Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over...

Dear All Welcome to the 2012 Educational Year!!! Thank you to those I have met during the last few days for the very warm welcomes I have received. Whilst I can’t remember every face and name, I am trying to match the faces with the names! I am looking forward to the challenges this role presents and VERY excited about the opportunity to influence the creation of innovative curriculum options for stu- dents in the ‘Oaklands Urana Central Schools’. I am not sure where this will take all of us and what the cur- riculum structure or offerings will be in three years, but I am very pleased to be a partner in the journey. As I was writing this I realised that it is 20 years since I had my first principal’s role relieving in a large Central School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, Leeton PS and most recently at Albury PS. I am relishing the chance to work more closely with secondary students and staff this year! (And the chance to influence their choice of music and the volume, if I transport them be- tween our campuses again). If you would like to discuss any ideas or concerns with me, please do not hesitate to contact your school office and they will arrange a mutually convenient appoint- ment. Kindergarten Students A very warm welcome to the most important new mem- bers of our schools: The 5 students at Oaklands CS and the 6 at Urana CS who started their formal education on Tuesday and Monday respectively. I had the opportunity to talk with them on their first day. It always amazes me that Kindergarten students are so sure of themselves on their first day. (Congratulations to those families and teachers who prepared the children so well for the first day!) Here are our new Kindergartens New Staff I would also like to welcome the following new staff to you: Ms Cristie Reid based at Urana CS teaching a mix- ture of subjects including History, Geography and Eng- lish. Mrs Zillah Kurrle is also based at Urana CS and is Wednesday, 1st February 2012 Volume 28 No.1 Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Email: [email protected] URL: www.oaklands-c.schools.nsw.edu.au Principal: Vicki Harris PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE SCHOOL NEWS COMING EVENTS: 1st to 14th February - Swimming School (K-6) 7th to 8th February - Yr 11 RAP Camp, Yanco 14th February - RAP Sport Trials, Barellan 15th to 16th February - Life Education Van (K-6) 17th February - Swimming Carnival (K-12) 21st February - 50m Swim Day, Corowa (Yrs3-6) 21st February - Yr11 RYDA, Yanco 20th February - Primary Balldale Tennis Pre- selection Trials, Corowa 24th February - Balldale PSSA Swimming Carni- val, Corowa 1st March - Primary Boys Balldale Cricket Tri- als, Corowa HS 2nd March - Secondary Riverina Swimming Car- nival, Leeton 9th March - Primary PSSA Swimming Carnival, Albury 13th March - Primary Balldale Football/Netball Trials, Oaklands 14th March - Primary Girls Balldale Cricket Tri- als, Corowa 15th March - Young Leaders Day, Melbourne 20th March - RAP Sport Trials

Transcript of Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over...

Page 1: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...

Dear All Welcome to the 2012 Educational Year!!! Thank you to those I have met during the last few days for the very warm welcomes I have received. Whilst I can’t remember every face and name, I am trying to match the faces with the names! I am looking forward to the challenges this role presents and VERY excited about the opportunity to influence the creation of innovative curriculum options for stu-dents in the ‘Oaklands Urana Central Schools’. I am not sure where this will take all of us and what the cur-riculum structure or offerings will be in three years, but I am very pleased to be a partner in the journey. As I was writing this I realised that it is 20 years since I had my first principal’s role relieving in a large Central School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, Leeton PS and most recently at Albury PS. I am relishing the chance to work more closely with secondary students and staff this year! (And the chance to influence their choice of music and the volume, if I transport them be-tween our campuses again). If you would like to discuss any ideas or concerns with me, please do not hesitate to contact your school office and they will arrange a mutually convenient appoint-ment. Kindergarten Students A very warm welcome to the most important new mem-bers of our schools: The 5 students at Oaklands CS and the 6 at Urana CS who started their formal education on Tuesday and Monday respectively. I had the opportunity to talk with them on their first day. It always amazes me that Kindergarten students are so sure of themselves on their first day. (Congratulations to those families and teachers who prepared the children so well for the first day!)

Here are our new Kindergartens New Staff I would also like to welcome the following new staff to you: Ms Cristie Reid based at Urana CS teaching a mix-ture of subjects including History, Geography and Eng-lish. Mrs Zillah Kurrle is also based at Urana CS and is

Wednesday, 1st February 2012

Volume 28 No.1

Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter

Coreen St Oaklands 2646 Ph: 02 6035 4290 Fax: 02 6035 4382 Email: [email protected] URL: www.oaklands-c.schools.nsw.edu.au Principal: Vicki Harris


SCHOOL NEWS COMING EVENTS: 1st to 14th February - Swimming School (K-6) 7th to 8th February - Yr 11 RAP Camp, Yanco 14th February - RAP Sport Trials, Barellan 15th to 16th February - Life Education Van (K-6) 17th February - Swimming Carnival (K-12) 21st February - 50m Swim Day, Corowa (Yrs3-6) 21st February - Yr11 RYDA, Yanco 20th February - Primary Balldale Tennis Pre-selection Trials, Corowa 24th February - Balldale PSSA Swimming Carni-val, Corowa 1st March - Primary Boys Balldale Cricket Tri-als, Corowa HS 2nd March - Secondary Riverina Swimming Car-nival, Leeton 9th March - Primary PSSA Swimming Carnival, Albury 13th March - Primary Balldale Football/Netball Trials, Oaklands 14th March - Primary Girls Balldale Cricket Tri-als, Corowa 15th March - Young Leaders Day, Melbourne 20th March - RAP Sport Trials

Page 2: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...

teaching the Yr 3-6 class there with some PD H PE. Mr Nathaniel Miller will be joining our staff based in Oak-lands on Monday, teaching mainly English. Mrs Beth Allsworth also joins our staff in a regular position teach-ing a variety of subjects. Mrs Angelique Bruce teaching K/1 in Oaklands CS. Mrs Caz Swann also returns to Oaklands, one day a week, teaching Yrs 3-6. Welcome Back! Who’s on What Following I have included for your information the names of the teachers, subjects taught and base school. Many of our staff will be teaching across the two cam-puses – Oaklands CS and Urana CS during the year. Mrs Beth Allsworth Oaklands CS Primary Reading, Maths and Spelling, Visual Arts

Mrs Angelique Bruce Oaklands CS K-1

Mrs Denise Bruce Oaklands CS Primary

Ms Ann Buchanan Oaklands CS PDHPE, LOTE, Work Studies

Mrs Karen Davis Oaklands CS Maths, History

Mrs Dorothy Dore Urana CS K-2 and Maths and Assistant Principal

Miss Melinda Elith Urana CS Senior Science, Chemistry, Agriculture and Science

Mr Andrew Glazebrook Oaklands CS History, Library, Business Services, STL, Careers Advisor, Computer Coordinator, Head Teacher – Secondary Studies

Mrs Margot Gorman Oaklands CS K-3, Maths, Music Assistant Principal

Ms Theresa Hughes Urana CS English, Maths, LOTE, Art, Library, History and Computing

Ms Zillah Kurrle Urana CS K-6, PDHPE and Science

Mr Peter Longmire Oaklands CS Maths, Computing, Sport

Mrs Fiona Marshall Oaklands CS Food Technics, Science, D and T

Mr Andrew McCutcheon Urana CS D and T, VET Metals, Photography, Technics and Maths Mr Nathaniel Miller Oaklands CS English and Drama

Ms Janette Outram Oaklands CS Yr 3-6

Mrs Debbie Ravula Urana CS CAFS, PDHPE, Sport and Head Teacher – Secondary Studies

Miss Cristie Reid Urana CS History, Geography, VET Hospitality and English

Mr Paul Robey Oaklands CS Maths, Science, Agriculture, Geography

Mrs Irene Schirmer Urana CS English and Music

Mrs Caz Swann Oaklands CS Yr 3-6 If you would like to speak to a teacher about your child, please contact the school office to arrange a mutually convenient appointment. Anaphylaxis A number of students have been identified with poten-tially life-threatening allergies. The most common food allergies are to peanuts and eggs. To assist in the man-agement of these complaints, we encourage families to consider the needs of these students and take the oppor-tunity to explore other food options with their own chil-dren, which do not include eggs and peanuts in lunches and snacks at school please. Thank you for your assis-tance! Uniforms I was very impressed with the standard of uniform I saw on my first day in our schools. Just a reminder: both campuses uniforms’ are readily available and include black shoes and School hats for all students. If you are unsure about uniform expectations, please do not hesitate to contact the school offices. Dogs in Schools During the holidays, there were a couple of incidents of dogs entering school grounds. For the safety of our students and staff please ensure that your dogs are unable to escape from your homes. Occasionally families try to bring animals onto school sites without permission (often with the best of inten-tions). I would like to remind families that the only dogs allowed on school premises under the ‘Companion Dog’ legislation are dogs which meet the definitions in those regulations eg, Guide Dogs for the Blind. We are also bound by the ‘Animals in Schools’ Policy. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions. - Anonymous Vicki Harris Principal – Oaklands Urana Central Schools.

Page 3: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...

Stage 4 (Years 7/8) History (Teacher Mrs Karen Davis) Topics: An introductory topic on Investigating History will take place in the first five weeks and focus on Euro-pean Empires. The remainder of the year is focused on Indigenous People, Colonisation and Contact History. Native Americans and the colonisation of North Amer-ica will be the focus of the remainder of first semester. Resources: Students are required to bring a workbook, display book, pens and pencils to class. Assessment tasks will include a research project focused on a European Empire due week 5, a project on Native Americans due week 10, book marks and a Half Yearly exam. Stage 5 (Years 9/10)History (Teacher Mr Glazebrook) Topics: Term One is focused on the Vietnam War. It addresses issues such as the Cold War, conscription and the experience of Australian’s at war and at home dur-ing the war. Term Two focuses on Changing Rights and Freedoms. Term Three examines People Power and Politics in the Post-war Period. Term Four is about Aus-tralia’s Social and Cultural History in the Post-War Pe-riod. Resources: Students should have an exercise book or binder book (for a folder). Pens, pencils, a ruler and dis-play folder to place handouts in. Assessment Tasks: The main assessment of the Vietnam War Era will be by examination (Half Yearly and Yearly) and through the completion of a portfolio of work submitted at the end of first term. Stage 4 (Years 7/8) Geography (Teacher Mr Miller) Topics: The first few weeks of Term One will focus on Investigating the World, an introductory topic. Students will then look at Global Issues and the Role of Citizen-ship. Resources: Students should have an exercise book or binder book (for a folder). Pens, pencils (colour and black and white), a ruler and display folder to place handouts in. Stage 4 (Years 7/8) Science – Term 1 2012 (Teacher Mrs Marshall) This term we will be studying an introduction to science for the Year 7 students with a few reminders for the Year 8 students followed by a project investigating a scientist and their field of study. Other topics for Term 1 will be Chemistry in the context of separating sub-stances, Physical Science looking at “Inside Earth” and some Biology looking at living things in general and then focusing on plants in particular. Student’s workbooks will be assessed in addition to practical reports and topic tests with the “Scientist” as-signment for Year 8 students. Students will be given a

homework sheet to complete each week as well as fin-ishing any unfinished class work. On their first day students were given guidelines for their workbooks and general conduct in the science laboratory. Failure to follow safety guidelines will lead to exclusion from practical classes. Food Technology – Term 1 2012 (Teacher Mrs Marshall) This Term we will be studying Food Equity. This is a fantastic unit where students learn why people don’t have the same access to food both globally and within our own community. Students will do an assignment on the food production and requirements of a developing country and will examine a food aid organization which operates in that country. They will plan and cook a typical Australian meal which they will compare with a typical meal from their chosen developing country. Students workbooks will be assessed as well as their assignment and practical reports after cooking classes. There will be a topic test in week 10. Students will be required to complete unfinished class work at home as well as working on their assignment. Stage 5 (Years 9/10) Science (Teacher Mr Robey) Topics Weeks 2-4 Ecology Weeks 5-8 Electricity Weeks 9-10 Chemistry

Homework Homework will be given in lessons Monday – Wednes-day. This work should be completed by Monday of the following week. Stage 5 students will have computers with access to text books and the homework will be an extension of class work..

Assessment 3 topic tests – at the conclusion of each topic Bookmark and homework mark Assignment (details to be advised)

Resources required Science work book, calculator, folder for work sheets, ruler, compass, protractor, eraser, laptop computer*, pens and pencils. Secondary Maths Resources required Maths work book, calculator (Casio, available from the school office for $19), folder for work sheets, ruler, eraser, compass, protractor, pens and pencils.

Homework Homework will be given in lessons Monday – Wednes-day. This work should be completed by Monday of the following week. It would be good if students had access to a computer and the internet for most homework. This will allow teachers to tailor individual homework pro-grams using “mathsonline.com.au “ etc. Otherwise homework worksheets can be given out. Assessment


Page 4: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...

Two topic tests – week 5 and week 10 Bookmark and homework mark Assignment (details to be advised) Year 7 Term 1 Maths Overview (Teacher Mrs Karen Davis)

Topics Weeks 2-3 History of Numbers Weeks 4-5 Angles Weeks 6-7 Number operations Weeks 8-10 Solids Year 8 Term 1 Maths Overview (Teacher Mr Paul Robey) Topics Weeks 2-3 Revision of year 7 number – percent-

age, fractions and decimals, order of operations.

Weeks 4-6 Statistics, Interpretation of date in ta-bles and graphs.

Weeks 7-8 Rates and ratios Weeks 9-10 Statistics - collecting and processing

date. Stage 5 Term 1 Maths Overview (Teacher Mrs Karen Davis) Topics Weeks 2-3 Revision of number skills Weeks 4-7 Algebra and equations Weeks 7-10 Statistics Year 7/8 Personal Development and Health. Term 1- 2012 (Teacher Ann Buchanan) Topic: Be Happy - Be Healthy! “What are the factors that affect health?” (Take control-It’s Your Decision) - what is health / components of health - factors that affect health - perceptions of health - benefits of a healthy lifestyle

- our body systems - lifestyle diseases

Assessment Task: Lifelong physical fitness survey. Due: End of Week 10, Term 1. 20% Required materials: 2 x plastic sleeve folders, 1x A4 exercise book. Home work will not be set on a regular basis but it may be necessary at times to complete assessment tasks, sur-veys, unfinished class work, etc.

Year 9/10 Personal Development and Health. Term 1- 2012 (Teacher Ann Buchanan) Topic: No-Body’s Perfect ! “What is a healthy person?” ( Making a Difference for Myself ) - the nature of health - body image - self image, self respect & self respect - healthy food habits - disordered eating - individual & community - lifestyle diseases

Assessment Task: Research a topic of interest from a young person’s website that is associated with, and af-fects our self- image, self-worth and self-respect. Due: End of Week 10, Term 1. 20% Required materials: 2 x plastic sleeve folders, 1x A4 exercise book. Home work will not be set on a regular basis but it may be necessary at times to complete assessment tasks, sur-veys, unfinished class work, etc. Year 7 LOTE (French) Term 1 2012 (Teacher Ann Buchanan) Basic Facts about France and its relationship to Europe, Australia & the World.

Way of Life: Customs, festivals & lifestyle – family, school, shopping, recreation

Individual Projects: 1. Cities of France: (10% French city research - written and oral presentation) 2. Paris Highlights: (10% Paris travel brochure - Written and oral presentation)

Activities: Eiffel Tower –line drawing, Notre Dame’s stain glass windows card creation (10% Oral Language Test for basic greetings, numbers, colours, pronouns & prepositions.)

Required materials: 2 x plastic sleeve folders, 1x A4 exercise book

Home work will not be set on a regular basis but may be necessary to complete assessment tasks as required.

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Page 6: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...

Ph: 02 6035 4270 Fax: 02 6035 4284 Andrew Day Ph: 0427354270


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To the wonderful people of Oaklands,

Thanking You all for your friendship,

kindness, assistance and support during the six years that we

were fortunate enough to be a part of your community. I has been so very much appreciated. We will always have fond memories of Oaklands and its

people. Thank You also to

everyone who partici-pated in and organ-ized our fabulous farewell party and

beautiful gifts.

Warmest Regards from,

Lisa, Stephen, Amy and Emma Nolan

Page 7: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...


ABSENCE NOTE Name: _______________________________________ Class: _____ Teacher: ____________________________ This student was absent from ___/___/___ to ___/___/___ Due to the following: Illness Injury Medical/Dental Appointment Family Commitments Other - give reason _____________________ _______________________________________________ Additional comments _____________________________ _______________________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________ Date: _________


ABSENCE NOTE Name: _______________________________________ Class: _____ Teacher: ____________________________ This student was absent from ___/___/___ to ___/___/___ Due to the following: Illness Injury Medical/Dental Appointment Family Commitments Other - give reason _______________________ _______________________________________________ Additional comments _____________________________ _______________________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________ Date: _________

Page 8: Oaklands Urana Central Schools & Oaklands Community Newsletter · 2019-09-17 · School with over 550 students. Since then I have been principal at Matong PS, Murrumburrah PS, ...


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