October 2013

October 2013 Issue 3


The October issue of Voice Media Talks about the exciting new Virtual Live Trainer program from Personal Trainer Plans as well as Halloween tips and tricks.

Transcript of October 2013

October 2013

Issue 3

Hello Voice Media readers,

We here at voice media wanted to take a moment here to thank

all of you for taking the time out of your busy days to read the

magazine. We also want to thank those of you who have taking

the time to send us your stories and pictures. Like always if you

see something in your outings please feel free to send us your story

and your pictures to voicemediapartners.info. Now that the holi-

days are upon us, we will be sharing ideas and stories about the

holidays. We want to do a section in the magazine about holiday

traditions. If you like, the articles in the magazine please share

your stories with us and the rest of our readers. Let us start by

sharing your holiday traditions with us at voicemediapart-



Voice Media Staff


Voice Media was originally The Longmont Voice. Voice Media is a new is a

new publication that was first developed by an idea that Sarah had when we were

talking one day. She said that she thought that there was too much negativity in

newspapers. I was looking into an opportunity with a publisher who was looking for

a manager. They said that they developed local publications for homeowner associa-

tion neighborhoods that were in an upper class community. I asked why they chose

select neighborhoods and was told that it would be easier to obtain advertisers be-

cause you would be marketing to well off neighborhoods.

I disagreed with this logic because I felt that it was profiling people and was

not the type of ethics I wanted to use. After thinking about what Sarah said and this

job opportunity, I decided to merge the two ideas together. What if we established a

magazine that was local and provided a positive voice for the community? The idea

sounded great.

I personally have been self-employed for some time working in computer

programming, design, online marketing as well as business branding and consulta-

tion. I have also done animation and visual effects. I had all of the programs for mak-

ing the publication digital, as well as the know-how of how to make a digital maga-

zine successful as I have consulted and worked with print magazines on how to go

digital. This was how The Longmont Voice was developed. We put ideas together and

when we were finally ready, we launched the announcement that The Longmont

Voice was going to come into existence.

I am a business owner and have been for years. Sarah and I both own business-

es together besides The Longmont Voice and we know how expensive advertising and

marketing is. This is why we have made the Longmont Voice business friendly in our

advertising within this publication. Two people run this entire operation along with

many other operations that we run.

So get involved with Voice Media. Send us your articles. Let us know

something good and we will publicize it for you for free. Whether it’s a birthday, an-

nouncement or you just had something really good that you wanted to share. This is

your magazine America.

Sincerely, Voice Media

Virtual Live Trainer™ is a product that is long overdue that was created by Personal Trainer Plans. We say

long overdue, because with the rapid technology of apps and programs that are developed for mobile devic-

es, they begin to blur together. One thing that lacks these programs and apps is the human touch. What do

we mean by that? A app or computer program cannot be programmed to create a solution regarding health

and goals without being very similar to serve the masses. Yes you can create it to make a fixed solution to a

certain degree based upon the users input, but a team of people cannot cover every scenario to accommodate

every type of person or situation out there.

This is where Virtual Live Trainer™ is different. The user inputs their data and any special information ac-

commodating their unique situation and a live person creates not only a custom workout plan but also a nu-

trition program. Not only do you have a certified and insured personal trainer to direct your program, but

there is also unlimited e-mail support that you can have via e-mail. So you are not limited to the amount of

questions that you may ask or have your workout customized.

The only thing better than this new customized program is the price tag. For only $25 a month you can uti-

lize this great program Virtual Live Trainer™ with no contracts.

“We created Virtual Live Trainer™ to be a affordable and customizable solution that is going to accommo-

date any person and not have them pay too much,” says Kenny Phair the CEO and owner of Virtual Live

Trainer™ program. “Not only is this affordable, but this is much safer than following apps or online pro-

grams that may not necessarily take into account special needs or give you that nutritional information to

accommodate your workout program.”

Health programs are in a huge demand, but Virtual Live Trainer™ is a unique program that offers a solution that is easy and affordable. In order to sign up you need to www.PersonalTrainerPlans.com and to sign up. There are no contracts or long term commitments.

Make your front porch into a bat cave by hanging construction paper bats.

Create scarecrows—use a broom—handle down into the ground, make a face using construction paper and glue it to the straw part of the broom. Now pick out some clothes for the scarecrow

and use a coat hanger around the neck of the broom where the straw meets the handle than hang your clothes on it.

Make sock ghost centerpieces—use your mismatched socks and old jars or pringles cans. Put the sock over the jar or can, add eyes, and mouth using a black marker.

Make ghost and goblins—use a empty milk gallon milk jug. Draw eyes and mouth, cut a hole in the back and put clear light in or use battery powered tea lights.

Don’t forget to crave your pumpkins and put tea light candles in them.

Address: The Alexander Hotel

5225 Collins Ave

Miami Beach, FL 33140

Phone: 305-341-6565

Email: [email protected]


Dinner Mon-Sun 6 pm-11 pm

Happy hour Mon-Sun 4pm-7pm

Ladies night: Thrus 6pm-8pm

Shula’s steakhouse has several locations, but one thing they all share in common is their great taste. Not only can you join the

Shula’s Club and enjoy a free entrée on your birthday, but they are also known for their legendary 48 oz. steak challenge that

was featured on Man vs. Food. Yes this steak challenge which was filmed in Miami, FL. Is to eat a 48 oz. steak in under 20

minutes. If you do not feel up to the challenge however, do not fear, there is other food there to eat. Besides their 8-48 oz.

steaks you can also find year round lobster and shrimp appetizers. Also do not forget to go their when they have their seasonal

stone crabs and be ready to dish out the seafood as their lineup of appetizers encompasses the seas delight. You can also

choose form house salads as well as some great pies and cakes. Although the price tag is not the cheapest in the industry, pay-

ing around $50 a plate is well worth it at Shula’s.

Cats and dogs are different animals; however they do share one thing in common. These are pet tips and

tricks to keep your pet healthy as well as being a responsible pet owner.

1. The most vital thing you can do for your pet is to keep up with consistent checkups. Pets need check-

ups as much as humans do.

2. Spaying and neutering your pet has always been something that has been urged by not only profes-

sional associations, but also by pet owners to make sure that we control populations of cats and

dogs. We would like to bring to light that there are many organizations that offer free spaying and

neutering of pets.

3. One thing that may be overlooked by pet owners is protecting your pets from parasites. Now you can

do this with drops. Here at Voice Media Partners we use Hertz drops for our cats as well as maintain

a flea collar for double protection. Parasites will not only shorten your pets life, but it also creates a

unhealthy environment for you and your family with such parasites as deer ticks that can spread to


4. Just like we need to eat in portions and watch our diet, so do our pets. So be sure to give them prop-

er portion sizes and get food that is nutritionally balanced and not just cheap.

5. You may not realize it, but just like humans, pets need stimulation too. Playing with your pet and

keeping their mind engaged is great. You can find games, play with them or take them outside. There

are many toys that stimulate pets as well as pet television to keep them engaged and stimulate their


6. Do not forget your pet’s hygiene. Bathes, dental care, nail care and checking their ears from time to

time are not only great for your pet, but it helps build a stronger bond between the owner and the


As you can see, dogs and cats have a lot in common. So whether you are a dog owner, a cat owner, or

you own both, these tips will help you to not only ensure a higher quality of life for your pet, but also

help them live a longer one.

Each child needs to wear something lit:


Glow bracelets or necklace

Light up shoes

Reflectors on the costume

Always trick or treat in familiar neighborhoods.

Make your children wear well-fitting shoes:


Make sure the costumes fit:

Nothing should drag on the ground

Should be bathroom friendly

Insist on bathroom breaks before leaving


Flame-retardant materials

Masks and makeup:

Visibility and breathing

Flexible props

Make sure your children walk not run

Only stop at house that have lights on

Keep your children well hydrates

Think practical when it comes to your goody bag or container

Keep track of time

All children need a parent chaperone

Save candy eating for when your get home:

Throw out any:

Homemade candies (unless you know who made it).

Unwrapped candy

For younger children:

Take out things they can choke on:



Small hard candies

How to become a Zombie

Step one: apply your makeup to create a

deathly illusion. Things you will need are

white, grey, purple, or green under eye con-

cealer or foundation and dark eye shadow,

eyeliner and some baby powder. Now apply

your base all over your face and neck this

will create the death illusion. Next using the

eye shadow under great lighting to create

sunken areas on your face such as around

your eyes. See and shadows on your face

make those darker. Now make your eye

sockets look shrunken in (make the middle

and inside corners of the eyes darker). Next,

use that baby powder to make the skin on

your face look dull and dead.

Step two: mess up your hair to make you look like you rolled out of your grave. If you are a gir l, you can

backcomb your hair at the roots, apply hairspray and brush hair in the opposite direction. Next, apply baby pow-

der to your hair to make it look grey.

Step three: apply the blood. See how to make fake blood at the end of this ar ticle. Dribble blood into your

hairline and let it run down your face, arms, legs and hands. For bullet holes rip your shirt or use a black marker

and drip blood down from that. Next get your mouth bloody by pouring fake blood in your hand and eat it (the

eatable kind) and let it drip down your chin and throat. To get a better blood effect let first coat dry for 10

minutes and do it all over again. Remember dark blood is the key. Make sure you get the blood on your costume.

Step four: to make your zombie costume. Fir st, go roll around in the dir t, make some mud, and roll it.

Next rip holes into your costume.

Step five: have fun acting like a zombie while you par ty or tr ick or treat. Make sure you are slow, stiff,

can’t talk well, and crave human flesh (especially the brain).

Step six: take your zombie picture and send it to use here at [email protected] we look for -

ward to seeing how your zombie costume turns out.

How to make fake blood: Eatable kind. Makes one fluid cup.

Things you will need:

1-cup corn syrup or pancake syrup.

1-2 tbsp. red food coloring.

Chocolate syrup

1-2 drops of blue or green food coloring.



Mix all the ingredients well and add small amounts of water until you get your desired consistency or smear factor.

How to make a Vampire costume:

What you will need:

Black dress Black cape (optional) Black shoes Fishnet leggings (black, purple, dark green, dark red) White makeup Purple (or dark) eye makeup Glittery eyelashes (optional) Red or purple nail polish

Vampire fangs Fake blood (optional)(See gentlemen’s club article for how to make fake blood)


Step 1: Put on your black dress, fishnet leggings and your shoes.

Step 2: Do your makeup. Start with the white Halloween makeup put it all over your face and neck. Next, do your eye makeup; first, apply a lighter color on your eyelid up to the brow bone, then line your eyes with black and finish by gluing the eyelashes on. Next do your lipstick use something red or purple.

Step 3: Fake blood is optional; you can learn how to make eatable fake blood in our Gentlemen’s club article at the bottom. Dribble a little blood from your mouth down your chin.

Step 4: Do your hair. You can put your hair up in a sexy style or leave it down and add some ringlets flip the ends out, or straighten your hair.

Step 5: Now put in your fangs. Make sure you take pictures of your Hal-loween costumes and send them to us here at [email protected]

How to take off Halloween makeup: 1. Vaseline: Apply and wipe away immediately. 2. Baby Wipes: Fold your baby wipe in half-length wise and then in half again horizontally (so you have a small square). Begin to wipe off the makeup. 3. Baby Oil: Using a cotton ball, dip and swipe the baby oil across your child's face. 4. Baby Lotion: Using a cotton ball, dip and swipe the ba-by lotion across your child's face.

Tip: Before you apply, Halloween makeup to your child’s face or your

own put on lotion this will allow easy removal of makeup later.

Have a Halloween makeup tip or makeup removal idea that works

great let us know at [email protected]

How to carve a Halloween pumpkin: Step 1: Select a fresh pumpkin. Step 2: Draw a circle or hexagon on top of the pumpkin. Make sure it is large enough for your hand to reach through.

Step 3: Cut through the stem end of the pumpkin along your outline with a sharp knife or pumpkin-carving tool. (Children may need help from an adult for any of the cutting parts.)

Step 4: Remove the cap, making sure you scrape off any seeds or pulp.

Step 5: Use a large spoon or your hands to scoop out the seeds and pulp from inside the pumpkin.

Step 6: Using a black marker draw a face on the front of your pumpkin. All face parts need to be big enough to cut out with a knife. (Children will need help with this part.)

Step 7: Push the cut-out features gently from the inside of the pumpkin and discard the pieces.

Step 8: Place a battery powered tea light candle inside the pumpkin to create an eerie glow.


Coat the cut edges with cooking oil to keep your jack-o'-lantern fresh longer.


Working with any sharp tools should always be done with adult supervision.

September 26:

49ers 35 Rams 11

September 29:

Ravens 20 Bills 23

Bengals 6 Browns 17

Bears 32 Lions 40

Seahawks 23 Texans 20

Colts 37 Jaguars 3

Giants 7 Chiefs 31

Steelers 27 Vikings 34

Cardinals 13 Buccaneers 10

Jets 13 Titans 38

Cowboys 21 Chargers 30

Eagles 20 Broncos 52

Redskins 24 Raiders 14

Patriots 30 Falcons 23

September 30:

Dolphins 17 Saints 38

Here are some football scores for the

end of September. See your favorite

team here let us know your game day


[email protected]

Here are some Halloween party treats that you can use at your Hallow-

een party. Be sure to take pictures of your Halloween food and send

them to use here at [email protected]

Mud pie

What you will need:

16 Oreo cookies or chocolate graham crackers

4 tbsp. butter, melted

1 pint ice cream

5 to 10 gummy worms

1 cup fudge sauce

Whipped cream, optional

How to make it:

Put cookies in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin. Empty into a bowl and stir in the melted butter. Press the mixture into a

9 inch pie plate to form a shell and freeze for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, soften the ice cream slightly. Drop in a few gummy worms (that's the Halloween part) and spoon into the pie shell.

Top with a thick layer of fudge sauce and freeze for at least 1 hour before serving with optional whipped cream. Makes 8 serv-


Here are some Halloween party treats that you can use at your Halloween party. Be sure to take pictures

of your Halloween food and send them to use here at [email protected]

Bloodshot Peanut Butter Eyeballs

What you will need:

½-cup peanut butter

3 tbsp. butter

1 cup powdered sugar

Wax paper

8 oz. of white vanilla flavored candy coating

Small paintbrush (new)

Red food coloring

Black icing

How to make it:

1. In a mixing bowl stir together 1/2 cup peanut butter and 3 tablespoons softened butter. Gradually add 1 cup sifted powdered sugar,

stirring until combined. Shape into 1-inch balls; place on waxed paper. Let stand until dry (about 20 minutes).

2. Chop 8 ounces of vanilla-flavor white candy coating. Place in a heavy saucepan, cook and stir over low heat until melted and smooth.

Cool slightly. Dip balls, one at a time, into coating. Let excess coating drip off peanut butter balls. Place on waxed paper; let stand until

coating is firm.

3. Use a small paintbrush and red food coloring to paint veins on the coated peanut butter balls.

4. Pipe small dots of black icing for pupils.

Halloween S'Mores

What you will need: Graham crackers

Chocolate hazelnut spread or peanut butter

Marshmallow crème

Halloween sprinkles

How to make these:

1. Break graham crackers into squares. 2. Spread 4 squares with chocolate-hazelnut spread or peanut

butter. 3. Spread remaining four squares with marshmallow crème.

4. Place graham crackers, marshmallow sides down, on top of chocolate-hazelnut spread or peanut butter; place on a micro-

wave-safe plate. 5. Microwave each s'more, uncovered, on high for 30 seconds.

6. Dip the edges in Halloween sprinkles.

[email protected]

Here are a few of the pumpkin patches in Michigan in the Isabella County.

Double D Farms Address: 8060 W. Airline Road, Weidman, MI 48893.

Phone: 989-644-2847. Email: [email protected].

Hours: Saturday Octber 27th 2012 1pm to 4pm. Cash only!!!

Pumpkins for sale in the shop or farm stand, pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, Fall festival, train rides, child-sized hay bale maze, we also have pie pumpkins, tractor-pulled hay rides, U-pick and already picked, gift shop, porta-potties, picnic area, farm animals, and school tours.

Papa’s Pumpkin Patch

Address: 3909 S Summerton Rd., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858. Phone: 989-773-7750.

Email: [email protected]. Open: all year, Fri-Sun 3-6pm; in season daily 3pm-dark, Fri-Sun 11am-dark.

Papa’s Pumpkin Patch is the home of the Michigan Maze and Michigan's Field of Dreams. Visit Michigan's largest display of farm toys and collectibles, pumpkins, gourds, crafts, and other fall decorations. Hayrides and gator train rides available. Group tours by appointment.

Now You See Me: This is an amazing movies about an FBI agent and an Interpol detective that track a team of illusionists who pull off a bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.

The voice Media Magazine gives

this movie a five star rating.

The pumpkin wa

s first named by

people in Greece.

The owl is a popular Hal-

loween image. In Medie-

val Europe, owls were

thought to be witches, and

to hear an owl's call

meant someone was

about to die.g

The largest pump-

kin ever measured

was grown by Norm

Craven, who broke

the world record in

1993 with a 836 lb.


Halloween originated in

Ireland over 2,000 years

ago Ireland is typi-

cally believed to be

the birthplace of


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