. 4 NE. *- 26,8. f BE. 9.

N o n d hd--Continned. Sec. 28, NW. ) 8E. t. n. 3. 35. 36.

Goal land : Set. 25, R. f .

25, NW. ) BW. $. 26, BE. .) NE. 5. 26, NE. 4 BR. f.

BOAL. $m.94.-A narrow#tdp slang the ~wltharn mm& of=. !24b mppd sin d-

baariag Iormalim, and the burned clay in the HE. + NE. 3 m. 25 extends o\-er into themu&mpartdtheSE..f8E.fsec.24. N o d ~ s a e m m i n s e c . % , s n d i m y that may exist tbftre is believed to be eo m d in qaantiw and under m thin s cover that the sntirpl. mtion Bhould be c W e d aa noncoal h d .

Ra. 95.-The r e d e (burned clay) of a burned 4 bed wem eeem neat the north- rreetcomer oE the NE. 3 NE. )mc. 25. Thie aeema to mprwmt abirly large bad near the base d .the d meamma. W amut wsa seen along tho m k f l h g rnutbdmd through the NE. and a h on the creek flowing eastward through the SW. # NW. +, but thm cod bade me not expased. Indimti- of B burned bed m m h thePU'E.)NW.)RW.+.

8ec. 96.--Smut and cod float were m m meh in the southem parts of the m. + NE. + and the SE. NE. .f w. 26, but no ex- of coal were seen. Only the

part of the cod mmeaaum ie pteeentin tbiaeection, md it is verydoubthl whether the section mCains any workabb d.




The coal-bearing rocks of tbis to-p occur in a thin plate on the . north slope of the vdIey of Rex h k . A s no mtud oumps of coal

beds were seen hem, if is impoa~ible to &mate the amount of cod. Probably, however, only a few bgds am present, iLnd these lie near the surface. This coal can best be mined in small, simple operations.

W r n R T A T I O N .

The ma1 of this township be bmght to the present markets only by a railroad along Rex, California, and TO^^^ creeks. Such a railroad would be at least 35 miles long (ta Tananlt River) and will probably not be constructed in the near future.


The ma1 lands of this t o d p ham not bgen o f f d for lease but will be held ia their present status till them is a demmd for leasing or for temporary mining permits.

F. 10 B., k 7 7. faae PI. X.1

aLAsamoATION. Unclaasihd h d :

k. 19, 8W. +. 19, 8.5 NW. f . 24, E. $ NE. 2. 24, BW. + NE. f. 24, RE. t . 24, SE. 3 8W. f. 25. 26, 8.4. 26, 8. + NE. f. 26, 8.4 NW. ). 27, BE. # NE. f. 27, BE. .t. 27, 6.4 BW. f. 28, 8. + 833. f . 28, s. 3 sw. +*

2g1 SX. 3 BE. +. 29, W. ) SE. 4. 20, 8W. i. 29, E. NW. +- 30, SE. 1 NE. I. W,, W. 4 KE. f . 80, BE. f .

/ 30, W.4. , 31, 32, 4

83, 34. 35. 36.

N o n d land : Sec. I.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6,

Nand land--Cwtinned Sec. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. 19, E. ). 19, N. I m 3. M. 21. 22. 23. 24, NW. ) NE. +. 24, NE. f SW. .). 24, W. 4 6W. f . 24, NW. f * 26, N. 4 m. +. 26, N.+HW.f . t

27, NE. 3 NE. ). 27, W. 3 NE. 4. 27, N. * sw. +*

27, NW, *. 28* N. 4. 28, N. f SE. f. zs, N. 4 SW. 4. 29, NE. +. 29, KE. 4 SE. +. 29, N. J NW. f . so, NE. + N W . , ~ .

The wrbrce m& of T. 10 S., R. 7 W., are schists, i p x m rockn, md gravela It in believed that the echists and igneouu mka. underlie the gtawl~ thmughout the tom- ahip. The only indicstion of 4 in Ehis tomhip h in lota 2,3, and 4, eec. 6, whem rrmall hgmenta of cod wem Been near the beee of the p v e l . Them may hve been derived from reworked coal in the gravel, or possibly fmm a thin layer of the coal msamues. In neither caae ia there r w r ~ to mume that the tomehip con- any workabla 4.

'r. 11 B., R. 7 W. [Elm PI. X I .) -


D n c l d e d land. k. 1.


2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8- 9.

10. 11. 12, W. f. 12, N. 3 NE. i. 12, SW. ) NE. ). 12, NW. + BE. +. N, W. ). IS, w. 3. HE. +. 13, W. 4 BE. +. 13, BE. RE. +. 14. 15. 16. '

17. 28. 19. 20. 21. n, N. 3. B, N. 4 873. +. 22, N. 4 sw. 4. n, 8W. + 8W. 3. 23, N. 3.

'24, N. +. 24, N. .f SW. f . 27, Nw. f m. i. 28, N. 3 ME. 4. 28, NW. ). 29, N. 4. 20,8W. +. H, N. 4 BE. f. 20, 8w. + BE, f .


U n c l h e d I a n d A t i n d . Bec. 30, NE. +.

30, NE. + NW. $. Noneml land:

Gc. 35, 8.4 SE. 1. 35, 8. SW. +. 35, NE. f 8W. ). 36, 8.4. 36, 8.4 MW. f. 36, SW. + NE. +.

1 CaaEIand: Sec. 12, 8E. 1 NE. +.

12, E. SE. t. 12, 8W.t S E . f . 13, E. 4 NE. ). 13, NE. .t RE. f . m, 8. ) BE. ). n, SE. + SW. +. 23, 8. +. 24, SE. f . 24, 8. ) SW. f. 25. 26. 27, E. 3. 27, BW. +. n, s. 3 m. 1. 27, NE. f NW. +. 28, s. 3. 28, R. 4 m- 5. 29, RE. + RE. ). 30, 8.4. 30,s. 3 NW. f . 30, NW. ) NW. f . 31, 32. 33. 34. 36, N. +. 35, N. + BE. 3. ss, nw. + sw. +. 36, N. + NW. $. 36, N. 4 NE. +. 38, 8R. 1 NE. 1.

iB&. $&.-The coal-?wmkg 6 m p wt thmghout the muthem part of net, 26 but p a bath the jpvehi that cover the northern part d the section. The fol- lowing a l e probably records the complete Bequence of all the coal beda that mop out in t h i a wction.

NENANA COAL FIELD. ALASKA . Exposure No . 122 . Section in gulch heading in the SE . a S W . 4 see . 25. T . 11 8., R. 7 W.1

Top of hill . Ft . in . Sands ... '. .................................................... 60 Impure coal and clay (bed 0) .................................. 2 S8nds ........................................................ 23 Coarse gravel over coal . Coal (bed N) ................................................. 2 6 Clay ......................................................... 9 6 Coal ..........

}(bed M) ........................................ ... Impure coal Sands (clay at top) ............................................ 68 Coal ..........

}(bed L) ....................................... Impure coal ... { t Cross-bedded sands and gravels ................................ 62 Coal (bed K) .................. ... .......................... 2 6

......................................................... Clay 6 Coal (bed J) ............................................... 1 Sands ........................................................ 43 Coal (bed I) ................................................. If Concealed, moatly sand, with possibly two small coal beds ....... -117 Concealed, coal slump (bed H) ................................ 107 Sand and gravel, clay .......................................... 55 Coal (bed G) ................................................. 7 3 Clay ......................................................... 10 Sand ....................................................... 55 Coal (bed F) ................................................ 2 8 6

......................................................... Sand 57 Coal (bed E) ............................................... 22

......................................................... Clay 4 Sands and gravele ............................................. 12 Coal ..........

. Shaley coal. (bed D) ......................................... 1 4 Coal ......... I 1 ," :

......................................................... Clay 5 ........................................................ Sands 16

Clay and carbonaceous matter ................................... 4 .... Clay ................................................... 1 8

Sands with some gravel ........................................ 15 Coal . . I .. ............................................... [' " Clay (bed C)

- Coal .. 3 Clay- ........................................................ 15 Sands ........................................................ 35 w

. Brown sand, locally indurated ................................... 1 Coal .................. clay .................. 1 Impure cod .......... ................................ }(bed B) Clay ............... ... Coal ............... ... Concealed. part eoal . . 1 Sands and gravel ............................................. -110

1 The lower Wt (beds B to F. inclusive) is exposed in sec . 36 .

~ ~ o e . 1 2 3 t o 1 3 0 , l i s t e d b a l 0 1 ~ , w e r e ~ o n ~ o ~ v i t c h ~ k , ~ ~ m k in the eadm-n part of m. 25. The let- "C" to ",K" indicate pmbabk, -latime of the c a d bedm with those recorded in themotion a t expotrum No. 322.

J3xpn.m No. HW. Popovikh Creek, SW. ) 8E. f, altitude 1,670 feet. Cod (hi C7@boYt 4 feet thick; Btrike e&, dip 14O N.

E q m m No. LU. Popovitch Creek, BW. ) BE. $, altitude 1,880 feet. #nl (bed D?) more than.6 feet thick.

Erpmm NO. 1% PopYitcb Gwek, SW. f BE. 3, dtitude 1,706 feek Thick cQsl bed, not m d (bed E).

Eqmmm No. i3E. Poppitch W k , BE. 3, f 8E. f , dtitu.de 1,710 fmt. Thick cad bed, not m d 9. , I

E-re No. 137. P~povitch Cleek, NE. + BE. 1, dtitudb i r m ~ feet. (bed 43) more than 8.fmt.thick.

+ Expoeum No. la Popvitch Cmak, HE. +.BE. f , altitude 1,765 ieet. W m i y d

I) 1 fwt 6 inch- thick; trike N. 60' E., dip 10" N.

CJal (bsd K) .............*..................................... 2 Chy ................................................ ;. ..... '4 G d (bed J) ..............-*...........*.......*..*............. 1 6

Y b p u m No. fm. Popwitch W k , BE. + NE. +, altitude I,& feet. Coal (bed L} ' m t b 3 feet chick.

Erpo~ure No, Iw. Uuge meek in the NW. + SW. t , altitude, '1,800 f&. Gnsl { d l bed, I?) not m d .

Expoeure No. 182. Large -k in in tba. 3 8W. #, altitude'l,8Ei'feet. Cad C d I bwlm, J gnd K?) not m d .

b e . 46.-The coal bed8 of get. 26 are the western -tint?ati&of tham expoeed in m. 25, but the $ow& beds expod in eec. 25 do not reach the eurlace in sec. 26.

Expure No. 133. Creek in the E. 4 8E. ) BE. ), altitude 1,660 feet. C d @ed G or r)) about 6 fest thick.

Ex- No. 134. Creek in the E. 4 8E. t flE. f , altitude ~ 6 7 6 fmt. aoal (bed EP), 1aqebed; wt memurd. Ex- No. 1%. Creek h E. 4 BE. ) BE. 1, altitude 1,M5 feet. Cod (bd

F?), h g e bed; not mwured. Exposum Na. 1M. CCrea in E. j 8E. + SE. +, altitude 1,?b i&. (3081 ( W G )

more than B tset thick. Expoem No. 1S7. Q m k in the E. ) BE. $ BE. + altitnde 1,745 feet. Coal @ed H'?) more than IS feet thick; Bhika N. E., dip 40" (?) N.

Erpmum No, 138. Greek in the E. f NE. 3 SE. +, altitude l,&OW. W L?) mowthsn4feetthick.

Erpoeum No. jdB, Creek in the E. NE. + BE. f , altitude 1,870 feet. Coal (k& . M mid K) 6 feet thick. ErposureNo.i& ~k&theE.+~.f~.$,ddtndelfiWfet. C o a l ( k I 0 )

(IV$X 2 feet %hick. Expoanre No. 1 U Creek in the W. f SE. t BE. i, altitude 1,720 feet. Cod mom

t t m 6 fwtthick. Eapoaum No. l4% creak in the W. SE. + SE. +, altitude 1,8M feet. Goal mom

than 6 feettfiich. E*panue NP. 118. h e k in the W. 4 RE. ) RE. 1, al~tnde 1,920 kt . . C d (bed %

L?) more than 4 feat thick. ExparufeNo. 144, Oreekin the W.+NE.+SE. &,dtitude1,9g0fat. Coal-

ld and N), not m a d .

-?To. 14& C m k h the BE. 3 EV. +, diitnde 1,778 feet. (30sI 16 fmt t&t; staike N. 800 E,, dip 10" N.

Expomve No. I& Greekh tbe BE. ), BW. +, altitude 1,800 feet. Cod, pd'b1g &da, over 6 feet t&k.

Expoeum No. 147. C m k ia the Re. 3 BW. #, dtitnde 1,805 feat. C d 20 feet thick. Expure No. 14& h k in the BE. + 8W. +, Wtnde 1,870 ht. C d w m I8

inches thick. Erpowre No. ill. th~kfn the BE. f 8W. f, altitade 1,886 feet. W 5 feet thick;

&ike N. 70' E., dip 16' N. 6cc. mm-The l a m part of sec, 27 is gravel wvered, ead tse d y hmn c d

axpmm, which am in the SIC. + $E. -), ~ e e m to repremnt beds -11 ap in the d mimum, It is +ble that the atire aectim h wldedain by d.

Expure No. Creek in the BE. .) SE. f , altitude 1,910 feet, C d 6 feet thick strike N. B5* E,, dip 1B N.

Expormm No, JSl. b k in fhe BE. f BE. 1, altitude 1,940 fm2. Coal mom h IS I e ~ t thick.

Exposure No. Billdde by -kin ths BE. *BE. i, dtihde 1,980Seet. W (pmbmbly same bed m No. 163) 2 k t thick; strike esst, dip Mo N.

E x p u r e No. lW, W k in the 6E. ) SE. 4, altitude 2,MIO feet. C d 2 feetthick. %l float in the creek in tba BE. 4, at an altitude of abont 2,050 fmt. iYm. 28.--kc. 28 ia wholly c o d with mvel , except probably a amall m a of

coal m a - in the BE. ) 833.) . No coal beds were men, and it may be that m y d that the d o n mn&e in at a conaidarable depth. #a. ~o.--Sec. 30 h cwsred with gavel, except probably a 4 ot 4 m e w '

~ i n t b ~ 0 u t h e m p p r t o t t h ~ f J W . ~ . Thedepthtothecodandevplntbepiesence of 4 in, thh d o n are ~ncwhiri, but cosl be& ate ex- in the bsnt ot Nenma River, on the umumyed land of sec. 30, that ~bould p m under thh &m unless they are cut out by the u~cmformity at the b w of the grawb.

8m. sf.-hb 4 k d n am h o r n to crop out in sec. 31, but them m a cael beds exposed bath wuth and weat of this seFtion that should pasb Genenth It mrlese they are. cut snt by the nnmformity at the base of the gravels.

Sce. $$.-The larger put of e. 92 in covered with gravela, snd no coal are k n m . h e of tbe coal bedo expoeed in sec. 33 a€ thb tomahip .ad in m. 6, T. 12 S., R. 7 W., should underlie prt of eee. 32 tmks they are cut out by the mwn- lormity at the bam of the mwla, Sm. $$.-The expomvea noted blow wem &ed in m. %t.

ErpoaueNo.S64. 8&ind~mawfl&afrrtramhtnLAc F . ' . ~ W . ~ ~ C J J , T . ' . ~ ~ , , R. 7 W.

FmL bndn and mvda ............................................ f&&

- ......................................... w......*.........** 3 .................................. 8snds,gnveb, md SO

Cod ( a few in&).

The bedn d e d a b m am nearly W t a l but seem to dip aljghtly to the &th. Expmure No. E B L 6. f i t b e creak in the BE. 4 NW. +, at an altitude of 1,m lee9

b a d bed about 3 Eeet thick.

T. 11 S., R. 1 W. 43

Exposure No. 1S6. A creek in the SE. f SE. f , at an altitude of 1,575 feet, ex- a coal bed about 6 feet thick that seem to be horizontal.

Coal smut, apparently derived from a small bed, was seen at an altitude of 1,750 featin the bank of the creek in the NW. f SW. f.

6ee. 84.-The southern part of the S. 4 SE. fr and the southern part of the SE. f SW. f sec. 34 have a surface of schist and are consequently barren of coal. The coal- bearing ~ l t ~ overlie the schist and form the su~face of the rest of the section, except in eeveral areaa of gravel that may be assumed to be underlain by the coal meaaurea. The expoeures in the cod measures are not good, and coal beds have been seen only at the l d t i e s described below.

Exposure No. 167. Creek in NE. f , altitude 1,760 feet. Coal about 15 feet thick. Exposure No. 168. Creek in the NE. 2, altitude 1,845 feet. Coal about 25 feet - -

thick. Exposure No. la. Creek in the NE. t, altitude 1,875 feet. This exposure consis&

of a few feet of. 4 overlain by much burned material. I t apparently representsl a huge bed.

Exposure No. 160. Bluff on west side of creek in the NE. f , altitude, 1,800 feet. This exposure consists of a burned bed about 30 feet thick, probably the same bed a NO. im.

There ia also a burned bed near the base of the coal measures on the hilI in the S. + SE. f .

See. 85.-The f o 1 I d g outcrops were seen in sec. 35.

Expoeure No. 161. Section of bluff on north eide of creek in the NW. 2 NW. 2 sec. 86, T. 11 s. , R. 7 w.

Ft. in. Coal ....................................................... 25

................................................. Sm&, etc 35 Coal ............... . . 6

........................... Sand ..................... ..-. 55 .................. Coal (included in sample 26369, pp. 8,9). 12

Clay ...................................................... 6 ................... Cod (included in sample 26369, pp. 8,s) 5

Clay.. .................................................... 6 ................... Coal (included in ample 26369, pp. 8,s) 15

Sand ..................................................... 50 Coal ....................................................... 8

................................................. Sands, etc 30 ............................................. Coal (impure) 2 .............................. ............ Saniland clay .*-. 10 ............................................. Coal (impure). 2

Expoeure No. 162. Creek in the NE. fr NW. f, altitude 1,720 feet. Coal 20 feet

.r thick; strike east, dip 23O R.

Exposure No. 163. Section of bluf on north Bide of Hoseannu @reek near center of the NE. *see. $4, T. 11 S., R. 7 W.

Feet. w ........................................................... 6 &

............................................. Sand and gravel.. 50f ................................................. Coal (bed B). 30f

Exposure No. 164. Small creek in the NW. f NE. +. Coal (bed B?), not measured. Expoam No. 165. Creek in the BE. t NE. f. Coal (bed B?), not memured.

Expmm No. it& North bank of Hoseannakkin the&. + NE. 1. h n ~ @sZI A?), 20 ieet thick. *Phis i a believed to be the lmwt cad bed of thia W c t . If k probably la) feet m more below bed B ot ex- No. 122.

Expoem No. LIT. North -bank of fBm+ruu Ciwk in tbe .a KE. f . Ctkl (bed A 'I), abaot 20 fest thick.

ThereiamoutIierof r o a l - ~ r o ~ b ~ t l r o [ H o ~ ~ k i t h e 8 . ~ ~ . I that cm&a chiefly of burned clay and clinker, probably derived fma ?hi bhm: Ing of bed A and e b l y of bed B. Them iR prob~bly little if any ~ n b u m d d in tb -, Se. 3 6 . A . 38 c a ~ h the beda noted beloa. " rn

Exp3urrt No. I#% Cteek h the NW. + m. 8. C k l @ed B?J, +Mlp b d , nbt nwauKd.

The lower part of e+um No. 122 (am p. 40) RU &ed blow ie ezpoeed in W. EuI~

Clay. ..................................................... 3. 6: ... ........... ................. Sands,. with some mvgl. .; -,,. 16 ,. , u

. , ...-.-...-......* .....*,................... may .......................... ; ........................ .... u .

. .................................................... 8sndar 35 B m w n d (Ioally indumkd). ............................ 1 Goal .....*........ .. Clsy ................ - B

........ .............................. .............. ...............

Impme cad. ' @dB) 2 Clay.. coal. Concealed (part cod) lo. ;


8anda and grawI.. ........... :. ............................ l l 0 ' t

Altitude, 1,580 Eeet; Btresm Id. ' 1


The expoaed cod of T. 11 S., R. 7 W., ie reehichid to B e muthem qamW of the towmbp, whem it cropa,out in s belt situated on the north aide of Bm-a M k and lyipg between the schists sonth of and in the creek valley md the gav&,in the high hjlte d of the ewek The cad-be- rock conformably overlie the schiata and uncodombly undeflie the gravels. They etrike about east and dip in generd about 15" N.

I .

+ 'Themh no available evidencm c o n d g the distance to which coal .exfends h e a t h the grawls, except that on the northern

margin of thia grave.1 area, in T. 10 S., R. 7 w., the schkh a d not the c d b a i u g mk~ emerge from heneath the gramls.

Neithk is there m p evidence concerning the depth fo 'the ma1 in &me atem where it may be p m n t undm the g r a d . The n d d dip of 15' if continued would csrry the coal down st s rate of about 1,400 feet to the mile benmth the gravela, which m s t least 2,000 feet thick. The amount of dip mag. incream or may dimhkh beneath the gravels, and the direction of the dip may hold

- mrthwaid or may be refresed. On the em- edge of the gravel m a in T. I1 S. ,R. 6 W., and T. 10 S., R. 6 W.,revenaIs of dip and other a h c t n r d &mities were observed. 'It is coneegumtly unaafe h assume &st the men of minable coal

includee mything more thm the area of actuat me1 outcrop, with s narrow dditional zone along the southern margin of the gravels. For purposes of land classification it was w m e d that only those grad+overed areas lying within half a mile of outcrop of coal- bearing rocks are probable coal land. Csntious inmtom may wall regard even tb assumption as undercomernative.

The coal beds we well exposed in the desp gulchee of most of the creeke flowing southward into Hoieanne Creck. The moat favorable dke for immediate mining am localitice where tho J8rgr?r cod beds mom thase cmka, and the natural mining unite me the inkmtream -88.

A h g e mount of coal can be won by drift &rig from o p n h q y on the northern tributtrriea of Roaertnna Creek. It is likcly that a considerable m o u n t of cod, possibly s large proportion of that lor which there will; be a demmd in the immediate future, aan be mined by stripping. A favorable sito for a tripping is on the 20-foot bed (A) in the north bank of Hosema Creek in the S. 3. NE. + and the N. +

! SE. 4 sec. 35. The thickness of the coal, ita position on the edge of the meek, and the compsretively large m e with thin overburden are the favorable featurea for open M g at this locality.

TRARBPORTATION. , AU the known coal in T. 11 S., R. 7 W., is on Hoaeanna Creek or

its tibutariea; sand will be ~ m i l p sbccaeaible from a brmch rdroad extending up the creek. The part of this p r o m branch within thk ~~p will all be within 6 miles of the main railroad line on Nsnana Riser.


The cod lmds of the north half of T. 1 t S., R. 7 W., in the grevel- covered area in secs. 35 and 13, are not defmifely known to contain workable mal and are so situated as to bo practicallr inmxessible

by any proposed means. of tsansporbtion. !l%ey have cwneeqnentIy not been subdiGded into leasing units or offered for lease but wiU be hsld in their pwsmf atatus,

The wal Ian& of the south half of T. 11 S., R. 7 W., arm the moet ncce88ible of the s m e p d wal Emds of the Nenaus field, . They have been subdivided into w e e leasing unite (Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 91., IU indicated on the accompm~ng map, and rn d&M below. No.l,$BF.SO,e+NE.$sndNE.+W.i. k. 31.

ITmwqd bt d t h d ss folkma: Beghbg at tbe north- m d m. SO, T. 11 #., R. 7 W., tbemm due weat te the right of way of the main line of tbe Gem- ment dd, h n c a mu& dong mid right of m y to the WE& line (extended) of BBC. 51, T. 11 E., R. 7 W., tMnce north dong tbe weat h e d aeca. 31 and SOtO, T. 11 B., R, 7 W., to the place of beRinning.

Arsa, 1,g84.18 acm. No. 2. Sw. 29, SE. 4 BE. f.

Bee. 32. R~C.~,T.IZ~.,R.~W.,N.+NE.+~~N.~W.?.

Area, s4oacres. No.4. 8~ .28 ,B .+andB. )m . ) (

&c. 33. & . 4 , T . U B . , R . ? W . , U . ' 3 ~ . f .

A m , 1,120 m. No. 6. 8m. 22, &. 4 BE. )and BE. 3.m. 5

Eec. 27, except NW. f NW. f. Bet, 34.

A m , 1,mrerea. , No. 7. k. ZS, 8.e

Bec. m. 8ec .85 ,N.4 'ISE.+ ,m.+ ,andm.+m.) .

Area, 1,244) wm. No. 8. Bec. 25,8. 4 NE, + and N. 4 BE. +.

h e , 160 scres. N0.O. k.U,SE.fmdB.+SW.+.

I3ec. 25. Bec.36,N.aNE.)andN.3NW.+.

Area, 1,OPO ecrea, T. 12 B., It. 7 W.

[ h a P1. XIL]


umlmf&lands: Beca 8 h 0, IS to 38.

UmImdld h d : f3eta. 10 and 11 (prt coal land scrod-

ing to rule; fsnlt h ~ u ~ un- e B ) -

12. N d lad:

8ec. 1. 2, N. 4. 2, RE. ).

N m d hm- k c . 2, N. f 8W. f.

2, BE. + 8W. 3. 3, NE. +. 3, N. f BE. +.

Cdland: 8ec. 2, BT - # 8W. f .

3, E!. BE. f . 3, w. 3. 4. 6.

8b~. t.-No autarrpe of 4 W s were eeen in sec. 2, but them ge b& k b in the 8E. + EW. 3.

See. expan pa nu^^ NO. l# 8Wtb h k d HWJMIZUI~ Gnsek at motlth d h the NW. f h%. 1 sec. 3. kl (poprly a@) abwt 6 feet thick

WamutlresemintheSE.f SE. ~mdatmveralIwditiwintbBW.~. Sec. 4 . 4 m l amut, pmbably derived from s fairly large bed, wm seen at the b m

ofthehillontZle mthaideof HmeannsGreekin tha SW.+ N W . t m . 4 . Smutwas geenaleasttwol&tieshtheNE.tSW.i. Sm. &.-The foUowing expuma were d d h wc. 6: E v No. I?#. 8011th bank of ITmm~aa& Cmek in zhe BE. + NE. 3. W

than 6 feet thick; strike N. 35' W., dip 10' S. Eqmum KO. 171, 8out.h bank of H-a Cmk in the NW. f NE.' +. C d

(laFge M), not m e a d . Erpoeum No. 172. South bank of Hoaea~a C m k near rrest line of NW. 4 Nh. +.

Cod 15 feet thick.

C d .......................................-.............-...... 8* ........................ Ghal (included in wpIe 28387, pp: 8, I). 7 Strike N. 105" E., dip 12" 8.

Eqmmm No. 174, South h k of Iloaeanna Creek in the KR. f m. f , about 800 feet d- fm No. 175 and an undeterminsd dieta~oe 8tRtigmphiealfy above it. Cod about 10 I& thick.

Expawre No. 1% NO& bank d H- creek near wmt h e of the #W. NW. ), odai 3 fmt thick.

MINING mmmoMB. Coal is exposed along the lower course of Howama Greek in bede

that dip gently ~ ~ ~ t b w a r d . . Them b& should be minabla from opeminge aituhted on the 4. The amount of minable coal south of the c m k is problematic, for the beds dip eouthwatd and w i t h a short distance psss beneath gravels. A f auIt that extends westw~rd near the southern line of mcs. l j 2, md 3 may cut out the coal in portions of sets. 4 and 5. The axtensire damping on the W d m in SMS. 3 and 4 makm it &flicdt ta dekmnhe the attitude of the coal- - rock%.


Tha md of T. 12 S., R. 7 W., ia mmp~~8tiveIy essy of mxss. The mnin line of the Oov~~~mmt milroad d extend, nmwding to pras- mt m e y s , along the west bank of Nenaua River in sec. 6. The coal be& e x p o d on Hoseanna Creek in the NW. t m. 6 me within a mile of the surveyed line of the main railmad and ars direct1 y on the line of the proposed Hoseanna Greek branch

The ma1 lands.of T. 12 S., R. 7 W., have been divided into four leming mita (Nos. 2,3,4, and 61, MI indicattd on the mmrnp~tlying map and as daseribed on p w 50,51. Two of t b e (NoB. 3 and 6) lie

whony within * a d b e d b d ~ . ~a 2 md 4 Ee.ehiefly in T,-sI S., R. 7 W. No. 3. 8ec. 4,B. ) NW. 2 and SW. i.

" & . 6 , 8 . ~ ; B 8 . + ~ . h m d 8 . ) N W . + . h r n . - . .

N0..6.Sec.S,SW.')SW.~. '

' 'Sec ,3 ,8 .+EE, fandW.+ . ' k, 4, x. ).

A m , 780 m.

mmmx) LB F i E b ~ m m OF-rn.

, Coal occurn in t4e unrnuvsyed lands dohg N-a R i m on the maia h e of* dd. On t b e n o r t h b a a L o i E T ~ a G m k a l i ~ l e a s t b a n M s m i l e ~ i b ~

ate~odbdaea;chabout3Fmtthiek. Thee&em(lower)oftlwebBdBh~~e ~tlinedmc.~T.1215.,R.7W.,andisdeecriM~(~Ko.l~5). The . w m (up& bed (exposure No. 176) is in the mmwqed Ian& thst Bbonld be sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 5' W. 0n the mat bank of N - R i v ~ ~ m h n t aqturterda miIebelmH-s GreeJr

the following expoanre was- neee in a bluff at .on theside of a g r a v a l e b c h SO feet h o v e the r i m .

J p m e NO. In. B m o a & ~ ~ ~ N ~ R i o a ~ f m t h m i t s ~ a ~ etarR.

w G m l ( W k d ) ..*.................*.......................... 10 Eand and @ a d .............. :. ................................. 2 C d ..*..................*...**.**.....*..**.....*.....*......... zt Carbonacleoussbale ................................................ 1

strike N. 2-W E., dip 100 m. q & b ; p b d ~ ~ e @ i . t b e . i & b m k h r t h a r d ~ .

No, 178 is 500 feet below No. 117 asd ah- a coal beg 2 feet. thick, Eqmtm No, f tl $ gbQ feet below No. 177 and showa a m l bed 5 feet thick. ?he three caal beds ht deecribed are ail &bated in &e mnrveJtea h d a that &mld be nec. 6, T. 12 8., R. 7 W. E- No. Wia w the swt bank of Nczima River abut 2 ar 21 m b belam

Eo~eanna h k , jn,a bluff about 300 feet high, c m t d n b g eight or mom c d be&. The t h loweat bda ware meaanred rtnd found to be 4+, 16, and 10 feet thick. fie i a c k r r o f ~ ~ x p o e l u a f m a n d ~ h e b a ~ n o r t h w s r d d i p o f 1 ~ C 2 0 ~ m t b e d flank and mthwsrrl dip of 30O to 6s0 on the mnth dank. Thaee etaep dlp c o h h t i n u e

only s few hundrad feeb beyond which tbe beds becmne nearly hohtaE. This e x p u r e ia eittrsted gn unrrurveyed h b that a h d d be 8- 26, T. 11 8 .. R. 8 W,

One of the b-18 of tqe above-deacribed ex- waa hmmd et mter level on tk~ k e ~ t bank of ~PTI&& Ever. {See d d p t i ~ n of ex- NoO 185.) The amount of .aroeaai-ble coal weat of Nenana River is pmblemstic. Tb h ~ l r m

~ m ~ i n t h p ~ v w b a n k w t h e ~ s o f ~ ~ v e l ~ ~ v ~ t e r r a E e . 'hhigher k d e W lie larther , b k fm the river have not been examined d d y but m m to be belargely covered mith p v e l s ,

The exposed cod bBdR M n on tbe Weot mde of H- R i m ~IE d s e u i in &MI below.

E x p o s p o s ~ No. 1BC Sorih ehd of bluff cm we& bank of PJ-a Rim ogpoprite m& d Body b Z . - 2 feet 6 hchw thick; eMce N. 87" E., dip 43' N. Ttda e x p &te M ~ U M B O U ~ hkcliffa aboutR0feet high, which we W i l e Froan the wwt b k of the fivet Thm cliffs na v i e d from EEdy Creek in lDl$ -hind

s f g h f t o t e n c o a l b e d s , a l l & ~ b ~ t 4 6 ~ H . S e ~ o f t h e a e ~ p r e d f a i r ~ , nwne d them &bEy bdng 10 feet or mom thick but nathing i a ss to what pdngm and impuritim they msy c m h . The top of tba cliff is formed of e v e l a thnt lie hmimtally u p &e coal b d a and e-d back into flat tertaces h e a t h khi& tbe 4-bearing m b are concealed. There L pmhbly little if m y minable c a d dmve river level at this l&ty.

Expure 30. IltZ. Wed bnnk of Nmmm River at mpiae 1+ milss belm H- k k . Coal llarrw th*n 4 feet thick; a k e N. 85' E., dip 70' E. !l'hb md bed crosses the river in a reef thnt c a w the rapids, in which the river rmkee lu, abrnpt dmp of mveral feet. Tha abrup.tn.ern of this fdl indiates that the coPl bed may ba 30-

mderebly thicker than the part sctualIy e m . The c d kxd- ubder a gravel term@ &bout 8 feet hrgh.

Exposrue No. 1- W& bmk ob Nmans Riperabout If milm blow Emam Cmk. Clean, blocky W t e over % feet thick; &rib N. 95' W., dip 8' N, The base of thh eqmmm is et wabr level. The top ie cut off by the pawla that form a bath 12 or 1b lmt high. It ia W b l y the came bed a ~ t ihat at expoeure No. 184, Ex- No. 184, Weat bnn k of Nenana River at rapid^ about 2 dh be@ Hose-

. ~ a Creek. Coal more than 6 feet thick; strike N. 2' W., dip 18' W. The baae of rthis expure i~ at mtRr lavel. The cod is overlain md beveled by tbat form a h c h about 116 feet high,

Expure No. $86. West bank of N m River 24 m i h blow Hoeesnna Creak. Coal over 3 feet thict; strike N. f30° W., dip 25' BW. Thin eqmum ia at the e- of the water st the b w of a %foot gmvel bank. It is believed to replleeent part of a cod bed which, ga exposed on tha opposite bank of the river, k 10 or 16 feet thick,

Expoeure KO. 188. Eead of little Ialre shut 2) milea n&m& of mouth of Hwanna Oreek, about 120 feet or& of a t a t i o n R17488, Bayden" h e . Coal over 3 feet rhick; &ike N. ma E., dip 20' NW. 'Shid cod b d is partty ex-, both mf and Boor


c bexng canmaled, near the baee ai a gravel bench. About 8 feet of bend gravel over- lim the 4. Thia bench is about 200 loet wide and is e n d e d by a higher h c h , &out SO feet high, in tbe &ee of which no expumrea except grave1 were noted.

The leasing blacksdescribed balm lie in the ~ d e y of Emiuma h k . T b e c u s l ~ r d d t o a m d ~ 6 e d s b o v e b y t m m - s h i p and gectiiom. The numbers of the exposures correspond with those on the map.

60 1 ' XElTAXA COAL FIELD, U K 4 .

Bloaka 2 and 3, con- 840 and 720 wrm, rmpectively,'ha~e been resmed for h e m e n t me.

Blmk 1 contains am. 30 Iexaept the PIE. ) and the NN. f m. f) md sec. 31, T. 11 S., R. 7 W. (area, 6,054.16 mm), end also an umurveyed lot descibed aa follows: hgbumg at the northwmt corner of m. 30, 1'. 11 S., R. 7 W.,. thence due weet ta the right of wiq of the xdn h e of the Qovernment rdmd, hoe eouth- ward dong said right of way to the weet line (extended) of ma. 31, T. 11 S,, R. 7 W., thence north dong the west line of s e a 3 1 m d 30, T. 11 S., R. 7 W., to the place of b e g h h g , cantaking 890 acrea, m m or I-. totd ares of blmk 1 is thue ahout 1,944 mms. Thb block b mostly covened with grad, md the only cod kmb

. tmninit wereat exposureNo. 186, on thebsnkof NenanaRiver, on the unaumeged land wmt of am, 30. The qunntity, the depth, and d e n the pmmmce of cad in part of tbie block may be gommhat uncmbin, but it is believed that the ma1 beda shown in exposure No. 180 pass wider the block unlese they are cut out by the uncoa- for mi^ at the base of tha grwsla.

Block 2 cvntabs the SE. f SE. + sec. 29 and all of tw. 32, T. 11 S., R.7W.mdtheN.+~.#andN.+NW.~seo.5,T.12S,,R.7W.

total area is 846 wea. Expmuree NOEI. 171, 172,. 173, and 174 ate in this bldok, and sampla 26367 %%a obtmhed here. The ex- pwed md b& of th in block are minable from opmiqm en Eoseanna

a Creek Them may be other coal beds minable from opwings on the . billsides or from &afk Puesibly ~ o m e of the cod new Hoseanne

Creek oan be mined by stripping. This block b been memd for Government use. Block 3 contains the SW. 1. and 8. 3 W. f m, 4 arid the S. 3,

S.+NE.f,endS.+NW. +sec,8,T. 12S.,R.7 W. Thetotmlmeais 720 scree. Exposures Nos. 170 d 175 are in thia blwk. The cod beds expoeed on Hoaeanna Creek dip gently southward snd should be minable in s l o ~ from openings situated near the meek The m o u n t of minable cod south of the creek is problematic, as the be& dip southward and within a short distance pass h e a t h gravels. A fault that extemda weu t near the south line of s w , 1 , 2 , md 3, T. 12 S . , R . 7 W . , m a y m t o u t t h e c o d i n p a r t i o ~ 0 f ~ b l w l r , Ther@h cr poaeibly some cad in thk block that can 'be mined by stripping. T b block haa b n reserved for Government use.

Block 4 cantaim the S. 3 and S. 3 NE. ) wc. 28 and All of 'sea. 33, T.I~S.,R.~W.,~~~~~~N.$NW.+~.~,T.~~S.,R.TW. The bkd m a ie 1,120 -88. Exposurm Nae. 154, 155, and 156 me in this block. The e m d 4 beda that are h o r n to crop out in thia M d may be mined from hillside ope- in the valley of the d -k in the W. + sec. 33. It is probable that the block amtaina largsr beds that o m be reached by a ehdt on Hoeeaane, Creek.

Bloolr 5 contains the S. 5 SE, 3 and SE. 3 SW. 4 w.22, dl dm. 27, ecepttheNW. +NW. f , mdaElofsec.3a,T. 11 S., R. 7 W. The htd -8 b .1,360 m. *ura~ NM. 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, and 159 are in thb block. The cad beds exposed in this block dip ~ h u k 10" or 15' N. and are minable in drifts or s lop from open- ings on the tributarg of Roaeaana Creak that flown through. the -tern part of the block. h special mine apur muat be b d t up thie

-. creek in order ta reach the mine sitw. Block 6 c o n t h the SW. ) SW. + eec. 2, the 8. + SE. f md W. 3

eec, 3, and the E. 3 wa, 4, T. 12 S., R. 7 W. The btd area ia 760 I M : ~ . No coal exposures were seen in this block Srnut was seen st several localities, and a cod bed (exposure No. 109) was wen just outaide the block, in the NW. f NE. i sec. 3. The extensive slmping on the hillsides in sma. 3 and -4 makes it dif6cuEt to dew-. mine the poeition md attitude of fhe coal be&.

Blmk 7 o o n t h bhe S. +ma. 23, dl of aec. 26, a d the N. + NE. f NIV. f , andNW. + SW. 4 m, 35, T. 11 S., R. 7 W. The total area is 1,240 acm. &posures NOS. 133 h 149 a d 161 to 165, inclmive, am in this bhk, and sample 26369 was obtained hem. The coal beds e x p d in this block are minable in drifta or alopee from open- ings on the small meks in sets. 26 and 35. These beds have an average dip of .lo0 or 15" hram & h e spum, half a mde to 1 mile long, must be built up b e tributsries to reach the mine siw.

Block 8 conhim t k h S. 3 NE. + and x. ;t SE. $ see. 35, T. 11 S., R. 7 W., md hlia an area of 150 acres. Wtlres Nos. 168 and 167 we in tbis block. Both these expuma are on a 20-foot bed that is believed to be the low& coal bed of this district. This bed crop 'out on the n o d . b d of Hoaeanna Creek and Em nearly flat. I t has a cumparatidy thin overburden md is believed to contain mverd hundred thousand tone of cod that a n be mind by atripping.

B b k 9 contains the SE. .f and S. 4 Sw. 3 am. 24, d sf see. 25, mdhN.+NE.f.andN.+NW.$sec.36,T.11S.,R.7 W. TThe

- total am8 is 1,040 m. Expos- l?os. 122 to 132, inclusive, and + 168 are in thh block. The coal beds expoeed in this blmk dip north- + ward at angles that; probably average between TO" and 15'. They + . em minable in drifts or dopa from on the tributsrries of

Roeemme Creek. Short spurs must be extended up thm cmke to reach the mine

Block 10 conhaha aU of ~ e c , 19 except the w. 3 m- f and of

Wc. 30, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., and bm an sreaof 1,177.55amm. E x p Nos. 108 to 112, inclusive, am in this block, .and h p l e 26362

wasobtaimdhere. Thecodbedsexposedin this Mdareminabte in d$fb ox s l o p from openings on ltha north baak of Hoseanna Creek or on the two smal l tributaries in the E. 3 mc. 30.

~ b k 11 con& the N. 3 and m. 4 SWFR; 3 eec. 31, T. xis., R. 6 W., and fheSE. + NE. $ sec. 36, T. 11 S., R, 7 W., andhas am ama.

of 393.33 awes.* Exposum No. 113 is jn this block. One or mom of the thick coal beds b d s A, B P, and C 8 ) in the lower pnrt of the coal me- mop out in this block The d be&, dip north at approximately the general dope of the 8011th gide of the valley of Hosema Creek. The block probably m n t h areae of c o d that can be mined by stripping, but in attempting to do tbie cam must be - taken not to remow the present support of the ~ u r f m or &ere will be dangernus slida on the dip dopes that farm the valley wall If the cod is taken out fram abaw, this dmgnr oan probably be obvi- ated, Exkmim sliding haa h a d y occurred on the dip slopee, and for thia reason the cod were not mapped md memum!.

BIock 12 contains all of sea. 20 and 29, T. 11 S., R. 6 W.; md hgg mi3 of 1,280 WX€S. E~p08- Nm. 53 8Ild 99 107, h- clueive, are in this Mmk. me coal-beering rmb of thia block lie in a gently folded apcline in which the lower c o d hda reach the surface in the northern part of aee. 20 and tho southern part of eec. 29. The cod beda e x p d in sec. 29 can be mind in dritta or slopes from open@ on the north bank of Hosema Creek and on ite tributaries. f i e lower coda of sec. 20 and part of the mal of aec. 30 wuld probably be mined from ax shdt on the creek in the NE. m. 30.

Block 13 oontahw dl (except the SE . '~ SE, 8 ) of sec. 32;~. II S., R. 6 W., md hga aa area of 000 m. No q m m e a were measured in this block, slidmg on the dip s l o p having's0 diaturbed the out- crops that meaaurementa would not be reliable. Several d the ' thick coal beds in tho l o w part of the md meas- me h o r n to cover ~ILBid~rable arem in this block. -The86 be& may b minable in dritte or by stripping, but in workmg by either method fhe danger of extensive slidoe on the d i p dopes mwt be a M y wmidered.

Block 14 eontaim an of sees. 21 m d 28, T. I1 S., R. 6 W., m d has an area of 1,2S0 acres. R x p m Nos. 83 98, inclnsive, me h t h i ~ block. The recorded dips in see. 28 tlre 7(3-150 N. Iu 8ec. 21

I so sxpoaure~l or d i p wera recorded, but the be& should dip south .- in the northern part of block 12. The coal beds ahodd be minable in drifts- or dop& fmm openings on Emeauna Creek end on the tributary in the wartern part of the block. Tha deeper should + C be mind from a ahdt on the axis of the sp&e near the north- wmt comer of BBC. 28 or, preferably, from the same shaft aa the

. deeperooalsinblmkk2. Block 15 containa all (except the E: 4 NE. .)) of w. 35, T. 11 5.,

R. 6 W., and hna an mea of 560 wres. No rmptmrm were measnred in th is block, but m y aoal nmnta and b m e d ou temp were n o d . TLie cod be& dip north at m~ppmximai,eIy the gene& slope of the +valley wall and may ba mimble in drifts from openinga on Hixiemma Cheek or ita tribnkea; There may bs some smell wae that c m

b &ripped. In using m y method of mining the danger of cawing &ve slides on the dip slap= rut be c d y c a d d d .

Block 16 con* all of m. 22 md dI (except the SE. $ and SE. ) SW. 4) of aec. 27, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., and has an m a of 1,080 aem. E v Noe. 54 to 57,81 ho 86, and 88 to 92, incldve, are in this block, and eampPe 26368 wm obtained hem. The coal beds that crop out in the S. 3 MC. 22 and in sec. 27 dip 5'-20' R. and are min- able in d~if te and dope- f mm openings on the tributary of Hosewa

: . Creek. A mine spur 14 miles long wi14 be required to mach thae mine mtsa from the proposed rsllroad on Hoseaana Creek. The cod beds tbat crop out on Marguerite Creek, in the northern part ofm. 22,dipaboat30"S. Itispmbable thatthecodin thenorth- ern part of the block can 'be reached through the workings in the muthern part.

Block 17 conhim the SE. 1 and SE. ) SW. 1 8ec. 27, the E. + NE. ) sec.33,mdtheNW.~mdNm.~NE.)~.34,T..I15.,R.6W. The tobd area k 480 acras. Expama Noa. 87 and 116 are in t h block. The coal beda of thk block can probably be mined in drifts- from hihide openings on Hoseanna C m k and on the tributary d r w g am. 27.

BImk 18rxlntaiastheS. 4NE.) d S . 3seo.34,T. 11 S.,R.6W., and has m mra of 400 acm, Exposure No. L 14 k in this block The coal beds of this block dip north and can be in pmt mined from hillaide drifts. The lower cod can bmt be resched by a shaft on Haseannrr h k .

Blmk 19 contab all of sec. 23 and the N. NW. $ m. 28, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., and has an srea of 720 acm. Expomm Nu. 58 is in thia block. Most of the cod bede shown in exposure No. 81, block 16, crop out in the aouthw~~tern part of block t 9. Tbe cod of thia block cam probably be most sesily mined from openings on the meek in the hi. ) ~ e c . 27, in block 16.

BImk 20 containe dl (except the N. JJ FTW. t ) of sec. 26, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., and hm aa m a of 560 acm. Exposurw NOB. 78; 79, and

d - 80 are in this block, and samples 26363 and 26364 were obtained I here. The cod beds e q m e d in thia block dip about 26' N. They + minable in dopee from W i d e openings on the north side of ,

H a e m m n h k Block 21 mnt.ina the NE. ~ N E . t ~ e c . 34, and allof=. 35, T. 11

,5., R. 6 W., and has an area of 680 ame. Expclwrea Nas, 116 to 12 1, inclusive, me in this block 'Sheae coal bds dip north at o h w e d ang1~~ of 12" ta 22". They are minable in drifts and elopes fmmm openings on bderaon Creek The lower coal beds are below the surface on Sauderaon Creek and must be reached by a M t , which ahodd pderably be situated on Heanna Creek in black 17 or 20.

Bbelr22mtdns theW.3, W. +MI#, f , and W. 3 SE. tam. 24; and the NW. a d NW. kSW, aec, 26, T. 11 S., R. 8 W. The total mm ia 68Q m. Expbsum Nas. SQ lk 60, hcInnive, aed 78 we in thie block Them cod beds lie nearly flat, the o k d d i p , rmgbg from so N. to S. They can be mined from drift openings ,

on the bank of Rmaana C m k and on the hillsides a b s . Block 23 confab the E. 3 SE. t 8ec. 24, and the N. + NE. t am. 25,

T. 11 S., R. 6 W., and the SW. ISM. 18, and the N. 4 NW. + m. 30, T. 11 &, R. 5 W, The total m m is 388.32 scrss. Exptmms Nm. 7, 18, 17, 63, 89, m, 71, and 78 are in thia block These coal beds are nearly horizuntd md may be mined from hilkida openings in the h u h of Hoseanna Creek.

Bloek 24 con& the S. 3 NE. +, SE. #, E., 3 SW. f , md SW. $ SW.~sec.25,T.llS,R.&W.,gndtheS.~NW.~mdSW.~sec,30, T. 11 S., R, 5 W. The htd m a k 689.08 acms. Expuma Nos. 72, 73, 74, 75, md 77 are in this block, and aample 26385 wes o b bed here. The coal bede that cmp out in this block can be mined in drifta and slopee fmm hillaide openings. Block 25 contains the N. 3, N. 3 SE. +, md N. 3 8W. f sec. 36, T.

11 s., R. 6 w., m d t h e ~ w . i, N. a sw. i, NW. ~ S E . 4, masw. 4 NE. t get. 31,~. 11 s., R, 6 W. Ie W I L ~ ~ 790.05 - ~ ~ b b a l expoeuras were reoorded in thb block, ontamp being poor. The coal beds that &mbtless crop out in t k block probably dip north and should be minable from open@ an the c m k in the N. 4 sec. 36 or through worl$ngs in block 24.