Observation Lab

OBSERVATION LAB – 26.20.2012 Iryna Markova, Ukraine [email protected] A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab “Soap Land” shop (Kyiv) The shop draws in because it’s open and “sun”-lighted, has clear products window and nice décor. The door was wide open – that made comfortable to communicate with a salesperson. The shop is situated in the trade district so it is hard to notice its name, but the atmosphere makes you feel good. The color scheme is warm and bright. The place is not big but light and glass windows and walls make an effect of a wide space. There were no music, much noise, security and crowd. The saleswoman addresses right away and proposes several choices. Products are organized by series and functions. No sales and demonstration table. The average customers are women, who just come browsing. glass window and open door bright and stylish décor simple product arrangement lit with warm light welcomin g sign WOW! It’s friendly!

Transcript of Observation Lab

OBSERVATION LAB – 26.20.2012 Iryna Markova, [email protected]

A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab “Soap Land” shop (Kyiv)

The shop draws in because it’s open and “sun”-lighted, has clear products window and nice décor. The door was wide open – that made comfortable to communicate with a salesperson. The shop is situated in the trade district so it is hard to notice its name, but the atmosphere makes you feel good.

The color scheme is warm and bright. The place is not big but light and glass windows and walls make an effect of a wide space. There were no music, much noise, security and crowd. The saleswoman addressesright away and proposes several choices. Products are organized by series and functions. No sales and demonstration table. The average customers are women, who just come browsing.

glass window and open doorbright and stylish décor

simple product arrangement lit with warm light

welcoming sign

WOW! It’s friendly!

“4 Travel” shop (Kyiv)

glass window and open doorgoods arranged by classday light sales signs

The shop is rather specific since it provides cases and bags. But the door was open and welcoming. Salespersons were right by the entrance and ready to answer questions. The place is rather wide and practical with no extraordinary décor elements.

One would not notice the name of the shop, the window speaks for itself – it is full of bags.

Products are arranged by classes. Products on sale placed to make them seen first. There were no music, much noise, security and crowd. The light inside is daylike and not too bright. It’s a quiet place for a serious and weighed purchase.

OBSERVATION LAB Iryna Markova, [email protected]

A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab

Nice and calm

“Globe” bookstore (Kyiv)

This is a small shop specializing in foreign literature. It hardly has enough space for one salesperson. The atmosphere is intimate.

The books are placed by themes. The bestsellers – in front of the door. Some peculiar things (like 3D postcards) add to enigmatic mood.

No special décor, a few adds, some fliers. The saleswoman is absorbed by her reading though ready to provide customers with advice. One come there as in a storeroom full of miscellaneous treasures and can hunt for them or go away. entrance with no door


OBSERVATION LAB Iryna Markova, [email protected]

A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab

To search for hours

Bessarabsky market (Kyiv)

Very high ceiling, wide space, a lot of spots and salespersons. The only decoration is the arrangement of products. The idea is not to attract customers to the market but to compete with neighbourgh salespeople. They wait to catch your glance to start promoting goods immediately. One can travel there as he is at the exhibition.

high ceilingvarious trading spotstiled floor

salespersons waiting for customers

OBSERVATION LAB Iryna Markova, [email protected]

A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab

Buy it!!! BUY IT!!!!

“Roshen” sweets shop (Kyiv)

It is prohibited to shoot inside (as in a great number of Ukraninain shops). So here you see a window there people observe the circle of caramel production.As for within, it is not a boutique but rather a supermarket: lots of people, self-servicing, long lines to cash desks. The products are organized by categories (chocolate, caramel, etc.). The salespersons do not pay much attention to customers.

the door is closed logo caramel production imitation

people gazing

OBSERVATION LAB Iryna Markova, [email protected]

A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab

Sweet dreams and just life

OBSERVATION LAB Iryna Markova, Ukraine A Crash Course on Creativity. Venture Lab

Noname stationery shop (Kyiv)


cash desk

gloomy saleswoman

Well. The door was closed, the saleswoman rather gloomy and unfriendly. The products in the shop are organized by function, nothing extra or to please the customers’ eyes. One can touch products or ask for the permission to do this. The light is not natural. The color scheme mainly consists of the products packagings.Buy or fly atmosphere. After exiting the shop you can not remember any peculiarity, unobliging attitude only.

Never again!