OAuth and why you should use it

OAuth and why you should use it? Presented to you by Sergey Podgornyy 1

Transcript of OAuth and why you should use it

Page 1: OAuth and why you should use it

OAuth and why you should use it?

Presented to you by Sergey Podgornyy


Page 2: OAuth and why you should use it

About me

Sergey Podgornyy

Sergey PodgornyyFull-Stack Web Developer


Page 3: OAuth and why you should use it

Agenda1. Authentication

2. Introduction to OAuth 2.0

3. OAuth roles

4. OAuth protocol flow

5. Grant types

6. Achieving statelessness with JWT

7. Stored token vs JWT vs OAuth

8. DEMO - Token Authentication With OAuth & JWT

9. OAuth/JWT Cookbook


Page 4: OAuth and why you should use it

AuthenticationAuthenticationverify the identity of the user given

the credentials received


Authorizationdetermine if the user should be

granted access to a particular



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Are our applications secure?5

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However, time went6

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Introduction to OAuth 2.0

An open protocol to allow secure authentication in a

simple and standard method from web, mobile and a

desktop applications


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Resource owner

the person or the application that holds the data to be shared

Resource server

the application that holds the protected resource

Authorization server

the application that verifies the identity of the users


the application that makes request to RS on behalf of the RO

OAuth 2.0: roles8

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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

I want to get theDeath Star plans


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Hey, backend, could you please giveme a Death Star plans?


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Sorry mate, this is a protected resource. You willneed to present me an access token


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Hi, can I get an access token please?Backend is asking


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Sure thing sir! I just need to ask a fewdetails to the user first


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flowHi, could you please provide me your

credentials? I need to verify your identity


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flowThat's no problem at all. I am [email protected] my password is deathToJedi


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

The user is who claims to be. Here is youraccess token:



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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Hey, backend, this is my token:qfE2KhvKggluHqe7IpTBqZ4qziTQQbKa


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Hi, I've been given qfE2KhvKggluHqe7IpTBqZ4qziTQQbKa .Could you please tell me who it belongs to?


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Of course. That token is still valid and it belongs [email protected]


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Everything is allright. This is theDeath Star plans. Enjoy!


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

Here you are the Death Star plans! Thank you for yourbussiness and have a good day!


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OAuth 2.0: protocol flow

OAuth 2.0 is a delegation protocol, as this guy

has no idea about the credentials of this guy


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OAuth 2.0: grant types

1. Authorization code: for web server applications

2. Implicit: for JS front-end and mobile apps

3. Resource owner password credentials: for trusted clients

4. Client credentials: for service authentication


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Authorization code grant

Involves the user granting the client an authorization code, which can beexchanged for an Access Token


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Implicit grant25

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Password credentials grant26

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Client credentials grant

This grant is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication where a specific

user’s permission to access data is not required


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Responce example{

"access_token": "RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia",

"token_type": "Bearer",

"expires_in": 3600,

"refresh_token": "e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV"


Except Implicit grant, where authorization server returns only an access token








Page 29: OAuth and why you should use it

Which OAuth 2.0 grant should I use?Start

Client Credentials Grant

Authorization Code Grant

Implicit Grant

Password Grant

Access token owner?

Client type?

First party or third party client?

First party or third party client?



User-agent-based app

First party

First party

Third party

Third party

Web app

Native app


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Tips for a front-end application

• Use the implicit grant

• Use HTML5's localStorage for access and refresh



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Accessing the protected resourceOnce the client has an access token, it can request a protected resource

GET /death-star/plans HTTP/1.1

Host: api.example.org

Authorization: Bearer


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More grants???

Token expiration and Refresh• If the Authorization server issues expiring tokens, they can be paired with

refresh tokens

• When the access token has expired, the refresh token can be used to get a

new access token


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Stateful vs Stateless• Authorization Servers are often stateful services

• They stored issued access token for future checking

• How can we achieve statelessness?

• Using JWT tokens as access tokens


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JWT and when it can be useful?JWT (JSON Web Token) is a secure way to encapsulate arbitrary data that can be

sent over unsecure URL's

POST /transfer HTTP/1.1



POST /transfer HTTP/1.1

{ "from": "acc1", "to": "acc2", "amount": 1000}



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How does a JWT look like?eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.







Header Claims Signature


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JWT Header{

"alg": "HS256",

"typ": "JWT"







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JWT Claims{ "exp": 1416471934, "user_name": "user", "scope": [ "read", "write" ], "authorities": [ "ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER" ], "jti": "9bc92a44-0b1a-4c5e-be70-da52075b9a84", "client_id": "my-client-with-secret"}


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JWT Signature


base64(header) + "." + base64(payload),




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Sample access token response{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0MTY0NzEwNTUsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6InVzZXIiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiXSwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9BRE1JTiIsIlJPTEVfVVNFUiJdLCJqdGkiOiIzZGJjODE4Yi0wMjAyLTRiYzItYTdjZi1mMmZlNjY4MjAyMmEiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJteS1jbGllbnQtd2l0aC1zZWNyZXQifQ.Wao_6hLnOeMHS4HEel1UGWt1g86ad9N0qCexr1IL7IM", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 43199, "scope": "read write", "jti": "3dbc818b-0202-4bc2-a7cf-f2fe6682022a"}



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Achieving statelessness• Instead of storing access token / principal relationship in a stateful way, do

it on a JWT

• Access tokens with the JWT-encoded principal can be securely stored on the

client's browser

• That way you are achieving one of the basic principal of RE S T :

State Transfer


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So why I should useOAuth?


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Session IDs / CookiesPros

• Easy to code both the client and server

• Easy to destroy a session when someone logs out

Cons• The server side periodically needs to delete expired sessions where the

client didn't logout

• Every HTTP request requires a lookup to the data store

• Storage requirements grow as more users have active sessions

• Sometimes you need to have multiple server, and session data needs to be

accessible by all of them


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JSON Web Tokens (JWT)Pros

• The server side storage issues are gone

• The client side code is easy

Cons• The JWT size could be larger than a session ID. It could affect network performance

• The data stored in the JWT is readable by the client

• The server side needs code to generate, validate, and read JWTs

• Anyone who gets a copy of the signing key can create JWTs. You might not know when this


• There was (is?) a bug in some libraries that accepted any JWT signed with the "none" algorithm

• In order to revoke a JWT before it expires you need to use a revocation list. This gets you back to

the server side storage issues you were trying to avoid


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• No code for users to signup or reset their password

• No code to send an email with a validation link

• Users do not need to learn/write-down another username and password

Cons• If third party service goes down or they discontinue it then you need to figure something else out

how do you migrate the user's account data if their identity changes from "[email protected]" to "[email protected]"?

• Usually you have to write code for each provider

• You or your users might have privacy concerns on your system. The providers know which of their

users use your service

• You are trusting the provider. It is possible for a provider to issue tokens that are valid for one user

to someone else


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Node.js Cookbook


npm install passport

Supported by


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PHP Cookbook

composer require league/oauth2-client composer require league/oauth2-server


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Useful links• The OAuth 2.0 Authorization


• OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and

Security Considerations

• JSON Web Token (JWT)

• Alex Bilbie blog

• OAuthLib documentation (.py lib)


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End of presentation this is!Any question do you have?