Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil)

Ocimum basilicum

Transcript of Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil)

Page 1: Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil)

Ocimum basilicum

Page 2: Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil)


Botanical origin : Ocimum basilicum/Ocimum sanctum (Linn)

Family : Labiatae /Lamiatae Common name : Tulsi, Niazbo English name : Ocimum, Holy basil, Sweet basil. Part used : Dried seeds,leaves,flowering tops. Chemical Class : Volatile oils.

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Chemical constituents: Volatile oils mostly eugenol 21% Methyl eugenol Caryophyllene Carvacrol Cimiole Dihydro carveol Linalol Cinamate Terpene Mucilage (mostly in seeds).

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Uses Ocimum is used as demulcent. Used as expectorant. Used as carminative. Used as cardiac stimulant. Used as flavouring agent. Used as anti bacterial. Used as anti inflammatory. Used as anti pyretic. Used as anti septic. Used to treat the gastric disorders.

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It is also used to treat the bronchitis. Used to treat the asthma. Used as aromatic. Used as hypoglycemic. Used as hypotensive. Seeds : Are used as demulcent. As anti dote to snake and scorpion bite. As anti fungal. As anti viral.

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Mechanism Of Action: Ocimum shows anti bacterial activity due to

presence of euginol and linalol which increase the permeability of plasma membrane, inhibit the microbial respiration which causes the death of bacterial cell due to massive ion leakage.

Anti pyretic activity is due to prostaglandin inhibition.

Anti histamine effect is due to this reason that it effects the histamine H2 receptor causing histamine intolerance and inflammation is not produced.

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Side effects Mouth and throat burns. Nausea. Racing heart beat. Shallow breathing. Dizziness. Blood thinning. In case of overdose Blood in urine. Seizures. Comma.

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In case of leaf powder, 2-3 g in 200ml of water.

In case of leaf infusion, 4-12ml.

500mg of leaf extract taken twice a day.

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Drug interaction

Ocimum thins the blood therefore it cant taken with anti clotting medications like Warfarin and Heparin.

It can lower the blood sugar level. So it cant taken with anti diabetic medications.

It is an anti inflammatory drug, care should be taken with other NSAID, particularly should not take with acetaminophen products.

Pentobarbital interacts with ocimum. Pentobarbital causes drowsiness, taking ocimum seeds oil with this drug might cause too much drowsiness.

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Precautions People with diabetes, using anti diabetic

medications should use the herb with caution.

People having low blood pressure should use this herb with caution because it lowers blood pressure.

Avoid its use during pregnancy because it might stimulate the uterine contraction and can lead to complication during child birth.

Avoid its use at least two weeks before surgery.

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References www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/sweet-b

asil-herb-html www.livestrong.com/article/136596-side-effects


www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17569280 www.plantsjournal.com/vol2Issue2/Issue-feb-20

14/10.1.pdf www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC315711

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