October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018...

A MAZING G RACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He is continuing to do here at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church! October is month of harvest, and we are seeing a promising harvest here at Grace. Examples: The Nominating Committee, again used a prayerful, biblically-based nominations process that was introduced last Fall. We've got two candidates for each 2019 Congregation Administrative Council opening. In some years, it’s been tough to get enough people to run, but not this year. The congregation administrative council (CAC) conducted a 30-day "Concerns-to-Actions" sur- vey that ended Aug.17 and is nearly finished with CAC team visits to all who submitted complet- ed, signed surveys. Your ideas, questions, concerns and hopes are being heard as we also listen for the Lord’s leading here at Grace. Lay Ministry and Witness, Missions, Men’s and Women’s Ministries , Sunday School, Cate- chism, Gospel Gang and Luther League are busy as ever , sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with each other and into the Jackson Center community. Our recent VBS, which involved 122 kids and volunteers from Grace, our friends in the Emmanuel-St. Jacob’s Lutheran Parish, and the surrounding community, is a fine example of how Grace pulls together. For Christ and our neighbors. Whatever your gift, talent or skill, or age, you can find one or more places to serve our neighbors through the many ministries of these groups. We’ll have special guests joining us on several occasions — including Missionary Kathleen Lutz from Kenya and the NALC’s own Bishop John Bradosky in October alone. This year it’s Grace’s turn to host the annul Community Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM Thanksgiving Eve. And before we know it, Advent and Christmas will be here. Now, it’s time for us to move ahead together, as a congregation, on a path into the future our Lord has in store for Grace. This includes: Start with a Mission Vision Retreat — 7:30 AM-9:30 AM Saturday, Oct. 6 at Grace. We’ll use scripture, recent feedback from the congregation, and knowledge of the community to set a vision and some broad priorities for Grace over the next 1-5 years and beyond. All CAC mem- bers plus Grace committee chairs (chairmen/women, please send a sub if you can’t come), Sunday School officers, leaders of other Grace ministries ,and candidates for Grace offices in 2019 are all encouraged to attend. Quarterly meeting — 9:15-10:15 AM Sunday, Oct. 21 at Grace. The agenda will include a report and recommendations from the Mission Vision workshop held Oct. 6, and a special presentation by Bishop John Bradosky about moving forward in the NALC call process. Start congregation-wide Strategic Mission and Ministry Planning — Month of November Each Grace ministry committee and group decides how it will carry out the vision and mis- sion of Grace in the year or years ahead, including objectives and budget request for 2019. By December —CAC finishes its work on Strategic Mission and Ministry Plan and Budg- et Development and appoints Call Committee January 2019 annual meeting. In January , 2019 — Congregation votes on with Strategic Mission and Ministry Plan and 2019 Budget at the annual meeting. When passed, the strategic plan and budget become part of Grace’s Congregational Profile for Call Committee to solicit names of pastoral candidates. This timeline is ambitious and it will take everyone pulling together, as one in Christ, to keep up a prayerful pace. In doing so, Grace will be nearly 5 months ahead of schedule in receiving candidates to be your next called, settled pastor. Let’s all say AMEN! And pull together, as ONE in Christ. That ALL may work together for Christ and the good of our neighbors near and far, Pastor Cathi Sunday, Oct. 21 The Rev. John Bradosky Bishop North American Lutheran Church Bishop Bradosky will preach at both the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services and speak at the quarterly meeting (9:15- 10:15 AM). Sunday, Oct. 14 Kathleen Lutz, Missionary in Kenya World Mission Prayer League Ms. Lutz will preach at both Thankoffer- ing services and speak during Adult Sunday School. INSIDE THIS ISSUE CAC Minutes 2 Committee Reports 4 Upcoming Events 7 Worship Servants & Details 5 Women of Grace Church 6 Men’s Ministry 6 Grace @ Prayer 7 Calendar 9 Deadline for the next newsletter is October 17th Coming to Grace in October 2018

Transcript of October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018...

Page 1: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He


October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10

Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He is continuing to do here at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church!

October is month of harvest, and we are seeing a promising harvest here at Grace. Examples:

▪ The Nominating Committee, again used a prayerful, biblically-based nominations process that

was introduced last Fall. We've got two candidates for each 2019 Congregation Administrative

Council opening. In some years, it’s been tough to get enough people to run, but not this year.

▪ The congregation administrative council (CAC) conducted a 30-day "Concerns-to-Actions" sur-

vey that ended Aug.17 and is nearly finished with CAC team visits to all who submitted complet-ed, signed surveys. Your ideas, questions, concerns and hopes are being heard as we also

listen for the Lord’s leading here at Grace.

▪ Lay Ministry and Witness, Missions, Men’s and Women’s Ministries , Sunday School, Cate-

chism, Gospel Gang and Luther League are busy as ever , sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with each other and into the Jackson Center community. Our recent VBS, which involved 122 kids and volunteers from Grace, our friends in the Emmanuel-St. Jacob’s Lutheran Parish, and the surrounding community, is a fine example of how Grace pulls together. For Christ and our neighbors. Whatever your gift, talent or skill, or age, you can find one or more places to

serve our neighbors through the many ministries of these groups.

▪ We’ll have special guests joining us on several occasions — including Missionary Kathleen Lutz

from Kenya and the NALC’s own Bishop John Bradosky in October alone. This year it’s Grace’s turn to host the annul Community Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM Thanksgiving Eve.

And before we know it, Advent and Christmas will be here.

Now, it’s time for us to move ahead together, as a congregation, on a path into the future our

Lord has in store for Grace. This includes:

▪ Start with a Mission Vision Retreat — 7:30 AM-9:30 AM Saturday, Oct. 6 at Grace. We’ll

use scripture, recent feedback from the congregation, and knowledge of the community to set a vision and some broad priorities for Grace over the next 1-5 years and beyond. All CAC mem-bers plus Grace committee chairs (chairmen/women, please send a sub if you can’t come), Sunday School officers, leaders of other Grace ministries ,and candidates for Grace offices in

2019 are all encouraged to attend.

▪ Quarterly meeting — 9:15-10:15 AM Sunday, Oct. 21 at Grace. The agenda will include a

report and recommendations from the Mission Vision workshop held Oct. 6, and a special

presentation by Bishop John Bradosky about moving forward in the NALC call process.

▪ Start congregation-wide Strategic Mission and Ministry Planning — Month of November

— Each Grace ministry committee and group decides how it will carry out the vision and mis-

sion of Grace in the year or years ahead, including objectives and budget request for 2019.

▪ By December —CAC finishes its work on Strategic Mission and Ministry Plan and Budg-

et Development and appoints Call Committee January 2019 annual meeting.

▪ In January , 2019 — Congregation votes on with Strategic Mission and Ministry Plan and

2019 Budget at the annual meeting. When passed, the strategic plan and budget become part

of Grace’s Congregational Profile for Call Committee to solicit names of pastoral candidates.

This timeline is ambitious and it will take everyone pulling together, as one in Christ, to keep up a prayerful pace. In doing so, Grace will be nearly 5 months ahead of schedule in receiving candidates

to be your next called, settled pastor. Let’s all say AMEN! And pull together, as ONE in Christ. That ALL may work together for Christ and the good of our neighbors near and far,

Pastor Cathi

Sunday, Oct. 21

The Rev.

John Bradosky Bishop

North American



Bishop Bradosky will preach at both the

8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services and

speak at the quarterly meeting (9:15-

10:15 AM).

Sunday, Oct. 14

Kathleen Lutz, Missionary in Kenya

World Mission

Prayer League

Ms. Lutz will preach at both Thankoffer-

ing services and speak during Adult

Sunday School.


CAC Minutes 2

Committee Reports 4

Upcoming Events 7

Worship Servants & Details 5

Women of Grace Church 6

Men’s Ministry 6

Grace @ Prayer 7

Calendar 9

Deadline for the next

newsletter is

October 17th

Coming to Grace in October 2018

Page 2: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

Amazing Grace October, 2018 Page 2

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Church Administrative Council Minutes September 12, 2018

The meeting was opened by President, Jason Platfoot, with all members present. Devotions by Marilyn Kohler were from Philippians 4:4-9 Secretary’s Report by Connie Schneider as printed in the newsletter. Jason states that some of the people he talked with did not want their “Concerns to Solutions” forms posted. Kristin moved and Tom seconded a motion to not post the surveys. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Darlene Woolley was given. The check-ing account has a balance of $35104.69. She compared the balance from August of 2016 of $24000.00 to this year’s August balance and we are in better shape now than we were two years ago. Anne moved and Aaron seconded a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion carried. There was no old business New Business Tom moved and Darlene seconded a motion to accept the nomi-nating committee’s ballot as listed below. Motion carried. CAC: (Elect 3 for a 3 year term) Scott Klopfenstein Matt Kohler Kent Leininger Abby Pence Bert Regula Dennis Weaver Nominating Committee: (Elect 3 – 1 year term) Brandt Mann Sandy Roach Elsa Stengel Endowment Committee: (Elect 1 – 3 year term) Lyle Faler Joyce Regula Tom Woolley

Jason asked how everyone’s meetings are going with the con-cerns to solutions. The meetings are going well so far. There are

a few people who need to be contacted and met with.

*Committee Reports Choice Jason – no report. Education Darlene Woolley – no report. Mission Marilyn Kohler – The Mission Committee met on Wednesday, September 5th. Marge gave an update on the or-phanage and wants to encourage sponsors to complete their payments for this year by the end of October as the next year begins in November. Payments are $60/month or $720/year. The committee also discussed ideas for possible fundraisers. Each one is challenged to come to the October meeting with a fundraiser idea. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:00 p.m. all are welcome to join us. Marilyn asked if they could do a “Drive Thru” Pork Loin Dinner and sell tickets for $7.00/meal. Jill moved and Darlene seconded a mo-tion to approve of this fundraiser. Motion carried.

Endowment Jill Ludwig – The Endowment Committee met on August 9, 2018. We discussed the By-Laws of the endowment committee and would like to change a couple of items as follows: Article 1 – 1.1 Delete “until the next annual meeting of the congre-gation, at which time the congregation shall elect a member to fulfill the term of the vacancy.” Article 1 – 1.6 change “each mem-ber” to “Chairman” Add: “and published in the newsletter” to the end of the paragraph. Article 2 – 2.3 A add: Scholarships are giv-en to designated voting members according to the Church Consti-tution, Article 6, Item 5. Asked if we need to take this to the congregation for a vote? The answer was “Yes” according to Article 4 of the By-Laws. This will be addressed at the Quarterly Congregational Meeting in Octo-ber. Friendship – no report was received Lay / Witness Connie Lay/Witness Committee met on Sunday, September 9th. Members present (Marie Heintz, Brb Elsass, Linda Jenkins, Sandy Roach, CAD representative Connie Schneider and Susan Ware) Barb shared devotions and Linda offered pray-er. Susan read the secretary’s report and members reported nine visits with shut in members and two received communion. Linda gave an update on the Thrivent “Warming our Vets” project. Both Linda and Sandy have received Thrivent monies. We have sched-uled a workday for Saturday, October 20th. (9:00 – 1:00). Connie and Linda will pick up breakfast and lunch items. We invite you to come and stay as long as you can. Bring your scissors (no sewing skills needed) and join us for a day of fun and fellowship as we work to make fleece blankets for veterans at the VA Hospital. There will be no “Hands of Hope” meal on that day. Our next meal is scheduled for December 15th. Plans were finalized for our Young at Heart meeting on September 27th. Members will meet at the church at 11:00 to travel to Cracker Barrel in Piqua for lunch. Linda presented boxes of cards she purchased for our card minis-try. Cards were signed for members of the congregation who have been recently hospitalized. She brought an NALC hurricane relief project before the group. It was decided to pass on heading up this project due to other commitments at this time. Our next meeting is scheduled for October 14th, and Linda will have devo-tions. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Worship Kristen Davis - The worship Committee met on Tues-day, September 4 at 7pm. Attendees included Pastor Cathi, Kris-ten Davis, Toni Leininger, Nancy McName and Rick Russell. The committee went over worship resources for the Seasons of Pente-cost and Advent, and had general discussion of congregational preferences for worship and Lutheran liturgical practices. We also went over the worship and music plans for Sundays, church holi-days and special services. Highlights for the rest of 2018 in addi-tion to regular Sunday Services at 8:00 AM (traditional) and 10:30 AM (contemporary): September 9: Pastor Cathi has two lay worship leaders covering for her on vacation Sunday – Garrett Serr and Greg Woolley. She is preparing the message plus a video for them to use. There will be no communion on this Sunday. September 16: Gideon Sunday, with temple talks and door offer-ings during both services. October 14: Thankoffering Sunday by Women of Grace

Page 3: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

Amazing Grace October, 2018 Page 3

October 21: NALC Bishop John Bradosky preaching at both ser-vices and speaking during the quarterly meeting. October 28: Reformation Sunday – everyone wear red! November 4: All Saints Sunday – Remembrance of saints who have entered the Church Triumphant during the last 12 months. November 11: Honor our Veterans! November 21: Community Thanksgiving Eve service at Grace. November 25: Christ the King Sunday ends the current Church Year. December 9: Choir Carol Service at the 8:00 AM service. December 16: Sun day School Christmas Program at the 10:30 service. December 24: Christmas Eve services at 7:00 PM (family can-dlelight service with traditional carols and the Christmas story) and 10:30 PM (candlelight, carols and communion) December 25: Christmas Day service of lessons and carols at 9:00 AM. Next Worship Committee meetings will be at 7:00 Tuesday Nov. 6 and Tuesday January 8. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Pray-er. Youth Aaron Klopfenstein - No report received. Property & Trustee Tom & Rick - There are some projects the Trustees are working on and they have received some costs for them. Security System for the office with 1 camera outside, 1 camera inside and 2 spare cameras. Cost is $1241.00. There are private donors who will contribute to the costs of this project. The storm windows in the church are coming out because the screws that go into the brick are loose. Tom will contact Darrell Klopfenstein to help fix the windows. Pastor’s Report Pastor Cathi moved and Anne Shroyer 2nd a motion to adopt the timeline for the Path Forward beginning October 21, 2018 when the Bishop is at Grace for the Quarterly Congregational Meeting. Motion carried. The timeline is as follows: By October 24, 2018: CAC sets GELC overall vision and goals. Invite all nominees to CAC to participate in this as well as all committee chars and Sunday School leadership and nominees – this will broaden the base of input and ease transition to the new CAC and Sunday School leadership in 2019. Be sure to also include our NALC lay delegates, Hershel and Deb Wright, in this stage. November 1-30, 2018: CAC communicates overall vision and goals to congre-gation; and gathers from GELC Committees and Ministries, through its liaisons, input/objectives/timelines that are consistent with GELC overall goals, along with their budget requests and timelines for 2019. Begins drafting the Congregational Profile for the Call Process. December 2018: CAC puts the strategic mis-sion plan (vision, goals, objectives and timeline) together into a strategic mission plan, and prepares budget for 2019. January 2019: Communicate strategic mission plan and budget to con-gregation for adoption at the annual meeting. CAC names Call Committee and announces it at the annual meeting along with timeline for call process. Upon approval at the annual meeting, CAC completes Congregational Profile for submission to NALC Office and handoff to the Call Committee. February 2019: Call Committee carries on its work, making regular reports to the CAC and congregation as to progress.

ServantKeeper records are still a work in progress. Continuing Education – Pastor will be on retreat the week of September 23 after worship thru September 28. Emergency pas-toral backup will be arranged. NALC matters – we need to write a thank you letter to the NALC Executive Council and the NW Ohio Mission District for the grants that enabled us to send the lay delegates to the 2018 convocation. We also need to write a thank you to Hershel and Deb Wright. Pastor Cathi will take care of these thank you notes. We need to schedule a time and place for Hershel, Deb and Pastor Cathi to make report of the convocation to the congrega-tion. Arrangements are pending for Bishop Bradosky’s visit to Grace on October 21st. Year of Prayer and Discernment for Election of a Bishop in 2019. Pastor Cathi has resources provided the NALC. Congregations have the privilege of nominating candidates in advance, and nominations may also be made from the floor during the convo-cation. Any NALC clergy member in good standing may be nomi-nated. Pray and discernment are as necessary for this election as they are for a congregation who is seeking a new pastor. The 2019 NALC Convocation will be in Indianapolis in August next year. Based on this year’s allocation of delegates we should plan on sending pastor plus three lay delegates and should build this into the budget for 2019. We should elect the delegates in advance. Mission Trips – Pastor Cathi has been asked to consider return-ing to Malawi to teach in June or July 2019. This would be for 2 – 2.5 weeks, but this time she will be teaching pastors rather than women’s leaders. There were no objections to her proceeding with this invitation. NALC NEXUS Week is scheduled for July 7-12, 2019.It is a week of training in Bible, theology, and Christian service for se-lected high school students who have completed 10th grade. Expenses for this week at Grandview University, Des Moines, IA are covered by a grant from the Lilly Foundation – the students and their pastor are responsible for travel expenses to and from home to Des Moines. Pastor would like to nominate two students who have shown the depth of faith and commitment to service that are sought in NEXUS participants. She will contact the stu-dents and their parents. Ministry travel expenses for August 2018. Pastor has decided not to submit any expenses for Lutheran Week, except that the congregation already paid her registration. Please consider her airfare and motel accommodations a donation this year, but con-tinue to budget for such expenses in the future.

Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Membership Changes Transferred out: of Grace: Virginia Wildermuth to St. Jacobs Lutheran Church in Jackson Center on September 19, 2018.

Best wishes to her at her new church home.

Welcome to Grace: Jake, Erin, Aiden, Andrew & Abigail Stinebaugh, who transferred to Grace on September 21, 2018

from New Hope Lutheran Church in Newark, Ohio.

Page 4: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

AAmazing Grace October, 2018 Page 4

Committee Reports Choice Committee: No Report Received Education Committee: No Report Received

Endowment Committee: No Report Received Friendship Committee: No Report Received Lay Ministry/Witness Committee: The Lay Witness Committee met on Sunday, September 9th. Members present (Marie Heintz, Barb Elsass, Linda Jenkins, Sandy Roach, CAC repre-sentative Connie Schneider, and Susan Ware). Barb Elsass shared devotions and Linda offered prayer. Susan Ware read the secretary's report and members reported nine visits with shut in members and two received communion. Linda Jenkins gave an update on the Thrivent "Warming our Vets " project. Both Linda Jenkins and Sandy Roach have received Thrivent monies. We have scheduled a workday for Saturday, October 20th. (9:00-1:00). Connie Schneider and Linda Jenkins will pick up breakfast and lunch items. We invite you to come and stay as long you can. Bring your scissors (no sewing skills needed) and join us for a day of fun and fellowship as we work to make fleece blankets for veterans at the VA Hospital. There will be no "Hands of Hope" meal on that day. Our next meal is scheduled for December 15th. Plans were finalized for our Young at Heart meeting on September 27th. Members will meet at the church at 11:00 to travel to Cracker Barrel in Piqua for lunch. Linda Jen-kins presented boxes of cards she purchased for our card minis-try. Cards were signed for members of the congregation who have been recently hospitalized. She brought an NALC hurri-cane relief project before the group. It was decided to pass on heading up this project due to other commitments at this time. Our next meeting is scheduled for October 14th. and Linda Jen-kins will have devotions. The meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer. Secretary, Susan Ware Mission Committee: The Mission Committee met on Wednes-day, September 5th. Marge gave an update on the orphanage and wants to encourage sponsors to complete their payments for this year by the end of October as the next year begins in No-

vember. Payments are $60 a month or $720 for the year.

The committee also discussed ideas for possible fundrais-ers. Each one is challenged to come to the October meeting with a fundraiser idea. Our next meeting will be held on Wednes-

day, October 3rd at 6:00 p.m. all are welcome to join us.

Marilyn Kohler

Property Committee: No Report Received

Worship Committee: Worship Committee met Tuesday, Sep-tember 4 at 7 PM. Attendees included Pastor Cathi Braasch, Kristen Davis, Toni Leininger, Nancy McName, and Rick Rus-


The committee went over worship resources for the Seasons of Pentecost and Advent, and had general discussion of congrega-tional preferences for worship and Lutheran liturgical practices. We also went over the worship and music plans for Sundays,

church holidays and special services.

Highlights for the rest of 2018 in addition to regular Sunday ser-

vices at 8:00 AM (traditional) and 10:30 AM (contemporary):

• September 9: Pastor Cathi has two lay worship leaders cov-

ering for her on vacation Sunday – Garrett Serr and Greg Wool-ley. She is preparing the message plus a video for them to use.

There will be no communion on this Sunday.

• September 16: Gideon Sunday, with temple talks and door

offerings during both services.

• October 14: Thankoffering Sunday by Women of Grace

• October 21: NALC Bishop John Bradosky preaching at both

services and speaking during the quarterly meeting.

• October 28: Reformation Sunday --- everyone wear red!

• November 4: All Saints Sunday – Remembrance of saints who have entered the Church Triumphant during the last 12 months.

• November 11: Honor our Veterans!

• November 21: Community Thanksgiving Eve service at


• November 25: Christ the King Sunday ends the current Church Year.

• December 9: Choir Carol Service at the 8:00 AM service.

• December 16: Sunday School Christmas Program at the 10:30 service.

• December 24: Christmas Eve services at 7:00 PM (family

candlelight service with traditional carols and the Christmas sto-ry) and 10:30 PM (candlelight, carols and communion).

• December 25: Christmas Day service of lessons and carols

at 9:00 AM. Next Worship Committee meetings will be at 7:00 Tuesday Nov. 6 and Tuesday January 8. Meting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Youth: No Report Received

Page 5: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

AAAmazing Grace October, 2018 Page 5

Worship Servants for Sundays in October 2018 Twentieth Sunday

after Pentecost

October 7

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Thankoffering Sunday

October 14

Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

October 21

Reformation Sunday

October 28

Lessons Gen 2:18-25; Ps 128; Heb 2:1-13; Mark 10:2-16

Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Ps 90:12-17; Heb 3:12-19; Mark 10:17-22

Ecc 5:10-20; Ps 119:9-16; Heb 4:1-13; Mark 10:23-31

Rev 14:6-7; Ps 46; Rom 3:19-28; John 8:31-36

8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM

Organists Nancy McName Cheryl Burch Nancy McName Cheryl Burch

Acolytes Macy Klopfenstein Kaiden Hinegardner Bryson Roberts Macy Klopfenstein

Lay Readers Bonnie Kaufman WOC Linda Jenkins Rick Russell

10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM

Acolytes Maleah Kipker Trever Huber Sierra DeWeese Caitlyn Barhorst

Lay Readers Darlene Woolley WOC Tom Woolley Cheryl Janssen



Lyle Faler

Dalton Faler Jack Frieders

Dick Jenkins

Linda Jenkins Steve Lenhart

A/V Kay Frieders Jill Ludwig Lisa Wright Kay Frieders



Greg Woolley

Jill Ludwig

Cheryl Janssen

Greg Woolley

Melody Schneider

Rita Metz

Rachel Sailor

Kassie Ludwig

Kay Frieders

Breezy Yinger

Jadyn Yinger

Betsy Wells

Deacons for this month 8:00 AM: J. Platfoot, T. Platfoot, I. Platfoot, L. Faler, D. Faler, D. Jenkins, L. Jenkins, C. Wildermuth, A. Regula

10:30 AM: K. Frieders, J. Frieders, S. Lenhart, S. Roach

Grace at Worship ...

On Reformation Sunday, we hear familiar words from Jesus and St. Paul that remind us of the truth of our human existence: We are sinners in need of grace. Through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross of Calvary we are freed from sin, death, and the devil in order to abide with Jesus and keep his word holy. Luther taught that the church is to always be reforming and to always be returning to the Gospel


Thankoffering Sunday-

October 14.

Bishop Bradosky Preaching on Sunday,

October 21.

Reformation Sunday - October 28.

Page 6: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

AAAmazing Grace October, 2018 Page 6

Women of the Church WOC General Meeting was held Sept 9th, 2018

Joyce Regula opened our meeting with scripture from the book of Romans. And a reading about “we’ve always done it that way”, we need to remember its God’s way, not ours. The board served a light meal consisting of a taco bar with lots of choices. The speaker from Osterland had a family emergency, so he didn’t make it to the meeting. Secretary report was read and approved, Roll Call was answered by Circle 1- 6members, Circle 2- 3mem-bers, and Circle 3- 6 members. Treasurer reported a balance of


Mission Action had nothing new to report, but stated we will be collecting for Wernle Home in November. Mission Growth said

everything is going well with program at Fair Haven every month.

Old Business-discussion again on funeral dinners. We need to get more help from the congregation, including men. We are to talk about ideas in our circles and get information back to Joyce in Oct. Thoughts of putting together a funeral committee, 1 per-son from each circle and they would work together getting food supplies. Also making up a couple diff meals, with sandwiches, salads and desserts and rotating them. We could also use men to


New Business- We received info that the NALC once again was collecting for disaster relief, flood buckets and such. Being they wanted to know in a week what we could have the Women decid-ed to take $250 out of our treasury and collect monetary dona-tions the last 2 weeks from the congregation, and just send gift


Officers for next year are as follows:

President- Darlene Woolley

VP/Secretary- Linda Jenkins

Treas. Toni Leininger

Mission Action-Barb Wical

Mission Community- Elsa Stengel

Mission Growth- Sharon Lenhart

Discussion was to not have a Pianist, because usually there is

someone there that would play if needed.

Susan Ware will check with speaker from Osterland to see if he

could come to our Nov. meeting.

Meeting was closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Woman of the Church The Women’s Circles will be collecting items for Wernle Youth & Family Treatment Center. Marcia Davis is the Chairperson, and

any questions can be directed to her. Items to be collected:

Hygiene Items:

Shampoo, Deodorant, Body Soap, Hair Gel, Body Lotion, Tooth-

paste and Toothbrushes, Hair Brushes and Combs.


Large Men’s Clothing: XL-4X, Solid color Polo or T-shirts, Boxers

or Briefs, Bath Towels and Wash Cloths (white).

Women’s Clothing: S-XL, T-shirts, Shorts, Sweatpants, Jeans.

School Supplies:

Pens and Pencils, Notebook and Construction Paper, Crayons

and Markers, Paint (water colors).

Board Meeting is October 10, 2018 at 6:00 pm.

Thankoffering Sunday is October 14.

Decorations: Susan Ware, Joyce Regula, Linda Jenkins

Program: Elsa Stengel, Paula March, Nancy McName

Men’s Ministry

Men of Grace met September 17, 2018. Meeting was opened with prayer by Kent Leininger. Our topic for discussion was "Our Need for Others: Raising the roof for a friend" Mark 2:1-12 and "Everybody needs somebody" 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. We started planning for our soup and sandwich meal in November and tentatively booked November 4, 2018 on the Church calendar for this event. Our next meeting will be Monday, October 15, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Our study for this meeting will be "Our need for Accountability" - Gehazi caught red-handed - 2 Kings 5:1-27 and Paul straightens out Peter - Galatians 2:11-21. Meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer. Submitted by Dennis Weaver

Sunday School Christmas Program needs your help! Are you a businessman, homemaker, farmer, secretary, teacher, retired person, waitress, or accountant? We need you for our Christmas program! You do not have to speak. We just need you to stand up on stage for a few minutes. Please contact Lori Wiswell 937-538-7182 or Becky Copeland 937-844-6005 if you would be willing to help. The program is Sunday December 16th at the 10:30 ser-


The High School Sunday School Class is still in need of a new teacher and is looking for another leader to help with the opening and closing of Sunday School for the K-6 classes. If you are interested, or feel called, please contact Garrett Serr at 937-638-

9165 or [email protected] or Pastor Cathi.

Page 7: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

AAAmazing Grace October, 2018 Page 7

Standing in the need of prayer … Our Military Personnel: Dustin Mitchell, Blake Zimpfer, Courtney Gasson

Jill Ruppert

Mark Hilbun

Carol Cromes

Bobbie Burton (Sharon Lenhart’s cousin)

Sharon Burchett (sister of Donna Williams)

Aaron Peitsmeyer (Brian Regula’s brother-in-law)

Henry Springer

Kelli Bowen

Tim Gerber

Landon Reese

Ellie Ward

Harriet and Luther Mann

Doris Jean Frieders (Jack’s mom)

Cindy Davis

Phil & Martha Menzel

(Katie Woolley’s parents)

Euanna & Tim Herndon

Dru Martin (Marie Heintz’s niece)

Mike Barhorst (Zac’s father)

Missy Pope

Barb Sailor

Rudy Ruppert

Wednesday, October 10: WOC Board Meeting

Sunday, October 14: WOC Thankoffering Sunday

Saturday, October 20: Lay/ Witness making fleece blankets for “Warming our Veterans”

Sunday, October 21: Quarterly Congregational Meeting with Bishop John Bradosky

Thursday, October 25: “Young at Heart” Meeting (Playing Games)

Sunday, October 28: Reformation Sunday Everyone Wear Red

Wednesday, October 31: Halloween No Catechism Class

Lay/Witness Committee is hosting a volunteer project, "Warming Our Vets". We could use all the prayer and help we can get! Would you consider praying or joining us for this project? Mark your calendar for Saturday Oct 20th, 8:45am to 1:00 pm. We will be cutting and tying fleece blankets for Veterans Hospital in Dayton. Coffee and doughnuts to start it off, and sub sandwiches for lunch! Come and join in the “fun & fellowship “! If you are able to attend, please sign the ban-ner at the back of the church. You can check out my project page here: https://thrivent.cotribute.co/events/152816/detail?src=d1 Sincerely, Lay / Witness Committee at Grace

Volunteers Needed: The FISH sign-up sheet is at the back of the church, so please volunteer your time to sort clothing, dishes, toys, linens, curtains, shoes, etc. at the FISH facility in Sidney, 4th Monday of the month from 10:00am – 3:00 pm.

Ladies who helped make hearts, please bring all finished hearts to the church and leave on the table at the back of sanctuary on October 7, so Linda Jenkins can mail them on Monday, October 8. A big “Thank You” to all who helped make them.

Operation Christmas Child Coordinator Needed: I would like to ask for someone to prayerfully consider taking over leading the collection process for Operation Christmas Child. I am stepping down from this role. If you have any questions what is required of the person or group leading the collection process, please feel free to contact me at 937-843-5955 or 937-441-8413. Thank you.

Shirley DeWeese

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Amazing Grace Page 9 AAAmazing Grace October, 2018 Page 8

Zacory Wiswell completes “God And Family” program, receives Cub Scout award on September 30.

From left Front: Ayden Wiswell, Zacory Wiswell. Center row: Rick Sailor,

Barb Wiswell, Cory and Lori Wiswell, Craig and Shirley Stengel.

Back row: Pastor Cathi Braasch.

Zacory Wiswell, a member of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church and Cub Scout Pack 90, completed the “God and Family” Program as part of his work toward the “Arrow of

Light” scouting award.

“God and Family” activities include five weekly sessions of Bible Study, projects, and discussion with parents, the Cub Scout and the family’s spiritual leader serving as

counselor. Pastor Cathi Braasch served as counselor.

Zacory and his family received the God and Family award during the second service at Grace on Sunday, Septem-ber 30, 2018. Zacory wrote and gave a temple talk about “God and Family” as part of the presentation. The temple

talk is reprinted below.

“God and Family Program” -

By Zacory Wiswell, Cub Scout Pack 90

I just wanted to talk briefly about what the God and Family program meant to me. First of all I am really glad that I did it. It has strengthened my faith. It was also fun because it was something that we did as a family. Pastor came over

for five Sundays and we all met together to complete the program.

The God and Family program is fun because it relates to real life. Over the five weeks we compared faith to a pizza. We started with the crust of the pizza. That was the foundation built on God. Just like you need a good crust to make a pizza, you need a good foundation built on God. Second was the sauce. This was the family and spiritual heritage. I learned how we are all connected to the people in the Bible. Next, came the toppings. These are the talents and gifts that we all have. I can use my talents and gifts to help other people. Finally, we added the cheese. This was the rules

and guidelines that guide our life. I follow God’s rules because they help me live in love and friendship.

The last week was putting it all together and actually even making a real pizza. It was fun to share this pizza with Pastor and my family. I learned a lot over those five weeks and would recommend this program to any other kids to

want to learn more about God and strengthen their faith.

Thank you Pastor for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend it with my family.

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7:00 pm Circle 2 Meeting Shauna Gates Jacob Wildermuth Ivan Zorn


7:00 pm Prayers @ Grace Joey Roberts Matthew Shady

3 1:30 pm Circle 1 6:00 pm Mission 6:15-7:30 pm Gospel Gang 6:15-7:45 pm Catechism Chris Burch Dave & Tara Zorn*

4 7:00 pm Praise Band

Liam Wells Haley & Nick Bryant*

5 Pastor Cathi’s Day Off

Luke Davis

6 Tony Davis Tim Herndon Shayne Roller

7 20th. Sunday after


8:00 am Worship w/ Communion 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 am Worship


Pat Knouff Susan Ware

9 6:00 pm Backpack Packing

10 6:00 am CAC Meeting 6:00 pm WOC Board Meeting 6:15-7:45 pm Catechism 7:00 pm Choir Practice Susan Sadauskas

11 7:00 pm Praise Band Chris Carman Grant Woolley Dana & Dianne Ware*

12 Pastor Cathi’s Day Off

Marilyn Johnson Scott Schneider


Melissa Westerheide

14 21st. Sunday after

Pentecost WOC Thankoffering Sunday 8:00 am Worship w/ Choir 9:15 am Lay Min/ Witn 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship w/ Communion 6:30 pm Pro. Live . 4-H

15 7:00 pm Men’s Group

Jerry & Kathy Metz*

16 7:00 pm Circle 3

Jim & Diana Reese*

17 6:15-7:45 pm Catechism 6:30 pm Luther League

18 7:00 pm Praise Band 8:00 pm Dartball Pat Davis

19 Pastor Cathi’s Day Off Beth Rockhold

20 No Hands of Hope

8:45 am-1:00pm Lay Witness mak-ing blankets

Trent Platfoot Jeremy & Brandi Selhorst*

21 22nd. Sunday

after Pentecost 8:00 am Worship w/ Communion 9:15 am Quarterly Congregational Meeting 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Xavier Monnin Emily Ratermann Earl & Jill Ludwig* Spencer Serr

22 10:00 am-3:00 pm FISH

Heather Barhorst Reagan Lotz

23 2:15pm Fair Haven Cheryl Burch & Fritz Serr Brendan Serr Marcia Holthaus

24 6:15-7:45 pm Catechism 7:00 pm Choir Practice Jenny Knouff Jonathan Roller Ryan Woolley

25 7:00 pm Praise Band 1:30 pm “Young at Heart“

Everly Koenig

26 Pastor Cathi’s Day Off Chris Stengel Mick & Nancy McName*


28 Reformation

Sunday 8:00 am Worship w/choir 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship w/ Communion


Brandon Ware Scott & Kathy Klopfenstein*


Jim Oakley

31 Halloween No Catechism Class 7:00 pm Choir Practice

Brian & Kathy Monnin*


Page 10: October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 AMAZING GRACE · 2019-09-04 · AMAZING GRACE October, 2018 Volume 66, Issue 10 Grace’s Path Forward: An Update Thanks be to God for all that He

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Glorify God Reach Out To The Unchurched Accept And Share God’s Love Come Together In His Name Equip People to Reach Christlike Maturity

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October, 2018

Amazing Grace

The monthly newsletter of

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

PO Box 328, 607 South Main Street

Jackson Center OH 45334