Numerolgy - Life Path Number 1

Numerolgy Life Path Number Numerology Life Path 1 You are an original! Independent and courageous, you are a creative achiever and a strong individual. Your path will take you down the road to independence, and you'll learn the benefits of being self-sufficient. Your first lesson is to learn to stand comfortably on your own two feet without leaning on other people. Once you learn this lesson, you will move to the next level of this life path number: leadership. You are a born leader, and you will have many opportunities to demonstrate this ability in life. Your strong pioneering spirit, courage and determination will serve you well along this road. You will be successful in any career field that allows you to utilize your unique ideas and pioneering spirit! Discover the Inner You with Numerology Numerology can help you understand your own deeper nature, your talents and life goals, your hidden characteristics, and your opportunities and challenges. The core of any numerology analysis of your personality involves four core numbers -- Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge and Birthday. Reveal your true personality and discover your destiny through


Numerolgy - Life Path Number 1

Transcript of Numerolgy - Life Path Number 1


Life Path Number

Numerology Life Path 1

You are an original! Independent and courageous, you are a creative achiever and a strong individual. Your path will take you down the road to independence, and you'll learn the benefits of being self-sufficient. Your first lesson is to learn to stand comfortably on your own two feet without leaning on other people. Once you learn this lesson, you will move to the next level of this life path number: leadership. You are a born leader, and you will have many opportunities to demonstrate this ability in life. Your strong pioneering spirit, courage and determination will serve you well along this road. You will be successful in any career field that allows you to utilize your unique ideas and pioneering spirit!

Discover the Inner You with Numerology

Numerology can help you understand your own deeper nature, your talents and life goals, your hidden characteristics, and your opportunities and challenges. The core of any numerology analysis of your personality involves four core numbers -- Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge and Birthday. Reveal your true personality and discover your destiny through the power of numbers with our Numerology Personality Profile reading. Start out with a free sample reading right now!

The Life Path Number

The Life Path Number is considered the most important number in a numerology reading. It reveals the road you'll follow throughout your life, and it’s the number that indicates your latent talents and inherent abilities that will help you along your way.

The Life Path is derived by calculating the sum of the month, day and year of birth, then reducing the sum to a single digit or master number.

The Expression or Destiny Number

The Expression or Destiny Number is the second most important number in the core. It describes your potential talents -- your natural abilities as well as related character traits. For most of us, these talents and skills are there at birth, although they are usually further developed as an individual grows and matures. Very often -- but not always -- these particular abilities are of primary importance in a person’s work and career. Frequently, the talents described by the Expression or Destiny Number form the central feature of an individual’s career.

The Expression Number is derived by calculating the sum of the number values of all the letters in the name -- for example, the letters in the full name that appears on the birth certificate.

The Soul Urge Number

The Soul Urge Number is the third most important number in the core. It describes your inner motivation -- what you want to be, have and do -- and the potential abilities and obstacles that accompany that motivation. The Soul Urge is influential in determining your point of view and the principles on which you act. Although the Life Path and Expression Numbers are generally easy to see in a person, the inner motivation is often a very private matter -- unless revealed through the use of numerology.

The Soul Urge Number is derived by calculating the sum of the number values of all the vowels in the full name.

The Birthday Number

The Birthday describes several important personality characteristics, but it’s the least important of the core elements. It’s simply the reduced form of the number of the day on which a person is born.