Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-11-10 [p Page [Five]]. · OOALA BANN11L The paper Ofthe PeoDle...

> OOALA BANN11L The paper Of the PeoDle for the People and t > v the People 99 VOL 40 NO 22 OCALA FLORIDA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10 1905 ONE DOULAR A YEAR r AZL ILH1MTH 811US Local Editor HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN Everybody is booked for the fair I The wet and dry orators do not seem to be setting the woods on fire I Hons Ray B Bullock and Carlos It Sistrunk are attending court at In ¬ I verness today I Miss Lula Moody who has been visiting in Palatka for some time re ¬ turned yesterday i Mr J P Gallaway after several I days wrestling with the den is at his post of duty again I Mrs D A Miller after spending- a a few days in Citra with her sister returned home yesterday Among the Ocalians in Jackson- ville j yesterday was Mr T H Wallis I i who registered at the Aragon I Mr Gilbert Pike formerly of this I city is in Panama and has a good A position with the government- Much I to the credit of Agent Dozier the grounds around the Seaboard de ¬ pot have had a thorough cleaning up Mrs Julia E Thomas came in from T Pine yesterday and will spend sever- al ¬ f weeks in the city Tuesdays elections say that de- mottiC ¬ government shall not perish earth and our republic must Mr W H Hopkins the pecan prince of Orange Lake after spend- ing ¬ some days in the city returned home yesterday 4 Y Mrs S D Feaster who has been f r t spending the summer in Washington D C is in the city the guest of her sister Mrs TM Moore Mrs M C Looney accompanied- by her handsome little eon George lf went to Jacksonville Thursday to visit relatives k Mr F L Watson went to Citra yesterday to look after his turpen- tine ¬ e interest and Mrs Watson has gone to Jacksonville to visit her mother- Mr George Close was in town yes- terday ¬ His friends were glad to- Enote the improvement in his health I fe will go on a camping expedition- Salt > Springs next Monday I e irhe Central Hotel recently vaca ¬ ted by W H Snead is receiving a o thorough overhauling and renovation F 1 and will shortly be reopened under another management 3 Col V J Shipman proprietor of the Montezuma hotel left yesterday afternoon for I raidentown where YMrs Shipman is yet quite feeble 451 from an attack of fever < Y Judge Bell went Down to the Silver- Y i Springs swamp yesterday to bag one- S or two wild goblers and while await r j lug developments two majestic ant- lers ¬ K i came very near running over him and what he did to them was a plen ¬ ty The article to Apex signed Fritz- is tenderly consigned to our waste basket In a little community like 1 F ft ours there is no necessity for carry z k- fj ing on a controversy the result of sa i which is only to matte the parties at i issue and their friends feel ill at ease t Invitations have been received in Wi this city to the marriage of Miss Cor nelia Gaynor Ablum of Jacksonville 110t and Mr William Gaynor Ford of Shreveport La Miss Ablum made many friends here two winters ago when she was the attractive guest of the Misses Harris 4 Mrs Henry W Long of Martel s Who has been sick at her sisters in p Jacksonville for some time returned st- s home yesterday She was met here- by Mr Long The friends of these w popular old people will be delighted- to hear that Mrs Long is rapidly re- f ¬ covering her health L1 i ar tYr arri l in Atlanta The marriage Wednesday night of Miss May Waldo and Dr Charles R I Andrews which took place at the home of the brides parents Mr and I Mrs A L Waldo was an event of social and picturesque brilliance I The ceremony was performed at 830 oclock and there were present to wit ¬ ness it several hundred people who were entertained at a delightful re ¬ ception afterward l The house was beautiful in its dec- orations ¬ I of white and green the re ¬ ception hall stairs down which the bridal party came were heavity lined i with bamboo und at the low landing I l- and ht the foot of the stairs were handsome palms The same foliage- was used to make the entire recep ¬ tion hall festive and in the drawing room the conspicious feature of dec ¬ oration was a wall of palms and growing crysanthumums against I which the bridal picture was outlined during the ceremony and reception Mural decorations of bamboo and potted plants and vases of white crysanthemums completed an artistic eetting for the marriage and decora ¬ tions of similar character and elabor ¬ ation were used in the dining room and library Delicious punch was served and during the reception an elegant buffet supper An orchestra upstairs played throughout the even ¬ ingThe maid of honor Miss Nancy Waldo led the way for the bridal par ¬ ty into the drawing room and she was followed by the bride with her father the bridegroom and his best man Dr H F Harris awaiting them with the officiating minister Dr H A S Bradley who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner The bride who is a notably pretty member of a family of lovely young women was beautiful in her wedding toilette the gown a princesse model- in panne crepe trimmed with point lace and pearls her tulle veil was ad ¬ justed with lillies of the valley and she carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and valley lillies She is a young woman of charming personality who has many friends while Dr Andrews- is a man with fine professional repu ¬ tation who has a broad social popu- larity ¬ Miss Nancy Waldo was the prettiest of pictures in white chiffon with an I armful of American Beauty roses Mrs Waldo the brides mother wore a handsome toilette of black lace and assisting in the entertain ¬ ment of the guests Miss Sujette La nier of West Point was strikingly handsome in white silk net while Miss Lottie Lane of Auburn was fresh and charming in white silk After the reception Dr and Mrs Andrews left on their wedding trip east and on their return they will > be at home for the winter with J r- and Mrs WaldoAtlanta Constitu ¬ tion Miss Waldo is a Marion county girl and the announcement of her mar ¬ riage will be readlwith interest by her friends here In their behalf and our own we extend to her our heartiest best wishes and congratulate the groom on the wisdom of his selection Business Changes Hands Arrangements were completed yes ¬ terday for the transfer of the fruit and confectionery business of Mr Charles E Taylor to Mr J R Hew ett of New York and the establish ¬ ment is at oresent in charge of his son MrJ P Hewett- Mr Hewett will be in Ocala in a few days bringing his family with him and will make his home here While Mr Taylor has not fully de ¬ cided what line of business he will embark in he will for the present re ¬ main in Ocala much to the gratifica- tion ¬ of the many friends he has made since coming among us We wish Mr Hewett unbounded success in his new venture and new home Editor Gonzales of the Columbia State says that the Clansman is I historically inaccurate i s 7 = 1 yk A POLITICAL AWAKENING There was more of rattling of dry bones Tuesday than there has been in years Hearst gave Tammany a scare and McClellan the best mayor New York has had in a hundred years is retain- ed ¬ in office by a narrow margin The boodlers are driven out of the temple in Philadelphia by a majority- of over 75000- A democrat is elected governor of Ohio by a majority of 69000 I Pennsylvania elects a democratic treasurer Cincinnati Ohio and Buf ¬ falo N Y democratic mayors and- a little democratic leaven is thrown broadcast here and there to blossom into full fruition when the time is fully ripe in 1908 To us the outlook appears bright and cheering Pittman for Major To Hon E P Pittman Ocala Fla We the undersigned electors of the the city of Ocala respectfully petit- ion you to become a candidate for office of Mayor of the city of Ocala- at the next ensuing election Respectfully- B H Norris A J Beck X Pey ¬ ser WH Clark jr B H Clark- H W Walters Jas B Carlisle jr R O Connor R W Flinn J Klein- G A Nash Geo C Pasteur J J Tipton W A Moorhead Joseph Bell Faunce McCully Chas E Tay- lor ¬ D E Mathews H H Whet- stone ¬ I W W Carman H A Daniel T B Snyder R C Miller J H Benjamin R D Mathews C H Mathews J H Mathews Louis H Dosh P C Davis W H Dodson- I Geo D Pender J T Cohn John T Moore Geo W Davis C Carmich- ael L C Lang C J Phillips J H Walters W J Chambers 0 M Whiteside Victor L Martinet T D I Bryan H S Chambers T E Pas ¬ teur N A Shealy H E Leaven good A J Wilson H J Precht J F Crawford Thos R Gary B F I Borden G R Smith C L Bittinger- R R Carroll S M Lummus H U Jones P V Leavengood H W Tucker Wm E Neilson Arthur J tasters L Dozier A W Bridges- H A Waterman W F Gaskill W 1E McGahagm G H Hays A C L- IJ C Smith B F Condon T H I Harris Marcus Frank W E Woods I Jas B Carlisle F E Harris C E i Bail T W Smith G T Liddon M f Fishel E C Dors ey Barney Spen cpr E L Parr J R Blackiston J S Engesser L S Beck Forney Lan ¬ caster N L Williams J F An- drews ¬ E S Good O C Tignor B W McDonald F E Vogt E C Staley O Moody L N Haley W D Condon Wm Tucker J M Tison Af C Dosh Fred G B Weihe Sam Janeron L E Martin C Pey ¬ ser W C Dunn C V Roberts Rawls Co Secure Ouvals Convicts The board of county commisioners of Duval county at a recent meeting leased the convicts of that county for- a term of five years to S A Rawls- Co S of this city at 1650 per month This lease was awarded after the I consideration of bids from nine indi- viduals ¬ or corporations the bid of Rawls Company being in substance- that they would take all prisoners within fortyeight hours after sen- tence ¬ I or as directed by the board I give them good comfortable guar ters good clothing bedding whole ¬ I some food in sufficient quantities I care for them without risk or cost to I I the county and abide by all orders given by the board as to the prison- ers ¬ for 1650 per month per capita monthmen women and children I The firm now has control of the J state convicts and with a few excep- tions ¬ i also have ths county convicts of those counties which have leased I them to individuals- It i is now conceded by literary crit- ics ¬ that Algernon Charles Swinburne I is the greatest living poet He was i born in London in 1837 and has been writing poetry since he was IS years old Fo fR9iS q i r i t r 1rt- a ti Ju fl PITTM0N L1 SONH- ave the Most Complete Line 4 of HOUSE FURNISHINGS for the WINTER SEASON ct prices that cannot be duplicated south- of Atlanta Examine the Goods and Prices Dont foget the place x J A PITTMflN L1 SON z Y THE FURNITURE MEN Y L r a NASH PATCH The marriage of Miss Pearl Sash and Mr Clarence Patch was a very pretty church ceremonial of Wednes ¬ I day evening at the Palm Avenue Baptist church and was attended by everything beautifully and charm inglly planned in the decorations- The j 1 ceremony was impressively- read at 8 oclock Rev C H Nash father of the bride being the officient Miss Eva Patch sister of the groom i was maid of honor and Mr Mike Gooding was best man Little Miss Beth Neely and Master Lester Nash were the attractive flower attendants The ushers were Mr Riggsbee and I Mr Fisher I The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrenswedding- march charmingly rendered by Miss Edith Nash and as the party passed- out the wedding march from Men f dlessohn was played- The floral decorations of the church combined ivy and palms white and pink chrysanthemums Under a beautiful arch from which wedding bells were suspended the happy cou ¬ ple plighted their vows The bride was very charmingly j gowned in a robe of white elaborate- ly ¬ trimmed in lace and carded a shower boquet of bride roses Miss Eva Patch who was maid of honor I was pretty in a gown of pink organ j die She carried pink roses The bride is the daughter of RpvI and Mrs C H Nash and is a young lady with fascinating manners and a lovely disposition and has endeared herself to a large circle of friends Mr Patch is a popular and progres sive young business man Mr and Mrs Patch were the receipients of I many handsome presents and the i best wishes of a wide circle of frieds 1 and acquaintances will attend them I through life Tampa Herald 1 Ninety Days for Vagrancy Frank Murphy and York Butler were the names of two young white men who were caught by the night policemen Tuesday night stealing a r passage on the Seaboard southbound- train I They were taken before Jus ¬ tice Sumter Bullock Wednesday on a charge of vagrancy and sentenced to ninety days hard labor They claim- to I hale from New York Phosphate Land For Sale- I offer at a decided bargain 15 acres of prospected phosphate land having a slight overlay Same is located IB 15 20 20 and if operated as adjoiningar- e are worked will yield a big revenue 11 10 05 MRS H M GILMOUR 118 11th St Oakland Cal > j off k > r Holiday Shopping Made Easy x Write For Our New Catalog Over JOO Pages Illustrated DIAMONDS SILVERWARE x W0TCRES PLATEDWARE JEWELRY CLOCKS Holiday Novelties No 621 Childs Cur t l b Gold Lined 325 Ihll II J ti Satisfaction i 1 I I lI ir Guaranteed ri i i t I j II 1J1- I I II I I WI 11 j I II fI- j i t i lt J 1 r J MAIL ORDERS i i r Receive prompt and carefu- ATTENTION 5 Liilil c 4 9- 21GREENLEAf c a CROSBY CO JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS 41 W Bay t Jacksonville Jls pmfmmrm1Tmmmmmm = = I Cold Storage I- F Of Meats- We I beg to Announce to the pub- lic ¬ rr that we are ready to cure 1 I MEATS We guarantee = = E satisfaction and solicit your pat- ronage ¬ 3 r = = r OcalaIcei 1 r fuel Co tU1h N1 Miss Jessie Maughs has resigned- her position as agent of the A C L railway and telegraph operator atthe Ocala House t ii4l i f The city tax levy is serenteenmills- Interest 1 on bonds 6 mills fire an water 6 12 mills general purpos 4 12 mills

Transcript of Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-11-10 [p Page [Five]]. · OOALA BANN11L The paper Ofthe PeoDle...

Page 1: Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-11-10 [p Page [Five]]. · OOALA BANN11L The paper Ofthe PeoDle for the People and t>v the People 99 VOL 40 NO 22 OCALA FLORIDA FRIDAY NOVEMBER


OOALA BANN11LThe paper Of the PeoDle for the People and t>v the People 99


r AZL ILH1MTH 811US Local Editor


Everybody is booked for the fairI

The wet and dry orators do notseem to be setting the woods on fire I

Hons Ray B Bullock and Carlos ItSistrunk are attending court at In¬

I verness todayI

Miss Lula Moody who has beenvisiting in Palatka for some time re¬

turned yesterday

i Mr J P Gallaway after several

I days wrestling with the den is athis post of duty again

I Mrs D A Miller after spending-

aa few days in Citra with her sisterreturned home yesterday

Among the Ocalians in Jackson-

villej yesterday was Mr T H WallisI

i who registered at the AragonI

Mr Gilbert Pike formerly of this I

city is in Panama and has a good

Aposition with the government-



to the credit of Agent Dozierthe grounds around the Seaboard de¬

pot have had a thorough cleaning up

Mrs Julia E Thomas came in from

T Pine yesterday and will spend sever-



f weeks in the city

Tuesdays elections say that de-



government shall not perishearth and our republic must

Mr W H Hopkins the pecanprince of Orange Lake after spend-



some days in the city returnedhome yesterday

4Y Mrs S D Feaster who has been

fr t spending the summer in Washington

D C is in the city the guest of hersister Mrs TM Moore

Mrs M C Looney accompanied-

by her handsome little eon Georgelf went to Jacksonville Thursday to

visit relativesk

Mr F L Watson went to Citrayesterday to look after his turpen-



e interest and Mrs Watson hasgone to Jacksonville to visit hermother-

Mr George Close was in town yes-



His friends were glad to-

Enote the improvement in his health

I fe will go on a camping expedition-

Salt> Springs next Monday

I eirhe Central Hotel recently vaca¬

ted by W H Snead is receiving ao thorough overhauling and renovation

F 1 and will shortly be reopened underanother management

3 Col V J Shipman proprietor of

the Montezuma hotel left yesterdayafternoon for Iraidentown where

YMrs Shipman is yet quite feeble451 from an attack of fever


Y Judge Bell went Down to the Silver-Y

i Springs swamp yesterday to bag one-

S or two wild goblers and while awaitr j lug developments two majestic ant-


K i came very near running over himand what he did to them was a plen ¬

tyThe article to Apex signed Fritz-

is tenderly consigned to our wastebasket In a little community like

1F ft ours there is no necessity for carry

z k-

fj ing on a controversy the result ofsa

i which is only to matte the parties at

i issue and their friends feel ill at ease

t Invitations have been received inWi this city to the marriage of Miss Cor

nelia Gaynor Ablum of Jacksonville110t and Mr William Gaynor Ford of

Shreveport La Miss Ablum mademany friends here two winters agowhen she was the attractive guest ofthe Misses Harris

4 Mrs Henry W Long of Martels

Who has been sick at her sisters inp

Jacksonville for some time returnedst-s home yesterday She was met here-

by Mr Long The friends of thesew popular old people will be delighted-

to hear that Mrs Long is rapidly re-

covering her health


iar tYr

arri l in AtlantaThe marriage Wednesday night of

Miss May Waldo and Dr Charles RI

Andrews which took place at thehome of the brides parents Mr and I

Mrs A L Waldo was an event ofsocial and picturesque brilliance I

The ceremony was performed at 830oclock and there were present to wit¬

ness it several hundred people whowere entertained at a delightful re¬

ception afterward l

The house was beautiful in its dec-

orations¬ I

of white and green the re ¬

ception hall stairs down which thebridal party came were heavity lined i

with bamboo und at the low landing I


and ht the foot of the stairs werehandsome palms The same foliage-

was used to make the entire recep ¬

tion hall festive and in the drawingroom the conspicious feature of dec ¬

oration was a wall of palms andgrowing crysanthumums against I

which the bridal picture was outlinedduring the ceremony and receptionMural decorations of bamboo andpotted plants and vases of whitecrysanthemums completed an artisticeetting for the marriage and decora ¬

tions of similar character and elabor ¬

ation were used in the dining roomand library Delicious punch wasserved and during the reception anelegant buffet supper An orchestraupstairs played throughout the even¬

ingThemaid of honor Miss Nancy

Waldo led the way for the bridal par ¬

ty into the drawing room and shewas followed by the bride with herfather the bridegroom and his bestman Dr H F Harris awaiting themwith the officiating minister Dr HA S Bradley who performed theceremony in an impressive manner

The bride who is a notably prettymember of a family of lovely youngwomen was beautiful in her weddingtoilette the gown a princesse model-

in panne crepe trimmed with pointlace and pearls her tulle veil was ad ¬

justed with lillies of the valley andshe carried a shower bouquet of brideroses and valley lillies She is a youngwoman of charming personality whohas many friends while Dr Andrews-

is a man with fine professional repu ¬

tation who has a broad social popu-


Miss Nancy Waldo was the prettiestof pictures in white chiffon with an


armful of American Beauty rosesMrs Waldo the brides mother

wore a handsome toilette of blacklace and assisting in the entertain ¬

ment of the guests Miss Sujette Lanier of West Point was strikinglyhandsome in white silk net whileMiss Lottie Lane of Auburn wasfresh and charming in white silk

After the reception Dr and Mrs

Andrews left on their wedding tripeast and on their return they will


be at home for the winter with J r-

and Mrs WaldoAtlanta Constitu ¬

tionMiss Waldo is a Marion county girl

and the announcement of her mar¬

riage will be readlwith interest by herfriends here In their behalf and ourown we extend to her our heartiestbest wishes and congratulate thegroom on the wisdom of his selection

Business Changes HandsArrangements were completed yes ¬

terday for the transfer of the fruitand confectionery business of MrCharles E Taylor to Mr J R Hewett of New York and the establish¬

ment is at oresent in charge of hisson MrJ P Hewett-

Mr Hewett will be in Ocala in afew days bringing his family withhim and will make his home here

While Mr Taylor has not fully de¬

cided what line of business he willembark in he will for the present re¬

main in Ocala much to the gratifica-



of the many friends he has madesince coming among us

We wish Mr Hewett unboundedsuccess in his new venture and newhome

Editor Gonzales of the ColumbiaState says that the Clansman is

Ihistorically inaccurate


7 = 1 yk


There was more of rattling of drybones Tuesday than there has beenin years

Hearst gave Tammany a scare andMcClellan the best mayor New Yorkhas had in a hundred years is retain-



in office by a narrow marginThe boodlers are driven out of the

temple in Philadelphia by a majority-

of over 75000-

A democrat is elected governor ofOhio by a majority of 69000 I

Pennsylvania elects a democratictreasurer Cincinnati Ohio and Buf ¬

falo N Y democratic mayors and-

a little democratic leaven is thrownbroadcast here and there to blossominto full fruition when the time isfully ripe in 1908

To us the outlook appears brightand cheering

Pittman for MajorTo Hon E P Pittman Ocala Fla

We the undersigned electors of thethe city of Ocala respectfully petit-ion you to become a candidate foroffice of Mayor of the city of Ocala-

at the next ensuing electionRespectfully-

B H Norris A J Beck X Pey ¬

ser W H Clark jr B H Clark-

H W Walters Jas B Carlisle jrR O Connor R W Flinn J Klein-

G A Nash Geo C Pasteur J JTipton W A Moorhead JosephBell Faunce McCully Chas E Tay-


D E Mathews H H Whet-



W W Carman H A DanielT B Snyder R C Miller J HBenjamin R D Mathews C HMathews J H Mathews Louis HDosh P C Davis W H Dodson-

I Geo D Pender J T Cohn John TMoore Geo W Davis C Carmich-ael L C Lang C J Phillips J HWalters W J Chambers 0 M

Whiteside Victor L Martinet T DI Bryan H S Chambers T E Pas ¬

teur N A Shealy H E Leavengood A J Wilson H J Precht JF Crawford Thos R Gary B F

I Borden G R Smith C L Bittinger-R R Carroll S M Lummus H U

Jones P V Leavengood H WTucker Wm E Neilson Arthur

J tasters L Dozier A W Bridges-

H A Waterman W F Gaskill W

1E McGahagm G H Hays A C L-

IJ C Smith B F Condon T HI Harris Marcus Frank W E WoodsI Jas B Carlisle F E Harris C Ei Bail T W Smith G T Liddon Mf Fishel E C Dors ey Barney Spen

cpr E L Parr J R Blackiston JS Engesser L S Beck Forney Lan ¬

caster N L Williams J F An-


E S Good O C Tignor BW McDonald F E Vogt E CStaley O Moody L N Haley WD Condon Wm Tucker J MTison Af C Dosh Fred G B WeiheSam Janeron L E Martin C Pey ¬

ser W C Dunn C V Roberts

Rawls Co Secure Ouvals ConvictsThe board of county commisioners

of Duval county at a recent meetingleased the convicts of that county for-

a term of five years to S A Rawls-Co

Sof this city at 1650 per month

This lease was awarded after theI

consideration of bids from nine indi-


or corporations the bid ofRawls Company being in substance-that they would take all prisonerswithin fortyeight hours after sen-



or as directed by the boardI give them good comfortable guarters good clothing bedding whole ¬

I some food in sufficient quantitiesI care for them without risk or cost toI

I the county and abide by all ordersgiven by the board as to the prison-


for 1650 per month per capitamonthmen women and children

I The firm now has control of theJstate convicts and with a few excep-


ialso have ths county convicts

of those counties which have leasedI them to individuals-

Iti is now conceded by literary crit-ics


that Algernon Charles SwinburneI is the greatest living poet He wasi born in London in 1837 and has been

writing poetry since he was IS yearsold

Fo fR9iS q ir






ave the Most Complete Line 4

of HOUSE FURNISHINGS forthe WINTER SEASON ct pricesthat cannot be duplicated south-of Atlanta Examine the Goodsand PricesDont foget the place










The marriage of Miss Pearl Sashand Mr Clarence Patch was a verypretty church ceremonial of Wednes ¬


day evening at the Palm AvenueBaptist church and was attended byeverything beautifully and charminglly planned in the decorations-



ceremony was impressively-

read at 8 oclock Rev C H Nashfather of the bride being the officient

Miss Eva Patch sister of the groom i

was maid of honor and Mr MikeGooding was best man Little MissBeth Neely and Master Lester Nashwere the attractive flower attendantsThe ushers were Mr Riggsbee and


Mr Fisher I

The bridal party entered the churchto the strains of Lohengrenswedding-march charmingly rendered by MissEdith Nash and as the party passed-

out the wedding march from Men f

dlessohn was played-The floral decorations of the church

combined ivy and palms white andpink chrysanthemums Under a

beautiful arch from which weddingbells were suspended the happy cou ¬

ple plighted their vowsThe bride was very charmingly j

gowned in a robe of white elaborate-ly


trimmed in lace and carded ashower boquet of bride roses MissEva Patch who was maid of honor I

was pretty in a gown of pink organ j

die She carried pink rosesThe bride is the daughter of RpvI

and Mrs C H Nash and is a younglady with fascinating manners and alovely disposition and has endearedherself to a large circle of friendsMr Patch is a popular and progressive young business man Mr andMrs Patch were the receipients of I

many handsome presents and the i

best wishes of a wide circle of frieds1

and acquaintances will attend them I

through life Tampa Herald1

Ninety Days for VagrancyFrank Murphy and York Butler

were the names of two young whitemen who were caught by the nightpolicemen Tuesday night stealing a r

passage on the Seaboard southbound-train


They were taken before Jus ¬

tice Sumter Bullock Wednesday on acharge of vagrancy and sentenced toninety days hard labor They claim-


hale from New York

Phosphate Land For Sale-

I offer at a decided bargain 15 acresof prospected phosphate land havinga slight overlay Same is located IB15 20 20 and if operated as adjoiningar-


are worked will yield a big revenue11 10 05 MRS H M GILMOUR

118 11th St Oakland Cal

> j

off k>

rHoliday Shopping Made Easy

xWrite For Our New CatalogOver JOO Pages Illustrated




Holiday NoveltiesNo 621

Childs Curt l

bGold Lined




ti Satisfactioni1 I I

lI ir Guaranteedri i

it I



I I III IWI 11 j

I II fI-j

i t i lt J1r J MAIL ORDERS

i ir Receive prompt and carefu-







41 W Bay t Jacksonville Jls


I Cold Storage I-

F Of Meats-


Ibeg to Announce to the pub-



rr that we are ready to cure

1I MEATS We guarantee==

E satisfaction and solicit your pat-


¬ 3r==r

OcalaIcei 1

r fuel CotU1h N1

Miss Jessie Maughs has resigned-

her position as agent of the A C Lrailway and telegraph operator attheOcala House

tii4l i


The city tax levy is serenteenmills-Interest


on bonds 6 mills fire anwater 6 12 mills general purpos

4 12 mills