npeton eRtAton ConFIDene - CEOC International · 2012-08-24 · ConFIDene CollAoRAton ... tion...


Transcript of npeton eRtAton ConFIDene - CEOC International · 2012-08-24 · ConFIDene CollAoRAton ... tion...

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AnnuAl RepoRt 2011/2012


c e r t i f i c a t i o n


i n s p e c t i o n

c o n F i D e n c e c o l l a b o r a t i o n a c c r e D i t a t i o n

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Aims and Activities

üTo promote safety and reduce accidents through independent conformity assessment.

üTo represent the common interests of the profession and of the Members, particularly to the institutions of the European Union, the European Free Trade Association and other intergovernmental organizations, and all European or International organizations and associations dealing with directives, regulations, standards and accreditation.

üTo represent the common interests of the profession and of the Members, vis-à-vis the industry and their federations, other conformity assessment organizations, consumers, the general public and their representatives.

üTo inform the Members about significant matters with respect to the above, and to develop CEOC International positions for members to follow.

üTo promote high standards of competence and in the Membership, and to embrace progress and technical advances.

üTo contribute to the concern for safety, quality and environment.

üTo play an active role towards the European Commission.

Independent Inspection and Certification in BriefIndependent inspection is examination of a product design, product, service, process or plant and determination of their conformity with specific requirements or, on the basis of professional judgement, general requirements by a third party inspection body. Inspection is undertaken for either regulatory reasons or good practice to protect workers and the general public. The result can reduce the risk of accidents, damage and injury and thereby reduce commercial risk, liability and insurance costs.

A third party inspection or certification body is an organisation which only provides inspection or certification services on equipment and is not involved in supply, repair or maintenance of the equipment to be inspected. As such there is no conflict of interest in the result of the inspection or certification activities.



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CEOC International – The Voice of Independent Third Party Inspection CEOC International is a European trade association representing 30 members from

21 countries. Its members are also active in 60 additional countries around the world which gives a true international dimension to the organisation.

CEOC International members (private, public and governmental) are accredited by public authorities to provide inspection and other conformity assessment

services for a wide variety of equipment such as boilers, pressure vessels, lifts, machines, cranes, medical equipment, electrical and heating

installations, industrial plants, nuclear power stations, buildings and toys. Most of them are notified bodies within the framework of the EU New Approach Directives.

The Brussels-based General Secretariat on the one hand provides a platform for its members to discuss their issues of concern and to exchange information and viewpoints, on the other hand acts as a facilitator of members’ interests towards the EU institutions. The General Secretariat’s public affairs activities are determined by the work program of the EU institutions and the interests of its members. Every year there are selected priority themes which are of particular importance for CEOC International and which are followed closely. Moreover, the CEOC International General Secretariat supports the

Technical Committees that provide expert input on key legislative or standardisation initiatives. It also coordinates a network of third party

representatives who contribute to various external committees and projects, such as CEN or ISO projects.

CEOC International aims to extend even further its international network to reinforce the already existing dialogue and exchange of

information with organisations outside Europe.

People: their high standards of inspection and certification ensure safe work equipment and protect consumers, workers and manufacturers by reducing risk of accidents.

Environment: their activities in the regulated and non-regulated areas ensure compliance with environmental protec-tion measures and avert potential envi-ronmental incidents resulting in improved protection of the environment.

Economics: their activities enhance performance, safety and competitiveness of organ-isations, add value to product reputation and aid sustainabil-ity of business.

CEOC International members have an impact on each of the three sustainable development pillars:


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Technical Installations

üPower plants

üConventional & Nuclear

üWind Turbines

üOil & Gas platforms



Transport Systems

ü Ships

ü Railways

ü Trucks

ü Cars

ü Planes & Space Vehicles

Occupational Health & SafetyPressure Equipment

Buildings & Construction

Materials Environment

Machines, Lifts and Cranes

Medical Equipment

Consumer Products


üDomestic Appliances


Quality Management Systems

CEOC International members provide inspection, testing, certification, conformity assessment, risk analysis, training etc. services in a diversified spectrum of areas, covering all fields of daily life:

Testing, Inspection & Certification Market StructureTesting, Inspection and Certification companies serve manufacturers, traders, consumer retailers and governments across a variety of industries globally.

Source: Mergers Alliance

Certification of systems and processes (factories, industrial equipment, manufacturers) on variouscriteria: security, environmental impact, complianceto standards.

Inspection of finished products or commoditiesbefore/after shipment to check compliance withthe buyer’s specifications (quality, quantityand/or customs agencies).

Testing of products againstsafety, regulatory, quality andperformance standards.

Testing of commodities toconfirm exploration potentialand quality of products.

Explorationfor commodities Production


transformingTransportation Distribution

Final preparation

(e.g. branding, packaging)

Refining(oil and gas)


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Source: Société Générale, Capital Partner

Industry Overview
















ü 2000 companies

ü€100 billion/year

üNumber of employees > 600.000

Testing, Inspection & Certification World Market in M€ (2011)

C r i t e r i a The criteria for membership are based upon internationally accepted standards and procedures for accreditation, notification and certification. Member organisations must employ competent persons and be:

Membership B e n e f i t s CEOC Membership: 4 i1. Information about current

developments in our and other sectors

2. Influencing the activities of the international organisations and institutions

3. Involvement in joint activities

4. Informal contacts between organisations of our sector and other sectors

Source: Mergers Alliance

Our members

üHave revenues of > 9 000 M€

üAre active in more than 60 countries outside Europe

üEmploy more than 111.000 people

ü legally identifiable

ü financially independent

ü independent from industries

ü financially viable

and must be a Body

ü Notified by a National Authority under a EC Directive

ü or conforming to ISO 17020 type A

ü or with a management system which conforms to a relevant ISO 9000 series standard

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Table of contents

Foreword by the President 7

CEOC International Highlights 2011/2012 8

Brussels Network 8

CEOC International Members' Meetings and Events 12

CEOC International and its Partners - the International Safety Alliance 16





Accreditation and Standardisation 20

Accreditation 20

Standardisation 22

CEOC International Committees and Events 24

CEOC International General Secretariat 34

CEOC International General Assembly 36 and Conference

CEOC International Board of Directors 40

List of members and contact persons 42

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FOREwORD by the President

Simo Hassi President

CEOC International

Dear Colleagues,

I have the pleasure to present the CEOC Annual Report 2011-2012, describing our activities for the period May 2011 till May 2012 and marking my first full year of as Chairman of CEOC International.

Looking back at the past twelve months, it is clear that we are experiencing a period of huge economic and political challenges in Europe as well as in the rest of the world.

The EU Member States in co-operation with the EU institutions are trying to find solutions for the economic slowdown in Europe and, following on from this, in the other parts of the world.

Remarkably the global testing, inspection and certification services sector is not significantly affected and the outlook is promising, despite some setbacks in certain specific markets.

This is mainly due to the market structure of our safety services sector, being largely regulatory, and the ever increasing demand for independent testing, inspection and certification services in many parts of the world.

A market study presented during the CEOC General Assembly in Madrid on the global trends and developments in the TIC service sector clearly demonstrates the stability and market potential of our business.

Mainly due to the economic situation and financial uncertainty in Europe, the political trend is changing in Brussels with growing support for more regulation and control of the markets, particularly for consumer products and technical and industrial installations. This is providing new business opportunities for our companies.

In order to be able to meet these growing markets and business opportunities the TIC companies must however be able to develop and employ the latest technological inspection and testing processes and satisfy the commercial demands of their customers.

In summary, CEOC International has had a busy and proactive period continuing to progress the many existing activities and also adapting to new technologies and processes to promote the joint interests of our sector and keeping our members up to date with the latest political and technological developments.

I look forward to working with and meeting many of you again in the coming twelve months.

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BRUSSELS NETwORk Brussels’ CEOC International General Secretariat promotes CEOC’s public approach towards the independent third party inspection and certification bodies. Its main task is to develop a valuable network within the EU institutions. During the period 2011/ 2012 CEOC International representatives and members focused on the issues of Product Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Market Surveillance and Energy.

Product SafetyOn 1st of February CEOC President Simo Hassi, Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis and Junior International Affairs Manager Franziska Kassler had an introductory meeting with Maija Laurila, Acting Head of Unit Product and Service Safety, of the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) of the European Commission, accompanied by some of her colleagues. This meeting was followed in May by a meeting with Members of the Cabinet of John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumers, where Drewin Nieuwenhuis and Maija Laurila, Manfred Kohler, Laurent Selles, Octavian Vasile,

Simo Hassi and Drewin Nieuwenhuis

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Franziska Kassler were accompanied by Daniel Pflumm, Head of the VdTÜV Representation to the EU and CEOC TC CC chairman, and Thomas Grusemann, Head of the TÜV Rheinland EU Liaison Office. During these meetings the revision of the General Product Safety Directive and of the Medical Device Directive were discussed as well as the RAPEX system, the ‘Alignment Package’ and market surveillance.

Drewin Nieuwenhuis was also invited to speak during the EU Consumer Summit on 29th May 2012 in Brussels. This conference was organised by the European Journalist Centre in co-operation with the European Commission DG SANCO. Welcome and Key Note speeches were given by DG SANCO Director General Paolo Testori Coggi and by EU Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner John Dalli. The major topic of the conference was how to organise consumer protection in an increasingly global consumer market. The CEOC Secretary General explained the important role that independent testing, inspection and certification companies can play in consumer protection processes all over the world and offered the EU its support in setting up these new processes.

Occupational Health and Safety CEOC President Simo Hassi, Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis and International Affairs Manager Dagmar Kotová had an introductory meeting with Lukáš Veselý, Member of the Cabinet of EU Commissioner Lásló Andor responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusions. After the mutual introduction there were discussions about the possible interests between CEOC and DG Employment, which mainly concerned protection of workers against work related accidents.

Maija Laurila and Drewin Nieuwenhuis during the EU Consumer Summit

Thomas Grusemann, Drewin Nieuwenhuis, Daniel Pflumm Octavian Vasile, Rossella Delfino and Joanna Darmanin

CEOC International Special Briefing No 06 – November 2011

Lukáš Veselý, Simo Hassi, Drewin Nieuwenhuis

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Market SurveillanceSecretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis, International Affairs Manager Dagmar Kotová and Thomas Grusemann, Head of the TÜV Rheinland EU Liaison Office, had a meeting with representatives of the Unit Business to Business Services, European Commission, Directorate General Internal Market and Services, Konstantinos Dimitriadis and Jerneja Jug Jerse. During this fruitful meeting the relationship of testing, inspection and certification (TIC) companies with market surveillance authorities and the harmonisation of market surveillance were discussed. Drewin Nieuwenhuis presented CEOC International's objectives in support of harmonisation of national accreditation regulations, including the protection against unsafe products and industrial installations and the protection of the internal market and employment.

EnergySimon Emeny, Lloyd’s Register’s UK Energy Regional Manager – South and chairman of the CEOC Energy & Environment Committee, CEOC Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis and International Affairs Manager Dagmar Kotová had an introductory meeting with Piotr Szymanski, Director of Nuclear Safety of DG Energy of the European Commission and some of his colleagues in Luxembourg to discuss the developments concerning nuclear safety and issues of joint interest between DG Energy and CEOC International. The CEOC Position Paper on Nuclear Stress tests was also discussed during this meeting. The Paper, drafted by the CEOC TC Energy & Environment, explains why independent 3rd party bodies should play an important role with respect to safety by assessing operators or regulators to review and assess the adequacy and response to the WENRA Stress Tests.

Andrew Smith, Judith Kirton-Darling, Christa Sedlatschek, Brenda O’Brien, Rebekah Smith, Davide Spanti

Konstantinos Dimitriadis, Jerneja Jug Jersem Drewin Nieuwenhuis and Thomas Grusemann

Johan Dackner, Oscar Alique , Maurizio Boella , Piotr Szymanski and Simon Emeny

New EU-OSHA campaign ‘Working together for risk prevention’

CEOC International became for the 3rd time Official Campaign Partner of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The 2012-2013 campaign called “Working together for risk prevention” encourages managers, workers, representatives and other stakeholders to work together to manage risks in the workplace. The

official introductory partnership network meeting of the new European campaign took place on 28th March 2012 in Brussels with the key note speech of the new EU-OSHA Director Christa Sedlatschek.

In order to support the campaign, CEOC International contributed to the official campaign video:

CEOC International -Position Paper on Nuclear Stress Tests

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Maritime AffairsIn December 2011 and in March 2012 CEOC Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis and IACS Permanent Representative Astrid Grunert had meetings with Oliver Drewes, Member and Spokesperson of the Cabinet of EU Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki. During these meetings developments and safety trends in the maritime sector were discussed, such as the safety of offshore oil and gas platforms following the BP oil platform disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Drewin Nieuwenhuis, Yves Auffred, Astrid Grunert and Oliver Drewes

CEOC International Special Briefing No 05 – November 2011

Brussels Activities of the CEOC General Secretariat in the Period June 2011 - May 2012

08/06/11 Business meeting with members of the Hong Kong Trade office in Brussels09/06/11 Meeting with Carsten Hess, Head of the EU Liaison Office of Deutsche Post – DHL in Brussels15/06/11 Meeting with Wim Phillipa, Secretary General of ERT (European Round Table of Industrialists)16/06/11 Meeting with Hans Rat, Secretary General of UITP (International Union of Public Transport)21/06/11 Meeting with Andreas Sauer, Deputy Head of the BMW EU Liaison Office in Brussels30/06/11 Build Up Energy Conference12/07/11 Seminar by the Hans Seidel Stiftung: Energy, Innovation and Finances: From Crisis Management to

Sustainable Growth in Europe31/08/11 Meeting with ELA (European Lift Association)19/09/11 Seminar by the Hans Seidel Stiftung about the future of European electricity supply21/09/11 CEN Standards Days 05/10/11 ANEC (European consumer voice in standardisation)-BEUC (European Consumer Organisation)

conference on consumer protection14/10/11 World Standard Days 18/10/11 EC Transport Forum09/11/11 Seminar on the BPIE study on EU building policy 14/12/11 Meeting with Philippe Citroen, new General Director of UNIFE (European Association of Railway

Industries) and Holger Segerer, General Director of UIP (International Union of Private Railway Owners)

24/11/11 Conference on Market Surveillance and Machinery12/01/12 Liberal Breakfast Meeting on the Priorities of the Danish EU Presidency12/01/12 Conference on the Evaluation of the Polish EU Presidency 23/01/12 Annual Seminar of EPPSA (European Powerplant Suppliers Association)17/02/12 Meeting with Philippe Rabut, new AFNOR Certification Director28/02/12 Annual Reception of ACEA, the European Car Manufacturer Association01/03/12 Meeting with the Swiss Ambassador to the EU06/03/12 Meeting with Astrid Grunert, Permanent Representative of IACS (International Association of Ship

Classification Companies)29/03/12 Farewell seminar and reception of Kees Pasboom, CEO of ABOMA and the Dutch National

Association of Certification Companies22/05/12 Seminar on the ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) pilot program

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TÜV Nord Symposium: Geothermal Energy - Part of a Sustainable Energy Mix? The TÜV NORD Representation Office in Brussels organised on 22nd June 2012 a Symposium on geo thermal energy. Even though geothermal energy is available in large quantities, it is hardly ever mentioned in political debates on sustainable energy. For this reason TÜV NORD focused in its 2011 symposium on the question whether or not geothermal energy can be part of a sustainable energy mix. Among the speakers and panellists were Prof. Dr. Eiko Räkers, Member of the Board of Management of the DMT GmbH & Co. KG, Claude Turmes, Member of the European Parliament Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance and Kristine Kozlova, DG Energy, European Commission.

DEKRA Road Safety Report Pedestrians and Cyclists 2011On 10th October 2011, DEKRA’s 2011 Road Safety report focused on pedestrians and cyclists, was presented in Brussels. In his opening speech Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zeidler, president of the Presidential Board of DEKRA, emphasised that a harmonisation of traffic controls is only then desirable if high standards are applied. Siim Kallas, European Commissioner for Transport, pointed out in his key note speech that this year’s Road Safety Report was a very timely report as pedestrians and cyclists are often ignored when talking about transport matters. Clemes Klinke, member of the DEKRA Management Board and presenter of the report, acknowledged that there is a positive trend within the EU towards less road fatalities. The panellists Stefan Kölbl, chairman of the DEKRA Management Board, Dr Paul Swarovski, Vice-President of the Swarovski AG, Dr. Dieter-L. Koch, MEP and Vice Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, and Gesine Meißner, MEP and member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, discussed how all the different stakeholders involved can work together in order to make Europe’s roads safer for all road users.

Oliver Deiters, Marit Ruuda, member of the cabinet, and Siim Kallas,

27.1% per cent of European road

fatalities are pedestrians and



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DEKRA European Barometer 2011 on Occupational Hazard PreventionOn 31st January DEKRA invited interested stakeholders for the presentation of its European Barometer on Occupational Hazard Prevention. The event was attended by CEOC President Simo Hassi and the CEOC General Secretariat team. Mark Thomä, Senior Vice President DEKRA Business Development and member of the CEOC Board of Directors, gave a short introduction to the topic, followed by a key note speech by Jürgen Creutzmann, member of the European Parliament Committee for Employment and Social Affairs. Sebastian Bartels, Head of Corporate Environment, Health & Safety at DEKRA Group and chairman of the CEOC Occupational Health & Safety Committee, presented the Barometer, for which DEKRA con ducted an online survey of 1,800 companies in five countries (Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain).

VdTÜV Round Table Discussions and Breakfast Meeting in the European ParliamentThroughout the year CEOC member VdTÜV organised two Round Table Discussions and one Breakfast Meeting in the European Parliament to discuss the revision of the Medical Device Directive with stakeholders from industry, politics and consumer organisations. In the beginning of 2012 the European Commission had presented the first regulation drafts for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic. VdTÜV seized this opportunity and drafted a position paper which included several suggestions on how to improve the current legislation. This position paper was supported by CEOC International, EUROLAB and IFIA and is now being used in meetings with relevant stakeholders.

Oliver Deiters, Simo Hassi, Sebastian Bartels, Jürgen Creutzmann and Mark Thomä

Simo Hassi, Dagmar Kotová, Franziska Kassler and Drewin Nieuwenhuis

VdTÜV Breakfast Meeting in the European Parliament

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DEKRA Conference: “Drinking and Driving from a road safety perspective – Risks of Drink-Driving”On 7th May 2012 DEKRA organised a European Conference on the dangers of drinking and driving. More than 1 in 4 traffic road fatalities in the European Union are due to alcohol. The low number of alcohol controls per year represents a major problem. Only 1 in 5 drivers are being controlled. One possible solution for this problem might be the introduction of so called “Alcohol-Interlocks”. Studies and experts agree on the fact that Alcohol-Interlocks are an effective way to reduce drink-driving and recidivism. Some European Member States such as Sweden, Finland and France have already implemented the use of Alcohol-Interlocks in their legislation. Following the presentations and key note speeches the guests had the possibility to participate in a drinking experiment under scientific supervision with breath tests and computer-based performance tests.

Visiting the MembersThe General Secretariat team visited again many of the CEOC International members in their premises in order to get a better understanding of the daily business and the needs of its members. On this year’s agenda were visits to the laboratories of Vinçotte, TÜV SÜD and TÜV Rheinland where the team learned more about testing methods for photovoltaic panels, home trainers, sports equipment, light bulbs, lifts, household appliance, bioplastics, ladders and scaffolding. CEOC Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis also visited APAVE, Inspecta, Liftinstituut, Lloyd’s Register and VdTÜV. Additionally Drewin Nieuwenhuis and Junior International Affairs Manager Franziska Kassler participated in the VdTÜV Annual Reception in Berlin.

Stéphane du Boispéan, Horst Koukol, Oliver Deiters, Dagmar Kotová, Franziska Kassler and Drewin Nieuwenhuis

Martin Rempfer, Franziska Kassler and Michael Kappelan at TÜV SÜD

Meeting of the Brussels Focus Group at the Vinçotte premises

Franziska Kassler, Hugo Eberhardt (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) and Drewin Nieuwenhuis at the VdTÜV Annual Reception

CEOC International represents 30 members from 21 countries.

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New Members: CNCIR and TÜV AUSTRIA RomaniaOn 19th December 2011 CEOC International Secretary Drewin Nieuwenhuis went to Romania for the audit of CNCIR and TÜV AUSTRIA Romania who had applied for permanent CEOC membership. After the successful meeting and the approval of the CEOC Board of Directors, both organisations became officially permanent members during the CEOC General Assembly 2012 in Madrid.

CEOC Secretary General and Doru Fulga, TÜV AUSTRIA Romania

CEOC Secretary General and Mircea-Vasile Zegrean, CNCIR

Other Meetings with Members and Contacts

30/08/11 Meeting with Prof. Manfred Zeidler, Honorary Chairman of the DEKRA Supervisory Board, and Oliver Deiters, Director of the DEKRA EU Liaison Office, in Brussels

15/09/11 Meeting with Wolfhart Hauser, CEO Intertek, in London

05/11/11 Meeting with Chris Kirk, CEO SGS, in Geneva

23/11/11 Meeting with Christian Priller, JTC PTC co-chairman, in Brussels

25/11/11 Meeting with Floris Verhagen, Global Director NDT Business SGS, in Rotterdam

29/11/11 Meeting with Frank Piedelièvre, CEO Bureau Veritas, in France

30/11/11 Meeting with Achille Tonani, RINA Head of Sustainability, Governance and Innovation Sector, in Brussels

02/12/11 Meeting with Manfred Bayerlein, CEO TÜV Rheinland, in Cologne

10/01/12 Meeting with Marcello Manca, Underwriters Laboratories, at the CEOC premises in Brussels

01/02/12 Meeting with Tuesday Porter, Head of the TÜV NORD business centre Berlin, in Brussels

03/02/12 Meeting with Axel Stepken, CEO TÜV SÜD and VdTÜV president, Klaus Brüggemann, member of the Board of VdTÜV and CEOC International, and Christian Priller, co-chairman of JTC PTC.

And several meetings throughout the year with CEOC Members directly represented in Brussels.

BenefitsCEOC Membership: 4 i

1. Information about current developments in our and other sectors

2. Influencingtheactivitiesoftheinternationalorganisationsandinstitutions

3. Involvementinjointactivities

4. Informal contactsbetweenorganisationsofour sector and other sectors

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EFAC – The European Federation of Associations of Certification Bodies was founded in 1998 in response to a concern that European certification bodies lacked a focus for the promotion of their collective and individual interests both within Europe and further afield. The objectives of the Federation are to promote EFAC within Europe, provide a focus for the formulation of policy, opinions and views in matters of common interest to its members and promote the collective and individual interest of members in all relevant European and international forums.

Status of Cooperation: The cooperation between CEOC International and EFAC was agreed by the Memorandum of Understanding signed in November 2010 in Paris. As a consequence , the EFAC Board and other EFAC meetings now take place at the CEOC premises in Brussels and the registered address of EFAC has been transferred to the CEOC office.


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EFAC Highlights: EFAC elected a new President

Trevor Nash was elected as the new EFAC President, during the EFAC Board meeting which took place on 09th March 2012 in Brussels. Trevor Nash is the Chief Executive of the Association of British Certification Bodies and will serve in the position of the EFAC President for the period of two years.

Drewin Nieuwenhuis, CEOC International Secretary General, and the newly elected EFAC President, Trevor Nash agreed in their introductory meeting on the con tinuation of the valuable cooperation in order to jointly promote added value of the third independent party.

EFNDT – The European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing was founded in May 1998 in Copenhagen at the 7th European Conference for Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT). EFNDT aims at establishing a European system of personnel qualification by EFNDT in the sense of creating a partnership for safety and quality. EFNDT offers a route to more than 40 NDT Societies (including all those in Europe), which includes over 20,000 members of these individual national societies, more than 1,000 businesses in NDT which are corporate (company members) of the national societies and more than 190,000 NDT personnel certificates which are recognized under the EFNDT Multilateral Recognition Agreement etc.

Status of Cooperation:The Memorandum of Understanding between CEOC International and EFNDT was signed during the 10th European Conference and Exhibition on Non-Destructive Testing in Moscow in June 2010. The registered address of EFNDT was transferred to the CEOC office in 2011, where most EFNDT meetings now take place.

EFNDT Highlights: New President, Vice President and General Secretary

During the last EFNDT General Assembly in Berlin (7th March 2012) the new EFNDT President Matthias Purschke (Germany), the new Vice President Peter Trampus (Hungary) and the new General Secretary Jutta Koehn (Germany) were elected. Matthias Purschke Peter Trampus Jutta Koehn

New EFNDT Board

CEOC International has signed Memoranda of Understandings with EFAC, EFNDT, EUROLAB and IFIA.

Drewin Nieuwenhuis and Trevor Nash

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EUROLAB – the European Federation of National Associations of Measurement, Testing and Analytical Laboratories – was set up in Brussels on 27th April 1990 as a network of the laboratory community. Comprised of 25 national associations all over Europe, EUROLAB membership includes over 2,000 conformity assessment bodies representing over 100,000 technical experts and laboratory practitioners. Besides formulating and publicising the opinion of laboratories regarding economic, political and technical issues, EUROLAB aims at promoting cost-effective testing, calibration and measurement services, for which the accuracy and quality assurance requirements were adjusted to the actual needs.

Status of Cooperation: Closer cooperation between the two organisations was officially established by the Memorandum of Understanding which was signed in April 2010. As of 1st January 2011, the EUROLAB Secretariat has been transferred to the CEOC International office, followed by the Technical Committee on Quality Assurance in Testing and Calibration (1st January 2012). In addition, CEOC International and EUROLAB cooperate within the joint committee (EUROLAB-CEOC Technical Committee on Product Testing and Certification - JTCPTC) chaired by Christian Priller (TÜV SÜD, CEOC) and Philippe Dewolfs (Vinçotte, EUROLAB)

Philippe DewolfsChristian Priller


CEOC International in partnership with EUROLAB and IFIA published a common position paper On Safe Medical Devices for Europe.

Recent and current concerns over medical devices has prompted a political will to review the medical device directives. CEOC International, EUROLAB and IFIA have joined forces to recommend improvements to the current medical devices approval system in Europe in their common position paper On Safe Medical Devices for Europe.

EUROLAB Highlights: EUROLAB Elected Three New Board Members during its last General Assembly in Prague.

More than 30 delegates representing 21 differ-ent countries attended the EUROLAB Annual General Meeting in Prague on Thursday, 19th April 2012. The new Board members were of-ficially announced after the confidential ballot which took place during the meeting.

Marios Avraam (Chairman at GlobeTech Group, Cyprus), Peter Blinksbjerg (Quality Manager at FORCE Technology, Denmark) and Álvaro Silva Ribeiro (Board Member, RELACRE, Portugal) have joined the Board as new members, running for a term of two years. Jan Basten (EUROLAB Netherlands) was successfully re-elected to the Board.

Ömer Güzel, Honorary President of TURKAK, was re-elected by a large majority of the EUROLAB members to continue as the Board Administrator representing associated members.

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IFIA - International Federation of Inspection Agencies - is a trade association that represents over 37 of the world's leading international testing, inspection and certification companies. These have a combined turnover of almost €10 billion and over 160,000 employees. IFIA members' activities encompass every aspect of inspection, certification and related testing.

Status of Cooperation:CEOC International and IFIA renewed the existing Memorandum of Understanding, with the focus on future proposals for closer cooperation. Furthermore, IFIA representatives participated in some of the CEOC committees, in particular, CEOC Inspection Committee – Roger Brockway, IFIA (08th September 2011, London), Joint EUROLAB – CEOC Technical Committee on Product Testing and Certification – Marcello Manca, UL, Hillary Reid Evans, IFIA (21st March 2012, Cologne) and COMMs – Hillary Reid Evans, IFIA (13th December 2011).

IFIA Highlights: IFIA - 30th anniversary

In 2012 IFIA celebrated the 30th anniversary of its foundation. Since its establishment IFIA has achieved number of successes, including:

ü Signed agreements with the World Trade Organisation to allow IFIA members to engage in certain control services for governments, with WTO approval, which the WTO rules would have otherwise prevented.

ü In Petroleum, the IFIA Inspector Certification Scheme is recognised world-wide.

ü In the Far East, an IFIA group continues to look at ways of improving the vital area of social auditing.

Joint CEOC – IFIA TC CI meeting in Paris

These main organisations in the testing, inspection and certification sector, propose the following improvements to the approval system with regard to Class III products: 1. Binding introduction of the EC type examination (in accordance with Annex III of

Directive 93/42/EEC) as an obligatory procedure within conformity assessment. 2. Introduction and establishment in law of obligatory, unannounced factory inspections

by notified bodies and specified sampling of products within the manufacturing process (at the assembly line).

3. Introduction and establishment in law of obligatory sampling and testing of products already on the market following clear and universally-applicable rules (Following ISO/IEC Guide 67 – Conformity assessment; Fundamentals of product certification, Table 1, System 5 from the year 2004) as an extension of the conformity assessment procedure.

4. Notified bodies should be included in the information flow of the market surveillance authorities in the case of medical devices.

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ACCREDITATION AND STANDARDISATIONAccordingtotheEuropeanCommissionstandardscontributewithmore



other comparable businesses.

Our aims are:

ü Facilitation of cross-border accreditation

ü Provision of adequate on-site assessment – taking into account the scope of activity and proven stability of conformity assessment bodies

ü Mapping between Standards and Modules – one Standard for all Scopes of Accreditation

ü Representation of CEOC interests within ILAC concerning the accreditation of inspection bodies

ü Consistent and competent accreditation – to avoid unfair competition between conformity assessment bodies

ü Prevention of multiple assessments

ü Mutual acceptance of accreditations

AccreditationCEOC International’s members are actively participating in and contributing to the committees and working groups of EA and IAF/ILAC and the respective national accreditation bodies.

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Highlights of 2011 / 2012The revision of the ISO/IEC 17020 standard is now complete with the 2012 version now published. The review of IAF/ ILAC documents, notably the A4 Guidance document, which might be extended to inspection has now started. In the previous year the decision was made to transfer all inspection issues from IAF/ILAC to ILAC alone. In order to do so ILAC has set up an Inspection Committee (ILAC IC) and two new working groups. One of them will review all existing ILAC documents in order to establish which of them might be extended to inspection activities. The other will revise the IAF/ILAC A4 guidance document to align it with the revised ISO/IEC 17020. Members of CEOC International will actively participate in both working groups.

In EA several documents of importance to CEOC members were discussed, i.e. EA 2/13 Cross Frontier Policy, EA 3/09 Surveillance and Reassessment of Accredited Organisations, EA 2/11 Evaluation and Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Schemes and EA-HHC 5/12 Choice of Standards for Notified Bodies.

As every year CEOC Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis attended the EA General Assembly which took place this year in Madrid.

ACCREDITATION: CEOC representatives in EA / ILAC / IAF

Title Representative


EA General Assembly Drewin Nieuwenhuis, G. Hinrich SchaubEA Advisory Board EAAB Herbert EgolfEA Horizontal Harmonisation Committee HHC G. Hinrich SchaubEA Inspection Committee IC Daniel Dichtel, G. Hinrich SchaubEA Certification Committee CC G. Hinrich SchaubEA Communications and Publications Committee CPC G. Hinrich Schaub


ILAC Inspection Committee Daniel Dichtel, G. Hinrich SchaubILAC Arrangement Committee ARC G. Hinrich SchaubIAF Technical Committee Hans-Jürgen Beckmann

EA Advisory Board

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Our aims are:

ü To promote the status of third-party testing, inspection and certification bodies

ü To ensure the integrity of standards and avoid additional application documents of accreditation authorities

ü CEOC representation in the CASCO CPC (Chairmen’s Policy and Coordination Group) which prepares the resolutions of CASCO

Highlights of 2011/ 2012In the period 2011/ 2012 many important standards for our sector were published or reached the stage of final draft international standard (FDIS). In the spring of 2012 ISO/ IEC 17020: 2012 Requirements for the oper-ation of various types of inspection bodies performing inspection was published, shortly followed by ISO/ IEC 17022 Requirements and recommendations for content of a third-party audit report on management systems. CEOC representatives actively participated in the development of both standards promoting the interests of our members.

Two new ISO CASCO working groups on food safety and on the duration of audits were set up and CEOC International was invited to nominate representatives for both working groups.

CASCO Working Group 29 under the convenor-ship of Christian Priller, TÜV SÜD, has finished the main part of its work and has published the final draft international standard (FDIS) version of ISO/ IEC 17065 Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services. The aim of this working group was to retain the parts of the ISO Guide 65 that have been proven to be useful in practice while making improvements where necessary, e.g. clarifying definitions and requirements.

Businesses that apply standards have higher productivity, growth and export than other comparable businesses.

StandardisationCEOC International actively contributes to and participates in the European (CEN/ CENELEC) and international (ISO CASCO as A-Liaison member) standardisation.


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Working Group Title Representative


CASCO Plenary Hugo Eberhardt, Van Phuc Lé, Drewin Nieuwenhuis

WG 29 ISO/ IEC 17065: Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services

Hans-Jürgen Beckmann; Convenor: Christian Priller

WG 30 ISO/ IEC 17024: General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons

Hans-Jürgen Beckmann

WG 31 ISO/ IEC 17020: Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection

Hans Falster, Gracjan Wisniewski, Phil Wright

WG 32 ISO/ IEC 17067: Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes

Hans-Jürgen Beckmann

WG 33 ISO/ IEC 17022: Requirements and recommendations for content of a third-party audit report on management systems

Hans-Jürgen Beckmann

WG 35 ISO/ IEC 17021: Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems

Hans-Jürgen Beckmann

WG 36 (new) Food safety Management Systems- requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food management system

Andreas Schloesser

WG 37 (new) Principles and Guidelines for Determining Audit Time in Management System Certification

Herfried Kohl

ISO TC 135 Non-Destructive Testing Cesar Buque, Richard van Sonsbeek, Gracjan Wisniewski


CEN/ CENELEC General Assembly

Drewin Nieuwenhuis

CEN Certification Board Drewin Nieuwenhuis

CEN/ CENELEC Conformity Assessment Forum

Drewin Nieuwenhuis

CEN TC 1 Criteria for Conformity Assessment Bodies Hugo Eberhardt, G. Hinrich Schaub

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Meetings31/05/11 TC CND meeting in Warsaw03/04/12 TC CND meeting in Bochum, hosted by Applus+ RTD

Chair: Cesar Buque Director Technical Exchange Applus+ RTD Division, Netherlands/Germany

TC CND meeting in Bochum

Non Destructive Testing (CND) Main Issues:

The TC CND focused on following issues:

ü Standardisation of the methodology of emerging new technologies such as Phased Array Ultrasonics

ü Modification to the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. This would be carried out in liaison with the ISO 135 committee, working on the harmonisation of EN 473 and ISO 9712 for personnel qualification.

ü Monitoring the harmonisation of the TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction) standard.

ü Creating a dedicated R&D platform funded by the European Union Framework Programmes.

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Conformity Assessment (CC)Main Issues:EU legislation

The TC CC monitored the following EU topics very closely:

ü Post New Legislative Framework process (align-ment to Decision 768/2008 and revision of the “Blue Guide”)

ü Revision of the General Product Safety Directiveü Revision of the Medical Device Legislationü Revision of the European Standardisation System

Added value of independent Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)

Members of the TC CC started working on a CEOC Position Paper describing the role of indepen-dent Conformity Assessment bodies (CABs) and explaining their added value for different stake-holders, i.e. decision-makers, economic operators, manufacturers and consumers. The aim of this position paper is to raise awareness of the added value of the competent and independent work of CEOC members.

Other issues

TC CC also follows the work of the international and European standardisation and accreditation bodies. Important topics here were ISO/IEC FDIS 17065:2012, CASCO Roadmap and CASCO New Work Items.

The CC looks at horizontal issues related to conformity assessment – both in the regulatory and the non-regulatory fields, such as product certification, quality management, inspection, standardisation and accreditation activities.”



Non Destructive


Occupational Health

and Safety


Cranes &


Joint EUROLAB – CEOC Technical Committee on Product

Testing and Certification







Communication Expert

Group & Brussels

Focus Group


31/05/11 TC CC meeting in Warsaw14/05/12 TC CC meeting in Madrid

TC CC meeting in Madrid

Chair: Daniel PflummHead of VdTÜV Brussels office

Germany / Brussels

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Occupational Health and Safety (COH)Main Issues:

Change of TC COH Mission Statement

In order to better respond to current challenges and developments in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), the TC COH members decided to revise their Mission Statement. The new statement shifted its focus to include external issues, namely:

ü Improve delivery of OHS services for CEOC members’ customers

ü Inform members about OHS trends and activities in Europe

ü Monitor and influence the development of legislation and standards

ü Frequently communicate with other CEOC TCs on their needs for OHS

ü Improve OHS for the CEOC members’ inspectors.

TC COH has finalised and published two position papers:

ü Position paper on nano technology, The aim of this paper was mainly to help the reader to get a basic understanding of typical questions that arise in discussions about nano technology.

ü Position paper “Risk Management Basics”This position paper serves as a guideline for the risk management basics in respect to the legal duty, REACH, Sensible risk management, explanation of the risk assessment, control of substances hazardous to health assessment, potential health concerns and risk of fire and explosion assessment. The paper was developed by three countries – Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom, but intends to develop this to extend to all EU member states.

EU-OSHA campaign on “Working together for risk prevention”

CEOC International became for the 3rd time an official partner for the new EU OSHA campaign. This campaign is designed to help the companies, workers, workers’ representatives and the whole supply chain evaluate and reduce workplace risks. TC COH actively participates on the campaign and its Chair Sebastian Bartels is official CEOC Health and Safety representative to the EU OSHA.

The future development of the European economy has to recognise the importance of Occupational Health and Safety. The TC COH offers a perfect platform for our members and successful businesses to implement good practice and differentiate themselves from competitors.”

Meetings31/05/11 TC COH meeting in Warsaw17/10/11 TC COH meeting in Brussels17/01/12 TC COH meeting in London, hosted by SAFed14/05/12 TC COH meeting in Madrid

Chair:Sebastian BartelsHead of Corporate Environment, Health & Safety at DEKRA GroupMember of Management Team at DEKRA Consulting GmbH Germany

TC COH meeting in Madrid

EU-OSHA campaign

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Machines, Cranes & Lifts (CML)Main Issues:

Certification & Inspection of lifts & lifting machinery:

One of the main topics the TC CML discusses is the identification of defects during the initial (first use) and in-service periodic inspections of lifts and lifting machinery. The discussions range from ‘criteria for periodic inspection of lifts in service’ and ‘ inspection of permanently installed lifts for use during building construction before handing over to the building owner’ to the ‘qualification and competence of inspection personnel’. On these issues the TC has published several Position Papers this year:

ü Lift Inspection and developing the use of new technologies in Testing Techniques

ü Independence, Impartiality, and Integrity of Candidate Institutions and Inspection Bodies

ü Permanently Installed Lifts for Use during Building Construction under the Lift Directive 95/16/EC

The aim of these position papers is to promote a high standard of inspection and support the CEOC members, working with their national regulators, to promote the role of competent, third party inspection bodies.

Fault Statistics

The TC CML has continued its work on the Fault Statistics for lifts. Members of the TC have collected data from all over Europe in order to compare the seriousness of faults detected during lift inspection and to be able to identify the differences in inspection requirements (e.g. frequency of inspections) across Europe.

Other Issues

ü TC CML also discussed the following issues: ‘tests’ to be made during inspection, alarm systems in lifts, essential changes to lifts and upgrading of ‘old’ lifts.

ü Lifts under the new Machinery Directive: The TC is currently preparing a position paper on home lifts (vertical), stair lifts, industrial lifts (< 0,15 m/sec) and specific lifts (wind turbines, tower cranes).

ü The TC CML works closely with the standardisation and accreditation organisations (ISO, CEN, ILAC and EA). Of particular significance are the revisions of EN 81-20 and EN 81-50, which will become the most important standards for lifts.

Advancing technology incorporated in lift design can make detection of defects more difficult. Such technology should also incorporate monitoring and test equipment and techniques in order that fault detection, can be carried out by qualified expert. The CML committee collects defect data to identify trends and develop inspection techniques.”

Meetings31/05/11 TC CML meeting in Warsaw22-23/09/11 TC CML meeting in Berlin; hosted by TÜV Rheinland18-19/01/12 TC CML meeting in Vienna, hosted by TÜV AUSTRIA14/05/2012 TC CML meeting in Madrid

Chair:Adolf Russold

Technical Advisor, TÜV AUSTRIA, Austria

TC CML meeting in Vienna

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Joint EUROLAB – CEOC Technical Committee on Product Testing and Certification (JTC PTC) Main Issues:

Standardisation: Among the important issues for JTC PTC is the involvement in the development of international standards. This year’s main focus was on the revision of ISO/IEC 17020 Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection and the development of ISO/IEC 17065 Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services. CEOC International participated actively in the development of both standards either through submitting comments or, as it was the case with ISO/IEC 17065, chairing the respective working group (JTC PTC co-chair Christian Priller is the convenor of ISO CASCO WG 29).

Other standards of interest to JTC PTC are:

ü ISO/IEC 17021 Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems,

ü ISO/IEC 17024 General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons and

ü ISO/ IEC 17067 Fundamentals of product certification.

Accreditation:JTC PTC actively followed and participated in the developments in the various EA committees, such as

ü Horizontal Harmonization Committee (HHC),

ü Inspection Committee (IC) and

ü Certification Committee (CC).

Of special interest were the topics cross-frontier policy (EA 2/13), surveillance and reassessment of accredited organisations (EA 3/09), evaluation and acceptance of conformity assessment schemes (EA 2/11) and the choice of standards for notified bodies (EA-HHC 5/12).

EU PoliciesJTC PTC also follows closely the developments of European policies which are of importance for our sector, i.e. the revision of the General Product Safety Directive, the New Legislative Framework and the Alignment Package, the EU Regulation on Standardisation and the revision of the Medical Devices Directive with a joint Position Paper of CEOC, EUROLAB and IFIA.

CEOC co-chair: Christian Priller Head of Division Corporate Accreditation, Certification, Standardisation and Quality Management, TÜV SÜD, Germany

EUROLAB co-chair: Philippe Dewolfs Manager Labs & CERTEST Products Vincotte, Belgium

JTC PTC members actively contributed to the successful completion of the revision of two important standards, ISO/ IEC 17020 and 17065, which have clarified many issues and maintained the ‘fitness for purpose of these documents.”

Meetings07/06/11 JTC PTC meeting in Brussels18/11/11 JTC PTC meeting in Berlin, hosted by VdTÜV21/03/12 JTC PTC meeting in Cologne (with IFIA members),hosted by TÜV Rheinland

JTC PTC meeting in Cologne with IFIA members

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Pressure Equipment (CP)Main Issues

RIMAP project (Risked-based inspection and maintenance procedures for European industries)

The RIMAP project was published as CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 15740:2008. The CEOC TC CP is actively participating in a working group which aims at implementing this CWA into an EN standard.

The target group of this project are inspection and maintenance bodies in the chemical, petrochemical, power and steel industries. The aim of the program is to improve efficiency with regards to safety, costs, health and the environment.

The work within the TC CP with regards to RIMAP evolves around the following issues:

ü Preparing CEOC’s position within the RIMAP working group in order to ensure that the outcomes facilitate the work of inspection bodies.

ü Creation of a CEOC position and procedures on Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) in order to harmonize the procedures in this field.

ü Implementation of the RIMAP program as part of an overall management system for inspection

CEOC Recommendations/ Specifications

In the past the TC CP has reviewed all CEOC Recommen-dations dealing with pressure equipment and made a selection for review. In the future these reviewed docu-ments will be called ‘CEOC Specifications’. Most of the CEOC recommendations have today been replaced by in-ternational and/ or European standards. The aim of the Specifications will be to provide the customers with a higher level of safety and security when following these very specific and detailed guidelines in addition to the rel-evant standards.

Other Issues:

The members of the TC CP are actively participating in the CAB Forum on the European level. The outcomes of the meetings and CEOC’s position within the CAB Forum are regularly being discussed within the TC CP.

The objective of the TC is to provide a platform to address issues concerning:

ü Notified Body activities, in connection with the PED

ü Periodic inspections of pressure equipment to National Regulations

ü Safety of pressure equipment”

Meetings 30/05/2011 TC CP meeting in Warsaw08/11/2011 TC CP meeting in London, hosted by

SAFed14/05/2012 TC CP meeting in Madrid

Chair:Gerhard Höltmann

Head of Division Pressure Equipment,


TC CP meeting in Madrid

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Inspection (CI)

Main Issues:

Revision of ISO/ IEC 17020 (Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection)

CEOC International participated actively in the revision of ISO/ IEC 17020 and is overall in agreement with the outcomes.

ILAC IC WG1: Revision of A4 Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC 17020

ILAC decided to draft a guidance document for this revised standard and has set up an ad hoc WG to do so. CEOC’s view is that the requirements mentioned in the standard are sufficiently clear as to negate any requirement for such a document. However, such guidance for accreditation assessors is allowed by ISO but its status is purely informative for accreditation assessors.

Two CEOC representatives (G. Hinrich Schaub and Daniel Dichtel) are participating in the ILAC IC WG 1. The TC Inspection members agreed that from a CEOC point of view only issues which need guidance material are:

ü Subcontractingü Uncertainty in measurement, calibrationü PTP (Proficiency Testing programs)

CEOC representatives will resist any attempt to add further requirements or impose mandatory conditions which are not in the standard.

ILAC IC WG 2: Review of IAF/ ILAC documents which might be extended to Inspection

This second WG has been set up following the transfer of inspection accreditation from IAF to ILAC. It aims at reviewing the current documents of the ILAC MRA, in use for laboratories, to decide if they should be extended to inspection activity. One CEOC representative (Daniel Dichtel) will participate in this WG. In CEOC’s view only the documents in use for operating the ILAC MRA (peer evaluation, training of peer assessor, admission criteria for ABs etc…) should be extended to inspection. Accreditation criteria should include only those contained in the standard ISO/ IEC 17020.

Meetings08/09/11 TC CI meeting in London (joint meeting

with IFIA and Lal Ilan (ILAC IC chair)28/03/12 TC CI meeting in Paris (with IFIA members)14/05/12 TC CI meeting in Madrid

TC CI's aim is to review all aspects of the inspection activity and to ensure it is ‘fit for purpose’ cost effective and meets the needs of both the market and the regulatory authorities. To achieve this aim the committee sets out its recommendations and appoints representatives to participate, as stakeholders, in all the international institutions which affect the inspection activity, standardisation and accreditation.”

Chair: Daniel Dichtel Technical Director Inspection, APAVE, France

TC CI meeting in Madrid

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Energy and EnvironmentMain Issues:

Life cycle analysis and carbon footprinting

The Committee has been discussing life cycle analysis and carbon footprinting with the future intention of publishing a position paper on these issues.

CEOC International Nuclear Stress Tests position Paper

In order to respond to the Stress Tests set by the Council of the European Union, the Committee discussed a position paper prepared by a CEOC International member from Lloyd’s Register. Its aim is to propose the use of independent 3rd party bodies that would play an important role with respect to safety by assisting operators or regulators to assess the adequacy of the response to the WENRA Stress Tests, or their equivalent when deployed outside Europe in the civil nuclear industry.

Nuclear energy, renewables and conventional energy sources have been an important topic of debate for the Committee which has valued their costs and benefits in the post-Fukushima energy market.

Measure of Performance in buildings

Accordingly to the Energy Efficiency Directive, the Energy and Environment Committee has closely followed the energy efficiency and building performance topic with the aim of promoting effective regulation.

Energy Policy including Energy Labelling of Products

The Committee has focused on the EU Energy Policy and Strategy, and has given a particular attention on the monitoring of the labelling systems of products in order to find a possible involvement for CEOC International.

The CEOC Energy and Environment Committee aims to promote effective regulation in terms of protecting the environment. The objective is to use CEOC members’ knowledge to influence regulators and help industry to find viable energy solutions/ energy reduction. We regularly review and maintain a list of priority topics, but also keep in mind the broad nature of the topic.”

Meetings 25/10/2011 TC Energy meeting in London, hosted by Lloyd’s Register01/03/2012 TC Energy meeting in Brussels14/05/2012 TC Energy meeting in Madrid

Chair:Simon Emeny

Energy Regional Manager, Lloyd’s Register, UK

ENERGY meeting in Brussels

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Communication Expert Group (COMMs)

Main Issues:

Communication committee focuses its capacity on effective and appropriate communication and promotion of both CEOC International and results of the CEOC Technical Committees work.

Communication strategy is made in conjunction with the CEOC Board and in the close cooperation with the CEOC General Secretariat. The key objective of the committee members is to improve the overall presentation of the CEOC International goals by promoting the CEOC International’s public approach towards the independent third party inspection and certification bodies. In this respect, Communication committee members worked on the content of the two main CEOC events the, CEOC General Assembly Conference and CEOC Safety Seminar.

The committee also discussed the wider potential of using social media communications for more direct exchange of information among the members and as a result launched CEOC International LinkedIn group.

Brussels Focus Group (BFG)

Brussels Focus Group is a special platform with the main emphasis on European and Public Affairs. As such, BFG members discuss the Work Programme of the European Commission in order to priorities the CEOC Interests. Furthermore their activities focus on the determining CEOC message – Added value of the 3rd Independent parties - towards the EU institutions.

CEOC International engages all stakeholders in a pan-European and international safety dialogue in order to promote maximum safety and minimum risk for consumers worldwide.”

Meetings05/07/11 COMMs meeting in Brussels20/10/11 COMMs meeting in Madrid,

hosted by AEGIC13/12/11 COMMs meeting in Brussels09/02/12 COMMs meeting in Brussels14/05/12 COMMs meeting in Madrid

Meetings29/08/11 BFG meeting in Brussels20/12/11 BFG meeting in Brussels03/05/12 BFG meeting in Brussels

Chair:Marc Van OvermeireChief Research Officer, Vinçotte, Belgium

COMMs meeting in Brussels

BFG meeting in Brussels



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CEOC Board of DirectorsCEOC Board Strategy

To promote the significant growth and developments of the Testing, Inspection and Certification market (TIC), the CEOC Board, under the new Chairmanship of Simo Hassi (Inspecta Group), held a series of strategic meetings.

In response to the TIC market trends (globalisation, consolidation, harmonisation etc.), the CEOC Board agreed to enforce its cooperation with the partner organisations and raise its visibility at the European as well as Global level. As such, CEOC International and IFIA renewed existing Memorandum of Understanding, with the focus on further close cooperation.

CEOC Board Election

During the 52nd CEOC General Assembly, two board candidates Marc Van Overmeire (Vinçotte) and Klaus Brüggemann (VdTÜV) were approved for the new mandate of three years. The General Assembly further agreed on the modification of the Statutes which leads to the extension of the Board of Directors.

Joint Board and TC Chairmen meeting

The Joint meeting took place on 15th May 2012 in Madrid. Board members had the unique opportunity to discuss with the TC Chairmen recent achievements and objectives of their respective Technical Committees over the past year. CEOC President Simo Hassi on behalf of the whole Board underlined the importance of the activities of the TC committees and encouraged TC Chairmen to continue in their important work.

Meetings28/10/11 Board meeting in Brussels15/02/12 Board meeting in Brussels27/03/12 Board meeting in Berlin, hosted by VdTÜV14/05/12 Board meeting in Madrid15/05/12 Joint Board and TC Chairmen meeting in Madrid

Board Meeting in Brussels

Board visit to the Reichstag (German Parliament) organised by Klaus Brüggemann (CEOC Board Member, VdTÜV)

Joint Board and TC Chairmen meeting, Madrid

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“European lobbying” – the role of associations

In terms of lobbying, the role of the association is to inform their members about upcoming legislation, monitor the legislative process, and prepares expert opinions that reflect the interests of its members as well as to participate in the legislative process in order to influence it as much as possible for the benefit of its members.

Services provided by the CEOC General Secretariat

ü Representation in the EU Institutions

ü Representation at conferences/seminars

ü Monitoring selected EU legislation ( so called Special Briefings)

ü Following the work of ISO, EA, ILAC and IAF

ü Publication of a monthly newsletter/Annual report

ü Organising meetings (both for/ with our members and events in Brussels)

Drewin Nieuwenhuis, Franziska Kassler, Dagmar Kotová, Stefano Putzu


CEOC website:

Drewin Nieuwenhuis (NL)

CEOC Secretary General Drewin Nieuwenhuis graduated in transport engineering and planning sciences and worked in several management positions in the Netherlands and Belgium. Drewin arrived in 1992 in Brussels where he worked for international transport operator organisation and for international organisation of transport equipment manufacturing industries. In November 2007 he was appointed as Secretary General of CEOC International in Brussels.

Dagmar Kotová (CZ)

Dagmar Kotová is International Affairs Manager for CEOC International responsible for public affairs, internal and external communication and monitoring developments in the Testing, Inspection and Certification Sector. Dagmar joined CEOC International in September 2010 as Junior EU Affairs Manager following a traineeship at the European Commission, DG Education and Culture. She holds a Master degree in International Relations and Political Science from the Charles University in Prague and spent a few semesters at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University in Denmark.

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Drewin Nieuwenhuis, Franziska Kassler, Dagmar Kotová, Stefano Putzu

Public Affairs Activities:

CEOC International’s public affairs activities are determined by the work program of the EU institutions and the interests of our members. Every year we select priority themes which are of particular importance for CEOC International and follow them closely.

The priority themes for 2012 are:

ü General Product Safety Directive

ü EU Consumer Programme

ü Nuclear Safety

ü Medical Devices Directive

ü Energy Efficiency Directive

ü Occupational Health and Safety

ü Digital Agenda


CEOC NewsbriefingCEOC Special Briefings

Franziska Kassler (DE)

Franziska joined the CEOC team as Junior International Affairs Manager in September 2011. She has a degree from the University of Passau (BA European Studies) and an MA in European Law, Governance and Politics from the University of Sheffield. Together with Dagmar she is responsible for monitoring EU legislation, representing CEOC International in the EU institutions, following the work of the international and European standardisation and accreditation organisations, supporting the work of the Technical Commissions and publishing the monthly newsletter.

G. Hinrich Schaub (DE)

The CEOC International advisor G.Hinrich Schaub has been working for more than 30 years in the field of conformity assessment of products, processes, services, system and persons by third-parties – independent testing, inspection and certification bodies – and the use of third-party marks in these fields. He is and was member of several committees and working groups developing Standards for conformity assessment purposes and bodies in international (ISO), European (CEN) and national standardisation organisations and in committees of accreditation associations (EA/IAF/ILAC) applying these standards

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CEOC International Conference

“Providing Safety in Uncertain Times”was themotto of theCEOCInternationalConferenceheldon14th May 2012 in Madrid under patronage of the Honour Committee President theSpanishPrinceofAsturias.Thehigh-levelpanellistspresentedvarious issues reflecting current situation and trends in theTesting,InspectionandCertificationsector(TIC).“

The conference was opened by the presentation of Antonio Muñoz Muñoz (Deputy General Director for Quality and

Industrial Safety and ENAC President) who spoke about Quality and Safety at the Spanish market with regard to the new challenges and trends.

AEGIC President and the host of the 52nd CEOC International Annual Conference & General Assembly, Ignacio Mosso, focused on issue of the Industrial Safety in Today’s Society.

Common Elements and Differences in Accreditation and Designation of Notified Bodies was a theme presented by Edwin Velsink (Senior Auditor, Dutch Food and Safety Authority).

Jan Deconinck (Chairman, European Market Surveillance Organisation – ProSafe) spoke about the activities of the ProSafe, pointing out, that the only efficient Market Surveillance is the coordinated one.

The Energy Efficiency Directive is currently in the “pipeline” of the EU Institutions and Rocio Fernandez Artime (Member of Management Council, Spanish Platform Energy Efficiency and General Director Energylab) presented in this respect the Spanish Energy Efficiency Technology Platform.

The conference was concluded by Robbert Claassen (Managing Director, Corporate Finance, ABN AMRO) who presented a global trends and developments in the TIC sector from a corporate finance perspective. Using data and figures he demonstrated the potential of the market and its attractiveness for the bank sector.

The outlook of the sector is following: ü Expectation of the growth in most TIC segmentsü Attractiveness: cash generation and defensivenessü Best performing segment in Business Servicesü TIC market is still fragmented and is consolidating

Finally Robbert Claassen added that despite of Europe’s economic slowdown the outlooks of the TIC sector are very promising.


Antonio Muñoz Muñoz

Robbert Claassen, Rocio Fernandez Artime, Ignacio Mosso, Simo Hassi and Jan Deconinck

Edwin Velsink

Rocio Fernandez Artime

Ignacio Mosso

Jan Deconinck

Robbert Claassen

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CEOC International General Assembly Simo Hassi, CEOC International President (Inspecta Group), in his speech to the General Assembly reflected regulatory changes and market trends in the TIC sector. Despite of the economic slowdown the TIC sector can be still defined as a growing and lucrative business. In this respect, President stated that he will continue promoting CEOC International objective to become the spokesman of our growing sector towards the EU Institutions and other international bodies. In addition CEOC International should act, where necessary, in conjunction with other organisations in order to make our voice more influential.

Drewin Nieuwenhuis, Simo Hassi, Van Phuc Lê and Dagmar Kotová

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CEOC International’s election took place during the second part of the meeting. The two Board candidates running for the re-election, Marc Van Overmeire (Vinçotte) and Klaus Brüggemann (VdTÜV), have been approved by the General Assembly. Moreover the TC Chairmen for Conformity Assessment, Daniel Pflumm (VdTÜV); Machines, Lifts and Cranes, Adolf Russold (TÜV AUSTRIA); Pressure Equipment, Gerhard Höltmann (TÜV AUSTRIA) and Occupational Health and Safety, Sebastian Bartels (DEKRA) successfully defended their mandate and will chair the respective technical committees for the next three years. The General Assembly further approved the annual account, CEOC budget for 2012 and the modification of the Statutes.

Addressing the members, Simo Hassi, congratu–lated to the re-elected Board members and Chairmen for their contribution to the CEOC International. The new CEOC International members CNCIR and TÜV AUSTRIA Romania were warmly welcomed. At last, President thanked to the AEGIC President, Ignacio Mosso, for excellent programme and organisation of the 52nd CEOC International Annual Conference & General Assembly.

Van Phuc Lê, Simo Hassi, Ignacio Mosso, Franziska Kassler, Dagmar Kotová and Drewin Nieuwenhuis

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CEOC International works through Technical Committees






Board of Directors (CD)

Simo HASSIPRESIDENT Inspecta - Finland

Herbert EGOLF MEMBERSVTI - Switzerland



Richard HULMES MEMBER SAFed - United Kingdom

The CEOC Board of Directors ensures the management of CEOC International. The CEOC President and Vice-President represent CEOC International to the outside.

CEOC International’s main decision-making body is the General Assembly.

General Assembly of Members



CEOC International General Secretariat Brussels

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CEOC International works through Technical Committees






ENERGY and ENVIRONMENTChair: Simon EmenyLloyd’s Register - United Kingdom





Charles BEAURAIN TREASURERVinçotte - Belgium


Marc VAN OVERMEIRE MEMBER Vinçotte - Belgium


Hans-Hermann UEFFINGAUDITORTÜV Rheinland - Germany


The technical work is carried out by Technical Committees.


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List of Members – contact list

A u s t r i a

TÜV AUSTRIAwww.tuv.atKrugerstraße 16 AT-1015 WienTel: +43 1 51407-0Fax: +43 1 51407-6005Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Gerhard Höltmann

B e l g i u m

Vinçottewww.vincotte.comBusiness Class Kantorenpark Jan Olieslagerslaan 35 BE-1800 VilvoordeTel: +32 2 67 45 849Fax: +32 2 67 45 960Email: [email protected] Person: Marc Van Overmeire

Apragazwww.apragaz.comChaussée de Vilvorde 156 BE-1120 BruxellesTel: +32 2 264 03 60Fax: +32 2 268 89 58Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Christian Leplat

B u l g a r i a

Directorate General -Technical Inspection- at State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance - SAMTSwww.damtn.government.bg52А, “G.M.Dimitrov” blvd., Sofia 1797, Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 93 96 719 Fax: +359 2 93 96 700 Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mrs. Elena Dimitrova

C z e c h R e p u b l i c

Strojírenský Zkusební Ústav - SZUwww.szutest.czHudcova 56b CZ-62100 BrnoTel: +420 483 348 121Fax: +420 483 348 289Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Jiří Malach

D e n m a r k

Force Technologywww.force.dkPark Allé 345 DK-2605 BrøndbyTel: +45 43 26 71 77Fax: +45 43 26 70 11Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Hans Falster

E s t o n i a

OÜ Tehnokontrollikeskus - TKKInspecta Groupwww.tkk.eeMustamäe tee 5 EE-10616 TallinnTechnical Inspection Centre Ltd.Tel: +3726599424Fax: +3725018137Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Tõnu Roosaar

F i n l a n d

Inspecta Oywww.inspecta.comP.O. Box 113Porkkalankatu 13 GFIN-00181 Helsinki, FinlandTel: +358 10 521 600Fax: +358 10 521 62 11Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Simo Hassi

F r a n c e

Apave 191 Rue de Vaugirard FR-757 38 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: +33 1 456 699 44 Fax: +33 1 456 617 47 Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr. Van Phuc Lê

G e r m a n y

DEKRA SEwww.dekra.comHandwerkstr. 15 DE-70565 Stuttgart Tel: +49 711 7861-20 69 Fax: +49 711 7861-2061 Email: [email protected]@dekra.comContact Person: Mr. Mark Thomä

TÜV Rheinland LGA Productsße 2 DE-90431 Nürnberg Tel: +49 911 655 5225 Fax: +49 911 655 5226 Email: [email protected] Contact: Mr. Hans-Hermann Ueffing

Verband der TÜV - VdTÜVwww.vdtuev.deFriedrichstrasse 136 DE-101 17 BerlinTel: +49 30 760095 400Fax: +49 30 760095 401Email: [email protected] Person: Dr. Klaus Brüggemann Representing: TÜV SÜD AG TÜV Rheinland AG TÜV Technische Überwachung Hessen GmbH TÜV NORD AG TÜV Saarland e.V. TÜV Thüringen e.V.

H u n g a r y

ÉMI-TÜV Süd Kft.www.emi-tuv.huDózsa György út. 26 HU-2000 SzentendreTel: +36 26 501 120Fax: +36 26 501 150Email: [email protected] Person: Dr. Gabor Madaras

Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal –émetvölgyi út 37-39HU-1124 BudapestTel: +36 1 4585 507 Fax: +36 1 4585 827Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Imre Störk

I t a l y

Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro - INAILwww.inail.itP.le Guilio Pastore, 6IT-00144 RomaTel: +390 6 44 280 338Fax: +390 6 44 25 1008Email: [email protected] Contact Person : Mr Corrado Delle Site

RINA SERVICES S.p.A. www.rina.orgVia Corsica 12IT-16128 GenovaTel: +39 010 5385 263 Fax: +39 010 5351 130 Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mrs. Laura Silvagni

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L a t v i a

Inspecta Latvia www.inspecta.comSkanstes Street 54ALV-1013 RigaTel: +371 67 607 900Fax: +371 67 607 901Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Peteris Drukis

L u x e m b o u r g

Luxcontrolwww.luxcontrol.comAvenue des Terres Rouges 1 BP 350 LU-4004 Esch/AlzetteTel: +352 547711204Fax: +352 540448Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr. Jacques Eischen

N e t h e r l a n d s

Liftinstituut Holding BVwww.liftinstituut.nlBuikslotermeerplein 381P.O. Box 360271020 MA AmsterdamTel: +31-204350606Fax: +31 204350626Email: [email protected]@liftinstituut.comContact Person: Mr. Bas Mulder, Mr John Van Vliet

P o l a n d

Transportowy Dozor Techniczny TDT www.tdt.plul. Chalubinskiego 4 PL-00928 WarszawaTel: +48 22 4 902 902Fax: +48 22 830 22 22Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Jan Urbanowicz

Urzad Dozoru Technicznego - Szczesliwicka 34 PL 02-353 WarszawaTel: +48 22 57 22 101Fax: +48 22 830 00 62Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Marek Walczak

P o r t u g a l

Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade - ISQwww.isq.ptTagusPark - Apartado 119 PT-2781-951 OEIRAS CodexTel: +351 21 422 81 00Fax: +351 21 422 81 25Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. D. Eloi M. Trindade

R o m a n i a

Compania Naţionalǎ Pentru Controlul Cazanelor, Instalaţiilor de Ridicat şi Recipientelor sub Presiune– CNCIRwww.cncir.euStr. Promoroacǎ, nr. 9-11, sector 1, Cod 014013 Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 316 79 21Fax: +40 21 411 98 70Email: [email protected] Person: Mrs.Camelia-Marina Achiţei

Inspectia de Stat ptr. controlul cazanelor, recipientelor sub presiune si a instalatiilor de ridicat – ISCIRwww.iscir.roStr. Promoroacǎ, nr. 9-11, sector 1,

Cod 014013 Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 316 79 21Fax: +40 21 411 98 70Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr Eugen-Lucian Trifan

TÜV AUSTRIA ROMANIA 139 Calea Plevnei street, sector 6Cod 060011, Bucuresti Tel: +04021 315 32 94 Fax: +04021 315 32 96 Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr. Doru Fulga

S l o v a k i a

Technická Inšpekcia a.s.www.tisr.skTrnavská cesta 56 SK-821 01 BratislavaTel: +421 2 49208101Fax: +421 2 49208160Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Dušan Konický

S p a i n

Asociación Española de Grupos Empresariales de Inspección y Certificación - Castelló, 59ES-28001 Madrid Tel: +34 91 432 32 61 Fax: +34 91 435 66 53 Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr. Gonzalo Juste Ortega Representing: AENOR Applus ATISAE Bureau Veritas Español, S.A. EUROCONTROL SGS TÜV Rheinland Group

S w i t z e r l a n d

Schweizerischer Verein für technische Inspektionen - SVTIwww.svti.chRichtistrasse 15, P.O. Box CH-8304 WallisellenTel: +41 44 8776105Fax: +41 44 8776214Email: [email protected] Person: Dr. Herbert Egolf

U n i t e d K i n g d o m

Lloyd’s Register Group - Energy Fenchurch StreetLondon EC3M 4BSTel: +44 (0)20 7423 2428Fax: +44 (0)20 7423 1525Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Paul Williams

Safety Assessment Federation - South Lambeth RoadVauxhallLondon SW8 1RLTel: +44 20 7582 3208Fax: +44 20 7735 0286Email: [email protected] Person: Mr. Richard Hulmes Representing: Allianz Engineering Aviva Insurance Europe SE Axiom Engineering Associates Limited Bureau Veritas Code A Weld Engineering Safety Inspection Services HSB Engineering Insurance Services Ltd Lloyd’s British Testing RSA Engineering SGS UK Ltd, Industrial Division Safety Inspection (UK) Ltd Southdown Material Testing Limited TÜV Rheinland UK Ltd TÜV UK Ltd Zurich Engineering

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CEOC InternationalInternational Confederation of Inspection and Certification Organisations

Created in 1961, the Confederation is a not-for-profit organisation registered under Belgian law that represents 30 independent inspection and certification organisations in 21 countries.

CEOC International is the European trade association which represents the independent inspection and certification organisations, whose members are acknowledged by the national authorities as fulfilling the competency standards of statutory and non-statutory safety inspection and certification. Through their work CEOC International members ensure the safety of equipment, reduce the risk of accidents, protect the environment and set and influence high standards throughout the world.

CEOC International AISBL General SecretariatRue du Commerce 20-22BE – 1000 BrusselsBelgium

[email protected]

Tel: + 32 2 511 50 65Fax: + 32 2 502 50 47