O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ......

CONG TY CO PRAN CONG HOA xA HOI CHi) NGHiA VI~T NAM THANH THANH CONG - BIEN HOA DQcl~p - Tt,r do - Hanh phuc THANH THANH CONG - BIEN HOA SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM JOINT STOCK CaMP ANY Independence - Freedom - Happiness S6INo.: .. O:?:. ./2019IBBKP-DHDCf) Tdy Ninh, ngay/date.Aicthang/month ..""t-namlyear 2019 BIEN BA.NKIEM rmrn VOTECOUNTING RECORD PRIEU LAy Y KIEN CO DONG BANG VAN BAN SHAREHOLDERS' OPINION COLLECTION FORA1 IN WRITING Can de Ludt doanh nghi¢p vel cac van ban huang ddn thi hanht/Pursuant to Enterprise Law and instruction documents; Can de Di~u l¢ Cong ty cs phdn Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa./Pursuant to the Charter of Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company; Can de loan b(J tai lieu lay y kiln bang van ban aa duac cung cap cho cac aongjPursuan{ to all the documents of shareholder opinion collection in writing delivered to the shareholders; Can de Bien ban h9P s6 ~212019IBBH-Hf)QT ngay 01107/2019 va Nghi quyet so A~/2019/BBH-HDQT ngay .4,./07/2019 cua H(Ji a6ng quan tri v~ viec t6 chiec thuc hien viec kidm phieu lay y kien cd dong bang van ban/Pursuant to Meeting minutes No l212019IBBH-HDQT dated ::1./0712019 and Resolution No ...I2019IBNQ-HDQT dated 1...1112019 of the Board of Directors in relation to organizing vote counting for collected ballots from shareholders; Hom nay, VaG Ilk 08 gio 00 phut ngay 12 thang 07 nam 20 19 tai van phong Cong ty C6 phan Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa (TTC-BH)'/ Today, at 08:00 a.m on July ir: 2019 at Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (FTC-BH). A. Thong tin doanh nghi~p/ Business information Ten doanh nghi~p/Name: CONG TY CO PHAN THANH THANH CONG - BIEN HOAITHANH THANH CONG - BIEN HOA JOINT STOCK COMPANY. Ma s6 doanh nghi~p/Business code: 3900244389 Dia chi tru sa chinhiHead office: Xa Tan Hung, Huyen Tan Chau, Tinh Tay NinhiTan Hung Commune, Tan Chau District, Tay Ninh province. B. Thanh ph in ki~m phieu /Counting Participants: Thanh vien H9i dang quan tri/Members of the Board of Directors JI8

Transcript of O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ......

Page 1: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i



S6INo.: ..O:?:../2019IBBKP-DHDCf) Tdy Ninh, ngay/date.Aicthang/month ..""t-namlyear 2019




Can de Ludt doanh nghi¢p vel cac van ban huang ddn thi hanht/Pursuant to EnterpriseLaw and instruction documents;

Can de Di~u l¢ Cong ty cs phdn Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa./Pursuant to the Charterof Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company;

Can de loan b(J tai lieu lay y kiln bang van ban aa duac cung cap cho cacaongjPursuan{ to all the documents of shareholder opinion collection in writing deliveredto the shareholders;

Can de Bien ban h9P s6 ~212019IBBH-Hf)QT ngay 01107/2019 va Nghi quyet soA~/2019/BBH-HDQT ngay .4,./07/2019 cua H(Ji a6ng quan tri v~ viec t6 chiec thuc hienviec kidm phieu lay y kien cd dong bang van ban/Pursuant to Meeting minutes Nol212019IBBH-HDQT dated ::1./0712019 and Resolution No ...I2019IBNQ-HDQT dated1...1112019 of the Board of Directors in relation to organizing vote counting for collectedballots from shareholders;

Hom nay, VaG Ilk 08 gio 00 phut ngay 12 thang 07 nam 20 19 tai van phong Cong ty C6 phanThanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa (TTC-BH)'/ Today, at 08:00 a.m on July ir: 2019 at ThanhThanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (FTC-BH).

A. Thong tin doanh nghi~p/ Business information


Ma s6 doanh nghi~p/Business code: 3900244389

Dia chi tru sa chinhiHead office: Xa Tan Hung, Huyen Tan Chau, Tinh Tay NinhiTanHung Commune, Tan Chau District, Tay Ninh province.

B. Thanh ph in ki~m phieu /Counting Participants:

Thanh vien H9i dang quan tri/Members of the Board of Directors


Page 2: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i

1. Ong/Mr Ph';l.ITIH6ng Duong Chu Tich Hf)QT/Chairman of BOD

2. BalMs Nguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member of BOD


Ngtcai gidm sat kiim phiiu (cg dong khong ndm gUt cluec V!l quan If!cua ciing ty) / Votecounting Supervisors (shareholders who do not take posittion of manager of the Company):

I. Ba TrAn Phuong CMu Y€n (sf> dang ky So' hilu 321450065) so' hlru 3.290.170 c6phan c6 quyen bi€u quyet /Ms. Tran Phuong Chau Yen (ID/Passport: 321450065),owns 3.290.170 voting shares of the company; vidand

2. Ba Ngo Thanh Tuyen - (sf> dang ky so huu 290799738) So' huu 2.338 c6 phan c6quyen bieu quy€t/Ms. Ngo Thanh Tuyen (ID/Passport: 290799738), owns 2.338voting shares of the company.

Nguoi kiim phiiu/Counters

1. Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9ib9/Internal Audit Director.

2. Ba Yo Thi Tuyet OanhiMs. Vo Thi Tuyet Oanh - Chuyen vien/Executive, PhongChfnh sach - Phap ch€1Legal and Corporate Regulatory Affairs Department;

3. Ong Nguyen Minh Ph\lllgIMr. Nguyin Minh Phung - Chuyen vien, Van phong Congty.lSecretariat Executive, Secretariat.

Muc dich va nQi dung Ifty y ki~n cB dong b~ng van ban/Purpose and matters ofshareholder opinion collection in writing.

L§.y y kien c6 dong bang van ban nham thong qua quyet djnh cua Dai h9i d6ng c6 dong v€cac n9i dung C\l the nhu saul Shareholder opinion collection in writing to approvedecisions of General Meeting of Sharehoders following with the matters:

1. Vftn d~ 1: Thong qua Danh sach d€ Clf b~u b6 sung thanh vien H9i d6ng quan tri vathanh vien d9C I~p H9i d6ng quan trj nhi~m ky 2019-2024/ Approving theNomination List for additional member and independent member of the Board ofDirectorsfor the term of2019-2024

2. Vftn d~ 2: B~u Clf thanh vien H9i d6ng quan trj va thanh vien d9C I~p H9i d6ng quantrj cua Cong ty c6 ph~n Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa nhi~m ky 2019-2024 theohinh thuc Ifty y ki€n c6 dong b~ng van bim nam 2019./ Election of member andindependent member of the Board of Director of Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien HoaJoint Stock Company for the term 2019-2024 in the form of collecting writtenopinions of shareholders in 2019:

2.1. Ba Huynh Bich NgQc - Ung vien thanh vien H9i d6ng quan trif Mrs.Huynh BichNgoc - Candidate member of the Board of Directors


Page 3: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i

- --------~------------

2.2. Ong Hoang Manh Ti~n - Ung vien thanh vien dQc I~p HQi dong quan tr!1Mr.Hoang Manh Tien- Candidate independent member of the Board ofDirectors

D. K~t qua ki~m phieu/Result:

I. Tong s6 c6 phan dff phat hanhlTotal issued shares: 586.740.552 c6 philn/shares.

2. Tong s6 c6 philn c6 quyen bieu quyet thea danh sach ch6t thirc hien quyen tai ngay17/06/2019 la I Total number of voting shares regarding to the list of shareholdersclosed on Jun i»: 2019 are:

se c6 phan c6 quy~n bi~u Ty I~tren s6 c6 phAn c6Vin d~ I Matter quy~t I quyen bi~u quy~t (%) I

Number of voting shares Ratio ofvoiting shares (%)

V§n d~ II Matter 1 525.139.652 100

V§n d~ 21Matter 2

2.1 525.139.652 100

2.2 525.139.652 100

3. T6ng s6 phieu l§y y ki~n thu v~1The total number of forms collected: 75 phieu, daidien cho 349.751.728 c6 phan, Wong dirong 66,66% s6 c6 phan c6 quyen bi€u quyet.Trong d6:1 75 votes, representing 349.751.728 shares, equivalent 66,66% of votingshares. These are:



- s6 phieu bieu quyet hop W The number of valid votes: 75 phieu, dai dien cho349.751.728 c6 phan, Wong duong 66,6% s6 c6 phftn c6 quyen bieu quyet/ 75votes, representing 349. 751. 728 shares, equivalent 66,66% of voting shares;

- se phi~lI bi€u quy~t khOng hQ'p 1~/Thenumber of invalid votes: 0 phi€u, d~i di~ncho 0 c6 philn, Wong duong 0% s6 c6 philn c6 qlly~n bi€lI qlly€tl 0 votes,representing 0 shares, equivalent 0% of voting shares

(E>inh kern bien bfm nay ph\! l\lC danh sach c6 dong tharn gia bi€lI qlly~t va phuong th(rcgui bi€u quy~t)/(The appendix of list of shareholder participating in the vote and method ofsending voting opinion collecting form is attached).

I. K~t qua bi~u quy~t theo tirng vin d~ t~i tirng to' trinh/Voting results from eachproposal:

1. vin d~ 1: Thong qua Danh sitch d~ elf bliu b6 sung thanh vien HQi d6ng qllfm td vathanh vien dQc I~p HQi d6ng quan td nhi~rn ky 2019-2024/ Approving the NominationList for additional member and independent member of the Board of Directors for theterm of2019-2024:


Page 4: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i


TAng s6 phieu se c6 phftn Ty l~Phuong an bi~u quy~t (phieu) (cA phan) %

Options Total number Shares Ratio(vote) (share) (%)

s6 phieu TAN THANH/Agree 75 349.751.728 66,6

s6 phieu KHONG TAN THANH/Disagree 0 0 0,00

s6 phieu KHONG Y KIEN / No opinion 0 0 0,00

se phieu khong h9'P W Invalid 0 0 0,00

TONG CONG/Total 75 349.751.728 66,6

2. Vftn d~ 2: Bku Clr thanh vien H9i d6ng quan tri va thanh vien d9C l~p H9i d6ng quantri cua Cong ty c6 phan Thanh Thanh C6ng - Bien Hoa theo hlnh thirc l~y y ki~n c6dong bang van ban nam 2019./ Election of member and independent member of theBoard of Director of Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company for theterm 2019-2024 in the form of collecting written opinions of shareholders in 2019:

2,1. Ba Huynh Bich Ngoc - Ung vien thanh vien Hoi d6ng quan tri/ Mrs.Huynh BichNgoc - Candidate member of the Board of Directors


TAng s6 phieu s6 cA phan Ty l~

Phuong an bi~u quyet (phieu) (cA phan) %

Options Total number Shares Ratio(vote) (share) (%)

se phieu TAN THANH! Agree 74 349.748.293 66,6

s6 phieu KHONG TAN THANH/Disagree 0 0 0,00

se phieu KHONG Y KIEN / No opinion 1 3.435 0,00

se phieu khong h9'P l~/ Invalid 0 0 0,00

TONG CONG/Totai 75 349.751.728 66,6


2.2, Ong Hoang Manh Ti€n - U ng vien thanh vien d9C l~p H9i d6ng quan trif Mr.HoangManh Tien-Candidate independent member of the Board of Directors

T6ng s6 phi€u s6 c6 phftn Ty l~PhU'o'llg an bi~u quy€t (phi~u) A ' %(co pilau)

Options Total number Shares Ratio(vote) (share) (%)


Page 5: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i

---------- - -----------_-

T6ng sa phieu s6 c6 phan Ty I~Phuong an bi~u quyet (phieu) (c6 phan) %

Options Total number Shares Ratio(vote) (share) (%)

s6 phieu TAN THANH/Agree 74 349.748.293 66,6

se phieu KHONG TAN THANHIDisagree 0 0 0,00

s6 phieu KHONG Y KIEN I No opinion 1 3.435 0,00

se phieu khcng hop 1~1Invalid 0 0 0,00

TONG CQNGITotai 75 349.751.728 66,6

II. K~t qua thong qual Approved results

1. Can CLrvao Luat doanh nghiep, Di~u l~ hien hanh cua Cong ty, k~t qua kiem phieubieu quyet, Nghi quyet cua Dai h9i d6ng c6 dong duoc thong qua bang hinh thirc lAyYki~n c6 dong bang van ban khi dat duoc su d6ng y cua cac c6 dong dai dien cho it nhAt51% t6ng s6 c6 phan co quyen bi6u quyet. Dai h9i d6ng c6 dong thong qua cac n9idung nhu saul Pursuant to Enterprise Law, Company Charter, the results of countingof the votes, the resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders which is approved inthe form collected opinions written must be approved by the number of shareholdersrepresenting at least 51% of total number of votes of shareholders with voting rights.The General Meeting of Shareholders approved thefollowing matters:

1.1. VAn d~ 11Matter 1: Thong qua Danh sach d€ cu bAu b6 sung thanh vien H9id6ng quan tr] va thanh vien d9C l~p H9i dong quan tr] nhiem ky 2019-2024/

Approving the Nomination List for additional member and independent memberof the Board of Directorsfor the term of2019-2024.

Ty l~ tan thfmhlAgree ratio: 66,6 %

1.2. Van d~ 21Matter 2: BAu Ctr thanh vien H9i o6ng quan tri va thanh vien d9C l~pH9i d6ng quan tri cua Cong ty c6 phAn Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa theahlnh th(rc l~y y ki~n c6 dong b~ng van ban nam 2019.1 Election of member andindependent member of the Board of Director of Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien HoaJoint Stock Company for in the form of collecting written opinions ofshareholders in 2019:

2.1. Ba Huynh Blch NgQc - DUQ'c bAu la thanh vi en H9i d6ng quan trj, nhi~mky: 05 (nam) nam kS ttl' ngay dugc bau I Mrs.Huynh Bich Ngoc - Electedmember of the Board of Directors, the term of member of the Board ofDirectors: 05 (five) years from the date of elected


Page 6: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i

Ty 1~tan thanh/Agree ratio: 66,6 %

2.2. Ong Hoang Manh Ti~n - Diroc bAu la thanh vien d(>c I~p Hoi d6ng quan tri,nhiern ky: 05 (nam) narn k~ tLI"ngay duoc baul Mr.Hoang Manh Tien -Elected independent member of the Board of Directors, the term ofindependent member of the Board of Directors: 05 (five) years from thedate of elected

Ty 1~tan thanh/ Agree ratio: 66,6 %

2. Bien ban nay la co sa phap Iy d€ CM tich Hoi d6ng quan tr] nhan danh va thay matDai h(>i d6ng c6 dong ban hanh Ngh] quyet cua Dai h(>i dong c6 dong quyet dinh v€vi~cl This record is the legal basis for the Chairman on behalf of the General Meetingof Shareholders to promulgate the resolution of the General Meeting of ShareholdersDecision with these matters:

2.1. Thong qua Danh sach d~ cir bAu b6 sung thanh vien H(>i d6ng quan tri va thanhvien d(>c I~p Hoi d6ng quan tri nhiern ky 2019-2024/ Approving the NominationList for additional member and independent member of the Board of Directorsfor the term of2019-2024.

2.2. Thong qua k~t qua b§u cu thanh vien Hoi d6ng quan tr] va thanh vien doc I~pHoi d6ng quan tr] cua Cong ty c6 ph§n Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa theohinh thuc lAyy ki~n c6 dong b~ng van ban nam 2019./ Approving the election ofmember and independent member of the Board of Director of Thanh ThanhCong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company in the form of collecting writtenopinions of shareholders in 2019:

a. Ba Huynh Bich NgQc - DU"Q"cb§u la Thanh vien Hoi d6ng quan tri, nhi~mky: 05 (nam) nam k€ tLl"ngay duqc bAu I Mrs.Huynh Bich Ngoc - Memberof the Board of Directors, the term of member of the Board of Directors: 05(five) years from the date of elected

b. Gng Hoang M~nh Ti~n - Du<;YCbAu la Thanh vien doc I~p Hoi d6ng quAntri, nhi~m ky: 05 (nam) nam k€ tLl"ngay dugc bAul Mr.Hoang Manh Tien­Independent member of the Board of Directors, the term of independentmember of the Board of Directors: 05 (five) years from the date of elected

Vi¢ckdm phiiu kit thtlc vao 10 gil! 00 phut ngay 12/0712019.Danh stich c6 dong tham gia biduquyit va toan b(5Phiiu !dy y kiln c6 dong dur;c luu gift t(li Van phong Cong ty./ The votecounting ends at 10:00 on 12/07/2019. The list of shareholders and all voting opinion collectionforms are kept at the BOD's office.

3. Cac thanh vien HQi d6ng quan tri, ngU<Jiki€m phi~u va ngucYigiam sat ki€m phi~u liend6"i chiu trach nhi~m v€ tinh trung th\fc, chinh xac cua bien ban ki€m phi~u; lien d6"i


Page 7: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i

chill trach nhiern v~ cac thiet hai phat sinh tir cac quyst dinh duoc thong qua do kiern

phieu khong trung thirc, khong chinh xac.l Members of the Board of Directors, thecounters and the counting supervisor shall be jointly liable for the truthfulness andaccuracy of the vote counting record; To be jointly and severally liable for lossesarisingfrom decisions adopted due to untruthful or inaccurate counting of votes.

4. Bien ban nay duoc i~p 02 ban, da duoc d9C lai cho cac thanh vien tham gia kiern Phi6uthong qua va duoc hru tai Van phong Cong ty/ The vote counting Record is made intwo copies, read and approved by Counting Participants and stored at the BOD'soffice.



(Ky, ghi r5 ho ten)




(Sign, full name)

(Ky, ghi r5 ho ten cua tung thanh vien)

(Sign, full name)

(Ky, ghi r5 ho ten cua tung thanh vien)

~Huynh Thanh Nhan __ __::__ _

VoTT Oanh


Page 8: O:?:. BIENBA.NKIEM rmrn DHDCD 02.pdf · BalMsNguy€n Thuy Van Thanh vien Hf)QT/Member ofBOD c. ... Ong Huynh Thanh NhanlMr. Huynh Thanh Nhan - Truong Phong Kiem toan n9i ... H9i

· ., .

Nguy~n Minh Phung _~ _
