本院學生獲選最佳男運動員 College Student …...本院學生稱霸活木球賽 College...

本院學生稱霸活木球賽 College Students Wins Woodball Competition 中大活木球隊於 3 21 22 日的大專盃活木球賽中,不但 勇奪女子團體冠軍及男子團體季軍,更再次奪得全場總冠軍, 寫下三連霸佳績。 本院學生兼中大活木球隊女子隊員梁肇君同學(法律/三;前 排左四)及蔡利利同學(體育運動科學/三;前排右六)囊括 了女子個人首兩名的獎項;其中梁肇君同學及蘇偉杭同學( 體育運動科學/三;後排右七)更獲得「一桿過門」獎。本院 同仁謹致賀忱! The CUHK Woodball Team seized the championship for the women's team and the second runner-up for the men's in the USFHK Woodball Competition, held on 21 and 22 March, and walked away with the overall championship for the third consecutive year. College students, women team member Ms Catia W K Leung (LAWS/3; front row, 4 th left), was the champion while Tsoi Lee-lee (SSPE/3; front row, 6 th right) was the first runner-up. Besides, Ms Leung and Mr So Wai-hong (SSPE/3; back row, 7 th right) received the GATE-IN-ONE award. Our warmest congratulations to Ms Leung, Ms Tsoi and Mr So! 本院學生獲選最佳男運動員 College Student Awarded Sportsman of the Year 本院學生張健達同學(體育運動科學/四)於大專盃賽事中 當選全年最佳男子運動員。張同學為香港中文大學及書院 院隊游泳代表,同時亦為港隊代表。本院同仁謹致賀忱! College Student, Mr Ken K T Cheung (SPED/4), was awarded Sportsman of the Year in the USFHK Inter-Collegiate Competitions. Mr Cheung is the representative of both CUHK and UC Swimming Teams and Hong Kong National Squad. Our warmest congratulations to Mr Cheung! 張健達同學(右二)與聯合書院體育部張嘉儀小姐(最左)、陳德有博士 (左二)及黃安東先生(最右)合照。 Mr Ken K T Cheung (2 nd right) posed a photo with Ms Crystal K Y Cheung (far left), Dr Chan Tak-yau (2 nd left) and Mr Wong On-tung (far right), the College Physical Education Unit. 本院學生獲頒20132014年度通識教育優秀論文獎 College Students Received Best Essay Award 2013-2014 本院學生梁倩瑩同學(工管/四)及游光健同學(法律/一)獲頒 2013 2014 年度通識教育優秀論文獎,並於 2015 2 7 日之第六屆學生通識研討會上發表。本院同仁謹致賀忱! College students, Ms Leong Sin-ieng (IBBA/4) and Mr Yau Kwong-kin (LAWS/1) were awarded Best Essay Award 2013-2014, and presented on 7 February 2015 at the 6 th GE Student Seminar. Our warmest congratulations to Ms Leong and Mr Yau! 得獎同學 Awardees 獎項 Award 論文題目 Title 梁倩瑩同學(工管/四) Ms LEONG Sin-ieng (IBBA/4) 與人文對話——銀獎 In Dialogue with Humanity - Silver Award Eve's Second Chance 遊光健同學(法律/一) Mr YAU Kwong-kin (LAWS/1) 與人文對話——銅獎 In Dialogue with Humanity - Bronze Award The Experience Machine - Analyzing a Modern Paradox from Ancient Philosophers' Perspectives

Transcript of 本院學生獲選最佳男運動員 College Student …...本院學生稱霸活木球賽 College...

  • 本院學生稱霸活木球賽 College Students Wins Woodball Competition

    中大活木球隊於 3 月 21 及 22 日的大專盃活木球賽中,不但








    The CUHK Woodball Team seized the championship for the women's team and the second runner-up for the men's in the USFHK Woodball Competition, held on 21 and 22 March, and walked away with the overall championship for the third consecutive year.

    College students, women team member Ms Catia W K Leung (LAWS/3; front row, 4th left), was the champion while

    Tsoi Lee-lee (SSPE/3; front row, 6th right) was the first runner-up. Besides, Ms Leung and Mr So Wai-hong (SSPE/3;

    back row, 7th right) received the GATE-IN-ONE award. Our warmest congratulations to Ms Leung, Ms Tsoi and Mr So!

    本院學生獲選最佳男運動員 College Student Awarded Sportsman of the Year




    College Student, Mr Ken K T Cheung (SPED/4), was awarded Sportsman of the Year in the USFHK Inter-Collegiate Competitions. Mr Cheung is the representative of both CUHK and UC Swimming Teams and Hong Kong National Squad. Our warmest congratulations to Mr Cheung!

    張健達同學(右二)與聯合書院體育部張嘉儀小姐(最左)、陳德有博士(左二)及黃安東先生(最右)合照。 Mr Ken K T Cheung (2nd right) posed a photo with Ms Crystal K Y Cheung (far left), Dr Chan Tak-yau (2nd left) and Mr Wong On-tung (far right), the College Physical Education Unit.

    本院學生獲頒2013至2014年度通識教育優秀論文獎 College Students Received Best Essay Award 2013-2014

    本院學生梁倩瑩同學(工管/四)及游光健同學(法律/一)獲頒 2013 至 2014 年度通識教育優秀論文獎,並於 2015 年

    2 月 7 日之第六屆學生通識研討會上發表。本院同仁謹致賀忱!

    College students, Ms Leong Sin-ieng (IBBA/4) and Mr Yau Kwong-kin (LAWS/1) were awarded Best Essay Award 2013-2014, and presented on 7 February 2015 at the 6

    th GE Student Seminar. Our warmest congratulations to

    Ms Leong and Mr Yau!

    得獎同學 Awardees

    獎項 Award

    論文題目 Title

    梁倩瑩同學(工管/四) Ms LEONG Sin-ieng (IBBA/4)

    與人文對話——銀獎 In Dialogue with Humanity - Silver Award

    Eve's Second Chance

    遊光健同學(法律/一) Mr YAU Kwong-kin (LAWS/1)

    與人文對話——銅獎 In Dialogue with Humanity - Bronze Award

    The Experience Machine - Analyzing a Modern Paradox from Ancient Philosophers' Perspectives

  • 本年度麥永光划艇精英運動員住宿獎學金現已開始接受申請。獎項共十二名,每名港幣二千元。此獎項的設立是為鼓



    有興趣的同學請透過以下網址申請: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=800611,申請期為 2015 年

    5 月 11 日至 5 月 29 日下午 5 時 30 分。詳情請參閱學生輔導處報告板、書院網頁或逕向書院學生輔導處查詢。

    Applications are now invited for the Tony Mak Hostel Residence Scholarships for Outstanding Rowers 2014-2015. A total of twelve scholarships, in amount of HK$2,000 each, were established to help rowers of United College, while they are preparing for the Inter-varsity Rowing Competition in summer, meet their lodging expenses. It also helps to promote sports participation and health awareness on campus.

    Interested students please apply on-line at https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=800611 during the period from 11 May to 5:30 pm of 29 May 2015. For further details, please refer to the announcements on the College notice-boards, the College website or enquire at the Dean of Students’ Office.

    本年度學生宿舍宿期將於 2015 年 5 月 31 日(星期日)中午 12 時終結,各宿生須於當日中午 12 時前遷出宿舍,已

    與舍監作出特別安排者除外。將於 2015 年 6 月 1 日往恒生樓入住暑期宿舍的宿生可延遲至 6 月 1 日下午 2 時前退宿。


    副本,一併於交還鑰匙時交予宿舍負責人,或於 2015 年 6 月 5 日前交回書院學生輔導處。逾期交回表格者,按金將


    The regular-term hostel residence for 2014-2015 will end at 12:00 noon on Sunday, 31 May 2015. All residents should check out by then unless prior arrangements have been made with the wardens. Residents who will be returning for summer residence at Hang Seng Hall beginning 1 June 2015 will be permitted to check out of their hostels at 2:00 pm on 1 June 2015. For refund of hostel deposits, residents should fill in the appropriate application forms obtainable from the enquiry counters of their respective hostels and attach a copy of the bank cards or the page of their bank passbooks with account number for auto-pay purposes. These documents should be returned to their respective hostels together with the room keys. Alternatively, the said documents can be handed in to the College Dean of Students’ Office before 5 June 2015. Late applications will not be entertained.

    2014至2015年度麥永光划艇精英運動員住宿獎學金 Tony Mak Hostel Residence Scholarships for Outstanding Rowers 2014-2015



    College student, Mr Wong Wai-kin (LAWS/1), was awarded HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund (ASEAN countries). Mr Wong was born in Malaysia, and was passionate in Guangdong culture since an early age. Our warmest congratulations to Mr Wong!

    本院學生獲頒香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 College Student Awarded HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund


    All residents are encouraged to support this environmental friendly initiative. College will arrange the new residents to pick up the collected items in September. Details will be announced later.

    2014至2015年度學生宿舍住宿期終結 End of Hostel Residence 2014-2015

    書院支持「免廢讀中大」—— 退宿回收大行動 UC supports CU x Rubbish – Recycling Programme for Residents Moving out of the Hostels



    United College supports CU x Rubbish and will organise a recycling and upcycling programme for residents moving out of the hostels. Details are as follows:

    日期 Dates

    2015 年 5 月 18 日(星期一)至 5 月 31 日(星期日) 18 May 2015 (Monday) to 31 May 2015 (Sunday)

    回收物品 Items to be collected

    衣物、文具、書本、小型電器(如風筒、雪櫃、燈)、廚具、衣架 Clothing, stationery, books, small domestic electronic appliances (e.g. hair dryer, freezer, lamp), kitchen ware, hangers

  • 2015年周年研討會:宗教與人生 Annual Workshop 2015: Religion and Life

    聯合書院 2015 年周年研討會於 4 月 9 日假康本國際學術園






    和大學通識教育部余之聰博士。三位講者分別從佛教、基督 教和伊斯蘭教三大宗教的教義和生活體驗中,為研討會探討




    The 2015 Annual Workshop of United College was held on 9 April 2015 at LT1, Yasumoto International Academic Park. The theme of this year’s Workshop was “Religion and Life”, with over five hundred students and staff joining. Professor Kwan Hoi-shan, Convenor of the Workshop, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education of the College, welcomed and introduced the guests speaking at the workshop.

    The College was with great pleasure to have Professor Tang Sze-wing, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, to be the Guest Moderator for the Workshop. Guest speakers included Professor Xue Yu, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies; Professor Lai Pan-chiu, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts; and Dr Andy C C Yu, Office of University General Education. The three speakers addressed to the theme of “Religion and Life” from the prospectives of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam respectively, while daily life realisation of the religious belief was referred to.

    After delivering an individual speech, all guest speakers joined the Open Forum to exchange ideas with the audience.

    大學通識教育部余之聰博士 Dr Andy C C Yu, Office of University General Education

    文學院副院長賴品超教授 Professor Lai Pan-chiu, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts

    文化及宗教硏究系學愚教授 Professor Xue Yu, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies

    中國語言及文學系鄧思穎教授 Professor Tang Sze-wing, Department of Chinese Language and Literature


    生教授、余之聰博士、賴品超教授、院長余濟美教授、鄧思穎教授、副院長兼通識教育主任關海山教授、學愚教授及高級發展主任陳鄧翠怡女士。 From right: Mrs Christina Li (College Secretary), Professor Li Hung-kay (Associate Dean of General Education), Professor Stephen H S Wong (Associate Dean), Dr Andy C C Yu, Professor Lai Pan-chiu, Professor Jimmy C M Yu (College Head), Professor Tang Sze-wing, Professor Kwan Hoi-shan (Associate Dean and Dean of General Education), Professor Xue Yu and Mrs Eastre Chan (Senior College Development Officer).

  • 書院維德領導才培育計劃消息 WEDO Leadership Development Programme News

    湯若望宿舍宿生會於 2015 年 4 月 10 日在文怡閣舉行一年一度






    Residents’ Association of Adam Schall Residence organised their annual High Table Dinner on 10 April 2015 at the United College Staff Common Room. Mr Daniel W C Chong, UC alumnus, was invited as the guest speaker. Mr Chong is the CEO of YATA Department Store and the founder of Prime Credit Limited. During the banquet, he shared the key for successful startup for young adults and the good attitudes in overcoming pressure and difficulties from work. Over eighty students and College guests joined the event.

    2015年湯若望宿舍高桌晚宴 High Table Dinner for Adam Schall Residence 2015



    的通識科目 GEUC2018【實踐領導才】。本年度下學期的課程已

    於 3 月 26 日正式完結,殷校董聯同兩方代表假鄭棟材樓地庫思






    The WEDO Leadership Development Programme was established through the generous donation of Ms Lina H Y Yan, Vice-Chairperson of the College Board of Trustees and Chairperson of the Kowloon East Region, Scout Association of Hong Kong. The Programme supported the College’s General Education course, GEUC2018 “Leadership in Practice”, was jointly organised with the Scout Association of Hong Kong. The second term course completed on 26 March 2015, and a closing ceremony has been organised at Si Yuan Amenities Centre. Certificates were presented to instructors and thirty-one students of the course by Ms Lina H Y Yan, accompanied by the officiating guests. Attending guests included Mr Anthony Chan, Supervisor of the Leadership Training Institute; Mr Peter Leung, Deputy Commissioner in Adventure Education of the Scout Association; Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head; Professor Lee Hung-kay, Associate Dean of General Education; Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary and Mr Tony M H Chan, Assistant College Secretary. Ms Lina H Y Yan confirmed the learning outcomes achieved in the programme and looked forward to the contribution of participated students in the future, and the College would like to express heartfelt thanks to Ms Yan for her generosity and support.

    大合照 Group photo


    訓練學院校監陳傑柱先生(最右)及院長余濟美教授(最左)頒發證書予學員。 Ms Lina H Y Yan (2nd right), donor of the College’s WEDO Leadership Development Programme; Mr Anthony Chan, Leadership Training Institute Supervisor (far right); and Professor Jimmy C M Yu (far left), College Head, presented certificates to students.


    以培育服務型的社會領袖。 Ms Lina H Y Yan of the WEDO Leadership Development Programme thanked the Hong Kong Scout Association’s Leadership Training Institute for their support to the General Education Programme, for the development work of service-oriented community leaders.

  • 書院國際演講會交職典禮 Inauguration Ceremony of UC Toastmasters Club

    書院學長計劃統籌委員會於 2015 年 4 月 14 日晚上假本院思源文娛中心舉行第十二次學長講座,由學長許玉麟校友

    (84/中文)主講,講題為「棟篤 SHOW 之投資人生」。許校友透過輕鬆愉快的小故事,暢談如何在人生中作出有


    The UC Mentorship Programme Coordinating Committee organised its 12th Mentors’ Lecture in the evening of

    14 April 2015 at the College Si Yuan Amenities Centre. Mr Hui Yuk-lun (1984/CHLL) was invited as the speaker to give a talk on lifelong investment. All participants found his talk very enlightening.

    書院岑才生學長計劃「學長講座系列」 UC Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme – Mentors' Lecture Series

    新任第十一屆聯合書院國際演講學會幹事於 2015 年 4 月 2 日晚舉行,院長余濟美教授、H2 分區總監陳德盛先生、

    院務主任李雷寶玲女士、演講會榮譽顧問 Tessa Stewart 女士及禢柏衡先生、演講會學長陳益祿女士及黃重生先生


    The Inauguration Ceremony of UC Toastmasters Club (11th Session) was held on 2 April 2015. Guests attending

    the inauguration ceremony included Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head; Mr David Chan, District 89 Area H2 Governor of Toastmasters International Hong Kong; Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary; Honorary Advisors, Ms Tessa Stewart and Mr Antony Huen, and Club Mentors, Ms Irene Chen and Mr Talis Wong attended and supported the occasion.

  • 伯利衡宿舍高桌晚宴 Bethlehem Hall High Table Dinner


    隨後一連串的球類比賽於 2015 年 1 月開始舉行,並於 3 月







    Following the United College Annual Swimming Gala and Athletic Meet, the 10th United College Cup ball games

    were held successfully from January to March 2015.This large-scaled competition was competed among four student hostels and two non-residential halls. The competition events included Men’s Basketball, Ladies’ Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Tennis. After three months’ exciting competitions, Hang Seng Hall won the overall champion again. They scored fifty-three points from nine events. The 1

    st runner-up was Adam Schall

    Residence scored forty-two points and the 2nd

    runners-up was Ping Fan Hall scored thirty-six points. Results of the competition are as follows:

    第十屆聯合書院院長盃 The 10th UC Head's Cup





    2015年 4 月 13 日在大學賓館舉行,邀請著名中文科補習




    The Residents’ Association of Bethlehem Hall organised High Table Dinner every year to provide opportunities for their fellow students to meet new friends and learn from the guest speakers. This year, the BH High Table Dinner was held on 13 April 2015 at the University Guesthouse. Mr Lam Yat-yan, a popular teacher from a private tutoring school, was invited as the speaker to share his experiences and challenges in his career. Mr Lam is also an alumnus of United College.


    Adam Schall Residence

    伯利衡宿舍 Bethlehem Hall

    陳震夏宿舍 Chan Chun Ha


    恒生樓 Hang Seng Hall

    百全堂 Pak Chuen Hall

    秉芬堂 Ping Fan Hall

    水運會 Swimming Gala - - - - - -

    陸運會 Athletic Meet 12 6 6 14 10 8

    足球 Football 4 5 2 7 2 3

    男籃 Men’s Basketball 3 2 2 7 4 5

    女籃 Ladies’ Basketball 4 2 2 7 5 3

    排球 Volleyball 5 2 2 4 3 7

    羽毛球 Badminton 5 2 7 4 2 3

    乒乓球 Table Tennis 2 3 2 5 4 7

    網球 Tennis 7 3 4 5 0 0

    總分 Total Score 42 25 27 53 30 36

  • 由於學期即將完結,畢業班同學須盡快清理儲物箱內所有物件,並在 2015年 5 月 31 日前,於辦公時間內前往書院學


    者,本院將清理箱內物件及沒收按金。查詢請致電 3943 1288 與書院學生輔導處黃鎮龍先生聯絡。

    All final-year students holding lockers at United College are required to return the locker keys and complete the deposit refund process at the Dean of Students' Office during office hours on or before 31 May 2015. Locker deposits will be refunded through bank accounts by the Bursary in due course. Failure in returning the locker keys before the deadline will result in deposit forfeiture. Articles inside the locker will also be removed. For enquiries, please contact Mr Ron C L Wong of the College Dean of Students' Office at 3943 1288.

    書院儲物箱 Lockers at UC