Occupy Handbook

The 99%’ers Occupy Wall Street Handbook They’re Arresting Our Grandmothers They’re Arresting Our Children They Are ALL Peaceful Protesters - An American RIGHT WE MUST DO SOMETHING! Jeff Prager



Transcript of Occupy Handbook

  • The 99%ers Occupy Wall Street


    Theyre Arresting Our GrandmothersTheyre Arresting Our Children

    They Are ALL Peaceful Protesters - An American RIGHT


  • The Occupy Wall Street HandbookWe are the 99%

    presented by

    Anarchy Books and

    Renegade Publishing

    The Wake The Fuck Up!


    and Expose The Criminals Productions

    Its All Class Warfare ...

    And YOU arent a member of the Class!

    Theyve Fucked Us All

    Even thoe of you living comfortably will experience hardship in the years ahead. I know, you dont believe it.

    The pool water is clear, the Jacuzzi is warm and the Gym Membership and Country Club are places of refuge.

  • One Of These Two Girls Who Were PROVEN To Have Been Pepper Sprayed By A Psychopathic Thug With A Badge And A Gun Was Born Deaf.

    This Book Is For Her, Wherever She May Be.

    Speaking For ALL of Us, We Love Her.

    SHE IS US.

    The 99%.

  • If Not Now, WHEN?

    When YOU are Homeless?

    When YOU have NOTHING.

    THEN, it will be too late!

    If Not Now, WHEN?

  • Is ThisYourAmerica?

    Giles Clarke 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • CouldThis BeYour Mother?Your Sister?Your Wife?

  • These Are Just SomeOf The Men Responsible For EVERYTHING WrongWith This Country. This IS A WAR On US. Make No Mistake. Its called Class Warfare.Of course we can add Obama, Geithner, Bernanke, Summers, Bush 1, Bush 2, Ru-bin, Clinton and 100s of additional names from the Koch Brothers to Petraeus and Panetta. We all know the names. There are many 100s. Add our worthless, self serving criminal Congressional representatives and there are over a 1,000 key people in positions of vast power that are controlling our lives and assuring that the hired thugs with badges are arresting our sons and daughters, our parents and grandparents, our mothers and fathers and you and me if we DARE to pro-test. And its our Constitutional RIGHT to protest. This is ALL unacceptable. Fur-ther, its criminal and I intend to relentlessly pursue justice by exposing the lies, the fraud, the collusion, the crimes of vast proportions and I just wont be silenced. These men DO NOT give a shit about any of us. They laugh at us drinking Martinis on their yachts, they muse over our stupidity while being served leg of lamb by their servants on the porches of their mansions. Heck man, they dont even pump gas, do laundry, dust, vacuum, clean, shop for food or ANY of the mundane crap WE all have to do. We have no choice and they have ALL of the choices. WE are the 99% and they are the less then 1% of the global elite that screw us every day.

  • We Should Occupy


    But I Know Many Of Us Cant.

    So, What Can We Do?

    This Book Will Tell You.

    And The Strategy In This Book


  • Who Owns and Controls America? The Corporations, the Banks, the Pentagon


  • Judges of the Ontario Court of JusticeRegional Judge for Toronto

    Order Per: G20 Arrests August 12, 2011

    TORONTO An Ontario Court judge has concluded that zealous police ofcers criminalized a peaceful political protest that led to dozens of arrests during last years G20 summit.

    In his 29-page judgment released Thursday, Justice Melvyn Green criticized police for their kettling tactics used to corral protesters on June 26, 2010.

    The only organized or collective physical aggression at that location that evening was perpe-trated by police each time they advanced on demonstrators, he wrote.

    Police tactics like those used during the G20 summit risks the criminalization of dissent, the judge ruled.

    The zealous exercise of police arrest powers in the context of political demonstrations risks distorting the necessary if delicate balance between law enforcement concerns for public safety and order, on the one hand, and individual rights and freedoms, on the other.

    Link: http://www.canada.com/news/Judge+slams+police+tactics+arrest/5249418/story.html#ixzz1ZKc63OR2

    Wall Streets Den of ThievesIf you follow the trail of deceit from Enron to its natural lair, it only leads to one destination: Wall Street. Heres why.

    The rst thing you learn on Wall Street: Earnings dont mean anything. Everyone assumes that earnings are nancially engineered (sometimes downward!) to meet a variety of stakeholder expectations. The key expectation -- the one that stakeholders want companies to meet -- is steady growth. Earnings that spike and swoon set off alarm bells at places like Fidelity. Steady growth makes fund managers feel calm and content.

    Thats exactly what big companies -- such as General Electric, IBM, Wal-Mart, and, for a time, Enron -- deliver. Go back and read the quarterly reports of those companies over the past few years, and youll feel as if youve taken Valium, so steady and predictable is the metronome of their results.

    The ArrestsWhile this is a Canadian ruling it has just as much to do with whats happening in America to-day and in New York City specically as Mom and Apple Pie, as youll soon see.

    The second thing you learn on Wall Street has to do with the length of the auditors letter and the number of footnotes included. Simply put, shorter and fewer is better than longer and more. If the auditors letter is a paragraph long, go directly to the footnotes. If the auditors letter is two paragraphs long, read the footnotes carefully. If the auditors letter is four paragraphs long, all hands on deck and hedge your position. For the record, Enrons auditors wrote long letters that had a lot of footnotes.

    The third thing you learn on Wall Street is that cash ow and sales are really what matter (since earnings can be engineered). If a company is booking revenue and its cash ow is strong, then it has exibility. And if the company is well managed -- if the people in charge know what theyre doing -- then its probably worth more tomorrow than it is today. That makes it a buy if its a stock or a bond. During the run-up years from 1996 to 2000, Enron appeared to be all that and more.

    The fourth thing you learn on Wall Street -- and this one is what they call a job ender or a job keeper -- is that one hand washes the other. If the rm that you work for happens to do a lot of other business with a rm that youve been as-signed to cover, you do not ever forget that there is no I in team. You are on the team, and you will do whats right for the team. If you dont, well, dont kid your-self: No one is irreplaceable.

    Thats why Enron was always a strong buy with all of those rms that did business with the company. Even as the stock sank like a stone during the spring, summer, and fall of 2001, ENE was always a buy or a strong buy. Theres no one on Wall Street who doesnt understand that one hand washes the other.

    After the music stopped and the stock tanked and Enron collapsed into bankruptcy, everyone on Wall Street pretended to be absolutely shocked that such a thing could happen. Happily enough, the more excitable members of the press and their allies in the Democratic Party saw Enrons collapse as a huge opportunity to rebrand President George W. Bush and his Republi-can friends as the running dogs of dastardly corporate interests. Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, ex-CEO Jeffrey Skilling, and ex-CFO Andrew Fastow were all quickly sketched as Dr. Evils, and the games (known in Washington as congressional hearings) began.

    The hearings, of course, have been a joke. Andersens hapless David Duncan, former lead auditor for Enron, was the rst sacricial offering. Next up was Skilling, who declined to take the Fifth Amendment. Skillings lack of contrition discombobulated hearing members, causing them to embark on great ights of rhetoric in which they denounced the perdy and the heinousness of the whole affair. Next came Lay, who did take the Fifth, thus enabling various senators to slap him around at will. On and on it went, each hearing dumber and more irrelevant than the next. The net result was disgust -- shared equally between Enron and the members.

  • Sensing that the Enron scandal was not playing out as they had hoped, the members directed their attention toward Wall Street, and a shower of subpoenas rained. Wall Streets response (guratively speaking) was, Go ahead. Make my day. After all, Wall Street is the mother lode of political fund-raising, and 2002 is an election year. The congressional subpoenas were shing lines with no bait and no hook. The exercise had everything to do with headlines and nothing to do with substance.

    And for good reason. Because at the core of Enrons collapse is the fact that virtually everything the company did was legal. Accounting and nancial engineering obey rules -- not laws, morals, or notions of right and wrong. If Andersen, Ernst & Young, and PricewaterhouseCoopers operate within the rules of accounting as outlined by the FASB and the SEC, then it doesnt matter if the company that theyre auditing covers up debt, misstates earnings, or misleads investors. Tough luck. The rules were obeyed. If accounting regu-lations dont specically say, Do not create an offshore SPE collateralized by company stock to keep debt off the companys balance sheet, then all the $600-per-hour brainpower that money can buy will nd a way to do it. And it will be legal.

    G20 rioters to hang banker efgies

    from lampposts as city staff are

    told to wear disguisesCity workers are being urged to stay at home or to dress down during next weeks G20 summit to avoid being targeted by anti-capitalist protest-ers.

    Unprecedented measures are being put in place to prepare for thousands of demonstrators targeting the City and Canary Wharf.

    About 3,000 anti-capitalist protesters are expected, with groups next Wednesday marching to the Bank of England, holding ashcamps outside the European Climate Exchange in Bishopsgate, and marching on the US Embassy.

    Demonstrators have vowed to hang efgies of bankers from lampposts along the protest route.

    City workers have been warned not to wear suits, but to dress down in chinos and loafers be-cause they would be obvious targets.

    Banks have been warned to take extra security precautions to protect their staff after vandals attacked former RBS chief Sir Fred Goodwins Edinburgh home.

    Security specialists at Kroll, the risk consultancy, said high prole bankers were easy tar-gets. Companies linked to the nancial crisis are taking extra security measures for prominent staff.

    An extra 2,500 police, including riot units and intelligence ofcers, are being deployed at a cost of 10million to tackle any violence, while security consultants are giving rms constant up-

    dates on threat levels.

    The demonstrations, as 20 world leaders meet at the ExCeL Centre in Docklands to discuss how to end the world recession, are expected to be the biggest in London this decade.

    Demonstrators will target the ExCeL centre the next day. Banks, insurers, accountancy rms and brokerages have all circulated emails to staff with security instructions.

    One warns: The front door is to be permanently locked during these two days.Royal Bank of Scotland Chief Executive Sir Fred Goodwin

    Face of the nancial crisis: Sir Fred

    The London Chamber of Commerce have warned businesses to take security precautions, includ-ing making sure staff carry ID, keep movement in and out of the ofces to a minimum and can-celling all but essential meetings.

    Colin Stanbridge, chief executive of the LCCI, said: There will be concern among businesses at the protests but the vast majority of rms will have robust security arrangements in place.

    The nancial advisory group Bluen, which employs 500 staff in London-has told employ-

    ees not to go to its ofce in Mark Lane in the City unless absolutely necessary.

    A spokesman for the bank UBS said: We are telling people to be cautious. If you have client meetings do you need to have them here?

    Chris Knight, professor of anthropology at the University of East London, is organising protests under the banner G20 Meltdown.

    Fred Goodwins Home As you can see, Americans have no such designs. Wee peaceful protesters exercising not necessarily our Constitutional rights but our inalienable rights

    handed down by a higher power. But we dont want to create havoc and destruction.We want Justice and liberty from a corrupt and fraudulentg system.

  • He said: We are going to be hanging a lot of people like Fred the Shred from lamp-posts and I can only say lets hope they are just efgies. If he winds us up any more Im afraid there will be real bankers hanging from lampposts. Meanwhile, the group claiming responsibility for vandalising the former Royal Bank of Scotland chairmans home has threatened further action against criminal bank bosses.

    A statement claiming to be from the group responsible for damage at his 3million mansion warned of further attacks, saying: This is just the beginning.

    The threat sparked fears of a terror campaign against those blamed for the collapse in the nancial system.

    Security adviser Dai Davies, a former head of Scotland Yards Royalty Protection squad, said: Risk assessments will have to be carried out by the police on individu-als who are concerned about their safety. If there is cause for concern then appro-priate advice will be given and pre put in place.

    The developments at Sir Fred Goodwins home will almost certainly make some other high-prole bankers want to review their own private security arrange-ments.


    Wall Street

    Scene of a multitude

    of real crimes

  • The Modern Day Robber Barons

    There are 1000s and we cant cover them all ...

  • The Robber Barons of Wall StreetIt was recently revealed that John Paulson , manager of the hedge fund Paulson & Co., had a personal income of $5 billion in 2010. While millions of Americans were struggling to survive, this man was raking in $155.55 per second, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

    Although his hedge fund colleagues havent yet revealed their 2010 income, we know that the top 25 hedge fund managers made an average of $1 billion in 2009. The poor performer at the bottom of this group took home only a paltry $325 million. Through their special relationships with our elected representatives (i.e., campaign contribuWLRQVWKHVHKDUGZRUNLQJH[HFXWLYHVDOVRJHWDVSHFLDOWD[EUHDNSD\LQJRQO\DSHUFHQWWD[RQWKHLULQFRPHwell below that of a typical clerical worker.

    I have no problem with individuals making a lot of money if they provide products and services that people want beFDXVHWKDWVWLPXODWHVRXUHFRQRP\DQGFUHDWHVMREV(YHQthe original reviled Robber Barons of the 19th century created infrastructure (railroads), products (steel) and employment on the road to accumulating their enormous wealth.

    On the other hand, our 21st century Robber Barons are making their fortunes by skimming and leeching off our loosely UHJXODWHGQDQFLDOV\VWHPWRWKHGHWULPHQWRILQGLYLGXDOLQvestors and pension funds. Their methods, although assuredly legal, push the envelope in ways that are not available WRLQGLYLGXDOVRUVPDOOHUEDQNVDQGLQYHVWPHQWUPV

    They use highly leveraged speculation (a euphemism for gambling) on commodities, currencies and markets to manipulate and distort the original intent of the hedging proFHVV7KH\KDYHDWWKHLUGLVSRVDOH[SHQVLYHEDQNVRIKLJKspeed computers that employ sophisticated mathematical algorithms to prey on small differences in market prices in RUGHUWRUHDOL]HPDVVLYHSURWVLQWKHEOLQNRIDQH\H$Qother ploy is to take successful public companies private in order to strip their assets, after which they sell off the struggling and heavily indebted remnants.




    nancial meltdown, one can make the case that they are undermining our economic system rather than enabling it.2YHUDOO,PLQIDYRURIUHGXFLQJWD[HVDQGUHJXODWLRQVHVSHFLDOO\RQVPDOOEXVLQHVVHV+RZHYHU,GOLNHXVWRPRYHLQWKHRSSRVLWHGLUHFWLRQZLWKUHVSHFWWR:DOO6WUHHWUPV$WWKHYHU\OHDVWZHVKRXOGEHDVNLQJRXUVHQDtors and congressmen why hedge fund mangers deserve a 15 percent tax bracket when anyone else making over $373,000 in taxable income is taxed at 35 percent. If they had paid income tax at the top rate in 2009, they would KDYHFRQWULEXWHGDQDGGLWLRQDOELOOLRQWRZDUGGHFLWUHGXFWLRQ,VXVSHFWWKDWWKH\FRXOGKDYHFRPHXSZLWKWKHDGGLWLRQDOPRQH\ZLWKRXWKDYLQJWRVDFULFHWRRPDQ\MHWV\DFKWVRUPDQVLRQV



    5HLQLQJLQWKHQDQFLDOVHFWRUVKRXOGEHVRPHWKLQJWKDWappeals to people across a wide political spectrum, and yet there seems to be a collective passive response to these excesses. We need to stand up and express our outrage to RXUJRYHUQPHQWRIFLDOVLQQRXQFHUWDLQWHUPVDQGKROGWKHLUIHHWWRWKHUHXQWLOFRUUHFWLYHDFWLRQVDUHWDNHQ

    Its time to pick up our pitchforks and torches

    It is always good to take a look at history because it gives us insight into the present. It is important not to forget, especially since today, we are faced with a similar strugJOH (VVHQFH5HVWRUHG VD\V 6LQFH WKH VZLWK WKHelection of Ronald Reagan the country has gone further and further in favor of business leaders and the wealthy and taken away more and more rights, opportunities, and

    wealth from the middle and lower classes. In fact, the income disparity now is the greatest it has been since the 1920s.


    %XWZLOOZH":KDWLVVRGLVWXUELQJWRPHLVWKDWZHKDYHWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ\HWZHDUHDOORZLQJKLVWRU\WRUHSHDWitself. We will complain to each other, but we wont do anything. Im going to show some modern day robber barons and give the links to read more about each. My intent is to inform, educate, and hopefully open eyes in the KRSHWKDWZHWKHSHRSOHQDOO\ULVHXSDQGVD\HQRXJK






    Hedgie John Paulson, 21st Century Robber Baron?,QWHUQDWLRQDO3ROLWLFDO(FRQRP\=RQH/LNHWKHUREEHUEDURQVRI\RUH-RKQ3DXOVRQKDVPDGHDQRXWUDJHRXVfortune in his case by taking out credit default swaps against issuers of subprime mortgages. The $15 billion he QHWWHGKDVEHHQFDOOHG7KH*UHDWHVW7UDGH(YHUKWWSLSH]RQHEORJVSRWFRPKHGJLHMRKQSDXOVRQVWFHQWXU\UREber.html






    At Center Right Is One Of Charles Kochs 7 Homes

    Mother Jones obtained exclusive audio recordings that shed some light on the EURWKHUVODWHVWUHWUHDWKHOGDWDUHVRUWQHDU9DLO&RORUDGRLQODWH-XQH





    The Gilliams5LFKDUG*LOOLDPDQGZLIH/HVOLHDUHQDWLYHVRIVRXWKZHVW9LUJLQia. Richardfounded the Cumberland Resources Corporation, which was one of the nations largest private coal mining companies when 0DVVH\(QHUJ\ERXJKWLWIRUQHDUO\ELOOLRQLQ0DUFK+HVQRZDGLUHFWRUZLWKWKH9DQFRXYHUEDVHGPLQLQJFRUSRUDWLRQ(Qdurance Gold.










    Carolina, who inherited his retail fortune from a family business. According to this article, hes one of the most trusted members of the




    Ethelmae Humphreys and Vernon Smith at the IFREE Gala Evening




    The Camerons5RQ&DPHURQRI/LWWOH5RFN$UNDQVDVUXQVDJULEXVLQHVVJLant Mountaire Corporation, which generated $1.22 billion in UHYHQXHLQ+HKDVGRQDWHGDWOHDVWWR5HSXEOLFDQVLQUHFHQW\HDUVLQFOXGLQJWR6DUDK3DOLQV3$&according to FEC records. The company itself has given at least $125,000 to outside spending groups over the past deFDGHDFFRUGLQJWR2SHQ6HFUHWVRUJ







  • laugh from the crowd. Well, I was thinking of Obama and KLVELOOLRQGROODUFDPSDLJQ.RFKVDLGWRPRUHODXJKWHUDQGFKHHUV6R, WKRXJKW:HJRWWDGREHWWHU WKDQthat. (Forbes pegs the brothers personal net worth at around $22 billion apiece.)


    &RQFOXGLQJKLVUHDGLQJRIWKHOLVW&KDUOHVTXLSSHGWKDWWKHUHZHUHPRUH>PLOOLRQGROODUGRQRUV@ZKRZLOOUHPDLQDQRQ\PRXVLQFOXGLQJ'DYLGDQGPH:HUHYHU\humble... The plan is the next seminar Im only reading the names of the $10 million, he added, to laughs from the crowd.

    Charles spoke again the next evening, following a keyQRWHVSHHFKE\)R[1HZVKRVWDQGUHWLUHG1HZ-HUVH\6XSHULRU&RXUW-XGJH$QGUHZ31DSROLWDQR7KHMXGJHGLGQW VWUD\ IDU IURPKLV XVXDO OLEHUWDULDQ IDUH KHZDVPHWZLWKKDUG\DSSURYDOZKHQKHGHFODUHGWKDWWKH6HFond Amendment was created to ensure the right to shoot at the government if it is taken over by tyrants.

    $PRQJ 1DSROLWDQRV RWKHU UHYHODWLRQV WKDW KH VRPHtimes gets in a little bit of trouble from his employers DW)R[ IRUEHLQJ WRXJKRQ5HSXEOLFDQV WKDW)R[KLUHGhim on the strength of his televised advice, during the FRQWHQWLRXV)ORULGDHOHFWLRQFRQWHVWWKDWWKH%XVK&KHQH\FDPSDLJQVKRXOGWDNHLWVFDVHVWUDLJKWWRWKH866XSUHPH&RXUWWKDWKHYLHZVWKH3$75,27$FWDVWKHthe single most abominable, hateful, unconstitutional SLHFHRIOHJLVODWLRQ>HYHU@HQDFWHGDQGWKDWKHEHOLHYHVformer Attorney General Alberto Gonzales undermined the Constitution when he threatened to prosecute the 1HZ

  • Labor force participation rate 1984 2011Job participation in the US has reached a 27 year low

  • The US Federal Reserve injected $500 billion into the US economic system between January and March 2011

    The Goals Is SimpleThe Strategy Even Easier


  • $14,639,239,567,874.38

    The Fraud and Criminality Of Fractional Reserve Banking

    The US National Debt has increased an average of $2.27 billion per day since 2005 until 2008!Now, due to the bailout of the rich bankers and world elite, the US National Debt is increasing substantially faster!

    The US trade decit is on track to set a record for an eighth consecutive year, running at an an-nual rate of $780 billion.

    During scal year 2010/2011 the U.S. Treasury is on-track to pay upwards of $500 billion just in interest payments to nance the already-existing debt.

    Annual interest payments for individuals, households, businesses, and all levels of US govern-ment are likely to reach $3 trillion out of a $14 trillion annual GDP, an annual GDP that this year will likely decline.

    The debt limit was raised for the third time in less than a year with the passage of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 13, 2009 (ARRA; H.R. 1).

    Signed into law on February 17, 2009 (P.L. 111-5)

    the debt limit was increased to $12.104 trillionAn end-of-session vote in December 2009 increased the debt ceiling by $290 billion set at $12.394 trillion.

    12 February 2010 Obama signed a law increasing the debt limit from $12.394 trillion to $14.294 trillion.

    April 15, 2011 US stated debt exceeded present US law until August 1, 2011 when a stop-gap measure of four hundred billion was passed by Congress biding new Super-Congress legisla-tion.

    The Debt Subject to Limit is the maximum amount of money the Government is allowed to borrow without receiving additional authority from Congress. The current statutory limit is $14.694 trillion.

    The estimated population of the United States 2006 is around 300,000,000 people. David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the US and head of the Government Accountability Ofce, in his December 17, 2007, report to the US Congress on the nancial statements of the US government noted that the federal government did not maintain effective internal control over nancial reporting (including safeguarding assets) and compliance with signicant laws and regulations as of September 30, 2007.

    The US government cannot pass an audit.

    The GAO report states accrued liabilities of the federal government totaled approximately $53 trillion as of September 30, 2007, likely to increase to $70 trillion by the end of 2009.

    USA TODAY May 28, 2009, used federal data to compute all government liabilities, from Trea-sury bonds to Medicare to military pensions.

    Bottom line: The government took on $6.8 trillion in new obligations in 2008, pushing the total owed to a record $63.8 trillion.

    No funds have been set aside against the liability.

    The estimated net worth of all Americans including all business is about $47 trillion, reducing rapidly as property and company value reduces.

    The Debt Can Not And Will Not Ever Be Paid.



    ANDThe Central Bankers of the

    US Federal Reserve

    US debt as of August 19th 2011

  • M2 has never grown this fast in a seven week period for at least the past 50 years.No matter how you look at it, this is a major event.

    During recessions the US Bureau of Labor Statistics model doesnt work.The model is based on good times when new jobs always exceed lost jobs.

    On the death side, if a company goes out of business due to recession and does not report its payroll, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics assumes the employees are still in place.

    On the birth side, 30,000 jobs are added to the monthly numbers as an estimate of new start-ups.

  • ChinaChinas leading credit rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating Company last summer stripped America, Britain, Germany and France of their AAA ratings, accusing Anglo-Saxon competi-tors of ideological bias in favour of the West.

    And last week:Analysis shows that the crisis confronting the U.S. cannot be ultimately resolved through cur-rency depreciation.

    On the contrary, it is likely that an overall crisis might be triggered by the U.S. governments policy to continuously depreciate the U.S. dollar against the will of creditors.

    Creation of Electronic NonsenseIs Fraud

    And China Knows ThisIf we exclude the factor of virtual [a more polite term for false] economy, the U.S. actual GDP is about 5 trillion U.S. dollars.

    Total domestic consumption is 10.0 trillion U.S. dollars and government expenditure was 4.5 trillion U.S. dollars in 2009, now in 2011 it is anticipated with debt load to be somewhere above the moon, between U.S. 10 and 30 trillion dollars of creation of electronic nonsense.

  • Financial collapse and the Illuminati GodsBut when the banks use their putrid mortgage-backed sludge in the repo markets concealing their true condition

    from investors they get high-ves from bondholders and regulators alike!

    ...The whole thing a scam from the get go! Creative accounting think Enron is the insolvency of the system!

    HFT complex derivatives securitization repo transactions all preserved in their previous state!

  • Financial collapse and the Illuminati GodsStabilization and recovery is not part of the plan.

    Only extension of the economy until the right spot is reached to pull the plug on the entire system.The key to that is the bond market, which is ten times larger than the stock market.

  • Obama and the Illuminati Gods And think of all the volatility that all these events will bring to world nancial markets, and the fabulous wealth

    accumulated by anyone having insider information on when these events will be orchestrated to occur!

    However, as for the those of you who have not been anointed by the New World Order, only those who own gold and silver [that means part buried in your garden, part under the oorboards] will survive!


    New World Order Statistics The gifts of billions of dollars of taxpayers money provided the banks with an abundance of low cost capital that has

    boosted the banks prots, while the taxpayers who provided the capital are increasingly unemployed and homeless.

    JPMorgan Chase announced that it has earned $3.6 billion in the third quarter of this year.

    Meanwhile, New York Citys homeless shelters have reached the all time high of 39,000 - 16,000 of whom are children.


  • The US is bankrupt! This period up to a future where the veil can no longer cloak

    is going to see heightening dissembling within our present structures!

    Dissemble to hide under a false semblance or seeming; to feign (something) not to be what it really is; to put an untrue appearance upon; to disguise; to mask.

    And from now and for the next few years we are going to see major dismembering of everything we have viewed and expected as a progression of our Earth lives!

    Whatever they are telling you, the time to prepare is fast coming to an end!Prepare means of food procurement and private storage and other survival mechanisms!

    This applies to people in all Western countries, and all other nation-states also!

    And Occupy Wall Street and Every Major US CityOr You Will Not Survive

  • JP Morgan and the US Gold Bullion Fed dollar Empire This period up to a future where the veil can no longer cloak

    is going to see heightening dissembling within our present structures!

    Dissemble to hide under a false semblance or seeming; to feign (something) not to be what it really is; to put an untrue appearance upon; to disguise; to mask.

    And from now and for the next few years we are going to see major dismembering of everything we have viewed and expected as a progression of our Earth lives!

    Whatever they are telling you, the time to prepare is fast coming to an end!Prepare means of food procurement and private storage and other survival mechanisms!

    This applies to people in all Western countries, and all other nation-states also!

    And Occupy Wall Street and Every Major US CityOr You Will Not Survive

  • SuperCon Obama Steps In As Crime BossFraud is initiated in boardrooms and CEO ofces by making really bad loans, because they pay better.

    Grow them like a Ponzi scheme multiplied through leverage its hugely protable early on, then inevitably creates disaster down the road.

    One scheme was subprime Alt-A and even prime liars loans meaning no checks are made on income, jobs, ability to repay, and the more theyre inated the more protable they are.

    The amount was enormous for one company alone they generated as many losses as the entire Savings & Loan scandal.

    Toxic products willfully created to scam borrowers for big prots and rating agencies went along by apprais-ing junk as AAA instead of doing it honestly.

    Dont Be Fooled!

  • The Whole Truth And Nothing But The TruthStephen Lendman

    April 18, 2009

    Obama Capone Since taking ofce, Obama, wittingly or otherwise, has headed the largest crimi-nal enterprise in history - the mass looting of national wealth to enrich his Wall Street benefac-tors. He assembled a rogue economic team of Clinton Robert Rubin retreads - to x the current crisis they engineered. Since taking ofce, Obama, wittingly or otherwise, has headed the largest criminal enterprise in history the mass looting of national wealth to enrich his Wall Street benefactors.

    He assembled a rogue economic team of Clinton/Robert Rubin retreads to x the current cri-sis they engineered.

    In a March 13 article, (author and former Republican strategist) Kevin Phillips called them:recycled senior (Clinton administration) Democrats (responsible for the) tech mania, deregu-lation binge and (1997 2000) stock market bubble and crash.

    Obama) extend(ed) the (disastrous) mismanagement and pro-Wall Street bias of the 2008 Bush regime bailout.

    He called Geithner and Bernanke hapless, the result of their ruinous misjudgments (and, along with Alan Greenspan, complicit) with nance-sector malfeasance.

    He said Summers will be remembered for helping to block federal regulation of nancial deriv-atives and orchestrat(ing) the 1999 Glass-Steagall repeal, among his other achievements.

    He went down the list of key economic ofcials and trashed them all as the very types to be avoided, not appointed.

    He noted that Bernanke was chairman of George Bushs Council of Economic Advisers and add-ed:

    Imagine if FDR had retained Herbert Hoovers chief economic advisor and loyal Republican Fed Chairman in 1933... To think that the pussycat Fed (would become) a saber-toothed tiger is a deception.

    Worse still, ruinous economic policies could prove fatal if White House policies favor Wall Street but not the national economy or American people the very direction theyve now taken.

    In a follow-up April 7 article, Phillips highlighted:

    The Disaster Stage of US Financialization....a much grander-scale disaster than anything that happened in 1929 1933.

    Worse, it dwarfs the abuses of debt, nance and nancialization that brought down previous

    leading world economic powers like Britain and Holland.

    Todays crisis represents:

    the bursting of the huge 25-year, almost $50 trillion debt bubble that helped underwrite the hijacking of the US economy by a rabid nancial sector....

    Its realigning global power with America losing its economic leadership won in WW II.

    The ignominy deserved by Wall Street after 1929-1933 is peanuts compared with the opprobri-um the US nancial sector and its political and regulatory allies deserve this time. Financial-ized America radically transformed the country, now doubly staggering because of the crush-ing burden of its collapse.

    Yet major media pundits and reporters barely noticed and now claim relief is just a few quarters away ignoring a metastasizing cancer, a national disaster, while policy makers heap fuel on a raging blaze now consuming us, yet too little public rage confronts them.

    A Former Insider Speaks OutEconomics Professor William Black is a former senior bank regulator and Savings and Loan prosecutor, currently teaching economics and law at the University of Missouri.

    In an April 13 Barrons interview, he referred to failed bankers (advising) failed regulators on how to deal with failed assets they all had a hand in creating and proliferating.

    His conclusion: How can it result in anything but failure.

    He called the scale of nancial fraud immense, and said Unless the current administration changes course pretty drastically, the scandal will destroy Barack Obamas presidency, besides what its doing to the country, global economies, and many millions of people here and abroad.He scathed Summers and Geithner, both important architects of (todays) problems, and the latter as a failed and dishonest regulator, yet numbering himself among those who convey tough medicine when hes really pandering to the interests of a select group of banks.

    No need to mention which ones.

    The law mandates corrective action, the kind FDR took in the 1930s.

    He, Bernanke and Summers out the law, in naked violation, in order to pursue the kind of favoritism that the law was designed to prevent.

    Theyve turned taxpayers into suckers wholl pay dearly for decades, maybe generations. [Not unless they are very, very, very, stupid Kewe]

    His refusal to put insolvent banks into receivership, resorting to deceptive language like leg-acy assets, and pursuing the worst of Chicago School economics is positively Orwellian... If cheaters prosper, (theyll) dominate.

  • Its like Greshams law: Bad money drives out the good.

    Well, bad behavior does the same thing without good enforcement.

    His bailout plans are disastrous.

    They prop up zombie banks by:

    mispricing toxic assets....The last thing we need is a further drain on our resources....by pro-moting this toxic asset market (and notions of) too-big-to-fail.

    Multi-trillion dollar cover-up by publicly traded enterprises

    With most, perhaps all, the big banks insolvent (a polite term for bankrupt), whats going on is a multi-trillion dollar cover-up by publicly traded (enterprises), which amounts to felony secu-rities fraud on a massive scale.

    Ultimately, these rms will be forced into receivership, their managements and boards stripped of ofce, title, and compensation.

    Whats needed is a 1930s-style Pecora investigation to get to the bottom of their fraud, deceit, and cover-up, along with government complicity to hide it.

    More on that below.

    Black cited billions to AIG as the single worst abuse so far to bail out their counterparties like Switzerlands UBS at the same time we were prosecuting it for tax fraud. As bad was following Goldman Sachs advice to direct a $13 billion counterparty windfall to itself.

    The whole process reeks of corruptionIt must be stopped, and a new direction instituted under a reformist economic team one that will admit the nature and depth of the problem, cut the tie to Wall Street, and take corrective action the law mandates.

    Thats precisely what isnt happening.

    Washington is wedded to the bad idea of bigness and power of Wall Street.

    In todays America, nancialization is predominant.

    Its a cancer eating away at the fabric of the nation and many millions affected, the result of the grandest of grand thefts.

    A good start would be to break up the nancial giants into more effectively managed and less powerful units maybe the way Standard Oil was dismantled through a simple share spinoff.

    In addition, a new seriousness must be put into regulation, and a new resolve to enforce it. Today, the whole system encourages fraud, one based on results at any cost, so fudging the numbers becomes de rigueur and global bigness the holy grail.

    It sends the wrong message play or pay with your job and future on Wall Street.

    The basis for all regulation and white-collar crime is to take the competitive advantage away from the cheats, so the good guys can prevail. We need to get back to that.

    Its been decades since weve been there and high time we took it seriously.

    Job one is a thorough housecleaning and new direction, much like whats described below.

    On April 3, Black appeared on Bill Moyers Journal on PBS and explained whats briey enumer-ated below.

    From his experience as a regulator and prosecutor, he said:

    Fraud is initiated in boardrooms and CEO ofces by making really bad loans, because they pay better;

    Then grow them like a Ponzi scheme multiplied through leverage; its hugely protable early on, then inevitably creates disaster down the road;

    Dismantling regulation makes it possible;

    One scheme was subprime, Alt-A , and even prime liars loans meaning no checks are made on income, jobs, ability to repay, and the more theyre inated the more protable they are; the amount of them was enormous for one company alone, they generated as many losses as the entire S & L scandal;

    Toxic products were willfully created to scam borrowers for big prots;

    Rating agencies went along by appraising junk as AAA instead of doing it honestly;

    In September 2004, the FBI warned about a mortgage fraud epidemic, but nothing was done to stop it; so now we have a crisis hundreds of times greater than the S & L one and bad policy in play to address it;

    As in Barrons, he accused top Bush and Obama ofcials of a cover-up to conceal the insol-vency of all major banks and by so doing broke the law established after the S & L crisis, the Prompt Corrective Action Law that mandates insolvent banks be shut down and/or placed in receivership; and

    This is the greatest nancial scandal in history swept under the rug by top government of-cials of both parties; its legally and morally indefensible, and its wrecking the country.

    In an April 6 article, Black calls ongoing stress tests a complete sham.... to fool people.... make us chumps and essentially say If we lie and they believe us, all will be well when, in fact, its not.

  • Greatest ever criminal fraud by bankers and complicit government ofcials

    Its part of the giant cover-up and greatest ever criminal fraud by bankers and complicit gov-ernment ofcials.

    On April 13, Nouriel Roubini shared Blacks view.

    He cited the stress test spin machine leaking stories to the press that all 19 banks in question will pass.

    None will fail.

    If more exceptional assistance is needed, Washington will provide it.

    However, Q 1 macro data tells another story as growth, unemployment, and falling home prices alone are worse than those in FDICs baseline scenario for 2009 AND even worse than those for the more adverse stressed scenario for 2009.

    Make believeThus, the stress test results are meaningless as worsening data are outdistancing the worst case scenario.

    In other words, test results are not worth the paper (theyll be) written on as their assump-tions are fraudulently based.

    Theyre fudge tests....blatantly rigged to put a brave face on a very bleak economic picture.Theyre in addition to other changes, including the recent Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ruling. Its responsible for developing generally accepted accounting princi-ples known as GAAP. On April 3, it changed so-called mark-to-market standards to mark-to-make believe ones. It also voted to allow banks to book smaller impaired asset losses to paint a brighter prots picture. It let Wells Fargo, for example, claim a Q 1 prot when its drowning in losses, ones it can hide and not take. Also likely coming is restoration of the uptick rule that prohibited short-selling in a down market.

    Established in 1938 to prevent disorderly selling, it allows shorts only when shares trade up.In June 2007, it was removed. Re-introductory proposals are now being considered to arti-cially boost prices. Roubini calls it a form of legalized manipulation of the stock market by regulators... to prevent short-sellers (from doing) their job, i.e. make stock prices reect funda-mentals and prevent bubbles.

    Overall, alarm bells should be warning about reckless monetary and scal policies, but perverse market reaction was relief. Thats wildly premature according to some like Roubini.

    Others see a protracted downturn, a prolonged winter, and if conditions deteriorate enough perhaps a nuclear one, unlike anything before seen, and why not:

    World economies are plummeting at depression-level speed by all key measures produc-tion, consumption, trade, prots, asset values, capital ows, and more;

    Unemployment is soaring; in America close to 20% (it already has) with all excluded and un-derstated categories included;

    Pensions have been lost along with benets;

    Homelessness is rising sharply, the result of over six million foreclosures; tent cities are ap-pearing across the country;

    Recent data shows soaring foreclosures up 24% in Q 1 2009; in March alone, 46% higher than a year earlier alone providing clear evidence of serious trouble we now have OVER 11 million foreclosures, and,

    Desperation is fueling anger and despair as conditions keep deteriorating absent sound poli-cies to address them.

    From Bubble to DepressionOn April 6, Professor Vernon Smith (a 2002 economics Nobel laureate) and research associate Steven Gjerstad headlined a Wall Street Journal op-ed: From Bubble to Depression?

    They asked:

    What creates bubbles?

    Why does a large one, like the dot.com bubble, do no damage to the nancial system while an-other (housing) caused collapse?

    They believe events of the past 10 years have an eerie similarity to the period leading up to the Great Depression, including rising mortgage debt and speculation, then asked:

    Had banking system difculties been caused by losses on brokers loans for margin purchases in 1929, the results should have been felt in the banks immediately after the stock market crash.

    But they werent apparent until fall 1930, a year later.

    Further, if money supply contraction caused bank failures, why havent massive infusions to-day prevented the crisis?

    They conclude that conventional wisdom needs reassessing and believe excessive consumer debt especially mortgage debt was transmitted into the nancial sector causing the Great Depression.

  • Their Hypothesis:Is that a nancial crisis (originating) in consumer debt, concentrated at the low end of the wealth and income distribution (affecting so many households), can be transmitted quickly and forcefully into the nancial system...

    Were witnessing the second great consumer debt crash, the end of a massive consumption binge, but want more study to prove it.

    However, much more than that is needed real reform, a complete reversal from current poli-cy of the kind addressed below.

    Also, Smith and Gjerstad omitted a crucial fact how misdirected todays massive infusions have been.

    Instead of helping beleaguered households, theyve gone mostly to bankers for purposes oth-er than economic recovery; namely, recapitalizations, for acquisitions, and big bonuses at the same time they re thousands of lower level staff.

    The 1930s Pecora CommissionOn March 4, 1932 (one year to the day before FDR took ofce), a majority-Republican Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee established it to investigate the causes of the 1929 crash.

    It was little more than a g leaf until Democrats took over, appointed Ferdinand Pecora as spe-cial counsel, and made a real effort for banking and regulatory reform.

    Straightaway, Pecora looked into Wall Streets seamy underside by placing powerful bankers in the dock, holding them accountable for their actions, and doing through hearings what would have been impossible in open court given their ability to buy justice.

    He confronted Wall Streets biggest names:

    Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange;

    Noted investment bankers, including Thomas Lamont, Otto Kahn, Charles E. Mitchell, Albert Wiggin, and JP Morgan, Jr., scion of the man who dominated the Street for decades as its boss and de facto Fed chairman before the central bank was established.

    Market Speculators Like Arthur CuttenNo income taxes paid. He got Morgan to admit that he and his 20 partners paid no income taxes in 1931 and 1932. Neither did its Philadelphia operation, Drexel and Co., in the same years and way underpaid them in previous ones. It made headlines, was stunning, and galvanized critics to demand reform. Pecora went further. He questioned Morgan and others on various matters, including sweetheart deals for political gures and insider ones for Wall Street cronies, similar shenanigans to today but not on the same scale, and under a president then who cared once

    Roosevelt took ofce. He directed pitiless publicity on Street corruption, what they easily got away with under Republicans.

    Pecora was a former New York district attorney, an Eliot Spitzer-type with a reputation for toughness and fearlessness, but one serving at the behest of the President. He established straightaway that some of Wall Streets most powerful lied to their shareholders, manipulated stocks to their advantage, and proted hugely through malfeasance.

    Roosevelt encouraged him in his March 4, 1933 inaugural address saying:

    There must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments. There must be an end to speculation with other peoples money. There must be provision for an adequate but sound currency... The rulers of the exchange of mankinds goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure and abdicated. Prac-tices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men....

    They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish. The money changers have ed their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We must now restore that temple to the ancient truths. (Doing it requires) apply(ing) social values more noble than mere monetary prot.

    Imagine Obama Saying ThisImagine Obama saying this, followed by strong policies for enforcement under Roosevelt-style ofcials. Men like Pecora who asked tough questions and demanded answers, including on the House of Morgans operations, something unimaginable today under any leadership. Morgans counsel, John W. Davis, called Pecoras questions outrageous, but Morgan had to answer in de-tail enough to shake the secret governments foundations.

    Pecoras staff examined company records that revealed nancial manipulations among the Streets powerful to reap enormous prots enough for Morgan to gain control of most US in-dustry, buy politicians and diplomats, and effectively control the most powerful banks in the country.

    A Small Group Of Highly Placed Financiers Holds The Real Power

    Years later in his book, Wall Street Under Fire, Pecora wrote:

    Undoubtedly, this small group of highly placed nanciers, controlling the very springs of eco-nomic activity, holds more real power than any similar group in the United States.

    Morgan called it performing a service and exercising no more control than through argument and persuasion. His managing partner, Thomas Lamont, told the committee that the rm only offered advice that clients could accept or reject. Pecora learned otherwise as he peeled away the layers of company power and inuence.

  • Friends of the bank lists in two tiersHe discovered preferred clients and friends of the bank lists in two tiers special allies, op-eratives, and cronies and a shing list from which new ones were recruited. In total, it showed Morgan was more powerful than Washington that the rm effectively controlled a network of companies that made US nancial policy for over three decades plus leading politicians and much of the federal bench. Pecora discovered whats as true today that a select group of giant banks run things.

    They set policy, rig the game to their advantage, buy politicians the way Morgan did, and pretty much run the country and the world.

    Again Pecora from his book:

    Morgans power was a stark fact.It was a great stream that was fed by many sourcesBy its depositsBy its loansBy its promotionsBy its directorshipsBy its pre-eminent position as investment bankersBy its control of holding companies which, in turn, controlled scores of subsidiariesBy its silken bonds of gratitude in which it skillfully enmeshed the chosen ranks of the pre-ferred lists.

    It reached into every corner of the nation and penetrated in public, as well as business affairs.The problems raised by such an institution go far beyond banking regulation in the narrow sense. It might be a formidable rival to the government itself.

    Pecora proceeded from Morgan to others, powerful bankers in their own right like Kuhn, Loebs Otto Kahn. Roosevelt championed the hearings and from them came legislative reforms, the kinds so desperately needed now but nowhere in sight by an administration totally subservient to money and power and thoroughly corrupted by them after a scant three months in ofce.

    Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) Calls for Sweeping Changes

    Its head, Elizabeth Warren, called on the Treasury to get tough on TARP recipients, including:

    Questioning the dangers inherent in its strategy; the idea of open-ended subsidies (to giant institutions) without adequately weighing potential pitfalls;

    Acknowledging that it has no historical precedent and faint hope of succeeding;

    Leveraging the $700 billion in TARP funds well beyond what Congress appropriated to an amount exceeding $4 trillion and smacking of high-level corruption;

    Firing top executives of failed institutions like Citigroup, Bank of America and AIG; the very

    notion that anyone would infuse money into a nancially troubled entity without demanding (management) changes is preposterous;

    Shareholders to be wiped out; it is crucial (for this) to happen;

    Choosing among three alternatives for insolvent banks: liquidation, receivership, or subsidi-zation; Geithners plan is none of the above and essentially unworkable; it fails to acknowledge the declines depth and degree to which troubled assets low valuations accurately reect their worth;

    If the downturn gets greater than forecast, very different actions will be needed to restore nancial stability.

    Given the extent and long-term nature of todays crisis, its shocking that bad policy practically assures the worst outcome. Maybe a government/Wall Street cabal prefers it to capitalize on the wreckage at re sale prices, at home and globally, as part of a long-term process of sucking wealth to the top while ignoring its fallout, both human and economic. Those calculations dont enter their sophisticated models, only bottom line ones they can bank on.

    Other Bank Bailout CriticsWillem Buiter was a former member of the Bank of Englands Monetary Policy Committee (1997 2000).

    Hes now has a Maverecon blog and is a Financial Times (FT) regular. Hes also a erce critic of bank bailouts, a policy he says wastes good time and money and is destined to fail.

    The good bank solution and slaughter of the unsecured creditors should have been pursued actively as soon as it became clear that most (US international banks were) insolvent.

    Soon enough it will be apparent anyway, before year end. At that point, (their) de facto insol-vency will be so self-evident that even the joint and several obfuscation of banks and Treasury will be unable to deny the obvious.

    And theyll be no scal resources to the rescue.

    The likelihood of Congress voting even a nickel in additional nancial support for the banks is zero.

    Bailing out bankers at expense of economyJoseph Stiglitz was even blunter in an April 17, 2009, Bloomberg interview headlined: Stiglitz Says White House Ties to Wall Street Doom Bank Rescue. He accused the administration of bailing out bankers at the expense of the economy.

    All the ingredients they have so far are weak, and there are several missing ones. The people who created this monster are either in the pocket of the banks or theyre incompetent. We dont have enough money, they dont want to go back to Congress, they dont want to do it in

  • an open way, and they wont act responsibly and place the banks in receivership where they belong and let shareholders, not taxpayers take the pain. This policy guarantees failure.

    Its an absolute mess.

    Its a strategy to re-inate a bubble that will do nothing to speed recovery.Its a recipe for Japanese-style malaise.

    Government Clearly Cooking The BooksFinancial expert and investor safety advocate Martin Weiss is most critical of all. He calls bank stress tests FLIM-FLAM in accusing Washington of hiding the true condition of the nations 19 largest banks. Key economic indicators like GDP contraction and unemployment are far worse than stress test parameters.

    Our own government is clearly cooking the books using (false) criteria to deceive you; hop-ing youll trust banks that are clearly hanging by a thread.

    Economy sinking, not stabilizing, let alone recovering

    On May 4, theyll announce the results jerry-rigged to present an illusion of solvency, but clearly a deceptive lie. The economy is sinking, not stabilizing, let alone recovering. The admin-istration is bailing out bankers while wrecking the economy and millions of households. Why isnt Washington addressing the tough questions, he asks.

    Answers have them terried

    Because the answers have them terried, so they play for time while:

    Home foreclosures are exploding Factories are sitting idle Consumption keeps falling Food and Energy price keep rising rapidly Unemployment sits at 25 million and there are NO jobs 11 Million were foreclosed 10.6 Million jobs were outsourced overseas during the past 5 years

    Yet they hope conditions will improve.

    No one asks:

    What if states and cities cant provide vital services; Hospitals have to close down due to disruptions in insurance payments; Supermarket shelves are emptied because trucking companies cant get short-term loans to stay in business; Utilities are crippled as the crisis kills the revenues they count on from corporations; and

    Soaring decits drive interest rates sky-high and gut the dollar, driving the cost of living through the roof.

    What if that day is todayWhat if one day we discover America is no longer America.What if we realize that day is today?

    Another Day, Another Scheme the latest one lets ordinary people participate in Geithners Public-Private Partnership Program (PPIP) that sounds suspiciously like liars loan fraud, ex-cept this time investments in worthless junk are involved that will separate fools from their money.

    The New York Times headlined the plan by comparing it to WW I Liberty Bonds that helped the country win the war.

    Now its to come to the aid of their banks with the added inducement of possibly making some money....

    The idea is for large investment companies to create the nancial-crisis equivalent of war bonds: bailout funds to sucker the unwary to invest and, simultaneously, quiet opposition to the handouts. According to money management rm BlackRock director Steven Bafco:

    Its giving the guy on Main Street an equal seat at the table next to the big guys.

    Pimcos Bill Gross called it a win-win-win policy.

    Absolutely for him so he loves it.Plans are still being discussed.

    They wont likely be announced for several months, but already the scheme is apparent. Its to ofoad toxic junk on the public, let unwary investors take losses, relieve troubled banks of more of them, and arrange for investment fund issuers (like Pimco and BlackRock) to reap healthy fees if enough suckers can be enlisted to go along. As troublesome is FDICs role in the scam through its transformation from insuring depositors to a much greater one guarantee-ing over $1 trillion in junk assets, way over its charter $30 billion limit by twisting the rules to arrange it. Its charter allows extraordinary steps to be taken when an emergency determina-tion by secretary of the Treasury is made to mitigate systemic risk. However, its Section 14 Borrowing Authority states:

    The Corporation is authorized to borrow from the Treasury.... for insurance purposes (not specu-lation, bailouts, or other schemes, an amount) not exceeding in the aggregate $30,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time...

    Any such loan shall be used by the Corporation solely in carrying out its functions with respect to such insurance (of bank deposits, then up to $5000, now temporarily at $250,000)....

    Before issuing an obligation or making a guarantee, the Corporation shall estimate the cost of such obligations (as well as market value)...

    The Corporation may not issue or incur any obligation, if, after (so doing) the aggregate amount

  • of obligations of the Deposit Insurance Fund (exceeds) the total of the amounts authorized ($30 billion under) section 14(a).

    PPIP violates FDIC rulesIf its opened to the public, greater fraud will result with ordinary people hit hardest as usual, the best reason to avoid this and alert others to be as prudent.

    Do it at inated prices

    and stick taxpayers with the riskIts another dubious scheme to separate the unwary from their money and redirect it to the top to the same fraudsters responsible for the crisis and their investment company partners going along with the scam.

    The Treasury extended the deadline for PPIP participants (to April 24) and loosened some of its guidelines suggesting that investor support has been less than expected. However, on April 2, the Financial Times (FT) headlined: Bailed-out banks eye toxic asset buys.

    Giants like JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs are considering buying (each others) toxic assets, and why not when its a win-win way to ofoad each others junk, do it at inated prices, and stick taxpayers with the risk.

    New York Universitys Stern School of Business Professor Lawrence White put it this way:

    Im worried about the following scenario: You and I have troubled assets, I buy assets from you, you buy them them from me, and at the end of the day it (looks) suspiciously like you bought assets from yourself with Treasury funds.

    PPIP prohibits banks from buying their own assets but lets them do it from other rms, either directly or through investment funds set up for that purpose, and according to Treasury: Its an open program designed to get markets going.

    On April 3, Reuters reported that US regulators may be open to letting TARP recipients partic-ipate in the new program, and already Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley suggested theyll do it.

    Others expressed interest in what some observers call a giant money laundering scheme com-pounding the colossal imam that in the end most likely wont work except to extract multi-trillions from the public to banksters with Washington acting complicitly as transfer agent.Meanwhile economic fundamentals are deteriorating at depression-level speed and depth while Obama remains in denial.

    On April 2 at the G 20, he cited a very productive summit that will be, I believe, a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery when, in fact, it produced nothing beyond the usual hype plus this time the quadrupling of the IMFs budget to inict debt bondage on its willing partakers.

    Were clearly in early stage unchartered waters of what Michel Chossudovsky calls The Great Depression of the 21st Century heading America for scal collapse because of policies amounting to the most drastic curtailment in public spending in American history direct-ing most of it for militarism and foreign wars, Wall Street bailouts, and half a trillion for public debt service.

    In an April 12 commentary, longtime, well-respected Chicago nancial journalist Terry Savage headlined Social Security Myth in reporting on some of the fallout.

    Someone has to pay for xes and militarism, that someone is us, and target one is Social Se-curity. According to Savage:

    Most likely, Social Security will become a needs-based payout to low income, elderly recipi-ents not a return of the investments you made with all those FICA deductions from your pay check every month over your working career.

    In other words, Washington intends to renege on the 74-year old promise FDR announced to the nation on August 14, 1935:

    Today a hope of many years standing is in large part fullled...

    This social security measure gives at least some protection to thirty millions of our citizens (now over 56 million, including Supplement Security Income recipients) who will reap direct benets...

    This law represents a cornerstone in a structure... by no means complete.

    (It) will take care of human needs and at the same time provide the United States an economic structure of vastly greater soundness.

    (The passage of this bill marks) a historic (achievement) for all time.

    Its now in jeopardy, so heres what Savage advises.

    PrepareSave more money, (and) start from an honest assessment of whats coming. What FDR gave will be taken away.

    And thats The Savage Truth.A disturbing and outrageous one as well as all the other ways weve been betrayed.

  • Too big to fail? Well see!

    ...The capital we thought was there is gone. A lot of it was actually translated over the years into Hamptons villas, Gulfstream jets, and other playthings that will now go up on Ebay or some equivalent as we turn into Yard Sale Nation in a general liquidation of remaining assets.... Ev-erything is for sale and nobody has any money. James H. Kunstler, 9/15/08

    A bail-out to nowhereThe tremors come faster now. Candidate McCain mimics Herbert Hoover asserting that the eco-nomic fundamentals are sound, even as Wall Street asset Hank Paulson announces the latest lofting of US Treasury life preservers. The scal otation devices will allow Hanks cohorts a soft landing in more comfortable climes than await the majority here in America the Deat-ing. Even the corporate media, reexively dedicated to promoting consumer condence and keeping the gullible in their seats long enough for the swag-toting executive larcenists to make for the exits, murmur about a new 1929.

    As if the stock market mattered to ordinary people

    With the usual misdirection, the press reports plummeting Wall Street stock prices as if they mattered to ordinary people. In fact, as economist Dean Baker has repeatedly pointed out:

    [T]he stock market is not a good barometer of the economys health. It can be driven up as a result of a redistribution from wages to prots, or simply as a result of irrational exuberance.

    Neither is good for the economy as a whole, although anything that pushes up stock prices is obviously good news for the small minority of people who own substantial amounts of stock.

    Real wages stagnant for 34 yearsMeanwhile, Bakers colleague at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Mark Weisbrot informed Miami Herald (9/1/08) readers that real ination adjusted wages have been vir-tually stagnant for 34 years. Since 1973, as the stock market climbed, productivity the amount that workers produce per hour increased quite substantially... But, while this use-able productivity the increased production that we can expect to be reected in rising wages rose 48 percent from 1973 to 2007, paychecks didnt.

    Only well-connected at top beneted

    The economy grew but only the well-connected at the top beneted. Wall Street exulted in the new prots extracted from the under-compensated toil of the same working people who were now repeatedly urged to cheer the increasing fortunes of their masters.

    As the downscale waged workers fell behind, they were offered EZ credit, rst through deregu-lated credit card loan sharkery, and then, as the real estate bubble was ruthlessly inated, through the infamous home equity extraction gambit and/or serial house ipping.

    Deferred wages converted into crap-shoot schemes

    Their dened benet pension plans deferred wages were converted into crap-shoot de-ned contribution schemes and Enronized.

    Most peoples wealth is represented by their house and maybe their car. People were encour-aged to feel (and act) richer as the housing bubble and its heady irrational exuberance seemed to boost house values by $8 trillion nationwide. But now the music has stopped, the chickens utter home to roost, and the piper shrieks for payment.

    As massive asset deation continues, housing prices return to their long-term historic lev-els, and on average Baker notes, that vanishing $8 trillion in illusory housing bubble wealth translates into a $110,000 hit per homeowner. These hapless folks, will see much of the equity in their home disappear.

    Using house as an ATM machineSince so many Americans essentially re-mortgaged themselves in bubble time using their house as an ATM machine through an equity withdrawal and continued to consume at a level their stagnant or declining wages no longer allowed, this implacable (and unnished) deation-ary swoon spells real pain. Yet the media / political focus is on the Wall Street Weak and Dr. Hanks hundred billion dollar injections.

    Pundits and analysts worry aloud about the fate of a rumored free market economy a construct that exists only in the misty realm of unicorns, Easter bunnies, tooth fairies, honest Republicans, and good corporate citizens.

    Government securing outlandish private prots

    of societys greediest peopleSadly and unsurprisingly the story is an old an familiar one: Government socializing costs and risk while securing the outlandish private prots of societys greediest people. U.S. Ten Trillion plus debt Currency, US dollar devaluation, inevitable. Graphic chart showing the falling value of AIG shares since January. Republican White House hopeful John McCain and his Democratic rival Barack Obama warred Wednesday over who would best repair the ailing US economy after the governments huge AIG bailout. The capital we thought was there is gone.z A lot of it was actually translated over the years into Hamptons villas, Gulfstream jets, and other playthings that will now go up on Ebay or some equivalent as we turn into Yard Sale Nation in a general liquidation of remaining assets.... Everything is for sale and nobody has any money.

  • Theres nothing new hereThe more interesting question is whether we are at a point in our rather lamentable and bloody history when the usual tricks may no longer work.

    In a country that no longer manufactures much except weapons of war, or cultural weapons of mass distraction, kept aoat mainly by massive infusions of foreign capital, with a domestic/domesticated population famously dependent on credit and buried in personal debt, are we approaching the End of Something?

    The Great Depression The U.S. Still HadAs James H. Kunstler has reminded us lately, in that last great greed-induced deationary spi-ral, called the Great Depression, the US had not yet squandered its vast oil and gas reserves, its productive industrial base, demeaned and vanquished its proud and self-conscious working class, depopulated its agricultural landscape, emptied and beggared its great cities.

    And outside of a few genocidal romps against the American Indian and the pockmarked Khad-iak ladrone Filipinos, the population had not perhaps yet acquired the taste for blood, booty, and blitzkrieg that now so exemplies The American Way.

    The Great Depression of the thirties never came to an end, wrote John Kenneth Galbraith (American Capitalism, 1952).

    It merely disappeared in the great [W.W.II] mobilization of the forties.

    And by the 1950s in an effort to prevent another Depression, the permanent war economy was born.

    U.S. Ten Trillion Plus DebtCurrency & US Dollar Devaluation Inevitable

    The Bank of Japan, seen here, has said it expects the worlds second largest economy to remain sluggish for now amid market turmoil as it kept interest rates at a low 0.50 percent, September 17, 2008. The capital we thought was there is gone. A lot of it was actually translated over the years into Hamptons villas, Gulfstream jets, and other playthings that will now go up on Ebay or some equivalent as we turn into Yard Sale Nation in a general liquidation of remaining as-sets.... Everything is for sale and nobody has any money.

    The Bank of Japan has said it expects the worlds second largest economy to remain sluggish for now amid market turmoil as it kept interest rates at a low 0.50 percent, September 17, 2008.

    For decades, a not-yet bankrupt America found the money for easy living, suburban sprawling, and endless war: Guns and butter. But now the butter may have to be put aside. Our foreign creditors grow weary of enabling our haughty bloodlust.

    European Union with its prosperous citiesThe European Union, with its prosperous cities, assertive worker culture, and strengthening currency has surpassed the US in economic size and power not to mention standard-of-liv-ing.

    Presidential candidates atter a distracted public that the US is the hope of the world the shining city on the hill.

    But like much of their hucksterism, its a comforting lie.

    That hour (if ever it existed) has passed.

    Something less congenial this way comes.


    Wall StreetOccupy


    THE USA Its Our ONLY


  • Heres Where It All Started And Heres Where It Needs To Stop

  • The Strategy

    This is what were doing now. It aint workin.

  • They have lost perspective in what raising money is used for in the rst place. We the People must decide to stop playing their rigged game & participating in their gamed system and take our ball and go home.

  • They Hold All Of The CardsAnd They Dont Play Fair. Theyre Cheaters. They Cant Help Themselves. And We Cant Reform Them.

  • STOP Buying There Stuff.STOP Eating Their Food.

    STOP Participating

    Not Just In Your Own Slavery

    STOP Participating In Your Demise!

    In The End, If You ParticipateYou WorkYou BuyYou Consume

    And You DIE. Poor.

  • Dont buy Pepsi and Coke. Dont buy brand name products.

    Dont buy Crest, Gleem, Ultrabright and Col-gate.

    Dont buy packaged, processed foods.Dont buy plastic products.





    Dont shop at WalMart.

    Dont eat at Burger King or Fastfood Establishments.

    In fact, stop eating in restaurants, PERIOD!The food is unhealthy!

    Eat Organic.

    Stop buying THEIR STUFF!



    Create the world you want, the world we NEED to create for the children that come after us, a world with parity, equity, liber-ty and freedom. A world WITHOUT Oligarchs, Plutocrats and Rich Fucks that dont give a damn about the rest of us but ONLY prot. Make it Happen. VOTE with your money! Because we all know the game is rigged and your vote never counts when the

    two candidates are preselected and pre-approved. Do it. You Can! Do It.

  • Giles Clarke 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • Giles Clarke 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • Giles Clarke 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • Giles Clarke 2011 All Rights Reserved

  • Occupy Wall Street

    Occupy All Of OUR Cities


    Or Just Roll Over

    And Die