October 2018 Newsletter  · Web viewCross alkOctober 2018 NEWSLETTER . 4040 Lapeer Road. Burton, MI...

4040 Lapeer Road Burton, MI 48509 (810) 742-3780; [email protected] http://www.ourrisenlordelca.com Pastor Susan B. Lidums Sunday Worship- 10:00 am Oct. 7 - “Above All Else--Love” Samaritas Sunday Oct. 14 - “God Who Knows us Loves Us” Contemporary Service (Children’s bells play) Oct. 21 –“Greatness or Goodness?” REFORMATION SUNDAY Oct. 28 “God’s Love, God’s Grace” Holy Baptism & Communion MIDWEEK WORSHIP Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Cross alk Sunday School hour for all ages

Transcript of October 2018 Newsletter  · Web viewCross alkOctober 2018 NEWSLETTER . 4040 Lapeer Road. Burton, MI...

4040 Lapeer RoadBurton, MI 48509(810) 742-3780; [email protected]://www.ourrisenlordelca.com Pastor Susan B. Lidums

Sunday Worship- 10:00 am Oct. 7 - “Above All Else--Love”

Samaritas SundayOct. 14 - “God Who Knows us Loves Us” Contemporary Service (Children’s bells play)

Oct. 21 –“Greatness or Goodness?” REFORMATION SUNDAY

Oct. 28 “God’s Love, God’s Grace” – Holy Baptism &


Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

October 3- Service of Healing; 17- Word & PrayerOctober 10 & 24 – Holy Communion

Cross alkOctober 2018

Sunday School hourfor all ages 9:00 am

God’s Work. Our Hands

In our reading of the Book of Act, we discover how God calls us and how God works through us. As disciples sent to bear witness to God’s great love we tell the Good News of Christ Jesus …not just in words, but in our relationships, through our songs, in our gathering around the Word, and in deeds of love and compassion done in the name of Jesus. Throughout these autumn months, we have been called to be neighbor to those in need. We have been called to declare God’s love by invitation and by service. I ask that you spread the word, …draw people of all ages into paths of service and love.

In response to area hunger, we will help Food Bank distribute food from our parking lot. In response to the continued need for water in Flint area homes, we pledge to raise funds through a Water Walk on Saturday, October 13th (the cost of distribution through Salem’s efforts is $1000/month). In response to the need for supplies sent by truck to the Carolinas, LaRene, along with helpers, may be preparing lunches for the workers in our fellowship hall. In response to the need for affordable housing and the need to feed the less fortunate, we helped to prepare “bread baskets” for the needy through Habitat and Thrivent Building in Faith. In response to local Red Cross needs, it’s back to hands-on sewing of quilts. We will hear of and support the work of Samaritas. …And, in response to the need to belong, we extend our hands to welcome strangers.

God continues to work through lifting us up in faith. We gather around God’s Word to listen to the stories that shape our life in faith (Acts Bible Study). We invite our children into the stories of God at work throughout history and in our own lives today. We give voice and sound to our faith through the voices of the congregation and through the gifts of music shared. We extend our hearts in prayer. We offer safe forms of fellowship for both men and women. We offer prayers for healing, especially through a Healing Service on the 3rd of October.

Jesus calls us to share ourselves …our time, our gifts, and our possessions, …for the building up of the body of Christ …that we might continue to serve the world in need. Thanks be to God! Pastor Sue

________________________________Commitment Card

In response to God’s Love, and in service to Christ,

I pledge the following financial commitment to the ministry of the body of Christ at ORL.

_______ weekly / or _______ monthly

______________________________________ Signature

(Please return by October 21st)


Women’s bible study meets on Saturday, October 13th at 9:30 a.m. & on Monday, October 8 th , at 7:30 p.m. at Carolyn and Denise’s. The study is entitled, “If I Could Turn Back Time; Turning to Others.” - Pastor Sue

New Adult Study: The invitation is to every adult member of the congregation – to read together key stories in the book of Acts. Discern the mission to which Christ sends us. We will meet in the conference room at 10 a.m. on Mondays October 1, 8, 15 & 29,( Nov. 12 & 26, and Dec. 10th ) (A Sunday evening option is possible if there is enough interest). . Pastor Sue

Joy’s adult Sunday Class: October—Joy Burns facilitatorWe resumed the

program year and have had good attendance. On the Sundays in Sept., we shared stories on how we spent our summer time. It offered us time to renew our relationships with each other, and to share delights, burdens and prayer requests. We reflected on Presiding Bishop Eaton’s message “Fear Not” as published in Sept 2018 “Living Lutheran”. Isaiah 43:1-7 and Romans 5:13 were read with

class discussion. A video with music and scripture was shown which added to this topic. Some upcoming new study topics will include: a video based bible study “Unshakable Hope, Building our Lives on the Promises of God” by Rev. Max Lucado, and “Stronger Together—Ecumenical relationships enrich ELCA congregations” by Robert C. Blezard-- Living Lutheran Aug 2018. Our thanks to LaRene for 9am coffee assistance and to Brad for use of the coffee maker for our group. Free- will offering from class will be directed to ELCA Disaster Relief for Hurricane assistance in Carolinas.

Parish Health ministry:October is a

good time to change batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detectors in your homes and workplaces. If you did not check your fire extinguishers this past year---remember there was an extensive recall by Kidde that offers free replacement for defective units. Go on line to identify your fire extinguisher. BE SAFE

Free breast cancer screenings are offered on Oct 18 locally for those who qualify. Details on flyer posted on health ministry bulletin board. Flu and pneumonia vaccines are readily available—please be proactive, follow your physician’s advice and get protection. Seniors are wise to ask your doctor about Zoster

(Shingles) vaccine, and if you need to update your D-Tap immunization. Practice good hand washing and sneeze and cough precautions. Disinfect your home and office frequently touched surfaces-- to decrease contamination and spread of virus. Enjoy the change of seasons--a perfect time for bike

rides and walks, garden clean- up and visits to farmers markets and cider mills for seasonal goods.

SUNDAY SCHOOL – We Grow in the Spirit!October begins with a Family Sunday School Hour on October 7th.Theme: “All God’s Creatures” …plan to bring a picture of your pet/s. In the spirit of St. Francis we will bless the animals God has placed in our homes and around us. Fun Songs …& Activities S.S. Offering is going to feed

hungry childrenLooking ahead: On Sunday, Nov. 4th, Family Sunday School Hour will feature memories of “saints” of the past …of our families and of the church. Watch for details.

WATER WALKSaturday Oct. 13th Sign up to WALK

or support a youth/ family in the WALK.Funds will be given to SALEM for WATER. We will

carpool from the church at 10:45 and begin our walk along the RIVER at 11 a.m. …or meet us at the Veteran’s Memorial on Genesee Road at Stanley - Along the way, we will learn of the Flint Water Crisis. Mid-walk we will gather for lunch at the Blue Gill fishing pier … with lunch provided. (Supported by a Thrivent Action Team)

Friday – October 5th

Come to relax…play …laugh.. & get to know each

other! - Begins at 7 p.m… ends when it ends!

(Bring games, finger food, snack … and a friend)

Needs Box

Cereal for Salem


Brittany Hescott, Resource Family Development Specialist for Samaritas, will be with us to share a brief Mission Moment about this important arm of our

ministry. Social Ministry Committee is

hosting a coffee hour following service for an opportunity to

meet her and learn more about how we can support the Flint

office of Foster Care and more.+++++


back to making quilts for the local Red Cross. If you would like to help, come at 9:00 am on Wednesday mornings (see calendar). If you think you can’t sew, come to help iron or to pattern or tie quilts

Enjoy another“Luther Movie Night”6:30 pm Sunday, Oct. 21st

…popcorn and snacks. -Worship & Music committee

Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex to order your 2019 calendars. The calendars are beautiful and only $8. Place your order by the end of October. Calendars may be available immediately upon purchase. All profits go to Youth Ministry.

A First Communion class will offered on Saturday,

November 3rd from 9:30- 11:30 a.m. Children in grades 3rd and up are invited. One or both parents are asked to attend. To register, see Pastor.

Wednesday, October 3rd 7:00 pm- Prayer for healing led by

Pastor Sue and Parish Nurse Joy Burns.

Help may still be needed to distribute food to families affected by the lead in Flint water. Join volunteers with Kiwanis club to hand out food boxes from our parking lot on Friday, Sept. 28th, beginning at 9 a.m. – See Steve Hatfield

“YOUNG AT HEART”September 19th was “Back to

School” for our Young at Heart group. It was fun reminiscing about our days of riding the bus-or not, and

lunch room memories and everything in between. We even tried to recall walking 10 miles up hill both ways! Our group of



Carpet Cleaning - Thursday, Oct. 18th beginning at 4 p.m. Able bodies needed to help! See Art Arsenault

13 enjoyed a cafeteria type lunch of Mac and Cheese, Fish Sticks, corn and grapes.Our next meeting will be October 17th with a Halloween party. Pizza will be furnished-Watch for a signup sheet. Wear a costume if you’d like or a Halloween T-shirt or come as you usually do-just come!

THANKS to LaRene Klink and Tate Marissa for all the hard work put into cleaning the kitchen floor and stove.

Thanks to Jennifer and Art Arsenault and members of Gather and Grow who helped to set up the Fall Welcome Potluck …and to all who brought their gifts of food.

THANK YOUDear Friends at ORL. Thank you for the cards and phone

calls! They brought me peace and Blessings! Things are

better.Love & Peace to all,

Marilyn Hardy

Thank you to all ORL members for your prayers, words of encouragement, and heart-felt cards throughout my cancer journey.  I'm so glad to be a part of such a caring family of believers. Bless you all! Carla Holm

Men’s Monthly Prayer Breakfast Saturday, October 20th – 8:00


Church Family Outing –Sunday, Oct. 7th

Join us for a fun afternoon at Past Tense Cider Mill!On

Sunday, October 7th, We will be meeting at Past Tense at 1:00 to enjoy an afternoon of games, shopping, and of course, cider and donuts! This event is fun for all ages! Please sign up on the board in the narthex so we know who’s interested. The address is 1965 Farnsworth Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446YOUTH – grades 7-12 …You will receive $10 for tickets for this Youth & Family Event.


Interested in learning more

aboutOur Risen Lord …

or becoming members?

Meet with Pastor at 7:30 p.m. any Wednesday, following the evening service… or call for a special appointment.

Looking for Something to Read? -Check out the church library in

the conference room.

Ideas for October: Books on Martin Luther –

+ Selections of his Writings by John Dillenberger;

+ Martin Luther:The Christian Between God and Death by Richard Marius;

-or for lighter reading – + Luther in Context by David Steinmetz


Pray for – - members of Our Risen Lord;- the unity of all believers;- our bishops &

pastors; our layleaders; and our partners in ministry; - those unable to be with us in worship –the sick and homebound;- for civil servants and leaders of our nation …for justice and peace.- for victims of environmental crises.

“Your kingdom come, Your will be done …”

The following article is an excerpt from an Advocacy Alert that the ELCA sent out in September. If you have ideas about how our congregation can become more active in advocacy and a witness for justice, please speak to Jennifer Arsenault or any other member of the Growing and Gathering Disciples committee.

Vitality in our public voice 

The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) continue our united call to Pray, Fast, and Act in support of programs that provide for necessary care for all people. This advocacy for programs facing shortfalls in federal and state budgets is rooted in the experience and commitments of congregational ministries of service and the social teaching of our churches. This month we pray and fast to focus our attention on God’s call to advocacy as a mark of vital congregations. “We aspire to have congregations whose faith shines in their relationships with God, each other and their community,” states material about the Vital Congregations initiative, supporting congregations and synods as they take up the long-term commitments necessary to form loving, liberating and life-giving relationships that are rooted in faith and lived out in daily life in service to the neighbor. In the ELCA, congregational vitality is defined as “communities of Jesus that nurture life-changing relationships with God, one another and the world.” (elca.org/Future-Directions/CongVitality) 

Together, we become God’s beloved community, growing as

proclaimers, reconcilers, justice-makers, advocates and healers in the name of Christ. This month we will pause to

commit ourselves to continuing prayer and action in public

witness as church together. The

wider community watches and needs our public voice and


PRAY for God’s guidance for

congregations and synods as they both

attend to the suffering of human being and all

creation, and for connecting that service to acts of advocacy with

and for the neighbor. Prayer for Responsible

Citizenship, Prayer book for the Armed Forces, p. 70 

Lord God, you call your people to honor those in authority. Help us elect trustworthy

leaders, participate in wise decisions for our common life, and serve our neighbors in local communities. Bless the leaders of our land, that we may be at peace among ourselves and a

blessing to other nations of the earth; through Jesus Christ, our

Savior and Lord. Amen.


FAST to connect internally with the struggles and strength

of those who daily contend with poverty and injustice and to

rededicate our lives to the care and redemption of all that God

has made.

ACT by creating and launching a plan for how your

congregation or ministry can become more active in

advocacy and public witness for justice.


Acolytes7 10:0014 10:0021 10:0028 10:00

Altar GuildErsel Nichols & Elaine Smith

Coffee Cleanup 7 Sandy Osborne14 21 Connie & Gary Durance28

7 10:00 Jennifer Arsenault14 10:00 Jayne Britzman21 10:00 Connie Durance28 10:00 Jan Swanson

7 10:00 Tim & Debbie Callahan

14 10:00 Al & Betsy Comstock21 10:00 Mark & Cindy


28 10:00 Jennifer Dewley

Lectors7 10:00 Paige Roberts14 10:00 Jayne Britzman21 10:00 Elaine Smith22 10:00 Steve Holm

Ushers7 10:00 Jim Theodore14 10:00 21 10:0028 10:00


1776 42nd. StSt Petersburg, Fl. 33711

Welcome!!!!!!Avery Oliva Theno. Parents

Samantha and Tyler Theno.

Grandparents Art and Jennifer Arsenault. Born

August 27th. 8lbs. 9 oz.

Women’s Birthday Lunch at Little Joes’s in

Grand Blanc … NoonWednesday, Oct. 10th

(Sign up on bulletin board)


S ANNIVERSARIES11 Gary & Connie Durance ('97) Gary & Cheryl Bolton (’69)13 Ron & Debbie Schlis ('73)16 Nate & Mary Schlis (’04) Bob & Terry Christenson

(’76)21 Bert & Jayne Britzman ('61)25 Dave & Jan Swanson ('80)

28 Ron & Kim Erman (’95)

BIRTHDAYS2 Pamela Bare

Judy Weaver 3 Carol Lee Dymowski Holly Hatfield

Alexis Sumner5 David Smallidge11 Marilyn Van Allen12 Denise Dostilio13 Jon Knuuti

Jared Swanson14 Gary Bolton16 Minnie Batoha

Joshua Erman18 Mariah Ostrander19 Cindy Archibald20 Karl Dewley23 Alysha (Card) Arnould

Nicole Marisa25 Alivia McDaniel Sandy Osborne

Brayden ThompsonLinda Webb

26 Elliot Olivo 27 Katie Barth

Ethan McDanielBrianna Kirby

29 Mark Archibald

SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT110:00 am Bible Study


7:00 pm Social Ministry

39:00 am Sewing

7:00 pm Holy Communion


7:00 pm Property 7:30 pm Worship & Music


7:00 pm Women’s Retreat


710:00 am Worship9:00 am FAMILY Sunday School

8 10:00 am Bible Study7:30 pm Women’s Bible Study @ Carolyn Beel’s(4pm Lions)


7:30 pmCouncil

109:00 am Sewing Noon- Women’s Birthday Lunch at Little Joe’s7:00 pm- Worship


7:00 pm LEAD

12 139:30 am Women’s Bible Study

“Water Walk”10:45 am

14“Samaritas Sunday”COFFEE HOUR10:00 am Worship9:00 am Sunday School

1510:00 am Bible Study

16 17

NOON-Young at Heart

7:00 pm Holy Communion


4:00 pm Carpet Cleaning

19 208:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

2110:00 am Worship9:00 am Sunday School

22 23

6:30 pm Gathering & Growing Disciples


9:00 am Sewing 7:00 pm Worship


7:00 pm LEAD

26 27

Our Risen Lutheran Church


28Reformation Sunday10:00 am Worship9:00 am Sunday School

2910:00 am Bible Study

30 319:00 am Sewing7:00 pm Holy Communion

October Community Needs Collection

Cereal for Salem Pantry


Wkly Budget Needed $3,326.222017 YTD $3,094.222018 YTD $2,885.40August 2017 $2,505.57August 2018 $2,620.25YTD Giving vs Budget 2017 -$4,786.90YTD Giving vs Budget 2018 -$14,987.90