Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour

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  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011



    During this totally non-political, taxpayer-funded excursion, the President will not be offering any

    specific details or anything resembling a plan to tackle the looming debt crisis facing America. If thatwas what you were expecting, feel free to nod off during the Presidents open press events. Youwonthear anything that you havent heard before.

    Considering the stalling economy, stock market turmoil and recent downgrade of Americas creditrating, another thing you will not hear is the President remind himself of this comment he made in2009 about the threat our debt poses to the economy:

    OBAMA:It is important though to recognize if we keep on adding to the debt, even in themidst of this recovery, that at some point, people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in away that could actually lead to a double-dip recession.(Fox News, Interview With Major Garrett, 11/18/09)

    Watch The Video Here



    Politifact:Barack Obama Is The Undisputed Debt King Of The Last Five Presidents.So by this

    measurement -- potentially a more important one -- Obama is the undisputed debt king of the last fivepresidents, rather than the guy who added a piddling amount to the debt, as Pelosis chart suggested.(Nancy Pelosi Post Questionable Chart On Debt Accumulation By Barack Obama, Predecessors,Politifact, 5/19/11)

    Since President Obama Took Office, The National Debt Has Increased By $3.9 Trillion (Up 37%).(Department Of The Treasury, "The Debt To The Penny And Who Holds It,"TreasuryDirect.gov , Accessed 8/7/11)

    In February, Obama Proposed A $3.73 Trillion Budget, Which Will Result In $46 Trillion InSpending Over Ten Years And Deficits Totaling $9.5 Trillion.(Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Of The U.S. Government,"Office OManagement And Budget, 2/14/11; An Analysis Of The Presidents Budgetary Proposals For Fiscal Year 2012,Congressional Budget Office, April 2011)

    In 2021, Obamas BudgetProjects Our National Debt To Rise To $26.3 Trillion, Equaling 107Percent Of GDP.(Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Of The U.S. Government,"Office Of Management And Budget, 2/14/11)

    By Next Election Obama Will Have Added $22,500 In New Debt For Every Man, Woman And ChildIn The Nation Enough To Pay For A New Toyota Corolla For Each Of Them.By the time the nextelection rolls around, the government will have taken on almost $7 trillion in debt under Obama. Its hardto explain away a number so big. Republicans will find clever ways to make that number more digestible,including handy stats such as reducing that amount to $22,500 in new debt for every man, woman andchild in the nation enough to pay for a new Toyota Corolla for each of them. (Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen,President Obamas Big Drags,Politico, 8/4/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011


    Then A Rating Agency Lowered The U.S. Credit Rating For The First Time, An Ignominious Legacy

    For Obama.(George E. Condon Jr., What A Week: Afghan Deaths, S&P, And Debt Limit Debate Challenge Obama,National Journal, 8/6/11)

    The Downgrade, Hours After Markets Closed On Friday, Is A First For The United States Since ItWas Granted An AAA Rating In 1917.(Paul Wiseman, US Downgrade Raises Anxiety, If Not Interest Rates,The Associated Press,8/6/11)

    President Obama Is Now Firmly Part Of The Landscape That S&P Trashed.But as he prepares tohead out of town on Aug. 15, the bad news keeps piling up: new fears of a double-dip recession, a jumpystock market and then Standard & Poors downgrade on Friday of the nations triple-A credit rating forthe first time in history. S&P blamed Washingtons dysfunctional political culture for its move. KnockingWashington gridlock is a favorite topic of Obamas as well, but he is now firmly part of the landscape thatS&P trashed. (Carrie Budoff Brown and Glenn Thrush, Obamas Bus Trip Could Hit Speedbumps, Politico, 8/7/11)

    Obamas Downgrade Could Push Interest RatesHigher And Further Unsettle The Economy.[T]he credit rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded the United States' AAA credit rating for thefirst time in history, a move that could push interest rates higher and further unsettle the economy. (JuliePace, Obama Pushes His Proposals For Job Growth, The Associated Press, 8/06/11)

    Now Obama Is Blaming Anyone But His White House For The Downgrade

    Obama Administrations Vociferous Attempts To Blame Everyone Else A Sign That YoureWorried About The Downgrades Political Damage. How politically damaging is the Standard &Poor's credit downgrade to President Obama? The answer can be found in the vociferous attempts by theadministration to blame everyone else. You only do that if you're worried. (Paul Gigot, Op-Ed, Downgrade DamageControl At The White House,The Wall Street Journal, 8/8/11)

    When Asked If Obama Administration Should Be Held Responsible, Treasury Secretary TimothyGeithner Said, Absolutely Not. CNBCs JOHN HARWOOD: Do you feel that you or the administration'spolicies are in any way responsible for this downgrade? TIM GEITHNER: Oh, absolutely not. (CNBCs CNBCSpecial Report: Markets In Turmoil, 8/8/11)

    When Asked If Obama Did Not Bear Any Responsibility, White House Press Secretary Agreed: ICouldnt Say It Better Than The Secretary Of Treasury Said It. QUESTION: But last night on CNBC,Secretary Geithner was asked if the administrations policies bear any responsibility for this downgrade,and he said, Absolutely not. So is that true? The White House believes that its policies have noresponsibility for the downgrade? JAY CARNEY: I couldnt say it better than the Secretary of theTreasury said it. (White House Press Briefing, 8/8/11)

    On CBS Face The Nation, David Axelrod Denied That Obama Had Any Responsibility For The S&PDowngrade, Blaming The Tea Party Instead. CBS BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, are you saying that thePresident bears no responsibility for this? That this was all the fault of the other side? DAVID AXELROD:Listen Bob, what I'm saying is review the history of what happened here. I think first of all people areless concerned about that then where we go moving forward. But let's look at the history of this. The factof the matter is that this is essentially a tea party downgrade. (CBS Face The Nation, 8/7/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011

    Since President Obama Took Office, Iowa Has Lost 21,100 Jobs And The Unemployment Rate HasRisen From 5.1 Percent To 6.0 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Since Obama Took Office, Iowa Has Lost 11,100 Manufacturing Jobs And 6,600 ConstructionJobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Since Obama's $831 Billion Stimulus Passed, Iowa Has Lost 17,600 Jobs And The UnemploymentRate Has Risen From 5.2 Percent To 6.0 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Including Losing 7,400 Manufacturing Jobs And 7,000 Construction Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    In June, Iowa Lost 4,500 Jobs And The Unemployment Rate Remains At 6.0 Percent. (Bureau Of LaborStatistics, BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    During 2010, 18.6% Of Unemployed Workers In Iowa Were Out Of Work For Longer Than A Year.(Sara Murray, Long Term Unemployment By State,The Wall Street Journals Real Time Economics Blog, 7/21/11)

    33.3% Were Out Of Work For More Than 27 Weeks. (Sara Murray, Long Term Unemployment By State,The WallStreet Journals Real Time Economics Blog, 7/21/11)

    12.5 Percent Of Iowans, Over 380,000 Individuals, Receive Food Stamps. (Food And Nutrition Service,Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Number Of Persons Participating,USDA, 8/1/11)

    The Number Of Iowans Receiving Food Stamps Has Increased 11% In The Last Year. (Food AndNutrition Service, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Number Of Persons Participating,USDA, 8/1/11)


    Mark Hanawalt, Owner Of United Equipment Accessories: It Doesn't Give You That Warm, FuzzyFeeling That We're Headed In The Right Direction.Orders aren't filling as fast in the third andfourth quarters as we'd like to see, he said. It doesn't give you that warm, fuzzy feeling that we're headedin the right direction." (Donnelle Eller, Financial Insecurity, Business Volatility, Unemployment: Is This Iowa's New Normal?,The Des Moines

    Register, 8/6/11)Some Economists Say That Even With A Return Of Jobs, Household Incomes Will Likely Fall AsThe State's Population Grows And Job Growth Limps Along.(Donnelle Eller, Financial Insecurity, Business Volatility,Unemployment: Is This Iowa's New Normal?,The Des Moines Register, 8/6/11)

    [D]ave Swenson, An Iowa State University Economist, Doubts Iowa And The United StatesWill Return To Their Pre-Recession Boom.(Donnelle Eller, Financial Insecurity, Business Volatility, Unemployment: IsThis Iowa's New Normal?,The Des Moines Register,8/6/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011

    Since President Obama Took Office, Minnesota Has Lost 51,100 Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov, Accessed8/9/11)

    Including 26,200 Manufacturing Jobs And 19,500 Construction Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov,Accessed 8/9/11)

    Since Obama's $831 Billion Stimulus Passed, Minnesota Has Lost 36,700 Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Including 19,800 Manufacturing Jobs And 19,300 Construction Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov,Accessed 8/9/11)

    In June, Minnesotas Unemployment Rate Rose From 6.6 Percent To 6.7 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    During 2010, 20.6% Of Unemployed Workers In Minnesota Were Out Of Work For Longer Than AYear. (Sara Murray, Long Term Unemployment By State,The Wall Street Journals Real Time Economics Blog, 7/21/11)

    33.2% Were Out Of Work For More Than 27 Weeks. (Sara Murray, Long Term Unemployment By State,The WallStreet Journals Real Time Economics Blog, 7/21/11)

    The Unemployment Rate For Hispanics In Minnesota Is 12.3 Percent. (The Hispanic Labor Force In The Recovery,Department Of Labor, 3/31/11)

    The Unemployment Rate For Blacks In Minnesota Is 22.0 Percent. (The Black Labor Force In The Recovery,Department Of Labor, 7/11/11)

    9.8 Percent Of Minnesotans, Over 520,000 Individuals, Receive Food Stamps. (Food And Nutrition Service,Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Number Of Persons Participating,USDA, 8/1/11)

    The Number Of Minnesotans Receiving Food Stamps Has Increased 19% In The Last Year.(Food And Nutrition Service, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Number OfPersons Participating,USDA, 8/1/11)

    Obamas Debt BurdenOn Minnesotas Future

    President Obama Has Increased Minnesotas Share OfThe National Debt By $67 Billion, Adding$12,818 To Each Minnesotans Debt Burden. (Debt To The Penny,TreasuryDirect.gov , Accessed 8/9/11; Census Bureau, U.S.Census Bureau, 2010 Census Results,2010.Census.gov , Accessed 6/2/11)

    President Obamas FY2012 Budget Would Add $202 Billion To Minnesotas Debt Burden By2021, Adding An Additional $38,094 To Each Minnesotans Debt Burden. (Office Of Management &Budget, Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Of The U.S. Government,Budget.gov, 2/14/11; Debt To The Penny,TreasuryDirect.gov , Accessed 8/9/11;Census Bureau, U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Results,2010.Census.gov, Accessed 6/2/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011

    Since President Obama Took Office, Illinois Has Lost 125,700 Jobs And The Unemployment RateHas Risen From 8.1 Percent To 9.2 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Including Losing 49,200 Manufacturing Jobs And 29,100 Construction Jobs. (Bureau Of LaborStatistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Since Obama's $831 Billion Stimulus Passed, Illinois Has Lost 91,200 Jobs And The UnemploymentRate Has Risen From 8.6 Percent To 9.2 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    Including Losing 39,100 Manufacturing Jobs And 28,200 Construction Jobs. (Bureau Of LaborStatistics,BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    In June, Illinois Lost 7,200 Jobs And The Unemployment Rate Rose From 8.9 Percent To 9.2Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, BLS.gov, Accessed 8/9/11)

    13.9 Percent Of Illinoisans, Over 1.7 Million Individuals, Receive Food Stamps. (Food And Nutrition Service,Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Number Of Persons Participating,USDA, 8/1/11)

    The Number Of Illinoisans Receiving Food Stamps Has Increased 8.8% In The Last Year. (FoodAnd Nutrition Service, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Number Of Persons Participating,USDA, 8/1/11)

    In Illinois, Economic Recovery Isnt Going Nearly As Fast As The State Needs It To.Illinois'unemployment rate edged up again in June, but the experts say that likely means something you alreadyknew: The economic recovery isn't going nearly as fast as the state needs it to. (David Mercer, Ill. UnemploymentRises For Second Straight Month,Forbes, 7/21/11)

    Illinois Economy Is Recovering Very Slowly."It more or less confirms what we've seen the lastseveral months, that the economy is recovering very slowly, said Fred Giertz, a University of Illinoiseconomist who closely follows the state's economy. (David Mercer, Ill. Unemployment Rises For Second Straight Month,Forbes,7/21/11)

    Fred Giertz, A University Of Illinois Economist: Illinois Is Part Of The Country And The Country'sNot Doing Particularly Well." (David Mercer, Ill. Unemployment Rises For Second Straight Month,Forbes, 7/21/11)

    Obamas Failure On Housing Is A Drag On Illinois

    In 2010, One In 35 Housing Units In Illinois Received A Foreclosure Filing. (Press Release, Record 2.9 Million U.SProperties Receive Foreclosure Filings In 2010 Despite 30-Month Low In December,RealtyTrac, 1/12/11)

    Illinois Foreclosure Rate In The Top Ten. Illinois also ranked in the nation's top 10, followingArizona, California, Utah, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Florida and Colorado.. (Illinois Home Foreclosures Up 4% In June,The Associated Press, 7/14/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011

    The Federal Reserve Predicts Little Prospect For Rapid Economic Growth Over The Next TwoYears Leaving Obamas Economic Team Angry And Morose.The Federal Reserves finding onTuesday that there is little prospect for rapid economic growth over the next two years was the latest in asummer of bad economic news. One administration official called the atmosphere around the presidentseconomic team angry and morose. (Helene Cooper, A Test for Obamas View of a One-Term Presidency,The New York Times, 8/9/11)

    Earlier In The Year, Bernanke And Other Economists Were Hopeful That Growth WouldSoon Pick Up.When the economy weakened in the first quarter, Ben S. Bernanke, the FederalReserve chairman, and Obama administration officials said the slowdown was just a blip andgrowth would soon pick up. Today, many Wall Street economists are saying much the same thing:any day now, things will improve. (David Leonhardt, The Economy Is Wavering, Does Washington Notice?The New York Times,5/26/11)

    The White House Predicts Unemployment Next Year Could Remain Higher Than 8 PercentMeaning No Job Growth After The Biggest Stimulus Package In The History Of The World. TheWhite House anticipates unemployment at 8.25 percent and Goldman Sachs and others warn the numbercould be higher close to 9 percent, which would mean no net job growth after the biggest stimulus

    package in the history of the world.(Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen, Obamas Big Drags,Politico, 8/4/11)Former Obama Economic Adviser Larry Summers Predicted In Five Years One In Six Men Who

    Are 25 To 54 Will Not Be Working At Any Point In Time. White House adviser Larry Summers onFriday predicted that past employment rates will not return after the recession passes. The best way toput it is this: Forty years ago, one in 20 men [ages] 25 to 54, in America, was not working at a given pointin time, he said. Today, the number is not one in 20. Its one in five. And a good guess, based onextrapolations of trends in this area, is that when the economy recovers, five years from now, assumingwe return to normal cyclical conditions, one in six men who are 25 to 54 will not be working at any pointin time.(Jay Heflin, Summers Predicts Perpetually High Unemployment,The Hill, 4/30/10)

    According To The Poll, 60 Percent Now Say That The Economy Is Still In A Downturn And Getting

    Worse. That's Up 24 Points From April, When A Plurality Believed That Things Had Stabilized.(PauSteinhuaser, CNN Poll: Economic Pessimism Skyrockets,CNN Political Ticker, 8/8/11)

    "The Jump In Economic Pessimism Is Across The Board - A Majority Of Every Major DemographicAnd Political Subgroup Thinks The Economy Is In A Downturn And Getting Worse."(Paul Steinhuaser, CNNPoll: Economic Pessimism Skyrockets,CNN Political Ticker, 8/8/11)

    The Wall Street Journal: The Unemployment Rate Still Leaves Almost 14 Million Americans WhoWould Like To Work Without A Job.The unemployment rate, which is obtained from a separatehousehold survey, dropped to 9.1% last month from 9.2% in June. That still leaves almost 14 millionAmericans who would like to work without a job. (Luca di Leo and Jeffrey Sparshott, Payrolls Grow As Unemployment Ticks Down,The Wall Street Journal, 8/5/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011

    Looking As If She Were About To Cry, An 83-Year-Old Obama Supporter Shook Her

    Head. Im So Disappointed In Him, She Said.(Leslie Bennetts, Hillary Told You So,The Daily Beast, 8/7/11)

    Obama Allies Are Critical Of The President For Not Coming Out Yet With A Plan For Jobs And TheBudget.Some of Mr. Obamas political allies try to spin the story the other way, criticizing him for not

    coming out yet with public plans to both cut the deficit and stimulate the economy.(Helene Cooper, A Test for

    Obamas View of a One-Term Presidency,The New York Times, 8/9/11)

    Robert Reich, President Clintons Labor Secretary: "For the good of the country and for his ownpolitical future, he's got to be seen as making jobs his first and major priority. And I fear he's not doingthat."(Peter Nicholas, Obama, Congressional Leaders Seek Leverage From Economic Jolt, Los Angeles Times, 8/8/11)

    Top Democrat Strategist: Obamas Record Is Going To Be A Liability. A top Democratic strategistwho is close to the White House said that Obamas first-term record is going to be, on balance, probably aliability for his reelection, partly because of the failure to sell and explain the things that they weredoing.(Jim Vandehei & Mike Allen, President Obamas Big Drags, Politico, 8/4/11)

    Democrats Are Now Comparing Obama To Jimmy Carter.Finding it hard to defend his often listless

    and repetitive performances, Democratic strategists and commentators are privately agreeing withRepublicans and comparing Mr. Obama to Jimmy Carter, another Democrat who remains the post-warbenchmark for a failed president.(Alex Spillius, Democrats Doubt Barack Obamas Reelection Chances,The Telegraph,8/9/11)

    Democratic Strategist Gary Pearce: Democrats Are Worried. He Looks Weak, He DoesntSay Anything That Grabs You.Gary Pearce, a Democratic strategist in North Carolina, a swingstate Mr. Obama is likely to struggle to retain in 2012, said: "Democrats are worried. He looksweak, he doesn't say anything that grabs you, and people are looking for some kind of magic." (AlexSpillius, Democrats Doubt Barack Obamas Reelection Chances,The Telegraph, 8/9/11)

    Obama Supporters Complain About Obamas Ineffectiveness.At a luncheon in the members diningroom at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Saturday, a 64-year-old African-American from the Bronx

    was complaining about Obamas ineffectiveness in dealing with the implacable hostility of congressionalRepublicans when an 80-year-old lawyer chimed in about the presidents unwillingness to stand up to hisopponents. I want to see blood on the floor, she said grimly. (Leslie Bennetts, Hillary Told You So,The Daily Beast, 8/7/11)

    Obama Supporters Disillusioned And Beyond Disgusted. In Connecticut, a businessmanwho raised money for Obama in 2008 said, Im beyond disgusted. In New Jersey, a teacherreported that even her friends in the Obama administration are grievously disillusioned with hislack of leadershipand many have begun to whisper about a Democratic challenge for the 2012presidential nomination. (Leslie Bennetts, Hillary Told You So,The Daily Beast, 8/7/11)

  • 8/6/2019 Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour


    THE DEBT-END BUS TOUROffice of the Teleprompter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2011

    Paid for by the Republican National Committee.310 First Street SE Washington, D.C. 20003

    (202) 863-8500 www.gop.com

    Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee

    Obamas Bus Tour Carries Clearly Political Overtones. And President Obama himself will visit Iowaon Monday as the first stop on his bus tour of the Midwest, a tour that's being billed as official WhiteHouse business, but carries clearly political overtones. (Michael OBrien, Dems Plan Weeklong Blintz In Iowa To Counter GOPStraw Poll,The Hill,8/8/11)

    Any Notion That Obamas Bus Tour Isnt Political Is Ridiculous.When a reporter asked Carney,

    its certainly a visual, but what are the tangibles? the press secretary snapped back. The air of cynicismis quite thick, he said. The idea that the president of the United States should not venture forth into thecountry is ridiculous. But so is any notion that the trip, which occurs after a deep Obama dip in the polls,is entirely apolitical.(Carrie Budoff Brown and Glenn Thrush, Obamas Bus Trip Could Hit Potholes, Politico,8/8/11)

    Taxpayers Are Footing The Bill for Obamas Odyssey Through Politically Important MidwesternBattleground States.Anyway, because the bus trip is so clearly presidential, America's taxpayers willbe footing the bill for the non-political, three-day Obama odyssey through politically importantMidwestern battleground states.(Andrew Malcom. White House Claims Obamas Bus Tour Is Presidential, So Taxpayers Will Fund It, LosAngeles TimessTop Of The Ticket, 8/5/11)

    CNNs David Gergen:I think what America is looking for now is some seriousness in Washington and,

    frankly, that's not going to come from some bus tour on a campaign trail for the President. I think a lot ofgrowing number of people think he ought to get off the campaign trail, pull people together, and see if hecan't get some answer, a bipartisan answer, on jobs. (CNNs Anderson Cooper 360, 8/10/11)

    CNNs Ali Velshi:There's no question that this is not normal gyrations in the stock market. And, whileJessica is right, the stock market is not the whole economy, it's the same thing with gas prices, right?They're not the whole economy but when they're way up it -- it hits people in the pocketbook. People aregetting frozen by this. I think the campaigning absolutely has to stop.(CNNs Anderson Cooper 360, 8/10/11)

    Velshi:It kind of is unacceptable that Washington is not fully on this right now and that thePresident is out there giving speeches in the Heartland as he plans to. This is a crisis. (CNNs AndersonCooper 360, 8/10/11)

    A President Using A Bus For A Non Campaign-Related Outing Is Rare. Obama might be looking tocapture the kind of magic President Truman enjoyed during a 1948 whistle-stop train tour, said RossBaker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University. I think he is beleaguered, exhausted, Bakersaid. And I think that getting out and meeting the people is kind of an energizing experience for thepresident. Presidents have typically used trains for these types of trips, according to Baker, who couldntrecall an instance of a sitting president using a bus outside of a specific campaign-related outing.(MichaelOBrien, The Economy And 2012 Loom Over Obamas Bus Tour Of The Midwest, The Hills Blog Briefing Room, 8/3/11)
