of JMIIMI'S - Rockcastle County Public Library · 2013-12-30 · tle to put up part ot the money....

yde Watson, and red Ro'/ns were ?. L. Bur ham. hristioct Davis days the Igdrum.^- The 'Fiscal Court which met this week, made application to the Sule Road Department for Convict labor to build our roads. This ia the only aalvatioa it seems for roads ia this ooanty. Bell County•« roads were buUt by convict labor and if we are suc- cessful in getting our claim con- sidered in time for road work in 1918, we will see more roads built thai way, thfn we will see in many years to come if we have to depend on Rockcaa- tle to put up part ot the money. Many of oar people will tell ycm. yes we want roads must have them, bat I am not willing to vote any tax to. build them. How in the world do they expect to ever see roads and they don't. Such bosh and God pity people who are that' close Sated and uoprof resaire. Mt. Vernon Signal! SUa * Frencfa b « n d »®-i Spring almost here, how 1 .1 11. in — charged from the army and is about that Ford? MT. VKBMON KY, Mar ai, 19*9 TIMS TABLE- 22 aorta..' ...... ....... 4.57 p .... 8:35 a m ?3- south 12-.J5 p n> il jonth ....».• 12:45 a m TuT Phcne No. 8. C. H. White is home from Har- We understand Bryant Bros . . . . have seen red the Livingston tet- naburg for a few day, stay with rit<jry fcf (be (>f Ctr> There h« b«a very UtUe dona his wife and daughter ud th , hey t ^ ^ e way of apprehending boot Jess Fish and Everett Mnllius I garage there soon. |leggers during the past week trom C'atnp Taylor, were at home j „-—•—-— [On several occasions men have IT I he big banquet Tuesday Pmce11 JeM °® tord ' t u r n e d from Lebanon with night. j *> u « ht « 8 ha'ber shop of . qoantiUea of whiskey that would Mr. John Smith, age 79 years, ^ , t r y ; h * ve * ootfc * r Mlify tbe belief that they were a resident of Berea, is b e * oc a ^ " d wiU con " nlw M M » e ,Carrying it for Visit to his granddaughter, Mrs. Alice Davis. A. H. Hamlin took his wife to London. Wednesday and bad Dr. Penuingto^ examine ber. Mrs. . Hamlin baa not been well for LAHOKOM. Agent. e tjlDe_ lodge Cam Mullins is inTine- v'ilie today. Leonard Davis, is clerking for Chas. C. Davis. Rob McKenzie wbo has a good position atOorbin it spending the week at home. J. M Brown was down from ' East Bernstadt for a few bourif yesterday on tmsiness W. M. Mul'lms has moved his family to London. _ where he is ruaning a livery staole. Miss Clyde Watson, and neice, Miss Mildred of Mrs. P. L. Miss V Lovisv tile for gaestof iss R Jop Smith is pliy, working with the night man for the L- & N Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Oliver and son, of Livingston, ha.e been vis- iting relatives here this week.- D. C. Craig was down from Cor- bin Sunday. Dave bas a good , position with the L. & N. at that place. Mr and Mrs. R. M. Baker are here from Indiana the guests of their sou, Howard Baker ,. and family. Mrs. David Cottongim, of Stan, ford, was in town to day between, trains shopping and visiting friends. Mrs-. R. B. Hatcher, who has betn seriously ili with Bu and ty- phoid for the past ten weeks, is much improved. Miss Ida Hamlin, who has been sick for the past ten weeks due to the drugg of flu and malaria is slowly improving. Mrs. J. T. Meadows ard Mrs. Geotgia McClure viaited friends and relatives in Urkb Orchard (luring the week. C- D. Sutton spent most of the week in Cincinnati buying goods for his splendid firm of which he is senior memlier Misses Kitty Hayes and Willie Albright, of Brodbead, have been the guests'of Misses Bess Ida Hamlin this week. John Robins. R»v. A. J. Pike and C. H Frith were up from Brodtiead Tuesday to attend the Y. M. C. A conference, A Telegram received yesterday from (amie Thompson stated that he is now back in America and expects to be at home soon. Corporal Fred Hatcher, who was here on a furlough to mother has returned to Camp Lee Va., wbere-he is stationed. Mrs. Dr. Southard spent a por tion of the week with her daugb ter, Mr. G McBee. Dr Southard was here for a few hours Wednesday on business. Miss Vesta Cofley, daughter cf W. A. Coffey of tbe Wildie tion celebrated her 19th birthday on the 19th day of Macch 1919 Millard Sutton is back home. He and Edgar Mnllina left witb the boys last April and of those wbo went away at that time they are tbe only ones who have returned. When they met in Mt. Vernon Tuesday, ii was tbe first time they since one week after striving at Camp Taylor. Fudge L. W. Bethuram waa in Paris yesterday when was made by tbe Attorneys, representing Oscar Johnson, tbe man who killed Walter Rice, asking for a new trial. Tbe motion was overaled by the trial Judge and tbe case will be car ried to the Court of Appeal^ Johnson ,was gives a death sen. tence! Judge iBethun to the prosecution. Buy a Foro, buy a new one, buy it now. Dwight Bowman leaves for Berea Monday to enter school— vocation._ Harmon Skid more has opened a grocery and OK at market in tbe Miss Kate Moore property FOR SALE:— One good milch cow with young calf. Mas. EJ.LA HIATT, Mt. Vernon. Ky. Let us take yon where you want to go Our rates are reason- able, our cars are 'tis*, our driv- 's are good GARAGE. TREES:—If you want some good apples, peach, pears or other frtlit trees come and see me, I have some left over stock. HL C. CijpHTK. We are seTlingTtbe Ford Car because it is the.ibaj.car made— are selling tbe ttatfted Slates Tiie because it i*-taa.best tire made. GARAGE. Get ready for the stock sale at tbe Rockcastle Stock Pens, on the Third Monday in April. Ar- rasigment are being made for a big opening. Both tbe stock and buyers will be here on that day. Harve Mink has bought the boiler and engine from Lam Ry- mel, which Mr. Rymel used at Wildie for a number>of years grinding corn. Mr. Mink is moving it to bis place near Sand Hill place. Bryant Bro*„ or carrying whiskey for who have the another, but it looks a* if the FKRTILIZBR:— I will soon have a car of V-C Fertilizer 16 per cent, phosphate, which I will sell for f j 8 7j at the car. Cash. No notes taken. See me if you are interested. J AC * Hv8tNGBK. . The "Washingtonisn" Literary Society, of Mt. Vernon High School, will give an open program iu the auditorium, on Tuesday evening, March 27th. at 7:3o. The public is cordially invited. The program is as -follows: Music; Discussion, "What is a League of Nations?" DEBATE: Resolved that there should be a league of nations. AH.: John Albright, Ralph Griffin. Neg : Arthur Cooper. Julian Miller. CHORUS; Freshman Play. The following marriage license have been issued since March 10th. f Dencie McCracken to Miss Ida May Head They live in the Crooked Creek section. tiarl Howard to Mis- Mary Hellard. Thay live near Livings, ton. Roscoe Anderson to Mist. Lil- lie Mulling. They live near Withers W. D. Mink to Miss Hila Hunt. Tney live at Maretburg. McKinley Ash to Miss Allen. agency for all tbe county now tor Fords, will put in a repair shop at Livingston. Graydon Thompson, WHO killed Patef King Jr , and wounded bis brother, Sam King at Crab Or: chard two-Sundays a?o, tad his examining trial at Stanford yes terday and was held wiibout bail Frapk Boone who was with Thompson wa- allowed bail in the gum of {looo whicb he gave J W (Typewriter) Hamilton has certainly been the salvation of the .SIGNAL office this week. We reached the point where onr regular force was unable to any- thing like meet the demand of our many customers—the double sheet last week and this shows that there is something doing to sav nothing of job work which is more than what it ever was be- fore—and seeing our predicament, came to our rescue. When a young man be was a typo at Som- erset, and judging Irom what be can do now. after twenty-five years ouCof tbe business, he mast have been a bum dinger in his potcpey days. He is called "Typewriter" Hamilton because he sells typewriters and if yon want one he is tbe man to see. Last but not least by any means comes his ability to make that old discarded, no account piano, sound like a "Steinway.'' Don't be deceived and think he does not know bis business, a trial will prove to your satisfaction that he knows what he is doing. NOTICE TO THOSE WHO BUY GROCERIES: I have a Restaurant opposite the Post Office. I keep grocer- ies, steak and frest meats. This is the Manus stand, the one 1 cupied by Aunt Ka".e Moore. Come in and see my prices on what J have. • My goods are all uew, just out from the city, Yoiirs for trade. W. H. SKJDMORB CLEANING AND PRESSING. Bring your old suit and we'll make it look like new again. EARBCOX at the Cooper Barber Shop. Let the Ford solve yemr travel ing problems. ' • hO* SALE: —An extra good milch cow, now giving 3 gallons a day. Call at this office. STEAY'BD:—A black sow pig weight about 50 pounds. Has 2 or 3 white feet. Reward for re- torn. BOB TAVLO*. WANTED:— To rent for the Castleton CJub.a good phonograph and records. See or write Ralph Griffin, Mt. Vernon. Ky. BOOTLEGGING LIVINGSTON "uwa COMMITTEE and Mrs. Ernest Arnold,! of Logan. West Va., arrived to- day bat amid not make the trip j in time to tee the remains of his] father. J. L Arnold, who was buried yesterday. — Mrs. James! I'ate and daughter, Misa Miranda.t were here between trairs en-j route Home to Brodbead frwaj Richmond, where Mrs Tate had ; been for several days to have a [ surgical operation performed j She withstood the operation fine ow it Is to be hoped a| speedy recovery will follow, Mr. j and Mrs. B. H Griffin have turned from Bnckey. Ben is aisting in the erection of a house j which, his father, G. 8. Griffin is j erecting 00 his farm c Vernon.—Died, Sunday, the 16th, j J. L. Arnold, age &$. Besides f f 11 j j j } wife and one sister. Mrs. Emma Jones, he leaves cCiilden, j five boys and four girls and a host of friends and relatives to mourn his death. For the past [ yeat he has been in poor health has been gradually sinking for some time with that terrible disease, heart dropsy. His re sre laid to rest Sunday at tbe family burying ground near Pine Hill, to await the call of his r , 0 Lord ,0 think an, SEED POTATOES! FOB SAUE:—|Cheverolet aoto- mobile. In_fir^t class condition and can be" bought worth the money. Call at this office. FOE SALE:-Rhode Island Red J1.00 per seiting of fifteen MRS.-W. T. HICKS. Wildie. Ky thing that the boot leg element has expected and hoped for is going to come true. Tbe people wbo are much interred and voted resolutions to help sop- press the sale of whiskey have dropped back into the old rut failing to know anything of their personal knowledge, hot do a lot or talking about rumor. The whole affair is in good shape to quiet down and nothing be done until another grand jury is 103 paneled and if the experience of last conrt would be repeated, the results obtained by this cam- paign will be lar from what they should be. 17 CENTS. Rockcastle County has been asktd for $398 as their minimun quota for relief of the Armenians, Syrians and Greeks, who are war sufferers, to any of them hav- ing lost their homes In 1915. Their Buffering has been so great from starvation and exposure that the death rate in some sec- tion; has been 1000 a day. Man y of them have been forced to eat grass and the flesh Of dead horses, or anything that is possi- bly eatable to prevent death trom starvation. It Is found that these people can be fed a suffi cient amount to keep, tbtm alive on seventeen cents a day for each pet son, and we are now sending out calls to every Sun- day School in the County to con- tribute to thiafcfund an amount equal 17 cents for each one wbo attends Sandsy iSchool en Sun- day March the 30th, thereby, en abling our Sunday Schools to feeds number'of these people one day, and thus do tOeir bit in relieving suffering humanity. It is not understood that the Sunday School's 1? cents will be sofficie'nt for the people wbo are able and willing to help more, to pay this amount and quit, but this call if carried out will raise about $125 of tbe $398, the amount required from this county. CASTORIA Pot Infants and Children In Us* For Over 30 Years JMIIMI ' S CASH CROCERY STORE BEST FLOUR $ 1 . 3 0 per bag QUESTION. To My Friends and Acquaintances Buy Co-Operating Oil Stock to-day while it is 50c per Share. It will advance to $1.00 per Share; Tuesday, March 25th. Thi" iaone of the bast oil proportion* offered Ja Kentucky, and there are some See. write or phone me before this advance oomea. w . H. FISH, I W 27 and 80, Mt. Vemoo,Ky. >ay that all is for tbe best; He is not dead but gone before, his soul is with the blest." Miss Winnie Falin, one of the trachers here in the graded set with home folks Sunday Cove.—Misses Letha and Bertha Summers were in Loudon, Sun day between trains—Miss Cora Griffin, wbo has a pesition with firm at Big Stone Gap, Vs.. was with home folks Sonday —G. 8 Griffin.Jr.who has been in France, tuts returned He says be did not get a Hun. bat came in six hoars of it. He is looking ffne and caa tell yon lota abeut that country over the pond.—Ir. and Mrs. J. P. B. Drummond, who have been quite sick for some time, are able to leave their room —Little Hugh Clark, after a ter rible struggle with double pneu xtia, is able to leave bis room Mra. George Smith la in Corbto this week visiting relatives, a Devault, of Mt. Vernon, here between trains. Tues dsy and he was all smiles. Bel we can guess.—Wm. Brady was from Lebanon Junction. Tues day with home folka.—J. S. Calo way has returned from Rich l, Dock is looking much betted—Mrs. John Mollins, of i, was here between trains, a few days ago, enroute home from Mt Vernon, where she had been visiting relatives —Judge R. G. Williams, of Covington, is being boosted for Governor. The Judge is mighty good timber for the place, and would make the one that beat him, if sneh should be tbe case, realize that be had been in a race. We know Old Rock- castle would stand by him, as he has many friends here.—Mrs. 1. W. Catiiu, of Louisville, after a few days visit with relatives here baa Returned home. Our CMenfeTe Grows! Not Upon Promises but Upon Performances WE AiUC PIO.VBHRS IN Dry Cfeaningr and Dyeing In boaineaa since 1836 PROMPT DELIVERIES The Teasdafe Co, 625^27 Walnut 8treet CINCINNATI. OHIO READY FOB HERVICE. I have a fine Bad short ball, now ready for service Ft fi.oo at gate. Jsct H r u e n Children Oir r#t FifTWttri O A S T O W lie. $ 1 . 2 5 per bushel I Small Cans Milk 6c Large Can Milk 2 t 25c KARO SYRUP 75cpergaL BEST CORN 15c BEANS 8ic * LARD 25c per lb. Pay Cash and S a v the Difference GET THEM AT Drummo nd's LIVINGSTON ii YOU'LL LOOK GOOD IN A TAYLOR MADE SUITS And You'll FEEL GOOD When You See Their . VALUES At Th« Price , There's Nothing Like 'Cm To Measure Only THE CASH STORE GENUINE: Get Our Prices They Are Right

Transcript of of JMIIMI'S - Rockcastle County Public Library · 2013-12-30 · tle to put up part ot the money....

yde Watson, and red Ro'/ns were ?. L. Bur ham. hristioct Davis

days the Igdrum.^-

The 'Fiscal Court which met this week, made application to the Sule Road Department for Convict labor to build our roads. This ia the only aalvatioa it seems for roads ia this ooanty. Bell County•« roads were buUt by convict labor and if we are suc-cessful in getting our claim con-sidered in time for road work in 1918, we will see more roads built thai way, thfn we will see in many years to come if we have to depend on Rockcaa-tle to put up part ot the money. Many of oar people will tell ycm. yes we want roads must have them, bat I am not willing to vote any tax to. build them. How in the world do they expect to ever see roads and they don't. Such bosh and God pity people who are that ' close Sated and uoprof resaire.

M t . V e r n o n S i g n a l ! S U a * F r e n c f a b « n d»®-i Spring i« almost here, how 1 .1 1 1 . in — charged from the army and is about that Ford?

MT. VKBMON KY, Mar a i , 19*9

TIMS TABLE-22 aorta . . ' ...... ....... 4.57 p

.... 8:35 am ?3- south 12-.J5 p n> il jonth ....».• 12:45 a m

TuT Phcne No. 8.

C. H. White is home from Har- We understand Bryant Bros . . . . have seen red the Livingston tet-naburg for a few day, stay with r i t < j r y fcf ( b e (>f C t r > There h « b«a very UtUe dona

his wife and daughter u d t h „ , h e y „ t ^ ^ e way of apprehending boot Jess Fish and Everett Mnllius I garage there soon. |leggers during the past week

trom C'atnp Taylor, were at home j „ „-—•—-— [On several occasions men have IT I he big banquet Tuesday P m c e 1 1 J e M ° ® t o r d ' t u r n e d from Lebanon with night. j *>u«h t « 8 ha'ber shop of . qoantiUea of whiskey that would

Mr. John Smith, age 79 years, ^ , t r y ; h * v e * o o t f c * r Mlify tbe belief that they were a resident of Berea, is b e * oc a ^ " d w i U c o n " n l w M M » e ,Car ry ing it for Visit to his granddaughter, Mrs. Alice Davis.

A. H. Hamlin took his wife to London. Wednesday and bad Dr. Penuingto^ examine ber. Mrs.

. Hamlin baa not been well for LAHOKOM. Agent. • e tjlDe_

lodge Cam Mullins is inTine-v'ilie today.

Leonard Davis, is clerking for Chas. C. Davis.

Rob McKenzie wbo has a good position atOorbin it spending the week at home.

J. M Brown was down from ' East Bernstadt for a few bourif

yesterday on tmsiness

W. M. Mul'lms has moved his family to London. _ where he is ruaning a livery staole.

Miss Clyde Watson, and neice, Miss Mildred of Mrs. P. L.

Miss V Lovisv tile for gaestof iss R

Jop Smith is pliy, working with the night man for the L- & N

Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Oliver and son, of Livingston, ha.e been vis-iting relatives here this week.-

D. C. Craig was down from Cor-bin Sunday. Dave bas a good

, position with the L. & N. at that place.

Mr and Mrs. R. M. Baker are here from Indiana the guests of their sou, Howard Baker ,. and family.

Mrs. David Cottongim, of Stan, ford, was in town to day between, trains shopping and visiting friends.

Mrs-. R. B. Hatcher, who has betn seriously ili with Bu and ty-phoid for the past ten weeks, is much improved.

Miss Ida Hamlin, who has been sick for the past ten weeks due to the drugg of flu and malaria is slowly improving.

Mrs. J. T. Meadows ard Mrs. Geotgia McClure viaited friends and relatives in Urkb Orchard (luring the week.

C- D. Sutton spent most of the week in Cincinnati buying goods for his splendid firm of which he is senior memlier

Misses Kitty Hayes and Willie Albright, of Brodbead, have been the guests'of Misses Bess Ida Hamlin this week.

John Robins. R»v. A. J. Pike and C. H Frith were up from Brodtiead Tuesday to attend the Y. M. C. A conference,

A Telegram received yesterday from (amie Thompson stated that he is now back in America and expects to be at home soon.

Corporal Fred Hatcher, who was here on a furlough to mother has returned to Camp Lee Va., wbere-he is stationed.

Mrs. Dr. Southard spent a por tion of the week with her daugb ter, Mr. G McBee. Dr Southard was here for a few hours Wednesday on business.

Miss Vesta Cofley, daughter cf W. A. Coffey of tbe Wildie tion celebrated her 19th birthday on the 19th day of Macch 1919

Millard Sutton is back home. He and Edgar Mnllina left witb the boys last April and of those wbo went away at that time they are tbe only ones who have returned. When they met in Mt. Vernon Tuesday, ii was tbe first time they since one week after striving at Camp Taylor.

Fudge L. W. Bethuram waa in Paris yesterday when was made by tbe Attorneys, representing Oscar Johnson, tbe man who killed Walter Rice, asking for a new trial. Tbe motion was overaled by the trial Judge and tbe case will be car ried to the Court of Appeal^ Johnson ,was gives a death sen. tence! Judge iBethun to the prosecution.

Buy a Foro, buy a new one, buy it now.

Dwight Bowman leaves for Berea Monday to enter school— vocation._ •

Harmon Skid more has opened a grocery and OK at market in tbe Miss Kate Moore property

FOR SALE:— One good milch cow with young calf.

Mas. EJ.LA HIATT, Mt. Vernon. Ky.

Let us take yon where you want to go Our rates are reason-able, our cars are ' t is*, our driv-

's are good GARAGE. TREES:—If you want some good

apples, peach, pears or other frtlit trees come and see me, I have some left over stock.

HL C. CijpHTK.

We are seTlingTtbe Ford Car because it is the.ibaj.car made—

are selling tbe ttatfted Slates Tiie because it i*-taa.best tire made. GARAGE.

Get ready for the stock sale at tbe Rockcastle Stock Pens, on the Third Monday in April. Ar-rasigment are being made for a big opening. Both tbe stock and buyers will be here on that day.

Harve Mink has bought the boiler and engine from Lam Ry-mel, which Mr. Rymel used at Wildie for a number>of years grinding corn. Mr. Mink is moving it to bis place near Sand Hill

place. Bryant Bro*„

• or carrying whiskey for who have the another, but it looks a* if the

FKRTILIZBR:— I will soon have a car of V-C Fertilizer 16 per cent, phosphate, which I will sell for f j 8 7j at the car. Cash. No notes taken. See me if you are interested.

J A C * Hv8tNGBK.

. The "Washingtonisn" Literary Society, of Mt. Vernon High School, will give an open program iu the auditorium, on Tuesday evening, March 27th. at 7:3o. The public is cordially invited. The program is as -follows:

Music; Discussion, "What is a League of Nations?"

DEBATE: Resolved that there should be

a league of nations. AH.: John Albright, Ralph Griffin. Neg : Arthur Cooper. Julian Miller.

CHORUS; Freshman Play.

The following marriage license have been issued since March 10th. f

Dencie McCracken to Miss Ida May Head They live in the Crooked Creek section.

tiarl Howard to Mis- Mary Hellard. Thay live near Livings, ton.

Roscoe Anderson to Mist. Lil-lie Mulling. They live near Withers

W. D. Mink to Miss Hila Hunt. Tney live at Maretburg.

McKinley Ash to Miss Allen.

agency for all tbe county now tor Fords, will put in a repair shop at Livingston.

Gray don Thompson, WHO killed Patef King Jr , and wounded bis brother, Sam King at Crab Or: chard two-Sundays a?o, tad his examining trial at Stanford yes terday and was held wiibout bail Frapk Boone who was with Thompson wa- allowed bail in the gum of {looo whicb he gave

J W (Typewriter) Hamilton has certainly been the salvation of the .SIGNAL office this week. We reached the point where onr regular force was unable to any-thing like meet the demand of our many customers—the double sheet last week and this shows that there is something doing to sav nothing of job work which is more than what it ever was be-fore—and seeing our predicament, came to our rescue. When a young man be was a typo at Som-erset, and judging Irom what be can do now. after twenty-five years ouCof tbe business, he mast have been a bum dinger in his potcpey days. He is called "Typewriter" Hamilton because he sells typewriters and if yon want one he is tbe man to see. Last but not least by any means comes his ability to make that old discarded, no account piano, sound like a "Steinway.'' Don't be deceived and think he does not know bis business, a trial will prove to your satisfaction that he knows what he is doing.


I have a Restaurant opposite the Post Office. I keep grocer-ies, steak and frest meats. This is the Manus stand, the one 1 cupied by Aunt Ka".e Moore.

Come in and see my prices on what J have. • My goods are all uew, just out from the city,

Yoiirs for trade. W. H. SKJDMORB


Bring your old suit and we'll make it look like new again.

EARBCOX at the Cooper Barber Shop.

Let the Ford solve yemr travel ing problems. ' •

hO* SALE: —An extra good milch cow, now giving 3 gallons a day. Call at this office.

STEAY'BD:—A black sow pig weight about 50 pounds. Has 2 or 3 white feet. Reward for re-torn.


WANTED:— To rent for the Castleton CJub.a good phonograph and records. See or write Ralph Griffin, Mt. Vernon. Ky.

BOOTLEGGING L I V I N G S T O N " u w a C O M M I T T E E and Mrs. Ernest Arnold,!

of Logan. West Va., arrived to-day bat amid not make the trip j in time to tee the remains of his] father. J . L Arnold, who was buried yesterday. — Mrs. James! I'ate and daughter, Misa Miranda.t were here between trairs en-j route Home to Brodbead frwaj Richmond, where Mrs Tate had ; been for several days to have a [ surgical operation performed j She withstood the operation fine

ow it Is to be hoped a | speedy recovery will follow, Mr. j and Mrs. B. H Griffin have turned from Bnckey. Ben is aisting in the erection of a house j which, his father, G. 8. Griffin is j erecting 00 his farm c Vernon.—Died, Sunday, the 16th, j J. L. Arnold, age &$. Besides f f 11 j j j }

wife and one sister. Mrs. Emma Jones, he leaves cCiilden, j five boys and four girls and a host of friends and relatives to mourn his death. For the past [ yeat he has been in poor health

has been gradually sinking for some time with that terrible disease, heart dropsy. His re

sre laid to rest Sunday at tbe family burying ground near Pine Hill, to await the call of his

r , 0 Lord ,0 think an, SEED POTATOES!

FOB SAUE:—|Cheverolet aoto-mobile. In_fir^t class condition and can be" bought worth the money. Call at this office.

FOE SALE:-Rhode Island Red J1.00 per seiting of fifteen

MRS.-W. T. HICKS. Wildie. Ky

thing that the boot leg element has expected and hoped for is going to come true. Tbe people wbo are much i n t e r r e d and voted resolutions to help sop-press the sale of whiskey have dropped back into the old rut failing to know anything of their personal knowledge, hot do a lot or talking about rumor. The whole affair is in good shape to quiet down and nothing be done until another grand jury is 103 paneled and if the experience of last conrt would be repeated, the results obtained by this cam-paign will be lar from what they should be.

17 CENTS. Rockcastle County has been

asktd for $398 as their minimun quota for relief of the Armenians, Syrians and Greeks, who are war sufferers, to any of them hav-ing lost their homes In 1915. Their Buffering has been so great from starvation and exposure that the death rate in some sec-tion; has been 1000 a day. Man y of them have been forced to eat grass and the flesh Of dead horses, or anything that is possi-bly eatable to prevent death trom starvation. It Is found that these people can be fed a suffi cient amount to keep, tbtm alive on seventeen cents a day for each pet son, and we are now sending out calls to every Sun-day School in the County to con-tribute to thiafcfund an amount equal 17 cents for each one wbo attends Sandsy iSchool en Sun-day March the 30th, thereby, en abling our Sunday Schools to feeds number'of these people one day, and thus do tOeir bit in relieving suffering humanity.

It is not understood that the Sunday School's 1? cents will be sofficie'nt for the people wbo are able and willing to help more, to pay this amount and quit, but this call if carried out will raise about $125 of tbe $398, the amount required from this county.

C A S T O R I A Pot Infants and Children

In Us* For Over 3 0 Years


CROCERY STORE BEST FLOUR $ 1 . 3 0 per bag


To My Friends and Acquaintances

Buy Co-Operating Oil Stock to-day while it is 50c per Share. It will advance to $1.00 per Share; Tuesday, March 25th. Thi" iaone of the bast oil proportion* offered Ja Kentucky, and there are some

See. write or phone me before this advance oomea.

w . H. F I S H , I W 27 and 80, Mt. Vemoo,Ky.

>ay that all is for tbe best; He is not dead but gone before,

his soul is with the blest." Miss Winnie Falin, one of the

trachers here in the graded set with home folks Sunday

Cove.—Misses Letha and Bertha Summers were in Loudon, Sun day between trains—Miss Cora Griffin, wbo has a pesition with firm at Big Stone Gap, Vs.. was with home folks Sonday —G. 8 Griffin.Jr.who has been in France, tuts returned He says be did not get a Hun. bat came in six hoars of it. He is looking ffne and caa tell yon lota abeut that country over the pond.—Ir. and Mrs. J. P. B. Drummond, who have been quite sick for some time, are able to leave their room —Little Hugh Clark, after a ter rible struggle with double pneu

xtia, is able to leave bis room Mra. George Smith la in Corbto

this week visiting relatives, a Devault, of Mt. Vernon, here between trains. Tues

dsy and he was all smiles. Bel we can guess.—Wm. Brady was

from Lebanon Junction. Tues day with home folka.—J. S. Calo way has returned from Rich

l, Dock is looking much betted—Mrs. John Mollins, of

i, was here between trains, a few days ago, enroute home from Mt Vernon, where she had been visiting relatives —Judge R. G. Williams, of Covington, is being boosted for Governor. The Judge is mighty good timber for the place, and would make the one that beat him, if sneh should be tbe case, realize that be had been in a race. We know Old Rock-castle would stand by him, as he has many friends here.—Mrs. 1. W. Catiiu, of Louisville, after a few days visit with relatives here baa Returned home.

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