October 2012 Blessings

Blessings A p u b lic a tio n o f B yr o m v ille B a p tis t C hurch O c to b e r 2012 Inside Lilies signal harvest time. .. p. 2 Pastor appreciation....... p. 3 Baby shower for Jenn...... p. 3 Benefit for Ally........... p. 3 Just for kids ............. p. 3 World hunger em .p .h .a .s . i.s.... p. 4 Associational news ........ p. 5 Community news ...... p. 5 Calendar ............... p. 6 Monthly info ............. p. 7 Food collection .......... p. 7 Operation Christmas Child. . p. 7 Christmas in Appalachia.. . . p. 7 Women’s Bible study . .. p. 8


A monthly publication of Byromville Baptist Church

Transcript of October 2012 Blessings

Page 1: October 2012 Blessings

BlessingsA p u b l i c a t i o n o f B y r o m v i l l e B a p t i s t C h u r c h

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2

InsideLilies signal harvest time. . . p. 2

Pastor appreciation. . . . . . . p. 3

Baby shower for Jenn.. . . . . p. 3

Benefit for Ally. . . . . . . . . . . p. 3

Just for kids. . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3

W orld hunger em. p. h. a. s. i.s. . . . p. 4

Associational news. . . . . . . . p. 5

Community news . . . . . . p. 5

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6

Monthly info . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7

Food collection . . . . . . . . . . p. 7

Operation Christmas Child. . p. 7

Christmas in Appalachia.. . . p. 7

W omen’s Bible study . . . p. 8

Page 2: October 2012 Blessings

Ed Sandefur

Page 2

Pastor’s column

Lilies signal harvest time

Early morning of August31 found me in thest

woods with bow in hand.Looking for wild hogswas my objective andfresh sign was all aroundme. This was going to bea good day! Easingthrough the creek bottomwatching and listeningfor pigs feeding orbedded up for the day isa challenge I thoroughlyenjoy. The morning wasvery overcast and theswamp was dark but

enough morning light had penetrated the swamp floorfor me to catch a glimpse of something red off in thedistance. Curiosity finally having its way, I foundmyself looking at something I have never seen in 50years of hunting swamp bottoms. The red color I hadpicked up on was three Spider Lilies growing in thedark wet flood prone area of the swamp bottom. Theyadded a special beauty to this place that carried mythoughts back to a time I hold dear in my heart.

On the farm where I spent much of my growing upyears, Grandmother had Spider Lilie’s all around theyard and I remembered Granddad’s description oftheir blooming. He used to said, “when the liliesbloom the laziness of summer is ending and theharvest time is near”. So true. As of this letter, we see

farmers busy harvesting corn. Then they will preparefor peanuts, beans, cotton. Granddad always couldpoint to “signs” that helped determine when someevent was to start or end.

As I enjoyed seeing the lilies and thought ofGranddad’s wisdom, I could not help but think of theLord’s words about the harvest. He said; “the fieldsare white for harvest”. (John 4:35) The lilies made meask myself am I harvest minded? Am I prepared towork the harvest as the Lord pointed out? Or has the“laziness of summer” taken me prisoner? Do I bringsomething of beauty to a dark and dying world just asthese lilies brought beauty to the dark woods?

When we hear the word lily most times we think of theEaster Lilies that are white, fragrant and so beautiful.The Bible gives several accounts of lilies throughscripture and in Song of Solomon 2:1 we read, “I amthe rose of Sharon, And the lily of the valleys”. A lilyis white and very beautiful; within it are seven grainsor seeds, (number of perfection) of the color of gold,(color of royalty) and it’s whiteness (fine linen) itexceeds all flowers. So amiable that our Lord said,“That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayedlike one of these.” (Matthew 6:29) In all its beauty,the lily even being one of the tallest flowers in ourgardens, will bend its head almost as if it is humblingitself before the world around it. I think of the beautyof my salvation in how my Lord humbled Himself,gave Himself for me so I might become as He.

Once again I returned home with game bag empty buttruly can say the Lord met me in the woods!

In Christ,Bro. Ed

We love and


our pastor,

Ed Sandefur.October is

Pastor Appreciation


Page 3: October 2012 Blessings

Ally Gregory

Page 3

Sugar and spice and everything nice,That’s what little girls are made of!

Baby Showerfor

Jenn AverillOctober 14, 2–3 pm

Saliba HallJenn is registered at Target

and Three’s Company in Cordele.

Seasoned Saints going to Georgia National Fair October 11

Spaghetti, singingand sweets to help Ally

A GospelSing and SpaghettiDinner on October 20 atFullington Academy willbenefit little Ally Gregory. Ally is the two year olddaughter of Josh and MarahGregory of Pinehurst and thebig sister to one year oldBradley. She is also thegreat niece of Tracy andTerri Gregory. She wasdiagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia on July25, 2012 and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

Tickets may be purchased for the spaghetti dinnerfrom a Fullington Senior Beta member or throughthe school office (229-645-3383). Plates (dine-in orcarry out) are $6 each, and can be picked upbetween 5:00–6:30 p.m. at Fullington’s lunchroom.

The GospelSing at 7:00 p.m. in Fullington’sauditorium will feature South GA Quartet, JosephJones and Five for One. There will also be a cakeauction and refreshments for sale.

If you would like to donate a cake, homemadegoodies or money, please see Vicki Lamberth orRobin Peavy.

T o f o l l o w A l l y ’ s j o u r n e y , v i s i twww.caringbridge.org/visit/allysongregory.

Just For Kids

A trick or treat trip for kids is planned for October27 at 5:30 p.m. After returning to the churchhouse, the kids will enjoy a hotdog supper.

If you would like the kids to visit your house,contact either Vicki Lamberth, Robin Peavy orPaula Smith.

The Seasoned Saints will be leaving the churchhouse at 3:00 p.m. on October 11 to go to theGeorgia National Fair in Perry. Contact MarthaPeavy for more information about the trip.

Page 4: October 2012 Blessings

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Terrified Christians flee homes; WHF is there to help

Pakistani Christians, driven from their homes whenan 11-year-old mentally handicapped girl wasaccused of blasphemy, were assisted in theirdistress with resources provided by the SouthernBaptist World Hunger Fund.

Rimsha Masih has since been released on bail andKhalid Chisti, the Muslim cleric who accused her,was arrested when witnesses alleged he framed thegirl by placing pages from the Muslim holy book inthe trash bag she was carrying.

When the girl originally was accused on Aug. 16,an angry crowd gathered outside the police stationwhere she was being held, according to newsreports. The cleric who accused the girl reportedlyhad called for the massacre of Christians in theneighborhood. Terrified Christians fled their homes,many of them taking none of their belongings.

One of those Christians, Arif Masih, told reportershis family had left so quickly they didn’t even lockthe front door. When they returned nine days later,the house had been looted. Even his kitchen utensilsand a sack of flour were gone.

“People are so afraid, they cannot sleep at night,”Masih said, according to the McClatchy newsservice.

As many as 600 families evacuated from theneighborhood, many of them taking refuge withother Christians in the city. Baptist GlobalResponse partners became aware of the displacedbelievers and made plans to provide them withmeals. Drawing on $1,544.33 from the World

Hunger Fund, the partners were able to prepare onemeal a day for an average of 300 people over thecourse of ten days. As the meals were served,Christian leaders were able to pray with thetraumatized families and share Bible stories thathelped them understand how to live out Jesus’command to love one’s enemies.

“It’s such a privilege to be able to help people whofind themselves suddenly in desperate need,” saidFrancis Horton, who with his wife, Angie, directswork for Baptist Global Response in South Asia.“When this story broke in the international news,many people in the United States were shaking theirheads, wondering what to do about a crisis like this.Southern Baptists can celebrate that their partnerswere actually on the scene, helping people in need.And they were able to respond because SouthernBaptists give generously to their World HungerFund.”

October is World Hunger MonthWhen a dollar is contributed to the Southern BaptistWorld Hunger Fund, unless otherwise designated,80¢ is sent to the International Mission Board foroverseas hunger project, while 20¢ is sent to theNorth American Mission Board to support hungerprojects in the United States and Canada. Becausepersonnel and volunteers are already in place, andpromotional expenses come through other budgets100 percent of your gift is used to minister to thehungry in Jesus’ name. Offering envelopes areavailable during October or just mark your check“for world hunger”.

Page 5: October 2012 Blessings

Dr. J. Robert White

Page 5

Associational news

Vienna First to host 182 annual meeting Oct. 16nd

Dr. J. Robert White, ExecutiveDirector of our Georgia BaptistConvention, will be one of thespeakers at this year’s annualmeeting of Houston BaptistAssociation. Other preachersspeaking include BruceHowland of Unadilla First andFred Jones, our moderator andpastor of Ebenezer Church.

Special music will be provided by an associationalchoir, our associational missionary GaryLeutzinger, Jim Bolton of Vienna First, and Glow, awomen’s quartet from Pinecrest Church.

The theme of this year’s meeting, WorkingTogether To Reach Our World for Christ, comesfrom the Three Year Strategy Plan that was adoptedin May.

The meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. Supper will beserved at 6:00 p.m. with the second session goingfrom 7:00–8:30 p.m.

Assn’l administrative assistantJanet Pate retiring in OctoberJanet Pate is retiring from her position ofadministrative assistant in late October. She willbe honored at the October 16 annual meeting forth

her six years of faithful service to Houston BaptistAssociation. Mrs. Pate will continue on as assistantadministrative assistant. Brenda Lockerman ofByromville will begin work with the associationOctober 1 and become the administrative assistantafter the annual meeting.

BBC hosting Assembly of PrayerOctober 2 at 7pmOur church is hosting an Assembly of Prayer for theDooly County area Tuesday, October 2 at 7:00 p.m. Join your Christian brothers and sisters across ourcounty to lift up specific community and countyneeds and issues in corporate prayer.

Water and volunteers needed for Big Pig Jig boothOnce again this year, our association will have abooth at the Big Pig Jig in Vienna, November 2-3. Volunteers are needed to staff the booth and sharebottled water and Christian tracts. Call theassociational office (229-273-4127) if you want tohelp. If you would like to donate bottled water,please place in the marked box in the foyer near thepastor’s office by October 28.

Ladies, plan for spiritual renewal at women’s retreatNovember 9-10“A Season–A Purpose” will be theme for thewomen’s retreat for spiritual renewal at CampHouston November 9-10. Cost is $30 per personbefore November 1 and $40 thereafter. The retreatwill begin with registration 5:00 p.m. on Friday anddismiss at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Debbie Beal of Sylvania will be the Bible studyleader and Cheri Slade of Cordele will be the praiseand worship leader. For more informationincluding a schedule and registration form, visitwww.houstonbaptist.org or contact BrendaLockerman. Registration forms are also posted onthe bulletin board across from the nursery.

Visit www.houstonbaptist.org. for more news fromHouston Baptist Association.

Community news

Byromville to host a fallevent November 10

The Town of Byromville is planning a BBQcookoff and festival for November 10. More detailswill be in the November Blessings. We are hopingBBC will have a cake walk at this event and maybesomething else as well.

Page 6: October 2012 Blessings

6:30pmByromville TownCouncil Meeting,Municipal Complex



Sunday School. . . . . 10AM

W orship. . . . . . . . . . 11AM

W omen’s

Bible Study. . . . 4:30PM

W orship. . . . . . . . . . . 6PM


Bible study & prayer. . 7PM

Nursery for all services.

Children’s Church for

Sunday 11AM W orship.


8:00am B’hood


Benefit for Ally,Fullington Academ y

5–6:30pmSpaghetti Dinner7:00pm GospelSing


3:00pmSeasoned Saintsleaving for Fair inPerry

Pastor Appreciation


W orld Hunger Day

National Dessert Day

2–3:00pm BabyShower for JennAverill

10:00am Womenon Mission(going out to eatafter meeting)



5:30pm Kidsleaving to goTrick or Treating

7:00pm KidsHotdog Supper

Bosses Day

4:30–8:30pmAssn’l AnnualMeeting, ViennaFirst Church




1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

10-1 Brandy Elrod

Shani Payne

Juston Trimback

10-2 Paul Bush

Beverly Carroll

Brandi Miller

10-7 Russ W ilkes

10-9 Kenny Fountain

Shannen Payne

10-10 Jessica Jones

10-11 Linda Melton

10-12 Robin James


10-17 Chuck Bush

10-20 Darlene Brinn

Johnny Massey

Mary Ellen W ilkes

10-21 Joseph Lamberth

10-22 Jeff Dickerson

10-23 Bryson McCullum

10-24 Katrina W est

10-27 Larista Thompson

10-30 Kate W est

11-1 Mary Kathryn


11-2 Noah Chappell

11-4 Ginger Carroll

Lynn Murray

Robin Peavy

11-6 Tom Barrett

Rodney Kitchens

Danielle Stephenson

Lynn W oodruff

Please pray for these folks on

their birthday.


Cat Day

World Hunger


7:00pm Assn’lAssembly ofPrayer, BBC

Columbus Day(observed)

Page 7: October 2012 Blessings

Page 7

Schedule of Volunteers for OctoberPlease remember it is up to you to arrange coverage if you are unable to serve on your scheduled day.

Date Flowers Nursery AM Nursery PM Children’s


Deacon of

the Week


Oct. 7 Open Katrina/Kylee West



Tricia/Joe Kent Frank


Daniel Thompson

George Massey

Oct. 14 Thompson


Robin/Mark Peavy Patricia Kent Tori/Vicki




Mark Smith

Quint Smith

Oct. 21 Open Jill/Sarah Averill


Katrina West Robin/Mark


Joe Kent Monta Averill

William Preston

Oct. 28 Open Paula/Mark Smith

Suzy Grantham

Terri Gregory

Tricia Kent



Mark Peavy

Arthur Roney

September Sunday School Stats

Senior Adults 7FBIC 14CIA 5VOC 5Young Adults 2Older Youth (ages 14-17) 5Double Y (ages 11-13) 2Older Children (ages 8-10) 4Younger Children (ages 6-7) 0Older Preschoolers 1Younger Preschoolers 4Nursery 4General Officers 1TOTAL 52

Bring canned and packaged food for local hungerneeds. Collection boxes will be located at variousplaces in the church house. Any food items withexpired dates will be discarded. Half of the foodwill be taken to the Dooly County Family andChildren’s Services and half to the Houston BaptistAssociation’s food ministry.

Financial $ummary

August receiptsGeneral offerings $7,618.00Memorials 150.00TOTAL 7,768.00

August disbursementsGeneral expenses 8,090.89Houston Baptist Association 420.08Cooperative P r o g r a m 1,092.20TOTAL $9,603.17

Two ways to help kids at Christmas

Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are due byNovember 11. Information flyers, predecoratedboxes (for 50¢) and labels will be available at thechurch house in October. Also, for moreinformation visit http://www.samaritanspurse.org.

Christmas in Appalachia 2012 isdonating new backpacks filledwith gifts for children in thepoverty stricken AppalachianRegion. This is a Georgia Baptistministry that will bless families inneed as well as enhance theministries of missionaries inAppalachia. More information about this project isposted on the bulletin boards and our website. Deadline to bring the gift filled new backpacks isNovember 25.

Page 8: October 2012 Blessings

Byromville Baptist Church713 Patterson Street ` POB 126Byromville, GA 31007www.byromvillebaptistchurch.com478-433-2505Pastor: Ed Sandefur







Blessings is published monthly by Byromville Baptist Church. Send news items and/or comments to Editor Brenda

Lockerman at POB 217, Byromville, GA 31007, email to [email protected] or call 478-433-2791 .


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