O volunta..

Volunteering Work done by Helena Moreira, Joana Barbosa and Luís Fernandes Escola Secundária da Póvoa de Lanhoso - 2011/2012


The Volunteering

Transcript of O volunta..

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Work done by Helena Moreira, Joana Barbosa and Luís Fernandes

Escola Secundária da Póvoa de Lanhoso - 2011/2012

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It has to do with a free and voluntary decision supported on motivations and personal


What is it?

Volunteering is a citizenship activity where solidarity, cooperation, knowledge and

wisdom have an important role in the resolution of problems affecting society in


Escola Secundária da Póvoa de Lanhoso - 2011/2012

It is developed through projects and programs of public and private entities, involving

the sponsoring entities.

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Who is the volunteer?

Someone who freely and responsibly undertakes this challenge, according to his/her abilities

during his/her spare time.

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Being a volunteer is also about the relationship between the interests of those who benefit from the volunteering work and the values of the sponsoring organizations.

Being a volunteer is about showing concern for others, providing free services for the benefit

of the community.

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What are the sponsoring organizations?

Sponsoring organizations are legal entities (public or private), socially recognized, which

fulfill the conditions for integrating volunteers and coordinate the exercise of their activity

in different areas, such as Social Support, Health Care, Education, Science and Culture,

Heritage, Protection of the Environment, among other targets.

These entities can be found in local banks of volunteering, which is the ideal place to

advertise their programs and give information about the main purpose of their actions.

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Process of the Constitution:

The entities that wish to form a BLV should be:

- Legal organizations controlled by public law (central, regional or local) or by private law,

such as Councils, Foundations, Solidarity Institutions, Charity Institutions, among others.

These entities must gather technical, logistical and financial resources to enable the

functioning of such a structure.

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Principles of Volunteering

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SolidarityResponsibility of every citizen in the achievement of the voluteering purposes.

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Participation Involvement of volunteers and sponsoring entities in areas of social concern.

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Cooperation Combination of efforts and projects among entities working together towards a shared aim.

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Complementarity The volunteer should not replace the human resources of the sponsoring entities.

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Free The volunteer is not paid for the exercise of his/her voluntary service.

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Responsibility The volunteer is responsible for the exercise of the activity which he/she has undertaken, in order to perform and achieve the aims they are expected to.

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Convergence Voluntary actions must converge the different cultures, ideas, politics and goals towards the same point.

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Volunteer rights

• To develop a work according to their knowledge, experiences and motivations;

• To have access to initial and continuing training programs in order to improve his/her volunteer work;

• To receive support in the performance of his/her work from technical monitoring and fair evaluation;

• To have good hygiene and safety work conditions;

• To take part in the decisions related to his/her work;

• To be recognized for the work he/she develops through an official approval and certification given by

the organization.

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Volunteer's duties• To observe and respect the ethical principles and standards of the promotional organization

of everyone who is related to the project;

• To perform some type of training for a better development of the activities carried out in

promoter organization. In these activities should show active, voluntary and solidarity,

using the correct goods, equipment and material resources placed at its disposal;

• To respect the options and guidance of professionals from the sponsoring organizations,

serving also the calendaring of agreed activities;

• To use, during the activities, their identification as a volunteer and never assume the role of

the organization's representative promoter without the recognition of the same.

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Doing volunteer work in another country can be a unique and very

exciting experience. You can enrich your life, expanding horizons

and give yourself the chance to know interesting people totally

different from you.

It's also a way to acquire new skills that will be useful for your

personal and professional future.

The pros

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The cons

However, volunteering is not always an easy path and will be much more

grueling than a simple trip backpack straps on their backs. Before going

into an adventure, it is necessary to think about the difficulties you may

have to face, as well as the conditions you may have to face.


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The defence of human rights and volunteering

It is important to target the set of the fundamental human rights concerning the

human being, such as the respect for the right to life, education, liberty, equality and

dignity, as well as to the full development of his/her own personality.

Today, such rights are ensured also by the VOLUNTEER WORK of countless citizens

around the world.

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• Citizenship can be confused with the fight for human rights.• Citizenship implies not only rights but also duties. The

citizen must be aware of his/her actions in society, taking into account that those actions depend on the cooperation of all.

• After all, the great purpose must be Justice worlwide.Summarizing, citizenship is the active participation of each member in society you belong to, having the duty to participate, together with the State, in solving problems, finding solutions, planning actions, in order to promote the common wellfare.

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For the United Nations Organization:

"The volunteer is the young or adult, propelled by values of participation and solidarity, devotes part of his time, without any remuneration, the various forms of activities, organized or not, social welfare or other fields."

And, according to the International Association for Volunteer Efforts – IAVE:"This is a compromised service and society based on freedom of choice. The volunteer promotes a better world and becomes a value for all societies ".


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Volunteering only makes sense when the main motivation for the exercise of voluntary work is the satisfaction by the person who runs it, by practicing an act of citizenship and love towards the others.

But you must be aware that when the ethical values is in "crisis“ nowadays, the voluntary action only makes sense when quality is a free option of a "subject within a triple aspiration: their self-esteem, solidarity and the commitment to a fair society."

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Local National

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Local (Póvoa de Lanhoso)

The Volunteer Bank of Póvoa de Lanhoso

Presents itself as a meeting place where people can express theiravailability and willingness to be a volunteer, and where the institutions canpromote and provide voluntary contexts in different socially useful areas, such as:

• Civic Domain;• Social Action;• Health;• Education;• Culture;• Environmental and Heritage Protection;• Civil Protection;• Among others ...

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Volunteer Firefighters

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NationalIn Portugal the oldest and most important example is represented by the

Humanitarian Associations of Volunteer Firefighters.

Other examples of areas related to volunteering are:

• Altruism• Holidays• Philanthropy• Combating hunger• Social solidarity• Social work• Protection of Animals• Protection of Forests

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National - continuation(More Examples directed to young people)

• Programs and support for the establishment of Youth Associations and students;

• Leisure programs;

• Summer camps and International Work camps;

• Youth volunteering projects in several areas, such as support for the elderly, children, sport, among others. (Programs: youth volunteering for forests and volunteerism in the promotion of efficient energy).

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Volunteering and Human Rights

The various types of volunteering complement each other and each modifies some parts of

society, where the other does not cover.

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Examples of volunteers who work for human rights

• Legal assistance for children's organizations;

• Translation and editing of texts, in order to simplify the language to improve the knowledge;

• Participation in the process of professionalization of volunteerism;

• Promoting volunteering.

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www.google.com .

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