October 1, 2007 1 Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Data Interpretation Workshop Fall 2007.

October 1, 2007 1 Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Data Interpretation Workshop Fall 2007

Transcript of October 1, 2007 1 Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Data Interpretation Workshop Fall 2007.

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Michigan Merit Examination (MME)

Data Interpretation


Fall 2007

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Welcome and Introductions

Pat KingAnalyst, MME Administration and

ReportingMichigan Department of Education

[email protected]

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Welcome and Introductions

Pat King

Analyst, MME Administration and Reporting

Michigan Department of Education

James Griffiths

Coordinator, Assessment Administration and Reporting

Michigan Department of Education


[email protected]

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Today’s Agenda

♦ Design of the MME

♦ How to read, understand, and use MME reports

♦ How to download and use the MME data files

♦ Implications of the MME

♦ Understanding ACT and WorkKeys reports

♦ Michigan Association for College Admission Counselors

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MME Components

Day 1 – ACT Plus Writing

Day 2 – WorkKeys assessments and Michigan Mathematics

Day 3 – Michigan Science, Social Studies, and Writing

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Why ACT, WorkKeys, and Michigan components?

♦ Standards and benchmarks in the Michigan Curriculum Framework /High School Content Expectations

♦ To meet federal accountability standards for No Child Left Behind

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MME Reading Score

♦ ACT Reading♦ 40 multiple choice

♦ WorkKeys Reading for Information

♦ 30 multiple choice

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MME Writing Score

♦ ACT English (75 multiple choice)

♦ ACT Writing♦ Constructed Response (12 points)

♦ Michigan Social Studies♦ Constructed Response (12 points)♦ Persuasive Writing rubric

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♦ ELA Scale Score = Average of the MME Reading Scale Score and MME Writing Scale Score

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MME Mathematics

♦ ACT Mathematics♦ 60 multiple choice

♦ ACT Science♦ 15 multiple choice

♦ WorkKeys Applied Mathematics ♦ 30 multiple choice

♦ Michigan Mathematics♦ 12 multiple choice

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MME Science

♦ ACT Science♦40 multiple choice

♦ Michigan Science♦44 multiple choice

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MME Social Studies

♦ Michigan Social Studies – Part 1 ♦ Michigan Social Studies – Part 2

♦ 46 Multiple Choice♦ 10 points - Constructed Response

♦ Social Studies Scoring Rubric

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MME Report Types

Individual Student Data♦ Parent Report

♦ Individual Student Report (ISR)

♦ Student Labels

♦ Student/Class Roster Reports

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MME Report Types

Aggregate Data

♦ Summary reports♦ School, District, State level

♦ Demographic reports♦ School, District, State level

♦ Comprehensive report♦ District, ISD level

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MME Individual Student Report (ISR)

♦ Includes all subjects

♦ Student demographics

♦ Includes overall MME scores for each subject♦ Scale scores♦ Performance levels

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MME Individual Student Report (ISR)

♦ Includes sub-scores♦ Points possible within each strand

♦ Includes constructed response data♦ Essay scores, condition codes,

comment codes

♦ Includes ACT and WorkKeys scores

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Administration Type

♦ Initial♦ Makeup♦ Accommodated♦ Other

♦ Scale Score♦ Performance Level♦ No Strand Level Raw Score Data♦ Points Possible vary by administration type

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Accommodation Type

♦ None♦ Standard♦ Nonstandard

♦ Strand Level Raw Score Data♦ No Scale Score♦ No Performance Level♦ No valid MME Score♦ Does not count as tested

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MME Score – NA

♦ Student Prohibited Behavior♦ Test Administration♦ Nonstandard Accommodation♦ Not Attempted

♦ Incomplete assessment for a subject♦ Did not take all required components

for subject score

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MME Student Roster

♦ Separate reports for each subject

♦ Class/School code groups - optional

♦ One line for each student

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MME Student Roster

♦ Overall and domain/strand level scores♦ Scale score♦ Performance levels♦ Domain/Strand level raw scores♦ Comment and Condition codes

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MME Summary Report

♦ Includes all MME subjects aggregated to the school, district, and state levels

♦ Four years of summary data on student performance♦ Scale scores♦ Performance levels

♦ All Students, Students with Disabilities (SWD), and All Except Students with Disabilities

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MME Summary Report (cont.)

♦ One-year summaries of student performance♦ Sub-scores by strand/domain♦ Constructed responses

♦ Reported by test administration♦ Initial♦ Makeup♦ Accommodated

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MME Demographic Report

♦ Includes all subjects aggregated to the school, district, and state levels

♦ One-year summaries of data on student performance♦ Scale scores♦ Performance levels

♦ Disaggregated by all NCLB reporting subgroups

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MME Comprehensive Report

♦ Includes all subjects aggregated to the district and ISD levels

♦ One year summaries of scale scores and performance levels

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MME Comprehensive Report

♦ District Comprehensive Report

♦ One summary line for the entire district

♦ A summary line for each school in the district

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MME Comprehensive Report

♦ ISD Comprehensive Report

♦ One summary line for the entire ISD

♦ A summary line for each district in the ISD

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How to download and useMME data files♦ Locating and Downloading

Data Files

♦ Fields Available

♦ Sample Filters, Sorts, Queries

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Implications of the MME

♦ Using MME results to revise and improve course offerings

♦ Using MME results for college and career counseling

♦ How students and parents should review their MME results

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Contact Information

♦ Pat King (517) 335-6780 voice

[email protected] (new email address)

♦ Jim Griffiths (517) 373-4332 voice

[email protected]

♦ Joseph Martineau (517) 241-4710 voice

[email protected]

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Contact Information

Phone: 1-877-560-8378

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.michigan.gov/mme

Michigan Department of Education

Office of General Assessment & Accountability