Ob Ppt - Thematic Apperception Test [Special Topic] by Aju Kuriyan


Transcript of Ob Ppt - Thematic Apperception Test [Special Topic] by Aju Kuriyan


History of TAT TAT was developed by the American psychologist Henry A Murray and christiana Morgan at harvard during the 1930s to explore the underlying dynamics of personality, such as internal conflicts, dominant drives, interests, and motives.

Thematic apperception testIt is a projective measure intended to evaluate a persons patterns of thought, attitudes, observational capacity, and emotional responses to ambiguous test materials. The ambiguous materials consist of a set of cards that portray human figures in a variety of settings and situations.

There are 31 picture cards in the standard form of TAT. Some cards shows male figures, some female, some both male and female figures, some adult, some children and some show no human figures at all. It is also known as picture interpretation technique.

Scoring system Assessment of the subject is based on what he or she project into the ambiguous picture. It must be carefully recorded and analyses attitudes and pattern of reactions of the client.

Two main method of scoring are Defense mechanisms manual (DMM) It helps to identify persons thoughts/feelings are projected in stories involved. Social cognition & object relations (scor) understanding social causality, capacity for emotional investment in relationships and moral standards, complexity of representation of people etc.

Purpose individual assessments Tat help to evaluate personality.

Story cards and tell the stories about pictures, they reveal their expectations of relationships with peers, parents, or authority figures, subordinates and possible romantic partners.

Research Tat used for research into specific aspects of human personality, need for achievement, fears of failure, and aggression etc. Using TAT investigate a variety of different topics, people are emotionally involved in relation ships with others, their ability to understand the complexities of human relationship.

Application of TAT It is widely used as a tool for research into areas of psychology such as dreams, mate selection, and what motivate people to choose their occupation. It help to assess personality disorders, thought disoders. the israeli army uses the test for evaluating potential officers

CRITICISMS It is unscientific It is old fashioned It create deviant stories