Nu News 1985-04 S

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Transcript of Nu News 1985-04 S

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1985-04 S






    NU EWS



    THE BRHERS NU CHAPER cordialy invite allalumi and parents of the ndergradates to theannual onders Day Banqet:

    Snday Aprl2,

    at the nternational Hose22 Pedon Ave. erkeley

    Coctals at the hapter ose startng at 4:30Dinner starts at 6.

    $2.0 per person Please RSVP - card enclosed

    Seaer to be annonced

    We are antiatn a very ejoyale vening and looingforwar to saring tis traditional event ih or alnraters and parents

    A EER FROM HE RYANS Kent Chrisianson '5

    Dear Fraers,

    I old like to take his opportniy to rng yo p o dae o soe o orrecent acvites

    Last seester's pledge cass as initiated at he sar o this seester, ateri gave the ron yard a ch needed relandscapng Havig ntiaed the Fall pledgeclass e acqired a Sprg pledge class o ive en ho are o to a great start

    In addito to increasing or eership, e anagd to rene or enhance anypars o the hose as ell Ang Ns accoplishents are lighting or he rontdeck, ne oyer indos and a copletely rerished ront door e have alsoroght ac soe orhhile deas that havent en ipleened in qite soe tie,sch as andaory stdy hors or pledges and the oraion o a Mothers Cl

    I e are o conne o gro hoever e nee yor sppor ne e ospecal eno s he ophs C Goh Schoarshp d adsraed y aional

    continued on next page

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1985-04 S


    SOCI AL CHAI RMAN S -EP,O _____J_stin_.est_el-_ 88Page 2 Sprng, 1985


    Oce the baance goes over $2500, atioal wll provide the chapter with a $00schoarship. f those of you who onate to atioal could direct your cotributosto that fud, you wou e dong the chapter a very bg favor.

    Alumi support for the udergraduate chapter ca come may other forms, too.Whether you ca stop by to gve us your ideas an led us your talets, or whetheryou just have some old pots ad pans that you ca oate, any an all alumi ivolvemet s welcome!

    We al intend to have a goo tie ths spg an hope you do, too. ook forwar to seeg you at ounders I Day

    ours the Bon,

    Ket Cristaso


    As the semester grids o, Chapter has closed its Sprg plege class. vefine young men have chose to become fraters n our bon hey are:

    CHUCK GARDENER-(Santa Barbara)Pledge Cass Presiden

    KEVI MORLEYyuba CitPledge Class Treasre

    RO BAAKKOMEafaette

    SEA E.GLISHBenicia

    PETE SYESKos Aneles

    he assocate members are comng together as a pege cass. hey have gone

    through phase 5 and wll have phase1

    on arch 29th At ths momet, the plegesare carryig out ther snea somewhere outhern Calforna. ur associates havea fair for the dramatc; oe of our bggest parties of the year s ths weeedLate August wil sgal itiato ee an e hope all ve wl be ntate itoour bod.

    his semester has ushered n a few evets that have prove to e cotrbutngportos of a sold, eergetic socal schedule he Club E golf party, a huesuccess, ebuted ebruary 22nd artcpats n the Cal Gree communty floce tothe KE nvtatioa semiformal o arch 22nd. But springs socal pinnacle wll

    be reached o April 3th, whe the Calorna Crew Classc exploes at u Chatereefts from tis moster bash wll go to Cal Womes Crew, always gatel fordoatios usic w be provided by the reay Executves, a new Bay Area sesatoAl i al, a highly energetic, hghly exhausting social schedue!


    Terry Timmis 63oh Conrad r 65Cr Fredrckso 72

    Charles N alaby 69Gary L all 65

    Joh W eaey Jr 52

    er enerson 58owar M. lreth 23Roy A offma, Jr 5

    f you kow of the whereabouts of ay of the above please rop a note to EEAui Reatios, 2380 Esworth St, erkeley 9470

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1985-04 S








    Sprin, 1985 Page 3


    The Alui Christmas Luncheon at the Commercial Cub in San Francisco on Deceer 19,1984, was a great success due to the arrangement efforts of HARRY '49. Althoughit was dffcult to get the aumi to give us news, a few bits of information weregleaned from the group:

    JEFF GAVES '56 is a coector of antique toys. DICK ANDERSON '57 is an en gineer with Bechtel Corp. BILL RUSS '48 has offices in the SF Ferry Build ing HARRY SMITH '49 works ith Sprecels Sugar and is still skiing. BILL

    HEATH '48 s stil wth IBM but now has offices n San Ramon; great comutefrom Martnez ROGER STANFELD 50 s wth Del Monte as Director of Corpor

    ate Admnistrative Se rvces MARK EDELSTONE '83 is iving n Walnut Creekand workng n San Francisco as a financa panner PAUL is inhs second year of aw schoo and stil survivng. DON '5 is ChifReal Estate Agent for the Santa Clara Valley Water Distrct He and Harrettenjoy beng grandparents of 3 grandsons. BLL de MARTN claims there have

    been reports that he has been sighted n various locations in the East Bay, but none have been verified TOM MORGAN 5 is Presdent of the Nu HousngCorporaton and s stil in there pitching after al these years. GEORGEDOVE '5 s enjoying retrement He and Maran traveed to St Louis forson George's wedding ast year (Son George and his wife moved to the Bay Area ater n the year) His other son, im, works for a computer companyn Cupertino LEN SCHLUSSEL '49 s Vice Principal at a schoo in San ose.

    Aso attending the uncheon were JIM GRI IN, BOB SMITH 59, BLL LEWERENZ '5,TERY McLRAITH '5, BILL SCHMOHL '66, and we were especialy peased to have MIE PATTON (Zeta Theta Chapter of Western Ilinois University) and REID LINNEY

    (Zeta Ita Chapter of University of Manitoba jon us for the firs t time Wehope they wl attend our other functions, too

    HARRY RASMUSSEN '22 is enjoyng retrement n Hemet, Caif But he has too manythings to do with not enough time for golf, so he has to "get away to PamSprngs, Hawai, and northern Caf to fnd tme on the tees

    HERZOG 52 took a 90-day vacaton from work for fishing off Baja Caifornia andn the Great Lakes, traveng wth Wa to New York, New Orleans, and Washington,DC A iked t so much he is consderng retring this year.

    WALT JANSSEN '50 missed the Bg Game last year but hopes he and Dane can make ithis year

    BND '5 and Maggie enjoyed the Bg Game with Sharon and DAN COSTELLO '51.Dan is President of the San Francisco Alumi Chapter

    BOB '52 and Bev live in Connecticut but spent Chrstmas with the whole

    famiy n Vermont.

    FSHER '52 and Marilyn spent the holidays in Walnut Grov with daghter Susan

    and family. Son Scott flew in from BYU for the holidays. Herm had his Model T

    roadster pck-up restored by Everet Adams in Sparks, NV. (Adams restored the

    Harrah's colection of antique cars.)

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    Page 4Spring, 98

    ED DEOTT '49 and Nicy also missed the Big Game and the Cal football season latyear, but hope to join us this year

    TED GOTH 35 traveled .to Europe in September and returned with some great photos

    He and Ruby are enjoying life in Fresno

    FRANK SMITH 50 is playing teis and is busy with house reairs when he gets time

    from his position at Letterle He and Norma reort that daughter Sharon has another

    lJ years at Santa Clara Unersity, son Scott is a trust officer at B f A in Los Angeles, and son Douglas is 14 and a great swimmer

    BILL McCAON 30 and Esther live in ncline Village, NV, but send their winters at

    their condo in Kona, Hawaii Both are doing fine and looking forward to their 0th

    wedding anniversary this ummer

    And speaking of anniversaries, AL NELSON 55 and Jo A ourneyed from Washington,

    to the Bay Area during the holidays to attend their 25th wedding anniversary arty

    held by Margo and CRL ANDERSON 51 and arranged by the Nelson daughters: risty,

    Kathy, and Karin

    ARREN NEMARK 67 lives in Manhattan Beach and says that he has a pre-game arty

    and a bus to the game every year when the Golden Bears visit Los Angeles to ay

    either UCLA or USC He says all fraters ad their falies are invited to attend!

    You can reach arren at 213/8345016

    TONY AYNE 72 finished his year at Harvard Universitys John F ennedy School of

    Government, earning a Masters of Public Administation He and his ife, amela, and

    his daughter, Kristen, ae now in Paris for three years ony is chief of the embassy

    section following French domestic politics and is enoying it

    AT 29 won 3 golds, a silver, and a bronze at the World asters wimmng

    Championships in Christchurch, New Zealand in Apri, 984 after having been named

    to the 98 National Masters Swim AllStar eam for the 7579 age bracket Art is

    now taking a "sabbatica from further cometition while he is serving as President

    of the Rotary Club of Rossmoor, where he and Helen have been living for the past 4

    years Art is also a meer of the Board of irectors of the Associates National

    Bank and is deeply involved in directorshis in ossmoor

    FRANCES TILBURY (MRS JOHN) spent the hoidays in New ersey with son ohn and family

    MAE ILSON (MRS LLOYD celebrated her 79th birthday in San racisco and we all wish

    her a great 80th

    LYNN HEXNER (MRS BILL ) had a new granddaughter on Decemer 3rd born to her seconddaughter and she enjoyed taking care of her 2 grandsons or a week to help out the


    Nu Chapter appreciates the effort of al its aumni who hep out during the year andvist the Chapter House to ceebrate fetive occaon or jst drop y to ay heoan get better acquainted with the actve an peges. Our specia thank go tothose aums who serve on the Board of Tutees: Car Anderon Chris Burns GiCark Dan Costeo 5 George Dove 5 (Chairman) Mark Edetone 83 Bi Graham5 Mark Grimes Greg Joe "72, Luke Ltte Pau arigonda Wayne artnez 12,Tom Morgan 5 (Vce Chairman/Secretary) ohn Nirentein oe Rea 6 Harry Smith149 an au Sprnger Chaptr sr