Nutrition research award for the best published papers


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NUTRITION RESEARCH, Vol. 4, pp. 153-155, 1984 0271-5317/84 $3.00 + .00 Printed in the USA. Copyright (c) 1984 Pergamon Press Ltd. All r ights reserved.


Nutrition Research Award for the Best Published Papers

Nutrition Research has ins t i tu ted an Award for the best published paper(s each year. Ar t ic les containing or iginal work on al l aspects of nut r i t iona l sciences may be submitted and studies in both humans and laboratory animals can be included. Each accepted a r t i c l e automatically becomes e l ig ib le for the Award consisting of a scrol l and $500. The selection is based on the reviewers assessment and evaluation by a Special Committee.

Manuscripts selected for the Nutrition Research Award for 1981, 1982 and 1983 are :


James L. Robinson (Urbana, l l l i n o i s ) Adenine-induced orot ic aciduria in rats fed diets with and without orot ic acid. Nutr. Res. 1 : 253-259, 1981.

Chen Xue-Cun (Bei j ing, China} Studies on protein and energy requirements in China. Nutr. Res. I : 467-488, 1981.


David M. Klurfeld, Shirley A. Tepper and David Kritchevsky (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Distr ibut ion of exogenous radiolabeled cholesterol in rat intest ine: Effect of d ietary f iber . Nutr. Res. 2 : 65-71, 1982.

R.K. Chandra, P. Joshi, B. Au, G. Woodford and S. Chandra (St.John's, Newfoundland) Nutr i t ion and immunocompetence of the e lder ly : Effect of short-term nut r i t iona l supplementation on cell-mediated immunity and lymphocyte subsets. Nutr. Res. 2 : 223-232, 1982.


Mirta A. Carlomagno and David N. McMurray (College Station, Texas) Chronic zinc deficiency in rats: I ts influence on some parameters of humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Nutr. Res. 3 : 69-78, 1983.

Benjamin Torun, Francisco Chew and Ruben D. Mendoza (Guatemala City, Guatemala~ Energy costs of ac t i v i t i es of preschool children. Nutr. Res. 3 : 401-406, 1983.

Authors are encouraged to submit high qual i ty or iginal papers for consideration of prompt review and publ icat ion. Accepted manuscripts would be e l ig ib le for the Nutrition Research Award.

Further information from:


R. K. Chandra, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C} Edi tor- in-Chief , Nutrition Research Janeway Child Health Centre St. John's, Newfoundland AIA 1R8 Canada