November Journey Newsletter

look what’s inside________ Student Spotlight: Gaby, Gabe, Lila 2 Teacher Interview: Miss Jenna 3 Post-its, Comic, Revue 4 SENIOR information 5 The guidance office at ALP exists to support you in your academic endeavors and to promote a healthy lifestyle. In our role as guidance counselors, we make decisions informed by Christian values and in the best interest of you, the student. We encourage you to use the Guidance Office as a resource for college preparation, course planning, emotional stress, relational issues, organization skills and study habits. ALP Guidance Office Next to the main office The Journey GROWING IN KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM IN THE LORD NOVEMBER EDITION 2010 FAITH THAT FREES Sometimes we can easily identify what is holding us back or caging us in. You know, the kinds of things that press in on every side, with no chance of escape? You might be thinking of your parents’ rules or your dreadful demerits or the incorrigible nature of your sister. If you are thinking these things, then you might be surprised at my suggestion that worry is one of worst cages in which we willingly confine ourselves. In a recent conversation with a good friend, we marveled at how worry can so quickly steal our freedom. When you graduate from high school and then college, worry often imposes a rude rhythm where “the future” looms like a thundercloud. Questions start flying, “what if” scenarios plague your sleep, and the most dreadful start to a conversation begins with the words, “So, what are your plans... for the future?” Worry is an uncomfortable and crafty little cage, but there is a way out. Yes, there absolutely is a way out. The lovely and liberating “flip side” lies in one very familiar word: faith. You may well have memorized the definition from Hebrews 11, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things yet unseen.” What do your assurance and convictions have to do with worry? Well, actually, a whole lot. If you truly believe nothing happens outside God’s control, then you can live the way God intended - with confidence that the God who holds all things together will hold you together, too. You can greet the day with a joyful bounce in your step because you have faith in the Creator of the universe and He is always faithful. Maybe the “sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12) in your life today is worry. Maybe you are locked up in worry over your family or your college plans or your incorrigible sister. If these words find you huddled in the corner of the uncomfortable cage of worry, remember who is in charge. Your faith will be your freedom!


This is the November edition of the Journey, a publication of the Guidance Office at Academia Los Pinares in Tegucigalpa.

Transcript of November Journey Newsletter

Page 1: November Journey Newsletter

look what’s inside________ Student Spotlight: Gaby, Gabe, Lila 2Teacher Interview: Miss Jenna 3Post-its, Comic, Revue 4SENIOR information 5

The guidance office at ALP exists to support you in your academic endeavors and to promote a healthy lifestyle. In our role as guidance counselors, we make decisions informed by Christian values and in the best interest of you, the student. We

encourage you to use the Guidance Office as a resource for college preparation, course planning, emotional stress, relational issues, organization skills and study habits. ALP Guidance Office

Next to the main office

























FAITH THAT FREESSometimes we can easily identify what is holding us back or caging us in. You know, the kinds of things that press in on every side, with no chance of escape?

You might be thinking of your parents’ rules or your dreadful demerits or the incorrigible nature of your sister.

If you are thinking these things, then you might be surprised at my suggestion that worry is one of worst cages in which we willingly confine ourselves.

In a recent conversation with a good friend, we marveled at how worry can so quickly steal our freedom.

When you graduate from high school and then college, worry often imposes a rude rhythm where “the future” looms like a thundercloud.

Questions start flying, “what if” scenarios plague your sleep, and the most dreadful start to a conversation begins with the words, “So, what are your plans... for the future?”

Worry is an uncomfortable and crafty little cage, but there is a way out. Yes, there absolutely is a way out.

The lovely and liberating “flip side” lies in one very familiar word: faith. You may well have memorized the definition from Hebrews 11, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things yet unseen.”

What do your assurance and convictions have to do with worry?Well, actually, a whole lot.

If you truly believe nothing happens outside God’s control, then you can live the way God intended - with confidence that the God who

holds all things together will hold you together, too. You can greet the day with a joyful bounce in your step because you have faith in the Creator of the universe and He is always faithful.

Maybe the “sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12) in your life today is worry. Maybe you are locked up in worry over your family or your college plans or your incorrigible sister. If these words find you huddled in the corner of the uncomfortable cage of worry, remember who is in charge. Your faith will be your freedom!

Page 2: November Journey Newsletter


laughable lawsIn Mcyouth, Kansas it is a crime to wash false teeth in a public drinking fountain.

who done it?You may THINK you know teachers here at Pinares, but see if you can guess who did this:

This staff person has 14 years of experience in law enforcement in the state of Michigan.


For the student who stands out...Students who show up in this section have made a choice to be

a positive part of the ALP community and we think what they are doing is marvelous! Read about your fellow classmates’ creativity and unique spirit and then see if you can land yourself in the spotlight!

THIS MONTH: Lila Valladares has stepped up to the challenge of 7th grade. This is what Ms. Linton has to say about Lila,

“Lila is a great student. She is always attentive in class, participates, and

helps others when they don’t understand. She is kind and has a good attitude. She usually arrives first and always asks how I’m doing.”

Gabe Carrion is another student who has already set himself apart in high school. Here’s what Ms. Marshall has to say,

“Gabe is an encourager! He always has a great attitude in class and track. He has a

way to make anyone smile.”


Gaby Rodriguez is starting the year off in a good way. Her positive spirit has made an impression on Mr. Garrison who said,

“Gaby is the sunshine of my life. She has shown a tremendous increase in

maturity this year and has really stepped it up a notch in her schoolwork. She is a

pleasure to have in the classroom.”


If you want to appear here in the STUDENT SPOTLIGHT, do something extraordinary that sets you apart from everyone else. Even sometimes the smallest words of encouragement can absolutely change someone’s day. Don’t miss your chance today!

Page 3: November Journey Newsletter

With every little bit of knowledge, I realize how much I still have to


1. Every year about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.

2.Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.

3.World Tourist day is observed on September 27.

4.The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 m).

5.Diet Coke was only invented in 1982.

6.When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.

7.American car horns beep in the tone of F.

8.There are twice as many kangaroos in Australia as there are people. The kangaroo population is estimated at about 40 million.

9.Police dogs are trained to react to commands in a foreign language; commonly German but more recently Hungarian.

10.The Australian $5 to $100 notes are made of plastic.


We HEAR you!We aren’t just the guidance for you when things go wrong... we want to guide you in the positive decisions you make as well! So, tell us!

Write an email to [email protected] with questions, concerns, or suggestions.OR you can just stop by our office.

Did You Know?


Miss JennaGet to know the newest

addition to the spiritual life office! Miss Jenna comes to us from the beautiful state of

Minnesota and she’s currently excited to not experience the cold.

NICHOLS: How did you end up here at Pinares?Jenna: I had lived in Honduras for a year and a half and, because I fell in love with the country, did not want to leave. So I applied to Pinares in January and God told me I would for sure be working here back in April, but I wasn’t offered the job until July!

NICHOLS: What makes you laugh uncontrollably?Jenna: I can easily slip into uncontrollable laughter if I am around crazy, hyper people who are already laughing. Also little kids, my sister, and any attempt of mine to be serious!

NICHOLS: What are you excited about in your new position here at Pinares?Jenna: I am excited to get to know the students on a personal level, spending time with them at school, my house, the city, etc.

NICHOLS: What is your favorite traveling experience?Jenna: I loved working at the orphanage here in Honduras, translating letters between the kids there and their monthly sponsors.

NICHOLS: What is one piece of advice you would share with students right now?Jenna: The best advice I have to give comes from the Bible:“El te ha declarado lo que es bueno, y que pide Jehová de ti: solamente hacer justicia, y amar misericordia, y humillarte ante tu Dios.” Miqueas 6:8

Page 4: November Journey Newsletter

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2). Please check out the Guidance bulletin board outside the teachers’ lounge. It has helpful information about planning for your future!

Quarter grades: good or bad?You made it through first quarter... way to go! If you are unhappy with the grades that appear on your report card, now is a GREAT time to make changes in your study habits. Every year and every quarter counts, so set your sights on this next quarter to make some improvements. Don’t make excuses, make improvements.

HonorsThe grades are barely dry on the report cards, but we will soon know and applaud those students who have achieved HONOR and HIGH HONOR status. We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication to pursuing excellence. Keep it up!

Dates to remember in NOVEMBER

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2). Please check out the Guidance bulletin board outside the teachers’ lounge. It has helpful information about planning for your future!

Quarter grades: good or bad?You made it through first quarter... way to go! If you are unhappy with the grades that appear on your report card, now is a GREAT time to make changes in your study habits. Every year and every quarter counts, so set your sights on this next quarter to make some improvements. Don’t make excuses, make improvements.

HonorsThe grades are barely dry on the report cards, but we will soon know and applaud those students who have achieved HONOR and HIGH HONOR status. We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication to pursuing excellence. Keep it up!

4,5 Report Cards/Conferences

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2). Please check out the Guidance bulletin board outside the teachers’ lounge. It has helpful information about planning for your future!

Quarter grades: good or bad?You made it through first quarter... way to go! If you are unhappy with the grades that appear on your report card, now is a GREAT time to make changes in your study habits. Every year and every quarter counts, so set your sights on this next quarter to make some improvements. Don’t make excuses, make improvements.

HonorsThe grades are barely dry on the report cards, but we will soon know and applaud those students who have achieved HONOR and HIGH HONOR status. We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication to pursuing excellence. Keep it up!

6 SAT test

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2). Please check out the Guidance bulletin board outside the teachers’ lounge. It has helpful information about planning for your future!

Quarter grades: good or bad?You made it through first quarter... way to go! If you are unhappy with the grades that appear on your report card, now is a GREAT time to make changes in your study habits. Every year and every quarter counts, so set your sights on this next quarter to make some improvements. Don’t make excuses, make improvements.

HonorsThe grades are barely dry on the report cards, but we will soon know and applaud those students who have achieved HONOR and HIGH HONOR status. We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication to pursuing excellence. Keep it up!

18Basketball in SPS

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2). Please check out the Guidance bulletin board outside the teachers’ lounge. It has helpful information about planning for your future!

Quarter grades: good or bad?You made it through first quarter... way to go! If you are unhappy with the grades that appear on your report card, now is a GREAT time to make changes in your study habits. Every year and every quarter counts, so set your sights on this next quarter to make some improvements. Don’t make excuses, make improvements.

HonorsThe grades are barely dry on the report cards, but we will soon know and applaud those students who have achieved HONOR and HIGH HONOR status. We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication to pursuing excellence. Keep it up!

25,26Thanksgiving Break

Stop by the Guidance Office to plan for the next steps of your education!


I have a confession.

This month, I am recommending a book I have not read... yet. I picked it up this summer because I heard good things and hold Timothy Keller in high esteem as a pastor and intellectual. Before I had a chance to pop open the cover, however, I felt God leading me to give it to a very special student.

Less than one week passed before this student entered my office ready to tackle all the ways we’ve made idols of money, power, work, sex, and fame. Judging from her excitement (and frankly the speed with which she flipped through it), I thought maybe some of you would connect in the same way with this challenging book about the many ways we have misplaced our worship.

And, to be honest, I felt a little bad suggesting a 591 page biography last month and I’m hoping this little read redeems my “review corner” in the minds of otherwise-engaged high-schoolers.


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Page 5: November Journey Newsletter

Well, seniors, this is now crunch time in regards to college applications. November is the big month for completing and submitting your college applications. Hopefully by now you have decided which colleges you would like to apply to and have started to fill out the applications online. Many colleges have application deadlines sometime between November and February. Some applications (particularly those for private schools) require teacher and/or counselor recommendations. I want to remind you that if you need a recommendation from a teacher or counselor, please be courteous and give them a minimum of two weeks to complete it. Remember that you are asking them to write positive things about you so don’t ask them to write a letter at the last minute. It is always a good idea to thank your teacher or counselor after the letter is complete to let them know you appreciate their help. As you are filling out applications, if you need any information from the counseling office such as your GPA or class rank, just stop by my office and I’m happy to look it up for you. I know it is already a busy time of year for you in your classes but you can’t procrastinate on completing your college applications. Application deadlines are firm so don’t miss out!

I also want to introduce the new ALP counseling webpage. If you go to the ALP website (, click on Secondary, then Counseling. Within the counseling webpage, Ms. Nichols and I have posted information, links, and documents that are a resource for you. Some of the pages we’ve developed are Academic Concerns, SAT/ACT Testing, College Links, Newsletter, Scholarships, High School Timeline, etc.

Please check it out and if you have any suggestions for changes/additions, please let us know.

Don’t give up - the hard work is WORTH IT!SENIOR DATES

Date: November 6SAT test date7:45 am

Date: December 11ACT test date

Date: Nov. 6, 13Dec. 11,18TOEFL test dates

COLLEGE VISITSDate: November 16Ogelthorpe University

Date: December 1Abilene Christian University

Date: December 3University of New Haven

REMINDERSPlease remember that you need to be checking test dates and deadlines regularly!

Also, please make a point to attend all the college visits. Even if you don’t plan to go there, these representatives can answer many questions that you have.

Keep pressing on!

Keep pressing on!Brought to you by Mr. McNiel