Odl010006 Stp-rstp-mstp Laboratory Exercise Guide Issue 1

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  • 7/27/2019 Odl010006 Stp-rstp-mstp Laboratory Exercise Guide Issue 1



    STP/RSTP/MSTP Laboratory Exercise


    ISSUE 1.0

  • 7/27/2019 Odl010006 Stp-rstp-mstp Laboratory Exercise Guide Issue 1


  • 7/27/2019 Odl010006 Stp-rstp-mstp Laboratory Exercise Guide Issue 1


    ODL010005 STP/RSTP/MSTP Laboratory Exercise Guide ISSUE1.0 Table of Contents

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    Table of Contents

    Experiment Description ....................................................................................................................1

    Experiment Description ................................................................................................................1Version Introduction .....................................................................................................................1Experiment Objectives .................................................................................................................1Experiment Tasks ........................................................................................................................1Relevant Materials .......................................................................................................................1

    Chapter 1 STP/RSTP Configuration .................................................................................................21.1 Networking and Service Description ......................................................................................21.2 Command Line List ................................................................................................................21.3 Configuration procedure ........................................................................................................31.4 Result Verification ..................................................................................................................3

    1.4.1 Computation Process of Spanning Tree .....................................................................31.4.2 Port state switching .....................................................................................................91.4.3 Two Work Modes of RSTP ....................................................................................... 111.4.4 Other Configuration .................................................................................................. 121.5 FAQ ..................................................................................................................................... 13

    1.6 Configuration Reference ..................................................................................................... 131.6.1 Starting up RSTP ..................................................................................................... 131.6.2 Check the Configured STP Information ................................................................... 131.6.3 Check the Received/Transmitted BPDU Message of Port After the Port StateTransition ........................................................................................................................... 131.6.4 Set the STP-Compatible Mode ................................................................................ 13

    Chapter 2 MSTP Configuration ..................................................................................................... 142.1 Networking and Service Description ................................................................................... 142.2 Command Line List ............................................................................................................. 142.3 Configuration flow ............................................................................................................... 152.4 Configuration procedure ..................................................................................................... 152.5 Result Verification ............................................................................................................... 152.6 Configuration Reference ..................................................................................................... 17

    2.6.1 Configure Vlan ......................................................................................................... 172.6.2 Starting up MSTP ..................................................................................................... 182.6.3 Configure MST ......................................................................................................... 182.6.4 Active region configuration ....................................................................................... 19

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  • 7/27/2019 Odl010006 Stp-rstp-mstp Laboratory Exercise Guide Issue 1


    ODL010005 STP/RSTP/MSTP Laboratory Exercise Guide ISSUE1.0

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    Experiment Description

    Experiment Description

    This course introduces the computation process and basic principles of STP in detailin terms of technical theory and operation procedure. This experiment topic describesthe currently prevalent multi-switch for implementing the redundant LAN structure.

    Version Introduction

    This course corresponds to the product versions: VRP Version 3.10

    Experiment Objectives

    After completing the hands-on experiment of this course, you will be able to:

    Grasp the STP computation process Understand the port state switching Understand the two work modes of RSTP protocol Understand the principle of MSTP protocol

    Experiment Tasks

    STP/RSTP Computation process and Port state switching. MSTP configuration.

    Relevant Materials

    Relevant Huawei product operation manuals

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    Chapter 1 STP/RSTP Configuration

    1.1 Networking and Service Description


    SS SSSwitchA





    E0/3 E0/3




    SS SSSwitchA





    E0/3 E0/3



    Figure 1-1

    3 Quidway S3526E switches; 1 PC, 3 standard network cables, and 1 console cable

    1.2 Command Line List The configuration commands in the system view are:

    Operation Command

    Start/shut down the device RSTP stp { enable |disable }Configure the switch that runs RSTP to work in theSTP compatible mode or the RSTP mode

    stp mode { stp | rstp }

    Configure the BPDU protection function of the switch stp bpdu-protection

    Configure the Bridge preference level of the specificswitch

    stp priority bridge-priority

    Specify the switch as the root switch of spanning tree stp root primary

    Specify the switch as backup root switch of spanningtree

    stp root secondary

    Configure Forward Delay of the specific switch stp timer forward-delay centisecondsConfigure Hello Time of the specific switch stp timer hello centiseconds

    Configure Max Age of the specific switch stp timer max-age centiseconds

    Configure the timeout factor of the specific switch stp timeout-factornumber

    Configuration commands in the port view:

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    Operation Command

    Set Path Cost of the Specific Port stp cost costEnable RSTP on the specified port stp enable

    Disable RSTP on the specified port stp disable

    Configure the specific port as an edge port/non edge


    stp edged-port { enable | disable }

    Configure the loop protection function of the switch stp loop-protection

    Set mCheck of the specified port stp mcheck { primary | secondary

    Set Whether the Specific Port Is Connected toPoint-to-Point Link

    stp point-to-point { auto |force-false | force-true }

    Set Priority of the Specific Port stp port priorityport-priority

    Configure the Root protection function of the switch stp root-protection

    Set the Maximum Transmission Limit for the SpecificPort

    stp transmit-limitpacketnum

    Display and Debug STP

    Operation Command

    Display RSTP configuration information aboutthe local switch and the specified ports display stp [ interfaceinterface-list]

    Turn on RSTP debugging switch (receiving andtransmitting of packet, event, and error)

    [ undo ] debugging stp { error| event |packet | all }

    Enable the debugging information to be output atthe terminal

    terminal debugging

    1.3 Configuration procedure

    Task 1: Computation process of spanning tree

    Run stp enable in the system-view.

    Task 2: Port state switching

    Disconnect Switch B from Switch C, and observe the change of the Switch C portstate

    Task 3: Two work modes of RSTP

    Run stp mode { rstp | stp } in system-view.

    Task 4: Other optional configuration

    Use commands to change key parameters of STP

    1.4 Result Verification

    1.4.1 Computation Process of Spanning Tree

    As shown in the above figure, 3 Quidway S-series LANSwitches are connected in aring shape. The MAC addresses of the 3 switches are:

    Switch A:00e0-fc22-6fda

    Switch B:00e0-fc17-c484

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    Switch C:00e0-fc26-437c

    After the connection is completed, the switch indicator will flash quickly. It indicatesthat the 3 switches forward packets to each other, thus forming a loop. You can STPprotocol to avoid loop.

    STP is the abbreviation of Spanning Tree Protocol. This protocol can be used for loop

    network. It can trim the loop network into tree-shape network without loops byinterdicting some redundancy paths via certain algorithm, so as to avoid theincrement and endless cycling of packets in the loop network.

    The RSTP (Rapid STP) realized by Quidway Ethernet switch is the optimized versionof STP. The "Rapid" is shown in the way that the delay when the root port anddesignated port enter Forwarding status will be reduced greatly, therefore, the timeneed for stabilizing the network topology will be reduced.

    On the Quidway Lanswitch, start the STP protocol. The commands are as follows:

    [SwitchA] stp enable

    [SwitchB] stp enable

    [SwitchC] stp enable

    After the RSTP protocol is configured in the whole network, each port of the switchenables the RSTP protocol by default. The switch indicator does not flash quickly anylonger. It indicates that the switch has established the loop-free forwarding spanningtree. What does this tree look like? We can analyze theoretically first, and verify ouranalysis results through the state information of the switch.

    The process of the implementing the spanning tree algorithm is as follows:

    1) Initial status

    Initially, each port of each switch generates a configuration message, using the switchitself as root. The root path overhead is 0, the specified switch ID is the ID of thisswitch, and the specified port is this port.

    Switch A:

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/1:

    {32768. 00e0-fc22-6fda,0,32768.00e0-fc22-6fda,e0/1}

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/3:

    {32768. 00e0-fc22-6fda,0,32768.00e0-fc22-6fda,e0/3}

    Switch B:

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/1:


    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/2:

    {32768.00e0-fc17-c484,0,32768.00e0-fc17-c484,e0/2} Switch C:

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/2:


    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/3:


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    2) Select the best configuration message, and determine the root switch

    Each switch sends its configuration message to the outside. When the port receives aconfiguration message with a preference level lower than that of the port itself, theswitch will discard the received configuration message, and do not process theconfiguration message of this port. When the port receives a configuration messagewith a preference level higher than that of the port itself, the switch will replace thecontents of the configuration message with the received configuration message, thenthe Lanswitch will compare the configuration message of this port with theconfiguration message of other ports, and select the best configuration message.

    According to the comparison principle, the IDs of the switches are compared first. TheID of the switch is composed of the preference level (default value: 32768) and theMAC address of the switch. Initially, the preference level of the switch is the defaultvalue, and the one with the lowest MAC value is the root. Obviously, the root switchshould be Switch B.

    Use the following commands to view the configured STP information.

    [SwitchA]display stp

    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc22-6fda

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    Root path cost: 200

    Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    [SwitchB]display stp

    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    Root path cost: 0

    Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    [SwitchC]display stp

    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc26-437c

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    Root path cost: 200

    Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    We can see that 3 switches present the following information:

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484.

    Therefore, the root switch is 00e0-fc17-c484, namely, Switch B. The defaultpreference level of the root switch is 32768 (default value, configurable).

    3) Then determine the root port, block the redundancy link, and update theconfiguration information of the specified port.

    The switch port that receives the preferred configuration message is the root port.The port configuration message will not change. In other ports, if the configurationmessage of a port is updated in the Select the preferred configuration messageprocess, the switch will block this port, and the port configuration message remainsunchanged. This port will not forward data any longer, and will only receive but notsend configuration messages. If the configuration message of a port is not updated inthe Select the preferred configuration message process, the switch will determine itas specified port, and the configuration message will change in this way: The tree rootID is replaced by the tree root ID of the root port; the root path overhead is replaced

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    by the root path overhead of configuration message plus the corresponding pathoverhead of root port; the specified switch ID is replaced by the ID of its own switch;and the specified port ID is replaced by the ID of its own port.

    In this example, the comparison process of all switches is as follows:

    Switch A:

    Port Ethernet 0/1 receives the configuration message of Switch B, and Switch Adiscovers that the configuration message preference level of this port is lower thanthe preference level of the received configuration message. Therefore, theconfiguration message of Ethernet 0/1 of this port is updated.

    Port Ethernet 0/3 receives the configuration message of Switch C, and Switch Adiscovers that the configuration message preference level of this port is higher thanthe preference level of the received configuration message. Therefore, the receivedconfiguration message is discarded.

    Now, the configuration messages of the ports are as follows:

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/1:


    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/3:

    {32768.00e0-fc22-6fda, 0,32768.00e0-fc22-6fda,e0/3}

    Switch A compares the configuration message of each port, selects the configurationmessage of port Ethernet 0/1 as the preferred configuration message, thendetermines port Ethernet 0/1 as the root port. The configuration messages of all portsof the whole switch are updated as follows:

    The configuration message of the root port Ethernet 0/1 remains unchanged:{32768.00e0-fc17-c484,200,32768.00e0-fc17-c484,e0/1}. In the configurationmessage of port Ethernet 0/3, the tree root ID is updated to the tree root ID of thepreferred configuration message. The root path overhead is updated to 200, and theID of the specified switch is updated to the ID of this switch, and the ID of thespecified port is updated to the ID of this port. The configuration message is changedto: {32768.00e0-fc17-c484,200,32768.00e0-fc22-6fda,e0/3}. Then the specified portof Switch A sends out its own configuration message periodically.

    [SwitchA]display stp interface ethernet0/1 ethernet0/3

    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc22-6fda

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484Root path cost: 200Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    Port 1 (Ethernet0/1) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Root Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 0

    BPDU sent: 4

    TCN: 0, RST: 4, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 458

    TCN: 0, RST: 458, Config BPDU: 0

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    Port 3 (Ethernet0/3) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Designated Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc22-6fdaThe Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 1

    BPDU sent: 563

    TCN: 0, RST: 563, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 5

    TCN: 0, RST: 5, Config BPDU: 0

    Switch B:

    Port Ethernet 0/1 receives the configuration message of Switch A. Switch B discoversthat the preference level of the configuration message of this port is higher than thatof the received configuration message, so discards the received configurationmessage. The configuration message of port Ethernet 0/2 is similar to port Ethernet0/1. Switch B discovers that the tree root in the configuration message of each portand the specified switch are switch B itself, so deems itself as tree root. Theconfiguration messages of all ports remain unchanged. Afterwards, the configurationmessages are sent out periodically. Now, the configuration messages of the two portsare as follows:

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/1:{32768.00e0-fc17-c484,0,32768.00e0-fc17- c484,e0/1}

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/2:{32768.00e0-fc17-c484,0,32768.00e0-fc17- c484,e0/2}

    [SwitchB]display stp interface ethernet0/1 ethernet0/2

    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484Root path cost: 0

    Bridge bpdu-protection: disabledTimeout factor: 3

    Port 1 (Ethernet0/1) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Designated Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 0

    BPDU sent: 719

    TCN: 0, RST: 719, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 6

    TCN: 0, RST: 6, Config BPDU: 0

    Port 2 (Ethernet0/2) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Designated Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

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    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 0

    BPDU sent: 790

    TCN: 0, RST: 790, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 3

    TCN: 0, RST: 3, Config BPDU: 0

    Switch C:

    Port Ethernet 0/2 receives the configuration message of Switch B, and Switch Cdiscovers that the configuration message preference level of this port is lower thanthe preference level of the received configuration message. Therefore, theconfiguration message of Ethernet 0/2 of this port is updated.

    Port Ethernet 0/3 receives the configuration message of Switch A, and Switch Cdiscovers that the configuration message preference level of this port is lower thanthe preference level of the received configuration message. Therefore, theconfiguration message of Ethernet 0/3 of this port is updated.

    Now, the configuration messages of the ports are as follows:

    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/2:


    Configuration message of port Ethernet 0/3:


    Switch C compares the configuration message of each port, selects the configurationmessage of port Ethernet 0/2 as the preferred configuration message, thendetermines port Ethernet 0/2 as the root port. The configuration messages of all portsof the whole switch are updated as follows:

    The configuration message of root port Ethernet 0/2 remains unchanged, and the portEthernet 0/3 may be blocked. The port configuration message also remainsunchanged, and this port does not receive the data forwarded from switch A(exclusive of protocol packets of STP) until new conditions occur and trigger the

    recalculation of spanning tree, e.g., the link from switch B to switch C breaks down, orthe port receives a preferred configuration message.

    [SwitchC]display stp interface ethernet0/2 ethernet0/3

    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc26-437c

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484Root path cost: 200Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    Port 2 (Ethernet0/2) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Root Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 0

    BPDU sent: 8

    TCN: 0, RST: 8, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 1382

    TCN: 0, RST: 1382, Config BPDU: 0

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    Port 3 (Ethernet0/3) of bridge is DiscardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Alternate Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc22-6fdaThe Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 1

    BPDU sent: 8

    TCN: 0, RST: 8, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 1447

    TCN: 0, RST: 1447, Config BPDU: 0

    The spanning tree is now determined, and the tree root is switch B. The tree isillustrated below:


    SS SSSwitchA





    E0/3 E0/3




    SS SSSwitchA





    E0/3 E0/3



    Figure 1-2

    1.4.2 Port state switching

    As shown in the above figure, when the spanning tree is in the stable state,ethernet0/2 of switch C is in the forwarding state, receives the BPDU messagenormally, and receives/sends packets normally. ethernet0/3 is in the discarding state,receives BPDU messages normally, but cannot receive or send packets. Listed beloware capabilities of relevant ports in receiving/sending BPDU messages.

    debugging stp packet

    terminal debugging% Current terminal debugging is on

    Port3: Received Packet //The port in the Discarding state receives theBPDU message normally

    *0.10511380 SwitchC RSTP/8/PACKET:

    Protocol Identifier: 0000

    Protocol Version ID: 02

    BPDU Type: 02

    Flags: 2e

    Root Identifier: 80.00.00.e0.fc.17.c4.84

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    Root Path Cost: 00c8

    Bridge Identifier: 80.00.00.e0.fc.22.6f.daPort Identifier: 80.03

    Message Age: 0100

    Max Age: 1400

    Hello Time: 0200

    Forward Delay: 0f00

    Version 1 Length: 00

    *0.10512487 SwitchC RSTP/8/PACKET:

    Port2: Received Packet //The port in the Forwarding state receives BPDUmessage normally.*0.10646778 SwitchC RSTP/8/PACKET:

    Protocol Identifier: 0000

    Protocol Version ID: 02

    BPDU Type: 02

    Flags: 2c

    Root Identifier: 80.00.00.e0.fc.17.c4.84Root Path Cost: 0000

    Bridge Identifier: 80.00.00.e0.fc.17.c4.84

    Port Identifier: 80.02

    Message Age: 0000

    Max Age: 1400

    Hello Time: 0200

    Forward Delay: 0f00

    Version 1 Length: 00

    *0.10647379 SwitchC RSTP/8/PACKET:

    Now, Switch B is disconnected from Switch C. This way, the ethernet0/2 port of switchC will not break down. The port ethernet0/3 will change from the Discarding state tothe Forwarding state, and undertake the data receiving/sending.

    The RSTP (Rapid STP) realized by Quidway Ethernet switch is the optimized versionof STP. The "Rapid" is shown in the way that the delay when the root port anddesignated port enter Forwarding status will be reduced greatly, therefore, the timeneed for stabilizing the network topology will be reduced.

    Preconditions of fast transition of root port state are: Old ports on this switch havestopped forwarding data, and the upstream specified port has begun forwarding data.

    The ethernet0/2 port of switch C stops forwarding data, and the ethernet0/3 of theupstream specified port switch A has been in the forwarding state, and meets theconditions of fast forwarding. Port ethernet0/3 of switch C will transition to theforwarding state quickly. The debugging information is as follows:

    debugging stp packet

    terminal debugging

    Port3: Received Packet*0.11009688 SwitchC RSTP/8/PACKET:

    Protocol Identifier: 0000

    Protocol Version ID: 02

    BPDU Type: 02

    Flags: 2c

    Root Identifier: 80.00.00.e0.fc.17.c4.84

    Root Path Cost: 00c8

    Bridge Identifier: 80.00.00.e0.fc.22.6f.da

    Port Identifier: 80.03Message Age: 0100

    Max Age: 1400

    Hello Time: 0200

    Forward Delay: 0f00

    Version 1 Length: 00

    *0.11011618 SwitchC RSTP/8/PACKET:

    The port display information of switch C is as follows:

    display stp interface ethernet0/2 ethernet0/3

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    Protocol mode: IEEE RSTP

    The bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc26-437c

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    Root path cost: 400

    Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    Port 2 (Ethernet0/2) of bridge is DOWN //This port is disconnected

    Port spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Disabled Port

    Port path cost: 200000

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc26-437c

    The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 1

    BPDU sent: 8

    TCN: 0, RST: 8, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 5166

    TCN: 0, RST: 5166, Config BPDU: 0

    Port 3 (Ethernet0/3) of bridge is Forwarding //Change to Forwarding state

    Port spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Root Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc22-6fda

    The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 1

    BPDU sent: 9

    TCN: 0, RST: 9, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 5343

    TCN: 0, RST: 5343, Config BPDU: 0

    Connect switch B with switch C again, and port ethernet0/2 of switch C will changethe forwarding state again, and the port ethernet0/3 of switch C will be blocked again.

    1.4.3 Two Work Modes of RSTP

    The RSTP (Rapid STP) realized by Quidway Ethernet switch is the optimized versionof STP. The work modes of RSTP include two types: RSTP mode, andSTP-compatible mode. By default, the RSTP works in the RSTP mode. If all devicesin the network run the RSTP, the switch that runs the RSTP will work in the RSTPmode. If some devices run STP and others run RSTP in the network, it isrecommended to set the switch of RSTP to work in the STP-compatible mode.

    Modify the configuration of switch C, and make it work in the STP-compatible mode.The command is:

    [SwitchC]stp mode stp

    Display the port information of switch C. Verify the interworking between the STPwork mode and the RSTP work mode.

    Check the STP information:

    [SwitchC]display stp interface ethernet0/2 ethernet0/3

    Protocol mode: IEEE compatible STP //Work in the STP modeThe bridge ID (Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc26-437c

    The bridge times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec

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    Root bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484 //The root switch is stillSwitchBRoot path cost: 400

    Bridge bpdu-protection: disabled

    Timeout factor: 3

    Port 2 (Ethernet0/2) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Root Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc17-c484

    The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 0

    BPDU sent: 13

    TCN: 3, RST: 8, Config BPDU: 2

    BPDU received: 5185

    TCN: 0, RST: 5169, Config BPDU: 16

    Port 3 (Ethernet0/3) of bridge is Discarding

    Port spanning tree protocol: enabled

    Port role: Alternate Port

    Port path cost: 200

    Port priority: 128

    Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC): 32768.00e0-fc22-6fda

    The Port is a non-edged port

    Connected to a point-to-point LAN segment

    Maximum transmission limit is 3 Packets / hello time

    Times: Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec

    Forward Delay 15, Message Age 1

    BPDU sent: 9

    TCN: 0, RST: 9, Config BPDU: 0

    BPDU received: 5634

    TCN: 0, RST: 5634, Config BPDU: 0

    As shown above, the root switch is still Switch B. The shape of the spanning treedoes not change. The port ethernet0/2 of switch C is still in the forwarding state. Theethernet 0/3 is still in the discarding state.

    1.4.4 Other Configuration

    Finally, there are some key parameters about STP, e.g., use the command stppriority { number } to modify the preference of switches, so as to configure thepriority of a specified bridge. Further, you can use the command stproot primaryand the command stp root secondary to specify the root switch and backup rootswitch directly; use the command stpcost {number } to modify the cost value of theport to affect the selection of root port of the spanning tree; or use the command stpedged-port { enable | disable } to configure the edge port. During recalculation ofthe spanning tree, the edge port can be transitioned to the forwarding state directly,thus avoiding the unnecessary transition time.

    The STP implemented by the Quidway S-series switches also includes many otherparameters. By configuring such parameters, the switch performance can be exertedto a better extent, thus improving the network reliability. The learners can experiencethis in the lab.

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    1.5 FAQ

    Q: When I enable debugging to check the debugging information, the informationkeeps updating, and the screen keeps scrolling down, which is not stoppable. Whatshould I do?

    A: You have to use the command undo debugging all to disable the debugginginformation and stop the output of information. When inputting the command, theoutput information may submerge the command characters that you have input. Justinput the complete command characters and press Enter. In addition, you can use themouse to select some of the information, and screen will stop scrolling down.

    1.6 Configuration Reference

    1.6.1 Starting up RSTP

    [SwitchA]stp enable

    [SwitchB]stp enable

    [SwitchC]stp enable

    1.6.2 Check the Configured STP Information

    [SwitchA]display stp

    [SwitchB]display stp

    [SwitchC]display stp

    [SwitchA]display stp interface ethernet0/1 ethernet0/3

    [SwitchB]display stp interface ethernet0/1 ethernet0/2

    [SwitchC]display stp interface ethernet0/2 ethernet0/3

    1.6.3 Check the Received/Transmitted BPDU Message of Port After the PortState Transition

    debugging stp packet

    terminal debugging

    1.6.4 Set the STP-Compatible Mode

    [SwitchC]stp mode stp

    [SwitchC]display stp interface ethernet0/2 ethernet0/3

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    Chapter 2 MSTP Configuration Additional task

    2.1 Networking and Service Description

    Switch A

    Switch C

    Switch B

    Switch D

    Permit :VLAN 10, 20

    Permit :VLAN 10, 20

    Permit :VLAN 20, 30

    Permit :VLAN 20, 30

    Permit :all VLAN

    Permit :VLAN 20, 40

    Switch A

    Switch C

    Switch B

    Switch D

    Permit :VLAN 10, 20

    Permit :VLAN 10, 20

    Permit :VLAN 20, 30

    Permit :VLAN 20, 30

    Permit :all VLAN

    Permit :VLAN 20, 40

    Figure 2-1

    4 Quidway S3900 switches; 1 PC, 6 standard network cables, and 1 console cable

    2.2 Command Line List

    The configuration commands in the system view are:

    Operation Command

    Enter MSTP region view stp region-configuration

    Configuration commands in the MST region view:

    Operation Command

    Specify region name region-namename

    Specify revision level revision-levellevel

    Spanning tree instance instanceinstance-idvlanvlan-list

    Active region configuration active region-configuration

    Display and Debug STP

    Operation Command

    Display STP configuration information about the localswitch and the specified ports

    display stp

    Display Spanning tree instance configuration information display stp instance instance-id[ interface

    interface-list][ brief]Display MSTP region configuration information display stp region-configuration

    Reset stp reset stp [ interfaceinterface-list]

    Turn on RSTP debugging switch debugging stp [ interfaceinterface-list] { packet |event }

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    2.3 Configuration flow

    Vlan configuration

    MSTI configuration

    Active region

    Run MSTP

    Vlan configuration

    MSTI configuration

    Active region

    Run MSTP

    Figure 2-1

    2.4 Configuration procedure

    1) Vlan configuration

    All the switches configure vlan 1, 2, 3, 4 and set the link between each switch as trucktype.

    2) Run MSTPIn the system view, enable STP by default as MSTP mode.3) MST configurationAll switches belong to the same MST region. Configure every MSTI for every vlan.Configure MST attributes.

    4) Active region configurationManually activate the MST region configuration

    2.5 Result Verification

    After finishing configuration, until network is stable, we can check all switches portsstatus.

    [SWA]display stp brief

    MSTID Port Role STP State Protection

    0 Ethernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/2 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/3 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/2 ROOT FORWARDING NONE1 Ethernet1/0/3 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    3 Ethernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    3 Ethernet1/0/3 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    4 Ethernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    [SWB]display stp brief

    MSTID Port Role STP State Protection

    0 Ethernet1/0/1 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/4 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/5 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

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    1 Ethernet1/0/1 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/4 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/5 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

    3 Ethernet1/0/1 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    3 Ethernet1/0/5 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

    4 Ethernet1/0/1 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    [SWC]display stp brief

    MSTID Port Role STP State Protection

    0 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/4 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/6 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/4 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/6 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    4 Ethernet1/0/6 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    [SWD]display stp brief

    MSTID Port Role STP State Protection

    0 Ethernet1/0/3 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/5 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    0 Ethernet1/0/6 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/3 ALTE DISCARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/5 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    1 Ethernet1/0/6 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    3 Ethernet1/0/3 ROOT FORWARDING NONE

    3 Ethernet1/0/5 DESI FORWARDING NONE

    4 Ethernet1/0/6 ROOT FORWARDING NONE


    The first column MSTID indicates the instance of the port. If its value is 0, it means CIST.

    The third column Role indicates the role that the port acts as on the instance. Different instancescalculate separately.

    The fourth column STP State indicates the status of the port. Because SWC has the smallest MAC address, it is the root bridge. So the states and the roles are

    the same.

    From the information above you can know the role of each port. You can also look upthe whole information about STP.

    [SWA]dis stp

    -------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------

    CIST Bridge :32768.00e0-fc58-271dBridge Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20

    CIST Root/ERPC :32768.00e0-fc49-0d31 / 0CIST RegRoot/IRPC :32768.00e0-fc49-0d31 / 199999CIST RootPortId :128.2BPDU-Protection :disabled

    TC or TCN received :22

    Time since last TC :0 days 0h:3m:58s

    ----[Port1(Ethernet1/0/1)][FORWARDING]----Port Protocol :enabled

    Port Role :CIST Designated Port

    Port Priority :128Port Cost(Dot1T) :Config=auto / Active=199999Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.00e0-fc58-271d / 128.1

    Port Edged(Admin) :disabled

    Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true

    Transit Limit :3 packets/hello-time

    Protection Type :None

    Num of Vlans Mapped :1

    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0

    BPDU Sent :2358

    TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2358

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    BPDU Received :996

    TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 996


    Port Protocol :enabled

    Port Role :CIST Root Port

    Port Priority :128

    Port Cost(Dot1T) :Config=auto / Active=199999

    Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.00e0-fc49-0d31 / 128.2

    Port Edged(Admin) :disabled

    Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true

    Transit Limit :3 packets/hello-time

    Protection Type :None

    Num of Vlans Mapped :1

    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0

    BPDU Sent :14

    TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 14

    BPDU Received :3591

    TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 3591

    ----[Port3(Ethernet1/0/3)][FORWARDING]----Port Protocol :enabled

    Port Role :CIST Designated Port

    Port Priority :128

    Port Cost(Dot1T) :Config=auto / Active=199999

    Desg. Bridge/Port :32768.00e0-fc58-271d / 128.3

    Port Edged(Admin) :disabled

    Point-to-point :Config=auto / Active=true

    Transit Limit :3 packets/hello-time

    Protection Type :None

    Num of Vlans Mapped :1

    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0

    BPDU Sent :2353

    TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2353

    BPDU Received :1272

    TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 1272

    2.6 Configuration Reference

    2.6.1 Configure Vlan

    I. Configure Switch A

    [SWA]vlan 10

    [SWA]vlan 20

    [SWA]vlan 30

    [SWA]vlan 40

    [SWA]interface Ethernet 1/0/1

    [SWA-Ethernet1/0/1]port link-type trunk

    [SWA-Ethernet1/0/1]port trunk permit vlan all

    [SWA]interface Ethernet 1/0/2

    [SWA-Ethernet1/0/2]port link-type trunk

    [SWA-Ethernet1/0/2]port trunk permit vlan 10 20

    [SWA]interface Ethernet 1/0/3

    [SWA-Ethernet1/0/3]port link-type trunk[SWA-Ethernet1/0/3]port trunk permit vlan 20 30

    II. Configure Switch B

    [SWB]vlan 10

    [SWB]vlan 20

    [SWB]vlan 30

    [SWB]vlan 40

    [SWB]interface Ethernet 1/0/1

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    [SWB-Ethernet1/0/1]port link-type trunk

    [SWB-Ethernet1/0/1]port trunk permit vlan all

    [SWB]interface Ethernet 1/0/4

    [SWB-Ethernet1/0/4]port link-type trunk

    [SWB-Ethernet1/0/4]port trunk permit vlan 10 20

    [SWB]interface Ethernet 1/0/5

    [SWB-Ethernet1/0/5]port link-type trunk

    [SWB-Ethernet1/0/5]port trunk permit vlan 20 30

    III. Configure Switch C

    [SWC]vlan 10

    [SWC]vlan 20

    [SWC]vlan 40

    [SWC]interface Ethernet 1/0/2

    [SWC-Ethernet1/0/2]port link-type trunk

    [SWC-Ethernet1/0/2]port trunk permit vlan 10 20

    [SWC]interface Ethernet 1/0/4

    [SWC-Ethernet1/0/4]port link-type trunk

    [SWC-Ethernet1/0/4]port trunk permit vlan 10 20

    [SWC]interface Ethernet 1/0/6

    [SWC-Ethernet1/0/6]port link-type trunk

    [SWC-Ethernet1/0/6]port trunk permit vlan 20 40

    IV. Configure Switch D[SWD]vlan 20

    [SWD]vlan 30

    [SWD]vlan 40

    [SWD]interface Ethernet 1/0/3

    [SWD-Ethernet1/0/3]port link-type trunk

    [SWD-Ethernet1/0/3]port trunk permit vlan 20 30

    [SWD]interface Ethernet 1/0/5

    [SWD-Ethernet1/0/5]port link-type trunk

    [SWD-Ethernet1/0/5]port trunk permit vlan 20 30

    [SWD]interface Ethernet 1/0/6

    [SWD-Ethernet1/0/6]port link-type trunk

    [SWD-Ethernet1/0/6]port trunk permit vlan 20 40

    2.6.2 Starting up MSTP

    [SWA]stp enable

    [SWB]stp enable

    [SWC]stp enable

    [SWD]stp enable

    2.6.3 Configure MST

    I. Configure Switch A

    [SWA]stp region-configuration

    [SWA-mst-region]region-name test

    [SWA-mst-region]revision-level 0

    [SWA-mst-region]instance 1 vlan 1

    [SWA-mst-region]instance 3 vlan 3

    [SWA-mst-region]instance 4 vlan 4

    II. Configure Switch B

    [SWB]stp region-configuration

    [SWB-mst-region]region-name test

    [SWB-mst-region]revision-level 0

    [SWB-mst-region]instance 1 vlan 1

    [SWB-mst-region]instance 3 vlan 3

    [SWB-mst-region]instance 4 vlan 4

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    III. Configure Switch C

    [SWC]stp region-configuration

    [SWC-mst-region]region-name test

    [SWC-mst-region]revision-level 0

    [SWC-mst-region]instance 1 vlan 1

    [SWC-mst-region]instance 3 vlan 3

    [SWC-mst-region]instance 4 vlan 4

    IV. Configure Switch D

    [SWD]stp region-configuration

    [SWD-mst-region]region-name test

    [SWD-mst-region]revision-level 0

    [SWD-mst-region]instance 1 vlan 1

    [SWD-mst-region]instance 3 vlan 3

    [SWD-mst-region]instance 4 vlan 4

    2.6.4 Active region configuration

    [SWA-mst-region]active region-configuration

    [SWB-mst-region]active region-configuration

    [SWC-mst-region]active region-configuration

    [SWD-mst-region]active region-configuration