THESAN FRMeiSCO GALi;, SATURDAY, ' NOVEMBER 4; 1905. 13 LOST AXD FOUXD Cnnttnued. LOST—X passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of CHARLES MILLS FRODSHAM or MRS. CHARLES FRODSHAM; No. \u25a0 2S-530. The finder will please return tr> bank. LOST A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco la the name of JAMES GRAHAM;No. 03-144. The finder will please return* to bank. LOST A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco In the name of HENRY RAYNOR ; No. 10-84U. The finder will please return to bank. LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savings end Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of CATHERINE PETTITT; No. 20-OUS. The finder will please return to bank. LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of MARIA O'CONNOR; No. 05-033. The finder will please return to bank. LOST— A passbook wtth the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of THOMAS NORTON; No. 110-020. The finder will please return to' bank. LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco In the' name of MARIA DALY: . No. 10-700. The finder will please return to bank. LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society ot San Francisco in the name of ANN BURKE; No. 37-291. The finder will please retcrn to bank. LOST—A paesbook with the Hlb*mla Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of BRIDGET A. DALY: No. 1215; The finder will please return to bank. LOST— A passbook with the Hibernia Savings ; ar.4 Loan Society of San Francisco in the I name of JAMES W. FOSTER; No. '3-492, ; Th? fln.W will please return to bank. I LOST— A passbook with the Hibernia Savings I and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of JOHN FLAHERTY: No. 294-994. The flnd«r will please return to bank. LOST— A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In tha name of ANN DELANY, No. 145-6 M. Th» finder will dense return to bank. LOST Dragon stickpin, diamond setting; re- ward 42*» <*allfornia si., room 4. LAUNCHES FOR HIRE. C. A. McNEILL LAUNCH CO., foot of Clay 6t.. for pleasure and business; tel. Bu»h f>34. MEDICAL. DR. G. W. ODONNELL— LadIes, all who am sick or In trouble, consult this specialist on female oomplalnti4 positively corrected; the unfortunate helped; the most difficult cases treated; every case taken; immediate relief; no poisoning drugs; low fees; my methods will cure all esses of irregularity; consult me; save time and money; advice tree. Offlce 101S Market «.; hours 9 a. m, till 8 p. m, MRS. ljR. WYETH. specialist for all female complaints and Irregularities; instant relief guaranteed; 30 years' experience. 044 Pest st. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist forallfe. male troubles and irregularities; instant re- lief guaranteed. Offlce hours 9 to 5. Sunday 10 to 2. IOOS^ Market St.. ' opposite Fifth. WOMEN'S diseases and irregularities cured in 24 hours; 19 years' experience without a fail- ure; no trifling: strictly private; elite patron- age only. Dr. Sylvester's offlce, 1206 Market. WOMEN'S diseases and irregularities cured In 24 hours; IB years' experience without a fail- ure; no trifling; strictly private: elite patron- age only. Dr. Sylvester's offlce, 12C6 Market. DR. C. C. O'DONNELL—Office^ and residence 1021i£ Market st., bet. 6th and 7th; particu- lar attention paid to diseases of women. DRS. GOODWINS' herb treatment: reliable, safe, prempt for female irregularities; relief or no fee: $10: hrs. 0-8. S5O Mkt. St.. suite 37. A— MRS. DR. GWYER. Ml A Lcaven-srcrt*i st., bet. Geary and O'Farrell. Phone East 697. DR. anil MRS. DAVIES and Hindoo Herbs; original method of treatment. 1128 Market. D.I. ROSEN, residence 2995 Folsom st., corner Twenty-sixth; ladles, relief or no fee; $10. 3IISCEL,I,AA*EOUS FOR SALE. H. S. -WHITE MACHINERY CO.. Office and Salesroom, 130 Beale st. Works and Yards, Nintli and Bryant sts. We. have a brand new lot of pipe complete, ready for Immediate delivery. H-lnch pipe.... $3 25 per hundred feet (new) *i-ineh pipe.... $."5 95 per hunnrcd feet (new) 1-inch pipe $5 70 per hundred feet (new) li-inch pipe $7 tO per hundred feet (new) l»4-ineh pipe $S 90 per hundred feet (new) •"-inch pipe...$11 95 per hundred feet (new) 2^-ln. screw pipe (2d hd); ready for use, 10c 3-ln. screw pipe <2d hd): ready for use, I2V4c S'.i-ln. screw pipe <2d hd): ready for use. 15c 4-in. screw pipe (2d hd); ready for use. 19c Send by check, money order or coin by W. F. Express Co., with order. H. S. WHITE MACHINERY CO.. Office 130 Beale st. Reference Any bank, banker or publication. ! CD-HAND machinery, engines, boilers, pumps, pulleys, shafting, etc., etc., bought, sold, rented and exchanged; see Sunday papers. H. S. WHITE MACHY CO.. 130-132 Beale st. BOILERS, engines, 2d-band machinery. McIN. TOSH A WOLPMAN, 103-197 Fremont st. FOR sale— At the beach, south of the park. "San Francisco's Health Resort," a bunga- low consisting of a car with 3 rooms at- tached, furnished or unfurnished; an elegant place for a family or a club; rent of ground nominal. Inquire box 1491, Call. FOR sale^ New and second-hand billiard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of. buying; modern bar fix- tures; cheap price*. BRUNSWICK-BALKE- COLLENDER. 652 Mission st., S. F. A BUYS, pells and rents gear machinery, en- gines, boilers, water pipes, shafting, pulleys, etc. WHITELAW. 380 Main st. SHEFFIELD hollow-ground razors, 50c: Belling out our cutlery and stationery department. SUNSET BAZAAR. 42 Third gt. MILES of pipe and fittings; all sizes; cheap. EUGENE RILEY & SONS, offlce 406 Main et.; warehouse. 109 Vallejo st. MACHINERY, boiler* an^ engine* bought, sold and excha&Ked: Dower plants In their entirety bought. Western Mhy Co., 230 Main. A GENTS' full dress BUlts to ! rent. J. COOPER. 21 Stockton gt.. second floor. CIGAR etore fixtures and stock for sale; $25. 235A Eighth st. . BEAUTIFUL gent's diamond ring. 2 carat?, $100. PAVL V. C-ARIN. 114 Sutter st. MAGNIFICENT pearl and diamond cluster ring. $100. PAUL V. GARIN. 114 Sntter st. DESKS and office furniture bought, sold and exchanged. T. D. MCCARTHY. SO7 Mission. E. C. HUGHES— Printer, 611 Sansome St., San Frapcijco. SOLID silver tea set, 5 pieces, at a bargain. 10 Sixth »t. TWO merry-go-rounds; one miniature railway. BACIOALUPI. 803 Kearny St. HIGH grade secor.d-nand offlce safe and wagon tcala. PARCELLS SAFE CO.. 21U California. SAFES New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-27 Sacramento st. MOVING pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental; bargains. BULLARD& BRECK. 131 Post »t MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MOLDERS familiar with steel foundry work wanted at PACIFIC JUPITER STEEL CO.; take Mlseion L it. cars to Holy Cros3 \u25a0 Ceme- tery then transfer en Baden electric cars to works. Office 34G Crossley . building. Mission and New Montgomery sts. -V' - \ AAAAA Highest prices for ladies', gents' cast- off clothing. Tel. Davis 825. 650 Sacramento.- M. ' LEVY pays highest prices gents' cast-off clothing, shoes; te1.Red.1544. 615 Washington. WE cay carh ladled and Brents' clothing. =I*ll- tcn's Misfit Parlors, 154 s>th; tel.Howard 1187 SAFE wanted Give make, measurements, weight, condition and price. Box 3SSS. Call. DIAMONDS, etc.. bought for caeh. Karl Eber & Co.. 400-401 Adama bldg.. 206 Kearny et. 3IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. OUR large and increasing renting business en- ables us to rent the best pianos in the city for $2 50 and $3 Der month, some at $2; one - year's- rental allowed If- piano \u25a0Is purchased. SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO.. SCO-64 Hayes. A KEW \u25a0 piano for rent at $3' per mo. ; others at $2 and $2 50: one year's rent allowed If: purchased. SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO., \u25a0 SCO Have* at. \u25a0 A NUMBER OF UPRIGHT. BARGAINS. English upright, lor practice, $55. French ÜBriKbt. a little better. $65. Aleo a '" CfalckertnK, Vo»s, sterling. Curtax, Smith A Barnes, Mozart, Neuman. from $145. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 18 OTarrell «U LEFT on eale by private party iStein war. $Iss; no reasonable cash offer refused. 237 Geary «t. upright piano; price $475; offer wanted to- day. 584 Valencia st. - - ' AN elegant Chlckerlng upright; $165. ~Z3I Geary tt. ... .. SUPERIOR vJollna, *lth«r«, old and new. H. MULLER, maker, repairer, 2 Latham place. HELP WAXTKD MALE: Continued. X— PACiriO roXTRACTORfc" EMPLOY- MENT AGENCY. INC.. «i;j Washiiiijxc:-. Ft. i'hone James C3CI. FREE FARE. Hiski; ci, new tt. K. work. $2 ZZ> FREE FARE. 1 Nt-ac «_'regon, teamsters, f 'i7 o<). long job. WESTERN PACIFIC. 2 1000 miles road to hulld, laborers, $2 25, 3 ' years' jcb: no discount. BUTTE <X>I;NTY. . fc'l-iip daily to I'tah Construction Co., la- - t>orers. *J2 25 day. N< w work, just Marline. $(i 7 CO. oi>y Italians. Aurtrtans or Grt?cla; board yourselves; £2; t.hij> by rail. •' S<;nta Cruz, south. Mintcr's job, $00. CARPENTERS. Near city. 10 to build cottages (about 50), steady v.crk. $3 s<); 2 carpenters, quarry, 10c faro, ?3&o; car repairer, near city, $2 50 and up; carjx > nter. fr<*e fare both vays, build station, 2 months' Job. $3 50. 2 second log loaders. $50 and found: roust- about. 535 and found. Tuoiumne Co.. fare $1: wampfn". north. ?*>.'. ">ams=t*-rs. Cclusa 00., boF? here, $1 .>0 ana c found. Lrfencrmxn ditcher. lxr> h^i*". $"'' »n<i found. :.\u25a0• laborrrs. tifar city. §><>«>. steady work. 3 urold quartz mfner>. FJ. boe» here. Tt muckers, boss h*^^. ¥- '><*\u25a0 PACIFIC «.X'NTRA<TOJ«>' EMPLOYMENT . A'ißSi-r. \SC. WANTED—O miTTF. $3 a day. dr>- min»>: 3 muckpre. $2 50 a day; »» men fcr laboring "\u25a0worlc ne?r city. a day; men to drive Wraper fs-ns. 52 2. r > a day; milker, *3.\ see b'>«f: xhit- fitu iuktw. ppt>ol tender. $45, and •many J. F. CROSFTT.& CO.. 62S "6KTtimm*t) Ft. h' CLERK si- salesman for art foods, good wrag''*- ' Dice jiar^: ••\irk its FalPFman for a d^l!cat»6- | ' fr\ rtore, tnu?t lie experienced in handling j 1 that c\n** of ff<yi3s. ratary $15 a wf-ek; a i "• .rTF'-cl"?^ window drei>?«»r on dry goods for | . «vwjr,?ry ttnr*. $125 r«»r month. S«>e J. F. i CKOSETT & CO-*628 Saoram^nto st. I JiAN' and wife for rr/i",. man *s waiter and 1 . Tilfe as rar\-^r and kitchen heIper. $!W>: laun- \u25a0 rtryaian and wife as Ironprs for country laun- <lry. t' n '. kitchen man, $3K; honwraan, 520. ' iftc J. F. CROSETT * 004 C2B S J «cram<»nto. KINO A- «. 0.. <-,rj tterduwi m. IVan« man. ?I5 month «nd Itoerd: S scraper tstsjsttre, K32S, f«r«» lpc . VANTHD— At encc. good. llvp canvacjers to 0 tvpreceßX *'i i throughout California; larg" con\- tnif*jcn» paid; complete outfit!! furnlshfd free; j^vj'J [iiijTX»rl| for risrht j«rty. Full particu- lars aSJrrgs Or<*pon Nur»« rj*Co.. Halem. Or. Wantkd 2 good a!l-rour.tl taiicrs; no fare raid and no faru advanced: must be steady men for etesdy work: to work by the week c°r rifo* work. Ap;i*y to the Steel Front Ptore; Qulnoy. Plumns <*o>ir.ty. <"al. WANTED'- I.aborrrs arH mechar.ir* to know 1 that Ed Rolk'.n, P.cno Hto»» proprietor, has added 100 DAW rooms to thf> Deuvw House. ! :"!" Third st.: Csn room?. C5 to SOc per night- MHN" and ..-,.'.:•\u25a0* to learn barl»er trade: new mpthr-d: »-«jp» whll» Irarnins: posl- •' «lons e;i»ranieeri after *ijrht ivwk?. GILL- SIAN"H liarl»cr Oollpc. 027 day *t. "WA>'TEI> OOnmrtntlt male f-tenographer with' !.•<•«! *M-^rK-nce. Ronly to hox 7776. Call. "tatlrj; ag> . rxp^ripn?* and rcTerfnces. Vi'AN'TKI) Experienced strong boy to deliver ifciowiej and coai: rcfprericcs. Bex 1000, ' . station Ci P. •"*\u25a0• Oakland. XV'AJCTKD A braaj finisher and lathe hand. A^pJy Et en« to JOHNSON-JEFFREY CO.. '• 4fe>» Pjx'h st.. Oakland. BRIGHT nifn. with clerical experience, for f i-tfadV »mpl.ij'n:cat: rapid advancement. Ap- .(.;>- U-li a. m., room "'|O, Callaghan bldg. MEN' and tv-omen to learn the barber trarte; '.^p^ciai offer to next five; new method. San ';Francisco Oollppe. 7<lA Howard tt. V.'AN*T^l>— Men to fill 300 rooms at 20c per fiprht": clothe* clorets. naJr mattresEee, elee- ;ric llp'rus in every room. ?S1 Howard, nr. 3d. FIRST-CLASS boUenaalwr •with good refer- tv^e^. Box I4i:i. fall. Y'.'fN'J of inteKitence to take up good riHVir.tr }>oyitir.nii. CO4 Montgromery -St.. r. 204. YEN i<> learn a go«d* trade; good pay while ' learr.'.r.e; mui't furrisU $10 t*cur. SIO Folsom. CAR!>*A"HITEn v.-anted: *tate experience and salary -wanted. B^ix 1113 Call. IjETHCTIVES to learn the business; money rr.afie whilp Jeßrr.ir.R. CC-1 Montgomery, r. "<H. SaILCKS and or<sinarT 9fBir.en for all parts of , 't*t worM fit nnTiMAN-F. 27 Et. :c-.«"'o<' WORKINGMEN to buy our cwiuine army Fho«»; all in?r><^ted. 105 Third s-t. •SAILORS end yr-unc men (green hands) for f hti>». HALTBERT, M* Jackson st. FENBION arty.. B. A. Bu'iUs. r. 40.Phelan bid. Pa.st Com. G«o. H. Thoma« Post. O. A. R. ' LAIiOR i'.-fcss collected; suits', attachments, iU\r and Adjustment Co.. 49 2d St.. rm. 522. UAVTEL wants 1600 men to buy inspected Government shoes at Cil Sacranrier-to et. WINCHESTER Hote!. 44 Thtrd St.. near Mar- jjc^t— 7r?o rooms: Ssc night: reading-rooms; lice 'bus snd ba^cace to and frcm ferry. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call Branch office, cor. Duncan &Church *ts. ji. BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- tion of advertiyemMits and wubscrlption* has , tx«en op*>iypd at I<*« Market St.. opposite - Fifth. Open until 11 p. m. SOLICITOUS W.IXTED. f.3 TO $10 per day easily made selling our eel- .. ebrated California -flavoring powders; abso- * lately pure; agents wanted rverytrfaere; exclusive territory riven. LONG BROS., mfgrs.. 1245 Broadway, Oakland, ,CaL HORSES AND WAGONS. fEO iND-HAN'D victoria. « Beats; open road bugpy. rubber tire carriage, rubber tire t c t-oup«, rr^tmatlc* tire road cart, cheap, at 500 .OoMen Gate aye A GKAND horse 5 years, harness and run- . about left for «a!e; eplendid saddle and trap .bosses. QUINLAN'S D. V. S., 311 Ninth "?t-: rkone Jessie 539. >H sa'c Two l-.orse-s 5 years old, weight 1500 jw>und*. rinch'i' Stabl«w, Eddy and Webster. AJ'CTION tale of horses, wagons and harnesa •. every -Wednesday at 11 a, m., 527 Sixth st. WANTED A good driving horse, about 1200 rbxir.it, for city us?. Address box 147*. Call. BUGGIES. !ight waicoaa. buckboards and \u25a0• phaeton; bargain. X 767 Twenty-fourth «t. . ,GOt»D eecond-hand r»-c.ftons of all kinds cheap .*et 100 Golden Gate aye. --\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 lIOUSKS TO LET. A PF.INTED list of houses io let; p«nd for cir- " cuUir. G. H. l"MB?EN & iX).. 20 Montgmy. HfTSE to let in the warm belt; 11 rooms; 2 ' kitchen*- 2 *aths: larjre basement; cement Rid; back porch; rent $15. 13» Albion aye., 5 bet. 16th and 17th sts.. above Valencia. EiiOADWAY, 2411 Fine residence: will lease for term. Apj.ly to THOMAS MAGEE & £ONS. agents. S Montgomery ft. }32 f.o (j MODERN sunny rooms; basement: 2 c femilie* could oc-cuiy or tublet. 510 Guer- *\ nof-»>r:s fou »-^|^*r*]r. t:.y^y-I^ii*^s^t :.y^y- I^ii*^5^ FOR tale— At the b««ch south of the nark, r £an Francieco'e health resort, a bunealow consiftir.K of a car with 3 rooms attached, furnished o r unfurnished; an elegant place foi a family or a club; rest of ground nomi- nal. Incaire box 1431 Call office. COTTAGES TO LET. NEW, n=at cottase at £an rranclseo'a health- ful beach; 4 rooms, batii. lavatory. «»» a r- d electric light; sun all day; . rent reasonab.e. TaUe Perk and Cliff Houss car. fctop ot <Gtn aye.. j,'o south cn?-halt Mock to >'o. 12«j. EMALL cottage to rent; 4 rooms and bath; near Union Iron Works. 748 Carolina st. HOTELS. - ' ijOTEL Et. Nicholas Market. Larkin, Haye;^ * »ts. Heart of 6. F.: modern: American and European plans; electric lights and phone ~fn every room; hot and cold waxer: QUlet- ISVALIP CHAIRS. BOLD, rented, exchanged: manufacturer of the Etmea, trtcycle chair. 2018 Mkt; tel.Park77s. LOST AND FOUXP. "LOST In the Key Route waiting-room, hand- bag containing $260 In a sack, and purse. $5 ana soni« silver, a pair cotton doves and commutation ticket-book from Richmond to fcan Francisco. Return to GEORGE G. AMA7.EEN. Atchison. Cal.. receive reward. $500 REWARD for information leading tor»- oovery of box of Jewelry lelt on Ellla-at. car Wednesday. Sept. 20; no questions asked. Address box »671. Call office. '_ \u25a0 \u25a0 LOST October 31. at 9 a. m., on Sutter or Polk st. cars, in eolrir between Sutter and Jones Bts. and Turk and Van Ness aye,, a * small roll of papers. Return r. <3," 751 Sutter. UOST—Pocketbook containing citizenship pa- pers, woman's picture and other article* of xalue to owner only; $10 reward at German Hotel, 660 Howard . ft- I OF THE "SIMPLE LIFE." THEY MAKE THINGS COZY ALAMEDA ADYEET ? S ? M ? TS ALAMEDAnOOMS AM) BOARD. -;. . . -. - ..-,..- .'\u25a0 .-\u25a0 ! $CoO-^-COR. lot, 32x140; terms or will build on : this lot on terms . to suit. J. H. YOUNG, j 1243 Park St.. Ala, . FOR rent— One or two sunny furnished room 3, with' excellent board; private family. Apply at aiastlck Station Notion Store. Alameda. FRUIT VALE ADY ? T ? SMNTS FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND . \ MONEY TO LOAN. November Is a good month to secure bar- gains In houses and lots' In Fruitvale. We. have , an extra large list of houses and lots at reasonable prices. -, % Exclusive agents for the Barker Park, sit- uated on Fruitvale aye.; a few ot the choicest lots yet for sale. We have, small anii lar«e tracts of acreage property within short distance of Frultvate station at low prices and easy terms. $'^000. 6-room house, bath n«w and modern: lot 140x112:6 feet; a corner, fruit trees and gar- den: chicken houses ana barn; close to street cars and boulevard. $1600. 4-room house and bath; a corner: lot 100x138 feet; a bargain; price $16CO for quick sale. $2100. « 6-room house: lot 83x144 feet; city water; terms if desired. $2400. \u25a05-room house, new and modern: lot 37:8 by 125 feet; 2 blocks from cars and 4 blocks from local station. \u0084<-?. . r- $1600. 8-room house; lot 50x150 feet; -a corner; closa to cars. ; $1500. B-room bouse, basement: lot 50x145 feet, within the Bo limit; clos« to cars; trees and garden. $13C0. : 4-room house; close to cars; lot 60x115 feet; terms if desired. . $1350. 4-room bouse, toilet, city water; lot 55x206; trees and garden; close to local station and : cars. $3100. 6-room house, new and modern: lot 50x125; closo In; $1700 cash, balance on time. $2300. 5-room house. eWctric lights and gas; one block from local; lot 33:6x120 feet, in a choice neighborhood. Remember we have Largest List, Choicest Lots. Easiest Terms. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Corner Putnam and.Bassett sts., Frultvals. Cal. - Phono Ash 657. A RARE chance 5-room new modern cottage. finished basement: lawn, fruit trees. 2-story .barn- on beautiful Fruitvale aye.; at actual cost. Also choice lot. 40x125; east front: Fremont aye.. near East Fourteenth at.; " sewer work all done; price $450. Owner. 1404 Frultval* aye. OAKLANp ADVERT ? S ? M ? TS OFFICE. 1016 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. f~MUST HAVE THE MONEY THIS WEEK. YOU MIGHT AS WELL BENEFIT BY MY NECESSITY. I will sell, for considerably less than any of the adjacent lots can be boucht for, one :'. Of " ' :.-!-•-.-\u25a0 THE MOST DESIRABLE LOTS IN THE ALTA PIEDMONT TRACT. OWNER GOING EAST. All street work, eldewalks. sewers. Water and gas mains complete; electric car service; magnificent view. - FACES TWO BROAD AVENUES. Restricted buildlnc ralues insure elegant borne surroundings. You can clear $300 on this property. ITIS GOING AT A SACRIFICE and IT IS A SNAP. Make me an offer to-day. . W. S. WHITE. 26 Montgomery St.. R. 8. BUSINESS PROPERTY— SNAP— S 18,000 r cor- ner at a station; 10t. 75x100 feet; entire lot covered by a building in first-class condition; , rented to 7 tenants; 2 large halls above with a stage, kitchen and equipment; seats 500 \u25a0 people; best dancing floor In the city; pres- ent rents are very low; can be raised to $250 per month; building cost over $20.0CO; lot worth SSSOO; offered for a few days for $18,000. HOLCOMB. BREED &BANCROFT. \u25a0 Inc.. ICCO Broadway. Oakland. Cal. $6500 FOUR, sunny flats: rents for $72 per - month; never vacant; walking distance from. Fourteenth and Broadway.- GEO. W. AUS- TIN. 1002 Broadway, Oakland. NEW house for sale, with carpets: 3 blocks from Piedmont Key route. Box 6174. Call office. Oakland. ~ OAKLAND ; HOUSES TO LET. $25t-5-ROOM cottage. 4 blocks from, Key Route; apply within. 470 Edwards St., Oak- land. " oaki^\xd_^fijrxitjir6^fou sale. TO-MORROW the day for bargains In furniture. H. Schellhaas. 11th st., cor, store. Oakland. San Francisco Advert Vents ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. / ALTAMONT. SE. corner Washington and Ma- son—Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart- ments; convenient. \u25a0".... -.- ; BRANNAN. 327, bet, 2d and Bd—2 neatly fur- nlshed housekeeping rooms: bath; reasonable. BRYANT.- 421 3 sunny rooms, - furnished . for housekeeping; rent $10. . . -. . " BUSH, 637, The Chesterfield Fine apartments in new. modern bouse; convenient location; reasonable. . CALIFORNIA. 1420. The Doric—Newly fur- niahed housekeeping rooms; also other rooms. GOLDEN GATE aye., 724^ Connecting rooms for housekeeping; sunny; yard for children. GOLDEN GATE aye., 530, corner Van Ness ». live. Unfurnished rooms to let; either slnsle or In suites. ' HAIGHT, 054^ Front sunny alcove andj kitch- en ;. reasonable^ \u25a0 HAVES." 425 Front housekeeping rooms to \u25a0 let; nicely furnished: sunny, reasonable. HOFF aye., 2, oft '.l6th— 3 nicely furn. house- - keeping- rooms/connected, with gas and bath. HOWARD 640— Snap; sunny front bay-wtn- \u25a0 dow room; gao, sink, grate:' furnished; no .'.' children. "-"-\u25a0'- JACKSON. 16C9." nr. Polk— Newly furnished . rooms for housekeeping: sunny: gas range. LA RKEV,. .817 &— Sunny corner, room; gas stove:-rent reasonable. ." LEAVENWORTH. 431—Neat furnished rooms for housekeeping; all "conveniences. MARKET^ 2088 2 slarjte sunny well-furnished . rooms ;for housekeeping; phone;, bath. f MASON, 503 Nicelyv furnished rooms .tor - housekeeping: rates . moderate. MINNA, 2SI, cor. 4th Furnished, sunny house- keeping; also front double and single; / reas. MISSION." B36—For rent, double parlors and kitchen: " furnished - for housekeeping; cen- .trally located., i - * - ". MISSION, \u25a0 0251 a— Nicely furnished sunny,' bay . window, front . and ; other: rooms. , ; - MISSION, 825"4--Clean, - sunny ' hskpg. rooms; regular. kitchen; bath; gaa and coal ranges. MISSION.;1013— Sunny side room.'for manTdpd .:wife: light housekeeping. . . '- < ' \u25a0 MISSION. 1020— Nicely .furnished rooms j for housekeeping; 'convenient: also other roomsuy MISSION,'; I22I. : near postofflce Sunny fur- . nished .rooms, complete for housekeeping; no -children. > - ; ' MISSION/. 2706A Fine" - furnished . rooms ". for , housekeeping: gas and running water. . OAK, 117. or : 14 Page^ Complete - for bouse- , keeping; $5. to $12; hot bath; laundry: adults. O'FARRELL?.; 410—Newly furnished sunay housekeeping; rooms; :- running water, .grate, gas. i bath; other rooms. --.-\u25a0. V PINE, i1733,"i block "from Van Ness 3 connect- \u25a0 Ing furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable.- POLK -•\u25a0 1143— Elegant furnished »unny front •room's; uaehath and piano; reasonable. POINT. LOEOS - aye., « 2120, ' near * 10tb-> aye.— Sunny -furnished rooms for housekeeping; : ';-• $10,: $12; adults only. ' ; p61K,"1002 (Ivanhoe)— Sunny furnished house- keeping rooms; $18 to $33.. * . ' POLK ;. 1143 Nicely ~ furnished ' sunny front ". i room's : 'reasonable;; bath. , piano, 'phone. POLK.? 1530— Pleasant, newly , furnished apart- ;,x ments ;;tel. :? Hyde 2131. -\u0084-•\u25a0,\u25a0 ..... POST."i 702—Nice furnished /rooms .'•. on , lower \u0084' floor; ' : private '• entrance; •; gas * range; large ;'-:room '"also: reasonable^ ROOMS 'FOR UOI'SEKEEPIXG— Cen. POST. . 975— Fine - furnished "apartments for housekeeping: also single; reasonable. SACRAMENTO. 3634 3 rms. complete hskpg. ; I gaa stove, phone; new flat: couple. STEVEN BON, 253 Single light rooms. $1 a week; hskpsr. complete, $1 75: front parlor. SUTTER, 90r>— Sunny room3 furnished for light housekeeping. \u25a0 " TAYLOR. sC2— Pleasant, furnished housekeep- ing' rooms: reasonable. TURK, 10 Nice suite of rooms; suitable for housekeeping. VAN NESS aye.; 519 Sunny furnteheti rooms. \u25a0 with or without housekeeping privilege; $T per month up. APAIIT.IIE.VTHOUSES. ST. CECILE. 113 Fell st. near Van Ness ami Market New, handsome, fireproof structure:" . mod. Improvements: apt». S-rm.i bath; special inducements for next BO days: tel. South 1071. NEW 4-story corner apartment-houss; sunny side; completed Novmeber 1. All suites hav<a modern kitchens, electric lights., etc. Apply 24t Ninth st.: building opposite. . RANDALL Apartments. 120 Plere* st. Four large, sunny, unfurnished rooms; must seen to be appreciated. Tel. Fell 9731. ALTA Apartments, opp. Alta Plaza— Furnished or unfurnished 2 rooms and separate bata. Clay at., between Pierce and Scott. A—KENILWORTH. cor. Bush. Fowsll; 3-rootn sunny apart j.; single rcom»: modern: r»as. THE Wbitefletd. 122S McAllister Cholc* un- fumlshed spartments. , JVIAYEELLE. 203 Grove—3 Urge, w«tl-rura. hskpg. suites; 2d and 3d floor; $26- $27 mo. ROSSWELIi Apartments, 1360 Pine, near Hyd« 2. 3 and 4 roorosy with bath; steam h«at. THE Frederick. 901 Stanyan 1 to 5 rooms, overlooking Golden Gate Park: tel.Pag« 8169. ROOMS TO LET Kurn. and Unforn. HOTEL ST. KATHRYN. Corner Ellis and Leavenworth, sts.. In the heart of the city. •TCO rooms: ICO baths. . Modern In every detail. Rates $:i to $13 p*r week. Rooms, with private bath. $1 day. Tourist travel solicited. A BRUNSWICK Houso. 14S Sixth St.— Rooms 25c to $1 per night. $125 to $5 per week an-t . light housekeeping rooma; open all ntght. AT "The Almonte." $73 Market St. «or No. t Fifth »t.)— Rooms 25c to 00c. $1. $1 50 night; $160 to $10 -week: house open all night. BELMOND House, over Owl Drugstore; 2 en- trances, 112tt Market ana 21 Turk— Electric lights, running water in every room: 200 ro^ms: 25c to 50c per night. $1 25 to $4 wee*c BURTON Hotel. 1126 Howard st.— loo rooms; new house; modern; $1 25 to $3 per week. BUSH, 324, Elmer Nice furnished rooms, by the week or month. EDDY. H7H. opp. Jefferson square Elegant, sun n y. bay-window room, suitable for tgo. EIGHTH. 51. Sherman House^ Furnished and unfurnished sunny rooms; respectable: very reasonable. - ELLIS. IS— ROOMS. ROOMS, ROOMS. BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. ELLIS. 323—Fme single rooms from $2 5O week up; elegantly furnished suites with baths; reasonahle. FOURTH. 225 Xlee sunny front room, suit- able for two: reasonable FOURT'i. Si I—ICO rcom3: all sties and prices; nerr. modern; hot and cold water. FRANKLIN, 1437, near Twentieth, Oakland Four elegant furnished rooms, complete for housekeeping. $:'•>: or wftora. modern. 6-room, new fiat, completely furnished. $45. FULTON, 7S, near Larkin Elegant furnished rooms or »ulte: new apartments; all con- venlences; no sign. . GALT HOUPE. l^itt Martset st.— Choice rooms by day. week or month; central location. GOLDEN Gate aye.. Csl—Furnished suite with piano. - GRAND Pacific Hotel, 1011 Kearny St.—New house: all modern conveniences : rooms by uay 3T.e up; by week $2 up: open all night. GRAND SOUTHERN. 1"«> Mission, cor. S«T« enth—loo rooms: 50c night, $2 to $7 week. GEA^tY, T36—Nkely furnished, sunny, clean. single and double rooms; gentlemen. GEARY. 712— Nicely furnished, sunny, front rooms: bath and phone. ___^ GOU-JH, 1201. corner O'Farrell Nice, sunny. single, furnished woim. \ HAIGHT, 1797, near Pans Front and back parlor and kitchen, unfurnished; $I*. HAVES, 136. corner Van Ness— One sunny corner room; suitable for 2. HOTEL Hamilton, and cafe. 125 Ellis bet. Kowell & Mason sts.. S.F. Rms $1 to $3 p*r day; steam heat & telephone in each room. .HYDE. 1413— Finely rurnished rooms; nice ma- rine view: select family; all conveniences: gentlemen; references. HOWARD. "15 Rcoms, 25c to $1 per day:' $1 60 to $3 per -week; reading-room, etc. JACKSON, 1103. corner Taylor Furnished sua- ny rooms In private family. ' LEAVENWORTH. 1100%, near California,— Pleasant furnlscefl room In private fajatly. LOVELY rooms: some housekeeping: Dwlght way house: strictly high grade; Key route sta. W. S. Joy. 2122 Dwlght way. Berk-ley. METROPOLITAN' HOTEL, 120 Third St.—loO slnKle and family rooms. 35c to $1 50 per day: $2 to $S week: the only new and modem hotel and rooming-house In San Francisco that bas office on ground floor; hot and cold water, electric lights, call bells, steam heat in every room, and gives free baths and ele- vator day and night to Its quests. . MISSION. S37A— Neatly furnished rooms to let; good location. MISSION. &25&— Nlcel*' furnished rooms la quiet house; front and others. MISSION. 930*4 Nice furnished rooms to let by the day, week or month. MISSION. -ICCG—^Nicely furnished rooms to let; reasonable. - MONTGOMERY. 716— Furnished rooms to let. O'FVRRELL 730—Light, sunny, modern, fur- nished room and kitchen; $20; electric light, hot water. ' . \u25a0 PINE, 1025 Very fine, sunny, newly furnished . rooms; bath; gentlemen preferred. PINE. 1761 Several nlc« rooms to let; either furnished .or unfurnished; reasonable. POST, 824— Middle, flat: newly furnished, sun- ny rooms; running water, -bath, phono. . POST. 8S9 Large, sunny, furnished rcom: gentlemen only; references. \u25a0 POWELL. 218 Bay-window front room, suit- able for 3 gents; other rooms. $1 50 up. RIO VISTA HOTEU 233 Third st., near How- ard—New house with modern conveniences: rooms en suite and single; rates by day, 38c up; by week. $2 up: batha free to guests. SUTTER. 967—Single rooms, $3 "P« w »" k5 suites, beautifully furnished. $4 50 per week and up; nice and sunny. TAYLOR. 610 Nice. Bunny hall room tor - gents.; bath and phone. -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy, near Market—4o9 rooms. 30c to $1 night. $1 73 to $8 week; «leo. trie lights (no gas), running water in erery room; elevator.' read.-room;free bus, bagsag*. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d Bt., nr. Market Most convenient and respectable ; 700 rooms, 35c to $1 CO nightly, $2 to $S weekj elevattr; . *lee. lights; reading-room; free bus, baggage. WOLF House," Howard and\ Sixth— No better -\u25a0' transient house In city;rates reasonable; lo- .„ cation central. Geo. H. yon der Mebden; prop. A BRANCH office ot The Call for the recep- jktlon.of advertisements and subscriptions has Vbeen . opened at ICOS Market st., opposlt« Fifth. Open" until 11 p. m. .ROOMS .<XD BOARD. H^TOL^LV^BORODait "mlSldyTiMp^at opened ; rooms modern, up to date, light.' sun- " ny.'atry; hair mattresses; free baths: c»ery- \u25a0 < thing elegant, f resb, " clean ; ' table- unexcelled. Kates: \u25a0 Rooms for . S .with board. $50 month 'and .upward; single rooms with board. $30; everything!; homelike: oarlor and piano - for . i guests ; - location in the heart ; of city. : 404, * Eddy at.. 404. .. : CALIFORNIA, SO7 Exceptionally good table. free - blllard-roona. handsome and sightly " rooms; board and room for 2, $45 up; slnsle. $22 50 up: suites. $55 up;'see for yourself. . LARGE.':, .furnished double rcom; running \u25a0 \u25a0 water; ;gss;: also board: good horn« cooking; suitable , for . two gentlemen. \u25a0 Sl7 .Grove st. FOR - 2 Protestant ladies or gentlemen. Apply - bakery, northwest corner Hayes and "Webster. " GEARY. '\u25a0 «40, Malson Tence Select furnished \u25a0 \u25a0ma.' with excellent French table board; reas. ' JOHNSTON. THE, 605 O'Farrell— Sunny suites and - single .rm* ; excellent board; references. Continued on Pase Fourteen. REAL ESTATE— CITY FOR f SALE. SAGE, DEALEY& CO.; have made some very. important :salcs this week in various portions of the city. ••:'-. ' \u25a0' . *• "'-'\u25a0 :; They have- soldfor the account -of ,J.> 11. Stein to Eva Hallinan. 3 flats situated^ on the east line of Stelner st., 112:6 ft. north of>EUls>, lot 25x137 :6 f t., '\u25a0 Nos. being 1428-30-32 Stelner Et.;' price paid for .'same, \u25a0> $13,000. - They have also sold for the account of. George >de .Urloste' to Dr. - W.* FT' Bjserman, the NW. cor, of Harrison and Langton " sts. ;improve- ments consist of two 3-etory buildings., renting for $2000 per annum; price paid was $20.000.'- \u0084 " They have sold for the account of Chris Mor- tensen to a client, SW. cor. of Brj'ant and Vic- tor sts.. 56x275 ft.. > improved .with 23 : small- tenements; Drice $37,500. - - : Sold for the account of A. Hilson to a client of the 'firm, 3 -flals on . the northerly line of Ellis St., 200 feet west ot Lamina, known as numbers 1348-50-52' Ellis st.; r lot 25x160 ft., through to Clementina Bt.; price $14,000. For the account of Margaret A.' McDon- ough to : Franz Carl . Leonard.) the* 2 flats on the north line of 21st st., 35 feet east of Treat aye. ; price 54500. - \u25a0 ..', \u25a0 For.tho account of Jennie Lacher to N. C. Mortensen, the 2-story-residence on the north line of \u25a0 O'Farrell .-st';- 200:3 -.'ft. east of E'ter: lot <54:6x137:6 ft., ' and known as No. 153 0 O'Farrell st.; price $10,000: For .the account of ' Charles Hajtmeir to Charles Katz, the westerly line of Devisadero St.; 30 feet north of Page; lot 57:6x107 ft.; Improved with two | buildings, consistinjr -of Btore and flat above, with two 2-story dwell- ings adjacent. Mr. Katz contemplates raising the dwellings and placing stores underneath. This 'will make ; this block on Devisadero : st, one complete line of stores. \u25a0 For the account of I. and A; Glaser to M. Rothschild, the lot andy Improvements on the east line of Cth st., 25 ft. south of Bryant: improvements consist or store and tenements above; urice $12,500. . For the account of Kate Green to a client, lot and Improvements on the north line of Harrison st., 100 feet west of sth; 25x85 ft.; improvements consist of 6 tenement flats. .. For the account of Jennie ' K. 'Babkirk . to P. Mlchellettl, ! lot and Improvements on the north line of Green St.. 120 feet west of Hyde, thence 20x60 ft.; improvements, small cottac*. For Jbe. account of Kate Green to a client." SE. cor. of Bryant and Boardman Bts. ; lot 80:6 x 75 ft:-, improvements; 3-story frame building containing 6 flats ahd 2 stores; price $14,000.; For the account of F..E. Hesthal to Mrs. Llllie Homan, the NW. cor. of Folsom and 22d sts.; lot 05x95 ft.; improved .with a two- etory building consisting of stores | and flats. They have resold the property, recently pur- chased by H. P. Goodman and ' the " Melone Co. of NaDa on the north line of Folsom St.. 225 feet east of Bth, thence 25x160 feet through to Clementina st. These gentlemen purchased this property" about thlrt> days " ago through Sage, Deale-y & Co., resellinsr same to M." Diggs and Charles Q. Nelson of Sacramento for 512,500. ' They have sold for the account of \u25a0 J.-W. Spear to Josenh F. Salz. the north line of Harriswn st., 164:4 ft. east ot 6th, thence 27:6 xSS ft. ; improvements known as numbers 958- 60-62 Harrison Bt., consisting ot tenement flats; nrlce $6250. For the account of M. Lrtggs and Charles Q. Nelson to a client, entire block No. 746 in the Sunset District. ' bet. .T and X sts. and 23d and 24th ayes.; Drice $15,000. SAGE, DEALBY & CO., V 638 Market Bt.. opp.' Palace Hotel. - THOMAS MAGEE & EONS, \u25a0 REAL ESTATE AGENTS and Publishers of "S. F. Real Estate Circular," & MONTGOMERY ST. INVESTMENTS, ; $165,000— Large corner on Bills street, not far from Mason, with improvements which pay nearly 5 per cent net." ' ' $80,000 Fine prospective buy; only a block and a quarter from Market and Turk. 580.000-^-40 feet front: one block from Mar- ket and Sansom«. ... . $70,000— Eddy street buyj" not .-far from' Tay- lor; lot 37:6x137:6. r 'v •\u25a0 *£, ' ...... * $66,000 Large Mission-street •'corner,*..ln9lde of Eighth; rents $315 a month ; flhe; prospec- tive value. »-"\u25a0\u25a0"••" " '\u25a0 \u25a0•• - . '.' .»•' $60,000 Western Addition corner, . right In town, nearly a full 60 vara; nominal. lmprove- ments pay good temporary rent until properly Improved. \. $45,000— Sixth-st. - business ! buy;. close "to Market, st. . \ t . *'v $37,500— Market nt.: north side; 27 feet front.* $16,500— Just reduced from $17,500 to make immediate sale; Post St.. near .Larkin; 25x120 to rear street: level. block; .bound' to Increase In value in the near future for business. THOMAS MAGEE «• SONS, 5 Montgomery •*. ~~' COME SUNDAY ' "',\u25a0.\u25a0-, 1 COME SUNDAY .. . /\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 ON THE HALFMOON BAYEXCURSION ' TO THE OCEAN BEACH TRACT. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) Novembers. Avail jourself of the opportunity of seeing the choicest suburban section adjacent to San Francisco. .. .' ' . . ..."-•\u25a0• HALFMOON BAY REALTY 19 RAPIDLY . RISING IN VALUE. . On Completion of the Ocean Shore Railroad Present Prices Will Double. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! \u25a0 THE FEW CHOICE LOTS LEFT IN OUR OCEAN BEACH TRACT WILL PROB- ' /.';;; ABLY BE , DISPOSED OF " ON THIS EXCURSION. « YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS NOW. LOTS IN OCEAN BEACH TRACT ARE LARGE LOTS. \u25a0 50x142:6. WITH DOUBLE FRONTAGE. ;. The Prices $275 to $375, are the FIRST prices. -...";\u25a0 Remember. Ocean ' Baacn Tract lots are the only Beach lots obtainable, and the number is limited.' Come Sunday and make your selec- tion. Act at once! "\u25a0 , \u25a0 : : -.; Call tc^day and makej arrangements- for to- morrow' 3 excursion.' .Booklets "and Information regarding Half moon Bay and the Ocean Beach Tract at our office. ; ; : r'^ W. J. MORGAN & CO.. INVESTMENT BANKERS, 79 New Montgomery st. Phone Bush -893. SELLING V : . ; ;V -.\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 •. -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.:•:.- . TO BEAT THE) BAND. . ONLY $1-25 AWBEK. $275 Elegant level .. building lots, - close to school;'fina c&r service on Mission St.; cream of the Excelsior Homestead; 'stop paying rent 'and raise the baby where the ozone is not polluted with \u25a0 smoke and ! dust; to say ' nothing of- the deadly- microbe:* no Interest and no taxes. GOLDEN GATE PARK LOTS. /. \u25a0'\u25a0•" \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•-..\u25a0'," ONLY, SIO "A MONTH. {400—For finely located > lots .3. blocks couth of the park ; : electric \u25a0- car service unexcelled ; ; enhancing in valufe; with 'every stroke of the clock; buy now; next week may be too late; "Nat Goodwin" U not- the only man that ap- preciates this -beautiful section: no taxes." W. J. WHITE COMPANY, 20 Montgomery : 5t. , .. room 8. . San Francisco's Population 1n1915, ' - '„ ONE MILLION. . Now Is the Time to Buy That Home.. - -BUY THIS. .....:.-..• i $3750 Two-story, house, bath; lot 25x105; on Castro-?t. car •li ne ; this \u25a0\u25a0 hove« can - easily -be made Into 2 flats;as it stands it could" not be built for $4000. - ' '' '. •> McGARVIE.& ; CP..' T2O Market st. , FOR sale at The ". Beach,? south '.of .the' Park, ' "San ': Francisco's '\u25a0 Health ' Resort," a bunga- low, consisting •of .a car," with' $[ rooms at- - tached, 'furnished or unfurnished;- an elegant place for a family or a club; rent of ground nominal. Inaulre -boxs 1491, .Call -office. BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION. COMPANY. \u25a0* \u25a0• Installment homes. -?; 713 Jas.; Flood building., \u25a0\u25a0We bulld> on your -property: or, buy you' a Jot; you, make a email cash payment, , then $S \ per month' pays principal and Interest on each : -.' $1000 -of balance .due, , making your monthly, \u25a0 Installments less -1 than rent; ; call : or send . for, " .... circular. \u25a0" . .*. -' .'... \u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ' $1050 TO $1250.' $150 CASH, BALANCE f $20 ,-'\u25a0-.- -..\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 '.\u25a0\u25a0'.•\u25a0: MONTHLY.: -- -.--.- -- - .:. 'Level lots on 14th and" 15th ayes. and Hit; within, a- few -minutes* of.all \u25a0 the attractions of ; Golden* Gate- Park ;? this, section- Is Improving rapidly;^ Ellls-st.j: cars *pass -i piftperty.- - .: ... LOT; on N. r - Bide ' Marke t: 1 5C-f t; \u25a0 front; ; contains \u25a0;- 3500 sq.'\ f t. ; )$150 ; f ronti ft. ; , close *to i "fraad \ . ' lmprov«mts. ; \u25a0 Just " cotwpletad.t Box i Call. $2100-^-NEW,t swell ** cottage rof":r of ": 4 ; rooms \u25a0* and .- bath ; one block ' car line; ' $300 1caeh, \u25a0 $20 . per . -•; month.. ' Apply^33lo' Mission st.- ;y ,- '.:,- ,"; : ; ' RICHMONDi DISTRICT;*reaI .? estate t brokers. . i V>The rEwing ; Co.;-{305 [ Sth' aye. ; | open | Sunday. . $4000— NEW, 7-room j and | bath 1 house; .must sell/- ;\u25a0> '' Owner,'; 3os l. Eighth : , aye,-; r. -;\u25a0;; -;• -\u25a0;' : , % :r: r > -,'*;;: t -' ' SUNSET lot, 25x120, between Hugo and I «ts.; only. vacant lot' in block; $1650. V'305 Bth *ye. : .--' \u25a0;--: -. •\u25a0>-\u25a0*. t L ii>yiiiiPii»hi>*Haii mfH mi^imrn'i llii'iiinii i i\ \u25a0 iftfiniiiM innrinprn. m * REAL ESTATE—CITY— FOR SALE. . ' 2CO PER CENT PROFIT PROVEN. \u25a0r r* -. i . ; . ;\u25a0 .. - .\u25a0 - i \u25a0 ,:,\u25a0 -\ .\u25a0 .. We give the naVnes of purchasers who have more than doubled their money in beautiful SAN MATEO PARK. Villa lots. ICO feet front or more, at $G and $B* a foot: main and side sewers laid; city .water piped, to ; every lot; roads oiled; con- venient. to electric cars. San Mateo Is a Thriving Town. Not a Barren HUUlde. i Branch offices at Burllngame Station and at SanMateo. ' __ . GO THERE SUNDAY. BALDWIN & HOWELL, F. S. GRUMMON, . 23 Post st. . / San Mateo. ' SAN MATEO BUSINESS LOTS. $900 AND UPWARD. In the center of San Mateo's buslnens dis- trict; 1minute's walk from R. R. depot; main and side sewers laid; city water piped to every \u0084 lot ; street work all done. * ' - HA.YWJVRD ADDITION. THESE LOTS FOR INVESTMENTS. Branch offices at Burlingame Station and San Mateo. \u25a0 ' GO THERE , SUNDAY. ; BALDWIN & HOWELL, * F. S.' GRUMMON, '\u25a0•\u25a0* 25 Post st. San Mateo. COME see plans of cottages: 4 rooms $850: 5 rooms. $1200. Builder. "43Q Parrott building. RJEAJ^J-SJAJ-E— -£^ AAA "OUR PRICES" on ranches are % lower , \u25a0 than anywhere else because we do not add huge commissions on to the owner's price; wo ' only handlo places wa "know" to be good; we "never" misrepresent a place; iek us and save 20 per cent; Santa Cruz County land a specialty. BURR-PADDON CO.. 40 Mont- i gomery St., San Francisco, Cal. * IF you want a cheap little ranch, here's one of 20 acres, well located, in central Alamcda g County, for $2500: thero are 8 acres In vine- yard, balance hay ' ana pasture land (no waste), house, barn, personal property, etc.; no better poultry farm anywhere. H. 11. ; CRANE. BOS California ct. /ALFALFA Irrigated lands, $25 per acre; $1 , down, $1 month: no Interest; call or write for pamphlets. INDEX LAND AND BOND CO., 907 Kohl bid., cor. Cal. and Monty sts. ?2GSO— A CHOICE vineyard property of 20 acres In Alameda County; 15 acres wine grapes in . seventh year; house, barn, personal propeity,' \u25a0 etc.; owner called out or State; get partlcu- lars of this. H. 11. CRANE. 508 California. A MONTHLY catalogue country land bargains sent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 64S Market. A PRETTY" little home; fruit and poultry farm; 11% acres; closo to R, R. depot: Ala- njeda County; price ?40W, including all per- sonal property, 500 poultry, etc.; Investigate this. H. H. CRANE. 508 California et. Poultry ranches. Write to J. W. Horn Co.. Pet- - aluma, for free copy of Sonoma Co. bargains. BULL VALLEY REAL ESTATE. --- r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, OVER 200 LOTS SOLD. At beautiful Mill Valley one has all the conveniences of the city, combined with the charms of the country; go there to-day; you will enjoy the outing ana sco the grand lots right at the station that wa are offering; beau- ! tlf ul .. redwood trees. '\u25a0\u25a0 ' Sewers and water mains laid; large lots, from $300 to $650;. 10 per. cent cash, balance $10 monthly. Agent" on trie . tract Sundays. LYON & HOAG. 116 Montgomery st. BURLINGA.ME REAL ESTATE. A NEW TRACT AMIDST BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Great big lots, 60x150, and larger for $450 : and upward: $00 cash, $10 monthly, water pipes and pewer laid; macadamized avenues; | an : Ideal \u25a0 place for a ) home; surrounded by ' grand trees and charming country "places; 'don't fall to see the bargains we are selling: will treble In. value; 250 lots sold In a short time- "• BranchVofflee at Burllnsrame. LYON & HOAG. IIS Montgomery st. PALO ALTO REAL ESTATE. CO-OPERATIVE Land and Trust Co. are the ; owners of large blocks of real estate In "The Twin Cities." Palo Alto and ,Mayfleld. the Stanford University towns: large lota. $300 \u25a0 and up ; cement walks, graded streets, 'etc. ; ( small monthly payments: country property; houses for rent. San Frnacisco offlce, 720 Market st.; phone Front 31. Salesmen : wanted." ' -<' *< REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED— To buy small farm; about $3000; : $1000 down, balance time. Box 4677, Call. CHICKEN. RANCHES TO LET. BEAUTIFULchicken ranch to let; entire stock with Incubators for sale; splendidly situated. Tab« car .Fifth and Market sts. and get off at Eaaton. "''.-\u25a0"'\u25a0 '"'\u25a0\u25a0 ''\u25a0-•- ' - PROPERTY .WANTED. . - WE can turn \u25a0 any ; good real - estate Into cash Inside of 30 days; try us when you want a~ "quick" sale. . BURR-PADDON CO., 40 1.-'. Montgomery, st.. San Francisco.) I WANT good paying flats as an investment. J. ROSS, box 1475, Call. PROPOSALS, f-} ' SAN FRANCISCO. : CAL.'. November 1. 1903.^— \u25a0 Sealed proposals, :In \u25a0 triplicate, will .be re- \u25a0 celved here. \ and -at offlce of quartermaster." until ; 11 a. m.. December 1. 1905, and then . opened, - for ' furnishing . during the . three months ending March 31, \u25a0' 1908; -.' forage and straw for .Presidio- of Monterey, Cal.,. also at same. .time;. at this offlce only, for forage and straw for. Presidio : of ' San . Francisco. : San Francisco, and I San \u25a0 Francisco; Cal., . for ? ahlpment to Honolulu,. H."T. " Government reserves the right to ; reject or accept any or all bids In whole or:in. part. Preference - ' given •to * articles ;of } American -;< .production, .-"conditions of price and -quality (Including In the : price 'of foreign- productions - the -. duty ; 'thereon) being ; equal; and such - ' preference \u25a0given to ' articles ; of American -. production "" - produced ' on ' the Pacific ' Coast, " to extent of consumption required by the ; public j service / there. - All information furnished on appllca- . tion- to quartermaster at Presidio •of Mon-' \u25a0 terey, or to undersigned. ' WILLIAM S. PAT- ', TEN, Assistant: Quartermaster General, . U. \u25a0;S.". A. m.* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'--.'\u25a0;•-''---"; \u25a0 ,-\u25a0"-",'-' ."" - .v'-' -; ' : PROPOSALS - for \u25a0 a 150,000-gallon steel tank on a : 75-foot trestle Offlce >of the C. , Q/ M., " Vancouver r Barracks, Wash., . Oct.' 7. , 1905. > Sealed proposals, %In ' triplicate, .will : be \u25a0 re- ceived ! here, until 11 o'clock a.; m., Pacific time 'November. 7, 1005, for the erection of a 150,000-gallon steel tanK : on a 75- foot "trestle at < Fort : Stevens, ;. Oregon, ; Plans " and \u25a0 speci- '• * flcations * may "be ' seen rat;the offices of " the *-"' chief quartermastfer;- Chicago,; lll.; ' the depot quartermaster, San Francisco, .Cal.,' the depot : quartermaster, ; Portland; Or., ,the post quar- termaster, - Fort \u25a0• Stevens, ". Or., -or ; the i under- : signed^-'-The U. S.";. reserves . the ' right to \u25a0 re- - - Ject 1 or : accept \u25a0 any or : all i proposals : or ; any part thereof. ~$ Envelopes - containing propos- \u25a0 als >should be . marked "Propoeals \u25a0 for - st3el tank" and \u25a0 addressed F. G. HODGSON. C." '-'\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 :\u25a0-\u25a0.:-:' *;'\u25a0''\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0;:\u25a0' \u25a0 "\u25a0 -; NOTICES. ' : C'-' CALLAGH AN-^M ARY CALLAGHAN " (form- ; erly Mary % Ryan). - born iln - Culllna. County "\u25a0 Cappamore, . Ireland,"! wife of WILLIAMCAL- LAGHAN, "' laborer, t , wno left' Sydney for San ' Francisco,^ about - the ' year i 1878, iis \u25a0\u25a0 requested \u25a0 to communicate - with the " undersigned. \u25a0 when "\u25a0\u25a0.\ she iwtll i hear ; something i to :her.- advantage. * Any "'\u25a0 person 's knowing ;' her \u25a0• whereabouts \u25a0 will : i'"t please :\u25a0> communicate with '\u25a0< SHIPWAT \u25a0< & i-f- BERNE,"- solleltors,l Sydney i Stock : Exchange, :>; 113 Pitt \u25a0 st.r Sydney; New South .Wales, -z \j ; r; -v. awarning- to the: public: --.;-.-^ »— : JAMES I H. "r. RILEY -2is ; notz authorized ". to -.'- collect \u25a0» any money ; under : the ;. name •• of . the '. '-- Army ' and '\u25a0 Na\*y Union.'..;- By; order of - '; \ --\u25a0: -: .'--. i..:.',-:\u25a0* COL:, F. ; E: CLYKCH, "-".. ' . _ c Commander j Callf. l^ Garrison I No. ;101.' NOTICE Is hereby given that I; have" this day v" Bold'one-half j interest' in. the -buainessiknown \u25a0A as < the ; Murrai-' s : EmDloymenl ; A gency to \u25a0H. C: B- Ha*Ung«. \u25a0 .'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0 * -W. il.j ROBERTS. \f? >I ir^ICAL IN.STRUMEXTS- \u25a0Contl"^.': i HORNUNG. 210 McAllister sU manufacturer. Hornung Bros.' pianos; agt. Laffargue piano. ELEGANT uprights, new. id-band. $40-$500.. PIERCES Ptano Factory,' Market and 14th. ALMOST given away; unredeemed storage pl- anog. fwrn. Whltehead's storage, 1630 Mrkt. SOHMER, Byron Mauzy pianos. Cecilian piano" player. BYROX MAUZY. 308-312 Post gt. NEW. upright pianos sold on $5 monthly pay- ments. SCHMITZ & CO.. 16 McAllister st. S-PEDAL Stelnway up; Chickerlng baby grand. Shoninger little UEcd. Keeffe'n. 285 O FarreH. MONEY TO __J AAA— HERMAN MURPHY, ,„. 601-602-603 Examiner Buildlnjr. Quick settlements; no disappointments. . Save expenses by dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided Inter- ests, assignments of rents, property in trust,* etc.; legacies, life estates and undivided" In- terests in property purchased. . Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money Se* HERMAN- MURPHY. -\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 ANY \u25a0 salaried employe \u25a0or wage earner can GET JUST ON HIS NOTE: Mo. Semi-Mo." Week. Sso— Return to us. $13 35 or $6 65 or. $3 35 30—Return to u5...... 800 or 400 or 200 20—Return to us 535 or 265 or 105 15—Return to us 400 or 200 or 100 Or any other sum and pay back in proportion. STAR LOAN CO. of Wyoming. . . Room 311. Mutual Savings Bank building. WILL LOAN reasonable amount on Ist. 2d or 3d Mortgages on real estate In city, town or country. Low rate of Interest. Give full particulars of property. . Location, etc. Box 223. Call offico. AAAA— UNITED LOAN AND TRUST CO., 21 Stockton st.. near Market. , ad floor. - \u25a0 \u25a0 Loans made to salaried people without any, publicity or other inconvenience on their nct«s. Loans on real estate In probate; life insurance policies, estates. second mort- gages, assignments of renta, etc. \u25a0 Money loaned salaried people without secur- ity or indorsement, knowledge of employer or any one: confidential and courteous treatment. Call and get rtrms. Drakc.4s3 Parrott bldg. HIGHLY respectable private P l^ "l v ob fftl t f 1 i liberal advances on diamonds Jewelry, at 1 pVr cent Interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store. »78 Market St.. tel. Main 1644. Branch 1192 Market et. and 27 Third Bt. r ANY amount quickly on furniture or piano without removal or other security; lowest rates; no commission; confidential. _ 800-7 Donohoe bldg., 8 Taylor ft., corner Market. MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chants teamsters, boarding-houses, without security; easy payments; large business in_4o principal cities. TOLMAN. ,553 Parrott bldg. ORIGINAL Uncle Bill— lf you look for lowest rate of interest and square deal. Old Flood bldg.. SCO Market, cor. 4th. suite 1, eat. 18t>8. ALVACo. (The) loans money to. salaried people without security: good terms and easy pay- ments; also on other security. 507 Flood bldg. MONEY to loan at a. low rate of Interest; gold, silver diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S, 10 Sixth st. SALARIED people without security: also on furn.. estates In probate, life ins. policies, etc. Empire Loan & InvestJ'Co.. 612 Parrott bldg. S% ON furniture & pianos; $15 up; no removal: no com. V. TREMAIN. room 81. 6 Eddy st. ANY amount, real estate or other security; yiOO up. W. J. WHITE. 20 Montgomery, r.' 8. DON'T borrow money on salary until, you see us. Hutton Credit Co.. 012 Mutual Bank bldg. ALLloans on diamonds &Jewelry at 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 538 Kearny. McGARVIE & C 0. ,720 Market St., loans money, 65 to SO per cent of valuation of property. CASH loaned salaried people on notes without lndorscr. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bldg. MATRIMONIAL. WANTED Respectable woman for - working housekeeper for elderly gentleman, with a view to matrimony. Box 1462, Call offlce. MINES .AND MINING. 300 ACRES rich placer ground; will bear in- veetlgatlon. Box 1400. Call. ! MUSEUMS. DR. LIEBIG STAFF Free Museum ofAnatonjy moved to 1023 Market st., near Sixth. \u25a0 OFFICES AND STORES TO LET. 2 SHOPS; $7 and $3 per month; 'water free. 121U Market et.- : " . .-.- " \u25a0 . " .-. . 3 ROOMS, suitable for doctor, or dentist on first floor. 323 Kearny gt. -HASEMBNTS TO LET. TO let Fine basement. . 247 Second st. TAILORS or barbers: basement floor; $20. 118 Eddy st. -. - " \u25a0 _ _ _ \._ MME. GILLINGHAM. dermatologist; wrinkles absolutely removed without pain: contour re- _ stored. 930 Market St.: tel.. Montgomery 1311. AT less than cost: uncalled for suits, overcoats and trousers at CHARLES LYONS', London Tailor, 721 Market Bt. STAR hair remedy, tonic, restores color, cures dandruff, stops falling; druggists, hair drees- ers. Star Remedy Co.. 821 Polk at. .. MRS. and MISS EATON,. electric needle clallsts, have removed to 822 Sutter st. OLD picture frames refinlshed like new; reason- able. California Decorating Co., 206 6th-st. SUITS to order on Installments of $1 per week. NEUHAUS &CO., the tailor. 729 Market et. MISS UNDERWOOD, electric needle specialist,. 814 Sutter st. Phone East 864tt. "*- 8 BRAND new tailor-made men's suits, cost $25, -for $9 75. 440 Bush. nr. California Hotel. $1 A WEEK: suits to order $15 up. LEMOS. 1127 Market St.. bet. Seventh and Eighth. MASQUERADE coetumes, .play ; books, wigs; country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO., 733 Mkt. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call branch office, cor. Duncan & Church sta. PARTNERS WAKTED, WANTED A young lady partner In :mining, real estate and business office; must be edu- cated, of fine appearance, blameless charac- ter and have $500; money fully secured; $15UO per year net guaranteed ; . appoint -an . inter- view. G. W. BARTLE, 783 Golden, Gate aye.. San Francisco. . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.' REMOVED— DR. WONG HIM, herb, doctor, treats all diseases' of the human body;; for past four years at 115-117 Mason St.," now lo- cated at 667 Geary st., near Leavenworth. , WONG WOO, the famous herb doctor AlldJs- eases cured by Chinese herbs. 746-8 Clay st. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. ROOMS~papered, $3 50 up; 75,000 rolls wallpa- per. . Be up. Hartmann Paint Co.. 319 Third. PATENTS. INVENTIONS patented ;. ; U. S. and foreign;, patent law. F. P. MEDINA. 532 Market st. 3 ASSESSMENT NOTICES. :v ' ASSESSMENT NOTlCE—Kilauea Sugar Plan- tation Company. Location of principal placa of business, city and county of -San, Fran- cisco. State of California. ' Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of ' dI- ; rectors of the said company,": held on tha 27th day of October/ 19C5, an assessment of one dollar ($1) per share was levied on the capi- tal stock of. the corporation, payable : Imme- diately to the secretary at the of flee, of said corporation. No. 327 Market street (room 4, second- floor). In the city and county ot Ban' Francisco, State of -California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain un- paid on the 2Sth day of November, 1905, will, bo delinquent and advertised' for sale at pub-; lie auction, "and unless payment" s ls; made > be-" fora will be - sold " on Friday;; December. 15, . 19C5, at the; hour of . three (3) .o'cloc k: u. : m., to pay the delinquent assessment,; together with cost of, advertising and i expense of the ."' Bale. By order of .the "\u25a0 board ; of ; directors.. H." W. .. THOMAS.' secretary ; Kllauea \u25a0 Sugar. Plantation : Company/ Offlce *sof 'company,' 527 Market street : (room \u25a0 4, ; second floor). In the city and county of San Francisco," State; of California. (San ! Francisco," Cal.; October .28. 1905.) " '\u25a0- - •'-"-"-•\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 '\u25a0"' \u25a0 . "-\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0-". ; DIVIDEND 'NOTICES. DIVIDEND .' notlce-^-The": Giant Powder »Com-' pany,> Con.. Giant '•\u25a0 statlon.j California: ;., A dividend No. 83 of fifty cents (50c); per share- . \u25a0 on;the issued : capital!; stock 5 of I the; company; has been declared ' payable \u25a0on ? November ; 10,' ' 1905. Transfer books close November 3,' 1905, ' 'at noon. "- Checks '" will ? be '" mailed. I"- C. - C, QUINN," secretary. ' \u25a0. •' ' - \u25a0 \u25a0 ,


Page 1: OF THE SIMPLE LIFE. THEY MAKE THINGS COZY...THESAN FRMeiSCO GALi;, SATURDAY, 'NOVEMBER 4; 1905. 13 LOST AXD FOUXD Cnnttnued. LOST— X passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society




LOST—X passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco in thename of CHARLES MILLS FRODSHAMor MRS. CHARLES FRODSHAM; No.

\u25a0 2S-530. The finder willplease return tr> bank.


A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco la thename of JAMES GRAHAM;No. 03-144. Thefinder will please return* to bank.


A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco In thename of HENRY RAYNOR; No. 10-84U.The finder will please return to bank.

LOST— A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsend Loan Society of San Francisco in the

name of CATHERINE PETTITT;No. 20-OUS.The finder will please return to bank.

LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco in thename of MARIA O'CONNOR; No. 05-033.The finder will please return to bank.

LOST—A passbook wtth the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco in thename of THOMAS NORTON; No. 110-020.The finder will please return to' bank.

LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco In the'name of MARIA DALY:. No. 10-700.The finder will please return to bank.

LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society ot San Francisco in thename of ANN BURKE; No. 37-291.The finder will please retcrn to bank.

LOST—A paesbook with the Hlb*mla Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco in thename of BRIDGET A. DALY: No. 1215;The finder will please return to bank.

LOST— A passbook with the Hibernia Savings; ar.4 Loan Society of San Francisco in theI name of JAMES W. FOSTER; No. '3-492,; Th? fln.W will please return to bank.

ILOST—A passbook with the Hibernia SavingsI and Loan Society of San Francisco in the

name of JOHN FLAHERTY: No. 294-994.The flnd«r will please return to bank.

LOST—A passbook with the Hibernia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco, In thaname of ANN DELANY, No. 145-6M. Th»finder willdense return to bank.


Dragon stickpin, diamond setting; re-ward 42*» <*allfornia si., room 4.


C. A. McNEILL LAUNCH CO., foot of Clay6t.. for pleasure and business; tel. Bu»h f>34.


DR. G. W. ODONNELL—LadIes, all who amsick or In trouble, consult this specialist onfemale oomplalnti4 positively corrected; theunfortunate helped; the most difficult casestreated; every case taken; immediate relief;no poisoning drugs; low fees; my methodswill cure all esses of irregularity; consultme; save time and money; advice tree. Offlce101S Market «.; hours 9 a. m, till8 p. m,

MRS. ljR. WYETH. specialist for all femalecomplaints and Irregularities; instant reliefguaranteed; 30 years' experience. 044 Pest st.

MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist forallfe.male troubles and irregularities; instant re-lief guaranteed. Offlce hours 9 to 5. Sunday10 to 2. IOOS^ Market St..

'opposite Fifth.

WOMEN'S diseases and irregularities cured in24 hours; 19 years' experience without a fail-ure; no trifling: strictly private; elite patron-age only. Dr. Sylvester's offlce, 1206 Market.

WOMEN'S diseases and irregularities cured In24 hours; IB years' experience without a fail-ure; no trifling;strictly private: elite patron-age only. Dr. Sylvester's offlce, 12C6 Market.

DR. C. C. O'DONNELL—Office^ and residence1021i£ Market st., bet. 6th and 7th; particu-lar attention paid to diseases of women.

DRS. GOODWINS' herb treatment: reliable,safe, prempt for female irregularities; reliefor no fee: $10: hrs. 0-8. S5O Mkt. St.. suite 37.

A—MRS. DR. GWYER. MlA Lcaven-srcrt*i st.,bet. Geary and O'Farrell. Phone East 697.

DR. anil MRS. DAVIES and Hindoo Herbs;original method of treatment. 1128 Market.

D.I. ROSEN, residence 2995 Folsom st., cornerTwenty-sixth; ladles, relief or no fee; $10.



H. S. -WHITE MACHINERY CO..Office and Salesroom, 130 Beale st.

Works and Yards, Nintli and Bryant sts.We. have a brand new lot of pipe complete,

ready for Immediate delivery.

H-lnch pipe.... $3 25 per hundred feet (new)*i-ineh pipe.... $."5 95 per hunnrcd feet (new)1-inch pipe $5 70 per hundred feet (new)

li-inch pipe $7 tO per hundred feet (new)l»4-ineh pipe $S 90 per hundred feet (new)

•"-inch pipe...$11 95 per hundred feet (new)

2^-ln. screw pipe (2d hd); ready for use, 10c3-ln. screw pipe <2d hd): ready for use, I2V4c

S'.i-ln. screw pipe <2d hd): ready for use. 15c4-in. screw pipe (2d hd); ready for use. 19c

Send by check, money order or coin by W. F.Express Co., with order. „

H. S. WHITE MACHINERY CO..Office 130 Beale st.


Any bank, banker or publication.

!CD-HAND machinery, engines, boilers, pumps,pulleys, shafting, etc., etc., bought, sold,rented and exchanged; see Sunday papers.H. S. WHITE MACHYCO.. 130-132 Beale st.

BOILERS, engines, 2d-band machinery. McIN.TOSH A WOLPMAN, 103-197 Fremont st.

FOR sale— At the beach, south of the park."San Francisco's Health Resort," a bunga-low consisting of a car with 3 rooms at-tached, furnished or unfurnished; an elegantplace for a family or a club; rent of groundnominal. Inquire box 1491, Call.

FOR sale^—

New and second-hand billiard andpool tables: easy payments; we rent tableswith privilege of.buying; modern bar fix-tures; cheap price*. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER. 652 Mission st., S. F.


BUYS, pells and rents gear machinery, en-gines, boilers, water pipes, shafting, pulleys,etc. WHITELAW. 380 Main st.

SHEFFIELD hollow-ground razors, 50c: Bellingout our cutlery and stationery department.SUNSET BAZAAR. 42 Third gt.

MILES of pipe and fittings; all sizes; cheap.EUGENE RILEY & SONS, offlce 406 Mainet.; warehouse. 109 Vallejo st.

MACHINERY, boiler* an^ engine* bought,sold and excha&Ked: Dower plants In theirentirety bought. Western MhyCo., 230 Main.


GENTS' full dress BUlts to !rent. J.COOPER. 21 Stockton gt.. second floor.

CIGAR etore fixtures and stock for sale; $25.235AEighth st. .

BEAUTIFUL gent's diamond ring. 2 carat?,$100. PAVL V. C-ARIN. 114 Sutter st.

MAGNIFICENT pearl and diamond clusterring. $100. PAUL V. GARIN. 114 Sntter st.

DESKS and office furniture bought, sold andexchanged. T. D. MCCARTHY. SO7 Mission.

E. C. HUGHES—Printer, 611 Sansome St.,San Frapcijco.

SOLID silver tea set, 5 pieces, at a bargain. 10Sixth »t.

TWO merry-go-rounds; one miniature railway.BACIOALUPI. 803 Kearny St.

HIGHgrade secor.d-nand offlce safe and wagontcala. PARCELLS SAFE CO.. 21U California.


New and second-hand. THE HER-MANN SAFE CO.. 417-27 Sacramento st.

MOVINGpictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental;bargains. BULLARD& BRECK. 131 Post »t


MOLDERS familiar with steel foundry workwanted at PACIFIC JUPITER STEEL CO.;take MlseionLit. cars to Holy Cros3 \u25a0 Ceme-tery then transfer en Baden electric cars toworks. Office 34G Crossley .building. Missionand New Montgomery sts. -V'



Highest prices for ladies', gents' cast-offclothing. Tel. Davis 825. 650 Sacramento.-

M.'LEVY pays highest prices gents' cast-offclothing, shoes; te1.Red.1544. 615 Washington.

WE cay carh ladled and Brents' clothing. =I*ll-tcn's Misfit Parlors, 154 s>th; tel.Howard 1187

SAFE wanted—

Give make, measurements,weight, condition and price. Box 3SSS. Call.

DIAMONDS, etc.. bought for caeh. Karl Eber& Co.. 400-401 Adama bldg..206 Kearny et.


OUR large and increasing renting business en-ables us to rent the best pianos in the city for$2 50 and $3 Der month, some at $2; one-year's- rental allowed If-piano \u25a0Is purchased.SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO.. SCO-64 Hayes.

A KEW \u25a0 piano for rent at $3'per mo.;othersat $2 and $2 50: one year's rent allowed If:purchased. SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO.,

\u25a0 SCO Have* at. \u25a0

ANUMBER OF UPRIGHT. BARGAINS.English upright, lor practice, $55.French ÜBriKbt. a little better. $65.Aleo a

'"CfalckertnK, Vo»s, sterling. Curtax,

Smith ABarnes, Mozart, Neuman. from $145.BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 18 OTarrell «U

LEFT on eale by private partyiStein war.$Iss; no reasonable cash offer refused. 237Geary «t.

upright piano; price $475; offer wanted to-day. 584 Valencia st. - - '

AN elegant Chlckerlng upright; $165. ~Z3IGeary tt. ... ..

SUPERIOR vJollna, *lth«r«, old and new. H.MULLER,maker, repairer, 2 Latham place.





«i;j Washiiiijxc:-. Ft. i'hone James C3CI.FREE FARE.

Hiski;ci, new tt. K. work. $2 ZZ>FREE FARE.

1 Nt-ac «_'regon, teamsters, f'i7 o<). long job.WESTERN PACIFIC.

2 1000 miles road to hulld, laborers, $2 25, 3'years' jcb: no discount.

BUTTE <X>I;NTY.. fc'l-iip daily to I'tah Construction Co., la--t>orers. *J2 25 day.

N< w work, just Marline. $(i7CO.oi>y Italians. Aurtrtans or Grt?cla; board

yourselves; £2; t.hij> by rail.•' S<;nta Cruz, south. Mintcr's job, $00.CARPENTERS.

Near city. 10 to build cottages (about 50),steady v.crk. $3 s<); 2 carpenters, quarry,10c faro, ?3&o; car repairer, near city,$2 50 and up; carjx>nter. fr<*e fare bothvays, build station, 2 months' Job. $3 50.

2 second log loaders. $50 and found: roust-about. 535 and found. Tuoiumne Co.. fare

$1: wampfn". north. ?*>.'.">ams=t*-rs. Cclusa 00., boF? here, $1 .>0 ana

c• found.

Lrfencrmxn ditcher. lxr> h^i*". $"'' »n<i found.:.\u25a0• laborrrs. tifar city. §><>«>. steady work.3 urold quartz mfner>. FJ. boe» here.Tt muckers, boss h*^^.¥- '><*\u25a0PACIFIC «.X'NTRA<TOJ«>' EMPLOYMENT

. A'ißSi-r. \SC.

WANTED—O miTTF. $3 a day. dr>- min»>: 3muckpre. $2 50 a day; »» men fcr laboring

"\u25a0worlc ne?r city. $» a day; men to driveWraper fs-ns. 52 2.r> a day; milker, *3.\ seeb'>«f: xhit- fitu iuktw. ppt>ol tender. $45, and

•many J. F. CROSFTT.& CO.. 62S"6KTtimm*t) Ft.

h'CLERK si- salesman for art foods, good wrag''*-' • Dice jiar^: ••\irk its FalPFman for a d^l!cat»6- |'fr\ rtore, tnu?t lie experienced in handling j

1 that c\n** of ff<yi3s. ratary $15 a wf-ek; a i"• .rTF'-cl"?^ window drei>?«»r on dry goods for |. «vwjr,?ry ttnr*. $125 r«»r month. S«>e J. F.iCKOSETT & CO-*628 Saoram^nto st. I

JiAN' and wife for rr/i",. man *s waiter and1. Tilfe as rar\-^r and kitchen heIper. $!W>: laun-

\u25a0 rtryaian and wife as Ironprs for country laun-<lry. t'n'. kitchen man, $3K; honwraan, 520.'iftc J. F. CROSETT *004 C2B SJ«cram<»nto.

KINO A- «. 0.. <-,rj tterduwi m.IVan« man. ?I5 month «nd Itoerd: S scrapertstsjsttre, K32S, f«r«» lpc

.VANTHD—At encc. good. llvp canvacjers to0 tvpreceßX *'iithroughout California; larg" con\-

tnif*jcn» paid; complete outfit!! furnlshfd free;j^vj'J [iiijTX»rl| for risrht j«rty. Full particu-lars aSJrrgs Or<*pon Nur»« rj*Co.. Halem. Or.


2 good a!l-rour.tl taiicrs; no fareraid and no faru advanced: must be steadymen for etesdy work: to work by the week

c°r rifo* work. Ap;i*y to the Steel FrontPtore; Qulnoy. Plumns <*o>ir.ty. <"al.

WANTED'- I.aborrrs arH mechar.ir* to know1 that Ed Rolk'.n, P.cno Hto»» proprietor, has

added 100 DAW rooms to thf> Deuvw House.! :"!" Third st.: Csn room?. C5to SOc per night-

MHN" and ..-,.'.:•\u25a0* to learn barl»er trade: newmpthr-d: »-«jp» whll» Irarnins: posl-•' «lons e;i»ranieeri after *ijrht ivwk?. GILL-SIAN"H liarl»cr Oollpc. 027 day *t.


OOnmrtntlt male f-tenographer with'!.•<•«! *M-^rK-nce. Ronly to hox 7776. Call."tatlrj; ag>. rxp^ripn?* and rcTerfnces.


Experienced strong boy to deliverifciowiej and coai: rcfprericcs. Bex 1000,'. station Ci P. •"*\u25a0• Oakland.


A braaj finisher and lathe hand.A^pJy Et en« to JOHNSON-JEFFREY CO..'• 4fe>» Pjx'h st.. Oakland.

BRIGHT nifn. with clerical experience, for

f i-tfadV »mpl.ij'n:cat: rapid advancement. Ap-.(.;>- U-li a. m., room "'|O, Callaghan bldg.

MEN' and tv-omen to learn the barber trarte;'.^p^ciai offer to next five; new method. San';Francisco Oollppe. 7<lA Howard tt.

V.'AN*T^l>—Men to fill 300 rooms at 20c per• fiprht": clothe* clorets. naJr mattresEee, elee-;ric llp'rus in every room. ?S1 Howard, nr. 3d.

FIRST-CLASS boUenaalwr •with good refer-

tv^e^. Box I4i:i. fall.Y'.'fN'J m» of inteKitence to take up good

riHVir.tr }>oyitir.nii. CO4 Montgromery -St.. r. 204.

YEN i<> learn a go«d* trade; good pay while'learr.'.r.e; mui't furrisU $10 t*cur. SIO Folsom.

CAR!>*A"HITEn v.-anted: *tate experience andsalary -wanted. B^ix1113 Call.

IjETHCTIVES to learn the business; moneyrr.afie whilp Jeßrr.ir.R. CC-1 Montgomery, r."<H.

SaILCKS and or<sinarT 9fBir.en for all parts of,'t*t worM fit nnTiMAN-F. 27 Et.

:c-.«"'o<' WORKINGMEN to buy our cwiuinearmy Fho«»; all in?r><^ted. 105 Third s-t.

•SAILORS end yr-unc men (green hands) forfhti>». HALTBERT, M* Jackson st.

FENBION arty.. B. A. Bu'iUs. r.40.Phelan bid.Pa.st Com. G«o. H. Thoma« Post. O. A. R.

'LAIiOR i'.-fcss collected; suits', attachments,iU\rand Adjustment Co.. 49 2d St.. rm. 522.

UAVTEL wants 1600 men to buy inspectedGovernment shoes at Cil Sacranrier-to et.

WINCHESTER Hote!. 44 Thtrd St.. near Mar-jjc^t—7r?o rooms: Ssc night: reading-rooms;lice 'bus snd ba^cace to and frcm ferry.

ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received atCall Branch office, cor. Duncan &Church *ts.

ji. BRANCH office of The Call for the recep-

tion of advertiyemMits and wubscrlption* has, tx«en op*>iypd at I<*« Market St.. opposite-

Fifth. Open until 11 p. m.


f.3 TO $10 per day easily made selling our eel-.. ebrated California -flavoring powders; abso-*lately pure; agents wantedrverytrfaere; exclusive territory riven. LONGBROS., mfgrs.. 1245 Broadway, Oakland, ,CaL


fEO iND-HAN'D victoria. « Beats; open roadbugpy. rubber tire carriage, rubber tire

tc t-oup«, rr^tmatlc* tire road cart, cheap, at 500.OoMen Gate aye

A GKAND horse 5 years, harness and run-.about left for «a!e; eplendid saddle and trap.bosses. QUINLAN'S D. V. S., 311 Ninth• • "?t-: rkone Jessie 539.

>H sa'c—

Two l-.orse-s 5 years old, weight 1500jw>und*. rinch'i' Stabl«w, Eddy and Webster.

AJ'CTION tale of horses, wagons and harnesa•. every -Wednesday at 11 a, m., 527 Sixth st.


A good driving horse, about 1200rbxir.it, for city us?. Address box 147*. Call.

BUGGIES. !ight waicoaa. buckboards and\u25a0• phaeton; bargain. X767 Twenty-fourth «t. .,GOt»D eecond-hand r»-c.ftons of all kinds cheap.*et 100 Golden Gate aye. --\u25a0'


lIOUSKS TO LET.A PF.INTED list of houses io let; p«nd for cir-"

cuUir. G. H. l"MB?EN & iX).. 20 Montgmy.

HfTSE to let in the warm belt; 11 rooms; 2'kitchen*- 2 *aths: larjre basement; cementRid; back porch; rent $15. 13» Albion aye.,


bet. 16th and 17th sts.. above Valencia.


Fine residence: will leasefor term. Apj.ly to THOMAS MAGEE &£ONS. agents. S Montgomery ft.

}32 f.o (j MODERN sunny rooms; basement: 2c femilie* could oc-cuiy or tublet. 510 Guer-

*\nof-»>r:s fou »-^|^*r*]r.t:.y^y-I^ii*^s^t:.y^y-I^ii*^5^FOR tale—At the b««ch south of the nark,r£an Francieco'e health resort, a bunealowconsiftir.K of a car with 3 rooms attached,furnished or unfurnished; an elegant placefoi a family or a club; rest of ground nomi-nal. Incaire box 1431 Call office.

COTTAGES TO LET.NEW, n=at cottase at £an rranclseo'a health-

ful beach; 4 rooms, batii. lavatory. «»» ar-delectric light; sun all day;.rent reasonab.e.TaUe Perk and Cliff Houss car. fctop ot <Gtnaye.. j,'o south cn?-halt Mock to >'o. 12«j.

EMALL cottage to rent; 4 rooms and bath;near Union Iron Works. 748 Carolina st.


ijOTEL Et. Nicholas Market. Larkin, Haye;^*»ts.

—Heart of 6. F.: modern: American and

European plans; electric lights and phone ~fnevery room; hot and cold waxer: QUlet-

ISVALIP CHAIRS.BOLD, rented, exchanged: manufacturer of the

Etmea, trtcycle chair. 2018 Mkt; tel.Park77s.



In the Key Route waiting-room, hand-bag containing $260 In a sack, and purse. $5

ana soni« silver, a pair cotton doves andcommutation ticket-book from Richmond tofcan Francisco. Return to GEORGE G.AMA7.EEN. Atchison. Cal.. receive reward.

$500 REWARD for information leading tor»-oovery of box of Jewelry lelt on Ellla-at. carWednesday. Sept. 20; no questions asked.Address box »671. Call office. '_ \u25a0 \u25a0


October 31. at 9 a. m., on Sutter orPolk st. cars, in eolrir between Sutter andJones Bts. and Turk and Van Ness aye,, a* small roll of papers. Return r. <3," 751 Sutter.

UOST—Pocketbook containing citizenship pa-pers, woman's picture and other article* ofxalue to owner only; $10 reward at GermanHotel, 660 Howard . ft- I


ALAMEDAnOOMS AM) BOARD.-;.. . -. - ..-,..- .'\u25a0 .-\u25a0 „ !

$CoO-^-COR. lot, 32x140; terms or willbuild on: this lot on terms . to suit. J. H. YOUNG,j 1243 Park St.. Ala, .FOR rent— One or two sunny furnished room3,

with'excellent board; private family. Applyat aiastlck Station Notion Store. Alameda.



AND. \ MONEY TO LOAN.November Is a good month to secure bar-

gains In houses and lots' In Fruitvale.We. have ,an extra large list of houses and

lots at reasonable prices.-, % Exclusive agents for the Barker Park, sit-uated on Fruitvale aye.; a few ot the choicestlots yet for sale.

We have, small anii lar«e tracts of acreageproperty within short distance of Frultvatestation at low prices and easy terms.

$'^000.6-room house, bath n«w and modern: lot

140x112:6 feet; a corner, fruit trees and gar-den: chicken houses ana barn; close to streetcars and boulevard.

$1600.4-room house and bath; a corner: lot 100x138

feet; a bargain; price $16CO for quick sale.$2100.

« 6-room house: lot 83x144 feet; city water;terms if desired. $2400.

\u25a05-room house, new and modern: lot 37:8 by125 feet; 2 blocks from cars and 4 blocks fromlocal station. \u0084<-?.. r- $1600.

8-room house; lot 50x150 feet; -a corner;closa to cars.

; $1500.B-room bouse, basement: lot 50x145 feet,

within the Bo limit; clos« to cars; trees andgarden.

$13C0. :4-room house; close to cars; lot 60x115 feet;

terms if desired. . $1350.4-room bouse, toilet, city water; lot 55x206;

trees and garden; close to local station and:cars.

$3100.6-room house, new and modern: lot 50x125;

closo In; $1700 cash, balance on time.$2300.

5-room house. eWctric lights and gas; oneblock from local; lot 33:6x120 feet, ina choiceneighborhood.

Remember we haveLargest List,

Choicest Lots.Easiest Terms.

SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY,Corner Putnam and.Bassett sts.,

Frultvals. Cal.-Phono Ash 657.

A RARE chance—

5-room new modern cottage.finished basement: lawn, fruit trees. 2-story

.barn- on beautiful Fruitvale aye.; at actualcost. Also choice lot. 40x125; east front:Fremont aye.. near East Fourteenth at.;

"sewer work all done; price $450. Owner.1404 Frultval* aye.





Iwill sell, for considerably less than any

of the adjacent lots can be boucht for, one:'. Of

" ':.-!-•-.-\u25a0


OWNER GOING EAST.Allstreet work, eldewalks. sewers.Water and gas mains complete; electric

• car service; magnificent view. -FACES TWO BROAD AVENUES.

Restricted buildlnc ralues insure elegantborne surroundings.

You can clear $300 on this property.ITIS GOING AT A SACRIFICE and IT IS

A SNAP.Make me an offer to-day. .

W. S. WHITE. 26 Montgomery St.. R. 8.

BUSINESS PROPERTY— SNAP— S18,000 r cor-ner at a station; 10t. 75x100 feet; entire lotcovered by a building infirst-class condition;

, rented to 7 tenants; 2 large halls above witha stage, kitchen and equipment; seats 500

\u25a0 people; best dancing floor In the city; pres-ent rents are very low; can be raised to $250per month; building cost over $20.0CO; lotworth SSSOO; offered for a few days for$18,000. HOLCOMB. BREED &BANCROFT.

\u25a0 Inc.. ICCO Broadway. Oakland. Cal.$6500

—FOUR,sunny flats: rents for $72 per-

month; never vacant; walking distance from.Fourteenth and Broadway.- GEO. W. AUS-TIN. 1002 Broadway, Oakland.

NEW house for sale, with carpets: 3 blocksfrom Piedmont Key route. Box 6174. Calloffice. Oakland.


$25t-5-ROOM cottage. 4 blocks from, KeyRoute; apply within. 470 Edwards St., Oak-land.


oaki^\xd_^fijrxitjir6^fou sale.TO-MORROW the day for bargains Infurniture.

H. Schellhaas. 11th st., cor, store. Oakland.

San Francisco AdvertVentsROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. /

ALTAMONT. SE. corner Washington and Ma-son—Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart-ments; convenient. \u25a0".... -.- ;

BRANNAN. 327, bet, 2d and Bd—2 neatly fur-nlshed housekeeping rooms: bath; reasonable.

BRYANT.- 421—

3 sunny rooms,-furnished . for

housekeeping; rent $10.. . -. . "

BUSH, 637, The Chesterfield—

Fine apartmentsin new. modern bouse; convenient location;reasonable. .

CALIFORNIA. 1420. The Doric—Newly fur-niahed housekeeping rooms; also other rooms.

GOLDEN GATE aye., 724^—

Connecting roomsfor housekeeping; sunny; yard for children.

GOLDEN GATE aye., 530, corner Van Ness». live. Unfurnished rooms to let; either slnsle

or In suites.'

HAIGHT, 054^—

Front sunny alcove andj kitch-en;.reasonable^ \u25a0

HAVES." 425—

Front housekeeping rooms to\u25a0 let; nicely furnished: sunny, reasonable.

HOFF aye., 2, oft '.l6th—3 nicely furn. house--keeping- rooms/connected, with gas and bath.

HOWARD 640— Snap; sunny front bay-wtn-\u25a0 dow room; gao, sink, grate:' furnished; no

.'.' children. "-"-\u25a0'-

JACKSON. 16C9." nr. Polk—Newly furnished. rooms for housekeeping: sunny: gas range.

LARKEV,. .817&—Sunny corner, room; gas

stove:-rent reasonable. ."

LEAVENWORTH. 431—Neat furnished roomsfor housekeeping; all"conveniences.

MARKET^ 2088—

2 slarjte sunny well-furnished. rooms ;for housekeeping; phone;, bath. fMASON, 503

—Nicelyv furnished rooms .tor-

housekeeping: rates .moderate.MINNA,2SI, cor. 4th

—Furnished, sunny house-

keeping; also front double and single; /reas.

MISSION."B36—For rent, double parlors andkitchen:

" furnished-for housekeeping; cen-

.trally located., i- • * - ".

MISSION, \u25a0 0251a—Nicely furnished sunny,' bay.window, front. and ;other: rooms. ,;

-MISSION, 825"4--Clean,


'hskpg. rooms;

regular. kitchen; bath; gaa and coal ranges.

MISSION.;1013— Sunny side room.'for manTdpd.:wife: light housekeeping. . . '- < ' \u25a0

MISSION. 1020— Nicely .furnished rooms jforhousekeeping; 'convenient: also other roomsuy

MISSION,'; I22I.:near postofflce—

Sunny fur-. nished .rooms, complete for housekeeping; no-children.> -


MISSION/. 2706A—

Fine" - furnished . rooms ".for,housekeeping: gas and running water. .OAK, 117. or:14 Page^

—Complete -

for bouse-, keeping; $5. to $12; hot bath; laundry: adults.O'FARRELL?.; 410—Newly furnished sunay

housekeeping; rooms; :- running water, .grate,gas. ibath; other rooms. --.-\u25a0. V

PINE,i1733,"i block "from Van Ness—

3 connect-\u25a0 Ing furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable.-

POLK -•\u25a0 1143— Elegant furnished »unny front•room's; uaehath and piano; reasonable.

POINT. LOEOS-aye., « 2120,

'near *10tb-> aye.—

Sunny -furnished rooms for housekeeping;:';-•$10,: $12; adults only.


p61K,"1002 (Ivanhoe)— Sunny furnished house-keeping rooms; $18 to $33.. * . '

POLK ;. 1143—


furnished 'sunny front".iroom's:'reasonable;; bath. ,piano, 'phone.

POLK.? 1530— Pleasant, newly, furnished apart-;,x ments ;;tel.:?Hyde 2131. -\u0084-•\u25a0,\u25a0 .....POST."i702—Nice '« furnished /rooms .'•. on , lower\u0084' floor;

':private '• entrance; •; gas * range; large

;'-:room '"also: reasonable^


POST. .975—Fine - furnished "apartments forhousekeeping: also single; reasonable.


3 rms. complete hskpg.;I gaa stove, phone; new flat: couple.


Single light rooms. $1 aweek; hskpsr. complete, $1 75: front parlor.

SUTTER, 90r>— Sunny room3furnished for lighthousekeeping. \u25a0


TAYLOR. sC2— Pleasant, furnished housekeep-ing'rooms: reasonable.

TURK, 10—

Nice suite of rooms; suitable forhousekeeping.

VAN NESS aye.; 519—

Sunny furnteheti rooms.\u25a0 with or without housekeeping privilege; $T

per month up.

APAIIT.IIE.VTHOUSES.ST. CECILE. 113 Fell st. near Van Ness ami


New, handsome, fireproof structure:". mod. Improvements: apt». S-rm.i bath; specialinducements for next BO days: tel. South 1071.

NEW 4-story corner apartment-houss; sunnyside; completed Novmeber 1. All suites hav<amodern kitchens, electric lights., etc. Apply24t Ninth st.: building opposite. .

RANDALL Apartments. 120 Plere* st.—

Fourlarge, sunny, unfurnished rooms; must b©seen to be appreciated. Tel. Fell 9731.

ALTAApartments, opp. Alta Plaza— Furnishedor unfurnished 2 rooms and separate bata.Clay at., between Pierce and Scott.

A—KENILWORTH. cor. Bush. Fowsll; 3-rootnsunny apart j.;single rcom»: modern: r»as.

THE Wbitefletd. 122S McAllister—

Cholc* un-fumlshed spartments. ,

JVIAYEELLE. 203 Grove—3 Urge, w«tl-rura.hskpg. suites; 2d and 3d floor; $26- $27 mo.

ROSSWELIi Apartments, 1360 Pine, near Hyd«—2. 3 and 4 roorosy with bath; steam h«at.

THE Frederick. 901 Stanyan—1 to 5 rooms,

overlooking Golden Gate Park: tel.Pag« 8169.


Kurn. and Unforn.

HOTEL ST. KATHRYN.Corner Ellis and Leavenworth, sts..

In the heart of the city.•TCO rooms: ICO baths. . •

Modern In every detail.Rates $:i to $13 p*r week.

Rooms, with private bath. $1 day.Tourist travel solicited.


BRUNSWICK Houso. 14S Sixth St.—Rooms25c to $1per night. $125 to $5 per week an-t .light housekeeping rooma; open all ntght.

AT "The Almonte." $73 Market St. «or No. tFifth»t.)—Rooms 25c to 00c. $1. $1 50 night;

$160 to $10 -week: house open all night.

BELMOND House, over Owl Drugstore; 2 en-trances, 112tt Market ana 21 Turk—Electriclights, running water in every room: 200ro^ms: 25c to 50c per night. $1 25 to $4 wee*c

BURTON Hotel. 1126 Howard st.—loo rooms;

new house; modern; $1 25 to $3 per week.BUSH, 324, Elmer

—Nice furnished rooms, by

the week or month.

EDDY. H7H. opp. Jefferson square—

Elegant,sun ny. bay-window room, suitable for tgo.

EIGHTH. 51. Sherman House^—

Furnished andunfurnished sunny rooms; respectable: veryreasonable.



ELLIS. 323—Fme single rooms from $2 5O weekup; elegantly furnished suites with baths;

reasonahle.FOURTH. 225

—Xlee sunny front room, suit-

able for two: reasonable

FOURT'i. SiI—ICO rcom3: all sties and prices;nerr. modern; hot and cold water.

FRANKLIN,1437, near Twentieth, Oakland—

Four elegant furnished rooms, complete for

housekeeping. $:'•>: or wftora. modern. 6-room,

new fiat, completely furnished. $45.

FULTON, 7S, near Larkin—

Elegant furnishedrooms or »ulte: new apartments; all con-venlences; no sign. .

GALT HOUPE. l^itt Martset st.— Choice roomsby day. week or month; central location.

GOLDEN Gate aye.. Csl—Furnished suite withpiano.

-GRAND Pacific Hotel, 1011 Kearny St.—New

house: allmodern conveniences :rooms by uay

3T.e up; by week $2 up: open all night.

GRAND SOUTHERN. 1"«> Mission, cor. S«T«enth— loo rooms: 50c night, $2 to $7 week.

GEA^tY, T36— Nkely furnished, sunny, clean.single and double rooms; gentlemen.

GEARY. 712— Nicely furnished, sunny, frontrooms: bath and phone.


GOU-JH, 1201. corner O'Farrell—

Nice, sunny.• single, furnished woim. \HAIGHT, 1797, near Pans

—Front and back

parlor and kitchen, unfurnished; $I*.

HAVES, 136. corner Van Ness— One sunnycorner room; suitable for 2.

HOTEL Hamilton, and cafe. 125 Ellis bet.Kowell & Mason sts.. S.F.

—Rms $1 to $3 p*r

day; steam heat & telephone in each room.

.HYDE. 1413—Finely rurnished rooms; nice ma-rine view: select family; all conveniences:gentlemen; references.

HOWARD. "15—

Rcoms, 25c to $1 per day:'$1 60 to $3 per -week; reading-room, etc.

JACKSON, 1103. corner Taylor—

Furnished sua-ny rooms In private family.

'LEAVENWORTH. 1100%, near California,—

Pleasant furnlscefl room In private fajatly.

LOVELY rooms: some housekeeping: Dwlghtway house: strictly high grade; Key routesta. W. S. Joy. 2122 Dwlght way. Berk-ley.

METROPOLITAN' HOTEL, 120 Third St.—loOslnKle and family rooms. 35c to $1 50 perday: $2 to $S week: the only new and modemhotel and rooming-house In San Franciscothat bas office on ground floor; hot and coldwater, electric lights, call bells, steam heatin every room, and gives free baths and ele-vator day and night to Its quests. .

MISSION. S37A—Neatly furnished rooms to let;good location.

MISSION. &25&—Nlcel*' furnished rooms laquiet house; front and others.

MISSION. 930*4—

Nice furnished rooms to letby the day, week or month.

MISSION. -ICCG—^Nicely furnished rooms to let;reasonable.

-MONTGOMERY. 716— Furnished rooms to let.

O'FVRRELL 730—Light, sunny, modern, fur-nished room and kitchen; $20; electric light,

hot water.'. \u25a0

PINE, 1025—

Very fine, sunny, newly furnished .rooms; bath; gentlemen preferred.

PINE. 1761—

Several nlc« rooms to let; eitherfurnished .or unfurnished; reasonable.

POST, 824— Middle, flat: newly furnished, sun-ny rooms; running water, -bath, phono. .

POST. 8S9—

Large, sunny, furnished rcom:gentlemen only; references. \u25a0

POWELL. 218—

Bay-window front room, suit-able for 3 gents; other rooms. $150 up.

RIO VISTA HOTEU 233 Third st., near How-ard—New house with modern conveniences:rooms en suite and single; rates by day, 38cup; by week. $2 up: batha free to guests.

SUTTER. 967— Single rooms, $3 "P« w»"k5suites, beautifully furnished. $4 50 per weekand up; nice and sunny.

TAYLOR. 610—

Nice. Bunny hall room tor-gents.; bath and phone. -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy, near Market—4o9rooms. 30c to $1 night. $1 73 to $8 week; «leo.trie lights (no gas), running water in ereryroom; elevator.' read.-room;free bus, bagsag*.

WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d Bt., nr. Market—

Most convenient and respectable ;700 rooms,

35c to $1 CO nightly,$2 to $S weekj elevattr;.*lee. lights; reading-room; free bus, baggage.

WOLF House," Howard and\ Sixth—No better-\u25a0' transient house In city;rates reasonable; lo-.„ cation central. Geo. H.yon der Mebden; prop.

A BRANCH office ot The Call for the recep-jktlon.of advertisements and subscriptions hasVbeen . opened at ICOS Market st., opposlt«

Fifth. Open"until 11p. m.


H^TOL^LV^BORODait"mlSldyTiMp^atopened ;rooms modern, up to date, light.'sun-"ny.'atry; hair mattresses; free baths: c»ery-

\u25a0< thing elegant, fresb, " clean;

'table- unexcelled.

Kates: \u25a0 Rooms for .S .with board. $50 month'and .upward; single rooms with board. • $30;everything!; homelike: oarlor and piano

-for .

iguests ;-location in the heart ;of city.:404, *

Eddy at.. 404. .. :CALIFORNIA, SO7

—Exceptionally good table.


blllard-roona. handsome and sightly" rooms; board and room for 2, $45 up; slnsle.

$22 50 up: suites. $55 up;'see for yourself. .LARGE.':,.furnished double rcom; running

\u25a0 \u25a0 water; ;gss;: also board: good horn« cooking;suitable ,for.two gentlemen. \u25a0 Sl7 .Grove st.

FOR-2 Protestant ladies or gentlemen. Apply-

bakery, northwest corner Hayes and "Webster."

GEARY. '\u25a0 «40, Malson Tence—

Select furnished \u25a0

\u25a0ma.' with excellent French table board; reas.'

JOHNSTON. THE, 605 O'Farrell— Sunny suitesand -single .rm*;excellent board; references.

Continued on Pase Fourteen.


FORfSALE.SAGE, DEALEY&CO.; have made some very.

important :salcs this week in various portionsof the city. ••:'-.

'\u25a0' . *• "'-'\u25a0

:; They have- soldfor the account -of ,J.> 11.Stein to Eva Hallinan. 3 flats situated^ on theeast line of Stelner st., 112:6 ft.north of>EUls>,lot 25x137:6 ft.,'\u25a0 Nos. being 1428-30-32 StelnerEt.;' price paid for.'same, \u25a0> $13,000.

-They have also sold for the account of.George

>de .Urloste' to Dr.-W.* FT'Bjserman, the NW.cor, of Harrison and Langton


ments consist of two 3-etory buildings., rentingfor $2000 per annum; price paid was $20.000.'- •

\u0084"They have sold for the account of Chris Mor-

tensen to a client, SW. cor. of Brj'ant and Vic-tor sts.. 56x275 ft..> improved .with 23:small-tenements; Drice $37,500. - -

:Sold for the account of A.Hilson to a client

of the 'firm, 3 -flals on. the northerly line ofEllis St., 200 feet west ot Lamina, known asnumbers 1348-50-52' Ellis st.;r lot 25x160 ft.,through to Clementina Bt.; price $14,000.

For the account of Margaret A.' McDon-ough to:Franz Carl. Leonard.) the* 2 flats onthe north line of 21st st., 35 feet east of Treataye.; price 54500. -

\u25a0 ..', \u25a0

For.tho account of Jennie Lacher to N. C.Mortensen, the 2-story-residence on the northline of \u25a0 O'Farrell .-st';- 200:3 -.'ft. east ofE'ter: lot <54:6x137:6 ft.,

'and known as No.

1530 O'Farrell st.; price $10,000:For .the account of ' Charles Hajtmeir to

Charles Katz, the westerly line of DevisaderoSt.; 30 feet north of Page; lot 57:6x107 ft.;Improved with two|buildings, consistinjr -ofBtore and flat above, with two 2-story dwell-ings adjacent. Mr. Katz contemplates raisingthe dwellings and placing stores underneath.This 'will make ;this block on Devisadero :st,one complete line of stores. \u25a0

For the account of I.and A;Glaser to M.Rothschild, the lot andy Improvements on theeast line of Cth st., 25 ft. south of Bryant:improvements consist or store and tenementsabove; urice $12,500. .

For the account of Kate Green to a client,lot and Improvements on the north line ofHarrison st., 100 feet west of sth; 25x85 ft.;improvements consist of 6 tenement flats...

For the • account of Jennie'K. 'Babkirk . to

P. Mlchellettl, !lot and Improvements on thenorth line of Green St.. 120 feet west ofHyde, thence 20x60 ft.; improvements, smallcottac*.

For Jbe. account of Kate Green to a client."SE. cor. of Bryant and Boardman Bts.;lot 80:6x75 ft:-, improvements; 3-story frame buildingcontaining 6 flats ahd 2 stores; price $14,000.; •

For the account of F..E. Hesthal to Mrs.Llllie Homan, the NW. cor. of Folsom and22d sts.; lot 05x95 ft.; improved .with a two-etory building consisting of stores |and flats.

They have resold the property, recently pur-chased by H. P. Goodman and

'the " Melone

Co. of NaDa on the north line of Folsom St..225 feet east of Bth, thence 25x160 feet throughto Clementina st. These gentlemen purchasedthis property" about thlrt> days

"ago through

Sage, Deale-y & Co., resellinsr same to M."Diggs and Charles Q. Nelson of Sacramentofor 512,500.


They have sold for the account of \u25a0 J.-W.Spear to Josenh F. Salz. the north line ofHarriswn st., 164:4 ft. east ot 6th, thence 27:6xSS ft.;improvements known as numbers 958-60-62 Harrison Bt., consisting ot tenementflats; nrlce $6250.

For the account of M.Lrtggs and Charles Q.Nelson to a client, entire block No. 746 in theSunset District.

'bet. .T and X sts. and 23d

and 24th ayes.; Drice $15,000.SAGE, DEALBY & CO., V

638 Market Bt.. opp.' Palace Hotel.-


• andPublishers of "S. F. Real Estate Circular,"



; $165,000— Large corner on Bills street, notfar from Mason, with improvements which paynearly 5 per cent net."



Fine prospective buy; only a blockand a quarter from Market and Turk.

580.000-^-40 feet front: one block from Mar-ket and Sansom«. ... .

$70,000— Eddy street buyj" not .-far from' Tay-lor; lot 37:6x137:6. r 'v •\u25a0 *£,

' ...... *$66,000

—Large Mission-street •'corner,*..ln9lde

of Eighth; rents $315 a month ; flhe;prospec-tive value. »-"\u25a0\u25a0"••" "

• '\u25a0 \u25a0••- . '.' .»•'$60,000

—Western Addition corner, . right In

town, nearly a full 60 vara; nominal. lmprove-ments pay good temporary rent until properlyImproved. \.

$45,000— Sixth-st. -business !buy;. close "toMarket,st. . • \ t. *'v

$37,500— Market nt.: north side; 27 feet front.*

$16,500— Just reduced from $17,500 to makeimmediate sale; Post St.. near .Larkin; 25x120to rear street: level. block; .bound' to IncreaseIn value in the near future for business.



1 COME SUNDAY . . • ./\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 ON THE


TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) Novembers.Avail jourself of the opportunity of seeing

the choicest suburban section adjacent to SanFrancisco. .. .' '....."-•\u25a0•

HALFMOON BAY REALTY 19 RAPIDLY. RISING IN VALUE..On Completion of the Ocean Shore Railroad

Present Prices Will Double.NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! \u25a0





The Prices $275 to $375, are the FIRSTprices. -...";\u25a0

Remember. Ocean'Baacn Tract lots are the

only Beach lots obtainable, and the number islimited.' Come Sunday and make your selec-tion. Act at once! "\u25a0 , \u25a0 : : -.;

Call tc^day and makej arrangements- for to-morrow'3excursion.' .Booklets "and Informationregarding Halfmoon Bay and the Ocean BeachTract at our office. ;;: r'^


79 • New Montgomery st.Phone Bush -893.

SELLING • V : . ;;V -.\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 •. -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.:•:.-. TO BEAT THE) BAND.. ONLY $1-25 AWBEK.$275

—Elegant level.. building lots, - close to

school;'fina c&r service on Mission St.; cream ofthe Excelsior Homestead; 'stop paying rent 'andraise the baby where the ozone is not pollutedwith \u25a0 smoke and !dust; to say '

nothing of- thedeadly- microbe:* no Interest and no taxes.GOLDEN GATE PARK LOTS. /.

\u25a0'\u25a0•" \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•-..\u25a0'," ONLY,SIO "A MONTH.{400—For finely located >lots .3.blocks couth

of the park ;:electric \u25a0- car service unexcelled ;;enhancing in valufe; with'every stroke • of theclock; buy now; next week may be too late;"Nat Goodwin" U not- the only man that ap-preciates this -beautiful section: no taxes."

W. J. WHITE COMPANY,20 Montgomery :5t.,.. room 8. .

San Francisco's Population 1n1915, '-'„ONE MILLION. .

Now Is the Time to Buy That Home..-

-BUY THIS. • .....:.-..•i $3750

—Two-story, house, bath; lot 25x105; on

Castro-?t. car •line;• this \u25a0\u25a0hove« can-

easily -bemade Into 2 flats;as it stands it could" not bebuilt for $4000.

- ' ' ''. •>

McGARVIE.&;CP..' T2O Market st. ,

FOR sale at The ".Beach,? south '.of .the' Park,'"San ':Francisco's '\u25a0Health

'Resort," a bunga-low, consisting •of.a car," with' $[rooms at--tached, 'furnished or unfurnished;- an elegantplace for a family or a club; rent of ground

• nominal. Inaulre -boxs 1491, .Call -office.


Installment homes. -?;713 Jas.; Flood building.,\u25a0\u25a0We bulld> on your -property: or,buy you' a

Jot; you,make a email cash payment, ,then $S\ per month' pays principal and Interest oneach:-.' $1000 -of balance .due, ,making your monthly,

\u25a0 Installments less -1 than rent; ;call:or send . for,".... circular. \u25a0" ..*. -' .'... \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0


$1050 TO $1250.' $150 CASH, BALANCE f$20,-'\u25a0-.- -..\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 '.\u25a0\u25a0'.•\u25a0: MONTHLY.:

--• -.--.--- -

.:.'Level lots on 14th and"15th ayes. and Hit;

within,a- few -minutes* of.all \u25a0 the attractions of;Golden* Gate- Park ;? this,section- Is Improvingrapidly;^ Ellls-st.j: cars *pass -ipiftperty.-

-.: ...

LOT;on N.r- Bide'Marke t:15C-ft; \u25a0 front;;contains\u25a0;- 3500 sq.'\ ft.;)$150 ;frontift.;,close *toi"fraad

\.'lmprov«mts. ;\u25a0 Just

"cotwpletad.t Box iCall.

$2100-^-NEW,t swell**cottage rof":rof": 4;rooms \u25a0* and

.-bath;one block'car line;'$300 1caeh, \u25a0 $20.per

. -•; month..'Apply^33lo'Mission st.- ;y ,- '.:,- ,";:;

'RICHMONDiDISTRICT;*reaI.?estate t brokers. .iV>The rEwing ;Co.;-{305 [Sth' aye.;|open |Sunday. .$4000— NEW,7-room jand |bath 1house; .must sell/-

;\u25a0>''Owner,'; 3os l.Eighth:,aye,-; r. -;\u25a0;; -;• -\u25a0;':,%:r:r >-,'*;;: t

-''SUNSET lot, 25x120, between Hugo and I«ts.;,«only.vacant lot'in block; $1650. V'305 Bth *ye.:.--' \u25a0;--:-. •\u25a0>- \u25a0*. tL ii>yiiiiPii»hi>*Haii mfH mi^imrn'i llii'iiinii ii\ \u25a0 iftfiniiiM innrinprn.





—-. i. ;. ;\u25a0.. -.\u25a0

-i \u25a0 ,:,\u25a0 -\ .\u25a0 ..

We give the naVnes of purchasers who havemore than doubled their money in beautiful

SAN MATEO PARK.Villa lots. ICO feet front or more, at $G and

$B*a foot: main and side sewers laid; city.water piped, to ;every lot; roads oiled; con-venient. to electric cars.

San Mateo Is a Thriving Town. Not aBarren HUUlde.

i Branch offices at Burllngame Station and atSanMateo.

' __ . •

GO THERE SUNDAY.BALDWIN & HOWELL, F. S. GRUMMON,• . 23 Post st. . / San Mateo. '



In the center of San Mateo's buslnens dis-trict; 1minute's walk from R. R. depot; mainand side sewers laid; city water piped to every

\u0084 lot;street work all done.


Branch offices at Burlingame Station andSan Mateo. \u25a0



'\u25a0•\u25a0* 25 Post st. San Mateo.

COME see plans of cottages: 4 rooms $850: 5rooms. $1200. Builder. "43Q Parrott building.


—"OUR PRICES" on ranches are


lower, \u25a0 than anywhere else because we do not add

huge commissions on to the owner's price; wo' only handlo places wa "know" to be good;we "never" misrepresent a place; iek us andsave 20 per cent; Santa Cruz County land aspecialty. BURR-PADDON CO.. 40 Mont-

i gomery St., San Francisco, Cal.*

IF you want a cheap little ranch, here's one of20 acres, well located, in central Alamcda

g County, for $2500: thero are 8 acres In vine-yard, balance hay'ana pasture land (nowaste), house, barn, personal property, etc.;no better poultry farm anywhere. H. 11.

; CRANE. BOS California ct.

/ALFALFA Irrigated lands, $25 per acre; $1, down, $1 month: no Interest; call or write

for pamphlets. INDEX LAND AND BONDCO., 907 Kohl bid., cor. Cal. and Monty sts.

?2GSO— ACHOICE vineyard property of 20 acresIn Alameda County; 15 acres wine grapes in

. seventh year; house, barn, personal propeity,'\u25a0 etc.; owner called out or State; get partlcu-

lars of this. H. 11. CRANE. 508 California.

A MONTHLYcatalogue country land bargainssent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 64S Market.

A PRETTY" little home; fruit and poultryfarm; 11% acres; closo to R, R. depot: Ala-njeda County; price ?40W, including all per-sonal property, 500 poultry, etc.; Investigatethis. H. H. CRANE. 508 California et.

Poultry ranches. Write to J. W. Horn Co.. Pet-- aluma, for free copy of Sonoma Co. bargains.

BULL VALLEY REAL ESTATE.---r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,

OVER 200 LOTS SOLD.At beautiful Mill Valley one has all the

conveniences of the city, combined with thecharms of the country; go there to-day; youwill enjoy the outing ana sco the grand lotsright at the station that wa are offering; beau-!tlful.. redwood trees.


Sewers and water mains laid; large lots,from $300 to $650;. 10 per. cent cash, balance$10 monthly. Agent" on trie.tract Sundays.

LYON & HOAG. 116 •Montgomery st.



Great big lots, 60x150, and larger for $450:

and upward: $00 cash, $10 monthly, waterpipes and pewer laid; macadamized avenues;

| an:Ideal \u25a0 place for a )home; surrounded by' grand trees and charming country "places;'don't fall to see the bargains we are selling:

will treble In.value; 250 lots sold In a shorttime-"•BranchVofflee at Burllnsrame.

LYON & HOAG. IIS Montgomery st.


CO-OPERATIVE Land and Trust Co. are the; owners of large blocks of real estate In "The

Twin Cities." Palo Alto and ,Mayfleld. theStanford University towns: large lota. $300

\u25a0 and up;cement walks, graded streets, 'etc.;( small monthly payments: country property;

houses for rent. San Frnacisco offlce, 720Market st.; phone Front 31. Salesmen

: wanted."'-<'


WANTED—To buy small farm; about $3000;: $1000 down, balance time. Box 4677, Call.


BEAUTIFULchicken ranch to let; entire stockwith Incubators for sale; splendidly situated.Tab« car .Fifth and Market sts. and get offat Eaaton. "''.-\u25a0"'\u25a0 '"'\u25a0\u25a0 ''\u25a0-•-


WE can turn \u25a0 any;good real-estate • Into cash

Inside of 30 days; try us when you want a~"quick" sale. . BURR-PADDON CO., 40

1.-'. Montgomery, st.. San Francisco.)

IWANT good paying flats as an investment.J. ROSS, box 1475, Call.


SAN FRANCISCO.:CAL.'. November 1. 1903.^—\u25a0 Sealed proposals, :In \u25a0 triplicate, will .be re-

\u25a0 celved here. \and -at offlce of quartermaster."until;11 a. m.. December 1. 1905, and then. opened,


'furnishing.during the . threemonths ending March 31, \u25a0'1908;-.'forage andstraw for .Presidio- of Monterey, Cal.,. alsoat same..time;. at this offlce only, for forageand straw for.Presidio :of

'San .Francisco.:San Francisco, and ISan \u25a0 Francisco; Cal., .for

? ahlpment to Honolulu,. H."T." Governmentreserves the right to ;reject or accept anyor all bids In whole or:in.part. Preference-'given •to

*articles ;of}American -;<.production,

.-"conditions of price and -quality (Including Inthe :price 'of foreign- productions

-the -. duty

;'thereon) being ;equal; and such -'preference

\u25a0given to'articles ;of American -. production"" -produced 'on'the Pacific '

Coast,"to extent of

consumption required by the;public jservice/ there. - Allinformation furnished on appllca-

. tion- to quartermaster at Presidio •of Mon-'\u25a0 terey, or to undersigned.

'WILLIAMS. PAT-',TEN, Assistant: Quartermaster General, .U.

\u25a0;S.". A.m.* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'--.'\u25a0;•-''---";\u25a0 ,-\u25a0"-",'-' ."" - .v'-' -;


PROPOSALS-for \u25a0 a 150,000-gallon steel tank

on a :75-foot trestle—

Offlce >of the C.,Q/ M.,"Vancouver r Barracks, Wash., .Oct.' 7.,1905.

—• > Sealed proposals, %In

'triplicate, .will:be \u25a0 re-

ceived !here, until 11 o'clock a.; m., Pacifictime 'November. 7, 1005, for the erection of a150,000-gallon steel tanK :on a 75-foot "trestleat <Fort :Stevens, ;. Oregon, ;Plans

"and \u25a0 speci-'• *

flcations *may "be'seen rat;the offices of

"the*-"'chief quartermastfer;- Chicago,; lll.;

'the •depot

quartermaster, San Francisco, .Cal.,' the depot: quartermaster, ;Portland; Or., ,the post quar-• termaster,

-Fort \u25a0• Stevens, ". Or.,-or;the iunder-

: signed^-'-The U. S.";.reserves .the 'right to \u25a0re-- -Ject 1or:accept \u25a0 any • or:alliproposals :or;anypart thereof. ~$Envelopes

-containing propos-

\u25a0 als >should • be. marked "Propoeals \u25a0 for - st3eltank" and \u25a0 addressed F. G. • HODGSON. C."

'-'\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 :\u25a0-\u25a0.:-:' *;'\u25a0''\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0;:\u25a0'\u25a0 "\u25a0 -; NOTICES.




; erly •Mary% Ryan). -born iln

-Culllna. County

"\u25a0 Cappamore, .Ireland,"! wife of WILLIAMCAL-LAGHAN,

"'laborer, t,wno left' Sydney for San'

Francisco,^ about-the'year i1878, iis \u25a0\u25a0 requested

\u25a0• to • communicate - with the

"undersigned. \u25a0 when

"\u25a0\u25a0.\ she iwtllihear ;something ito:her.- advantage. *

Any"'\u25a0 person 's knowing;' her \u25a0• whereabouts \u25a0 will:i'"t please :\u25a0> communicate with '\u25a0< SHIPWAT \u25a0< &i-f-BERNE,"- solleltors,l Sydney iStock :Exchange,:>;113 Pitt \u25a0st.r Sydney; New South .Wales, -z \j

;r;-v.awarning- to the: public: --.;-.-^»—:JAMESIH."r.RILEY-2is;notzauthorized ". to

-.'- collect \u25a0» any money ;under :the ;. name •• of. the'. '-- Army

'and '\u25a0 Na\*y Union.'..;- By;order •of

-'; \ --\u25a0:-:.'--.i..:.',-:\u25a0* COL:, F.;E:CLYKCH,"-"..

'. _c Commander jCallf.l^Garrison INo. ;101.'

NOTICE Is hereby given that I;have" this dayv"Bold'one-half jinterest' in.the -buainessiknown

\u25a0A as < the ;Murrai-'s :EmDloymenl;Agency to \u25a0H.C:B- Ha*Ung«. \u25a0 .'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0

*-W.il.jROBERTS. \f?

>Iir^ICAL IN.STRUMEXTS-\u25a0Contl"^.': iHORNUNG. 210 McAllister sU manufacturer.• Hornung Bros.' pianos; agt. Laffargue piano.

ELEGANT uprights, new. id-band. $40-$500..PIERCES Ptano Factory,' Market and 14th.

ALMOST given away; unredeemed storage pl-anog. fwrn. Whltehead's storage, 1630 Mrkt.

SOHMER, Byron Mauzy pianos. Cecilian piano"player. BYROX MAUZY. 308-312 Post gt.

NEW. upright pianos sold on $5 monthly pay-ments. SCHMITZ & CO.. 16 McAllister st.

S-PEDAL Stelnway up; Chickerlng baby grand.Shoninger little UEcd. Keeffe'n. 285 O FarreH.


AAA—HERMAN MURPHY, ,„.601-602-603 Examiner Buildlnjr.

Quick settlements; no disappointments. .Save expenses by dealing directly.Estates, second mortgages, undivided Inter-ests, assignments of rents, property in trust,*etc.; legacies, life estates and undivided" In-terests in property purchased. .Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential.

When You Need MoneySe* HERMAN- MURPHY. -\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0

ANY \u25a0 salaried employe \u25a0or wage earner canGET JUST ON HIS NOTE:

Mo. Semi-Mo." Week.Sso— Return to us. $13 35 or $6 65 or. $3 3530—Return to u5...... 800 or 400 or 20020—Return to us 535 or 265 or 10515—Return to us 400 or 200 or 100

Or any other sum and pay back in proportion.STAR LOAN CO. of Wyoming. ..

Room 311. Mutual Savings Bank building.

WILL LOANreasonable amount on

Ist. 2d or 3dMortgages on real estateIncity, town or country.

Low rate of Interest.Give full particulars

of property. .Location, etc.

Box 223. Call offico.AAAA—UNITED LOAN AND TRUST CO.,

21 Stockton st.. near Market., ad floor. -\u25a0 • \u25a0

Loans made to salaried people without any,publicity or other inconvenience on their

nct«s. Loans on real estate In probate; lifeinsurance policies, estates. second mort-gages, assignments of renta, etc. \u25a0

Money loaned salaried people without secur-ity or indorsement, knowledge of employer orany one: confidential and courteous treatment.Call and get rtrms. Drakc.4s3 Parrott bldg.

HIGHLY respectable private Pl "̂lvobfftl


liberal advances on diamonds Jewelry, at 1pVr cent Interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store.»78 Market St.. tel. Main 1644. Branch 1192Market et. and 27 Third Bt. r

ANY amount quickly on furniture or piano

without removal or other security; lowestrates; no commission; confidential. _ 800-7Donohoe bldg., 8 Taylor ft., corner Market.

MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer-chants teamsters, boarding-houses, withoutsecurity; easy payments; large business in_4oprincipal cities. TOLMAN.,553 Parrott bldg.

ORIGINAL Uncle Bill—lf you look for lowest

rate of interest and square deal. Old Floodbldg.. SCO Market, cor. 4th. suite 1, eat. 18t>8.

ALVACo. (The) loans money to.salaried peoplewithout security: good terms and easy pay-ments; also on other security. 507 Flood bldg.

MONEY to loan at a. low rate of Interest; gold,silver diamonds, pearls and precious stonesbought at W. J. HESTHAL'S, 10 Sixth st.

SALARIED people without security: also onfurn..estates In probate, life ins. policies, etc.Empire Loan & InvestJ'Co.. 612 Parrott bldg.

S% ON furniture & pianos; $15 up; no removal:no com. V. TREMAIN. room 81. 6 Eddy st.

ANY amount, real estate or other security;yiOO up. W. J. WHITE. 20 Montgomery, r.' 8.

DON'T borrow money on salary until,you seeus. Hutton Credit Co.. 012 Mutual Bank bldg.

ALLloans ondiamonds &Jewelry at 2 per centmo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 538 Kearny.

McGARVIE & C0.,720 Market St., loans money,65 to SO per cent of valuation of property.

CASH loaned salaried people on notes withoutlndorscr. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bldg.


—Respectable woman for - working

housekeeper for elderly gentleman, with aview to matrimony. Box 1462, Call offlce.

MINES.AND MINING.300 ACRES rich placer ground; will bear in-

veetlgatlon. Box 1400. Call. !

MUSEUMS.DR. LIEBIGSTAFF Free Museum ofAnatonjy

moved to 1023 Market st., near Sixth. \u25a0


2 SHOPS; $7 and $3 per month; 'water free.121U Market et.- : " . .-.- "

\u25a0 . " .-. .3 ROOMS, suitable for doctor, or dentist on

first floor. 323 Kearny gt.


TO let—

Fine basement. . 247 Second st.

TAILORS or barbers: basement floor; $20.

118 Eddy st. -.-

"\u25a0 _ _ _ \._

MME. GILLINGHAM.dermatologist; wrinklesabsolutely removed without pain: contour re-_stored. 930 Market St.: tel.. Montgomery 1311.

AT less than cost: uncalled for suits, overcoatsand trousers at CHARLES LYONS', LondonTailor, 721 Market Bt.

STAR hair remedy, tonic, restores color, curesdandruff, stops falling; druggists, hair drees-ers. Star Remedy Co.. 821 Polk at. ..

MRS. and MISS EATON,.electric needleclallsts, have removed to 822 Sutter st.

OLD picture frames refinlshed like new; reason-able. California Decorating Co., 206 6th-st.

SUITS to order on Installments of $1 per week.NEUHAUS &CO., the tailor. 729 Market et.

MISS UNDERWOOD, electric needle specialist,.814 Sutter st. Phone East 864tt.

"*-8 BRAND new tailor-made men's suits, cost

$25, -for $9 75. 440 Bush. nr. California Hotel.$1 A WEEK: suits to order $15 up. LEMOS.

1127 Market St.. bet. Seventh and Eighth.

MASQUERADE coetumes, .play;books, wigs;country orders. GOLDSTEIN &CO., 733 Mkt.

ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received atCall branch office, cor. Duncan & Church sta.



A young lady partner In:mining,real estate and business office; must be edu-cated, of fine appearance, blameless charac-ter and have $500; money fully secured; $15UOper year net guaranteed ;. appoint -an .inter-view. G. W. BARTLE, 783 Golden, Gateaye.. San Francisco. .


REMOVED—DR. WONG HIM, herb, doctor,treats all diseases' of the human body;; forpast four years at 115-117 Mason St.," now lo-cated at 667 Geary st., near Leavenworth. ,

WONG WOO, the famous herb doctor—

AlldJs-eases cured by Chinese herbs. 746-8 Clay st.

PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING.ROOMS~papered, $3 50 up; 75,000 rolls wallpa-

per.. Be up. Hartmann Paint Co.. 319 Third.


INVENTIONS patented ;.;U. S. and foreign;,patent law. F. P. MEDINA. 532 Market st. 3


ASSESSMENT NOTlCE—Kilauea Sugar Plan-tation Company. Location of principal placaof business, city and county of -San, Fran-cisco. State of California.

'Notice is hereby

given that at a meeting of the board of'dI-;

rectors of the said company,": held on tha 27thday of October/ 19C5, an assessment of onedollar ($1) per share was levied on the capi-tal stock of. the corporation, payable :Imme-diately to the secretary at the offlee, of saidcorporation. No. 327 Market street (room 4,second- floor). In the city and county ot Ban'Francisco, State of -California. v«Any stockupon which this assessment shall remain un-paid on the 2Sth day of November, 1905, will,bo delinquent and advertised' for sale at pub-;lie auction, "and unless payment" s ls;made >be-"fora will be -sold "on Friday;;December. 15,. 19C5, at the; hour of .three (3).o'cloc k: u.:m.,to pay the delinquent assessment,; togetherwith cost of,advertising and iexpense of the

."'Bale. By order of .the "\u25a0 board ;of;directors..H." W...THOMAS.' secretary ;Kllauea \u25a0 Sugar.

Plantation : Company/ Offlce *sof 'company,'527 Market street :(room \u25a0 4,;second floor). Inthe city and county of San Francisco," State;of California. (San !Francisco," Cal.; October

.28. 1905.) " • '\u25a0--

•'-"-"-•\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 '\u25a0"' \u25a0 . "-\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0-".


DIVIDEND.' notlce-^-The": Giant Powder »Com-'•pany,> Con.. Giant '•\u25a0 statlon.j California: ;.,Adividend No. 83 of fifty cents (50c); per share-. \u25a0 on;the issued :capital!;stock 5 ofIthe; company;has been declared

'payable \u25a0on ? November ;10,''1905. Transfer books close November 3,'1905,


'at noon. "-Checks'"will? be

'"mailed. I"-C.


QUINN,"secretary. '\u25a0. •' ' -

\u25a0 \u25a0 ,