NOTICE.«bM» N>W..IVKSKY Ev-;.-. Spse B rÖl Nl...

I Wmmuvm A. Biaraa, Aw hnm. ADIEK' BOXER, Bkostkai's ' H\rd > WORK Ac ,.t AUCTION -Tfll> Day ». ¦_._?¦? i*l. «Heek, r rt.««....!. a*. "*¦»'»..>., i '»r*V« is.*...,..?*........,.«... .r:.vv. lu^v^u 4. . Peieuaalea Cepa Cn.~-'. r., ,., A aw,a aeod ., ..,, j., . a Ev-;.-. Spse /uiunuat ?JTATl'MKNT of tfM AHAM.'« of the Ml AI- L1K. IN.-t CAM :. le' »M 1'AN i ti N*» i. t . ./.Qu..f.. r. ,., * .. A ».» A»«eu, r.b i IV*;.t j, a Uccirrt dubia«, tni ut'AiTta 'row rretail.. BHBl fl i. ie,ek- a. . Kf.utn *¦«-.«i",ao..l_, 17 CVen* by jifJi, .. . , _. ?**,..' r> rarr.iri. i»n .oiirlee. I VS 05 .»1)' s-in-e Medical Baa « tv . . i tM i .kit-.. I r. '»4 Aew :..«... r. lax-e. pBilB||ia I i enar*. Kr «. r.p_ it i'trr-lome, A.tnticc.Ac. 2*1 K linan, %«, Total,.*1»\*4 M AMBfl Boid.and lbr;«'i .#/*,l9»r,«. J«J C«#t at tat«, ai d a Uoavk. le.uv« id Bill» rtreival.'r. Kirr Ir »or-.r e f.i Baa A»f u, oad b»p<.»-i ; .- T.«e. 7? rs eo . . ._ , -*!4 » aWoi.t a' r_k Vt). of April. lfc',1. Ii AiCinO 00 Neu,I., rof relielee r r.i.i ,i nt M Pel."ierv. \tsn.177* b>BB. lt. r t f i *..<.., i».ur J ....... _e (t .,r:.,.. JTO ^ . T. Ul.X3St D*dee> F.,Melted Bont-dered ' ».r-:»d _i,.ued «-.d Lean. m Tc*l rw baa r*i>lw-ir«j SCihof April. 1*''..»,;«5 Of wl, rh 1,1 I ».. kn .if- *" « t f V «rr |. I BOtOOl »»«r». ».»L.b M aro to* w ?r-«r Ot wbwb 17! ire for iROgWOf f*r-.r.da - «.it6 F h (VIMSTON, Pre-i-iani. laeAt Abbatt, Secretary. I have exatnieed the abr>»e ae-'d-' and rielWreo ft to '<w- etet. dMKPI'aKO homaNs, Ax nary. ¦ A B D OP T R n S T T Y. <t rBEI>PKl' k H va INnTON, john P v P,L f'.HTOV, MII.IAH1» PBLLMORE, HM J Bl iKKR. RtAHJD BAMVRL M OOPJfBLL. WILLIAM V HKAl'V, SAMUEL fc »»RoUiil»», KKAKV A. HWVTUE, jn-ts hi. RTUART, ROIf H M l H my, HaMLIM BI.AKr, JOHN V. I. Phi VN. ai.pi!ki> 111 I'vHDa, WII.I lAM Hrl'IS, LI m - I'. IB1NBON, IS*A« (iltPFN PPARSOrt. SA.M"KI. I>. BABCOCK. WILLIAM MOORE, ROUMAV O. Mil i. i(W JOHN U sujpi LIlAHLEa i. HfEOaAii, Hi.fNKII CBPHA8 H NOHPos. BIcHAllli PA HOCK, JOHN 1' . KEAH'YELL, josh H III I NT. p'/ltA WHEELER, KATl.AMU. HAYDEB. (VILLlAM H fOPHAM, JOBArTfAB MILLER. LY tim. IBEDORRTOlf, ABRAHAM KIMNokR. W smith BBOWB, JOilb V. AUKWOIiTH OEORUI It. CLARK m l IO.RICK -. WINSTON, Pie.iJent ISAAC ARRAl 1 Rae ourr. PH'PPAIl BtlMANfl Aefarary MIMI i N h'.-l, M. D., Medical«r. It^fteUrraag CoeiT, ana, Ma *.¦« W all at., Ben W^ ¦rwlei the eelh UeJ ol M f BBQtpat, feOOl VI to j.. " h. let of tlv« Direa o-., llllUVH P Pvfiric Man. Hti imihip ( neetur.; HB« Yobk, Mar 10, iHwi S At a MFETTNG of the BOARD of DIREC- TOR^, b*ld, It araa UmUrd T ''h« Pn «« Vi . 1^ and . b»-«h» ai'h' r r»in eall in an! v < tt tba oatnai.dinc Honda ot trie Company at par, aid acrmed lateree*. Holceia are ie.|n»'ted lo rreaent th»lr Bortrl.atthe '»tB-»of Bm Caaapany. OABUBSB O. UoWLASU, TTaaTaaxar. nrvn knd PACIFIC BANK..ThoIMrtMjton of iloa Bank have d*rlaied a .miii niuukl l)|VIHr*NU of P..I'll Pl.R Ck.NT. pav.n.e oi. auu ifter the fir.t ol Jane neit, 1 be Train'M Booka will be aleeed fr nr. the T2A luat to tat pro«, aaclaetee J. CAMPBELL, jr Clerk. Ne» lerk. May II 11%. Be fan I M Da «rr.a, ON WEDNESDAY the 4tii of .Itin-at 12A p. ra., a' Iba Herrlim.'.' Pa.-het .e 4>.' l7,V4iirfih- BEOONI) MOBTfJAlTl CONVVRTIBLR SEVEN PER CBMT HoMi> td ti,, in l AWARB, LACXA*>VaBB4 and Wl 91 BBB llAll.hHAIi COMPANY, aa %m, pan.rniar. || Ohe < <mi|»iry,» arlver'leeii.ri t TVrm. I" per rani on tb» day ol rale, riayable MlaWOOVOOf 'Ji« t'onij ai'T the balanc- kn tn.'alln etilO, tiz: IV pot cent on I.» Jo'r , .'A per cent ib 2 ni.niM 'it> |er ri nt in 4 m." tie and f> pel rent In 6 in m ti«, wMb inirie.t fn in the r!a> t;nMe. to be |Weu fn the laet lf-i»e lfatalliueata or i.n !.««¦.« I! nare rhe op'i-an ataay kta i beb le Jn'y to jay the a.bole an.ouut of their pirchaaea. IA kayk1tk minkkal ('< >M pa n y..The at Am ual Mtrtalit ft* *L* . 'ecu 'i of nine Hire tor. at I'rila t .i eillbeheHtt the tBi. e ot the I .nn,arv. kfo M Wflliax- tat.,ana... Ni 6.1.1. Mt'NIiAl iho-ttlni at botwetn Jo. and Vp an. H M BARBOUB, aetretary. Onii K or tar On tWtBB, «*a«»a nu 1 Ornni. II a ii a oat) I o«r« a r New 1 it UnlV IBVt I /;HKAl BALE of KAll.K1» \11 11« fN'ilS..The > R reu «oder mi 'be i.*ee nf OaSOJa.aM Se ond Murttate 4 oareitible Honda ol ibia l'naire>ny. lainuuBtioi to a>2.l|t .ai) irlll be . tt. 'r.l aaie at pnbllr aee It... aa VVK.fiS r. al»A V. the 4ih d.a t Jma.e aartxaaaae, et the Maeeea .ia' Btiataat n.. OtMl bra Uik. 11., ae H .. ta are dated April I, IkSO. aad La*.'.t> v ear* to ron, wi'h Internat at 1 tar Deal, payable half yetilv " Ma Vatt 17.ea are aernred by a morttane ob the enllrt Kailioad and ila no* taac arttl th« ramabla «aal Eatatra Ml rt. tad Mini c Mtcbiixry ol the Comiaan* The Itantof1 it U.' u lice I.. le»t'b. t-d mote than belt the d(» aei.ce araded tot a double track A reeular |**mi.|it tea Itaiabt tiala It ao* ranaatal atai the e > no. to Kai»»r* buia N J ¦'¦ ! ' UkVei Ma* ma a Ii M,.« leiaei are a> far ai.n.ilettil ¦' ia tl-'i "d ihat train, for the tranaiKirtatioa of raeeoi a- ia' .<*¦ tnd tbt^ ian lo Kluahethport tad k.a. ^ oik » II i' innieie e lattBInk ob Trnir»d*> the Vnl Tbe .... ibeae I.> pat all the d atn^deolol the t>.B.|«ny attd r. nrplrte ao n.iuh *f the eecad track a* wdl be »»-c.*«i> lot wvrial aeart. A u ."er... i. icee'tl be pret*a* to the tale i rw-.nwb.lep«'lir....eietuad eae learn further oartlcular. eat a, ,..,.", uai -he C.o.p*ny, >.. m W..l .t (..tea ehe atlaiitie lo.iirai.. e C. ii r* "t where r. eiea of the raoent Besett of the Precldent aad Board el Mai.etart ctu be AlSll oTeORUl D POBLPi PioaadeuL H m K. W aaat^.Treaaurer _ rV'i'TI« I hiTi'bt v: sen tlin*. Uic litMika "rid t>*» j\ ^,.r lieu. M 0>» m It... reaelu* of-he caal- WOtoTJ Tilt OBO DtB K l OMPANY rbar-e.edbalhe ia of New J.-iee> at tb-_Ofh e oJb.. New . orkaadl ail at. N..w ^ ,nk. on W*t from U to o cock of aead fVire«'or* BOM RR RAMrtnKLL, PrretdaaB. .,L.K*.k..7»,..-,r^acie.My. pif#d|UT 1(J4 STfie whole rarliA- rock ofHieaN.twlWwi,,.. *»"'>0. kr awei»ernri uho. been niaJ* with the New i >ra and Krie Kail aue l'rinl-ei » bj wl BO be fa ptttj .t»»' for the ">' i BT.i K < i'A.PaSN .i Ne« 'rra-i to be paid faw by thtAi eapBoj 1,^1 wu| ha leaaed at a rent ol ie per cent aa LkBoett »'fh wait it.-ar pi rurtbael a ... b aharr-ho .irr» ol ehe New \ ort tt^l Kfte Railroad Ci aaateart it, *ad anb^crtbe 'b -re^r will rt> eetri- a \ :< i oi tioiiale abate ol Uie etock ot the LONi> OOCK COM I'ANY_ ^iLLEKAMdCDICAUO UNION RAILROAD. \M ru it_»rr »OeRaof ihoOALP.NA ABO CHICAOO I MON HAIBLOAH. at toe Amaricat. Hi.i. ija Bank, wUl be r!o»e.l 0e0*M I MONDAY, tin- Mil May tnd rOOfCBOd the u.orb-« tf THL'BSHAA J one A MM, PA v 1 n O'OOBBELL, Troafer Clerk. Bank Ptraatwtar, »lTaTt or Ni» foat.J At aany Mb. i7 t»W < »rin COMMEBCIALBANK OF dABATOOA 1 BPBIM >B la, -hla dat Iled, la thaofh-* a iiotirr ot the auauiurui (.1 I'UV. al.HtNY CITY BANK ii the I tt ef Atv*i.> aa *.«'ii foe the BedeaaiaOiea ol IIa Clii elallin Ho'aa. **».**» ie to tke a. t «all ). o An art to amend the «.*.'«] ac'e » laha.Ba kiM A««vc Mkeat aaa indi m)AM| H. k. ia |*ae«-.1 Alw 1 1" MM J AM t I M. OOOB !*aperin««_Jont. Hakt n.r*aT«ai\T Ai «aar. July tl, last. .aTOnCE 1> HEREBY GIVEN, purtuaut to _,* aAaOtaOawOkaeaeAeaee mmAt «. »vi. that ail t.s* eitcraa'i-¦ rtea ia.ue.1 to > L MANK>. an individual Banket, Ifl i) MX I- k N K OK BAINBRIO'.P mu«t V p'e»e. te.1 al she i '0.. r ad Iba Werrrutteiioeut o' the !<*aki a l>e''ar;nteiit of ttm Btate ol New lork far payment withio tare ve*-a ro_ irie date Irin t. er tbr fu:'d« depiwile.1 for 'he re.trini'tiou of the ... ,. . lea iatut .. the tald BtnAat tra be tiven up, jyU law-.-vb" M St'llOi 'NMARKR. Su .enoleiaent. («IBLENA and CHICAGO l'MON RAILROAO I <u,i|IPAMI HOTK3B to kYfYKIKHOIrOBM .The a lieatiaaj the Btackhtdli ra ef the Irtleaat aod CMoeM I ean bMBBObJ I Batpa-ie, *>r trie eee. t . i' ¦. .'. a at ira. aavrtaoa ef ei hu. ata, w ka held at the »rt». a af thl teapani M Chime, llrtaeia, p-.. «rPf>.VER0 AT, tfce dlb day en Jone rat a' H iiel i m ,m ire't'i'.-a « th ta* require- m3r. ta it the et Bit. : and ba. .awe of aei: r. inraviT JA- «¦ -> van \X M I kRKktiPt! Hecretary. Put \Y K PHER a\ CtHUBClT UaNKKR'v, »«S PRANl'l»! O '* raw Kid. .t .' <. i»» ONVWI k Co ''II 11 AftPI I'll'A pa.abl* tt Ui* pr raipai ,i.r..; ti.ii lad I atee Cotle. tin . o a I* at San frmie are an ' in tb* 'enor nf the Btale eiii pro ee.'a peotuptit rroi tt>-< Oalleotlere n'.t ae a* I d rr. I ta D. I k I «r tOrwath I'M \ I Im i'-iu*- Orkrhia or I. S AW Kl N. w A .. N I liaii a N V I i. ir: ir en s«i I rai .-ac* for .*,* 'u ..iTva to aou. ay ORKXK I. A Ce-.Pb'la. fipMi Md 1 I LAW RB5N I k Co Nr. lak /^l^kk a' WIUJAMrtONI Banker*, aod \. I Bf-kera, Key M »X .. an- .1 aerond le r New \ jit. Morks ae«i koni s s.-e»ht and «c . ..ti rulal p»;-er POMMltd I oilO* lot*] aieJ.- on *. Patt« 11 'a' .*> -rrT I aVreala! tarl .. DoptoNo, AlOOMI '" .rj Ba.k .V lao A K ' LK,iK .. K J W U .kMI 'N I UDLOW PATT0N * Co., 0to*_ and Ka- 1 s abaaae RROK1RH Nr, w an-4 [tieeal Amst. New Xeia LOULOW PkPMN. AB rt "T\'M INSOS. Bt**k*«nt Bend* So»»ki aad «cd-l on e»>n.mi«ei.«i Loan* tad B***r>e«« l at-r i,e, t..-,,! I ,>re.t i. oael IVpoeilA Oletoerata arc Inre-. a' A .,r». -..''evted ae-' eam'ted I ft I AW RlvVÖk i\ Co l v V S To~l I >e N*»«eo «t Nr» kaM,kaaaaeeeaeM la P "Utb»n l>*al-rt to hn 141 ci EXCHaNOE, s«.s\ s. .rt'4 «ui oPkYCtB, hii.H r l'RAl aa xv..r.. Dta .. » i-ri.rh. *aa Ptaaeieeo. will tt>e prompt etn-nte« to I o..LKCTIONA em a part* ef lb* I'aBod fiele*, Cal:f«nua tad _a Ci J%frn msM,* a Co..aJLOBittif bavr- E* rv Wo. . Re* ee.a Pata ferr.e-/Jrert LKTri.l.i o* Cft PMT r-,r Vsr.ej.tji« or-.»« liar.. ';i'\Ct,Lk.t. L«r» t> «1 * of i'KKIMT .,. -ha Wlownu *tu*m t'm. Cainr,, L ..«, Paa, aJ'irro Cofe'enta eoioVn. Paler-nan, km.'.-Tda». ddc*..- Ixi.':ijn, Prae. I ia»rp T ia'. iii*pi*.f. Frw^a, Irre«'-«. I.acre.. Rite. An a fbe- PVTe. (», I. .01 j . pe.'le. Fi« kfadr,-!. kv.'ieidaam. «~d»i, Kmu. M., M-i.ira, E. , Fi«.« or>u Biiypi, r-ir..,»; Betika, (,.,.->a. . KcJia Hi:..rue B-r.« Ofaatahaj V. .im. y. p^rm BVrra,l, U,,,,..,.,,, kU^,.,.., B(ra.r..ur,. " r - I!-"-, 8 luaoS I rd .1 H...>-ra M.w.,-.e. TrAaate. ' h ¦. "a U ai Tnou, B~-a»aa, Tu» Haama. Moaeow, V.,,ire JO....* I..-., kiom.e. V,»., » «Jedii. I *., W^^tati. rar eruee Lim-r. NVa. 'AiryT OkPIf r Nfw rr.KK.'vo I WilVfr I ¦ an. 1 ... . .. .. .,,T, . ,.. , . .n a K |k>,. B] r>La ^ aa m .«. tv/h'. for tare m «a . .. XAS NAVY STRIP. '. ATI»ITKi> PAPES" J e»Wl UllMM af defer «i Tmu a '. -rt. ki tu I mt»d Ma.el 1 .1. U-.d. ¦ r'.O. E ctSTAIir.. No. :i f»*Siiav«t On rale: VIZ: I A r posev AVI) MILWAUKEE PAILROAD Co.» F1r*t Nonaart r»ir.» :r r p.:no Be" li ' pat «0- la MlLWiVRF-F. a*I> mi««i.iP'i .: 1. . r> Ca t Pr lirfi Pr.j 1 *. orter» Bet <i». « e*r rente < O»N*'Y Obi^l riu.Nilü,? ;ar ear.u. BEAVFB fOCSTA i**n:.i BOBDI IparMBt OHIO UILMV (Vaj lioNus. «. p*r rear AT a UUl) k COMPANY*, _ Nj. E WaJl-at, Or* »Ct H H. GtM/DMAN fkCo . So 7 WaU- »t V1. . r.*e f..; aaia ir . I wn.. niree. RIM ... a>.,, p,r C«*rl «..«,<!. il.idi* Cwtit,. Ky. a M./«. »1, p.. ...1 «...¦..» (kaewla GaaMf »». a i ai p«« C«nt Bn -. rrwa (1 aoci wW, » «rh> ^-t Cant Battva ...... H*-» wia. 11~ a fT.a' -ar-ety et Ott», 'Ion»'» »ad tt»«»r»T S»-nrtt»«» Ie tmaM»r ct Ö("k, bont», exchange and COUJSrQ- O TION OKI ICE f ITBVEIf I a MOltll, No. 26 WUIiaa. at. aTOCKn BONDS buhaiit aj-t *.U at Ovo Broker»' Beari COLLF.CTIONK o.adr. or. alt iaietl la Ute Ualtea Bteaaa, pOBwBptJj a.-e cj 'k*. rf.«Mi p<..«]>m. r»'.a LflAN-- Mil rtu. .«a I'ai^r ^...t.a'.J. t.A VI' WARRAM* KAntr.' ar.d an.d. N SALK, l.JTV OF CLKVELAVTJ 7 «y e*M BoLrie (W ater CfTY Of 1>1 I KfilT 7 «Tf.trt Bpn-t. (»Vt'er Leta.1 C1T1 01 CIM INN 111 « eeur Boal*. C11 Y <>a CHICAOO .. t>c«'.: hj-.d. CITY Ol MU.WAUBXB ItTPaaal B'.rpjj. CITY OaT HACEAMKN"! 'J It ? t-D' H *it. By PI NCA1. .IHKUMAt« k Ca. K Paints. (Dile, .>laß9, l»?c. K If 0 S En e 01 L.NOT ExrLO.-1VE. SEC C KZI» B k* PATZNTS. IMPf.RTANT Tr> HP»n> OP ri^Pi »TVF.NT« TRT"V j.., op hospitals, am u m», PrUivjvs, prnooia collpoph cBOHCHEn bailboab COMPANIFB FACTOBIEH trHIP 0*VWBB<l, BttlP. H ll'i.v MKN Ii" MKS («K OU'vrkV RF.-tl- DKNI PROPRIETORS OF VS'A Tr.KINO PLACtrt, AND HO'IZL KtZfrhrt The erjn»rri»eed htt»- thr- h .nor t/> aanonpre kbat th« K»r«- ». '11 ( trepan* by pr»at labor and etpenae, bare »urr~»i«d In ri <irel» r»rii< Tirf the uppieaiant iror tr"m Krr er.Be Oil arithmt nyirj »a )ta li5imi: a'-.i..- j'.' 1" 1 hr aCTuirat'. r'"*r»"ed ht the K KOSENE OIL are: l't. 1b< bratenert) ot tke tUbt produced. Vd. il I* not »x.fuirlTe Sd, It trill rtu.uu fluid when the beet rperro oil baa eea- itaJ.'d. ttti. It* unrivaled eeor.nnif fit in worth of Kerrxene f)fl «ivliia. BiBch Uefat *. p.9 of Be »11 oi rVaaU) *3n 47 afBperai Oil or PIP ..f P,ur:.ii 1 Ftuil. IN -1 RANI P. <>M PANlF.sallow it to be u*el wllboul A.I- DPI H'NAI. PBFMI1 M Till. REBOS*BNB BÜRREB,erttkrla* end fatl trnik. eaa be a. .1 'en a' a t e»i*i $*, la Ut* Hi «* w il, f'arcol, Soiar, aetral, Beete frti rfphean and Wtkk't Pttenl L.tnte orte aj j «ti iBieaiil Vaea, r»i-d;«.»ti -k a. d Chandelier, euah im the aaaaaaaar toaae KEROrlERl OIL at *B 1 per galioa aff-irfJiii di ohle 'he aaieaal id .i*l" 10 \m soiatred trotu Bapeaeee Oil at * I V r.r <ron. fr-rw Oil il e .' H KF.ROBFNE LI hhi aiin<» OIL,afeelbtwaktMykamm he«t .">petn <' avaeeokf Uli f'»«' *.lra. tat" "t ¦vMaeageel' let ar a low terfiper.'ce TUi 'HI tan ai*o aekerned I the orrlltirp Mecheircal, to'v an I Hand Lampe. nr. nil tip, Bewepiit ud Hirt'iJ I.f term, and {tree mote liftu than Spenn, U bale, or Lard Oil. AUS! EBB A*' tefoi lilt. KtKUSENE OIL COMPANY. No 50 Beaver-tt kl T. I^xtka (quality BEFIBBD lard oil. 1 J \ »rj pure btirii* brith'l. and I.wit a* .para, a'i I eriiate tlia wirk; be 1114 tree tioai fajki it kj rery tapenor lur Biarhuiery. Ale«. ( OBUBB'i PUBB TAI I n\V OIL, top«nor for knmin*, will »iei d <. -il »t we.iher and will ooiweer the beet tpenu otL Barrele »'to pal. Only Af**< joiinU qUIMCT.Ha at WBMaaaakt. li .11 1 H,r ti e- MILLION -A GOOD LMJIft _J lot Ih.N .SIllLLINOri TER Y KAR -The SILVIO <>IL COAIPANY now reedy to enpplr the public with a «.<ki HAND LAMP and tool LIOHT at 1 mill <»r boar, or Fl cestl pei w-i k- at 4 kl i.r* etch eret 10 Shillinta par war Our Oil I. not »ipl<*i\e, no d ae»re«eb e «mril, r»quir«a 1,0 eitra Ii »urei re * w.ejth of our Oil will «i»e lb* Habt of a}8 id t.nreir f fluid. *fi of ape'in oil, ft of land oll. BS of Wbale oil. Will 1'.t rc,...eal at «u» temperature, can ha B*e-I n.r er v tnrpoee «. «p ert'6. iel Htht l.ii»i* of »»«ry tear, n lioa f.'.r eel t Meie Oil wi I he found et our office No. 1 17 I'eeil .. f-w eoeti we*i f Wellet. Aleoat A. Rnapi/f, No. it* t ei,tie-*l .jp.,e.i. Howo-d et. II I' A ft at ENTER, Treaenrar 8 .Me Oil Co.. Her. red bt lottere pa'e. No 117 Paerl e». N B -ÄIm. for eele l.nbncetlnj, Tannere', Rotined and Paint Oil. at ihe li wi tt i.rieae. IL.-B<>i..-d Oil. 7.r> et-Dti prr «aUou; BullduiR. \r a.w.( ai^l kaiwseOd. SO .1. « ,- *«J (IraPon kilaetal Paint. MeeaU r- pound. B. J. HINRT ¦MITll. Na 111 Maeiei, laaa. N York 0 riMll. M.W-JKKKKY ZINC COMPANY, by 1 Imi-rnTed proreee of irartifactur«. ire low prepared to otJ-r t¦.. ir WHITE OXTD Of l NC. euperier la wmt«»e** t* aay o I er neni.factured in thie counrtT Sold, either dry or grou.-vl ,uon by U AlTKKN a 1 A««u'«. No. Iko VA aebinn'on et z ZINC PAINT8..THE PaSSAIC MINING tnd MANVF a CT1 HIND COMPANY. Irworoorated by Ike Mate of New .ter.e» na.11.11 «re.-t.-d ea'aoa\e work* tn leraey CM] «Je aow nannfaciori' < from the ote« Aoart thaar ceia- .,...1 . -Wi loru'N, WHITE and COLORI1I) ZtBI PAINTS of eupetvat queli'i-" Tlielt Paktkl r oil Btwaared by a n*w pnveee are war¬ ranted n." la hard-p n. the kepa. tod tre rotindetrtly odered ae tt. heal l'aiut« Axtirrh-a 1 manufacture. r - .*> to the trade, dry 01 «round n cel. 00 libe-aJ 'eneta by tbt l'otupaay*t Araau. MANN NO * rttiflKR. Ii M Coartlandt et INC PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, _ liLA.Hs Ac -The i:. bann« eeiartod the* ...I* to n.eel the demand for Zinc Paint, are now prapaxad te »fl.r t.. the trade a full aaaoitn.ei.t frinn the diflaroat miaee .aanofartured tbaei in bleached refii «d Uuaead >d and wilt the proper" drrare. The quality ot our Ameneaa and Pr.o. h /ux-« i* war-ta' ted Ui ha equal in al reeeecu tu any eo»d ie iki. market «¦ »i. a* It.etaJ i.rmt. Patliectn tl«ib*«ip »ii«d With w»MTk I RAD end COLORED PAINT> M <rm <»i maruitarrure. Ala- Prencb and Amenran va INInkW '»LA.-«;» JT.-KVf k CHILDS, Importer* end Maouferttirara ot Peinte, No. Itf W»,«...! New- Vorfc. töatclifo, JftDflrj, aCc- JEWELRY tnd DIAMONDS VF IY LOW.. The «uta. ril*r lor th«- lad ei«:ii.- »aar* in kaaiaee* e Wall-el it erlln « all den-np icne ol nur irc4d. Diain^ni. aau aH 'her k «.'. ol Jewelry at wboleee> a'.d re'ait. «t much i«ee e the eeuai 1 ricee Ledii-e' br«'.t:ful OoM. Cameo Malaie, Culouclt tad Pearl eet Far rinta. PBal an« Bran -el. In each. botrn. *" m a e Lottie*' Pine. Ocdd. Cemee Moaew. Pearl a arka* ale. pi; V to #7» eacu. ladtea' Ear tn |. OaM, 1 ame Motalr, Peart ( erhun et»to AM Nimii. OaM Qaeed f beiue Ctiatrl».i>e Cha ... P.'h Cheine and Ve.t A hau.«.«9 M * oe each. Pur-Ov;' AV e.Uiaa Ku «..f J MJ w m* m) each. Ladlee'OaMRrateleej .«7 ooto aro i0ea.h. 1..U. ai 1 W o. Rm«. "...ulau aAOOeacik. Utntlen ei.'« Sea. Run. tn «0 tu t .V ». eech (kämet,O edj'eerlea-.iethej Stone Rinaa *. V' ex »' each. > r (rctdTlTBlbtea a i V) t. a* each. UeM .iiai.i Kara, k. » key. aiwi Baala >fü w to a as art aack . Peaeai raaaBi .m* on to aii «o »a<a. 1.«id I'eneit*. *i . * aaea. I aettei P*rr reo- ueie..#1 so te a I! M «.ek. Oi 1.1 Crretee en.1 Necklace* At 00 to a IT 00 each (.aid anil S'et r elrerr Be Mot.* an.t Stutia iIAi'oyii«i, Mt. t old Hper'arlrt and Ere Otaeee* .91 TS te Ate te lau. iid 1 ^r Hu.«» l'.na.F .«et Ku.f« k froatt. *»«at.< #SM (.old Arealati Scart fin* ai.d Sil.t-r Th..;ih.e. T! ct» to #14 QSOROS C Al.LEN Importer \V»- ^.. »1 .'.».! ^ « r.a.e au. raiat.. No. U W«il it. ieaaiel Beat r.t »r Br. *da»y up .'»..« Ol CON D-HANP GOLD WATCHBS..Tke k^ *ubM-iib«r kaa iti ha-u tap doeen lii'LU »»T''H»'r5 a: c1! v«<r aaoa w.-n e:.d Whk b hi- e«..:u| at a0.-4t aajt I _., ,,nf-. «: rn,i ai i* wo'-ae'.d H -rlrite'l FAP .iotl» 1 Vl'lNF « ATI HKS. 4 hoinej-w.l^l.... d* FIKE C't M TAI »IFIM.KVPKS . '«w-leJ #..>'«> FIK1 P N., I.I p!I p a PENT I.FVKka. ... --*»«» » 1 A' HOB OOI D PATENT I FA »*R* .. * » A »0, reo i.o.d Huuuaa Tatet t La ten and »»»erai du»er Later. »er> l..w UF 'R'IF. C ALL*"N I atport «t of Wateh»! aad 'ewelrt who'^a.e ail raraJ, Na 11 va at, Sd 6- ¦ct'. aaar 4-^adway frsmunxt. 1;namH ED fTJR.NiTURE.--H. F. FAB- J HINtili'v kai v reedy let aale a «ti- wreaaawraat mi rkal »Si«> Lf3( HiHBBB Fl RN» fl*E. ai1 r^iterni e I eelree, i MaAeeateaj leeeraaai h indaaaa. Bawi« ai i I aaat »¦ tor Heav factor* w arrenec.*. No*, mi aad 41 Waaa ler-.t bete*«!. Bnnar a- j aad -:* Clü'W-i ASI^.HOFFMAN t\ FERSH hare cpe: ed 'Ir.l 'w aa'a^- -,. V *4 C.-.atb»:_ -r»r . tw. Hall, mimt't t orrhaaere arfll D id a arte a.wruaeni wt hu. », a.«e. *1 'Dot old etaed, .V- .'7 b arrn. ttT t' H Ö 6 L F USNITUKIi Ö B. TATOH Bi BOi . - « R B..Citoa an ''jwar led a. ap: jae eoore CHOW-OAS1 in kÄLE.A . ... -at Sil- 0 »rl ktoei tv^. IllllleaMM HITTI A VSt I kj .. . Na- 71 Brtedwiy. BL a C K r; i! B v AD1 s R R 0 I I - it ltv Am J -»t rtct.trd »y >~~\M41- * Ct.. K.. r !iK_iw»-. A tplr-Mid is-eV« *f to. ar-crr* J.»«r-*_. he 9* At free » JC _ #50. tJ> »1l rkh Rr ran. r »"il _ ÄiTeTHTT. < >~B cb »/ tM asia .. Jut retri-rad by BrrKMAN k COMPANY, h. < i t -tä»ii :-r-» ¦». > <. AaCk-r |#w| <t of tie** TEfLY F..M..AN7 B AAF.uE 1vSL>. _»rCTT. Ol -.rWBTi._ la< K aed CHINTZ BABEGE B0BCS-- Ree,;..4 the A>. THt t»L» tMmt . TWO ctrr. bEr FMAN" I V m rr*!«tt. B B nl'M/' M A \ t I L L A B - The -f-rotrr et miin it m-~r'Jv.)* n «I '.W rvs r r>- a*> rtl .': i If. ... r »5 Bro-aeia .¦* Btn-i.'tfM aid fcarf Patter-... «B'T.alf for "be a.v *. *e:i~f *e,r<:. A.*o. rub _'tri _.t.,_- Mar.:>«. is »...t At re*** Ttrrt'f f-r_ #' te «JM flilL';.h :r r- # .: Bit A .*.--.. mo: a>e- . M 4.- ... \ ¦ ____* B>0 BO.l en-liccer. d P-ertr et f.- -.. »: rto s* r-j.v. bl.LACHE!) <;< "»L>H. A o.'TtjpW* wiort_eBt, t«.u f - . a* erert » -o «. -leli't ¦.Ml.kj W?.«bin 4 Co R ..--'wet. ÄNKRITT STOCK from the I.ATE Al'C- TIONr-Of cbrdc, French R:bhr,r.i. Mw «-t> ef Laie»' Ml .«-.j_l FftXMk K.jw- .-. rn4i. Si.kt a. e«."» ir'.Uui. to be at at i:.a/.it.' .-»». tarn .«. by M II. LICHRNRTBIM, _No. M Bower? c.-aer ot Uet *t tt. HLA.VKF/lS.-viKi MOef rilrboa-lMiiad Ytjn ij BLANK FT", frmv rr»r!e t*r- 'o 14 4 and nf t-tjrVew* e_i- . ** ., ,...,»r we N»rr». Ir.cun aid Her»» b.B-jkett. trota the Bochdtle end «-m Ic M-U. W<t] be eotd lew _NEr-MITH A to.. Areate No 71 BfeeAvtoy. ' l E A R i n ~G O U T . . "ale <>r i.iti.iu.ead laceb AT kit IIMfiND B. No V.i BROADWAY BeRjro ktktrelai to Btoo» reo if. Br ¦..'..ret ept«e *e N'b.o t All 0oed< »olfl .( reo*. AU» ear »»w Iinnor.ah bj n«*--.y EVERY STF.AMI I tu 8MALL ADVANCE. A t'-uA CAPMAKFK» an.l MkKl K- DP -.aied. CLABK** WOOL ('mttov -Th» t4ttmtj tot tbe tale et 'tut »(nol <Jo(t..D ha< rex rf to No. if D«y it.,oroera o well i_er,ei of ti_c »»cu.-.e irtieia, m ae- ¦arted CAiea aiul eoUd outLter* i i'ririuii bun). OZOROE A. CLARK, Nj st Dit r*. DR y a 0 0 l) S . - ORP.AT baroaini PANf .Bt'RS A CAR I)EE .Be 16" Mb a». fr.rite the i.tte.,iioa of the pabl. t. their reduced prire* .a büke »i.d etbei Lreee trovde. !»».« to c.inmeuee _e day, t~d ai.tfl tbe entlie dii|o*al of th- lAocl 1" o t: n T a i n " Ir.^la and I tiat DBFS* ftOf.n- CtTt!OBlTi_l k-. No eis llif tamv N. B A fei' aear-tirrn« et i UaeM* ud Preoek FANS Fink hlankkts..Freth LnToieeo of the boot ¦taallAlOa Feraeeeby BBRIfTTtl A Cm\, No. 71 !; 4. «4y. (I R E a t RE1IUCTION "in S i i. K. S . Be,ntit-.; PLAIO acd STRIPf SILKS at tad « , arotth t Alto, anether lot of INtU CHECK F.ft « .'. plaip »Va»H INt. MLKb at 4 LANf k poktkh Na.TJ Ctntl OA India RUBBER OtrOVES and HTTTEVB (or UtrdOaalaf,^nt DfirkrtS. aakl %n orork tAal a ila 1 Le l. t The-, are made tL letwrha to protv*t toe arrlitt el.'. tin* from eitoevre. tod b< BTeerll t a ake Ike ktaAi » ft e.elel.'te For aale »' RBi'her A'nree Ii. tbe t'..u. tad at OOODYBAR'fl OtOVE Co.. No JC Job:, at.,Bear-Yelk. Iam a PÖBTER wiü offen f.r Me THIS d MOBNINOaktraaaiiaHatiatat MAB1 at * '.i aid a>6. Alan, tu tir(tnt atoxt et Uie -- n \ .t:itiee, at eqi ally lew fhcea No. 7t Cant! at Ma N T I L L a B in fdülHK aad LACE at #18. aydesdM ataortment of CHANTII.LY and FKENCH LAi R from to #»0. at BEEK MAN i Co'-. No 41s HretiwtT M K MANTILLAS #t el M ANni.LAS. «t TbiaMdRNINt. at LANE a Pf»RrKK,<« N tlOaatabet. ctella N ii a w I. S~, sTl K^", k3 tod KMBR'iltFklK-1 from Anr'on. 1,000riafc BTELLA SHAWLi no aactka w-il opened ihu cay u.d aol'. from #J ei tpx -r nek ptwaart . BTELLAI from #4 *> . tl.l. iiwl. i A-iHMr.Rl. at 10 I? It .e**al0. sit an »TCai u. ... .--.<i.«e». JA.lAx yard* RICH HILRS. from aactloo ready foi aale lb.. r'»it! I'ieree WIPJi>Ov\- DR A TFR V. aurtloo »ooda. P AK »M)I.<«-1Paraaala 6ne <to< dt. tt « worth 1J Jii l..t. FINF FMHnolHPRIKS. from auction. Ail ot tb-- abort aaxeia are of the b*et .intiity. and will be acid terj rbeapat AN!.KKW Ii 6ÖLBT9. Pf* »i rraloi «t coroer ot t.drill* ft. B -Kite firtt^I.e* SAI FSMFN WANTF.H._ rr\t HOriSE-KF.EPKKS.-V. Uet, Bruooejlo o_d] 1 Ber-»rf.n* Crret. a-id Chira Mattlia for aale u ItlmftM .ilce*. CarpeM and Mattier 'a.1 down bj anv wt of the elty. a" DtjRKklt S A NIXON. No. tl Park place. WINDOW HOLLAND.. Jnrt recelred «II caak* Bt.". *. *t kB« Hal tad >4 la w B.bcw wtde. For tale by DOREMLü A NIXON. Ba M Paik placa_ .) -sii.k ROBES from AUCTION. «w>* Qoitt a BOTaJty la n... tad price. Wai let opened thia a.oroju| By BLF.EMAN k COMPANY, Na 47S H reed way vTlothing. tj E (> R (i E W . F A R N H A U , 1 MKHCHANT TATItOR, Bo. 31« Bretdwty. oppoaite sl Nleeoiai Hotel, N*w York. ©*> HATS tl leoo than Broadisay prioejo.. OoR For elewance and durabili't ther ra-io >t be «Icelled. Neat Hau. 0. Vi HKoWN No i.O l aial *t Profrooianal Noticcfl. l^fftcacioub cube for corvs. bunions, JL_ CALLORITTBB, NAH I arnwi,.* ioto tn A-»h. aul e»w ry dtearder ..f the Feet. Itlkt« o i ' - uie:hei, witaoBt co mi j wiu oot eauaiat 'he «l.aJlte.t P«-b. Mom LP . of Be . Bh Rue ae livuR Pane. «ad No. J Coadail« K.e-i.1 ¦' letttwOO s-ire.i. i '.'.»«»l^'t. the Km- f«-r..i ..! Fr«iere tue the Kotai fOO.lJ or F.r.|i« id. bettrie beea wpwew Brtteal le New-Terk le aei . i t i^hed f»«»- '.'¦.¦ u'putt, remtinui* i.e. to BB] be con.uit.I oaalt (<_ day.etrefte.1 at ki« ofiire. t'totx (to * . lixk at No II ll'_be K,, betwean Mk and 6th art COriEA "r TFSTIMONIALS. Fr«r bkt ImpenaJ Maje*-, Narx.-.-B III Kraper-' "f Prtaee. Jr cei'ibe jue M. LI. v 1 »i.:ct* i*« -. ape *.ec on* «ttr*as* tad .: LOCM BAPOLEOR B'.'NAPARrE. Froei Jamci Haker eeq. I certaft that Dr. LF.% I rure.1 ta« moii moatht ato of «twtral »oub.eeua.e bouiot. withcat :h« lea. paia and wbt»a Bad aa- aaaay lean «4 .. 4- « .- not . tort and cUwufudi recoraBBeal 0: Let' la B I -.-i*r. 1* aad the , fc JAMi'.-i B ttr'R. S»w Y.ek Ma'rh ?4 \f* N B Baot lTtVeA Fi -to the M.e* Noble -a* Mare-a of Let.* low ae. Mr N LEY'I astlwctedt or:, kt c - arttl -.- -«<t fa*.. :y e_ua_-ee«e. 1-» s' "VNF. No ill .1 .are Ivod'-.. From Robert Fe'r-wn tme U D 'bt.kt_iaOTti_t.-ywi ber M«.»»»t ot Orett B-t*iu. V<- ¦.t -i .».-..*. "-. w-ei -y mm wnum mmmj « *. mwtJtyt>i H D. No. 9 Q.PeL it.. M«y FaJ. Lotdon. Mtfcai. .UO. Fr o. II J Fe:tu« e- . . tt *4- . rl, 1 haullaae*at tetofy to kiteoeeeee- ft kev_| **wteearj r.... .ad * b-io- « vt ey>a# «i*i du « . IH. -t aaw_t>| eey pa-a. H. J. FKLTL'S. adea) aaa, ..» V s I J .xx. row. Ik ad lift it- at the *r*.e tolhttertettaj teatimen*a. mtay th bm: ¦.*-:- . . . aie .-ra --j«n ie.'.<e. < f 'be hkiheet r.ik' ru. be e-ti by fet.not him w ka i ityj >> ..ili* between 4h and ata-att. New- i tk N p .Jfe rr--f»».nnal eenaecta-a w tk tret rw-«*.. DF. I.AMANO» FRFeSCO FA IN I I no eh- IAl.Li1ikli.NT.No a- Br.**dwt,.-HecJtaboa* in I .-. 1 .- ' OOt v e e., » u_ Ha' k: |eii'ed. Akao boive «t\ e* 4" tV_tow SkaJe* .te-d it jrde:. CM 1 C I K<» ( III Mit ÄL BATH.v 75 I * vv ., .j-r .ee,- -t.-T'r f A N a N-4< IB carte per- i II e-..t.. ¦ . --¦ ». v- . i . a t-1- . Fl-.- .en a wn., tiitit Part Ttia. i n;tract na of L zSe. Swa'lan* of J ri.*tr*j Ha. tidal. I.-j:-i DO a| -Lt SlJt A.»o, t uartLte.a te ettra.: all MtaeraJa trom toe *-< eteaa. Iritiric- tot.ta.'« (i.ra u. MtaueL'a Pr.-e Ota. IMilH EXTRA! IEDPOSITIYELl WITH] 1 CT PAIN kt l--»: . ml . Ve «p-r-.icat.oa 10 tbe t-'iaae by Dr. E Wll M'N f>-it:*t He. 77 id-«t. Tkw.*- I keel > per'.c It* ia ittekVet; *e* ly A'-ret: t '¦- c -t U o.: a'. -rd the tck-ti *¦» it-atteU kjr a: I at koal a ma at*, tun: | which all 'er .Z4 u *i* en lad. ©roccncB. HCTTFR. FI-iH -ind ri:< .VISION«.-ALLAN k ROtfl No. tJt Htt_n#U;n tt. rwa «ert tlete Bar- e.*y at. New 1 oik. 0#Vr a' VA" * -*^. * I Rl l<jV> FoK CARH, Me*tar-?Tbtr M-«w Pork, Ma i-r*. Raa. 1 1.1 Bot- aro R.r r Port. Pulimi . . :--»..¦. I ... bee- f :e »v !>-.. ( ocaac ^ .-«». *n»oh»c Har « and Beef. Pickled aad -n. *mi Hen.p. b:. .Irr. » . 4 ti _v_, l.-a; ; lk. - iwt ^...r. t t».«e mild aad rvfc. Talh.r and tptwat Cavatflee, Lard. u. tax:.»!* aad tuba, r«u So_, r.era... -Marek' Ot*en a'.< B «ck Teaa. Ft. ly A**, Tw.5« \\ a* lu'ri in arkane tad ruk*. *"' -aw j«j fea r*»_t-er Raitav .a f ^uc.-a..,- Pbik-*. S .. ^ ,. ' iniareürmtrat. A*TBTJ* < KLEI b v THL» P4TKÜT SEI.F- J*BEj »tilgiiB e^hyrh.,,1. B.»* /.r-r« n»l ?.'a-aL ... Ii j_i * 1.4 j tu im g°?T*-***JC,TW1 .*»ocaruve « raiibyeo ta.r ante lad« «,M-t e».-V*. .... . 0> v,. ar. e* trr,T~ . ~- l-, erw ¦*» *a>»»>jtBer heeeaae i .. .. ."»f.- »',-.-....., ex- t e .-.»-..-. . ,f%imm, .. ^ , ^ r-r. «t an. tee . c, vre,-.« y mi, , , - Teay *»«r»jr eo kaam t - . rf t ,. "... y *r. Ta*nd ro-ieta» «am. -.,*>, *, .«,r »sao ..^.j, >lwy *" *-«*.»* 'V '.' '*..* CaJH in . . OB, im the Ja»« =r» rroo/ ..,». «,-. Tz*- nr»r r.r* t thee taaanaa r«at »c.:..-, .- -r.».. p*. ¦ mi m t AHsm »:m. rear, tal« .aim. and eellor JeTre-r»«- « , mmn rawjwttaai r pattta« rraa .. -*.«*«, ar ererarieerit »cur O.t i. !>.«. »_.- ¦, it. » . l »am t j frvii MU aal c^j ai -.aeuaa_oi «4 u&jm aid let? laae.ew Tu. i*w » fc» f nv\ a«ü p. TVRRET Mi. > » an ,; Xiam B K A Z 1 L W (. (i [ aj3u quiitaa Fl RA ^-il - . * . - Na, ¦ IWaret. ... ... t 'orrtar! y fd e Ii e -Tb,, m vt.york aar, 1 BKOOKLT1I ICE COMPANT art t x . »-.. v«.^. I ta* aaHBl »"itn . »«r'r. r r In ajVardl tkc ctT..:af Lka Caara r.Baa 173 m w I7S Caaal .».. P.opl«» Baal, »l.! tc*.'» KIlVci/iVrTl faver-Än fmronnt c^Trr» m ir» F^o«<Mr»i_Baaaikai I U'« ¦ ||ia Ti I Inpffed JolAKSS IVOtViltOl.« PBEP aRATIOM fc« taMaB'W CLIAEHBH RIO OlOREfl . ¦» t t :~ fi.VFLC '.I i Bf>CH»'1 -'.-.-ti. . . k »/. ! ¦¦ i . -. eipaarJae - »I . -. ,.rma. tr*t Itibta, aa >ai »«ar*r ataaaad . am * tVHrat* rittetofiei Bski M>aD partige at* ]Oü\t>Viea ta« I1 f>e». mm\ «ea IRW i«an»Jy .»»»/-»-^»- k. w-aai«.t: »..'. -Rrrwird icr r -~ - .«..--, -.,^5. , p, ,. ÜIct**. Pr.-i »retfa T-t - ... , 4 ., a-t ;..»*: 'rieua ti er«, »t-.. w ., jj.faafcaa Aa-r... ar» -oianf areaer f±*Jt iirpracadeat« - M-ra wanted. CPNTRhT.WFqiu a to Wo. Broadway KiM-I.IM, wood..s. harris.'S A kon, Heai. »Bitery.Ko. .. Waat »ta at. Beet irwüity of Vi» (i Wi Tree Oak at.! Hwkrry dellrewd «. laweet nrvee T..T rawmaiieartai' .»rrm. > Nrwi -:. Ha., N 5J t haaivriat I VOTTCE TO TAXPAyeb Ä.Tb# ASSESS* j.1 »' 0LL8 ».. 1 . ( ry of (few i.-k baTtae keati retsrurd kr tac Are-ituri to ten flifi. wa Iirrt» r .e r.ofire to all icteretted Taspaaer« . the «u« w .. ke etched f r exaej.La:., t. aad review, (tun Tl'P.sDAV theft thJit H Kay ktatfl WEDKEfDAT, the SVh dar of J.uv A'l t'.ow !.ter»te.l who tri detlroal of' et »., : t raorr» 'U.( theeaa>e,aia rtqtiitfad ke u.»*e ispUce- Raa r. tb« 1: derti». ed. brtweec the üooriif I r riaek a. ¦. iL-: 4 'd . k; 1/ et l'Ii £ ea, J U. ALI FN. ) »V. J. PECH Tu Ci'nin.iM...ii«ri A. 1 WILLIaafPOR S Sew Vcrk Mi» .1, IS-'*. d »2! tjets 1)( TU H' 'MAM 1 . b thr> new and ¦eRRMful r -t et t ri Ii 1 rrr..'- (. \ ..».\un m to ... wo.Me the PlMERT CHIKEBE et* BEVREB CHfwR 11 .l. ... .11 .- .'i fv t vd Ler..n Pol It HuHAti E hat eifited . perfe-t foror» 1: ! Oeat'eoie-. i:e al l! teec.oatrd wrfc the deitahtful vteipaticr. The whole «trit he petwftl» acqtire-l !t. Laif as L. t fA vhooti .t .a a rbe.te mti eleiaot aOioae«er.t. tri J't.-'.i 1 a rattlfir grarrf :.!.»! a .'. t.aro-.rLT in a-ra. j. :r.-l.t A c..!c-a Ai! the aMtaneJe .K.p.irtrd. ir.r:nd.: 1 VaaaaofaB Bwai Baakata, Plawel Tola, r eh Orieatel Pi. iL.-ea. Bruehea. P..ate. kc. Bo.ea eenta two \ aar. attraction!, ana Ii » r- Price tV ' < (1NTF5T. BTABT k Ce Ko B-oedwey (i| 1:. r er Tttr "rrttoit op tmi A: .«. Hm yt. I Hön au* I'abr. Niw >. ott. May u' 'tU. I .j>os\| j_to CAR pen I ERA M iSONS, fLt'MBEBB an IROS MARl'FACTl'BBM .etaakal Prciaiaa.* » 1.. h.' rereireJ *j tr-e l». reni raof the A.n.a 'iooae, et'he r ffc« H.rf-.nda. Part mm .' t 1 m tk- ."il rAe t AK^ENTi RB MASOttB' and l'Lt vjhino wi tk aad *oc IBOR ve RAN DAB ia the aaUifaaaaak mi Bellatai Hoaortal footofjhtha' Kl*t k.rer. TL. laaa fer the *bcr>. work tea b< aeeu at Iben otfi.e. where prirte-l ttevifi. alior.l can he ohfal.ed teaaraieaj -it-'i- |**».a for the Cerpenter-'. »ftaont', «. d Ftuaetoa W ork 11 J tor tke Irn i Veranda*, are required. Bad all odeti ire u< be| with the nam af two r itiuutlhta iiamaii. alik thi Ir awml lawritkaa. « eavarlta for It* faithfnl petforinanr« 01' »he ..rif .cf and the ()..»»n or* re ¦area lakhiiaeeliei the ruht to rejeri iny andall ertere 00t Ij them eitvartaieou« la tta BaaartaaM I The Prepeeale to n.e the name* -.u nui wuh the r pUrro of reaidet . wi IAA yaraM otfe.-tai to perfor.-.i tuewora. aud f their turf lea The a'*itrv »r' f »;rk».ro. »rar- bj the ;ertiei to whore they e il be awii.'.id, will i ot le «il«iweA_ i>i be i »1 »a-n\ a i k.k Free t charge - I Ti i nt Ii Kl FRIOI BANT RODA rOI B1 kiM CttM PAS'Y rearerrfnlW intl e deelere in * Je Pouataii. .. and ail other* who deaire I. r the ftr»t time in tfceir lt.»*. to partake afa dr ak airare Roda-Warei Brail the poiaitiiai iirkaaM a .0 Ha. tew add a* " ^.4a. W'at.-r" a th.' faahi.n.aMe foin a. ti thV'nthoot the arry,ti re.i a' Na IM WHHa*aat.aaai a .t wher- 01 - of BOBINkPH *.: I* a-^d intalaabie hOl'NTAIN.- ie now in operation. Ii h BOTlBJB'l piiRTAi-I.I MIH.iHERAN1 -'iliA POt NTAIN wa* p*-er ted 6 h 11 M.rm l--'. It i* rtr tnperaaai'i* al'. o*Aer PoBi.raJtn eaad 111 tbe M..ath and Wal 11 i* aaa of -ri* aaiwt ecaaecDicel, aaaful and aanrarj 111 anuoo* or -ae piaaiut M',HI M 1.1 il Ir HFEMH.KRANT SirtlA FOCSTAISC*. bare t.kae th>* an*an* to e 1,1 let tha afeji'lon of the fnaat af Naw-Vixhti. an *aaeunation of Uta pruparttae of Ireetautra* rior er.! apre Iral teat of tha deltcioae and keeithfiu Pare Beda*Will! 1: prodacre. ua L m "iTe~Ä_P Pa n* S . . I too, e*e* antsral and round handle Palm Fain jeet re «ateed fur **.* by SMITH A UWUMfK, No. I* .?PASSING AWAY.PASSINO AWAY." a I. Ike Rale Mice and Inaerta are paeeujt away Li ON'tt Maanetk Powder and I'llla deatroy Inesu; Juet .( rkaala tai at n the koet el the day. And u .lllont wnl tail- It kill* them. Paddlet! c CLterfeiu leware. Ileput, No. 414 Broadway. Re. l7APaltor. it., Brooklyn. CAVE rOITH n-KNITHiE.TRpt IM'RSAT'" P FI RMTI RE P0L1BBEB an-t BRADTIBIBB riantai a.1 itiini of [ am', ereaee er Biet m | aad hded Barak tare look e.inel to new Price Jft ren'e a h-ttje. M white, No »* LBtiaior ec N. V.. or No. Main it., Brook I ya. P) Masons üä caepente rs. .Pnrpo«ii for the trartiaa of the Second i rrnrrtiatlnnal Cbarch at Orreneieh Cr.. will be eti or before 17 o'c.<Kk of 9th leae 1 ear, at the heaee 0i RoKFRT w., *u ora.o. wich The filiL* md e- er .firatioet n av he eeen a' 'he ofoi« .f tbe Art hue. *, m LEOPOLb K1DLIT7, Na BN BraaawM) New '. tk Ali prr ro.»,. to e *.. paii.ed a .'J, reference. I I kJL ^'wwmmnwmm Jnonrance tTompanica EW-YORK EQUITABLE LN8URAN0E Co. Oftce, Na B B a .-. (Oppoa to Hanorer it ) CA*H CAPITAL.f'dltf.OtfO. in... Arm iU. H Tbl* Cetnpaoy 'cutimee to laeuri Loa* or D ky Fire oti ti»crrab.e Trrn.a. RH H ARO J TOORNE, Preetdint JOHN MII.LF.B S*fretay Bnilbing ftlatcrial». Encaustic tuxes. For veitibuiet, haiii, H-ir-j D ti t room*,ko. UARNRiKE OBlhaBl T-TOPB, HRAI.N PIPPS Ac k.r.ate by _MILL,- K A COaTBJ M " I Pearl et., N. T. ROfjFS. KiJÖFS^ROÖFrr.The ebeBpeat mi kaetan ... >.r r| roof* u TAR R1 'OF' NO PAP KB which wi keep roneraneiT on kind and will aril tn kvte ¦ aaaad u- enn pcrrhaaera jas. T OtRRICKftOS k Co No Beekmanet t*erra COTTA CHIMN'EY-TOPS.Plain and a Ot-amei.-aJ. DRAIN PIPE.-* .f all ear* *t;-jer1o» mane- hetare, loweat ratea LONu la LAND Pun>JlT. L>epo4 No It Nee*a< .* N. T. fir moraifl. iavTFARN'S A MARTIN** Wilicr i Pater, k aa.ati.r N»f» r>,>ra R0. 40 mnrree-et. aad No. i«S f New > rk itr-Ut nv Wa-«r OENBY DAVENPORT, ManufsN-turer tail *r, \ 5sJet ir. o. , 1 Raahet o^t. an hEMO\ ED frcea No. MA to No 331 BROADWAY eppc«n .-,-' _ papa OJarebflBBrt. _ tJAPFK wakeHOI be*.J. T. derrick- * eHTN k Co., Nu. X BeeAaiAb-*r., iSir krr ea»e ea (he *w- eat laro.. " t.t, Papart Pnanah ffoti and Ajaereia. a "'iT' " »raihtiaad qsal-00* ¦eet reier. all aiaaa, weiehu and a 4ÜM**. J,"" . -. a . . and wnf A the Dart reality. "*e*aae Paper, and co. r. d.V.-'ut widvaa ' . ap» . , oaat ,^-y ".'" tta« J*f '-i;irr:w»re Piper 1 a't* tteortaoent ;eet arrtriA ' *»'.- ;. Ptpet rf tbe .. .< rt 'ft:*r.Ptr»w Raa aad Meauia. J ' : 3r-..- ,.ar. aräiOBLt Ptier (-.->aii* for eratf* -e -Wie ßonmn Lanö tUuironia DOrSTY land-warrant office, Nn. « t v. i*1''*- N*w Tatk. Th* hiabeit market prvre pe-d for L . J LR « B1 i tad ill 'A arr Jit* autd By one ire nerieV .»ec and foryrtrded br mail er etharwiae. on receipt or" re- » Lari e'in-i|jrry.v»r BoWiert %sA etbert antnled aj Let. I. an*» awiieaualo to _ I j t. OLE MAN. No *3 We.-ov_ T AND W-ARKANTS Bttught tt tbr; bidhftt c^aaB N^PrktaB.tad a=.,f- B«.» NTT l.CO PFV' s" ki pr^jarpu, tttanced x. OEuROB WOOD BAN. . WtüiaM»-* LA ID V AK E A N T W A N 1 E D.- TAiTvuR Bt,l/T.i- U '.' _ pjo ^ te-elrec *ew Tork _*.'»-* r a .-fir, e w-'. ¦ "r¦ 1 " "* g 'v FINE BROWN GCVaP"* .:**) ba>« U^i^t- iaa. lLwtw aid other r.akee, Vr ra.t _ tU**rrU a te. M*. TI Broeawey. ¦Orran StfamtT8, tCc ROYAL M*IL 8TB »M-HIP A<1 \ tm I It F.RPUOL La» A-IA 1 Ir. Uitteorn-nar lcr art ¦ fn is ia« i od r-ax » « fN<e Jeep**. CMr, w i Mi ¦ a Peeeaatatwa I^m aa »VEi)NEAl> % Y. Abe ttrt,, it . «frier lr>i-< Pe*«e te.i in ." «;a»»«*J tt barI l.te'cbel la. AFRICA . H at! an tb» 1!tb Ju?e i NABB !t «B ¦ i NOTICE.«bM» HENRY CLAY from LIVER¬ pool _T,-rr.»*<»tv- «>»-». a**jap tt» s»~Sr BaWaBad ' Ml - i Bear OleH H AR«.INO a»aW r- ¦ . -' »t PW« * N r*A Rfrw ail p»"*i* wo* paraajrw »1 artU be .ata t»» pi itAtaa. >vtn>»n in "f-Si c . rÖl CHAKLF*Ti'N and FL«>KI1> «..S-rr- .eat « I afatt Laa* Ti. bra- aad fat: «ata« S: .e--ti«.-:r V «-*.. ILLF. afp M B*r.-» will l.aewa parr Wo 4. Nona K...:«*>. FATTliDAV at*. .'*.».!. .*va ¦* u. rr* .- . K I t » «hl epr».'j HI bae.d. . M » »>» ¦eaad. at 44Vf a*w»a*t> at e. IF F*ORB : : ..'» .».«.» v h.¦-...«. . ..... mv:i "n u Fowte* etna.--!-- m'.". wactvl *-»'. .11» aa .Vtl Kf>i;Ai.M«t B IV» tHina »et tat 1i CAROLINA r«i«a -"(ri'ir . V .:..*»! 01« ;_,!.a«« jr. r)w At, I Hu t b ter Florida ttaitat'i. t wuh "AaaaWeaaseafieaa N»»r»'t.rrk t -.. tavBt Caa .¦.<. » [TEADAl at 21 ,.«t f t. TYffie 1-1»«« .. 'a-itcn ¦:"» *.< .. P'»rk*. *Jt STKAM BETWEEN NEW-ltDRE atd Ot.A<«'.0\V iPIFIIl B IM teat *»m mm'n .. r-..-,. nf» SUNK.. tlM tin, li'SrjT . *at». «ui.iead.-i OLAtCO-M at-, .... u kn urs. ts fitan Tb» ..| ABOO**tri SKW )..RK BTEAJBBBIP COB P A n 1 i f r ew r .-. rvw-n .. Mr* oc« tr at htm fork "M.fii-»iw t* ttkAari ii'lHBCKw:-. pan¦tu liy I*, *. i?c .c*t aaam EATi- iff :'\»-4 tl Ftrtt Cava. .?*« Tatrd tat, I ad «wh eeaaad p-vr*-» t *e Aa isper* rdIn\x itta rd »»t--- »t.n F. r Frt-ahi ar !'tttttj« »PFi» to JOHN Mc<*YB N !" b-iadtrt-r BatP'Ttak CHT Bil . ar 0 'dar!» rtaMttM far I't-aatt NOTICE PAS>rNt!ERS atvl IMPOSTER^ Tbu lhfr?u)l tad Pii1 L.A 0 F.LF HI a STEAa- mitp iHHP int 1 |n n I rat) -5t--«ri_u.t t>4 V OB BALT Mt'B r v .<*. A I.aiT.a. > » .»'*»li,«.iT'>n tjtrn taat .Cattt BT A'laia. ITTT of MANCHESTER. .J.iaj taat CmpL F C Part.a. a an » - ¦. Ijrtttaat . - ..>. a% Ar« uiraoaM watt u nwuvi: taai L.i«aaro«t tiT-i OB BALTIMORE »VEnrfBBDAY, J»r»t 4. I tow i'an >ot rtnt CIT\ U* RAXTiMOBE, THI RSDAT, Juat If BATB1 91 PARSAtiBi Fiow 1'hh tall rKt», Ctbts 'c rtrtvkatrA Maja rortrt.f» Ctbui a t:.r** brrtl tratr ruAB.1. ** Cabia ;n forward f«. «. i > »« » .JVUt'OL, C»-- o 'u hPB kattl r* r I -.kü". fl i-wit;*** Cabtak t>r«« barfh .taat-roorui.'. "ttt.atit Caa_atu.w^> .\t in aaai ludTfi I - < . <r»t Taiti. i im PttttaaiaA, A lualtad rttwirwrofTKird <-!_. ....¦.»-ra will bt takaa. a' Btatatl .1 at atattb fa-trraateai aa rtMalrtai From FaAW alaAtt f>9*>] Frnn. f.ltarjuat ..»-> CtrifiraXat ta i'aaaat« w | K.. w u>i krr* to part!** ahn ara Ataw.iiit nf Sni i out their frit* «' M aaaKMiot] ia'aa Thete i«*_-o*uij< ir* roTifr:, a*d »(¦.¦ iiiirw w* at uaat awrat'*-r'»'i»o«a aa *vh taa-iri '«rr-»« tB aip*'iwu«ao mttno. Iirttt« -., t-rrvv) rnmi tl f-»w*r-' Ad U.4K1* tar.t ta tba A. ':.* tad Utarwaal tartl' b* w-r-wtr-lt<l wKti tr Boa f tnd b' - I Far i- i ar ft!***.* aptpi-i .'ohn <; ;i a T V tctwd No. 17 Mala"'tt Phaaaawtattaa, ar * AB I l A CDRT!» No. IT Hr ,^wV n.w , t. WILLIAM INaT-iN tastM Haa 1 asd Id T-i»«r Hul BUtat l.itanjooi. rTYflE ?ANl»EBBIL1 EUROPEAN STKAM I i Lim P »Ol rHAMPTON BAA'REaad BRE. .¦.v'v raaBrat^attt aaaatti ip MÖBTH8TAR I' T. Urn.- - s M,..^r. trill tail from Nrw Vori tor tw* *!» to por . on « adurad** IBit; f Fir*t Cabin pataa«« #110. -i*. .oud do.. For <man' or iwt***- at |«J 'o N Tl'HrlANt' F No 1 Howlint Orawa. FYB LIVEBPOOL..r, S HAIL BTEAM- .SIUP A Tl. ANTIC. Capt. Otir-r El.lnd«», »rlU «»rtrt w -h ihm V 9 M*U» for Fur-pr, -«witittlt on BAriRUAf. Mat 34 from bar brr-b. toot of Canal at It* abipt td lAJa Ibat, > troij .laser from i<«, will not «rata tbr RatiHaairtbaf <? aatil *B*r tb» I>* pf A latawl Forfrabtbt or iioin, haunt Bttaa lib a -..uiui*daii..a*. acol* to FflVA Alt I' K COLLtBR. Ni ^Wallte fvarpii will pl*_a br on board at 11 o'tl.» bam rba HA.'.T'i i'apt. Couuixt, anl tia.oal Lbt AtltaUt. andaaB Jana » It «» M a II. BTIAM8HIP COMPANY.Fit Jt HAVANA tad MB PF <>«I.» AMI -Ob S4rTJä»*T Mil 1", at i p m fraat ptai 'oat .( anaa at., *t A ta* hat tad Butttt attamabip OB AN ADA « apt. i. P tM_a, «- . . at abatt ¦..¦«* tar k* t«carod .' Uat Cawiaauy'a .. .- Fraiabt ta Maw UrUaiw M '*a«t par rubi« t ¦ :.n*i'l »« *u»,4'»d with blaaa aalt» »t :edin» af twa Arn faad b* Iba t to.waat ob apt4'«*tin« a' tbtir »aVa «. IXaWN ->ru.aM«atd tad « > tat1 »f .a-.o « will »« **tb«4 »..» an* baar of aalt an« Fai er i>**wa«e > at the aftiae M 'b« t ant-eat la. rn%\.\w%. aavMt/Watret M 0 R'lBBtPS IM1E BRITIsn and NORTH AMERICA! BOT AI. Hak. rrEAMBBrFR, Chief «ata r»«a*ea.BM| ll«eea4 Cab*. Paaaeew. raow toarea to Livttrooa. < . .... Pa»wa*».Alii Beeeaad < leben '«...-. at TN* aiote frem Boetaa «alt at Ballfai PtRSI a, Capt. Judtutt. IC A N A DA .. it, et* I , ... 4MFRICA Cent Wi. ka -I A Cap' T. ft La« l. NIAOARA Cea-4. Rtne. AFkll A .»' -laaaoua. FI'ROPA. Capt. J '.eab-A. TS*«« reaaeaa rarrt a etAat weite #»i at aaaet bead freea atl atarbee'd bow red »a putt bww ABABIA Htet e Iet*«» fleeter .¦>¦ ...J.. M*t 7 «8 P KB *l A J Bdl'.a*.***** .S1.4 W^iaeee«*. Hat 14, a* A «f.»!: I' I v. hi h ..wo vtadaeedat Wat tl «a AMI A Lett..leetM.N . Wedneatet. A4*, t *. ( ANAtlA lent ... o ....... , tl afiii a -. ...>«.,....,,... 4 RIAOABA, Bjrie .:««.** nee<eu »ih.. in ABAIUA fWMie -«.-.¦>. i A ..iliwmi u + Br.'-Ji* aat .*. ared tat., paid f*r. An »a>""h'4 terteea board. The ewtera el th**e ah.ri* wtli tat be aetouatahle '. OwM, Bit** Hniliea. Hp*»i* Jiweiry Pracioat tttoaee er Mtteet. «..-«. . < M .edtaf tr* aujaed tkartfet tad the raise abteeet Iheraat *i[.r-wtr4 F*»fr*i|! M paaaaeeeeelT to Y t KARR. Na. 4. BewUaa rpHE NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL CNTP- I BO HTAUlB MAIL Sit AM EH..-. lae elaaa ***a*|ww> Bv thai lia« ar* The ATLANTIC, Ca«*. Ollttr Eldrwlft; The BALTIC. Cap- Joeeph I orrmocA The AHB! ATIC ar- Jamea Wo** Thve* aau* bat* b. rn bad' bt contraet eanteeeJjr tw the aet *mm»Bt aertlee. every ear* hta %a*u 'alaa u. tatr ceewtrae'n« at .in rheir eiiiaaea, to nieare «treaiia tad apeed, .- liiert an ernaiodattoct lor piteenfen are tattia."d Iwr tie|tt*te and tomloft Prve af ;«*«***) from Now V^rk to trarpeol. au Srat <.. B13B as teroud da., A*k Praaa Liverpool to ^ tw Tor I *** aad W |-..^eat Aa tipentated ruifcen a'ta. at* t* eeeb *htp. Nu brrrh* can k* **tarrrd unttt paid for The ahipe of that ;.,.a aato kataieeed water 1140' otikhea_i. aad te a**td daater fr ret are, trill no' troaa the Baal« aoria af49 dtfree* utul a/atr the et Antuet. PROPOiED DATBI OF SAIL (NO. rtow m* run rtew 1 itrtreot. ¦AT' BliM.kprfl H. IA5b »* EON LS A Y .Mai 1«. U*. .ATTRPAY... Htj I* IBM. WEDNESDAY May V. a A Tl BOAT....Mat »4, IttL B/EDNEAOAT..J aae 11, aela, BATVROAl a I IIM PV1 MEBDAT..JaaetS.lAM. otTI ltl»AT....J*ae II. II« U r DM B tlf A Y.. Jal y » IfC SATCRliA Y... J»,y i !'a UFUtr i>AY..J*y» .C4. MT' HDaV J*.y II IBM UFPINPrlBaY Aot S. IAVI 0.l7iKti\Y Aat. J, 14.i».. W'K DNF.atll A Y A**) St iM 8A 7TB f 1A Y.... .4b|. 11« rVEDBF.BDAY It 1 IM . i UriAl ....A»«. M. lAM.|»J»'F.DNr4r)AF..1en*.!7.iaM. bit.4 > lewt iM tVEDMEfPkT Oet. I.IIM. «ATI RDAY... Bepr.C \V*. tA'PIiUFsnAT Del 11 IBM r A Tt it I) A Y .Ort II Ii« VVEDMBRDAl let CS, .AAV BATt RI>A> ..Oat ts it. PVFOMEflDAT ... I] BM SAT I BI'AY Rat 1 IIM VVEDMRAOAT. Mae * 11 «1. .MTrif'O Mow 2 IIM *A KiriNFIOaf. Bet. I" 'IM. BATt PDA ..... Doe. 0 l»». WLL/NFaDA Y 1>*«. 14. HRR. BATCHD.4Y. Li.e ?D llVe T Jt ireatht or »**_** arplt ta El Aid) K COLUMS. No id Wali-ex.. N. T. BROVAt gHIITrY i <o IflPjaiM. VTBEBJ H AF.NNARll a. Co.. No 71 a-utia Fnart. LnnAtei B. 0. WAINYVRloHT A Co.. Para Tie -^t-'iora of three ar.b aat aa accoualeble far read. Mltat bi It epeeie. .eweirt p»*cun* «träte* er aaetaia a'deae ktlit a* .* 4 m . - aad .a taae laareol aav «»'* n JaVTEW LTNl af NEW-TORI and LITER- A.1 POOL PA4 RRTB..PATRIOTIC LINK.- Tan Ime trill biloe 1 aa ar and artt laai at j* rM; HENHT CLAY . !,%»Jt»x.i....Ctpt 1,nd aulktna l A' li« n. Daaa-I U r'-._*_ OBIFNT.I0**it-ine ...r-apt Oee-te I Hat. iLI.ts I H ..-"in*. Cetya, WkUaaat H '*%rrvt Thf trä te let* been reeent!) auili tad ire tkv- tra-et a <- -.«. t * 0 < T «rr naat». y $ aarl aat bi of arnaariattae a. d abtlity. Tneir arc imotedattnaj e-e eery avprnnr, and etert aaWtttkoa enil be ma.r» ka pr. «aale .npa 1 aa t.n ¦ aaadealM of aa-ppert For frett" or raeatt» acp!» »o IPOFfORO.TILatATOB A Co., No »Broadway. Artete x LiTorpo«! rt N - rf AVV 4 Ce No 10 ri-.ree otaaitA -,-- BiramboatB anö RailroaÖB._ Hl DSON HIVFH RAILROAD.-From Ma>- ., I'm w. eete tban. -ra.t. w I Iwerr Firr-«« . a rr a"d 5 t m Had l l ¦ [lfMaB U. rTShi, i? m l.rr.«r«at,7 p ra. Far P.<np«.-_-.¦' For u;, aUl, i, Matt. eJ ^f,^ ^*r^- R^i^.y, v^Xar PrSHINO RAfLRr'Ar>..Tbej BraMRihpBt .LAN!' CITY leawwa F..-oe P'try Wserf. rwi* tt »4 i a^d I' a as. aa: I. 4 H pad 7 p at. tally, aaewcraa aad .1 . i'i ..«'»«.-. - . * '. ¦ « w ¦ . ea.ea f i't *'. «. aamr aeura Pt*a«ue *_ $9 'I'llit'll «)»' >f _aea T -u;.« fa*] '«'.i iy *i* aetier acy awai'aerf ai ttSSM 'k.'-uta a M 0*. .'«« '«-- »* I aj .»*<. -DAY BOAT'f^TAl.BAN V -Ear,d I ~* )\ ). ;-*..!¦,. f .. t t-t»'« Ftark tk»»t Poo-t. .'.'.wbtrih P>wbk'>peM>, R.dnebr:a, Cetakdl. Hwtaoa aad r.Jti*c*w M>at*erte.t au twtrd. Pb* fawartM ai*«j-or ARMFNl A. ttpt. «i_ith. w.1 ooTLEBDkY, Met* roacacrfc* her reralar trie*-o AItle*r*, Uari.^ ajwaf .. -. n rr. Ibet Ceoa. t.d -xita »t«. E.r.Ak TI->>\> TBtTBRDAY takd ¦ATCRDaY atl 'i . m. Ro'ami^t are.- a.aaat «.»ry M pBOAl U EOnE-SHaY tad /Bit» AY. N. B A Bui»'fD*«>- a ^ ;». y -«ae I'. ttt; (eta ar 1* BJ |Ai t Bitdtr« aar. CLOTR1I RAn.ROAn of KEW-JEK^ETY. . . * ... i.FH ill .. it.l.n Uli HUP w.- c- » V . . evfe>ea«t.«-».» #*w.¦ v* i .aa* u. v. W«»;.(.».»»! *u>l ¦».' ..*.'«.* R»,e. .'¦»> ...., mt .¦*».« a* '- *a » uwl <V v r s> «- -»¦*>. »i » 4* eed ..- i - - . .¦*,,, I . at *%» Main* «ot.»l it . ,-........».,_. ,B. v., j- ., lltlBtl.bMTM New .*¦»»* *v» »4 ¦>....!...... . . % , ill e m * mm* . e *»»_im»x» (1 «TV-ntJD e-r«rlr.~>-*l N>W..IVKSKY BaII.wTÄIvZk^J ph il a- l"Li HI I v* (Ol PO »_.- « t*T rm, «lift CITY Mil' ris»>.» In-, tm%m N«w YVt * Bet* il k o »-. I i. . f .. I 1 Bf*., $t~ uttpta. «t «»- r..«.--. TT»f .*i T.k*l* I I In Checi ue'i irfuad *>.?". 4. »' «. en.' fcr "ei-ra»*», B) am.aet N. . k tu.. ai. .'".a*! *A*-/»u» ertw»»,. (.Mncor 1 I t ¦, u <\ N)i>>rtrr ahvui «4rf. Nl \\ \( KK ami RKtE KAU.KOAO.-Or ,r ,. . V..\'.»l Me* »V m i fe,-tk*r »zw, .- ..... fata M ». Raa» *-*A, fl|rAirtA| .\iRP«» .«-. m v>-'> -ir-k Kl ITALOkXrSr-M .. « . » mm P'Ruio i a|| hi > « ¦ «.i IN i - Ml B '.' it** *»»*rtiB*d «>. ~, » Piaaii r - . r* "ifI k ' r-»v-a . *. ? a «r* » t- w ¦ . j ^ i -.-a* l^arn aa -5«. li.»v n Rai rata AwCTi i*j 1 .> Chtrvjt kr rft»- RUtft \ Hi . ? (***." ""at * 1 'r'inn *u !':«rn. at, lor SaBVra'f etai tan 1m Rale S'.-Kta »VAI PARHFM ' . Bevvk*Bk and Msiii* lava an 1 fe e . 'f* fta Vee NiCHT t X it » .. k--» aad BeBkki « . Ml j. " 1:1 Bafaia ei-d iBiat BMRkl . v Tk* as. M Trafcai ten Jafl» S-u.Ja»t «tcrrfatl 1 ..w I tap »m lYakBi raaa H at FL-ire wtk tV Flmlra. .. .... v ... > FaUa RaOraaa! N u«« Fall», at Btnakaaaii» a >h lh*r«t»«B ».-d Bl. «kaantaa Ra.iina.1, t'f ....«..... rt 1 m - J rah « .. Itaj «ad Htm V .* h. a. rRtwkj«*>l » Ufa«) Ba». a b IVaaara lakkka at 1 aaal Waatatn BaRnaja' »Vt « a* kukalu aaa t>aa- . 1 . SS»r> Bat nmm tar « la«» a> .uu. 1, Tuien.' airan k rti» «' > M.< tl.l.l M tVn»r«l *«»a»1ra>..*a»i NEW-YOBB imT EIIE RAIUtOaiP vX>Bf pari*" »\t'l:r-SS ätrr Ra t*t »-aaajwa. Raw« 1 1 j ' 1 M..I ! 1 rttilrral t ocir-aa». -at«Hat u . aeeUlallliai ;t h <.»» Bontna rt»t iaa«r i-ad ana .- * .it ktaaek nMiaa1. ad ba«ir«a i'-ocaraa a um* m:m a a pMpataB »ad« Iii» .. || raal Baak Baakafikaai r* Ma tral and 4rt»an»a of tfca ¦ rriaaat ft Mai . aa akktk k# kaaur^ la aaaa that will ka ah a ea ti.. n.. f ika> rai.ikraaat* a*»oi«iaaaaaalaVpaaak la tri rt >. . . k. ...... Maa a . a'.ai tka tlra af aar' h < a*ai. a.a Taatr fa .'V a., m ihaa r»i«.' a ka m iraaaaa tkaa taaaM ka ikaid.a aj .pa u.. .......... . .. h... . .. ¦.i'i"..... mji I dka I a> .1 A mn»i\ tum v.apfa*. I »aartag . ... .. ¦dH 1. uin iUm r.u fa- .. a a > . I . a.# arjararaad ariaa .. . i. a'l tha pt'Lcuai r ti« a andt.-wtata tka I' aitae dtataa aad far- ni wi l n "a. 'a at ka kj tha 1 «Mftpaap fcr tka Manfpana- traf tkakt aaaa rj kaaaj .<ad. a«vd aaat ka paa- rtatta la Hunk"k art.! b .itaiu. m> kr> farwar'arl Raaa U'tr palnta la Ik, V «¦num t> tka at*aar? Oraaapailania ht-a T«o ttprra. trtlnt wi'l ha t«n' di 't ia tharpa af rpawiaJ n reear |r:> aha all attaa* to th.> trat aan itaaaa jt . ¦¦vhaodaat. pa. kafta, !¦. tkt at Reaaaa of Mill tam «nh pooda of all kk-lt. Ik* r> .wftof aL^haUlhr (r.'u.ttlt rttarard. far' ¦ a: a'v Ik a w.'l s* pjtaa to 'tr col aaboa of aotaa, ¦ . ...... * aa.i katwt . Rev fata, t.n. Oi ¦. lax.. ('k:»u. a" C' .^ '-ad S- I jaia l(INH\ D RU I Surat.atra.Uat Rtpraae. L'ch fto>1fN an<i PKoVlPFNCF eta NKW- I P0B1 <a>w f U.I, RJTBJ Hi. .ol.waid aaat .auaflar .aaaa ,. MBTBOptll is Caat 1: ttajaa aa Ban Tara eaatj TI'RRPAl llinsriAT «ad saTiHiiAV aOa'alart p a, *«« taV BTaTI s *<" leere« laaaee Rata fork ...«.. Mi.NI A\ tVRDHktaWAT aa.' - H IR * V at A rala.A a «*. . Real ¦». Be IR I a>ar taa rlaitaiy, katk awaetittai aa R-aprr« »a. h area. H...«>'» 1 a.. ri..«iia wart Ka rarardrM .a aaaarad le aap appli¬ es.. mm .*¦' . a.>. >.~ eai .. ' fi.if'" ie Boatat 'a Ai*iHn aWtaBk eV«k greet dteeeltk, kj ap f-eftai l>»n. iv vi RkiRaARM, Aeattt, Raa ajaj t) ffaaRajR ill cb ir a I- pLOYE ANODHfB TOOTH-AOHl DK0P8. \ P . rn ... »"ru i" »1 U ul tiwih erhe tee he e|»adllp re kreee 'v 'kie rro r.1», telikiml P'J.ira lai in* tarn, in tar*h, ¦I artine k it I. apee tkeaareea atkeaai a>nn»t» »a»r a kkje rpi; lui iv ire Mf<HeelIt ra.- ^in.i 11 la tkatr pactaeta. rTpeieeai I-vM tit A B A l> SANl>s. l»r«|«elo. N.' |W> FlIIoi M. Bold kj I'riMtt 1 (ei f rally. rfBE GKEA1BBT B F \ KK A UETftli- AUK.. I u QfLl.ITH R BBfPHTTIit'BBkPRff BBltBlLllftl 1 crn i 1 tke MeteBeeraal Maaee]| km i»te»epeia Biit.iae- ar«e l ui inir.i il ik.l >»i N... >vaauaaa ale. W. tilL. '.iv t> h 1' S'ee kAt lad kW VA Mkni.ka. I*, N Y ¦BBurt- are ef 'lie P.adeUu Rm..i ei.d aola aiaaefaciatar* at* Ike peee aid aiiedelleiated DANr*RLIOW OOTtXX, mU*u m .«.U» mm *p ba Ha raaa wfrk a Re « %i our etenatar* ¦ aera wrapper, ee e ...»< .'. u«u* linpaeio'a Pnr Nil h> '1 ' r a' nferttir.r. Ala., bt Meaara A. B. A D. BARI S Se III A«-nliaiii ei IRRAJeL MINRB a tm Nu ill Paitae-ei < v (iM'KfNlK » Ca HAll K K KR k <" N,. irl Mieenwrrh tf Mi KKHtlON k KlipHIBS Bo VI Faltoe e. kVARD CK Nil k Oo. IIA PuJtoe at aad br a'l the priiwipal Dmuiete tlneaaktal tka t'nites Blalai ttaaCat . Waift-vTnTe. DU TBALL*" 'S ATKK-( I KK and SOIfOOU No I' Leiant M tm IK" Git I kill AI. BATIIrS .aalt hue firi deaiftni the In.tea7 «f taa luatatauee aaa ka eicotrn urtetrrl Mil f-AK.VlMiA M-KIM.S'WATEK CVHM 1 aiile.a. of tin* la.. r'jK'u.t Curne are amarpaaaad Um avuaitj. Fur cirvulaia ad.'nee he putaii lane. bfrx rriia .mi HkMir.TfiN Lcqtil Notitro. IN PUK8UANCR til au iiriler wf ttit« SiirriaiAle 1 af tke Cvautj mt Haw-1 * aal ae 1. kereu/ Rrea E ail parauca h.. , .Ian,. .,m ,.t IfcRRMIAM 1 ke*RY. lata ol Ike dir al N' " i uit <trva>"d, U. preaeirf Ihn aeaao with paerkeri laeriof, la the Nkeerkkar, al ikeekBaa of Jaruee VP, At hue Ra il Ltbefttei 10 in* t >tv >>t New York, rm er ke (.re 1 he tenth der ..f Oai.iker Bl »'. lilted New fate. *ke 7>tk) da. .I Uivi.l Iii, VA II.I.IAM PUWPR, IiBcetor,*«. B.nn law wi.v IN !'l RBUAIfCE of au ..rdrr of th« KarroRato a wl the I'.iui. iy nt New York ».t e a he re he tire n to all par Mat ¦ iaailil»! e«aM.*t IIK.NHV ri FAUI.rV. laieuf tka City at S-w letk aareaeed to pr^aent lh* eari.e, with aaaa here haeeaoi tu the niWrlt«« et the iiBe* ml VVeto.o.* a Rowne, No al Wall «t in the I ity ti .'tew \ ort un «r ketawe tka Var-l'ieM. let ut July uem- Dafeil New Verl the iweltVh dee if Janrnny. it'at OROROB II I N liF.R SI IN. 111.1/A f Alll.K r A .. v r, mr Jill liwtjmP ol IIeär. S Parley. draaaaed. IN piiraiianre of an ordi-r of (b«t hurrireata ef lh* Cuur.ry of New Y.rk BfPTICR ia kerehy toed peraiii. hatwi« Uia a a«ai I.' LVOflE IIA K KR, lata of tha l.ily ot S.» >vil l~-a»r., '-, tfeleel the aao * -i'i--tkrrr thereoi m tli* lake nlw M 'he ..(Tire .( iloukire k Oa No. 14 W-rrhaaU' i.tehatite lit the CM} of New Y ork an or before the Wtb 4ay of Au«u*< eat-- I'a'-.l New York tin Tri, der ea? Frh-eery feAH. VA II.I.IAM 6 BAKKR, bkAlaerkatB* Adiuiaietretee. Jn im km'änok «>_an ordar of the Hurr.e/aU» m\ ka I MM if ReM-1 rt . 1 tl»»e to eJI pereone hartni rleltt, eaanat '> NN I Ml I.I.I.aS, lai* of the City of New York, der.aeed. to preeanr Ike HAM with yurtckere ther.of to Iba aaieeihaere, of ihr reekaanee af Aan MiBlne, Nu. B Baatrkck'M Ike Cfcty of Now Tetl mm tea teach it ... eat ueit I'ai.Ml N'w York, rha aiati. day ef Mmt'D iW IMNIKI. Ifi: iNOK, Fierulet. b :.7 ....1.1, UIN MULAINfl F.teriirtt. \K\V-M»KK M PREME roi Rr..JAMFeS la B '.<>: I'AKl. B K N J A MI ft P ilPP.N aad I.APAY RTTI Klin LIVIMtMTOR OOMBTOB Pa'he kpAtft Y 1 ire hereby furr.ff.oned and retruired e f eer tke Mae* kBM ut thie a. 'ion whirfi win ba tied tn 'V ekVe ef tka I t .* the 1 real] or Be* fork, u tae Cry 11*11, ia >il New iik and eena 1 copy ef year a/.ew.r a. ahaa*m CeaBtaaiM m '*. e'ihaciikwr al hat oft-. No 17 VV.. .. > wrl.11, i»r... y aar. after ike earvweof tiiie . 'in mmmt . iu»e vi the da. lar.h *er.we, and if . no euawe* the *aid «mi.| .. t ai d ta« flaue ikimi I. Ui- p »iMitl will i*k. l>lrt«r..»iii for 'K-aira of ***** nandree ai.d do iota ei-l te.ei.iy ei|nr rei.r* wi b unereaf fr**a .r.e fir.'d*y ..i April, eea ihuMaae aaet.i laad'ed aad blty mi, tr-eido tb* root* or tai* errrioe. .l»*r*d Mey < Ikfta. i.i.i>NAkL» AA ouM'Arll'. FaiaOkV Attvtraey. No. II >* "i aai Raw '*ri The complaltit Lr rk.a MtKB wee 1 ed «1 -h toa I'lerh of law 1 MM) ol S.» I rk at -a* < i'y iiall. M 'he t.ifyot New tetk,on the t.t My «I May. '«'* au liavalr LRU.NaRI/ W OUOLlARD, Atkeraey. NOTICE ol IiI.-THMH TIC'N'.-rVotieej ia Bur*- rtt- -a* ptocede ef the «1* of the real e«U'e ef Hi t.i. MONAAtBAN mtt td.» Ciry of New-York, eareaeaal, .. it* .'..i iue 1U.0.r taa oril.r of .*. <¦.«.«*'* .f Uk* ...lit* ..f New Y-rk b. Jaee RikMII tie A4m.fatna >rl ail m d rltpaler the peodo, ck -. * of irwUtai . , -.1 n. ukeea «aMtiedkaMMIe BaNtaMf te ea a' ia* frarteai e . ir* . '.. tha . *f Bear-Terfc, «e ike tUareeta day M U>- 1 **¦ *t u-i. ./ «. t ,u in* foe* aeea of tear dat. I 'm'mt Una ana *ay ** A f11 l*A« ..r_A w. BkAlfPORO, Rarraeaaa. AjI'PRKMK OOURt. - WILLIAM CR0H8 p_, ,'T1 liMAI BIS-tVLLaadDAV II» f.F.SI.IP. -To De- r-. IH' HdBBIBBBLeV a Y ua *re hereby mtmjttcmmd Me ewtf awl r. um hBm ti.d 'a erne . eeny of . .. leaver ti mt *' tUl c . 1 . i.'arttrtao* ' uty. Rev I artar he **r.ic* a#re«.'. »ttl *al»a af the da* of lerb Ml ifa-4 ar.d f the i'.od.r.u fad te an rev rb. MM le*r* e. efuraeaU, the pl«i .'iff will app y te 'ka Ceart let eieRVftSvBM ted Dka e».d rornplMnt. Aid tea arfj lake M .' ' o a . a tub aa* tied la M l* -'k f' a'IbMMW ' « on the *ilM tat a# Mairk lkA« A. 0. RKItT .p I iev*vf Flalaiit 1 A'roRjey. ?aJi (-RIME "l RT 11 the matter of the Ar- » '-'a A . a . r*'i.| 'Li * hew furl « to f?*, OPP."INO ef EifJHTY- * i ONI -TKf UT . rr. 'he h ideM Ri*M to the Baat R.rer - .'.'£.. i'.r.'.eJ Parhl.aatha) ttty ef K«v l"Tk Pur., ant w fat ate* in eaek teae aaade aaal ¦ a I ' i Ml Cm aar iktj of the. ( rt I '.w ^ -a r^fby «t»* «ele* 'ka- rbey u.taad tt apply > - -m . I otrr of -h* S-a * ..f New Yort at 1 Soeekal nail even to M held at the Cay ef N*w York oa r-.AI'r. A. hi ma ty of Jin* A I) a'rr.* ,,paatU,» "f of I* eofi. thereafter ** eoar«a. taa ee> t-a 4 lot He IM* IAMBI t -.rt-ir.:*Bi*m*n «f par. . atot A*..»o. u lk ikaea eetr.erj u.atteri that tke aateM and 1 . ken . tan lad, m BMOanaaRta l- *R 'n b. 'h- H-4mu Hirer bj lk« F*r Hirer lotr.erjt 'eejeh pat. . . laded la the t -atru Park/. ,a the Mid Cay of Rev. I '. M » ¦* M tke Baa or of eaid Ci-y tuaier and kr «.r«a* of en Act ot rb- Lerjaiat<]'* ef :1k* People ef 'he Bfaae lev '1 ra 'lie u. oikpiam- / out of Htieeru and Botub In the Oar. «f Hmw ak. M 01 BlAet ; ^jom.''peaaad April Id, imtn Deidd ..'«_, k .tv.yW.ilAA. t,oar.1Zf)B SltKPAtO. * " - *ieeAwei to 'he . -'*a-

Transcript of NOTICE.«bM» N>W..IVKSKY Ev-;.-. Spse B rÖl Nl...

IWmmuvm A. Biaraa, Aw hnm.ADIEK' BOXER, Bkostkai's


H\rd> WORK Ac ,.t AUCTION -Tfll> Day ». ¦_._?¦?i*l. «Heek, r rt.««....!. a*. "*¦»'»..>., i '»r*V«is.*...,..?*....,«....,.«... .r:.vv. lu^v^u

4. . Peieuaalea Cepa Cn.~-'. r., ,.,A aw,a aeod ., ..,, j., . a

Ev-;.-. Spse/uiunuat

?JTATl'MKNT of tfM AHAM.'« of the MlAI- L1K. IN.-t CAM :. le' »M 1'AN i ti N*» i. t .

./.Qu..f.. r. ,.,* .. A

».» A»«eu, r.b i IV*;.t j, aUccirrt dubia«, tni ut'AiTta

'row rretail.. BHBl fli. ie,ek- a. . Kf.utn

*¦«-.«i",ao..l_, 17

CVen* by jifJi, .. . ,

_. ?**,..' r>rarr.iri. i»n .oiirlee. I VS 05.»1)' s-in-e Medical Baa «

tv . . i tM i .kit-.. I r. '»4Aew :..«... r. lax-e. pBilB||ia I i

enar*. Kr «. r.p_ it i'trr-lome,A.tnticc.Ac. 2*1 K linan, %«,

Total,.*1»\*4 MAMBfl

Boid.and lbr;«'i .#/*,l9»r,«. J«JC«#t at tat«, ai d a Uoavk. le.uv« idBill» rtreival.'r. Kirr Ir »or-.r e f.iBaa A»f u, oad b»p<.»-i ; .-

T.«e. 7? rs eo. . ._ ,

-*!4 »aWoi.t a' r_k Vt). of April. lfc',1. Ii AiCinO 00Neu,I., rof relielee r r.i.i ,i nt M Pel."ierv. \tsn.177*b>BB. lt. r t f i *..<.., i».ur J ....... _e (t .,r:.,.. JTO

^ .T. Ul.X3St

D*dee> F.,Melted Bont-dered ' ».r-:»d _i,.ued «-.dLean. m

Tc*l rw baa r*i>lw-ir«j SCihof April. 1*''..»,;«5Of wl, rh 1,1 I ».. kn .if-*" « t f V «rr |. I BOtOOl »»«r».

».»L.b M aro to* w ?r-«rOt wbwb 17! ire for iROgWOf f*r-.r.da

- «.it6F h (VIMSTON, Pre-i-iani.

laeAt Abbatt, Secretary.

I have exatnieed the abr>»e ae-'d-' and rielWreo ft to b« '<w-etet. dMKPI'aKO homaNs, Axnary.


m l IO.RICK -. WINSTON, Pie.iJentISAAC ARRAl 1 Rae ourr.PH'PPAIl I» BtlMANfl AefararyMIMI i N h'.-l, M. D., Medical«r.

It^fteUrraag CoeiT, ana, Ma *.¦« W all at., Ben W^¦rwlei the eelh UeJ ol M f BBQtpat, feOOl VI toj..

" h. let of tlv« Direa o-.,llllUVH P

Pvfiric Man. Hti imihip ( neetur.;HB« Yobk, Mar 10, iHwi S

At a MFETTNG of the BOARD of DIREC-TOR^, b*ld, It araa

UmUrd T ''h« Pn «« Vi . 1^ and . b»-«h» ai'h' r r»ineall in an! p» v < tt tba oatnai.dinc Honda ot trie Company at par,aid acrmed lateree*.

Holceia are ie.|n»'ted lo rreaent th»lr Bortrl.atthe '»tB-»ofBm Caaapany. OABUBSB O. UoWLASU, TTaaTaaxar.

nrvn knd PACIFIC BANK..ThoIMrtMjtonof iloa Bank have d*rlaied a .miii niuukl l)|VIHr*NU of

P..I'll Pl.R Ck.NT. pav.n.e oi. auu ifter the fir.t ol Janeneit,1 be Train'M Booka will be aleeed fr nr. the T2A luat to tat

pro«, aaclaetee J. CAMPBELL, jr Clerk.Ne» lerk. May II 11%.

Be fan I M Da «rr.a,

ON WEDNESDAY the 4tii of .Itin-at 12A p. ra.,a' Iba Herrlim.'.' Pa.-het .e 4>.' l7,V4iirfih- BEOONI)

MOBTfJAlTl CONVVRTIBLR SEVEN PER CBMTHoMi> td ti,, in l AWARB, LACXA*>VaBB4 and Wl 91BBB llAll.hHAIi COMPANY, aa %m, pan.rniar. ||Ohe < <mi|»iry,» arlver'leeii.ri t TVrm. I" per rani on tb»day ol rale, riayable MlaWOOVOOf 'Ji« t'onij ai'T the balanc-kn tn.'alln etilO, tiz: IV pot cent on I.» Jo'r , .'A per cent ib 2ni.niM 'it> |er ri nt in 4 m." tie and f> pel rent In 6 in m ti«,wMb inirie.t fn in the r!a> t;nMe. to be |Weu fn thelaet lf-i»e lfatalliueata or i.n !.««¦.« I! nare rhe op'i-an ataaykta i beb le Jn'y to jay the a.bole an.ouut of their pirchaaea.

IA kayk1tk minkkal ('< >M pa n y..Theat Am ual Mtrtalit ft* *L* . 'ecu 'i of nine Hire tor. at I'rila

t .i eillbeheHtt the tBi. e ot the I .nn,arv. kfo M Wflliax-tat.,ana... Ni 6.1.1. Mt'NIiAl iho-ttlni at botwetn Jo. andVp an. H M BARBOUB, aetretary.

Onii K or tar On tWtBB, «*a«»a nu 1Ornni. II a ii a oat) I o«r« a r New 1 it UnlV IBVt I

/;HKAl BALE of KAll.K1» \11 11« fN'ilS..The> R reu «oder mi 'be i.*ee nf OaSOJa.aM Se ond Murttate4 oareitible Honda ol ibia l'naire>ny. lainuuBtioi to a>2.l|t .ai)irlll be . tt. 'r.l aaie at pnbllr aee It... aa VVK.fiS r. al»A V. the4ih d.a t Jma.e aartxaaaae, et the Maeeea .ia' Btiataat '« n..

OtMl bra Uik. 11., ae H .. ta are dated April I, IkSO. aadLa*.'.t> v ear* to ron, wi'h Internat at 1 tar Deal, payable halfyetilv " Ma Vatt 17.ea are aernred by a morttane ob theenllrt Kailioad and ila no* taac arttl th« ramabla«aal Eatatra Ml rt. tad Mini c Mtcbiixry ol the Comiaan*The Itantof1 it U.' u lice I.. le»t'b. t-d mote than belt the d(»aei.ce 1» araded tot a double track A reeular |**mi.|it tea

Itaiabt tiala It ao* ranaatal atai the e > r» no. to Kai»»r*

buia N J ¦'¦ ! ' UkVei Ma* ma a Ii M,.« leiaei are a> farai.n.ilettil ¦' ia tl-'i "d ihat train, for the tranaiKirtatioa ofraeeoi a- ia' .<*¦ tnd tbt^ ian lo Kluahethport tadk.a. ^ oik » II i' innieie e lattBInk ob Trnir»d*> the Vnl

Tbe .... ibeae I.> pat all the d atn^deolol the

t>.B.|«ny attd r. nrplrte ao n.iuh *f the eecad track a* wdl be»»-c.*«i> lot wvrial aeart.

A u ."er... i. icee'tl be pret*a* to the tale i

rw-.nwb.lep«'lir....eietuad eae learn further oartlcular. eat

a, ,..,.", uai -he C.o.p*ny, >.. m W..l .t (..teaehe atlaiitie lo.iirai.. e C. ii r* "t where r. eiea of the raoent

Besett of the Precldent aad Board el Mai.etart ctu be

AlSll oTeORUl D POBLPi PioaadeuL

H m K. W aaat^.Treaaurer _

rV'i'TI« I i« hiTi'bt v: sen tlin*. Uic litMika "rid t>*»

j\̂,.r lieu. M 0>» m It... reaelu* of-he caal-WOtoTJ Tilt OBO DtB K l OMPANY rbar-e.edbalhe

ia of New J.-iee> at tb-_Ofh e oJb.. New . orkaadlail at. N..w ^ ,nk. on W*tfrom U to o cock of aead

.« fVire«'or*BOMRR RAMrtnKLL, PrretdaaB.

.,L.K*.k..7»,..-,r^acie.My. pif#d|UT 1(J4STfie whole rarliA- rock ofHieaN.twlWwi,,.. *»"'>0. kr

awei»ernri uho. been niaJ* with the New i >ra and Krie Kail

aue l'rinl-ei » bj wl BO be fa ptttj .t»»' for the ">' i

BT.i K < i'A.PaSN .i Ne« 'rra-i to be paid faw by thtAi eapBoj1,^1 wu| ha leaaed at a rent ol ie per cent aa LkBoett »'fh

wait it.-ar pi rurtbael a ... b aharr-ho .irr» ol ehe New \ ort

tt^l Kfte Railroad Ci aaateart it, *ad anb^crtbe 'b -re^r will rt>

eetri- a \ :< i oi tioiiale abate ol Uie etock ot the LONi> OOCKCOM I'ANY_^iLLEKAMdCDICAUO UNION RAILROAD.\M ru it_»rr »OeRaof ihoOALP.NA ABO CHICAOOI MON HAIBLOAH. at toe Amaricat. Hi.i. ija Bank, wUlbe r!o»e.l 0e0*M I MONDAY, tin- Mil May tnd rOOfCBOdthe u.orb-« tf THL'BSHAA J one A MM,

PA v 1 n O'OOBBELL, Troafer Clerk.

Bank Ptraatwtar, »lTaTt or Ni» foat.JAt aany Mb. i7 t»W <

»rin COMMEBCIALBANK OF dABATOOA1 BPBIM >B la, -hla dat Iled, la thaofh-* a iiotirr ot theauauiurui (.1 I'UV. al.HtNY CITY BANK ii the I tt efAtv*i.> aa *.«'ii foe the BedeaaiaOiea ol IIa Clii elallin Ho'aa.**».**» ie to tke a. t «all ). o An art to amend the «.*.'«] ac'e

» laha.Ba kiM A««vc Mkeat aaa indim)AM| H. k. ia |*ae«-.1 Alw 1 1" MM

J AM t I M. OOOB !*aperin««_Jont.Hakt n.r*aT«ai\T Ai «aar. July tl, last.

.aTOnCE 1> HEREBY GIVEN, purtuaut to_,* aAaOtaOawOkaeaeAeaee mmAt «. »vi. that ail t.s*

eitcraa'i-¦ rtea ia.ue.1 to > L MANK>. an individual Banket,Ifl i) MX I- k N K OK BAINBRIO'.P mu«t V p'e»e. te.1 alshe i '0.. r ad Iba Werrrutteiioeut o' the !<*aki a l>e''ar;nteiit ofttm Btate ol New lork far payment withio tare ve*-a ro_ iriedate Irin t. er tbr fu:'d« depiwile.1 for 'he re.trini'tiou of the... ,. . lea iatut .. the tald BtnAat tra be tiven up,jyU law-.-vb" M St'llOi 'NMARKR. Su .enoleiaent.


a o» lieatiaaj the Btackhtdli ra ef the Irtleaat aod CMoeMI ean bMBBObJ I Batpa-ie, *>r trie eee. t . i' ¦. .'. a atira. aavrtaoa ef ei hu. ata, w ka held at the »rt». a af thlteapani M Chime, llrtaeia, p-.. «rPf>.VER0AT, tfce dlb dayen Jone rat a' H iiel i m ,m ire't'i'.-a « th ta* require-m3r. ta it the et Bit. : and ba. .awe of aei: r. inraviT

JA- «¦ "¦ -> van \X M I kRKktiPt! Hecretary.

Put \Y K BÄ PHER a\ CtHUBClT UaNKKR'v,»«S PRANl'l»! O '* raw Kid. .t .' <. i»»

ONVWI k Co ''II 11 AftPI I'll'A pa.abl* tt Ui* pr raipai,i.r..; ti.ii lad I atee

Cotle. tin . o a I* at San frmie are an ' in tb* 'enor nf theBtale eiii pro ee.'a peotuptit rroi tt>-< Oalleotlere n'.t aea* I d rr. I ta D. I k I «r tOrwath I'M \ I Im i'-iu*-Orkrhia or I. S AW Kl N. w A .. N I liaii a N V

I i. ir: ir en s«i I rai .-ac* for .*,* 'u ..iTva to aou. ayORKXK I. A Ce-.Pb'la. fipMi Md 1 I LAW RB5N I k CoNr. lak

/^l^kk a' WIUJAMrtONI Banker*, aod\. I Bf-kera, Key M »X .. an- .1 aerond le r New \ jit.Morks ae«i koni s s.-e»ht and «c . ..ti rulal p»;-erPOMMltd I oilO* lot*] aieJ.- on *. Patt« 11 'a' .*> -rrT IaVreala! tarl .. DoptoNo, AlOOMI '"

.rj Ba.k .V lao A K ' LK,iK..K J W U .kMI 'N

I UDLOW PATT0N * Co., 0to*_ and Ka-1 s abaaae RROK1RH Nr, :» w an-4 [tieeal Amst.New Xeia LOULOW PkPMN.

A B rt "T\'M INSOS.Bt**k*«nt Bend* So»»ki aad «cd-l on e»>n.mi«ei.«i Loan* tad

B***r>e«« l at-r i,e, t..-,,! I ,>re.t i. oael IVpoeilAOletoerata arc Inre-. a' A .,r». -..''evted ae-' eam'ted

I ft I AW RlvVÖk i\ Co l v V S To~lI >e N*»«eo «t Nr» kaM,kaaaaeeeaeM la P "Utb»n l>*al-rtto hn 141 ci EXCHaNOE, s«.s\ s. .rt'4 «ui oPkYCtB,hii.H r l'RAl r» aa xv..r.. Dta .. » i-ri.rh. *aaPtaaeieeo. will tt>e prompt etn-nte« to I o..LKCTIONA ema part* ef lb* I'aBod fiele*, Cal:f«nua tad _a Ci

J%frn msM,* a Co..aJLOBittif bavr-E* rv Wo. . Re* ee.a Pata ferr.e-/Jrert LKTri.l.i o*

Cft PMT r-,r Vsr.ej.tji« or-.»« liar.. ';i'\Ct,Lk.t. L«r»t> «1 * of i'KKIMT .,. -ha Wlownu *tu*mt'm. Cainr,, L ..«,Paa,aJ'irro Cofe'enta eoioVn. Paler-nan,km.'.-Tda». ddc*..- Ixi.':ijn, Prae.I ia»rp T ia'. iii*pi*.f. tä Frw^a,Irre«'-«. I.acre.. Rite.An a fbe- PVTe. (», I. .01 j .

pe.'le. Fi« kfadr,-!. kv.'ieidaam.«~d»i, Kmu. M., M-i.ira, E. ,Fi«.« or>u Biiypi, r-ir..,»;Betika, (,.,.->a. . KcJia Hi:..rueB-r.« Ofaatahaj V. .im. y. p^rmBVrra,l, U,,,,..,.,,, kU^,.,.., B(ra.r..ur,." r -I!-"-, 8 luaoSI rd .1 H...>-ra M.w.,-.e. TrAaate.I¦ ' h ¦. "a U ai Tnou,B~-a»aa, Tu» Haama. Moaeow, V.,,ireJO....* I..-., kiom.e. V,»., »

«Jedii. I *., W^^tati.rar eruee Lim-r. NVa. 'AiryTOkPIf r Nfw rr.KK.'vo I WilVfrI ¦ an. 1 ... . .. .. .,,T, . ,..

, . .n a K |k>,. B] r>La ^ aa m .«. tv/h'. for tare m «a. ..

XAS NAVY STRIP. '. ATI»ITKi> PAPES"J e»Wl UllMM af defer «i Tmu a '. r« -rt. ki tu

I mt»d Ma.el 1 .1. U-.d.¦ r'.O. E ctSTAIir.. No. :i f»*Siiav«t

On rale:VIZ:

I A r posev AVI) MILWAUKEE PAILROAD Co.»F1r*t Nonaart r»ir.» :r r p.:no Be" li ' pat «0- laMlLWiVRF-F. a*I> mi««i.iP'i .: 1. . r> Ca t

Pr lirfi Pr.j 1 *. orter» Bet <i». « e*r rente< O»N*'Y Obi^l riu.Nilü,? ;ar ear.u.

BEAVFB fOCSTA i**n:.i BOBDI IparMBtOHIO UILMV (Vaj lioNus. «. p*r rear

AT a UUl) k COMPANY*,_

Nj. E WaJl-at,

Or* »Ct H H. GtM/DMAN fkCo . So 7 WaU-»t V1. . r.*e f..; aaia ir . I wn.. niree.

RIM ... a>.,, p,r C«*rl «..«,<!. il.idi* Cwtit,. Ky.a M./«. »1, p.. ...1 «...¦..» (kaewla GaaMf »».a i ai p«« C«nt Bn -. rrwa (1 aoci wW,

» «rh> ^-t Cant Battva ...... H*-» wia.11~ a fT.a' -ar-ety et Ott», 'Ion»'» »ad tt»«»r»T S»-nrtt»«»

Ie tmaM»r

ct Ö("k, bont», exchange and COUJSrQ-O TION OKI ICE f

ITBVEIf I a MOltll,No. 26 WUIiaa. at.

aTOCKn BONDS buhaiit aj-t *.U at Ovo Broker»' BeariCOLLF.CTIONK o.adr. or. alt iaietl la Ute Ualtea Bteaaa,

pOBwBptJj a.-e cj 'k*. rf.«Mi p<..«]>m. r»'.aLflAN-- Mil rtu. .«a I'ai^r ^...t.a'.J.t.A VI' WARRAM* KAntr.' ar.d an.d.

N SALK, l.JTV OF CLKVELAVTJ 7 «ye*M BoLrie (W ater Of 1>1 I KfilT 7 «Tf.trt Bpn-t. (»Vt'er Leta.1C1T1 01 CIM INN 111 « ?» eeur Boal*.C11 Y <>a CHICAOO .. t>c«'.: hj-.d.CITY Ol MU.WAUBXB ItTPaaal B'.rpjj.CITY OaT HACEAMKN"! 'J It ? t-D' H *it.

By PI NCA1. .IHKUMAt« k Ca.

KPaints. (Dile, .>laß9, l»?c.

K If 0 S E n e 01 L.NOT ExrLO.-1VE.SEC C KZI» B k* PATZNTS.

IMPf.RTANT Tr> HP»n> OP ri^Pi »TVF.NT« TRT"Vj.., op hospitals, am u m», PrUivjvs,prnooia collpoph cBOHCHEn bailboabCOMPANIFB FACTOBIEH trHIP 0*VWBB<l, BttlP.H ll'i.v MKN Ii" MKS («K OU'vrkV RF.-tl-DKNI PROPRIETORS OF VS'A Tr.KINO PLACtrt,AND HO'IZL KtZfrhrt

The erjn»rri»eed htt»- thr- h .nor t/> aanonpre kbat th« K»r«-». '11 ( trepan* by pr»at labor and etpenae, bare »urr~»i«d

In ri <irel» r»rii< Tirf the uppieaiant iror tr"m Krr er.Be Oilarithmt nyirj »a )ta li5imi: a'-.i..- j'.' 1"

1 hr aCTuirat'. r'"*r»"ed ht the K (¦ KOSENE OIL are:l't. 1b< bratenert) ot tke tUbt produced.Vd. il I* not »x.fuirlTeSd, It trill rtu.uu fluid when the beet rperro oil baa eea-

itaJ.'d.ttti. It* unrivaled eeor.nnif fit in worth of Kerrxene f)fl

«ivliia. BiBch Uefat *. p.9 of Be »11 oi rVaaU)*3n 47 afBperai Oil or PIP ..f P,ur:.ii 1 Ftuil.IN -1 RANI P. <>M PANlF.sallow it to be u*el wllboul A.I-

DPI H'NAI. PBFMI1 MTill. REBOS*BNB BÜRREB,erttkrla* end fatl trnik. eaa

be a. .1 'en a' a t e»i*i $*, la Ut* Hi «* w il, f'arcol, Soiar,aetral, Beete frti rfphean and Wtkk't Pttenl L.tnte orteaj j «ti iBieaiil Vaea, r»i-d;«.»ti -k a. d Chandelier, euah im theaaaaaaaar toaae KEROrlERl OIL at *B 1 per galioa aff-irfJiiidi ohle 'he aaieaal id .i*l" 10 \m soiatred trotu Bapeaeee Oilat * I V r.r <ron. fr-rw Oil il e .' HKF.ROBFNE LI hhi aiin<» OIL,afeelbtwaktMykamm

he«t .">petn <' avaeeokf Uli f'»«' *.lra. tat" "t ¦vMaeageel'let ar a low terfiper.'ce TUi 'HI tan ai*o aekerned Ithe orrlltirp Mecheircal, to'v an I Hand Lampe. nr. nil tip,Bewepiit ud Hirt'iJ I.f term, and {tree mote liftu thanSpenn, U bale, or Lard Oil.


No 50 Beaver-tt kl T.

I^xtka (quality BEFIBBD lard oil.1 J \ »rj pure btirii* brith'l. and e» I.wit a* .para, a'i I

eriiate tlia wirk; be 1114 tree tioai fajki it kj rery tapenor lurBiarhuiery. Ale«.

( OBUBB'i PUBB TAI I n\V OIL, top«nor for knmin*,will »iei d <. -il »t we.iher and will ooiweer the beet tpenu otLBarrele »'to 4Ö pal. Only Af**<joiinU qUIMCT.Ha at WBMaaaakt.

li .11 1 H,r ti e- MILLION -A GOOD LMJIft_J lot Ih.N .SIllLLINOri TER Y KAR -The SILVIO<>IL COAIPANY i« now reedy to enpplr the public with a

«.<ki HAND LAMP and tool LIOHT at 1 mill <»r boar, or

Fl cestl pei w-i k- at 4 kl i.r* etch eret 10 Shillinta par

war Our Oil I. not »ipl<*i\e, no d ae»re«eb e «mril, r»quir«a1,0 eitra Ii »urei re * w.ejth of our Oil will «i»e lb* Habt ofa}8 id t.nreir f fluid. *fi of ape'in oil, ft of land oll. BS of

Wbale oil. Will 1'.t rc,...eal at «u» temperature, can ha B*e-In.r er v tnrpoee «. «p ert'6. iel Htht l.ii»i* of »»«ry tear, n

lioa f.'.r eel t Meie Oil wi I he found et our office No. 1 17

I'eeil .. f-w eoeti we*i f Wellet. Aleoat A. Rnapi/f,No. it* t ei,tie-*l .jp.,e.i. Howo-d et.

II I' A ft at ENTER, Treaenrar 8 .Me Oil Co..Her. red bt lottere pa'e. No 117 Paerl e».N B -ÄIm. for eele l.nbncetlnj, Tannere', Rotined and Paint

Oil. at ihe li wi tt i.rieae.

IL.-B<>i..-d Oil. 7.r> et-Dti prr «aUou; BullduiR.\r a.w.( ai^l kaiwseOd. SO .1. « ,- *«J (IraPon kilaetalPaint. MeeaU r- pound. B. J. HINRT ¦MITll. Na 111Maeiei, laaa. N York

0riMll. M.W-JKKKKY ZINC COMPANY, by1 Imi-rnTed proreee of irartifactur«. ire low prepared to otJ-r

t¦.. ir WHITE OXTD Of l NC. euperier la wmt«»e** t* aayo I er neni.factured in thie counrtT Sold, either dry or grou.-vl,uonby U AlTKKN a 1 A««u'«.

No. Iko VA aebinn'on et



Mate of New .ter.e» na.11.11 «re.-t.-d ea'aoa\e work* tn leraeyCM] «Je aow nannfaciori' < from the ote« Aoart thaar ceia-.,...1 . -Wi loru'N, WHITE and COLORI1I)ZtBI PAINTS of eupetvat queli'i-"

Tlielt Paktkl r oil Btwaared by a n*w pnveee are war¬

ranted n." la hard-p n. the kepa. tod tre rotindetrtly odered ae

tt. heal l'aiut« 0« Axtirrh-a 1 manufacture.r - .*> to the trade, dry 01 «round n cel. 00 libe-aJ 'eneta by

tbt l'otupaay*t Araau. MANN NO * rttiflKR.Ii M Coartlandt et

INC PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, COLORS,_ liLA.Hs Ac -The i:. bann« eeiartod the*...I* to n.eel the demand for Zinc Paint, are now prapaxad te

»fl.r t.. the trade a full aaaoitn.ei.t frinn the diflaroat miaee.aanofartured b» tbaei in bleached refii «d Uuaead >d andwilt the proper" drrare. The quality ot our Ameneaa andPr.o. h /ux-« i* war-ta' ted Ui ha equal in al reeeecu tu any eo»die iki. market «¦ »i. a* It.etaJ i.rmt. Patliectn tl«ib*«ip»ii«d With w»MTk I RAD end COLORED PAINT> M <rm

<»i maruitarrure. Ala- Prencb and Amenran va INInkW'»LA.-«;» JT.-KVf k CHILDS, Importer* end

Maouferttirara ot Peinte, No. Itf W»,«...! New- Vorfc.

töatclifo, JftDflrj, aCc-

JEWELRY tnd DIAMONDS VF IY LOW..The «uta. ril*r lor th«- lad ei«:ii.- »aar* in kaaiaee* e

Wall-el it erlln « all den-np icne ol nur irc4d. Diain^ni. aau

aH 'her k «.'. ol Jewelry at wboleee> a'.d re'ait. «t much i«ee

e the eeuai 1 riceeLedii-e' br«'.t:ful OoM. Cameo Malaie, Culouclt tad

Pearl eet Far rinta. PBal an« Bran -el. In each.botrn.*» *" m a e

Lottie*' Pine. Ocdd. Cemee Moaew. Pearl a arka*ale. pi; V to #7» 0« eacu.

ladtea' Ear tn |. OaM, 1 ame Motalr, Peart ( et»to AM Nimii.

OaM Qaeed fbeiue Ctiatrl».i>e Cha ... P.'h Cheine and Ve.tA hau.«.«9 1« M * oe each.

Pur-Ov;' AV e.Uiaa Ku «..f J MJ w m* m) each.Ladlee'OaMRrateleej .«7 ooto aro i0ea.h.1..U. ai 1W o. Rm«. "...ulau aAOOeacik.Utntlen ei.'« Sea. Run. tn «0 tu t .V ». eech(kämet,O edj'eerlea-.iethej Stone Rinaa *. V' 1« ex »' each.> r (rctdTlTBlbtea a i V) t. a* 0» each.UeM .iiai.i Kara, k. » key. aiwi Baala >fü w to a as art aack. Peaeai raaaBi .m* on to aii «o »a<a.1.«id I'eneit*. *i . * aaea.I aettei P*rr reo-ueie..#1 so te a I! M «.ek.Oi 1.1 Crretee en.1 Necklace* At 00 to a IT 00 each(.aid anil S'et r elrerr Be Mot.* an.t Stutia iIAi'oyii«i, Mt.t old Hper'arlrt and Ere Otaeee* .91 TS te Ate telau. iid 1 ^r Hu.«» l'.na.F .«et Ku.f« k froatt. *»«at.< #SM

(.old Arealati Scart fin* ai.d Sil.t-r Th..;ih.e. T! ct» to #14 .»QSOROS C Al.LEN Importer

0« \V»- ^.. »1 .'.».! ^ « r.a.e au. raiat.. No. U W«ilit. ieaaiel Beat r.t »r Br. *da»y up .'»..«

OlCOND-HANP GOLD WATCHBS..Tkek^ *ubM-iib«r kaa iti ha-u tap doeen lii'LU »»T''H»'r5a: c1! v«<r aaoa w.-n e:.d Whk b hi- 1« e«..:u| at a0.-4t aajt

I _., ,,nf-. «: rn,i ai i* wo'-ae'.d H -rlrite'lFAP .iotl» 1 Vl'lNF « ATI HKS. 4 hoinej-w.l^l.... 1« d*FIKE C't I» M TAI »IFIM.KVPKS . '«w-leJ #..>'«>FIK1 P N., I.I p!I p a PENT I.FVKka. ... --*»«» »1 A' HOB OOI D PATENT I FA »*R* .. * »A »0, reo i.o.d Huuuaa Tatet t Laten and »»»erai du»er

Later. »er> l..w UF 'R'IF. C ALL*"NI atport«t of Wateh»! aad 'ewelrt who'^a.e ail raraJ,

Na 11 va at, Sd 6- ¦ct'. aaar 4-^adway


1;namH ED fTJR.NiTURE.--H. F. FAB-J HINtili'v kai v reedy let aale a «ti- wreaaawraat

mi rkal »Si«> Lf3( HiHBBB Fl RN» fl*E. ai1 r^iternie I eelree, i MaAeeateaj leeeraaai h indaaaa. Bawi« ai iI aaat »¦ tor Heav factor* w arrenec.*. No*, mi aad 41 Waaaler-.t bete*«!. Bnnar a- j aad -:*

Clü'W-i ASI^.HOFFMAN t\ FERSH harecpe: ed 'Ir.l 'w aa'a^- -,. V *4 C.-.atb»:_ -r»r

. tw. Hall, mimt't t orrhaaere arfll D id a arte a.wruaeni wthu. », a.«e. *1 'Dot old etaed, .V- .'7 b arrn.

ttT t' H Ö 6 L F USNITUKIiÖ B. TATOH Bi BOi . - «

R B..Citoa an ''jwar led a. ap:jae eoore

CHOW-OAS1 in kÄLE.A . ... -at Sil-0 »rl ktoei tv^. IllllleaMM HITTI A VSt I kj .. . Na-71 Brtedwiy.

BL a C K r; i! B v AD1 s R R 0 I I -

it ltv AmJ -»t rtct.trd »y >~~\M41- * Ct..

K.. r !iK_iw»-.A tplr-Mid is-eV« *f

to. ar-crr* J.»«r-*_. he 9*At free » JC _ #50.

tJ> »1l rkh Rr ran. r »"il_

ÄiTeTHTT. < >~B cb »/ tM asia ..

Jut retri-rad by BrrKMAN k COMPANY,h. < i t -tä»ii :-r-» ¦». > <.

AaCk-r |#w| <t of tie**TEfLY F..M..AN7 B AAF.uE 1vSL>.

_»rCTT. Ol -.rWBTi._la< K aed CHINTZ BABEGE B0BCS--

Ree,;..4 b» the A>.THt t»L» tMmt . TWO ctrr.

bEr FMAN" IV m rr*!«tt.



nl'M/' M A \ t I L L A B -

The -f-rotrr et miin it m-~r'Jv.)* n «I '.W rvsr r>- a*> rtl .': i If. ... r »5 Bro-aeia .¦*

Btn-i.'tfM aid fcarf Patter-... «B'T.alf for "be a.v *. *e:i~f*e,r<:. A.*o. rub _'tri _.t.,_- Mar.:>«. is »...t At re***Ttrrt'f f-r_ #' te «JM flilL';.h :r r- # .: i» Bit A.*.--.. mo: a>e- . M 4.- ... \ ¦ ____* B>0 BO.len-liccer. d P-ertr et f.- -.. »:

rto s* r-j.v.

bl.LACHE!) <;< "»L>H.A o.'TtjpW* wiort_eBt,t«.u f - .a* erert » -o «. -leli't

¦.Ml.kj W?.«bin 4 Co R ..--'wet.

ÄNKRITT STOCK from the I.ATE Al'C-TIONr-Of cbrdc, French R:bhr,r.i. Mw «-t> ef Laie»'

Ml .«-.j_l FftXMk K.jw- .-. rn4i. Si.kt a.e«."» ir'.Uui. to be at at i:.a/.it.' .-»». tarn.«.by M II. LICHRNRTBIM,

_No. M Bower? c.-aer ot Uet *t tt.

HLA.VKF/lS.-viKi MOef rilrboa-lMiiad Ytjn ijBLANK FT", frmv rr»r!e t*r- 'o 14 4 and nf t-tjrVew* e_i-

. ** ., ,...,»r we N»rr». Ir.cun aid Her»» b.B-jkett. trota theBochdtle end «-m Ic M-U. W<t] be eotd lew

_NEr-MITH A to.. Areate No 71 BfeeAvtoy.' l E A R i n ~G O U T .


"ale <>r i.iti.iu.ead lacebAT

kit IIMfiND B. No V.i BROADWAYBeRjro ktktrelai to Btoo» reo if. Br ¦..'..ret ept«e *e N'b.o t

All 0oed< »olfl .( reo*. AU» ear »»w Iinnor.ah bj b» n«*--.yEVERY STF.AMI I tu 8MALL ADVANCE.

A t'-uA CAPMAKFK» an.l MkKl K- DP -.aied.

CLABK** WOOL ('mttov -Th» t4ttmtj tottbe tale et 'tut »(nol <Jo(t..D ha< rex rf to No. if D«y

it.,oroera o well i_er,ei of ti_c »»cu.-.e irtieia, m ae-¦arted CAiea aiul eoUd outLter* i i'ririuii bun).

OZOROE A. CLARK,Nj st Dit r*.

DR y a 0 0 l) S .-

ORP.AT baroainiPANf .Bt'RS A CAR I)EE .Be 16" Mb a».

fr.rite the i.tte.,iioa of the pabl. t. their reduced prire* .abüke »i.d etbei Lreee trovde. !»».« to c.inmeuee _e day, ai.tfl tbe entlie dii|o*al of th- lAocl

1" o t: n T a i n "

Ir.^la and I tiat DBFS* ftOf.n- CtTt!OBlTi_l k-.No eis llif tamv

N. B A fei' aear-tirrn« et i UaeM* ud Preoek FANS

Fink hlankkts..Freth LnToieeo of the boot¦taallAlOa Feraeeeby BBRIfTTtl A Cm\,

No. 71 !; 4. «4y.

(I R E a t RE1IUCTION "in S i i. K. S .V« Be,ntit-.; PLAIO acd STRIPf SILKS at tad « ,

arotth tAlto, anether lot of INtU CHECK F.ft « .'. plaip »Va»H

INt. MLKb at 4 LANf k poktkh Na.TJ Ctntl OA

India RUBBER OtrOVES and HTTTEVB(or UtrdOaalaf,^nt DfirkrtS. aakl %n orork tAal

a ila 1 Le l. t The-, are made tL letwrha to protv*t toe arrlittel.'. tin* from eitoevre. tod b< BTeerll t a ake Ike ktaAi » fte.elel.'te For aale »' tö RBi'her A'nree Ii. tbe t'..u. tad atOOODYBAR'fl OtOVE Co.. No JC Job:, at.,Bear-Yelk.

Iam a PÖBTER wiü offen f.r Me THISd MOBNINOaktraaaiiaHatiatat MAB1 at * '.i

aid a>6. Alan, tu tir(tnt atoxt et Uie -- n \ .t:itiee, at

eqi ally lew fhcea No. 7t Cant! at

Ma N T I L L a Bin fdülHK aad LACE at #18. aydesdM ataortment ofCHANTII.LY and FKENCH LAi R

from #« to #»0. atBEEK MAN i Co'-. No 41s HretiwtT


M ANni.LAS. «tTbiaMdRNINt. at LANE a Pf»RrKK,<«

N tlOaatabet.

ctella N ii a w I. S~, sTl K^",k3 tod KMBR'iltFklK-1 from Anr'on.

1,000riafc BTELLA SHAWLi no aactka w-il b« openedihu cay u.d aol'. from #J ei

tpx -r nek ptwaart . BTELLAI from #4 *>. tl.l. \» iiwl. i A-iHMr.Rl. at 10 I? It .e**al0.sit an »TCai u. ... .--.<i.«e».

JA.lAx yard* RICH HILRS. from aactloo ready foi aale lb..

r'»it! I'ieree WIPJi>Ov\- DR A TFR V. aurtloo »ooda.P AK »M)I.<«-1Paraaala 6ne <to< dt. tt « worth 1JJii l..t. FINF FMHnolHPRIKS. from auction.Ail ot tb-- abort aaxeia are of the b*et .intiity. and will be acid

terj rbeapat AN!.KKW Ii 6ÖLBT9.Pf* »i rraloi «t coroer ot t.drill*

ft. B -Kite firtt^I.e* SAI FSMFN WANTF.H._rr\t HOriSE-KF.EPKKS.-V. Uet, Bruooejlo o_d]1 Ber-»rf.n* Crret. a-id Chira Mattlia for aale u ItlmftM.ilce*. CarpeM and Mattier 'a.1 down bj anv wt of the elty.

a" DtjRKklt S A NIXON. No. tl Park place.

WINDOW HOLLAND..Jnrt recelred «II caak* Bt.". *. *t kB« Hal tad >4 la

w B.bcw wtde. For tale by DOREMLü A NIXON. Ba M

Paik placa_.) -sii.k ROBES from AUCTION.

«w>* Qoitt a BOTaJty la n... tad price.Wai let opened thia a.oroju|

By BLF.EMAN k COMPANY,Na 47S H reedway E (> R (i E W . F A R N H A U ,

1 MKHCHANT TATItOR,Bo. 31« Bretdwty. oppoaite sl Nleeoiai Hotel,

N*w York.

©*> HATS tl leoo than Broadisay prioejo..OoR For elewance and durabili't ther ra-io >t be «Icelled.Neat Hau. 0. Vi HKoWN No i.O l aial *t

Profrooianal Noticcfl.

l^fftcacioubcube for corvs. bunions,JL_ CALLORITTBB, NAH I arnwi,.* ioto tn A-»h. aul e»w

ry dtearder ..f the Feet. Itlkt« o i ' - uie:hei, witaoBtco mi j wiu oot eauaiat 'he «l.aJlte.t P«-b.Mom LP . of Be . Bh Rue ae livuR Pane. «ad No. J

Coadail« K.e-i.1 ¦' letttwOO s-ire.i. i '.'.»«»l^'t. the Km-f«-r..i ..! Fr«iere tue the Kotai fOO.lJ or F.r.|i« id. bettrie beeawpwew Brtteal le New-Terk le aei . i t i^hed f»«»-'.'¦.¦ u'putt, remtinui* i.e. to BB] be con.uit.I oaalt (<_

day.etrefte.1 at ki« ofiire. t'totx (to * . lixk at No II ll'_beK,, betwean Mk and 6th art

COriEA "r TFSTIMONIALS.Fr«r bkt ImpenaJ Maje*-, Narx.-.-B III Kraper-' "f Prtaee.Jr cei'ibe jue M. LI. v 1 »i.:ct* i*« -. ape *.ec on* «ttr*as*

tad .: LOCM BAPOLEOR B'.'NAPARrE.Froei Jamci Haker eeq.

I certaft that Dr. LF.% I rure.1 ta« moii moatht ato of «twtral»oub.eeua.e bouiot. withcat :h« lea. paia and wbt»a Bad aa-

aaaay lean «4 .. 4- « .- not .

tort and cUwufudi recoraBBeal 0: Let' la B I -.-i*r. 1* aad the, fcJAMi'.-i B ttr'R.

S»w Y.ek Ma'rh ?4 \f* N B Baot lTtVeAFi -to the M.e* Noble -a* Mare-a of Let.* low ae.

Mr N LEY'I astlwctedt or:, kt c - arttl -.- -«<t fa*.. :ye_ua_-ee«e. 1-» s' "VNF.

No ill .1 .are Ivod'-..From Robert Fe'r-wn tme U D 'bt.kt_iaOTti_t.-ywi

ber M«.»»»t ot Orett B-t*iu.V<- ¦.t -i .».-..*. "-. w-ei -y

mm wnum mmmj « *. mwtJtyt>i H D.No. 9 Q.PeL it.. M«y FaJ. Lotdon. Mtfcai. .UO.

Fr o. II J Fe:tu« e-

. . tt *4- . rl, 1 haullaae*at tetofy to kiteoeeeee-ftkev_| **wteearj r.... .ad * b-io- « vt ey>a#

«i*i du « . IH. -t aaw_t>| eey pa-a. H. J. FKLTL'S.adea) aaa, ..» V s I J .xx. row.

Ik ad lift it- at the *r*.e tolhttertettaj teatimen*a. mtayth bm: ¦.*-:- . . . aie .-ra --j«n

ie.'.<e. < f 'be hkiheet r.ik' ru. be e-ti by fet.not him w kai ityj >> ..ili* between 4h and ata-att. New-

i tkN p .Jfe rr--f»».nnal eenaecta-a w tk tret rw-«*..

DF. I.AMANO» FRFeSCO FA IN I Ino eh-IAl.Li1ikli.NT.No a- Br.**dwt,.-HecJtaboa* in

I .-. 1 .- ' -« OOt v e e., » u_ Ha' k:|eii'ed. Akao boive «t\ e* 4" tV_tow SkaJe* .te-d it jrde:.

CM 1 C I K<» ( III Mit ÄL BATH.v 75I * vv ., .j-r .ee,- -t.-T'r f A N a N-4< IB carte per-i II e-..t.. ¦ . --¦ ». v- . i . a t-1- . Fl-.- .ena wn., tiitit Part Ttia. i n;tract na of L zSe. Swa'lan* ofJ t« ri.*tr*j Ha. d« tidal. I.-j:-i DO a| -Lt SlJt A.»o,t uartLte.a te ettra.: all MtaeraJa trom toe *-< eteaa. Iritiric-tot.ta.'« (i.ra u. MtaueL'a Pr.-e Ota.

IMilH EXTRA! IEDPOSITIYELl WITH]1 CT PAIN kt l--»: . ml . Ve «p-r-.icat.oa 10 tbe

t-'iaae by Dr. E Wll M'N f>-it:*t He. 77 id-«t. Tkw.*-I keel > per'.c It* ia ittekVet; *e* ly A'-ret: t'¦- c -t U o.: a'. -rd the tck-ti *¦» it-atteU kjra: I at koal a ma at*, tun: | which all 'er .Z4 u *i* en lad.


HCTTFR. FI-iH -ind ri:< .VISION«.-ALLANk ROtfl No. tJt Htt_n#U;n tt. rwa «ert tlete Bar-

e.*y at. New 1 oik.0#Vr a' VA" * -*^.

* I Rl l<jV> FoK CARH,Me*tar-?Tbtr M-«w Pork, Ma i-r*. Raa. 1 1.1Bot- aro R.r r Port. Pulimi . . :--»..¦.I ... bee- f :e »v !>-.. ( ocaac ^ .-«».*n»oh»c Har « and Beef. Pickled aad -n. *mi Hen.p.b:. .Irr. » . 4 ti _v_, l.-a; ; lk. - iwt ^...r.t t».«e mild aad rvfc. Talh.r and tptwat Cavatflee,Lard. u. tax:.»!* aad tuba, r«u So_, r.era... -Marek'Ot*en a'.< B «ck Teaa. Ft. ly A**, Tw.5« \\ a*lu'ri in arkane tad ruk*. *"' -aw j«j fea r*»_t-erRaitav .a f ^uc.-a..,- Pbik-*. S .. ^ ,.


iniareürmtrat.A*TBTJ* < KLEI b v THL» P4TKÜT SEI.F-J*BEj »tilgiiB e^hyrh.,,1.B.»* /.r-r« n»l ?.'a-aL ... Ii j_i * 1.4 j tu im

g°?T*-***JC,TW1 .*»ocaruve « raiibyeo ta.r ante lad««,M-t e».-V*. .... . 0> v,.ar. e* trr,T~ . ~- l-, erw ¦*» *a>»»>jtBer heeeaae i

.. .. ."»f.- »',-.-.....,ex- t e .-.»-..-. . ,f%imm, .. ^ , ^ r-r. «t an. tee . c, vre,-.« y mi, , , -

Teay *»«r»jr eo kaam t - . rf t ,. "...y *r. Ta*nd ro-ieta» «am. -.,*>, *, .«,r »sao ..^.j, >lwy*" *-«*.»* 'V '.' '*..* CaJH in. . OB, im the Ja»« =r» rroo/ ..,». «,-. Tz*-nr»r r.r* t thee taaanaa r«at »c.:..-, .- -r.».. p*. ¦ mim t AHsm »:m. rear, tal« .aim. and eellor JeTre-r»«- « ,mmn rawjwttaai r pattta« rraa .. -*.«*«, arererarieerit »cur O.t i. !>.«. »_.- ¦, it. » .

l »am t j frvii MU aal c^j ai -.aeuaa_oi «4 u&jmaidlet?


Tu. i*w » fc» f nv\ a«ü p. TVRRETMi. > » an ,; Xiam

B K A Z 1 L W (. (i [ aj3u quiitaa FlRA ^-il- .

*. - Na, ¦ IWaret.

... ... t

'orrtar! y

fd 1« e Ii e -Tb,, m vt.york aar,1 BKOOKLT1I ICE COMPANT art t x . »-.. v«.^.

I ta* aaHBl »"itn . »«r'r. r r In ajVardltkc ctT..:af Lka Caara r.Baa 173 m w I7S Caaal .»..P.opl«» Baal, »l.! tc*.'»

KIlVci/iVrTl faver-Än fmronntc^Trr» m ir» F^o«<Mr»i_Baaaikai I U'« ¦ ||ia Ti

I Inpffed JolAKSS IVOtViltOl.« PBEP aRATIOM fc«taMaB'W CLIAEHBH RIO OlOREfl . ¦» t t :~fi.VFLC '.I i Bf>CH»'1 -'.-.-ti. . . k »/. !¦¦ m¦ i . -. eipaarJae - .» »I . -. ,*t Itibta, aa >ai »«ar*r ataaaad . am *

tVHrat* rittetofiei Bski M>aD partige at* ]Oü\t>Viea ta«I1 f>e». mm\ «ea IRW i«an»Jy .»»»/-»-^»- k. w-aai«.t:

»..'. -Rrrwird icr r-~ - .«..--, -.,^5. , p, ,.

ÜIct**. Pr.-i »retfa T-t - ... , 4 .,

a-t ;..»*: 'rieua ti er«, »t-.. w ., jj.faafcaa» -oianf areaer f±*Jt iirpracadeat« - M-rawanted. CPNTRhT.WFqiu a to Wo. J« Broadway

KiM-I.IM, wood..s. harris.'S A kon,Heai. »Bitery.Ko. .. Waat »ta at. Beet irwüity of Vi»

(i Wi Tree Oak at.! Hwkrry dellrewd «. laweet nrvee

T..T rawmaiieartai' .»rrm. >Nrwi -:. Ha., N 5J t haaivriat I

VOTTCE TO TAXPAyebÄ.Tb# ASSESS*j.1 »' 0LL8 ».. 1 . ( ry of (fewi.-k baTtae keati retsrurd kr tac Are-ituri to ten flifi. waIirrt» r .e r.ofire to all icteretted Taspaaer« . the «u«w .. ke etched f r exaej.La:., t. aad review, (tun Tl'P.sDAVtheft thJit H Kay ktatfl WEDKEfDAT, the SVh dar ofJ.uv A'l t'.ow !.ter»te.l who tri detlroal of' et»., : t raorr» 'U.( theeaa>e,aia rtqtiitfad ke u.»*e ispUce-Raa r. tb« 1: derti». ed. brtweec the üooriif I r riaek a. ¦.iL-: 4 'd . k; 1/ et l'Ii £ ea,

J U. ALI FN. )»V. J. PECH Tu Ci'nin.iM...ii«riA. 1 WILLIaafPOR S

Sew Vcrk Mi» .1, IS-'*. d »2! tjets

1)( TU H' 'MAM 1 . b thr> new and ¦eRRMfulr -t et t ri Ii 1 rrr..'- (. t» \ ..».\un m to ...

wo.Me the PlMERT CHIKEBE et* BEVREB CHfwR 11.l. ... .11 .- .'i fv t vd Ler..n Pol It HuHAti Ehat eifited . perfe-t foror» 1: ! Oeat'eoie-. i:e al l!

teec.oatrd wrfc the deitahtful vteipaticr. The whole «trit

he petwftl» acqtire-l !t. Laif as L. t fA vhooti.t .a a rbe.te mti eleiaot aOioae«er.t. tri J't.-'.i 1 a rattlfirgrarrf :.!.»! a .'. t.aro-.rLT in a-ra. j. :r.-l.t A c..!c-a Ai!the aMtaneJe .K.p.irtrd. ir.r:nd.: 1 VaaaaofaB Bwai Baakata,Plawel Tola, r eh Orieatel Pi. iL.-ea. Bruehea. P..ate. kc.Bo.ea eenta n« two \ aar. f» attraction!, ana Ii »

r- Price tV' < (1NTF5T. BTABT k Ce Ko B-oedwey(i| 1:. r er Tttr "rrttoit op tmi A: .«. Hm yt. I

Hön au* I'abr. Niw >. ott. May u' 'tU. I.j>os\| j_to CARpen I ERA M iSONS,

fLt'MBEBB an IROS MARl'FACTl'BBM .etaakalPrciaiaa.* » 1.. h.' rereireJ *j tr-e l». reni raof the A.n.a 'iooae,et'he r ffc« H.rf-.nda. Part mm .' t 1 m tk- ."il

rAe t AK^ENTi RB MASOttB' and l'Lt vjhinowi tk aad *oc IBOR veRANDAB ia the aaUifaaaaak miBellatai Hoaortal footofjhtha' Kl*t k.rer.TL. laaa fer the *bcr>. work tea b< aeeu at Iben otfi.e. where

prirte-l ttevifi. alior.l can he ohfal.edteaaraieaj -it-'i- |**».a for the Cerpenter-'. »ftaont',

«. d Ftuaetoa W ork 11 J tor tke Irn i Veranda*, are required.Bad all odeti ire u< be| with the nam .« af two r

itiuutlhta iiamaii. alik thi Ir awml lawritkaa. « eavarlta forIt* faithfnl petforinanr« 01' »he ..rif .cf and the ()..»»n or* re

¦area lakhiiaeeliei the ruht to rejeri iny andall ertere 00t Ij them eitvartaieou« la tta BaaartaaM IThe Prepeeale to n.e the name* -.u nui wuh the r pUrro of

reaidet . wi IAA yaraM otfe.-tai to perfor.-.i tuewora. aud ftheir turf leaThe a'*itrv »r' f »;rk».ro. »rar- bj the ;ertiei to whore they

e il be awii.'.id, will i ot le «il«iweA_i>i be i »1 »a-n\ a i k.k Free t charge -I Ti i nt Ii Kl FRIOI BANT RODA rOI B1 kiMCttM PAS'Y rearerrfnlW intl e deelere in *Je Pouataii. .. andail other* who deaire I. r the ftr»t time in tfceir lt.»*. to partakeafa dr ak airare Roda-Warei Brail the poiaitiiai iirkaaMa .0 Ha. tew add a* " ^.4a. W'at.-r" a th.' faahi.n.aMe foina. ti thV'nthoot the arry,ti re.i a' Na IM WHHa*aat.aaaia .t wher- 01 - of BOBINkPH *.: I* a-^d intalaabiehOl'NTAIN.- ie now in operation.


wa* p*-er ted 6 h 11 M.rm l--'. It i* rtr tnperaaai'i* al'. o*AerPoBi.raJtn eaad 111 tbe M..ath and Wal 11 i* aaa of -ri*

aaiwt ecaaecDicel, aaaful and aanrarj 111 anuoo* or -ae piaaiut

M',HI M 1.1 il Ir HFEMH.KRANT SirtlA FOCSTAISC*.bare t.kae th>* an*an* to e 1,1 let tha afeji'lon of the fnaat afNaw-Vixhti. an *aaeunation of Uta pruparttae of Ireetautra*rior er.! apre Iral teat of tha deltcioae and keeithfiu PareBeda*Will! 1: prodacre.

ua L m "iTe~Ä_P P a n* S . .

I too, e*e* antsral and round handle Palm Fain jeet re

«ateed fur **.* bySMITH A UWUMfK,

No. I*

.?PASSING AWAY.PASSINO AWAY."a I. Ike Rale Mice and Inaerta are paeeujt away

Li ON'tt Maanetk Powder and I'llla deatroy Inesu;Juet .( rkaala tai at n the koet el the day.And u .lllont wnl tail- It kill* them.

Paddlet! c CLterfeiu leware. Ileput, No. 414 Broadway.Re. l7APaltor. it., Brooklyn.

CAVE rOITH n-KNITHiE.TRpt IM'RSAT'"P FI RMTI RE P0L1BBEB an-t BRADTIBIBB riantaia.1 itiini of [ am', ereaee er Biet m | aad hded Baraktare look e.inel to new Price Jft ren'e a h-ttje. M white,No »* LBtiaior ec N. V.. or No. 8« Main it., Brook I ya.

P) Masons üä caepenters..Pnrpo«iifor the trartiaa of the Second i rrnrrtiatlnnal Cbarch at

Orreneieh Cr.. will be eti or before 17 o'c.<Kk of 9thleae 1 ear, at the heaee 0i RoKFRT w., *u ora.o.wich The filiL* md e- er .firatioet n av he eeen a' 'he ofoi« .ftbe Art hue. *, m LEOPOLb K1DLIT7, Na BN BraaawM)New '. tk Ali prr ro.»,. to e *.. paii.ed a .'J, reference.

II kJL ^'wwmmnwmm

Jnonrance tTompanicaEW-YORK EQUITABLE LN8URAN0E Co.

Oftce, Na B B a .-.

(Oppoa to Hanorer it )



Tbl* Cetnpaoy 'cutimee to laeuri Loa* or Dky Fire oti ti»crrab.e Trrn.a.

RH H ARO J TOORNE, PreetdintJOHN MII.LF.B S*fretay

Bnilbing ftlatcrial».

Encaustic tuxes.For veitibuiet, haiii,H-ir-j D ti t room*,ko. UARNRiKE

OBlhaBl T-TOPB, HRAI.N PIPPS Ac k.r.ate by_MILL,- K A COaTBJ M " I Pearl et., N. T.

ROfjFS.KiJÖFS^ROÖFrr.The ebeBpeat mikaetan ... >.r r| roof* u TAR R1 'OF' NO PAP KB

which wi keep roneraneiT on kind and will aril tn kvte ¦aaaad u- enn pcrrhaaera

jas. T OtRRICKftOS k Co No *» Beekmanet

t*erra COTTA CHIMN'EY-TOPS.Plain anda Ot-amei.-aJ. DRAIN PIPE.-* .f all ear* *t;-jer1o» mane-

hetare, loweat ratea LONu laLAND Pun>JlT. L>epo4No It Nee*a< .* N. T.

firmoraifl.iavTFARN'S A MARTIN** Wilicr i Pater,k aa.ati.r N»f» r>,>ra R0. 40 mnrree-et. aad No. i«Sf New > rk

itr-Ut nvWa-«r

OENBY DAVENPORT, ManufsN-turer tail*r, \ 5sJet ir. o. , 1 Raahet o^t. anhEMO\ ED frcea No. MA to No 331 BROADWAY eppc«n


_papa OJarebflBBrt.


tJAPFK wakeHOI be*.J. T. derrick-* eHTN k Co., Nu. X BeeAaiAb-*r., iSir krr ea»e ea (he *w-eat laro.." t.t, Papart Pnanah ffoti and Ajaereia.a "'iT' " »raihtiaad qsal-00*¦eet reier. all aiaaa, weiehu and a 4ÜM**.

J,"" . -. a . . and wnf A the Dart reality."*e*aae Paper, and co. r. d.V.-'ut widvaa

' . ap» . , oaat ,^-y".'" tta«

J*f '-i;irr:w»re Piper 1 a't* tteortaoent ;eet arrtriA' *»'.- ;. Ptpet rf tbe .. .< rt

'ft:*r.Ptr»w Raa aad Meauia.J ' : 3r-..- ,.ar.aräiOBLt Ptier (-.->aii* for eratf* -e -Wie

ßonmn Lanö tUuironiaDOrSTY land-warrant office, Nn. «t v. i*1''*- N*w Tatk. Th* hiabeit market prvre pe-d forL . J LR « B1 i tad ill 'A arr Jit* autd By one ire nerieV.»ec and foryrtrded br mail er etharwiae. on receipt or" re-»

Lari e'in-i|jrry.v»r BoWiert %sA etbert antnled ajLet. I. an*» awiieaualo to

_I j t. OLE MAN. No *3 We.-ov_

T AND W-ARKANTS Bttught tt tbr; bidhftt c^aaBN^PrktaB.tad a=.,f- B«.» NTT l.CO PFV' s" kipr^jarpu, tttanced x. OEuROB WOODBAN. . WtüiaM»-*

LA ID V AK E A N T W A N 1 E D.-TAiTvuR Bt,l/T.i- U *» '.'


pjo ^ te-elrec *ew Tork

_*.'»-* r a .-fir, e w-'. ¦ "r¦ 1 " "* g 'v

FINE BROWN GCVaP"* .:**) ba>« U^i^t-iaa. lLwtw aid other r.akee, Vr ra.t k»


tU**rrU a te. M*. TI Broeawey.

¦Orran StfamtT8, tCc

ROYAL M*IL 8TB »M-HIP A<1 \ tm I ItF.RPUOL La» A-IA 1 Ir. Uitteorn-nar lcr art ¦

fn is ia« i od r-ax » « fN<e Jeep**. CMr, w i Mi ¦ a

Peeeaatatwa I^m aa »VEi)NEAl> % Y. Abe ttrt,, it .

«frier lr>i-< Pe*«e te.i in ." «;a»»«*J tt barI b«l.te'cbel

la. AFRICA . H at! an tb» 1!tb Ju?ei NABB !t «B ¦ i

NOTICE.«bM» HENRY CLAY from LIVER¬pool _T,-rr.»*<»tv- «>»-». a**jap tt» s»~Sr BaWaBad

' Ml - i Bear OleH H AR«.INO a»aW r- ¦ '« . -' »t PW«* N r*A Rfrw ail p»"*i* wo* paraajrw »1 artU be .ata t»»

pi itAtaa. >vtn>»n in "f-Si c .

rÖl CHAKLF*Ti'N and FL«>KI1> « « I afatt Laa* Ti. bra- aad fat: «ata« S: .e--ti«.-:r

V «-*.. ILLF. afp M B*r.-» will l.aewa parr Wo 4. NonaK...:«*>. FATTliDAV at*. .'*.».!. .*va ¦* u. rr* .- .

K I t » «hl epr».'j HI bae.d. . M » »>»

¦eaad. at 44Vf a*w»a*t> at b» e. IF F*ORB : : ..'».».«.» v h.¦-...«. . ..... mv:i

"n u Fowte* etna.--!-- m'.". wactvl *-»'. .11» aa

.Vtl Kf>i;Ai.M«t B IV» tHina »et tat 1i CAROLINAr«i«a -"(ri'ir . V .:..*»! 01« ;_,!.a«« jr. r)w At, I Hu t

b ter Florida ttaitat'i. t wuh "AaaaWeaaseafieaa N»»r»'t.rrkt -.. tavBt Caa .¦.<. » [TEADAl at 21 ,.«t f t.

TYffie 1-1»«« .. 'a-itcn ¦:"» *.< .. P'»rk*. *Jt


iPIFIIl B IM teat *»m mm'n .. r-..-,.nf» SUNK.. tlM tin, li'SrjT . *at». «ui.iead.-iOLAtCO-M at-, .... u kn urs. ts fitan !¦Tb» ..| ABOO**tri SKW )..RK BTEAJBBBIP COB

P A n 1 i .« f -» r ew r .-. rvw-n .. Mr* oc« tr at

htm fork "M.fii-»iw t* ttkAariii'lHBCKw:-. pan¦tu liy I*, *. i?c .c*t aaam

EATi- iff :'\»-4 tlFtrtt Cava. .?*«Tatrd tat, I ad «wh eeaaad p-vr*-» t *e

Aa isper* rdIn\x itta rd »»t--- »t.nF. r Frt-ahi ar !'tttttj« »PFi» to JOHN Mc<*YB N

>» !" b-iadtrt-rBatP'Ttak CHT Bil . ar0 'dar!» rtaMttM far I't-aatt

NOTICE t« PAS>rNt!ERS atvl IMPOSTER^Tbu lhfr?u)l tad Pii1 L.A 0 F.LF HI a STEAa-

mitp iHHP int 1 |n n I rat) -5t--«>4 V OB BALT Mt'B r v .<*. A I.aiT.a.

> » .»'*»li,«.iT'>n tjtrn taat .Cattt BT A'laia.ITTT of MANCHESTER. .J.iaj taat CmpL F C Part.a.a an .» » -¦. Ijrtttaat . - ..>. a%

Ar« uiraoaM watt u nwuvi:taai L.i«aaro«t

tiT-i OB BALTIMORE »VEnrfBBDAY, J»r»t 4.I tow i'an >ot rtnt

CIT\ U* RAXTiMOBE, THI RSDAT, Juat IfBATB1 91 PARSAtiBiFiow 1'hh tall rKt»,

Ctbts 'c rtrtvkatrA Maja rortrt.f»Ctbui a t:.r** brrtl tratr ruAB.1. **

Cabia ;n forward f«. «. i> »« » .JVUt'OL,

C»-- o 'u hPB kattl r* r I -.kü". fl i-wit;***Cabtak t>r«« barfh .taat-roorui.'. "ttt.atitCaa_atu.w^> .\t in aaai

ludTfi I - < . <r»tTaiti. i im PttttaaiaA,

A lualtad rttwirwrofTKird <-!_. .«....¦.»-ra will bt takaa. a'

Btatatl .1 at atattb fa-trraateai aa rtMalrtaiFrom FaAW alaAtt f>9*>] Frnn. f.ltarjuat ..»->CtrifiraXat ta i'aaaat« w | K.. w u>i krr* to part!** ahn ara

Ataw.iiit nf Sni i out their frit* «' M aaaKMiot] ia'aa

Thete i«*_-o*uij< ir* roTifr:, a*d »(¦.¦ iiiirw w* at uaat

awrat'*-r'»'i»o«a aa *vh taa-iri '«rr-»« tB aip*'iwu«ao mttno.

Iirttt« -., t-rrvv) rnmi tl f-»w*r-'Ad U.4K1* tar.t ta tba A. ':.* tad Utarwaal

tartl' b* w-r-wtr-lt<l wKti tr Boa f tnd b' - IFar i- i ar ft!***.* aptpi-i t«

.'ohn <; ;i a T V tctwdNo. 17 Mala"'tt Phaaaawtattaa,

ar *AB I l A CDRT!» No. IT Hr ,^wV n.w , t.WILLIAM INaT-iN tastM

Haa 1 asd Id T-i»«r Hul BUtat l.itanjooi.


.¦.v'v raaBrat^attt aaaatti ip MÖBTH8TAR I' T. Urn.-- s M,..^r. trill tail from Nrw Vori tor tw* *!» to

por . on « adurad** IBit; f Fir*t Cabin pataa«« #110. -i*..oud do.. For <man' or iwt***- at |«J 'o

N Tl'HrlANt' F No 1 Howlint Orawa.

FYB LIVEBPOOL..r, S HAIL BTEAM-.SIUP A Tl. ANTIC. Capt. Otir-r El.lnd«», »rlU «»rtrt

w -h ihm V 9 M*U» for Fur-pr, -«witittlt on BAriRUAf.Mat 34 from bar brr-b. toot of Canal at

It* abipt td lAJa Ibat, > troij .laser from i<«, will not «rata

tbr RatiHaairtbaf <? aatil *B*r tb» I>* pf A latawl Forfrabtbtor iioin, haunt Bttaa lib a -..uiui*daii..a*. acol* to

FflVA Alt I' K COLLtBR. Ni ^Walltefvarpii will pl*_a br on board at 11 o'tl.» bamrba HA.'.T'i i'apt. Couuixt, anl tia.oal Lbt AtltaUt.

andaaB Jana »


Mil 1", at i p m fraat ptai 'oat .( anaa at., *t A ta* hattad Butttt attamabip OB AN ADA « apt. i. P tM_a, «-

. . at abatt¦..¦«* tar k* t«carod .' Uat Cawiaauy'a .. .-

Fraiabt ta Maw UrUaiw M '*a«t par rubi« t *»

¦ :.n*i'l »« *u»,4'»d with blaaa aalt» »t :edin» af twa

Arn faad b* Iba t to.waat ob apt4'«*tin« a' tbtir »aVa «.

IXaWN ->ru.aM«atd tad « > tat1 »f .a-.o « will »« **tb«4 »..» an*

baar of aaltan«Fai i« er i>**wa«e > at the aftiae M 'b« t ant-eat la.

rn%\.\w%. aavMt/Watret M 0 R'lBBtPS


Chief «ata r»«a*ea.BM|ll«eea4 Cab*. Paaaeew. 7»

raow toarea to Livttrooa.< . .... Pa»wa*».Alii

Beeeaad < leben '«...-. atTN* aiote frem Boetaa «alt at BallfaiPtRSI a, Capt. Judtutt. IC A N A DA .. it,

et* I , ... 4MFRICA Cent Wi. ka-I A Cap' T. ft La« l. NIAOARA Cea-4. Rtne.

AFkll A .»' -laaaoua. FI'ROPA. Capt. J '.eab-A.TS*«« reaaeaa rarrt a etAat weite #»i at aaaet bead freea atl

atarbee'd bow red »a putt bwwABABIA Htet e Iet*«» fleeter .¦>¦ ...J.. M*t 7 «8

P KB *l A J Bdl'.a*.***** .S1.4 W^iaeee«*. Hat 14, a*A «f.»!: I' I v. hi h ..wo vtadaeedat Wat tl «a

AMIA Lett..leetM.N . Wedneatet. A4*, t *.( ANAtlA lent ... o ....... , tlafiii a -. ~« ...>«.,....,,... 4

RIAOABA, Bjrie .:««.** nee<eu »ih.. in

ABAIUA fWMie -«.-.¦>. i A ..iliwmi u +Br.'-Ji* aat .*. ared tat., paid f*r.An »a>""h'4 terteea t» board.The ewtera el th**e ah.ri* wtli tat be aetouatahle '. OwM,

Bit** Hniliea. Hp*»i* Jiweiry Pracioat tttoaee er Mtteet.«..-«. . < M .edtaf tr* aujaed tkartfet tad the raise abteeetIheraat *i[.r-wtr4

F*»fr*i|! M paaaaeeeeelT toY t KARR. Na. 4. BewUaa

rpHE NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL CNTP-I BO HTAUlB MAIL Sit AM EH..-. lae elaaa ***a*|ww>Bv thai lia« ar*The ATLANTIC, Ca«*. Ollttr Eldrwlft;The BALTIC. Cap- Joeeph I orrmocAThe AHB! ATIC ar- Jamea Wo**Thve* aau* bat* b. rn bad' bt contraet eanteeeJjr tw the aet

*mm»Bt aertlee. every ear* hta %a*u 'alaa u. tatr ceewtrae'n«

at .in rheir eiiiaaea, to nieare «treaiia tad apeed, .- liiertan ernaiodattoct lor piteenfen are tattia."d Iwr tie|tt*te andtomloftPrve af ;«*«***) from Now V^rk to trarpeol. au Srat <..

B13B as teroud da., A*k Praaa Liverpool to ^ tw Tor I ***aad W |-..^eat Aa tipentated ruifcen a'ta. at* t* eeeb *htp.Nu brrrh* can k* **tarrrd unttt paid for The ahipe of that ;.,.aaato kataieeed water 1140' otikhea_i. aad te a**td daater fr ret

are, trill no' troaa the Baal« aoria af49 dtfree* utul a/atr et Antuet.

PROPOiED DATBI OF SAIL (NO.rtow m* run rtew 1 itrtreot.

¦AT' BliM.kprfl H. IA5b »* EON LS 1» A Y .Mai 1«. U*..ATTRPAY... Htj I* IBM. WEDNESDAY May V.a A Tl BOAT....Mat »4, IttL B/EDNEAOAT..J aae 11, aela,BATVROAl )¦ a I IIM PV1 MEBDAT..JaaetS.lAM.otTI ltl»AT....J*ae II. II« U r DM B tlf A Y.. Jal y » IfCSATCRliA Y... J»,y i !'a UFUtr i>AY..J*y» .C4.MT' HDaV J*.y II IBM UFPINPrlBaY Aot S. IAVI0.l7iKti\Y Aat. J, 14.i».. W'K DNF.atll A Y A**) St iM8A 7TB f1A Y.... .4b|. 1« 11« rVEDBF.BDAY It 1 IM. i UriAl ....A»«. M. lAM.|»J»'F.DNr4r)AF..1en*.!7.iaM.

bit.4 > lewt iM tVEDMEfPkT Oet. I.IIM.«ATI RDAY... Bepr.C \V*. tA'PIiUFsnAT Del 11 IBMr A Tt it I) A Y .Ort II Ii« VVEDMBRDAl let CS, .AAVBATt RI>A> ..Oat ts it. PVFOMEflDAT ... I] BMSAT I BI'AY Rat 1 IIM VVEDMRAOAT. Mae * 11 «1.

.MTrif'O Mow 2 IIM *A KiriNFIOaf. Bet. I" 'IM.BATt PDA ..... Doe. 0 l»». WLL/NFaDA Y 1>*«. 14. HRR.BATCHD.4Y. Li.e ?D llVeT Jt ireatht or »**_** arplt ta

El Aid) K COLUMS. No id Wali-ex.. N. T.BROVAt gHIITrY i <o IflPjaiM.VTBEBJ H AF.NNARll a. Co..

No 71 a-utia Fnart. LnnAteiB. 0. WAINYVRloHT A Co.. Para

Tie -^t-'iora of three ar.b aat aa accoualeble far read.Mltat bi It epeeie. .eweirt p»*cun* «träte* er aaetaia a'deaektlit a* .* 4 m .

- aad .a taae laareol aav«»'* n


biloe 1 aa ar and artt laai at j* rM;HENHT CLAY . !,%»Jt»x.i....Ctpt 1,nd aulktnal A' li« n. Daaa-I U r'-._*_OBIFNT.I0**it-ine ...r-apt Oee-te I Hat.iLI.ts I H ..-"in*. Cetya, WkUaaat H '*%rrvtThf trä te let* been reeent!) auili tad ire tkv- tra-et

a <- -.«. t * 0 < T -» «rr naat». y$ aarl aat bi of arnaariattae a. d abtlity. Tneir arc imotedattnaje-e eery avprnnr, and etert aaWtttkoa enil be ma.r» ka pr. «aale

.npa 1 aa t.n ¦ aaadealM of aa-ppertFor frett" or raeatt» acp!» »o

IPOFfORO.TILatATOB A Co., No »Broadway.Artete x LiTorpo«!

rt N - rf AVV 4 Ce No 10 ri-.ree otaaitA

-,--BiramboatB anö RailroaÖB._

Hl DSON HIVFH RAILROAD.-From Ma>-., I'm w. eete tban. -ra.t. w I

Iwerr Firr-«« . a rr a"d 5 t m Had l l ¦ [lfMaBU. rTShi, i? m l.rr.«r«at,7 p ra. Far P.<np«.-_-.¦'

For u;, aUl, i, Matt. eJ ^f,^

^*r^- R^i^.y, v^Xar

PrSHINO RAfLRr'Ar>..Tbej BraMRihpBt.LAN!' CITY leawwa F..-oe P'try Wserf. rwi* tt

»4 i a^d I' a as. aa: I. 4 H pad 7 p at. tally, aaewcraa aad

.1 . i'i ..«'»«.-. - . * '.

¦ « w ¦ . '» ea.ea f i't .§ *'. «. aamr aeura Pt*a«ue

*_ $9 'I'llit'll «)»' >f _aea T -u;.« fa*] '«'.i iy *i*

aetier acy awai'aerf ai ttSSM 'k.'-uta a M 0*. .'«« '«-- »*

I aj .»*<. -DAY BOAT'f^TAl.BAN V -Ear,dI ~* )\ ). ;-*..!¦,. f .. t

t-t»'« Ftark tk»»t Poo-t. .'.'.wbtrih P>wbk'>peM>, R.dnebr:a,Cetakdl. Hwtaoa aad r.Jti*c*w M>at*erte.t au twtrd. Pb*fawartM ai*«j-or ARMFNl A. ttpt. «i_ith. w.1 ooTLEBDkY,Met* roacacrfc* her reralar trie*-o AItle*r*, Uari.^ ajwaf.. -. n rr. Ibet Ceoa. t.d -xita »t«. E.r.Ak TI->>\>TBtTBRDAY takd ¦ATCRDaY atl 'i . m. Ro'ami^tare.- a.aaat «.»ry M pBOAl U EOnE-SHaY tad /Bit» AY.N. B A Bui»'fD*«>- a ^ ;». y -«ae I'. ttt; (eta ar 1*

BJ |Ai t Bitdtr« aar.

CLOTR1I RAn.ROAn of KEW-JEK^ETY.. . * ... i.FH ill .. it.l.n Uli HUP

w.- c- » V . . evfe>ea«t.«-».» #*w.¦ v* i.aa* u. v. W«»;.(.».»»! *u>l ¦».'

..*.'«.* R»,e. .'¦»> ...., mt.¦*».« a* '- *a » uwl <V v r s> «- -»¦*>. »i » 4* eed..- i - - . .¦*,,, I . at *%» Main* «ot.»l it. ,-........».,_. ,B. v., j- ., lltlBtl.bMTM New

.*¦»»* *v» »4 ¦>....!...... .. % , ill e m * mm* .

e *»»_im»x» (1 «TV-ntJD e-r«rlr.~>-*l

N>W..IVKSKY BaII.wTÄIvZk^J ph il a-l"Li HI I v* (Ol PO »_.- « t*T rm, «lift

CITY Mil' ris»>.» In-, tm%m N«w YVt * Bet* ilk o »-. I i. . f .. I 1 Bf*., $t~ uttpta. «t«»- r..«.--. TT»f .*i T.k*l* I I In Checi ue'i irfuad*>.?". 4. r» »' «. en.' fcr "ei-ra»*», B) am.aet N.. k tu.. ai. .'".a*! *A*-/»u» ertw»»,. t» (.Mncor 1 I t ¦,

u<\ <» N)i>>rtrr ahvui «4rf.

Nl \\ \( KK ami RKtE KAU.KOAO.-Or,r ,. . V..\'.»l Me* 1« »V m i fe,-tk*r »zw,

.- ..... fata M ». Raa» *-*A, .» '«

fl|rAirtA| .\iRP«» .«-. m v>-'> -ir-kKl ITALOkXrSr-M .. « . » mm P'Ruioi a|| hi > « ¦ «.i IN i - Ml B '.' it** *»»*rtiB*d

«>. ~, » Piaaii r - . r* "ifIk'r-»v-a . *. ? a «r* » t- w

¦ . j ^ i -.-a* l^arn aa -5«.

li.»v n Rai rata AwCTi i*j 1 .> Chtrvjt krrft»- RUtft \ Hi . ? (***." ""at *

1 'r'inn *u !':«rn. at, lor SaBVra'f etai tan 1m RaleS'.-Kta»VAI PARHFM ' . Bevvk*Bk and Msiii*

lava an 1 fe e . 'f* fta VeeNiCHT t X it » .. k--» aad BeBkki

« . Ml j." 1:1 Bafaia ei-d iBiat

BMRkl . v

Tk* as. M Trafcai ten Jafl» S-u.Ja»t «tcrrfatl1 ..w Itap »m lYakBi raaa H at FL-ire wtk tV Flmlra... .... v ... > FaUa RaOraaa! N u«« Fall», at

Btnakaaaii» a >h lh*r«t»«B ».-d Bl. «kaantaa Ra.iina.1, t'f....«..... rt 1 m - J rah « .. Itaj «ad Htm V .*

h. a. rRtwkj«*>l » Ufa«) Ba». a b IVaaara lakkkaat 1 aaal Waatatn BaRnaja' »Vt « a* kukalu aaa t>aa-

. 1 . SS»r> Bat nmm tar « la«» a> .uu. 1,

Tuien.' airan k rti» «'> M.< tl.l.l M tVn»r«l *«»a»1ra>..*a»i

NEW-YOBB imT EIIE RAIUtOaiP vX>Bfpari*" »\t'l:r-SS ätrr Ra t*t »-aaajwa. Raw«

1 1 j ' 1 M..I ! 1 rttilrral t ocir-aa». -at«Hatu . aeeUlallliai ;t h <.»» Bontna rt»t iaa«r

i-ad ana .- * .it ktaaek nMiaa1. ad ba«ir«a i'-ocaraa aum* m:m a a pMpataB »ad« Iii»

.. || raal BaakBaakafikaai r* Ma tral and 4rt»an»a of tfca ¦ rriaaat

ft Mai . aa akktk k# kaaur^ la aaaa that will ka ah a ea ti.. n.. f ika> rai.ikraaat* a*»oi«iaaaaaalaVpaaak latri rt >. . . k. ...... Maa a . a'.ai tka tlra af

aar' h < a*ai. a.a Taatr fa .'V a., m ihaar»i«.' a ka m iraaaaa tkaa taaaM ka ikaid.a aj .pau.. .......... . ..

h... . .. ¦.i'i"..... mji I dka I a> .1 A mn»i\

tum v.apfa*. I »aartag . ... .. ¦dH 1. uin iUm r.u

fa- .. a a > . I . ,» a.# arjararaad ariaa .. . i. a»

a'l tha pt'Lcuai r ti« a andt.-wtata tka I' aitae dtataa aad far-niwi

l n "a. 'a at ka kj tha 1 «Mftpaap fcr tka Manfpana-traf tkakt aaaa rj kaaaj .<ad. a«vd aaat ka paa- rtatta la Hunk"k art.! b .itaiu. m> kr> farwar'arl RaaaU'tr palnta la Ik, V «¦num t> tka at*aar? Oraaapailaniaht-aT«o ttprra. trtlnt wi'l ha t«n' di 't ia tharpa af rpawiaJ

n reear |r:> aha all attaa* to th.> trat aan itaaaa jt . ¦¦ kafta, !¦. tkt at Reaaaa of Mill tam «nh pooda of all kk-lt.Ik* r> .wftof aL^haUlhr (r.'u.ttlt rttarard.

far' ¦ a: a'v Ik a w.'l s* pjtaa to 'tr col aaboa of aotaa,¦ . ...... * aa.i katwt . Rev fata, t.n. Oi ¦.

lax.. ('k:»u. a" C' .^ '-ad S- I jaial(INH\ D RU I Surat.atra.Uat Rtpraae.

L'ch fto>1fN an<i PKoVlPFNCF eta NKW-I P0B1 <a>w f U.I, RJTBJ Hi. .ol.waid aaat .auaflar

.aaaa ,. MBTBOptll is Caat 1: ttajaa aa Ban Tara eaatjTI'RRPAl llinsriAT «ad saTiHiiAV aOa'alart p a,*«« taV BTaTI s *<" leere« laaaee Rata fork ...«..

Mi.NI A\ tVRDHktaWAT aa.' - H IR * V at A rala.A a «*. .

Real ¦». Be IR I a>ar taa rlaitaiy, katk awaetittai aa

R-aprr« »a. h area.H...«>'» 1 a.. ri..«iia wart Ka rarardrM .a aaaarad le aap appli¬es.. mm .*¦' . a.>. >.~ eai .. '

fi.if'" ie Boatat 'a Ai*iHn aWtaBk eV«k greet dteeeltk,kj ap f-eftai l>»n.

iv vi RkiRaARM, Aeattt, Raa t« ajaj t) ffaaRajR

illcb ira I-

pLOYE ANODHfB TOOTH-AOHl DK0P8.\ P . rn ... »"ru i« i" »1 U ul tiwih erhe tee he e|»adllpre kreee 'v 'kie rro r.1», telikiml P'J.ira lai in* tarn, in tar*h,¦I artine k it I. apee tkeaareea atkeaai a>nn»t» »a»r a kkjerpi; lui .« iv ire Mf<HeelIt ra.- ^in.i 11 la tkatr pactaeta.

rTpeieeai I-vM tit A B A l> SANl>s. l»r«|«elo. N.' |W>

FlIIoi M. Bold kj I'riMtt 1 (ei f rally.


1 crn i 1 tke MeteBeeraal Maaee]| km i»te»epeia Biit.iae-ar«e l ui inir.i il ik.l >»i N... >vaauaaa ale. W. tilL.'.iv t> h 1' S'ee kAt lad kW VA Mkni.ka. I*, N Y ¦BBurt-are ef 'lie P.adeUu Rm..i ei.d aola aiaaefaciatar* at* Ike peeeaid aiiedelleiated DANr*RLIOW OOTtXX, mU*u m .«.U»mm *p ba Ha raaa wfrk a Re « %i our etenatar* ¦ aera

wrapper, ee e ...»< .'. u«u* linpaeio'aPnr Nil h> '1 ' r a' nferttir.r. Ala., bt Meaara A. B. A D.

BARI S Se III A«-nliaiii ei IRRAJeL MINRB a tm Nu illPaitae-ei < v (iM'KfNlK » Ca Bu.ilHAll K K KR k <" N,. irl Mieenwrrh tf Mi KKHtlONk KlipHIBS Bo VI Faltoe e. kVARD CK Nil k Oo. IIAPuJtoe at aad br a'l the priiwipal Dmuiete tlneaaktal tkat'nites Blalai ttaaCat .


DU TBALL*" 'S ATKK-( I KK and SOIfOOUNo I' Leiant M tm IK" Git I kill AI. BATIIrS

.aalt hue firi deaiftni the In.tea7 «f taa luatatauee aaa kaeicotrn urtetrrl

Mil f-AK.VlMiA M-KIM.S'WATEK CVHM1aiile.a. of tin* la.. r'jK'u.t Curne are amarpaaaad

Um avuaitj. Fur cirvulaia ad.'nee he putaii lane.bfrx rriia .mi HkMir.TfiN

Lcqtil Notitro.

IN PUK8UANCR til au iiriler wf ttit« SiirriaiAle1 af tke Cvautj mt Haw-1 * aal ae 1. kereu/ Rrea E ail

parauca h.. , .Ian,. .,m ,.t IfcRRMIAM 1 ke*RY. lataol Ike dir al N' " i uit <trva>"d, U. preaeirf Ihn aeaao withpaerkeri laeriof, la the Nkeerkkar, al ikeekBaa of Jaruee VP,At hue Ra il Ltbefttei 10 in* t >tv >>t New York, rm er ke(.re 1 he tenth der ..f Oai.iker Bl »'. lilted New fate. *ke 7>tk)da. .I Uivi.l Iii, VA II.I.IAM PUWPR, IiBcetor,*«.B.nn law wi.v

IN !'l RBUAIfCE of au ..rdrr of th« KarroRatoa wl the I'.iui. iy nt New York ».t e a he re he tire n to all parMat ¦ iaailil»! e«aM.*t IIK.NHV ri FAUI.rV. laieuf tka Cityat S-w letk aareaeed to pr^aent lh* eari.e, with aaaa herehaeeaoi tu the niWrlt«« et the iiBe* ml VVeto.o.* a Rowne,No al Wall «t in the I ity ti .'tew \ ort un «r ketawe tkaVar-l'ieM. let ut July uem- Dafeil New Verl the iweltVh deeif Janrnny. it'at OROROB II I N liF.R SI IN.

111.1/A f Alll.K r A .. v r, mr

Jill liwtjmP ol IIeär. S Parley. draaaaed.

IN piiraiianre of an ordi-r of (b«t hurrireata eflh* Cuur.ry of New Y.rk BfPTICR ia kerehy toed

peraiii. hatwi« Uia a a«ai I.' LVOflE IIA K KR, lata of tha l.ilyot S.» >vil l~-a»r., '-, tfeleel the aao * -i'i--tkrrrthereoi m tli* lake nlw M 'he ..(Tire .( iloukire k Oa No.14 W-rrhaaU' i.tehatite lit the CM} of New Y ork an or beforethe Wtb 4ay of Au«u*< eat-- I'a'-.l New York tin Tri, der ea?Frh-eery feAH. VA II.I.IAM 6 BAKKR,bkAlaerkatB* Adiuiaietretee.

Jn im km'änok «>_an ordar of the Hurr.e/aU»m\ ka I MM if ReM-1 rt . 1 tl»»e to eJI

pereone hartni rleltt, eaanat '> NN I Ml I.I.I.aS, lai* of theCity of New York, der.aeed. to preeanr Ike HAM with yurtckerether.of to Iba aaieeihaere, of ihr reekaanee af Aan MiBlne, Nu.B Baatrkck'M Ike Cfcty of Now Tetl mm tea teach

it ... eat ueit I'ai.Ml N'w York, rha aiati. day efMmt'D iW IMNIKI. Ifi: iNOK, Fierulet.

b :.7 ....1.1, p» UIN MULAINfl F.teriirtt.

\K\V-M»KK M PREME roi Rr..JAMFeSla B '.<>: I'AKl. B K N J A MI ft P ilPP.N aad I.APAYRTTI Klin LIVIMtMTOR OOMBTOB Pa'he

kpAtft Y 1 ire hereby furr.ff.oned and retruired e feer

tke Mae* kBM ut thie a. 'ion whirfi win ba tied tn 'V ekVe eftka I t .* the 1 real] or Be* fork, u tae Cry 11*11, ia

>il New iik and '« eena 1 copy ef year a/.ew.r a.

ahaa*m CeaBtaaiM m '*. e'ihaciikwr al hat oft-. No 17 VV.... > wrl.11, i»r... y aar. after ike earvweof tiiie

. 'in mmmt . iu»e vi the da. *» lar.h *er.we, and if. no euawe* the *aid «mi.| .. t ai d ta« flaue ikimi I.

Ui- p »iMitl will i*k. l>lrt«r..»iii for 'K-aira of ***** nandree

ai.d do iota ei-l te.ei.iy ei|nr rei.r* wi b unereaf fr**a

.r.e fir.'d*y ..i April, eea ihuMaae aaet.i laad'ed aad blty mi,tr-eido tb* root* or tai* errrioe. .l»*r*d Mey < Ikfta.

i.i.i>NAkL» AA ouM'Arll'. FaiaOkV Attvtraey.No. II >* "i aai Raw '*ri

The complaltit Lr rk.a MtKB wee 1 ed «1 -h toa I'lerh of law

1 MM) ol S.» I rk at -a* < i'y iiall. M 'he t.ifyot New

tetk,on the t.t My «I May. '«'*au liavalr LRU.NaRI/ W OUOLlARD, Atkeraey.

NOTICE ol IiI.-THMH TIC'N'.-rVotieej ia Bur*-rtt- -a* ptocede ef the «1* of the real e«U'e ef

Hi t.i. MONAAtBAN mtt *« td.» Ciry of New-York, eareaeaal,.. it* .'..i iue 1U.0.r taa oril.r of .*. <¦.«.«*'* .f Uk*

...lit* ..f New Y-rk b. Jaee RikMII tie A4m.fatna >rl

ail m d rltpaler the peodo, ck -. * of irwUtai. , -.1 n. ukeea «aMtiedkaMMIe BaNtaMf te

ea a' ia* frarteai e . ir* . '.. tha . *f Bear-Terfc, «e ike

tUareeta day M U>- 1 **¦ *t u-i. ./ «. t ,u in* foe*aeea oftear dat. I 'm'mt Una ana *ay ** A f11 l*A«

..r_A w. BkAlfPORO, Rarraeaaa.

AjI'PRKMK OOURt. - WILLIAM CR0H8p_, ,'T1 liMAI BIS-tVLLaadDAV II» f.F.SI.IP. -To De-r-. IH' HdBBIBBBLeV a Y ua *re hereby mtmjttcmmdMeewtf awl r. um hBm ti.d 'a erne . eeny of. .. leaver ti mt *' tUl c . 1 . i.'arttrtao* ' uty. Rev

I .« artar he **r.ic* a#re«.'. »ttl *al»aaf the da* of lerb Ml ifa-4 ar.d f the i'.od.r.u fad te an

rev rb. MM le*r* e. efuraeaU, the pl«i .'iff will app y te 'kaCeart let eieRVftSvBM ted Dka e».d rornplMnt. Aid teaarfj lake M .' ' o a . a tub aa* tied laM l* -'k f' a'IbMMW ' « on the *ilM tat a#Mairk lkA« A. 0. RKItT.p I iev*vf Flalaiit 1 A'roRjey.

?aJi (-RIME "l RT 11 the matter of the Ar-» '-'a A . a . r*'i.| 'Li

* hew furl « to f?*, OPP."INO ef EifJHTY-* i ONI -TKf UT . rr. 'he h ideM Ri*M to the Baat R.rer

- .'.'£.. i'.r.'.eJ Parhl.aatha)ttty ef K«v l"Tk Pur., ant w fatate* in eaek teae aaade aaal

¦ a I ' i Ml Cm aar iktj of the.( rt I '.w ^ -a r^fby «t»* «ele* 'ka- rbey u.taad tt apply

> - -m . I otrr of -h* S-a * ..f New Yort at 1 nail even to M held at the Cay ef N*w York oar-.AI'r. A. hi ma ty of Jin* A I) a'rr.* ,,paatU,»

"f .« of I* eofi. thereafter ** eoar«a. taa ee>t-a 4 lot He IM* IAMBI t -.rt-ir.:*Bi*m*n «f par. . atotA*..»o. u lk ikaea eetr.erj u.atteri that tke aateM and

1. ken . tan lad, m BMOanaaRtal- *R 'n b. 'h- H-4mu Hirer bj lk« F*r Hirer lotr.erjt 'eejeh pat.

. . laded la the t -atru Park/. ,a the Mid Cay of Rev.I '. M » ¦*M tke Baa or of eaid Ci-y tuaier and kr«.r«a* of en Act ot rb- Lerjaiat<]'* ef :1k* People ef 'he Bfaae

lev '1 ra 'lie u. oikpiam-/ out of Htieeru and Botub In the Oar. «f Hmw

ak. M 01 BlAet ; ^jom.''peaaad April Id, imtn Deidd..'«_, k .tv.yW.ilAA. t,oar.1Zf)B SltKPAtO.

* " - *ieeAwei to 'he . -'*a-