Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David...

Now Is The Time by Steve Beckow

Transcript of Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David...

Page 1: Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David Wilcock continues to push back the frontiers of knowledge; Sierra Neblina gave us the

Now Is The Time


Steve Beckow

Page 2: Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David Wilcock continues to push back the frontiers of knowledge; Sierra Neblina gave us the


Now Is The Time Copyright refused, 2012 by Steve Beckow Please distribute freely. Edited and compiled by Colleen Lockard For more information on this series, please visit us on the web at:

Page 3: Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David Wilcock continues to push back the frontiers of knowledge; Sierra Neblina gave us the



Ch. 1. Now is the Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Ch. 2. Readying Ourselves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ch. 3. Our Turn is Coming Up. Let's Be Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ch. 4. It May Be Our Time To Prepare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ch. 5. Just Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ch. 6. As Our Projects Begin... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ch. 7. Learning to Laugh a Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 4: Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David Wilcock continues to push back the frontiers of knowledge; Sierra Neblina gave us the


Now is the Time

A man who worked by sitting; in fact, by dreaming (Walt Disney)

In the world we live in – my world, your world – people are still fighting. Bombed-out

cities remain in ruins. Children are starving, dying.

People write me continuously and say they are on the edge of bankruptcy. They must

sell their house. They have no money to eat.

It’s time to be up and working. It’s time to be building the New World. It won’t get built by


It’s time to stop representing ourselves as helpless and waiting for guidance. Push back

your chair. Make a survey of your community, Whatever there is to do is to be done

right where you are. How many people have said to us: You are where you were meant

to be.

It’s all I can do not to pick up a broom myself and simply start sweeping the streets in

my vicinity. I cannot wait for the ships to get here. I cannot wait for people to join me. I

cannot wait for the money to arrive.

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My world is not working. It’s bleeding, starving, thirsting, dying. It has malaria, AIDS,

broken limbs, aged bodies. It’s calling out to me.

Am I alone in feeling this way? Am I somehow saying this before the time is ripe? I don’t

think so. The galactics told us recently, through Mira:

“As part of the ground crew, you may be required to step into action. Most of

humanity is still distracted and asleep. Our fleets surround you. Our Creator has

accounted for all possibilities. You will know what to do when the time arrives.”


The spiritual hierarchy through Melchizedek has said:

“Many of you are now venturing out into your communities and are being looked

upon in a new and accepting way.” (2)

The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles assures us:

“You have been selected out of many that expressed interest to be here as it was

felt that you would respond to your call of duty and do what is that you do best.

Many of you at this time are recognizing this inborn talent and are now deciding

to take the reins and be the leader that you are.

“There will be in the days ahead many opportunities for you to put your talents to

good use and forge paths for the others to follow. There will be many leaders

among you who will make themselves known as we move forward, and there will

be many who make it known who they wish to follow in accordance with what

they resonate with. (3)

They tell us that soon we’ll receive the call to work alongside of them. But why wait?

“It is almost time for those of you that will be working with us to meet us in person

face-to-face. We look very forward to these introductions, and look at this

meeting as an historical event that will be recorded in your history books for

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posterity and for future readers to look back and learn how first contact was

made with your celestial neighbors.

“Those of you who will be involved in this project will be remembered for your

courage and your efforts to be the Wayshowers of your fellow man. Many doors

will open upon our introductions and we are able to begin working together in a

peaceful cooperation.” (4)

SaLuSa took the better part of a message to urge us:

“Once the advantages are announced it will result in much support, and an

eagerness on many people’s part to play an active role in it. There will be

opportunities to take part and we will certainly need the support of all of you who

are ready to play your part with us. Community work will be required to convey

the nature of the changes, and how they can be implemented with the least

inconvenience. Be assured we know you all and what your particular talents are,

and what you came into this life to do.

“We see a great Love and Light expanding over the Earth and it carries the

energy that will lift many up out of the darkness. In the poorer countries of the

world, many have lost hope as they see their plights largely ignored. They need

sustenance and their basic needs covered, just so that they can survive the

harsh conditions they exist in. Talk of Ascension has hardly any meaning to them

and their faith in God and humanity is at a low ebb.

“There are people and organizations that care, but the task is so great it needs a

coming together of those countries who are affluent and can afford to act.

Humanity cannot in future stand by and allow such conditions to exist, and must

grasp the truth that All Are One. Having said that, we know many of you are very

compassionate and greatly desire that help is given to the world’s poorest

people. You will be pleased to know that the means to remedy the hunger and

desperation, is ready to be put in hand.” (5)

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No, we can’t afford to stand by and allow conditions that exist in the world to continue.

We’re called upon, every one of us, to shake the sleepy dust from our eyes, stretch, and

get out of bed. It’s time to begin. Let’s not waste another day. This world that was so

wracked by the cabal and is now being set free is now calling out to us to take our tools

in hand and our willingness and courage and set to work rebuilding her.


(1) Mira the Pleiadian, March 30, 2012, at

(2) Mechizedek, through Marlene Swetlishoff, March 14, 2012, at

(3) The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles, March 26, 2012, at

(4) The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles, March 27, 2012.

(5) SaLuSa, Jan. 23, 2012, at

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Readying Ourselves

Getting ready

In approaching the task of creating a global conversation on our blogs and in our

discussion groups, we’re doing a number of things. We’re doing push-ups that allow us

to develop some strength in this kind of dialogue. We’re preparing to meet the galactics,

having wiped the sleepy dust from our eyes and becoming ready to talk. We’re finding

out where the gaps in our knowledge lie, which should send us into research to fill them.

We’re getting ready in all ways for what we know will soon be coming.

We’re drawing together as a human race, beyond national borders and interests. We’re

refusing any more to be divided and separated by those who wish to rule us and keep

us in submission. We’re preparing to thank and acknowledge the very human beings

from our ancestral planets who’ve played such a large role in delivering us from the dark

ones and liberating Gaia from negative energies. We’re welcoming our mentors, who’ve

come here to help us with our planetary Ascension.

At first, it’ll be like people arising, one by one, and joining the conversation. Each person

will contribute what they know. Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming

globally known; David Wilcock continues to push back the frontiers of knowledge; Sierra

Neblina gave us the benefit of her wisdom yesterday, and has been doing so for some

time, I see. Lisa Renee, Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, Drunvalo Melchizedek – the list

could go on and on of people who’ve been priming the pump, waiting for us to take up

the conversation and extend it.

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We’ve all gone through stages where we began to make friends, date people, work at

jobs, and contribute to our communities. Little did we probably know that we’d go

through another stage and greet people from other star systems before this lifetime was

through. But everyone I’ve met or spoken to has said that, when they look back over the

stages and events of their lives, they can see how each contributed to this moment.

So here we are now, preapring to meet people from other civilizations, prepared to talk

about ourselves – what unites us, what we want for the planet, what we want our future

to look like. Here we are prepared to give up war and beat our swords into plowshares.

Here we are, some of us, still fighting ancient battles, and yet finding the steam running

out and looking pretty isolated as the energy rises on the planet, the rest of the world

lays down arms and we come together in global oneness.

And soon here we’ll be as the first ships begin to land, holding the space for our visitors

to be welcomed and to join us at the table. And hopefully we’ll be coherent and

prepared – not all of us. Many in society will be startled at this turn of events. But those

of us who have begun to think and talk globally will know somewhat who we are as a

people, because we’re starting to take note of it. We’re starting to see who we are

biologically, culturally, emotionally and spiritually. We know what it means to be human

on Earth and we’re about to use that to understand what it may mean to be human on

Arcturus and the Pleiades.

So what’s next? What’s next is for us is to look around and take stock of how things are

on Planet Earth. What’s working and what’s not? What needs to be attended to in the

very near future? The longer term? Who’s making a list of all the pollution on Earth that

needs to be cleaned up? Who’s creating a tally of the national populations who are

starving? Who’s in charge of seeing where the places are on Earth that are filled with

landmines? Who’s planning how to get the water flowing everywhere?

Who’s prepared to introduce a universal medicare system for the entire world? Who will

lead the reformed banking sector? Who’s going to recalibrate and recast education?

Who’s thinking about these matters at an overarching level? As our global conversation

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continues and develops, it branches out into considerations of global services such as

these. Who is mapping out how the conversation will branch out, where it could go?

The world as a world is waking up, rousing itself. People are becoming aware of

themselves as human beings. Collective consciousness is being augmented by

collective compassion. Everyone’s contribution is needed and requested. Right now

we’re in the planning and discussing phases on many subjects, but we’re planning and

discussing because we know that soon we’ll be acting and implementing. This time is

necessary for that phase.

The galactics are ready for us. It’s time for us to get ready for them. Our distant relatives

are making final arrangements to join us for our long-awaited reunion and then to work

with us shoulder to shoulder in getting everything about this planet in order for the gala

celebration down the road. The invitations are sent. The caravan is gathering. All are

waiting with excitement and anticipation. Human race, meet human race. People, meet

people. Let the festivities begin!

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Our Turn is Coming Up. Let’s Be Ready

In the battle for the hearts and minds of people

worldwide, the Illuminati … I’m tempted to say, “with

all the money in the world” but that in itself would be

rhetorical and untrue … are able to hire the finest

pens to dress up their arguments so that many of

them are presented to us with all the appeal of

modern media technology.

Advertisements sell us a way of life that is heavily

consumer-oriented and appeal to us to see Big Oil, Big Pharma, Food Inc. and other

conglomerates, who command the lion’s share of wealth and power, as beneficial to us,

whatever the real situation may be.

The black side of predatory capitalism assassinates people who threaten the

stranglehold that the military-industrial complex has maintained to date over

transportation technology, health care, food production, and so on. Inventors,

whistleblowers, nonconformists, refuseniks find themselves out of a job, in prison, or


That same black side keeps us in perpetual fear by staging false-flag operations around

the world which it blames on often-fictitious, sometimes-client “terrorist” groups –

Oklahoma City, 9/11, London, Madrid, Mumbai, Pakistan.

The same forces run the worldwide drug trade and keep the planet in a state of

perpetual war.

Meanwhile they keep the population so disinclined to look deeply into the situation that

the victims of their depredations refuse to examine what their situation is, even as they

lose ground every year.

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One example of the manner in which they keep the people tied up is their false

arguments against an equitable distribution of wealth. The same group, for instance,

that sees all public outlay on pensions, health care, unemployment insurance, and

stimulus packages to Main Street as “socialism” and “big government” see bailout

programs to too-big-to-fail banks and defense outlays for illegal wars in Iraq and

Afghanistan and for a military machine that is simply used to scare and corral the rest of

the world and guarantee the cabal’s own hegemony as prudent, wise and necessary.

Where do the opponents of “big government” go when it comes to unnecessary defense

expenditures? They fall silent or line up to support the legislation. And yet we seldom

point out the double standard.

Worse, we take up the cries of “socialism” and serve as their mouthpieces. We do their

work by heaping scorn on those who wish to see medicare made universal or an

adequate social-safety net erected for the middle, working and lower classes who are

falling deeper and deeper into debt slavery.

The cabal is for big government when it comes to guns but for small government when it

comes to butter.

Why don’t we awaken to this charade? This facade? What prevents us from seeing how

we’re manipulated?

Fear, rhetoric and persuasion.

We’re afraid of what the cabal can do to us if we step out of line. As the noose tightens

around us, we become more passive instead of more vocal.

We’re cowed by the rhetoric and give up our sovereignty and discernment to repeat

what are purely slogans, merely memes. The best I can think of, besides the “socialist”

refrain in regards to universal medicare, is George Bush’s remark that we should not

yield to “conspiracy theories.” And yet we’ve yielded to that administration’s “conspiracy

theory” that 19 hijackers brought the World Trade Center down. Why can’t we see that?

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And persuasion. As much as we recognize that Madison Avenue, Hollywood and the

other media centers have become the new high priests of our cultural round of life, we

seldom act on what we know. We seldom turn away from the small set and the big

screen and reject the life of violence, sex and fear they propagate.

At some level we still drink deep at the fountain of the advertised life, respond to fads

and fashions, and are whipped through a series of manipulated holidays – Valentine’s

Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day,

Christmas – as if Hallmark created life. Year after year, our lives are conditioned and

preconditioned to move from one mandated holiday “celebration” (read: consumption) to

the next.

We’re acting like lemmings and we deserve a lemming’s fate.

Fortunately a lemming’s fate is not what we’ll get. This Alice in Wonderland life we’ve

been living will soon come to an end. Unable to break the mass hypnosis for ourselves,

what David Wilcock calls “management” has interceded on our behalf and we’ll be freed

from the Svengalis, Rasputins and their enforcers.

At least, you and I know that. Not like the mass of society does.

I disagree with anyone who says that we could’ve made it out of the trap ourselves. I

honestly don’t think we could or would have.

By the time the galactics arrive on this planet, when most other people in society are

wondering if they are here to save us or eat us, we’ll know that they’ve already saved us

and that they are, along with other beings even more remarkable and sublime, here to

see that our future is … well, divine.

The truth is very much stranger than fiction. Many in the population will find it simply too

incredible to believe. And that’s where we come in.

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Familiarize yourself with what’s happening – now. Become informed. To the best of your

ability and with the time available, learn the truth of what’s going on, from all sides and

all angles. Read what’s on this site and all the other sites. Make best use of the time.

Accountability, abundance, disclosure, first contact, Ascension, the Fifth Dimension, the

Divine Plan – know what’s coming down the pike.

Prove to yourselves and the rest of us whether we could’ve done this alone by doing

even this small part of it alone: educate yourself and be ready to explain to others what

the truth of these times has been and will be.

Soon the curtain will rise and our turn to serve will be at hand. Let’s be ready.

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It May be Our Time to Prepare

I’ve been asked to contextualize something that

might be occurring for us at this moment and to

make recommendations. I also think it may be

time to do so even if I were not asked. I’d like to

do it with some sense of urgency but without

anxiety or even concern. I’d most prefer to have a

conversation with us as balanced lightworkers

and responsible adults.

There seems to be a sense of fear mounting among us. It’s indicated by the posting of

such materials as recent videos from Alex Collier, Kevin Manon, George Kavassilas,

Kerry Cassidy, and others, numerous written posts which express mistrust of the

galactics, the recent re-floating of old theories about marauding Greys, reptilians and

Nordic Orions, etc.

It’s even indicated, perhaps, by the increase in emails that I’m receiving. The flow has

very quickly risen to a point where I cannot any longer answer as many of them as I

might wish. (If I don’t get back to you, it’s simply the pressure of numbers.) And this has

occurred in a mere matter of days.

I think the situation may be as Blossom Goodchild’s sources said this morning (March

19, 2012). Either a larger showing of galactic ships may take place or perhaps even the

first act of Disclosure itself. I say “may” because I’m not sure.

“Dearest Lightest Family … We are your brothers and sisters. We expect you to

be apprehensive about our arrival for indeed it shall be one of huge change. How

can one be completely excited when they are not sure of the outcome? We have

mentioned before that there will be great turmoil to begin with … for many will

feel completely out of sorts with the visions before them.

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“Yet so many of you are ready to receive us. We thank you from the deepest

place of our Being for this reception from your hearts. We are assured that those

of you who NOW accept this change in your Being will steadfastly assist those in

need when our arrival is imminent and obvious.” (1)

Recently the Galactic Federation through Greg Giles also made the same type of


“I guarantee you we are going to step up the number and quality of the sightings

of our ships. You can count on this procedure as we feel it is important to the

people of your world to begin to see us in earnest before our self-made

disclosure announcements commence.

“You will see us in your skies all around your planet, and we will increase the

number of sightings in the United States as well, as this is an important area in

your world to focus on at this time.” (2)

They asked us to begin our work of informing the public. But our work may call upon us

to do more than just that, as I’ll be discussing below.

“We ask you all to share the video and photographic evidence of these sightings

throughout your Internet, as this will stir many people’s curiosity about what is

going on in their skies. They may look for answers, and when they do, they will

have the opportunity to be exposed to much more of what is transpiring around


“Continue your service as a source of answers for these individuals by sharing

what you have learned about who these ships belong to and why we are here.”


I think something else is also happening and I believe the two events may be related.

There are numerous reports of an expected sunstantial increase in vibrations as a result

of the sending of a new wave of energy here. Here are some of those reports:

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Steve Rother and the Group: “There are times when it is even necessary to ride through

a wave of energy that can help all humans everywhere to alter and shift their vibration to

the next level. This is currently happening with what you are calling a flu virus. It is

basically bringing possibilities to many people quickly.” (4)

The Master Hilarion: “The waves of energy are increasing at an astounding rate and this

is continuing to imprint every form of life on Earth; all is changing, all is transforming into

a new reality – although it is confusing because both realities are in co-existence at this

time – it will not continue much longer.

“The greater Light that is incoming is being assimilated and integrated within

each sentient being now and this Light is spreading outward in all directions to

effect the highest outcome for All. Continue, Dear Ones, in your quest for

mastery of Self and as this is realized, it will contribute greater good for All.” (5)

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn: “Indeed, things are shifting and changing on

your Earth, and the first new energies of the New Wave of Light for 2012 are beginning

to be felt on the Earth.

“Many of you may be feeling a little low, as you wait for the new wave of energy,

and may be feeling a little down when you consider events on the Earth right

now, especially in the Middle East. You may seem no closer to the ideals of

Peace and Harmony that you seek. Beloveds, know that all is in Divine Order

and in the flow of creation, the energies of change are moving forward.” (6)

Galactic Federation through Blosssom Goodchild: “Prepare your souls dearest hearts.

As always we remind you to take a few minutes of your busy lives to breath in this

Higher Love … this Higher Light … this stronger vibration. Breathe it into BEING. The

more you do so, the easier it will be for you to accept us when we blend with your state.”


My own suspicion is that this new wave of energy may be (I have no certain knowledge

of this) a prelude to either the much more open showing of spaceships, or else to an

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ET-initiated Disclosure. The new energy may be coming at this moment to bolster us

and cushion the event. I’m choosing to act as if that were the case.

What is it that we may be well-advised to do? Without panic or anxiety, I’d say the first

thing we might do as lightworkers whose time of service is definitely upon us is to

emerge from our own fears. Emergence is the act of taking a stand on oneself, on fear

itself, and on any other circumstances that distract us from or detract from our resolve to

meet the challenges that are or may be coming our way. I have written numerous

articles on what it means to emerge and how we do it and it may be time for people to

read and study them now. (8)

The second thing we’d be well-advised to do is to review how to hold onto our own

confidence and courage when we don’t have full information and for that I recommend

two articles: “What Can We Bank on?” at

day/the-time-of-troubles/what-can-we-bank-on/ and “Firming Up the Process” at

process/ . I’ve written several articles that look at the credibility of some of the

lightworkers putting out fear-laden articles that predict our being enslaved by marauding

extraterrestrials. You may wish to review them to see how arguments like these are

made. (9)

The third thing I’d recommend we do is to review what has been said about our

agreements as lightworkers to serve. (10)

In my view, and this is a personal view only, the time has arrived when we must begin

our lightwork consciously and committedly; when we must prepare ourselves for dealing

with a public that could be upset, fearful and prone to snap decisions; when we must

find the way to shake off our own fear and remind ourselves of what we came to do and

what we believe most strongly to be true; and when we must come to rest with the

situation where we find ourselves being opposed, perhaps even vilified by many in

society, and yet totally committed to standing for what we feel is true and what we think

is in the Earth’s best interests.

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There is a chance I’m wrong. I have been wrong in the past, God knows. But even if I

were, this would be a tremendously-beneficial drill and one that we may wish to run

from time to time again in preparation for what we know is coming.

I don’t think I am wrong. I think the time of the galactics’ revelation of themselves is

almost upon us, very near to coming. And whether or not we run this drill today, or

tomorrow, or next week, I think it’s something we’ll need to do and be very glad we did

when Disclosure comes upon us soon.

So again, don’t uproot your lives. Don’t go into a panic. A lightworker endeavors to

remain in the center, in balance, and in an adult frame of mind. But a lightworker is also

consistent and persistent. And we may find ourselves, very quickly, in the minority – but

a very influential minority and on the side that promises infinite benefit to Earth.


(1) “Blossom Goodchild: The Game is Over! The Light has Won! It Is Done!,” March 19, 2012, at

(2) (The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles, “Message from the Galactic Federation of Light, March 18, 2012,” at .

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Steve Rother and the Group, “Building a New World,” March 19, 2012, at

(5) The Master Hilarion, “The Waves of Energy are Increasing; All is Transforming into a New Reality,” March 18, 2012, at

(6) Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, “The Multi-Dimensional New Earth Takes Shape,” March 17, 2012, at

(7) “Blossom Goodchild: The Game is Over! The Light has Won! It Is Done!,” March 19, 2012, at

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Emergence Emergence Will Only Cost Us Everything On Emergence and Arrival Emergence and the Reality Draw The Time for Fear Has Passed Emergence Turns Resistance into Revolutions Back to the Basics: Emergence and Balance


Examples of Disinformation Sites – Part 3 – Marshall Vians Summers and the “Allies of Humanity”

Comments on Kavassilas George Kavassilas: Reptiles and Enslavement? Response to Adronis Dark Handbook of Psyops Against Lightworkers


Starseeds: The Leaven in the Loaf Starseeds: Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension An Adult Lives in the Center The Lightworker’s Mission – Part 1/3 The Lightworker’s Mission – Part 2/3 The Lightworker’s Mission – Part 3/3 Archangel Michael: A Light Epidemic is Sweeping the Earth Confessions of a Lightworker Lemming

Page 21: Now Is The Time · Inelia Benz contributed a great deal since becoming globally known; David Wilcock continues to push back the frontiers of knowledge; Sierra Neblina gave us the


Just Begin

I’m watching Bill Ryan’s video of Inelia again and

remembering back to Bill’s earliest videos on

Project Camelot. At the same time I’m reading a

discussion that Kimba has initiated on the 2012

Scenario discussion group about beginning a

publication project and the thought occurs to me.

So many people are wondering what their

missions are and how they will get started and I know for a certainty myself that what

was necessary for me was just to begin.

When we take our first few steps we often look at them and say, “My Gawd, that is so

amateurish” or “I’ll never get there.” But what we forget is that mastering something

comes from practice, practice, practice. And we don’t start practicing until we begin

something. Just boldly start in, lacking any evidence of success.

I remember way back in 1976, locking myself in my room for what seemed to be a

month, typing out stream of consciousness to get my typing speed up because I

realized I was only getting down every third or fourth thought. It took getting up to 95

words a minute to reach the point where I was capturing every one and only then did

what I write start to make sense.

I remember when I at last realized that I should write as I speak. Major breakthrough.

I remember writing out page after page of Winston Churchill because I wanted to master

his writing style. Practice, practice, practice.

At the Immigration and Refugee Board, I wrote 1500 decisions in eight years. It seemed

as if I were writing a decision every two days and each decision was a ten-page

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document which required research in the country documents, statutes, caselaw,

procedures, human-rights literature, on and on. Daily, daily practice.

I can think of three books that I wrote that sit out in the garage and have never seen the

light of day. Nor will they ever. Practice, practice, practice. Websites that went up and

were taken down. Endless collections of scribblings and notebooks. Boxes and boxes of

3×5 index cards. Just start in.

Don’t judge where you’ll be from where you’re at now. Especially given all the help we’ll

be getting soon if you’re not already getting help now (the most likely situation).

Miracles will soon be possible, through the rising energies, release of new technologies,

inspiration, etc.

Just begin and don’t worry about your earliest creations. Chances are improvement will

be like a J-curve. There is so much work to be done and so many people needed to do

every specialized part of it.

Begin collecting graphics, videos, articles, audios, books, links – it matters not what.

Create a one-page website with just links – why not? Mount just videos – no writing

needed there.

What is it that William Hutchinson Murray said?

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always

ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one

elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:

that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A

whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner

of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could

have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of

Goethe’s couplets:

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“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!’”

At no time is this more applicable than today.

Just begin. Get down to it. Start in.

Your perspective on the matter is needed. Your sweat equity is invited. Your

contribution can make the difference.

Just begin.

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As Our Projects Begin….

Various spokespeople for the Galactic Federation

are telling is that our time to serve is either here or

will arrive soon. SaLuSa representing the Galactic

Federation had this to say on the subject on March

9, 2012:

“It is as you might say a time when it is all hands on

deck, as you enter a period when changes will take

place in rapid succession. For many reasons, those

who are Lightworkers will be called upon to involve themselves in many tasks,

that they have prepared for over many lives.” (1)

The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles said much the same on March 15:

“We will recruit as many of you as needed to assist in these great tasks, and your

training sessions will also move ahead at a brisk pace. This is why we ask you to

remain sharp and remain focused. It will be soon that you will be called upon in

service, and you will be expected to bring your best with you and reach your

greatest potential as a member of the Galactic Federation of Light.” (2)

The GF through Blossom essentially agreed on March 19:

“Before you came to this planet … before you even moved into the human status

… you agreed to assist in this very time you are in NOW … to change the state

of the situation . Each of you, en masse, understood what would need to be done

at the appointed time. Each one of you will recall your position when it is

necessary.” (3)

Of course there’ll be many who are not lightworkers, but lightholders, and for them

these messages may not apply. A lightworker feels a desire to serve; a lightholder feels

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a desire to potentiate, actualize, or realize. My understanding is that people will know

who has chosen which path. If these calls to serve don’t resonate with you, by all means

pass them by. Each of us must follow the path of his or her own dharma so I speak at

the moment only to lightworkers, rather than to others.

Blogsites are multiplying as we lightworkers get the word out. Radio shows are opening.

Videos are being produced. I haven’t heard of any TV shows since Alfred Webre began

his but those too may commence at some point, as may meet-ups, lectures, and

conferences. (There may not be time for movies.) But what I wanted to discuss here are

some things to expect and consider as we begin our projects.

The first thing I wanted to mention is that teams and groups will find their projects going

through stages or phases and the three most important phases to consider at this point

are (1) the honeymoon, (2) the tug-of-war, and (3) the coalescence.

In the honeymoon, the team has just committed itself and marvels at the prospect of

cooperation before them. All seems possible. The future looks bright. The team begins

as a marriage might begin with the highest expectations of smooth sailing and a

successful partnership and conclusion.

And then “harsh reality” may set in in the second or tug-of-war phase. Here, the first

disagreements happen and people realize that they may indeed have different means

and ends. People may be committed to their own vision of the project and others may

be equally committed to theirs, the two of them being perhaps different, perhaps


Shock occurs as people realize that all may not be smooth sailing. People begin to

resort to their winning ways, bargaining, posturing, push and pull, and all the other

moves that people make to try to get their way.

If increasing resistance is met, people may begin to share amongst each other,

gossiping and complaining about others in an effort to gain a sympathetic ear or even

allies. Groups start polarizing and may even fall apart at this stage. Many groups don’t

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reach the coalescence stage. Many wonderful projects founder here and leave no trace.

A good idea, a flash in the pan, an idea before its time.

At this stage, it’s necessary to stop the gossiping in sidebar discussions. Sidebars bleed

the energy off and prevent resolution. Stopping them calls for commitment on one’s own

part not to gossip and not to collude with others who wish to. It takes resolve to funnel

the disagreements back into the group where they can be addressed and completed.

And once they’re funneled back in, then the group itself, or mediators within the group,

need to assist those having disagreements to see their way through. And that’s where

the two most important tools that promote coalescence come into play.

The two most nurturing, practical and empowering tools any group has to get itself

through the tug-of-war phase and into coalescence are sharing and listening.

What is sharing? Sharing is a form of communication in which an individual reveals him

or herself. I don’t mean sharing as in “share and share alike.” I mean it rather as in

telling another who we are in the matter under discussion.

There again however, I don’t mean it as in telling another what we like and don’t like or

talking to get strokes or be affirmed. I mean it as in sharing what is basic for us,

essential, the ground we stand on, our principles, our commitments, and, equally

important, our feelings.

Sharing means openness, transparency, vulnerability. Many people feel acute

discomfort about sharing how they truthfully feel. Those who do experience connection

and immense relief. Those who don’t, experience increasing isolation and stress. What

we refuse to share owns us and runs us so sharing these things releases us and

reconnects us with the group.

Most often what we don’t disclose to another, and what constitutes THE missing piece

for them, is how we feel. How something sits with us, how it impacts us, how it

resonates is what is lacking in most other people’s knowledge of us and is the piece

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which, known, allows them, and in fact attracts them, to relate to us from a position of

comfort and compassion.

If we favor withholding, we usually do so because we’re up against our history of having

been hurt by others, disappointed, rejected, abandoned, etc. But without sharing how

we feel, people may feel they don’t know us and need to guard themselves against us.

They may be suspicious of those who won’t disclose.

What is it about sharing that heals, attracts, and nourishes? The most important aspect

of it for me is that sharing communicates the truth, responsibly and harmlessly. The

truth heals. The truth is what all of us, all life forms, seek. We are here on this Earth to

know the truth about ourselves. The very purpose of life is to discover our true identity

and that true identity, it turns out, is God. When one of us discovers the truth about

ourselves in a moment of enlightenment, God meets God. That is the moment for which

all of life was created.

The way God designed life, to the best of my knowledge, is that deception binds but the

truth sets us free. The more lies we tell, the more our stress increases and our

awareness decreases. The more truth we share, the more our stress decreases and our

awareness increases. Or so it seems.

Sharing is the great leveller, the great equalizer. All shares are born equal. The

millionaire’s share is as valid as the pauper’s share. How many times have I seen a

person cop to the fact that, though all other circumstances in their life may be unequal,

the share of one is precisely equal to the share of all the others. Perhaps one has to

participate in a group to really see this. It becomes instantly visible the minute the

people in a group begin to share (and they usually don’t begin to share right away).

A share is verifiable only by me. No one else knows what is true for me and I know only

by submitting my share to my inner voice. If I’m telling the truth, I’ll be set free from

tension and resistance; if I’m not telling the truth, tension and resistance will grow. In

this sense, sharing the truth is foolproof. One cannot fool the inner voice. One cannot

fool the divine plan. Events in life have been arranged such that the truth will set us free

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and only the truth. Money will not. Attractiveness will not. Power will not. Only the truth

brings release.

I can tell whether I shared the truth by seeing whether I feel increasing or decreasing

relief. No release, I have not shared the truth. Time to try again. Time to see what I’m

withholding and share that. Increasing relief? Good. I’m on the right track.

But of equal importance to a deep and open share is focused and committed listening –

the second tool a group has to move through the tug-of-war phase. A share with no

listener is like a tree falling in the forest that no one hears. It may as well not have

happened. Why a share without a listener is nowhere near as effective as a share with a

razor-sharp, committed listener is not easily known to me. I do know that my own

effectiveness in sharing goes down by an order-of-magnitude when I see that the other

is not listening. I know well that feeling of being let down and almost giving up.

Most people don’t listen, whatever it is they think they’re doing. Mostly they’re framing

their next share or talking to themselves for other reasons. They simply pretend to share

by aiming their face at the speaker or remaining silent until the first moment when they

can cut back in and take the speaker’s turn.

Committed listening has a multiplier effect on deep sharing. Each element of a share

that is fully heard almost seems to disappear as an item and yield place to the next

element as if listening were the match and each share was a particle in a trail of

gunpowder. Most people when they have this depth of listening eventually reach the

explosive Aha! moment: they see what it is that’s driving them, eluding them, or tying

them up in knots.

The Aha! is veritably the explosion that occurs when the fire passes along the length of

the gunpowder trail – guaranteed to happen and only a question of time. That’s how I

see it after years of observation.

I endeavor to listen to every word and recreate the emotion with which it’s said, re-

experience whatever the speaker is experiencing, and, without being intrusive, mirror

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back that I am listening and following each sentence. I look upon each sentence as a

potential chapter heading, to be unravelled if necessary. I intend to know the truth of

whatever I need to know, however long it takes.

I allow a person to say their whole story once straight through, with minimal interruption,

so they get a sense of the sum of events. Then I ask them how they feel about what

they’ve just said and allow them to tell the story again at a feeling level. We then cycle

through a third time to see if any events or any energy remains.

When they reach their Aha! moment, usually all they want to do is get off the phone or

out the door and report what they saw to their loved ones. I don’t require them to go

back into their story after that. That usually only re-triggers the issue or upset.

In a group, the tug-of-war communication may be between two people with

disagreements. In that case, one speaker may wish to talk to the other person the

disagreement is with or to a mediator with the other person listening in. The mediator

would want to know what happened, what it represents to the speaker, how they feel

about it, what earlier incident it reminds the speaker of, how they felt then, what they

see now, and what they’d like to see happen. Sharing works best without interruption

except for periodic indications that the speaker is being heard, followed, and

understood. Then the other person gets a chance.

It may be necessary to cycle through both people one more time. It may be that no

agreement is reached. Perhaps a third avenue of proceeding is agreed upon rather than

the way preferred by either party. But usually simply fully expressing the issues that are

there is enough to bring a meeting of the minds or an agreement to disagree, amicably.

Interestingly, once the issues have been shared and heard, and both people are no

longer immersed in all the issues, the resentment and stuckness seems to evaporate

and both parties find themselves back at the status quo ante, which usually is the last

point of agreement. It can sometimes be a shortcut to ask both parties to simply go back

to the last point of agreement. As trust and relationship is built, it becomes easier and

easier just to take that short cut.

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Deep sharing and committed listening are the two most valuable tools to get a team

through the tug-of-war phase and into the coalescence phase. All that is basically

human seems visible in or arises from the ability of one person to share with another

and be heard. I’m not sure why such a great deal rests upon unimpeded and open

communication but it seems that it does. There appears to be very little that cannot be

gotten through by deep sharing and committed listening.

Finally we reach the coalescence phase when people feel they trust and understand

each other. Cooperation is now possible. When issues arise, people fall back on their

love and regard for each other and don’t want to press their issues. Instead they either

let them go for the good of the team or work them through themselves or in concert with

their team mates. In this phase people love to share and listen, equally. Times together

can be rich and rewarding.

They freely share the impact of each other’s plans or actions on them or on the team, as

they see it. They look for solutions. They share power. They come forward when

needed and move into the background when not needed. In the coalescence phase,

people do what works and what they do works, as Werner Erhard said many years ago.

The team works as a team and succeeds in what they do. Less needs to be said and all

conversations are deep shares and committed listening. The team is interested in little

else. It isn’t that a coalesced team sees no more issues; it’s more that they’ve built a

bond on a firm foundation and can weather the issues that arise.

Good luck with your projects as we leave the part of 2012 that had most to do with us as

individuals and enter the part that seems to have more to do with us as teams.

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(1) SaLuSa, March 9, 2012, at

(2) The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles, March 15, 2012, at

(3) “Blossom Goodchild: The Game is Over! The Light has Won! It Is Done!,” March 19, 2012, at

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Learning to Laugh a Lot

Well, anyone who listened to An Hour with an Angel March 26, 2012 can probably see

that the angelic kingdom was a subject which Archangel Michael very much wished to

discuss. Geoff West suggested that I do the next show on it as well and kindly gave up

his prerogative to hosting it.

I said that AAM only answered four of the twenty questions I had. I suppose that doesn’t

quite convey the whole picture. I had the chance to ask only four questions but, in the

course of answering them, he answered many of the others as well.

But how much can one cover in an hour? It’s great that we’ll have a chance to continue

the discussion next week. I thank Geoff for that gentlemanly act.

The tussle that goes on when we present our knowledge, in this case, to an angel and

get their feedback is such a necessary part of the “getting to know you” phase of our

meeting the Company of Heaven. Because, as far as I can see, we don’t know them.

We really don’t. In fact for centuries we’ve been fashioning them in our own image and

they’ve been obliging us by showing up in shapes we’d understand.

But we don’t know what they look like. We don’t know how they think – or even if they

think. We don’t know how they feel. And when I say “they” I include the galactics as well

as the celestials.

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AAM said he could be in a million places at once. And when I asked him further about

that, he not only didn’t blink, but he compared it to our habit of thinking about many

things at once, only more concrete and real. Obviously he really does mean that he can

indeed be in a million places at once. What kind of a being can do that?

Can anyone please give me a five-minute talk on the subject? No one? But isn’t that it?

We know nothing about these beings, these exalted guests who are coming to dinner.

I don’t think there’s a great deal we know about anything that is about to be revealed to

us. For instance, I assumed that all the ascended

masters came from the Fifth Dimension. What a

foolish assumption! It’s quite clear that they come

from many higher dimensions. Sanat Kumara comes

from the Eleventh apparently, according to him. That

surprised me. If he had said Twentieth, I would not

have batted an eye. (1)

But then AAM himself has said that there are only twelve dimensions to the human

range of experience and that again surprises me. The only way I can reconcile shrinking

down the human range of experience into twelve planes is if those planes have many

subplanes. So I can win neither on my shorting the masters or on my overshooting the

dimensions. All my knowledge is like dust in the wind.

That is perhaps forty years of research down the proverbial drain. If I can bear up and

smile under these circumstances, I think anyone can.

AAM did verify that the realms or kingdoms that the early church fathers ascribe to the

angels – angels and archangels on up to cherubim and seraphim – are accurate. I was

reassured that one bit of knowledge survived. But not much else did.

Chief among my own theories that bit the dust was my comfortable assumption that we

learned all we needed to and graduated from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, all we

needed to and graduated from the 4th to the 5th, and so on. AAM called this theory of

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spiritual evolution “linear” and said it was in no way true. He pointed out that one could

drop back to the 3rd and learn what one needed from service to others to progress to a

higher dimension. Well, doesn’t that describe most of us Starseeds?

Welcome to a world in which practically all of what we take for granted is undoubtedly

going to be scrapped. Welcome to a world in which it just may turn out that we are

revealed as … gosh, I hate to say it but, well … undeveloped. We may have a lot to

learn and a lot to unlearn.

Perhaps we’ve all seen movies in which one character is

eager to learn and tosses off one way of being as one

would throw off a hat and dons another. That way of

managing things may be the very best adaptive skill in

our toolbox. Our world is about to become suddenly

strange to us. We’ll be strangers in paradise for sure.

I imagine the galactics are busily figuring out extra-diplomatic ways to make this

experience maximally comfortable for us. I predict that they will be super-polite and

super-deferent, when in fact it’s we who should be those ways.

I’m eager and I also have icicles in my stomach. Humility, restraint, respect are all going

to be very valuable qualities in copious amounts. There’ll be no place to run, no place to

hide. Perhaps that’s why, in a recent talk to a project team I’m on, AAM said that the

most important tool of successfully getting through the next phase of life is remembering

how to laugh. To laugh a lot and to laugh at ourselves.

So here’s to a guy whose well-thought-out theories of spiritual evolution got a laugh

from an archangel. There will be many more of those moments. No sense trying to

make a name for yourself in the period that lies ahead of us. We’re all of us on our way

back to kindergarten and our most sophisticated operations may look to the galactics

and celestials like mere finger-painting. Might as well enjoy ourselves and avoid taking

ourselves seriously. Might as well learn to take it gracefully and laugh a lot.

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(1) I had a reading with Archangel Michael on March 28, 2012 and asked him about the description Sanat gave of himself of having come from the 11th Dimension. He responded

Archangel Michael: “When Sanat Kumara suggests to you that he is found on the 11th or 12th [Dimension], it is also understood that that is where humans can experience him. It does not mean that he is restricted there.

“So it is where the human beings can find him and have the experience of who he is. That is why he places himself there.

Steve: “So what is the rest of the story please?”

AAM: “It is far beyond dimension. It is far beyond any reality that humans currently have access to. He is making it understandable and workable.”