nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47gr627/data/0124.pdf · TH LOU SYIJLJLE DAIJL1 volume...

TH LOU SYIJLJLE DAIJL1 volume ludisvili.f:, Kentucky, thursay, june 13 11 m aiiikk mi LOUIS JOURNAL .... tfiESN STREET, BETWRZN ffTTB8TBrmoii Daily, delivered in tbe city. ... $1 J 00 Daily, by anil. In feW&ace Conntry duly & (VI WenkJy, i'i advance, flm.o copy.. jin emu ai nv or cviir 1 6 Reiniitaacw by rull io tard leibn at car 4TV8 OP ADVFSTir.VU IN TH? LUTSVTI.LP JOURNAL FOR EE'.iULA: AlV l.TloLKJ. 08 qaaj'Qt cbrwgr-ttbl- r;t sly. ict .r...uiu 4 1 do Stfm'- ft fcfctkrer ai.utiiu.. 5o do it in rto l.j r.?a m.vial ikpiAri. onc--ht t :bove p'- Advertim?: p .;"( bit?-jr.'- 'l for tint in- - Brticn mid K'lejn, nrf-:-.?- r:''-.- x .utnr cr:n. Annouaeinit candidal.., .jl p r vV.-- h rnwe. Yar.y ndrertinf f.y ijirtsrly, 'kit c'i;n:s ui ad- - ranee. JiJ conitii-i'.f,r)t.- hl i'-- :' rji-ji"-"- ! Circus, or (Injilsr pf'.wrt :)?- (l r.j y tt:e ycfti , Ail vert 1fti'c:i",f for o Lu. 1: foni raniea, wrU, and oii.ti-pu..;i- Lt tui)3i, d.';a :ch like, half prcc.. Edi'orLn.1 oo1i--- s .v.A ""oravc.i1 'ona, fr.-- - -i d- - Iforlal coJtin)iK and pronto p7i at ip.t-r- 3o cntf por lion; tb.e o:.ly i.!..er:.-- i at Luu dicrv 'on of tbe eniltoru. Wo communlciiMGno will U iiun,,'J tccoa- j r d by the r.'i! nm-.- f cf ttr: ". :'.ior. fih'aoiboat vivrrtiR,4 nt. :T rr?. f. rib fleet Inner- - i'jn fcod li'-f- fMch ooulin juuc; tacLi cvviderp .! a dtw dvei!i iiie.it. A(vdr!!Pi:ntjt birti-- only in t".i !V.::in t ft ill he "UrTfd I'. 'h" pncri; ii" i IHiij Jcirnul And contiuiipd, i i'.r h;! ii.aer:i .'a, ia tf.e bo f .it- - k. 1 ,a tu.i iuld jf thd J- Tin: il ari an cxtr.i pr'v.. j.vkhi7sikj Kat , JciirrzzlTZzth I'j dr or lref-1- i iufrrlijc P.-- &' Written it: L ivvi t '" .t ad- - ' rr'edr.'., .ts of yea.-.- n t:ie ytir ex- - t'.-t- , r' :irnrU ire till conTn-- r,f j ran tiirI-- f;H h d'scon- - r,.i?ii rtirTif f.'Tiyia t- tot's, qit vlll any fiarre r . :.r ltB" tti 1:1 one vw 'h1 vf.rl;' Tt..-- r . !IEi)ICAL. MANHOOD. 1 .' I JiH Publititcay in w F' cJz'l JCnveh-fi- ON 1tV. N MTH.E. 'I KA i'MKN'l', AND LAOfOAL t Ci?t: OFSPt',KilATOh:ui(5i.,Oi firiiual W.v.kuf-a- , P.xual D.(i:'iy, . ot.n ti, ;;J Uivol'iafary Krai. ncn, hidatJuK IiupoU-uc- a..i Viutl aaj I'hyi'uil Bt R"3. J. T."LTRWFLL, M. L Author oi t,.o "Urei'ii P. k," t.c T:9 ivutd erth-jr- , tuid a !r.iriWl? I ';r.. ;tuvh( i",!i:i 'e ov. ii eiTiri-- r tlmt tb-- j axli en jf e nay bj eti rtuaUv v.i'bout tcBilicfne find !t"M'it da-it- nn-- i ureraiioiia, Ins , ri or (onlLiij. i ii Jtm? o;t a of tury st ouc1 cvft vii and r7 w bleb miiJer.-'L- uo mafer vhut bt- - my uire in.-lt- " uj'lu. 'nra'-l;i- cr d rii'ik-aily- Tbla Lecture will prove alhon to tiiousaii-ii- t and t.isu'anda. toudt.r to any Ires:. isort oa thr- - eo.i-- two jtase rta'', -. Or. TH. J. O. &.LINR. M. 127Boa-eiT- , Now Vo.tt, Port Hox 4.t. l iiscinaae) Venereal nospita!, Ksiabl!-.he- d In tli yvn.r V OO. THE CL:EOF PRIVATE DISEASK3. 4iid uud-i- r t!ie control or'twn of the niort eruiueut in tl?" word. DP, PONAPAKTl'V. trom London aM P.irlo anl ti:e part tea v pra t'.:3 t incirr :.d nivAl Ho- -i .tol, at'l ir. K. 3. KeyT.-l(I- l.tc- of New kJ Tni3 i tLi.? on.y o j'.B in the citv wbere a nive ot rriv."t-- IlHijC cen be obtained wlb:it hi uw of mercary oi ebai:e nf liiot. (onorxti-B- cure-- it t4 ii .)::ri. 0!rt c:i3 tU.V-dsi- P'nrnre rr. dlnltoj .c&eke. K.lurual rtup;d in ". Eor :;Dal T7e."'aew cir-- In tj 5 urkii. vui'bs m Ire i; iiiiry- av.vs afeU iu b dr' i, g.'co'.-.d-a-y idiptou-- curr.d in 1 1) wwkt. fcSu di6.-- f:re"l In I to J 'f-ks- Ii.:p;t m . vlt it T toi l in 1 4 w.vk. All (A a i 71 aire Ith or irL.:.l3. t. Il a cjv.'.r work ci i d! iA, f.ie nii'if to i' to a. I, :ir.d tbd o.d r.iid yaiiT f.:.or.ld r.ed th t kj!v. it wili e'liikiitM tiiofcj who cvu'.'- iii . ?r:c; 2ioiiti, h-- it by njv.il. Or. K :i V C. ! l.r tvi pv?e-i!V- cawirhainr i'p-- will fi.ll iadl tVr! to ijt.r t i.;i, e'copt. at th.- hswid cf m1. tic: M:;3 ir.- n this iuvenriftn. i'rirc: t" :o Ia-- Brn.H.iro"9 Freurb :.t r.' ! It ?3 pfe; and nuver fills to jrlv-t-i ei;i.,iacrton. i; U ti'e oilv .ale and aura ! p.ud 1'OeaBfl. The prb A trio Frv-.c- Phu.vA ft'te 'j, H the sltiKld one, $u pur ua! jjT r dczao. S:nt F- - ra!? MrntMy are a iaf v.d relU.-'U- ' for and &ti abowid not u j thein d iri.'i? jtrviancy, will a pi'.scarrl-o- - Prioj l per boz xtra fine .o svi:'. to arty ad'irej hy trail. Drs. B. A: K. &rt t.ie i'.r. ccsstilt, a'fl nnncr-tlonabl- y aek.iw.fldif.-- l to t. t;i? uid aud i;ni f vosfeaJ tnd tLe or.ly Kv:t&:s t'oo receive Mriithly Rs irr(? lr m tbe c!d -- orid: ti:ev bava bev-- from .,.,riv e;-- ' o? o:,('i to r tiia w,n-- ;, rt:;';';-.- ri,-.:n- d, Liid.to vat;:i t!:e TCiTfss. tMot'c', b. : of r:o.-iooa- l etiidi", in ivory ephtrrt oi arc-d- of t the ma: ?io:.i' ! t. ?!'.:: . v l bavirij jyood a doubt ti-- t::t nC rirs f n:i'coilr, tb-- ir.t-.- 8'-- as 'their ei- dy. and fo devotv infir nan!- ! j the iiviatlon of t.tt duvai.-- a o( fiiutticn;. letters Till te anv. red uul.-- tuty ooi:iii: a nr. oe or a po.-.p-o taup Cr.lL BOVAPAP.ru i REYXr'LI0, v?. 1 Syc&Rt ibx,t, Lt. t'fltii Luj Sixth, e- -t side. O. Office h.vtrn, A. JS. to ? P. !. fi5 7ov4pd1y 'ix; MAD. J3. KTJI1JL, it., iie.-.- ixir tj zart Mft.ll, M F'. Tn?!'!! !8 o! cverv FPAi."- - LL1TE3. af.K;-.'- VWSt.K TSl,t.S, STAItC OUAKO u.id i.. S. BTi'OftS, 4o. oriicr ii.iiid and at eaort uotia. RpL'4 dtf ISTew Arrival oi' MILLINERY GOODS ! I KA k .713 I.ECFIVZD BYEiTillS ANOTII- - er invoice LNULIS3 bTHAW B..NNE78. ti A L' . I ' L L ' ' J j ! ) '.V F . UiiJUNS. O.C. ic. vr 1 31 Oe'. a::.'-! ti : l ?h.iapfor ra:'j aud f hiie Li i; 'IU 'v. m-- .Mi1,.r-o- Ciino of T?xm. A (1L 1- - I.UtAi'l il tiiviv 1:ith, &!:d ir.irchav the bnd rfSMI.'M f uvi-'ii- ou i ride '.t ft' rfreet. Ifijv V'oyJ, vberri t' 'v v'-- c.::.!uct t n, eAL d F TAIL Gi.OCKl'.Y and FF.ODL" L a wbh theti hocio ti.v h avu.-- WA0')A'-- ARu, with fttot-.'- acccmrin.; 'MsnT for Q.rB3. av:j oi.itft- - veMde, and btf fclid K.t Lit-ii- Jlj liieuui. T. !MN!', H. T. UORi), 13. 1S0.-- Ur w. A. (iAl LhRAITFI. L0Fj .ut .t 'H TRS In pfro mid fjl ealu c llljt.ii BJ'EN'T CO.. KAlSio- -. London Laj-pr- l'.t) do M. II. J,t rtsceived id tor ct!e b" 1i iEo. W. MOHHTg, TiiirJ it. WOODKV Keelrrr. BncUta, Rro-m- a, H:u-b- .riM, Ciotnen'-Pim- i, Waa- - lloardj, lijwie, for eie fcy nfPRITT PON. ho: ron Tr5" coTjTir: 1 lNELPS a id NCl'B PAPLP. caiH.i-- J k ot :' Th; rn Price oi hnv elo ip ii r W'Qu; N Jto F f a,7 Tb:r-- at t SSdmpIoi sent by iiaii ua rwctii-- 01 Id H(OTlV lie" tt1 iT'll. ttLit.'.it 3rj niia.j la:r to pn-n- Sugr la atuiij anc ANDREW BUCKANflN t CO., tm't Corutir and ) iciet't. I 'ION MANTLES AND GRATES MAP.HLt5I2RD Lept C3i.t,caiui' uu hand ';d 10, ra!? lo by al Tv'ALLACF. LTTHOOW. ft CO. fcOOTCH A IjF a den Wjn. Vcn-.- r u and ir :, s mi ' TTTO N. 1 bull1 priine PUr.titioa, iu tiupericT frtat 00 d do. In ftore and tor ald by ni. H. D. NWfOVH fr PRO. ; SPIRITS, VlM-b- . c. lramls , Scotch lruaiva IV.n. bou V7hits- - Jti, Poit, bherr. and for V7e ar' e?ia ageab! 1J for Due De Mopt'beik Charjpt?r.e. J. T. LAS'HAM cc 0.. niU tvirt-T- . .. l.i'J pei st.aLuei taii- t- chiid and ior ?.'.l3 by m7 !L P. NKWi'i-.'d- BH'. JLAiirt.C; l b.o r revived per teuuiboat L0d.- - M vlile aiid ior sal. b cirt ALEN, MOORH & HA DEN. 1 1 ;)LArfSEt5 Kt FKnration reouived by IT I the at.d Pn ioua ?.:id for nal;; by H A' ''rf. loiiou Vara aud Batting. 1 BA;6 Hope Mill Cottoo Yarn, No '.400, IO rfld, and i 0; ,W baled No 1 Bittim?; Keceived aud ior baie lor tt-- bv JAM LOW & CO., m5 and 'Jiu wl i.l bixtli ut. 3 . bb a Baltimore Gb'en 2U 'lo ,tIo do do; Juct received and iY.i' Ly B;T GAUOVPIK & CO. hhAM'l i S- - cafket'.ajd, Di:puy, & Co Gcgaac; 4 :'. d y do; 5 :C dO MTidy .5 ! f5o ,b'!te K b;. ;;i 6j; III H.' Pif Fj" OlriU itOt'OvIItJ; 1 i, fo '.3 ttorf and for nn.- by J. MoNi: 4 ED liuC I'.HON tJU NV- -- ion tt:" nor cnT-y- , and ei oid, ; r 'LANCY PIPES Uii irrcdn tiacy : - Fliii ia tu.ru ijJ fwr tie r GKI-.I- LAV7r N, i!5 Kh'.n fc., bveen 7 aiJ Ko.u'.u. "H.f AOKLIN HAMri A choice lot eur-cure-i Ilanie - aud country biCva juoi: tuoeivct u; iat. lor ta'.s by vt, W A 'T pERTHAHrT. 'T Va-f- f Pt TL,,ACY riOAP Fu box-- " Faiiy Bo.-i- of variou i kind Jupt rHOiv' d and for wmp . tv,- - 0E!'JN KAV7.?ON, a3'i r."? Tf y i pt ., ?t .n Tlnr.' .nd f'o.irr). RIO ' I St i bai iur to an.ving (or jiP ir. SCAW30N. A CO. iAIKDICAL. West Baden Springs, lad. THld estub'f hment titu -. uvry murh improved tH oitm to v liTjrn on th tti ot .luno: aud 1 promiso my eld fiicnif .iint I wLU dn ill tliat I CiQ to Diak. fieiii coiotoitKtiiH. Thi wrs bavt: p:ovtd ciiemflvfe bj.'iiciai to a (trtat .nun? ot I'm R;r.ic'--fl- . tiud thi-- ih it tif tn- - :n wiH ravply b? p nated in reclvli.R h 'IVke yo'-i- ti.keto f t:i,. L.. N A., a C. K. K. oi 'irp for Orlfin. .ud ttie h isi will c;i I lor yon in tli mor.ditg find iKe o i to tin lar, tiien to urlea . ihej by hack to tlie Syriug 1or Tea. tV.r: tii roii, h G TKRM3 Or BOARni 1 tvr wv-- 6 "" rV.'.r - liildr n anJ Srvrtnte liail" pric. ;..r ee iJf": T !'iui!.er l'tf .i'iiWr, it""ir r,t J. 1, Letuon, T'i': f Km'd, ,1. li. S '.ii and oeo. Dit-v- .Hi cntt.iii-.ic-iloii- t WVf tiaiea l( OK. .1 A TANH. Tu-ar- ly Physical Degeneracy AMERICAN PEOPLE. JL'ST FCBL1SUED ET DK. STONE, rhutidam to tht Trty Luttf tSygUmlr A Treatise on the Carres of Early Physical De- cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv- ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus. ty-T'.- U nvr U of a hikh moral tone, wnpn hi c!:;i i t Ihr.ii'.r.jr and app-a.- o;rec:iy io ti.A WTTi OnciOM-'OPH- 0!' AT.U PAHfviri and irA- - 1HA...& dtiTiliug eiieutiric and Tenable aids a'id trtaimc-'i- t fir euro. lt will eaut by mail on n:ce:pt oi JtroJ-cen- t tfcmpe am GrieDiANu! faii not to nad obiaiu tbie book. y Ymiocg Mw! fa'l not io send aiid get tliii book. nyLAiio! y:i, toa, liquid at oaceserie a eyjy oi ttu bcok. A Word of 3lemu Oonsci entice Advico to tho-- e who will liofloct. A uialadiefl prevail fo a fearful pxt"nt in dofjri'.iuj; at luj.'Mt yo'ith ot both to nu uriv (travH. 'f aosa diaes are v;ry ui'dcr'tood. Th ir f tnial mauiti'?tAtiotif or i; u,ptr-?r.- ft D. biliE. and Miir'.-n.'- or r. auMnp and conureiitii: of tbe ti&ufe. oi tb wbole body: tbortuH-ir- of brentbine or lirean.ii: on aweiiiiiiic a hl'l or a P'tjbt of staii rf.-.- palpitation of the 'art; Aj,,lma, HrjiicLitif, ena Kore. Throat; nhs.kbig tlie lip.ndi mill Liiubs; afwrfiuo to cociety r.T'd to bu.iivuMs or stud.; d minor) of V. o- ;bir lo.j of Meiriory: dtr,liioe 'f the Hfid; Neural riu Paia- - in vaiioue of the lod : Pire in thy Hack or LiiJ.br: LunJ.RKO, Lyspt-p-jia- or Indictriou: of the lionvir tmtioiisof tbe Kmnpyg and oTu-- 'ivii of the body, a." Leucourhva or 'lenr AU.u-3- . i.: like-ii- KpUeyiy, Hysteria, and Nervous Isow.in caa of every one Vmdred all th- - di!"0rd( rf. and a host others not aa oi itif Ijniurr', and tbe ui't itr and wily I , in of 'onsumvtion of tbe i''hwi Xrt, known as TV' ri'.sg, ud 'fat: have ihpir tf fA ortfin in of JWf Her.ce th wan of eurce. ou the part at old ithool practice in treat:;;- -' evint'toi;-..- 'alt. Or. Andrew .'lp, physi'-iar- i to tbe Troy Lira and Irifiitiition. U now n:a-- in tre.i'itjf ;h;s cla.-3o- t I'lcuern maladifd with the cio-- t artoriui:inc The treatiuciit adopted by tht. itutiou ic qcw; tt hired principles, wifh ne diwov-ffu- d witiuut mineral? or poioii3. Thp tacili-tte- s of t,;n Mich tha' patients caa b curod at their b"inf. in any inrt of the country, from aocirntp !iOD of their cae.by letter, and have The meaiciuee s. Tit theia bv raa'ti or cxi . Priuted inter rogitorioe witl be forward- d on application. Cat an b. and dieeaaes of the Throat cuird wi ll at the I rime a of pxtuvtf an nt tbe Intitti-tio- n bv sondine tiiw Cold Medicated ltthalinQ , with i!ihn.Jr, anj ample directions tor tiiuii' uue, and ?k'.ttc('. t2fPatieut8 applying for interrogatories or advice mu-- t enclody return etampi tovieet attention. (te'The atreudimr ph. skian w 111 be found at tbe In-- f. itution for coidiilt.atiou, from y A. M. to & P. M. ot each (ivy. Suudayi io the foreuoou- DR. ANDRKW STON15, Phymci'in t the Troy Lnn and Hyei.-i- Institution and Phyciei io for difea of thp Heart, Throat, and H riita rural, Troy, N. Y. TO rErflALES- - MU3. UOCTKESS STOJTE, Who ! itfad and in the patholofry of the manv arLictUti and luaUrli.-- of cote c xieni orici.i, wiil devo'.e exclusive Untiou to this cU-- 3 of diseases to Y.fv lifTne A?rendi.u' M dicat d Doacbe. a moet rnpor-tai- 't r cent ve lor i:w s i.xa, seut bv fxmj tor p h. cs.;: oinpiiit Miu. Dovtitiod dtone nn.it? nil j by LtTei orwrbnio'iv. AJdre N. O. riTOM. V.. P., Motion to t're Cft7d.ily TtMv, S. Y. MISCELLANEOUS 3US. ice good nAsrEEsssa, UPIIOLiTEF.Y V01U, vnNuow-siLVD;:- of supkkior style, GO TO MAF.CKLLIS 4 LFNTSOH'3, jITIC50 STUflET, HOBTH SIPl, Bt tween Third and Fourth. f "AV."TTNO 0(.n ir '3 of over? sMe and qnaiity. 4""A MNfid made and put up to order. PT llom't fnrjre! No, :50S-B- J '.trffaiV :oKGlT. 8LIAW. DICK POK I ER. ' IIOILND THE CORNER" J5?L. Ok SALOON AND RESTAURANT. Comer Sixth Street and Court Place, crrosiTv; nrz city oofrt rooms, JjOiiiville, Ky- - & rcr.TSi:, Proprietor., 1l!AI,3t:t:ii!hoiii-!- . oft' da s.r.d ti'vht. i;r Lar-i- , 11 der i'h 1 .V- ifj, PoYitry, a.L'i Oycter?. Tho in he iuarke. in our 8 .loon pre tf- fo. ind iufcf. Lijuct and Cieurs of tbe in KentueVp for J. T. Pnrd'a X, XX. and XXX PM? Cream ar j Li :ck Alej; vhtuetjis, iu bAJTtla aud li.ii barrelc, or in the bo'tie. c:.i; uofnd top roRi:n " ni-- MAitf Brandies & Crawford, HAVJ? removed to nrw Warbouw or, the wutb- - Vew!!lriy th market price for all Mn3j of Or.ia, delivered at our store oral any good sbtpphig point oa the 0 o river. d'iS dtf BRAVnKIS A f!RAVFORO. ijowuii:it OF AT.L jna! !'!3 o;j hc.nd ami fm f lie oy DAViii & i'iKD, Aientfl for tho Mjniiifacturrf. Davis kei, Agonta of Oiio'iai Powder o.. Ijoutfvuie: Jc:.?ti V.Vh ive bAnu-li- 8 vnor B'aetir.g Powder and a t .' plinre in tt.itintt that we tlnd it if uut upr'iior vj auy Powder tu;t v. e have ever v.'L Altl'liL'tt CASIPPELI, for Smith & am:- - or. I ccrd'allr coan'r in the aboye aiid cheerfully recorn- - meao it Lo ue puijilc. L. bJll 1 il. I cutifider the aLove Povior Eiperior to snvwe bare ov or be.ii ablt to obtain. H. FOSKl'f. V" ploasure in rec(n.T',,'5!Df ycir Indian Orien- tal l'.i'le F-- der as etiotl if not superior to any we havn ovr uee"l, it fiiifc' very chanl aud etroi'.. Thii we bshsit h.'zat & tn'jroasb trial. K jure, GEii-.-- W. V.'OMACK, J. FUV LAWr.ENCE, 8 P. liUOWOEit, H A. ZACH-Vit- L. TAYLOR. fc7 fltf A BFP.N5. ONE EXT it A NAVV bIZE KEVOEVER for mle at 0. ORMaliY'n, S a Main st. CAVALRT OA.UNTL23TS! CAVALHY G AUW TLUT S! now un band a lare apportm-n- t o'" for Civil ry aud other Milit-ar- pur- - pcaen, auu foi eat" l"1" t UPKUl Lo MANDCVUJ.E'S, Cunier l'o.ii-.- h and b".. IP It Fmier nl H"tl. lorb PA- Fit AND ENVr.LOt'6, with tbe Sthrs and btrip.-H- . Erie? of Envelops. ii pr l,0i-- or 61 pr Note Piper, i uJ pei- ream or ii cU per liiie at I'. MADDEN'5 BOOKSTORE, --a I Third atrvt't. l"Sinipiei B.'Dt oo recwi-- t cts lu lucuey or k.ant. cscap: cbsap: OSSAt! F 0 C A 8 Ii .1- - If, ?.' Or MkIh ftroit, oy.iOLiite the Nr.tloual In now bU etegan of HEN'.- - A Ri Y8' :LO rHINO. E'.clurlvely f x caab AT great" y reducTl piiiee. M EN' 8 SLITt?; Hovfl efjirs: CHlLt'KEN 3 F'; bb!i W!ii' FL-h- ; EJ Trout; rtx3iv,-- p:.i- Eiilroad and for Irr r.in GAKDNgR ft CO. 3iAKK. U. F. DOWNS. KCt:iVi: THIN DAY Oryi.inii Lavnc. aiid Jicouett; Paiii? piiuted Cheoi'fd CtisllK..: and i'.m-- h Chintz acd Calicoen; Honoet f.nd llt RibMun; An r. gentral atccb of Eniiit-cti- and fltaol GfA. crJ MARK & fKWN3. li Main if. fcJdFT caUSHED SUGAUB-H- i'J tbla Baltimore A A 11 Soft Siuar met recived and for nai! Uy iu31 AND'W EC 'HAN A A CO. RIO COFFEE -1- 10 kin good t prime f.io Cottee Btore .id for tale bv at AND'W B CHANAN & CO. 50 : a:e ASVS by BliEEf SilNO, superior article, for a! WALL AC E. LI I UGOW, A TO. lX'iTtA FAMILY FLOFR-- i bbto relf brated So. I J r lafca Fl" ir m ton1 ai d i'n by niU W. a j) Kt KKIMhlH-- 417 Market '. N LN'jr.iLa j ub'. k. c et, i'Iiuui, ', Frooi,i-- . Miii Baek-'ti- Mopa. tc . In rtne aud ior S l.y ii hi.ns iiir to niLie m -- tor- and ir nal IE3 i XJ"T,3. 7f' dVdy n'ceivh Anwi f:an prints, to fckh we invite tue ot u.r c:h oalv, we e.o ai.d will oi.il thrai cheaper ch.w auy Wetrn uotwe, a,r,i can aibnl to do it. nr .7 VMFH T,OW A TO. ME" HF.Kf An exceiitiut quality oi d Oi .ed liof.f for naie D m2 HTRHfTT A RON CtOP.L'aGi: O.tt.on Ropa, aecorted Bleep; gin) anid Manilla d, do do; Mj no jut--- ' it". to d.-- ; dCif-- !(- - -; do l ' !mn d oi do ViuHla do; loO do UARi: MEDICAL. I 3FL. XT Sj Xji'Sj Louisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, COMJIXTBD ON TOR PLAN OF TRK HOSPITAL D13 VHNKIUEN3, PAKI3 rri7rrrr ' -- V- tiAfl alrlrfl wHh any v fonn oi Private I i - cm rer?i p pror.ipt Mthcut n" or epo?ure, vir: Sj"plii'.ij, GonoThci, (II. 'ef, titi ict'irnf, Ti.rrifi, C'iuirr. sr and C.hvIith-t?oua- l Srvl'lii"- - I'fjwof tti? Kid-i- t v,', f '.r. Hy this svsni it i? r- - d t!i:it the vpn.Tt U complaint fK s prtirf.ly nndrtr the control of mrt'.i',it:'' (is ii H coim-'O- ri)!d nr i!:'.pf tcV.-- f uj, fchil- - iTlSUltic'PTlt ? arod;i! eL'tUr.g ;vay ti.ir j'ftiffi' in lio'fl.-tii'tis- , rM'i ("ivii-- them up only f'.im tiif nrj hioi p;'jin', com pit' a per aiiW.t d are contrtntly b?ir; errtwd at thin It'f.nufvT ". YDl'Nd Jt IN, TAKE rAKfU'.T.MR NOTICK.-- Fr. 1J. devoted mi:ch rf h'-- li.a lrer.mput of thoft Cf'Be? cA'.i.'fd tiy a rrr-- I'bit v. ;ch .h borii bodv t.nd i;:irid, mii.ttit f. t'i " nmorfunftle iuf?ivi'ii-'h.- tor either buMoeds or i'. Tttt? fad .ii-zt oV thr.so or tbe (xrp?-.n- ript:r vnars, r.n r 7ial;e aj.d dcbilitatii t.ha ini.-ti- ! nt.ion. d'.roy physir.jil and riental xover?, diininisb and Pdf.ble tM nVtiirr.1 ir and exhaiittt tie vitiil eniriw of manhood; tUe plcft'urirs ot' l'n tvc n:ar:t d. the ot kiiarri:.r and ai. i;c ic- - li ruiiditrr'J a teviu oi iinivw-in- s n.iflfry and reyr'. Siu-- thio ooi.Winrlatine larrtct'c, honld lone no time lo mr.k Irnrtit'didie implication, ft' Or. 11., by his c- - tvatiiicut, le fitabicd to Mi.ir1 a and p:nnM)t-ii- t eiirr. DK. HALL'S IT.KI' DlOAL PILLS. No article of intond-- for ti:i exrj laivu U30 of feror.lee has evnr jt ten iutrMiiciHi that has tnven i'ch rnivcrfal as the AifiorWti Perijdical Pli. Th-- caq l9 r.'ii.nl on lu Ml c.vvit? o( MH:istri;.i! OK'tniO- - tioti, ,jc., a pure Ana oae luiubdy. Pai'iGtf !iv ii's a a dl'auoe &tn ba cured at hme by wndhig a dedcnytion of tacir aaa iucloc u.g a eont t ar.r iddrw. l'Kfccr No. l!- - J.'3-rs- rtt, h'tPen First and 8L!C.ind. Oiiies opea liotu 7 A- - M. to i. M. ,lL4dTf ' . HALL. M T GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Charts rod by tho If i?iatnre of Ily. For (iie Cure of all Private Diseases, a zinsxoAZ. zjepox;?, (Ac Ana&mii ffi4 Phyatoloav (f tJie Sfsrttat Or gar.! t.i e cfrj c and IX PUICS OLY TEN CENT3. fy&at frise of pewtae t: all parts of the Uuiia.i On A HBW MrTTiTOD of ftrcat-Ui- ji Sbilis, Gonorrbca. 8mc-fcr.o-i, GLsOt, Sm.i; Fei'-ial- iiraf es, inid all nJuTtiona of the reprrdti'-tiv- i of efxea, the imjnit.tiot of youth ard arlsinit from the secret folii of both . ?. wiii a 0:11 troati on V AND SLMINAL few jj5 V.'KAKNKad, its deplorable cn- - ' ei'ieucJ'S. np-i- the mind and j bidy, rkolnti': out tha author1! ! piaxi of treat raeot, tbe only ra-- tional and succe?st:'l annif of cum, ac rh'wn by the re- port of caees trearM. A i nithlul adviser to Uie niai-rtt- and rjamace who n doubts of their phvptcal condition, bent to anv ancreas in a sealed wrwrp- - r on tho recolpt f TKN CliNTi or N COPIK3 FOK DOLL AIL Thoee aiiiicted with any of tae above dis.isPi before placing 'hrru.-elve- undr the treament of auy one. sh.i'ld first rad this invaluable jQt'lie Oxtinilliittf Surgeon na he cOtiH,il!d daily from UA. M.t)'.i P. M., oo all ot w h v.oik treatp; aid pati'-n- at a dhtanee, bv utiiut? a statement i their yintiir,irv can lutve ind icings f ut toaiiyjiart 01 the country i i'e f oin dampn or deleo-tion- . For particular-- se:id for on-- ' Hl.nik. (.hirt, a lint of our ttf. All pvori'iiti'. H!.r imI, mid coiiiL'iuu!t;'iVJU3 ctniuercd ct'K'ttisnttdL DK. I) fc: V KF.9 FKM ALU! MONTH TY UBviCLATOK, a sAt'e atd ccilatn rttuedy for Obitruciioiis, aud is the oa!y reliable graven t ive of preg- nancy." ( L'i'i('S. T!i'-- ' j.ilH not b1 t.i.en Pki;i,n vn. i. ar. they ::w to piod-ic- Mi AiuaAu p. ier .1 p. r N. ai d ma-- 'e t" ut h "ai). L1.N S UKAO - the or.ly of it- - hn-- in th-- t'nilfd S!at that hx he n ro'o-'u- ii d l"di'Mii! a t'lority. '.izrif p lb- - .14 eireot, between Maiitet mil joHrs-- a, - i 'Je ill tellers for Do!;i or M .','( iro-- bLiv.!J be dlrtcled X1- - TL73V3:. 3P.HICZ3, In Loui- - -- v.ueior i.ne iv-- r.na nav- - S ' '..Cr 1D ''' al" pi':Ciir-- ui t: e treiit-s-- f of ti:vj !ollo'.L-:i- , saucer, PiieG iloi.i Eye.j, Suli?, FiUMa, and to ren u fiie horrif.Vd ot Oaanist.-;- , or Lcn, h iz, i . fjj him proof to flptftuj any rts' meur oi rhi rr"n iw Lr. v. E. Lrc'-u- n .Jge, Judcc J. R. Ladorwood, JoLji-w- Ca;t. V. S. D. Mevr.wau. I bjiil a aud w? c iriMi by Ir. P: ice, t itLout the kiille or ligutuie, in b entbon days. JOSEPH YOUCR. rnA9T 10., ST. I bad ne,rro rraii vit-- i iatula, and was enreS bv Dr. Piic-- la threa vetkd. W M. BAiU). fioti!i, rr.L.1 I bad Firt'.iT'. bttn yeaie, wiih bLt aeuLnge, ted .u curtd by Dr. Fiia ui thioe v. -- k KILEY YriLLIAS;3. lavi a boa:.V.y and baprv rran, bavbig n cured from the borrii effecie ol unaniari, A. CFUZION. O.ics oa M irket, betivoon SUth and gevrnth ?ti , ciioiofiiijt a poitaa'o itictp, LouieTlL!e, Ky. PBIVATK MEDICAL TRKATISIS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 2TrO Pages and ISO Fr.e Fli'-i- and Colcrcd Lhographs. tWPRICE ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENT3.flJ fVder.t froe of ivetaje to ail perta of the Union.J ON the lTfirniti of youth ai'O ipturicy, d5.closlng the folheo of bi "!i cC.'.L of all ae, ;iiii if ( norvouj-nes- do; reijioii oi eiiirira, palpi- tation oi be hc.;rt. riii'cidnl lia- - ac.iiailori.s !nvo!:jnta;y h'tish- - "jI;."- fti(.rtiv' Memory, ludigee 'S-- - c Vv''l'-'-i- and latitude, Ac, compiis V"-'-- IJ'&ti-- .Vr'5, ijO paFeH, and itbUated and I - Jaii'e nnt'-ooi- '''z ii..'rri;-,;:o- wb-- i ocret doubT. o!" t.'.elr tutiditnn, ar.d fr- of h rg t'je b.taltn, and r.nvilr-i- ft wh'ch e.veiv h.ir-.i- i'.ing j in tMitlt-d- . '.'i! ii Coii1rK'"; of a IoiirO!:'.r 3ci:oo! ' at;oile-- i ttv.dent. aud a Y mg aiiiied L.d , m.i oi rcoi'inee and thni-in- iottiet-'i-- Youn- n. jbied with fneral-lycr.t- d ly a hi K.ibit in ycta, tVi rff'-c- of wbtch are uiizi.u-rs- , a line.uji in fht .'.rn, Tieak fyr-- .itueta oi the br-- md lower t"trerj(t!ed, coii"..-:v,-- J 'if hlrs l?y of ius"..iOry. t, irb oiela:icno!-.- , ji..-.- l' c ir d by the auVboi't NW PARIS ASK LONDON TREATMENT. We have for the ivabv of the pr?t year, our t.me in VlSfi'i.'i 'I HE El KPEAN lint-i'I- - TAl.S, avA'llil th kliowled.M p.nd ro- - pearche? of ti;e moat Rifled Physivian? sud fcri'i-o- in Eiirf-- 'oid on tV ici ma;i' t'F.lALir, I. EM d);.:, Ul;ORO, BriECHl-iTEAC- At TON, and J't'JiLlN(,S, of Ihe Fric-- i and Er,-- i h bylt-.l- 0;:r (..... tini laud, Eufflnud, IrelauJ, ol',and. r.nu aim, viiiting in or.r r .ito thepnncipal fi F.ris, London, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dreden, Berp.n, Am., Ac. We have been aiu;.!y n;-.i- by the aQoitioihi kaowN.'dge e havo acijiiirea in Lxp.i.jQeiit of ViiiiouB to TThtuh Wd have directed our attetith-n- The v, Lo phiLO theciselve under our care wi.i no hi", e tho h.ij-h- t uf the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES w hich ve are tumbled to iutroduco ini-- j our practice. tnd the public may r.dt of ttie eiine atal, r.?iidiity, SEViiECk', and ii tent ion wiid io tieir cai.3e. which o &ucc. iliy liisEniHhod r.a a. j a Phyeiclin ia or PLC L LI Ait ddpii'iiuuut oi prof!-eiou- piv.ctice. I Median!. aith full dir.xioi: er'i'.t 'oaLi7 prtoftbe thr.r iutoi.ii! by iet.r. L tciUbii Co: . ev Jouce ft.-i-r' , coniidn lis!. ?0r. L.'n Ouict I 6','Al lottit5 fc ?'tb;5u:d: :.nd?r tbe s cf LA CKoiZL lyTi ",fr7 to all le'tfl" J Jv-- "Tift: LACR'MX MEDICAL INSTlTCTE, 4d twtf Nu. M.Lideu Lane, Aih;iuy, N. Y. No. :tll Fourth si,, bet, Clarke and JetTrrs-i- , MANUFACTFHKK AN JijHBEK OF EVERY Fins Linnond M :un iut.'B and all the view Hyiei1 of Fine ljpir?cr'K Ornacieate o:ieciitod in the tno't eierior style, of the best AH worjc warranted, trices raaouable. Old old ieii in ejrebanpe. dly NEW PliOTCGRAPH GALLERY. Mewrn. GARRETT A NICKFKSON hive pnr- - lcha-- the GALLERY on Ma-- etret, between Second and Third, Eoiiirvll!e, Kr.. formerly occvi-- rj;ied by Mr. G. T. flbaw, in vhicb they Lave Joe tr onsmerable exiecfe in retittlne. The Gallery b l iio-- certainly the very tinpt In tlie Wet. We ar-- 8 prepared to inmi'di all ntyles of i ictn's Known ir: w I h. art. Photographs in c it, wat;r colore, and In-- r Edia Ink. Eatiuir-ctio- n glrea to ail. Givo us a call J g C. Alftki GaRtiiTT. Gr.o. If. ! ir-f- Gallery Is cbed on Snndy. inaylfl i am no tf r.L'.W (iu"i;S, vit va cha?ed. and wonid c:ot reeoect:uil ;ifk a citl frooj all tlte wvbii to vjrebft-tr--i- Pruire. l Ci emtcals, I il4, and IhivK') in fU'ie a wry ifi aud comMi-i- t:oca oi virgiuja, M'?".' :ri, aud Keuiky Manulari ured Tobai, and win ew indcenifu'.a ti t'.ivo! wi?Lijc to puicbj.ee for each or prompt ooni--i.- - a hn,n ro4 EOWAKO WFT.OFF. 'HM.I..I tLoUv A No, 1 Extra Flour; tHi tb One do: In itore and roet.lvius dallv and for rale b? JNK'W HE(;H AN AN A CO., niQ r!or'i"r SorT'd md pts )i CASKS Fa NO FKlNirt, tipiague'ij, Ameri-OI"- J ce.'i. Ludi' If;, an 1 Tarony: l'O t.Kri I,'M()N FANCY PRINT?: K. ctfivod and foi- - aale for r ah onb by JAMEtt LOW A GO., aSo Sr. and wett dide Sirtn ti. L caks Madotra Vr me; I) rto Port ; bb do; In itore Atid tor etie by ru 7 MAltn ALL HALPFTIT H CO. tOTTON YARN nar.liori; i do Carp-'- t Cialn: bftlit Cotton Twir,?; cId Cauuio-V.'ici- Vjo do No. 1 Hi '.ine- r tale br ; AS i t. KM A N. Ml'RRKLL. A 0. FFEE JO. Hio Cotiee for bv GARDNER & CO. I E E bo5d of fine quality In ft ore and for ia bv TpiI'. MIR'-IT- A BON. CIGxlRS! CIGAIIS! OF niRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, couipnsiug a lot of tbe very K-- t Lrautla, ich a: fcREVAS INTI MID AD; LONDRE3 INTiMIDAD; CONCHAS WASHINGTON; CONCHAS LL'CLRO; KEG A LI A WASHING ION; REGALIA Ll'CERO; REGALIA LOS ANDF-"- ; LoNDHES DISTRACTION, tc Ah.'ai a ou hiLid and for a'-- J bt wholeeat- - and rftill by ctt No. 3:5 y.iTi t., uad'-- the Louiaviiia Ha tel. NATIVE WINKiJ io cj.:- -t Mx fcp.:riGii-l- j C&tn., ba; L'S f.'j J?:.U ot In t'.oic nu f"' In .,iit ! tr pnrchl- - eteiibj 2; J. P. 'i'ii':.Ua0.v ":io;uu:;1 Wooden W&re, 3:coi, Cordage, Jhc. of Boe'tie, Tulu, C1iji u, onr- - AFFLL V"ij1i'D l,wl-tn- V i. lotb-- f P:..n full Rolliu Fujj, Pot.-.t- M !. re, M. a"ur-.T- , M' DMr i'lohn", ticrvfdt Ki1?'- - Bu-- k l:, '"' v-'- kiuii.-;- , l , V.rr.,;,pri Pa-- r a'i Psji.-- r Btf-- , cin:o'reii,4 r:bet', 'I rot Seli.e 'i'wtne siilu l i'U Line"; Flax. l 'isp. and v otioa Tv me; Ileoip. and :ortin Kope; and Black-!:iH- , rtcruo, and j iiatli Fatiref, Eciuon mo'v.- ii'. Wvf.H-'tLo- f:i;v', Ac ; iu i'lor-- : ' 1 for if. at, i - i;lUS bT OP.'.tlN R,',WS.jN. rn b' 'I f'fi n Mi for saif oy H A fbN. W. H. STOKES, (BUXJE880B TO E. A W. H. 8TOKIW), IMPORTEK AND DEALER IN COACH AND SADDLERY IlAitDWAlE, Saddlery Warcliouse, No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sisth, Ijoulsvillo, K.y. PMir?hnt and Mannfuetnrer would find it to their cba aiid ordrr troiii a ditanrp will be ftttndrtj to a If M ISC EUt , A IVECmS OASII! C ASII! Great Sacrifice of lac:t;s, kmru- d:i;i:iKB. fancy goods, hoop SKIKTH, HOSIKJIV, V.'HITK GODS. LINKS CAM-BKI- :, J LOM:Tnd SWISS E:iUINS and INSEKT-INGS- , ,TAfO!iET, SWl.S. aul L. Y. I'LOUNOINOS, and lu fliort our ei:re etotU, rorpr'ning the r.io't beau- tiful ueflgne and style,-- . Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The ladl-- s will do w.'U to cll at once and if cure, the great t aud uiojt deirale ItAKiiAlNSof tiieaeaeou. iKIttI TA CANNON, xii7 Fou rrli t opposite Hall. rsiiv GOODS. VrK liave on hud a rood e'ock of OKV K,'00, to which invito tho altotion oi" tbe tiada. Tcruit oauu o. iii--i; I JMKS LOW & CO., t:i7 tlrt .'' ido nt. pDrc Concectratod Bztract of Jamaica Ginger MANLTACTt'EilD and lor sale wfcolnwile aid retail CAPlTOIi LKl'O FTilUPs (lppo-'it- ttie Pojt otrice. O. IL STKaTTAN, Ft Gwynn's Prepared White Glue MANUFAOTUULO fcr the trade by O. U STRATTAV, Capitol Drug 8Txre. Camphorated Amica Zjiatraont M for ca'g at mv MAM"i-"ACrCill5- I O- IL bTRATTA.N. Oni-i- , Oopotdte the For Invalids. riViMC WlE BiTTFJAS dlsoenscMl with Sort Wi 1 U;r. O. H. flTKATTAN. the PHESCRIPTIONS. AM prepH'-e- to render ?atfaction U the good I cllii:.;Ui of LumsvlHf) in tubs d. r irtiue-i- t ol mv buei- - j O. ii. Bl itA i 1 ApotlH cry, .j tt dtf OppiHile tb j When you so to NKW YUKti, drive direct to tbe I SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OF HOUSTON STREET. ON THE KL'KOPKAN PLAN. Good CONDUCTED prompt attendance, and mderat cbaig-- S.iiie oo cents 7.ric.:ut-j- and $' ibi . Dcu':.!( i jm cri parlor il 60 to Meal- - a.' oviif-n--! Thii Hotel haqn.ll the appou.tmeuW ef ttie hT-- t U, a n. it central locate and ia heated throimiiout by a team, mi q:tu SAMTl'.L E MKM), Proprietrr. OLItISTEAD & O'COKXOR (Successors to Joa. Rosl SSA3Cnns XW PITTSBURG AND JPTOXiTA CAN N 22 Lt CGAZ., And Sole Agents foi tbe OROP.HS for any of the above k;atB ropfx:ful!y proinyUy biiod at We lowest market prices. Couta!tly on h?n! a Jar tM "PEYTON A CAKNEf." and "FFuVCOCS" POMLRt)Y COALS, whi-.-- tor kltchf-n- , prlr, or chauibor ue have uou. perl or. Third between Ma rket at Kbb'-- J old Biand; aud at No. ifc.'i, srmt.hu-es- corner Lrook aud i;arkwt strebl. d j KIKZEN, R0SEN,&C0, IXMJjA s: iiaiiu i Market Street, North aids, b&tweoa Sixth and Sov&ath, LOUISVILLE, KY. t"Alvye cn lind a con:i-kt- aeeortment of PIANOS at rbaoaabie prices. aepii dly I&AX-- T ikJB HOPS IT'or Sale. Casls paid for Barley AT TV 2 REMITRY MILT HOUSE, SOUTH I!E rIAUKKT STKKET, CctKetn Sixth and Servb. jRiu-Jd- JO TIN ENOiEV CO. FLACK ANP FANCY P) '.OA DC LOT Li 3, FANCY AND SILK MIXED CA8SIMERF.3, faiLii AND MAKSUiLLES VESTING, tl;:-!M!nc- of all iuno.h, Aov1 ft comil-t- e atuortmnt of eveiv artlo'e a;r-tt.bjb:- a to .V.fta'e Wf ar, to woicii .e cail the alteuiion oi" CAih a'.u yokjl buytrj. J. VON SUJRHIjE 4: Om n;V C'otb t!ou. No. Main rt. CP.aH t;!D!'K7 Lbli puie Crab Cid just reoeived ior &.ie by JN0. F. HOWARD A CO., RJ3 Vain, h'n-pw- Tbid "rt fit. KI.Kl'i. AN't WMi 'H '5 R irs Nof. 1. 3. :iud it ilivclt-rt)l- : 10 Sobif. V Iu store and tor ti.17 tnM W. "I'KfM TfKT, 41? Ci(.KEi;E Ml. Kio Cotiue jusl mceiveo pa John ttiue aud for sale by c .'i WM. CAY ?. 'lll.-E- 6'J bLl- - superior :i and j year old Bourbou Wbifky oc concin iiufTit and for sale bv aS W. H. WKKHAKDT, 417 Markfi rt. HANDLES O.oo Hams, Sides, and Shouldi-- in bioro a. id bir &h1 by fHWA-- Pi- - tv.i S AM CATCHUPS - aoJ ('iitcn;: 5, Saucen. P; wrji-- i f'ile. Lb' cotai-;- . C'ftiota, uc, mt fi-iv- and L'T L'jAF SL OAl'. 5 bbls Cut Loaf DUgrjuetr ei td tiid for bain by AND'W KECHANAN ft CO (eJIItl F t, lj.i::' and extra Gulden isinp iu and o reic.il by OlBBiTT A SON. (Ev.'YEE-S- I EO T& ba; prima Clover-Set-- just re- - aua ior i.!e bv INO. F. HOWARD A CO.. m'.-- Main betwr. r. Third and Fourth ea. I AVA Ct;FFEK IM uiate choice old Java in itore " and btr Aie b UlLOKEiS'ri CAKKiAUEti - - i'j Wor.diii Cabi, Giff', and ('hlise T' WiUwrf Cab?, piaiu and brnm:;'d; Aleo Wiu-e- and separately; Tu?t recfived ;it ti.o Vucden Ware and FrO(ai Store and for Je jaw by ORK1N RAWSON, aM ifin tflxen Third md FmiTth. I'r ;6 c".iikG rlcu rewivf-- ,ind for aale by v . f. jut i. rn. 11I K - I )j Fine FT" it; !". b: o. 1 In tiore aud i.i t,lo t.y AMm KCCilANAN CO.. rnC'7 (on:pr h" Vih!ru,tftn t. j CIH It'E TEAS -- U5 parkae choice Gree.il " f f aoii Biacx Teaa, ireeh fciin al. In eio and for n sale by eJiC mij HTPFITT A KN. APLE MOLA?t B Just reset vd 2 bbia rnm 1 Mcla-ee- s in e'jre and for naie bv iTi to HlBRITT A PON. lOLAhPt; io? landing from ikam ''1 or Magenta and ior aal" . RAWflON. Torr. A CO. lCXIiREL AND S L.M uN in whjla, half, and i 1 quart;!' I Ma and ou iviaii by HIRHITT A SON. X I AtiKEKKL 2ih whol. ui:d half hbn Noa. 1. a, and S 1' Mackerel in niara and tor :Jh bv AND'W HUCRANAN A CO. IO Co Fr.E5i0 ba? b-- .md prime K.o Cof 1.1- - bit iu rore and tor suln by ANTVW PI't'IUNAN OO. I KlEO RhKF AND TONGn'r-l- O 1IM Dried Beef " ' and ; dv;c-:- T'j'isuea tor pal- - b 1'IREITT A SON. tJ'l&ll TF.A8 A And dc irar.I aw i ot choice Flack and Or-e- Tea cu hand 7 .t1 ajid fur aaia cheap ior . ,L T. LANHAM A CO., lTntvrtr of TV. TMM- -t IVUNE BRANDY, WHIfKf, do.ni Copnac Brand r; do old B .nrnn county vTiUky, '( do o'd A; 'pie Brandy; WisitiiHy'g Club House Glm i do old lilim- nt J. P. THOMPSON"?. To FtirrhBt. nRH D FRi I 1' A choice anicle pe(dd and unpeeled Drirr Appiea, and French aud GuraiaQ Pninet in eVre and for nalc by n" W ft H RruKHAWDT. 417 MrVt rf. 4 1 LAKET 4eajk3 superior Clart m store mid tor sale dv L..l WM. GAY. PP.INT3 - 4 Ti:rkey roJ Print.?: lJy do new Btyle Print!; Received aud for sale by JAMF3 LOW A CO., r;SJ aud 21j west side Sixth tt. CANOLr.fi -- A full Bup,;ly Paraffin Wax, 8perta,Star, Candles i'i etor and for puip by r.i$ W. A I!. HFRKHAKl'T. I? Mart-P- t t. IIOLA.LR - i'O bin? PIaafa-ti.ju- 1 .'i dj; i j."- io: iu whole, V. and ; b:.ls (hildm for sale by T ' AS TLfM A N. M I'RkKLL. A ui. 1 ENTL'CKK I liD 30 k'CP priiiio f?.r:;!v Lard for 1 boie Ayple Erandy; Vjj tA t. B. Wbi.-ty- : iiJJ bi;ie E'crin-'- d..; I j r.r.d L( Sue French BrauJw 7n and for ah bv fal.V .f. MONXS. FIA.VILY UAMS nf various b andr, (q aud coud ou hand aud lor tale retail .;id whoUnale by k T ViT" OPFV'D. Main t. "UlAMPAGNK U.) boxes anfcorbd bitiart, ointe, and V- - oi.,?MF) In Buore aud for bale low by COKEEK Mu mars f.no old received per rail Wl.J f t r II? RAWSON, TODD, CO tntprect to examine my ftoct bofore irakingrb.nir pr" madP io person. aw.w.wtf 31 IIS CELL AN E(i f S OSIco of tho American Sxposs Co., Lncisvuxt, M.r pecuiier odor of a mut thit lNrtll-VAVir- hw aoatin fr.(in thir f.enons and m..st probably r.i'0'.'iin-- d Aruut ot in . a.y Air nean Fxpre- Company at L .iiisvMlp, Kv., in p' ex' Kna.su exhaled from the Kin find US mir.ut glands and LIVINGSTON, FALU. a t'i .. follicles. Now, this must srise from aQ unl:;ltliy r dTi state of the blocJ, which mi:t a djlcter-- ioup intlueiice the p;erui.y, bud the Tnsl f ii. i on system on 'al f 001 ' orna cmne-te- with i pjrat ions of the mind in T MVFftlBNDS AND FORMKR .ATM)N9- -I paVricuiar, ami arv meana which effect the wor Id infonn my old cii'tomcr t hut, - to - found at the Wm. 1, hiryby o.Jt Me nova! of the vi'u-te- humors and other tocrour ;i3 Foiii-t.I- fireet, bet. Main and Kier, , in uP must b3iieU. the disordered intellect and proba'dy hapiiy to bethHtnoanpoi.r:rm7 U all wiure f cure tie and tain tod svtt-- whjre oilier tl.e)-- t and riicaKHt Piitebnrc and Harford Cin Coal have failed I hive f mnrt th:U ac" ive and now in the rity. Having iiood t. Knu, dnvt- - , and 'u.wl,; , detenu ined to I ho're that I win fe&U j. .rf.-- . X'lolent exercise, powerful puu ribce, an.l n't batii.i in driving a brink trade with my old man. ' ll p.od haya failed in correcting thU unLeaUhy aolion n rjiodM il i. TO BUSIWBS3 WW. An escppent chance for reliable buiinn.en tose. iro aprnjirabie n.nnuiact-irni- rr-iHi-u bi ta !i;aU capital in iti ee'abii?i.uiei;l THK nanufact-.ir- co:itI.-t- J in th? r.i (PcsMoi: of ivp 00fi;jOr!ti-i- or lo r a brie!:. and n. vArlfltv nf orhr huihh;.e rn". rkl. nranmHii il cciiinga, iloori a:.J ,'or SennUT IJoula A tt,, .,..,-,- 1 f ter v.bi;h v. in New Vu;k Hera!-!- how- - pi irer wb;;e to the tteiv-s- t black, v it1 ill h rol i c ehaHe berwpen. It ioiHrt to thri nlcled te wliki. it lu applied a hardnef and iniv-- t itiCitviiL-t'-- and a beauty Kurpa.e4tig tfiit oi rife- - .rd tucpt comiyot tne varief;led nairiie, anl, unlit, ttiem. inipr vious to moii-tu- i ,and w! II uevtvfude, '., in, or eotlug bat a jirt of tho pi e f ordu a.y muroie. U u al.-- o valuable fcr tabic and nd tow, -a- nt'o- luODiinienU4, and an ei;ti1'Wi" t.:'l os ottiarf-- - fleets, of staple no 'I't-- uf ai;piri;ir t.i eDaiel lv si tuple, wtIV r:,e .rricbjn l com- - ii4.ni! a ri'iidv jle,. iti rdmi: inti e t. rti patent io- - r town mi tbe i tt.Ttd to rj'it. HDV cb'ir' '1 I b anp!yiii mh-jc- A?fai; tKiifi .IbM- the urticles luaoutar-tiirw- w'.t be required iV the uwe of the invention. ('Srenla f giving full paitlculr.ra will bo forA.-ude- I all applcan'.. The uint and bedutv cf this 'ianieled buildup to anything iu use ha the n- -d ihu'ji prui-i.- i, u,ni: iu; nii'.'i r eiuent ai. il jiCXs and eclentWic men of thin and otbur clile. For address KiitNsois v pi:ai General Ag'ts for Bnildin-- j Mntorial, JT, iNAortAl' .M.w Voi K. "t BTATIONKKYaud pne one-- ttiid less tlian cm i purchA?id . re. 4!a'l on or aarew isrwup Micios.a . u. HiiLr.i, ro - r?f17f.TirmS L. 8. B. do CJIETY V.. RAf.V, Agent), j i'l-ee- n street, the Jonrott.1 Office Aa n t1" and for sale id ouautl'leB 6 ' f Ito 'It pnrchafeco a fi:.o oi A jjJVVlNLS and LLQL'Oiitf, uuch as &i ltOHOKALT. BOIRKONE. COf3NA-M- Bordeaux; IViu.mxI; t)e Modo,; Frontignan; l,..'ie! St. Estephe. V&lney. Hnnte rlede I.an(nieJ-c- Motjoile, Vin de Tokay, Annarnae. aud Cordiala. n'ar4 rtiy - SOOTS ilHB SHO suitl AT r T7I a1 11 a HHf f T? I TITH ir bavin a Hrge nlnt Af T.cdieV and Wioti-- Boo, Sbo. and Oatt-r- i, on hand. atlft' hi- - OTtn u.Ji 'litJiw n.fra t o r,..l-.- ' prices for ca.h. ' Oenfa in want of 6ue CaifWln'er Boo' can be ar- - eonmodaiei at tha very k:w price of 67 per pair, for iTa'iot of JW- - and Boys' a,d Vu at cost for (Mail. D. d'ldrf Main, belov Thi d strt-- t. j ELIAS HOW, jr. and S.F. ROPER'S TTTP MOST II EC E NT IMPKOVED Shuttle SewingMachine FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. VttlCV, S7J Warranted the Best in aiketS riue hnu.ied, etrong and durable: wheel te, J ot eieat power: exceed niy In not a wire about It: all its part are rio admirably and ingenious ly arraiiced; cannot poiMy pet out of order, becai.se everytnir.it if ad juste!; nou bo easily uu- - derstood and orwat-- d, and news the rioat beaut stlteh evor beheld, alike or. both nldca. Toi- lora and all wno have aeen it proao.:nce It the heat Ma- - chine ever eet to th vicinity. Ail m cordi ill? in- - vlted to eiauilue it. T. JOUNciTX) Aent, nZWv 2v y Mirth rtffvt To Millers, Produce Merchants, and Dealers. 'HR rnbcrileT ofTerB hiicervicce tetb Prcdcoe Oeai- - ewm p'jrchap? (ill kind of Grain and Country Produce, Havifi hud lone ei?&rienfy at tb hueineM.he feel awirert tbat LeangiTaati41on to All who may employ hire. He will act aa apeat for tiie mrrrw rf bnylng Grsio and Produce in toe coauvJe ot FrantiUi, Woodiord, Scott. Favette. and adjoining counties. tr Refers to (rov. C Morobead end Col?.asl A. G. noup, Frankfort; Dia. W. S. Gaio and D. H. tn-p- JvSldt.f J. 0. JACK, K. V7. h',: LouUvUle, Kr. Mew t JACK BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, PEilTBIOHCflniSSlOBEEDiTO No. 51 u.rth ziio Main st., Ltweeu Third arid F'.rih rorirn.ix. hv. VGAR. i.'oll'i C AND MOLAiieES O .l lilid.s N. O. Su.t; ! IK' pi i!: Ri I V:7. c; b.'O b; !j Crcii, anJ Giinula St'gax; ,iu do PlantAnoa Molasei; 1" i.btd to ao; i) Jthuis Go'd-- Sirup: krd Goluua 3! run; In iiore aud for j.!e by JACK A Uaiii it. MANFFAtTt RED TOBACCO Ktuf Mujffouri Tobacco; 8i0 do J. Eilid do du; jJ do d; L u do Va. and Ky. tk-- , Vari..ui brault; Iu store and for aa'e bv jAiK ojh Mau: t. IUANS AND LIN315Y8 10i bulrf Nuiro Jfiiiia and v Liueyn iLt:st brand!") in ore un.l tor by JACK Si 5kMuli:nt. 1 ANAWHA BALT-3.f'- 00 hbl? Kacawba Sal lat J- - uadltity, iu storii a:id for si!-- b.' JACK & LROTHFP. SUNDRIES O hih' chetj Ten; !o iii B p.'- -c tic; 6) du.en Sfcker liro tn ; 75 do fair;.- wire t'.ed do; I '4) do Paiutcd riucketfj; ni.9t do Tjhj 7d dojc-'- Ziuc V'ol!-Bard- fHi toili Ro; e, ah eiz-a- t i) do H"iu;t o, dii; I' M boxes Stir ('audies; 4j do R:.i'- - h: ' I'o K:-- :a iio&H :.) do Pilui do: ft') do (rtt man bo&p: fcni ba Cottjn Vmn, all uiLfflbtr; do rp, t Chain; bal's Batihif; ;iJ do ( 'niuin-WIcf- i do Wmpplug Tlne; 15 bugs Spice. j do l.r, matr OuuiaiutKi: 8 Madras aod Manilla In !)"; U cakfl Madder; lo bblj Ab.iiu; 6 do Bolpbur: ' M c&Ke Newcst'Ue Soda 1 ca.-- Nutjue?: aOC'X-- G. D.aud 8. B. Cπ "5 grnns Matches; 'r ou Ma? na larae and iinall I'lftcaiafi; j SO b.xe- - - t'oite-- Candy; 40 bble CidT Vines ir; -- a kcee N'diiri, nuoibun; On bvd aud for es.1e by tire BROTH Rt" Vain SPROILB&MUDEVILLE, i Wholesale and Ketail DeRlcit inViat) ni t m tp TiT r iLjy Furiiisliinir Goods FOR OASII ONLY, Eontkeast corner Main uin, It LOFTRVrbT y. KY. PECANS lu irt-j- h Pecans just IRESM and for nale by m'J' W. M HITRKHAROV. 41? Market 't. S(TAKJ bnoi tair To iiKr received pe. John Kaine and for le by ,K ' t wnons IKG-- TiWACCO Hrowu'e and cf an ex- - l tra quality, for ea!e by LIEBiTT & SON. W-- find a Wf'tl-f-- ji crock o:' HA Jgj CAPS, ar.d S I'KAW GOOD - at No. Main rtret, wbirb cv.u b"; piticbitefd to hSfc er tiAii (rood- - bav v.r before Un fo.d :i ' ho'.e- do; For sale low to c!oe coniiynrrient. a' G ARDNVril ft CO. IISH Salmon, Maciterei, and Bardinea in and oil retail by xaU UIPUTTT & BCN. 14 bbJi prime landing from iteauit Pey- - ' for aale ?Z"Ti:Jr2nr- - 1APLF pare Maple Snsar Junt re- - 11 ct.ived an.l alo tti vi W H. HI KKHAKI1T. bfinki Slgak-H- hi bb Baitiaore B 8oft at receiv-- and for M.lf L RAWrivN. TODP, 4 CO. SIIFKTING6-cae- ea brown 8'.ee!i;jf; lo do 4 rleaii d 6 di 4 ij io; Just recall td uad for sale by LOW '.'0. 5t'ifl and Jin '"t Si-- ICC & ticrc priia- - Rice i;tt rivd and for ile Treab. Llua Xiicti Water IN nora and for sale ty . HUGM PP.F.NT C, JS Sbcou-- St., bytwteu Maia aud River, i"A'ii"it ri; f.is hhl U!,-- Ko. 1 CADbrr OH n ee.v.d per Railroad anJ nele by Jl v" Ml)i i m-I- rbjar bidea in and tor AND'W FT'. J1AMAM A CO. Mjl p F N SIRUP oh-- and bin' bf - Haltlnore Simp in ftuif aud to? ov A.NTW liUt.'lf bN Ol. LOUIISVILLE JOURNAL Eiticct or Tun Tl"rkiii Bath on Lcnacy At the raoelin' of tbo Coil: t Lunatic last wet I;, a report vrt,5 reail by Dr Por, resl- -j tlent plivaician, en tha working of the Turi-- h Bat)i in tha alum. Since the opening of the bitb in Januaiy Uct, one h.mdred and twentv-fuu- r pi-- j tient? have heen to its action. Out of these ten are ili?chareJ curd, while fifty-tw- o ere improved and irr.rirf-ving- . Sixty remain ud- - , ... . r . Kiiiii:jDit u':.'HK 1 ci,5 uj ihblv furs Bianuinj, ' Tha fullowin is tho r;iticn;ile f e rt the lurKin Lath in c;i e.s ci in.iaru"y: Any er.o vlk tljose su'T.trin urdcr t h ia riiitti-- iMTinnt f 'A til nvriv f hut llmra ia a tbo skin and it.- l ind.s. , " . JNTRItKn TINU I'KfAi: or J X,loLAs o HCRI. CuN'K TiNi WITH HIS fAMll.V AND TH K LAT10I.HJ Ultll'rt' U e Live fc l ;eau y r..,IJ' 1,.1 fmrrs thi i"n'irrn rfin(,-- 3 ih. cannral r "" " e ever, so nvuiy tdi'.ion-- l tiatails we reproduce It: At hb-u- e'evun o'clock on Sunday Bishop Iman c:i! led Rt ri'iuett of LionJi to converia wi;h fti.r. Li:is. who v.ud lln, ti,me- - 'nal. Mr. l urM irnL.i--B- .' .y i ol v.'-- uui..' i. u"u his t'nitif.jat F.t the viiit. i'i.-h'.- J)tl''an fio-- ask'1!: '"Mr. Ihiuir'ai von evor Leon b:iiOzed The Bishop cobtinued; Do voa dvsiro to have ma.-- ?aiu after the or- - ainarco- - of tbo hciv (Juth'.'lic Church? fho an- - swor wa: 'N'Vir; wb'.a I do I viil with yon freo'y.' The rlUb-.- then turcoxl to .Mr. acJ Eai;l: 'fo yiia tliivk be Is fully poee-'-e- of hU men- tal facul'.ieK' ' Mr. n'o'io.'i, ''1 io know poi hups vou hid better c.--k hi.ii aaiii." f he rtpeati-- bis question, tu which !r. TjlUJlrijs in strong, full vr, c; -- iou ui.tai.dmo. When I deiro if. I wilt comtnuTicito vi'h vo:i frselv. The Ui hn, ,hMi reui-ivl- ed to Mr. lihndo-i- , "He ut.douliierliv in hi? riht mrjl. and dovs not desire my othco-j.- " lie tl;en wilbd ew. L uring thei:iy (Sunujyl Mr. Douglas beeme'I io be mu h better, ai J n hrcr. verw u of his rc :ov tu ; to slept miii"t. ut the riav, and in tho ovenitif; itjanieU much refreshed. Wri. L'ouia? and Mr ulni rem-iin- isith him du rintf the niht. At about ! cl'ck on Moadav arrhitectuiul t:iiiibip, fictj rbPreciin(-- ; t death. e Ilr.:! the any city j according UlO of ?' Mr. r.n r raptorial Enameled ?T5T ft adloinlcy MAitoilALL, permanently irrain Loinnvaiefor 8. bn.f F.ROTHKfL B.'.iuncydo LKOTilER, BROTHER, Id Li ca-'- e .I.U'K RR. and ronrth "'V-'- aUOAKr.w Jeiieraonville ( sulnnitted conversant inrr:,iiur, X?' niornirjr be ncerned to L j niuch sank rapidiv; hia friends were eont for, and, at the re-- j quet of MrB Uoui vp, Bishop Dugian ;tain h 'tt', him. N)on .".tier t!;e Birhnp entered, he p proicLfl the und, aJdresin tha paliuut, Sap1: "Mr. vou hnow your- ovvn conditiiii fu;lv, ai-- in wvw f yiur aj roaclitnc - ion do vou d ire the Ctremjiiv of unc ticn to he Tjrfirm-f- - filr. Ii)Ui.i ropiied; I ii,, . , i t. . ft p,( p.lH to discus j thirgs 1 he KH;op then Viri.ai'tvr. After 1.9 hal eone. y.n V r cpieated Mr. Khdcf to heLr d if he dHjired the mini- - ration of any other cl rivmao. i.boutrt tbvn etid to ilr. LXiUirhi: Dn v(n knov; the t To vw.ich Mr. Douglas replied: 'Nearly every cue uf them " Mr. Rhodes "I-i- ! yon wih to hr.ve either or ony of them call to nee you apon re liic.'.'.s subjects?" Mr. OoUfili "So, 1 thank vou." i;, - .1;. t-- l.a to have hi poiioD in bed t!e hiid, . , . Pnf1. ariU "w8 r:-s- J- Wr; R'l0ltM liiiod hirn 10 an essicr f.osture. v. hiro he C 'll'd Io k out ho btrcot, ai d dririk in tbo fv.oh m :rni1 a'T- - V.r - Lw ryvimp-it- j hn qft'Tfld to "tw lue. 1 lien he heis to Sir !: awav; Iih e OS otrliallv cl 'SC'I. ard in clow and measured cadeo'eca, with conidwrabie p.iU- -3 batveen e?icb , SLCei t, he LUor--J- ; 'Leab. Uoalii . leatb. AT "or this Iio 6 oinwl to revive siih'ly, arid Mr Kh'-vi- ak d him whether ha hfid any te- - to sent, to hi nv ther, tr sifter , er hp bo; 3 ' Rubbv" :in. "Htei to r. hk-- he maci'j r;K- - not . n,r 4i a i r v, , " , I " " tlnn- - r- - Luimhis t.icn p.uc bar arm arirjuU j his nck a.ti a.ii-i- .yv dosr J.. oti hnc-v- 1CcUt':i Dan?' " v" ''' ne rerne l sirs. cnturued: 'Vour!"vc ulA Stev'te, vcur m,.i- - them!-- '' The uvipi; ro:in replied: 1 )'iriUm t r.,'viho lavs RirJ stippr the the I ..ited yt.tori. Al a' t:i livo o'clock fir. Millor c.u.fne into tho roons, r.J uo'icidjj the (; thultor- - ad "Whv hive vnu all t!:e.a Taked acJ t; :nu'-- iiubt?'' Mr. I )o'; repli0: ''Si trut wi c t'i air At Mr. J rcj.'t Mr. rih tin I ii.j: n in f .iiin in th-- s '.! fnr ih- uir. i. lie r.:vr -- y fi;r;h?r o v.;i in t! mid- - it)e t'i" t!.e w : n Uia left ci;ie. bi Itad ciijht- - Iv bent :u;d the pi!i.v. Ilia wiie h:m. holding Ml? niit nr.'i ;n ;u lier 5 and leaning ttndeilv over Lzm. K'L'uip;. Mr. KhoJtt3 remarked to Mrj. Ih.tu;!;-;.-- "I nm afra d ha d n it " i:t rtp'v to which Mr. T. is ?ai i: "lie is vorv cr infrrt'ible. " '1 hee were his b;-- inteliilMe vurdc. Fiom r.vo o c''ck ba was epoechl?, but . iricntly re- tained Ids const! uu'a. When, a few moments Eel'ure his doith, hU vifo leaned lovingly over hint ard sobl'inply :ed, 1 u?oanc. no you km iv.- - m. will vcu ki.-.- mo.-- ' ile rai.tKi b:n eyes and smiled, an:l though tco wank to RpCMft. the nioveiii-n'- of the muscles of hi? mouth ovideccoJ tha' he wii- - in: Xitvr an almost 0; tug atrule to comply wi;h her Hirt'deatli wac calm and poaeeful: a few faint breuilis j.I'ier riivj o'clock; a jlitit rattUnur of hicthiui' ; a bbort, quick, convuLvive shuuiUr, and S'ephyn A. Ifcufas had parsed from time tt Atprnit v. Mr. ljul-t- leave- - tv.-- s ju Uobert Martin, aed thirtei-s- , aad SLephen Arnold. Jr., ai;ed etfivttfc who are now ut George t a v,n Ccileye. Thesr, with his v. !fe, aro the oc'y meaiucrs left ot Lij immediate fi.nilv. U;K or thk Kir L!;. A Gecora I f r jor, u'. a l l! e c i!(l of ALiyt v.u ottrdjy at the Horse Gu'r-- by the Gent-ra- l Cimauiin-in-- ; Chief a to the of the ruled lui hoi. lie hi; oiiserfd that tiie pcv.ves of that weapon have not been develop-- to the full ex- tent. The fvi'Ure i not, believe-- , iu the rifie, bu' l.Sr? ariit :i ti"um the vant of a dcxt-r.,u- and shiih'ul ue cf it. T' it ae elfudeut us pen- - tibia a Uck sh'ht h- -s beu biTixed lo the weapon, &j frra'luatfcd ai lo furid-- h r(-- j urd elevdtion for ail from l'Xi to yO0jirdi. The cor- - rect ad atment of pihf entails a knowledge of which in Dot diruvidL to ac ;aire, al- -j though prci':o is required lo keep it up. '1 t;o ride, vhon the fcijjht is correctly arra:ii;eu, rniy be with tbe fullest cjntdcr.ca of buccess by trurya carefuily A-i- , however, much allowance mudt be made for the hurry ar.d excitement consf (,'jeut uo chne action, it Laa be jn deemod e pcdont to lay down rules for tj:t,;';i' i:if r:naiL-- ar.d for the t;uicin-;- occurs t" 11 graJes id command of troops txforo an in ( i Jor to ensure the hie and v iley t'.ri.u: being in fu ure eii actively ana rapi h- - cxecuitau. It ia tberoiore to bo un- - dt?r?tot-- ;5.?t v.'htu iinr ' m the huts or rou-r- (tt ?na,a: fliree hundrad yardr1, th3 li.D of the back f.'i.b ifi not to ha racd ad, bat aim is to be take.i through ihn nances which protect it. law will bo found si oiica to bii!h.ie:it diroctijn, and prac'icallv to nive IS vhda tha dilliculty, ULder noes, vt i?ott t ut eve di wu to the bittomof tha notch i:? ihe bsck fcik'ht will be j obviated. W'ht n ririrtr in the opeu at ranei; bo- -j vend thre hundred yard-- , ami ai, all dltallOO' wh n ti'ir.r from behind par.: pott?, or tt'ider cver cfany sor, the bach is !o car'fal! a:j isl- - ed; a tru" alignment throu.di the notch of tiio b:u. cn the object sitped at. and a cor- -j rect ol'tvaiion for the 6M. mated btin e'"'iiiiil to accural fih'o;irj; 'J :n- order directs that tbco rulj t csrefuliv epiair.fd tj the i tHcorij and private' by captains and o:er:i cf aoJ tint they be oV;rvud at. a.'l o vol ui tons: : that o!'i:fri generally miko thci.i.e. pruii itnl in a e.';;e vt disturi KH, and thoron.iily v. ith the powers uf tha ri";j. h:.cers c luimur d- ini: divijiona, br.adu-- and garrisons are to ascar-- ; tain by frcqutnr insnecions and cK.ne e.Mmiaa-- 1 tion, that ttie ai oSicers possess a correct knowledge of ai i of ib? th o- - thin-- f beaut v. r living on tha lip.-- : of pltd'jine youth, or tiukerin; cr, tho dyinn won: cut aa, hoidd i's beauty (jrill. Whether myhin loveliness yet more winx-ne- or rendering u.rlinos e6 ropuive th.au its wonr, a pintle vet holds itu nature vet it ir; beautiful. Maic lurks therein, and -- wajs tb human heart 8 words neer can quickens i In iulot puUe, or soolhes and calina the hurried throb as they may need. And beneath the ncrura;.;in:: iMlueiice of onegwoel, aphoUliji; riniie. tbe beart itself mav ch.ne i; ii n.av i.ld iid n.ad iu eiiL if r.ot ca-- t out f rver its evil prnmptinrs and in dars prcpyii.-iti-- And so m iy too rjjni)e of ne- - rishin niaidn hevoi;d what ibe utin.ist woil can do. evt-'i- i a the smile of prie v;iJ! pur buiiiasii-t- v i t real an.i noblo daui t?oid liie : of all r.fber proiv.pt I'sillent power U.k in i!ie henrt, hiU- 'ir.e i:w niade thrust, a- Mvesttv and t;entiv aj f:ili luc dw from heaver,. Alu the taiiie uf lovt! U bea:ns i t.ie evt-- r a sue eobt, bc.urv ia ber m- - fni Btaco snsi a ruci;t U-- 'h cf unknn-- a; iy and mora thrilling mark; on the niaiuci's lovoly a her heart's Id'A u;3elb her - in eye, and draws near to let h6r look of love lose none of its preciouw value in needless betweta them. Ai.d with ueener. curer io. it conies to the ow i znd face whn her huhlaad foud ttll-- her I otv rrmcia io juried since be first vViiyl hor vSfo. Holy, beautiful indectl. is iilb arid por;e-- t love. 100 seldom, iniiotd, n.e" it Iive--i- oo rehloni noa'-- circr, an eat'il sorrov ;. 'jV,, soliotn r.i.ci it 1j;ive hirth-i- 'io often ure,-- . it. jife i priti-w:.(- ' v en if fiirii rn ni u5vly wefroiiidt tLr-re-. io tila n arkot beca-- b purchiwera or by prompt payiuK r a.ia pracK ut r,.td t..)nrh'. li u:e ou eaort tir. tinns herein dytaiied are att?ndtd to. his ' Jl al PItATHEP. SMITH. HiKfns is thai the r will he lound cadta Rice received per tr.&'.lboit and for be a weajK.n of great v.duo ia Ubi:ci:i- - rlCE-i- O by ; lery st distnc-'- up to 500 vard:: Cl'liSJI iNJ'i-- t r.Nfi: vr biLv.t A smi!e ia indeed a j Herring, SUGAR by Iba for by nMrwT-r oo; J.ii.i A it. f . Alios etore by ta nale A.N A cf r,,rh.tddn.,t and "ft ched,"' comtortaMe, tho cf be of il ti. n. n. DR. EADWAY'S REMEDIES. THE TKDE MEANS TO PRESERVE AND RECOVER HEALTH. LET THE SICK READ AND REFLECT. IUDWAY'h KKADV KFI.IFK. RAIJWAV'H KK; LAT1.NJ PIIJ.S. RADWAY'H KEMIVATIM-- KF.OLT KT. 8PCURF. HV.ALTH TO ALL, AND ARU BLESSfcD Aa PRO VII F.NTT A L &PECIFH '3 BY TUl CHURCH. Thf Cn'hnlie Pre in Sf 'h America, fl9 (ha the. Archbh'-- ii, (,'"'''' . VV'"!nW, of the. A n y ff E'ptaa.ors hai bwn rirci bv then- - infaVw'" r"rri-r- t. and haw piirc them to the gicc, wio haw bt-- n iLatrine cured. MAGNA E3T VFRITA8 ET PBjEVALIRIT." Rdway'i Ready Re Tt:c Minuto ne. R:idwavi Ready Re- lief pre win j Sick- - Radwav P.ay U- - lir-- f Stop Pato in a Mimre. Radway'i Readv R'1- - lif a Pleasant 31 ,s RfveraKe. RrLdwav'a Keadr b- - lif f rnrcH Pains- - in 'i'p HowelP. R:uivav'n itady '- liefciirnrtTntilbacJie ;t:Lr in :m iruiint. Rudwav'a Heady Re-- li- -f Prevunt-- K.id- - den sttacke of 3klt- - f leea . Rad'.av Rfady Re- lief ('aren d icbe. Rdv.-f.- nirj a biQ . Radi-v'(- cirj liumord ia ibe blotid. lllwnv'd run fcyphilic Pwvei "ortjrj Pfi-;'.-- lb n iW t:nrReIvnt cur ! DyjpHjia. EE Eddway d Hr.? cuna Hrnnrbitia, Weak Luiiff?, Bad Co.iths,.InC!pnait CuaumptlOu. RADTTAI'S REGVL1TIVG FILLS, Tilt: PUREST ANO RP,3T PURGATIVE PILL IN THK WORLD. Rad way's Regulating Fi lid warranted to operate in six hours. Radway'! Reculat ins Pill are a Vegetable Substitute for Ca'omol, lilue Piil, Quinine, 4sc. Radway'e Reeubitlrir Pilla uhould be by Femalea in dohcat bealth, Radway-'- i R'cnlaMnic rllla wire all Female Coinjlainta. K:idwHy'rf KfRulatin;; PJ:!p, Qaiobs NervooeiJL'a und Sleep, 8let--p- flloep! Radway'e Kettolatiu? PIils, Oae Piil tjvtjry day will care ludigeatioa! THE SIGNAL OF WOE, HEADACHE. HKADACTTK, In all ite vrirtits, cared IN FROM FIVU M1NUTJ43 TO filX HOURS, BY RALWAV'd RliGCLATINO FILLS, AND RAO WAY'S RRADY REUKF. SICK" nAOA(;HF, MENTAL HKADACIIR, NERVOUS IIKADAOHE, UALARIOUH HRAOACHB, BILIOUS HKADACIIR. CON(iKSIIVtC HKADACHS, CATAbHIl HKADACUR, HF.AOAClfK FROM KKVKK8, UEADACIIK FROM TKKTHTNG, UUADACHB FROM SUDDEN COLDS, Ann tIEADACIIB whefber a a premonitory pyniptom of thrateuf d , or as a concomitant of a dtoc-- e in trenched within tbe uvtcni, in loriteotaneouely relieved by UAOWAVa HEADY RELIEF, and CURED IN SIX HOURS, liY RADWAV'a REGULATING PILLS. Tbre scarcely a dlft-e- , aliment, or malady that w upon the h aun but tht on" of iU chief Ki.d priLnary nmptoins lf IlilADACUE. Tne flibtet-- dcranieoie::t or 8'orach, Liver, Htart, Sliiu, liow el.'. Ridneya, or or a dltnrban--- '.f the circu- lation ot ttio l!ood or iuterfeience with the In pid, to a greater orleM dbijroe oi ae ver- ity, lu tiw Li; AD. HEADACHE I" not of itself a diieaf but it if a certain uiffti that forpin and tmhentthy htimors exi.,t wii.iia thi- oset.rj. n:.d th vt ol.-'- ;L is b'f vinfi ItHn tb" b dy Heniditche, thei , tho-'.l- oevr b- - it ba warning of ap; rocb:: a i)n.sl to ttie to fortify hla to and repel tbe tbreatnwl Llcad-a.b- e io not oii'v a iwitive ?tco of tbivatent-- dift'a,-- "at it i!kwi-!- a concomitant of all ttie mt violent. int"Ctioi vidnTitc, and tatal diiea that a I'it man- kind. I:i tbe r:ilnO!:', contaaic-.i"- and inffctlo;! Y KLLUW, TV PHC 3. TYPHOID, SCA RLF.T, SHIP FF.VllR - In LUNG FLVLR, TNiiLMuMA, hilA6LLri, SMALL I'OX IN FEVER AGUE. Chaxree Fcer, Mar.-- Fever Id all Remittent and I iitermltii.ut Fever - in Bilious, Nervoaa, and Rheu- matic FMve:-- in Influenza, Sore Throat, Sudden (Jold, In Oi('tb-ria- , iu Iarlcunationa, Congcoiiooi, and Couvulsionis. HEADACHE, HEADACHE, HEADACHE, wp.iuba dvn tiie brrJn with pain, and tr.n.C;:i'orni9 the paddeor-d brain to hidt ooa lUitialty. Ia all tbee uruie of tlcadauhe, RAD WAY'S RFADY RLLIEF, ai;d RAPVAV-- RFGULATIKG PILLS, ar uicli and in al! cav e: djTiivtcmtbetie HesdwJie. aF dieorderl ?to:ruh, Buddfn cola, eceelve iudulnerie. clcw tc . RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will r it vre tiie Bnfiarer to peac lul trani)uiility in a tsw mla-ute- .n i RADV AY'S REGULATING PILLS ttI'.I, In six hour--- , pnrire from the ayatm all crTndb)Ji iiumorri, twid restore a b'.ulttiy equalisation to ttie cirtu-laiio- Let tbo?e who aro at preprint suffTicg w th make the exp- rinj'nt. In from fife lo six ho.ir yon will be rre-- fiini rin, ai:d will fe:ijo7 a sleep. Dout wait, but try it at once. EMINENT AND"dISTINGUISHED I jivyerw. Clergy Dien, Phynicla-ia- , Mi'.Pary nnd Naval otc-'r- , Merehr.i.t-- , and o'h.'rs fiu'o.vo the elticary oi Dr. RAOWAY'S UF.mZDlV.o. READ THE RECORD. Hon. J. J. y iddteon. of 8 milt Carnli-:;'.- 0n. .lose VilamiiJ, of tbe Aimy of 8. A. l.'r FreoHiirk 1. paRj, of Miai-eip- P. Mon-iy- , " " lion, .fohu A. Quirruv, of " R. 3nttirl:;,d liurkt:, of F.b..rk--- U A Floj d, Mrc!)vnt-- , Dr. .bv. r. Ltvimin'on, La. V.'iSey ftl. F.u- - Harrionmuyh. La. La-i- Hud lJ.tddi'.'.jrou, 13. 1. R. tfranioiri. Ciark vlUe, Ga. Ki'so, Dab!ot!'-Ka- . Ga. ;;c Pitt-- , Ora. toii. Ga. Dr. 6. L"iifi-- . Lwy'-tte- , Va. Dr. Jii". Fink. N. C. Dr S. II Li tinier. Mount , Ua. Dr ti. I'. iioi'ki'.i.', Fiucuiitle, Va. ticu. SbKld.j, U. . A. Coi. Lyoiu, U Re. N. Y. 8. M. Dr. L. W. Earlc, AtiVvilt., S. C. g. ,1. Abv.n, Kq , JacXsou villa, ITa. Col. D. Richard?ou, (lalvetoa, Texit. Gov. Oick-o- Te;;i,j and tbou-am- "f oth-- ditinpilbd pentlemeu have luul RAD WAY'd READY RELIEF. 1, DWAVti REGULA'MNG PILLS, KAO'.V AY'S RENOVATING KKbOLVENT, and nave cured tbonii!flve and other wi'.b tt.e rttue-di.-r- alT'.;r aM ot'i r medicine foiled. . cry one of be aborf ua r.id gentlemen will v for rev 'dies, a- - being the m.Mliciues that raftered them aud their friendd and thoso to wbom they recoauntno-M- i thciu, to health. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. THE MINLTE MEDICINE. In etantn rents eftee i" tiwri by RadwayV Rady Relief In all cefj? of acute iiin. iutirnl or eMterntl. I wtopi in a moin-- nt tU- - lUii'ldeninr of rliouniatieni, neural ia. burn, cuts, and Uni-ee- , when applied outwardly. Torture, tiiat If continued vrontd cc.'ie d.atti. L ai bya-ini- dcef f it, iu five nit mif. Ic giving t.tio for the action ui ti.eotber leiaedi'-e- All coiup!iiutJ caused by uiihoaivhy air, B'jetj as dpjall-po?- ., i'tver, iaea.-f- , fever and aj; yilow lever, cholera, dyf iiLer-- . are prevented by it? occasional i.de. V' U"U the ;y iii if' i :iro ,ed or convulsed, Il a rapid r. actnn, iiomediaN'lv rt'Hevir.e fpa-m- -, convul-i- i if'TiC", Ac. For the ib'biMbiUja it i the t iGtntitrJy better den alcohol in miv form. Have it on bad .ilw ityt. tor It may be required &t any mjntiit, aiid uo drug will supply iba place. WM. EYI'NEY MYERS. ESQ., Havana, CrtA. tJ.4VA.NA, ClA, Js.D. "J, S Mr"Ti. IbiVAv it Co., Oentb-Tre- I have bn a tivm Atflfe Chro.tw liri,; riii.ru'r the (usl '.:t:n-- .j iny ni p. .tier in a dmiiiir that piiM, to:ii'ae nr yn e ;ia cap'i.J. 1 huve cpvnt a lib-tt- fortune ou Doctor' wlOn 'it any beueii''. I h.i! r.w f toy froquout pe- riodical a'twlf. I wa very l!l lor a wtf-fc- , and i;ot ulept au hoy at any one Lime. A Span'fti f lend to wii.-- I r. Ut'.d my ci;ijeriiii.;.i, told nje he had a reifc-J- which would g e me relii-1- Kitd h- kindly precut'd t.e with 9, boitk of "KAnwiv'a RhinT Reliisk," Altiioun ot" derlvio" auv advactane from ite ue, I tlutt night a; r.lied it freely t'i Koin bed, ai;L lo my gn at amazement1, felt relieved and hizpt fuu,ialy. Top next uieht. I apaui ri'ib'd the Ready Relief, and aar in (heriiorm.'-'i.jriiejrot- psliu. haviiw only udaboxU kii,f thtlvti'. tltartily oo I you niy hi'tnMe aclcBOwIfdy?i-?nt- for vour invrii.;abb' inediclue, wlilrb may wel! be railed a "bletst-luj- ! toDitWi. - " Thanking you frri'n my sul for j o'ir xoGderful remedy, I haw the tunor to cjyeril'. Your, W. SYDNI-- WVER3. Grj1 nje of Fever and Aue, Typhoid Few, Piijio-.i- - Fever, Scarlet Fi ver, Ytilow Fev"f, Suiall Pcx, M Rlea, Cto ie Throat, Asthma, An'! Had COiiKb, Whooping C.uphr, Dlarr-fa- Cboiera Fit, Dyf filery, Rheona'inii, PJieuiuaLLiLi, Go-it-, G'-it- LunibHf-o- LunjbafT, AU I'alna, All Acnei, Aad Intirmiti-'B- , CUR EDI :CKFD1 CURED! By RADWAY'r KKADY hFL'EF and RADWaVS REGULATING PJLL6! ALSO C'UTVJ OTTTRR ORIT ClHF-- 3 AR" DAfLV FFFKLTr:0 WITH VI AK VCI.LOt A RA PIDUY. F RADWAY'S KENO ATLNG r.EOLV:Ni'. Ilaiorgof a?l hind--- , gores, Uhrs, Pfeln Empnis S.Jt H'aiit, Pic3plen,i!'Otht';,Tu7'soir, jfcot'ila, & , r t r, 8e:rt-- Wl.it No-- I k, EviBiBelac. S re Head?, Sore Eye?, re Cause. iv, Cancoi'., Severe ChTODic Conjt'i viiit.'.rcut, Rhe ,imatwm, Divppfia, Dropsy, BroDcaltls, Liceri ta tbe I ii out, l.ane, t- -. UNHEALTHY CITIES, SICKLY CLIMATES. Dr. Wsrabai', of Curficoa, write? to tb? aecnt of Dr. Rd-'a- v as IoKjwk T.iU is cue of the i t placed in tbe ( f kor-w- a n'ue that . i!l cure ei-e- i cf tb? vr.e chiTietr tn otb-- plsc.1-- ! have n erfeot npon tiie picK ! Readv Reiid, ReRulatin I: lis and Rn..vatin ib't-ol- 'piove bappv exeeyti-'ua- , for in tur.i cs-- w here Ih'.-i- rn'racub-HL- tLticine-- ere Bdrini.-'i.-'ve-I- 'hy r.ire tbeaU-k- . I hava cued the loodt trrrbie cp-- j of y fever, ft'ver and ajrue, rj phoid fe er, Ion of ttie b'. er, hilliou.H by tbe ue of tbe Ready RjUef and Rad'vavV Pillp. With the Ready Relief and Ri7u1aiiD!r Pills, Dwen try hajTutey, Cholera Iw'tiorjied a p'mi, and ttie rio'et violent uh!I Pox t to a mild fomi of tbe Varloi-ild- The friehtful it (jiee.1ily reduced to unchecked breathing. In bites of -- nke. and ttinr oi iiiPtectH. a niij'le npplicationof ilie Ready Retief noutralizPt" tbe poiton, am! tbe irritated I have cited several caees cf palpitation of to. heart, rv.i--h of blood to the bead, and lite of vavioua kiuila, by a iiw dceea ci iluixay'i Regulating Plli. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOL- VENT WM! reer.erx!! dilapidated h.ni.anlty, o'uw. onricb, a:id pun); tu bod, c.ire ever? hi:d cf iiumote, and i.i..r to ail a ctear ekiu and lair compteiion. BORE LYE 3, LLCEP.3, AND BUM' R3. 2'le Wdlkiny bk'&ti.ienwd with Sorts tmc' Before th" Intrcdur'aon it ItaJ ayV Rtnov'.in on tiie vl Huntii Acierici, ihe v ol CallaA. ValpAraio, Rueuoa Avre, Rio, aud other .itletj. vere whr. and vora-oi'- r meant-- ) of baniafiitv, covered rroiu head to foot whh fn:ot.jl r jrc-u- ulceis. uirthariijr rlrhy and eomtpt huiaor? 'iheu-ec- f Radway'e Rnovaiine bdJ pnTin"d. c!naij-d- , and healed The P,rr- - n every ca mo. N more criipiud aud GifnOled le; ri oo more foul and c iiit:s re to be rt r io the public elreeta: for iu RadWii-y'- Renovari ;i g R.'eolvent, aide-- U- Tl more aevsro ctdes Reudy Relief and Reult-.rit't- f Phis, the mo'! rvptil-iv- e lej er, cvered with nmu.nfceore and nicer-- , becume; ?onnd. clean, and boaithy. Radway'a R&uieciiB are bld bv Eive- ute, Merchant, au-- i Store keept'l' everywhero. Price of RrtRay Reauy Relief i tenta, r.nd 9i pjr boTTle. Radway' l?'ilotini? Pill.-- li'i ents lei h:i3 .a ted wit.'i umi. ia f .rh i,ot. lien.jl.'e:a l'tle. RAD WAY A CO., Si .Mm ftreet. New York. E. WILDER, Awtt, (U.1iU. rtff5 AtftcivUmT(!iMir Notice to r w us of Property. Grad- ing and Favitg of Sidewalks. The owner-- ot hit and pirts of loti designatod below ore heielT- in for mod t h tt nriiiimnces Iiax e been by the jen ral Uoonoil, approved, ftpd published, requiring tbo cri.din and pivintj rf cev.-filks in frinr vt their reppeottve lot'., nnd if the' fail to litre the same pr perlv d me wi'h-i- n tlifrtr days from the date hereof, the woik will be dene ander a cntr.H-- at the expense of the let owners, aB provided for in the ,".d sectit-- of the 7 h artirb of t he City Charter. All drain1? from lots or bouit-- to be conveyed under the in iron pipes, in acxirdance with crdinn.xe reu'ulatiiJ t'ne name. S.;id work when executed t:; bp rereivM bv tbe City KnL'ineer, and if roc done in every reppjt In acC'trdrir.Ca with "snecIiiL;t(ns" refills tint; pidewaik pavinp, to be repavod at the esptiise of the property owners: To prae and pave the bltUwalk-- on tbe north piile f College street, from iirock lo J'knd street. fee. Ihornd! P. J.icf-b- 315 Ch.iriei" 1. Jci-h- 40 '1 imma f. Jacob.1 IrVi Suan M Clay T" ra-l- and pave the f lwalk nn the eat side of lirook street, from Jacobs to Collefre s'reet. Th'.in.' I. Jacobs VJ') Llizi C Jacobs iM .1. M. liCLFli, iLiyor. Mayor's Orri'.-F- , Jane b, 1Mb" I. jo1 dl' Second Importation ! Dress Goods at Auction Frices. PtlN Al EMSROinVKED M''ZA?4TIQU' 8; PLAIN AND EMHKOIDUKED ENOLIHH RPJIEGHS; PliM'IIK WORSTED ORNADlNEs; RICH PRJNTK( CitOANlUKr; popi.ins jxo ptiPHNrvr::1?; AND PUSHER LACS MANTLE AND P INTH: LO i' 7EN LACK MITIH AND OACNTLET3; L LOVES ANO HOSIERY; LUPEVa MoURNtNO 0(K1)L?, HOYS' WEAR AN DOMKHYSC3; LINEN SnEETlNS ANO SIfiRTINOt?; A F.rte lot o. 5, 7, aH P Ff.OCN !KO ORG ANO Y, JAC- - ONUr, AND P.EREUC ROUES at d th cot of Importwf lou. IIAHTIN & CaTTMBAUOH, I." iAb 34 Fourth rt.. bet. Market and Jefferson. BTHAW GOODS. V' ar- - hiel iu recelp- - ( a Urpe and beauifnl pt",k f Cwo? f.'.ii:.f;,. r wa", if; tVi t 1 L p ioii, Straw. P u imi, t ioren'-- Baid. ar.d is f: B:a a'l ol ilia h.teft et Ka a:i1 ijtvaliUea. A. Ci'.rtKr, ' n fnr-i- t r M iln a d ft. BOTT 1IAT3 A filvrr c"l .n-- French flavor FeP, th" flncrt ?7 H'--i in towr,ai.d the ai jLt beauufui io ebtp. 1 no bt i8U HATS, In Siikblac nn i p.arl (.'ttiia r aid blark and y j drb "f the In; ai'd r ai proved i re .o f jr Ul iaa tbli utoruion. J"l&h A. CRAIO. CAVE CAP3. IHE-- E Cap- - ar derUoed t ;dfeB rleUim; the a No'b ue pr- Mb ror more couveiiicnt ttu worn. To bj loiiLd Oijfy at A. CRA Hi'S. LADIES, ATTENTION ! ISTliiW GOODS AT TUB Ohoflp Ijaoo Btoxo, 3tt9 FO!"HTII BTREET tOLD NO. JUST RECETVEO IV I XT'Jtl-S- -- 1NKAN 3 I .".Pi UI A"K CKV;P.J . o;.iAU3-- ) IN EN SKTi- - at SlAttKliXi'd .'ETS at M cti; OO at tu rc; LINEN CtLLMM t lu : c . HALK f. h A U 'riF'-H- , .i? ;b .1 F . I. . i, .' k RED, WHITOLUE, Plain Silks & other Material; fligs of r.vcar descbiptiox, lu r: ore p.ni for said low by O. IDXJVA.lL.U cSc CO., Uah si) oppotit Hants of Ktntuthy We e.rc trL;v.''jd to liavo any tli:A FLAGS me-- to oidcr at thnrt oo'iice. c. it;vAi.ia & co., IS 'i'j- - Main -- t. r FRESH .RRIVAL-W- n have tUi mon:!nc iT rec ive . rr a Jree in oice of oKM'-- j SFT FELT tcj.cy a d pb.in roiorr all of which we wilt te'l v.sr for . PRATaUli i- - SMITH, y' )Lh i'i Malt -- t. n 8UMMKR SiYLE OF HU.K AND CS3I- V. Kn; AT.i A i fJ at r. ady for i ni SL'il eale PR ATI I ER A SMITH. K jfcb ' MnH) t. HOYS AND ji UN'S SPR-v- HAfS juit re Ceived at PRATIirR & PMITSI'S, K H ,in jt i iv it hit hi ti u e: u ue w clj It t'i if SUM SKK SO. T U AT tv ri.,rii e PRAi'flER i: FM1TM. Walker's Jilxchange THIRD ST., BET. ILMX & X ARXTT. PUOG OS, First ol tho Season. IUST rorived a f,ue lot of FEOO LEO 3. FPRINL f :iI;KE:-:c- , SNIPPY PI.OV".t;, Pl.i WlNOam MALLARD bltKS, rOTCMAC iril.O, SALMON. LASS, Ac. Parties aud .l lid with erery thing in oo lino at the BiwiHtst uotice. JOKN CAWEiN CO.. a3 jh Tlr.rd rt., Ix'tv.?en Maiu and Market. N Rhi?t received a lrf sblpni-- o" UNDON DOCK HP. ANDY, OLD O J'AlUb ii..e ?AA I EKAS ami ?tfKH(:r?. L C. 11AMSEY, Reraoved to No, SIS Fourth street, opposite Tripp & I rak's Music Mere, W Ml'PE he .' rt'.tio rafly to wait on h!s (rloiidi with hie - stock ol Watches. Ciock, Jowo'rT, Silvorware. Tablu Cutlery, Fine Spectacles. &.c. l'B''he"ir ibnn ever ofTred...sJ liia'AIillNU I5i EVKKY DEPARTM KM I taho tbio oc- - to -- enm my thinlj to th t who no noblv aci-b-- d In aviic ii- - .r .'d tr"m the iii that eww, t vis rum xy old itaiid oi- - Mlu e ry t. d IS) Ait M. J. RAM SEY. (HIHSKIAS & SEW TEIS'S GIFTS FI ETC31KK Sz BKNMTTT, MAIN BTPJSCT, BET. FOURTH AND FTTTH, stttntlou to'h?(r Utep and rVfor INVF-"- it of Ooodf. iui table for tJi.'LU AY PRL3U LTr at ricee lci -- r 'hin ever ro a tb d. t yrt of KLXGA T VOL 0 tt'A TV HE 4. ri L ndou and m iinn'icti.r-- . of flnert quality : znett bsnotiful e) le ot w-- L'iariiocl, Oi-il- a- .d Pe ,rl Vr-- t Ring of our iiibN' .;. :id the moot ei'iui1-- donifti- -, J ? .1 La. . ", hi eete and ? c C CarbnnrTe, Oftrae-pearl- ADtuw-- t.'ameo, Art, fcc,, tyt in fne no id an cf tbj richest d- - ii:;. e F b, and G- - Gobi Chatelnloa, K..g, Loii.t-J- , TgIiudIc Card i, Neur.Icys, Arruicls, Rrart.-;- , giovG Fit ona and Scud-j- , c. WARP. Soup Tnreena, Fltcboi X8'LVFR by.TJi, For1-- , Fie, Per and lt-?r- rt KnK-?r- ; Ic (oru Vt.ai;is 4 ci tbo iaiH!'- yb:.i Sil d Ware of fvery deccriptioo and of tbe fce qu , at vezy lew price? KTCIIER a: ItRNNZTT iT,y ih Mum wi.. h t. Fnnr.h an-- ', e'ift.h. USEFUL AS WELL AS (JSKA!!!NTA1 Cferbtmss aad Ksw Year's Preseui- a WMi KiNDIlICK'S, WS$ TLLa at., tttvesa Vain acd Market Sffy ilosk of WATCTTi J JEV. c.I ?.Y. PLATED WARS Was fi var koto cow f Jet than ai pnecut, an3 !i afTer.-o- ei fair t: nr.i c .u bo p; in tbo cLv t:)' MVNV NKW Til GOLD FOE, PAFER. EKST AND CHEAPEST VOGT & KLINK, ManrJactcrers. - - - 324 Third t. Fptrfully ofF'-.- r for biier'o-- i and talo a Iftrf ai:d rikDiid aMortmeot of of j:iTiT vrorkDiH'iai.'p nrd &"h',of,bI' 'tvlcs, DU mo,.d, Cors.), t u bone.-- -, P arl, fte. ivall. uocA. fi"e, h- i'ir'"l 'j i, r;li ;! h. e, ot 1; i.i;0!t, N.- o:& (abncj, anf riiir ir.n . tiiTiitg wen iutl7uctd ty i toCLOr" OU) ati-- f' a:iv r.i- - r"."r tiaii ieCura fc.id, ov tl- -. tO li:e tliie. drM.-- LF.f N'O CASH US'i'OMER OO on 1L:e f.-- . of p. , wu invite o n' ti .ei.d an) to call a:ti oi:. '.'-i?. r.ud iv assure-tha- t i w at xid tTjihci ;.5 miii rl.U at V.MiT A LLTNK-?- M Ci.ir-- ' wt COAL! COAL! I'lTTSSil'I'O, PEACH OaCEARC, COAL! COAL! Ci Uni b et 'ij;'jty Rj.d at ir.w Irrirlih' a iiivrr Wr'eri jJp o: J ii r 1 . AUCTION SALEK a. a. irjttniv m a. irorBf 8. Q. Honry & Co, AUCTIONEERS? ANOCOMMIS.SION MFR"nAfJTB ai-- Wall rturr, LMiiyij'o, Ky. fyi 'aeh advaucoj mado cn good.- - c&ueumed to tu tfl aiiy amoLiot. I" We are ot all tine rewdv to attend ti fVes oj i Fstate, or Oousfwhl'Vi- Hal,--- Hf.iwhol Furniture. A.. on t4rTiia v to lleii. GREAT REDUuTlUN ! Engravings, Lithographs, ' Gilt Frames, Lookinsc-GIasie- s, Walking Canes. A f.ue and CHEAPER TTI AN EVER. Kc. ':?T ffl inrket al., Mwcen trnttd and Thlrtf- - ...... rv, r mrHW ninl ITi t nfij.. At HUNT) & KNOFKI.-- G. URUVB ' W. Bt'URLAI-Jii- . J ''MjtiMANN 6HEVE, BUHSLVJE, & CO., VrF7 - ? : U WIIOLKSATE PABIOE FUENITUEE Manufacturers Green street, b?tveoa CUy and ohIy st-- 1t.l? l,ilf Claras Oysters in the Shell ST. GHARIES RESTAURANT, FIFTH STREET, BETWEEN MAUN AND MARKET. U1KM. OYITFR.S ANO ULAiUH JfST UE-- ived by Expreea. HFRLNfiCIlK KKNrt. VKOIl LP.;. SQUADS, 1 I&fcL 4c ou?lautly on I.i.-d- AM of wblch ju ttrved'at nr Restaurant r sent to anv pari- ol the city in euperlor etj le. ni'bAj c. C. RVFFUR, N. AY At E and PORTER lor eau in all yuan. tltlAa at fbe ST. CHARLEri. ICew Foks HTcw S3ooks, FTTSTOKY OF THU UNITED NL1 HERLAND3, by 11 Motler. it.!. N'lTK-- i OS SCKTPTTRE. by .Tv! &" THE RIBIJ3 AND THE CLASSICS, by BU1 opMcada. i?J Jo. ANN A LtJ Or THK AVXr.Tv'AN METHODIST PUL- PIT bp W. R. ipra.M- -, D. l. .x MACAULAY'tJ LloTORV OF ENOLAND. VjL S. hc. WORKMEN ANTJ THEIR DIFF1CIXT1E3, by Mi. Bavl-y- . d' r 30LDiKK AND 8AIIXJR8' TEXT BOOK, by . .1. R. Macduff, D. D D t, OODLV'B LADi'S BOOK for May. Jwt, rwlved by A. DAVT08OV, Just Hoceived, II ARPER'3 MAOAolNii fur June , r A. DAVIDKOS. 2 th r.OS Tii t rd n- -r EISBITT St SOW. WHOLESALE ANO RETAI L- OROCKRY. FLOUR, No. Ji.' .i.ti'r-- r t t -t C AWAS-I- ) HAilS AMI hltlf ' 61 J iTae2 ar.d OTlco rboice it.T 3idt.; For oai fcT Cb by fliKEPrT A BON . CMIOU B FAMILY IL'UR-- L0 Hxtra aud Eatia 1 lour tor wit f c b tiittm r a j;iai. .t : CM OK 'K FINF. TKU- - lu h U cbt- - fUr. ri, r u.d B'ick Tg. 5 Hi r al!x-id- i n; Du- article f r f ml lo : f"r p1! br 1 tti ) t ;a .v SMALL lot just receive mi! f- w' b II. FER(U8'' l''V. Ftfrb "tree, ono nn-- of , - Hardee's TaeSics. riAK ELd TAoTH'f, li d It 11 Mm;al (f rhi'ii'? C Tblne nJ C f' iJ v 01 k contain gb tnat ie uec arv f r 'ie hter I'iir . -- r.d iJ urtnciinou'ly rt conini-- i .& low a'.? n'le-- work fi ibe kind, (io'p'ei lu "'fie v.i P. ice 3. c. nte. C"pe' p n- u' 0 t:i-- :l- - i ' ui Zi) ent- In m n y or e.a;np'. Addr.- - il F. M flK'. Si TbL-.- rt. l !,(! v b d vr..-'- ii (i. rtti". tw1, Lr.f, and S ft Crj'bed S":: ir- In "t-- re :nd iur eiie AN1' W Hi' 1 xM . J -- t. const : co : f rn SACKS OF DUELLED NORTilEFN COLN 1 v V7 in ut ore and tor ra'.3 by 14 817 Third st., botwcn Mnin uid Maifce. II UOH EKE ST CO. hi" rniovf-- to u.-.- - 0f . f"tto lip f, tv'vpfq Main ani tt- Hivi-- J; ON hand NEW YORK RE API P ftw and frr lv HTiilI ' ' (, LAIinE nppV of WEW4T PAN;1 ti r vd ior sale ctup bt- - HI. OH BREST CO., Bacond t.. M'.'P n i:iM! and R vcr. WALL I I WE HAVE ON HAND ALA R03 AND NEW SToCJi jf the above, whieli we are seliing lover than aay nor fftr-I- A1K) oa htad a large stock of Window Shades, bongbt at the preevot panic pL:.ct fur cah, nklch e ire eel lie g at iSTO.SHIGLY LOW FRRES! Call eooo if you wast baraios at LiiPP & BROTHER'S, 303 Fourth street, BETWEEN MARKET AND JEFFERSON STREET lK 'JL't door to i'onda' ffrocer, m' d'- - tc Brums and Fifes. 'f Tbe Comp'tii(i of Hoijie t!iartV !n th' Sri I ball be l.jd 10 Mippiy, a- - Hipip - t'i rhonpf 4, t! vcr b- L'Rl'.MS fvtld MEK8, from tb" bed tnctories and exaaiine Ltfore purcha?in' WM. 2 U Wert JtfferEOii ut., bet ThI-- and F. irtb, 15 Hp, Vy. DRY GOOI3S. IZMBIZ & B0W2T3, 413 Main ft.. -- ilC 'lave now in itore a full and emplrba ttocX of STAPLE AD DOaIIESTIS GOODS. Of the best fabric, fuch ai TABLE LINENS- - BED I I ESP S'llRTINO LINENS TOWELlNOd: FRUIT CIOrHS; FIXE DIVPriES MAR0EILL S & PRE ADD SHIRTING COTTONS; OSNABUHOS, COi OR- Ti ANO WHITE; FULL bToCK OP WHtTE GOODS MOLRMNO GOOD OF ALL KINDt. T!io-- e tiocdti wtr all bo;--- fr ca-- h at tbp lowest hb of tha inai let. and re do off tod at nrh orirea aa miflt all partlee. Call ai-- cxamiiiw slock anJ ' mS'i) MARK DOWNS, 13 Mam iI ARK & D0WNS. 'PIIE extreme trovbU of th tlni-- co-- to I snnf.auce 10 cur Ineiid-- aid niHotfuii that vrt ii t cLimK cjr e ctvm jf bii'iGthi to a CuSH STANDARD, and will oticr ftli our Fancy Dress Goods, ,f v.i irh we ft good etodt at GRCA'l LY PRICEd. MARK Jk tOWWS, FlagsindTeutDepot. We are making to oruur aud on hand FLAGS AND TESTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which we arc trlllug at very low prlcts. ISARSHALX, & IOEINSCIV, jl Si7 Foarth t., between Main and MirKt. CHEAP FOR CASH! MILLIXERT GOODS Clieap for Caali ! Intndlnt-orxake- i.AEi In my biibintea, I will tU oty ren.auiug ntoek of UMNNETS. Ui BBON3. flowi:rs, FANCY GOODS, tu For CASH ONLY, and at very low ratw. All knowing (rjd-b- to me art rit-cilull- luviteo tocatl aud settle thyir account. n.J2 WIra. EI. J. BRYANT. chow youh coiiOr,s: Uninn Rosettes ! Union Flag Pins! "AVE t li day rretlvM another tiiifri KvPtu-.- kiU pi.e. dldr-'t- .t bv. Pric.-- iroin lu to 35 rnta. 4 ry Luion mad shoaid have out. For tale at K MADDEN" g BO0K3TORF, iJl Third strict.

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TH LOU SYIJLJLE DAIJL1volume ludisvili.f:, Kentucky, thursay, june 13 11 m aiiikk mi




ffTTB8TBrmoii Daily, delivered in tbe city. ... $1 J 00Daily, by anil. In feW&aceConntry duly

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WenkJy, i'i advance, flm.o copy..jin emu ai nv or cviir 1 6

Reiniitaacw by rull io tard leibn at car


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r.?a m.vial ikpiAri. onc--ht t :bove p'-Advertim?: p .;"( bit?-jr.'- 'l for tint in- -

Brticn mid K'lejn, nrf-:-.?- r:''-.- x .utnr cr:n.Annouaeinit candidal.., .jl p r vV.-- h rnwe.Yar.y ndrertinf f.y ijirtsrly, 'kit c'i;n:s ui ad- -


JiJ conitii-i'.f,r)t.- hl i'-- :'rji-ji"-"- !

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half prcc..Edi'orLn.1 oo1i--- s .v.A ""oravc.i1 'ona, fr.-- - -i d- -

Iforlal coJtin)iK and pronto p7i at ip.t-r-

3o cntf por lion; tb.e o:.ly i.!..er:.-- i at Luu dicrv'on of tbe eniltoru.Wo communlciiMGno will U iiun,,'J tccoa- j

r d by the r.'i! nm-.- f cf ttr: ". :'.ior.fih'aoiboat vivrrtiR,4 nt. :T rr?. f. rib fleet Inner- -

i'jn fcod li'-f- fMch ooulin juuc; tacLicvviderp .! a dtw dvei!i iiie.it.

A(vdr!!Pi:ntjt birti-- only in t".i !V.::in t

ft ill he "UrTfd I'. 'h" pncri; ii" i IHiijJcirnul And contiuiipd, i i'.r h;! ii.aer:i .'a, ia tf.e bo

f .it- - k. 1 ,a tu.i iuld jf thd J- Tin: il arian cxtr.i pr'v..

j.vkhi7sikj Kat , JciirrzzlTZzthI'j dr or lref-1- i iufrrlijc

P.-- &'Written it: L ivvi t '" .t ad- - 'rr'edr.'., .ts of yea.-.- n t:ie ytir ex- -

t'.-t-, r' :irnrU ire till

conTn-- r,f j ran tiirI-- f;H h d'scon- -

r,.i?ii rtirTif f.'Tiyia t- tot's, qit vlll any fiarrer . :.r ltB" tti 1:1 one vw 'h1 vf.rl;' Tt..-- r .



JiH Publititcay in w F' cJz'l JCnveh-fi-

ON 1tV. N MTH.E. 'I KA i'MKN'l', AND LAOfOALt Ci?t: OFSPt',KilATOh:ui(5i.,Oi firiiual W.v.kuf-a- ,P.xual D.(i:'iy, . ot.n ti, ;;J Uivol'iafary Krai.ncn, hidatJuK IiupoU-uc- a..i Viutl aaj I'hyi'uil

Bt R"3. J. T."LTRWFLL, M. LAuthor oi t,.o "Urei'ii P. k," t.c

T:9 ivutd erth-jr- , tuid a !r.iriWl? I';r.. ;tuvh( i",!i:i 'e ov. ii eiTiri-- r tlmt

tb-- j axli en jf e nay bj eti rtuaUvv.i'bout tcBilicfne find !t"M'it da-it- nn-- i

ureraiioiia, Ins , ri or (onlLiij.i ii Jtm? o;t a of tury st ouc1 cvft vii and

r7 w bleb miiJer.-'L- uo mafer vhut bt- -my uire in.-lt- " uj'lu. 'nra'-l;i- cr d

rii'ik-aily- Tbla Lecture will prove alhon to tiiousaii-ii- t

and t.isu'anda.toudt.r to any Ires:. isort oa thr- -

eo.i-- two jtase rta'', -. Or. TH. J. O.&.LINR. M. 127Boa-eiT- , Now Vo.tt, Port Hox 4.t.


iiscinaae) Venereal nospita!,Ksiabl!-.he- d In tli yvn.r

V OO. THE CL:EOF PRIVATE DISEASK3.4iid uud-i- r t!ie control or'twn of the niort eruiueut

in tl?" word.DP, PONAPAKTl'V. trom London aM P.irlo

anl ti:e part tea v pra t'.:3 t incirr :.dnivAl Ho- -i .tol, at'l ir. K. 3. KeyT.-l(I- l.tc- of New

kJ Tni3 i tLi.? on.y o j'.B in the citv wbere anive ot rriv."t-- IlHijC cen be obtained wlb:it

hi uw of mercary oi ebai:e nf liiot. (onorxti-B- cure--it t4 ii .)::ri. 0!rt c:i3 tU.V-dsi- P'nrnrerr. dlnltoj .c&eke. K.lurual rtup;d in

". Eor :;Dal T7e."'aew cir-- In tj 5 urkii.vui'bs m Ire i; iiiiry- av.vs afeU iu b dr' i, g.'co'.-.d-a-y

idiptou-- curr.d in 1 1) wwkt. fcSu di6.--f:re"l In I to J 'f-ks- Ii.:p;t m . vlt it T toi l in 1

4 w.vk. All (A a i 71 aire Ithor irL.:.l3.

t. Il a cjv.'.r work ci i d! iA, f.ienii'if to i' to a. I, :ir.d

tbd o.d r.iid yaiiT f.:.or.ld r.ed th t kj!v. it wilie'liikiitM tiiofcj who cvu'.'- iii . ?r:c; 2ioiiti,h-- it by njv.il.

Or. K :i V C. ! l.r tvi pv?e-i!V- cawirhainri'p-- will fi.ll iadl tVr! to ijt.r ti.;i, e'copt. at th.- hswid cf m1. tic: M:;3 ir.- n

this iuvenriftn. i'rirc: t" :oIa-- Brn.H.iro"9 Freurb :.t r.' ! It ?3

pfe; and nuver fills to jrlv-t-i ei;i.,iacrton. i; U ti'eoilv .ale and aura ! p.ud1'OeaBfl. The prb A trio Frv-.c- Phu.vA ft'te 'j,H the sltiKld one, $u pur ua! jjT r dczao. S:nt

F- - ra!? MrntMy are a iafv.d relU.-'U- ' for and &ti

abowid not u j thein d iri.'i? jtrviancy,will a pi'.scarrl-o- - Prioj l per boz

xtra fine .o svi:'. to arty ad'irej hy trail.Drs. B. A: K. &rt t.ie i'.r. ccsstilt, a'fl nnncr-tlonabl- y

aek.iw.fldif.-- l to t. t;i? uid aud i;nif vosfeaJ tnd tLe or.ly Kv:t&:s t'oo receiveMriithly Rs irr(? lr m tbe c!d -- orid: ti:ev bava bev--

from .,.,riv e;-- ' o? o:,('i to r tiiaw,n-- ;, rt:;';';-.- ri,-.:n- d, Liid.to vat;:i t!:e

TCiTfss. tMot'c', b. : of r:o.-iooa- l etiidi", inivory ephtrrt oi arc-d- of

t the ma: ?io:.i' ! t. ?!'.:: . v l bavirijjyood a doubt ti-- t::t nC rirs f n:i'coilr, tb--

ir.t-.- 8'-- as 'theirei- dy. and fo devotv infir nan!- ! j theiiviatlon of t.tt duvai.-- a o( fiiutticn;.

letters Till te anv. red uul.-- tuty ooi:iii: anr. oe or a po.-.p-o taup


v?. 1 Syc&Rt ibx,t, Lt. t'fltii Luj Sixth, e- -t side.O.

Office h.vtrn, A. JS. to ? P. !. fi5 7ov4pd1y


MAD. J3. KTJI1JL,it., iie.-.- ixir tj zart Mft.ll,

M F'. Tn?!'!!!8 o! cverv FPAi."- -

LL1TE3. af.K;-.'- VWSt.KTSl,t.S, STAItC OUAKO u.id i.. S. BTi'OftS,4o. oriicr ii.iiid and at eaort uotia.

RpL'4 dtf


I KA k .713 I.ECFIVZD BYEiTillS ANOTII- -er invoice


ti A L' . I ' L L ' 'J j ! ) '.V F .

UiiJUNS. O.C. ic.vr

1 31 Oe'. a::.'-! ti : l ?h.iapfor ra:'j aud f hiieLi i;

'IU 'v. m-- .Mi1,.r-o-

Ciino of T?xm.A (1L

1-- I.UtAi'l il tiiviv 1:ith, &!:d ir.irchav the bndrfSMI.'M f uvi-'ii- ou i ride '.t ft' rfreet.Ifijv V'oyJ, vberri t' 'v v'-- c.::.!uct t n,e A L d F TAIL Gi.OCKl'.Y and FF.ODL" La wbh theti hocio ti.v h avu.--WA0')A'-- ARu, with fttot-.'- acccmrin.; 'MsnT forQ.rB3. av:j oi.itft- - veMde, and btf fclidK.t Lit-ii- Jlj liieuui. T. !MN!',

H. T. UORi),13. 1S0.-- Ur w. A. (iAl LhRAITFI.

L0Fj .ut .t 'H TRS In pfro mid fjlealu c llljt.ii BJ'EN'T CO..

KAlSio- -.London Laj-pr-

l'.t) do M. II.J,t rtsceived id tor ct!e b"1 i iEo. W. MOHHTg, TiiirJ it.

WOODKV Keelrrr. BncUta, Rro-m- a,

H:u-b- .riM, Ciotnen'-Pim- i, Waa- -

lloardj, lijwie, for eie fcy


ho: ron Tr5" coTjTir:1lNELPS a id NCl'B PAPLP. caiH.i--

J k ot :' Th; rn Price oi hnv elo ipii r W'Qu; N Jto F f

a,7 Tb:r-- attSSdmpIoi sent by iiaii ua rwctii-- 01 Id

H(OTlV lie" tt1 iT'll.

ttLit.'.it 3rj niia.j la:r to pn-n- Sugr la atuiij anc

ANDREW BUCKANflN t CO.,tm't Corutir and ) iciet't.

I 'ION MANTLES AND GRATESMAP.HLt5I2RD Lept C3i.t,caiui' uu hand ';d 10,

ra!? lo byal Tv'ALLACF. LTTHOOW. ft CO.

fcOOTCH A IjF a den Wjn. Vcn-.- r uand ir :, s

mi ' TTTO N.

1 bull1 priine PUr.titioa, iu tiupericTfrtat 00 d do.

In ftore and tor ald byni. H. D. NWfOVH fr PRO. ;

SPIRITS, VlM-b- . c. lramls , Scotchlruaiva IV.n. bou V7hits- -

Jti, Poit, bherr. and forV7e ar' e?ia ageab! 1J for Due De Mopt'beikCharjpt?r.e. J. T. LAS'HAM cc 0..

niU tvirt-T- . ..

l.i'J pei st.aLuei taii-t- chiid and ior ?.'.l3 bym7 !L P. NKWi'i-.'d- BH'.

JLAiirt.C; l b.o r revived per teuuiboat L0d.- -M vlile aiid ior sal. bcirt ALEN, MOORH & HA DEN.

1 1 ;)LArfSEt5 Kt FKnration reouived byIT I the at.d Pn ioua ?.:id for nal;; by

H A' ''rf.loiiou Vara aud Batting.

1 BA;6 Hope Mill Cottoo Yarn, No '.400,IO rfld, and i 0;

,W baled No 1 Bittim?;Keceived aud ior baie lor tt-- bv

JAM LOW & CO.,m5 and 'Jiu wl i.l bixtli ut.

3 . bb a Baltimore Gb'en2U 'lo ,tIo do do;

Juct received and iY.i' LyB;T GAUOVPIK & CO.

hhAM'l i S- -cafket'.ajd, Di:puy, & Co Gcgaac;

4 :'. d y do;5 :C dO MTidy.5 ! f5o ,b'!te K b;. ;;i 6j;

III H.' Pif Fj" OlriU itOt'OvIItJ;1 i, fo '.3ttorf and for nn.- by J. MoNi:

4 ED liuC I'.HON tJU NV- -- ion tt:"nor cnT-y- , and ei oid, ; r

'LANCY PIPES Uii irrcdn tiacy :

- Fliii ia tu.ru ijJ fwr tie rGKI-.I- LAV7r N,

i!5 Kh'.n fc., bveen 7 aiJ Ko.u'.u.

"H.f AOKLIN HAMri A choice lot eur-cure-i Ilanie- aud country biCva juoi: tuoeivct u; iat. lorta'.s by

vt, W A 'T pERTHAHrT. 'T Va-f- f Pt

TL,,ACY riOAP Fu box-- " Faiiy Bo.-i- of varioui kind Jupt rHOiv' d and for wmp . tv,- -

0E!'JN KAV7.?ON,a3'i r."? Tf y i pt ., ?t .n Tlnr.' .nd f'o.irr).

RIO ' I St i bai iur to an.ving(or jiP ir.



West Baden Springs, lad.THld estub'f hment titu -. uvry murh improved

tH oitm to v liTjrn on th tti ot .luno:aud 1 promiso my eld fiicnif .iint I wLU dn ill tliat ICiQ to Diak. fieiii coiotoitKtiiH. Thi wrs bavt:p:ovtd ciiemflvfe bj.'iiciai to a (trtat .nun? ot I'mR;r.ic'--fl- . tiud thi-- ih it tif tn- - :n wiH ravply b? p

nated in reclvli.R h 'IVke yo'-i- ti.keto f t:i,.L.. N A., a C. K. K. oi 'irp for Orlfin. .ud ttie h isi willc;i I lor yon in tli mor.ditg find iKe o i to tin lar,tiien to urlea . ihej by hack to tlie Syriug 1or Tea.tV.r: tii roii, h G


tvr wv-- 6 ""rV.'.r -

liildr n anJ Srvrtnte liail" pric.;..r ee

iJf": T !'iui!.er l'tf .i'iiWr, it""ir r,t J. 1, Letuon,T'i': f Km'd, ,1. li. S '.ii and oeo. Dit-v-

.Hi cntt.iii-.ic-iloii- t WVf tiaieal( OK. .1 A TANH.

Tu-ar- ly Physical Degeneracy



rhutidam to tht Trty Luttf tSygUmlr

A Treatise on the Carres of Early Physical De-

cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv-

ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus.ty-T'.- U nvr U of a hikh moral tone, wnpn hi

c!:;i i t Ihr.ii'.r.jr and app-a.- o;rec:iy ioti.A WTTi OnciOM-'OPH- 0!' AT.U PAHfviri and irA- -

1HA...& dtiTiliug eiieutiric and Tenable aidsa'id trtaimc-'i- t fir euro.

lt will eaut by mail on n:ce:pt oi JtroJ-cen- t tfcmpeam GrieDiANu! faii not to nad

obiaiu tbie book.y Ymiocg Mw! fa'l not io send aiid get tliii book.

nyLAiio! y:i, toa, liquid at oaceserie a eyjy oittu bcok.

A Word of3lemu Oonsci entice Advicoto tho-- e who will liofloct.

A uialadiefl prevail fo a fearful pxt"nt indofjri'.iuj; at luj.'Mt yo'ith ot both

to nu uriv (travH. 'f aosa diaes are v;ryui'dcr'tood. Th ir f tnial mauiti'?tAtiotif or

i; u,ptr-?r.- ft D. biliE. andMiir'.-n.'- or r. auMnp and conureiitii: of tbe

ti&ufe. oi tb wbole body: tbortuH-ir- of brentbine orlirean.ii: on aweiiiiiiic a hl'l or a P'tjbt of staii

rf.-.- palpitation of the 'art; Aj,,lma, HrjiicLitif, enaKore. Throat; nhs.kbig tlie lip.ndi mill Liiubs; afwrfiuoto cociety r.T'd to bu.iivuMs or stud.; d minor) of V. o-

;bir lo.j of Meiriory: dtr,liioe 'f the Hfid; Neural riuPaia- - in vaiioue of the lod : Pire in thy Hack orLiiJ.br: LunJ.RKO, Lyspt-p-jia- or Indictriou:

of the lionvir tmtioiisof tbe Kmnpygand oTu-- 'ivii of the body, a." Leucourhva or 'lenrAU.u-3- . i.: like-ii- KpUeyiy, Hysteria, and Nervous

Isow.in caa of every one Vmdred allth- - di!"0rd( rf. and a host others not

aa oi itif Ijniurr', and tbe ui't itrand wily I , in of 'onsumvtion of tbe i''hwiXrt, known as TV' ri'.sg, ud 'fat:

have ihpir tf fA ortfin in of JWfHer.ce th wan of eurce. ou the part at old ithool

practice in treat:;;- -'evint'toi;-..- 'alt.

Or. Andrew .'lp, physi'-iar- i to tbe Troy Lira andIrifiitiition. U now n:a-- in tre.i'itjf ;h;s

cla.-3o-t I'lcuern maladifd with the cio-- t artoriui:incThe treatiuciit adopted by tht. itutiou ic qcw;

tt hired principles, wifh ne diwov-ffu- d

witiuut mineral? or poioii3. Thp tacili-tte- s

of t,;n Mich tha' patients caa b curod at theirb"inf. in any inrt of the country, from aocirntp

!iOD of their cae.by letter, and have The meaiciuees. Tit theia bv raa'ti or cxi . Priuted inter rogitorioewitl be forward- d on application.

Cat an b. and dieeaaes of the Throatcuird wi ll at the I rime a of pxtuvtf an nt tbe Intitti-tio- n

bv sondine tiiw Cold Medicated ltthalinQ, with i!ihn.Jr, anj ample directions tor tiiuii' uue,

and ?k'.ttc('.t2fPatieut8 applying for interrogatories or advice

mu-- t enclody return etampi tovieet attention.(te'The atreudimr ph. skian w 111 be found at tbe In-- f.

itution for coidiilt.atiou, from y A. M. to & P. M. ot each(ivy. Suudayi io the foreuoou-

DR. ANDRKW STON15,Phymci'in t the Troy Lnn and Hyei.-i- Institution

and Phyciei io for difea of thp Heart, Throat, andH riita rural, Troy, N. Y.

TO rErflALES- -


Who ! itfad and in the patholofry ofthe manv arLictUti and luaUrli.-- of cotec xieni orici.i, wiil devo'.e exclusive Untiou to thiscU-- 3 of diseases to Y.fv

lifTne A?rendi.u' M dicat d Doacbe. a moet rnpor-tai- 't

r cent ve lor i:w s i.xa, seut bv fxmj tor p h.cs.;: oinpiiit Miu. Dovtitiod dtone nn.it? nil j

by LtTei orwrbnio'iv. AJdreN. O. riTOM. V.. P.,Motion to t're

Cft7d.ily TtMv, S. Y.


3US.ice good nAsrEEsssa,


vnNuow-siLVD;:- of supkkior style,GO TO MAF.CKLLIS 4 LFNTSOH'3,


Bt tween Third and Fourth.

f "AV."TTNO 0(.n ir '3 of over? sMe and qnaiity.4""A MNfid made and put up to order.

PT llom't fnrjre! No, :50S-B- J




J5?L. Ok

SALOON AND RESTAURANT.Comer Sixth Street and Court Place,

crrosiTv; nrz city oofrt rooms,JjOiiiville, Ky- -

& rcr.TSi:, Proprietor.,

1l!AI,3t:t:ii!hoiii-!- . oft' da s.r.d ti'vht. i;r Lar-i- ,11 der i'h 1 .V- ifj, PoYitry,a.L'i Oycter?. Tho in he iuarke. in our 8 .loon pretf- fo. ind iufcf. Lijuct and Cieurs of tbe

in KentueVp for J. T. Pnrd'aX, XX. and XXX PM? Cream

ar j Li :ck Alej; vhtuetjis, iu bAJTtla aud li.ii barrelc,or in the bo'tie.

c:.i; uofnd top roRi:n " ni-- MAitf

Brandies & Crawford,HAVJ? removed to nrw Warbouw or, the wutb- -

Vew!!lriy th market price for all Mn3j ofOr.ia, delivered at our store oral any good sbtpphigpoint oa the 0 o river.


ijowuii:itOF AT.L jna! !'!3 o;j hc.nd ami fm f lie oy

DAViii & i'iKD, Aientfl for tho Mjniiifacturrf.

Davis kei, Agonta of Oiio'iai Powdero.. Ijoutfvuie:

Jc:.?ti V.Vh ive bAnu-li- 8 vnor B'aetir.g Powder anda t .' plinre in tt.itintt that we tlnd it if uut

upr'iior vj auy Powder tu;t v. e have ever v.'LAltl'liL'tt CASIPPELI,

for Smith & am:- - or.I ccrd'allr coan'r in the aboye aiid cheerfully recorn- -

meao it Lo ue puijilc. L. bJll 1 il.I cutifider the aLove Povior Eiperior to snvwe bare

ov or be.ii ablt to obtain. H. FOSKl'f.V" ploasure in rec(n.T',,'5!Df ycir Indian Orien-

tal l'.i'le F-- der as etiotl if not superior to any we havnovr uee"l, it fiiifc' very chanl aud etroi'.. Thii webshsit h.'zat & tn'jroasb trial. K jure,


fc7 fltf A BFP.N5.

ONE EXT itA NAVV bIZE KEVOEVER for mle at0. ORMaliY'n, S a Main st.


now un band a lare apportm-n- t o'"

for Civil ry aud other Milit-ar- pur- -pcaen, auu foi eat" l"1" t

UPKUl Lo MANDCVUJ.E'S,Cunier l'o.ii-.- h and b"..

IP It Fmier nl H"tl.

lorb PA- Fit AND ENVr.LOt'6, withtbe Sthrs and btrip.-H- . Erie? of Envelops. ii pr

l,0i-- or 61 pr Note Piper, i uJ pei- ream or ii cUper liiie at

I'. MADDEN'5 BOOKSTORE,--a I Third atrvt't.

l"Sinipiei B.'Dt oo recwi-- t cts lu lucuey ork.ant.


F 0 C A 8 Ii

.1- - If, ?.'

Or MkIh ftroit, oy.iOLiite the Nr.tloualIn now bU etegan of

HEN'.- - A Ri Y8' :LO rHINO.E'.clurlvely f x caab

AT great" y reducTl piiiee.M EN' 8 SLITt?;Hovfl efjirs:


F'; bb!i W!ii' FL-h-;EJ Trout;rtx3iv,-- p:.i- Eiilroad and for Irr

r.in GAKDNgR ft CO.


Oryi.inii Lavnc. aiid Jicouett;Paiii? piiutedCheoi'fd CtisllK..:

and i'.m-- h Chintz acd Calicoen;Honoet f.nd llt RibMun;

An r. gentral atccb of Eniiit-cti- and fltaol GfA.crJ MARK & fKWN3. li Main if.

fcJdFT caUSHED SUGAUB-H- i'J tbla Baltimore A A11 Soft Siuar met recived and for nai! Uy

iu31 AND'W EC 'HAN A A CO.

RIO COFFEE -1- 10 kin good t prime f.io CotteeBtore .id for tale bv


50 :a:eASVS

byBliEEf SilNO, superior article, for


lX'iTtA FAMILY FLOFR-- i bbto relf brated So.I J r lafca Fl" ir m ton1 ai d i'n by

niU W. a j) Kt KKIMhlH-- 417 Market '.

N LN'jr.iLa j ub'. k. c et, i'Iiuui, ',

Frooi,i-- . Miii Baek-'ti- Mopa. tc . In rtne aud ior

S l.y ii hi.ns iiir to niLie m --tor- and ir nal

IE3 i XJ"T,3.7f' dVdy n'ceivh Anwi f:an prints, to fckh we

invite tue ot u.r c:h oalv, wee.o ai.d will oi.il thrai cheaper ch.w auy Wetrn uotwe,a,r,i can aibnl to do it.

nr .7 VMFH T,OW A TO.

ME" HF.Kf An exceiitiut quality oi d

Oi .ed liof.f for naie D


CtOP.L'aGi: O.tt.on Ropa, aecorted Bleep;gin) anid Manilla d, do do;

Mj no jut--- ' it". to d.-- ;

dCif-- !(-- -;

do l ' !mn doi do ViuHla do;

loO doUARi:


I 3FL. XT Sj Xji'SjLouisville



rri7rrrr ' -- V- tiAfl alrlrfl wHh anyv fonn oi Private I i - cm rer?i p

pror.ipt Mthcut n" orepo?ure, vir: Sj"plii'.ij, GonoThci,(II. 'ef, titi ict'irnf, Ti.rrifi,C'iuirr. sr and C.hvIith-t?oua- l

Srvl'lii"- - I'fjwof tti? Kid-i- tv,', f '.r. Hy this svsni it i?r- - d t!i:it the vpn.Tt U complaint

fK s prtirf.ly nndrtr the control ofmrt'.i',it:'' (is ii H coim-'O- ri)!d nri!:'.pf tcV.-- f uj, fchil- - iTlSUltic'PTlt

? arod;i! eL'tUr.g ;vay ti.irj'ftiffi' in lio'fl.-tii'tis- , rM'i ("ivii--

them up only f'.im tiif nrj hioi p;'jin', com pit' aper aiiW.t d are contrtntly b?ir; errtwd at

thin It'f.nufvT ".

YDl'Nd J t IN, TAKE rAKfU'.T.MR NOTICK.-- Fr.1J. devoted mi:ch rf h'-- li.a lrer.mput of

thoft Cf'Be? cA'.i.'fd tiy a rrr-- I'bit v. ;ch .h boriibodv t.nd i;:irid, mii.ttit f. t'i " nmorfunftle iuf?ivi'ii-'h.- toreither buMoeds or i'. Tttt? fad .ii-zt oV thr.so

or tbe (xrp?-.n- ript:r vnars, r.n r 7ial;e aj.ddcbilitatii t.ha ini.-ti- ! nt.ion. d'.roy physir.jil andriental xover?, diininisb and Pdf.ble tM nVtiirr.1 ir

and exhaiittt tie vitiil eniriw of manhood; tUeplcft'urirs ot' l'n tvc n:ar:t d. the ot kiiarri:.r

and ai. i;c ic- - li ruiiditrr'J a teviu oi iinivw-in- sn.iflfry and reyr'. Siu-- thio

ooi.Winrlatine larrtct'c, honld lone no time lo mr.kIrnrtit'didie implication, ft' Or. 11., by his c- - tvatiiicut,le fitabicd to Mi.ir1 a and p:nnM)t-ii- t eiirr.

DK. HALL'S IT.KI' DlOAL PILLS.No article of intond-- for ti:i exrj laivu U30 offeror.lee has evnr jt ten iutrMiiciHi that has tnven i'chrnivcrfal as the AifiorWti Perijdical Pli.Th-- caq l9 r.'ii.nl on lu Ml c.vvit? o( MH:istri;.i! OK'tniO- -

tioti, ,jc., a pure Ana oae luiubdy.

Pai'iGtf !iv ii's a a dl'auoe &tn ba cured at hme bywndhig a dedcnytion of tacir aaa iucloc u.g a

eont t ar.r iddrw.l'Kfccr No. l!- - J.'3-rs- rtt, h'tPen First and

8L!C.ind. Oiiies opea liotu 7 A-- M. to i. M.,lL4dTf ' . HALL. M T

GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,Charts rod by tho If i?iatnre of Ily.

For (iie Cure of all Private Diseases,

a zinsxoAZ. zjepox;?,

(Ac Ana&mii ffi4 Phyatoloav (f tJie Sfsrttat Orgar.! t.i e cfrj c and IX


fy&at frise of pewtae t: all parts of the Uuiia.iOn A HBW MrTTiTOD of ftrcat-Ui- ji

Sbilis, Gonorrbca. 8mc-fcr.o-i,

GLsOt, Sm.i;Fei'-ial- iiraf es, inid all

nJuTtiona of the reprrdti'-tiv- iof efxea, the imjnit.tiot

of youth ard arlsinitfrom the secret folii of both

. ?. wiii a 0:11 troati onV AND SLMINALfew jj5 V.'KAKNKad, its deplorable cn- - '

ei'ieucJ'S. np-i- the mind and j

bidy, rkolnti': out tha author1! !

piaxi of treat raeot, tbe only ra--tional and succe?st:'l annif of cum, ac rh'wn by the re-

port of caees trearM. A i nithlul adviser to Uie niai-rtt-

and rjamace who n doubtsof their phvptcal condition, bent to anv ancreas in asealed wrwrp- - r on tho recolpt f TKN CliNTi or N

COPIK3 FOK DOLL AILThoee aiiiicted with any of tae above dis.isPi before

placing 'hrru.-elve- undr the treament of auy one.sh.i'ld first rad this invaluablejQt'lie Oxtinilliittf Surgeon na he cOtiH,il!d daily fromUA. M.t)'.i P. M., oo all ot w hv.oik treatp; aid pati'-n- at a dhtanee, bv utiiut? astatement i their yintiir,irv can lutve ind icings f uttoaiiyjiart 01 the country i i'e f oin dampn or deleo-tion- .

For particular-- se:id for on-- ' Hl.nik. (.hirt,a lint of our ttf. All

pvori'iiti'. H!.r imI, mid coiiiL'iuu!t;'iVJU3 ctniuercdct'K'ttisnttdL

DK. I) fc: V KF.9 FKM ALU! MONTH TY UBviCLATOK,a sAt'e atd ccilatn rttuedy for Obitruciioiis,

aud is the oa!y reliable graven t ive of preg-nancy."

( L'i'i('S. T!i'-- ' j.ilH not b1 t.i.enPki;i,n vn. i. ar. they ::w to piod-ic- Mi AiuaAup. ier .1 p. r N. ai d ma-- ' e t" ut h "ai).

L1.N S UKAO - the or.lyof it- - hn-- in th-- t'nilfd S!at that hx he n

ro'o-'u- ii d l"di'Mii! a t'lority. '.izrif plb- - .14 eireot, between Maiitet mil joHrs-- a,

- i 'Jeill tellers for Do!;i or M .','( iro-- bLiv.!J be dlrtcled

X1- - TL73V3:. 3P.HICZ3,In Loui- -

-- v.ueior i.ne iv-- r.na nav- -

S ' '..Cr 1D ''' al" pi':Ciir-- ui t: e treiit-s-- f

of ti:vj !ollo'.L-:i-, saucer, PiieG iloi.i Eye.j, Suli?, FiUMa, and

to ren u fiie horrif.Vd ot Oaanist.-;- , orLcn, h iz, i . fjj him proof to flptftuj any rts'

meur oi rhi rr"n iw Lr. v. E.Lrc'-u- n .Jge, Judcc J. R. Ladorwood, JoLji-w-

Ca;t. V. S. D. Mevr.wau.

I bjiil a aud w? c iriMi by Ir. P: ice, t itLout thekiille or ligutuie, in b entbon days.


I bad ne,rro rraii vit-- i iatula, and was enreS bvDr. Piic-- la threa vetkd. W M. BAiU).

fioti!i, rr.L.1I bad Firt'.iT'. bttn yeaie, wiih bLt aeuLnge, ted.u curtd by Dr. Fiia ui thioe v. -- k


lavi a boa:.V.y and baprv rran, bavbig n curedfrom the borrii effecie ol unaniari, A. CFUZION.

O.ics oa M irket, betivoon SUth and gevrnth ?ti, ciioiofiiijt a poitaa'o itictp, LouieTlL!e, Ky.


2TrO Pages and ISO Fr.e Fli'-i- and Colcrcd Lhographs.tWPRICE ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENT3.flJ

fVder.t froe of ivetaje to ail perta of the Union.JON the lTfirniti of youth

ai'O ipturicy, d5.closlng thefolheo of bi "!i cC.'.L of allae, ;iiii if ( norvouj-nes-

do; reijioii oi eiiirira, palpi-tation oi be hc.;rt. riii'cidnl lia- -

ac.iiailori.s !nvo!:jnta;y h'tish- -

"jI;."- fti(.rtiv' Memory, ludigee'S--- c Vv''l'-'-i- and latitude, Ac, compiis

V"-'-- IJ'&ti-- .Vr'5, ijO paFeH, and itbUatedand


- Jaii'e nnt'-ooi- '''z ii..'rri;-,;:o-

wb-- i ocret doubT. o!" t.'.elr tutiditnn,ar.d fr- of h rg t'je b.taltn,

and r.nvilr-i- ft wh'ch e.veiv h.ir-.i- i'.ing j

in tMitlt-d- . '.'i! ii Coii1rK'"; of a IoiirO!:'.r 3ci:oo! 'at;oile-- i ttv.dent. aud a Y mg aiiiied L.d , m.i oircoi'inee and thni-in- iottiet-'i--

Youn- n. jbied with fneral-lycr.t- d

ly a hi K.ibit in ycta, tVi rff'-c- of wbtchare uiizi.u-rs- , a line.ujiin fht .'.rn, Tieak fyr-- .itueta oi the br-- md lowert"trerj(t!ed, coii"..-:v,-- J 'if hlrs l?y of ius"..iOry. t, irboiela:icno!-.- ,

ji..-.- l' c ir d by the auVboi't NW PARISASK LONDON TREATMENT.

W e have for the ivabv of the pr?t year,our t.me in VlSfi'i.'i 'I HE El KPEAN lint-i'I- -

TAl.S, avA'llil th kliowled.M p.nd ro- -pearche? of ti;e moat Rifled Physivian? sud fcri'i-o- inEiirf-- 'oid on tV ici ma;i' t'F.lALir,I. EM d);.:, Ul;ORO, BriECHl-iTEAC- At TON, andJ't'JiLlN(,S, of Ihe Fric-- i and Er,-- i h bylt-.l- 0;:r(..... tinilaud, Eufflnud, IrelauJ, ol',and. r.nu aim, viiitingin or.r r .ito thepnncipal fi F.ris, London,Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dreden, Berp.n, Am., Ac. Wehave been aiu;.!y n;-.i- by the aQoitioihi kaowN.'dge ehavo acijiiirea in Lxp.i.jQeiit of ViiiiouB toTThtuh Wd have directed our attetith-n- The v, Lo phiLOtheciselve under our care wi.i no hi", e tho h.ij-h- t

uf the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESw hich ve are tumbled to iutroduco ini-- j our practice. tndthe public may r.dt of ttie eiine atal, r.?iidiity,SEViiECk', and ii tent ion wiid io tieir cai.3e.which o &ucc. iliy liisEniHhod r.a a. j

a Phyeiclin ia or PLC L LI Ait ddpii'iiuuut oi prof!-eiou-

piv.ctice. I

Median!. aith full dir.xioi: er'i'.t 'oaLi7 prtoftbethr.r iutoi.ii! by iet.r. L tciUbii Co: .ev Jouceft.-i-r' , coniidn lis!.

?0r. L.'n Ouict I 6','Al lottit5 fc ?'tb;5u:d: :.nd?rtbe s cf LA CKoiZLlyTi ",fr7 to all le'tfl" J Jv--

"Tift: LACR'MX MEDICAL INSTlTCTE,4 d twtf Nu. M.Lideu Lane, Aih;iuy, N. Y.

No. :tll Fourth si,, bet, Clarke and JetTrrs-i- ,


iut.'B and all the view Hyiei1 of Fine ljpir?cr'K Ornacieateo:ieciitod in the tno't eierior style, of the bestAH worjc warranted, trices raaouable. Old old ieiiin ejrebanpe. dly


lcha-- the GALLERY on Ma-- etret, betweenSecond and Third, Eoiiirvll!e, Kr.. formerly occvi--

rj;ied by Mr. G. T. flbaw, in vhicb they Lave Joe tronsmerable exiecfe in retittlne. The Gallery b l

iio-- certainly the very tinpt In tlie Wet. We ar--

8 prepared to inmi'di all ntyles of i ictn's Known ir:w I h. art. Photographs in c it, wat;r colore, and In-- r

Edia Ink. Eatiuir-ctio- n glrea to ail. Givo us a call J

g C. Alftki GaRtiiTT. Gr.o. If. !

ir-f- Gallery Is cbed on Snndy. inaylfl

i am no tf r.L'.W (iu"i;S, vit vacha?ed. and wonid c:ot reeoect:uil ;ifk a citlfrooj all tlte wvbii to vjrebft-tr--i- Pruire.

l Ci emtcals, I il4, and IhivK')in fU'ie a wry ifi aud comMi-i- t:oca oi virgiuja,M'?".' :ri, aud Keuiky Manulari ured Tobai, andwin ew indcenifu'.a ti t'.ivo! wi?Lijc to puicbj.ee foreach or prompt ooni--i.- - a hn,n

ro4 EOWAKO WFT.OFF. 'HM.I..ItLoUv A No, 1 Extra Flour;

tHi tb One do:In itore and roet.lvius dallv and for rale b?

JNK'W HE(;H AN AN A CO.,niQ r!or'i"r SorT'd md pts

)i CASKS Fa NO FKlNirt, tipiague'ij, Ameri-OI"- J

ce.'i. Ludi' If;, an 1 Tarony:l'O t.Kri I,'M()N FANCY PRINT?:

K. ctfivod and foi- - aale for r ah onb byJAMEtt LOW A GO.,

aSo Sr. and wett dide Sirtn ti.

L caks Madotra Vr me;I) rto Port

; bb do;In itore Atid tor etie by


tOTTON YARNnar.liori;

i do Carp-'- t Cialn:bftlit Cotton Twir,?;

cId Cauuio-V.'ici-

Vjo do No. 1 Hi '.ine- r tale br; AS i t. KM A N. Ml'RRKLL. A 0.

FFEE JO. Hio Cotiee for bvGARDNER & CO.

I E E bo5d of fine quality In ft ore and foria bv TpiI'. MIR'-IT- A BON.



LoNDHES DISTRACTION, tcAh.'ai a ou hiLid and for a'-- J bt wholeeat- - and rftill by

ctt No. 3:5 y.iTi t., uad'-- the Louiaviiia Ha tel.

NATIVE WINKiJio cj.:- -t Mx fcp.:riGii-l- j C&tn., ba;L'S f.'j J?:.U ot

In t'.oic nu f"' In .,iit ! tr pnrchl- -eteiibj 2; J. P. 'i'ii':.Ua0.v ":io;uu:;1Wooden W&re, 3:coi, Cordage, Jhc.

of Boe'tie, Tulu, C1iji u, onr- -AFFLLV"ij1i'D l,wl-tn- V i. lotb-- f P:..nfull Rolliu Fujj, Pot.-.t- M !. re,M. a"ur-.T- , M' DMr i'lohn", ticrvfdt Ki1?'- - Bu-- k

l:, '"' v-'- kiuii.-;- , l, V.rr.,;,pri Pa--

r a'i Psji.-- r Btf-- , cin:o'reii,4 r:bet','I rot Seli.e 'i'wtne siilu l i'U Line";Flax. l 'isp. and v otioa Tv me; Ileoip. and:ortin Kope; and Black-!:iH- ,

rtcruo, and j iiatli Fatiref, Eciuonmo'v.- ii'. Wvf.H-'tLo- f:i;v', Ac ; iu i'lor-- : ' 1 for if. at,

i - i;lUS bT OP.'.tlN R,',WS.jN.rn b' 'I f'fi n

Mi for saif oyH A fbN.



Saddlery Warcliouse,

No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sisth,Ijoulsvillo, K.y.PMir?hnt and Mannfuetnrer would find it to their

cba aiid ordrr troiii a ditanrp will be ftttndrtj to a If


OASII! C ASII!Great Sacrifice oflac:t;s, kmru- d:i;i:iKB. fancy goods, hoopSKIKTH, HOSIKJIV, V.'HITK GODS. LINKS CAM-BKI- :,


,TAfO!iET, SWl.S. aul L. Y. I'LOUNOINOS,and lu fliort our ei:re etotU, rorpr'ning the r.io't beau-

tiful ueflgne and style,-- .

Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The ladl-- s will do w.'U to cll at once and if cure, the

great t aud uiojt deirale ItAKiiAlNSof tiieaeaeou.iKIttI T A CANNON,

xii7 Fou rrli t opposite Hall.

rsiiv GOODS.VrK liave on hud a rood e'ock of OKV K,'00, towhich invito tho altotion oi" tbe tiada. Tcruit

oauu o. iii--i;I JMKS LOW & CO.,

t:i7 tlrt .'' ido nt.

pDrc Concectratod Bztract of JamaicaGinger

MANLTACTt'EilD and lor sale wfcolnwile aid retailCAPlTOIi LKl'O FTilUPs

(lppo-'it- ttie Pojt otrice.O. IL STKaTTAN, Ft

Gwynn's Prepared White GlueMANUFAOTUULO fcr the trade by

O. U STRATTAV,Capitol Drug 8Txre.

Camphorated Amica ZjiatraontM for ca'g at mvMAM"i-"ACrCill5-


O- IL bTRATTA.N. Oni-i- ,

Oopotdte the

For Invalids.riViMC WlE BiTTFJAS dlsoenscMl with Sort Wi1 U;r. O. H. flTKATTAN.


PHESCRIPTIONS.AM prepH'-e- to render ?atfaction U the goodI cllii:.;Ui of LumsvlHf) in tubs d. r irtiue-i- t ol mv buei- - j

O. ii. Bl itA i 1 ApotlH cry,.j tt dtf OppiHile tb j

When you so to NKW YUKti, drive direct to tbe I


ON THE KL'KOPKAN PLAN. GoodCONDUCTED prompt attendance, and mderatcbaig-- S.iiie oo cents 7.ric.:ut-j- and $'ibi . Dcu':.!( i jm cri parlor il 60 to Meal- - a.'oviif-n--! Thii Hotel haqn.ll the appou.tmeuW ef ttiehT-- t U, a n. it central locate and ia heatedthroimiiout by a team,

mi q:tu SAMTl'.L E MKM), Proprietrr.

OLItISTEAD & O'COKXOR(Successors to Joa. Rosl


And Sole Agents foi tbe

OROP.HS for any of the above k;atB ropfx:ful!yproinyUy biiod at We lowest market

prices.Couta!tly on h?n! a Jar tM "PEYTON A

CAKNEf." and "FFuVCOCS" POMLRt)Y COALS,whi-.-- tor kltchf-n- , prlr, or chauibor ue have uou.perl or.

Third between Ma rketat Kbb'-- J old Biand; aud at No. ifc.'i, srmt.hu-es-

corner Lrook aud i;arkwt strebl. dj



iiaiiu i

Market Street,North aids, b&tweoa Sixth and Sov&ath,

LOUISVILLE, KY.t"Alvye cn lind a con:i-kt- aeeortment of PIANOS

at rbaoaabie prices. aepii dly

I&AX-- T ikJB HOPSIT'or Sale.

Casls paid for BarleyAT TV 2


CctKetn Sixth and Servb.jRiu-Jd- JO TIN ENOiEV CO.




tl;:-!M!nc- of all iuno.h,Aov1 ft comil-t- e atuortmnt of eveiv artlo'e a;r-tt.bjb:- a

to .V.fta'e Wf ar, to woicii .e cail the alteuiionoi" CAih a'.u yokjl buytrj.


n;V C'otb t!ou. No. Main rt.

CP.aH t;!D!'K7 Lbli puie Crab Cid just reoeivedior &.ie by

JN0. F. HOWARD A CO.,RJ3 Vain, h'n-pw- Tbid "rt fit.

KI.Kl'i. AN't WMi 'H'5 R irs Nof. 1. 3. :iud it ilivclt-rt)l- :

10 Sobif. V

Iu store and tor ti.17

tnM W. "I'KfM TfKT, 41?

Ci(.KEi;E Ml. Kio Cotiue jusl mceiveo paJohn ttiue aud for sale by

c .'i WM. CAY

?. 'lll.-E- 6'J bLl- - superior :i and j year old BourbouWbifky oc concin iiufTit and for sale bv

aS W. H. WKKHAKDT, 417 Markfi rt.

HANDLES O.oo Hams, Sides, and Shouldi-- inbioro a. id bir &h1 by

fHWA-- Pi- - tv.i S AM CATCHUPS -aoJ ('iitcn;: 5, Saucen. P; wrji-- i

f'ile. Lb' cotai-;- . C'ftiota, uc, mt fi-iv- and

L'T L'jAF SL OAl'. 5 bbls Cut Loaf DUgrjuetrei td tiid for bain by


(eJIItl F t, lj.i::' and extra Gulden isinpiu and o reic.il by


(Ev.'YEE-S- I EO T& ba; prima Clover-Set-- just re- -

aua ior i.!e bvINO. F. HOWARD A CO..

m'.-- Main betwr. r. Third and Fourth ea.I AVA Ct;FFEK IM uiate choice old Java in itore" and btr Aie b

UlLOKEiS'ri CAKKiAUEti - -

i'j Wor.diii Cabi, Giff', and ('hliseT' WiUwrf Cab?, piaiu and brnm:;'d;Aleo Wiu-e- and separately;

Tu?t recfived ;it ti.o Vucden Ware and FrO(ai Storeand for Je jaw by ORK1N RAWSON,

aM ifin tflxen Third md FmiTth.

I'r ;6 c".iikG rlcu rewivf-- ,ind for aale byv . f. jut i. rn.

11I K -

I )j Fine FT" it;!". b: o. 1

In tiore aud i.i t,lo t.y

AMm KCCilANAN CO..rnC'7 (on:pr h" Vih!ru,tftn t.

j CIH It'E TEAS -- U5 parkae choice Gree.il"

f f aoii Biacx Teaa, ireeh fciin al. In eio and forn sale by

eJiC mij HTPFITT A KN.APLE MOLA?t B Just reset vd 2 bbia rnm

1 Mcla-ee- s in e'jre and for naie bviTi to HlBRITT A PON.

lOLAhPt; io? landing from ikam''1 or Magenta and ior aal" .

RAWflON. Torr. A CO.

lCXIiREL AND S L.M uN in whjla, half, andi 1 quart;!' I Ma and ou iviaii by


X I AtiKEKKL 2ih whol. ui:d half hbn Noa. 1. a, and S1' Mackerel in niara and tor :Jh bv


IO Co Fr.E5i0 ba? b-- .md prime K.o Cof1.1- - bit iu rore and tor suln by


I KlEO RhKF AND TONGn'r-l- O 1IM Dried Beef" ' and ; dv;c-:- T'j'isuea tor pal- - b1'IREITT A SON.

tJ'l&ll TF.A8 A And dc irar.I awi ot choice Flack and Or-e- Tea cu hand

7 .t1 ajid fur aaia cheap ior .,L T. LANHAM A CO.,

lTntvrtr of TV. TMM- -t

IVUNE BRANDY, WHIfKf,do.ni Copnac Brand r;

do old B .nrnn county vTiUky,'( do o'd A; 'pie Brandy;

WisitiiHy'g Club House Glmi do old lilim- nt

J. P. THOMPSON"?. To FtirrhBt.

nRH D FRi I 1' A choice anicle pe(dd and unpeeledDrirr Appiea, and French aud GuraiaQ

Pninet in eVre and for nalc byn" W ft H RruKHAWDT. 417 MrVt rf.

4 1 LAKET 4eajk3 superior Clart m store mid tor saledv L..l WM. GAY.

PP.INT3 -4 Ti:rkey roJ Print.?:

lJy do new Btyle Print!;Received aud for sale by

JAMF3 LOW A CO.,r;SJ aud 21j west side Sixth tt.

CANOLr.fi -- A full Bup,;ly Paraffin Wax, 8perta,Star,Candles i'i etor and for puip by

r.i$ W. A I!. HFRKHAKl'T. I? Mart-P- t t.IIOLA.LR -

i'O bin? PIaafa-ti.ju-

1 .'i dj;

i j."- io:iu whole, V. and ; b:.ls (hildm for sale by

T ' AS TLfM A N. M I'RkKLL. A ui.1 ENTL'CKK I liD 30 k'CP priiiio f?.r:;!v Lard for

1 boie Ayple Erandy;

Vjj tA t. B. Wbi.-ty- :iiJJ bi;ie E'crin-'- d..;

I j r.r.d L( Sue French BrauJw7n and for ah bv fal.V .f. MONXS.

FIA.VILY UAMS nf various b andr, (qaud coud ou hand aud lor tale

retail .;id whoUnale byk T ViT" OPFV'D. Main t.

"UlAMPAGNK U.) boxes anfcorbd bitiart, ointe, andV- - oi.,?MF) In Buore aud for bale low by

COKEEK Mu mars f.no old received per railWl.J f t r II?


tntprect to examine my ftoct bofore irakingrb.nir pr"madP io person. aw.w.wtf

31 IIS CELL AN E(i f SOSIco of tho American Sxposs Co.,

Lncisvuxt, M.r pecuiier odor of a mutthit lNrtll-VAVir- hw aoatin fr.(in thir f.enons and m..st probably

r.i'0'.'iin-- d Aruut ot in .a.y Air neanFxpre- Company at L .iiisvMlp, Kv., in p' ex' Kna.su exhaled from the Kin find US mir.ut glands and

LIVINGSTON, FALU. a t'i .. follicles. Now, this must srise from aQ unl:;ltliyr dTi state of the blocJ, which mi:t a djlcter--

ioup intlueiice the p;erui.y, bud theTnsl f ii. i on system on'al f 001 ' orna cmne-te- with i pjrat ions of the mind in

T MVFftlBNDS AND FORMKR .ATM)N9- -I paVricuiar, ami arv meana which effect thewor Id infonn my old cii'tomcr t hut, - to- found at the Wm. 1, hiryby o.Jt Me nova! of the vi'u-te- humors and other tocrour ;i3

Foiii-t.I- fireet, bet. Main and Kier, , in uP must b3iieU. the disordered intellect and proba'dyhapiiy to bethHtnoanpoi.r:rm7 U all wiure f cure tie and tain tod svtt-- whjre oiliertl.e)-- t and riicaKHt Piitebnrc and Harford Cin Coal have failed I hive f mnrt th:U ac" ive andnow in the rity. Having iiood t. Knu, dnvt-- , and 'u.wl,; ,detenu ined to I ho're that I win fe&U j. .rf.-- . X'lolent exercise, powerful puu ribce, an.l n't batii.iin driving a brink trade with my old man. ' ll p.od haya failed in correcting thU unLeaUhy aolion n

rjiodM il i.

TO BUSIWBS3 WW.An escppent chance for reliable buiinn.en tose. iro

aprnjirabie n.nnuiact-irni- rr-iHi-u bi t a!i;aU capital in iti ee'abii?i.uiei;l

THK nanufact-.ir- co:itI.-t- J in th? r.i (PcsMoi: of ivp00fi;jOr!ti-i- or lo r a brie!:.

and n. vArlfltv nf orhr huihh;.e rn". rkl. nranmHii ilcciiinga, iloori a:.J ,'or SennUT IJoula A

tt,, .,..,-,- 1 f ter v.bi;h v. in New Vu;k Hera!-!- how- -pi irer wb;;e to the tteiv-s- t black, v it1 ill h rol i cehaHe berwpen. It ioiHrt to thri nlcled te wliki. itlu applied a hardnef and iniv-- t itiCitviiL-t'--

and a beauty Kurpa.e4tig tfiit oi rife- - .rd tucptcomiyot tne varief;led nairiie, anl, unlit, ttiem.inipr vious to moii-tu- i ,and w! II uevtvfude, '., in, or

eotlug bat a jirt of tho pi e fordu a.y muroie.

U u al.-- o valuable fcr tabic and nd tow, -a- nt'o-luODiinienU4, and an ei;ti1'Wi" t.:'l os ottiarf-- -

fleets, of staple no 'I't-- uf ai;piri;ir t.ieDaiel lv si tuple, wtIV r:,e .rricbjn l com- -

ii4.ni! a ri'iidv jle,. iti rdmi: inti e t.rti patent io- - r town mi tbe i tt.Ttd to rj'it. HDV cb'ir' '1 I

b anp!yiii mh-jc- A?fai; tKiifi .IbM-the urticles luaoutar-tiirw- w'.t be required iV the uwe ofthe invention. ('Srenla f giving full paitlculr.ra will boforA.-ude- I all applcan'..

The uint and bedutv cf this 'ianieledbuildup to anything iu use ha the n- -d

ihu'ji prui-i.- i, u,ni: iu; nii'.'i r eiuent ai. il jiCXsand eclentWic men of thin and otbur clile.

For addressKiitNsois v pi:ai

General Ag'ts for Bnildin-- j Mntorial,JT, iNAortAl' .M.w Voi K.

"t BTATIONKKYaud pne one--ttiid less tlian cm i purchA?id . re. 4!a'l on oraarew isrwup Micios.a . u. HiiLr.i, ro

- r?f17f.TirmSL. 8. B. do CJIETY V.. RAf.V, Agent),

ji'l-ee- n street, the Jonrott.1 Office

Aa n t1" and for sale id ouautl'leB 6 '

f Ito 'It pnrchafeco a fi:.o oi AjjJVVlNLS and LLQL'Oiitf, uuch as &i

ltOHOKALT. BOIRKONE. COf3NA-M-Bordeaux; IViu.mxI;t)e Modo,; Frontignan; l,..'ie!St. Estephe. V&lney. Hnnte rlede

I.an(nieJ-c-Motjoile, Vin de Tokay, Annarnae. aud Cordiala.

n'ar4 rtiy-

SOOTS ilHB SHO suitl


r T7I a 1 11 a HHf f T? I

TITH ir bavin a Hrge nlnt Af T.cdieV andWioti-- Boo, Sbo. and Oatt-r- i, on hand.

atlft' hi- - OTtn u.Ji 'litJiw n.fra t o r,..l-.- '

prices for ca.h. '

Oenfa in want of 6ue CaifWln'er Boo' can be ar- -

eonmodaiei at tha very k:w price of 67 per pair, for

iTa'iot of JW- - and Boys' a,d Vu atcost for (Mail. D.

d'ldrf Main, belov Thi d strt-- t. j



Shuttle SewingMachineFOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. VttlCV, S7J

Warranted the Best in aiketSriue hnu.ied, etrong and durable: wheel te, J ot eieatpower: exceed niy In not a wireabout It: all its part are rio admirably and ingeniously arraiiced; cannot poiMy pet out of order, becai.seeverytnir.it if ad juste!; nou bo easily uu- -derstood and orwat-- d, and news the rioat beautstlteh evor beheld, alike or. both nldca. Toi-lora and all wno have aeen it proao.:nce It the heat Ma- -chine ever eet to th vicinity. Ail m cordi ill? in- -vlted to eiauilue it. T. JOUNciTX) Aent,

nZWv 2v y Mirth rtffvt

To Millers, Produce Merchants, andDealers.

'HR rnbcrileT ofTerB hiicervicce tetb Prcdcoe Oeai- -ewm p'jrchap? (ill kind of Grain

and Country Produce, Havifi hud lone ei?&rienfy attb hueineM.he feel awirert tbat LeangiTaati41onto All who may employ hire.

He will act aa apeat for tiie mrrrw rf bnylng Grsioand Produce in toe coauvJe ot FrantiUi, Woodiord,Scott. Favette. and adjoining counties.tr Refers to (rov. C Morobead end Col?.asl A. G.noup, Frankfort; Dia. W. S. Gaio and D. H. tn-p-


J. 0. JACK, K. V7. h',:LouUvUle, Kr. Mew t


Wholesale Grocers,PEilTBIOHCflniSSlOBEEDiTO

No. 51 u.rth ziio Main st., Ltweeu Third arid F'.rih

rorirn.ix. hv.VGAR. i.'oll'i C AND MOLAiieES

O .l lilid.s N. O. Su.t; !

IK' pi i!: Ri I V:7. c;b.'O b; !j Crcii, anJ Giinula St'gax;

,iu do PlantAnoa Molasei;1" i.btd to ao;i) Jthuis Go'd-- Sirup:

krd Goluua 3! run;In iiore aud for j.!e by

JACK A Uaiii it.

MANFFAtTt RED TOBACCOKtuf Mujffouri Tobacco;

8i0 do J. Eilid do du;jJ do d;

L u do Va. and Ky. tk-- , Vari..ui brault;Iu store and for aa'e bv

jAiK ojh Mau: t.

IUANS AND LIN315Y8 10i bulrf Nuiro Jfiiiia andv Liueyn iLt:st brand!") in ore un.l tor by

JACK Si 5kMuli:nt.

1 ANAWHA BALT-3.f'- 00 hbl? Kacawba Sal latJ- - uadltity, iu storii a:id for si!-- b.'


SUNDRIESO hih' chetj Ten;!o iii B p.'- -c tic;

6) du.en Sfcker liro tn ;75 do fair;.- wire t'.ed do;

I '4) do Paiutcd riucketfj;ni.9t do Tjhj

7d dojc-'- Ziuc V'ol!-Bard-

fHi toili Ro; e, ah eiz-a- t

i) do H"iu;t o, dii;I' M boxes Stir ('audies;4j do R:.i'- - h: '

I'o K:-- :a iio&H:.) do Pilui do:ft') do (rtt man bo&p:fcni ba Cottjn Vmn, all uiLfflbtr;

do rp, t Chain;bal's Batihif;

;iJ do ( 'niuin-WIcf-

i do Wmpplug Tlne;15 bugs Spice. j

dol.r, matr OuuiaiutKi:

8 Madras aod Manilla In !)";U cakfl Madder;

lo bblj Ab.iiu;6 do Bolpbur: '

M c&Ke Newcst'Ue Soda1 ca.-- Nutjue?:

aOC'X-- G. D.aud 8. B. Cπ"5 grnns Matches;'r ou Ma? na larae and iinall I'lftcaiafi; j

SO b.xe- - - t'oite-- Candy;40 bble CidT Vines ir;

-- a kcee N'diiri, nuoibun;On bvd aud for es.1e by

tire BROTH Rt" Vain


Wholesale and Ketail DeRlcit inViat)

ni t m tp TiT riLjy

Furiiisliinir GoodsFOR OASII ONLY,

Eontkeast corner Main uin,


PECANS lu irt-j- h Pecans justIRESM and for nale bym'J' W. M HITRKHAROV. 41? Market 't.

S(TAKJ bnoi tair To iiKr received pe.John Kaine and for le by

,K ' t wnons

IKG-- TiWACCO Hrowu'e and cf an ex- -

l tra quality, for ea!e byLIEBiTT & SON.

W-- find a Wf'tl-f-- ji crock o:' H A

Jgj CAPS, ar.d S I'KAW GOOD - at No.Main rtret, wbirb cv.u b"; piticbitefd to hSfcer tiAii (rood- - bav v.r before Un fo.d


'ho'.e- do;

For sale low to c!oe coniiynrrient.a' G ARDNVril ft CO.

IISH Salmon, Maciterei, and Bardinea inand oil retail by


14 bbJi prime landing from iteauit Pey- - '

for aale?Z"Ti:Jr2nr- -

1APLF pare Maple Snsar Junt re- -11 ct.ived an.l alo

tti vi W H. HI KKHAKI1T.

bfinki Slgak-H- hi bb Baitiaore B 8oftat receiv-- and for M.lf L

RAWrivN. TODP, 4 CO.

SIIFKTING6-cae- eabrown 8'.ee!i;jf;

lo do 4 rleaii d6 di 4 ij io;

Just recall td uad for sale byLOW '.'0.

5t'ifl and Jin '"t Si--

ICC & ticrc priia- - Rice i;tt rivd and for ile

Treab. Llua Xiicti WaterIN nora and for sale ty .

HUGM PP.F.NT C,JS Sbcou-- St., bytwteu Maia aud River,

i"A'ii"it ri; f.is hhl U!,-- Ko. 1 CADbrr OH nee.v.d per Railroad anJ nele by

Jl v"Ml)i i m-I- rbjar bidea in and tor


Mjl p F N SIRUP oh-- and bin' b f -

Haltlnore Simp in ftuif aud to? ovA.NTW liUt.'lf b N Ol.

LOUIISVILLE JOURNALEiticct or Tun Tl"rkiii Bath on Lcnacy At

the raoelin' of tbo Coil: t Lunaticlast wet I;, a report vrt,5 reail by Dr Por, resl- -j

tlent plivaician, en tha working of the Turi-- h Bat)i

in tha alum. Since the opening of the bitb in

Januaiy Uct, one h.mdred and twentv-fuu- r pi-- jtient? have heen to its action. Out ofthese ten are ili?chareJ curd, while fifty-tw- o

ere improved and irr.rirf-ving- . Sixty remain ud- -, ... . r .

Kiiiii:jDit u':.'HK 1 ci,5 uj ihblv furs Bianuinj,' Tha fullowin is tho r;iticn;ile f e rt the

lurKin Lath in c;i e.s ci in.iaru"y:Any er.o vlk tljose su'T.trin urdcr

t h ia riiitti-- iMTinnt f 'A til nvriv f hut llmra i a a

tbo skin and it.- l ind.s.

, " .

JNTRItKn TINU I'KfAi: or J X,loLAs o


AND TH K LAT10I.HJ Ultll'rt' U e Live fc l ;eau yr..,IJ' 1,.1 fmrrs thi i"n'irrn rfin(,-- 3 ih. cannralr "" " e

ever, so nvuiy tdi'.ion-- l tiatails we

reproduce It:

At hb-u- e'evun o'clock on SundayBishop Iman c:i! led Rt ri'iuett of LionJito converia wi;h fti.r. Li:is. who v.ud lln,

ti,me- - 'nal. Mr. l urMirnL.i--B- .' .y i ol v.'-- uui..' i. u"uhis t'nitif.jat F.t the viiit. i'i.-h'.- J)tl''anfio-- ask'1!:

'"Mr. Ihiuir'ai von evor Leon b:iiOzed

The Bishop cobtinued;Do voa dvsiro to have ma.-- ?aiu after the or- -

ainarco- - of tbo hciv (Juth'.'lic Church? fho an- -

swor wa:'N'Vir; wb'.a I do I viil with

yon freo'y.'The rlUb-.- then turcoxl to .Mr. acJ


'fo yiia tliivk be Is fully poee-'-e- of hU men-tal facul'.ieK' ' Mr. n'o'io.'i, ''1 ioknow poi hups vou hid better c.--k hi.ii aaiii."f he rtpeati-- bis question, tu which !r.TjlUJlrijs in strong, full vr, c;

-- iou ui.tai.dmo. WhenI deiro if. I wilt comtnuTicito vi'h vo:i frselv.

The Ui hn, ,hMi reui-ivl- ed to Mr. lihndo-i- , "Heut.douliierliv in hi? riht mrjl. and dovs not

desire my othco-j.- " lie tl;en wilbd ew.L uring thei:iy (Sunujyl Mr. Douglas beeme'I

io be mu h better, ai J n hrcr. verw uof his rc :ov tu ; to slept miii"t. ut the riav,

and in tho ovenitif; itjanieU much refreshed. Wri.L'ouia? and Mr ulni rem-iin- isith him durintf the niht. At about ! cl'ck on Moadav

arrhitectuiul t:iiiibip, fictj rbPreciin(-- ; t death.e Ilr.:! the

any city j according UlO of ?' Mr.r.n r



?T5T ft














ca-'- e

.I.U'K RR.

and ronrth









niornirjr be ncerned to L j niuch sankrapidiv; hia friends were eont for, and, at the re-- j

quet of MrB Uoui vp, Bishop Dugian ;tain h

'tt', him. N)on .".tier t!;e Birhnp entered, he pproicLfl the und, aJdresin tha paliuut,Sap1:

"Mr. vou hnow your- ovvn conditiiiifu;lv, ai-- in wvw f yiur aj roaclitnc -

ion do vou d ire the Ctremjiiv of uncticn to he Tjrfirm-f- -

filr. Ii)Ui.i ropiied;I ii,,. , i t. . ft p,( p.lH to discus j thirgs

1 he KH;op then Viri.ai'tvr. After 1.9 haleone. y.n V r cpieated Mr. Khdcf toheLr d if he dHjired the mini- - ration of anyother cl rivmao. i.boutrt tbvn etid to ilr.LXiUirhi:

Dn v(n knov; the t

To vw.ich Mr. Douglas replied:'Nearly every cue uf them "

Mr. Rhodes "I-i- ! yon wih to hr.ve either orony of them call to nee you apon reliic.'.'.s subjects?"

Mr. OoUfili "So, 1 thank vou."i;, - .1;. t-- l.a

to have hi poiioD in bed t!e hiid,. , .

Pnf1. ariU "w8 r:-s- J- Wr; R'l0ltMliiiod hirn 10 an essicr f.osture. v. hiro he C 'll'dIo k out ho btrcot, ai d dririk in tbo fv.ohm :rni1 a'T- - V.r - Lw ryvimp-it- j hn qft'Tfld to

"tw lue. 1 lien he heis to Sir !: awav; Iihe OS otrliallv cl 'SC'I. ard in clow and measuredcadeo'eca, with conidwrabie p.iU- -3 batveen e?icb

,SLCei t, he LUor--J- ;

'Leab. Uoalii . leatb.AT "or this Iio 6 oinwl to revive siih'ly, arid

Mr Kh'-vi- ak d him whether ha hfid any te- -

to sent, to hi nv ther, tr sifter , er hpbo; 3 ' Rubbv" :in. "Htei to r. hk-- he maci'j

r;K- - not . n,r 4i ai r v, , " , I " "

tlnn- - r- - Luimhis t.icn p.uc bar arm arirjuUj his nck a.ti a.ii-i-

.yv dosr J.. oti hnc-v- 1CcUt':i Dan?' "v" ''' ne rerne l

sirs. cnturued:'Vour!"vc ulA Stev'te, vcur m,.i- -

them!-- ''

The uvipi; ro:in replied:1 )'iriUm t r.,'viho lavs RirJ stippr the

the I ..ited yt.tori.Al a' t:i livo o'clock fir. Millor c.u.fne into tho

roons, r.J uo'icidjj the (; thultor- - ad"Whv hive vnu all t!:e.a Taked acJ

t; :nu'-- iiubt?''Mr. I )o'; repli0:''Si trut wi c t'i airAt Mr. J rcj.'t Mr. rih

tin I ii.j: n in f .iiin in th-- s '.! fnr ih-

uir. i. lie r.:vr -- y fi;r;h?r o v.;i in t! mid- -

it)e t'i" t!.e w : n Uia left ci;ie. bi Itad ciijht- -Iv bent :u;d the pi!i.v. Ilia wiie

h:m. holding Ml? niit nr.'i ;n ;u lier 5

and leaning ttndeilv over Lzm. K'L'uip;. Mr.KhoJtt3 remarked to Mrj. Ih.tu;!;-;.--

"I nm afra d ha d n it " i:trtp'v to which Mr. T. is ?ai i:

"lie is vorv cr infrrt'ible. "

'1 hee were his b;-- inteliilMe vurdc. Fiomr.vo o c''ck ba was epoechl?, but . iricntly re-

tained Ids const! uu'a. When, a few momentsEel'ure his doith, hU vifo leaned lovingly overhint ard sobl'inply :ed, 1 u?oanc. no youkm iv.-

- m. will vcu ki.-.- mo.-- ' ile rai.tKi b:n eyesand smiled, an:l though tco wank to RpCMft. thenioveiii-n'- of the muscles of hi? mouth ovideccoJtha' he wii- - in:Xitvr an almost 0; tug atrule to

comply wi;h herHirt'deatli wac calm and poaeeful: a few faint

breuilis j.I'ier riivj o'clock; a jlitit rattUnur ofhicthiui' ; a bbort, quick, convuLvive shuuiUr,and S'ephyn A. Ifcufas had parsed from timett Atprnit v.

Mr. ljul-t- leave- - tv.-- s ju Uobert Martin,aed thirtei-s- , aad SLephen Arnold. Jr., ai;edetfivttfc who are now ut George t a v,n Ccileye.Thesr, with his v. !fe, aro the oc'y meaiucrs left otLij immediate fi.nilv.

U;K or thk Kir L!;. A Gecora I f r jor, u'. a ll! e c i!(l of ALiyt v.u ottrdjy at theHorse Gu'r-- by the Gent-ra- l Cimauiin-in-- ;Chief a to the of the ruled lui hoi. lie hi;oiiserfd that tiie pcv.ves of thatweapon have not been develop-- to the full ex-

tent. The fvi'Ure i not, believe-- , iu the rifie,bu' l.Sr? ariit :i ti"um the vant of a dcxt-r.,u- andshiih'ul ue cf it. T' it ae elfudeut us pen- -tibia a Uck sh'ht h- -s beu biTixed lo the weapon,&j frra'luatfcd ai lo furid-- h r(-- j urd elevdtionfor ail from l'Xi to yO0jirdi. The cor- -

rect ad atment of pihf entails a knowledgeof which in Dot diruvidL to ac ;aire, al- -j

though prci':o is required lo keep it up. '1 t;oride, vhon the fcijjht is correctly arra:ii;eu, rniybe with tbe fullest cjntdcr.ca of buccess bytrurya carefuily

A-i- , however, much allowance mudt be madefor the hurry ar.d excitement consf (,'jeut uo chneaction, it Laa be jn deemod e pcdont to laydown rules for tj:t,;';i' i:if r:naiL-- ar.d for thet;uicin-;- occurs t" 11 graJes id command oftroops txforo an in ( i Jor to ensure thehie and v iley t'.ri.u: being in fu ure eii activelyana rapi h- - cxecuitau. It ia tberoiore to bo un- -

dt?r?tot-- ;5.?t v.'htu iinr ' m the huts or rou-r- (tt

?na,a: fliree hundrad yardr1, th3 li.D of theback f.'i.b ifi not to ha racd ad, bat aim is tobe take.i through ihn nances which protect it.law will bo found si oiica to bii!h.ie:it

diroctijn, and prac'icallv to niveIS vhda tha dilliculty, ULdernoes, vt i?ott t ut eve di wu to the

bittomof tha notch i:? ihe bsck fcik'ht will bej obviated. W'ht n ririrtr in the opeu at ranei; bo- -j

vend thre hundred yard-- , ami ai, all dltallOO'wh n ti'ir.r from behind par.: pott?, or tt'ider cvercfany sor, the bach is !o car'fal! a:j isl- -

ed; a tru" alignment throu.di the notch oftiio b:u. cn the object sitped at. and a cor- -j

rect ol'tvaiion for the 6M. mated btine'"'iiiiil to accural fih'o;irj; 'J :n- orderdirects that tbco rulj t csrefuliv epiair.fd tjthe i tHcorij and private' bycaptains and o:er:i cf aoJ tint theybe oV;rvud at. a.'l o vol ui tons: : that o!'i:frigenerally miko thci.i.e. pruii itnl in a

e.';;e vt disturi KH, and thoron.iilyv. ith the powers uf tha ri";j. h:.cers c luimur d-

ini: divijiona, br.adu-- and garrisons are to ascar-- ;tain by frcqutnr insnecions and cK.ne e.Mmiaa-- 1

tion, that ttie ai oSicers possessa correct knowledge of ai i of ib? th o--

thin-- f beaut v. r living on tha lip.-- : ofpltd'jine youth, or tiukerin; cr, tho dyinn

won: cut aa, hoidd i's beauty (jrill.Whether myhin loveliness yet more winx-ne- orrendering u.rlinos e6 ropuive th.au its wonr, apintle vet holds itu nature vet it ir; beautiful.Maic lurks therein, and -- wajs tb human heart

8 words neer can quickens i In iulot puUe, orsoolhes and calina the hurried throb as they mayneed. And beneath the ncrura;.;in:: iMlueiice ofonegwoel, aphoUliji; riniie. tbe beart itself mavch.ne i; ii n.av i.ld iid n.ad iu eiiL ifr.ot ca-- t out f rver its evil prnmptinrs and indars prcpyii.-iti-- And so m iy too rjjni)e of ne--rishin niaidn hevoi;d what ibe utin.ist woil cando. evt-'i- i a the smile of prie v;iJ! pur buiiiasii-t- v

i t real an.i noblo daui t?oid liie :

of all r.fber proiv.pt I'sillent power U.k ini!ie henrt, hiU- 'ir.e i:w niade thrust, a-

Mvesttv and t;entiv aj f:ili luc dwfrom heaver,. Alu the taiiie uf lovt! U bea:ns

i t.ie evt-- r a sue eobt, bc.urv ia ber m- -fni Btaco snsi a ruci;t U--

'h cf unknn-- a ; iy

and mora thrilling mark; on the niaiuci's lovolya her heart's Id'A u;3elb her -

in eye, and draws near to let h6r look of lovelose none of its preciouw value in needlessbetweta them. Ai.d with ueener. curer io. itconies to the ow i znd face whn her huhlaadfoud ttll-- her I otv rrmcia io juried since befirst vViiyl hor vSfo. Holy, beautiful indectl. is

iilb arid por;e-- t love. 100seldom, iniiotd, n.e" it Iive--i- oo rehloninoa'-- circr, an eat'il sorrov ;. 'jV,, soliotnr.i.ci it 1j;ive hirth-i- 'io often ure,-- . it. jife ipriti-w:.(-

'v en if fiirii rn ni u5vly wefroiiidt


io tila n arkot beca-- b purchiwera or by prompt payiuK r a.ia pracK ut r,.td t..)nrh'. li u:eou eaort tir. tinns herein dytaiied are att?ndtd to. his ' Jl

al PItATHEP. SMITH. HiKfns is thai the r will he loundcadta Rice received per tr.&'.lboit and for be a weajK.n of great v.duo ia Ubi:ci:i- -

rlCE-i- Oby ; lery st distnc-'- up to 500 vard::

Cl'liSJI iNJ'i-- t r.Nfi: vr biLv.t A smi!e ia indeed aj



Ibafor by



J.ii.i Ait.



Alios etoreby

ta naleA.N A










of il






CHURCH.Thf Cn'hnlie Pre in Sf 'h America, fl9 (ha

the. Archbh'-- ii, (,'"'''' . VV'"!nW, of the. A n yff E'ptaa.ors hai bwn rirci bv then- - infaVw'" r"rri-r- t.

and haw piirc them to the gicc, wio haw bt-- n

iLatrine cured.


Tt:c Minutone.

R:idwavi Ready Re-

lief pre win j Sick- -

Radwav P.ay U- -lir-- f Stop Pato in aMimre.

Radway'i Readv R'1--

lif a Pleasant31 ,s RfveraKe.RrLdwav'a Keadr b- -

lif f rnrcH Pains- - in'i'p HowelP.

R:uivav'n itady '-liefciirnrtTntilbacJie;t:Lr in :m iruiint.

Rudwav'a Heady Re--li- -f Prevunt-- K.id- -

den sttacke of 3klt- -

f leea .

Rad'.av Rfady Re-

lief ('aren d


nirja biQ .


cirjliumord ia ibeblotid.


fcyphilicPwvei "ortjrj

Pfi-;'.-- lb n iWt:nrReIvnt cur

! DyjpHjia.EE Eddway d

Hr.? cuna Hrnnrbitia, Weak Luiiff?, BadCo.iths,.InC!pnait CuaumptlOu.


THK WORLD.Rad way's Regulating Fi lid warranted to operate in six

hours.Radway'! Reculat ins Pill are a Vegetable Substitute

for Ca'omol, lilue Piil, Quinine, 4sc.Radway'e Reeubitlrir Pilla uhould be by Femalea

in dohcat bealth,Radway-'- i R'cnlaMnic rllla wire all Female Coinjlainta.

K:idwHy'rf KfRulatin;; PJ:!p,Qaiobs NervooeiJL'a und Sleep, 8let--p- flloep!

Radway'e Kettolatiu? PIils,Oae Piil tjvtjry day will care ludigeatioa!


HKADACTTK, In all ite vrirtits, caredIN FROM FIVU M1NUTJ43









AnntIEADACIIB whefber a a premonitory pyniptom ofthrateuf d , or as a concomitant of a dtoc-- e intrenched within tbe uvtcni, in loriteotaneouely relievedby


liY RADWAV'a REGULATING PILLS.Tbre scarcely a dlft-e- , aliment, or malady that

w upon the h aun but tht on" of iU chiefKi.d priLnary nmptoins lf IlilADACUE. Tne flibtet--dcranieoie::t or 8'orach, Liver, Htart, Sliiu, liowel.'. Ridneya, or or a dltnrban--- '.f the circu-lation ot ttio l!ood or iuterfeience with the

In pid, to a greater orleM dbijroe oi ae ver-ity, lu tiw Li; AD.

HEADACHEI" not of itself a diieaf but it if a certain uiffti thatforpin and tmhentthy htimors exi.,t wii.iia thi- oset.rj.n:.d th vt ol.-'- ;L is b'fvinfi ItHn tb" b dy Heniditche,thei , tho-'.l- oevr b- - it b a warning ofap; rocb:: a i)n.sl to ttie to fortify hla

to and repel tbe tbreatnwl Llcad-a.b- e

io not oii'v a iwitive ?tco of tbivatent-- dift'a,--

"at it i!kwi-!- a concomitant of all ttie mt violent.int"Ctioi vidnTitc, and tatal diiea that a I'it man-kind. I:i tbe r:ilnO!:', contaaic-.i"- and inffctlo;!


IN FEVER AGUE.Chaxree Fcer, Mar.-- Fever Id all Remittent and

I iitermltii.ut Fever - in Bilious, Nervoaa, and Rheu-matic FMve:-- in Influenza, Sore Throat, Sudden(Jold, In Oi('tb-ria- , iu Iarlcunationa, Congcoiiooi,and Couvulsionis.HEADACHE, HEADACHE, HEADACHE,

wp.iuba dvn tiie brrJn with pain, and tr.n.C;:i'orni9 thepaddeor-d brain to hidt ooa lUitialty. Ia all tbee

uruie of tlcadauhe,RAD WAY'S RFADY RLLIEF,


ar uicli andin al! cav e: djTiivtcmtbetie HesdwJie. aF dieorderl

?to:ruh, Buddfn cola, eceelve iudulnerie. clcwtc . RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will r

it vre tiie Bnfiarer to peac lul trani)uiility in a tsw mla-ute-


ttI'.I, In six hour--- , pnrire from the ayatm all crTndb)Jiiiumorri, twid restore a b'.ulttiy equalisation to ttie cirtu-laiio-

Let tbo?e who aro at preprint suffTicg w thmake the exp- rinj'nt. In from fife lo sixho.ir yon will be rre-- fiini rin, ai:d will fe:ijo7 a

sleep. Dout wait, but try it at once.

EMINENT AND"dISTINGUISHEDI jivyerw. Clergy Dien, Phynicla-ia- , Mi'.Pary

nnd Naval otc-'r- , Merehr.i.t-- , and o'h.'rs fiu'o.vo theelticary oi Dr. RAOWAY'S UF.mZDlV.o.

READ THE RECORD.Hon. J. J. y iddteon. of 8 milt Carnli-:;'.-

0n. .lose VilamiiJ, of tbe Aimy of 8. A.l.'r FreoHiirk 1. paRj, of Miai-eip-

P. Mon-iy- , " "lion, .fohu A. Quirruv, of "R. 3nttirl:;,d liurkt:, of

F.b..rk--- U A Floj d, Mrc!)vnt-- ,Dr. .bv. r. Ltvimin'on, La.V.'iSey ftl. F.u- - Harrionmuyh. La.La-i- Hud lJ.tddi'.'.jrou, 13.

1. R. tfranioiri. Ciark vlUe, Ga.Ki'so, Dab!ot!'-Ka- . Ga.

;;c Pitt-- , Ora. toii. Ga.Dr. 6. L"iifi-- . Lwy'-tte- , Va.Dr. Jii". Fink. N. C.Dr S. II Li tinier. Mount , Ua.Dr ti. I'. iioi'ki'.i.', Fiucuiitle, Va.ticu. SbKld.j, U. . A.Coi. Lyoiu, U Re. N. Y. 8. M.Dr. L. W. Earlc, AtiVvilt., S. C.g. ,1. Abv.n, Kq , JacXsou villa, ITa.Col. D. Richard?ou, (lalvetoa, Texit.

Gov. Oick-o- Te;;i,jand tbou-am- "f oth-- ditinpilbd pentlemeu haveluul RAD WAY'd READY RELIEF.


and nave cured tbonii!flve and other wi'.b tt.e rttue-di.-r-

alT'.;r aM ot'i r medicine foiled. . cry one of beaborf ua r.id gentlemen will v for rev 'dies,a- - being the m.Mliciues that raftered them aud theirfriendd and thoso to wbom they recoauntno-M- i thciu, tohealth.


In etantn rents eftee i" tiwri by RadwayV Rady ReliefIn all cefj? of acute iiin. iutirnl or eMterntl. I wtopiin a moin-- nt tU- - lUii'ldeninr of rliouniatieni,neural ia. burn, cuts, and Uni-ee- ,

when applied outwardly. Torture, tiiat If continuedvrontd cc.'ie d.atti. L ai bya-ini- dcef f it, iufive nit mif. Ic giving t.tio for theaction ui ti.eotber leiaedi'-e- All coiup!iiutJ caused byuiihoaivhy air, B'jetj as dpjall-po?- ., i'tver, iaea.-f-,fever and aj; yilow lever, cholera, dyf iiLer--


are prevented by it? occasional i.de. V' U"U the;y iii if' i :iro ,ed or convulsed, Il a

rapid r. actnn, iiomediaN'lv rt'Hevir.e fpa-m- -, convul-i- iif'TiC", Ac. For the ib'biMbiUja it i the t

iGtntitrJy better den alcohol in mivform. Have it on bad .ilw ityt. tor It may be required&t any mjntiit, aiid uo drug will supply iba place.

WM. EYI'NEY MYERS. ESQ., Havana, CrtA.tJ.4VA.NA, ClA, Js.D. "J, S

Mr"Ti. IbiVAv it Co., Oentb-Tre- I have bn ativm Atflfe Chro.tw liri,; riii.ru'r the (usl '.:t:n-- .j

iny ni p. .tier in a dmiiiir that piiM,to:ii'ae nr yn e ;ia cap'i.J. 1 huve cpvnt a lib-tt-

fortune ou Doctor' wlOn 'it anybeueii''. I h.i! r.w f toy froquout pe-

riodical a'twlf. I wa very l!l lor a wtf-fc-, andi;ot ulept au hoy at any one Lime. A Span'fti f lend towii.-- I r. Ut'.d my ci;ijeriiii.;.i, told nje he had a reifc-J-

which would g e me relii-1- Kitd h- kindly precut'd t.ewith 9, boitk of "KAnwiv'a RhinT Reliisk," Altiioun

ot" derlvio" auv advactane from ite ue, I tluttnight a; r.lied it freely t'i Koin bed, ai;L lo my gn atamazement1, felt relieved and hizpt fuu,ialy. Top nextuieht. I apaui ri'ib'd the Ready Relief, and aar in(heriiorm.'-'i.jriiejrot- psliu. haviiw only udaboxUkii,f thtlvti'.

tltartily oo I you niy hi'tnMe aclcBOwIfdy?i-?nt-

for vour invrii.;abb' inediclue, wlilrb may wel! be raileda "bletst-luj- ! toDitWi. - " Thanking you frri'n mysul for j o'ir xoGderful remedy, I haw the tunor to



Grj1 nje of Fever and Aue,Typhoid Few,

Piijio-.i- - Fever,Scarlet Fi ver,

Ytilow Fev"f,Suiall Pcx,

M Rlea, Ctoie Throat, Asthma,

An'! Had COiiKb,Whooping C.uphr,

Dlarr-fa- CboieraFit,

Dyf filery,Rheona'inii, PJieuiuaLLiLi,

Go-it-, G'-it-

LunibHf-o- LunjbafT,AU I'alna, All Acnei,

Aad Intirmiti-'B- ,




Ilaiorgof a?l hind--- , gores, Uhrs, Pfeln Empnis S.JtH'aiit, Pic3plen,i!'Otht';,Tu7'soir, jfcot'ila,& , r t r, 8e:rt-- Wl.it No-- I k,EviBiBelac. S re Head?, Sore Eye?, reCause. iv, Cancoi'., Severe ChTODic Conjt'i viiit.'.rcut,Rhe ,imatwm, Divppfia, Dropsy, BroDcaltls, Licerita tbe I ii out, l.ane, t- -.

UNHEALTHY CITIES, SICKLY CLIMATES.Dr. Wsrabai', of Curficoa, write? to tb? aecnt

of Dr. Rd-'a- v as IoKjwk T.iU is cue of the i tplaced in tbe ( f kor-w- a n'ue

that . i!l cure ei-e- i cf tb? vr.e chiTietr tn otb--

plsc.1-- ! have n erfeot npon tiie picK !

Readv Reiid, ReRulatin I: lis and Rn..vatin ib't-ol-

'piove bappv exeeyti-'ua- , for in tur.i cs-- w hereIh'.-i- rn'racub-HL- tLticine-- ere Bdrini.-'i.-'ve-I- 'hy r.iretbeaU-k- . I hava cued the loodt trrrbie cp-- j of y

fever, ft'ver and ajrue, rj phoid fe er, Ion ofttie b'. er, hilliou.H by tbe ue of tbe Ready RjUefand Rad'vavV Pillp.

With the Ready Relief and Ri7u1aiiD!r Pills, Dwentry hajTutey, Cholera Iw'tiorjied a p'mi, and ttierio'et violent uh!I Pox t to a mild fomi of tbeVarloi-ild- The friehtful it (jiee.1ily reduced to

unchecked breathing. In bites of -- nke. andttinr oi iiiPtectH. a niij'le npplicationof ilie Ready RetiefnoutralizPt" tbe poiton, am! tbe irritatedI have cited several caees cf palpitation of to. heart,rv.i--h of blood to the bead, and lite of vavioua kiuila, by aiiw dceea ci iluixay'i Regulating Plli.


WM! reer.erx!! dilapidated h.ni.anlty, o'uw. onricb,a:id pun); tu bod, c.ire ever? hi:d cf iiumote, andi.i..r to ail a ctear ekiu and lair compteiion.


2'le Wdlkiny bk'&ti.ienwd with Sorts tmc'

Before th" Intrcdur'aon it ItaJ ayV Rtnov'.inon tiie vl Huntii Acierici, ihe v ol

CallaA. ValpAraio, Rueuoa Avre, Rio, aud other.itletj. vere whr. and vora-oi'-

r meant-- ) of baniafiitv, covered rroiu head to footwhh fn:ot.jl r jrc-u- ulceis. uirthariijr rlrhy andeomtpt huiaor? 'iheu-ec- f Radway'e Rnovaiine

bdJ pnTin"d. c!naij-d- , and healed The P,rr-- nevery ca mo. N more criipiud aud GifnOled le; ri oomore foul and c iiit:s re to be rt r io thepublic elreeta: for iu

RadWii-y'- Renovari ;i g R.'eolvent, aide-- U- Tl moreaevsro ctdes Reudy Relief and Reult-.rit't- f Phis,the mo'! rvptil-iv- e lej er, cvered with nmu.nfceore andnicer-- , becume; ?onnd. clean, and boaithy.Radway'a R&uieciiB are bld bv Eive- ute, Merchant,

au-- i Store keept'l' everywhero.Price of RrtRay Reauy Relief i tenta,

r.nd 9i pjr boTTle. Radway' l?'ilotini? Pill.-- li'i entslei h:i3 .a ted wit.'i umi. ia f .rh i,ot.

lien.jl.'e:a l'tle.RAD WAY A CO., Si .Mm ftreet. New York.

E. WILDER, Awtt, (U.1iU.rtff5 AtftcivUmT(!iMir

Notice to r w us of Property. Grad-ing and Favitg of Sidewalks.

The owner-- ot hit and pirts of loti designatodbelow ore heielT- in for mod t h tt nriiiimnces Iiax ebeen by the jen ral Uoonoil, approved,ftpd published, requiring tbo cri.din and pivintjrf cev.-filks in frinr vt their reppeottve lot'., nndif the' fail to litre the same pr perlv d me wi'h-i- n

tlifrtr days from the date hereof, the woikwill be dene ander a cntr.H-- at the expense ofthe let owners, aB provided for in the ,".d sectit--of the 7 h artirb of t he City Charter. All drain1?from lots or bouit-- to be conveyed under the

in iron pipes, in acxirdance withcrdinn.xe reu'ulatiiJ t'ne name.

S.;id work when executed t:; bp rereivM bv tbeCity KnL'ineer, and if roc done in every reppjtIn acC'trdrir.Ca with "snecIiiL;t(ns" refills tint;pidewaik pavinp, to be repavod at the esptiise ofthe property owners:To prae and pave the bltUwalk-- on tbe north

piile f College street, from iirock lo J'kndstreet.

fee.Ihornd! P. J.icf-b- 315Ch.iriei" 1. Jci-h- 40'1 imma f. Jacob.1 IrVi

Suan M ClayT" ra-l- and pave the f lwalk nn the eat side

of lirook street, from Jacobs to Collefre s'reet.Th'.in.' I. Jacobs VJ')Llizi C Jacobs iM

.1. M. liCLFli, iLiyor.Mayor's Orri'.-F- , Jane b, 1Mb" I. jo1 dl'

Second Importation !

Dress Goods at Auction Frices.




LINEN SnEETlNS ANO SIfiRTINOt?;A F.rte lot o. 5, 7, aH P Ff.OCN !KO ORG ANO Y, JAC- -

ONUr, AND P.EREUC ROUES at d thcot of Importwf lou.

IIAHTIN & CaTTMBAUOH,I." iAb 34 Fourth rt.. bet. Market and Jefferson.

BTHAW GOODS.V' ar-- hiel iu recelp- - ( a Urpe and beauifnl

pt",k f Cwo? f.'.ii:.f;,. r wa", if;tVi t 1 L p ioii, Straw. P u imi, t ioren'-- Baid.

ar.d is f : B:a a'l ol ilia h.teft et Kaa:i1 ijtvaliUea. A. Ci'.rtKr,

' n fnr-i- t r M iln a d ft.BOTT 1IAT3

A filvrr c"l .n-- French flavor FeP, th" flncrt?7 H'-- i in towr,ai.d the ai jLt beauufui io ebtp. 1

no bt

i8U HATS,In Siikblac nn i p.arl (.'ttiia r aid blark and

y j drb "f the In; ai'd r ai provedi re .o f jr Ul iaa tbli utoruion.J"l&h A. CRAIO.

CAVE CAP3.IHE-- E Cap- - ar derUoed t ;dfeB rleUim; thea No'b ue pr- Mb ror more couveiiicnt ttu

worn. To bj loiiLd Oijfy atA. CRA Hi'S.



Ohoflp Ijaoo Btoxo,3tt9 FO!"HTII BTREET tOLD NO.

JUST RECETVEO IV I XT'Jtl-S- --1NKAN 3 I .".PiUI A"K CKV;P.J . o;.iAU3-- )

IN EN SKTi- - atSlAttKliXi'd .'ETS at M cti;

OO at tu rc;LINEN CtLLMM t lu : c

. HALK f. h A U 'riF'-H- ,.i? ;b .1 F . I. . i, .' k

RED, WHITOLUE,Plain Silks & other Material;

fligs of r.vcar descbiptiox,lu r: ore p.ni for said low by

O. IDXJVA.lL.U cSc CO.,Uah si) oppotit Hants of Ktntuthy

We e.rc trL;v.''jd to liavo any tli:A FLAGS me--

to oidcr at thnrt oo'iice.

c. it;vAi.ia & co.,IS 'i'j- - Main -- t.

r FRESH .RRIVAL-W- n have tUi mon:!nciT rec ive . rr a Jree in oice of oKM'-- j

SFT FELT tcj.cy a d pb.in roiorrall of which we wilt te'l v.sr for .

PRATaUli i-- SMITH,y' )Lh i'i Malt --t.

n 8UMMKR SiYLE OF HU.K AND CS3I-V. Kn; AT.i A i fJ at r. ady for i ni


K jfcb ' MnH) t.

HOYS AND ji UN'S SPR-v- HAfS juit reCeived at

PRATIirR & PMITSI'S,K H ,in jt

i iv it hit hi ti u e: u ue w clj It t'iif SUM SKK SO. T U AT tv ri.,rii ePRAi'flER i: FM1TM.

Walker's JilxchangeTHIRD ST., BET. ILMX & X ARXTT.

PUOG OS,First ol tho Season.

IUST rorived a f,ue lot of FEOO LEO 3. FPRINLf :iI;KE:-:c- , SNIPPY PI.OV".t;, Pl.i WlNOam


Parties aud .l lid with erery thing in oolino at the BiwiHtst uotice.

JOKN CAWEiN CO..a3 jh Tlr.rd rt., Ix'tv.?en Maiu and Market.N Rhi?t received a lrf sblpni-- o" UNDON

DOCK HP. ANDY, OLD O J'AlUb ii..e ?AA I EKAS ami?tfKH(:r?.


Reraoved to No, SIS Fourth street,opposite Tripp & I rak's

Music Mere,W Ml'PE he .' rt'.tio rafly to wait on h!s (rloiidi with

hie - stock ol

Watches. Ciock, Jowo'rT, Silvorware.Tablu Cutlery, Fine Spectacles. &.c.

l'B''he"ir ibnn ever ofTred...sJliia'AIillNU I5i EVKKY DEPARTM KM

I taho tbio oc- - to --enm my thinlj to th twho no noblv aci-b-- d In aviic ii- - .r .'d tr"m the iiithat eww, t vis rum xy old itaiid oi- - Mlu e ry t.

d IS) Ait M. J. RAM SEY.


MAIN BTPJSCT, BET. FOURTH AND FTTTH,stttntlou to'h?(r Utep and rVforINVF-"-

it of Ooodf. iui table for tJi.'LU AY PRL3U LTrat ricee lci -- r 'hin ever ro a tb d. t

yrt of KLXGA T VOL 0 tt'A TV HE 4.ri L ndou and m iinn'icti.r--. of

flnert quality : znett bsnotifule) le ot w-- L'iariiocl, Oi-il- a- .d Pe ,rl Vr-- t

Ring of our iiibN' .;. :id the moot ei'iui1--donifti- -, J ? .1 La. . ",

hi eete and ? c C CarbnnrTe, Oftrae-pearl-

ADtuw-- t.'ameo, Art, fcc,, tyt in fne no id ancf tbj richest d- - ii:;. e F b, and G- -

Gobi Chatelnloa, K..g, Loii.t-J- , TgIiudIcCard i, Neur.Icys, Arruicls, Rrart.-;- , giovG Fit

ona and Scud-j- , c.WARP.

Soup Tnreena, FltcboiX8'LVFR by.TJi, For1-- , Fie, Perand lt-?r- rt KnK-?r- ; Ic

(oru Vt.ai;is 4 ci tbo iaiH!'- yb:.i

Sil d Ware of fvery deccriptioo and of tbe fce

qu , at vezy lew price?KTCIIER a: ItRNNZTT

iT,y ih Mum wi.. h t. Fnnr.h an-- ', e'ift.h.


Cferbtmss aad Ksw Year's Preseui-a

WMi KiNDIlICK'S,WS$ TLLa at., tttvesa Vain acd Market

Sffy ilosk ofWATCTTi

J JEV. c.I ?.Y.

PLATED WARSWas fi var koto cow f Jet than ai pnecut, an3 !i afTer.-o-

ei fair t: nr.i c .u bo p; in tbo cLv t:)'MVNV NKW Til


VOGT & KLINK,ManrJactcrers. - - - 324 Third t.

Fptrfully ofF'-.- r for biier'o-- i and talo a Iftrfai:d rikDiid aMortmeot of

of j:iTiT vrorkDiH'iai.'p nrd &"h',of,bI' 'tvlcs, DUmo,.d, Cors.), t u bone.-- -, P arl, fte. ivall.uocA. fi"e, h- i'ir'"l 'j i , r;li ;!

h. e, ot 1; i.i;0!t, N.- o:& (abncj, anfriiir ir.n .

tiiTiitg wen iutl7uctd ty i toCLOr" OU)ati-- f' a:iv r.i- - r"."r tiaii ieCura fc.id, ovtl- -. tO li:e tliie. drM.--

LF.f N'O CASH US'i'OMER OOon 1L:e f.--

. of p. , wu invite o n' ti .ei.d an)to call a:ti oi:. '.'-i?. r.ud iv assure-tha- t

i w at xid tTjihci ;.5 miii rl.Uat V.MiT A LLTNK-?-

M Ci.ir-- ' wt


COAL! COAL!Ci Uni b et 'ij;'jty Rj.d at ir.w Irrirlih'

a iiivrrWr'eri jJp o: J ii r 1 .

AUCTION SALEKa. a. irjttniv m a. irorBf


ai-- Wall rturr, LMiiyij'o, Ky.fyi 'aeh advaucoj mado cn good.-- c&ueumed to tu tflaiiy amoLiot.I" We are ot all tine rewdv to attend ti fVes oj

i Fstate, or Oousfwhl'Vi- Hal,--- Hf.iwholFurniture. A.. on t4rTiia v to lleii.



' Gilt Frames,Lookinsc-GIasie- s,

Walking Canes.A f.ue and CHEAPER TTI AN EVER.

Kc. ':?T fflinrket al., Mwcen trnttd and Thlrtf- -...... rv, r mrHW ninl ITi t nfij..At HUNT) & KNOFKI.--

G. URUVB ' W. Bt'URLAI-Jii- . J ''MjtiMANN

6HEVE, BUHSLVJE, & CO.,VrF7 - ? :




Green street, b?tveoa CUy and ohIy st--

1t.l? l,ilfClaras Oysters in the Shell


U1KM. OYITFR.S ANO ULAiUH JfST UE--ived by Expreea.

HFRLNfiCIlK KKNrt. VKOIl LP.;. SQUADS,1 I&fcL 4c ou?lautly on I.i.-d-

AM of wblch ju ttrved'at nr Restaurant r sent toanv pari- ol the city in euperlor etj le.

ni'bAj c. C. RVFFUR,N. AY At E and PORTER lor eau in all yuan.

tltlAa at fbe ST. CHARLEri.

ICew Foks HTcw S3ooks,FTTSTOKY OF THU UNITED NL1 HERLAND3, by11 Motler. it.!.N'lTK-- i OS SCKTPTTRE. by .Tv! &"THE RIBIJ3 AND THE CLASSICS, by BU1 opMcada.


PIT bp W. R. ipra.M- -, D. l. .xMACAULAY'tJ LloTORV OF ENOLAND. VjL S.


Bavl-y- . d' r30LDiKK AND 8AIIXJR8' TEXT BOOK, by .

.1. R. Macduff, D. D D t,OODLV'B LADi'S BOOK for May.

Jwt, rwlved by A. DAVT08OV,

Just Hoceived,IIARPER'3 MAOAolNii fur June , r

A. DAVIDKOS.2 th r.OS Tii t rd n- -r


No. Ji.' .i.ti'r-- r t t -t

C AWAS-I- ) HAilS AMI hltlf' 61 J iTae2 ar.d OTlcorboice it.T 3idt.;

For oai fcT Cb byfliKEPrT A BON .

CMIOU B FAMILY IL'UR-- L0 Hxtra audEatia 1 lour tor wit f c b

tiittm r a j;iai.

.t : CM OK 'K FINF. TKU- -lu h U cbt- - fUr. ri, r u.d B'ick Tg.

5 Hi r al!x-id- i n;

Du- article f r f ml lo : f"r p1! br1 tti ) t ;a .v

SMALL lot just receive mi! f- w' bII. FER(U8'' l''V.

Ftfrb "tree, ono nn-- of ,

- Hardee's TaeSics.riAK ELd TAoTH'f, li d It11 Mm;al (f rhi'ii'? C Tblne nJ Cf' iJ v 01 k contain gb tnat ie uec arv f r 'ie hterI'iir . -- r.d iJ urtnciinou'ly rt conini-- i .& low a'.?

n'le-- work fi ibe kind, (io'p'ei lu "'fie v.iP. ice 3. c. nte. C"pe' p n- u' 0 t:i-- :l-- i ' ui Zi)

ent- In m n y or e.a;np'. Addr.- -il F. M flK'. Si TbL-.- rt.

l !,(! v b d vr..-'- ii (i. rtti". tw1,Lr.f, and S ft Crj'bed S":: ir- In "t-- re :nd iur eiie

AN1' W Hi' 1 x M . J -- t.

const : co :f rn SACKS OF DUELLED NORTilEFN COLN1 v V7 in ut ore and tor ra'.3 by

14 817 Third st., botwcn Mnin uid Maifce.

II UOH EKE ST CO. hi" rniovf-- to u.-.- - 0f. f"tto lip f, tv'vpfq Main ani tt- Hivi-- J;

ON hand NEW YORK RE API P ftw and frrlv HTiilI ' ' (,

LAIinE nppV of WEW4T PAN;1 ti r vd iorsale ctup bt- - HI. OH BREST CO.,

Bacond t.. M'.'P n i:iM! and R vcr.

WALL I IWE HAVE ON HAND ALA R03 AND NEW SToCJijf the above, whieli we are seliing lover than aay nor


A1K) oa htad a large stock of

Window Shades,bongbt at the preevot panic pL:.ct fur cah, nklch e

ire eel lie g at

iSTO.SHIGLY LOW FRRES!Call eooo if you wast baraios at

LiiPP & BROTHER'S,303 Fourth street,


'JL't door to i'onda' ffrocer,m' d'- - tc

Brums and Fifes.'f Tbe Comp'tii(i of Hoijie t!iartV !n th'

Sri I ball be l.jd 10 Mippiy, a- - Hipip -

t'i rhonpf 4, t! vcr b- L'Rl'.MS fvtldMEK8, from tb" bed tnctories

and exaaiine Ltfore purcha?in'WM.

2 U Wert JtfferEOii ut., bet ThI-- and F. irtb,15 Hp, Vy.


413 Main ft.. --ilC'lave now in itore a full and emplrba ttocX of

STAPLE AD DOaIIESTIS GOODS.Of the best fabric, fuch ai


T!io-- e tiocdti wtr all bo;--- fr ca-- h at tbp lowesthb of tha inai let. and re do off tod at nrh orirea aamiflt all partlee. Call ai-- cxamiiiw slock anJ

' mS'i) MARK DOWNS, 13 Mam

iIARK & D0WNS.'PIIE extreme trovbU of th tlni-- co-- toI snnf.auce 10 cur Ineiid-- aid niHotfuii that vrt

ii t cLimK cjr e ctvm jf bii'iGthi to a CuSHSTANDARD, and will oticr ftli our

Fancy Dress Goods,,f v.i irh we ft good etodt at GRCA'l LY


FlagsindTeutDepot.We are making to oruur aud on hand


Which we arc trlllug at very low prlcts.

ISARSHALX, & IOEINSCIV,jl Si7 Foarth t., between Main and MirKt.


MILLIXERT GOODSClieap for Caali !

Intndlnt-orxake- i.AEi In my biibintea, I will tUoty ren.auiug ntoek ofUMNNETS.

Ui BBON3.flowi:rs,

FANCY GOODS, tuFor CASH ONLY, and at very low ratw.

All knowing (rjd-b- to me artrit-cilull- luviteo tocatl aud settle thyir account.

n.J2 WIra. EI. J. BRYANT.

chow youh coiiOr,s:Uninn Rosettes ! Union Flag Pins!

"AVE t li day rretlvM anothertiiifri KvPtu-.- kiU pi.e. dldr-'t- .t bv.

Pric.-- iroin lu to 35 rnta. 4 ry Luion mad shoaidhave out. For tale at

K MADDEN" g BO0K3TORF,iJl Third strict.